the use of speech through video recording to …

THE USE OF SPEECH THROUGH VIDEO RECORDING TO REPRESENT THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS (The Study of Fourth Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Salatiga in The Academic Years 2014/ 2015) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga By: ANIK HIDAYATI 113 10 046 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2015

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(The Study of Fourth Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Salatiga in

The Academic Years 2014/ 2015)


Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 10 046






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“In the name of ALLAH SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful”.

Hereby the researcher declares that the researcher herself composes this

graduating paper. It does not contain written materials or having been published

by other people and other people‟s idea except the information from the


The researcher makes this declaration, and she hopes this declaration can

be understood.

Salatiga, 16th

April 2015

The Researcher

Anik Hidayati


Page 3: THE USE OF SPEECH THROUGH VIDEO RECORDING TO … Hidayati_11310046.… · Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb. After reading and correcting


April 2015

Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

The Lecturer of English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Anik Hidayati’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher

Training and Education


Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb.

After reading and correcting Anik Hidayati‟s graduating paper entitled “THE


STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS (The Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of

English Department at IAIN Salatiga in The Academic Years 2014/ 2015)", I

have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the

Teacher Training and Education faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as

soon as possible.

Wassalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb.


Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

NIP: 1977112820060402002



Jl. Tentara Pelaja r02 Tlp (0298) 323433Fax 323433 Salatiga 50731

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ACADEMIC YEARS 2014/ 2015)



113 10 046

Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga on 16th

April 2015 and hereby considered to complete the

requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and


Boards of examiners,

Head : Setia Rini, M.Pd. ______________

Secretary : Noor Malihah, Ph.D. ______________

First Examiner : Ruwandi, M.A ______________

Second Examiner : Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum ______________


April 2015

The Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

Suwardi, M. Pd.

NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002

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This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedication to:

1. My God, ALLAH SWT the most gracious and the most merciful.

2. My beloved parents, Mrs. Mistikomah and Mr. Suprapto, who always give

me the best education in my life.

3. My beloved brother Ajik Hidayanto.

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In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of

universe and space. Thanks to ALLAH because the researcher could complete this

graduating paper as one of requirement to finish studying in English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to

express special thanks to:

1. Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as a Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

IAIN Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as a Head of English Education Department of IAIN

Salatiga and as a Counselor who has educated, supported, directed and

given the researcher advice, suggestion and recomendation for this

graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience

and care.

4. Faizal Risdiyanto, M. Hum the lecturer of Interpreting subject.

5. All of lecturers of IAIN Salatiga who have bestowed their knowledge to


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6. All of staffs of IAIN Salatiga who have helped the researcher in

processing administration.

7. My big family, thanks for their kindness and support.

8. Angga Wahyu Saputra a special someone who supports and helps me in

the finishing my graduating paper.

9. My friendhip ( Ika, Mussy, mbak Ima, Uzin, Ayuk and my little friend

evin) thanks for making my life more colorful. I will not forget your

support, kindness, love and pray. Keep our promise to be friends forever.

10. My friends in TBI 2010 especially TBI B keep spirit, we can do the best.

11. Many people who have helped the researcher that I can not mention one by

one, thanks all.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide

useful knowledge and information to the readers.

Salatiga, 16th

April 2015

The Researcher,


113 10 046

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Hidayati, Anik. 2015. The use of speech through video recording to represent the

students’ speaking skill (The Study of Fourth Semester Students Of

English Department at IAIN Salatiga in The Academic Years 2014/

2015).Counselor : Noor Malihah, Ph.D

This research is aimed to describe the use of speech through video

recording to represent the students‟ speaking skill in the Interpreting subject.

Also, this research demonstrates the dominant aspects of speaking skill found in

the speech as form of students‟ assessment in take Interpreting subject. In this

quantitative and qualitative research, the researchers collect the data from

observation, documentation and interview. To assess the speech through video

recording as a form a assessment in the Interpreting subject, a rubric is used. The

rubric show that students have Varian levels of qualification: Very good

(28.57%), good (38.1%), good enough (4.76%), and enough (9.52%). Thus means

that 80.95% students pass in the assessment. And thus, the speech as a form of

assessment is able to represent the students‟ speaking skill. Although, however,

there are 19,5% students are considered bad, the result of this research show that

the dominant aspect of speaking skill in this speech assessment is comprehension

(64) this means that the students comprehend or understand what they were

talking about the topic in the video recording. Thus, they are successful in the

communication. This result support the first result that speech through video

recording as an assessment in the Interpreting subject represent the students‟

speaking skill in fourth semester students of English department at IAIN Salatiga

in the academic years 2014/2015.

Keyword : Speaking skill, Video recording, speech

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TITLE ....................................................................................................................i

DECLARATION................ ..................................................................................ii

ATTENTION COUNCELOR NOTE................................................................iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION.............................................................. iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................................v


ABSTRACT....................................................... .................................................viii

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................ix

LIST OF THE TABLE .........................................................................................x

LIST OF THE FIGURE.......................................................................................xi


A. Background of the Study..................................................................1

B. Limitation of the Study....................................................................4

C. Research Question............................................................................4

D. Purpose of the Study........................................................................5

E. Benefit of the Study.........................................................................5

F. Definition of Keyword.....................................................................5

G. Outline of the Research....................................................................7

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A. Speaking...........................................................................................9

1. Definition of Speaking...............................................................9

2. Types of Speaking Performance..............................................10

3. Characteristic of Speaking Skill...............................................12

4. The Importance of speaking skill.............................................14

5. The Elemens of speaking.........................................................15

6. Speaking Assessment...............................................................16

B. Video


1. Definition of video...................................................................17

2. The Advantages of using Video in the teaching and Learning


3. Disadvantages using Video...............................................................21

C. Speech............................................................................................21

1. Definition of Speech................................................................22

2. Purpose of Speech...................................................................23

3. Types of speech........................................................................23

4. Speech Method.........................................................................25

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A. Research Methodology...................................................................27

1. Method of the Study...............................................................27

2. Setting Research.....................................................................29

3. Subject and Object of Research............................................30

4. Profile of Fourth Semester of STAIN Salatiga......................30

5. Data Collection.......................................................................31

6. Validity of Data....................................................................35

7. Technique of Data Analysis...................................................35

8. Research Procedure................................................................44


A. Research Findings...........................................................................45

1. The Observation class...............................................................45

2. The Documentation of students speech test ............................47

3. The students interview..............................................................52

B. Discussion......................................................................................56

1. The use speech through video recording to represent the

students‟ speaking skill............................................................56

2. The dominant aspect of speaking skill in the students‟ speech

assessment through video recording........................................57

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A. Conclusion................................................................................58

B. Suggestion................................................................................60



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Lists of Tables

Table 3.1 The List Students of Class E..................................................................35

Table 3.2 The Rubrics Speaking Assess................................................................43

Table 3.3 The Qualification of Each Students.......................................................46

Table 3.4 The Qulification of All Students‟ Mean Score......................................47

Table 4.1 The Score of Students Speech‟ Assessment.........................................55

Table 4.2 Score and Qualification of Each Student in

The Interpreting Class.............................................................................57

Table 4.3The Percentage of Students Having Same Score....................................59

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Lists of Figure

Figure 3.1 The Model of Qualitative Research......................................................41

Figure 4.1 The Score of All Students‟ Speech Assessment...................................56

Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Students Having The Same Score..........................60

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A. Background of Study

English becomes an important language in the world because English is the

window of the world. Many references are written in English. English has been

in many countries as a mean of communication. Holmes (1992: 51) state that”

A world language or international language is English language. It was used by

people such as in economic, political and also education”. By mastering

English, we can get much information. Likewise, in Indonesia, English is

taught to students from elementary level to university level. It is expected that

young generation can get knowledge as many as possible to develop Indonesia.

Therefore, they are ready to face any competitions in the world.

Many graduate students from an English Department faculty have more

opportunities to get job in Indonesia. This is because many schools or offices

need any employees who speak or write English.

English is one of the subjects that is included in the national exam in

Indonesia. Therefore, English teachers are expected to help students improve

their English skills. There are four English language skills to learn, They are :

speaking, listening, reading and writing. In this study, I will look only at the

students‟ speaking skill mastery.

