the swiss reformation zwingli in zurich calvin in geneva

The Swiss The Swiss Reformation Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva Calvin in Geneva

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Page 1: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva

The Swiss The Swiss ReformationReformation

Zwingli in ZurichZwingli in Zurich

Calvin in GenevaCalvin in Geneva

Page 2: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva
Page 3: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva

Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) Born in Wildhaus, Switzerland.

Studied under leading renaissance scholars in Basel and Vienna, he earned an M.A. in 1506 and began the study of theology. He was ordained a priest in 1506.

He became the parish priest of a country church at Glarus (1506-516). He studied Hebrew and Greek. He also acted as chaplain for Swiss mercenary armies in Italy (Milan).

In 1516 he became the priest of Einsiedeln where the famous “Black Virgin” attracted floods of pilgrims. Visited Erasmus in 1516.

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Moving Toward ReformationMoving Toward Reformation He was a great admirer of He was a great admirer of

Erasmus and was overjoyed Erasmus and was overjoyed with the appearance of the with the appearance of the printed Greek text. Read the printed Greek text. Read the patristic literature, patristic literature, especially Chrysostom.especially Chrysostom.

During his stay in Einsiedeln, During his stay in Einsiedeln, he began to question he began to question (though not oppose) the sale (though not oppose) the sale of indulgences and of indulgences and questioned the value of questioned the value of pilgrimages.pilgrimages.

January 1, 1519 he was January 1, 1519 he was elected to the main pulpit in elected to the main pulpit in Zurich (population 6,000 Zurich (population 6,000 with 200 clergy and monks).with 200 clergy and monks).

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Zurich ReformationZurich Reformation Zwingli began preaching from

the Greek text out of Matthew.

Zwingli endeared himself to the Zurich church by ministering to them during the plague of 1519 (in which Zwingli’s own brother died) and he almost died himself.

In 1522 Zwingli preached that it was permissible to eat all foods at all times. On Ash Wednesday, he watched some of his members eat two fried sausages. Some were imprisoned. Zwingli defended them from his pulpit and published Concerning Freedom and the Choice of Food

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Pestleid (Plague Song)Pestleid (Plague Song) Help me, O Lord,Help me, O Lord,

My strength and My strength and rock;rock;Lo, at the doorLo, at the doorI hear death’s knock.I hear death’s knock.

Uplift your arm,Uplift your arm,Once pierced for me,Once pierced for me,That conquered That conquered death,death,And set me free.And set me free.

Yet, if your voice, Yet, if your voice, In life’s mid-day In life’s mid-day Recalls my soul, Recalls my soul, Then I obey.Then I obey.

In faith and hope,In faith and hope,Earth I resign, Earth I resign, Secure of heaven, Secure of heaven, For I am Yours. For I am Yours.

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Zurich DisputationsZurich Disputations First (January 1523): Zwingli presented 67 articles of belief that First (January 1523): Zwingli presented 67 articles of belief that

questioned human ceremonies and requirements (10% of town questioned human ceremonies and requirements (10% of town present).present).– Had previously published Had previously published On the Certainty of the Word of GodOn the Certainty of the Word of God defending defending

sola Scripturasola Scriptura– In 1522 Zwingli had secretly married (which he made public in 1524).In 1522 Zwingli had secretly married (which he made public in 1524).

Second (October 1523): Convinces the council to proceed with Second (October 1523): Convinces the council to proceed with reform based on scripture alone (15% of town present).reform based on scripture alone (15% of town present).– Images removed from the churchesImages removed from the churches– Monasteries were dissolvedMonasteries were dissolved

Third Disputation (January 1525): Council fully supports reform.Third Disputation (January 1525): Council fully supports reform.– Easter, 1525 is the first fully Protestant worship in Zurich.Easter, 1525 is the first fully Protestant worship in Zurich.– Zurich is officially a “Reformed church.”Zurich is officially a “Reformed church.”– This disputation also concluded in favor of infant baptism and the This disputation also concluded in favor of infant baptism and the

exclusion of those who opposed it.exclusion of those who opposed it.

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Nature of Zwingli’s Nature of Zwingli’s ReformationReformation

He opposed the use of icons and stripped churches in He opposed the use of icons and stripped churches in Zurich of their religious art.Zurich of their religious art.

He opposed the use of instrumental music and the He opposed the use of instrumental music and the organ was silenced in 1524 and destroyed in 1527.organ was silenced in 1524 and destroyed in 1527.

The Reformed principle was to include in the worship The Reformed principle was to include in the worship only that which was clearly authorized in the New only that which was clearly authorized in the New Testament.Testament.

He opposed the Catholic Mass and simplified the He opposed the Catholic Mass and simplified the liturgy. Preaching became the primary focus of liturgy. Preaching became the primary focus of liturgy.liturgy.

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Page 10: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva

Johannes Oecolampadius Johannes Oecolampadius from Basel (1482-1531)from Basel (1482-1531)

Studied at University of Tubingen where he met Studied at University of Tubingen where he met Melancthon; he was appointed Cathedral Melancthon; he was appointed Cathedral preacher in Basel (1515)preacher in Basel (1515)

Was a proof-reader for Erasmus; corresponded Was a proof-reader for Erasmus; corresponded with Luther; entered monastery in Augsburg for with Luther; entered monastery in Augsburg for two years (1520-1522).two years (1520-1522).

