the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1905-01-15 [p 4]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ...wear during the cold...

THE RUN SUNDAY JANUARY 15 or d 4 190j I S I t i t rl i w FASHIONS TRIAL Ideas for Spring and Summer Exhibited FROCKS FOR SOUTHERN TRIPS IvJoic Put Out in t c Way of Experiment Tte hull Skirt the Pointed Bodice the Modinml ltfe nf Mutton Sleeve Ixppp l to Their Own No- lladloal niannri lookrd Ior Tim Flliow Sleeve Trrnirnilnm Niipppn In Paris hut Not ref Aprcptwt lyres Tlin and the MuMtcoat IIUrly Continue Im or Ilnlncr HklrTs The Sew SiinimiT Stints Ned A- ttractive Model lio lnit the Ne y Notion nr tlio rrmoli IlrpMrnakrrii There in wintry weather in the outdoor world and ehlvurliiK folk clad in velvet j and cloth stud funs elnnil lieforo tho windows but those windows aro gay with muallns nod organdies aivl linens und summery and woollons- MIllinerH aro busying themnclvps with straw and flowers and ribbon and lace tho ilroMiunkers workroom warm weather frocks art In ovldehca All of which doe nt mean that the rank and file of womankind is concerting with the problem of summer frocks but j merely that the smart sit nnd that much larger ot which is not ranked an einart hon the money to dross smartly and follow its own inclinations are preparing tine featbors preparatory to southward flight The will soon bo- at its height and on thin sido the wator can ono find a moro imprcusivo- fushlor show than nt tho famous Southern resorts during late January nnd February From Paris too court spring and t sad t ont In n sIlk j itself 7 I I d b ON- t i a P mid a A p shop- s 1 yet Southern season not hero of- t sum- s a < mar fashion rumow for too Riviera season U nt hand and the Riviera BCASOH goes far deciding tho summer modes Thero tho cxporimenU of the great French dre mnkers are made Thorn great ladles BotreBsoH fam6ui lemlmondalnes launch new fashions there the great drwwraakora- thennjolves go to study the efforts of their rivals to pick up uggodtionR and how Ideas to note the aticoeai or failure of their own eipoirimonts They take their fofllnoas very seriously In lrunee and by dint of that seriousness they hold their place on fashion autocrats Bf the time tho Benton In ended and tho lock flutters back to Paris for Auteull tho spring and Hummer possl- WlltJos are pretty well fixed in tho minds of the important drtvismaktrM and tho con elusion are embodied in the toilets pre lured for Auleuil the first great event of ufo spring season in Paris Of oourse the modus put forward here now are tenUitivn tine cannot by looking over the frocks nnd coats and hats pro for the Southern exodus determine i I I J era toward tI I fashion- able hided definitely what wo are to see worn by the woman not BUnitncr The oowtumoH now are likely 1m conservative following the wlnUr lines and not green over to audacity In materials Hut HO far as ono can judge from lnrian rumors wo nro to lucre no radical changea of line in tho coming Mftson i Xow York has slowly nom Around Ideas exploited months ego In Paris and farts may be exploiting something entirely different before we havo abandoned tho modes in vofitio now but there is every indlontlon that tho full skirt the pointed Ixxilco the modified leg Moe o will hold their own throughout the lummer Tho true leg of mutton BlceT is seen In Pnrin but Inquin and other great makers havn BO far approaohexl it carefully using as a general thing motels who only kin hip to tho leg of mutton lit in the fact that their greatest and breadth U the topand U tOO etocVta are full length they fit clofccly ovpr the KleevM very Ml I ut y vertical lines cf surriii have un cjx cially of mutton I I A at i i I 1 t I do bed to- t 1 duel t l I to- e at t A a fume fo mast lurk d g f e- y favored but Now York drpsumakore aro In many instances handling UIOAO nwk- wflrdlyand a long o lower part IstuokPd but fitting ft to chimslne Thu idea is clevolnpod u the elbow slcevo or ir o eovo turning back in n cufTat the elboij or Just Ixtlow or above a oso fitting cult or under sleeTO of law or Fomo other sheer stuff Tho elbow nloevo a3 kid tremendous micooHs in Paris this wlnt iruml while American womeh havo not adopted it to extent tot street and vlsitlnc Wear during the cold weather they will doubtless come around to It enthusias- tically with the arrival of worm weather rind the possessors of pretty nnd nrmK aro few will bo in luck The elbow ltxjvu of the moment U often particularly trying because It flt closely just above tho elbow where it ends and is finished only by n narrow frill which dow not mercifully the plhowv This ttlmva Is not calculated to bcooui popular save with tho vain of tier arms and tho honnlblo woman If nhn will wwir olbow will at1 least glen herself bonollt flowing frills onvwring the pointed elbow and softening tho foroarm ThoAo HliMjvtM ill nevortluOeas yield to tho trcndof fashion hy fitting more toward tho elbow instead falling- in soft draped puffs us of They will be full rind brood at thq shoulder but shirred or folded Into comparative close- ness toward the dlbow Some of rocont models show ono pull very hort above a deep shirred or plaited humid tilting closely to the Him The sleeve is not so graceful and does not consort well wth a deep lace or chiffon frill but like nil the new nlenves U broadens t I ltore emcees fully Its the C closely yore thin sleovmwh close t cover woman slow ¬ ¬ > the shoulders thereby accentuating the Bllmness of i9 waist Thom 1s a temptation to talk much of tho sleeve problem for recent radical changes have been chIefly in the and oven