the times dispatch.(richmond, va) 1904-03-26. · socialand j fpersonctl'...

Social and j fPersonctL' (_-LXri.i.r_-i-)u».»»-»i-'r'i-'' *.-¦-¦ __.i_»i-**»*- Th. Colonlftl Damca ln tho fitnt* of vn-Klnla inet yesterday afternoon lt) tbo wlth tho president, Mrs. 1-t.rbc.t A. rifllbotne. In tho ehriir. An important roature ln the business «f the n ternoon waa the decl.lon o tho £r. ot tho Virglnia. Datnea to mib lal Irn- mediatoly. tho veatry book nhd regl-tor __o_ St_ Poler'B Church. New Kent. ono _f tho most notod and moat nl«w»**« .<* thft early colonlal eh«»ho8 ln tW« Blato. Clrcular lettera wero lend by Mra. Le- frw _nrt Mrs, Dnahl.l from a number of .hftdlffcrenl State sooletlea. Tho ono trom Hhode Island-announced the pubtlcation bv the Damea of that State ot a work .ontnlnlng "Tho Correapondonco of Co¬ lonlal Qovernors." This work haa mot wlth great appreclatlon and contalns a low amount ot hlstorlcal information. not to bo found eUowhore. lt la also 11- luatrated by mnny plcture.. of tho early Govornora nnd their homes. Mrs Claiborno, tho natlonal and State .re_Ident of tho Pames. and Mrs. Rusaoll Roblnson. of Nolson county. the honornry vlce-presldent of tho Virglnia soclety. wero chosen to repreaent the Damoa at the banquet to bo glvon ln Newport News, April 6th. on the occaslon of the .aunching of tho battlcshlp, Virglnia. Tho following delegatea wore chosen to ittend tho Natlonal Council convcnlng ln Washlngton, May .th. Mrs. XV. T. Btanard. Mrs. Reglnnld Gllham. Mra. William McC. llamsoy. of Westover; Mra. Charles Washlngton Coleman, of Wll- Uamaburg; Mrs. Ruseelt Roblnson, of Nelson county. Alternates: Mrs. John Sergeant Wlse, of New York; Miss Virglnia Corse, of ¦Alexandria; Mrs. Charles Davenport, Mrs. W. T. Roblna nnd Mra. Matthew Bland Harrlson/of Richmond. The meeting last afternoon wna. ___rge. Among those present wore: Mra. W. H. iTuttlo, ot the Unlverslty ot Virglnia; Miss Marla P. Duval, prlnclpal of the Vfrglnia Female Seminary nt Staunton, Va.; Mrs. Corbln Mercer, Mrs, W. H. Perklns. Mrs. A. J. Lefroy, Mrs. Charles B. Ball. Mrs. C. XV. P. Broclc, Mrs. L. R. Dashiell, Mra. XV. T. Stanard; Miss Helen Montaguo, Miss -ilen Wade, Mrs. Charles Robins. Mrs. Chrlstophor Tomp- klns, Mlas Sally Greonhow, Mrs. Junlus B. Mosby, Mrs. Ida XV. Ellorson, Mrs. Slantpn. Mrs. R. T. Hunter, Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson, Mrs. Charlea Davenport, Mrs. Cunnlngham' Hall, Mrs. W. H. Lyne, Mrs. Cassle Lyne Baker, Mrs. M.-C. Pat¬ terson, Mrs. XV; T; Robins and Mrs. Patterson. Collegiate Alumnae Meet To-day. The Vlrglni'a Branclj ot the Collegiate Alumnae will meet at il o'clock this morn¬ ing in the audltorlum of the Woman's Club. Mrs. W. II. Tuttle. who will pro- Blde at the meeting was ln Richmond yesterday as the guest of Mrs. Robert H. Fisher. Miss Marla P. Duval, of Staunton, will read a pape.r at th_ afternoon session of the alumnae, to which th_ pubiic are ir.vlted, and which will be held at 3 o'clock. The subject of Miss Duval's pa- per will be "Colleges for Southern Girls." She is stopping at the Jefferson Hotel whJIe In Richmond. Personal Mention. Miss Loulse Herbert has returned from a vlslt to the Misses Watson, of Dan- vllle. ; . ¦.--. Mrs. John A. SooU] of Farmvllle, Vo., ls wlth her son, Mr. T. H. Scott, who ls undergolng medlcal treatment ln TMctv- mond. Miss Nan Wheeler. of _Juffalo, New York, ls visiting friends in this city. Mrs. John R. Paco, of Danvllle, Va., ls the guest of Richmond felatlves. Dr. James M. Taylor. of Vassar Col¬ lege, was expected to arrive ln Richmond yesterday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Valentlne. Mrs. John L. Eubank is the guest of Mrs. Junlus B. Mosby. on East Grace Street. Mrs. Ella K. Harding ls qult. sick at her home. No. 911 North Twenty-fourtH Street, wlth a severo attack of grlp. Mrs. H. J. Chlldreas and little daugli- ter, Floyd, le'ft for Ba.tlmore yesterday morning, after spending two weeks wlth Mra. W. J. Harding ,,jnd otlyor friends on Church Hill. ,,. ... '"" WITH THE Y. M. C. A. jGrant Colfax Tullar to Address Men's Meeting To-morrow. Tlie blg men's meeting to-morrow wlll be held at the Bijou Theatre. Tho speak¬ er wlll be Grant Colfax Tullar, of Now Tork olty; his thome, "Deluslons," Cap¬ tain Frank Cunningham wlll sing, ond Mr. J. A. Spelgel wlll render Zllher solos. The doors wlll ba opened at 3 o'clock end the servlco beglns promptly at 3:30. The boy's, meeting wlll be held ln the 'Association HalJ and will bo addressed by Rev. Weston Bruner, ono of the bast epeakers ln the South. 'Dr, Brunor knows how to hold-lh0 attention of not only men, but boys, and keeps evory fellow awnke. The meeting wlll begin at 3 o'clock. At 6 o'clock, In tho Bssoclatlon buiid¬ ing, the "blg conversatlonal Blblo cluss and tho Gymnuslom Study Club wlll meet. All men nr* cordlully welcomo to any and all of these services and all bcys to ihe boys' meotlng. There wlll be a blg crowd nt the gym- naslum to-night and vhsfltors will bo cor- dially welcoine. The class work wlll bo- gln at 8:30 o'clock. Improvements wlll begin on the athlotlc grounds Monday morning aud by the end of next week, lt ls antlc'lpated that everythlng wlll be in shape for the season. Outdoor gym- naatics wlll be given unusual uttentlon. nev. Dr. E. L. Pell wlll conduct the Saturday afternoon atudy of tho Sunday echool lesBon, in tha association atudy room, at 5 o'clock. All student6 and teach'ers, both men and women, are cor- dially Invlted. Virginians to Wed. The followlng Virginians on yesterday tecured murriage licenses in Washington: Ernc-Ht K. Phllllps and Annle F. Btroiher. both of Fauquler county, Va. William V. Davery, of Tauewell, Va., and Mary E. Kllcklnger. of Prince Wil¬ liam county, ya. What Shall We! Have for Dessert? * This question arises in the family gvery day. _et us answer it to-day, Try Jett-O. adelicious and healthful dessert, Pre- pared in two mlnutes. Nopoiling! no baking 1 add boiling water and set to cool Flavors: .Lemou, Orange, Rasp- beny and Strawberry, Get a pacUg« «t Jrpur jfiocws to-day, _JKff% * i.n.wnii ii >_>iii>'iiii~ii~nrir«vuvir, ¥~iirnirii¥-,'hi-»'iiuii<in»innririri-rinr-«*>r»'ik ¦i'-----'--'-*i»«--'i ' POEMS VOU OIJOHT TO KNOW Whatever your oectipatlon way be, and however crowd«d .your houri with nft'alrs, do not faii to aecure at le_siyg few tnlnutea every day tot refreshment of your inner liie with a hit of poetry..Prof. Charlea Ellot Norton, No. 141. At The Church Gate. By THACKBRAY. Wlllltun Makepenee 'Thackeray wa» born at Caloutta, July 18. Mlt. He received an cducatlon al Trinity CoIKro, Cnmbrtdge. He leeturod ln the United States ln 18o2-B3, and wns editor of Iho Cornblil Maft-aalne, 1860-fia. Hb died at London, Deeember 24, 