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The text of these notices may be subject to editing

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The text of these notices may be subject to editing

Page 2: The text of these notices may be subject to editing · PDF fileformer premier.doc . ... GPSC 3 Early Childhood Education, ... coordinating this inaugural exhibition and all the artists



Minister says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House express and place on record its deep regret in the loss sustained to the State by the death on 25 April 2016 of the Honourable Thomas Lance lot Lewis, a former Premier of the State ofNew South Wales.

--::>\-" -r' Dated ~ ~ '\:) ------~-----------------

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs arid Notices 2016\Leader of the Govt\Minister 160531 Condolence motion Mr Thomas Lewis former premier.doc

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Minister says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That upon tal;Jling, the Budget Estimates and· related papers for the financial year 2016 - 2017 presenting the amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated Fund be referred to the General Purpose Standing Committees for inquiry and report.

2. That, notwithstanding the House's resolution of 6 May 2015 allocating portfolio responsibilities to the General Purpose Standing Committees, for the purposes of the 2016-2017 budget estimates inquiry General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3 is to examine the Legislature portfolio.

3. That the initial hearings be scheduled as follows:

Day One: Monday 29 August 2016 GPSC 2 Family and Community Services, Social Housing GPSC 2 Roads, Maritime and Freight GPSC 3 Early Childhood Education, Aboriginal Affairs GPSC 3 The Legislature GPSC 3 Education

Day Two: J:uesday 30 August 2016 GPSC 2 Ageing, Disability Services, Multiculturalism GPSC 2 Transport and Infrastructure GPSC 3 Mental Health, Medical Research, Women, Prevention of

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault GPSC 3 Health

Day Three: Wednesday 31 August 2016 GPSC 4 Trade, Tourism and Major Events, Sport GPSC 4 Planning GPSC 1 Finance, Services and Property GPSC 5 Industry, Resources and Energy

9.00 am- 12.00 pm 2.00 pm- 6.00 pm 9.00 am- 11.00 am 11.15 am- 12.00 pm 2.00 pm- 6.00 pm

9.00 am- 12.00 pm 2.00 pm- 6.00 pm 9.00 am- 1.00 pm

2.00 pm- 6.00 pm

9.00 am- 12.00 pm 2.00 pm- 6.00 pm 9.00 am- 12.00 pm 2.00 pm- 5.00 pm

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Day Four: Thursday 1 September 2016 GPSC 4 Justice and Police, Arts, Racing GPSC 4 Attorney General GPSC 1 Treasury, Industrial Relations GPSC 1 Premier, Western Sydney GPSC 6 Innovation and Better Regulation

Day Five: Friday 2 September 2016 GPSC 5 Primary Industries, Lands and Water GPSC 5 The Environment, Heritage GPSC 6 Local Government GPSC 6 Regional Development, Skills, Small Business GPSC 6 Corrections, Emergency Services, Veterans Affairs

9.00 am- 1.00 pm 2.00 pm- 4.00 pm 9.00 am- 1.00 pm 2.00 pm- 6.00 pm 4.15 pm- 6.00 pm

9.00 am- 1.00 pm 2.00 pm- 5.00 pm 9.00 am- 11.00 am 11.15 am- 1.00 pm 2.00 pm- 5.00 pm

4. That supplementary hearings be scheduled during the week of 4 to 7 October 2016.

5. That each scheduled day for the initial round of hearings will begin at 9.00 am and conclude by 6.00 pm.

6. That the committees must hear evidence in public.

7. That the committees may ask for explanations from Ministers in the House, or officers of departments, statutory bodies or corporations, relating to the items of proposed expenditure. ·

8. That ministers may not make an opening statement before the committee commences questions.

9. That the committees are to present a final report to the House by 16 December 2016.

10. That members may lodge supplementary questions with the committee clerk by 5.00 pm, within two days, excluding Saturday and Sunday, following the hearing.

11. That answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions be published, except those answers for which confidentiality is requested, after these answers have been circulated to committee members.

Dated-~-\'-~~--' £~-

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Minister says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House desires to express and to place on record its deep sense of the loss sustained to the State and this House by the death of tfte Ileft6tli"ttele Dr John Kaye.

2. That this resolution be communicated to his family.


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Mrs Roussos says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that on Sunday 22 May 2016, the Laconian Federation hosted an exhibition and cocktail event showcasing items from the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil in Sparta and the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos at the Zarax Cultural Centre in Enfield, Sydney.

2. That this House notes that the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil in Sparta and the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos are two of the many new museums around Greece showcasing the rich history of their country, another of which is the Acropolis Museum.