now the career of the fiUxjvo is the most uncertain feature of Paris modes but tho woman who has her sloovw broad and full nt top and close at bottom can- not go far wrong for spring end summer The career of tho coat is also of Interest and indications are that Direotoiru Txniis and rodlngoto coats of tho winter willhold over into tho summer and that the waist coat too has not run iU course lint tho longer coats are not PO effective In suuimttr- tnaUrials nave in time of the lowered or plan silk cant over sheer sklrtH ns they are in velvntn and cloths and it will be In- teresting to see just what turn this fad will tnko The long dOle coat of heavy lace prom case ¬ ¬ ¬ Ifts to have much prestige being worn usually with skirt and bodice of mousselino or eomo other shear ma- terial nnd this coat line great distinction if well made and worn upon a good figure A French model of this typo is shown In the large out and though in this ease the costume is a d oollot4 dinner gown it would be an en y matter to ronvrt it into n hig- nerkrxl frirk- RrtiimMT f n rP fo T tr t tIc nj cia h t chtffol Ilk r r I1IP alts r ¬ < > + > ass rule closefiUIng elbow ftleavos or long uleovra Time close elbow sleeve lace frll for finish npponra too upon many ofthe dressy j olnted bodice par- ticularly xipoa those of Pompadour or Louis Seize porsuaslon Louiii modes the lInK for petticoat offecld seems increas- ing rathe than reports say that tho petticoat will bp a feature of many of the Hmirt st lllvlera frocks One Paris model with peUieoat skirt for evening wear lies been copied great succtJn ov a Now York htusu and there is a sketch of it it the central group It is in tho palest pink chiffon gauze very full skirt draped away front a petticoat of creamy chiffon on which at short intervals are wt rufilcH of Palm cionnna lace The skirt is caught hack from tho petticoat nt two points by clusters of small pink rows and falls In a full short train Tho draped bodice of pmk gauze Is Laced trimmed and n cluster of roses i fro II dlmlnlshlnlr and with And aproposot tube de- signed the ¬ ¬ among tho laces nt tho bust This model would bo lovely and more durable in chiffon crSpo or any oOtho very soft silks but as its drapery is chief merit it requires a material that is quite without fituTnesil nnd foils in graceful folds now but exceedingly good is tho its boss I third model of the large picture an evening frock of sllkimousaelino trimmod in waving llnea of paillette embroidery and shirred silver gauze with knots of row velvet ribbon on tho and little pink roW mingling with the silver gauze nnd lace 6f the bortuo The girdlo ia of tho silver gnuzo Tho uffi of silver trimmings piilcMtoi and flowers nil reprosontoxi upon this frock In evidence everywhere In tho of evening dross and too tho stir plico bertha on bodice with n dainty litHe luokor Of chiffon or lace Is well liked The ferowicd bodice of surplice Vshape fronts filled in with guimpcs are fairly sure to continue their vogue and aro n prominent over the newest models A light weight cloth frock intended for Southern wear and carried out In n very light Ahade of tho soft modes which lion none of the warmth of champagne shows A simple anti cute illustration of the lour i i lines f fl r i is ore t and th Iran pnrt1nl As among I f 1011 Ii toga skirt eph typo tyt rt a apial the Pint rru r- 1kndn arrstehirti r ihtt ry lie i- Y r buttons nro the only trimming but the lines of sleeve skirt and Ixxllco are BO good that the achieves decided modish- ness Tiio same general Idea with any varia- tion of trimming desires provided it Is not no elaborate aa to spoil tho simplicity of the frock would bo n wise choice for the woman who wants n soft wool or silk spring gown for houwi nnd visiting yet cannot In for elaborate smartness In white cloth it would bo oxct cdlnly at- tractive and most desirable for Southern wear Another good model In cloth suitable for spring wear is the coat nnd skirt costume nkotchod here uiado with a plain platted skirt n HOAuro fitted coat falling well over the hips not to half length n but tonod waistcoat leg of mutton sleeves I 0 I I I the rectum > ¬ ¬ n velvet collar and considorablo This frock was recently mndo for a fashionable woman but tho tailor in die playing it remarked laughingly that tho which it was copied was turned out last July by ono of tho greatest inris makers- It Inofcnd queer then ho said Mint look at it now Every smallest detail In thq extreme helghtof tho mode Thats the way with a tow of those fellows They make up their minds to havo certain things mod wo may shy nt the Ideas at but in tho end wo all come around to them Tlmt the skirts are to bo plainer than those of last OMan seems tho froolu In the hedvier materials are for time most part little trimmed Even the lllmy summer frocks promise to preserve rJmpllcify of outline though of muslins organdies stud other sheer summer stuffs by their very nature require first I I morn stitch- ing model from settled and course ¬ ¬ frills and futhlowB fj iri s end laces rlllons Theo sutiunor nulTri fiiruihh 1 theme calculated to inspire a fine of descrip- tion The first Jrummer goods dlnpUyed always seem of roar doubt loss iron their contrast to the winter of which ace i tired and from their promise of a coming spring Each year too the fabrics and rolor and dwiign seem moro attrartivr nil this n anon the menu I r and I the loveliest the t rr i m1t Jo LiullJfI frenzy nrrrrrrFri rquiteontJ eitem eltr- I it- a a amid c it < ¬ tons and Moons bow to it an woll as elllfa and cloths und velvets Perhaps tho thing that strikes ono most forcibly