the trooping of the colour swan upping highland games

Great Britain: a Country of Traditions

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 The Trooping of the Colour Swan Upping Highland Games Slide 10 The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April, 21st, but she has an official birthday, too. Thats on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queens official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour. Its a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards Parade in London. A regiment of the Queens soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the regiments flag or colour.The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch in Horse Guards Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television. Slide 11 Swan Upping is an annual ceremonial and practical activity in Britain in which mute swans on the River Thames are rounded up, caught, marked, and then released.Traditionally, the Monarch of the United Kingdom owns all unmarked mute swans on the River Thames. This dates from the 12th century, during which swans were a common food source for royalty. Swan upping is a means of establishing a swan census, and today also serves to check the health of swans. Slide 12 Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as away of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy events, especially the caber toss. While centred on competitions in piping and drumming, dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture. Slide 13 Julia Bebekh Alina Valeria Matveeva .