the vertex arboricity of integer distance graph with a special distance set juan liu* and qinglin yu...

The Vertex Arboricity of The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance with a Special Distance Set Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China

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Page 1: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

The Vertex Arboricity of Integer The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Graph with a Special

Distance SetDistance Set

Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu

Center for Combinatorics, LPMCNankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China

Page 2: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,


Definitions and NotationsBackground and Known ResultsMain Theorem

Page 3: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Definitions and NotationsDefinitions and Notations

Vertex arboricity

Given a graph G, a k-coloring of G is a mapping from V(G) to [1, k].

denotes the set of all vertices of G colored with i, and denotes the subgraph induced by in G.




Page 4: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Chromatic Number VS Vertex Arboricity Chromatic Number VS Vertex Arboricity

a proper k-coloring:

each is an

independent set. chromatic number

= min {k|G has a

proper k-coloring}

a tree k-coloring:

each induces a forest.

vertex arboricity va(G)

va(G) = min {k|G has a

tree k-coloring }

( )G

( )G

iV iV

Page 5: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Vertex ArboricityVertex Arboricity

Vertex arboricity is the minimum number of subsets into which V(G) can be partitioned so that each subset induces an acyclic subgraph of G.


for any graph G.( ) ( )va G G

Page 6: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,


( ) 2va G =

( ) 5Gc =

5( ) 3va K =

(G) 3c =

( ) 3va G =

5(K ) 5c =

Page 7: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Known results for Known results for vava(G)(G)

(Kronk & Mitchem, 1975) For any graph G,

(Catlin & Lai, 1995) If G is neither a cycle nor a clique, then

( ) 1( )


Gva G

( )( )


Gva G

Page 8: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Known results for Known results for vava((GG))

(Skrekovski, 1975) For a locally planar

graph G, ; For a triangle-free

locally planar graph G, .

(Jorgensen, 2001) Every graph without a

-minor has vertex arboricity at most 4.

( ) 3va G ( ) 2va G


Page 9: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Definitions and NotationsDefinitions and Notations

Distance graph If and , then the distance graph G(S, D) is defined by the graph with vertex set S and two vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if

where the set D is called the distance set.


| |x y D

Page 10: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Definitions and NotationsDefinitions and Notations

Integer distance graph

if and all elements of D are positive integers, then the graph G(Z, D)=G(D) is called the integer distance graph and the set D is called its integer distance set.


Page 11: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Examples ofExamples of Integer Distance GraphInteger Distance Graph

D={2} -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

D={1, 3}

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Page 12: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,


The distance graph was introduced by Eggleton et al in 1985.

Coloring problems on distance graphs are motivated by the famous Hadwiger-Nelson coloring problem on the unit distance plane.

Page 13: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Known resultsKnown results

Chromatic number of integer distance graph;

Vertex arboricity of integer distance graph.

Page 14: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Results onResults on

(Eggleton, Erdos & Skilton, 1984)

where D is an interval

between 1 and for .

( ( , )) 2G R D n

1 1n n

( , )G R D

Page 15: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Results onResults on

(Eggleton, Erdos & Skilton, 1985) If a and b are relatively prime positive integers of opposite parity, then .

(Eggleton, Erdos & Skilton, 1986)

where P is the set of primes.

( , { , }) 3a b

( ) 4P

( , )G D

Page 16: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Results on Results on

(Chen, Chang & Huang, 1994) If

D={a,b,a+b}, where and

gcd{a,b}=1 then3, (mod 3)

( )4, (mod 3)

if a bD

if a b

1 a b

( , )G D

Page 17: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Integer Distance GraphInteger Distance Graph

m=4, k=2, D={1, 3, 4}

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

,( )m kG D

, [1, ] \{ }m kD m k=

Page 18: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Results on graphResults on graph

(Chang, Liu & Zhu, 1999) Let then

, [1, ] \{ }m kD m k

,( )m kG D



2( , )



m k

m kif r s

Dm k


Page 19: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Vertex arboricity ofVertex arboricity of

(Yu, Zuo & Wu) For any integer

,( )m kG D



3( ( ))


mva G D

Page 20: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Vertex arboricity ofVertex arboricity of

(Yu, Zuo & Wu) Let with

for a positive integer ,

we have

,( )m kG D



11 7

4( ( ))

1 2 74 4


mfor j

va G Dm m

or for j

8 6m l j 0 8j

Page 21: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Vertex arboricity ofVertex arboricity of

(Yu, Zuo & Wu) For any

with , we have

4 3 9m kl j k 0 4j k


1 2 1( ( ))

4 4m k

m k m kva G D k


,( )m kG D

Page 22: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Main theoremMain theorem

Theorem for

Proof (1) Upper bound

(2) Lower bound

,2( ( )) 24m

mva G D

8 7 15m l

Page 23: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

(1) Upper bound(1) Upper bound

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8(l+2) 8(l+2)+6 8(l+2)+14

Page 24: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

(2) Lower bound(2) Lower bound

Lemma (Shifting Lemma) Let , be subgraphs of G(D) induced by vertices

and vertices for any

respectively. Then has a tree n-coloring if and only if has a tree n-coloring.

1H 2H

[ , ] ( , )c l c l Î

s Î

[ , ]c s l s+ +



Page 25: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

(2) Lower bound(2) Lower bound

By contradiction. Assume, on the

contrary, that

then has a tree (2l+3)-coloring f.

,2( ( )) 1 2 34m

mva G D l

,2( )mG D

Page 26: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

(2) Lower bound(2) Lower bound

Find a finite subgraph H and try to get a


Question: How to find such a subgraph H?

How to get a contradiction?

Page 27: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

How to find such a subgraphHow to find such a subgraph HH??

By hypothesis, f is also a tree (2l+3)-

coloring of H.

● We consider a subgraph H induced by

the vertex subset [0, m+5].

Page 28: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

How to get a contradiction inHow to get a contradiction in HH??

Note that |V(H)|=m+6. There exist at least

five vertices in H, say ,

which are colored by the same color .

Question: Can we prove that any color except

just colors four vertices?

Answer: Yes!

0 1 40 5a a a m

Page 29: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

How to prove?How to prove?

There are at most five vertices receiving the color in H.

There isn't any other color, except , coloring five vertices in H.

Page 30: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

There are at most five verticesThere are at most five verticesreceiving the color in receiving the color in HH..By contradiction. Suppose the color

colors six vertices in H.

Need only to consider the case when

because we can shift the interval to [-1, m+4] when , and get a contradiction similarly in H.

0 1 50 4a a a m

5 5a m 5 4a m= +

Page 31: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

There isn't any other color, except There isn't any other color, except coloring five vertices in coloring five vertices in HH..

By contradiction. Note that m=8l+7, use the divisibility of m.

Page 32: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Get a contradiction in Get a contradiction in HH

Main idea: Find a vertex whose coloring will result in a cycle in some color set.

Get information about the location of the five vertices as much as possible.

Make cases needed to consider as few as possible.

Use vertices as few as possible.

Page 33: The Vertex Arboricity of Integer Distance Graph with a Special Distance Set Juan Liu* and Qinglin Yu Center for Combinatorics, LPMC Nankai University,

Thank you!Thank you!