in a general survey of Urn now summer stuffs is tho perfection to which mercerizing has at- tained tho surprising beauty of tho silken finished cotton Thoro are many new namorfor tho various mercerized cottons Ion the salesmen do not pretend to know thorn and look blank when asked what td call time material but waken sufficiently to tiny comprehensively Mercerized cotton inodaiu Shimmering silky cottons In various weights are shown in a wonderful number of plain tints and In a host of figured de- signs Tins and buffs amorae moro tram usual among cottons and mania for brown has In- fluenced tho spring materials midlcienUy J the light yellowe winter ¬ ¬ ¬ to bring out many cottons nnd linens In certain brown shades preferably tho cooler tones of brown Some of tho cottons resemble lightweight woollen goods closely that it is almost to distinguish them from wool This IB particularly true of tho cotton 6ta mines and vollos thoew Roods in tho small chocks are very attractive The browns are conspicuous In line of cottons small chocks of white and of tiiodtt und white being quite as effec- tive as tho amo Uealgnn in wool veiling which Worn brought out last summer Whether those rutton imitations of wool will laumjer well Is a dubious question mad tho wary salesman asked qu Uon this > ¬ replies noncommittally Well are wash goods maam Dut with ordinary use n frock of such material could go one season without tubbing and If it does this it will justify Its purchase for the price Is not high These checked cotton etamlmja will make very shirt waist diTJwes Of cotton too are examines figured in dots sprigs Ac of the none treating color and thews mnbrcddonxl- dtamines on they are called ore especially good in string color and similar tints and in white Then there are cotton dtnmlnes with em- broidered borders a coarsely woven deep cream or TU ctaralne having a border in which was a convrntlonnl design of dull mi nnd blue raised embroidery having particularly good possibilities The openwork or drawnwork shown In thin woollens lust out in oottoiifl now ond most effective cottons trwi 1iv In and inmli and looking j rrt t nn in tht through smart or con are n It s Those If t il cud whtlr ot LD lttUe little wes ee season for a r re r ¬ ¬ > LSHAW who bars bfn of their Jiatr or who have an clency may have their natural rtitoreil by vrctrlne one of our cover the head cool comfort bl convenient are ready Jo wear Marie Antoinette Transformations Pompadours Wavy Knots Ladles Dressing Parlors Scalp Treatment Hair Colorlnri Singeing Hharapoolnr h uterI rll- HookVt How to JJe Free r4 11TII ST lEAn T1I AV1 Y I Natural Way featherweight lIInl llrtne FY I M tales deprived besot I Wigs ala The entire e 14 wits r several colors BO blended as to give a changeable effect to the material One piooo for example was in a luscious shade of light tangerine o Interwoven with white flat it took on n sort of white bloom and beneath was a draper shade of tangerine almost on time wrong side of the fabric but showing only in certain gleams and glimi m on the right wide mind giving a oliohgcnblo coloring or shading all hi one color Tho namo Idea was corded i out dull rose and an al- mond green but a fow of tho now wool cot ton effects and more ore coming out each dayAmong tho cottons of silk finish there are plain embroidered and printed surfaces Wonderful flowered cottons thin as silk inousaollno lustroiw nd silky of finish and beautiful of design heavier mercerized cottons checked striped plaid figured embroidered very heavy mercerized of many theso are all shown and in such variety And beauty of coloring- as unprecedented- A silky cotton slightly heavier and firmer than China silk was in very email checks of a truo Colonial huff and white with wafer dots of white scattered over tho checked surface and another design- in tho Bnmo material was in n yellow n little deeper than buff but hardly a tan gerino and white being figured in half Inchthockn formed from blocks of smaller chocks in two sizes The tartan plaids in a lightweight cotton material of silky finish aro very gay and pretty nnd are being bought up childrens frocks although they by no moans belong of necessity to tho chill drens province There are in nil tho grenadine weaves coarse and fine figured and plain saran of tho coarse mesh cotton grenadines with silk finish and printed flower designs being remarkably effect Ivo Pique plain nnd figured and softer in quality than tho old pique linen of all kinds nil of the old favorites are with us in new bonuty Time organdies are exquisite in design and there is n par- ticularly attractive hind of printed dimities Certain plaided white cottons barred off In sheer and heavy lines and with dainty little lower sprigs sprinkled over the new effective and heavy enough for service This flowered pennies too which had such n run in Paris ln t sum- mer are horo this season in charming guiso In sheer plan whlto stuffs there Is nothing really now French initiate real India llnon and tho fine lawns are tho favorites and while there nro now designs in tho awls and batiste embroideries nnd in laces there is BO far no startling novelty Vftlencionnos lace promises to bo time favorite nn it last minimer and the fine imitation Valenciennes in lovelier than over Therenro eomo now coarse crocheted laces too that will bo popular for linen frocks and the heavier cottons Among tho spring silks taffeta naturally holds first place and it in of course taffeta of the soft finish variety Tho pin stripe which at the end of tho summer ncn son made a strong bid for favor is hero again and muoh