the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-02-16 [p...

w i VV W f VIT r i f ri THE SUN FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16 1000 hf p 2 1 > < face diver It was i hlmctnlllfl nil west of tln that It would take niiinoy III IIXMHn cany on the Ho campaign tHin It IHIx Then working li till ttit Hie luring coiitrrs had boon tortoil under Hie throat nf starvation li volo tho tlekot ut ihiy did not volo lot a gold stand lilt Mr to mnl Hi on ihodiiubhi lnnd rd and to talt Hi lianc Hio then tny thin thoy nro for a gold stiindiird that will be tho end of II It It ii IliilIMi nnd foolish Malemrt thut this bill Intended to bo nn iibotnelo ur hlinlrtinio I hjinel illl in di erlbid n binniiilliHt us one who believed thn who Unit thi two iiiitnU iiiild hr ini ill tho rtitlo- nt 111 ii I und ho piiiliiii ririid Mr Cuckrull mono niado Hint iiruiunont l okrH Ilnll and said lie wns dMIgild with Hint Hiiinlnrs biniilltul- liingeryiis lr his waving tho wand nnd tinvalue t lit riinlndod 11 in Hint II WIIN by that silver was Mint II ehnlliimid Mr Aldrloh whiitV Mr Aidriih put In Was It legislation Mr thundered Hint inii d tli fif I leiisiiiiinii IllI iwii dlroitod toward gold AntI m favnrnl silver Hi gold winilil have iinelatoil n t uHHlivrillil ninl Ichiilhhgu Mi- alenntorto deny It lfglidil ion was It Mr Aldrich nknil 1 am nt snylng said Mr tockrell- Do diidgo iwv os r llin sunn legislation that do iiilveriiin rehabilitate It Sir iilrndl And thiwiimiloglslntlon would lI n 1111 I II f will II t III Ir Ir I lclY- II to 1 hon wh lot 1 I i IzariIM khI1iI Iii iu IHfIhi eiiuhil i Iek IIrIhi > < ° ° ° o tlniiuostlminllv Mr Udrluh n linllti il iiiii iv Mr nukrell liKM why till you lint Hie begin- ning imhti r To inlinlt Hint legislation Chili brlni In sweep nwny thn argu went of HIM Senatnr rnnneitlcut- Mr trluinpbintlv dcolnnd Hint ho gnt HIH from Illmdo Islnnd to answer his infIon nnio Hatfooted mid thnt was refreshing Laughter AH was nlnmt lo mnko n reply Mr Cockrell ngnln Wall n tun- ruenl bo said I hnvo itt tutu cornered It Is n question of power pure and iwwer to nil silver offorcd- hunntor fr m Ithodo says we can not ihi It atono Ilo that wmud u lo silver mononielalllsni hut that wo can do It by com- bination with oilier billions I that we vail do In nlono As to f IH7T Thorn was no criino In It Mr Aldrlch In terprtsed Then was n erliiin In u Mr Cookroll ox- elaliiitd n crime igaln t lunl nnd humanity Moriin having been virtu- ally withdrawn 11 r Tller llTed ns a substi- tute nMUiiilinenl tho follow- ing Thn piMipln nf Hi Inllid States HIT favor nf IdniclallHin nnd nr In favor of mi- ternntloniil ngpoment with tho great cominir nntloiih nf world tint wo ndinllof Hid of both ntil siiihnn rstab Halted ratio hIt will maintain tho parity between gold nnd silver cnn nnd tho effort of Hie his nro 1onbir to endeavor to such an Inliriuitional IIH iipiedlly liossllile Violooll Hep opii i ed hl col l ssub iitiit lie haul If 1 could frame rosiioii ng an which deelnres tln prinelplen nnd policy le- publlciin rispeetlng of I shniild It uning nnd anti uiiiiiulitlod und carno t I should Probably mid many phrusis to tho declira lion ns tn purpose of re by Iho Hut I ciinnot ninke the Iniigiingi Mio on Ilnnnee I cnniHit friitno a langitago for this sldo of tho chnmlor III faith I thn- ileclnrations of hniorabl sciiatnrx belong ing to a party whiso record is ono of and not f lid who hnv Hinted anti on tho llnorof the Ilinto hat they urn desirous of nt tlonnl biiiiiliiliisin nnd that rmdy to assist in bringing about ment ot tlmt rosult As an honest I iiicpt unit Ktntvnicnt nnd run illl I It lioriiiiH I kiinv hurt U Is nmile tnoood It iiiav Ie la thu of the dtintor Neiirmkn Mr Allen falliictiiu- and fulllw It maylie In Ijie f the Sen- Btortriuii Mr i ti IninillliHiic and ll uratftil It fr me ills for liny man who wants to IK n HupiiLilleiinnnd- vhol iihiiiietal list a ml wnntsti i llepiiilioaniiitrty will not iitreetithe I I ruin Irut Ih V I ant for cia a r Mlle I Ii oIl Ill IIlt mal I i uri hit I r In nllIo I j eauh Ui rlttifl O ORl liutwQr Iii hit tii tII Cork r11 t tilt 1 Ihie- I sit y t ii si hIt irIiii IJ tIvII7a t ill Nil t it it Li I Iii QtiihhIhh Iii I I lit il lit rn mont ltIUiI iigtet flout ill inn lt J I hit t Ito nniiihhiierit j t him ihIiP I r oat ni It 10t tioil I iI Iii Itor t Iii net I hit rite tutu hiiat to tutu iiet it hiit fri liii I l I tiiu of ii Vthilorha11 mint with ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > me m nnyoinercounirT but lirinvlne about of tlin leiulliii nations ol thin worlil the restoration of thu bimetallic nvstctn at jionn fair rate Ieeau e I ollevo that I mipjiottlt And I am not tiolnj to ln drlT n my ennusl ileslre n ti- BtnnJ wlln thn tn tnnd with the however iclouornttruutlve they mny bo nun b true 1 It l Mint of the Btnlfsnre In favor of bimetallism nnd desirous of an International acrecmvnt I do not ron It to he my Outir at n Senator of the SntiH to Hiiac In tutu loiik of- ciiroountrv n statement as to HIM belief of In l ml Mate Mr Nh tip lleii Mahii the bill and hIt Viniitiftioofliiiindiiitfnt and expressed Ms bliei Minr the nierisiir tIll not in any- way mdnnu r nf rntner aided itn ultimate accomplishment that when It would bo tlm IlTorlioi th I arty J he vote vrno then taken on sub tltuti iiunltioi aiiindnnmt ninl It WitsiMfiited y ns J7 nays us follows r Ii Hirry llrtlrn Chanillfr rMloti i lurk Mini1 iiein Mni lUnrui llFiitFin J irh lemon iNovi AVn Vrftttti Hrf diiriii t trlii Mrtitii MIJ- HItlHi f in im Miwiiil Tillcr Tilman Turlin iin Sajrii M mi Alilrnli Alli on llcierliluf lliir tuw i ru art i rl Wji irliin IIIVK Ucbui I Kltui I iirl uks iiMkor KiKler- r c i llnlf Iltiiui Una uliri lull Hawlejr- KIUII I niii ui I I i Mi Hinil MCIIUIH Mrlinii- bir UrMIIUn VNii linM p Ivrkinn Plutt Coun Ilati N V Irltrliail Iruror Jiwrlol- iiiM Mf ti s wiii SMUI s moil Hion r Jhnr ton Kpiiiinn ninl Vn it I- Tan Mlvr KiiitiliranH In Flnimn l niuirat in It ih ninl i ill ts In Niuall riltiin- Tbe Mite n ui tt uken on tin rsioril ruin thn Commlitce nnd It Wii9 n eil in Veas 4V its follows yr M m Alilrnli Alli n llvciM ro iTirtrr Clmill r ClirK Uyoi Ilillmn Oivli- Iicliii liiifn lilkli luirlaukv inraker tentcr Krjro hick HutiiM Ill ihroiuli lUwlfj Mi r K au r M Wriiiml r MrMilhn- Jlo niin Misi ti N IIII IiiMw Porklno Ilttt- Coim Ilill S V tnt hard ijiiiirlf Sott- R w ll Mi in S iiir ihiirptiia W k re knit Vol tilt I NHTH Uiti liirrv Hull r Inriry thllton lurk Mnn In rikr n llurrli Irk fie Vv iu MfKiiiT MiIjiiirtn Martin riii fntliu Hi lm stinnit Sullivan T liaf no- Trlltr Turlfir ami VintH- Mr Hep Nevi nn nmniiil meat o the l il the wordu cold coin of tli pr seif stninlnril ninl t In aert tln voiils In coin n the standard value of July H IHI Tlie vu laid on 44 to Ill Mr ivitns Dem Ai nn amend thif grill eiin atil silver ilollsrs coined by Ihf I nited states shall ln lecnl tendurat- thflr imnili al Ivfi util 17 Io44 ltUM nmendmnnt de- clnrlnu l lilnni in tn act hhall Btrueil iiTivt the present le al tender iiuallly Of dllMTt Illll s 1111144 Mr Jld n in m I Dins rjtT red an amend- ment rTallnir Mm tax on Stntn bank clrenln lIon Jii Mr 31 wan reneivol the amendment which h olTtieil early in the ilay i7 to Mr iltcm Ark ciffnred merit the mints or the statc to the rnliinui silver i8 to 4 Tho substitute was then nan to without a- re nnd i ny vole the Mil was report PI I Ibo Cnmmittee of the Wholi to the Sen- ate The vote was then taken on tho piiHsa o of the us nmended IVth ub t was pncsmi Vcas 41 nays iitas follows Ve M ri AMrirn Alllon lIcvcrllKe liar Tows Caff U nrlrr Chik Wvo Ilnvl ifw Kkin F irl nk Koriktr frjf le r Ilulf II II TIILI haiti y KIIII iu LuilKi McCumlirr MrMillan Mn n Nrl m i1 nrni per klni IUtt iienn IUtt IS V ITItrlianl innrK4 Iloa SHIII Thiiri too We ttnori1 alit Uulcott 4i- iNaj Mi ri It Hrri Ilrtirp Chamllrr CMInt i l rk Mi t i rtl Iat irl Unm JlciiKin jiii Atk X r JTftwv Urnny l iitini V iititi t riiin Jltivt Ktirtini strwirt Viimm Ttlrr Tiiriry nnil Ittt Ji- inrpntillriiK mill Siivr liiiuilillmni In Tho Senate then adjourned iintll tomorrow lenvrnl llehate HorvI- I IIIHllllCI llf liliMalli 11111 Iob itolalo pond Ing consideration nf the ligl lativo Kxecutlve and Judicial Appropriation lull III the House today until 4 oclock and then the bill which had r cotvcd no attention In the two rfayw III which It had been bnforo time Houfo vras road by pnrngraphs for for an hour It likely that the rut of the week will Im occupied with lie further consid- eration 31r Houtell Kop Ill i mndo an exlmustlvn and Interesting speech on till power under the CoiiAtltutinii of tho stale to acquire nud hold inreign tirrilory asucrllng thnt tho ratification by tln ponpo of Imlurions purchase nf IouUlaiia in HIII settled thai proposition In Mr Inder- wooil bern Ala spok in invnr of the repeal nf thus Fllteenth Aniendnitn1 which hn wild had rroved failure after thirty years trial Mr Grosvonor Hop Ohloi attack upon adnilnlstratlen ot the civil J to In with I rill 4 or hit Ir for I 0 7 I lay au I I J ill I alI 17 JonI un I I Hon i ot Ill iWVhh IQU 01 Jon I y lrre Till lit IInho I I Ii 1111 I I I I i II the nut eniitii It I ii i V IC hue Wilt pitanut luiIst tti ionuhiL a its in it tiP t uit ute I hit t hit I lIt Iii it ni t al i ii in t Ito I Imo t hi rough lIe tUl han Tiltu rue thu paM i I lilt fr j I eV K iEcltilt Cu ii nnit g I bruit ii I II I ii I lVt hill Ikitri It 1 n Kui gay tii ViI Ill hujicut howl ri olYt red tfthtk tutu SH iii fbi tnlh tuff I alit uer he vita I I tu amend I hill tuto anti it Finite hula I itt Sift nil i liuj her iIV Tuft comm itliul lihuillmt In niahI itital iItiI1 I I S ii- I r WAMIT iNi lioN I I tn mat vomit In ItiI tV hut 11 t Ito tIlt rimmat is made vhoious tt l ¬ > > > > > < < ¬ ° ¬ < > < < < service l r the commlitlon nulhorlred br the Ha passage of tho Civil Horvlce law wan not necessary for tho Improve- ment of the dorvlee for nt tho tlmo of I- Iennclmont It wn confcft dlr n model for lime world JlMtrluIn wiimlno lo the tact that froth INII to IHKI there had teen nil unbroken nvrlii of ndnilnlntratlons nnd the pnri e of Ipiidleton thn author of thu wn to it division of fiPlciis lor DcmoerntH Il wa orlKlnnlly III lendeil to 10 to Mm nt fur Mr Iemlieton held It lo tentative nn asure mnrily Mr Illclmrdon I bellevntho1 much as inun wns re siiinsililn lor lIe hi Louis platform of imnl- Whyilld th Plank for MI- Mr Why has gentleman Itlchnrdsoii noted tho frxl a greal limes iittoat laughter In which Mr Irosviiiior continuing said that hero two things wile after In Hint plattorni- nnd thnt hue got Ihnse h lot Iho little follows do tiiti laughter j Ihogentliinnn from Indiana illpinonwiiyi stnled yesterday Mr wont on nnd that wan of hu speaking In per cent of nl present employed worn Ilo further stated ofllclnls would not glvo nnines of tbs In olllcleiit one norobev the law requiring them lo discharge such Thorn no dis- charges Urosvunor because the executive governing them required n procesi liniiilllatliuMo lo law olltKl ealll the I nil exlIII1I Ihl lto hll rail elrk 110 Oh1 I I hi all thso emoYt KUtlIIIC lhhihhil Icnn ft miveil M r C cavil rim I bin Vmtiihmi itt tin let ii iji Ion a I his liii him hhort if a I I hit I Hi C fly II roMrhmor t hut a ¬ ¬ on u d In which Messrs Oros- venor and Fltzuprald of Massachu- setts took part which Mr llemnn way wh tint statement of apt iMvln of the Naval Oluervatory to the tee of on Appropriations I sent to Iho Civil Hervlce the other day for an eiiitlnenr and they sent n parson antI n neuron liter Alter over twentysix paRoi of thin Includlnit the appropriations and tIme commIttee rote aol nt i oclock tIn house adjourned until tomorrow ntntat MM titKit TI Hut Siitjia NotliliiB Cnn Irrvrnt Ilia Itrnnnil unit Tliut lit Will Support Him WiniiisfiTov Fob ir KxSenator Arthur I Ciorman aceordlnir to a report published In Dm llidifnjMri oj this niornltiB denied the statement made In n York paper yesterday that he had acted In collusion with Croker- In lln effort to ronoralnnto Urvnn In order that the latter mltihl be defeated this y ur and thus permanently removed from politico Ilo stld I never Inlkud with Mr Croker on tho sub- ject and never have been R party tonnv plan to rerionilnntn Mr llrrnn On tIme contrary all my efforts I am very frank lo status have teen directed nualnst such action 1 did not be llo to nominate him I believe now however that vamp vent his ielecllnii as head ot the Demo- cratic ticket Ho certainly has the people be hind him to a remarkable Will support llrynn If he nominated was C rtnlnly I supported him In Irtf I shiill support ncaln this year I do not propose to my party lorman went on to nay that thin Jcmo orally chances In 1HI anti had Improved even within the last three weeks thin tldo lie U now running aenlnit the Administration UK thuiiitht that the new treaty liad hall a teat den to do with the In sentiment It hint Blxon colnr assertion that the dnilnliitratloii hint nn with and that nn- onVnslVH anti defensive ulllnncn would be the next step tic snld and the conditions the Philippine to iy of vexatious nni constantly pinuun- thn I llilnk too he that the pnsaave of standard till also hulp us n it will remove all dancer of the silver niil will brlni back to the Democratic ranks those who loll II In on the silver t wait 1It ut call or 101lIlr ft ow Ir it Ih 011 ticked Ht Ir 1 now than all 11I1 nrt till 1tlIn rAI ISHIII II lId to b thin in ill I M ut Iiouli et I Lit ii tingrueA Ill lift YA Y flat Inn It wluc wtee for suvuCeA g liii ii liii bIte bet iiee to- t unit erctauul t ng G remmt lId tIii t C limit ti n g t to Al m Intel rat IOti bet iii n 1 molt gu Iii tn free vohtimgp Dish ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < I uiiruMKftT iii rnnsKts North ill Cnlehrn lilnnil- Meur Ilinrlo WAMIISOTOX Fob ICTho flagship New York the battleship Toxus and the gunboat Vixen arrived at Culobrn Island near Puerto Illco yesterday The Vixen went hack loSt Thomas whence slid sailed today for Culebra- Tho training ship Dixie loft St Thomas for ulebra mid Madeira today Thesn move- ments Indicate th Importance which Culebra line assumed In the Wesi Indies It has n harbor Targel Pay which Is to nnvalcoaling stntlon than San Juan the vessels mentioned will