the sunday herald (washington, d.c.). (washington, dc ...features of the school. a...

U n 5ttccr- - ANHKUSER-BUSC- H BEER. ritY st(0& lIK sa. yn t se.-o- Wr('W,$ aUSXUVltOlVU UHl- - iin1.lT $00,0 am. hocjs. ARTISTIC BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. lilting nnilo of Hoot nml RIioq Mnklnff on ntntomlcal jtrim Iplci, I nm em bid I to lit 1tmmot tn;. ulhrly toiiHtruUcl fccU I .efj nns one tn iiiikq a morusnceily euro nt oorni or bunion. I hnvo in ulnn Hiiptiil minlv at tho feet for maiiv ypur nifti. ItiotutmcrouHtcilmonlilAun file will unuvliHUItio tmiit skcptlial or rio eincacv or mv treatment. I limo rnilrolv c rail lent cd corns mid liutilnns from llio fi ot r iicrHotiN who siirnt in inojr rlwiwhctu wllti no liencflt wlmtcvrr. No cm ikatlon iinnl. Nocturne Mr conmiitnllon. My rimiUcs arc now In nliiiuai unit orsiil use. J. ,T. GEORGES, t!!OS l? Street Northwest, Atllsilo Hoot nml Nioo Maker nml Chlropoillnt. ri in tin insurance. Fireinon'sliisurai.coOoinp'y ciiAitrKUiniiiy coNtutnss, ('illiltiil, tPaUD.OOt). Nuriillis, 8100,11110. uri'MU; NCWItUlLDlNO.N. II. l'nrner7Uiblicct aud Louisi- ana Avenue. ALMlilT A. II.SOV, Prcsldint. 1 HUM as l'AUKKI(,lco President. 0. V. UOWA1IP, sn reinry. II. II. HA, UD, Assistant Secretary. DlltCUiOUsl Mberl A. Wilson, Thomas Parker, till un II. Howard. Joseph Hcdtcrn, K. (1. Davis, Willi mi .1. V llaon, 1'. A. I.HI7, Frank lliinic, II. ('. McCauley, .1. W. l)n w. hainuel II. Whcallcy, O. W. Crnplcy, nml John M. Waters. aHlsccHaumts JOHN 10. UBALL, COMMISSIONER Of UUKIJS FOItF.VKHYRTATE AND TUIIlllJOItY, NOl'AUY, AND U. S. COMMIHblONKIl, tlilli r hours.' ion 14211 Falrm t northwest. Hi oo is: JSJF Til 15 25c. BOOK COUNTER BRAD ADAMS'. BOOKS WORTH $1. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Tlio Origin!! nnil Only (Jvnuliic. FifimnftlwijB licl at ftfc nf nurtlilratt Imitation I i.llMn-utk- ii LADIES. Ak jiiir fur "InlchiftUr m I ni:llli"niil tiko liicionlo (lanunt to u fr nrilcul-- m trttrr tTrrlurn malt NAME PAPER- - thlcbcufrClinnlnil Co.. .J .ID MitilUuiiMiunro, l'liUutIu.,1'0. nfrj'wlicn'. Ak fr'( Iilclic. rciitij ut l'Uln. 1 ke no other. eoiu iy Lf.nskrg'h & Bro. WImt to Buy for iUiS PRESENTS! Anvthiny In Shape of Leabliev G-oo- Mithcs t Xlcc 1'rcnent. vi; nr.r.i' in Niunt ai.i. tiii: suv. r.i.riF.s in Books,Satchols,Wallets,otc. Tlin I.ntCNtVrnzitlii IaockttioakK In (tin I.uni;-hliaiai- l. I,DIKS' l'OL'KKl'HOOKS, 15 Different Styles, 25 i entii. IADtlls' I.ONO I'OCICHI'HOOKS, with or without Oxlillo '1 rhmnlne, In lliiaul i, Sail, or Alligator, Ivorror.bioiuorto l.outtii'r. ii cenlH. l.UHKV I UNCI l'OOKIUUUOKt), 111 Heal Hcnl Leithcr. hiin'iiiH. lAllllIS' rtliVi:i) l'OCKCTIIOOKH, In C'alfikln, H l ccrilx. URAL HI5I. roCKISTIlOOUS. fl 21. J,DII5s'I.ON(l I'AI.l'SKIN 1'OUKIST1IOOKS,(U ItfiAI, Hi:l. 1'UUKUTIIOOK!), with Oydl70 Cor- ners, II 'U TUB IjAI'I.sI' SI'YMi IMI'OHTlill .TAl'ANKSR u:ai'iii:ii nooks, iicjuiitni mm o.m-wo- um mnko nil nkgint unit Utslnililo l'reseul-f- or tftU SjAIHHS' V.lllD CASES. Iu Ivory nml Alligator J.cillier, for T ecnts. In Moil, Nicely Klulslicil, it i nuts. Ill 1'renseil Ie uhcr, 1J nml 7t cents, lu I'alMvln.JI 4S. Iu Calfskin, with Silver Trimmings, $1.03. This iSHomotliliu; elegant. Iu Ivory Lcaihor, Jl.U. j. j: ati r is it vunsES, 10c, ltc, 13c. iic, sic, hid , ami so on. aiwrs' WALLETS. , III Cair, Leather UiiciI.vj cents In Se il, Leather Lined, 70 centB. Ill Alligator, IJ uents. Also finer Hoods. OEXTS' OA1CI) CASES. In Oilfdklu l.c uhor, I.iutlicr Lined, St an 1 It cents. aontn' Leuthvr CuD'aml Collar 13 eul ier set, worth ft, WitlVIXa J'OUTKOLWS, rnrnlalioil mil I'llnlcd, nt'JI and 2'J i ems. Leatlin 1'orlf ultOD, su cddIh. win risa DESKS. Ill llutnl Alligator, ss i ems In Harm t and llluo I'Iiihii, f I M. In iMjalaml Alligator Leather, l'u rnlahodUullre,fl,vS, In Il hi Alllgilor, Knrnlslad.ti u. In Id al heal, I urnlHliuil.ttlM. In Hull Iwry Killiur. 1 iirnlslicil, tl tn. In I'ri'snfil Ixutlier, Haul I'alnlcil anil lriiriilshcl 'i liriuiKliuiil, i, nils Is lined ut (1, ami would in ll. u a Hunt ucci H iblo Kl't fur any. bo Iy, it a i) 1 1: s ' u a sn n a a s Ah Low us IU ceutH, IN ALI.IIIVI UK, LI1M lllllt I INKD, Worth VJcts. Pressed I eitlier lliind II igi, In II lack mid Tuu, cj ami oj num. Alligator Satchels, 75 cents; nlth Outsllo 1'ockct, l.nrtr M7.o,f I. I'rosicd Lu uliir. I.e.illur I lucd, tu i ents. Alll.'ator Saliliels, llox Mluin, Leatlur Llmil, IU cents; Largo Mt',fl.ll. Alligator mid Veal hatcliele, Leitlici Lined, llox Slupo, Jl iu. Alligator, llox hhapc, wllh Centre l)hllon, fl.Jj, In lvorr Leaihcr, I catlicr Lluod, Seal Hand lings, llox hlispe, loattiti Lined, I'anl Case and i'oi kelboikon llio Outside, fl.Os. Iu liUiknnl Juu l'resiel Leather, llox blupe, out- side I'lickct, 1.71. i Heal Alllgalorbnlchcla, jromtl.istn Uvi. itual beal batcliels, from t i 83 to (v vs. OUUI.UM'IIKU HOdliS HHrAUl'MlINrUloivanl I Uo left us jou cuter. All Our aouiln Mnrhed In I'lnln llijitrcH. LANSBURCH 8L BRO., OIVI3 LMtlOJJ, Ull, Hi, fit, Ijll HuvuHUiMroul, OKI- - Holiday Cumin all lttmlu for lHiUtu. REOTortnp. itiiiMHiv Int. AMUlUief Jtmlhful Manhood liui turulet.u)( niucnux ttuuuir 1 rt tuu. tfltxllii n1u miry ktiowu icni'Xlytliiui tiittwiWrcl u jumgoih.iii.ic, Vbkll JiO.tU fvua O HI UllOWUlUlMT, AllJruhrJ O. J. tl AbYN, Xot uuivo Uox ?!?, Mcvr Vwk City DE3C. X5. IB-A-IRI- tin rr.wssTt.vANiv avf.nijf. Fall Lino oj Saltinys, OvorcoatlitfiH and Trou-sorl- na for Villi and Winter rooelved, M own Importations. Gon (lemon will plouso louvo tholr Orders at the tho Leading Tailoring lislahllshmont of Wash-inrito- n. U. D. IBarr. 1111 V'F.WNSTI.YAHIA AVKNHK. rtl0crUnfou3. lAXISTTrrSTG-- . HOUSE PAINTING AND GLAZING IMITATIONS OF WOOD AND MAltllLB KAIAOVININO, WAI.t. VAINT1NII, AND (IKNUKAL IlOUali DI.CUUAT1NII, Sign Painting, Gilding, Etc. JOIIUINd I'ltOMlTA ATTHNDnil TO. ESTIMATE! KUKNIBIIKIl I'Olt WOUK IN CITV AND UUUNTHY. C. Macnichol &, Son., 111! TENTU BTltEBT NOKTUWKST NEXT TO i?ASJ0I!CEJ SAN DIEGO ABSTRACT CO., HAN IHIHIO, CAMFOItNIA. Tlio Only ComiilcleiSclorjMaiis&AltslniclsiirTlllo or NAN llli:U CITV AMI COUNTY. .Cbrilinn, .III , I'rcHlilcnl. T. A. N KKNK , Socrrlirr. V. 1). wool. win: MTrniurtr. lluvlnc llirco Kda or AliRlracls fur i ninpirlvin anil comcltmi, wenru prepircillo fiiriush nol only Abstracts, but hIko ORUTItTtiATKS AND WAI11IANTS OK TlTftt;. oniccs: Corner l'ourtli ami I) blrccls, Hun IIIcbo, Cnlirornln. 1". o. Dot: r,tc. tio23-l- (( THE MIKADO." Innilillllontoour rreinltims, ft list of which will bosciit ounpplliatloii, we wish to call LbPKCIAL NOTlUlitOUUrUAlllNlir 1'OUTItAllS of D'Oyley Carte's English MIKADO COMPANY, i:l ftU Avo, Thcatro.Now York, No light opera has ever been produced In Iho United states that hascn,ualcd 111 populnilty "The Mikado." Iho original company to prodtico It In this couulry was D'oyler Carie'H Kngllsh Company, selected tltero by (lllbcrl and Siillhau uud scut to this country Wo have Issued, for distribution tn our palrous who will send uswrippcrs usbelow.n aeries of bKVl.N CAlllNIU' I'DU'lUAl t'Sof them nrtlsis, luchiraclcr nnil coslunie, the llmslphotn-graphl- o gelitlnu work cverproduccil. 'Ihcyioui-prlse- : (iKUAiniNKUiMAU, ns "Yum Yum.' Misses Ul MAi:, I'ihtkii, and hT. .Maui:, ns " Three Llllte Maids from hcliool." Kate 1'ostfu, as "I'ittl Slug." (ihoiuinTiioiiNK, as tiKo Ko." codiiticf1 Pounds, as. " Natikl l'oo.' iritFPKittcr,aH ."Tho Mlkndo." 1 KFU IIILUNUTOIJ.HS "1'UUU llllll." these port raits Is tnentj-tli- o cents cnuh. but to any ouo who uses our soup, and sending us 15 wrappers of Dobolns' Lleclrlc boap, mid full iiost olllco address, wo will send I hen hole series, postage p lid, and l'UKi: or CIIAKHI'. Ifyour Orocer iloes not keep Dobbins' ElcUiic boap, send ns lr cents Iu st imps to pay postngo aud we will fiend you by return mall a simple Ireo ot charge. In bcmlliiKforn sample mentlunihlH paper. I L.CRAGIN & CO. i'i.uni"7i!ra;' JAMES L. BARBOUR, Gil & GIG rciuis)liania Aicuue, WASHINGTON, T. C. uu2My (grturational. Tlie College of Modern Languages OF 1 1ll. NORWOOD INSTITUTE. KKF.NCJI, JK115IAN. ITIMAN.M'ANINII. Mr. aud Mrs. HH.UAM 1). OAltKLL, PUINt'Il'ALS. UNDiiu tub Diitr.cTioN or 1'roriiHNnr JIi:.MlI MAKION, Hraduate of the "Jorbonne," Paris, Asslilcil by I Uglily KnltlcnL NatKo liistrudors. HOJ MASSAOHUbUITS AVBNUi:, WAslllNH-'JON- , II. 0. Till: NOKWOUU IIVMriTUTE, Without mentioning Its oilier niinierousad vantages, possesses Hint of being situated in i ccnlril loca- tion, easy of neccsn from nil tho different pirlsol thotlty, offering, with itselcgaut nud commodious btilldlugs anil lino library, every fiiUUty for llio es- tablishment of n Si hool of Languages ll is i no nun or mo college lo nucr a I iiorougn nnil practlcilconrsoof Instruction lu tho Moleru having espee tally In view llio ituinlrcment of u correct pronunciation, ilueney In converBallon, and a knowledge of foreign literature. A Spe'clal Post Hraduite Cliaa of Convors itlon nnd Literature for young ludles, ami n Course ot Ob- ject Lessons, with new svstcni of Illustrated study Rollers for hcgmiicrs, will be iiinoug Hie prominent features of the School. A "Children's Department" will lio annexed to llio School, In which the wliolo Instruction will bo given ntally, and to which e lilldrcn of any age will bo ad- mitted, und will rccclvo ludlvldiiil caru nnd utlen-tlo- SIS: CLASS INSntUOTION. Coureeof tweuty-Uv- o lcssons,thrc times a week.. 1 r, or (s per month. C'oursu of aflccu lessons, twice u week flo or fa perinoniu. CIIILnitHN'3 DEPAHTJIKNr. 1) illy lessons, per month ! PHIVAIB INaTltUOI'ION. Course of ilfloeu Icesons f.'ii PAYA11LK IN ADVANCB. UTUIIKNTU MA ENTBIt TUB CI.AHSI3 AT ANV TIMK. ui.n.m:Nc.:s. Dr. Ijiinbcrt hanveur, Principal of llio Summer Collegoof Languages, Oswego, N. Y. Professor A.M. iillloll, President ot tho Modern Innguago Association of America, Johns Hopkins University. Dr. LM. S. Jnynes, Author of tho .loynes-Ott- Princhand Herman Course, Houtli Carolina Col- - lege. LANGUAGES. Tlic Hcrlil. School of Laugiiagrs, ill roUUTKHNl'II UTUKIST N. W and all other priiiclp H c til s. Itccognlzed us superior to nil other similar lustltulions. Unexi cllcd ndviiulages for learning Convcrs itlon. llestof uatlvoieai iiers. l'eo extremely low. New terms now for ladles, gentleuieu, and children. I'llIJi: 'I ill Al. LESSONS I'.VBHYHA'lUItDAY. oi M Tft (Conl nnrt Wood. STEPHENSON & BRO., Coal and Kindling Wood. oiTitiK, iiuTi'.Nrn Niur.i'.rA'. w. .11111 nml Itrpot, Komih-HtHM- 't WluirT. We hato vstabllhlied atifiillio nt llio alwvond-dres- wliero a mi mberuf ourlltm will nlwajH bo found during oilleo liuurs. Wo shall offer for sale only tho IScst (Inn. Hies or Coal anil Wood, And sneli as wo bellcto will meet wllh your favor. Call and consult with us lu regard to prices befuro purchaslugclsowherc, J. Maury Dove, Coal and Wood. The Finest Splint and Cannel Coal KVtilt BOLD IN WASHINGTON. Main (HUre Tumly-fir- st nml 1 Streets. 1IKANOII OI'FICHHl 10 II STUEET, UM K BTUKET, AND WIIAKV roor or v and u bTiiEE-ia- . 01IU NEW T0I.K THinGET. Knoir and Itlno lama To.ttlitr Men AotV on linn. of Wealth .ltlieSoel.lltl Minion Marti. Helps TTrlt Secretary linnlm'a Mftaiit Why MlllUra I.. Scott DM Hoi Urt Hie Treasury Theodore Thomas and Olhr Oper. tho Cranla-T- he tllrls-S- Iii iorleiene Follows C.maron Hack to Fnglano'-TlifBlr- lt.l, Personal, Bad" Literary that. It I'poclal Correipondonco. Npw Yong, December o, ipsa. .My last Idler. In which I prahedtno conldcrnto ennductof llio Wenther Cleric In giving us nt tho metropolis an unprecedented extension of Indian Hummer could hardly Imvo reached yon beforo Old Iloreas was upon in to dlapnto my words, nnd when my communication was printed last Bun lay tho city wor clad In snow both deep nml beautiful, Tho rhn'ngo was nil tho sourer becauio unexpected, nnd found tho city unpreparod for It. than n great city wlioio life nndnctlvltyaro suddenly particularly II It happens In ho on asnnday, and especially ft In Sunday when tho authorities nro endeavoring to nf enforconlotot nntliintcd llluo Lawn ngalnnt tho carrying onof nnysortnf Irnftlo. Such nna last or Sunday In New York, and n duller day the tnclrnpo. Us his never seen slnro It nllalncd that dignity. Surface Irnvcl wns almost entirely suspcndcil. Tho ot pollco took It Into their heads that, though tho street- cars might bo run, tho which wero necessary to clean the tracks, could notbenscd; nnd this ret us tl to let the surf aco roads bo made passablo caused more profanity on tliopirt or the drlvcrn, conductors, nnd passengers llian tho prnjers ot nil tho observers ot the offended llluo Laws will ccr blot out on Iho books of lilcmlly. Itvtn Iho timid cltlrcns who owned sleighs did not venture In dilve, lest the luxury might bo condemned as such and ll tho participants bo condemned to flnoor Imprison- ment, or both, at tho option of tho mated minions of tlio llluo Iaws which .Mr. David DmRey Field lias revived, nnd which the pollco nro enforc Ing with tho cvldcut Inlcutloiiot showing their ahanrdlly nnd making them obnoxious, to llio end that there will bo an early repeal of llicm. Asldo from nil qticn-lion- s of religion, tho enforcement of these linn Is Impractkablo nnd Impolitic. It Is n physical Impos- sibility to nnt Isfy tho wants of n great innss of peoplo congregated In n Inrgo city llko this, If trado nnd trnvelon tho Sabbath I o suppressed. 1 hero would bo actual suffering, gravo discontent, nnd prnbnbla rcvo't,lf such nstato of things existed long. It won t ho suffered to exist long; and I venture to predict that no serious attempt tocntorcetlio fanati- cal laws of generations ngo will bo made next S unlay. lint If Iho slclghern did not Improvo their opportu- nity on Sunday, they wero out In full forco on Mon- day, and havo been out every day and 'night ntneo. Ncwork on runners fnriils'ica a sight to bo In no other illy of tho world-n- ot oven bt. PcterBlmrg, for though tho mnkt (prlvato sleigh not the ilruicftt ) ot tlio lliisulans Is Imposing and plctiirciquc, there e atinot bo Been oven on Iho Ncvs-ko- l Prospckt of tho Crar a capital nuch nuinbcra nnd varieties and sucli coilly sleighs as may bo aecn on l'lflh avenuo ntul in Central Park nny day In winter When tho snow is packed nnd hard, as It Is now. I should not fear lo bo disputed If I should assert that Ihero aro ten times as many Rlclghs of all kinds owned In Now ork ns thcro aro In nny other city or tho world. It Is largely beciuso a vnBt number of exceedingly cheap cutters aro unniifacturcil here. Then tho extremes or wealth nnd poverty hero are not so marked ns abroad, and the luxury of sleighing is not monopolized by tho wealthy. It seemed to mo, looking at tho double procession of Rlclghs tiling lu nnd out ot tho o cnlrancoto Central Park on Monday afternoon, Hist no two wero aliko nnd that no two wero sold for tlio samo money. Thcrowcrocullcrswhlcri could bo bought for $10 drawn by horses worth llttlo more, nnd sank l.i with teams ot four horses that could not have coat, furs and lap robes Included, less thnn t lo.noo. Mclghsto sell for f2,W0nroiiotlnfrcq.ucntly manufactured hero 'Iho millionaires who keep expensive ynehts for summer ueo nlso maintain sleighs relatively of equal uingnlllccnce and expense for winter sports, 'llio loio of needless and often Insulting display In olhcr mutters Is Injudiciously kept up iu this re- gard by many of our moneyed men, who fall to remember that In tlio history or social revolutions of all age s the extravagance of rich rulers has been hardly less n causoof dissatisfaction and molt than their tyranny. 