1863. He Is more tamotia at a hoveltat than aa a poot, ALTHOUGH I enter not, Yet round about the spot Oftimes I hover; And near the sacred gate, With longing eyes I wait, Expectant of her. The minster bell tolls^out Above the city's rout And noise and hutnming; They've hushed the minster bell;, The organ 'gins to swell; She's coming, coming! My lady comes at last, Timid. and stepping fast And hastening hither, With modest eyes downcast; She comes.she's here.she's past! May h.eaven go with her! Kneel undisturbed, fair saint! Pour.out your praise or'plaint Meekly and dulyj I will not enter there, To sully your pure' prayer With thoughts u'nruly. But suffer me to pace Round the forbidden place, Lingering a minute, Like outcast spirits who wait. And see, through Heaven's gate, Angels _*? This serles beran ln the Tlmes-Dispatch Sunday Oct. 11, 1903. One ls published eaoh day. DAILY FASHION HINTS. Ladies' Dressing Sack. ¦No. 6111..Never has there been a sea¬ son when handkerchlefs played ao im¬ portant a part ln women's dress. We have handkerchlef blouaes and handker- chlef llngerle, but lt ls ln, the dressing sack that it shows off best, Almost every woman has a few of those pretty, brlght colored Japanese silk handker¬ chlefs, and wlth only four good-slzed ones she is able to fashion a garment that is equal to the most expenslve im- portatlon. The flgured silk handker¬ chlefs are not the only klnd that may be used. Many cotton "bandana" handker¬ chlefs have pretty deslgns, and the col¬ ors are not hurt by frequent launderlng. A charmlng reproductlon would be ot H'CVdered lhand.torchlf.fs. those having polka dotted bordor bolng especlally pretty. The pattern may be mado In olthor of two ways. having a plaln front, slrriply trlmmed with border and fltted under tho arms, or ns Bhown In the amall llluatratlon, wlth fancy angel Bloove.8, It la not necessary to uso hand- kerohlefs; any square will do, or lt can bo mado from "yard" gooda. Matorial roqulred for medlum slzo, three nnd a quarter yards, thlrty-alx Inches wide, or handkerchlefs 24x24 Inches gquaro. Sizes-Small, medium and large. On rocel_)t of 10 cents thlB pattern will be aent t. any addreaB. All ordors muat be dlrocted to THE LITTLE FOLKS PATTISRN CO., No. 78 Fifth Avonue, New York. When orderlng, please do not fal) to mentlon number. No. 6U1. Name. Address. In the City Courts. ln thev Law and Equlty Court yesterday judgment waa rendered iu favor of W. L. Warlng, Jr.. va. Jullan Bryar.t, for $:i0.._7, subject to a credit of .103.78. In the .am. court, ln the case of Aua- tln Young and Company va. D. O'BulU- van, the plalntlff was non-aulted, ». Motlon for Judgment %vaa flled In the caet. of Mlguel Lovente ur.d Edward Wadlaka agalnat Charlea E. StrauaB for .147.48. ln the City Circuit Court N. H Wll- llamn, caahler, obtalned Judgment for .43_,-_ against J. R. Tisdalc and othera. Judgment for $156.8-1 in favor of J. 11. Godsey against William Klng waa awarded. ln the Biill of Gracle Loe Jackson against the Richmond Tranafer Company Judgment for V_*w was emcre.. Tho ault was for 11(000. Mrs. Chesterman Sick, Mra. Fo.reat S. Chesterman, who haa re¬ cently undergone a ..very dellcato opera- tlon at the Memorlal HoMiital, la some- what improved, and her frlenda hope ahe _tlli b. a.i-1 lo b. out in _hort, while. MAY NOW PRACTICE PHARMAGY IN VA. List of Graduates Given Out by State Board.Two Ladies. The State Board of Pharmacy, which held Its annual sesslon hero this week for the exam_:atlon of persons deslrlng to practlce that professlon ln Virginia, g-ave out the list ot successful apjdicants yestorday. There aro thlrty-nlr.e, graduates as reg- Istered pharmaclsts, two of whom are ladles. The Hat of .reglstered asslstants embraces slxteen successful appllcants. while flve applled for reglstered pharma¬ clsts and wero given certlflcates as as- sistants, The list Is, ln full, as follows: REGISTBRED PHARMACT3TS. Frank B. Simpson, Charlos _. Guth- rle, F. D. Wllson, F., B. Grubbs, Mrs. Nelllo F. Benson. Hugh A. Saul. J. _. Morgan. J. H. Rlnker, B. D. Ooloman, G. E. Turwr, W. S, Cavedo, H. W. Boyd, W. Scott Hunt, R. K. Akers, Mrs. J. P. H. Coloman, _, M, Balley, A. S. Trant, T. C. Maddox, George B. Sheppo, R. E. Clark, J..W. Gullck, J. W. Irons, E. M, Newsom. J. H, Btratton, J. T. Fitch, S. E, Mo_sey, W. F. Jones, C. A. Woodrum, J. W. Uttlejohn. D. F.'Wat- son, J. R. Wheeler, -Harry D. _lmmer- man, F, K. Lako, P. H. Burruss, W. M. Sclater. John S. McMath, W, H. Whlto, E. H. Bratton and R. C. Franel. REGISTERED ASSISTANTS. W, F. Rudd, J. Conrad Kearfott, M. C. Scott, C. M. Showalter, D. C. McClenny, J, H. Ashby, C. 13. Wood, D. M, Plerco, E. A. Hlnes, J. D. Thompson, J, C. Ray, E, W. Farley, H, D. Prlnoa, Ii. E. Way- land, J. M. Burton and . Creekmoro. Tho followlng gentlemen applled for reglstratlon as roglstored pharmaclsts and woro reglstered on asslstantsj H. F, Drnlto, F. C. Hanrahan, C. M, FlBher, C, H. Sebrell and W. H. Royall. LAY BRICK AT NIGHT. To Examine Applicants for Ca- det-ihips at Annapolis. (Special to' Tbe Tlmea-Dtapatch..) GREENSBORO. N. C. Maroh 25..Th. unuBual alght of a emall army of men laylng brick and dolng other formi of building. by electrlc Ught. will greet vtal- tora here Monday night. Mr, C. D. Benhow ho. Just had a sufnclency of elootrlo aro llghtB placed ln poaltlon around the new five atory annex to hla hotel to make the nlght ns brlght aa day. Tho contraotora will put on a nlght ahlft of workmen, beglnnlng Mon¬ day nlght. Every offlce and store room ln the largo building has boen leaeed In advanco. and Mr. Benbow la anxlouB also to have the building ln auoh condition by the time tho State Demc.cra.lo Conven¬ tion meeta here June 28d-_4th as to give a houao warralng to four or five hundred vlBftlng gueata. ProfeaBor J. I. Foust. of the Stato Nor- mal and Industrial Colloge,- and Professor Thom ,8 A. Sharpe, auperlntendont of ed¬ ucation for Gullford county, have been appointed by Ci.ngrc.aman Kltcben to examine appllcanta^ for appointment to caretahlp at Annapolla from tlie Fifth CotigresBlonal District, and will c'0i.du:_|, a competltlve exarnination ln the i.uir.1- house here to-morrow. Mr. Talley Won't Run. Mr. R. A. T_)ley announce. that he will not be a candldate for the Common Connell Jn Jefferson War.. INSPECT THE Will Announcc Experts to" Ex- amine Atlantic and North CaroHrta Next Week, -,>_J-' ;' '.-'-' THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS Adjutant-General Issues Order Creatirtg a' Military Advisory Board.Sliit Compromised. (Special to The Tlntes-Dlspatch.) RADEIGH, N. C, March 2o.