Returned to Basel in 1522 as lecturer in theology Returned to Basel in 1522 as lecturer in theology at the University. at the University.

Leads the reformation of the church in Basel and Leads the reformation of the church in Basel and became Zwingli’s supporter in Switzerland.became Zwingli’s supporter in Switzerland.– Wrote first major OT commentary of the ReformationWrote first major OT commentary of the Reformation– Master of PatristicsMaster of Patristics– Defended Zwingli’s position on the Lord’s Supper and Defended Zwingli’s position on the Lord’s Supper and


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Oecolampadius’ Four Theses Oecolampadius’ Four Theses (1523)(1523)

Sola ScripturaSola Scriptura Our righteousness is unclean; Our righteousness is unclean;

therefore justified by therefore justified by sola fideisola fidei Opposed the use of saints and the Opposed the use of saints and the

need for intermediaries.need for intermediaries. Proclaimed that believers have Proclaimed that believers have

freedom in Christ and are not bound freedom in Christ and are not bound by human traditions and human traditions and innovations.

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Page 13: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva

The Conclusions at BerneThe Conclusions at Berne1. The holy Christian Church, whose only Head is 1. The holy Christian Church, whose only Head is

Christ, is born of the Word of God, and abides in Christ, is born of the Word of God, and abides in the same, and listens not to the voice of a stranger.the same, and listens not to the voice of a stranger.

2. The Church of Christ makes no laws or 2. The Church of Christ makes no laws or commandments apart from the Word of God; hence commandments apart from the Word of God; hence all human traditions are not binding upon us except all human traditions are not binding upon us except so far as they are grounded upon or prescribed in so far as they are grounded upon or prescribed in the Word of God.the Word of God.

3. Christ is the only wisdom, righteousness, 3. Christ is the only wisdom, righteousness, redemption, and satisfaction for the sins of the redemption, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world. For this reason it is a denial of Christ whole world. For this reason it is a denial of Christ to confess any other means of salvation or to confess any other means of salvation or satisfaction for sin.satisfaction for sin.

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Conclusions at BerneConclusions at Berne4. It cannot be shown from Holy Scripture that the body and 4. It cannot be shown from Holy Scripture that the body and

blood of Christ are substantially and corporeally received blood of Christ are substantially and corporeally received in the bread of the the bread of the Eucharist.

5. The mass, as it is now celebrated, in which Christ is 5. The mass, as it is now celebrated, in which Christ is offered to God the Father for the sins of the living and the offered to God the Father for the sins of the living and the dead is contrary to Scripture, a blasphemy against the dead is contrary to Scripture, a blasphemy against the most holy sacrifice, passion, and death of Christ and on most holy sacrifice, passion, and death of Christ and on account of its abuse, an abomination to God.account of its abuse, an abomination to God.

6. As Christ alone died for us, so he is also to be adored as 6. As Christ alone died for us, so he is also to be adored as the only Mediator and Advocate between God the Father the only Mediator and Advocate between God the Father and us. For this reason it is contrary to the basis of the and us. For this reason it is contrary to the basis of the Word of God to direct worship to be offered to other Word of God to direct worship to be offered to other mediators beyond the present life.mediators beyond the present life.

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Conclusions at BerneConclusions at Berne7. Scripture does not tell us there is a place beyond this life in 7. Scripture does not tell us there is a place beyond this life in

which souls are purged. Therefore all services for the dead, which souls are purged. Therefore all services for the dead, vigils, masses, processions, anniversaries, lights, candles, and vigils, masses, processions, anniversaries, lights, candles, and other such things are vain.other such things are vain.

8. It is contrary to the Word of God, contained in the books of the 8. It is contrary to the Word of God, contained in the books of the Old and New Testaments, to make images for use in worship. Old and New Testaments, to make images for use in worship. For this reason they are to be abolished, if they are set up as For this reason they are to be abolished, if they are set up as objects of worship.objects of worship.

9. Marriage is not forbidden in Scripture to any class of men, but is 9. Marriage is not forbidden in Scripture to any class of men, but is commanded and permitted to all in order to avoid fornication commanded and permitted to all in order to avoid fornication and unchastity.and unchastity.

10. Since according to Scripture an open fornicator must be 10. Since according to Scripture an open fornicator must be excommunicated, it follows that fornication or impure celibacy excommunicated, it follows that fornication or impure celibacy are more pernicious to the clergy than to any other class on are more pernicious to the clergy than to any other class on account of the scandal.account of the scandal.

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Three Positions on the Three Positions on the SupperSupper

Transubstantiation – the bread and wine are Transubstantiation – the bread and wine are transformed into real body and blood of Jesus transformed into real body and blood of Jesus (Roman Catholic)(Roman Catholic)– The substance changes (bread to body)The substance changes (bread to body)– The accidents remain (still looks like bread)The accidents remain (still looks like bread)

Consubstantiation – the body and blood of Christ Consubstantiation – the body and blood of Christ are added to the presence of the bread and wine are added to the presence of the bread and wine (Luther)(Luther)

Symbolism – the bread and wine symbolically Symbolism – the bread and wine symbolically represent the body and blood of Christ; it is a represent the body and blood of Christ; it is a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice. The body and blood memorial of Christ’s sacrifice. The body and blood are not substantially or literally present (Zwingli).are not substantially or literally present (Zwingli).