Speaking is one of the basic skills in English that students need to

master to make them confident when they meet a native speaker or other

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people in communication. Therefore, speaking is very important for students

and they have to learn it for a successful communication. Speaking is

considered difficult for students to learn. Hetrakul (1995) says that since

English is a foreign language in his country, most of the students especially of

senior high school do not familiar with English. They only learn English

frequently in the class and less frequently outside the class. However, students

only have limited time to learn English in the class. They still do not have

enough encouragement to practice English outside the class in order to get

familiar with English.

To speak a foreign language in front of many people, we need to be

confident. However, students have low confidence when they are asked by the

lecture to speak English. For example, in the class discussion, only one or two

students are active to give their opinion about the problems. To make the

students active in the class is very difficult. Many students only listen to their

lecturers or friends and they are passive. There are many ways that the lecturer

do to make them active, for example: make a conversation in the class by

giving few time for each student to speak everything in the class about their

experiences in their life. Then their lecturer asksthem to make conversation or

speech about the theme given by lecture.

In fact, with the assignment about it, the students will try to speak. If

the students practice it frequently whether or not as assignment, they will

increase their English speaking skill.

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In this study the researcher is interested to look at the use of video

recording to produce speech represented the students‟ speaking skill in the

Interpreting subject.

Video recording help students to improve their speaking skill by listen,

watching and imitating what they see and listen from the recording when

students want to do an assignment, they can take some examples from the

video recording, especially for producing speech. The students can play the

video recording as many as they see, so they understand the speech in the video

recording well. After they watched a video recording, they can also produce a

speech from video recording to practice their speaking skill. By recording what

they practice, students can see that they have made several mistakes. This is

because they can play the video as they like. They then can reproduce a speech

in the video to correct their mistake, to get a better speaking.

Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many

people to discourse that prepare to say in front of many people

(Sugiyono,1990: 681). Generally, speech is shown from the people or the

group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc

(Karomami, 2011: 12).

Based of statements above, the writer will find the factors that influence

of students speaking skill in the interpreting lesson. The researcher chooses the

students in the fourth semester of English Department because the study of

Interpreting lesson is gotten by students in this semester. The researcher is

interested to know the use of speech through video in the Interpreting subject

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of students speaking skill. Therefore, The researcher en titles this study is “The

Use of Speech Through Video Recording to Represent The Students’

Speaking Skills Of Fourth Semester In English Department Of

IAINSalatiga In The Academic Year Of 2014/2015“.

B. Limitation of the Study

This study is concerned with the use of video in the speech activity for

the students of fourth semester in English department of IAINSalatiga in the

academic years of 2014/2015 that join in the interpreting subject. Using

limitation in this study, the researcher wants to give description about the use

of video in the speaking activity, like the use of speech. Speech is one of

activity that can be used in the speaking teaching. It can help students improve

their speaking skill because they have to be active given explain their theme

that they want be explained for audience. With this study, the researcher hopes

it can help improve the students speaking skill especially for students of fourth

semester of IAIN Salatiga that join in the interpreting subject.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of study above, I will answer the following question:

1. How does speech through video recording represent the students speaking

skill in the interpreting subject?

2. What is the dominant aspect of speaking skill found in the speech through

video recording?

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D. Purpose of the Study

The purposes of this study are:

1. To know whether the use of speech through video recording can represent

the students speaking skill.

2. To find the dominant aspect of speaking skill found in the speech through

video recording.

E. Benefit of the Study

This study is expected to provide some benefit theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretically

The results it‟s of this study can be used to contribute to a reference on a

language teaching.

2. Practically

a. The results of this study can be used to know the student‟s speaking skill

in Interpreting lesson.

b. The results of this study will help the lecturer to know their success in the

apply their technique.

F. Definition of Keyword

There are some key term in this paper, the writer will give the meaning of this

key term, there are:

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1. Speaking

Speaking skill is a basic skill in the English language. It is the skill in

English that must be mastered by students because they can use English to

communicate with a native speaker. According to Richards and Renandya

(2002 : 210), speaking is one of the elements of communication.

2. Video Recording

Richards and Renandya (2002: 364) state that a video is an extremely

dense medium, one which incorporates a wide variety of visual elements

and a great range of audio experiences in addition to spoken language. The

teacher is there to choose appropriate sequences, prepare the students for the

viewing experience, focus to students‟ attention on the content, play and

replay the video as needed, design or select viewing tasks, and follow up

with suitable postviewing activities.

Video recording is as interesting as media to explain the material of

interpretationfor students. In the teaching and learning of foreign language,

video is very needed by teacher. It can be the media that help students to do

their assessment that related with the improvement of their speaking skill.

3. Speech

Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many

people to discourse that prepare to say in front of many people

(Sugono,1990: 681). Generally, speech is shown from the people or the

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group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc

(Karomami, 2011: 12).

. Speech needs the ideas that are appropriate to the problem that rising

in the world. It is not only to improve the speaking skill, but it increases the

vocabulary of students because before having speech in front of other

people, they must prepare the text or material. So they will remember the

anything they want like deliver. It is very effective for students in the

English department because they will get more time to prepare their material

and memorize it. In speech, the people need selfconfidence because they

must face many people.

G. Outline of the Research

The researcher organizes the final paper in the five chapters. In order to

the final paper can be arranged clearly. The first chapter is introduction. It

introduces the background of research, research question; purpose the study,

the benefit of the study, definition keyword and the last is outline of the study.

The second chapter contain with the review of the related literature. In

this chapter the researcher discuss the definition of speaking, video recording

and definition of speech. Thirdly, in this chapter is research methodology. In

this chapter discuss about the setting of research, research methodology and the

data presentation.

The fourth chapter is research finding and discussion. And the last

chapter is chapter five. In this chapter contain with closure. In the closure the

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researcher discusses the research closure and the suggestion. Finally, the

researcher gives references and appendices too.

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In this chapter, the researcher will explain about the theoretical foundation

which includes the definition of speaking, definition of video recording and

definition of speech.

A. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

There are many definitions about speaking that have been proposed by

some experts in language learning.

Brown (2001: 267) says that when someone can speak a language it

means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably competently. In

addition, he states that the benchmark of successful acquisition of language

is almost always the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic

goals through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.

Richards and Renandya (2002: 204) state that effective oral

communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in

social interactions that involves not only verbal communication but also

paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation.

Moreover, nonlinguistic elements such as gestures, body language, and

expressions are needed in conveying messages directly without any

accompanying speech.

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Brown (2007: 237) states that social contact in interactive language

functions is a key importance and in which it is not what you say that counts

but how you say it what you convey with body language, gestures, eye

contact, physical distance and other nonverbal messages.

Based on the definition speaking above, speaking is one of skill in the

English language that do interaction with other people with conversation,

speech and other by body language, gesture, eye contact and another style to

convey the message.

2. Types of Speaking Performances

Brown (2004: 271) describes six categories of speaking skill there are :

a. Imitative

This category includes the ability to practice an intonation and

focusing on some particular elements of language form. That is just

imitating a word, phrase or sentence. The important thing here is

focusing on pronunciation. The lecture uses drilling in the teaching

learning process. By using drilling, students can get opportunity to listen

and to orally repeat some words.

b. Intensive

This is the students‟ speaking performance that practices

somephonological and grammatical aspects of language. The students

must do the task in pairs (group work), for example, reading aloud that

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includes reading paragraph, reading dialogue with partner, reading

information from chart, etc.

c. Responsive

Responsive performance includes interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short

conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple request and

comments. This is a kind of short replies to teacher or student-initiated

questions or comments, giving instructions and directions. Those replies

are usually sufficient and meaningful.

d. Transactional (dialogue)

It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging

specific information. For example here is conversation which is done in

pair work.

e. Interpersonal (dialogue)

It is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social

relationships than for the transmission of facts and information. The

forms of interpersonal speaking performance are interview, role play,

discussions, conversations, games and speech.

f. Extensive (monologue)

Teacher gives students extended monologues in the form of oral

reports, summaries, and storytelling and short speeches. Based on the

theory above, it can be concluded that there are some points that should

be considered in assessing speaking. The students need to know at least

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the pronunciation, vocabularies, and language functions that they are

going to use. When the students have been ready and prepared for the

activity, they can use the language appropriately.