to the torn In pink nnd white light green lilac and white it is very quaint anti pretty mind makes up Into most delectable summer frocks The ch cked silks are numerous BJI ever ned many nro sprinkled with dots crcaocnrs Ao an was tho cane last year There ore also checked taffetas with a floral design printed at intervals over tho surface the flowers apparently under lying time checks though It U hard to under- stand just how tho effect U produced Plain taffetas taffetas with a eolftono figure and fihot taffetaa are all plentiful in tho now stock The raw silk effects are liked and Bur linghata with itflnoft heavy body and Irregu- lar coarse weave is exploded to imam great euoowa for coat and skirt costumes Fou- lards am many and there nrn who would hot enter n summer without a foulard but theres no denying that tho this solid Inn bluo are won briskly- for cottons i gngIUfM surf CCnro last And white tea women nOn soft dull Those cot- tons lat- ticed was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FIFTH AVENUE STYLES AND QUALITY AT y IIAlF IIFTII AVENUE PRICES We Cant Have the Penny und the take too Little ads and little rent permit of little prices Lit tle prices bring big THE HOLLY Annual Clearance Sale- S an event which customers who know HOLLY quali- ties can appreciate to new cus tomers it will be a revelation and an opportunity to learn what means when it advertises a special sale 2500 33000 and 3500 hand tailored SILK and SATIN LINED CLOTH SUITS long ond short coats ALL AT 1750 SILK and CLOTH SHIRT WAIST DRESSESS1QOO 1200 CREPE GOWNS silk lined throughout 52500 NET GOWNS very attractive mod- els with hatidsomc girdles EvrItT WAIST flue noTr- Inji liDnirrttx or lli r nl i rii ni at trcadr rrdtura irUcj 10 West 22d st near 5lh J1EINMCHi SPECIAL- COFKE and Cofffe Pole hive no iual tliocMlr re- tail BiH Ilrot ly r Flatiron Hunainit foulards are not to be considered piirtlcu Inrly ohio They nre always serviceable i i iru since taffeta pushed them aside Some of tho now cumuli silks should make serviceable and attractive summer frocks and lightweight of time mwaaJlne various forms of nil of the lightweight silk and wool mixtures canvaH woollen light- weight cloths chiffon clotb tiioiut chiffon gauzes of kinds all ovor laccw and nets the ranks of the now goods are pictured here new voting and batters frocks for tan benefit of thaw who orB already interostod in thin frocks but theeo- mo might well ho used for or evening wear oven In this Northern clime no woman too should find them interesting Old Fashioned Regard nine tram the notion Heroin I am ilIAd to tho old fashioned low for gems auto into vogue One girl I know had a gold hoop for a present which a half dozen diamonds were set mnnner that they took nearly half the hoop corning the or onn of the old fashioned rinus which irrro no popular a- n of sentiment men I eon nnn mother nod it Teemed to me the tnait ornxtnrnt f thBtuhnponefsfwl Incver ttrtdof iprll- Injr out word which wee x reseed by the scout n l in making it ThP wcnt in this order emerald cnrtict ruby diamond tho letters with which rant gent bejran spelling word regard r I I busi- ness I I H 0 Y UE CHINE n tort T HOlrif ta6rct end ulp sUe beautiful but not r silks crl ne several see Into a hoe r halt a century or sO remember my the 7 ic r a THE both SOS the silk lnou iolne house settlnfa comb girt toy y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > ¬ < == THE XXTli CENTURY SEWING MACHINE 11m- YC3 SaCD It highest type or SEWING MAC H I N cmbodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITYthe ACME of CONVENIENCE SINGER MACHINES Are sold only SINGER SEWl1IG MACHINE CO dw leg rOm Maker to They are taw sold at Lower Prices Also the Delis we arrr a stock Than Any Other dealer and We are wi the spot to give tateM tdtc1toa to r homers B this sign I Seventyfive 9 Singes Stores I you may mow and will find in Greater I New York J J he1- 0alla l s f r h l- r la 6118 Yea Iddl- t2 FAMILY User being Best Oil Needles etc at wish larger all seta- wr AHOTHEi WILL mud Pret cm Trtr- Hje linen pearly spring trn wear nn lino popularity Benson r Linen cm 1- 1AhIo quality rialsyot Its Muid Nothing Ho tar this i piled with 1L Borne of tho we retnarkah linen njid the linens in this i Tho dot their popular Home portion trine color t told pinks ha tacos groups xm lilorul lo Tin wafer d- jnd self color or the now II incnn with BJI well as 1 popular brad scab It seems already the cart beautiful italt jtotterni- jlaito Some undoubtedly- but If they frock lines that and so years stamp motifs Thoro are Jlghtly dlffe bad the hunt heavy tale parts of rotely from attached The real I good frock when waist II oujn in con rjiiffon and r being mild resorts and three figures ftrefittr lint hesitate that every including in Tho shirt and tho Alai rind practica frock and designs nro various line nm inixlpln- T shoulder flue Oeovi have not tho cove are epcaklni the trriatbai though the including tui cuffs ex half way to i The and made t embroidered a skirt yoke i an emanating f tho rt tj bordering h The plaits of ju tlon of tie to f tho skirt a VUTV A IHM ft- R yoke irnll box phrase pnit d nlfwv cult at Iho of wor All if hand in Lira carts WHII nj A fla Uo frin w br tier Tho iiJi of I notber t- eL Its goo JJndNllod It stnun r quallties fin tut pplctious on toour or mo tnglaflt will linings of m lag too for- t h froC blouse the of Which lit II the blowe f the to fOlrn lit I I 1 open turn d l in oombmn Waited In m sWNS 9i aRo1ttnena ti Them e 1 steams Ii hart tit e- nder ties c- on lop b- s2 po skip way eMvim ttnn thin e a < > < >