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“The Supper Strife”

Luther believed in consubstantiation:– Elements in Lord’s Supper are literal body &

blood of Christ Zwingli believed that Lord’s Supper is

entirely symbolic, a memorial feast Two denounced each other as heretics Martin Bucer sought unity among

Christians Arranged discussion at Marburg, 1529

Luther believed in consubstantiation:– Elements in Lord’s Supper are literal body &

blood of Christ Zwingli believed that Lord’s Supper is

entirely symbolic, a memorial feast Two denounced each other as heretics Martin Bucer sought unity among

Christians Arranged discussion at Marburg, 1529

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The Marburg ColloquyThe Marburg Colloquy

Philip of Hesse Philip of Hesse (also wanting (also wanting unity) offered unity) offered his castle at his castle at Marburg for Marburg for the discussionthe discussion

Philip of Hesse Philip of Hesse (also wanting (also wanting unity) offered unity) offered his castle at his castle at Marburg for Marburg for the discussionthe discussion

Castle of Philip of Hesse at Marburg

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The DiscussionThe Discussion

Luther refused to consider Zwingli’s Luther refused to consider Zwingli’s argumentsarguments

Told Bucer that he had a different spiritTold Bucer that he had a different spirit Wrote on table: Wrote on table: Hoc est corpus meumHoc est corpus meum

– ““This is my body”This is my body” Bucer continued to work toward a Bucer continued to work toward a

statement with which both parties statement with which both parties would agreewould agree

Luther refused to consider Zwingli’s Luther refused to consider Zwingli’s argumentsarguments

Told Bucer that he had a different spiritTold Bucer that he had a different spirit Wrote on table: Wrote on table: Hoc est corpus meumHoc est corpus meum

– ““This is my body”This is my body” Bucer continued to work toward a Bucer continued to work toward a

statement with which both parties statement with which both parties would agreewould agree

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Room at castle where discussion took place (as it appears today)

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Painting showing Zwingli (to right), Luther (pointing to table), Bucer and Melancthon seated at the table. (Bucer on right). Other key leaders in Reformation present.

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Marburg AgreementMarburg AgreementFifteenth, we all believe and hold concerning the Supper of Fifteenth, we all believe and hold concerning the Supper of our dear Lord Jesus Christ that both kinds should be used our dear Lord Jesus Christ that both kinds should be used accord ing to the institution by Christ; [also that the mass is accord ing to the institution by Christ; [also that the mass is not a work with which one can secure grace for someone not a work with which one can secure grace for someone else, whether he is dead or alive;] also that the Sacrament else, whether he is dead or alive;] also that the Sacrament of the Altar is a sacrament of the true body and blood of of the Altar is a sacrament of the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and that the spiritual partaking of the same Jesus Christ and that the spiritual partaking of the same body and blood is especially necessary for every Christian. body and blood is especially necessary for every Christian. Similarly, that the use of the sacrament, like the word, has Similarly, that the use of the sacrament, like the word, has been given and ordained by God Almighty in order that been given and ordained by God Almighty in order that weak consciences may thereby be excited to faith by the weak consciences may thereby be excited to faith by the Holy Spirit. And although at this time, we have not reached Holy Spirit. And although at this time, we have not reached an agree ment as to whether the true body and blood of an agree ment as to whether the true body and blood of Christ are bodily present in the bread and wine, Christ are bodily present in the bread and wine, nevertheless, each side should show Christian love to the nevertheless, each side should show Christian love to the other side insofar as conscience will permit, and both sides other side insofar as conscience will permit, and both sides should diligently pray to Almighty God that through his should diligently pray to Almighty God that through his Spirit he might confirm us in the right understanding. Spirit he might confirm us in the right understanding.

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Luther and ZwingliLuther and ZwingliTopicTopic LutherLuther ZwingliZwingli

Key QuestionKey Question Where can I find the Where can I find the Where can I find the true Where can I find the true church?church? merciful God?merciful God?

ExperienceExperience Experience of MercyExperience of Mercy Experience of ElectionExperience of Election EducationEducation Doctor of TheologyDoctor of Theology Master of HumanitiesMaster of Humanities LanguageLanguage Northern GermanNorthern German Southern German Southern German

(Swiss)(Swiss) TrainingTraining Via Moderna (Occamist)Via Moderna (Occamist) Via Antiqua (Thomist)Via Antiqua (Thomist) BeginningBeginning 95 Theses on Penance95 Theses on Penance 67 Articles on Church67 Articles on Church PoliticsPolitics Regional/StateRegional/State CityCity TheologyTheology Faith as KeyFaith as Key Election as KeyElection as Key EmphasisEmphasis Word as MeansWord as Means Spirit Without the WordSpirit Without the Word LawLaw Condemn and ConvictCondemn and Convict Guide Church in ObedienceGuide Church in Obedience ChurchChurch AdiaphoraAdiaphora PrimitivismPrimitivism SacramentsSacraments MeansMeans SignsSigns FunctionFunction Assurance and MeansAssurance and Means EcclesialEcclesial Church/StateChurch/State SeparationSeparation IntegrationIntegration

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Reformation: A Divided Reformation: A Divided MovementMovement

LutherLuther– Liturgical worship: permission to use tradition as long as Liturgical worship: permission to use tradition as long as

it does not violate the gospelit does not violate the gospel– Substantial presence of Christ in the supperSubstantial presence of Christ in the supper– Valued the role of bishops (supervisors).Valued the role of bishops (supervisors).– Separation of Church and State: Two Kingdom TheorySeparation of Church and State: Two Kingdom Theory– Influential in northern GermanyInfluential in northern Germany

ZwingliZwingli– Simple worship: only do what is authorized in the New Simple worship: only do what is authorized in the New

Testament.Testament.– Symbolic presence of Christ in the supper.Symbolic presence of Christ in the supper.– Valued local pastors and independent congregationsValued local pastors and independent congregations– Theocratic understanding of City Council and local Theocratic understanding of City Council and local

jurisdictions.jurisdictions.– Influential in Switzerland and southern Germany.Influential in Switzerland and southern Germany.