1 stood al tlio entrance of Central Park- - to watch nnd adralro nnd enjoy, ns did hundreds of others, this English procession of happy pleasuro-Beckcr- but I wns far more Inter- ested In what I heard than what I saw. There were grum and bitter spirits In that crowd, greatly ex- ceeded, how over, by tlio number who enjoyed Iho Bight without any consciousness of wrong or depri- vation to themselves, llutlhero wero muttcrlugsot discontent, not loud, but deep nnd bitter. And the most thoughtless of Iho crowd by their exclama- tions of delight and laughter emphasized theso of Hie discontented. I saw a man v, homado his entire fortune In stocks under old Cornelius Vanderbllt's hints drive by with ft t',000 team, nnd ono man near mo who recognized him, as I did, sworo In an undertone, "Damn him, his stable cost Ji0,U0i!" Tho thoughtless of the crowdcrlod, "Ah I" and called each other's attention to tho moro cosily equipages, but not wllh envy or bitterness : yet when Bomodomocratlo-looklngvohlcl- passed thclrlaugh- - tcr and applauso showed Unit they, too, sympathized wllh ino poor ralher thantho rich In tlusuntioual en joyment, 'this undercurrent of discontent among thopaorof New York is Btronccr now than llnno eicr known It, mil it manifests Itself much moro frequently now than formerly, nnd In rofereuro to a greater variety of subjects. I think that those nowly niado rich by speculation aro held in greater contempt than formerly, and that there Is a great ileal lessot genulno respect for old fatnl'les, even thoso desert-In- g of tho highest esteem, thnn existed ten yeirs ago. It Is not wholly duo to tlio preaching of social ism: It Is partly duo to tho obnoxious display In business by tho monopolists aud In society by the wealthy. Mr. Mantou Marble, the nowpresldent of iho Man- hattan Club, lus recently returned to Now York from a long rest at Lansanne, Switzerland, after his arduous Btudy of tlio silver question nt tho requestor president ciovciaud. I fancy it was Secretary Manning who really suggested tho nomination of Mr. Marble to this imporlant mission, nnd I am told that Mr. Manning urged on Iho President tho np. pointmcni or jir. flinrmo to the becrctaryshlp of tho Treasury In his own place. Mr. Manning would have rellrcd If tho appointment of Mr. Marble as Ids successor had been i onceded ; but tho I'rcBldcnt had been Inilnciiced bytholatoMr. Tlldcn to promise tho succession, In tho event of Mr. Manning's dls- - nmiity, to n prominent i Congressman who was Inimical to Mr. Manning, nnd the latter resumed Ills duties rather than aeo tlila progrnmmo carried nut. The Congressman thus dlsappoluted entered, tcry lite, tho canviia for re election, ami won by ii reduced majority, Sonio Indirect con- firmation of tills story Is found In tho fact, by no means to bo ridiculed, that Mr. Marble wroto a largo part ot Mr. Manning's recent report ns Secre- tary of tho Treasury. Thoro nro fow men In thin country who haio mado ns thorough a study of Us flnauccs ns Mr. Mnrblo has, nnd I bellovo I can select passages ot Mr. Manning's report which nro from his pen. The dissension) in tho American Oporo Company have long been known here, nnd tho dissolution, which is conccaieu ill ino of tho namo lo the Notional Opera Compauy, has long been antici- pated. A moro Incongruous set of Impractlcablea wero never combined iu llio management of n more absurd Hellenic. Theodora Thomas Is a theorist who has been Bucccssful only In tho management or a summer garden In which light and popular music only was played. Ho novcr could attain tho position of Dr. Damroseli as a rcancd and llior. oughly Bcleulino musician, aud was ronllr ucver anything moro llian n hand leader. Mr. Ixlio know nothing from experience of management, and yet ntlempted to run rival to Bdmond C. btanton, of tlio Metropolitan Opera Ilouso, who lind forgotten more of practical management, and of musk-- , too, than looho had eicr known. I'rank II. Thurber nnd his wife, whu really bickod tlio enterprise wllh money, aro recognized hero ns harmless criuks tlio uno of a philosophical turn, tho other of Boelalnaturo, Onollkes to appear iu the papers lu dUciiislons upon every topic which arises, from tho purity of olcomurgittlno to Iheosopliy, whllo llio oiner suinrii llio American Pallet ai onu iiicius by Willi u in iiiuio her n.iy lutu soi lely. Theeeien trie chirielers who rlguiu In this American Opera scheme ill it sucli us em only bo found 111 a grent lusmopolltuii city, 'I he ussusslnallon heron fcwilaisagonf an llalUll bandit and an American pmlronr, combined ill ino person ot nu d Italian, ciuiihn sires what I had lu say ft few weeks ago about tho necessity, fust arlslug, of reslrlcllug Immigration to this country, '1 ho i rliuo ret oaled that In tho Italian colony lu this elly there bad been IU liu for years u man who had served years ot Imprisonment lu Italy for highway robberies uommllled there, nud who, slueo his udfeut here, hud been Importing ihllilren whoin.asiiiidiow, ho practically held lu slavery. 1 lie wliolo Italian colony lived lunwent tho mail, until a young fcllovi , hut log iiffcu led him, was coiu polled by lila miblresslo nssisilnato tho old man, In order I hut butu of the lie might be free from his sub- sequent persecution and reveajc. It is a curium fact that llils Italian tolouy ot mint desperate, low, aud t ludlclivo people Is quartered right uudcr the shadow of Iho pollco headquarters of this city, It must Uo mlil, howeter, for tlioireditot tho police Ihut they havo uo control whateter over tho these ltallatu lodge, or over tho vlulo-bve- r saloons and filthy icstauraiits uhiru they lit o. 1 am lu.d that there nro fully ,oot of this 1 iss of Immigrants In Iho Italian quarter, A more wri tchod, illtliy, Idle U ins of laborers iloes not exist anywlicro on Iho civilize I section of tho globe. In Fourteenth street, near Filth incline, n seller of samo ualr lotion, t nick Is warranted tomaku uno'a luck grow long und beautiful, employs u number of joung women with exceptionally Inughulr to comb It In largo Bhowwludows faclugllio street. 'Illusion naturally attracts a largo number of persons, who loos on from the sidewalk. Ii.ujluo tho In court and gratvly asklug Ihoselalojusltui Uuraut nil Injunction restraining llio young womeufrnm oomblugtuilr hair lu public, not on the ground of indecency, but because It on, slructB tholr buslnoHt Sounds ub.ard, iloesutllt Ultii) Justice, (leorgoc. liarrctt, uno ot tho must loaiuiiluudupilguluicuou tho bcucu ut tuu Su preme Court, ft man whose motives and decisional aro alike unquestioned, said, after hearing nrgu. mcnt,lhatlt wasadcllcMe question and bo would havotolhlnkoverli. If he looks at tho sccno ho will very quickly conoludo that Iho complaining shopkeepers aro In tbo tight, and Jnatlco tn them that would slop tho adrertlilng. During very tho middle hours of tho day rnnttoentti street, from Urondtvay to sixth avenue two blocks nf about eight hundred feet with about three thousand persons two processions, tl were, moving In opposite directions, but upon tho samosldoof tho street. Thoy completely fill tho alJownlkfortlieenllro distance, nnd when a num- ber of Idiom slop In front of tho lislMlyo store to walch tho combers Iho procession mtutclthe r como ton halt or take lo tho sired lo get around tho a crowd. Thus tho ndvcrllalng dodge of tho lialr-rty- not only Injures his neighbors, but creates ft nui sance on the public, sidewalk. It also gives ample opportnnlly for tho pickpockets to ply their trade, and for an remount or indiscriminato acquniniance-inakln- g nnd not altogether Innoi out flirtation which cannot bo estimated, causing subsequent mischief which cannot even bo Imagined. A hotel In a slatoof slego tho garrison ot debtors posicaalou being well prot Isloncd, nnd tho army creditors necking possession ravenous for blood money Isnuoltiercutloiis fcntiiro nf metropoli- tan llto this week. French'. lintel afcwyenrs ago wnsonoof tho boat properties In ttiaclly. lis pio. prlclor, Col. French, was ono ol Iho nioRt popular tlothatu'sold landlords. When he died bin large cstato was to hat c been divided nmong several Bona. One of them, the cldeat, a close, dictatorial fellow, undertook lo do Iho dividing himself, nnd ono thing at that specially suited him was In havo tho hotel tor hlmscir. It had lain nil ol Col. French's golden eggs, and why should It not eto so for his first-bor- n child? Hut tho oilier heirs lo llio matter wns thrown Into litigation, llio hotel wns ordered tn bo sold. 'I he eldest bought til In, but Iho tlllo was nol properly passed nml tho courts havo held It in possession ct cr since, nnd un- til lately it wasemply nt rnlnons expense to tho estnle. Ihcn n leaaeo was secured, but tlio first- born, still discontented, Insisted on ousting llio ta lessee, wlin turned ll over to tho present besieged lessees And In tho meantlmo tlio golden gonso hotel Is laying eggs only for tho lawyers, nnd alter n tlmo Col. French's heirs will discover that they havo killed tho bird as rirnsthcy nro themselves con- cerned. In my letter ol October 14 I predicted Hint the Violet Cnmcron Company would not go "on the road"ntnll,nndln a later communication I sug- gested that the success (?) nt Miss May Fortcscuc was not substantial enough to Justify managers out nftheiltyln playing her. Miss Cameron tins at departed for Buglisli shores, and Miss I'orlcs-cii- o will sail for homo again In n fortnight. Money was lost on her engagement ot six weeks nt tho Ly- ceum, ntul tho company wnsbndly broken up at Its conclusion by the retirement ot Charles Sugdcu and Charles Overton. There really never was n basla lorn starring tour In tho amateur acting, or tho pimple ami limited repertoire, or the much exagger- ated beauty ot Miss Fortcscuc, nnd her manager does wisely in concluding tho engagement. Mr. Sugdcn nnd Mr. Overton havo purchased the Bngllsh rights (if there bo any) to "Held by tho Enemy,' and ttlll play that essentially American drama to llrlllsh nudicnecs, Sugdcu asked mo my opinion ot the venture, and I said my observation had been that English plays were not succesiful a here II produced exactly as they aro In England, and a I did not see why tho rule would not work in llio case of American plays In England. Voir or Iho modern nud English plnys which havo bccnsuccesa. ful hero have escaped revision. Our Ideas or com. cdy nro essentially different from those of the L'ng llsh. "An Illustration ot this was lo bo seen last nlglit," said Miss May Harriott to mo Yesterday, "in tho pcrfortnancaorthc'SchooIiulstreaB' by I'lncro. It is a three act rarca of a boisterous kind, but so Blow. The tun 1b broad and t tilgar, and tho situations nro not quiet, bright, and lltclyns those we am used tn a In America. Iho nctnro 'make races' after tho man- ner ot tho English comedians and arc buffoons nil her than nctors. 1 he play Is thin, and It It wero not tor the grct.t variety or odd characters porlrajod it would hardly bo a passable pcrrormancc. I can well Imagine Auguslin Dnly gelling Hit ol It, alter buy Ing It beforo seeing It, for ctcn lila skill ion!d not hate made II a lltcly plcco for Ills company." I asked Itufus Mnriln, nt the firm In this city which makes n specialty ol Belling supplies, why ho placed on his cards tho line, "Wo pay tho freight." I supposed it was simply an Imitation of tlio Uno which Lieutenant Governor tones, of this Slate, employs, ".Tones, ho pays the freight," to attract nttcntlon to his advertisements. Hut Mr. Martin explained that tho line has an im- portant commercial significance, and 1b ono way which the enterprising merchant has of selling his goods a little lower than his less sagacious neighbor. The artist,. lames A. Wales, who died In a low chop ami oyster-hous- e from au otordose of bromide ot potassium, was a victim not ot that habit, but possibly n worse one. Ho did not hat c a great many friends and had made a great many enemies with his proline and vitriolic pencil, but ho was probably tho poorest friend aud worst enemy lie ever pos sessed. Uo had no convictions or his own to ex press, and was perfectly willing to express In his drawings tho convictions and prejudices nnd ani- mosities or any who employed him. Hence ho did not reach, Willi possible equal artistic, talents, the grai'o as a cartoonist of Nast, Kepler, Hnmlllon, or etentlillam. He married a very beautiful young woman named Coopor, who wan compelled to sepa- rate from him and earn her own livelihood. Tnc Cooper family was miforluinto in its matrimonial alliance.. A brother of Mrs. Wales nyoar or two ngo married Katclle Clayton, whom Millionaire Charles W. Durant used to trot around tho country ns a star In a barefooted part. Tho uiarrlago was somewhat unexpected and unpleasant to the million- aire, and ho abruptly stopped Miss Clayton's allow- ance fur starring purposes. Cooper, aflcr a brief term as husband, fled, I hear, lo boutli America, wliero millionaires do not forco barefooted stars on au unwilling public. When ltoswcll P. Smltliandbcrlbncr'sSonsilla-silte- d a fow jears ngo ll was mndo apart of tlio agreement tint Mr. Smith should no longer use the namo of "Scrlbucr'B Magnzlno," nnd that Mcaari., Scribucr'B Sons should not start another magazine by auy namo for live years. Uut It was not stlnu. latod tnat tlicy should not, aflcr that tlmo had ex. pired, sturt a magazine, nor lliat they should nol uso iho old name. Mr. Smith now claims that they can- not uBo the old name becauso it remains a part of tho good-wi- of tho present "Century," Its sue e essor. That Is t lie basis of tho present dispute be. tiucn tho two houses, but It will probably novcr reach tho courts, ns tho damage lo the "Cenlury'Ms loo problematical to submit to llio oidlnary Incoru- - prelienstblo Jury. in iam l tl. siiANks. IRVINU AS MEPHISTOPHELES. It lint Ih Noon at (lie l.oiiilou I.yoeiim Tliealrc. '1 ho Meplilsiophclcs ol Irving is a lurid, red, little, snaky, llciul-iua- He Is 111 scarlet Irom Iholoug cock's feather, in his cap down. IUsloug,lhln,anii deadly pale Ucu Is, In repose, a fncoao Inexpressi- bly Bid as to in ako ono wretched to look upon It. I hU cynical s Ulricas is ouo ot lis most baleful tho faeo or a doomed creature tvno knows that, whatever Iho tine scnilmcnlB, the outpourings, the moral strivings ot those ubouthun, lie una only to breathe on them and Hiey will become, as ton! ns himself. 'J no curiam arose at the llrst nctoullw dim uud gloomy study or Faust, wllti the moon slowly rising In tho tar, dark skies, ami as tno black clouds Blrulued oter It.cnalliigntrul shadows and icrlu lingers ot light at tlio quaint oldiaseiuent. 1'rescnily all was absolute darkness und tho sileueo of midnight In the lump study; ouly u single carved corner ol tho bearded old alclicmlst'a desk showed In tlio singlo ray or moonlight that pierced llio inullloncd wlnituw. Tho hissing steam puffed up trom the iloor. It hung wavering In the air llko u pillar or white i loud, Beemod tobecoruo more that malothu heart throii win. almost physical tear thcro appeared that lonir, lithe, lurid, scarlet body, twlstiug with snaky graio;lho calm, bloodless, long, whllo lace, Had, cad wllh being an outcast, sad with eyneisiii, but lecrlug, Bucerlng, uut upon the p uulou-speu- t, miserable old man nttne desk. It was a mobile, ghastly whllo raoe, rull of tlio cultiireof crime, full ola doidly fascination the tncu of the devil himself. luiliecatasiruiilioof tnoduel when Valentino Is killed. Mcpiilsiopheles sways and swings his long body Just us I have seen a snaku lu iiiooo erect half lis length up Into the nlruiid light. A blue, brilliant lUmo played like lightning up ami down his swonl ; Its very steely bluo r ullauce aocnied deadlv. 