coal there from the collier Thin Vixen will make n survey of harbor preliminary construction cf a coiilng Matlon In pnictleo with the New York In Target thaI for H week or moro will tutu proceed to SlOW Orleans for the JlardlOrascclebrallon- Secretary ng today directed thin gunboat to proceed to for Mardl Iris Kho Is now at Key West Thn gnnbont Scorpion with the Canal Com- mission surveying party on board renclivd Kingston Jamaica today The shin Allinneo arrived nt nail the transport Solnce nt Yokohama Iho distilling ship and collier Irk Itll Hong he collier MareollHJ left Port Royal for Key West nil today Ilnciie In WASHINIITOS Fob iriQimrtermasterOan- eral Ludlnglon received today from Major George II lluhlln Hrnt Honolulu a letter telllnc o the plague situation up to Feb 4 The letter aye The situation with respect to the bubonle In Honolulu Improving rapidly In the last six lHyt boon no new cases Thfl restrictive measures ami Health nctinc under the authority of the lovi rnment tire In force hilt practically the risk of few remain Ing premises occupied bv the lower clanes Asiatics or native Hnwnllans Is very remote IVmlilncton tnW- AMIINOTON Feb 15 Tho Comptroller of the Currency levied an assesBircnt of till capital stuck of National Hank ot payable March in lies The canltal nt X- Tln House Committee on Kloctlon ot the IrcsldenlN ice1resldtnt antI menibersof Con ress this mornliiK nsrooil to report aprons resolution provIding bo to House or Senate Thn fitatu Dnpnrtmcnt was notlflnd today that Arthur nn III York of this SVellsFarco who wile charged with embezzlement mind was nr rectAl m Canailn been for ex tradition Montreal Naval Orders WASIHNOTON Feb 15 Thete naval orders worn Issued today 1aaieil AmliUnt Buiv on O H Barber to the Ke r ivt- iAnltint Pasimitermlf W w rt Illioilvs to duty on tlio Mart lulainl yard for iintructloni then to thn Anlltli elation Cnmmitndrr It II Ingrrioll from the Nm l Academy to iluty Norfolk Yard nnln nce lfrtnr- 1rofconr of Mathrnmtloii W H KichplberitT tn at Siunl ibservatnry Llitlt L I Mii y the Conntellatlun and sick luxe nrnntl fur two innnthi- Commaailer T II WeVHim rom aililltlooul duty ortlnance inspector at the Norfolk Vnnl I from the command of thi rbllailrlpbla when rtllevtd amid to iluty us lrneril of the Wlnconsln Union Iron Vorka VruticiAro William U4 tirade from duty aa Caiitaln nf the Yard Marts Inland In the of time riilUdeliibm- apt Willlani II Vhltlnc to duty at the Vent ai Captain nf Ito Varl the Anlatli slutinn hive bffn niaili liy Hear Admiral Wain m AId HIH Navy Drparlnirnt autinril Knl ii II V Wurtl aiiih front the Yorktown to the Yokn liatna llnnpital fur tri Naval Ca lil II adl Ti frost the Yrktnwn to the Mantis Ktmiun 0 s Knomir ti the New irlojn Naval Cailn i W IViitiu llrooklyu IJiMiin ant J A front riiniinmid of the tel rr t Ihf l land Viird fr trratnifiit llriit W t llanninn from tin il rpr to InniT ilrndi A Altlioiue trot Orleans t Hi Ianwua Naval Imln W T Tarrant tnim the X w llrlrana I the MeiileiiantiitnniiMli M K Hall from tin New tnnniiuaiil tic Olarirr NasAl fadit F f from llniiklrn In the EraUii A W Mar hall from llin In cark Mont iluiitiillradf W H Uri ley from tb to tin Yhlinnia Mo trektment Xaml Cnlet r T Evana from tlm Xaiilivllle tn tin Br n J II llolden from Ibe Monterey In tie llmok rn N vil CIt A F from t the lm o Iient W p rillott front C nle Naval wtatnin tn New Orl an Navel i llenni Irom the Helena to tin A t tant fiiirirfon II II i eebP friin the Pitrrl I Mrt I ilj Nnval cIt K T Con tHii n tlio imiiilym Cite J H iinlum fruit the Nav l cidet II 1 Klsun from the Nf ark to the Iviril Nmal I I Nalxui frau the Mauiu In lifuVUn Nitval tudrt I A Colten trim Iho to the Brooklyn Saul Cad t r tt rnrnmi rmni ILe- Dlatreaiei tora ch canieil by rich tool or over V4 I nil be I1IOle ulIRbll for a l1I nr to will In Ill At nchl nn nlll to an r olll > IIMI nlalh Ih mull nevpa encl lit n C too Sal 31 The I I II to the C Imanl Nice > hitiiei II I Iii tilt lat a otl1 Ibo laid Ib ltI1I Soul luIIl I to lhte lelaiti Illal 1001 JIIII C S Wood to Ihl7 nil the of AlInl4i WIolI tlltllIl curl by X A I ant Ic tuiul iiiI roll and lie time lexnc tutu Sht tint hut I In fbI iii it I at ti rnl rig Qua ils uie tIhl men t U POll the t the polvga in tat elet t ho J end the 4 iii hum the Wim a emit ehuimutes cIingruftcer tim i iorrl I tie ey esv rIm the ltruui ui lyn tile fit hi Ontim lie fri a MCflCIIII to time hue M ii terry u thai JQLiUIQUa A3- ¬ ¬ > < < MONTANA BRIBERY CASE totvrr Jvnnn covvjs or OKNKKKK- X r A IflTNKHt Ion CLAHK- Ilr Snvs llenlll nn AntlOlark Ullnnta In llnmtril In Him Thnt the 3OOOO llrlbe- Minipy tVna iit li by Dnljluilcti Hunt nf KIOINNI Offered Him tn- IhrnMr the Villciiinn lnan of Court j VASIIINOTON Iidj li Tho Inquiry Into tho cliuruesof bribery III tim lat Bonntorlal oloc Hun In Montana wait iMiimed Isle niornlnii hitter n days by tho Honate mllteo on lrlvlligcs and Flections- Ivlwurd I oyn of Qenesee N Y Counlv- JmlKii of Llvliiknton county testified to- n conversation which he had last November with Hewitt one nf thin nullClark witnesses In which hewitt snld that Wellcomo had not tha- uhostof n Chnnce that ha would be ilUbarredb- viMUso Daly owned court and beoauie V llcom wee purposuof Kettlnu testimony against Clark Witness mndn tin rumaric that that wan pretty hard on Wellcome anti Hewitt Bald that thud Only ptroplu all liked Wellcome nnd felt sorry for him but that they were alter Clark and would bent Ont InllllIIl lon the unto being eOluluelfld ler the not ItOh at 1I11thlllll to hell Corn lie higatnet TIter was Home witncsi con- tinued about the Ilowltt said ho thoiiKht that th money had been put up by tIre Dalv people as part of a defeat Clark Thu examination ot this wltneni was hero suspended anti another wltnc n took his place who was called by tho whose testimony wits nUvemu to the Clark ease This witness Wile Wllllitm 11 Hunt one of three Hupreme Court Judicefl of Montana a black haired scholarly looking man limo son of a former Secretory of the Navy Henna exam tried by Mm chairman as to Interviews which ho had had with his family physicIan In Helena Dr Trencey- Judko Hunt testified that the doctor told him that there was a Party III Helena who had 100 Hiu anti would put It up Wellco- mec could be thrown out of court lie told the Juduo that ho ought lint to be on thus bonih that It would break him down and that he would like him get tIme Qionuy II ha could It honestly and take II rest for it while It would you up ho said If you could net out of the nlr of that Court The he replied Doctor I have no herllave in the world XB pt that nn unluinloil und I propom that to my children another Interview with Dr tIme wltncsh said iloolor nskeil him If he Imd- chuiiKed Ids mind nail IIH replied that he had not am ulad of said and- I knew you would not The wltiiesscontlnued I saw nttnln lust Sunday nluht He showed mo u tolcirrnm to thn eltect Atlorneydoneral Nolan MA the rtenato- Coiiunltlee that Judise Hunt would testify that Dr Trrncuy hunt oiTered him ilOOl- I nnld Doctor 1 am very sorry I dlsllku extremely to uo to lie snldt to bribe you I WKS i cult I wish very much doctor that I could believe you were H repeated I did not try to rIb you I do not want you to I am n one ol tlio fe lov I said I ilo not think myself ihnl you wnnted lo bribe You to II nun who hud Ijoiii inked to lay n proposition before me nnd who had laid it tielon inn I timid no flDUtitO I had no iuOOO I lied nothing to Kiwi you It was nothing but a I it was linlut Hunt was crossoiamlnod by Mr Faulkner who made much of the point Hint theIiilLo haul not brouuht HIM matter lo attention of and had not eoascil Irlendlr und professional relations with Dr Treacey Mr some fiicutlmts remarks about Lord Dneon belim u bribe JiiJto Iluoit of tho Supreme Court of Mon Inim hInt wilnpss some Iiu ilclalled it ho lied with mciuoniu to get aid to rrt the 1lItmr I HIk III all I oar InkI I nt OIl I OIIki anti vhialriiian anti If hIts to coo lilt lhhtI ease t Iii t lint I utouur I hat trI il e I hitit k briber or Iii ti a hut t lie I rmtmuil U cv Wa the evtnhiti p emunmet sat Iutn ¬ < i ruettoin or niiori- itliiiideriioiiiil Aui lit Helena Corb lt call that Int wits on Iho III liiltte to II friend who exhibited a tele- Knim or told him h hail t received n tllo- Phono message from J S Nells miring Thov il business with till Supreme Court CorlOit denounced Nell and the next mornlni took a train lo liIiim where hu sought Nell at 1 told him he was II liar anti applied varlUN to Cortett saul he Mien lold Nell that thnt kind of talk had to nnd that If Nell over to him akttln Im would thrash him Judgo IiKutt Corbott that If Nell came to him with fetich n projKi he would attempt lo kill him even had lo mo an which he hml at hand Mr Faulknernskeil Judge Ileott If he mild not understand Cornctt to tnut such Proposition hI Neil not authorized by thin representatives of Weiloome Cnrbutt snld Sell told him they could get that hiipame Court would come hlirh Corbelt said Nell sail It would to bo capitalized at IMIII A rlnpla of run about tha room when Senator Faulkner remarked Thnt would be hIgh Witness Corbolt bad warned hint becausu he lint niitdr In connection with an iinsuecehslui assault on Judge Hunts honor lint that Corlett had come to him In order bv appearing to warn him to him tact that he had bad nothing to do with tha Trcaceyllunt mutter Aitorneytieneril Cornelius Nolan the next witness tostliitil Mint Ur Trencey Mild to him There otiiihl to bo iotun money in It for mentlonliiK thin sum of fllHMJUt Witness told Ti e icov to Inform Chirk that ho wise a thirty conicmptible doif nnd that if his carcass with sold and olToreil to him i Nolanhn would refuso It Treacey said ho- inluht as well take the as he would be hccu ed of beliiK bought by tilt Daly poop If he did not eo with MID In reply ton question Mr Faulkner wit- ness thoUkilit he so lamely that had been ho would butte lie uinothlnu lor WellcoDio lily personal relation with Dr Troacey haul not been vhnnued tlm offer lo brlbo him Iln was ludlktnant bill his Indigna- tion was directed nt Chirk and not nt Mr Faulkner wanted tumid not prosecuted Troau y lor ntlemntod brberv- Tha witness tint It was not lilt busi- ness but admitted was within dillY lo no- tify HIH Attorney nf the county thought It would be dlniotut to secure II was not anxious to proceed nunlnst Dr Trencey but iiKnmst thoso who would plneo tunnel at hit disposal The committee then adjourned until to- morrow uttornoon JVTOVI Two Itecentlnns I Ilr Woman SuffrnKn- Ciinventtiin In Vn hlnetnnW- ASIIIKOTON Feb 15Althoush thin sessions of Iho National American Woman riuffrace Convention have closed two receptions wero nrranted hy tho Uelo Bates today HS a of farewell to tin oonvenllon Time earlier ono nt i oclook In thus afternoon the Lufavclte Opera House was planned III honor of thu anniversary of MU isiiain 11 Anthony the retiring of tho- orgnnltatlon This evunlnun public reception was held at Corcoran ol Art for tho reception included by a mandolin club young women nfl speeches by the members of the nssoclnllin was Intended ns a feast for the venerable Miss Anthony At concluding session of the convention proper evenlni Miss Anthony her tna CarrIe Chapman made an address as Iho newly elected Furniture From Auld Lang Syne good old wood and the good old work of the got old days And more Furniture There are Grandfathers Clocks and Grand mothers Splnnlni Wheels Antique Pictures Antique Silver and Brass Armor- a museum in interest Tn look no loss to buy Modern Furniture In stuck and lo order Schmitt BrothersT- wo I Cor 25lh St 4th Ave Two Stores 1 40 Cut 23d St Stores on I ij I Ac II suiki lie I lilt I InLt 11I1Il1 1 Iil 111 II hI tllo 011 1 tuu I ito ihmuitmit to know why Solnn IY IIUHIIt ort IIClulou t t nIt Th I Clarke l etahuul hug at met uI l Iii C ii cull t lout vn hay it boil I I i I were hilled Chit kit thu case W ehleomuu hC rh ku h lit tP 5158 liter regu- lar lie the f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < VIN MARIANI Mariani Wine World Famous Tonic JIKITNK HFIlSTITrTIS U- on at nn nores tlimughoiit worlil I nitii consul- t rod tho highest public u cautioned nKiilnst Hiib8tltute- nnd Imitation owing to tha- liopular ty of MarlatiL 0 Ih 1n silo tim him liii hi I lou tim ny tit ly itt tern stAte Department Nut ll ll v That Ills Mall WM Tampered Wllli- WAHIIINOTON Fob lOClmrles Macruma accusation against the Htate Department In tlm statement which he gave to the premi last night are recardud by the Department the ofllclali there nay aa not worthy of an answer Thu charge outdo by Mr Macrum that tho Hrltltli censor at Durbnn oitnrd official malt und held up till onielal denpatchns U CUll Hldorud by the Dopartment to bo thu onlr thing In tho statement thnt reiUlre notice After havIng an examInatIon made of tha records of the 1retorla Consulate on ofllolul of thn Department authoritatively axprrsted the opinion thin Mr Macrum hal not told Mm truth In regard to LIe claim that hlnofllclal utah Will being regularly tampered with by the llrlllihnulhorllles The statement which Tine I HUN roporlsr obtained front nn onielal author Uedlonmkn It represent the position of the Htulo Department Th published statement of Mr Maurutn does not appear to have seriously disturbed i the officer of tile pnrtinent of State WhIle they do riot think It necessary to disctisj Ida statement in detail or otherwlso dignify It by a MACNUM JlTOIU IJIMOIKJUVCD I his I per i niciuiuluiuiaiiuu Im- tdiatlcally that Jlr Macrum never reported lo the Department tIle Incident upon which ha much stress bis mull was being ruaularly tampered I authorities nor Department slightest credence III statements llodld In H way und private mad Intended for not reach punctually and usksd that protest made on account of this rather I on tho part tit thu postal authorities to Mr Mncrums correnpondenco livery report trout Mr Jin criim anti so fur as the Department wait able to nscnrtnln the It was none certainly what might ox pealed u stale of war existed Inder naturally tome was Inevitable hut that any cor respondence olllclal or otherwise opened Impeded or Ilrltlsh Iho does not lor nn Instant believe Certain It Is that Mr Macrum never reported It Mr stated that his