-Genernl Carle A. Woodruff, of the.United States army, and Col*) el T. H. Bane, Inspector- genoral of the North Cnrollna Natlonnl Gunrd, after jirapectlng tho two Ralelgh companles last nlght, left this morning for Goldsboro. where they wlll lnspoct tho Goldsboro company to-nlght. They spenk In hlgh terms of all companles. they ha,v0 lnspected thus far. Woko county Crlmlnnl Court f6r March, which opens next Monday, has a docket of 137 cases, two of which aro for capi¬ tal offensoa. Wlll Adams, colored, must stand trial. for the murder of a ro: speoted negro woman and her child In St, Mathows townshlp, and" George Mc- Nelll'' must ariswer for attemptcd out- rage on a woman by the namo of Emma Taylor. * ¦¦.'., Tho.'Agrlcuftufah and Mcchantcal C'olr lege basc-ball\ tenm wns dofeatod by. the Oak- Rldge team last afternoon ou ,the Falr Grour.ds dlamond by a score of 6 to 3. .1 SPECIAL, BXAMINERS. Governor Aycock snys ho wlll announce pro'bably nc.xt Monday tho nnmos of the three experts who wlll nsslst tho State Board of Interrial Improvements in the Investlgatlon to bp made of the condl¬ tlon ot-the Atlantic nnd North Carolina Railroad Company. They have already, lt ls Said, sottled on two of the commit¬ teo, bUt all wlll be mnde public at tho aamo tlmo. President F. P, Venable was here yes¬ terday maklng flhal nrrangernents for the examlnatlon of appllcar.ts foJ> tho Rhodes scholarships, to;be beld Aprll 18th. Thero are over- a dozen appllcants. for the North Carolina, scholarshls, all the load- Ing colleges'being represented. Slnce the creatlon of the fund by the last General Assembly the State Board of Educatlon has made loans to alxly-one countles,. amouhtlng to $86,411, from the loan- fund for buiiding and iinprovlng ¦public school: houses. There ls- stllf $311,000 of this ,fund avnllablc. With, tho money loaned school bulldlngs have been secured ln _08 dlstrlcts; 173 new school houses have been built with the ald of tho loan, .and 35 .other school houses havo beeu purjehased or repalred. The total valuo of bulldlngs secured with the loans is $230,1*). There. were 78 school dlstrlcts^that had no school houses before the loans were secured. , Of the houses built, 116 were in nc- cordance strlctly with plans sent out by the State-Superlntendeht of Public In8tructlon. Snperlr.tendent Joyner says lt ls |mposslblb"lo ejttlmatc the great ben¬ eflt thnt dertved from'a wlse use ot this permanont loan 'fund through tho next decade. Adjutaht-Genera] B. S. Royster'Issues an order creatlng the "military advisory board," which. wlll t take under consld- ordtion all rriatter's pertainlng to the North Carollra Natlonnl Guard, and r'ec- ommend to tho Governor what actlon to take. Tho board conslejts of the adju- atnt-general, brlgade commander,' the three reglmental commanders, Inspector- general; fiunrtermaster-general, chief of engineers and commandlr.g offlcer ot naval brlgade. H. B. Parker, Jr., of Goldsb.oro. who was severely lnjured In the Southern Railway wreck near Ralelgh last May, hns compromised his suit for damages, ac'ceptlng $6,500. He sued for $20,000. Mr. Parker was a member of tho last General Assembly from Wayne county. « - Small Bankrupt Case. William King, a retall lco merchant of this city, yesterday, thruogh his attor¬ ney, H. W. Gooilwln, tlled ln the United States Court n voluntary petltlon ln bank- ruptcy. The dobta scheduled aggrpgate $1,578, none being secured, and all aro due to Richmond firms.^and indlvlduals. Nono execed $100. No asseta are.' roported. Elect School Officers. President W, M. Turpin, ot the Board of Aldermc-n, hns called a Jolnt sesslon of tho two bodles of. the Council for Monday nlght to elect successors to School Trustees james -H.' Capera, Sr,, Roland H. Chlldroy and Charles Hutzler, whoao terms wlll shortly explre. They wlll all be rc-elocted. Mr. Gray Sick. Mr. Edward Gray, deputy commlsslonor of tho revenuo, ls co' his home by slckness, Gold Mcdal At Pan _uuerica_ Exposition Unlike Any Other! The full flavor, the delU cious quality,. the absojute Purity of Lowney'a Break- fast Cocoa distinguisn Jt from all others. Lowney's Cocoa |s the finest posslblo prodwet oMhe cbolccst Cocoa Ueans. ' (o make ChacoMt Bo>,4oHf, F»W> t. w_t_ u. i#w*r *.> w*** r"*> Run Down, Wea_V Rheumatic; Was Cured By !l Social Clrcles of New Vork Know Well the writerof This a.nteful Pralse. "Trnce 6very idleoaBo or puln to tlio TRt-E CAUtiR. Pain la only tbo algn .or symptom. lt la Idle lo treat tbo pain itseif. Thu only trim ctirA for fliifferliiff Is the curo thnt CUHB8 THE TRUE.CAUSE!,. wenkness of th_ IN- NBR nervoa. v' ¦-, .Professor Edwot*d H. Ph-lps, M, D,, LL. V., ot Darttrlouth Unlveretty.Famotifl Dlacov-. 'er.r of Palne'a Cclery Compotitid, .-'.'. Head Miss Mu.r8hallT8 letter, hot becatiso ahd ls "the beautiful Charlotte Marsliail," but be- causo sho'Ib a Woman.exactly like other-wo- men.-because ahe whfl sick and- stifterlngi and because other women who havo wrlt- ton lie by thouanntla.found ut last rellcf from her paina.and the way to true Health. Mfas Marahall la a sound. well. happy. young. woman to-day, Palno's Colory Compound cured "tho real cntise" of her'stifforlng and slcknosa. MISS MARSHALL SUFFERED FROM Nervousneaa. Deapondency, trouble, Womanly Weakne&s, lnflammatory, Rhonmatlsm. HER LETTERI ¦'¦ "Wh6n I wn* elghteeit'years old I eontraeted Ititlammatory rhoumaUstn nnd lt had a very bad ef-oct upon my entire hoalth. became nervouo and Irrftable, ond I _m often sorry now when I thlnk how much my family had to bear '"'ThcTpalna were In my llmbs, but l nlaohad internar trouble, which caused me great <siirfet- Int.. Wo trled a great many ^medicines. both for tho rheumntlam nnd the apeclal wenknosa. But thev.dld not soem to do any good, and I be¬ gan to thlnk m-dlcincs were of no uae;i that my aufferlngs would end only wlth my Ufe. "1,'dld not expect any ooob) of,Palno'a Celery Compound. but only took It because my father made me do lt, in less than a week had ¦ch.^._dw?aykn0/8Sn,wliloh had made me an un. happy girl waa flrat rolleved by tho Compound. Thon ..gradually tho rhoumatism was taken out °f"mwll-'ntotrl-.a.y that It wns a audden cure. It took some time to conauor Umv rheumatlBbv J am thankful that my other trouble was relloved ¦io nulckly. or I mlgbt not have p.rsisted In n-patlntr my rheumatlsm. ..... , J ¦'_ -can now certlfy. however, that tho rheum- n.tlsm and mv other trouble havo been com- plete?y cured by your wonderful Celery Compound,". c^a MARgHAliLi- 6£> Weat Oth Streot. New York city. BROWN GIVEN Jury Deals Leniently With De- faiilting Life Insurance. Cashier. A STRONG PLEA FOR MERCY Mr. Meredith Touches Jury, and They Express Desire to Ask for Commutation. Theron H. Brown. late cashier of-the Mfo Insurance Company of Virglnia. who was charged wlth embez-llng $17,177.28 from that lnatitutlon; waa glVen the mlnl- mum punlahment of one year ln the penl- tentiary by a jury of the Huatlnga Court yesterday upon a plea of gullty and for mercy by the accused, and aentence waa 'wiendeflI until March 31at. ln order to allow hls counael to preparo a petltlon for commutation of aentence to con.tae- ment ln Jail. which the Jury ^expreasd their wllllngnesa to algn, and which will shortly be presented to tho Governor. Tha case was called at 11 o'clock be¬ fore Judge Witt, and the trlal consumed Ssa than an hour. the Jury having been readily aecured. and no wltnessea.having been examined.ln consequence of Brown a PThe°pr_-S!