'tills bluo name 1 nil led from his siipnlo stvurd was ono or thoso reiuirkablo stage eltuls which render "1'ausl" so thrilling ns a inctii specia-- i lo. And then when V.ilciillno fell the Dei 11 Inoknd down on hlui an I guvo teuilon n "mil" of i.oiutu allotted iiuiiiuilsi riiluu mu Ii nu "oil I" us i itymo nu I u child hater mlglit cry out II lie ivati lied in lilt I weeping over a as wo might loss In fun a poodlo dug whoso vauliy had lieeuhurt. 'I ho i iltiniuauou nt spec nu ular effect H readied oil Iho glMiiiy.uuJeslln heights of the llrnckcu, when Faust is led lulu mat terrible Walpurgls nlglit. 'I ho rw ka and i rags of Hie great mnuutnliicristiiru ma- jestic uud real; tho lievllnud Kiusl ooiilu lolling up In tlie rovels. Tlio rocks ail I recessus seem to qultertvllhn hidden UN thai H half human, half veriulur. .Multitudes ol gnuslly, pilllil ireiluriH, eontoillngllko snakes, wiutIiik ko gliosis, pervado every pine, squirm In masses, he irued logethcr hu i loso mat the mirror bt their in dldualliy Is but slow ly realized. Each Is covered lu somu illiphaiiuus, wiving stuff or ihlug, ulinust gelatinous, mat wand llko Jelly-te- iu ll,o ulr, motes ns they move, but under It can he) seen Iho hiiinnii shapes. Al llio llrst look 1 sou moving, kqulruilog mass; at tlie second look I can discern Hie human stiupes, tho yuuug forms of women. the old limn of men. 'liicy herd loitllicr, fling thilr awfully veiled .inns lu Die shirk iiiiioullghi; Hiey lump, uud daucu, ami sere.iiu-n- ol llko hum ill being, not llko ilctlls in hell, but u strange bluo I curdling Hoieain. 1 llilnk ll Boumkd llko the tearing ut liuniau ileih. qiieuMuplilstopiicles Hat on u nu k aud foudledtwo small, crawling unformed shapes wltlihldeotiscaresslugs lllslaco seemed like llio while, fuceof ulmnv nuake. Ho was tlio devil, lulling urn hi ll iu his un n Henri nu I brain, Willi lliisghistly mroi union und lu Icons ulublauio nfiovo. All llio whllo UiuBame bluo lulls of nr., iilai u.l over hU body, glum lug doit ll liUuruu,otir iiimt-K.- , i iiuii,i!u.ij,iiii!ii nm eiBuivuereiiarkeuod ulr sei mi dm smell nl iirlm.toiie. ll was u sicken- ing, burrlblo si I'ltuil,', iiiimo mtssnuppou human budtcc, wlt'ittioir cries, uppucuil) IhiuugH Ihilr own tolKlnesl itisoltlug baik lulu Htiapclcsumittrr. I forget even now that It his mil) u piny, und Ihut I could not Ii no gone hu 1 1 u it tnkcu with mo to Uuuloii my bebt black bruc ide with lis cmilng w. list. To alolliitru. A fashion writer mjst "If you want lo sain youruelf many stlh lied in Iho dariilui: of mnull sum k. lugs, get tour eliililrcii, und isnei tally the boia, llio lieelprolictor 'IhUlsn Mini of half biir, em out ul kid nud seuini d uo iu lu in all nrouul llio lml, uiidldlirldtupUcubyuiiilafllOHiruiiuter the top of his fiet. it prcti nu llio in rsplrnilou Irom ui Hug 'i tuu ul lv nnuu null lUlllUg 110 HlOeklllgS. A thin Insole, the wliolo U uwlh ol the shoe, mado of kid on u found mount ttiu tiiluiitht pasiiboinLU also nlfi rid for the name puriiosi, tmi.ot iviimc.U tills nnlliu Bhuo luuiothuu tho heel luurlui; THE PASSING HOUK. Tho Iloston Home JournnVt New ork corrc. spondcntlollsthofollowlngftbont Mrs. A.T Slew-n- rt nnd n mysterious actress: "Kit hid not been tho death of Mrs. A. T. Stewart occurred at tho height ot political oxcllomcnl, nd nlo nmld celebration ot Liberty's statue, wo should havo heard mnch moro shout It. People ore Just awaken-In- g lo tho fact Hint she Is gone, nnd on every sldo Is heard dissatisfaction that nol a cent of the enormona forlnnn was left tho city. Mr. Rtewnrt yeirs sgo gavo thn members nt tho Union I ragno Clnb to that he would will his magnltli cnt inirhlo palace corner I Itlh avenue and Thlrty-fonrl- h atrect tothem foraelub-tiniia- shortly alter that Indge Hilton was In llio club, probably tor political reasons, nnd this nl course nngend Mr. stownrt, nnd no moro wns heard nt his residence ns c. I do not suppose, had tho t nlon Leagnoknowhnftht close Intimacy cxlatlngbelwean Mr. Stowart nhd .Judge Hilton, they would ever have black balled tho latlert tint no one suspected they svero nny moro limn tiltnplv good frlcnda until nflerMr. Stewart's dealli, nnd then when his will gatoJudgc Hilton bo much pnperty Ihelr pe- culiar Intimacy was retenlcd, but not rsplnltied, nnd has remained a inTsterr. Ihcrc have nlfravs been mysl erica about tho Stewarts, but tlie strangd ono that I havo known was the odd tlaltn nf an netriaslo Mrs. A. T. Mi wart. 'I tils nctreaa had plated amall pans, but had net er arrived to nny distinction. Stio was Just llko hundreds nf others who aro usually dubbed the 'anpportliiK lompmy.' She happened to bo stopping In tlio namo hotel wllh somii friends nf mine, one evening I remained to dlno with in? friends, nnd the nrin ss sit nt an ail. Jncent table, A messenger cimo tn her, saying Mrs Slewnrt'scarrlngowaliedntllin door for her. without walling to finish her dinner, she rushed from the labia to llio cirthge, sending n nervnntupslalrsrorhitind wraps, nnd Inalwlnk-llngshesv- gone. My Irlondi Informed mo that llicflo t lilts were of frequent occurrence, nnd nlwajs odd times; for Instance, It Iho nctriss wns about retiring lorinenigut, nni a Biunmons cimo irom Mrs. sicwarl,sho tnatantty dressed nnd was soon rolling alom-th- n ntentio to tlio stewnrt mansion. This nclrrasonco took n n 'lending Indy' see llio stewnrt nrt trnllcrr. Tlia'lenlln? lndtT stated that her guide rang tho door bell in n siucy manner, pushed by tho man tertint who admitted em, nnd othcrw Iso coudiicli d herself ns It she wnn nueiisipirtowlicr. onino 'leuiing ndy express- ing Riirtirlsa nt her friend s Isild manner, tlio olticr replied, Ml you understood all, j on would not think nan loo mum nsauranie.' 'iniaisnn i knownnoiii this Btrsngo story. Ilint some relation did cxM between tlio humble acireaa and Mrs. btew.ii t Is ecr- - nl whntlt was mnv net er bo known. I never sto tho actress's namo nnw In nny nl the supporting companies, and IhlnK alto nny hive given up the Ringccunrcir. iicriasi tugagcincni was, l uuievc, with Mr. A. M. Palmer." "A llnjlilnn street bootblack," sijb Hie Iloston Wrt2ffc,"tta8conslderablynstonlsliedono day last week by a raalibnibly-atUrc- d and shapely young wnmnu w ho requested him to giro her bootsn shine. Her showed the results of n Inmp through Hie muddy streets for which Iloston Is rapidly becoming lainous. Tlio gared her In comical contusion. Such a customer was nnniclty Pi Mm nnd ho was unprepared to deal with her. lie had plied his Industry upon eounlleas t, but a pair ot feet belonging to tho gentler sex had net er beforo submitted IhemRcltes to his brush. Iicforo lie round time to recover trom tho flurprlsu Intowhleh ho wastlirowu by so uiinsual a patron Bho repeated her request with some little Impatient c In tier manner, whereupon ho recovered and pushed his toot-sta- toward her. bho nt oni o placed upon It a small and pretty root, at which ho imzoil with astonishment, nnd then nt onco pro ceeded to scrub the mud from 11, but with a gentle ness accomtnouaicii m me siro ni ino ioot. in met, ho nlmoBl caressed It with his brush. Presently, passers began to atop, ntlractcd ny tlio unaccun. mined Bight; hut tho young woman wns In nowise disturbed, and watched the oporation tvltli proround interest 'tho boot having been polished, In due season, sho presented tho other, lllackcy, hotv-- or, lingered a llttlo longer over the second font, nnd ns ho breathed upon It 'n order In prepare It for final polish It Beemeil almost ns though It waa Willi tender nigh. When the Job was done his Blrangn ciiRtomer opened her portemonnale, as Bho inquired, IIowmnch7 The bootblnck waved hlnbriisti nnd nodded bis head In the negative. 'I asked, how much?' Insisted the young woman; whereupon lllackcy, with Iho air of acrudo nud siinme-faee- d Chcsterlleld, replied 'Nutliln'.' 'nut I wnnt lopny yon for what you havo done,' urged Iho other, blushing deeply. 'Itwasfio MMr, mum!' pleaded lllackcy, with n pnsnlng glance nt the small feet. It wns probably the nrnt compliment lie had ever pnld Inhls life, and It was not without a certain rude grace In tho bestowing. I think it merited a recog- nition In kind. Pcrhnpa tho young woman may hnvo been embarrassed nt tho slrango position In which nno iniinu nerBcii neroro gainniry irom sucu Hourcc, and was unequal to the oceision. Ho that as It may, sho flung him a quarter nnd hastened awav without ft word. Tlio crowd laughed nt Illnckev, but ho picked up tho qunrter, pixketed It, and growled 'No manners.' I llilnk hewas right." "Qon. Sherman," Bays tho New York fines, "Is growing fonder of tho drama aud tho opera ctcry day. One ol his chief reasons lu coining to lew York to spend tho winter tvus the desire to hat uthta sort or entertainment at Its best. On Just this one point ho admits that his bclot cd bt. ljuls Is nutqulle up to tho age. Ho has fallen especially 111 lot o with Mr. Daly's company, and lua box there the other evening, with lila friend, Commodoro llatcmati, ho applauded almost continually from tho rise to the tall ot tho curtain. Oneothislntlmatcssatdycstcr-da- y that tho tleneral'aacuteness ns n critic was a matter for astonishment, bo marked Is it. 'I ho old Boldler has tno personal acqualutauco of every American actor and nctrcss of prominence, and Is never mnro delighted llinn tn u d miss Inter- change nt remlulaccuco and auecdoto with his thea- trical friends. The General Isn't losing nny or his love for a good dinner as tho days go by. lly actu il count ho lus dining engagements already booked he docs keep a memorandum booked dated a y cur ahead that provldo lor hlB presenco nt tnrlons din- ners In tins c ty nnd elsewhere till into In next Sep- tember. 1 hero aro n few vacant dates left, ns the theatre ngents say, but they are nol likely lo stay vacant a long time, for Invitations keep on pouring In, and tho Ucncral hasn't It Inhls heart lo say uo lo uuv rcnulab'o friend who seeks Ills dluuer aenuaint- - auccslilp The story has onceortwlcehlllicno gone tho rounds which tells of a dilemma Into which no tell onco upon n tlmo In Washington, when, having dressed to go out to dinner, ho gate the last touch to his toilet and opened his door to go to tho street, when of n sudden ho dlsuoveied thai ho ha 1 forgot- ten whero ho really was to go. lint old ecu. Van Vllct hurried by Just then, aud (leu. Sherman philo- sophically follower! alter, deciding by n nil nt social logic, that ho and Ucu. Vim Vllct were lu nil likelihood bound fur tho same lablc. lie tvasrlgnt. Hut thcro was not ilttnysaueha happy way openoulot Hiotangtohcwua community gel- ling Into by reason or his iihuudaut dinner nppolnl-incut- nud so It wns that this winter, coming to New York, no hit upon mo expedient ol buying a blink book .mil posllng up his ilates," "Tint Buffalo Hill is a wonderful man," wald Col. Tom Ochiltree to a New jork.SMi- - rcponcr, aa ho gazed admiringly upon the froutlcrBimtn. "1 he ird Win make oneol Iho best atler-dlnn- speeches," continued tho Colonel, "bunday the L imb's Club, that 1 hate heard in a long time. It wns full or wit and common sense, nud w is delivered lu t erv good Kngllsli. You would think that wlicnhewiH called upon lie would havo been cmhjrrnsscd, con- sidering mo distinguished people present, 'i In re wero about a hundred ot us, U'ster Wall lek, (presid- ing,) Depew, Ucu. l'urlcr. Anion Cummlugs in fact, someot tlio iiesl speakers In Iho city, and they hid all contributed to ihu entertainment before Ituffalo Hill waa called upon. When ho got up I really did not expect anything remarkable Irom liliu, buthu kept us all In roars or Inugmtr, and ho received tlio congratulations of such men as l'ortcr and WalUck. lly tlie way, lll'l Is going to bo ft t err rich man. He has mado a great deal ot money, out lie seems to lack Dnanclal ability, aud there tvnssomcllilng want- ing until ho got bold or Nuto Salisbury. Nate had that ability which Hill linked, and Cody siys that ho owes more tn bnllsbnry than to nuy other man. lie told me to day Hint his own prollts atbtateu Island lnsi summer amounted lo $i07,iinii, llolsgolugto mako a big lot nf money ill .Madison Square Harden, and ho will lunku Hllll more In Lngland. I Hunk ho will caplltnle them oter there-- . lly Ihu way, all the great generals admire and respect him. ,leu. Sheri- dan, Hen. Sherman, and lieu. .Merrill are to bo ut his opening 111 Madison Squire 11 irden, und if tliev did nut think a gooddealuf lilnithiy certainly would not conic." "01 nil llio men who walk ordrivcuponllie streets ol busy New York Hiiro Is none," says Iho Iloston Oattltf, "whose dolugs aro more eagerly read than thoso ol JEoscoe Conkling. T IiIb eminent man is out ot podtlcs now, not In theory, but In practice. As a consequence Mi Income has no serious drain, nnd the lesser animosities ot his lire are being lorgottcn. Throuih tlio week ho Is busy over Ills briefs or ex- ceptions, lu tiding ihu ono or ruing Hie other for the clients who dally crowd his office Irom o uut 11 3. Only on bunday does he appear to hate time foruur nut-do- exercise, nnd tins, since he has begun to grow stout, usually consists of long drltes In Cen- tral Park. No in liter what the weather, ho can lio seen about 4 o'clock In tlio afternoon bowl- ing along behind a pair ofltie lightest steppers, a worsted uiuillcr wound ubout hlsncik lu cold or chlllv wetltier. asottteltliat druwndown oter his eyes, and a pair of gloves ot er his hands, l'rcipientlr ho is iiccoiupamcd by sumo lullinaio friend, wit ll whom ho e Hals as g iyly us any boy, nut nfien l.eiroesulono. Hut whether he Is In llio so ciety of frliuds or e utlrely un ici omp inled, business cares eiipy no purl ul Ills mind, tvnlch Is given tn tho pleasure or ihu moiiiiut. 