ViceConsul Mr up hIt bu the of allegiance to thin unit went to till as a burgher When applied for appointment n Vice Consul al lie was loom III Holland tile legal residence Wits ut ire torla and that he wnt a nnturnlUed of HIP South African This application win dated Nov I A resoliillon today by Kepresenl alive Wheeler of taryof State to Inform thai holder if Consul State that lilt oftldnl LI n II been and rend by the Jlrlllsh Consul nt Durban omni If so what steps It lo obtain an ex and apology Irom tho Urltlfh ernment He dlreetvil In inform Mm House what Iriith there Is hi tho iliiriM that n secret exIslM hot woe n the the nnd Kmplre of ireat llrltnln The resolutions nro on Iho published statement of Mr Macrum- KffiirU Ilidng Mail to hiring lniiit Party llnriiiiiny on the Moiiimrit- WASUINIITON Felt IB Tho Senate Com- merce Comtnlttoc today began tlio considera- tion ot thin Hannarnyne Hhlpnlna bill togelher with tho by t ho subcoin- mlttoa having the bill In charge These amendments are similar to tho e already pa to thn bill propose lo increasu to be tIme slower classes of lo of nulsldy for the The com before disposing of tho amendments arid the bill went over until tin yet one or thorn stated 11 tmlmeee the both ol11lal till b cl ary delay h lIn clo el IIIIII Ir t lIz I Inl llIe11 ltrp ir treaty IItVfl FYI ill IPIIO I f IIl1lrnhnenl reported I I I hi limit III tbOtk 11111111 A utitiricait cit ire iu that the Omit It lIe Ii tin y inch lii ken los ci thm cnn t nil I iy lIe ta t Ire hrosvmmicur nail tie sat lou steamier and the hbgtu cli I hutx I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < mom tiers of thin House Com mittee on Merchant Marine held n this mornlni with of about party harmony on Mm Shipping bill limO were to egret ol member it1 dined to the measuro In Its present condition contending that It would tint accom plish e without radical nmendnients A lurlharuffort will be made to rnoh a corn on ho connicllng view of Mm lie publican members tltUM citric HAMUUf ll t1l The Inhnliltnnls of Tiilnlln Dellehted lo He- tniler Amerlriin WASIIINIITOS Feb ISTlio Navy Depart- ment lm received n report by mall thatch 1ago 1ago Hamoa Dec 7 W from Com- mander II F of the collier who way directed to Inform Inhabitants of Tululla and the Islands transform to United States by treaty thin Ihesij Islands had been placed under American nil So lar ai I can learn Commander Tlley every Inhabitant of ut the prospect of the United States sumlrB the government of Islnnd Informed Hint Mils prospect Is also to lnhnb Itanls of Is Islind und so tar ns 1 can loam In nil Ilia Hmids- Nnmlnnllons by IrnldnnlW- ASHiNflTOS Fob 15 Thorroildent today sent the following nominations to tho Senate State Tiinio Allison f Ktims tn b i a C nimi lontrof the tnltid Statfit to Hi International K- ipoltlonto be bold at tOil Corps of Rnvlneerii William K MnDUii to lie lriltlHut Ootnrpl dipt Oenrve W to be Mijor Klrst Imrlns Ki lUr to lie Coptaln Second Jteiit Frank 0 Diiili Jr tn Id Ilptitenant- 3iib i leire I c rtmintC4it l vld I Dntlnard to b lorV- oluntpcr Twentyseventh Infantry LleutOd Albert to bo Jnr ilvorun L Itrytni to l Cjpl LOHU C Scliercr to bo Major ilnt Lltut to bo Hecond lleut Itlcnurd II lliewer to bo First MHilPtitn- tridrtr lith Infantry To Ipiit nantn H tt M Jir John M Cnilif First H t r el Strut John Iliintmnan Quarter raasterH nt Oeortje K VOIIIIK J Men to be lint llfUttnalitl Second Uent Fd- w rd Mcfloir- n1llltffr STILL flOHIHSII Kencno nt Ihf Coniollilntod let Conipntiji Men nn Montgomery Inlnnd- Ainivv Fob 15 The flood gone down nearly four feet from the lop notch of yester- day morning but there Is still n freshet and runny of In south enl are submergau Many people am sending RtipplliM of food groceries nnd coal to the police relIef the deffltuif families a deceit policemen art dislrlnutlng thasei rowb nts far is still suspended and the water will have to go four or lower b fore Hie power house will bo freed from the flood nnd the hit en- gines emit start again Thc Weather llurenu predicts snow for tonight ash colder weather for districts Is anything but alluring fifty employees of Consolidated lee wero Imprisoned tile Mood on Montgomery just soulh thin city were with thus nld of boats were famished front cold and hunger The officials of the Consolidated Ice Company III York had telegraphed tug owners topiy rnlly If a Preparations wore made bout down just na It wee to start word cnmo by mes- senger nil were v lf Tho Ice gorge formed In tho Mohawk at this city caused tile highest water known In clint rising nail a half feet The entire portion of the town Is mibmorgod nfl avenua on tho rIver front lisa beon out on the west silo und seriously This wns utilized In an effort to r llnvo tItus proHsurn and afford this water avenue of esuatA hy loosening thus lee In nt The ice i was blown up nt etch of the four piers if was up lo almost flooring Immense bouldera were dislodged and Mn feo that remained In gorge Is bo so weukenud Mint nny lurther of thus river will It thus wi t side rif Washington nveniio hotwenn Viiter ntiil Ful her streets are seriously the water diverted from the main channel Into Klver Is still working havoc thIef of Police Campbell Inn detailed to and keep crowds thin roadway aunT be so badly undermined as to dan gerous nlllr II t lIlllll Ir hanll I ntis hind 01111 In fitly Major First j Inllol Zoo I F r l line the streets for the lOl lomorro ot the Iii 110 < < mn I hare was down the river to rpocn men to Inlill here I WR 1I h 11 I Ih tho II 311111 linll t lie A hit huirhty tin tie t Puorht I Tutu I it Ightsut tim thime Pin lii bethel the elicIt bVi tieconut tieorcme I Ii foot hue corn 50w tug cent tbmu cat the thu hue To rice etromig emirrcnt mi at cii we tilt t lit reel lie ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < VIZKT iri7VKsM v uiorHir- An Order fur the Arrrd of lohn lloinnnelli iMiird hy Illrkiy- Supremo Court Jusllcn Jickey In Ilrooklyn- yesienlay granted un order for tho urrest ot John Itntnnnelll an Itnlliin junk dealer nf VX- SacketrKtreHlniisiiit liroiighl ngaltist him hv Vincvnzn obtained a ludgniint of ilIMO theexeeu- tlon was reUiriRd llnmanelli a willies before the Millet Cominittvo whero he that hu had secured u contract to overt ha ash dunlin hut wns compelled to pay ey flray it mid I ii in nit again t hi Ii nul flit i I I was a Dehnoorathiu candidate for I jilt fall belQro hi begin hula work L- hORTON LAW REPEAL BILL IT IS IMJMJtl Iff TtlK ASUK- HY 1 row ui 01 TO as- U Opponent Will Mnkei n Kl ht In hut K nnt Ulurn They Eiptct tu VlnThnI- llll ItuUIng Nnlnrlc the Stats ram CuuiinUiluneri Ionril In Menial A Liu NY Feb 150wlng to that early ndjoiirnment tlio I wl bill to repeat Morton law ploiiod on Assembly and was raised without ohjoc thou being nmdrt to It from Speaker Nixon admonition that It was bill repeal- ing horton law no more ultenllon was paid to It than If It was an ordinary bill There wee no hustling for votes anti both Hide ap eared as unconcerned an If It was dimply a local bill It was no entirely different front what took place a iigo when the same bill wa before Ilirnna Hint the contract was notlwable It was not made a party measure as the fo- llowing Democrats Messrs liar lies Domnrest Frlubee Halidn A human Met pail Mottle 8 g arid Wlmol Mr Motzler of lie pit lie expected the was todny cIuniimsr hit lie AsIde hut hut year lie voted fir It 1 IhuhTmtlo wise the only 1teublIeatu ¬ ¬ + agalntt bill which wus pawad by a vote of I LtoItD The bill was Kent to the Senate at once and will bet referred to the Committee on Codes and n hearing will lo hail on tho measure neatTlmridayafternoon Ills In this upper House that the light will take place nail opponents of this bill claim that the required twontysli voted to pass the measure cannot be fcocured In the Semite The Senate lodtiy tensed the Assembly bill increasing thin salaries of members thi- Statu Tux Commission from JGu j to 5X0 giving each member 5X for trarnlllngu- xi0iiHC The Senate also passed Finance Coinmltb6 bill appropriating 20500 to enabl the Tax Commission to employ experts and other assistance needed to curry out the pro- visions of the Franchise Tax law Mr llrerjiuini jill providing tint trates of Ilrooklyn shall he elected Instead of nptOlntLMl amid permitting olhen than lawyers to be oleoted Maulstrnleii caused a idiort din ousolon In the Assembly today Mr Trainer was first to object to It nn thu ground that It aided the dlsmimbiTiiient of the New York city Ihurtur filth WUM only another species of hKeiul for various tlm greater city which wiis a menace to local gov- ernment wanted tho bill referrod buck lo- thu nnd fought nut there anti de Mr Davis Mr Trainer In hue opposition nail sail that ho feature of tliiui to bccoma Magistrates made tIlt bill u vicious on Meitsrs Ihllllpaand S F llyman In oiiposltlou Tha bill was Mr bill providing Permanent schedule of salaries tor tho of New fill and making four iiormanent rules fur time choil gov4rninent was advanced to third loading In the today without op Puslilon The bill will ooniK uu for haiti pass ugi either Monday night or Jlr d In thin Assembly to tiny n bill piovldlng that nil work done tho hlatei shall ht by work nnd that noua but citizens of the United Slates nnd iegnl residents ol tho city tdiall bu em p idon thiS work Slovens line introduced an- unieiidimnl law relating to tho cruelty to clilldrtii by providing that 110 under eight veers ngo dun still papers or blick biols on the strode nt nnv time nnd no child undir iiUrtetii ot age can oltber sell papers or black boots on thin streets between thn houis ot lu 1 M and fi A M are to do o thin parents shall be held re- sponsible introduced a bill thin object ot which N to get n Iho amount of Teal estate ox from Hit bid nswssorii of to prepare a nil real property In city ex- empt from taxation with the reasons lieu thus Ito tutu lie the Magle lie also spoke 1coat nil for it ttreihiir muanI a it eltl 0 it the Iii iitd I uixmtt ion roil uu ree thin Cull itiihetlhuihit tit < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ fortie exemption ri n list is to bo mndi uu thin llrsl In of each year and Is to be Illed with the Comptroller castor a bill pro- viding fur home intel taxation nnd lh- aap of thn Stnti tax by nn auto imitiu process The Stato tan to the several counties In the propoillon thai the lotul iniies lunl In much county except State and school tnes bear to thu gross amount of Mich taxis laid In all tlio counties during preceding Tho Supervisors eath county tho Hoard of and tionment of tItus city o Now York nay deter mlnillii ilass or clus ts cf Property which Hluill ba taxed thorein Is no ill Tim nation 1hls method of raising State rcviiiuu would tin away entirely with trie lion f all property now taxable to butnxpil locally The per milt i h of mortgages In itny county Hint wishes to axempt but permits any countto tax them If li pleases taxation of kiirtgngns will be entirely controlled by local sentiment A hill intiodii ed by Sptintnr lliories thin New nrk city Comptroller to iKsuoSlOouOoo until lo pay- ment for legal clnlms charges and expenses ngalnst the city for no oilier provision for been made The bill reappearance In the Legisla- ture It wiw Introduced by Senator Senator Wllivx tntro luced n bill making It tinhinful to manufacture or offer for sale nny- nrtlcle or preparation Intended for use ns a food or in preparation of con tulns ntscnli bismuth ammonia or A bill IntroIiicod by Senator bodies views expressed by Koosovelt It nuti riMthn stnto point volunteer lo servo without tar In performing special work snci s cor am charitnbio org In New York city me iiv engnned In Thenu volun leer will t pnld by such ocletles In Mimn casts nnd In others will servo for the good they ruin accomplish Tlio Smith passed thieve bills Bcnntnl 1lunkltt aiirnprUlllii 0OOO to pro Tliie t aol inner fiiilpniiit In Ui bun Jin i orciipnd by hue Anirrimii of X turiU llhlorj in York Mr Coo lev f to prevonl theouiiinsof streetior- venuei llnmuli of the heart Com ml tn N Yor city Sriiatnr rl beiv allimlng Mtnrnejs for defend Inu a iiHin in K frliiiintl artiou when appointed by tLii iiiiirli tioi rut bin servlccn lou fioo- Mr itch irVldmi for the of rouiTtgi yitfiu In the borough of ijiieeni to lull toT IHM sine nt rii irliig Now Vork city tu Arc p- immtns for ib volunteer dupartmtnt of the liorouith of Jutonn The ss mblj insnnd these bills today Jlr Kytenlwrus nuking preferred an ic tnu in winli tnuteo in DjiUminc neither da- IciiiUntor lualnlia- Mr rtiUlrug engineer to blow the riulu lit rb limit at cult Ic tupporIrnetl I hue eitr Hi ft he lie them ruieti t i0 Ii thumb hmtu lIed ii Ct hon flhitulu his uuunuuttl I us food v It tch a urn higgins era SOS to atu uiuuiitit los h1itt tie tutu utroilhuths tutu not ezmiej > ie ii nut m ¬ ¬ ¬ > Tlie door that Pant saw lint this ton over it of hope all ye who enter lucre When train of hope he drains the very dregs of despair There arc to which medical ignorance anti popular ers from such diseases robbing them of the courage to try to regain health This ii true lung diseases As soon ai disease on the the victim fate He wouldnt art that way if he were eta pcretition hmive given thir tutlus hope icc Jlaat ser fact the cutler by acIdic lungs sill down makes his awaits lii ¬ bitten by a taran- tula or a Red fight then for lila life lImit he is under the influence of the ig- norant and super slilious tint Despair of hope over the such diseases as bi treatment may end fatally in con There is in- scription for that of disease made rubbing out the two words anti rattle- snake i neglect or anew ¬ who enter here What Can there for thy sufferer with the constant cough flushed face burdened breathing and emaciated emily The yes out of hundred cases in which Ir Tierces Golden Medical lint been used have been cured Golden Medical Discov- ery positively cures weak lungs bron cough bleeding- of ilir anti kindred then It contains no alcohol whisky or other stimulant VoiirnirdlHne thebeit I hare ever laken- cotinh got I had time hii h nd thought t hid lIe wanted me a hector but I told hint If It was consumption they could not help me We fWMiCIl 1C 1I cat Ii coT ry and before I had taken one tx ttli I have tiiice of itn returning Dr