_r! showlng ln hls expresslon. the heavy marka of hla troublea, was accompanled in dourt by hls wjfo and a number .ot friends. It was manl- ,-,.. nn hands that ho was doepiy le8t on an nano demeanor __rTn cour and ^.iT along since his bot . -J jreat welght wlth the ,Jury. "TTelaWlx^^he punlshment for grand VToT:»* Sffi^K Wyndham ;S_S1 consumed lesa than ten minutes ""Tho latter opened tho case, and ln his atltement declared that if nccesaary he could provo that Brown took as much m _»000"nt a given time. theroby br nglng !.f_a_o ciearly wUb«* the definltion ot tho law aa to grand lareeny. In hla aoeech the attorney^for tbe, Common- wealth expresaed the hope that wh le do- mg their duty, they would temper justlce wlth mercy. Eloquent Plea Made. The apeeoh of Mr. Meredlth'was brlef. but eloquent, and touohing to a degrcc. He quoted Presldept Walker, of the Life .nsu.-_nco Company, as having expressed t o bellef that Brown must not.havo had proper eontrol ,of hls mental facultlea when be oommltted the deod. Mr Meredith read a joint letter from PreBidon't Walker and President J. N. Bovd of tho Virglnia Trust Company, whloh company bonded Brown. strong.y urglng that the prlsoner be aealt* wlth rnerdtully. and atatlng thnt ln the end nelther the Trust Company nor the In¬ surance Company would loae anythlng, Both Messrs Meredith and Richardson, alluded to the latter fact, dnd they made rcference to the glvlng up by Mrs. Brown of her huaband's life inaurance, amountlng to f.,500, as well hb the pro. ceeda of tho sale of her household funil- Tlie entire proceedlngs were pnthetlc, and the deepest sympathy for the prls¬ oner was manl'feated on every hand, Brown was remanded to jail, and lt Is expected that ln a few days a petltlon for tbe commutation of bis aentence will be preaented to Governor Montague. The Jury that trled the oaao conslsted ot Messrs, T. D- Noale, Wnden K. Shep. herd W. D. Rlce, P. T. Howle, Warner B Roane. ... H. Cottrell, Ira R. Bland, H XV. Eubank, C. 8. Gates, C, P, CadoW John lf* Gardner nnd P. D. Overton. Charters Granted. The following charters havo been (rrnntud iby the Corporatlon Commis-lon: Snarrow & Gravely Tobacco Company _lnc 1 Martlnavlllo; J.tD. tlparrow presf- a_iit: capllttl stock, .30,0.00 *o *6O,0iJ0. VlrglnluVCarollna ^.ulmher Company fine) Lynchburg; R. T. Yates, president; c "nl'tal stock tW.M to *6O,0OO John T. Powers Company (inc), Rlch- mo. d I.Illlo Virglnia Powers, president; C..P1H.I stock. .l.«~ lo .5,000. P'*F .ei nam. of the Try-Angle Clrar.and Ci-proot Ci.m_>any. of Rlohmonfj, wm changedby an._n_n.-i-t \o the IMcCabe- TO PRE- POEMS \ Price you A15 Gts.125 Cts. OUGHT SERVEX TO _> \ KNOW By Mail, 35c and 45e at the * ** Tiiries-Disp_,tch Business Office. V_-J H elp>. Wanted? R B ooms.. To Let? oarders Wanted? . - ADVERTISB IN -¦'-" TO-MORROW S TIMES-DISPATCH. To Secure Proper Classlflcatlon, WANTS for ; To-morrow's Tlmes- Dlspatch must be ln the Office Be¬ fore 10 P, M, To-day. CALL EARLY .. and\ . A VOID TM RUSH. STAMPS THAT ARE COMMEMORATIVE Can Mail Letters With Stamps That Tell of the Great Louis- iana Land Purchase, Of courae, they will havo to come. The great World's Falr at St. Ixuils in com- nuemoratlon of Thomas, Jefforaon'H blg real ostate dcal of one hundred and one years nso could not bo a complete suc¬ cess uiiloss nlne-tenths of the letters malled tliroughout tl>s country during tha contlnuance of tho show shall havo upon them a oommomorutlvo postago stamp, mado and provlded for that ex» press purpose. po'stroaster Knlght and all tho oth-or postmastors ln th© country"have rocolved official jiotlce that they. are being print¬ ed and wlll bo on hand and for sale iu all poatofflces on Aprll 80th, .the dtiy tho blg show opens In St. Louis. Tlio clrcular maklng tha announcement Postmasters ar_ notlfled that a special aerles of Btamps in flvo denomlnatlons,' to commemorate the toulshum Purchase- of 1803, and known as commemoratlvo eerles of 1804, wlll be Isaued, Ibeginnlng Aprll 21st, for sale to tho publlo c-ttrlne the term, of the f_ulsla-na Puroliaso Ex- position, from Aprll 30th to December- 81st 1904. They must not' bo sold to tho Publlo before or after the per(qd.- The aenomlnatton and subject ot these stsmps aro as follows: OQS-aen.t.,,: ,'fr$ent subJecti Robert .,;i FORMAL OPENING I We^xtend a cordial invi¬ tation to the public to at- tentl the opening of our _Jew Buiiding, 212-214 North Sixth Street, between Broad and Grace Streets, Saturday, March 2Gth, from 4 to6P. M. Dedioation Exercises at 4 P, M. Presbyterian Ccmmittee of Publication, RICHMOND, VA. N. R. SAVAGB. .''", E. H. SAVAGB. Establlshed 1881. N.R.SAVAGE&SON, With inany years' experlepca and R thorough knowledgo of'tho wants of the merchants and farmers of Virginia, the Carollnas and other" Southorn Statos, and being familiar with tho va- rltles of seeds sulted to tho climate and soll of thoso Statos, wo aro prepared to offer HIGH-GRADE SEED In any quantlty, at low prices, quality conaldered, vlz: CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ORCHARO GRASS, HEROS GRASS, &o., also carefully selected Wlnter and Spring Seed Oats, Rye, Corn, eto. Writo ub before buylng, N. R. Savage &Son, Rlohmond, Va PARK-R'S HAIR BAL8AM Oleanten and Uimtlflei the b»lr. 1'iumoifi u luxiirlmt growth. Kovor Falli to Ueitore Gray Halr to lt. Vouthrul OolorT Cwtn Kilp dlMHci * UlrMlii. gQc.and _.0___Dnig£______ Wvlngston, United Statea minlster to Franco, who conducted the negotlatlona for (ho liOulslana' purchase. Two-cent, red, Thomas Jefferson, who was President of the United States at tha tlmo the negotlatlona wore commenced and carrted through. Three-eent, pufplo, James Monroe, spa- clal iiinbussador to France In the mat¬ ter of' iho purchase, who, with Uvlng- stone, closed tho negotlatlon. Flve-cent, blufo WlUlam McKlnley, who as President approvecl tho acts of Congress- offlclally connecting the'United Statos government with the commemo- ratlve S]xposltion, Ten-cont, brown, XJnlted States map showlng the purchase terrltpry. There wlll be no comnjomoraUve lssua of stamped envflopeij, newspaper m.ap« or postaj cai'ds, " f