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Zwingli, 1525-1531Zwingli, 1525-1531 Sought to unite the Swiss Cantons through Sought to unite the Swiss Cantons through

disputations.disputations. Zwingli also submitted a confession to Emperor Zwingli also submitted a confession to Emperor

Charles V at Augsburg: Charles V at Augsburg: Fidei RatioFidei Ratio.. Bern and Basel both followed Zwingli, but other Bern and Basel both followed Zwingli, but other

Cantons did.Cantons did.– Bern Disputation in May 1528.Bern Disputation in May 1528.

By 1531, five Cantons were Protestant and five By 1531, five Cantons were Protestant and five were Roman Catholic.were Roman Catholic.– Successive military conflicts broke out between Successive military conflicts broke out between

Protestants and Catholics beginning in 1528.Protestants and Catholics beginning in 1528.– On October 11, 1531 Zwingli died in a battle between On October 11, 1531 Zwingli died in a battle between

Catholics and Protestants at Kappel near Zurich.Catholics and Protestants at Kappel near Zurich.– Switzerland was permanently divided into Protestant Switzerland was permanently divided into Protestant

and Catholic Cantons.and Catholic Cantons.

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Page 27: The Swiss Reformation Zwingli in Zurich Calvin in Geneva

Zwingli’s TheologyZwingli’s Theology The ground of redemption is election—God’s The ground of redemption is election—God’s

sovereign initiative is primary.sovereign initiative is primary. Faith is the sign of God’s electing grace—is the Faith is the sign of God’s electing grace—is the

certain assurance by which humanity relies on the certain assurance by which humanity relies on the merit of Christ alone. They are elect before they merit of Christ alone. They are elect before they believe.believe.

Faith comes only by the Spirit of God—usually in Faith comes only by the Spirit of God—usually in conjunction with the preached the word of God. The conjunction with the preached the word of God. The preached word brings an “internal word”—a preached word brings an “internal word”—a persuasion and insistence of the Spirit by which we persuasion and insistence of the Spirit by which we believe. The Father draws us into faith because we believe. The Father draws us into faith because we are part of the elect. are part of the elect.

While Zwingli taught the unity of Spirit and Word, he While Zwingli taught the unity of Spirit and Word, he also insisted that no external means are necessary also insisted that no external means are necessary for faith—God acts through the immediacy of his for faith—God acts through the immediacy of his Spirit.Spirit.

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Sacramental TheologySacramental Theology There are only two sacraments: baptism and the There are only two sacraments: baptism and the

Lord’s Supper.Lord’s Supper. Zwingli rejects any instrumental or causative Zwingli rejects any instrumental or causative

meaning for the sacraments. Rather, sacraments meaning for the sacraments. Rather, sacraments are symbolic in meaning—they are not means by are symbolic in meaning—they are not means by which God works.which God works.

They are communal acts by which humans pledge They are communal acts by which humans pledge and testify their allegiance to God and the church. and testify their allegiance to God and the church. The congregation is the actor rather than God.The congregation is the actor rather than God.

Here Luther and Zwingli are opposites—Luther Here Luther and Zwingli are opposites—Luther believed in the instrumental character of the believed in the instrumental character of the sacraments. They are genuine means of grace sacraments. They are genuine means of grace and necessary for salvation.and necessary for salvation.

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Sacramental TheologySacramental Theology Zwingli: “We cannot accept that view…which holds Zwingli: “We cannot accept that view…which holds

that the sacraments are signs of such nature that that the sacraments are signs of such nature that when they are administered then they simultaneously when they are administered then they simultaneously accomplish inwardly that which they signify outwardly. accomplish inwardly that which they signify outwardly. For this would bind the freedom of the Spirit of God, For this would bind the freedom of the Spirit of God, who divides to men severally as he will, that is, to who divides to men severally as he will, that is, to whom and when and where he will.”whom and when and where he will.”

Luther: “Therefore state it most simply thus, that the Luther: “Therefore state it most simply thus, that the power, work, profit, fruit, and end of Baptism is this, power, work, profit, fruit, and end of Baptism is this, namely, to save. For no one is baptized in order that namely, to save. For no one is baptized in order that he may become a prince, but, as the words declare, he may become a prince, but, as the words declare, that he be saved. But to be saved. we know. is nothing that he be saved. But to be saved. we know. is nothing else than to be delivered from sin, death, and the else than to be delivered from sin, death, and the devil, and to enter into the kingdom of Christ, and to devil, and to enter into the kingdom of Christ, and to live with Him forever.”live with Him forever.”