Pierces Pellets the belt for the bowels UK Ujem witli tht It jJ re be c i lungs If ncglected find a fatal ending wrltee Mrs Jetinhe Dlugmnan Vontiurru Kah kacka Co 1nit eurlng t had a had so boil to Icuisil the tm we would try Pierce the nail had tio are ¬ > > whistles of their Inenrnottrei within a eronlng iiflitlii clllei Mr Komiens provldliiK for the oiienltiif md- ttodliigiif v Aim for the living nut and improvement of Item ieiiivnnaejn rooilyn Mr H tlemptiiiii itovm and runnel trout thus pruVKloni nf lien law Mr J iiitlmrUiiu Police Coin i tninftonen of New Yuritclty ti ientntn Tlninaill eiiiullceiiiiiii bu riwluniil In Is1- Mr Trilhom iillmrlilne he 1ollcii lcnirs of New York rlty In rcippolnt Kumne- Tlniiiilicin who rriUnud in IniS- Mr Juuklnu the iiliieitlnn of liillttl children on the Alliadtiy Hid CnlUraugiii rotirvi Ueuicompulinrr- HeuitorCtillinii permitting the Pollen Couiinls- loncrii of Sew city to cellist Iho rnnrtii 1lilllji ki do for nlniUtetiient- h iiMor riviey lncr in the territory of vlllaitt of IrvlDuton itddlnv on- vhlrli witierworki owned br the vllliun liKald- H n tor nrowni rodlfjlog Hiherlii creel and il m Uw- Thoso other bills Introduced Htnatnr Havens Appointing Jamri C drier JulinUU r Harniinl and JaniM II Iler- on a cuiiimltiilia to e thin Inlet brtweon- Bhlnnihiork llty nud tbo AlUntle Urvin eat In M- pilr Ibu Hhlnnarurk Ciiul and pproirlatlug EtCh uoo for inch pnrpo e- Rennnr luomailmr from twelve tn nfleen number of county df Itrtlves lu RIng HenMor La Hoctiulu luiprovo tie YVIlllnck en trance to 1roipscl lark mul to open linToa- Wa plate between Wailunuton and Flat built artiiue 1800 bet of 1 itt Ibm the lielloli Ito w umV C uiu hit re laciest lInen a pohhciifllfl of the rlr1 the lie are the were thus > > > Huator fonts ipprnprliitlng ooo to provuu- limdnlsof hoiiir tn nillllH and volunteer Irani of Mute fur lervlrm irrforined in Wfora he litttle of dettrnbiin The Assembly Banks Commltleo will report dormiinl account hav huge Hank bill tomorrow II provides Hint If un noconnt limes boon to ba lu a bank for thirty yearn It shall revert to the hlate- Assoinblymnn bill permitting In other than life or lire to consolidate with other Ilku companion will bu by Insurance Committee tomorrow The Assembly Cities Commlttoo tomorrow Fallows bill recommended by tho Mnzot loin mlltee for HIB of n communion to ruvlso the charier ol New city Tlie amendment stiitgosled ernor that tilt Commissioners receive J per for each that thoy an actively with the commission has beon strlckun out TIIK tTiii suiiir IJUIHTI- Aiieuiblr Illet Ciiiiiinltteo Olvm u llrnrliiB- mi tlm nnd Morgnii Illll- AMHNV Fob 15 The Assembly mitteo today hearing on the thrto hills relalln water supply iiuosilon of Now York city These bills ale Mr IiomarcMX re- pealliig tbo chatter of llamapo pany Mr FallowsV providing that before a contract la male with n trivet water lion tlio contract must be approved by the Hoard of 1ubllc Improvements thin Hoard of Kctltnnte and Apportionment and tliree of Municipal Assembly nail Mr Slorgans Increasing thu power to iulrn walershuds in adjacent counties by con- demnation pioceedlngs A delegation from tlm York eltywlilch has beon contddeilng and Investigating the water supply iiucsllon forsomotlmeHl Its own expense was presenl In support of tho Moigan bill which was drawn up by Association Mr Herbert llinburger representing the Ilrm- ot Uiaterbach lloadly A Johnson Hppeurcd- In opposition and the lion Bird H Coler Comptroller of Now York city was also present to support Morgan bill Ilniburg epoko In opposition to nil saying they were esiieeially In view of the liict that the is about charter commission which would undoubtedly take ld rutli n Iho wIther the greater city con londed tlmt the Company Iced no more powers than tin v ot bur wuu r t lie tile I smut amirunuse hue wIll for ru hurl It tI ii It it tuul Invumhhu mit i I tnuma I I I ark Iiy bin mv Etch In eve Citieue Coin gate a to the Ito ator ama oi Porte fouu lbs lie chit a tic Merciutenti fsuesoeiatlot of Sow lie hit bIlls to into 01 lit ther eomntiuuw ¬ > <> < rormer nenaior air iioinrions Comptroller Coler nrgucd In favor of bill saving this would stittla the question of giving hue city n good crater supply at tile Name time glen It this vowels enjoyed by other cities andpountlcs Mr IJemarest in favor of Ids bill saying that the charier of tho Com bo as It had novor lived to thin rights It by tho The commIttee also tho Color bills Introduced bv Mr Fallows which glee the Comptroller power to pass sill purehaHos made by city ofltclals and If not bought nt thin actual t to raluse to pay for them i also that the Corporation can not con fesn ngalnst city for an umotint less than consulting thin Comptroller and amouniii user that sum with nut consulting thin Comptroller Mayor Mr Coler spoke bills nail that the Counsel was going out slim of his when ho affairs that should come under tho jurisdiction ol tIle Assistant Corporation Counsel 3 inns present anti when Mr Color concluded hue suggested to thin committee that a list of nl judgments confessed by tho Corporation nnd id so a ll t of all made by the without having Mayor or Com moon Council that If ho ibid he would have to bring up all the records of his office IIKIK AT Cud Shepherd Archaic Trustee Cnmplell- nnd Smith AIDANT Fob ISAt the Bath Soldier Home Investlgallon before thin commlllee of tho State Board of Charities today Col Shep herd the commandant ol the home gave some InterestIng Icsllmony A cabinet conlalnlnz whiskey and cigars purcbaod from can- teen fund of the home ho said stood In tha rear office of the administration bulldlnc commandant Adiulant and Trustee Campbell Sin lib nnd Shoemaker hind each a key to It The trustees haul beon accustomed to bringing their friends whenever they de- ulrad and treating tbutu from this supply On Sundays Truituo Campbell anti SmIth had brought friends In large numbers front the town nail entertained them In this way lIe found the practice in vogue and permitted It until November IW8 wlicn ho stopped it A bill for H1J for thli und thoso was produced In evldeneu by Col Shepherd Tim had Iho cabinet himself about four times ea li Champagne nnd extra wore pur chased canteen fund for thu enter of tho trustees whmi they tItus borne The bills wore paid through the audit Iltu tin t I hunt umumiutcu rut tnmn V uutOU II tot ti u ulwl UI the stud liar 80tflZFIis It1I lie lie hot lien in It t cmii t limit of Ilium trustece thpniaumtve ¬ ¬ ¬ Col Hhepherd saId that audit was fusod to n bill of homo by Stno Comp roller the trustees would order It Irom the canteen fund Col Hliuidianl swore Issued to persons not con with which en titled them to half rate on from Bath Thin railroad company was that thn half faros only for memlerx and employees of home Col Shepherd said purchasing heof Trustee told him he hind bettor matter alone that supplies Ilko boef bulior should no purchased from local farmers nail dealers house pall six cents per pounds of meat the monthly consumption I IHR nlltKK IV XriSAXCr- Thn State Hoard of Health Itepnrti Tlmt the Lnniplnlnts Ar Infmindoil- AtnjiST 13 The annual report of tim Unto Board of Health has thU to say of thu Darren Island nuisance The tcanon of IKiti nt Darren Island was notable mainly as being thin test of tho efll dency of the Arnold system of disposing of garbage of the city of Nosy York Iiurlii the year n number of letters nd drc ud generally lo tho Governor complain Inc of foul odors from Island base been r fcrrod to our Inspector 1nttly In confCTuency of these the Inspector line madoa numwrof visits to Arverno and several the writers f these more o others visitors ns well ns of i and hue found aside from mem burs of thn Barren I little or no complaint Kv n miMnbcrs nf iho r tliat III odors were nut ns In previous years Inspector has visited the Cnnnrslo mend fourth to complain In nny at Roach and vnry euniDlnlnt made nearest resort to Barren Island under certain atmospheric conditions tutors t ella it thu places ciinplnmts slit o modified by the before mentioned Is notieeaiile nnd not In nay wnv Iniurlous or to iircomfur Riibmitted that the thousands People who and boarding places remained mann of the entire summer season M n complete of churKus letters of complaint II YOU KSTVTK you are naturally Interested In the condition of cn la jU eatiretir id svhie t lieu t ii Frti a o I tim lii cil ii vctcd I lie cc ri tlimi cut t mu t hut Iii wait Feb lie tIm thiur wits ant V nut ta lit many b Ito pla lit ii t a 11014 I r huui 1mt t t I hum ituIuu II oth hiomi et t I tileS oWN hive his 4 I om ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > HYOMEI I KILLS THE GERMS Ten Minute Four Times a Dny will euro Catarrh Ilrunoliltis and Asthma Ten Minutes Kvory Hour will euro Coo HUinptlon nud Ineumonfn Ten Minutes at BedtIme will euro a Cold or Croup Five Minute nt Any Time will euro CoilKli Your Money Refunded if it Fails Ii the only Oermlclde whIch b In haled It ran be lined while at work lu the church at Hie theilro or In street care ConUIni no poliaa pound1 or dani ritm IliemlcaU Sold br all dru lsts r by rutll flno Trial OutBt 25c Send for dsy treatment trin rilE 11 T IIOOTII CO Ithaca N T- MKKTIMI OF TIIK ItKaENTX 1 It Inrsnn ICIected SerretnrrSepnrata to 4 iilliiis School ALIIANY Feb 15 Tho StntH Hoard of Re- cenls this nfternoon eloctod us Secretary Mr J- Itii ull Inrsons Jr who limit been acting tern pornrlly as wich since the resignation of Dr Molvll Dowey TIme salaries of Mr Parson and of Dr Dowey who Is still State Librarian anti Directorof Homo Education score each fixed nt JIOW beginning with the fiscal year Oct 1 hoxt Itilll the end of present fiscal year temporary arrangement n to ialarlet nt lust meeting will stand each ru at thus ror annum Tho itfgonts unintcl a Hepurate charter ta Asa ol tile Now School for lute Ilrooklyn bronchi This wIts taken after Itegenls had listened to a Irom Mr At a niLotlng time lloennls ordered elthorthadNcon- tinunncnot branch or hhow Hie charter of the Now York School itself not bo revoked Mr Is thin brotherln lute of Dr Molvll and It was nllcgedthat ho hail advertised Hint hU school pos used J a can iii tit Ciitiuiuhe ttmulitt flu lilt Ft u I Ii rook iVlifl lie hut hut 0 I a on Iii t hun Brook Irma t I ui I ii viii lii lit ei ii ucm w I towns tueouhtar ulutsuhituuges leThal Oft rtvCitllmt of liii > lug schools In Now York hud complained of incth l tOut todays notion lha chaise Hint there was a tIme HoKontsannoiinilng that there hud Intinitlon on their part to discredit Mr Gallup whoso schools prepare students for ItoLonts examinations William Warren 1otlor of Huffnlo William 8 und Maurice Low York iiotnlnated ur time State Medlinl Society nnil A a S Couch of Kredonlu J Willis anti John M of nominated by ilomni palhfc8ocl ly uppomlod Klate Medical Examiner lo succeed thim term of three years from Aug 1 11110 The Itoconts approved thus plan of establish ing at scIence and technology ot clay working lund ceramics Appointed Aldrilernmp nn the Governor SI nlf ALBANY Feb IBOov Roosevelt todar designated Knglnevr IloutenanlCommander Alfred Brooks Fry of tho Naval Militia New city ns nn on his staff vice Samuel hans Irionu who aria drowned recently while eliot Ing on this Mohawk at Fry has been serving on the stall of Cant the commandant State Naval Militia IIIIU Signed by this Governor Aituxv Fob 15 Qov Roosevelt has slgneS thus following bills Mr airoprlatlDgllK the un tp ndf4 bslniicv of a tnrmer to b for of the Canal Adtlsor Commlsiloa Mr liHrrlvmn additional for rebiillllnif Kriiml Mr rulloMn till providing for tbo iujment of nrre r nf mlirr iinpuld mltrlei trachen and other niiiil e of tiw chariot boirdi of of jueenn ant New York city Junior Hntlleld Convicted TATERSON N J Feb 15 A jury In Court of Quarter Sessions this evening brought In u of guilty against on two embezzlement from the Dime Savings and l oan Association which ho was mnnager It lo bo tried ou iwo morn Indictments ot a Ilk nature Ills counsel will appeal MAN AND WIFE See Changes niTlinjr Change To sweeten sour human nature one of the best methods is to leave off coffee If it Rives you dyspepsia or makes you net vous asked husband this morning to write out a lot tuier con IuLCl ill WIt ut r liii lit tfl5 e1 tile Eli of J Len hue wore for a lmtuI thee Iii 11111 brides at lIt burougltu the ur ill testimonial for > ¬ > < ¬ pleased to be able to state that wife cured of sick headaches and cussedness by leaving off cof lee and using your Coffee hv Is now a happy one I am forced to his joke contains more titan a modicum of truth for I find now I have complete control of nerves while I was often Irrlta ble and husband himself has been en cured of Insomnia by off coffee and taking He sleeps now like a baby from the time he goes to bed until morning and perhaps his im provement reason seeing such an improvement In me At rate our old sickness and troubles have disap peared- I had tried everything for my sick headaches but as as I to the coffee the headaches stuck to me It took us a little while to learn that wo must follow the directions in making Iostum in order to obtain a table delicious beverage People must get over the can make it in any kind of a slipshod way and have it good The great making good 1osiuin is to allow it of time to boil That is certainly simple enough and when the cook accustomed to timing Iostum one can upon a regular quality morning people who seem to be able to drink with no bad effects and on the other hand I know that probably one half of nil my friends are more or lesi affected with coffee when they In using it hut Iostum has obtained a since Its qualities have become known and a great many of our friends are users of in oc sa ic improvement In hcaltn it you should publish tills letter suppress my name as I have a notoriety If any one take the to write you for my name and address I will cheerfully questions that may be asked and furnish satisfactory evidence to sub suntlate my statements Respectfully if Hyde 1 ark Co and from it I quote I am ii place of the ordinary coffee and you may be sure every that has used losturn for cven one month wIll read till please horror undue will answer any ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° >