3. Characteristicsof Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is seen as somewhat difficult for some language

learners. Here, a speaker should at least pronounce the words well, choose

the suit dictions, and try to do grammatically correct though, perhaps in any

cases, it is common when a speaker speaks without having good attention at

accuracy or fluency. Brown (2010: 270-271)says that there are eight

characteristics of spoken language can make oral performance easy as well

as, in some cases, there are :

a. Clustering

Because of fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word, so the

learners should be able to organize their output both cognitively and

physically through such clustering.

b. Redundancy

It means that the speaker has an opportunity to make meaning

clearer through redundancy of language. Learners can capitalize on this

feature of spoken language.

c. Reduced

All form special problems in teaching spoken English are;

contractions, elisions, reduced, vowels, etc. Students who don„t learn

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colloquial contractions sometimes can develop a stilted, bookish quality

of speaking that in turn stigmatize them.

d. Performance variable

As the process of thinking as we speak, it„s possible allow us to

manifest a certain number of performance hesitations, pauses,

backtracking, and corrections. Some performance variable that can be

taught to the learners are; how to pause and hesitation, for example, in

English our thinking time is not silent; we insert certain fillers such us

uh, um, well, you know, I mean, like, etc. One of the most silent

differences between native and non native speakers of a language is their

hesitation phenomena.

e. Colloquial language

To make the students able to speak well, the teachers should

introduce them with the words, idioms, and phrases

f. Rate of delivery

It is another important characteristic of fluency. One of our tasks in

teaching spoken English is to help learners achieve an acceptable speed

along with other contributes of fluency.

g. Stress, rhythm, and intonation

This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation.

The stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns

convey important messages. Last character is interaction. Learning to

produce waves of language in a vacuum-without interlocutors-would rob

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speaking skill of its richest component: the creativity of conversational

negotiation (Brown, 2010: 270-271).

h. Interaction

Speaking is about interaction. It is about how you interact and what

kind of language that you use that will make the communication goes


Based on the explanation above, the analysis showed how easily

speaking skill can be accommodated within this particular view of

language. When a lecturers asks students to use the spoken language in

the classroom, they needs them to take part in a process where not only

involves a knowledge of the target language, but also a general

knowledge of interaction between the speaker and audiences in order that

meanings and negotiate meanings are made clear. The example, the

audiences may respond or give feedback as to whether the audiences

have understood or did not understand with the speaker says.

4. The Importance of Speaking

Human being as social creature always communicates to one another.

It can be occurred with the process of interchange of the thought or ideas

which include interactions. For examples telling information or some news,

asking other helps for their needs, or etc. All of them can be done trough

speaking to others directly. It means that the activity of speaking itself has a

very important role in human life.

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Ramelan (1992:13) says that all human being whenever they live

always speak a language, although they do not have any writing system to

record their language.

From the statement above it can be concluded that speaking is very

important in mastering foreign language. Thus speaking capability can be

measured whether a foreign language learner in successful in learning or

not. But in mastering speaking skill can be seen not only from the

performance of learners in spoken, but also we have to see from their

competence in using the language.

5. The Elements of Speaking

Speaking is a skill in the English teaching that deliver word and sound

to express ideas, opinions or feeling. In the speaking there are some

elements that must be considered by speaker (Chaudy,1997:22).

a. Pronunciation

According to Hewing (2004:9), “pronunciation is a feature of

speech”. In the pronunciation includes with many components of speech

which are combined together to form the pronunciation of language, such

as sound, syllables, word and intonation. This particular range from the

individual sound that make up speech, to the way in witch pitch, the rise

and fall of the voice or sound.

b. Grammar

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Grammar is a system of rules governing the conventional

arrangement and relationship of word in a sentence (Brown, 2001:36). In

the speaking English language well in the formal situation, many people

that mastered of grammar when they speak.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary can be the build of word that is used by people to

communication with other people. To speaking English fluently, the

students must master many vocabularies.

d. Fluency

Hornby (1974:330) defines fluency as the quality of being able to

speak smoothly and easily. It means that someone can speak without any

hesitation. Someone can speak fluently even though he makes errors in

pronunciation and grammar.

e. Comprehension

The last speaking element is comprehension. Comprehension can

make the people getting the information that they want. It is defined as

the ability to understand something by a reasonable comprehension of the

subject or as the knowledge of what situation really like.

6. Speaking Assessment

An assessment is the process of gathering data. More specifically,

assessment is the ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their

students‟ learning (Hanna &Dettmer, 2004). The data provide a picture of a

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range of activities using different forms of assessment such as: pre-tests,

observations, and examinations.

Speaking task is an activity that involves speaker in using language

for the purpose of achieving a particular goal or objective in particular

speaking situation (Bachman& Palmer cited in Luoma, 2012:31).

Based on the definition above, speaking assessment is the activity

that is done to process the gathering data to achieve the goal of speaking.

There are some types to assess the speaking skill. But, in this

research, the researcher uses rubrics to assess thestudents‟ speech

assessment as standard criteria.

Rubrics, often developed around a set of standards or expectations,

can be used for summative assessment. Rubrics can be given to students

before they begin working on a particular project so they know what is

expected of them (precisely what they have to do) for each of the criteria.

B. Video Recording

1. Definition of Video

Video is considered to be one of media that can be profited in the

English teaching and learning process. It has been proven to be an effective

tool in the teaching English as a foreign/ second language (EFL/ESL) for

young and adult learners (Rammal, 2006:142). Richards and Renandya

(2002: 364) state that a video is an extremely dense medium, one which

incorporates a wide variety of visual elements and a great range of audio

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experiences in addition to spoken language. The lecturer is there to choose

appropriate sequences, to prepare the students for the viewing experiences,

focus to students‟ attention on the content of material, play and replay the

video that needed of them.

When the lecturer decides to use the video recording as

supplementary materials or assignments, they must believe that it is closely

related with the goals of the study. One of way to do it, the teacher use

video to introduce or to expand on a theme or topic based of the materials

that teacher explains.

According to Solomon (2004: 349), video segments can illustrate

an event or a procedure so that students feel as though they are actually

there. With the help of some special equipment, videos can easily be

inserted into multimedia presentations. Smaldino(2007: 12) states video

versions of the moving image are recorded on tape or disc, in the forms that

vary in size, shape, speed, recording method, and playback mechanism.

They also add any electronic media format that employs “motion pictures”

to present a message can be referred as video.

According to Harmer (2001: 284), a video is not only a great aid to

see language-in-use such as comprehension since students are able to see

general meanings and moods that are conveyed through expression,

gestures, and other visual clues, but also uniquely bridge the cross cultural

understanding. Students are able to create something when the teacher lets

the students use video cameras themselves. Last but not least he mentions

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that for all of the reasons mentioned, most students show an increased level

of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it.

2. The Advantages Of Using Video In The Teaching And Learning


a. The Use of Video as aMedium in The Teaching and Learning Process.

Harmer (1998: 282) states there are many advantages when using

videos in the teaching and learning process:

1) Seeing language-in-use, students do not just hear language but they

can also see it. They can know the general meaning and moods that

are conveyed through expressions, gesture, and other visual clues.

2) Cross-cultural awareness, which is allowing students a look at

situations for beyond their classroom. Videos also give students a

chance to see such things as what kinds of food people eat in other

countries and what they wear.

3) The power of creation, when students use video cameras themselves

they are given the potential to create something memorable and

enjoyable. Motivation, most students show an increased level of

interest when they have a chance to see language in use as hear it, and

when this is coupled with communicative tasks.

Based of the three advantages above, advantage c) is the

advantage of using video recording in the speaking assessment with

speech. The students can create their own video to assess themselves.