'I here Is probably no mnru ntnicllo man lu llio uiroug that crowds the professions, uud it Is the opinion of nearly nil Ills friends that he Is good for many years more or uellt o work If ho cures lo combine." A goo 1 story Is told ubout A. K. McCluro, of the Phtladelphli I'luu.i. McCluro Is said lobe one nf Iho kliidesi.liiarted, most Intelligent, uud most cenirousnftlio note linen ol Plilladcip'ili, lie Is s ii I In Biorn Biuall llilugs, to lio t cry lit Ish tvlili hU money, nud tubulin uterso to a gjod giiuu of pikir. Nollnngngo, my Inform ml siys, ho hid becnplijlng.iqulillilllo gimo Willi hiiiio friends. In win. ii llio hi ikes were rutin r nign, nml left the Ublodeul broke. Do latuu titiiu tho klreel un I w ilked JaiiuUlyiiloiiguulllliomei one of Ids in illlou. ulrefrieuls "Howureyoiioir ror mutiv iniliy? It Is loo I He ror mu lo git Into Iho bulk, nud I Ii ttc'i'tnipiit luiiiy pocket, Cuuyuu ienil mu n litilu mull lo imirruw;" "Certainly," was the reply, au t w it'i Hi it tho in in ptillel out il well tilled pockelbook,nnd liuidid Mel lure a (au bill, McCluro look tno bill nml looktd loulemiiluoiisly ul It, llollieiilwikedal lliti iihii.iiii I held iiplhu bill, Biylng! "Aud do jou c ill fit) moueyr 1 call It nulv uuantul" Wiuiliir his rrlenl responded lo llio hint, or nol, I do not know. '1 ho uuvellliiiT nl the staluo ut Joan 0. Calhoun nt Charleston, wliero bicretiry Lunar will deliver nu ad Ircss, has been fii pone.l tuilll April, " 1 lie 1 wire," says Col, Wclghl man Initio Nun York MuiVlohavetukinplucuUiLiUDuUuudionueittd w lih them u us rt purl that linmcdl m ly alierword Mr amar would lead to llio ultiir un utir idltu lady rrom Ueorgla, one whom hu bad known from hm early maulinud. Iteport postpones lull mot unlll April loo, Ihuugh why tho ouo shou'd wall so dill, gi idly upon tliKotlicr does not nppeur Miuuwlillo Mr. I.hiuui Is ma.iipylug hi. resldiueeniiN street, wllti hU daughter presiding oter llio household. The supposition wns when ho rented the house rmt ii new mUtrcsa wuu'd very shortly ba liislullul i in re- - 'llio 'Pr no Kiilcuie. It'outcinpornry Jtctlew.) A true i pic ore would uo mora dream nl taking nwuytliu sharp edge of future uppcttto b) ucu tluin a barber oul.l ul opi nlng aim i un n HU ft razor. Iluttilghs hid pleasures and pains loo likely to bo caught lu sink tkes .Willacy la Unit nu eplcuru uln n)S m e Id the e holi'i'sl delluicles toBilumlatoliUnppellle. on the i.uilrury.l'io nrt ut i iluirlsmwiiibisis Initio irtillltyio git iibiMire nut of tlio most roiumonpinou mltekis ot fund by pre pui lug uud cutlug ttiem prope ily. Of oourto, tho i h urn pi oil rs Cauibe'lllii In Maoou.iind cautas baekduek to roast goose, for llio sumo misoii that liopreferdttiufrugruuioof ft tvoud tiokttn Hint of n course How in but nu the other b mil lie ulono kuoiv. u Out uu tlrli ntul rose gurdt n nf uisuio piifumus may be found lu Iho simplest ciu.l of whole meal ur Orahsm bruud and butlir. thouuli or dluury uiortu'H may lasilycuutluiotnemsiitetiof their uvistciico byeallug uslho aud ullowiib; tho exhalid ulr to paid nlowly lliruugu tlio wm BRENTANO'S HOLIDAY BOOKS. Our assortment of ctcrythinfj; of note in elegant books for presentation is now complete and will repay examination. Wccall special attention to NATURE'S HALLELUJAH, THK HLESSED DAMOZKL, GinsON'STHU HAPPY HUNTING GROUND, PLASTIC SKETCHES, and a beautiful line of smaller illustrated books. EXQUISITE BINDINGS. Our binder Ins surpassed himself, and tc confidently claim that nothing of equal elegance has ever before been exhibited in this city. A few of the many novel editions arc THACKERAY, SCOTT, POE, MOTLEY, DICKENS, CARLYLE, and HOLMES. TIKIE POETS. Our selection includes all the English and American singers, in many editions and all styles of binding, many of which were designed e.xclusicly for us. CHILDREN'S BOOKS. Everyone will be repaid by an examination of ourstock, which has been collected with unusual care and includes etcr) thing of note produced in this country and Europe. WE COULD NOP BEGIN TO NAME CALL AND FOR THE CHRISTMAS CARDS, CALENDARS, LEATHER WRITING CASES, CARD CASES, POCKETBOOKkS, AND NOVELTIES IN ENDLESS VARIETY. STATIONERY. ENGRAVING,- - DIE SINKING, AND STAMPING. 1015 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. S13T3 OUlt IN CAFITAIj. KING'S PALACE! THIS BEATS THEM ALL. ANOTHER HAT AND CLOAK SALE. EE.r iciurca-'- s :f.cXj.a.c!:e PBioEa At $20, our elegant Beal l'lush Coats; former price, $25. At $24, elegant Seal l'lush. Coats; former price, $30. , f At $18, elegant l'lush Coats; former juice, $22. At $11, elegant Beal l'lush Vlsltes; former price, $15. v . At $20, elegant Seal l'lush Vlsites; former price, $21. , t At $5, elegant lierlln Newmarkets; former price, $8. , , At $(!, elegant llouclu ami anil Beaver Newmarkets; former price, $10. At $2.75, elegant Boucle Jackets; former price, $4.50. ' " At $3.50, very flue Houcle Jackets; former price, $5. At $0, flue Astrachau Jackets; former price, $10. At $5, fine Heaver Jackets; former price, $S. At $4, flue Misses' Newmarkets; former price, $G.50. At $5, fine Misses' Newmarkets ami former prloe, $S. At $J, Coats; formerly $5 MILLIITBRY. At 41 ceuts, elegant Astrachau Hound I'elt Hats; former price, $1.50. At 01 cents, elegaut Trench, Felt HatB; former price, $1.50. At 50 cents, elegaut l'elt Hats; former price, $1, At $1.50, fine Silk l'lush, Handsome Goods; former price, $2.50. At $1.5", elegant Trimmed Hats for Children and Ladles; former price, $3.50. At (j1) cents, elegant Children's and Misses' Hats; former price, $1.25. At 4J cents, a lovely line of Wings and Birds; former price, $1. At 75 cents, choice line of Birds and Wings; former price, $1.50. At 15, 20, and 25 cents, an elegant assortment of Wlugs; former price, 50 cents. Buy Your Present, at KINO'S l'ALACE. Klegant Silk Mufflers at 50, 75, and $1 only. At 75 cents, elegant Kid Gloves j sold elsewhere al $1. j liA;, '" KH2sTC3 iSfcUauccus. A LTNJS OJP BLANK BOOKS, Trial ISulance lloofcs, Index and Time Books, licitortcrs' Sote-ltoole- s, STUDENTS' NOTES i:ercisc and t'tinipositloii nooks, LETTER-COPYIN- G BOOKS. SCRAP AND INVOICE BOOKS lilamU AuIih, ItruftH ami Kecelpt., Grocers ami Butchers Order Books. HTATIoiVKlts, cor. l'a. ave. and 13th St. N. W. UOWjl! BlMiMIFS IOOICC OF IRON PJJL..S, pproteilby tnoAcademyof McdictucnrParls.nre .b net tally by tho .Medical CclcbrlllcB otmoWoildforbcrofula,(run'ors,hlngsl.vlI,clc.,l tlio early stages of Consumption, Coustllutlouul Weakness, Puorness ot Hlood, nud for stimulating and regululug Us pcnoillo course. None genuine unless Blgucd 40 ruo Uouaparte, Paris " U. KOUOKUA A CO., N. Y Agents for tho U. S. bold by Dugglst. generally. nnll-l- r Cure without Medicine A POSITIVE l'atentedOctobcrl0.1S7t one box will cure the most obstinate caso in tour day. or less, Allan's Soluble Medicated Roubles. No nauseous doses or eubcbs,eopabla,or oil or sandal wood.that aroeerlaln to produio dyspepsia by destroying the loallngsol tho stomach. Price 11.60. Hold by all druggists, or nullcdon receipt of prk e. ror further particulars send tor circular. 1, V. 11UA (Wtf, ,1. O. ALLAN CO., CURE. M John street, New York FITS! tVbrn I ..r cura I do uut m..n m.irlr lo .lop l'""u fur Hu. ut IIku ., tUciu i.luro .1 .In. 1 ui..n A r4. u.i rmfc i ii... tui ib. diiv.M ,r nan, ell vr KilCISU blcKNCM a 111. Iun( ktulr. I wsrr.ui lu, irincj lo cur. lb. wcil.t c,l,l. Il.r.iu tlti. Iis.a f.ll.a I. lo i.mhi for uol uuur tvocl.lK rui. hvul .1 vaF. lor lrll. .ni . Kir. II. III. ul mr IliLlUt). r.RivJr lll.o I ipt... .Hi lu.lOluifc 11 tv.t. fvn bullluforlil.l(.nJIlllruirou. auJiiMPu. IL 0. K001,l,ll.stlBI,Ncwaoili. noji-riu- j PHOl'OSALS roil MlhCHI.IiANIIOUSHlIl', 111: HDHIIAU OP UMiUAMM) AM) I'ltlMIMI. i)LI IllIlll'NT. IIUIlfAl'OI' ItMIIIltlMI ANUPlllMIMI, Dicelllber13, PHD- - lei'.Al.i will no rece'ltesiui iiiih uuiiouiiiu is 3, siunuAT, iieeenmer til, in.ii, to iiirmsu .tuseei-- 1 moons bupplkM In Buck qiiuutitles as mnv be re- quired by iho llurciu or 1 ngrattiig nml Priming during tuesK moiitlis begluulug January 1, tb7, and ending Juno so, IsST. l'roposuls w 111 bo consider! d only Irom established muuutnciiiri rs ul or ueaie rs iu tno nrucie n. 'Ino rigtil Isreserteitlo waive defectd und loro lei t unv or nil bids, or nana nf bids. Hluuk forms Willi spcclllcilloui for proposils and liirinir iiiioriujiiuu ocsire-i- i uy linen iiiik miners, will uo lurnisiit'd uu a ppiieunon ur mis iniicu. - H. ll. UltAVICNChletnf Hiiroiu. rillUIAHUUY llL'I'AUTMltNT, llUCliMUlilt X,ii,so.-bl- !l HIiPHOPOSM.SwIllbort.o'tid nt Hie intllio ol ihu tsslsiuut buperinitndcut until tl o'clock P. SI. WHliNKbllXY. , Inrtupplylngtho rnllowliig-iiume- urllolis, as per drawings, Hneeiiicauona, aim samples, wiiuu may it tills Drpailinciiti beiin(l) Piles Cases, hundred uud fuiiitnin. 1 Wll UUUMItll llllll illll 1IOUJ rilLlllllCS. UiHilrult nattetu. One liimdri I mil thlrtl-sete- u (lit) jards 44 t'uona Matting, hetenlccn Imudrcd (l,;ou) turds Carpet 1'ilt. TliuDipuiiueutrisertis the rtilit tu njui uir or all bids uud to tvalto do- les Is. l).MNNIN(l,Seerctiirv iluu Itu PUOl'OSAl.H l'Oli BlIliliriUDN WOKK IU 1. 01' lll'II lUMI 11)11 Hi .11 K, Will. AMI NAM Um'autuims, U'AUIIMH'US', II. I' Hiuuit'il' 1), Hag, hKAI.HI) .lellti ling, nu I pulling ill plate the Bin mm uiiini cilous, elilmueycaiui.iia, required lu Iho West Ulng of iho liutlillui' fur btate, War, uud Navv IH pal lunula, lulhlsilir, will bo rteelte'il ut this oilku unlll nil. on '1 111. MIAY.tllo'.'Isl day ut lliulut.l r, tnw', lliul opened Immeillulely ItiuealUr lu pu.ciiui of bidders. bin eUloatloiu.geiieraUustruetlons to bidders, and blink fnnus of piuposul will bo fiirulshoel to luauii-fa- t lu ers on 31 plk t'loii in mis unit e JIKIMAK I.1MOLN lAUi:, Culuucl, Corps ot L'utUieua. THE MANY CHOICE SEE THEM. SUIVJLA.Y lierlln llavelocks; Children's Fancy FULL recommended "HLNOAHD, DON'T NEGLEGT TO GO - 'S PALACE. Kf CAVITAL L'ltIZE, $150,0001 "Weao hereby cerliJV lluit iot fujrcletnar" rauaemenln ror all the Monlhlv anil Quarterly PrauMigaofTheLouUlanulttateliOUervCompanv, and tn uemoii managnatut control the Drawing ttiemelves,anl that the same are conaucteavallh honestv, fairness, aud in goo& faith toward alt parffes,aniItceaufiorf2e the (omvanvtouietMl certificate, iclth oi our ilgiiaturcfat- - laonea, mua aavertineiimnu ? . JS &"79. 5fcK.ViS.9 "3, j jZt C0HM188I0NEB8. We, the Kuitn sUjneH Hank' and Banters, tofll pay all Pi Uetarawn In The LouMana State. whirl, mat tm vretteiitea at our counter. J. II. Our.KNIIY. Pres. Louisiana Nat'l Hank. jr. XV. iui.hrki II. Prea. stato National Hank. A. U1LUWIN, Pros. Now Orleans Nat'l Hank. Unprecedented Attraction t Over Half a Million Distributed I Louisiana State Lottery Company, Incorporated In lsos for IH years by tho Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital ot $1,1)00,00010 which a reserve functor ovor (.i.mi.imio Has since been added. Uy an overwhelming popular voto Its franchise was made n part of the present btate Constitution adonled December 8, A. I). 1870. ITH (lit AN 11 blNHLB NUMHKIt DHAW1NG8 WILL TAKB PLAOK MONTHLY. ( r tcalet or postpone. Look at tho following Distribution : luuili Urnna 9f uuiuir and the Extraordinary Quarterly Drawing INTili: AOADHMY OP MU8U',NEWOULUANS, 'lUHSDAY, Dr.CP.MHHlt 14, 180, Under tho personal supervision and management of Hen. (I. T. IIKUltK(IAIiD,uf Louisiana, and Ucu. JUHAI. A. IIAHLY, of Virginia. OAI'lTAli 1111X12, HXtiO.OOO. Jtr.Xollcc Tickets are Ten Dollsrsonly. Halves, 4U. Hrili,$-'- . Tenths, fl. 1ST Of I'HtZKSl 1 OM'ITAL Pltl.K Ol' f 150,000., (1(0,000 1 llllND PHI.K or, 60,01)0 i iiitAND phii: or vii.imh).. l.aillili rillAl r Kir iu,iiuu tiikooo ijmiiik ur d,ini vu,uuu m piti.i:s or 1,0110 ".11,000 tvi piti.i:s or ano ,.,, y.a,ooo ino pitiihtir UIU 30,000 so i piu.Ksor V.0U 40,000 C(IO l'lll.l rt 01' 1110 00,000 1,000 riti.hs or SO MI.UOO ii'iKuxiMiTluN I nuts: loo Approximation I'rlfsot f ji- -. .. lis) Approximation l'ri7idof lisi,,, 111,000 ino ApiiruMiuallonPrizeauf 76,,, 7,500 '.','JJD Prizes, amiiuniiurf to V'll,m Ai'piiiaiioiiior ruicn luciuudsuouiu oouiauouuiy ilhn nSli nnfftin IVnnn.n In New Orleans. ror turtlK r lufnrmatlnu write clearly, giving fall auuress. runrAi. rseii&, uxfrcsuAioneyuruers, orNew York lixihauKO 11 Inordinary loner. Currency bylCxpresi,(at our expenae.iaddresscil M. A. HUPIU.,.Xen Orlfinl, Ll. Make 1', 0, Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NKW Oltl.F.INN NATIONAL IIANU, lioll-S- t Now OrlftatiH, I.a. SotfW. " THE CLARENDON, 1101 SK1V YUKIe AVIEM'K, COHNKlt KOUItTKKNl'll bTHKET. Penuaueut out Trausleul (luesls Accommodateil, Cars to all parts of tho city piisi the door. HUN. St. J. 4'OM.BY, Jylltf Proprietress. THE EBBITT: WAHillNOTON, P. 0. AOYiuul NAVY HKAIHtUAUTi;U8 I'oui Iron KseuiH's. Tl.JtflS, S.l.llll ANII 1.1)0 vr.H HAY. Ninth-Stre- ot Shaving Parlor MIL I. H.KllKrilUUll ..aa nnciied a Hraud-Ne- Plrtt I laadHIMWN(iuudllItt-Dltl.b3lMIB110- III t tie i, uiitou Uuildlug, ou Mniti stri e t. upas it J.ll.bHlil'ilKHll THINGS LITTLE ONES. Christmas t)r, .a- - ' TO gnb Srintrfi. JOS.L. PEAESON, STEAM-POWE- R Booto Job Printer, 9thandD Streets N. W. LawBriefS' and Patent Records FIUNTEDCAT SHORT NOTICE. JebsPrinllng-o- r Eiery Descriptloii. HI. . . STEAM PRESS. Book and Job Printer, II nd 614 D ITBBKT. BVKHY DE3CUIPTION OF , PUINTINH A HPKCIALTY WmtlM' dvA&t. OHKAT PKNNSYLVANIA HOUTU TO THK NOHTII. WKHT. AND SOUTHWEST. DOUHLKTItACK.bTKKI. 1IA1LH, SPLKNDID bCUNKItr,MA(INiriUUNTI(UIPMENT. IN Kl'PKOT DKC'KMIIEII I), IbSo. Trains lcate Washington, from Htalion, corner ot bixin auu ii Btrecis, as louowsi Kor Pittsburg and tho West, Chicago Umltcd Ex- press of Palace bleeping Cars, at ltt-l-s p. m. dally; Post I Inc, V.40 a. m. dally lo Cincinnati and tit. Louis, with Nleeplng Cars from Harrltburg to Cincinnati, and HulRt car to bt. Louis; dally, except Saturday, to Chicago, w UU bleeping Cur Altoona to Chicago. Chicago aud Clnelnuutl l.xpress, at 7.10 p. m. dally, wllh bleeping Cars Vt ostilngtou tu Chicago and ut. Ijols, and Ilurriiburg to Cleveland, connecting at Uarrlaburg with Western Kxprcsa, wllh through Sleepers for Louisville and Memphis. Paeltlo to (s) p. m. dally, for llltsburg nud the West, wllh througn bleeper llarrlsburgtu Chicago. HALTIMOUK AND POIOMAU HA1LHOAD. Pur Erie, Canandulgua, Itochcster, lluffalo, Ni- agara, al 10.00 p. m. dally, exeept baluruay, with palace cars ashlugton to llochesler. Par WUluunsport, Lock Haven, and Kliulra, at S.40 a. in. dally, except Sunday. Per New ork und the East. 7.S3, 9.00, 11.19 a. m.. U so, aoo, 4.15,10.1)0, and tl 20 p. m. On bunday, D.uu a. m , u 3u, tt.oo,, lo.uo, and 11. M p. a. Limited ExpresB of Pullman Parlor Cars, v.40 a, m dally, exeept bunday, and 4 p. m. daily. Kor I'u.iuii witnout change, p. m. vvory UttJ. Pur Ilrooklyn, New ork, nil through train, con- nect at Jersey City with boatsof "Urooklyn Annex," affordlug direct transfer to 1 ulton street, avoiding double ferriage across Now York City, Pur Philadelphia, 7 5,.oo, und 11.15 a. m , a 00, 4.15,,iow, and ll.vo p. m. on bunday, .w) a. en , in 30, no, 4 15, o oo,, and l l.w n. in. I Imlted Kxpress, 11.40 a. lu. week day. aud 4.1k) p, m. dally. , For Hdltluinre, &.3.1, 7.23, u oo, v.40, ii.oo a. m.. 12.19, U.Se, 1! 35, 1 00, 4.1K), 4 15, 4.3, 4.40, CM, 7.10, 10,00, aud 11 no u. m. Ou bunday, yoo,.40, and 11,19 a., 1H.30, ilX), 4 00, 4.15, 0.00, 7,10, loisi.auitll.sop. m. Por Pope d Creek Mne. T.'.s o. in. aud 4,40 p, ill. dally, exeept bunday. Pur Auiuipol s, t.K.t u. in. aud la. 15, 4.j, aud e.oo v. in, dally, except buuday. buudais, u a. ui, uud 4.15 p.m. ALKXANDKIA AND l'llKDUICKSUUIKI 1IA1U WAYANDALKXANHHIAANDWAblllNmON ItAlLHOAD. 1 or AlekaiiUrla.O.ixi, 7,i)3,'J.t,i, U.(H) u. m ,aud U 01 , tt.Jj, 4 a, 1,35,0.01, wis, loco, uud U.37 p.m. ou bunday at U.UV, tl.Y.3, aud u. iu., uud 0.01 uud 10 05 p in. Por Ukhmoaduud IhoBouth, 0 00 nud ll.Oua. w. dally, uud 4 09 p. m. dully, exee Id bunday. TrulnileuvoAloxaudrlufurWasulugtuii,o.0S,8Oi, looo.nuJlo.taii 111 ,1.W,3W,3 va,o.lo,7.t'3,viiJ, uu,( 10.41 p. iu ,.llul Ui.ti)uildulgkt,(exceptMouilay ) on Sunday ut duo and 10 4.1a. iu..uud 5.1o, v.3s, and tu.4Jp. iu., auiUsUOulgUt. Tlekcu nud Information at the otttco noitboast corner of 'luirleeiilhs'reet uud PeunsyltuuUutenue, aud ut the ttuilou, where order, tuu be left tor the cheeking ot baggage- to destination from hotels mid rcBlilcnus. C'UAltLKH K.Pl'tlll.dcnei.l Manager. J. It. OUD, Ueuerul I'lUmugtr Agiut. '