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Page 1: The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1904-03-26. · Socialand j fPersonctL' (_-LXri.i.r_-i-)u».»»-»i-'r'i-'' *.-¦-¦ __.i_»i-**»*- Th. Colonlftl Damca ln tho fitnt* of vn-Klnla

Social and jfPersonctL'

(_-LXri.i.r_-i-)u».»»-»i-'r'i-'' *.-¦-¦ __.i_»i-**»*-

Th. Colonlftl Damca ln tho fitnt* ofvn-Klnla inet yesterday afternoon lt) tbo

wlth tho president, Mrs. 1-t.rbc.t A.

rifllbotne. In tho ehriir.An important roature ln the business

«f the n ternoon waa the decl.lon o tho

£r. ot tho Virglnia. Datnea to mib lal Irn-mediatoly. tho veatry book nhd regl-tor__o_ St_ Poler'B Church. New Kent. ono

_f tho most notod and moat nl«w»**« .<*thft early colonlal eh«»ho8 ln tW« Blato.Clrcular lettera wero lend by Mra. Le-

frw _nrt Mrs, Dnahl.l from a number of

.hftdlffcrenl State sooletlea. Tho ono trom

Hhode Island-announced the pubtlcationbv the Damea of that State ot a work.ontnlnlng "Tho Correapondonco of Co¬

lonlal Qovernors." This work haa motwlth great appreclatlon and contalns a

low amount ot hlstorlcal information.not to bo found eUowhore. lt la also 11-

luatrated by mnny plcture.. of tho earlyGovornora nnd their homes.Mrs Claiborno, tho natlonal and State

.re_Ident of tho Pames. and Mrs. RusaollRoblnson. of Nolson county. the honornryvlce-presldent of tho Virglnia soclety.wero chosen to repreaent the Damoa at

the banquet to bo glvon ln NewportNews, April 6th. on the occaslon of the

.aunching of tho battlcshlp, Virglnia.Tho following delegatea wore chosen to

ittend tho Natlonal Council convcnlngln Washlngton, May .th. Mrs. XV. T.Btanard. Mrs. Reglnnld Gllham. Mra.William McC. llamsoy. of Westover; Mra.Charles Washlngton Coleman, of Wll-Uamaburg; Mrs. Ruseelt Roblnson, ofNelson county.Alternates: Mrs. John Sergeant Wlse,

of New York; Miss Virglnia Corse, of¦Alexandria; Mrs. Charles Davenport,Mrs. W. T. Roblna nnd Mra. MatthewBland Harrlson/of Richmond.The meeting last afternoon wna. ___rge.

Among those present wore: Mra. W. H.iTuttlo, ot the Unlverslty ot Virglnia;Miss Marla P. Duval, prlnclpal of theVfrglnia Female Seminary nt Staunton,Va.; Mrs. Corbln Mercer, Mrs, W. H.Perklns. Mrs. A. J. Lefroy, Mrs. CharlesB. Ball. Mrs. C. XV. P. Broclc, Mrs. L.R. Dashiell, Mra. XV. T. Stanard; MissHelen Montaguo, Miss -ilen Wade, Mrs.Charles Robins. Mrs. Chrlstophor Tomp-klns, Mlas Sally Greonhow, Mrs. JunlusB. Mosby, Mrs. Ida XV. Ellorson, Mrs.Slantpn. Mrs. R. T. Hunter, Mrs. J.Taylor Ellyson, Mrs. Charlea Davenport,Mrs. Cunnlngham' Hall, Mrs. W. H. Lyne,Mrs. Cassle Lyne Baker, Mrs. M.-C. Pat¬terson, Mrs. XV; T; Robins and Mrs.Patterson.

Collegiate Alumnae Meet To-day.The Vlrglni'a Branclj ot the Collegiate

Alumnae will meet at il o'clock this morn¬ing in the audltorlum of the Woman'sClub. Mrs. W. II. Tuttle. who will pro-Blde at the meeting was ln Richmondyesterday as the guest of Mrs. RobertH. Fisher.Miss Marla P. Duval, of Staunton, will

read a pape.r at th_ afternoon session ofthe alumnae, to which th_ pubiic areir.vlted, and which will be held at 3o'clock. The subject of Miss Duval's pa-per will be "Colleges for Southern Girls."She is stopping at the Jefferson HotelwhJIe In Richmond.

Personal Mention.Miss Loulse Herbert has returned from

a vlslt to the Misses Watson, of Dan-vllle. ;

. ¦.--.

Mrs. John A. SooU] of Farmvllle, Vo.,ls wlth her son, Mr. T. H. Scott, who lsundergolng medlcal treatment ln TMctv-mond.

Miss Nan Wheeler. of _Juffalo, NewYork, ls visiting friends in this city.

Mrs. John R. Paco, of Danvllle, Va., lsthe guest of Richmond felatlves.

Dr. James M. Taylor. of Vassar Col¬lege, was expected to arrive ln Richmondyesterday to be the guest of Mr. andMrs. B. B. Valentlne.

Mrs. John L. Eubank is the guest ofMrs. Junlus B. Mosby. on East GraceStreet.

Mrs. Ella K. Harding ls qult. sick ather home. No. 911 North Twenty-fourtHStreet, wlth a severo attack of grlp.

Mrs. H. J. Chlldreas and little daugli-ter, Floyd, le'ft for Ba.tlmore yesterdaymorning, after spending two weeks wlthMra. W. J. Harding ,,jnd otlyor friends on

Church Hill. ,,. ...'""


jGrant Colfax Tullar to AddressMen's Meeting To-morrow.

Tlie blg men's meeting to-morrow wlll

be held at the Bijou Theatre. Tho speak¬er wlll be Grant Colfax Tullar, of Now

Tork olty; his thome, "Deluslons," Cap¬tain Frank Cunningham wlll sing, ondMr. J. A. Spelgel wlll render Zllher solos.The doors wlll ba opened at 3 o'clock

end the servlco beglns promptly at 3:30.The boy's, meeting wlll be held ln the

'Association HalJ and will bo addressedby Rev. Weston Bruner, ono of the bastepeakers ln the South. 'Dr, Brunor knowshow to hold-lh0 attention of not onlymen, but boys, and keeps evory fellowawnke. The meeting wlll begin at 3o'clock.At 6 o'clock, In tho Bssoclatlon buiid¬

ing, the "blg conversatlonal Blblo clussand tho Gymnuslom Study Club wlllmeet. All men nr* cordlully welcomo toany and all of these services and allbcys to ihe boys' meotlng.There wlll be a blg crowd nt the gym-

naslum to-night and vhsfltors will bo cor-

dially welcoine. The class work wlll bo-gln at 8:30 o'clock. Improvements wlllbegin on the athlotlc grounds Mondaymorning aud by the end of next week, ltls antlc'lpated that everythlng wlll bein shape for the season. Outdoor gym-naatics wlll be given unusual uttentlon.nev. Dr. E. L. Pell wlll conduct the

Saturday afternoon atudy of tho Sundayechool lesBon, in tha association atudyroom, at 5 o'clock. All student6 andteach'ers, both men and women, are cor-

dially Invlted.

Virginians to Wed.The followlng Virginians on yesterday

tecured murriage licenses in Washington:Ernc-Ht K. Phllllps and Annle F.

Btroiher. both of Fauquler county, Va.William V. Davery, of Tauewell, Va.,

and Mary E. Kllcklnger. of Prince Wil¬liam county, ya.

What Shall We!Have for Dessert?* This question arises in the familygvery day. _et us answer it to-day, Try

Jett-O.adelicious and healthful dessert, Pre-pared in two mlnutes. Nopoiling! no

baking 1 add boiling water and set tocool Flavors: .Lemou, Orange, Rasp-beny and Strawberry, Get a pacUg««t Jrpur jfiocws to-day, _JKff%

* i.n.wnii ii >_>iii>'iiii~ii~nrir«vuvir, ¥~iirnirii¥-,'hi-»'iiuii<in»innririri-rinr-«*>r»'ik ¦i'-----'--'-*i»«--'i '

POEMS VOU OIJOHT TO KNOWWhatever your oectipatlon way be, and however crowd«d .your houri

with nft'alrs, do not faii to aecure at le_siyg few tnlnutea every day totrefreshment of your inner liie with a hit of poetry..Prof. Charlea EllotNorton,

No. 141.