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Similar with the advantagesaid by Harmer, Paul (2000: 163) said

that, the effective using of video requires knowledge and planning. Video

can make easy of the lecture to explain the material. Instead of being fun

and useful, they can create the situation in class do not make students

boring. However, only a little of all the materials available will be

suitable for the students and the teaching purposes. The lecture have to

select materials with clear objectives, the students‟ level and interest in

mind, and get to know it well before using it. There should be a clear

purpose for every video that lecture show, for example, style of

communicative interactions in English, working at language forms,

developing listening comprehension, speaking or discussion.

From the explanations above, it is clear that videos have many

advantages. Videos can support the teaching learning process and also

give advantage for the students to assess themselves to see if they to

improve their speaking skill or not. The students can learn language not

only by listening how native speakers pronounce some words but also by

observing their expression. They can also learn about culture from other

countries what other people in other countries wear, eat, and anything.

b. The Use of Video as a Form of Assessment

Video technology can also be used to document students‟

language production, both to enhance the validity and reliability of

language assessment, and to provide motivating and rewarding tasks with

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a clear, meaningful purpose and a concrete finished product (Biegel,

1998). Furthermore, students can observe their own current English oral

proficiency (Shinohara, 1997), and thus discover areas they need to


3. Disadvantages of Using Video

Beside the advantage of using video discussed above, the use of

video also has some disadvantages. They are:

a. Sometimes whatpeople in the video said cannot be understood by

students clearly, to make this method can be used clearly; the teacher

must sure that the students see and hear it.

b. The used the video recording to be the speaking assessment, sometime

there are some students that not honest when they made the assessment.

For example, when their lecturer asks them to make speech and

memorize it in the video recording, they will make manner to read the

script. So, some time the use of video recording in the do the assessment

is not effective.

C. Speech

As the researcher has discussed in the section 2, there are several types

of speaking performance. One type of speaking performance that the researcher

would like to discuss further in this study is interpersonal dialogue, especially


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1. Definition of Speech

Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many

people to discourse that prepare to say in front of many people

(Sugono,1990: 681). Generally, speech is shown from the people or the

group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc

(Karomami, 2011: 12).

Similar with Sugono, Juanda (2007:95) says that speech is a oral

presentation for audience. A speech directly does in above of podium or

speaker‟s platform and the contents of speech are directed for audience

And according to Rahmat (2009:78), speech is face to face of

communication , which two way, and the speaker must attention of

interlocutor, although the speaker is more dominate of conversation he must

listen the message that want his convey for audience.

Based on the definitions of speech above, the researcher can give

reason that speech is a oral communication that convey in the podium, stage

or other place that has purpose to give information for audience. To giving

speech in front of audience, the speaker must has wide knowledge or insight

that can divide for the audience.

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2. Purpose of Speech

According Sugono (1990: 682) there are some purposes of speech

based of presentation, there are:

a. To convey the information (Informative) is the speech that means to give

report or knowledge or interesting thing for audience.

b. Convince and give influence of audience attitude (Persuasive) is kind of

speech that contain with effort to encourage, convince and ask the

audience to do something.

c. Humored of audience is a speech that means to give humored or make

audience happy. For example the speech those do to give humor for the

people that get disaster.

3. Type of Speech

According Labov (1972 cited in Gareis, 2006:35) there are some

type of speech, there are:

a. Narrative Speeches

Narrative speeches are a speech telling story. While stories can be

told in many different ways, they usually consist of five parts. There are:

1) Opener: a short statement announcing the story.

2) Orientation: introduction of time, place and character.

3) Complicating events: the events of the story.

4) Resolution: how the story ends.

5) Coda: a connection between the past and the present.

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In narrative speech, the story is told for its own sake. Short

narrative can also be told as part of another speech, however, in form of

anecdotes or jokes that serve as attention points. Stories catch the interest

of most of audiences and should be incorporated freely into speeches.

b. Demonstration speeches

Demonstration speech shows how to something work or how

something is done. Audiovisual aids are therefore essential. Sometimes,

demonstrations show something that takes places on the floor.

c. Informative speeches

Speeches to inform are intended to share new ideas and build

perceptions. The speaker identifies a topic of importance to the audience,

and then does research to find out recent and new information that will

affect the audience. A second goal of the information speech is to give

audience members a new understanding or new appreciation of some

topic with which they might be familiar but unaware of recent

developments. Informative speeches do not take sides or urge direct

action. The purpose is to provide an even-handed or objective view of a

topic without drawing conclusions or taking sides or proposing solutions.

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d. Persuasion

Persuasive speaking takes a less objective view on some topic and

asks the audience to take action in support of that view. A speaker will

urge the audience to consider why one side of an issue is worth

supporting emotionally and logically, and then tell us what action we

might take to make that support real. For example, most advertising is

persuasive although the logic behind the action is often obscure or


4. Speech Method

Juanda (2007: 96) said that the method of speech can be divided into

4 type based on how to convey the speech:

a. Impromptu method

This method is used in the convey of speech without need time to

make prepare of speech. An impromptu speech requires very little if any

preparation. Conversation is impromptu speaking because a response is

required immediately. In a public speaking class, students might be asked

to select a topic such as a famous saying or a common household word,

and then give a short, organized presentation on the topic without making

notes or doing research.

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b. Memorize method

It is make plan to speech and then memorize that their prepare.

The speaker prepare their speech that will be conveyed for audience with

complete before they convey it, the speaker will memorize word to word.

This method can be drilled speaker to try comprehending speech text that

want covey for audience. In addition, the speaker will focus with the

material that they memorize and audience.

c. Manuscript method

Manuscript method is aspeech that use script that made by

speaker before they convey for audience. And generally, this method is

used in the formal speech. The speaker convey the speech with read their

script that they write, that they write their self or other people.

d. Extemporaneous method

This method without prepare of complete script. The speaker has

opportunity to make special preparing like framework speech or

important note. This note only use by speaker to remember their organize

of their idea (Mulgrave, 1954: 25) According this method of speech

above, the method that used by students is manuscript speech. The

students prepare their script before conveyed in the video, so they can

prepare the theme that they want be conveyed.

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A. Research Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher will explain about the method that used in the

this research which includes the definition of qualitative method, setting of

research, object research, data collection , validity of research data, technique

data analysis, research procedure and data presentation.

1. Method of The Study

This is a qualitative – quantitative research. Qualitative research is a

type of research that seeks answers to a question; is systematically

conducted and involves the collection of evidence. However, the uniqueness

of qualitative research is that you may produce findings that were not

determined in advance and also the findings may be applicable beyond the

immediate boundaries of the study.

Based on Patton (1980: 40), the qualitative method attempts to

understand organizingpattern that exist in the empirical world under study.

And the qualitative data consists of entire passages from documents that are


Different from Patton, Cresswell (1992: 2) states that qualitative

research is defined as an query process of understanding as a social human

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problem, based on building a complex holistic picture, formed with word,

reporting detail views of informants, and conducted in natural setting.

Similar to Cresswell, Denzin&Lincoln (1994) state that qualitative

research focuses on interpretation of phenomena in their natural settings to

make sense in terms of the meanings people bring to these settings.

Qualitative research involves collecting information about personal

experiences, introspection, life story, interviews, observations, historical,

interactions and visual text which are significant moments and meaningful

in peoples' lives.

According to Pope & Mays (1995), qualitative researchers study

things in their natural settings in an effort to discover the meanings seen by

those who are being researched (or subjects) rather than that of the


Some characteristics of qualitative research they are: take places in

the natural world, uses multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic,

it is emergent rather than prefigured and fundamentally interpretative

(Marshall,1999: 2-3). Qualitative research have some purposes, they are;

describing, and reporting the creation of key concepts, theory generation and

testing(Cohen,2007 :168).

The term of naturalistic shows that the research is natural, on the

normal situation without manipulate the condition, emphasize on the natural

description. The process of taken data or phenomena is called as- taking of

the data (Sugiyono,2008: 8).

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Based on the definition above, qualitative research is the type of

research in the natural setting to know the situation and condition of

teaching and learning process. Qualitative research is used to describe and

explain how speech through video recording represents thestudents speaking

skill in the Interpreting subject.

While quantitative research deals with numbers where the data is

analyze statistically.The following definition, taken from Aliaga and

Gunderson (2000 :5) Quantitative research is „Explaining phenomena by

collecting numericaldata that are analysed using mathematically based

methods (in particularstatistics)‟.