3. That this House acknowledges the large number of leaders from the Greek comrilunity and representative organisations who attended the exhibition and cocktail event, along with:

(a) Dr Stavros Kyrimis, Greek Consul General in Sydney,

(b) Ms Jodi McKay, Member for Strathfield,

(c) the Honourable Sophie Cotsis MLC,

(d) the Honourable Courtney Roussos MLC, and

(e) Mr Nick V arvaris, Federal Member for Barton.

4. That this House congratulates the Laconian Federation and its constituent organisations for their successful event which attracted nearly 200 people, promoted important cultural and historical pieces of art from Greece and showcased traditional Laconian food.

5. That this House acknowledges the importance of events such as the Laconian Federation's exhibition and cocktail event, which build strong cultural links between Greece and Australia.

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Dated 21/f'/fb .

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Dr Faruqi says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) animals, wild and otherwise, are currently being used in some circus acts in New South Wales,

(b) the current guidelines for the keeping of animals in circuses in Australia are totally inadequate to protect their welfare, and

(c) performing circus animals can be kept in close confinement, in artificial social groups and are continually transported between circus venues for the duration of their performing lives, which leads to a life of stress, boredom and often results in abnormal behaviour such as repetitive pacing or swaying.

2. That this House calls on the Government to ban the use of exotic animals in circuses and abolish cruel and inhumane uses of animals for entertainment.

· Signed /¥~ ~ '

Dated s/ / 5:" I h3(£ I I

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Mr Colless says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

That this House notes:

(a) the Government's strong support for the commercial. fishing sector,

(b) that the Government has consulted extensively with industry on its commercial fisheries reforms, and

(c) that the Government's commercial fisheries reforms will: (i) allow the industry to transition to a more sustainable long-term footing, (ii) assist fishers who wish to enter and exit the industry, (iii) give greater certainty and flexibility to commercial fishers in how they run their


Si~---~· '

Dated ]( /o 5" A/ ( ----~, -----~r----~--------

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Mr Wong says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

That this House:

(a) congratulates Mr Robin Hu, President of the Australian Culture & Commerce Association, for organising the first Chinese-Australian Artistic Achievement Exhibition entitled 'Review and Prospect' in the Parliament House Fountain Court on 8 April2016,

(b) acknowledges the contributions of more than 20 Chinese-Australian artists who participated in this large art exhibition, including Wei Guan, Palla Jeroff, Jia Wei Shen, Hong Li, Ping Chen, Xu Wang, Dong Wang Fan, Yi Wang, Di Wu, Fang Min Wu, Bao Kang Zhao, Xi Fa Yang, Xiang Rong Yu, Kai Jiang Zhu and others, some of whom are famous and influential in the Australian art world, having won awards including the Archibald and Sulman prizes, whereas others are new to the industry and eager to gain social recognition,

(c) recognises that the Australian Culture & Commerce Association is a not-for-profit organisation the primary aim of which in organising this large exhibition was to focus on the excellent creative arts and achievements of Chinese-Australian artists in Australian mainstream society and to boost the cultural exchange and communication between Chinese-born artists, and

(d) commends the Australian Culture & Commerce Association for organising and coordinating this inaugural exhibition and all the artists that contributed to its overwhelming success.

Dated--~-' ,r--L-~---~-~-z,c_f _6 __ _

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Mr Amato says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes:

(a) the achievements of the many individuals nominated for the 2016 Berrima District Annual Sports Awards, held on Friday 19 February 2016 at the Mittagong RSL, as a result of their outstanding athletic performance over the past 12 months, and

(b) that these awards recognise the Berrima district's finest athletes from all areas of sport, and showcase each nominee's achievements during the course of the year.

2. That this House acknowledges:

(a) the success of Tirian McManus, a Bowral cyclist who was awarded the title of Senior Champion for the third time during his career,

(b) the success of Ellie Jordan, a fencer in the Berrima district who was awarded the title of Junior Champion, and

(c) the dedication of Margaret Beaumont of the Moss Vale Basketball Association, who was awarded the Alex MacLean Award for club person of the year.

3. That this House acknowledges the great work of the Gib Gate School snow sports team, the Bowral Junior Rugby League under-14Bs, the Moss Vale Magic Men's Youth Basketball Team, the Southern Highlands under-15s girls indoor hockey team, and the Bowral Women's Bowling Club grade four pennant side, each of which received high honours during the 2016 awards ceremony.

Signed --------;*.,s..c---· _'-::--.._-=~=· ~ ~

Dated _ ________.;?:::__. --=---) ~-~-..---....-----'-/__,6-L___

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Mrs Houssos says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that Father Christos of the All Saints Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Belmore and District celebrated 40 years of service to the parish on Sunday 22 May 2016.