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Post on 27-Dec-2019




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w i VV W f VIT r i f riTHE SUN FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16 1000

hfp 2


> <

face diver It was i hlmctnlllfl nil westof tln that It wouldtake niiinoy III IIXMHn cany on the Ho

campaign tHin It IHIx Thenworking li till ttitHie

luring coiitrrs had boon tortoil under Hie

throat nf starvation li volo thotlekot ut ihiy did not volo lot a gold stand

lilt Mrto mnl Hi on ihodiiubhi lnnd rd

and to talt Hi lianc Hio thentny thin thoy nro for a gold stiindiird that willbe tho end of II It It ii IliilIMi nnd foolishMalemrt thut this bill Intended to bo nniibotnelo ur hlinlrtinio I hjinel illl in

di erlbid n binniiilliHt us one whobelieved thn who Unitthi two iiiitnU iiiild hr ini ill tho rtitlo-nt 111 ii I und ho piiiliiii ririid Mr Cuckrullmono niado Hint iiruiunont

l okrH Ilnll and said liewns dMIgild with Hint Hiiinlnrs biniilltul-liingeryiis lr his waving tho wandnnd tinvalue t lit riinlndod11 in Hint II WIIN by that silver was

Mint II ehnlliimid Mr AldrlohwhiitV Mr Aidriih put In

Was It legislation Mr thunderedHint inii d tli fif

I leiisiiiiinii IllI iwii dlroitod toward goldAntI m favnrnl silver Hi gold winilil haveiinelatoil n t uHHlivrillil ninl Ichiilhhgu Mi-alenntorto deny It

lfglidil ion was It Mr Aldrichnknil

1 am nt snylng said Mr tockrell-Do diidgo iwv os r

llin sunn legislation that doiiilveriiin rehabilitate It

Sir iilrndl And thiwiimiloglslntlon would

lI n







Ir Ir

I lclY-II to








khI1iI Iiiiu IHfIhi eiiuhil

i Iek






otlniiuostlminllv Mr Udrluh n linllti il

iiiii iv Mr nukrellliKM why till you lint Hie begin-

ning imhti r To inlinlt Hint legislationChili brlni In sweep nwny thn arguwent of HIM Senatnr rnnneitlcut-

Mr trluinpbintlv dcolnnd Hint hognt HIH from Illmdo Islnnd to

answer his infIon nnio Hatfooted mid thntwas refreshing Laughter

AH was nlnmt lo mnko n replyMr Cockrell ngnln Wall n tun-ruenl bo said I hnvo itt tutu cornered ItIs n question of power pure andiwwer to nil silver offorcd-hunntor fr m Ithodo says we can not ihiIt atono Ilo that wmud u lo silvermononielalllsni hut that wo can do It by com-bination with oilier billions I that we vaildo In nlono As to f IH7T

Thorn was no criino In It Mr Aldrlch Interprtsed

Then was n erliiin In u Mr Cookroll ox-elaliiitd n crime igaln t lunl nnd humanity

Moriin having been virtu-ally withdrawn 11 r Tller llTed ns a substi-tute nMUiiilinenl tho follow-ing Thn piMipln nf Hi Inllid States HITfavor nf IdniclallHin nnd nr In favor of mi-ternntloniil ngpoment with tho great cominir

nntloiih nf world tint wo ndinllof Hidof both ntil siiihnn rstab

Halted ratio hIt will maintain tho parity betweengold nnd silver cnn nnd tho effort of Hie his

nro 1onbir to endeavor tosuch an Inliriuitional IIH iipiedlly

liossllileViolooll Hep opii i ed hl col

l ssub iitiit lie haul If 1 could framerosiioii ng an which

deelnres tln prinelplen nnd policy le-publlciin rispeetlng of

I shniild It uning nndanti uiiiiiulitlod und carno t I should

Probably mid many phrusis to tho decliralion ns tn purpose of re

by Iho Hut I ciinnot ninkethe Iniigiingi Mio on IlnnneeI cnniHit friitno a langitago for this sldoof tho chnmlor III faith I thn-ileclnrations of hniorabl sciiatnrx belonging to a party whiso record is ono ofand not f lid who hnv Hinted

anti on tho llnorof the Ilinto hatthey urn desirous of nttlonnl biiiiiliiliisin nnd that rmdyto assist in bringing aboutment ot tlmt rosult As an honest

I iiicpt unit Ktntvnicnt nnd run

illl I It lioriiiiH I kiinv hurt U Is nmiletnoood It iiiav Ie la thu of the

dtintor Neiirmkn Mr Allen falliictiiu-and fulllw It maylie In Ijie f the Sen-Btortriuii Mr i ti IninillliHiic andll uratftil It fr me ills

for liny man who wants to IK n HupiiLilleiinnnd-vhol iihiiiietal list a ml wnntsti i

llepiiilioaniiitrty will not iitreetithe











Ii oIl

Ill IIlt


i uri


r In nllIo I j

eauh Ui rlttifl O ORl

liutwQr Iii

hit tii tIICork r11


1 Ihie-I

sit y t ii

sihIt irIiii

I J tIvII7a t illNil t it it


I Iii QtiihhIhhIii


I litil lit

rn mont ltIUiIiigtet floutill

inn lt

J I hit t Ito nniiihhiieritj t him ihIiP

I r oat ni It 10t



i I Iii Itor

t Iii net I hit rite

tutu hiiat to tutuiiet ithiitfri liii



I tiiu

of ii Vthilorha11 mint with










me m nnyoinercounirTbut lirinvlne about

of tlin leiulliii nations ol thinworlil the restoration of thu bimetallic nvstctnat jionn fair rate Ieeau e I ollevo that Imipjiottlt And I am not tiolnj to ln drlT n

my ennusl ileslre n ti-BtnnJ wlln thn tn tnnd with the

howevericlouornttruutlve they mny bo nun b

true 1 It l Mint of theBtnlfsnre In favor of bimetallism nnd desirousof an International acrecmvnt I do not ron

It to he my Outir at n Senator of theSntiH to Hiiac In tutu loiik of-

ciiroountrv n statement as to HIM belief ofIn l ml Mate

Mr Nh tip lleii Mahii the billand hIt Viniitiftioofliiiindiiitfnt and expressedMs bliei Minr the nierisiir tIll not in any-way mdnnu r nfrntner aided itn ultimate accomplishmentthat when Itwould bo tlm IlTorlioi thI arty

J he vote vrno then taken on subtltuti iiunltioi aiiindnnmt ninl It

WitsiMfiited y ns J7 nays us followsr Ii Hirry llrtlrn Chanillfr

rMloti i lurk Mini1 iiein MnilUnrui llFiitFin J irh lemon iNovi AVn

Vrftttti Hrf diiriii t trlii Mrtitii MIJ-HItlHi f in im Miwiiil Tillcr TilmanTurlin iin

Sajrii M mi Alilrnli Alli on llcierliluf lliirtuw i ru art i rl Wji irliin IIIVKUcbui I Kltui I iirl uks iiMkor KiKler-

r c i llnlf Iltiiui Una uliri lull Hawlejr-KIUII I niii ui I I i Mi Hinil MCIIUIH Mrlinii-bir UrMIIUn VNii linM p Ivrkinn PluttCoun Ilati N V Irltrliail Iruror Jiwrlol-

iiiM Mf ti s wiii SMUI s moil Hion r Jhnrton Kpiiiinn ninl Vn it I-

Tan Mlvr KiiitiliranH In Flnimnl niuirat in It ih ninl i ill ts In Niuall riltiin-

Tbe Mite n ui tt uken on tinrsioril ruin thn Commlitce nnd ItWii9 n eil in Veas 4V its follows

yr M m Alilrnli Alli n llvciMro iTirtrr Clmill r ClirK Uyoi Ilillmn Oivli-Iicliii liiifn lilkli luirlaukv inraker tentcrKrjro hick HutiiM Ill ihroiuli lUwlfjMi r K au r M Wriiiml r MrMilhn-Jlo niin Misi ti N IIII IiiMw Porklno Ilttt-Coim Ilill S V tnt hard ijiiiirlf Sott-

R w ll Mi in S iiir ihiirptiia W k reknit Vol tilt I

NHTH Uiti liirrv Hull r Inriry thllton lurkMnn In rikr n llurrli

Irk fie Vv iuMfKiiiT MiIjiiirtn Martin riiifntliu Hi lm stinnit Sullivan T liaf no-

Trlltr Turlfir ami VintH-Mr Hep Nevi nn nmniiil

meat o the l il the wordu coldcoin of tli pr seif stninlnril ninl t Inaert tln voiils In coin n the standard valueof July H IHI Tlie vu laidon 44 to Ill

Mr ivitns Dem Ai nn amendthif grill eiin atil silver ilollsrs coined

by Ihf I nited states shall ln lecnl tendurat-thflr imnili al Ivfi util 17 Io44

ltUM nmendmnnt de-clnrlnu l lilnni in tn act hhallBtrueil iiTivt the present le al tender iiualllyOf dllMTt Illll s 1111144

Mr Jld n in m I Dins rjtT red an amend-ment rTallnir Mm tax on Stntn bank clrenlnlIon Jii

Mr 31 wan reneivol the amendment whichh olTtieil early in the ilay i7to

Mr iltcm Ark ciffnredmerit the mints or the statcto the rnliinui silver i8 to 4

Tho substitute was then nan to without a-

re nnd i ny vole the Mil was report PI I

Ibo Cnmmittee of the Wholi to the Sen-ate The vote was then taken on tho piiHsa oof the us nmended IVth ub t

was pncsmi Vcas 41 nays iitasfollowsVe M ri AMrirn Alllon lIcvcrllKe liar

Tows Caff U nrlrr Chik Wvo Ilnvlifw Kkin F irl nk Koriktrfrjf le r Ilulf II II TIILI haiti y

KIIII iu LuilKiMcCumlirr MrMillan Mn n Nrl m i1 nrni perklni IUtt iienn IUtt IS V ITItrlianl innrK4Iloa SHIII Thiiritoo We ttnori1 alit Uulcott 4i-

iNaj Mi ri It Hrri Ilrtirp ChamllrrCMInt i l rk Mi t i rtl Iatirl Unm JlciiKin jiii Atk X rJTftwv Urnny l iitini V iititi t riiinJltivt Ktirtini strwirt Viimm Ttlrr

Tiiriry nnil Ittt Ji-inrpntillriiK mill Siivr liiiuilillmni In

Tho Senate then adjourned iintll tomorrow

lenvrnl llehate


I IIIHllllCI llfliliMalli 11111

Iob itolalo pondIng consideration nf the ligl lativo Kxecutlveand Judicial Appropriation lull IIIthe House today until 4 oclock and then thebill which had r cotvcd no attention In thetwo rfayw III which It had been bnforo timeHoufo vras road by pnrngraphs forfor an hour It likely that the rut of theweek will Im occupied with lie further consid-eration

31r Houtell Kop Ill i mndo an exlmustlvnand Interesting speech on till power underthe CoiiAtltutinii of tho stale toacquire nud hold inreign tirrilory asucrllngthnt tho ratification by tln ponpo of Imlurionspurchase nf IouUlaiia in HIII settled thaiproposition In Mr Inder-wooil bern Ala spok in invnr of the repealnf thus Fllteenth Aniendnitn1 which hn wildhad rroved failure after thirty years trial

Mr Grosvonor Hop Ohloiattack upon adnilnlstratlen ot the civil

J to Inwith







0 7


lay au








JonI un


I Honi




IQU 01Jon

I y


lit IInho










nut eniitii It I ii i V IC hueWilt pitanut luiIsttti ionuhiL


itsin it tiP


uit uteI hit

t hit

I lIt Iii it ni t al i ii in

t Ito I Imot hi rough lIe tUl han

Tiltu ruethu


I lilt frj I



iEcltilt Cu

ii nnit


I bruit


I II I ii I lVt hillIkitri It 1 n Kuigay tii ViI

Ill hujicut

howl ri olYt redtfthtk tutu

SH iii

fbi tnlhtuff


alit uerhe vita






hilltuto anti it


itt Sift nil i liuj her



commitliul lihuillmt In niahI itital

iItiI1I I S ii-

I rWAMIT iNi lioN I I tn mat

vomit In ItiI

tV hut 11

t Ito tIlt rimmat is

made vhoious

tt l

















service l r the commlitlon nulhorlred br theHa passage of tho Civil

Horvlce law wan not necessary for tho Improve-ment of the dorvlee for nt tho tlmo of I-

Iennclmont It wn confcft dlr n model for lime

world JlMtrluIn wiimlno lo the tact that frothINII to IHKI there had teen nil unbrokennvrlii of ndnilnlntratlons nnd the

pnri e of Ipiidleton thn authorof thu wn to it division offiPlciis lor DcmoerntH Il wa orlKlnnlly IIIlendeil to 10 to Mm nt

fur Mr Iemlieton held It lotentative nn asure mnrily

Mr Illclmrdon I bellevntho1much as inun wns re

siiinsililn lor lIe hi Louis platform of imnl-Whyilld th Plank for MI-

Mr Why has gentlemanItlchnrdsoii noted tho frxl a greal

limes iittoat laughter In which

Mr Irosviiiior continuing said that herotwo things wile after In Hint plattorni-

nnd thnt hue got Ihnse h lot Iho littlefollows do tiiti laughter jIhogentliinnn from Indiana illpinonwiiyistnled yesterday Mr wont on nndthat wan of hu speakingIn per cent of nl present employedworn Ilo further statedofllclnls would not glvo nnines of tbs Inolllcleiit one norobev the law requiring themlo discharge such Thorn no dis-charges Urosvunor because the executive

governing them required n procesiliniiilllatliuMo lo

law olltKl ealll the



exlIII1I Ihl



110 Oh1 II hi

allthso emoYt KUtlIIIC

lhhihhil Icnnft miveil M r

C cavil rim I bin

Vmtiihmi itt tin let ii

iji Ion a I

his liii

him hhortif a

I I hitI

Hi C fly

I I roMrhmor

t hut a



on u d In which Messrs Oros-venor and Fltzuprald of Massachu-setts took part which Mr llemnnway wh tint statement of apt iMvlnof the Naval Oluervatory to thetee of on Appropriations Isent to Iho Civil Hervlce

the other day for an eiiitlnenr and they sentn parson antI n neuron

literAlter over twentysix paRoi of thin

Includlnit the appropriationsand tIme commItteerote aol nt i oclock tIn house adjourneduntil tomorrow

ntntat MM titKit TI

Hut Siitjia NotliliiB Cnn Irrvrnt Ilia Itrnnnilunit Tliut lit Will Support Him

WiniiisfiTov Fob ir KxSenator ArthurI Ciorman aceordlnir to a report published InDm llidifnjMri oj this niornltiB denied thestatement made In n York paper yesterdaythat he had acted In collusion with Croker-In lln effort to ronoralnnto Urvnn In order thatthe latter mltihl be defeated this y ur and thuspermanently removed from politico Ilo stld

I never Inlkud with Mr Croker on tho sub-ject and never have been R party tonnv plan torerionilnntn Mr llrrnn On tIme contrary allmy efforts I am very frank lo status have teendirected nualnst such action 1 did not bello to nominate him Ibelieve now however that vamp

vent his ielecllnii as head ot the Demo-cratic ticket Ho certainly has the people behind him to a remarkable

Will support llrynn If he nominatedwasC rtnlnly I supported him In Irtf I

shiill support ncaln this year I do notpropose to my partylorman went on to nay that thin Jcmoorally chances