Different with Mouton and Moras, quantitative research as the

approach used by researchers in the social sciences that is more formalized

in nature than qualitative research as well as explicity controled with a more

carefully defined scope.

On other hand, quantitative approach is used to look at the represent

of students speaking skill in the interpreting subject using statistical


2. Setting of Research

The research was conducted in IAINSalatiga which located on

Tentarapelajar no 2 Salatiga. The research was conducted from May

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until September 11st2014 in the Interpreting subject for the students of

fourth semester in English department of IAINSalatiga.

3. The Subject and Object of Research

The subject of research isstudents that join in the interpreting subject

of class E. There were 21 students, consist of 5 males and 16 females.

The object of research study should be selected in purpose as stated

by Sugiyono (2006: 299). The speech assessment is considered as the object

in this research.

4. Profile of Fourth Semester Students of STAIN Salatiga

Students of fourth semester in English department of IAIN Salatiga

should take several subject as determined by the institution. One subject

they have to take is Interpreting. For academic year 2014/ 2015, there 3

classes of fourth semester students taking Interpreting. As for an

information, this Interpreting subject is given by Risdiyanto, the lecturer.

According to Risdiyanto, from my interview, among the threeclasses of

Interpreting, class E has the best achievement for this subject. The students

in the class E are very active and able to create a conductive class during the

lesson. For this reason, I decided to take this class my object of research I

mentioned in the previous section.

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Table 3.1

The List of Students Class E Taking Interpreting subject

Interpreting Subject of Class E

NO Students’ Register Number Name

1. 113-12-013 RIF'AN NUR ROKHIM

2. 113-12-022 IKA NUR MUFIDAH

3. 113-12-030 RIZKI WULANDARI

4. 113-12-059 TAUFIK HIDAYAT

5. 113-12-070 AIMMATUN NISAK

6. 113-12-072 IZZA MAFRUCHAH

7. 113-12-075 AGUNG CHOIRUR ROIS


9. 113-12-085 KUN AMINAH

10. 113-12-089 HERLINA

11. 113-12-093 MUH.SAEBANI

12. 113-12-097 ANA ARDIYANI

13. 113-12-098 UMAR ANAS

14. 113-12-101 EKA OKTAVIANI

15. 113-12-105 IVO ZULIYANTI

16. 113-12-116 HILMI RAHMANITA

17. 113-12-137 ENDANG SRI RAHAYU

18. 113-12-144 UMATUL MAHMUDAH

19. 113-12-150 YUYUN AZIZAH

20. 113-12-151 HAFIZH ANA NAFIAH

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21. 113-12-160 NASTITI ARDITA SARI

5. Data collection

Data collection is considered as the most prominent step for a

researcher due to the fact that the main purpose of conducting a research is

to obtain needed data. In qualitative research, data can taken from archival

documents, written or oral expression of people or their behavior, etc

(Moleong, 2010: 157). Such was the case, the method that was used in this

process of gathering the research data could be categorized as follow.

a. Observation

Observation is the activity of researcher that looking at what

people actually do (Robert, 2007 :11). So, observation is the activity that

is done by a researcher to view the people behavior. Observation is used

to study observation is used to behavior of people and context in which

the behavior occurs. Also, find out activity of students do in the

interpreting subject.

The benefits of observational data are that the researcher is able to

describe some element of the subject. They are included the setting

which is observed, the activities that took place in that setting, the people

who participated in those activities, and the meaning of the setting

(Patton, 1991 : 124).

To collect the data, the researcher conducted an observation of

class. The observation is done by researcher in the on May 13rd 2014.

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The researcher came into the classroom to see the activities in the class

during the teaching and learning process of Interpreting subject. The

researcher joined class E from 10.20 to 12.00.

The researcher observed the speaking activities process in the

class. The observation is be used by the researcher to know the ability of

students speaking when they are assessed by lecturer to speak English

and in turn, their partner translated what the first students have said.

In the observation, the researcher used note taking that to write

everything that happened in the teaching and learning process.

b. Documentationof Students Task

According to Arikunto (2006:231), documentation is a number of

data that present verbal data like correspondence, journal, memory,

report and other which can mutually responsible.

Similar with Arikunto, Sugiyono (2008 : 240) state that

Documentation is the past event note. Documents are usually written

note, picture, or monumental creation from someone.

In this research, the researcher used video recording assessment

from the final exam of students to analysis of students speaking skill with

their speech assessments. The researcher got this task documentation on

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Monday, July 21st2014. After the researcher got the final assessment, she

can analysis the result of the students assessment to know the

development of the students speaking skill with speech in the fourth


c. Interview

Sugiyono (2006: 317) defines interviews as the meeting of two

people who exchange information and ideas through question and answer

in order to find meaning in the a certain topic. Meanwhile ,Singarimbun,

(1987 cited in Inayah, 2012 : 24), argues that interview is a dialogue done

by interviewer to get information by asking about students‟ interest,

condition of equipment directly to the respondents. The aim is usually to

gather an authentic understanding of people‟s experience.

There are 3 kind of interview, structure interview, semi- structure

interview and unstructured interview (Arikunto, 2001 : 156).

But in the research, interview that used in collecting data is a

structured interview. Structured interviews enable the interviewer to ask

each respondent the same questions in the same way. A tightly structured

schedule of questions is used, very much like a questionnaire. The

questions contained in the questionnaire will have been planned in

advance, sometimes with the help of a pilot study to refine the

questions.(Arikunto, 2001: 156).

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The kind of structure interview that used by the researcher in this

study are open-ended question and close-ended question.

Basedon this kind of interview, the interviewer is expected to

express their opinion and idea so it can give information that is the issue

could be explored ore openly.

The researcher used note taking as instrument to write the data

from interviewee. So, to get more information clearly, the researcher is

more listen everything that interviewee said.

After the researcher hascollectedthe data from students, the

researcher will group the students based ontheanswerof the interview (see

in the chapter IV). This is to know which group of students consider

video recording positive, negative or no response.

6. Validity of Data

Examining of data validity in the research is another fundamental

step in the qualitative research. This step is needed by researcher in the

study to find the validity in the research result.

Sugiyono (2006 : 330) argues that triangulation as a useful means to

check of data validation. He states that triangulation can be interpreted as a

technique of data collection that combines data from various techniques of

data collection and the exiting data. It also combines from the technique

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data collection like interview, the documentation students‟ test and


7. Technique of DataAnalysis

A qualitative data analysis is several simultaneous activities that

engage the attention of researcher; collecting information from the field,

sorting the information into a story or picture, and actually writing the

qualitative text (Bogdan&Biklen, 1992 cited in Creswell, 1994).

Similar with Bogdan&Biklen (1992), Sugiyono (2006 : 335) states

that a qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and arranging

systematically the obtained data from interview, field note and

documentation by organizing data into categories, explaining into units,

synthesizing, arranging into pattern, sorting the important ones, and drawing

conclusion in order to be comprehended by researcher or the reader.

In addition, Miles &Huberman (1992 : 18-20) divide the data

analysis into two approaches, flow analysis and interactive analysis model.

However, the researcher focuses on the second approach which appropriate

with this research.

In the interactive analysis model, data reduction and data

presentation are processed with data collection. Those analysis components

are interacted after all data that needed are collected. The figure below will

presents the step of this model:

Figure 3.1

The Model Of Qualitative Research

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Table 3.1 The Componen of Interactive analysis Model

The interactive analysis models applied in this research can be

explained with some step as follows:

a. Data collection

Collecting data starts from searching the data are needed in this

research. As the explanation before, the researcher has explained that

there are 3 techniques to collecting data such as Interview, observation

and documentation.

Before the researcher got the data used in this research, the

researcher will process the data to get the scores of students „speech. To

assess this data, the researcher use rubrics of speaking skill(Screiber,

2010 : 4) as in the table 3.2.