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-01-15 [p 4]. › lccn › sn83030272 › ...Wear during the cold weather they will doubtless come around to It enthusias-tically with the arrival of


4190j I

S I t it rl




Ideas for Spring and SummerExhibited


IvJoic Put Out in t c Way of


Tte hull Skirt the Pointed Bodice

the Modinml ltfe nf Mutton Sleeve

Ixppp l to Their Own No-

lladloal niannri lookrd Ior Tim

Flliow Sleeve Trrnirnilnm Niipppn

In Paris hut Not ref Aprcptwt lyres

Tlin and the MuMtcoat IIUrly

Continue Im or Ilnlncr HklrTs

The Sew SiinimiT Stints Ned A-

ttractive Model lio lnit the Ne y

Notion nr tlio rrmoli IlrpMrnakrrii

There in wintry weather in the outdoorworld and ehlvurliiK folk clad in velvet

j and cloth stud funs elnnil lieforo thowindows but those windows aro gay withmuallns nod organdies aivl linens undsummery and woollons-

MIllinerH aro busying themnclvps withstraw and flowers and ribbon and lace

tho ilroMiunkers workroom warmweather frocks art In ovldehca

All of which doe nt mean that the rankand file of womankind is concertingwith the problem of summer frocks but

j merely that the smart sit nnd that muchlarger ot which is not ranked an einart

hon the money to dross smartly andfollow its own inclinations are preparingtine featbors preparatory to southwardflight The will soon bo-

at its height and on thin sidothe wator can ono find a moro imprcusivo-fushlor show than nt tho famous Southernresorts during late January nnd February

From Paris too court spring and





In n









ti a










Southern seasonnot hero of-



s a


mar fashion rumow for too Riviera seasonU nt hand and the Riviera BCASOH goes far

deciding tho summer modesThero tho cxporimenU of the great French

dre mnkers are made Thorn great ladlesBotreBsoH fam6ui lemlmondalnes launchnew fashions there the great drwwraakora-thennjolves go to study the efforts of theirrivals to pick up uggodtionR and how Ideasto note the aticoeai or failure of their owneipoirimonts They take their fofllnoasvery seriously In lrunee and by dint of thatseriousness they hold their place on fashionautocrats

Bf the time tho Benton In endedand tho lock flutters back to Paris forAuteull tho spring and Hummer possl-WlltJos are pretty well fixed in tho minds ofthe important drtvismaktrM and tho conelusion are embodied in the toilets prelured for Auleuil the first great

event of ufo spring season in ParisOf oourse the modus put forward here

now are tenUitivn tine cannot by lookingover the frocks nnd coats and hats pro

for the Southern exodus determine



I J era





definitely what wo are to see worn by thewoman not BUnitncr

The oowtumoH now are likely1m conservative following thewlnUr lines and not green over to audacityIn materials Hut HO far as ono can judgefrom lnrian rumors wo nro to lucre noradical changea of line in tho comingMftson i

Xow York has slowly nom AroundIdeas exploited months ego In Paris andfarts may be exploiting something entirelydifferent before we havo abandoned thomodes in vofitio now but there isevery indlontlon that tho full skirt thepointed Ixxilco the modified legMoe o will hold their own throughout thelummer

Tho true leg of mutton BlceT is seenIn Pnrin but Inquin and other great makershavn BO far approaohexl it carefully usingas a general thing motels who only kinhip to tho leg of mutton lit in the factthat their greatest and breadth U

the topand U tOO etocVta are full lengththey fit clofccly ovpr the

KleevM very Ml I ut y verticallines cf surriii have un cjx cially

of mutton






i I


tIdo bed to-

t 1 duelt


I to-e






fomastlurk d





favored but Now York drpsumakore aroIn many instances handling UIOAO nwk-

wflrdlyand a long o lower partIstuokPd but fitting ft tochimslne Thu idea isclevolnpod u the elbow slcevo or ir o eovoturning back in n cufTat the elboij or JustIxtlow or above a oso fitting cult or undersleeTO of law or Fomo other sheer stuff

Tho elbow nloevo a3 kid tremendousmicooHs in Paris this wlnt iruml whileAmerican womeh havo not adopted it to

extent tot street and vlsitlncWear during the cold weather they willdoubtless come around to It enthusias-tically with the arrival of worm weatherrind the possessors of pretty nndnrmK aro few will bo in luck

The elbow ltxjvu of the moment U oftenparticularly trying because It flt closelyjust above tho elbow where it ends andis finished only by n narrow frill whichdow not mercifully the plhowv Thisttlmva Is not calculated to bcooui popularsave with tho vain of tier armsand tho honnlblo woman If nhn will wwirolbow will at1 least glen herself

bonollt flowing frills onvwring thepointed elbow and softening tho foroarm

ThoAo HliMjvtM ill nevortluOeas yieldto tho trcndof fashion hy fitting more

toward tho elbow instead falling-

in soft draped puffs us of Theywill be full rind brood at thq shoulder butshirred or folded Into comparative close-

ness toward the dlbowSome of rocont models show ono

pull very hort above a deep shirredor plaited humid tilting closely to the HimThe sleeve is not so graceful and does notconsort well wth a deep lace or chiffonfrill but like nil the new nlenves U broadens