In 1HI anti had Improved even withinthe last three weeks thin tldo lie Unow running aenlnit the Administration UKthuiiitht that the new treatyliad hall a teat den to do with the In

sentiment It hint Blxon colnrassertion that the dnilnliitratloii hint nn

with and that nn-onVnslVH anti defensive ulllnncn would be thenext step

tic snld and the conditionsthe Philippine to iy of vexatiousnni constantly pinuun-

thnI llilnk too he that the pnsaave of

standard till also hulp us nit will remove all dancer of thesilver niil will brlni back to the Democraticranks those who loll II In on the silver


wait 1It


or101lIlr ft






1 now than

all 11I1nrt till 1tlIn rAI


I I lId tob


ill I M ut Iiouli et ILit ii


Ill lift YA Y

flat Inn

It wluc wtee

for suvuCeA

g liii iiliii bIte bet iiee to-tunit erctauul t ng G remmt lId tIii

tC limit ti n g t

toAl m Intel rat IOti bet iii n 1


gu Iii tnfree vohtimgp









I uiiruMKftT iii rnnsKtsNorth ill Cnlehrn lilnnil-

Meur IlinrloWAMIISOTOX Fob ICTho flagship New

York the battleship Toxus and the gunboatVixen arrived at Culobrn Island near PuertoIllco yesterday The Vixen went hack loStThomas whence slid sailed today for Culebra-Tho training ship Dixie loft St Thomas forulebra mid Madeira today Thesn move-ments Indicate th Importance which Culebraline assumed In the Wesi Indies It has nharbor Targel Pay which Is to

nnvalcoaling stntlon thanSan Juan the vessels mentioned willcoal there from the collier Thin Vixenwill make n survey of harbor preliminary

construction cf a coiilng MatlonIn pnictleo with the

New York In Target thaI for H week or morowill tutu proceed to SlOW Orleans for the

JlardlOrascclebrallon-Secretary ng today directed thin gunboat

to proceed to for MardlIris Kho Is now at Key West Thn gnnbont

Scorpion with the Canal Com-mission surveying party on board renclivdKingston Jamaica today The shinAllinneo arrived nt nail thetransport Solnce nt Yokohama Iho distillingship and collier Irk Itll Hong

he collier MareollHJ left Port Royal forKey West nil today

Ilnciie InWASHINIITOS Fob iriQimrtermasterOan-

eral Ludlnglon received today from MajorGeorge II lluhlln Hrnt Honolulua letter telllnc o the plague situation up toFeb 4 The letter aye

The situation with respect to the bubonleIn Honolulu Improving rapidly

In the last six lHyt boon no newcases Thfl restrictive measures amiHealth nctinc under the authority of the

lovi rnment tire In force hiltpractically the risk of

few remain Ing premises occupiedbv the lower clanes Asiatics or nativeHnwnllans Is very remote

IVmlilncton tnW-

AMIINOTON Feb 15 Tho Comptroller ofthe Currency levied an assesBircnt of

till capital stuck ofNational Hank ot payable March inlies The canltal nt X-

Tln House Committee on Kloctlon ot theIrcsldenlN ice1resldtnt antI menibersof Con

ress this mornliiK nsrooil to reportaprons resolution provIding

bo toHouse or Senate

Thn fitatu Dnpnrtmcnt was notlflnd todaythat Arthur nn IIIYork of this SVellsFarco whowile charged with embezzlement mind was nrrectAl m Canailn been for extradition Montreal

Naval OrdersWASIHNOTON Feb 15 Thete naval orders

worn Issued today1aaieil AmliUnt Buiv on O H Barber to the

Ke r ivt-iAnltint Pasimitermlf W w rt

Illioilvs to duty on tlioMart lulainl yard for iintructloni then to thnAnlltli elation

Cnmmitndrr It II Ingrrioll from the Nm lAcademy to iluty Norfolk Yard nnln nce

lfrtnr-1rofconr of Mathrnmtloii W H KichplberitT

tn at Siunl ibservatnryLlitlt L I Mii y the Conntellatlun and

sick luxe nrnntl fur two innnthi-Commaailer T II WeVHim rom aililltlooul dutyortlnance inspector at the Norfolk Vnnl

I from the command of thirbllailrlpbla when rtllevtd amid to iluty us lrnerilof the Wlnconsln Union Iron Vorka

VruticiAroWilliam U4 tirade from duty aa Caiitaln nf

the Yard Marts Inland In the of timeriilUdeliibm-

apt Willlani II Vhltlnc to duty atthe Vent ai Captain nf Ito Varl

the Anlatli slutinnhive bffn niaili liy Hear Admiral Wain m AId HIHNavy Drparlnirnt autinril Knl ii IIV Wurtl aiiih front the Yorktown to the Yokn

liatna llnnpital fur tri Naval Ca lil IIadl Ti frost the Yrktnwn to the Mantis Ktmiun0 s Knomir ti the New irlojn Naval

Cailn i W IViitiu llrooklyu IJiMiinant J A front riiniinmid of thetel rr t Ihf l land Viirdfr trratnifiit llriit W t llanninn fromtin il rpr to InniTilrndi A Altlioiue trot Orleans t HiIanwua Naval Imln W T Tarrant tnim the X wllrlrana I the MeiileiiantiitnniiMliM K Hall from tin New tnnniiuaiil ticOlarirr NasAl fadit F f from llniiklrnIn the EraUii A W Mar hall from llinIn cark Mont iluiitiillradf W HUri ley from tb to tin Yhlinnia Motrektment Xaml Cnlet r T Evana fromtlm Xaiilivllle tn tin Br n J IIllolden from Ibe Monterey In tie llmokrn N vil CIt A F from t thelm o Iient W p rillott front C nle Navalwtatnin tn New Orl an Navel i llenniIrom the Helena to tin A t tant fiiirirfonII II i eebP friin the Pitrrl I Mrt I ilj NnvalcIt K T Con tHii n tlioimiiilym Cite J H iinlum fruit theNav l cidet II 1 Klsunfrom the Nf ark to the Iviril Nmal I INalxui frau the Mauiu In lifuVUn Nitvaltudrt I A Colten trim Iho to theBrooklyn Saul Cad t r tt rnrnmi rmni ILe-

Dlatreaiei tora ch canieil by rich tool or over

V4 I


beI1IOle ulIRbll for a

l1I nr

towill In Ill At

nchl nn


to an rolll














to theC Imanl


hitiiei II IIii

tiltlat a


Ibo laid

Ib ltI1ISoulluIIl I

to lhte lelaiti Illal 1001JIIII C S Wood to Ihl7 nil the of AlInl4iWIolI

tlltllIl curl by


A I ant Ic tuiul iiiI roll





Sht tint hut I In fbI iii it I at ti rnl rig


ils uie


men t U POll the t


polvga in tat elet t ho



the 4iii

hum the Wim



ehuimutes cIingruftcer tim



I tie eyesv


ltruui ui lyn tile


hi Ontim

liefri a

MCflCIIII to time


M ii terry u










totvrr Jvnnn covvjs or OKNKKKK-X r A IflTNKHt Ion CLAHK-

Ilr Snvs llenlll nn AntlOlark Ullnnta Inllnmtril In Him Thnt the 3OOOO llrlbe-Minipy tVna iit li by Dnljluilcti Hunt

nf KIOINNI Offered Him tn-IhrnMr the Villciiinn lnan of Court

j VASIIINOTON Iidj li Tho Inquiry Into thocliuruesof bribery III tim lat Bonntorlal olocHun In Montana wait iMiimed Isle niornlniihitter n days by tho Honatemllteo on lrlvlligcs and Flections-

Ivlwurd I oyn of Qenesee N Y Counlv-JmlKii of Llvliiknton county testified to-

n conversation which he had last Novemberwith Hewitt one nf thin nullClark witnessesIn which hewitt snld that Wellcomo had not tha-uhostof n Chnnce that ha would be ilUbarredb-viMUso Daly owned court and beoauie

V llcom weepurposuof Kettlnu testimony against

Clark Witness mndn tin rumaric that thatwan pretty hard on Wellcome anti Hewitt Baldthat thud Only ptroplu all liked Wellcome nndfelt sorry for him but that they were alterClark and would bent


InllllIIl lon

the unto being eOluluelfldler the

not ItOh at 1I11thlllll to




TIter was Home witncsi con-

tinued about the Ilowltt said hothoiiKht that th money had been put up bytIre Dalv people as part of a defeatClark

Thu examination ot this wltneni was herosuspended anti another wltnc n took his placewho was called by tho whosetestimony wits nUvemu to the Clark ease Thiswitness Wile Wllllitm 11 Hunt one of threeHupreme Court Judicefl of Montana a blackhaired scholarly looking man limo son of aformer Secretory of the Navy Henna examtried by Mm chairman as to Interviews whichho had had with his family physicIan In HelenaDr Trencey-

Judko Hunt testified that the doctor told himthat there was a Party III Helena who had

100 Hiu anti would put It up Wellco-mec could be thrown out of court lie toldthe Juduo that ho ought lint to be on thus

bonih that It would break him down and thathe would like him get tIme Qionuy II hacould It honestly and take II rest forit while It would you up ho said Ifyou could net out of the nlr of that Court

The he replied DoctorI have no herllave in the world XB pt thatnn unluinloil und I propom thatto my children

another Interview with Dr tIme

wltncsh said iloolor nskeil him If he Imd-chuiiKed Ids mind nail IIH replied that he hadnot am ulad of said and-I knew you would not The wltiiesscontlnued

I saw nttnln lust Sunday nluhtHe showed mo u tolcirrnm to thn eltectAtlorneydoneral Nolan MA the rtenato-Coiiunltlee that Judise Hunt would testifythat Dr Trrncuy hunt oiTered him ilOOl-I nnld Doctor 1 am very sorry I dlsllkuextremely to uo to lie snldt

to bribe you I WKS icult I wish very much doctor that I couldbelieve you were H repeated I did not tryto rIb you I do not want you to I amn one ol tlio fe lov I said I ilonot think myself ihnl you wnnted lo bribe

You to II nun who hudIjoiii inked to lay n proposition before me nndwho had laid it tielon inn I timid noflDUtitO I had no iuOOO I lied nothing toKiwi you It was nothing but a

I it waslinlut Hunt was crossoiamlnod by Mr

Faulkner who made much of the point HinttheIiilLo haul not brouuht HIM matter loattention of and had noteoascil Irlendlr und professional relations withDr Treacey Mr some fiicutlmtsremarks about Lord Dneon belim u bribe

JiiJto Iluoit of tho Supreme Court of MonInim hInt wilnpss some

Iiu ilclalled it ho lied with

mciuoniu to










I oar


ntOIl I

OIIki anti

vhialriiian anti

If hIts

to coo

lilt lhhtI ease

t Iii

t lint I

utouurI hat

trI il

eI hitit k

briber or

Iii ti a

hutt lie I rmtmuil U cv

Wa the evtnhitip emunmet sat Iutn



i ruettoin or niiori-itliiiideriioiiiil Aui lit Helena Corb ltcall that Int wits on Iho IIIliiltte to II friend who exhibited a tele-Knim or told him h hail t received n tllo-Phono message from J S Nells miring Thov

il business with till Supreme CourtCorlOit denounced Nell and the nextmornlni took a train lo liIiimwhere hu sought Nell at 1told him he was II liar anti appliedvarlUN toCortett saul he Mien lold Nell that thnt kind oftalk had to nnd that If Nell over tohim akttln Im would thrash him Judgo IiKutt

Corbott that If Nell came to himwith fetich n projKi he would attempt lokill him even had lo mo anwhich he hml at hand

Mr Faulknernskeil Judge Ileott If he mild

not understand Cornctt to tnut suchProposition hI Neil not authorized by thinrepresentatives of Weiloome

Cnrbutt snld Sell told himthey could get that hiipame Court would

come hlirh Corbelt said Nell sail Itwould to bo capitalized atIMIII A rlnpla of run about tha roomwhen Senator Faulkner remarked Thntwould be hIgh

Witness Corbolt bad warned hintbecausu he lint niitdr In connection with

an iinsuecehslui assault on JudgeHunts honor lint that Corlett had come tohim In order bv appearing to warn him to

him tact that he hadbad nothing to do with tha Trcaceylluntmutter

Aitorneytieneril Cornelius Nolan the nextwitness tostliitil Mint Ur Trencey Mild to him

There otiiihl to bo iotun money in It formentlonliiK thin sum of fllHMJUt Witnesstold Ti e icov to Inform Chirk that ho wise a thirtyconicmptible doif nnd that if hiscarcass with sold and olToreil to himi Nolanhn would refuso It Treacey said ho-inluht as well take the as he would behccu ed of beliiK bought by tilt Daly poop Ifhe did not eo with MID

In reply ton question Mr Faulkner wit-ness thoUkilit he

so lamely that had beenho would butte lie uinothlnu

lor WellcoDio lily personal relation with DrTroacey haul not been vhnnued tlm offer lobrlbo him Iln was ludlktnant bill his Indigna-tion was directed nt Chirk and not nt

Mr Faulkner wanted tumidnot prosecuted Troau y lor ntlemntod brberv-Tha witness tint It was not lilt busi-ness but admitted was within dillY lo no-tify HIH Attorney nf the county thought Itwould be dlniotut to secure IIwas not anxious to proceed nunlnst DrTrencey but iiKnmst thoso who would plneotunnel at hit disposal

The committee then adjourned until to-morrow uttornoon

JVTOVITwo Itecentlnns I Ilr Woman SuffrnKn-

Ciinventtiin In Vn hlnetnnW-

ASIIIKOTON Feb 15Althoush thin

sessions of Iho National American Womanriuffrace Convention have closed tworeceptions wero nrranted hy tho UeloBates today HS a of farewell totin oonvenllon Time earlier ono nti oclook In thus afternoon the LufavclteOpera House was planned III honor of thu

anniversary of MU isiiain11 Anthony the retiring of tho-orgnnltatlon This evunlnun public receptionwas held at Corcoran ol Art

for tho receptionincluded by a mandolin club youngwomen nfl speeches by the membersof the nssoclnllin was Intendedns a feast for the venerable MissAnthony

At concluding session of the conventionproper evenlni Miss Anthony hertna

CarrIe Chapman made an address as Ihonewly elected

Furniture FromAuld Lang Syne

good old wood and the good old workof the got old days

And more FurnitureThere are Grandfathers Clocks and Grand

mothers Splnnlni Wheels Antique PicturesAntique Silver and Brass Armor-

a museum in interestTn look no loss to buyModern Furniture In stuck and lo order

Schmitt BrothersT-wo I Cor 25lh St 4th Ave Two

Stores 1 40 Cut 23d St Stores

onI ij I


suiki lie I lilt I

InLt 11I1Il1


Iil111 II hI




tuu I


to know why Solnn









etahuul hug at metuI l Iii C



t lout


hay it boil I I



were hilled

Chit kit

thu case W ehleomuu

hC rh kuh lit

tP 5158












VIN MARIANIMariani Wine World Famous Tonic


on at nn nores tlimughoiitworlil I nitii consul-t rod tho highest public ucautioned nKiilnst Hiib8tltute-nnd Imitation owing to tha-liopular ty of MarlatiL




silo timhim liii hi I lou tim ny tit

lyitt tern

stAte Department Nut ll ll v ThatIlls Mall WM Tampered Wllli-

WAHIIINOTON Fob lOClmrles Macrumaaccusation against the Htate Department Intlm statement which he gave to the premi lastnight are recardud by the Department theofllclali there nay aa not worthy of an answerThu charge outdo by Mr Macrum that thoHrltltli censor at Durbnn oitnrd officialmalt und held up till onielal denpatchns U CUll

