the system of measurement and evaluation regarding the activity of simulated enterprises

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski Selska cest a 119 0800 442 442 www.zrinski .org kata [email protected] THE SY STEM OF MEASUREMEN T AND EV ALUATI ON REGARDING THE ACTIVITY OF SIMULATE D EN TERPRISES 5TH LDV MEETING, 12TH-15TH SEPTEMBER 2013 , ITALY

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The system of measurement and evaluation regarding the activity of simulated enterprises. 5th LdV MeeTING , 12th-15th SEPTEMBER 2013, ItALy. PRESENTATiON OF PRE-ACTIVITIES. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

The system of measurement and evaluation regarding the activity of simulated enterprises5th LdV MeeTING, 12th-15th SEPTEMBER 2013, ItALyPrivate Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] OF PRE-ACTIVITIESPrivate Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski employs contemporary teaching methods in educating young people and preparing them for the world of work...

we also prepare them for international markets and therefore language compentences come very high at the list of priorities in school curriculum.

Our students have a subject called Business of Training Firms.

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] questionsHow many classes, at what structure (class, project, etc.) is the teaching of simulated enterprises going on?

What method is applied and what circumstances are there for teaching the subject?

How is the activity of simulated enterprises evaluated?

What kinds of opportunities are provided for introduction in practice for simulated enterprises?

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] of training firmsHow many classes, at what structure (class, project, etc.) is the teaching of simulated enterprises going on?

Mandatory subject in the Economist programme during all 4 years.

In the 1st grade students have 2 hours per week they learn theoretical knowledge about doing business, they have workshops several times during semestar and they found their own training firm.

In the 2nd grade students have 3 hours per week they learn about sectors and work within the specific sector - all through their own TF. They are doing business with their TF.

Assignments are given to them to work in some of the sectors in their TF, so they work on it individually.Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] of training firmsHow many classes, at what structure (class, project, etc.) is the teaching of simulated enterprises going on?

3rd and 4th classes they create one company per each class (group of approx.. 15 students)

Students are distributed across sectors and rotate in their TF

In the 3rd class they work throughout the year in all sectors.

In the 4th class they work in the sector which they have chosen, according to their preferences, interests and of course agreement with the Economics teacher.

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] wednesday3rd and 4th class each first Wednesday in the month, students participate in the event Business Wednesday.

They operate and run business with their TF - NOT with shared one, but with the common one.

All students and teachers come to school dressed as business people (very formal business clothes).

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] OF TRAINING FIRMSWhat method is applied and what circumstances are there for teaching the subject?

Group Work / Team Work / Work within sectors.

International experience doing business at International Fairs.

Standard methods in the treatment of general theoretical knowledge.

Practical and concrete knowledge about the business best practice examples.

Imitation of a real business.

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] OF TRAINING FIRMSHow is the activity of simulated enterprises evaluated?

It is evaluated like every other subject.

Students get grades through 1-5 system: 1- fail, 2 enough, 3 good, 4 very good, 5 excellent.

Grades are based on their activity, assignments, individual and group work, exams and other.

In the 1st and 2nd grade - the evaluation is done in a classic way.

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] OF TRAINING FIRMSHow is the activity of simulated enterprises evaluated?

There are evaluation forms to evaluate the work of the group. They are more commonly used in the 3rd and 4th grade.

When students have group work, self-evaluation forms are used where students evaluate themselves and others.

The re-corded score is the one professor gives to each students based on his/her assesment.

One score is also the sum of all the scores achieved at self-evaluation tests.Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] of training firmsWhat kinds of opportunities are provided for introduction in practice for simulated enterprises?

Work with common TF team work skills, presentation and communication skills.

Travelling and doing business at International Fairs international experience in different cultural environment, flexibility, tolerance and language skills

It would be good if students could connect with the right company - producing / selling the same or similar products as their TF ability to gain a real-life experience and best practice examples.

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] application business of training firmsBusiness of Training Firms is the subject which has been developed in our school, and has been conducted throughout the entire four-year education.

The ICT solutions for TF subject consists of research of current state-of-the-art e-learning and interactive website in facilitating the TF subject, the development of software for Modular Curriculum for TF and the development of interactive website for TF.

Web application for doing business online:

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] application www.pvt.hrParticipation of different Training Firms

Training Firms from whole Croatia

18 schools

46 Training Firms

Possibilities for further development

Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected] you for your attention!Zvjezdana,




Private Grammar School and Economic School Katarina Zrinski

Selska cesta 119 0800 442 442 [email protected]