ltore emcees fully


the C











the shoulders thereby accentuating theBllmness of i9 waist

Thom 1s a temptation to talk much oftho sleeve problem for recent radicalchanges have been chIefly in theand oven now the career of the fiUxjvo isthe most uncertain feature of Paris modesbut tho woman who has her sloovw broadand full nt top and close at bottom can-

not go far wrong for spring end summerThe career of tho coat is also of Interest

and indications are that Direotoiru Txniisand rodlngoto coats of tho winter willholdover into tho summer and that the waistcoat too has not run iU course lint tholonger coats are not PO effective In suuimttr-tnaUrials nave in time of the loweredor plan silk cant over sheer sklrtH ns theyare in velvntn and cloths and it will be In-

teresting to see just what turn this fadwill tnko

The long dOle coat of heavy lace prom





Ifts to have much prestige being wornusually with skirt and bodice of

mousselino or eomo other shear ma-

terial nnd this coat line great distinctionif well made and worn upon a good figureA French model of this typo is shown Inthe large out and though in this ease thecostume is a d oollot4 dinner gown it wouldbe an en y matter to ronvrt it into n hig-nerkrxl frirk-

RrtiimMT f n rP fo T

tr t tIc nj cia h t




I1IP alts r




+ >

ass rule closefiUIng elbow ftleavos or longuleovra Time close elbow sleevelace frll for finish npponra too upon manyofthe dressy j olnted bodice par-ticularly xipoa those of Pompadour orLouis Seize porsuaslon

Louiii modes the lInKfor petticoat offecld seems increas-ing rathe than reportssay that tho petticoat will bp a featureof many of the Hmirt st lllvlera frocksOne Paris model with peUieoat skirt

for evening wear lies been copiedgreat succtJn ov a Now York htusu

and there is a sketch of it it the centralgroup

It is in tho palest pink chiffon gauzevery full skirt draped away front a

petticoat of creamy chiffon on which atshort intervals are wt rufilcH of Palmcionnna lace The skirt is caught hackfrom tho petticoat nt two points by clustersof small pink rows and falls In a full shorttrain Tho draped bodice of pmk gauzeIs Laced trimmed and n cluster of roses i

fro II

dlmlnlshlnlr and


And aproposottube





among tho laces nt tho bustThis model would bo lovely and more

durable in chiffon crSpo or any oOtho verysoft silks but as its drapery is chiefmerit it requires a material that is quitewithout fituTnesil nnd foils in gracefulfolds

now but exceedingly good is tho



third model of the large picture an eveningfrock of sllkimousaelino trimmod in wavingllnea of paillette embroidery and shirredsilver gauze with knots of row velvetribbon on tho and little pink roWmingling with the silver gauze nnd lace 6fthe bortuo The girdlo ia of tho silvergnuzo

Tho uffi of silver trimmings piilcMtoiand flowers nil reprosontoxi upon thisfrock In evidence everywhere In tho

of evening dross and too tho stirplico bertha on bodice with n dainty litHeluokor Of chiffon or lace Is well liked Theferowicd bodice of surpliceVshape fronts filled in withguimpcs are fairly sure to continue theirvogue and aro n prominent overthe newest models

A light weight cloth frock intended forSouthern wear and carried out In n verylight Ahade of tho soft modes which lionnone of the warmth of champagne showsA simple anti cute illustration of the lour

i i lines f flr i


tand thIran pnrt1nl

As among


f 1011 Ii





tyt rt a apial the Pint rru r-

1kndn arrstehirti rihtt ry lie i-

Y r

buttons nro the only trimming but thelines of sleeve skirt and Ixxllco are BO goodthat the achieves decided modish-

nessTiio same general Idea with any varia-

tion of trimming desires provided it Is

not no elaborate aa to spoil tho simplicityof the frock would bo n wise choice forthe woman who wants n soft wool or silkspring gown for houwi nnd visiting yetcannot In for elaborate smartnessIn white cloth it would bo oxct cdlnly at-

tractive and most desirable for Southernwear

Another good model In cloth suitablefor spring wear is the coat nnd skirt costumenkotchod here uiado with a plain plattedskirt n HOAuro fitted coat falling well overthe hips not to half length n buttonod waistcoat leg of mutton sleeves

I 0




rectum >



n velvet collar and considorabloThis frock was recently mndo for

a fashionable woman but tho tailor in dieplaying it remarked laughingly that tho

which it was copied was turnedout last July by ono of tho greatest inrismakers-

It Inofcnd queer then ho said Mintlook at it now Every smallest detailIn thq extreme helghtof tho mode Thatsthe way with a tow of those fellows Theymake up their minds to havo certain thingsmod wo may shy nt the Ideas at butin tho end wo all come around to them

Tlmt the skirts are to bo plainer thanthose of last OMan seems thofroolu In the hedvier materials are fortime most part little trimmed Even thelllmy summer frocks promise to preserve

rJmpllcify of outline though ofmuslins organdies stud other sheer

summer stuffs by their very nature require






model from

settled and




frills and futhlowB fj iri s end lacesrlllons

Theo sutiunor nulTri fiiruihh 1 themecalculated to inspire a fine of descrip-tion The first Jrummer goods dlnpUyedalways seem of roar doubtloss iron their contrast to the winter ofwhich ace i tired and from their promiseof a coming spring Each year too thefabrics and rolor and dwiign seem moroattrartivr nil this n anon the menu I



the loveliest the

trr i m1t

Jo LiullJfI


nrrrrrrFri rquiteontJ eitem eltr-I it-

aa amid c it



tons and Moons bow to it an woll as elllfaand cloths und velvets Perhaps tho thingthat strikes ono most forcibly in a generalsurvey of Urn now summer stuffs is thoperfection to which mercerizing has at-

tained tho surprising beauty of tho silkenfinished cotton Thoro are many newnamorfor tho various mercerized cottonsIon the salesmen do not pretend to knowthorn and look blank when asked whattd call time material but waken sufficientlyto tiny comprehensively Mercerized cottoninodaiu