At The Church Gate.By THACKBRAY.

Wlllltun Makepenee 'Thackeray wa» born at Caloutta, July 18. Mlt. He received ancducatlon al Trinity CoIKro, Cnmbrtdge. He leeturod ln the United States ln 18o2-B3, andwns editor of Iho Cornblil Maft-aalne, 1860-fia. Hb died at London, Deeember 24, 1863. HeIs more tamotia at a hoveltat than aa a poot,

ALTHOUGH I enter not,Yet round about the spot

Oftimes I hover;And near the sacred gate,With longing eyes I wait,

Expectant of her.

The minster bell tolls^outAbove the city's routAnd noise and hutnming;

They've hushed the minster bell;,The organ 'gins to swell;

She's coming, coming!

My lady comes at last,Timid. and stepping fastAnd hastening hither,

With modest eyes downcast;She comes.she's here.she's past!May h.eaven go with her!

Kneel undisturbed, fair saint!Pour.out your praise or'plaint

Meekly and dulyjI will not enter there,To sully your pure' prayerWith thoughts u'nruly.

But suffer me to paceRound the forbidden place,

Lingering a minute,Like outcast spirits who wait.And see, through Heaven's gate,Angels

_*?This serles beran ln the Tlmes-Dispatch Sunday Oct. 11, 1903. One ls published eaoh day.


Ladies' Dressing Sack.¦No. 6111..Never has there been a sea¬

son when handkerchlefs played ao im¬portant a part ln women's dress. Wehave handkerchlef blouaes and handker-chlef llngerle, but lt ls ln, the dressingsack that it shows off best, Almostevery woman has a few of those pretty,brlght colored Japanese silk handker¬chlefs, and wlth only four good-slzedones she is able to fashion a garmentthat is equal to the most expenslve im-portatlon. The flgured silk handker¬chlefs are not the only klnd that may beused. Many cotton "bandana" handker¬chlefs have pretty deslgns, and the col¬ors are not hurt by frequent launderlng.

A charmlng reproductlon would be otH'CVdered lhand.torchlf.fs. those havingpolka dotted bordor bolng especlallypretty. The pattern may be mado Inolthor of two ways. having a plaln front,slrriply trlmmed with border and flttedunder tho arms, or ns Bhown In theamall llluatratlon, wlth fancy angelBloove.8, It la not necessary to uso hand-kerohlefs; any square will do, or lt canbo mado from "yard" gooda. Matorialroqulred for medlum slzo, three nnd a

quarter yards, thlrty-alx Inches wide, orhandkerchlefs 24x24 Inches gquaro.Sizes-Small, medium and large.On rocel_)t of 10 cents thlB pattern will

be aent t. any addreaB. All ordors muatbe dlrocted to THE LITTLE FOLKSPATTISRN CO., No. 78 Fifth Avonue,New York. When orderlng, please do notfal) to mentlon number.

No. 6U1.



In the City Courts.ln thev Law and Equlty Court yesterday

judgment waa rendered iu favor of W. L.Warlng, Jr.. va. Jullan Bryar.t, for$:i0.._7, subject to a credit of .103.78.In the .am. court, ln the case of Aua-

tln Young and Company va. D. O'BulU-van, the plalntlff was non-aulted, ».

Motlon for Judgment %vaa flled In thecaet. of Mlguel Lovente ur.d EdwardWadlaka agalnat Charlea E. StrauaB for.147.48.ln the City Circuit Court N. H Wll-

llamn, caahler, obtalned Judgment for.43_,-_ against J. R. Tisdalc and othera.Judgment for $156.8-1 in favor of J. 11.

Godsey against William Klng waaawarded.

ln the Biill of Gracle Loe Jacksonagainst the Richmond Tranafer CompanyJudgment for V_*w was emcre.. Tho aultwas for 11(000.

Mrs. Chesterman Sick,Mra. Fo.reat S. Chesterman, who haa re¬

cently undergone a ..very dellcato opera-tlon at the Memorlal HoMiital, la some-what improved, and her frlenda hope ahe_tlli b. a.i-1 lo b. out in _hort, while.


List of Graduates Given Out byState Board.Two

Ladies.The State Board of Pharmacy, which

held Its annual sesslon hero this week

for the exam_:atlon of persons deslrlngto practlce that professlon ln Virginia,g-ave out the list ot successful apjdicantsyestorday.There aro thlrty-nlr.e, graduates as reg-

Istered pharmaclsts, two of whom are

ladles. The Hat of .reglstered asslstantsembraces slxteen successful appllcants.while flve applled for reglstered pharma¬clsts and wero given certlflcates as as-

sistants,The list Is, ln full, as follows:REGISTBRED PHARMACT3TS.

Frank B. Simpson, Charlos _. Guth-rle, F. D. Wllson, F., B. Grubbs, Mrs.Nelllo F. Benson. Hugh A. Saul. J. _.

Morgan. J. H. Rlnker, B. D. Ooloman,G. E. Turwr, W. S, Cavedo, H. W.Boyd, W. Scott Hunt, R. K. Akers, Mrs.J. P. H. Coloman, _, M, Balley, A. S.Trant, T. C. Maddox, George B. Sheppo,R. E. Clark, J..W. Gullck, J. W. Irons,E. M, Newsom. J. H, Btratton, J. T.Fitch, S. E, Mo_sey, W. F. Jones, C. A.Woodrum, J. W. Uttlejohn. D. F.'Wat-son, J. R. Wheeler, -Harry D. _lmmer-man, F, K. Lako, P. H. Burruss, W. M.Sclater. John S. McMath, W, H. Whlto,E. H. Bratton and R. C. Franel.

REGISTERED ASSISTANTS.W, F. Rudd, J. Conrad Kearfott, M. C.

Scott, C. M. Showalter, D. C. McClenny,J, H. Ashby, C. 13. Wood, D. M, Plerco,E. A. Hlnes, J. D. Thompson, J, C. Ray,E, W. Farley, H, D. Prlnoa, Ii. E. Way-land, J. M. Burton and . Creekmoro.Tho followlng gentlemen applled for

reglstratlon as roglstored pharmaclsts andworo reglstered on asslstantsjH. F, Drnlto, F. C. Hanrahan, C. M,

FlBher, C, H. Sebrell and W. H. Royall.


To Examine Applicants for Ca-det-ihips at Annapolis.

(Special to' Tbe Tlmea-Dtapatch..)GREENSBORO. N. C. Maroh 25..Th.

unuBual alght of a emall army of men

laylng brick and dolng other formi of

building. by electrlc Ught. will greet vtal-tora here Monday night.Mr, C. D. Benhow ho. Just had a

sufnclency of elootrlo aro llghtB placed lnpoaltlon around the new five atory annexto hla hotel to make the nlght ns brlghtaa day. Tho contraotora will put on anlght ahlft of workmen, beglnnlng Mon¬day nlght. Every offlce and store roomln the largo building has boen leaeed Inadvanco. and Mr. Benbow la anxlouB alsoto have the building ln auoh condition bythe time tho State Demc.cra.lo Conven¬tion meeta here June 28d-_4th as to givea houao warralng to four or five hundredvlBftlng gueata.ProfeaBor J. I. Foust. of the Stato Nor-

mal and Industrial Colloge,- and ProfessorThom ,8 A. Sharpe, auperlntendont of ed¬ucation for Gullford county, have beenappointed by Ci.ngrc.aman Kltcben toexamine appllcanta^ for appointment tocaretahlp at Annapolla from tlie FifthCotigresBlonal District, and will c'0i.du:_|,a competltlve exarnination ln the i.uir.1-house here to-morrow.

Mr. Talley Won't Run.Mr. R. A. T_)ley announce. that he will

not be a candldate for the CommonConnell Jn Jefferson War..