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Luther on BaptismLuther on Baptism

But as our would-be wise, new spirits assert that But as our would-be wise, new spirits assert that faith alone saves, and that works and external faith alone saves, and that works and external things avail nothing, we answer: It is true, indeed, things avail nothing, we answer: It is true, indeed, that nothing in us is of any avail but faith, as we that nothing in us is of any avail but faith, as we shall hear still further. But these blind guides are shall hear still further. But these blind guides are unwilling to see this, namely, that faith must have unwilling to see this, namely, that faith must have something which it believes, that is, of which it something which it believes, that is, of which it takes hold, and upon which it stands and rests. takes hold, and upon which it stands and rests. Thus faith clings to the water, and believes that it Thus faith clings to the water, and believes that it is Baptism, in which there is pure salvation and is Baptism, in which there is pure salvation and life; not through the water (as we have sufficiently life; not through the water (as we have sufficiently stated), but through the fact that it is embodied in stated), but through the fact that it is embodied in the Word and institution of God, and the name of the Word and institution of God, and the name of God inheres in it.God inheres in it.

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Luther on BaptismLuther on Baptism But if they say, as they are accustomed: Still But if they say, as they are accustomed: Still

Baptism is itself a work, and you say works Baptism is itself a work, and you say works are of no avail for salvation; what then, are of no avail for salvation; what then, becomes of faith? Answer: Yes, our works, becomes of faith? Answer: Yes, our works, indeed, avail nothing for salvation; Baptism, indeed, avail nothing for salvation; Baptism, however, is not our work, but God's (for, as however, is not our work, but God's (for, as was stated, you must put Christ-baptism far was stated, you must put Christ-baptism far away from a bath-keeper's baptism). God's away from a bath-keeper's baptism). God's works, however, are saving and necessary works, however, are saving and necessary for salvation, and do not exclude, but for salvation, and do not exclude, but demand, faith; for without faith they could demand, faith; for without faith they could not be apprehended.not be apprehended.

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Luther and ZwingliLuther and ZwingliTopicTopic LutherLuther ZwingliZwingli

Key QuestionKey Question Where can I find the Where can I find the Where can I find the true Where can I find the true church?church? merciful God?merciful God?

ExperienceExperience Experience of MercyExperience of Mercy Experience of ElectionExperience of Election EducationEducation Doctor of TheologyDoctor of Theology Master of HumanitiesMaster of Humanities LanguageLanguage Northern GermanNorthern German Southern German Southern German

(Swiss)(Swiss) TrainingTraining Via Moderna (Occamist)Via Moderna (Occamist) Via Antiqua (Thomist)Via Antiqua (Thomist) BeginningBeginning 95 Theses on Penance95 Theses on Penance 67 Articles on Church67 Articles on Church PoliticsPolitics Regional/StateRegional/State CityCity TheologyTheology Faith as KeyFaith as Key Election as KeyElection as Key EmphasisEmphasis Word as MeansWord as Means Spirit Without the WordSpirit Without the Word LawLaw Condemn and ConvictCondemn and Convict Guide Church in ObedienceGuide Church in Obedience ChurchChurch AdiaphoraAdiaphora PrimitivismPrimitivism SacramentsSacraments MeansMeans SignsSigns FunctionFunction Assurance and MeansAssurance and Means EcclesialEcclesial Church/StateChurch/State SeparationSeparation IntegrationIntegration

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Martin Bucer (1491-1551) Born at Schlettstadt in

Alsace Attended excellent

humanistic school Joined Dominican order

to further studies Sent to Heidelberg

chapter because better educational opportunities there

Met Luther there

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Humanist school in Schlettstadt that Bucer attended while Jacob Gebwiler was headmaster

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From Erasmus to Martin From Erasmus to Martin LutherLuther

Bucer deeply committed to Erasmian Bucer deeply committed to Erasmian humanist reform agendahumanist reform agenda

Luther came to Heidelberg to defend his Luther came to Heidelberg to defend his theologytheology

University refused to allow Luther to University refused to allow Luther to speakspeak

Dominicans opened their chapel to himDominicans opened their chapel to him Bucer & two friends deeply convictedBucer & two friends deeply convicted Justification by faith aloneJustification by faith alone

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Bucer meets LutherBucer meets Luther

Bucer stayed after lecture to ask Bucer stayed after lecture to ask Luther questionsLuther questions

Luther invited him to have lunch with Luther invited him to have lunch with him him

Shared with him his new Shared with him his new commentary on Romanscommentary on Romans

““I came an Erasmian; I left a I came an Erasmian; I left a Martinian!”Martinian!”

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Heidelberg to StrasbourgHeidelberg to Strasbourg

Bucer married Elizabeth SilberreisenBucer married Elizabeth Silberreisen Convinced forced clerical celibacy Convinced forced clerical celibacy

produced immoralityproduced immorality Soon in trouble with churchSoon in trouble with church Protected by sympathetic noblesProtected by sympathetic nobles Church excommunicated himChurch excommunicated him Fled to his parents in Strasbourg for Fled to his parents in Strasbourg for


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What would Strasbourg do?What would Strasbourg do?

Parents pled for their son before councilParents pled for their son before council As son of citizens, he should be As son of citizens, he should be

protectedprotected Strasbourg already had reformed Strasbourg already had reformed

pastors: Matthew Zell of St. Thomaspastors: Matthew Zell of St. Thomas Zell allowed him to speak on a wooden Zell allowed him to speak on a wooden

pulpit on alternate dayspulpit on alternate days Asked by poor gardeners of St. Auriole to Asked by poor gardeners of St. Auriole to

be their pastorbe their pastor

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St. ThomasSt. Thomas

Matthew Zell getting olderMatthew Zell getting older Council became supportiveCouncil became supportive Voted to approve reformation for cityVoted to approve reformation for city Bucer appointed chief pastor of St. Bucer appointed chief pastor of St.

