the three magic kings!!!!! cardedeu, 20th december and 5th january 2012

THE THREE MAGIC KINGS!!!!! Cardedeu, 20th December And 5th January 2012

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Page 1: THE THREE MAGIC KINGS!!!!! Cardedeu, 20th December And 5th January 2012


KINGS!!!!!Cardedeu, 20th December And 5th January 2012

Page 2: THE THREE MAGIC KINGS!!!!! Cardedeu, 20th December And 5th January 2012

According to the tradition, they are the three Kings:

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-Melcior, the white king, he has the hairs and the beard long and completely white, dress goes with a tunic of hyacinth color and with an orange cape, he’s from European origin, and offered the gold to Jesus.

-Gaspar, the blond king, he is young, beautiful, has white and pink skin, and brown hairs, like Melcior dress goes according to the Gothic style, dressing an orange tunic and a red cape, he is from Asian origin, and offered the incense to Jesus.

-Baltasar, the black king, he dresses according to the style of the Arabs, brings a red tunic and a marbled white cape, he’s from African origin, and his offer to Jesus was the myrrh.

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The Page:The Page are some magical characters in the service of the Three Kings, and their missions are:-To announce the next arrived of the 3 kings. -To pick up the letters that take the children and girls to them. -To give them to Melcior, Gaspar and Baltasar,-Watching if the children and girls behave well.

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Afterwards the ride; where each King goes with his coach and their pages, and they distribute candies to all people!!!! And during the night they go through the houses leaving the gifts. In the smallest populations, the gifts are already distributed during the ride. The night of Kings children have to go to sleep early to let work with more calmly to the Kings, and it is necessary that the Kings know in what houses there are children, so, a slipper is left for each boy on the balcony. As the night is very long, the Kings and their camels will have thirsty and hungry, a plate with water has to be left for the camels, and a dish with nougats and some champagne for the kings, as a gratitude.

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The ride

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Kings giving sweets!!!!!

Children waiting to hand over their letter to one of the kings!!!!

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Meanwhile in our


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They arrived our pages on 20th of December!!!!!!

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Three of our six level students convert in pages for the smaller students, just for one day!!!!!

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Some kids are afraid of them!!!!!

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Some others are expecting!!!!

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It’s the turn to hand over their

letters for kings!!!!

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Some ones can’t do that!!!!!!

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But all of them are very pleased!!!!

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The pages will have a hard and really nice work to do!!!!!

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And they start doing it!!!!!

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They have a special post to throw the letters!!!!

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There are 150 small children expecting for the pages!!!!!

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The same are the teachers!!!!!!

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The typical letter to kings!!!!!

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An example of letter,

writted by an 8 years old


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Another one

from a 21st years old


Dear three Magic Kinds!!!!!As you know, This last year I was always a very good boy!!!!You know I’m studiing in the University to be a medecin, and my results are excellent, also, I tryed to help my family all time I could!!!!!! So, let me ask you for some things I wish!!!!!!-Something for my guitar!!!!Books: It doesn’t matter why, someone, about history, medecin, classicals, etc.A chair for my desk!.A pair of trainers for basketball!!!Clothes!!!! All kind, specially trousers!Some games for my computer : Fifa 2008, Nbalive 2008 ….A map of Catalonia, to hang on my bedroom!.  I will thank you a lot for all presents you could give me, it doesn’t matter if the ones I like you finished before arriving to my house!!!!! Sincerely,PB

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Naughty children will get only some coal!!!!!!

They must begood boys and girls!!!!!

A special one, made by suggar

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The ring-shaped cake of Kings is a typical cake of the Catalan cuisine in the form of ring, made of puff pastry and filling of marzipan with fruit door, candied, pine kernels and sugar above, and it is decorated with a crown golden in the center of the cake. It is habitual to eat it on 6 January, to celebrate the day of the Kings. This ring-shaped cake contains two hidden surprises: a dry bean and a figurine (normally of one of the Kings). According to the tradition, that who finds the figurine in their piece is crowned, and that one who finds the bean is that have to pay the ring-shaped cake.

Our typical cake on kings day

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We hope you like our traditions!!!!!

We love this day!!!!!