the trojan war

The Trojan War The Trojan War English I English I

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. The Trojan WarEnglish I

2. Judgment of ParisAn important feast was taking place at the home of the gods and goddesses, Mount Olympus. The evil goddess of Discord, Eris, was angry that she was not invited, so she decided to make trouble. She threw a golden apple into the crowd. On the apple were the words For the Fairest. 3. Of course, all of the goddesses wanted the apple because each believed that she was the fairest. The choices were narrowed down to three: Aphrodite, Hera, and Pallas Athena. The three goddesses asked Zeus to decide which one of them should get the apple, but he refused to have anything to do with the matter. 4. Zeus told the three goddesses to go toMount Ida, near Troy, where they wouldfind the young prince Paris. Zeus saidthat he was an excellent judge of beauty.Paris was a prince, but was doingshepherds work outside of Troy becausehis father, King Priam was warned thatParis would one day be the ruin of hiscountry. 5. Paris was surprise when he saw the threegoddesses. The goddesses each offeredParis a bribe to convince him that theydeserved the apple. Hera promised tomake Paris Lord of Europe and Asia.Athena promised he would lead theTrojans to victory against the Greeks.Aphrodite promised Paris that the fairestwoman in all the world would be his.Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. 6. The fairest woman in the world was Helen. Every young prince in Greece wanted to marry her. However, Helen was already married to Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon. 7. Paris traveled to Sparta and was greetedgraciously by Helen and Menelaus.Trusting Paris completely, Menelaus leftParis in his home and traveled alone toCrete. When Menelaus returned fromCrete, his wife was gone. Menelaus calledupon all the men of Greece to help himget Helen back. 8. Odysseus did not want to leave his home to join the Army and retrieve Helen. He pretended that he had gone mad; when a messenger arrived, he was plowing a field and sewing it with salt instead of seed. The messenger put Odysseus son in the direct path of the plow. When Odysseus stopped the plow, it was proven that Odysseus was not crazy, and he was forced to join the Army. 9. A thousand ships carried the Greek Army toTroy. The war went on for ten years.Neither side was able to win victory overthe other. Both sides lost many greatwarriors. The Greeks knew that theycould not defeat the Trojans by force;they would have to find a way to takeTroy by surprise. 10. Odysseus came up with a plan to build a giant wooden horse which was hallow and so big that it could hold a number of men.Several of the Greek warriors, including Odysseus hid inside the giant horse. The Trojans were afraid to destroy the horse because they thought the gods would punish them for destroying a gift, so they pulled the horse into the city. 11. In the middle of thenight, the Greekssnuck out of thehorse and into thecity streets of Troy.They burned thecitys buildings to theground and killed themen as they left theirburning homes. TheGreeks had won. 12. The Greeks went mad with victory the night they defeated the Trojans. They forgot what was due to the gods, and on their voyage home, they were terribly punished.The Odyssey is the story of one soldier-- Odysseus, a smart Greek--and his return home from war, a journey that lasts more than twenty years.