Data Reduction Conclusion

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Table 3.2

The Rubrics Speaking Assessment












Student was

difficult to

understand and

had a hard time


their ideas and


because of



Student was

able to express

their ideas and


adequately but

often displayed


with their


structure and


Student was able

to express their

ideas and

responses fairly

well but makes

mistakes with

their tenses,

however is able

to correct


Student was

able to

express their

ideas and


with ease in



structure and



Student was

difficult to


quiet in


unclear in


Student was

slightly unclear



at times, but

generally is



was good and

did not interfere




was very clear

and easy to



Student had



words to

express his/her

ideas properly,

which hindered

the students in


Student was

able to use



words but was




repetitive and

Student utilized

the words

learned in class,

in an accurate

manner for the

situation given.

Rich, precise



usage of


words learned

in and beyond

of class.

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cannot expand

on his/her



Speech is very



nervous, and

uncertain with


except for short

or memorized


Difficult for a

listener to


Speech is slow

and often

hesitant and


Sentences may

be left


but the student

is able to


Speech is

mostly smooth

but with some

hesitation and


caused primarily

by rephrasing

and groping for


Speech is

effortless and

smooth with

speed that

comes close

to that of a




Student had



the topics that

were being


Student fairly

grasped the

topics that were



Student was able

to comprehend

the topics that

were being


Student was

able to


to all of the

information in

the topics that

were being

discussed with


In the rubric of table 3.2, there are five aspects in the

speaking assessment: (1) Grammar, (2) Pronunciation, (3) Vocabulary,

(4) Fluency and (5) Comprehension. Each aspect will be assessed based

on four qualifications with the different thing, as shown in the table 3.2.

Sothe maximal score for all 5 speaking aspects skill in the rubrics in table

3.2 are 20.

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After the researcher assessed the students speech assessment

using rubric, the researcher will get the score of students speech

assessment with formula below (Purwanto, 2011 : 112 ) :

S = x100

S= The students score

R = The total point of rubrics item

N = The maximum point of rubrics item

Example = x100

= 80

From the example above, it is seen that if the students‟ total point

in the rubrics is 16, his total score is 80. This score is taken by the

researcher from the total point that he got in the rubric divided with the

maximum point of rubrics item and times 100.

After the scores of each students is calculated, it is necessary to

describe the qualification of each student based on this scores. The

description of the qualification of each student proposed by Sudijono

(2008 : 35) is shown in table 3.2.

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Table 3.3 The

Qualification of Each Student

No Students‟ Score Mark Mark Qualification

1 91-100 A Excellent

2 79-89 A- Very Good

3 70-78 B Good

4 65-69 B- Good Enough

5 55-64 C Enough

6 45-54 D Bad

7 Below 45 E Very Bad

After describing the qualification of each student, the researcher

will calculate the mean score of all students taking Interpreting class. The

mean score of all students is used to know the average of all students

speaking skill.

To calculate the mean score of all students, the researcher use a

formula by alderson, Clapham& Wall (2005 : 275).

M =

M = the mean score all of students

= the total scores all of students

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N = Number of all students

For example, the total of students score is 1427 and the number

of all students is 21, then the mean score is 67.95.

To define the mean score of all students, the researcher used 7

levels of qualification as shown in table 3.3.The qualification of students‟

mean score that is arranged by Purwanto (1987 : 103).

Table 3.4

The Qualification Of All Students‟ Mean Score

NO Score Range Qualification

1 80 -100 Excellent

2 66 -79 Very Good

3 65 -56 Good

4 49-55 Fairly good

5 30-39 Poor failed

After calculating the students score individually, it is also

necessary to know how many students getting the same score as a

percentage. To get the percentage of students having the same score, The

researcher will use following formula as Purwanto( 1987 : 102) has

proposed :

NP = x 100%

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NP = The Percentage of students having the same score

N = Number of all students

TS = Number of students having same score

Example = x 100%

= 28.57 %

In the example, there are 6 students considered as “Very good”.

To know the percentage of students having the same score for “ very

good”, the researcher used the formula above. It is shown from the

calculating that 28.57% students in Interpreting class are “Very good”

b. Data Reduction

The next step after the researcher has collected the data is data

reduction. Reduction refers to resuming the data, choosing main things,

focusing on the important things, looking for the theme. Therefore, data

that was reduced will give clearer drawing and make the researcher easier

to collect the next data (Sugiyono, 2006: 338).

In this research, the process of data reduction was started by

separating unnecessary data from interview and observation and

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documentation. After that, the researcher categorizing the data to make it

easy in presenting the findings of the researcher.

c. Data Presentation

In a qualitative research, the data presentation can be arranged in

the form of chart, essay, flowchart, categorizing, etc. The purpose of data

presentation is to help comprehend what is the aspects are discussed in

the data and make next planning after that.

The data presentation for this research was arranged into

narration from the speech that the researcher got in the video recording

and the questions and answers of students that got by researcher in the

interview. This data will be explained by researcher in the form of


d. Conclusion

The next step after data presentation is conclusion. Verification

refers to the processes which are able to answer research questions and

research objectives. Beginning conclusion is still temporary, and will be

changed if there isn„t strong proof that support on the next step in

collecting data. But, if the beginning conclusion is supported by valid

proof and consistent, when the researcher backs to the field, so the

conclusion is credible (Sugiyono, 2008: 92).

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In this research, withdrawing the conclusion is done by

comparing between observation data, documentation data, and interview

data. Observation data will be forceful by documentation data and

interview data. Thus, the researcher will get conclusion about the use of

speech though video recording to represent the speaking skill

improvement of fourth semester students of IAIN Salatiga

8. Research Procedure

The research move on through several step as explained below:

a. Observation class

Observation class that is done by the researcher to obtain the image

or situation in the teaching and learning process of interpreting subject in

the class.

b. Documentation

The main data of this research is the results of documentation about

students‟ assessment of speech through video recording. The data from

documentation is analyzed to answer theproblem.

c. Interview

Interview will be the supporting data after the researcher analyze

the data from documentation. It can help the researcher know the

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problem or impression and the benefit of this assessment of the students

after they join in the interpreting subject.

d. Presenting the results of the research descriptively

The result of this research will be reported in the form of research


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A. Research Findings

This chapter deals with the speech assessment through video recording to

represent of students speaking skill improvement of fourth semester. The

purpose of this research is to know thestudents speaking skill in Interpreting

subject. Firstly, the researcher also presents the classroom observation as the

additional data. Secondly, the researcher presents the result of the students‟

assessment that done the researcher using rubrics. Finally, the researcher

presents the interview that can support the data after the students‟

documentation assessment. In this research, the researcher has collected the

data from the documentation of students‟ assessment by video recording,

interview and observation of the class.

1. The ObservationClass

The observation was conducted in order to know the teaching

learning process of Interpreting subject. From observation conducted on

Tuesday, May 13rd

2014, the researcher collect data about the students‟

activities while they were in Interpreting class. Thefinding that the

researcher has taken from the observation is as follow:

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a. In the Interpreting class, the lecturer delivered the materials while

was followed by inviting the students to practice what he has explained.

The practicing session was helpful and interesting for the students. So

they did not feel bored in the class as I observed.

b. The students were very supporting in the class when one of their

friends performed a task in front of the class. Other students kept the

situation condusive. This helped the one who performed become more

focused on his task. So the students felt that the task given by the lecture

is not difficult for them to perform.

c. From the observation, the researcher found that most students were

very active in the class. They gave question and answered the question in

the class. So, the students‟ involvement in the discussion during the class

was good. Based on the observation above, the funding show that

students enjoyed in Interpreting class with some activities done during

teaching and learning process.

d. It is found that giving time to students to prepare the task to be

performed is necessary. The preparation is helpful for the students to

arrange what they would do in the task.

e. The lecturer gave feedback to students every time the students

performed the task. This is helpful because the students knew their

strength and weakness.

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Based on the result of observation, the researcher got the data that

situation and condition when their friends in front of the class to present

their assessment arecomfortable because they can appreciate their friend

performer. The lecturer gives feedback too after the performer, so the

students can know the mistakes that they done.

The observation in the class that done by the researcher was

resulted that the students can make the situation of class is comfortable. And

they listened their friends‟ performer in front of class. They are very active

too, when the lecturer give question for them. They try answering the

lecturer question with English. There is feedback that lecturer given to

students after performer. It can help the students know the mistake that they

made when performer.