ThomasThomas Aided in city by Wolfgang Capito and Aided in city by Wolfgang Capito and

othersothers Support from John Oecolampadius at Support from John Oecolampadius at


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Relief medallion of Bucer from his memorial in St. Thomas

Church in Strasbourg

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St. Thomas Church where Bucer was pastor

Strasbourg Cathedral where Bucer first preached under Zell

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In hopes of unity….In hopes of unity….

Bucer defined a platform of unityBucer defined a platform of unity Theologians should determine what Theologians should determine what

was essential for all Christians to was essential for all Christians to believebelieve

These doctrines would be taught as These doctrines would be taught as non-negotiable matters of faithnon-negotiable matters of faith

Non-essentials (Non-essentials (adiaphoraadiaphora) would be ) would be areas where different interpretations areas where different interpretations would be respected & over which they would be respected & over which they would not dividewould not divide

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An Advocate of UnityAn Advocate of Unity

Tolerant policy to Anabaptists – Tolerant policy to Anabaptists – disagreed yet tried to learn from disagreed yet tried to learn from their pietytheir piety

Worked tirelessly to try to Worked tirelessly to try to communicate and reunite with communicate and reunite with CatholicsCatholics

Tried to keep Protestants from Tried to keep Protestants from dividingdividing

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The Doctrine of the The Doctrine of the PresencePresence

Bucer convinced Luther & Zwingli both Bucer convinced Luther & Zwingli both saying same things in different wayssaying same things in different ways

Produced a midway synthesis:Produced a midway synthesis:– Elements not literal body & bloodElements not literal body & blood– But taken under form of bread & wineBut taken under form of bread & wine– Christ present with us in Lord’s SupperChrist present with us in Lord’s Supper– Accepted by Calvin & CranmerAccepted by Calvin & Cranmer– Melancthon agreed with Bucer by the 1540s.Melancthon agreed with Bucer by the 1540s.– Incorporated into Reformed & Anglican Incorporated into Reformed & Anglican


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Bucer as Protestant Bucer as Protestant DiplomatDiplomat

Sent representatives to court of King Sent representatives to court of King Francis I of France to persuade himFrancis I of France to persuade him

Also attempted to reach King Henry Also attempted to reach King Henry VIIIVIII

Negotiated with Catholic CardinalsNegotiated with Catholic Cardinals Tried to work with emperor Charles VTried to work with emperor Charles V Worked closely with Prince Philip of Worked closely with Prince Philip of


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Religious DiscussionsReligious Discussions

Continually scheduled debates or Continually scheduled debates or colloquiescolloquies

Regensburg, Wittenberg, Augsburg, Regensburg, Wittenberg, Augsburg, Cologne, Marburg, Worms, Cologne, Marburg, Worms,

Wrote continually to answer criticsWrote continually to answer critics But his efforts were largely But his efforts were largely


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The InterimThe Interim

Charles imposed Interim that restored Charles imposed Interim that restored mass in Strasbourg and restricted mass in Strasbourg and restricted ProtestantsProtestants

New city council did not support BucerNew city council did not support Bucer He went into exileHe went into exile Thomas Cranmer urged them to come Thomas Cranmer urged them to come

to England and help himto England and help him Bucer sick, discouraged, tiredBucer sick, discouraged, tired

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English ReformationEnglish Reformation

Bucer taught at CambridgeBucer taught at Cambridge Helped write Helped write Book of Common PrayerBook of Common Prayer English ordinalEnglish ordinal Encouraged Cranmer concerning Encouraged Cranmer concerning

doctrines like predestination, doctrines like predestination, justification, communionjustification, communion

Wrote Wrote De Regno ChristiDe Regno Christi to King Edward to King Edward VIVI– Described true Christian communityDescribed true Christian community

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Bucer’s DeathBucer’s Death

Never well after went to EnglandNever well after went to England Died in 1551 after two years thereDied in 1551 after two years there His second wife, Wibrandis Rosenblatt His second wife, Wibrandis Rosenblatt

Bucer with himBucer with him Buried at CambridgeBuried at Cambridge Bones exhumed and disgraced by Mary IBones exhumed and disgraced by Mary I Restored to honor by ElizabethRestored to honor by Elizabeth Same rector of Cambridge presided over Same rector of Cambridge presided over


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Jean Calvin (1509-1564)Jean Calvin (1509-1564) After studying law in Paris After studying law in Paris

and Orleans, he emerged in and Orleans, he emerged in 1534 as a leading Reformer 1534 as a leading Reformer in France.

Francis I of France issued an Francis I of France issued an edict suppressing Protestants edict suppressing Protestants in 1535.

In 1536 Calvin produced a In 1536 Calvin produced a brief, systematic summary of brief, systematic summary of the Protestant faith. Through the Protestant faith. Through 26 editions and many 26 editions and many translations, it became the translations, it became the classic statement of classic statement of Protestantism—Protestantism—Institutes of Institutes of the Christian Religion.the Christian Religion.