Will Announcc Experts to" Ex-amine Atlantic and North

CaroHrta Next Week,-,>_J-' ;' '.-'-'


Adjutant-General Issues OrderCreatirtg a' Military AdvisoryBoard.Sliit Compromised.

(Special to The Tlntes-Dlspatch.)RADEIGH, N. C, March 2o.-Genernl

Carle A. Woodruff, of the.United States

army, and Col*) el T. H. Bane, Inspector-genoral of the North Cnrollna NatlonnlGunrd, after jirapectlng tho two Ralelghcompanles last nlght, left this morningfor Goldsboro. where they wlll lnspoct tho

Goldsboro company to-nlght. They spenkIn hlgh terms of all companles. they ha,v0lnspected thus far.Woko county Crlmlnnl Court f6r March,

which opens next Monday, has a docketof 137 cases, two of which aro for capi¬tal offensoa. Wlll Adams, colored, must

stand trial. for the murder of a ro:speoted negro woman and her child In

St, Mathows townshlp, and" George Mc-

Nelll'' must ariswer for attemptcd out-

rage on a woman by the namo of Emma

Taylor. * ¦¦.'.,Tho.'Agrlcuftufah and Mcchantcal C'olr

lege basc-ball\ tenm wns dofeatod by.the Oak- Rldge team last afternoon ou

,the Falr Grour.ds dlamond by a score of


Governor Aycock snys ho wlll announce

pro'bably nc.xt Monday tho nnmos of thethree experts who wlll nsslst tho StateBoard of Interrial Improvements in theInvestlgatlon to bp made of the condl¬tlon ot-the Atlantic nnd North CarolinaRailroad Company. They have already,lt ls Said, sottled on two of the commit¬teo, bUt all wlll be mnde public at thoaamo tlmo. '¦President F. P, Venable was here yes¬

terday maklng flhal nrrangernents for theexamlnatlon of appllcar.ts foJ> tho Rhodesscholarships, to;be beld Aprll 18th. Theroare over- a dozen appllcants. for theNorth Carolina, scholarshls, all the load-Ing colleges'being represented.Slnce the creatlon of the fund by the

last General Assembly the State Boardof Educatlon has made loans to alxly-onecountles,. amouhtlng to $86,411, from theloan- fund for buiiding and iinprovlng¦public school: houses. There ls- stllf$311,000 of this ,fund avnllablc. With, thomoney loaned school bulldlngs have beensecured ln _08 dlstrlcts; 173 new schoolhouses have been built with the ald oftho loan, .and 35 .other school houseshavo beeu purjehased or repalred. Thetotal valuo of bulldlngs secured withthe loans is $230,1*). There. were 78school dlstrlcts^that had no school housesbefore the loans were secured. ,

Of the houses built, 116 were in nc-cordance strlctly with plans sent outby the State-Superlntendeht of PublicIn8tructlon. Snperlr.tendent Joyner sayslt ls |mposslblb"lo ejttlmatc the great ben¬eflt thnt dertved from'a wlse useot this permanont loan 'fund throughtho next decade.Adjutaht-Genera] B. S. Royster'Issues

an order creatlng the "military advisoryboard," which. wlll t take under consld-ordtion all rriatter's pertainlng to theNorth Carollra Natlonnl Guard, and r'ec-ommend to tho Governor what actlon totake. Tho board conslejts of the adju-atnt-general, brlgade commander,' thethree reglmental commanders, Inspector-general; fiunrtermaster-general, chief ofengineers and commandlr.g offlcer otnaval brlgade.H. B. Parker, Jr., of Goldsb.oro. who

was severely lnjured In the SouthernRailway wreck near Ralelgh last May,hns compromised his suit for damages,ac'ceptlng $6,500. He sued for $20,000.Mr. Parker was a member of tho lastGeneral Assembly from Wayne county.

« -

Small Bankrupt Case.William King, a retall lco merchant of

this city, yesterday, thruogh his attor¬ney, H. W. Gooilwln, tlled ln the UnitedStates Court n voluntary petltlon ln bank-ruptcy.The dobta scheduled aggrpgate $1,578,

none being secured, and all aro due toRichmond firms.^and indlvlduals. Nonoexeced $100. No asseta are.' roported.

Elect School Officers.President W, M. Turpin, ot the Board

of Aldermc-n, hns called a Jolnt sesslonof tho two bodles of. the Council forMonday nlght to elect successors toSchool Trustees james -H.' Capera, Sr,,Roland H. Chlldroy and Charles Hutzler,whoao terms wlll shortly explre. Theywlll all be rc-elocted.

Mr. Gray Sick.Mr. Edward Gray, deputy commlsslonor

of tho revenuo, ls co' his homeby slckness,

Gold McdalAt Pan _uuerica_ Exposition

Unlike Any Other!The full flavor, the delUcious quality,. the absojutePurity of Lowney'a Break-fast Cocoa distinguisn Jtfrom all others.Lowney's Cocoa |s the finest

posslblo prodwet oMhe cbolccstCocoa Ueans. '

(o make ChacoMt Bo>,4oHf, F»W>t. w_t_ u. i#w*r *.>w*** r"*>

Run Down, Wea_VRheumatic; Was Cured By

!lSocial Clrcles of New Vork Know Well

the writerof This a.nteful Pralse."Trnce 6very idleoaBo or puln to tlio TRt-ECAUtiR. Pain la only tbo algn .or la Idle lo treat tbo pain itseif. Thu onlytrim ctirA for fliifferliiff Is the curo thnt CUHB8THE TRUE.CAUSE!,.wenkness of th_ IN-NBR nervoa. v' ¦-,

.Professor Edwot*d H. Ph-lps, M, D,, LL. V.,ot Darttrlouth Unlveretty.Famotifl Dlacov-.'er.r of Palne'a Cclery Compotitid, .-'.'.

Head Miss Mu.r8hallT8 letter, hot becatiso ahdls "the beautiful Charlotte Marsliail," but be-causo sho'Ib a Woman.exactly like other-wo-men.-because ahe whfl sick and- stifterlngi andbecause other women who havo wrlt-ton lie by thouanntla.found ut last rellcf fromher paina.and the way to true Health.Mfas Marahall la a sound. well. happy. young.

woman to-day, Palno's Colory Compound cured"tho real cntise" of her'stifforlng and slcknosa.

MISS MARSHALL SUFFERED FROMNervousneaa.Deapondency, trouble,

Womanly Weakne&s,lnflammatory,Rhonmatlsm.

HER LETTERI¦'¦ "Wh6n I wn* elghteeit'years old I eontraetedItitlammatory rhoumaUstn nnd lt had a very badef-oct upon my entire hoalth. became nervouoand Irrftable, ond I _m often sorry now whenI thlnk how much my family had to bear

'"'ThcTpalna were In my llmbs, but l nlaohadinternar trouble, which caused me great <siirfet-Int.. Wo trled a great many ^medicines. bothfor tho rheumntlam nnd the apeclal wenknosa.But thev.dld not soem to do any good, and I be¬

gan to thlnk m-dlcincs were of no uae;i that myaufferlngs would end only wlth my Ufe.

"1,'dld not expect any ooob) of,Palno'a CeleryCompound. but only took It because my fathermade me do lt, in less than a week had

¦ch.^._dw?aykn0/8Sn,wliloh had made me an un.happy girl waa flrat rolleved by tho Compound.Thon ..gradually tho rhoumatism was taken out

°f"mwll-'ntotrl-.a.y that It wns a audden cure. Ittook some time to conauor Umv rheumatlBbvJam thankful that my other trouble was relloved¦io nulckly. or I mlgbt not have p.rsisted Inn-patlntr my rheumatlsm. ..... ,J ¦'_ -can now certlfy. however, that tho rheum-n.tlsm and mv other trouble havo been com-

plete?y cured by your wonderful CeleryCompound,".

c^a MARgHAliLi-6£> Weat Oth Streot. New York city.


Jury Deals Leniently With De-

faiilting Life Insurance.Cashier.