2. The Documentation of Students Speech Test

Based on the students‟ documentation of assessment, the researcher

has collected the students‟ scores from the video recording using rubrics. In

the assessment, the researcher knows the ability of students speaking

skill(See in the chapter III, table 3.1). To ability the result of the assessment

is demonstrated in table 4.1:

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Table 4.1

The Score of Students Speech Assessment

Name Aspect

Score V G P F C

001 3 3 3 2 3 70

002 2 3 2 3 3 65

003 2 3 1 2 2 50

004 3 3 3 3 4 80

005 3 3 3 2 3 70

006 3 3 2 3 3 70

007 4 3 3 3 4 85

008 3 3 3 3 3 75

009 3 3 3 3 3 75

010 2 2 1 2 2 45

011 3 2 2 2 2 55

012 3 2 2 2 2 55

013 2 2 2 2 2 50

014 3 3 3 3 3 75

015 3 3 3 3 4 80

016 2 3 3 4 4 80

017 3 3 4 3 3 80

018 3 3 2 2 3 50

019 3 3 2 3 3 70

020 3 3 3 3 4 80

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021 3 3 2 2 4 70

Total 59 59 52 55 64 1427


V : Vocabulary

G : Grammar

P : Pronunciation

F : Fluency

C : Comprehension

Figure 4.1

The ScoreOf All Student‟ Speech assessment

Based onfigure 4.1, it is clear that the speaking aspect that is

dominant in the speech assessment through video recording is

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comprehension aspect. This means that students have relatively good

comprehension. It means that they can give information and understood by

the audience.

To know the classification of the students‟ score, the researcher has

made the standard classification of students scores(seetable 3.3).

Based on the table 4.1, the researcher can make the score and mark

description of students speech assessment score through video recording.

The score and mark description is known in the table 4.2.

Table 4.2

Score and Qualification of each student in the Interpreting class

No The Students Score Grade Mark description

1 001 70 B Good

2 002 85 A- Very Good

3 003 50 D Bad

4 004 80 A- Very Good

5 005 70 B Good

6 006 70 B Good

7 007 65 B- Good Enough

8 008 75 B Good

9 009 75 B Good

10 010 45 D Bad

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11 011 55 C Enough

12 012 55 C Enough

13 013 50 D Bad

14 014 75 B Good

15 015 80 A- Very Good

16 016 80 A- Very Good

17 017 80 A- Very Good

18 018 50 D Bad

19 019 70 B Good

20 020 80 A- Very Good

21 021 70 B Good

Total scores 1427

Mean score


From the table 4.2, the total scores of all students are 1427. And

table 4.2 shows the mean score all of the students are 67.95. Based on the

table 3.2 (see chapter III), so the qualification of students‟ mean score in the

Interpreting class is very good.

After the researcher has known the qualification of the students‟

mean score in the Interpreting class, so the researcher calculate the students

that have same score too. The percentage of students having the same score

can be seen in the table 4.3.

The Table 4.3

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The Percentage ofStudents Havingthe Same Score

No Mark Description Mark Total Mark Percentage

1 A Excellent 0 0%

2 A- Very Good 6 28.57%

3 B Good 8 38.1%

4 B- Good Enough 1 4.76%

5 C Enough 2 9.52%

6 D Bad 4 19.05%

7 E Very Bad 0 0%

The figure 4.2

The percentage the students same score

Table 4.3 and figure 4.2 show that there are no students with either

excellent or very bad qualification in the assessment. The most common

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qualification for students in the Interpreting class is good (38.1%). Although

most students are good, however, there are still some students which need

more practice for their speaking skill. There are 19.05% are still in the

qualification of bad.

Regardless the 19.05% of bad qualification, it is still said that the

speech assessment through video recording represent of students‟ speaking

skill because 80.95% students are considered to have good speaking skill


This finding is then, supported with the results of interview, which the

researcher will explain in the next section.

3. The Students Interview

In the interview, theresearcher asked3 categories of question to the

students about the general about Interpreting subject, the materials that

students learned from the lecturer and the Interpreting subject assignment.

In category 1, there is one question. The question deals with the

students‟ opinion about the Interpreting subject. One example of the

question and the answer in the interview is shown in (1) below:

(1)Researcher :Bagaimanapendapatandatentangpelajaran

Interpreting?(What do you think about

Interpreting Subject?)

Students :Intepretingadalahsalahsatupelajaran yang


sehinggabanyaksiswa yang enjoy

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mengikutipelajaranini. (Pak Faisal‟s style in the

teaching is enjoyable, so many students enjoyed

in the class).

(Field note/interview no 1)

In example (1) the students answered that Interpreting subject is

Interesting subject. This argument is said by students because they feel

pleasant with the teach style of the lecturer.

The second question deals with the impression with the materials

that they got by the lecturer. The students said that they enjoyed joining in

the Interpreting class with Risdiyanto be lecturer. The interview on this

topic is illustrated in example (2).

(2) Researcher : Apakahandasenangdenganmateri yang


danbagaimanaperasaananda ?

(Do you enjoy with the materials was given by

the lecture? What do you think?)

Students : Iyasaya enjoy

dapatmengikutipelajaranInterpreting yang di


karenapelajarannyasantaidanmengasikkan. Di




(I enjoy taking Interpreting class. The teaching

and learning process is relax and exciting. The

lecturer sometimes made a joke during the class)

(Field note/interview no 2)

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The third question is about the Interpreting assessment. An

interview example on this topic is given in (3).

(3) Writer : Apasajakendala yang

andahadapiketikamengerjakantugas Interpreting

yaitupidato ?

(What obstacles do you faced when you are doing

the Interpreting assessment especially giving a


Students :


tukberpidatosayakurang. Dan

sayatidakmempunyaibanyakkosa kata.

(I still need a text when I give a speech. I need

more preparation to have a speech. And I also do

not have enough vocabulary to have a speech).

(Field notes /interviews no 3)

The students said that they still use text to have a speech because

their preparation is less and they do not have vocabulary to speak in front of

many people. They do not enough preparation. Their vocabulary also

limited to speech in front of people.

The last question is about the Interpreting assessment. An

interview example on this topic is given in (4).



dasetelahmengikutipelajaran interpreting

subject ?

(What does the improvement of your speaking

skill after you joined in the interpreting


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Students : Ya,


bicaraataupundalamkosa kata.

(Ya, there are many improvement like in the

speaking skill and in the vocabulary.

(Field notes /interviews no 4)

Based on the observation and interview it can be concluded that the

students feel exciting with Interpreting subject because the lecturer is very

humorist. Risdiyanto can make the class comfortable with his jokes. Many

students that said that their speaking skills are improve after join in the

Interpreting subject too.

The researcher also conducted an interview to the students to know

their improvement of speaking skill. The interview in this research was

conducted on September 11st 2014. The results of the interview are: (1) The

students were enthusiastic to learn Interpreting subject because they enjoyed

and happy in the class with the lecturer; (2) The students understood with

the materials that were conveyed by the lecturer because the lecturer

sometime make some jokes; (3) With the speech assessment through video

recording for final exam, there are some students can bring a script which

helped them to speak up and (4) The students feels that there are

improvement of speaking skill and their vocabulary after they have

completed the speech assessment.

Based on the observation, documentation and interview above, the

researcher can conclude that the speech assessment through video recording

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for students in the Interpreting subject gives positive respond for students in

speaking skill.

B. Discussion

1. The Use Speech Through Video Recording to Represent the Students

Speaking Skill.

The researcher collected the data on the use of speech through video

recording can represent the students speaking skill Improvement by the

document about students‟ assessments with speech. This document is used

by the researcher to know the use of speech through video recording can

represent the students speaking skill. The score of students‟ speech

assessment through video recording which represents the students speaking

skill can be seen in the table 4.2 (see chapter 4).

Based on research findings, it is known that the students in the class

E of Interpreting class have “Good” qualification. About 38.10% students

have good qualification. It can also be seen that 28.57% students are “very

good”, 4.76% are “Good enough” and 9.52% students are “Enough”.