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The Education of Jean Calvin Born of humble ancestry

– Yet maintained manners of nobility; father was a notary

– Born at Noyon, Picardy, 60 miles northeast of Paris 26 years younger than Luther

– Belonged to second generation of reformers Father wanted him to be a priest but Calvin studied law

and pursued humanist studies (in Orleans 1528). After his father’s death, he returns to Paris in 1531

– Receives the Doctor of Laws (1532)– His first book was a commentary on Seneca (1533)

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Noyon Cathedral

Calvin Museum constructed at location of his house

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Calvin and ProtestantismCalvin and Protestantism

Testifies to some mysterious experience in 1532.Testifies to some mysterious experience in 1532.– Very secret about itVery secret about it– Other students came to him to learn what he Other students came to him to learn what he

believedbelieved– Convinced of God’s sovereignty and omnipotenceConvinced of God’s sovereignty and omnipotence– Felt himself the chosen instrument of GodFelt himself the chosen instrument of God

Wrote a sermon for Nicholas Cop that was Wrote a sermon for Nicholas Cop that was preached on Nov 1, 1533. preached on Nov 1, 1533. – It quoted Luther and was Protestant in tone.It quoted Luther and was Protestant in tone.– Cop and Calvin had to flee Paris in 1534 because Cop and Calvin had to flee Paris in 1534 because

the persecution of Protestants had begun.the persecution of Protestants had begun.

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Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian

Religion First published in 1536 in Basel and

dedicated to Francis I, King of France. First edition was only 6 chapters, but the

last edition was 80 chapters. Total of 10 editions (1536 to 1560),

published in Latin and French. The structure was originally based on the

Apostle’s Creed—systematic, clear and orderly with strong rooting in Scripture and Augustine (and other church fathers).

The most influential book of the Reformation.

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GenevaGeneva Geneva was the focus of concern as Swiss Cantons were Geneva was the focus of concern as Swiss Cantons were

dividing between Protestant and Catholic, and French dividing between Protestant and Catholic, and French Catholic Savoy wanted to retain Geneva within its territory.Catholic Savoy wanted to retain Geneva within its territory.

Protestant cities, like Bern, rescued Geneva from Savoy’s Protestant cities, like Bern, rescued Geneva from Savoy’s attack in 1530. attack in 1530. – Farel (1489-1565), a reformer in Basel, came to Geneva in Farel (1489-1565), a reformer in Basel, came to Geneva in

1532 and persuaded magistrates to favor Reform by 1534 1532 and persuaded magistrates to favor Reform by 1534 through several disputations.through several disputations.

– By 1535, the city council gave Catholic clergy the choice to By 1535, the city council gave Catholic clergy the choice to convert or leave the city.convert or leave the city.

Calvin, traveling through the city in July 1536, was Calvin, traveling through the city in July 1536, was convinced to remain as a leader of the Reformation there.convinced to remain as a leader of the Reformation there.

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Guillaume Farel, First reformer of Geneva

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Geneva ReformationGeneva Reformation

The initial movements (1536-1538) did not The initial movements (1536-1538) did not go well and after a stay in Strasbourg go well and after a stay in Strasbourg (1538-1541), Calvin returned to the city (1538-1541), Calvin returned to the city triumphantly.triumphantly.– The source of the conflict was the relationship The source of the conflict was the relationship

between the Council and the church.between the Council and the church.– Calvin favored ecclesiastical control of church Calvin favored ecclesiastical control of church

discipline and regulating church ordinances discipline and regulating church ordinances while the Council wanted to control discipline.while the Council wanted to control discipline.

– Calvin was inexperienced, and the Council Calvin was inexperienced, and the Council drove the Reformers out of the city in 1538.drove the Reformers out of the city in 1538.

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Calvin’s BeliefsCalvin’s Beliefs

Wanted to restore purity of Christianity Wanted to restore purity of Christianity before corrupted by Roman Catholicismbefore corrupted by Roman Catholicism

Saw God as creator, preserver, Saw God as creator, preserver, governor of universegovernor of universe

Creation, Fall, Redemption as the story Creation, Fall, Redemption as the story of Scripture.of Scripture.

God worked out one consistent scheme God worked out one consistent scheme of redemption through a covenant of of redemption through a covenant of grace.grace.

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Calvin and GraceCalvin and Grace

Humanity sinful and incapable of good workHumanity sinful and incapable of good work– Cannot save itselfCannot save itself– Dependent entirely on God’s graceDependent entirely on God’s grace

God’s justice satisfied by death of ChristGod’s justice satisfied by death of Christ Believers justified when they trust in ChristBelievers justified when they trust in Christ Christ takes humanity’s sin; believers are Christ takes humanity’s sin; believers are

clothed with the perfect righteousness of clothed with the perfect righteousness of ChristChrist

Faith itself is a gift of God’s grace (like Faith itself is a gift of God’s grace (like Zwingli)Zwingli)

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Election & PreservationElection & Preservation

Calvin believed in God’s eternal Calvin believed in God’s eternal election: God has chosen who will election: God has chosen who will be saved by his own saved by his own grace.