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Page 1: The Sunday Herald (Washington, D.C.). (Washington, DC ...features of the School. A "Children's Department" will lio annexed to llio School, In which the wliolo Instruction will bo



5ttccr- -



st(0&lIKsa. yn t se.-o-

Wr('W,$aUSXUVltOlVU UHl- -


$00,0 am. hocjs.


MAKING.lilting nnilo of Hoot nml RIioq

Mnklnff on ntntomlcal jtrim Iplci, I nm em bid I to lit1tmmot tn;. ulhrly toiiHtruUcl fccU I .efj nnsone tn iiiikq a morusnceily euro nt oorni or bunion.I hnvo in ulnn Hiiptiil minlv at tho feet for maiivypur nifti. ItiotutmcrouHtcilmonlilAun file willunuvliHUItio tmiit skcptlial or rio eincacv or mvtreatment. I limo rnilrolv c rail lent cd corns midliutilnns from llio fi ot r iicrHotiN who siirntin inojr rlwiwhctu wllti no liencflt wlmtcvrr. Nocm ikatlon iinnl. Nocturne Mr conmiitnllon. MyrimiUcs arc now In nliiiuai unit orsiil use.

J. ,T. GEORGES,t!!OS l? Street Northwest,

Atllsilo Hoot nml Nioo Maker nml Chlropoillnt.ri in tin


Fireinon'sliisurai.coOoinp'yciiAitrKUiniiiy coNtutnss,

('illiltiil, tPaUD.OOt). Nuriillis, 8100,11110.

uri'MU;NCWItUlLDlNO.N. II. l'nrner7Uiblicct aud Louisi-

ana Avenue.

ALMlilT A. II.SOV, Prcsldint.1 HUM as l'AUKKI(,lco President.

0. V. UOWA1IP, sn reinry.II. II. HA, UD, Assistant Secretary.

DlltCUiOUsl Mberl A. Wilson, Thomas Parker,till un II. Howard. Joseph Hcdtcrn, K. (1. Davis,

Willi mi .1. V llaon, 1'. A. I.HI7, Frank lliinic, II. ('.McCauley, .1. W. l)n w. hainuel II. Whcallcy, O. W.Crnplcy, nml John M. Waters.




tlilli r hours.' ion 14211 Falrm t northwest.

Hi o o is:JSJF Til 15





Tlio Origin!! nnil Only (Jvnuliic.FifimnftlwijB licl at ftfc nf nurtlilratt Imitation I

i.llMn-utk- ii LADIES. Ak jiiir fur"InlchiftUr m I ni:llli"niil tiko liicionlo(lanunt to u fr nrilcul-- m trttrr tTrrlurn maltNAME PAPER- - thlcbcufrClinnlnil Co..

.J .ID MitilUuiiMiunro, l'liUutIu.,1'0.nfrj'wlicn'. Ak fr'( Iilclic.rciitij ut l'Uln. 1 ke no other.

eoiu iy

Lf.nskrg'h & Bro.

WImt to Buy for


Anvthiny In Shape of

Leabliev G-oo-

Mithcs t Xlcc 1'; nr.r.i' in Niunt ai.i. tiii: suv.

r.i.riF.s in

Books,Satchols,Wallets,otc.Tlin I.ntCNtVrnzitlii IaockttioakK

In (tin I.uni;-hliaiai- l.

I,DIKS' l'OL'KKl'HOOKS, 15 Different Styles, 25i entii.

IADtlls' I.ONO I'OCICHI'HOOKS, with or withoutOxlillo '1 rhmnlne, In lliiaul i, Sail, or Alligator,Ivorror.bioiuorto l.outtii'r. ii cenlH.

l.UHKV I UNCI l'OOKIUUUOKt), 111 Heal HcnlLeithcr. hiin'iiiH.

lAllllIS' rtliVi:i) l'OCKCTIIOOKH, In C'alfikln,H l ccrilx.

URAL HI5I. roCKISTIlOOUS. fl 21.J,DII5s'I.ON(l I'AI.l'SKIN 1'OUKIST1IOOKS,(U, Hi:l. 1'UUKUTIIOOK!), with Oydl70 Cor-


u:ai'iii:ii nooks, iicjuiitni mm o.m-wo- um

mnko nil nkgint unit Utslnililo l'reseul-f- ortftU

SjAIHHS' V.lllD CASES.Iu Ivory nml Alligator J.cillier, for T ecnts.In Moil, Nicely Klulslicil, it i nuts.Ill 1'renseil I e uhcr, 1J nml 7t cents,lu I'alMvln.JI 4S.Iu Calfskin, with Silver Trimmings, $1.03. This

iSHomotliliu; elegant.Iu Ivory Lcaihor, Jl.U.

j. j:atiris it vunsES,10c, ltc, 13c. iic, sic, hid , ami so on.

aiwrs' WALLETS., III Cair, Leather UiiciI.vj cents

In Se il, Leather Lined, 70 centB.Ill Alligator, IJ uents. Also finer Hoods.

OEXTS' OA1CI) CASES.In Oilfdklu l.c uhor, I.iutlicr Lined, St an 1 It cents.

aontn' Leuthvr CuD'aml Collar

13 eul ier set, worth ft,

WitlVIXa J'OUTKOLWS,rnrnlalioil mil I'llnlcd, nt'JI and 2'J i ems.

Leatlin 1'orlf ultOD, su cddIh.

win risa DESKS.Ill llutnl Alligator, ss i emsIn Harm t and llluo I'Iiihii, f I M.In iMjalaml Alligator Leather, l'u rnlahodUullre,fl,vS,In Il hi Alllgilor, Knrnlslad.ti u.In Id al heal, I urnlHliuil.ttlM.In Hull Iwry Killiur. 1 iirnlslicil, tl tn.In I'ri'snfil Ixutlier, Haul I'alnlcil anil lriiriilshcl

'i liriuiKliuiil, i, nils Is lined ut (1, amiwould in ll. u a Hunt ucci H iblo Kl't fur Iy,

it a i) 1 1: s ' u a sn n a a sAh Low us IU ceutH,

IN ALI.IIIVI UK, LI1M lllllt I INKD, Worth VJcts.

Pressed I eitlier lliind II igi, In II lack mid Tuu, cj amioj num.

Alligator Satchels, 75 cents; nlth Outsllo 1'ockct,l.nrtr M7.o,f I.

I'rosicd Lu uliir. I.e.illur I lucd, tu i ents.Alll.'ator Saliliels, llox Mluin, Leatlur Llmil, IU

cents; Largo Mt',fl.ll.Alligator mid Veal hatcliele, Leitlici Lined, llox

Slupo, Jl iu.Alligator, llox hhapc, wllh Centre l)hllon, fl.Jj,

In lvorr Leaihcr, I catlicr Lluod, Hand lings, llox hlispe, loattiti Lined, I'anl

Case and i'oi kelboikon llio Outside, fl.Os.Iu liUiknnl Juu l'resiel Leather, llox blupe, out-

side I'lickct, 1.71.i Heal Alllgalorbnlchcla, jromtl.istn Uvi.

itual beal batcliels, from t i 83 to (v vs.

OUUI.UM'IIKU HOdliS HHrAUl'MlINrUloivanlI Uo left us jou cuter.

All Our aouiln Mnrhed In I'lnlnllijitrcH.


Ull, Hi, fit, Ijll HuvuHUiMroul,

OKI- - Holiday Cumin all lttmlu forlHiUtu.

REOTortnp. itiiiMHivInt. AMUlUief JtmlhfulManhood liuiturulet.u)( ttuuuir 1 rt tuu.

tfltxllii n1u miry ktiowu icni'Xlytliiui tiittwiWrcl ujumgoih.iii.ic, Vbkll JiO.tU fvua O HIUllOWUlUlMT, AllJruhrJ

O. J. tl AbYN, Xot uuivo Uox ?!?, Mcvr Vwk City


tin rr.wssTt.vANiv avf.nijf.

Fall Lino oj Saltinys,OvorcoatlitfiH and Trou-sorl- na

for Villi andWinter rooelved, Mown Importations.

Gon (lemon will plousolouvo tholr Orders at thetho Leading Tailoringlislahllshmont of Wash-inrito- n.







Sign Painting, Gilding, Etc.JOIIUINd I'ltOMlTA ATTHNDnil TO.


C. Macnichol &, Son.,111! TENTU BTltEBT NOKTUWKST NEXT TO



Tlio Only



.Cbrilinn, .III , I'rcHlilcnl.T. A. N KKNK , Socrrlirr.

V. 1). wool. win: MTrniurtr.

lluvlnc llirco Kda or AliRlracls fur i ninpirlvinanil comcltmi, wenru prepircillo fiiriush nol onlyAbstracts, but hIko


oniccs: Corner l'ourtli ami I) blrccls,

Hun IIIcbo, Cnlirornln.1". o. Dot: r,tc. tio23-l-

(( THE MIKADO."Innilillllontoour rreinltims, ft list of which will

bosciit ounpplliatloii, we wish to call LbPKCIALNOTlUlitOUUrUAlllNlir 1'OUTItAllS of

D'Oyley Carte's EnglishMIKADO COMPANY,

i:l ftU Avo, Thcatro.Now York,No light opera has ever been produced In Iho

United states that hascn,ualcd 111 populnilty "TheMikado." Iho original company to prodtico It Inthis couulry was D'oyler Carie'H Kngllsh Company,selected tltero by (lllbcrl and Siillhau uud scutto this country Wo have Issued, for distribution tnour palrous who will send uswrippcrs usbelow.naeries of bKVl.N CAlllNIU' I'DU'lUAl t'Sof themnrtlsis, luchiraclcr nnil coslunie, the llmslphotn-graphl- o

gelitlnu work cverproduccil. 'Ihcyioui-prlse- :

(iKUAiniNKUiMAU, ns "Yum Yum.'Misses Ul MAi:, I'ihtkii, and hT. .Maui:, ns

" Three Llllte Maids from hcliool."Kate 1'ostfu, as "I'ittl Slug."(ihoiuinTiioiiNK, as tiKo Ko."codiiticf1 Pounds, as. " Natikl l'oo.'iritFPKittcr,aH ."Tho Mlkndo."1 KFU IIILUNUTOIJ.HS "1'UUU llllll."

these port raits Is tnentj-tli- o centscnuh. but to any ouo who uses our soup, and sendingus 15 wrappers of Dobolns' Lleclrlc boap, mid fulliiost olllco address, wo will send I hen hole series,postage p lid, and l'UKi: or CIIAKHI'.

Ifyour Orocer iloes not keep Dobbins' ElcUiicboap, send ns lr cents Iu st imps to pay postngo audwe will fiend you by return mall a simple Ireo otcharge. In bcmlliiKforn sample mentlunihlH paper.

I L.CRAGIN & CO. i'i.uni"7i!ra;'


Gil & GIG rciuis)liania Aicuue,



Tlie College ofModern Languages

OF 1 1ll.



PUINt'Il'ALS.UNDiiu tub Diitr.cTioN or

1'roriiHNnr JIi:.MlI MAKION,Hraduate of the "Jorbonne," Paris,

Asslilcil by I Uglily KnltlcnL NatKo liistrudors.HOJ MASSAOHUbUITS AVBNUi:, WAslllNH-'JON- ,


Without mentioning Its oilier niinierousad vantages,possesses Hint of being situated in i ccnlril loca-tion, easy of neccsn from nil tho different pirlsolthotlty, offering, with itselcgaut nud commodiousbtilldlugs anil lino library, every fiiUUty for llio es-tablishment of n Si hool of Languages

ll is i no nun or mo college lo nucr a I iiorougn nnilpractlcilconrsoof Instruction lu tho Moleru

having espee tally In view llio ituinlrcmentof u correct pronunciation, ilueney In converBallon,and a knowledge of foreign literature.

A Spe'clal Post Hraduite Cliaa of Convors itlonnnd Literature for young ludles, ami n Course ot Ob-ject Lessons, with new svstcni of Illustrated studyRollers for hcgmiicrs, will be iiinoug Hie prominentfeatures of the School.

A "Children's Department" will lio annexed to llioSchool, In which the wliolo Instruction will bo givenntally, and to which e lilldrcn of any age will bo ad-mitted, und will rccclvo ludlvldiiil caru nnd utlen-tlo- SIS:CLASS INSntUOTION.

Coureeof tweuty-Uv- o lcssons,thrc times a week.. 1 r,

or (s per month.C'oursu of aflccu lessons, twice u week flo

or fa perinoniu.CIIILnitHN'3 DEPAHTJIKNr.

1) illy lessons, per month !

PHIVAIB INaTltUOI'ION.Course of ilfloeu Icesons f.'ii


ui.n.m:Nc.:s.Dr. Ijiinbcrt hanveur, Principal of llio Summer

Collegoof Languages, Oswego, N. Y.Professor A.M. iillloll, President ot tho Modern

Innguago Association of America, Johns HopkinsUniversity.

Dr. LM. S. Jnynes, Author of tho .loynes-Ott-

Princhand Herman Course, Houtli Carolina Col- -lege.

LANGUAGES.Tlic Hcrlil. School of Laugiiagrs,

ill roUUTKHNl'II UTUKIST N. Wand all other priiiclp H c til s. Itccognlzed us superiorto nil other similar lustltulions.

Unexi cllcd ndviiulages for learning Convcrs itlon.llestof uatlvoieai iiers. l'eo extremely low. Newterms now for ladles, gentleuieu, and children.

I'llIJi: 'I ill Al. LESSONS I'.VBHYHA'lUItDAY.oi M Tft

(Conl nnrt Wood.


Coal and Kindling Wood.oiTitiK, iiuTi'.Nrn Niur.i'.rA'. w.

.11111 nml Itrpot, Komih-HtHM- 't WluirT.We hato vstabllhlied atifiillio nt llio alwvond-dres-

wliero a mi mberuf ourlltm will nlwajH bofound during oilleo liuurs.

Wo shall offer for sale only tho

IScst (Inn. Hies or Coal anil Wood,And sneli as wo bellcto will meet wllh your favor.

Call and consult with us lu regard to prices befuropurchaslugclsowherc,

J. Maury Dove,

Coal and Wood.

The Finest Splint andCannel Coal


Main (HUre Tumly-fir- st nml 1 Streets.1IKANOII OI'FICHHl


roor or v and u bTiiEE-ia-.


Knoir and Itlno lama To.ttlitr Men AotV on linn.of Wealth .ltlieSoel.lltl

Minion Marti. Helps TTrlt Secretary linnlm'aMftaiit Why MlllUra I.. Scott DM Hoi Urt HieTreasury Theodore Thomas and Olhr Oper. thoCranla-T- he tllrls-S- Iii iorleieneFollows C.maron Hack to Fnglano'-TlifBlr- lt.l,

Personal, Bad" Literary that.It

I'poclal Correipondonco.Npw Yong, December o, ipsa.