Hldorud by the Dopartment to bo thu onlrthing In tho statement thnt reiUlre noticeAfter havIng an examInatIon made of tharecords of the 1retorla Consulate on ofllolul ofthn Department authoritatively axprrsted theopinion thin Mr Macrum hal not told Mmtruth In regard to LIe claim that hlnofllclalutah Will being regularly tampered with by thellrlllihnulhorllles The statement which Tine

I HUN roporlsr obtained front nn onielal authorUedlonmkn It represent the position of theHtulo Department

Th published statement of Mr Maurutndoes not appear to have seriously disturbed

i the officer of tile pnrtinent of State WhIlethey do riot think It necessary to disctisj Idastatement in detail or otherwlso dignify It by a






i niciuiuluiuiaiiuu Im-tdiatlcally that Jlr Macrum never reported lothe Department tIle Incident upon which hamuch stress bis mull wasbeing ruaularly tampered

I authorities nor Departmentslightest credence III statements llodldIn H way undprivate mad Intended fornot reach punctually and usksd thatprotest made on account of this ratherI on tho part tit thu postalauthorities to Mr Mncrumscorrenpondenco livery report trout Mr Jincriim anti so fur as theDepartment wait able to nscnrtnln theIt wasnone certainly what might oxpealed u stale of war existed Indernaturally tome wasInevitable hut that any correspondence olllclal or otherwiseopened Impeded or Ilrltlsh

Iho does not lor nnInstant believe Certain It Is that Mr Macrumnever reported ItMr stated that his ViceConsul Mr

up hIt buthe of allegiance to thin unitwent to till as a burgher Whenapplied for appointment n ViceConsul al lie was loomIII Holland tile legal residence Wits ut iretorla and that he wnt a nnturnlUed ofHIP South African This applicationwin dated Nov I

A resoliillon today by Kepresenlalive Wheeler oftaryof State to Inform thai holder if Consul

State thatlilt oftldnl LI n II been and rend bythe Jlrlllsh Consul nt Durban omni If so whatsteps It lo obtain an ex

and apology Irom tho Urltlfhernment He dlreetvil In inform MmHouse what Iriith there Is hi tho iliiriM thatn secret exIslM hot woe n thethe nnd Kmplre of ireatllrltnln The resolutions nro on Ihopublished statement of Mr Macrum-

KffiirU Ilidng Mail to hiring lniiit Partyllnriiiiiny on the Moiiimrit-

WASUINIITON Felt IB Tho Senate Com-merce Comtnlttoc today began tlio considera-tion ot thin Hannarnyne Hhlpnlna bill togelherwith tho by t ho subcoin-mlttoa having the bill In charge Theseamendments are similar to tho e already pa

to thn billpropose lo increasu

to be tIme slower classes oflo

of nulsldy for the The combefore disposing of thoamendments arid the bill went over until tin

yet one or thorn stated


tmlmeee the

both ol11laltill


cl ary delay


lIn clo elIIIIII


t lIzI

Inl llIe11ltrp ir


IItVfl FYI ill IPIIO I f

IIl1lrnhnenl reported


I hi

limit III tbOtk


A utitiricait cit ire iu



Omit It

lIe Ii

tin y inch lii kenlos



cnn t nil I iy lIe ta t Irehrosvmmicur nail

tie sat lousteamier and the

hbgtu cli I

hutx I









mom tiers of thin House Committee on Merchant Marine held nthis mornlni with of aboutparty harmony on Mm Shipping bill limO were

to egret ol member it1dined to the measuro In Its presentcondition contending that It would tint accomplish e without radical nmendnientsA lurlharuffort will be made to rnoh a corn

on ho connicllng view of Mm liepublican members

tltUM citric HAMUUf ll t1lThe Inhnliltnnls of Tiilnlln Dellehted lo He-

tniler AmerlriinWASIIINIITOS Feb ISTlio Navy Depart-

ment lm received n report by mall thatch1ago 1ago Hamoa Dec 7 W from Com-mander II F of the collierwho way directed to Inform Inhabitants ofTululla and the Islands transform to

United States by treaty thin IhesijIslands had been placed under American nil

So lar ai I can learn CommanderTlley every Inhabitant ofut the prospect of the United States sumlrBthe government of Islnnd InformedHint Mils prospect Is also to lnhnbItanls of Is

Islind und so tar ns 1 canloam In nil Ilia Hmids-

Nnmlnnllons by IrnldnnlW-ASHiNflTOS Fob 15 Thorroildent today

sent the following nominations to tho SenateState Tiinio Allison f Ktims tn b i a C nimilontrof the tnltid Statfit to Hi International K-ipoltlonto be bold at tOil

Corps of Rnvlneerii WilliamK MnDUii to lie lriltlHut Ootnrpl dipt OenrveW to be Mijor Klrst ImrlnsKi lUr to lie Coptaln Second Jteiit Frank 0Diiili Jr tn Id Ilptitenant-

3iib i leire I c rtmintC4it l vld I Dntlnardto b lorV-

oluntpcr Twentyseventh InfantryLleutOd Albert to bo Jnrilvorun L Itrytni to l CjplLOHU C Scliercr to bo Major ilnt Lltut

to bo Hecond lleut Itlcnurd IIlliewer to bo First MHilPtitn-

tridrtr lith Infantry To Ipiit nantnH tt M Jir John M Cnilif First H t

r el Strut John Iliintmnan QuarterraasterH nt Oeortje K VOIIIIKJ Men to be lint llfUttnalitl Second Uent Fd-w rd Mcfloir-

n1llltffr STILL flOHIHSII

Kencno nt Ihf Coniollilntod let ConipntijiMen nn Montgomery Inlnnd-

Ainivv Fob 15 The flood gone downnearly four feet from the lop notch of yester-day morning but there Is still nfreshet and runny of In southenl are submergau Many people am sendingRtipplliM of food groceries nnd coal to thepolice relIef the deffltuif families

a deceit policemen art dislrlnutlng thaseirowb nts far is

still suspended and the water will have to gofour or lower b fore Hie power housewill bo freed from the flood nnd the hit en-gines emit start again Thc Weather llurenupredicts snow for tonight ash colder weather

fordistricts Is anything but alluring

fifty employees of Consolidated leewero Imprisoned tile Mood

on Montgomery just soulh thin citywere with thus nld ofboats were famished front coldand hunger The officials of the ConsolidatedIce Company III York had telegraphedtug owners topiy rnlly If aPreparations wore made bout downjust na It wee to start word cnmo by mes-senger nil were v

lf Tho Ice gorgeformed In tho Mohawk at this city caused tilehighest water known In clintrising nail a half feet The entireportion of the town Is mibmorgod nflavenua on tho rIver frontlisa beon out on the west silound seriously This

wns utilized In an effort to rllnvo tItus proHsurn and afford this wateravenue of esuatA hy loosening thuslee In nt The ice iwas blown up nt etch of the four piers if

was up lo almostflooring Immense bouldera weredislodged and Mn feo that remained Ingorge Is bo so weukenud Mint nnylurther of thus river will It

thus wi t side rifWashington nveniio hotwenn Viiter ntiil Fulher streets are seriously the

water diverted from themain channel Into Klver Is stillworking havoc thIef of Police Campbell Inndetailed to andkeep crowds thin roadwayaunT be so badly undermined as to dangerous

nlllr IIt lIlllll



I ntis

hind 01111 In





Zoo I

Fr l


the streets

for the


lomorro o t the Iii 110 < <

mn I

harewas down the river to rpocn men

to Inlill



1I h 11


Ih tho II

311111 linll

t lie

A hit huirhty



t Puorht I

Tutu I it Ightsut



Pin lii



bVi tieconut


I I i foothue



tug cent tbmu





etromig emirrcnt

mi at cii we tilt t lit reellie





> ¬






VIZKT iri7VKsM v uiorHir-An Order fur the Arrrd of lohn lloinnnelli

iMiird hy Illrkiy-Supremo Court Jusllcn Jickey In Ilrooklyn-

yesienlay granted un order for tho urrest otJohn Itntnnnelll an Itnlliin junk dealer nf VX-SacketrKtreHlniisiiit liroiighl ngaltist him hvVincvnzn obtained a ludgniintof ilIMO theexeeu-tlon was reUiriRd llnmanellia willies before the Millet Cominittvo wherohe that hu had secured u contract to

overt ha ash dunlin hut wnscompelled to pay ey flray

it mid I ii

in nitagain t hi Ii nul




was a Dehnoorathiu candidate for Ijilt fall belQro hi begin hula work L-


IT IS IMJMJtl Iff TtlK ASUK-HY 1 row ui 01 TO as-

U Opponent Will Mnkei n Kl ht In hutK nnt Ulurn They Eiptct tu VlnThnI-llll ItuUIng Nnlnrlc the Statsram CuuiinUiluneri Ionril In Menial

A Liu NY Feb 150wlng to thatearly ndjoiirnment tlio I wl bill to repeatMorton law ploiiod on

Assembly and was raised without ohjocthou being nmdrt to It from SpeakerNixon admonition that It was bill repeal-ing horton law no more ultenllon waspaid to It than If It was an ordinary billThere wee no hustling for votes anti bothHide ap eared as unconcerned an If It wasdimply a local bill It was no entirelydifferent front what took place aiigo when the same bill wa before

Ilirnna Hint the contract was notlwableIt was not made a party measure as the fo-llowing Democrats Messrs liar liesDomnrest Frlubee Halidn A human Metpail Mottle 8 g arid Wlmol Mr Motzler of

lie pit



was todny cIuniimsr hit






voted fir It1

IhuhTmtlo wise the only 1teublIeatu




agalntt bill which wus pawad by a vote ofI LtoItD The bill was Kent to the Senate atonce and will bet referred to the Committee onCodes and n hearing will lo hail on tho measureneatTlmridayafternoon Ills In this upperHouse that the light will take place nailopponents of this bill claim that the requiredtwontysli voted to pass the measure cannotbe fcocured In the Semite

The Senate lodtiy tensed the Assembly billincreasing thin salaries of members thi-Statu Tux Commission from JGu j to 5X0

giving each member 5X for trarnlllngu-xi0iiHC The Senate also passed FinanceCoinmltb6 bill appropriating 20500 to enablthe Tax Commission to employ experts andother assistance needed to curry out the pro-visions of the Franchise Tax law

Mr llrerjiuini jill providing tinttrates of Ilrooklyn shall he elected Instead ofnptOlntLMl amid permitting olhen than lawyersto be oleoted Maulstrnleii caused a idiort dinousolon In the Assembly today Mr Trainerwas first to object to It nn thu ground thatIt aided the dlsmimbiTiiient of the New Yorkcity Ihurtur filth WUM only another species ofhKeiul for various tlmgreater city which wiis a menace to local gov-ernment wanted tho bill referrod buck lo-thu nnd fought nut there anti de

Mr Davis Mr Trainer Inhue opposition nail sail that ho feature of

tliiui to bccomaMagistrates made tIlt bill u vicious onMeitsrs Ihllllpaand S F llyman Inoiiposltlou Tha bill was

Mr bill providing Permanentschedule of salaries tor tho of New

fill and making four iiormanent rules furtime choil gov4rninent was advanced to thirdloading In the today without opPuslilon The bill will ooniK uu for haiti passugi either Monday night or

Jlr d In thin Assembly totiny n bill piovldlng that nil work done

tho hlatei shall ht by worknnd that noua but citizens of the United Slatesnnd iegnl residents ol tho city tdiall bu emp idon thiS work

Slovens line introduced an-unieiidimnl law relating to tho crueltyto clilldrtii by providing that 110 undereight veers ngo dun still papers or blickbiols on the strode nt nnv time nnd no childundir iiUrtetii ot age can oltber sellpapers or black boots on thin streets betweenthn houis ot lu 1 M and fi A M are

to do o thin parents shall be held re-sponsible

introduced a bill thin object otwhich N to get n Iho amount of Teal estate ox

from Hit bidnswssorii of to prepare a

nil real property In city ex-empt from taxation with the reasons






the Magle


also spoke1coat nil

for it

ttreihiirmuanI a it

eltl 0

it the

Iii iitd I uixmtt ion roil uu ree thinCull

itiihetlhuihit tit








fortie exemption ri n list is to bo mndi uuthin llrsl In of each year and Is tobe Illed with the Comptroller

castor a bill pro-viding fur home intel taxation nnd lh-aap of thn Stnti tax by nn autoimitiu process The Stato tan tothe several counties In the propoillon thai thelotul iniies lunl In much county except Stateand school tnes bear to thu gross amount ofMich taxis laid In all tlio counties duringpreceding Tho Supervisors eathcounty tho Hoard of andtionment of tItus city o Now York nay determlnillii ilass or clus ts cf Property whichHluill ba taxed thorein Is noill Tim nation 1hls method of raising Statercviiiuu would tin away entirely with trielion f all propertynow taxable to butnxpil locally The permilt i h of mortgages In itny countyHint wishes to axempt but permits anycountto tax them If li pleases taxationof kiirtgngns will be entirely controlled bylocal sentiment

A hill intiodii ed by Sptintnrlliories thin New nrk city Comptroller toiKsuoSlOouOoo until lo pay-ment for legal clnlms charges and expensesngalnst the city for no oilier provisionfor been made

The billreappearance In the Legisla-

ture It wiw Introduced by SenatorSenator Wllivx tntro luced n bill making It

tinhinful to manufacture or offer for sale nny-nrtlcle or preparation Intended for use ns afood or in preparation of contulns ntscnli bismuth ammonia or

A bill IntroIiicod by Senatorbodies views expressed by Koosovelt Itnuti riMthn stntopoint volunteer lo servowithout tar In performing special work sncis cor am charitnbio org In NewYork city me iiv engnned In Thenu volunleer will t pnld by such ocletles InMimn casts nnd In others will servo for thegood they ruin accomplish

Tlio Smith passed thieve billsBcnntnl 1lunkltt aiirnprUlllii 0OOO to pro

Tliie t aol inner fiiilpniiit In Uibun Jin i orciipnd by hue Anirrimii ofX turiU llhlorj in York

Mr Coo lev f to prevonl theouiiinsof streetior-venuei llnmuli of the heart

Com ml tn N Yor citySriiatnr rl beiv allimlng Mtnrnejs for defend

Inu a iiHin in K frliiiintl artiou when appointed bytLii iiiiirli tioi rut bin servlccnlou fioo-

Mr itch irVldmi for the ofrouiTtgi yitfiu In the borough of ijiieeni tolull toT IHM sine nt

rii irliig Now Vork city tu Arc p-

immtns for ib volunteer dupartmtnt of theliorouith of Jutonn

The ss mblj insnnd these bills todayJlr Kytenlwrus nuking preferred an ictnu in winli tnuteo in DjiUminc neither da-

IciiiUntor lualnlia-Mr rtiUlrug engineer to blow the

riulu litrb limit at cult

Ic tupporIrnetl

I hueeitr

Hi ft he



ruieti ti 0 Ii thumb hmtu lIed ii Ct hon

flhitulu his uuunuuttl

I us food v It tch

a urnhiggins era


to atu

uiuuiitit los

h1itt tie

tutu utroilhuths

tutu not ezmiej



ii nutm





Tlie door that Pant saw lint thiston over it of hope all ye whoenter lucre When train of hopehe drains the very dregs of despair