Mr. Meredith Touches Jury, and

They Express Desire to Askfor Commutation.

Theron H. Brown. late cashier of-the

Mfo Insurance Company of Virglnia. who

was charged wlth embez-llng $17,177.28from that lnatitutlon; waa glVen the mlnl-

mum punlahment of one year ln the penl-tentiary by a jury of the Huatlnga Court

yesterday upon a plea of gullty and for

mercy by the accused, and aentence waa

'wiendeflI until March 31at. ln order to

allow hls counael to preparo a petltlonfor commutation of aentence to con.tae-ment ln Jail. which the Jury ^expreasdtheir wllllngnesa to algn, and which will

shortly be presented to tho Governor.Tha case was called at 11 o'clock be¬

fore Judge Witt, and the trlal consumedSsa than an hour. the Jury having been

readily aecured. and no wltnessea.havingbeen examined.ln consequence of Brown a

PThe°pr_-S!_r! showlng ln hls expresslon.the heavy marka of hla troublea, was

accompanled in dourt by hls wjfo and a

number .ot friends. It was manl-,-,.. nn hands that ho was doepiyle8t on an nano demeanor

__rTn cour and ^.iT along since hisbot

. -J jreat welght wlth the ,Jury."TTelaWlx^^he punlshment for grand

VToT:»* Sffi^K Wyndham

;S_S1 consumed lesa than ten minutes

""Tho latter opened tho case, and ln his

atltement declared that if nccesaary he

could provo that Brown took as much m

_»000"nt a given time. theroby br nglng!.f_a_o ciearly wUb«* the definltion ot

tho law aa to grand lareeny. In hla

aoeech the attorney^for tbe, Common-

wealth expresaed the hope that wh le do-

mg their duty, they would temper justlcewlth mercy.

Eloquent Plea Made.The apeeoh of Mr. Meredlth'was brlef.

but eloquent, and touohing to a degrcc.He quoted Presldept Walker, of the Life

.nsu.-_nco Company, as having expressedt o bellef that Brown must not.havo hadproper eontrol ,of hls mental facultleawhen be oommltted the deod.Mr Meredith read a joint letter from

PreBidon't Walker and President J. N.Bovd of tho Virglnia Trust Company,whloh company bonded Brown. strong.yurglng that the prlsoner be aealt* wlthrnerdtully. and atatlng thnt ln the end

nelther the Trust Company nor the In¬surance Company would loae anythlng,Both Messrs Meredith and Richardson,

alluded to the latter fact, dnd they madercference to the glvlng up by Mrs.Brown of her huaband's life inaurance,amountlng to f.,500, as well hb the pro.ceeda of tho sale of her household funil-

Tlie entire proceedlngs were pnthetlc,and the deepest sympathy for the prls¬oner was manl'feated on every hand,Brown was remanded to jail, and lt Isexpected that ln a few days a petltlonfor tbe commutation of bis aentence willbe preaented to Governor Montague.The Jury that trled the oaao conslsted

ot Messrs, T. D- Noale, Wnden K. Shep.herd W. D. Rlce, P. T. Howle, WarnerB Roane. ... H. Cottrell, Ira R. Bland,H XV. Eubank, C. 8. Gates, C, P, CadoWJohn lf* Gardner nnd P. D. Overton.

Charters Granted.The following charters havo been

(rrnntud iby the Corporatlon Commis-lon:Snarrow & Gravely Tobacco Company

_lnc 1 Martlnavlllo; J.tD. tlparrow presf-a_iit: capllttl stock, .30,0.00 *o *6O,0iJ0.VlrglnluVCarollna ^.ulmher Company

fine) Lynchburg; R. T. Yates, president;c "nl'tal stock tW.M to *6O,0OOJohn T. Powers Company (inc), Rlch-mo. d I.Illlo Virglnia Powers, president;C..P1H.I stock. .l.«~ lo .5,000.P'*F .ei nam. of the Try-Angle Clrar.andCi-proot Ci.m_>any. of Rlohmonfj, wm

changedby an._n_n.-i-t \o the IMcCabe-



you A15 Gts.125 Cts.OUGHT

SERVEX TO_¦ _> 0¦ \ KNOW

By Mail, 35c and 45eat the

* * *

Tiiries-Disp_,tch Business Office.V_-J



ooms..To Let?


. - ADVERTISB IN -¦'-"


To Secure Proper Classlflcatlon,WANTS for ; To-morrow's Tlmes-Dlspatch must be ln the Office Be¬fore 10 P, M, To-day.

CALL EARLY.. and\ .



Can Mail Letters With StampsThat Tell of the Great Louis-

iana Land Purchase,Of courae, they will havo to come. The

great World's Falr at St. Ixuils in com-

nuemoratlon of Thomas, Jefforaon'H blgreal ostate dcal of one hundred and one

years nso could not bo a complete suc¬

cess uiiloss nlne-tenths of the lettersmalled tliroughout tl>s country duringtha contlnuance of tho show shall havo

upon them a oommomorutlvo postagostamp, mado and provlded for that ex»

press purpose.po'stroaster Knlght and all tho oth-or

postmastors ln th© country"have rocolvedofficial jiotlce that they. are being print¬ed and wlll bo on hand and for saleiu all poatofflces on Aprll 80th, .the dtiytho blg show opens In St. Louis.Tlio clrcular maklng tha announcement

Postmasters ar_ notlfled that a specialaerles of Btamps in flvo denomlnatlons,'to commemorate the toulshum Purchase-of 1803, and known as commemoratlvoeerles of 1804, wlll be Isaued, IbeginnlngAprll 21st, for sale to tho publlo c-ttrlnethe term, of the f_ulsla-na Puroliaso Ex-position, from Aprll 30th to December-81st 1904. They must not' bo sold to thoPubllo before or after the per(qd.- Theaenomlnatton and subject ot thesestsmps aro as follows:OQS-aen.t.,,: ,'fr$ent subJecti Robert .,;i


IWe^xtend a cordial invi¬

tation to the public to at-tentl the opening of our

_Jew Buiiding, 212-214North Sixth Street, betweenBroad and Grace Streets,Saturday, March 2Gth, from4 to6P. M.

Dedioation Exercises at 4 P, M.

Presbyterian Ccmmitteeof Publication,RICHMOND, VA.

N. R. SAVAGB. .''", E. H. SAVAGB.Establlshed 1881.

N.R.SAVAGE&SON,With inany years' experlepca and R

thorough knowledgo of'tho wants ofthe merchants and farmers of Virginia,the Carollnas and other" SouthornStatos, and being familiar with tho va-rltles of seeds sulted to tho climate andsoll of thoso Statos, wo aro preparedto offer

HIGH-GRADE SEEDIn any quantlty, at low prices, qualityconaldered, vlz:


also carefully selected Wlnter andSpring Seed Oats, Rye, Corn, eto.Writo ub before buylng,N. R. Savage &Son, Rlohmond, Va


Oleanten and Uimtlflei the b»lr.1'iumoifi u luxiirlmt growth.Kovor Falli to Ueitore GrayHalr to lt. Vouthrul OolorTCwtn Kilp dlMHci * UlrMlii.gQc.and _.0___Dnig£______

Wvlngston, United Statea minlster toFranco, who conducted the negotlatlonafor (ho liOulslana' purchase.Two-cent, red, Thomas Jefferson, who

was President of the United States at thatlmo the negotlatlona wore commencedand carrted through.Three-eent, pufplo, James Monroe, spa-

clal iiinbussador to France In the mat¬ter of' iho purchase, who, with Uvlng-stone, closed tho negotlatlon.Flve-cent, blufo WlUlam McKlnley, who

as President approvecl tho acts ofCongress- offlclally connecting the'UnitedStatos government with the commemo-ratlve S]xposltion,Ten-cont, brown, XJnlted States map

showlng the purchase terrltpry.There wlll be no comnjomoraUve lssua

of stamped envflopeij, newspaper m.ap«or postaj cai'ds, " f