.My last Idler. In which I prahedtno conldcrntoennductof llio Wenther Cleric In giving us nt thometropolis an unprecedented extension of IndianHummer could hardly Imvo reached yon beforo OldIloreas was upon in to dlapnto my words, nnd whenmy communication was printed last Bun lay tho citywor clad In snow both deep nml beautiful, Thorhn'ngo was nil tho sourer becauio unexpected,nnd found tho city unpreparod for It.

than n great city wlioio lifenndnctlvltyaro suddenly particularlyII It happens In ho on asnnday, and especially ft

InSunday when tho authorities nro endeavoring tonfenforconlotot nntliintcd llluo Lawn ngalnnt tho

carrying onof nnysortnf Irnftlo. Such nna last or

Sunday In New York, and n duller day the tnclrnpo.Us his never seen slnro It nllalncd that dignity.Surface Irnvcl wns almost entirely suspcndcil. Tho otpollco took It Into their heads that, though tho street-cars might bo run, tho which weronecessary to clean the tracks, could notbenscd; nndthis ret us tl to let the surf aco roads bo made passablocaused more profanity on tliopirt or the drlvcrn,conductors, nnd passengers llian tho prnjers ot niltho observers ot the offended llluo Laws will ccrblot out on Iho books of lilcmlly. Itvtn Iho timidcltlrcns who owned sleighs did not venture In dilve,lest the luxury might bo condemned as such and lltho participants bo condemned to flnoor Imprison-ment, or both, at tho option of tho mated minions oftlio llluo Iaws which .Mr. David DmRey Field liasrevived, nnd which the pollco nro enforc Ing with thocvldcut Inlcutloiiot showing their ahanrdlly nndmaking them obnoxious, to llio end that there willbo an early repeal of llicm. Asldo from nil qticn-lion- s

of religion, tho enforcement of these linn IsImpractkablo nnd Impolitic. It Is n physical Impos-sibility to nnt Isfy tho wants of n great innss of peoplocongregated In n Inrgo city llko this, If trado nndtrnvelon tho Sabbath I o suppressed. 1 hero wouldbo actual suffering, gravo discontent, nnd prnbnblarcvo't,lf such nstato of things existed long. Itwon t ho suffered to exist long; and I venture topredict that no serious attempt tocntorcetlio fanati-cal laws of generations ngo will bo made nextS unlay.

lint If Iho slclghern did not Improvo their opportu-nity on Sunday, they wero out In full forco on Mon-day, and havo been out every day and 'night ntneo.Ncwork on runners fnriils'ica a sight to bo

In no other illy of tho world-n- ot oven bt.PcterBlmrg, for though tho mnkt (prlvato sleighnot the ilruicftt ) ot tlio lliisulans Is Imposing andplctiirciquc, there e atinot bo Been oven on Iho Ncvs-ko- l

Prospckt of tho Crar a capital nuch nuinbcra nndvarieties and sucli coilly sleighs as may bo aecn onl'lflh avenuo ntul in Central Park nny day In winterWhen tho snow is packed nnd hard, as It Is now. Ishould not fear lo bo disputed If I should assert thatIhero aro ten times as many Rlclghs of all kindsowned In Now ork ns thcro aro In nny other city ortho world. It Is largely beciuso a vnBt number ofexceedingly cheap cutters aro unniifacturcil here.Then tho extremes or wealth nnd poverty hero arenot so marked ns abroad, and the luxury of sleighingis not monopolized by tho wealthy. It seemed tomo, looking at tho double procession of Rlclghs tilinglu nnd out ot tho o cnlrancoto CentralPark on Monday afternoon, Hist no two wero alikonnd that no two wero sold for tlio samo money.Thcrowcrocullcrswhlcri could bo bought for $10drawn by horses worth llttlo more, nnd sank l.i withteams ot four horses that could not have coat, fursand lap robes Included, less thnn t lo.noo. Mclghstosell for f2,W0nroiiotlnfrcq.ucntly manufactured hero'Iho millionaires who keep expensive ynehts forsummer ueo nlso maintain sleighs relatively ofequal uingnlllccnce and expense for winter sports,'llio loio of needless and often Insulting displayIn olhcr mutters Is Injudiciously kept up iu this re-

gard by many of our moneyed men,who fall to remember that In tlio history or socialrevolutions of all age s the extravagance of rich rulershas been hardly less n causoof dissatisfaction andmolt than their tyranny. 1 stood al tlio entranceof Central Park-- to watch nnd adralro nnd enjoy, nsdid hundreds of others, this English procession ofhappy pleasuro-Beckcr- but I wns far more Inter-ested In what I heard than what I saw. There weregrum and bitter spirits In that crowd, greatly ex-ceeded, how over, by tlio number who enjoyed IhoBight without any consciousness of wrong or depri-vation to themselves, llutlhero wero muttcrlugsotdiscontent, not loud, but deep nnd bitter. And themost thoughtless of Iho crowd by their exclama-tions of delight and laughter emphasized theso

of Hie discontented. I saw a man v, homadohis entire fortune In stocks under old CorneliusVanderbllt's hints drive by with ft t',000 team, nndono man near mo who recognized him, as I did,sworo In an undertone, "Damn him, his stable costJi0,U0i!" Tho thoughtless of the crowdcrlod, "Ah I"and called each other's attention to tho moro cosilyequipages, but not wllh envy or bitterness : yet whenBomodomocratlo-looklngvohlcl- passed thclrlaugh- -tcr and applauso showed Unit they, too, sympathizedwllh ino poor ralher thantho rich In tlusuntioual enjoyment, 'this undercurrent of discontent amongthopaorof New York is Btronccr now than llnnoeicr known It, mil it manifests Itself much morofrequently now than formerly, nnd In rofereuro to agreater variety of subjects. I think that those nowlyniado rich by speculation aro held in greater contemptthan formerly, and that there Is a great ileal lessotgenulno respect for old fatnl'les, even thoso desert-In- g

of tho highest esteem, thnn existed ten yeirsago. It Is not wholly duo to tlio preaching of socialism: It Is partly duo to tho obnoxious display Inbusiness by tho monopolists aud In society by thewealthy.

Mr. Mantou Marble, the nowpresldent of iho Man-hattan Club, lus recently returned to Now Yorkfrom a long rest at Lansanne, Switzerland, after hisarduous Btudy of tlio silver question nt tho requestorpresident ciovciaud. I fancy it was SecretaryManning who really suggested tho nomination ofMr. Marble to this imporlant mission, nnd I am toldthat Mr. Manning urged on Iho President tho np.pointmcni or jir. flinrmo to the becrctaryshlp of thoTreasury In his own place. Mr. Manning wouldhave rellrcd If tho appointment of Mr. Marble as Idssuccessor had been i onceded ; but tho I'rcBldcnt hadbeen Inilnciiced bytholatoMr. Tlldcn to promisetho succession, In tho event of Mr. Manning's dls- -

nmiity, to n prominent i Congressmanwho was Inimical to Mr. Manning, nnd the latterresumed Ills duties rather than aeo tlila progrnmmocarried nut. The Congressman thus dlsappolutedentered, tcry lite, tho canviia for re election, amiwon by ii reduced majority, Sonio Indirect con-firmation of tills story Is found In tho fact, by nomeans to bo ridiculed, that Mr. Marble wroto alargo part ot Mr. Manning's recent report ns Secre-tary of tho Treasury. Thoro nro fow men In thincountry who haio mado ns thorough a study of Usflnauccs ns Mr. Mnrblo has, nnd I bellovo I canselect passages ot Mr. Manning's report which nrofrom his pen.

The dissension) in tho American Oporo Companyhave long been known here, nnd tho dissolution,which is conccaieu ill ino of tho namo lo theNotional Opera Compauy, has long been antici-pated. A moro Incongruous set of Impractlcableawero never combined iu llio management of n moreabsurd Hellenic. Theodora Thomas Is a theoristwho has been Bucccssful only In tho managementor a summer garden In which light and popularmusic only was played. Ho novcr could attain thoposition of Dr. Damroseli as a rcancd and llior.oughly Bcleulino musician, aud was ronllr ucveranything moro llian n hand leader. Mr. Ixlioknow nothing from experience of management, andyet ntlempted to run rival to Bdmond C. btanton, oftlio Metropolitan Opera Ilouso, who lind forgottenmore of practical management, and of musk-- , too,than looho had eicr known. I'rank II. Thurbernnd his wife, whu really bickod tlio enterprise wllhmoney, aro recognized hero ns harmless criukstlio uno of a philosophical turn, tho other ofBoelalnaturo, Onollkes to appear iu the papers ludUciiislons upon every topic which arises, from thopurity of olcomurgittlno to Iheosopliy, whllo lliooiner suinrii llio American Pallet ai onu iiicius byWilli u in iiiuio her n.iy lutu soi lely. Theeeientrie chirielers who rlguiu In this American Operascheme ill it sucli us em only bo found 111 a grentlusmopolltuii city,

'I he ussusslnallon heron fcwilaisagonf anllalUll bandit and an American pmlronr, combinedill ino person ot nu d Italian, ciuiihnsires what I had lu say ft few weeks ago about thonecessity, fust arlslug, of reslrlcllug Immigration tothis country, '1 ho i rliuo ret oaled that In tho Italiancolony lu this elly there bad been IU liu for years uman who had served years ot Imprisonment lu Italyfor highway robberies uommllled there, nud who,slueo his udfeut here, hud been Importing ihllilrenwhoin.asiiiidiow, ho practically held lu slavery.1 lie wliolo Italian colony lived lunwent tho mail,until a young fcllovi , hut log iiffcu led him, was coiupolled by lila miblresslo nssisilnato tho old man, Inorder I hut butu of the lie might be free from his sub-sequent persecution and reveajc. It is a curiumfact that llils Italian tolouy ot mint desperate, low,aud t ludlclivo people Is quartered right uudcr theshadow of Iho pollco headquarters of this city, Itmust Uo mlil, howeter, for tlioireditot tho policeIhut they havo uo control whateter over tho

these ltallatu lodge, or overtho vlulo-bve- r saloons and filthy icstauraiits uhiruthey lit o. 1 am lu.d that there nro fully ,oot of this1 iss of Immigrants In Iho Italian quarter, A morewri tchod, illtliy, Idle U ins of laborers iloes not existanywlicro on Iho civilize I section of tho globe.

In Fourteenth street, near Filth incline, n seller ofsamo ualr lotion, t nick Is warranted tomaku uno'aluck grow long und beautiful, employs u number ofjoung women with exceptionally Inughulr to comb ItIn largo Bhowwludows faclugllio street. 'Illusionnaturally attracts a largo number of persons, wholoos on from the sidewalk. Ii.ujluo tho

In court and gratvly asklugIhoselalojusltui Uuraut nil Injunction restrainingllio young womeufrnm oomblugtuilr hair lu public,not on the ground of indecency, but because It on,slructB tholr buslnoHt Sounds ub.ard, iloesutllt

Ultii) Justice, (leorgoc. liarrctt, uno ot tho mustloaiuiiluudupilguluicuou tho bcucu ut tuu Su

preme Court, ft man whose motives and decisionalaro alike unquestioned, said, after hearing nrgu.mcnt,lhatlt wasadcllcMe question and bo wouldhavotolhlnkoverli. If he looks at tho sccno howill very quickly conoludo that Iho complainingshopkeepers aro In tbo tight, and Jnatlco tn them thatwould slop tho adrertlilng. During very

thomiddle hours of tho day rnnttoentti street, fromUrondtvay to sixth avenue two blocks nf abouteight hundred feet withabout three thousand persons two processions, tl

were, moving In opposite directions, but upon thosamosldoof tho street. Thoy completely fill thoalJownlkfortlieenllro distance, nnd when a num-

ber of Idiom slop In front of tho lislMlyo store towalch tho combers Iho procession mtutclthe r comoton halt or take lo tho sired lo get around tho acrowd. Thus tho ndvcrllalng dodge of tho lialr-rty-

not only Injures his neighbors, but creates ft nuisance on the public, sidewalk. It also gives ampleopportnnlly for tho pickpockets to ply their trade,and for an remount or indiscriminato acquniniance-inakln- g

nnd not altogether Innoi out flirtation whichcannot bo estimated, causing subsequent mischiefwhich cannot even bo Imagined.

A hotel In a slatoof slego tho garrison ot debtorsposicaalou being well prot Isloncd, nnd tho armycreditors necking possession ravenous for bloodmoney Isnuoltiercutloiis fcntiiro nf metropoli-

tan llto this week. French'. lintel afcwyenrs agownsonoof tho boat properties In ttiaclly. lis pio.prlclor, Col. French, was ono ol Iho nioRt popular

tlothatu'sold landlords. When he died bin largecstato was to hat c been divided nmong several Bona.One of them, the cldeat, a close, dictatorial fellow,undertook lo do Iho dividing himself, nnd ono thing atthat specially suited him was In havo tho

hotel tor hlmscir. It had lain nil ol Col.French's golden eggs, and why should It not eto sofor his first-bor- n child? Hut tho oilier heirs lo

llio matter wns thrown Into litigation,llio hotel wns ordered tn bo sold. 'I he eldest bought til

In, but Iho tlllo was nol properly passed nml thocourts havo held It in possession ct cr since, nnd un-

til lately it wasemply nt rnlnons expense to thoestnle. Ihcn n leaaeo was secured, but tlio first-born, still discontented, Insisted on ousting llio talessee, wlin turned ll over to tho present besiegedlessees And In tho meantlmo tlio golden gonsohotel Is laying eggs only for tho lawyers, nnd alter n

tlmo Col. French's heirs will discover that they havokilled tho bird as rirnsthcy nro themselves con-

cerned.In my letter ol October 14 I predicted Hint the

Violet Cnmcron Company would not go "on theroad"ntnll,nndln a later communication I sug-

gested that the success (?) nt Miss May Fortcscucwas not substantial enough to Justify managers outnftheiltyln playing her. Miss Cameron tins at

departed for Buglisli shores, and Miss I'orlcs-cii- o

will sail for homo again In n fortnight. Moneywas lost on her engagement ot six weeks nt tho Ly-

ceum, ntul tho company wnsbndly broken up at Itsconclusion by the retirement ot Charles Sugdcu andCharles Overton. There really never was n baslalorn starring tour In tho amateur acting, or thopimple ami limited repertoire, or the much exagger-ated beauty ot Miss Fortcscuc, nnd her managerdoes wisely in concluding tho engagement.

Mr. Sugdcn nnd Mr. Overton havo purchased theBngllsh rights (if there bo any) to "Held by thoEnemy,' and ttlll play that essentially Americandrama to llrlllsh nudicnecs, Sugdcu asked mo myopinion ot the venture, and I said my observationhad been that English plays were not succesiful ahere II produced exactly as they aro In England, and aI did not see why tho rule would not work in lliocase of American plays In England. Voir or Ihomodern nud English plnys which havo bccnsuccesa.ful hero have escaped revision. Our Ideas or com.cdy nro essentially different from those of the L'ng

llsh."An Illustration ot this was lo bo seen last nlglit,"

said Miss May Harriott to mo Yesterday, "in thopcrfortnancaorthc'SchooIiulstreaB' by I'lncro. Itis a three act rarca of a boisterous kind, but so Blow.The tun 1b broad and t tilgar, and tho situations nronot quiet, bright, and lltclyns those we am used tn aIn America. Iho nctnro 'make races' after tho man-ner ot tho English comedians and arc buffoons nil herthan nctors. 1 he play Is thin, and It It wero not torthe grct.t variety or odd characters porlrajod itwould hardly bo a passable pcrrormancc. I canwell Imagine Auguslin Dnly gelling Hit ol It, alterbuy Ing It beforo seeing It, for ctcn lila skill ion!dnot hate made II a lltcly plcco for Ills company."

I asked Itufus Mnriln, nt the firm In this citywhich makes n specialty ol Belling

supplies, why ho placed on his cards tho line,"Wo pay tho freight." I supposed it was simply anImitation of tlio Uno which Lieutenant Governortones, of this Slate, employs, ".Tones, ho pays thefreight," to attract nttcntlon to his advertisements.Hut Mr. Martin explained that tho line has an im-

portant commercial significance, and 1b ono waywhich the enterprising merchant has of selling hisgoods a little lower than his less sagacious neighbor.

The artist,. lames A. Wales, who died In a lowchop ami oyster-hous- e from au otordose of bromideot potassium, was a victim not ot that habit, butpossibly n worse one. Ho did not hat c a great manyfriends and had made a great many enemies withhis proline and vitriolic pencil, but ho was probablytho poorest friend aud worst enemy lie ever possessed. Uo had no convictions or his own to express, and was perfectly willing to express In hisdrawings tho convictions and prejudices nnd ani-mosities or any who employed him. Hence ho didnot reach, Willi possible equal artistic, talents, thegrai'o as a cartoonist of Nast, Kepler, Hnmlllon, oretentlillam. He married a very beautiful youngwoman named Coopor, who wan compelled to sepa-rate from him and earn her own livelihood. TncCooper family was miforluinto in its matrimonialalliance.. A brother of Mrs. Wales nyoar or twongo married Katclle Clayton, whom MillionaireCharles W. Durant used to trot around tho countryns a star In a barefooted part. Tho uiarrlago wassomewhat unexpected and unpleasant to the million-aire, and ho abruptly stopped Miss Clayton's allow-ance fur starring purposes. Cooper, aflcr a briefterm as husband, fled, I hear, lo boutli America,wliero millionaires do not forco barefooted stars onau unwilling public.

When ltoswcll P. Smltliandbcrlbncr'sSonsilla-silte- d

a fow jears ngo ll was mndo apart of tlioagreement tint Mr. Smith should no longer use thenamo of "Scrlbucr'B Magnzlno," nnd that Mcaari.,Scribucr'B Sons should not start another magazineby auy namo for live years. Uut It was not stlnu.latod tnat tlicy should not, aflcr that tlmo had ex.pired, sturt a magazine, nor lliat they should nol usoiho old name. Mr. Smith now claims that they can-not uBo the old name becauso it remains a part oftho good-wi- of tho present "Century," Its suee essor. That Is t lie basis of tho present dispute be.tiucn tho two houses, but It will probably novcrreach tho courts, ns tho damage lo the "Cenlury'Msloo problematical to submit to llio oidlnary Incoru- -prelienstblo Jury. in iam l tl. siiANks.


It lint Ih Noon at (lie l.oiiilou I.yoeiimTliealrc.