Shimmering silky cottons In variousweights are shown in a wonderful numberof plain tints and In a host of figured de-

signs Tins and buffs amoraemoro tram usual among cottonsand mania for brown has In-

fluenced tho spring materials midlcienUy



light yellowe





to bring out many cottons nnd linens In

certain brown shades preferably tho coolertones of brown

Some of tho cottons resemble lightweightwoollen goods closely that it is almost

to distinguish them from wool

This IB particularly true of tho cotton 6tamines and vollos thoew Roods in thosmall chocks are very attractive

The browns are conspicuous In lineof cottons small chocks of whiteand of tiiodtt und white being quite as effec-

tive as tho amo Uealgnn in wool veilingwhich Worn brought out last summerWhether those rutton imitations of woolwill laumjer well Is a dubious question madtho wary salesman asked qu Uon




replies noncommittally Well arewash goods maam Dut with ordinaryuse n frock of such material could goone season without tubbing and If it doesthis it will justify Its purchase for the priceIs not high These checked cotton etamlmjawill make very shirt waistdiTJwes

Of cotton too are examines figured indots sprigs Ac of the none

treating color and thews mnbrcddonxl-dtamines on they are called ore especiallygood in string color and similar tints and inwhite

Then there are cotton dtnmlnes with em-broidered borders a coarsely woven deepcream or TU ctaralne having a border in

which was a convrntlonnl design of dullmi nnd blue raised embroidery havingparticularly good possibilities

The openwork or drawnworkshown In thin woollens lust outin oottoiifl now ond most effective cottonstrwi 1iv In and inmli and looking

j rrt t nn in




or con


n It s ThoseIf t il cud whtlr ot LD



wes eeseason






LSHAWwho bars bfn of

their Jiatr or who have anclency may have their naturalrtitoreil by vrctrlne one of our

cover the headcool comfort bl

convenient are ready Jo wear

Marie AntoinetteTransformations

Pompadours Wavy KnotsLadles Dressing Parlors

Scalp Treatment Hair Colorlnri Singeing Hharapoolnrh uterI rll-

HookVt How to JJe Free

r4 11TII ST lEAn T1I AV1 Y


Natural Wayfeatherweight

lIInl llrtne



tales deprived

besotI Wigs

alaThe entiree14

wits r

several colors BO blended as to give achangeable effect to the material

One piooo for example was in a lusciousshade of light tangerine o Interwovenwith white flat it took on n sort of whitebloom and beneath was a draper shadeof tangerine almost on time wrong sideof the fabric but showing only in certaingleams and glimi m on the right wide mind

giving a oliohgcnblo coloring or shading allhi one color Tho namo Idea was corded

i out dull rose and an al-

mond greenbut a fow of tho now wool cot

ton effects and more ore coming out eachdayAmong tho cottons of silk finish there areplain embroidered and printed surfacesWonderful flowered cottons thin as silkinousaollno lustroiw nd silky of finishand beautiful of design heavier mercerizedcottons checked striped plaid figuredembroidered very heavy mercerized

of many theso are all shownand in such variety And beauty of coloring-as unprecedented-

A silky cotton slightly heavier andfirmer than China silk was in very emailchecks of a truo Colonial huff and whitewith wafer dots of white scattered overtho checked surface and another design-in tho Bnmo material was in n yellow nlittle deeper than buff but hardly a tangerino and white being figured in halfInchthockn formed from blocks of smallerchocks in two sizes

The tartan plaids in a lightweight cottonmaterial of silky finish aro very gay andpretty nnd are being bought up

childrens frocks although they byno moans belong of necessity to tho chilldrens province There are in niltho grenadine weaves coarse and finefigured and plain saran of tho coarse meshcotton grenadines with silk finish andprinted flower designs being remarkablyeffect Ivo

Pique plain nnd figured and softer inquality than tho old pique linen of all kinds

nil of the old favoritesare with us in new bonuty Time organdiesare exquisite in design and there is n par-ticularly attractive hind of printed dimitiesCertain plaided white cottons barred offIn sheer and heavy lines and with daintylittle lower sprigs sprinkled over the

new effective and heavyenough for service This flowered penniestoo which had such n run in Paris ln t sum-mer are horo this season in charmingguiso

In sheer plan whlto stuffs there Is nothingreally now French initiate real Indiallnon and tho fine lawns are tho favoritesand while there nro now designs in thoawls and batiste embroideries nnd in lacesthere is BO far no startling novelty

Vftlencionnos lace promises to bo time

favorite nn it last minimer and thefine imitation Valenciennes in lovelierthan over Therenro eomo now coarsecrocheted laces too that will bo popularfor linen frocks and the heavier cottons