2. That this House congratulates Father Christos for his significant and ongoing contribution to his local community and thanks him for providing 40 years of spiritual guidance to the people of Belmore and surrounding areas.

3. That this House acknowledges the important work of the All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in Belmore and expresses its support for the ongoing work of Father Christos and his parishioners.


Dated .2 I I r I J 0 . ------~1r~r1 ~~----------

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Mr Mallard says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. This House notes that:





Tuesday 10 May 2016 was World Lupus Day,

lupus is an autoimmune disease thf t ~ei~use severe damage to the tissue and organs in the body and in some cases-;eeafh, ~

more than five million people worldwide suffer the devastating effects of this disease and each year over a hundred thousand young women, men and children are newly diagnosed with lupus, the great majority of whom are women of childbearing age, and

people from all backgrounds can develop lupus but as the Lupus Association of New South Wales points out, 'women of colour are two to three times more likely to develop lupus than Caucasians'.

2. That this House congratulates the Lupus Association ofNew South Wales and all lupus organisations around the world who have conducted activities on 10 May since 2004 to raise awareness and educate the public about the symptoms and health effects of lupus.

3. That this House notes the World Lupus Day Proclamation, in which lupus organisations around the globe call for increases in public and private sector funding for medical research on lupus, targeted education programs for health professionals, patients and the public and worldwide recognition of lupus as a significant public health issue.

Sign~~ Dated 3/ J £ J / '-.


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Mr Wong says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House congratulates Emeritus Professor John Y Wong on the release of his new book entitled, 'The Historian as a Detective: From the Opium Wars to Sun Yatsen' , which was written in Chinese and officially launched at the New South Wales Parliament on Monday 30 May 2016 by special guest of honour, the Provost of the University of Sydney, Professor Stephen Garton. ~ V,\:""' _ ~

2. That this House acknowledges the outstanding contribution Professor Wong has made through his literary works, which includes:

(a) writing four books in English that have been published by either Oxford or Cambridge Universities, and editing another two, and

(b) publishing sixteen books in Chinese, with his latest book demolishing seventy myths in modem Chinese history.

3. That this House acknowledges Professor Wong as a highly respected leader of and within the Chinese community for his promotion of multiculturalism and cultural diversity in New South Wales and across the globe.

4. That this House recognises that in addition to the demands and sacrifices required to become a well-known and respected author, Professor Wong was a highly regarded lecturer at the University of Sydney from 1974 until his retirement in 2014, is a well­respected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in the UK, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and a Fellow of the Academy of Humanities in Australia.

5. That this House commends Professor John Y Wong for the launch of his latest book to celebrate the sesquicenterary of the great Chinese National Hero, Dr Sun Yatsen' s birth.

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Dated $( ( b (ZiP/{, ------~~-r.~----------------

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Mr Amato says-


I give notice that on the riext sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes the life-changing work of the organisation NS W Kids In Need, chaired by Mr Peter Debnam, which pools resources into several invaluable children's charities each year including Muscular Dystrophy NSW, Bear Cottage Children's Hospice, Central Coast Kids In Need, The Duke of Edinburgh International A ward -Australia, SHINE For Kids, and the Bums Unit at Westmead Children's Hospital.

2. That this House acknowledges:

(a) the enormous spirit of nine year old Kieran Hobba, who was diagnosed with myopathy at birth and recently participated in his third Muscular Dystrophy NSW adventure camp supported by NSW Kids in Need, which saw him tackling the huge sand dunes at Port Stephens on a sandboard,

(b) the sheer determination of 15 year old Nicholas Lapsley, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and severe hearing loss at birth and has so far embraced the challenges of The Duke of Edinburgh International A ward by participating in a ski camp at Thredbo, making short films and improving his skills in swimming, various water sports and archery, and

(c) the tireless and loving care of the family members supporting these extraordinary young men to do extraordinary things, including Mr Hobba's mother, Ms Jennifer Clarke and Mr Lapsley's father, Mr Will Lapsley.

3. That this House acknowledges:

(a) the success of the NSW Kids In Need inaugural 'World's Largest Open House', which was held in 2015 and raised over $120,000 towards vital children's charities, and

(b) the importance of the continued support of New South Wales community during the 2016 event, which was held on 21 May 2016 and saw over 50 Sydney venues

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including the GPO Grand in Martin Place and the Gateway building in Circular Quay opening their doors to the public for a variety of great causes.

Signed /_~ --------~or---_~/~----------

Dated 5 (~ s-- /~ ----------------------------

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2016\General Notices\Amato 160531 NSW Kids in Need.doc