There arc towhich medical ignorance anti popular

ers from such diseases robbing them ofthe courage to try to regain health This ii

true lung diseases As soonai disease on the the victim

fate He wouldnt art that way if he were

etapcretition hmive given thir tutlus hopeicc Jlaat ser fact the cutler


acIdic lungssill down makes his awaits lii


bitten by a taran-tula or a

Red fightthen for lila lifelImit he is under theinfluence of the ig-

norant and superslilious tint

Despair of hopeover thesuch diseases as bi

treatment mayend fatally in con

There is in-scription for that

of diseasemade rubbingout the twowords anti



neglect or



who enter here What Can therefor thy sufferer with the constant

cough flushed face burdened breathingand emaciated emily The

yes out of hundredcases in which Ir Tierces Golden Medical

lint been used have beencured Golden Medical Discov-

ery positively cures weak lungs broncough bleeding-

of ilir anti kindred

then It contains no alcohol whisky orother stimulant

VoiirnirdlHne thebeit I hare ever laken-

cotinh got I had timehii h nd thought t hid lIewanted me a hector but I told hint If Itwas consumption they could not help me We

fWMiCIl 1C 1Icat Ii coT ry and before I had taken one tx ttliI have tiiiceof itn returning

Dr Pierces Pellets the belt for thebowels UK Ujem witli tht

It jJ rebe

c i

lungsIf ncglected find a fatal ending

wrltee Mrs Jetinhe Dlugmnan Vontiurru Kahkacka Co 1nit eurlng t had a hadso boil to Icuisil the


we would try Pierce

the nail had tio





whistles of their Inenrnottrei within aeronlng iiflitlii clllei

Mr Komiens provldliiK for the oiienltiif md-ttodliigiif v

Aim for the living nut and improvement of Itemieiiivnnaejn rooilyn

Mr H tlemptiiiii itovm and runneltrout thus pruVKloni nf lien law

Mr J iiitlmrUiiu Police Coini tninftonen of New Yuritclty ti ientntn Tlninaill

eiiiullceiiiiiii bu riwluniil In Is1-

Mr Trilhom iillmrlilne he 1ollciilcnirs of New York rlty In rcippolnt Kumne-Tlniiiilicin who rriUnud in IniS-

Mr Juuklnu the iiliieitlnn of liillttlchildren on the Alliadtiy Hid CnlUraugiii rotirviUeuicompulinrr-

HeuitorCtillinii permitting the Pollen Couiinls-loncrii of Sew city to cellist Iho rnnrtii

1lilllji ki dofor nlniUtetiient-

h iiMor riviey lncr in the territory ofvlllaitt of IrvlDuton itddlnv on-

vhlrli witierworki owned br the vllliunliKald-

H n tor nrowni rodlfjlog Hiherlii creeland il m Uw-

Thoso other bills IntroducedHtnatnr Havens Appointing Jamri C drier

JulinUU r Harniinl and JaniM II Iler-on a cuiiimltiilia to e thin Inlet brtweon-

Bhlnnihiork llty nud tbo AlUntle Urvin eat In M-

pilr Ibu Hhlnnarurk Ciiul and pproirlatlug EtChuoo for inch pnrpo e-

Rennnr luomailmr from twelve tn nfleennumber of county df Itrtlves lu RIng

HenMor La Hoctiulu luiprovo tie YVIlllnck entrance to 1roipscl lark mul to open linToa-Wa plate between Wailunuton and Flatbuilt artiiue

1800 bet of




lielloli Ito w umV

C uiu hit


laciest lInen a pohhciifllfl of the rlr1


lie are




> >


Huator fonts ipprnprliitlng ooo to provuu-limdnlsof hoiiir tn nillllH and volunteer Iraniof Mute fur lervlrm irrforined in Wforahe litttle of dettrnbiinThe Assembly Banks Commltleo will report

dormiinl account havhuge Hank bill tomorrow II provides Hint Ifun noconnt limes boon to balu a bank for thirty yearn It shall revert to thehlate-

Assoinblymnn bill permitting Inother than life or lire to

consolidate with other Ilku companion will buby Insurance

Committee tomorrowThe Assembly Cities Commlttoo tomorrow

Fallows bill recommended by tho Mnzot loinmlltee for HIB of ncommunion to ruvlso the charier ol Newcity Tlie amendment stiitgosledernor that tilt Commissioners receive J per

for each that thoy an activelywith the commission has beon strlckun out

TIIK tTiii suiiir IJUIHTI-

Aiieuiblr Illet Ciiiiiinltteo Olvm u llrnrliiB-mi tlm nnd Morgnii Illll-

AMHNV Fob 15 The Assemblymitteo today hearing on the thrto hillsrelalln water supply iiuosilon of NowYork city These bills ale Mr IiomarcMX re-

pealliig tbo chatter of llamapopany Mr FallowsV providing that before acontract la male with n trivet waterlion tlio contract must be approved by theHoard of 1ubllc Improvements thin Hoard ofKctltnnte and Apportionment and tliree

of Municipal Assembly nail MrSlorgans Increasing thu power toiulrn walershuds in adjacent counties by con-demnation pioceedlngs A delegation from tlm

York eltywlilchhas beon contddeilng and Investigating thewater supply iiucsllon forsomotlmeHl Its ownexpense was presenl In support of tho Moiganbill which was drawn up by AssociationMr Herbert llinburger representing the Ilrm-ot Uiaterbach lloadly A Johnson Hppeurcd-In opposition and the lion Bird H ColerComptroller of Now York city was also presentto support Morgan billIlniburg epoko In opposition to nil

saying they were esiieeiallyIn view of the liict that the is aboutcharter commission which wouldundoubtedly take ld rutli n Iho wIther

the greater city conlonded tlmt the Company Icedno more powers than tin v ot bur wuu r

t lietile I smut



wIll for ru hurl It tI ii It it tuul Invumhhu mit i I tnuma I I I

arkIiy bin mv

Etch In eve

Citieue Coingate a

to the

Ito ator ama

oi Porte

fouu lbs liechit a tic

Merciutenti fsuesoeiatlot of Sow





01 litther






rormer nenaior air iioinrionsComptroller Coler nrgucd In favor ofbill saving this

would stittla the question of giving huecity n good crater supply at tileName time glen It this vowels enjoyed by othercities andpountlcs

Mr IJemarest in favor of Ids billsaying that the charier of tho Com

bo as It had novor livedto thin rights It by tho

The commIttee also tho Colorbills Introduced bv Mr Fallows which glee theComptroller power to pass sill purehaHosmade by city ofltclals and If not bought nt thinactual t to raluse to pay for them ialso that the Corporation can not confesn ngalnst city for an umotintless than consulting thinComptroller and amouniii user that sum withnut consulting thin Comptroller MayorMr Coler spoke bills nailthat the Counsel was going outslim of his when hoaffairs that should come under tho jurisdictionol tIle

Assistant Corporation Counsel 3inns present anti when Mr Color

concluded hue suggested to thin committee thata list of nl judgments

confessed by tho Corporation nnd id soa ll t of all made by thewithout having Mayor or Commoon Council that If ho ibidhe would have to bring up all the records ofhis office


Cud Shepherd Archaic Trustee Cnmplell-nnd Smith

AIDANT Fob ISAt the Bath SoldierHome Investlgallon before thin commlllee oftho State Board of Charities today Col Shepherd the commandant ol the home gave someInterestIng Icsllmony A cabinet conlalnlnzwhiskey and cigars purcbaod from can-teen fund of the home ho said stood In tharear office of the administration bulldlnccommandant Adiulant and TrusteeCampbell Sin lib nnd Shoemaker hind each akey to It The trustees haul beon accustomedto bringing their friends whenever they de-ulrad and treating tbutu from this supply OnSundays Truituo Campbell anti SmIth hadbrought friends In large numbers front thetown nail entertained them In this way lIefound the practice in vogue and permitted Ituntil November IW8 wlicn ho stopped it Abill for H1J for thli und thosowas produced In evldeneu by Col ShepherdTim hadIho cabinet himself about four times ea liChampagne nnd extra wore purchased canteen fund for thu enterof tho trustees whmi they tItusborne The bills wore paid through the audit

Iltu tin

t I hunt umumiutcu rut

tnmn V uutOU II tot ti u ulwlUI




80tflZFIis It1I



hotlien in It t cmii t limit

of Ilium trustece thpniaumtve




Col Hhepherd saId that audit wasfusod to n bill of homo by Stno Comproller the trustees would order It Iromthe canteen fund ColHliuidianl swore Issued to persons not conwith which entitled them to half rate onfrom Bath Thin

railroad company was that thn half farosonly for memlerx and employees ofhome Col Shepherd saidpurchasing heof Trusteetold him he hind bettormatter alone that supplies Ilko boef buliorshould no purchased from localfarmers nail dealers house pallsix cents per poundsof meat the monthly consumptionI IHR nlltKK IV XriSAXCr-

Thn State Hoard of Health Itepnrti Tlmtthe Lnniplnlnts Ar Infmindoil-AtnjiST 13 The annual report of timUnto Board of Health has thU to say of thuDarren Island nuisanceThe tcanon of IKiti nt Darren Island wasnotable mainly as being thin test of tho eflldency of the Arnold system of disposing ofgarbage of the city of Nosy YorkIiurlii the year n number of letters nddrc ud generally lo tho Governor complainInc of foul odors from Island base been rfcrrod to our Inspector 1nttly In confCTuencyof these the Inspector line madoa numwrofvisits to Arverno andseveral the writers f thesemore o others visitors ns wellns of i and huefound aside from mem burs of thnBarren I little or nocomplaint Kv n miMnbcrs nf iho rtliat III odors were nutns In previous yearsInspector has visited theCnnnrslo

mend fourth to complain In nny atRoach and vnry euniDlnlntmade nearest resort to BarrenIslandunder certain atmospheric conditionstutors t ella itthu places ciinplnmtsslit o modified by the beforementioned Is notieeaiile nndnot In nay wnv Iniurlous or toiircomfur Riibmitted that thethousands People whoand boardingplaces remained mann ofthe entire summer season M n completeof churKusletters of complaint

II YOU KSTVTKyou are naturally Interested In the condition ofcn lajU eatiretir id

svhiet lieu t ii

Frti a o I tim lii cilii vctcd I lie cc ri tlimi cut

t mu t hutIii





thiur witsant V nut ta


b Ito pla lit iit

a 11014I r


1mt t t I hum ituIuuII othhiomi et t




hive his

4 I om








KILLS THE GERMSTen Minute Four Times a Dny will

euro Catarrh Ilrunoliltis and AsthmaTen Minutes Kvory Hour will euro Coo

HUinptlon nud IneumonfnTen Minutes at BedtIme will euro a Cold

or Croup

Five Minute nt Any Time will euroCoilKli

Your Money Refunded ifit Fails

Ii the only Oermlclde whIch b Inhaled It ran be lined while at work lu the churchat Hie theilro or In street care ConUIni no poliaa

pound1 or dani ritm IliemlcaUSold br all dru lsts r by rutll

flno Trial OutBt 25cSend for dsy treatment trin

rilE 11 T IIOOTII CO Ithaca N T-


1 It Inrsnn ICIected SerretnrrSepnratato 4 iilliiis School

ALIIANY Feb 15 Tho StntH Hoard of Re-

cenls this nfternoon eloctod us Secretary Mr J-

Itii ull Inrsons Jr who limit been acting ternpornrlly as wich since the resignation of DrMolvll Dowey TIme salaries of Mr Parson andof Dr Dowey who Is still State Librarian antiDirectorof Homo Education score each fixednt JIOW beginning with the fiscal year Oct1 hoxt Itilll the end of present fiscalyear temporary arrangement n to ialarlet

nt lust meeting will stand each ruat thus ror annum

Tho itfgonts unintcl a Hepurate charter taAsa ol tile NowSchool for lute Ilrooklyn bronchi ThiswIts taken after Itegenls had listened to a

Irom Mr At aniLotlng time lloennls ordered elthorthadNcon-tinunncnot branch or

hhow Hie charter ofthe Now York School itselfnot bo revoked Mr Is thin brotherlnlute of Dr Molvll and It was nllcgedthatho hail advertised Hint hU school pos used



iii titCiitiuiuhe ttmulitt


lilt Ft u I Ii rook iVlifl



0 I a on


t hun Brook Irma tI ui I ii viii lii lit ei ii ucm w

I towns

tueouhtar ulutsuhituuges leThal Oft rtvCitllmt of liii


lug schools In Now York hud complained ofincth l tOut todays notion lha

chaise Hint there was a tImeHoKontsannoiinilng that there hudIntinitlon on their part to discredit Mr Gallupwhoso schools prepare students forItoLonts examinations

William Warren 1otlor of Huffnlo William 8und Maurice Low

York iiotnlnated ur time State Medlinl Societynnil A a S Couch of Kredonlu J Willis

anti John M ofnominated by ilomni palhfc8ocl lyuppomlod Klate Medical Examiner lo succeedthim term of three years from Aug1 11110

The Itoconts approved thus plan of establishing atscIence and technology ot clay working

lund ceramicsAppointed Aldrilernmp nn the Governor

SI nlfALBANY Feb IBOov Roosevelt todar

designated Knglnevr IloutenanlCommanderAlfred Brooks Fry of tho Naval Militia New

city ns nn on his staffvice Samuel hansIrionu who aria drowned recently while eliotIng on this Mohawk at

Fry hasbeen serving on the stall of Cant thecommandant State Naval Militia

IIIIU Signed by this GovernorAituxv Fob 15 Qov Roosevelt has slgneS

thus following billsMr airoprlatlDgllK the un tp ndf4bslniicv of a tnrmer to b

for of the Canal Adtlsor CommlsiloaMr liHrrlvmn additionalfor rebiillllnif KriimlMr rulloMn till providing for tbo iujment ofnrre r nf mlirr iinpuld mltrlei trachen andother niiiil e of tiw chariot boirdi of

of jueenn ant New York city

Junior Hntlleld ConvictedTATERSON N J Feb 15 A jury In

Court of Quarter Sessions this evening broughtIn u of guilty against ontwo embezzlement from theDime Savings and l oan Association whichho was mnnager Itlo bo tried ou iwo morn Indictments ot a Ilknature Ills counsel will appeal

MAN AND WIFESee Changes niTlinjr Change

To sweeten sour human nature one ofthe best methods is to leave off coffee Ifit Rives you dyspepsia or makes you netvous

asked husband this morning towrite out a

lot tuier con IuLCl ill WIt ut r liii lit tfl5 e1


Eli of J

Lenhue wore

for a




brides at

lIt burougltu



illtestimonial for





pleased to be able to state that wifecured of sick headaches and

cussedness by leaving off coflee and using your Coffeehv Is now a happy one

I am forced to his joke containsmore titan a modicum of truth for I findnow I have complete control ofnerves while I was often Irrltable and husband himself has been en

cured of Insomnia by offcoffee and taking He sleepsnow like a baby from the time he goes tobed until morning and perhaps his improvement reason seeingsuch an improvement In me At rateour old sickness and troubles have disappeared-

I had tried everything for my sickheadaches but as as I to thecoffee the headaches stuck to me Ittook us a little while to learn that womust follow the directions in makingIostum in order to obtain atable delicious beverage People mustget over the can make itin any kind of a slipshod way and have itgood The great making good1osiuin is to allow it of time toboil That is certainly simple enoughand when the cook accustomedto timing Iostum one can upona regular quality morning

people who seem to be able todrink with no bad effects and onthe other hand I know that probably onehalf of nil my friends are more or lesiaffected with coffee whenthey In using it hut Iostum hasobtained a since Its qualitieshave become known and a great many ofour friends are users of in

oc sa icimprovement In hcaltnit you should publish tills letter

suppress my name as I have a

notoriety If any onetake the to write you for my

name and address I will cheerfullyquestions that may be asked

and furnish satisfactory evidence to subsuntlate my statements Respectfully

ifHyde 1 ark

Co and from it I quote I am


place of the ordinary coffee and you maybe sure every that has used losturnfor cven one month wIll read


pleasehorror unduewill

answer any




> °
