the thin cane of swamp (phragmites australis) is one of the most typical species of the sweet water...


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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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The thin cane of swamp (Phragmites australis) is one of the most typical species of the sweet water swamp and it covers wide areas

Thin cane of swamp

large underground rhizome;

rigid culm, erected and sturdy, high average from 50 to 250 cm.;

lanceolate leaves, with acute apex and sometimes of cartilaginoid consistency.

The thin cane of swamp is a perennial plant of unmistakable aspect equipped of

Typha angustifolia

Typha, from the Greek, tufh

(typhe), perhaps from typhein,

to smoke or to emit smoke, in

allusion either to the use of the

spikes for maintaining smoky

fires or to the smoky brown

color of the fruiting spikes

angustifolia, from the Latin,

angustus, "narrow", and folius,

"leaf"; hence, "narrow leaf"

The Typha angustifolia is an erect, rhizomatous, semiaquatic or aquatic, perennial herb.

The Leaves are: erect,

linear, flat, basal, very

narrow, and flattened; 4-

12 millimeter wide and

30-60 cm. tall; 12-16

leaves arising from each

vegetative shoot.

The Stems are stout

and erect

Rhizomes stout are produced at the leafbase

Flower structure a dense, fuzzy, cylindrical spike on the end of stem. Both male and female sections are roughly the same length. Male flowers lighter brown; female flowers often green during bloom turning dark brown during seed maturation. Individual blossoms minute and closely packed on spike. Bloom May-June.

•Fruits cigar-shaped and with soft, downy seeds.

•Seed a tiny nutlet, about 1 mm long, with downy hairs underneath

The Typha angustifolia has less rhizomes but more

extended than the latifolia on, and this lead up to a

smaller colonization rate, but at the same time it

allows to grow in deeper waters.

The Tamarisk is a small tree that the height goes from the 4 to the 8 meters and is enough long-lived.

The Tamarisk

It has a expanded gait and it has long branches, erected and curved in the external way. The bark is of ash-dark color and it is smooth.

It prefers the litoral sandy lands. It blooms between June and August. The wood is semihard; it is used for small works because, it is fragile and of not long duration.

The leaves are small, simple and are thickened in little bunches, with oval form and green-glaucous colour. The flowers are small, most numerous, in racemes. The fruit is a trigonal-pyramidal capsule, that contains few seeds, with some down in the high part.



Characteristics: Erected plant with dark oblique rhizome with one centimeter of diameter and shaft and in part erect that can be long such as the leaves.

The greenish leaves

start from the base of

the plant, becoming fan-

shaped; they are of

sword shape with

prominent median

nervation ,and wide up

to 3 cm. The flowered

spathes have lower


Every year the plant

delivers new jets from

the rhizome. The

flowers are in groups

of actinomorphic form

and have a diameter

that can surpass the

10 cm and they are of

a intense golden

yellow colour.

The external verticil is

formed by big tepals

that turn down and are

speckled with brown.

The three internal

tepals are smaller and

with a prolonged form

that goes overlook the


The morphology of this flower is quite complex, being

formed by two verticils with three tepals in alternating



Lacustrine hurds









Vilucchione - Calystegia sepium

Perennial from rhizomes,

trailing or climbing vine to e

metres long, with distinct

triangular leaves.  The

flowers have 5 Regular Parts

and are up to 7.5cm long (3

inches). They are white

sometimes pink. Blooms first

appear in mid spring and

continue into mid summer.

Once established, it is very difficult to eradicate the plant because it has very deep roots and is capable of re-growing from any part of the root left in the ground.

The flowers open in sunny weather

and remain closed during dull

weatherThe plant prefers light

(sandy), medium (loamy) and

heavy (clay) soils. The plant

prefers acid, neutral and basic

(alkaline) soils. It can grow in

semi-shade (light woodland) or no

shade. It requires moist soil


SALSOLA SODA a bushy plant having prickly leaves; burned to produce a crude soda ash