'1 ho Meplilsiophclcs ol Irving is a lurid, red, little,snaky, llciul-iua- He Is 111 scarlet Irom Iholougcock's feather, in his cap down. IUsloug,lhln,aniideadly pale Ucu Is, In repose, a fncoao Inexpressi-bly Bid as to in ako ono wretched to look upon It.I hU cynical s Ulricas is ouo ot lis most baleful

tho faeo or a doomed creature tvno knowsthat, whatever Iho tine scnilmcnlB, the outpourings,the moral strivings ot those ubouthun, lie una onlyto breathe on them and Hiey will become, as ton! nshimself. 'J no curiam arose at the llrst nctoullwdim uud gloomy study or Faust, wllti the moonslowly rising In tho tar, dark skies, ami as tno blackclouds Blrulued oter It.cnalliigntrul shadows andicrlu lingers ot light at tlio quaint oldiaseiuent.1'rescnily all was absolute darkness und tho sileueoof midnight In the lump study; ouly u single carvedcorner ol tho bearded old alclicmlst'a desk showedIn tlio singlo ray or moonlight that pierced llioinullloncd wlnituw. Tho hissing steam puffed uptrom the iloor. It hung wavering In the air llko upillar or white i loud, Beemod tobecoruo more

that malothu heart throii win.almost physical tear thcro appeared that lonir, lithe,lurid, scarlet body, twlstiug with snaky graio;lhocalm, bloodless, long, whllo lace, Had, cad wllhbeing an outcast, sad with eyneisiii, but lecrlug,Bucerlng, uut upon the p uulou-speu- t, miserable oldman nttne desk. It was a mobile, ghastly whlloraoe, rull of tlio cultiireof crime, full ola doidlyfascination the tncu of the devil himself.

luiliecatasiruiilioof tnoduel when Valentino Iskilled. Mcpiilsiopheles sways and swings his longbody Just us I have seen a snaku lu iiiooo erecthalf lis length up Into the nlruiid light. A blue,brilliant lUmo played like lightning up amidown his swonl ; Its very steely bluo r ullauce aocnieddeadlv. 'tills bluo name 1 nil led from his siipnlostvurd was ono or thoso reiuirkablo stage eltulswhich render "1'ausl" so thrilling ns a inctii specia-- ilo. And then when V.ilciillno fell the Dei 11 Inoknd

down on hlui an I guvo teuilon n "mil"of i.oiutu allotted iiuiiiuilsi riiluu mu Ii nu "oil I" usi itymo nu I u child hater mlglit cry out II lie ivati liedin lilt I weeping over a as wo mightloss In fun a poodlo dug whoso vauliy had lieeuhurt.'I ho i iltiniuauou nt spec nu ular effect H readied oilIho glMiiiy.uuJeslln heights of the llrnckcu, whenFaust is led lulu mat terrible Walpurgls nlglit. 'I horw ka and i rags of Hie great mnuutnliicristiiru ma-jestic uud real; tho lievllnud Kiusl ooiilu lolling upIn tlie rovels. Tlio rocks ail I recessus seem toqultertvllhn hidden UN thai H half human, halfveriulur. .Multitudes ol gnuslly, pilllil ireiluriH,eontoillngllko snakes, wiutIiik kogliosis, pervado every pine, squirm In masses,he irued logethcr hu i loso mat the mirror bt their indldualliy Is but slow ly realized. Each Is covered lusomu illiphaiiuus, wiving stuff or ihlug, ulinustgelatinous, mat wand llko Jelly-te- iu ll,o ulr,motes ns they move, but under It can he) seen Ihohiiinnii shapes. Al llio llrst look 1 sou moving,kqulruilog mass; at tlie second look I can discernHie human stiupes, tho yuuug forms of women.the old limn of men. 'liicy herd loitllicr,fling thilr awfully veiled .inns lu Dieshirk iiiiioullghi; Hiey lump, uud daucu,ami sere.iiu-n- ol llko hum ill being, notllko ilctlls in hell, but u strange bluo I curdlingHoieain. 1 llilnk ll Boumkd llko the tearing utliuniau ileih. qiieuMuplilstopiicles Hat on u nu kaud foudledtwo small, crawling unformed shapeswltlihldeotiscaresslugs lllslaco seemed like lliowhile, fuceof ulmnv nuake. Ho wastlio devil, lulling urn hi ll iu his un n Henri nu I brain,Willi lliisghistly mroi union und lu Icons ulublauionfiovo. All llio whllo UiuBame bluo lulls of nr.,iilai u.l over hU body, glum lug doit ll liUuruu,otiriiimt-K.-

,i iiuii,i!u.ij,iiii!ii nm eiBuivuereiiarkeuod

ulr sei mi dm smell nl iirlm.toiie. ll was u sicken-ing, burrlblo si I'ltuil,', iiiimo mtssnuppou humanbudtcc, wlt'ittioir cries, uppucuil)IhiuugH Ihilr own tolKlnesl itisoltlug baik luluHtiapclcsumittrr. I forget even now that It hismil) u piny, und Ihut I could not Ii no gone hu 1 1 u ittnkcu with mo to Uuuloii my bebt black bruc idewith lis cmilng w. list.

To alolliitru.A fashion writer mjst "If you want lo sainyouruelf many stlh lied in Iho dariilui: of mnull sum k.lugs, get tour eliililrcii, und isnei tally the boia, lliolieelprolictor 'IhUlsn Mini of half biir, em out

ul kid nud seuini d uo iu lu in all nrouul llio lml,uiidldlirldtupUcubyuiiilafllOHiruiiuter the topof his fiet. it prcti nu llio in rsplrnilou Irom ui Hug'i tuu ul lv nnuu null lUlllUg 110 HlOeklllgS.

A thin Insole, the wliolo U uwlh ol the shoe, mado ofkid on u found mount ttiu tiiluiitht pasiiboinLUalso nlfi rid for the name puriiosi, tmi.ot iviimc.Utills nnlliu Bhuo luuiothuu tho heel luurlui;


Tho Iloston Home JournnVt New ork corrc.spondcntlollsthofollowlngftbont Mrs. A.T Slew-n- rt

nnd n mysterious actress: "Kit hid not beentho death of Mrs. A. T. Stewart occurred at thoheight ot political oxcllomcnl, nd nlo nmld

celebration ot Liberty's statue, wo should havoheard mnch moro shout It. People ore Just awaken-In- g

lo tho fact Hint she Is gone, nnd on every sldo Isheard dissatisfaction that nol a cent of the enormonaforlnnn was left tho city. Mr. Rtewnrt yeirs sgogavo thn members nt tho Union I ragno Clnb to

that he would will his magnltli cnt inirhlopalace corner I Itlh avenue and Thlrty-fonrl- h atrecttothem foraelub-tiniia- shortly alter that IndgeHilton was In llio club, probably torpolitical reasons, nnd this nl course nngend Mr.stownrt, nnd no moro wns heard nt his residence ns

c. I do not suppose, had tho t nlonLeagnoknowhnftht close Intimacy cxlatlngbelweanMr. Stowart nhd .Judge Hilton, they would everhave black balled tho latlert tint no one suspectedthey svero nny moro limn tiltnplv good frlcndauntil nflerMr. Stewart's dealli, nnd then when hiswill gatoJudgc Hilton bo much pnperty Ihelr pe-

culiar Intimacy was retenlcd, but not rsplnltied,nnd has remained a inTsterr. Ihcrc have nlfravsbeen mysl erica about tho Stewarts, but tlie strangdono that I havo known was the odd tlaltn nf an

netriaslo Mrs. A. T. Mi wart. 'I tils nctreaahad plated amall pans, but had net er arrived to nnydistinction. Stio was Just llko hundreds nf otherswho aro usually dubbed the 'anpportliiK lompmy.'She happened to bo stopping In tlio namo hotel wllhsomii friends nf mine, one evening I remained todlno with in? friends, nnd the nrin ss sit nt an ail.Jncent table, A messenger cimo tn her, saying MrsSlewnrt'scarrlngowaliedntllin door for her.

without walling to finish her dinner, sherushed from the labia to llio cirthge, sending nnervnntupslalrsrorhitind wraps, nnd Inalwlnk-llngshesv-

gone. My Irlondi Informed mo thatllicflo t lilts were of frequent occurrence, nnd nlwajs

odd times; for Instance, It Iho nctriss wns aboutretiring lorinenigut, nni a Biunmons cimo iromMrs. sicwarl,sho tnatantty dressed nnd was soonrolling alom-th- n ntentio to tlio stewnrt mansion.This nclrrasonco took n n 'lending Indy'

see llio stewnrt nrt trnllcrr. Tlia'lenlln? lndtTstated that her guide rang tho door bell in n siucymanner, pushed by tho man tertint who admitted

em, nnd othcrw Iso coudiicli d herself ns It she wnnnueiisipirtowlicr. onino 'leuiing ndy express-ing Riirtirlsa nt her friend s Isild manner, tlio olticrreplied, Ml you understood all, j on would not think

nan loo mum nsauranie.' 'iniaisnn i knownnoiiithis Btrsngo story. Ilint some relation did cxMbetween tlio humble acireaa and Mrs. btew.ii t Is ecr- -

nl whntlt was mnv net er bo known. I never stotho actress's namo nnw In nny nl the supportingcompanies, and IhlnK alto nny hive given up theRingccunrcir. iicriasi tugagcincni was, l uuievc,with Mr. A. M. Palmer."

"A llnjlilnn street bootblack," sijb Hie IlostonWrt2ffc,"tta8conslderablynstonlsliedono day lastweek by a raalibnibly-atUrc- d and shapely youngwnmnu w ho requested him to giro her bootsn shine.Her showed the results of n Inmpthrough Hie muddy streets for which Iloston Israpidly becoming lainous. Tlio gared

her In comical contusion. Such a customer wasnnniclty Pi Mm nnd ho was unprepared to dealwith her. lie had plied his Industry upon eounlleas

t, but a pair ot feet belonging to tho gentlersex had net er beforo submitted IhemRcltes to hisbrush. Iicforo lie round time to recover trom thoflurprlsu Intowhleh ho wastlirowu by so uiinsual apatron Bho repeated her request with some littleImpatient c In tier manner, whereupon ho recoveredand pushed his toot-sta- toward her. bho nt oni oplaced upon It a small and pretty root, at which hoimzoil with astonishment, nnd then nt onco proceeded to scrub the mud from 11, but with a gentleness accomtnouaicii m me siro ni ino ioot. in met,ho nlmoBl caressed It with his brush. Presently,passers began to atop, ntlractcd ny tlio unaccun.mined Bight; hut tho young woman wns In nowisedisturbed, and watched the oporation tvltli proroundinterest 'tho boot having been polished, In dueseason, sho presented tho other, lllackcy, hotv--

or, lingered a llttlo longer over the second font,nnd ns ho breathed upon It 'n order In prepare It for

final polish It Beemeil almost ns though It waa Willitender nigh. When the Job was done his Blrangn

ciiRtomer opened her portemonnale, as Bho inquired,IIowmnch7 The bootblnck waved hlnbriisti nnd

nodded bis head In the negative. 'I asked, howmuch?' Insisted the young woman; whereuponlllackcy, with Iho air of acrudo nud siinme-faee- d

Chcsterlleld, replied 'Nutliln'.' 'nut I wnnt lopnyyon for what you havo done,' urged Iho other,blushing deeply. 'Itwasfio MMr, mum!' pleadedlllackcy, with n pnsnlng glance nt the small feet. Itwns probably the nrnt compliment lie had ever pnldInhls life, and It was not without a certain rudegrace In tho bestowing. I think it merited a recog-nition In kind. Pcrhnpa tho young woman mayhnvo been embarrassed nt tho slrango position Inwhich nno iniinu nerBcii neroro gainniry irom sucu

Hourcc, and was unequal to the oceision. Ho thatas It may, sho flung him a quarter nnd hastenedawav without ft word. Tlio crowd laughed ntIllnckev, but ho picked up tho qunrter, pixketed It,and growled 'No manners.' I llilnk hewas right."

"Qon. Sherman," Bays tho New York fines, "Isgrowing fonder of tho drama aud tho opera ctcryday. One ol his chief reasons lu coining to lewYork to spend tho winter tvus the desire to hat uthtasort or entertainment at Its best. On Just this onepoint ho admits that his bclot cd bt. ljuls Is nutqulleup to tho age. Ho has fallen especially 111 lot o withMr. Daly's company, and lua box there the otherevening, with lila friend, Commodoro llatcmati, hoapplauded almost continually from tho rise to thetall ot tho curtain. Oneothislntlmatcssatdycstcr-da- y

that tho tleneral'aacuteness ns n critic was amatter for astonishment, bo marked Is it. 'I ho oldBoldler has tno personal acqualutauco of everyAmerican actor and nctrcss of prominence, and Isnever mnro delighted llinn tn u d miss Inter-change nt remlulaccuco and auecdoto with his thea-trical friends. The General Isn't losing nny or hislove for a good dinner as tho days go by. lly actu ilcount ho lus dining engagements already bookedhe docs keep a memorandum booked dated a y curahead that provldo lor hlB presenco nt tnrlons din-ners In tins c ty nnd elsewhere till into In next Sep-tember. 1 hero aro n few vacant dates left, ns thetheatre ngents say, but they are nol likely lo stayvacant a long time, for Invitations keep on pouringIn, and tho Ucncral hasn't It Inhls heart lo say uo louuv rcnulab'o friend who seeks Ills dluuer aenuaint- -auccslilp The story has onceortwlcehlllicno gonetho rounds which tells of a dilemma Into which notell onco upon n tlmo In Washington, when, havingdressed to go out to dinner, ho gate the last touchto his toilet and opened his door to go to tho street,when of n sudden ho dlsuoveied thai ho ha 1 forgot-ten whero ho really was to go. lint old ecu. VanVllct hurried by Just then, aud (leu. Sherman philo-sophically follower! alter, deciding by n nil nt

social logic, that ho and Ucu. Vim Vllctwere lu nil likelihood bound fur tho same lablc. lietvasrlgnt. Hut thcro was not ilttnysaueha happyway openoulot Hiotangtohcwua community gel-ling Into by reason or his iihuudaut dinner nppolnl-incut-

nud so It wns that this winter, coming toNew York, no hit upon mo expedient ol buying ablink book .mil posllng up his ilates,"

"Tint Buffalo Hill is a wonderful man," wald Col.Tom Ochiltree to a New jork.SMi- - rcponcr, aa hogazed admiringly upon the froutlcrBimtn. "1 he irdWin make oneol Iho best atler-dlnn- speeches,"continued tho Colonel, "bunday the L imb'sClub, that 1 hate heard in a long time. It wns fullor wit and common sense, nud w is delivered lu t ervgood Kngllsli. You would think that wlicnhewiHcalled upon lie would havo been cmhjrrnsscd, con-sidering mo distinguished people present, 'i In rewero about a hundred ot us, U'ster Wall lek, (presid-ing,) Depew, Ucu. l'urlcr. Anion Cummlugs in fact,someot tlio iiesl speakers In Iho city, and they hidall contributed to ihu entertainment before ItuffaloHill waa called upon. When ho got up I really didnot expect anything remarkable Irom liliu, buthukept us all In roars or Inugmtr, and ho received tliocongratulations of such men as l'ortcr and WalUck.lly tlie way, lll'l Is going to bo ft t err rich man. Hehas mado a great deal ot money, out lie seems tolack Dnanclal ability, aud there tvnssomcllilng want-ing until ho got bold or Nuto Salisbury. Nate hadthat ability which Hill linked, and Cody siys that hoowes more tn bnllsbnry than to nuy other man. lietold me to day Hint his own prollts atbtateu Islandlnsi summer amounted lo $i07,iinii, llolsgolugtomako a big lot nf money ill .Madison Square Harden,and ho will lunku Hllll more In Lngland. I Hunk howill caplltnle them oter there-- . lly Ihu way, all thegreat generals admire and respect him. ,leu. Sheri-dan, Hen. Sherman, and lieu. .Merrill are to bo uthis opening 111 Madison Squire 11 irden, und if tlievdid nut think a gooddealuf lilnithiy certainly wouldnot conic."

"01 nil llio men who walk ordrivcuponllie streetsol busy New York Hiiro Is none," says Iho IlostonOattltf, "whose dolugs aro more eagerly read thanthoso ol JEoscoe Conkling. T IiIb eminent man is outot podtlcs now, not In theory, but In practice. As aconsequence Mi Income has no serious drain, nndthe lesser animosities ot his lire are being lorgottcn.Throuih tlio week ho Is busy over Ills briefs or ex-ceptions, lu tiding ihu ono or ruing Hie other forthe clients who dally crowd his office Irom o uut 11 3.Only on bunday does he appear to hate time foruurnut-do- exercise, nnd tins, since he has begun togrow stout, usually consists of long drltes In Cen-tral Park. No in liter what the weather, ho can

lio seen about 4 o'clock In tlio afternoon bowl-ing along behind a pair ofltie lightest steppers, aworsted uiuillcr wound ubout hlsncik lu cold orchlllv wetltier. asottteltliat druwndown oter hiseyes, and a pair of gloves ot er his hands,l'rcipientlr ho is iiccoiupamcd by sumo lullinaiofriend, wit ll whom ho e Hals as g iyly us any boy, nutnfien l.eiroesulono. Hut whether he Is In llio society of frliuds or e utlrely un ici omp inled, businesscares eiipy no purl ul Ills mind, tvnlch Is given

tn tho pleasure or ihu moiiiiut. 'I hereIs probably no mnru ntnicllo man lu llio uiroug thatcrowds the professions, uud it Is the opinion ofnearly nil Ills friends that he Is good for many yearsmore or uellt o work If ho cures lo combine."

A goo 1 story Is told ubout A. K. McCluro, of thePhtladelphli I'luu.i. McCluro Is said lobe one nfIho kliidesi.liiarted, most Intelligent, uud mostcenirousnftlio note linen ol Plilladcip'ili, lie Iss ii I In Biorn Biuall llilugs, to lio t cry lit Ish tvlili hUmoney, nud tubulin uterso to a gjod giiuu ofpikir. Nollnngngo, my Inform ml siys, ho hidbecnplijlng.iqulillilllo gimo Willi hiiiio friends.In win. ii llio hi ikes were rutin r nign, nml left theUblodeul broke. Do latuu titiiu tho klreel un Iw ilked JaiiuUlyiiloiiguulllliomei one of Ids in illlou.ulrefrieuls "Howureyoiioir ror mutiv iniliy?It Is loo I He ror mu lo git Into Iho bulk, nud IIi ttc'i'tnipiit luiiiy pocket, Cuuyuu ienil mu nlitilu mull lo imirruw;"

"Certainly," was the reply, au t w it'i Hi it tho in inptillel out il well tilled pockelbook,nnd liuididMel lure a (au bill,

McCluro look tno bill nml looktd loulemiiluoiislyul It, llollieiilwikedal lliti iihii.iiii I held iiplhubill, Biylng! "Aud do jou c ill fit) moueyr 1 call Itnulv uuantul"

Wiuiliir his rrlenl responded lo llio hint, or nol,I do not know.