Among tho spring silks taffeta naturallyholds first place and it in of course taffetaof the soft finish variety Tho pin stripewhich at the end of tho summer ncnson made a strong bid for favor is heroagain and muoh to the torn In pink nndwhite light green lilac andwhite it is very quaint anti pretty mind

makes up Into most delectable summerfrocks

The ch cked silks are numerous BJI

ever ned many nro sprinkled with dotscrcaocnrs Ao an was tho cane last yearThere ore also checked taffetas with afloral design printed at intervals over thosurface the flowers apparently underlying time checks though It U hard to under-stand just how tho effect U produced Plaintaffetas taffetas with a eolftono figureand fihot taffetaa are all plentiful in thonow stock

The raw silk effects are liked and Burlinghata with itflnoft heavy body and Irregu-lar coarse weave is exploded to imam greateuoowa for coat and skirt costumes Fou-lards am many and there nrn whowould hot enter n summer withouta foulard but theres no denying that tho


Inn bluo







surf CCnro


And white



soft dull
















We Cant Have the Pennyund the take too

Little ads and little rentpermit of little prices Lit

tle prices bring big

THE HOLLYAnnual Clearance Sale-

S an event which customerswho know HOLLY quali-

ties can appreciate to new customers it will be a revelationand an opportunity to learnwhat meanswhen it advertises a special sale

2500 33000 and 3500 handtailored SILK and SATIN LINEDCLOTH SUITS long ond

short coats ALL AT 1750SILK and CLOTH SHIRT WAIST


lined throughout 52500NET GOWNS very attractive mod-

els with hatidsomc girdles

EvrItT WAIST flue noTr-Inji liDnirrttx or lli r nl i rii ni

at trcadr rrdtura irUcj

10 West 22d st near 5lh


and Cofffe Pole hive no iual tliocMlr re-

tail BiH Ilrot ly r Flatiron Hunainit

foulards are not to be considered piirtlcuInrly ohio They nre always serviceable

i i irusince taffeta pushed them aside

Some of tho now cumuli silks should makeserviceable and attractive summer frocksand lightweight of time mwaaJlne

various forms of nil of thelightweight silk and wool mixtures

canvaH woollen light-weight cloths chiffon clotb tiioiut

chiffon gauzes of kinds allovor laccw and nets the ranks of thenow goods

are pictured here newvoting and batters

frocks for tan benefit of thaw who orBalready interostod in thin frocks but theeo-mo might well ho used for orevening wear oven In this Northern climeno woman too shouldfind them interesting

Old Fashioned Regard ninetram the notion Heroin

I am ilIAd to tho old fashioned lowfor gems auto into vogue

One girl I know had a gold hoop for a presentwhich a half dozen diamonds were set

mnnner that they took nearly halfthe hoop corning the or

onn of the old fashionedrinus which irrro no popular a-

n of sentiment menI eon nnn mother nod itTeemed to me the tnait ornxtnrnt f

thBtuhnponefsfwl Incver ttrtdof iprll-Injr out word which wee xreseed by the scout n l in making itThP wcnt in this order emeraldcnrtict ruby diamond tho letterswith which rant gent bejran spellingword regard







H 0 Y


n tort

T HOlrifta6rct

endulp sUe

beautiful but not r





Into a


halt a century or sOremember my


7 icr a





lnou iolne


settlnfa comb








< >










highest type or SEWINGMAC H I N cmbodiment of SIMPLICITYand UTILITYthe ACME of CONVENIENCE


leg rOm Maker to They are taw sold

at Lower PricesAlso the Delis we arrr a


Than Any Otherdealer and We are wi the spot to give tateM tdtc1toa tor homers

B this sign I Seventyfive9 Singes Stores

Iyou may mowand will find in Greater

INew YorkJ J


0alla l s f r

h l-

r la6118





User being

Best Oil Needles etc at wishlarger






mud Pretcm Trtr-

Hje linenpearly spring

trn wear nnlino

popularityBenson r

Linen cm 1-

1AhIo qualityrialsyot Its


NothingHo tar this i

piled with 1L

Borne of thowe retnarkahlinen njid thelinens in this i

Tho dottheir popular

Home portiontrine color ttold pinks hatacos groupsxm lilorul lo

Tin wafer d-

jnd self coloror the now II

incnn with

BJI well as 1

popular bradscab

It seems

already thecart beautifulitalt jtotterni-jlaito Someundoubtedly-but If theyfrock linesthat and soyears stampmotifs

Thoro areJlghtly dlffebad the huntheavytale parts ofrotely from

attachedThe real I


frock whenwaist II

oujn in conrjiiffon and

r being mildresorts andthree figuresftrefittr linthesitatethat everyincluding in

Tho shirtand tho Alairind practicafrock anddesigns nrovarious

line nminixlpln-

T shoulderflue Oeovi

have nottho cove

are epcaklnithe trriatbaithough theincluding tui

cuffs exhalf way to i

Theand made tembroidereda skirt yoke

i anemanating f

tho rt tj

bordering h

Theplaits of ju

tlon of tieto

f tho skirta VUTV

A IHM ft-

R yoke irnllbox phrasepnit d nlfwvcult at Iho

of worAll if

hand in Liracarts WHII njA flaUo frin wbr tier

Tho iiJi of




Its gooJJndNllod It


quallties fin


pplctious on

toour or mo

tnglaflt willlinings of



too for-






Which lit II

the blowe f



fOlrn lit I




turn d

l in oombmnWaited In m

sWNS 9i


ti Them












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eMvim ttnn






