the u.s. enters wwi


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Section 1. The U.s. enters WWI. Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico from 1884-1911 Encouraged foreign investment to develop nation Majority of people were poor and landless and frustrated 1911 revolution erupted and forced Diaz to flee Francisco Madero took Diaz’s place - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The U.s. enters WWI


Page 2: The U.s. enters WWI

THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico from 1884-1911 Encouraged foreign investment to develop

nation Majority of people were poor and landless and

frustrated 1911 revolution erupted and forced Diaz to

flee Francisco Madero took Diaz’s place Unskilled administrator & Mexico continued to

decline Army officers plotted against Madero

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CONT. General Victoriano Huerta seized power

in Mexico and Madero was murdered, probably on Huerta’s orders

Wilson upset by Huerta’s actions refused to recognize new gov’t

Felt without U.S. support the gov’t would soon be overthrown

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WILSON SENDS TROOPS TO MEXICO April 1914 American sailors were

arrested in Tampico for entering a restricted area

Quickly released but Wilson demanded an apology

Mexicans refused and Wilson used refusal as an opportunity get rid of Huerta

Wilson sent marines to seize Mexican port of Veracruz

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CONT. Marines were not welcomed like Wilson

thought they would be Riots broke out Venustiano Carranza became Mexico’s

president Mexicans who opposed Carranza

weren’t happy so they conducted raids in the U.S. hoping to force Wilson to intervene

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CONT. Pancho Villa- led a group of guerillas that

burned Columbus, New Mexico killing Americans

Guerillas- armed band that uses surprise attacks and sabotage other than open warfare

Wilson responded by sending 6,000 troops led by General John J. Pershing to capture Villa

Pershing failed to capture guerillas; Wilson recalls Pershing’s troops with growing concern in Europe in 1917

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THE ALLIANCE SYSTEM Read this section Understand how Germany became a

nation France and Germany enemies Triple Alliance

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THE NAVAL RACE While major powers in Europe were dividing

into alliances, Great Britain remained neutral 1898 Germans began building a navy

challenging Great Britain’s navy Naval race had begun which increased

tensions with Germany and Great Britain causing Great Britain to establish closer relations with France and Russia

Refused a formal alliance so it became known as an “entente cordiale”- friendly understanding (Triple Entente)

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A CONTINENT GOES TO WAR Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to

Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated as he rode through Sarajevo

Gavrilo Princip was the shooter and he was a member of the “Black Hand” (Serbian Nationalist Group)

Serbian’s knew this was going to happen, they were looking to start war

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CONT. Austrians asked German allies for support

before attacking Serbia because they feared an attack would trigger war with Russia

Germany agreed Serbs counted on Russia to back them up,

Russia counted on France to back them July 28, 1914 Austria declared war on Serbia Russia mobilizes an army August 1 Germany declares war on Russia, 2

days later declared war on France WWI had begun

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GERMANY’S PLAN FAILS Germany had been waiting for war for a long

time Launched massive invasion of France hoping

to knock them out fast With France out of the picture Germany

could then focus on sending troops to Russia Problem: Germany had to advance through

neutral Belgium German troops crossed the Belgian frontier

and Britain declared war on Germany

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CONT. Germany’s plan worked at first They blew through Belgium and drove

French and British forces back Then Russia invaded Germany catching

Germany by surprise Germany forced to pull troops from

France and send them east French troops stopped German

advances at the Battle of the Marne

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CONT. Both sides were locked in a bloody

stalemate for 3 years in hundreds of miles of trenches

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CONT. Allies- France, Russia, and Great Britain

formed the backbone (Italy came in later)

Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria

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AMERICAN NEUTRALITY Wilson declares the U.S. neutral Americans however, showed support

for one side or the other German immigrants supported Central

Powers American public favored Allies

Americans treasured history link with France, great friend during Revolutionary War

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PRO-BRITISH SENTIMENT Read this section Propaganda

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BRITISH BLOCKADE British blockade Germany to keep it from

obtaining supplies Contraband- prohibited materials Germans knew how much the Allies

depended on the U.S. for supplies To get around Britain’s blockade the

Germans deployed submarines known as U-boats

U-boats would attempt to sink without warning any ship found around Britain

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CONT. Germany’s announcement triggered

outrage International treaty stated military

vessels must reveal their intentions to merchant ships and make provisions for the safety of the targeted ship’s crew and passengers before sinking it

Germans disagreed saying it would give away there position

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LUSITANIA May 7, 1915 German U-boat fired on

the Lusitania sinking it Killing 1200 passengers- 128

Americans Americans were outraged Wilson didn’t take extreme measures

against Germany Sent notes insisting Germany to stop firing

on civilian ships

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SUSSEX Germany ignored Wilson’s request March 1916 German U-boat fired on Sussex

injuring many Americans Wilson issued one last warning

Abandon submarine warfare or risk war with U.S. Germany didn’t want to strengthen the Allies Sussex Pledge- Germany would sink no more

merchant ships; kept U.S. out of war a little longer

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U.S. DECLARES WAR Arthur Zimmerman, German official, cabled

German ambassador in Mexico telling him to instruct Mexican gov’t to ally with Germany in an event of war b/w Germany and U.S.

Mexico would regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona after war (if Germany won)

Germany hoped this would occupy U.S. and keep them out of Europe

British intelligence intercepted this Zimmerman telegraph, shortly after it was leaked in American papers

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CONT. Feb. 1, 1917 Germany resumes submarine

warfare Didn’t believe U.S. could raise an Army fast

enough Germany sank 6 American merchants ship

between Feb 3-March21 Wilson appears before a special session of

Congress to ask for a declaration of war Senate: 82-6 in favor (April 4, 1917) House: 373-50 in favor (April 6, 1917) America was now at war

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