Thus God will preserve his elect to Thus God will preserve his elect to eternal lifeeternal life

Humanity has the responsibility to Humanity has the responsibility to respond to God’s grace in respond to God’s grace in holiness, good works, and faithful holiness, good works, and faithful obedienceobedience

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The Church to CalvinThe Church to Calvin

The one Church of Christ was the sum of The one Church of Christ was the sum of God’s elect, invisible, members known to God’s elect, invisible, members known to GodGod

Believers in one community become Believers in one community become visible churchvisible church

Exists wherever word faithfully preached Exists wherever word faithfully preached and heard & sacraments (baptism and and heard & sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) faithfully administeredthe Lord’s Supper) faithfully administered

Published Published Ecclesiastical Ordinances Ecclesiastical Ordinances 15411541

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Organization of Church

Ministers (Venerable Company) or pastors—the administrators of the sacraments.

Elders (Consistory)—a council of laymen.

Teaching Pastors—charged with educating the church and preaching.

Deacons—to minister to the needs of the church.

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SacramentsSacraments Accepted Bucer’s doctrine of the Accepted Bucer’s doctrine of the

spiritual (not substantial but neither spiritual (not substantial but neither merely symbolic) presence in merely symbolic) presence in communion communion

Wanted communion in all churches at Wanted communion in all churches at least once weeklyleast once weekly

Council denied his requestCouncil denied his request Held high view of importance and Held high view of importance and

necessity of baptism: baptism is an necessity of baptism: baptism is an instrumental means of grace through instrumental means of grace through which God ordinarily works.which God ordinarily works.

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The ScripturesThe Scriptures

Held high view of ScriptureHeld high view of Scripture One book, Old & New TestamentOne book, Old & New Testament Revealing one plan of human Revealing one plan of human

redemptionredemption His people truly a “People of the His people truly a “People of the

Book”Book” Believed that we should not act Believed that we should not act

without Scriptural authoritywithout Scriptural authority

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Strasbourg, 1538-1541Strasbourg, 1538-1541

Took refuge with Bucer in StrasbourgTook refuge with Bucer in Strasbourg Learned theology and how to Learned theology and how to

organize a Christian Communityorganize a Christian Community Preached at church for French Preached at church for French

Protestant exilesProtestant exiles Taught at John Sturm’s AcademyTaught at John Sturm’s Academy WroteWrote Married Idelette de BureMarried Idelette de Bure Very happy experience!Very happy experience!

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Calvin’s wife, Idelette de Bure Calvin returning to Geneva in 1541

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Second Call to GenevaSecond Call to Geneva

Political shift in GenevaPolitical shift in Geneva– People wanted preachers backPeople wanted preachers back– Catholic Church had sought to return and Catholic Church had sought to return and

Calvin opposed through his Calvin opposed through his Letter to Letter to SadoletoSadoleto

Farel persuaded him to return with himFarel persuaded him to return with him Left Strasbourg in tearsLeft Strasbourg in tears Stayed in Geneva the rest of his lifeStayed in Geneva the rest of his life

– Next 28 yearsNext 28 years

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Geneva 1541-1564Geneva 1541-1564

Very successful reformer thereVery successful reformer there Preached, supervised church, Preached, supervised church,

encouraged commerce & trade, encouraged commerce & trade, advised counciladvised council

Founded University of GenevaFounded University of Geneva Public morality successfully enforcedPublic morality successfully enforced Geneva became city of refuge for Geneva became city of refuge for

Protestants in exile from all over Protestants in exile from all over EuropeEurope

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Geneva: The Reformed CityGeneva: The Reformed City From 1541-1564, Geneva was the From 1541-1564, Geneva was the

heartbeat of the “Reformed” Protestant heartbeat of the “Reformed” Protestant faith (e.g., “Calvinism”).faith (e.g., “Calvinism”).– It sent missionaries into France and southern It sent missionaries into France and southern

France was significantly influenced (by 1561 France was significantly influenced (by 1561 2150 Protestant churches).2150 Protestant churches).

– It became a refugee city for persecuted French, It became a refugee city for persecuted French, Dutch, Scottish and English Protestants.Dutch, Scottish and English Protestants.

– Through this influence, the Netherlands Through this influence, the Netherlands became the locus of the “Dutch Reformed became the locus of the “Dutch Reformed Church,” the Scottish Kirk became Church,” the Scottish Kirk became Presbyterian, the Puritans sought reform in Presbyterian, the Puritans sought reform in England and the Huguenots were a religious England and the Huguenots were a religious and political force in France.and political force in France.

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The Reformation in 1541The Reformation in 1541 Martin Bucer is working for unity between Reformed, Martin Bucer is working for unity between Reformed,

Lutheran and Catholic—as is Melanchton. The last Lutheran and Catholic—as is Melanchton. The last major attempt was at a conference in Regensburg major attempt was at a conference in Regensburg (1541).(1541).

Lutherans are growing in Northern Germany and Lutherans are growing in Northern Germany and Scandinavia, but Luther is uninterested in the unity Scandinavia, but Luther is uninterested in the unity efforts.efforts.

The Swiss (and the French Reformed Church) are The Swiss (and the French Reformed Church) are united in a “Reformed” understanding of the faith, united in a “Reformed” understanding of the faith, though there are sacramental and ecclesiological though there are sacramental and ecclesiological differences between Zurich and Geneva.differences between Zurich and Geneva.– Zurich is symbolic; Geneva is instrumental.Zurich is symbolic; Geneva is instrumental.– Church discipline is conducted by the magistrates in Zurich Church discipline is conducted by the magistrates in Zurich

but determined by the Council of Pastors in Geneva.but determined by the Council of Pastors in Geneva.