When students are considered excellent to enough, they pass the Interpreting

subject. Thus, when the researcher accumulated the students of by excellent

to enough, 80.95% students pass the Interpreting subject. This means that

using video recording to assess the students‟ speech; the video recording can

represent the students‟ speaking skill.

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Although 80.95% students passed the subject, there are still 19.05%

students who failed in the Interpreting subject. Based on the researches‟

observation, it is assumed that they failed because of some reasons. They

are: (1) They did not prepare their assessment, so they could not do their

speech fluently; (2) They still made mistake in the pronunciation and(3)

They still lacked of the vocabulary and are poor at grammar.

2. The Dominant Aspect Of Speaking Skill In The Students’ Speech

Assessment Through Video Recording

Based on the table 4.1, The result of assess the students speech

assessment with five aspect above, there are different total score in the each aspect:

Vocabulary (59), grammar(59), pronunciation (52), fluency (55) and

comprehension was (64). The researcher can conclude that the dominant aspect in

the speech assessment is comprehension aspect. The score of the comprehension

aspect for 21 students is 64. And then after the comprehension aspect, grammar

and vocabulary aspect that get same score there are 59.

Therefore, the researcher can conclude that the dominant of speaking skill

in the students‟ speech assessment through video recording is comprehension as

the students have high. Comprehension skill, it can be assessed that the task given

(the use of speech through video recording) can represent the students speaking


These results can be concluded that the students can understand when they

conveyed the information for audience.

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The researcher would like to conclude and gave suggestion in this chapter.

Those was helped to understand about two objectives that had been presented

to know the use speech through video recording represent the students

speaking skill and the dominant aspect that founding in the speech through

video recording in the fourth semester of English department IAIN Salatiga in

the academic 2014/ 2015 in the interpreting subject.

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis in the chapter IV, the researcher answered the

problem question (see in the chapter I) into two main conclusions in this

section. Firstly, to respond to the first question of how speech through video

recording represent the students‟ speaking skill in the Interpreting subject, the

researcher found that speech through video recording as one kind of

assessment in the Interpreting subject do represent the students‟ speaking skill.

The results show that 80.95% students achieved scores ranging from “Very

good” to “Enough”. This means more that 80% students are able to show their

speaking skill using speech through video recording. Thus, it can be concluded,

then, that the use of speech through video recording represents thespeaking

skill of thefourth semester students of English department atIAIN Salatigain

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the academic year of 2014/2015. The results of the percentage are found from

the calculating of students score as the results of documenting this finding is

supported qualitively using the result of observation and interview. From the

observation and interview (see appendix), the students feel an improvement for

the speaking skill when the assignment is conduction via speech through video


Secondly, to answer the second question in chapter I, what is the

dominant aspect of speaking skill found in the speech through video

recording?, the researcher has demonstrated in chapter IV that the speech

through video recording is comprehension (total score 64). Implicitly, it can be

concluded that using an assessment speech through video recording, the

students relatively had good understanding and comprehension of what they

were talking to in the speech.

Finally, although most students are relatively successful in using speech

through video recording to represent their speaking skill, it is still necessary for

the lecturer to pay more attention to the 19.05% students who still have low

speaking ability.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are suggestions that speech

through video recording in the speaking assessment:

1. Theoretically

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This research contributes to literature especially in the English

teaching like how to represent the students speaking skills. This result of

this research can be used as references of other researcher that that will

conduct the same research and same topic.

2. Practically

The use of speech through video recording can be used by the

lecturers of Interpreting subject and other lecture in the represent speaking

skill of students.To pass in the assessment, the first, the students must

prepare the material before they present their assessment. Secondly, the

students must practice the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar to

success in the assessment.

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Name : Ika Nur Mufidah

Class : Interpreting Class E

NO. Reg : 11312022

Media : Taking Note

1. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang pelajaran Interpreting ?(What

do you think about Interpreting Subject?)

Intepreting adalah salah satu pelajaran yang menarik karena cara mengajar

beliau itu enak, sehingga banyak siswa yang enjoy mengikuti pelajaran ini.

(Pak Faisal‟s style in the teaching is enjoyable, so many students enjoyed in

the class).

2. Apakah anda senang dengan materi yang di sampai kan oleh

dosen, dan bagaimana perasaan anda ? (Do you enjoy with the materials

was given by the lecture? What do you think?)

Iya saya enjoy dapat mengikuti pelajaran Interpreting . Dosen membanatu

siswa-siswa ketika mereka mengalami kesulitan didalam pelajaran

Interpreting.(I enjoy taking Interpreting class. The lecturer help the students

when they got difficult in the Interpreting lesson. )

3. Apa saja kendala yang anda hadapi ketika mengerjakan

tugas Interpreting yaitu pidato? (What obstacles do you faced when you

are doing the Interpreting assessment especially giving a speech?)

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Saya kurang persiapan ketika membuat tugas interpreting, jadi saya kurang

maksimal dalam berpidato. (I am limit to prepare the material when I make

Interpreting task. So I am not maximal in the speech).

4. Apakah ada peningkatan keahlian berbahasa anda setelah

mengikuti pelajaran interpreting subject ? (What does the improvement

of your speaking skill after you joined in the interpreting subject?)

Ya, Ada banya peningkatan baik dalam keahlian berbicara ataupun

dalamkosa kata.

(Ya, there are many improvement like in the speaking skill and in the


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Name : Ana Ardiyani

Class : Interpreting Class E

NO. Reg : 11312097

Media : Taking Note

1. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang pelajaran Interpreting ?(What

do you think about Interpreting Subject?)

Intepreting adalah salah satu pelajaran yang menarik karena cara

mengajar beliau itu enak, sehingga banyak siswa yang enjoy mengikuti

pelajaran ini. (Pak Faisal‟s style in the teaching is enjoyable, so many

students enjoyed in the class).

2. Apakah anda senang dengan materi yang di sampai kan oleh

dosen, dan bagaimana perasaan anda ? (Do you enjoy with the

materials was given by the lecture? What do you think?)

Iya saya enjoy dapat mengikuti pelajaran Interpreting . karena dosen

tidak hanya menjelaskan materi saja tapi juga humoris ketika didalam

kelas. Jadi banyak siswa yang senang ketika pelajaran Interpreting.(I

enjoy taking Interpreting class. Because the lecturer not only explain the

materials but the lecturer humorist in the class too. So many students that

happy when Interpreting class )

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3. Apa saja kendala yang anda hadapi ketika mengerjakan

tugas Interpreting yaitu pidato? (What obstacles do you faced when

you are doing the Interpreting assessment especially giving a speech?)

Saya masih banyak kesalahan dalam pengucapan kosa kata. (I make many

mistakes in the pronunciation of vocabulary).

4. Apakah ada peningkatan keahlian berbahasa anda setelah

mengikuti pelajaran interpreting subject ? (What does the

improvement of your speaking skill after you joined in the

interpreting subject?)

Ya, Ada banya peningkatan baik dalam keahlian berbicara ataupun

dalamkosa kata.

(Ya, there are many improvement like in the speaking skill and in the


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Full Name : Anik Hidayati

Nick Name : Anik

Place/ Date of birth : Semarang, December 27th

, 1991

Address : Dusun Kemasan 4/5, Klepu, Pringapus

Faculty : English Department

Education History :

1. SDN Klepu 04 Graduated in


2. MTs Darul Ma‟arif Graduated in


3. SMK Diponegoro Graduated in


4. IAIN Salatiga Graduated in


Salatiga, April 16th


Anik Hidayati


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NIM : 11310046



JUDUL : The use of speech through video recording to

represent the students’ speaking skill (The

Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English

Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic

Years 2014/ 2015)


NIM : 11310046



JUDUL : The use of speech through video recording to

represent the students’ speaking skill (The

Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English

Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic

Years 2014/ 2015)


NIM : 11310046



JUDUL : The use of speech through video recording to

represent the students’ speaking skill (The

Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English

Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic

Years 2014/ 2015)


NIM : 11310046



JUDUL : The use of speech through video recording to

represent the students’ speaking skill (The

Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English

Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic

Years 2014/ 2015)

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NIM : 11310046



JUDUL : The use of speech through video recording to

represent the students’ speaking skill (The

Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English

Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic

Years 2014/ 2015)