'1 ho uuvellliiiT nl the staluo ut Joan 0. Calhoun ntCharleston, wliero bicretiry Lunar will deliver nuad Ircss, has been fii pone.l tuilll April, " 1 lie 1

wire," says Col, Wclghl man Initio Nun YorkMuiVlohavetukinplucuUiLiUDuUuudionueittdw lih them u us rt purl that linmcdl m ly alierwordMr amar would lead to llio ultiir un utir idltu ladyrrom Ueorgla, one whom hu bad known from hmearly maulinud. Iteport postpones lull mot unlllApril loo, Ihuugh why tho ouo shou'd wall so dill,gi idly upon tliKotlicr does not nppeur MiuuwlilloMr. I.hiuui Is ma.iipylug hi. resldiueeniiN street,wllti hU daughter presiding oter llio household.The supposition wns when ho rented the house rmtii new mUtrcsa wuu'd very shortly ba liislulluli in re- -

'llio 'Pr no Kiilcuie.It'outcinpornry Jtctlew.)

A true i pic ore would uo mora dream nl takingnwuytliu sharp edge of future uppcttto b)

ucu tluin a barber oul.l ul opi nlng aim i unn HU ft razor. Iluttilghs hid pleasures and painsloo likely to bo caught lu sink tkes .Willacy laUnit nu eplcuru uln n)S m e Id the e holi'i'sl delluiclestoBilumlatoliUnppellle. on the i.uilrury.l'io nrtut i iluirlsmwiiibisis Initio irtillltyio git iibiMirenut of tlio most roiumonpinou mltekis ot fund bypre pui lug uud cutlug ttiem prope ily. Of oourto, thoi h urn pi oil rs Cauibe'lllii In Maoou.iind cautasbaekduek to roast goose, for llio sumo misoii thatliopreferdttiufrugruuioof ft tvoud tiokttn Hint ofn course How in but nu the other b mil lieulono kuoiv. u Out uu tlrli ntul rose gurdt n nf uisuiopiifumus may be found lu Iho simplest ciu.l ofwhole meal ur Orahsm bruud and butlir. thouuli ordluury uiortu'H may lasilycuutluiotnemsiitetioftheir uvistciico byeallug uslho aud ullowiib; thoexhalid ulr to paid nlowly lliruugu tlio wm


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MILLIITBRY.At 41 ceuts, elegant Astrachau Hound I'elt Hats; former price, $1.50.At 01 cents, elegaut Trench, Felt HatB; former price, $1.50.At 50 cents, elegaut l'elt Hats; former price, $1,At $1.50, fine Silk l'lush, Handsome Goods; former price, $2.50.At $1.5", elegant Trimmed Hats for Children and Ladles; former price, $3.50.At (j1) cents, elegant Children's and Misses' Hats; former price, $1.25.At 4J cents, a lovely line of Wings and Birds; former price, $1.At 75 cents, choice line of Birds and Wings; former price, $1.50.At 15, 20, and 25 cents, an elegant assortment of Wlugs; former price, 50 cents.Buy Your Present, at KINO'S l'ALACE.Klegant Silk Mufflers at 50, 75, and $1 only.At 75 cents, elegant Kid Gloves j sold elsewhere al $1.





BLANK BOOKS,Trial ISulance lloofcs,

Index and Time Books,licitortcrs' Sote-ltoole- s,

STUDENTS' NOTESi:ercisc and t'tinipositloii nooks,LETTER-COPYIN- G BOOKS.

SCRAP AND INVOICE BOOKSlilamU AuIih, ItruftH ami Kecelpt.,

Grocers ami Butchers Order Books.

HTATIoiVKlts, cor. l'a. ave. and 13th St. N. W.UOWjl!


pproteilby tnoAcademyof McdictucnrParls.nre.b net tally by tho .Medical CclcbrlllcB

otmoWoildforbcrofula,(run'ors,hlngsl.vlI,clc.,ltlio early stages of Consumption, CoustllutlouulWeakness, Puorness ot Hlood, nud for stimulatingand regululug Us pcnoillo course. None genuineunless Blgucd 40 ruo Uouaparte,Paris "

U. KOUOKUA A CO., N. Y Agents for tho U. S.bold by Dugglst. generally.

nnll-l- r

Cure without MedicineA POSITIVE l'atentedOctobcrl0.1S7t

one box will cure themost obstinate caso in tour day. or less,

Allan's SolubleMedicated Roubles.

No nauseous doses or eubcbs,eopabla,or oil orsandal wood.that aroeerlaln to produio dyspepsiaby destroying the loallngsol tho stomach. Price11.60. Hold by all druggists, or nullcdon receipt ofprk e. ror further particulars send tor circular.

1, V. 11UA (Wtf,

,1. O. ALLAN CO., CURE.M John street, New York

FITS!tVbrn I ..r cura I do uut m..n m.irlr lo .lop l'""u furHu. ut IIku ., tUciu i.luro .1 .In. 1 ui..n A r4.

u.i rmfc i ii... tui ib. diiv.M ,r nan, ellvr KilCISU blcKNCM a 111. Iun( ktulr. I

wsrr.ui lu, irincj lo cur. lb. wcil.t c,l,l. Il.r.iutlti. Iis.a f.ll.a I. lo i.mhi for uol uuur tvocl.lKrui. hvul .1 vaF. lor lrll. .ni . Kir. II. III. ul mrIliLlUt). r.RivJr lll.o I ipt... .Hi lu.lOluifc 11 tv.t. fvnbullluforlil.l(.nJIlllruirou.

auJiiMPu. IL 0. K001,l,ll.stlBI,Ncwaoili.noji-riu- j


AM) I'ltlMIMI.i)LI IllIlll'NT. IIUIlfAl'OI' ItMIIIltlMI

ANUPlllMIMI, Dicelllber13, PHD- -

lei'.Al.i will no rece'ltesiui iiiih uuiiouiiiu is 3,siunuAT, iieeenmer til, in.ii, to iiirmsu .tuseei-- 1

moons bupplkM In Buck qiiuutitles as mnv be re-

quired by iho llurciu or 1 ngrattiig nml Primingduring tuesK moiitlis begluulug January 1, tb7,and ending Juno so, IsST.

l'roposuls w 111 bo consider! d only Irom establishedmuuutnciiiri rs ul or ueaie rs iu tno nrucie n.

'Ino rigtil Isreserteitlo waive defectd und lorolei t unv or nil bids, or nana nf bids.

Hluuk forms Willi spcclllcilloui for proposils andliirinir iiiioriujiiuu ocsire-i- i uy linen iiiik miners,will uo lurnisiit'd uu a ppiieunon ur mis iniicu. -

H. ll. UltAVICNChletnf Hiiroiu.

rillUIAHUUY llL'I'AUTMltNT, llUCliMUliltX,ii,so.-bl- !l HIiPHOPOSM.SwIllbort.o'tid

nt Hie intllio ol ihu tsslsiuut buperinitndcut untiltl o'clock P. SI. WHliNKbllXY. ,

Inrtupplylngtho rnllowliig-iiume- urllolis, as perdrawings, Hneeiiicauona, aim samples, wiiuu may

it tills Drpailinciiti beiin(l) Piles Cases,hundred uud fuiiitnin.1 Wll UUUMItll llllll illll 1IOUJ rilLlllllCS.

UiHilrult nattetu. One liimdri I mil thlrtl-sete- u

(lit) jards 4 4 t'uona Matting, hetenlccn Imudrcd(l,;ou) turds Carpet 1'ilt. TliuDipuiiueutrisertisthe rtilit tu njui uir or all bids uud to tvalto do-les Is. l).MNNIN(l,Seerctiirv iluu Itu

PUOl'OSAl.H l'Oli BlIliliriUDN WOKKIU 1. 01' lll'II lUMI 11)11 Hi .11 K,

Will. AMI NAM Um'autuims,U'AUIIMH'US', II. I' Hiuuit'il' 1), Hag,

hKAI.HI) .lellti ling,nu I pulling ill plate the Bin mm uiiini cilous,elilmueycaiui.iia, required lu Iho West Ulng ofiho liutlillui' fur btate, War, uud Navv IH pal lunula,lulhlsilir, will bo rteelte'il ut this oilku unlll nil.on '1 111. MIAY.tllo'.'Isl day ut lliulut.l r, tnw', lliulopened Immeillulely ItiuealUr lu pu.ciiui ofbidders.

bin eUloatloiu.geiieraUustruetlons to bidders, andblink fnnus of piuposul will bo fiirulshoel to luauii-fa- t

lu ers on 31 plk t'loii in mis unit eJIKIMAK I.1MOLN lAUi:,

Culuucl, Corps ot L'utUieua.










- 'S PALACE.KfCAVITAL L'ltIZE, $150,0001

"Weao hereby cerliJV lluit iot fujrcletnar"rauaemenln ror all the Monlhlv anil QuarterlyPrauMigaofTheLouUlanulttateliOUervCompanv,and tn uemoii managnatut control the Drawingttiemelves,anl that the same are conaucteavallhhonestv, fairness, aud in goo& faith toward altparffes,aniItceaufiorf2e the (omvanvtouietMlcertificate, iclth oi our ilgiiaturcfat- -laonea, mua aavertineiimnu

? . JS&"79. 5fcK.ViS.9"3,j jZtC0HM188I0NEB8.

We, the Kuitn sUjneH Hank' and Banters, tofllpay all Pi Uetarawn In The LouMana State.

whirl, mat tm vretteiitea at our counter.J. II. Our.KNIIY. Pres. Louisiana Nat'l Hank.jr. XV. iui.hrki II. Prea. stato National Hank.A. U1LUWIN, Pros. Now Orleans Nat'l Hank.

Unprecedented Attraction tOver Half a Million Distributed ILouisiana State Lottery Company,

Incorporated In lsos for IH years by tho Legislaturefor Educational and Charitable purposes with acapital ot $1,1)00,00010 which a reserve functor ovor(.i.mi.imio Has since been added.

Uy an overwhelming popular voto Its franchisewas made n part of the present btate Constitutionadonled December 8, A. I). 1870.

ITH (lit AN 11 blNHLB NUMHKIt DHAW1NG8WILL TAKB PLAOK MONTHLY. ( r tcaletor postpone. Look at tho following Distribution :

luuili Urnna 9fuuiuir and theExtraordinary Quarterly Drawing


Under tho personal supervision and management ofHen. (I. T. IIKUltK(IAIiD,uf Louisiana, andUcu. JUHAI. A. IIAHLY, of Virginia.

OAI'lTAli 1111X12, HXtiO.OOO.Jtr.Xollcc Tickets are Ten Dollsrsonly. Halves,

4U. Hrili,$-'- . Tenths, fl.1ST Of I'HtZKSl

1 OM'ITAL Pltl.K Ol' f 150,000., (1(0,0001 llllND PHI.K or, 60,01)0

i iiitAND phii: or vii.imh).. uo.oool.aillili rillAl r Kir iu,iiuu tiikoooijmiiik ur d,ini vu,uuu

m piti.i:s or 1,0110 ".11,000tvi piti.i:s or ano ,.,, y.a,ooo

ino pitiihtir UIU 30,000so i piu.Ksor V.0U 40,000C(IO l'lll.l rt 01' 1110 00,000

1,000 riti.hs or SO MI.UOOii'iKuxiMiTluN I nuts:

loo Approximation I'rlfsot f ji- -. .. fto.ooolis) Approximation l'ri7idof lisi,,, 111,000

ino ApiiruMiuallonPrizeauf 76,,, 7,500

'.','JJD Prizes, amiiuniiurf to V'll,mAi'piiiaiioiiior ruicn luciuudsuouiu oouiauouuiyilhn nSli nnfftin IVnnn.n In New Orleans.ror turtlK r lufnrmatlnu write clearly, giving fall

auuress. runrAi. rseii&, uxfrcsuAioneyuruers,orNew York lixihauKO 11Inordinary loner. CurrencybylCxpresi,(at our expenae.iaddresscil

M. A. HUPIU.,.Xen Orlfinl, Ll.

Make 1', 0, Money Orders payable andaddress Registered Letters toNKW Oltl.F.INN NATIONAL IIANU,

lioll-S- t Now OrlftatiH, I.a.



COHNKlt KOUItTKKNl'll bTHKET.Penuaueut out Trausleul (luesls Accommodateil,

Cars to all parts of tho city piisi the door.

HUN. St. J. 4'OM.BY,Jylltf Proprietress.


AOYiuul NAVY HKAIHtUAUTi;U8I'oui Iron KseuiH's.

Tl.JtflS, S.l.llll ANII 1.1)0 vr.H HAY.

Ninth-Stre- ot Shaving ParlorMIL I. H.KllKrilUUll ..aa nnciied a Hraud-Ne-

Plrtt I laadHIMWN(iuudllItt-Dltl.b3lMIB110-

III t tie i, uiitou Uuildlug, ou Mniti stri e t.upas it J.ll.bHlil'ilKHll




.a- - '


gnb Srintrfi.


Booto Job Printer,9thandD Streets N. W.

LawBriefS' and Patent Records


JebsPrinllng-o- r Eiery Descriptloii.


Book and Job Printer,

II nd 614 D ITBBKT.



WmtlM' dvA&t.



IN Kl'PKOT DKC'KMIIEII I), IbSo.Trains lcate Washington, from Htalion, corner ot

bixin auu ii Btrecis, as louowsiKor Pittsburg and tho West, Chicago Umltcd Ex-

press of Palace bleeping Cars, at ltt-l-s p. m. dally;Post I Inc, V.40 a. m. dally lo Cincinnati and tit. Louis,with Nleeplng Cars from Harrltburg to Cincinnati,and HulRt car to bt. Louis; dally, except Saturday,to Chicago, w UU bleeping Cur Altoona to Chicago.Chicago aud Clnelnuutl l.xpress, at 7.10 p. m. dally,wllh bleeping Cars Vt ostilngtou tu Chicago and ut.Ijols, and Ilurriiburg to Cleveland, connecting atUarrlaburg with Western Kxprcsa, wllh throughSleepers for Louisville and Memphis. Paeltlo

to (s) p. m. dally, for llltsburg nud the West,wllh througn bleeper llarrlsburgtu Chicago.

HALTIMOUK AND POIOMAU HA1LHOAD.Pur Erie, Canandulgua, Itochcster, lluffalo, Ni-

agara, al 10.00 p. m. dally, exeept baluruay, withpalace cars ashlugton to llochesler.

Par WUluunsport, Lock Haven, and Kliulra, at S.40a. in. dally, except Sunday.

Per New ork und the East. 7.S3, 9.00, 11.19 a. m..U so, aoo, 4.15,10.1)0, and tl 20 p. m. On bunday,D.uu a. m , u 3u, tt.oo,, lo.uo, and 11. M p. a.

Limited ExpresB of Pullman Parlor Cars, v.40 a,m dally, exeept bunday, and 4 p. m. daily.

Kor I'u.iuii witnout change, p. m. vvory UttJ.Pur Ilrooklyn, New ork, nil through train, con-

nect at Jersey City with boatsof "Urooklyn Annex,"affordlug direct transfer to 1 ulton street, avoidingdouble ferriage across Now York City,

Pur Philadelphia, 7 5,.oo, und 11.15 a. m , a 00,4.15,,iow, and ll.vo p. m. on bunday, .w) a.en , in 30, no, 4 15, o oo,, and l l.w n. in.

I Imlted Kxpress, 11.40 a. lu. week day. aud 4.1k) p,m. dally. ,

For Hdltluinre, &.3.1, 7.23, u oo, v.40, ii.oo a. m..12.19, U.Se, 1! 35, 1 00, 4.1K), 4 15, 4.3, 4.40, CM, 7.10,10,00, aud 11 no u. m. Ou bunday, yoo,.40, and11,19 a., 1H.30, ilX), 4 00, 4.15, 0.00, 7,10,loisi.auitll.sop. m.

Por Pope d Creek Mne. T.'.s o. in. aud 4,40 p, ill.dally, exeept bunday.Pur Auiuipol s, t.K.t u. in. aud la. 15, 4.j, aud e.oo

v. in, dally, except buuday. buudais, u a. ui, uud4.15 p.m.ALKXANDKIA AND l'llKDUICKSUUIKI 1IA1U

WAYANDALKXANHHIAANDWAblllNmONItAlLHOAD.1 or AlekaiiUrla.O.ixi, 7,i)3,'J.t,i, U.(H) u. m ,aud U 01 ,

tt.Jj, 4 a, 1,35,0.01, wis, loco, uud U.37 p.m. oubunday at U.UV, tl.Y.3, aud u. iu., uud 0.01 uud10 05 p in.

Por Ukhmoaduud IhoBouth, 0 00 nud ll.Oua. w.dally, uud 4 09 p. m. dully, exee Id bunday.

TrulnileuvoAloxaudrlufurWasulugtuii,o.0S,8Oi,looo.nuJlo.taii 111 ,1.W,3W,3 va,o.lo,7.t'3,viiJ, uu,(10.41 p. iu ,.llul Ui.ti)uildulgkt,(exceptMouilay ) onSunday ut duo and 10 4.1a. iu..uud 5.1o, v.3s, andtu.4Jp. iu., auiUsUOulgUt.

Tlekcu nud Information at the otttco noitboastcorner of 'luirleeiilhs'reet uud PeunsyltuuUutenue,aud ut the ttuilou, where order, tuu be left tor thecheeking ot baggage- to destination from hotels midrcBlilcnus.

C'UAltLKH K.Pl'tlll.dcnei.l Manager.J. It. OUD, Ueuerul I'lUmugtr Agiut.
