the sun. (new york, ny) 1897-06-27 [p 9].€¦ · w tokk, 10j wabhwotow, 8 6k0ond game. hh...

I THE StN, SUNDAY, Jt)KB 27. 1897. ' JlB I JOYCE'S DOUBLE VICTORY. I vcir ToitKB trzs riro nxjfM most T TUB IT AtilllXQ I VN8. geymanr aad Sullivan Pitch Pin Ball nroeti- - V ,aa Ueresl the Ptallahlphias Italtlnsore Whitewash Ihx Itoeioti Cincinnati, Cbl-cag- o and Pittsburg Ibe Oihrr Winner, The New York deserve a royal reception the Polo Grounds to- morrow whrn thev tome back to to play the champion Baltimore. Out 1 of ilgbtgnme played away from home during tho past week tlioy won stx. their double vlo-- tory over the Washington yesterday being a most creditable performance. They are still In fourth placo, twetuy-sl- points behind the hut as they are playing stronir ball they are liable to forgo nhend at any tlmo The Brooklyns won aclosognme from tho Philadel- phia, and are still Oftli. but tho Pittsburg are cloto tiehlnd them hy virtue of their victory over Bt. Louis. Tho nnltlinores npplled the white wash brush to tho Uostons, and out tbelr lead down to twenty-liv- e points. Cincinnati had a V dncb with the Loulsvlllcs. and tho Chlcagos bsd an easy task to outplay tho Clovcland. The results: yew York, Si Washington, t (first gams). Xsw York, IOi Washington. B (second gams), brooklyn, St Philadelphia, 8. Baltlnior, 1 Hoston. 0. Cincinnati, 1 x Louisville, 1. Chicago, wiClsveland, 8. n. Pittsburg, Bt Bt Lonla, 8, ma record, m Vr i rvr Clwoa Wbn.T.oH.Ctnt.1 Club: Won.letl.Ctnl. Boston ST 14 .733 Cleveland. ...84 86 .480 B 8ammor....3ft IS .700 Philadelphia. 9B 2V .483 BMI....3I 17 .BIB W.shlMun..BI 99 .420 B Srw York....Sl to .B20 Lou vlil....19 SO .8m, Brooklyn 36 8ft BIO Chicago 19 82 .370 Pittsburg. ...20 SB .BUD M. Louis 11 43 .S03 I xiir tore, 0; WAsniNOTON. 1 rinsT dame. H Washington, Juno '28. The Now Yorks took both game Irom Washington adding to thuli laurel, but leaving gloom In inelr wnke. for live hours 8,000p ople watthed tbe proceed- - Uies with a nriely a cheer. The Senators were H plainly outclaasod to- - lay. It was evldont from Lho first Innlngot the first frame that luoy could Hi ao little or nothing with their opponents, ai d It BB was with sullen despair thtt lho crowd watched 12 the vMors pile up run .iftcr run and make nion- - ke)sof tha bonio team. When the first name I opened raanv pro llcte la cluster of victories i or tho homo aggregation, while the remainder B hoped forani von bieag. Fifty Now ork rooters were seated In t e grandstand, and, with tho ex.- - rcpimnofa fo etn gg.ers here and there, they H were the only ones who hopod for a New ork victory. Set mour made the star record of tho season for the loinl grounds, only two safe hits being rune up off his delivery and eight men wildly B t inning tho air three times In an eilort to lo ate his curves and irou bills. Klnupiti hed a steady game, but the support was ragged. Jan i flu Iron stepped to tbe oat first, and the first hall v.hicb cme over tho plate he ranpo.l (or a fm ban. Ho came In without difficulty. Davis H hd a ciojc shitve at first, where he enme near being caught napping by Tommy Tuikcr. Lynch ioula not see It that way. unit this started H the kick against the umpire. In tho third the H New Yo.-k- s scored, igoln. sending Warnornround the "uses. The runs kept pllinj up until the M eighth, when Van Haltren. Tiernan, Holmes. "Jr anu mour each made one run. 1 This ended It so far as New York was con- - I cerned. Tho only score mide by Washington A was In the sixth. Selbicb getting his baso on a ifl scratch and waking his way to the home plate after stealing second. Thj work of tho home JW team was very poor In this game. Dcmotitro- - l villa, the bright shortstop, seemed umble lo H handle the ball and ni'ido two disastrous errors. nilrnn hrt n. bad cise of fumbles also. Notono H of the team eecmed able to got his lamps on the bill, although F.irrell locate 1 it for a clean ln- - gleonJReliiy strotched a long single Into a I The Holding of the New York team was of tho J order. Gleason did esreclally well, iccptins all chunces and making three nut- - ouu and four The stick work wasulso goo I, every man on the to an, except Ho,mcs, H Earing one or more hits to his credit. hen H this came closol with the score standing 9 to 1 J every one pres.-n- t was willing lo admit tnat the j visitors were playing pennant-winnin-g ball. , H Thesvorc: j Bj WAiartarov. t sxw toek. l .livr.a k.s Is.rnA.fl. I tU ' 0 I 0 I Vnmtr1i.cf8 18 0 0 B B'llcii.K .10 0 0 0 Tlrrnaa. rt..l 110 0 M 08 V J y. 3b....0 I 0 1 0 m IrrtlL 0 . .0 I 3 4 0 Darls. SS.....0 8 8 4 0 Hf Tu.kar, lb.,0 0 18 0 0 Ol,aon.2b..0 18 4 0 Bctilv. .Sb... 10 3 1 Warner, c- -.. 8 17 8 0 AU7. rf....u OHIO Clark. lb....O 81000 1 0 0 3 7, 1 liolnu-s- . If.. .8 00, 0 O, J Khij. p 0 0 0 0 0 Seymour, p.. I I 0 I 9 H T011K.....T 8 37 18 B Totals.. .8 10 87 18 0 J Wuh'nitt'n. 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01 KwTork 1 0 0 1 1 I O 4 3- - H Si rued runs 5ew York. S. tint base on rrrors- - York. 4. Left on buo WuUog'ou. 4i Sew ork. 7 FintbiM oa uu OS hu. B; olT Sey- - M Buar. 3. struck oul By King. 3: by beymour. 6. (I T,hAe h!t Kellly. Tiernan. Sejmour. ttt Stolen ba Selbach, Joyce. Hulmes. HI Cut Double vltrt rrell and DmontrTlllet tem.mireTilIe and Tucker. Bit by pitcher By King. H t. U'1,4 pitches K M. 1; Sdytuuor 1. umpire J Ljncti. Time of giin 'i hours. W TOKK, 10J WABHWOTOW, 8 6K0OND GAME. H WABnmoTON, June ao. Tbe second game was H very unlniercating and entirely fo.tturoless. un UH Uu Se inch's Dtay In r a two-bagu- JM Into a borne run can be called n feature. 1 he jim lme tetm objected to tbe close decblons nf 'til ljuch. and Nick Young replaced him iu this BT game nith Heydler. The latter was anxious to give Washington a fair deal, and In one or two I tuunces hi gve them a shade the better of the sntument. He was a trifle erratic on the ball J and strike decisions, but It did not affect the W Win Mercer wria eelectot to do the honor 'i tor the Washington lays, and It was thought Hi that they stool a show to win. The New yorks B took prido In knotk ng " Winnie's" alow bull all L over Ihe lot und fattened up their bulling aver-- ( sgea UU they almost burst. Everybody Uiok a j puck t JlerLer, wbo. by tbe way, got much J bs'ter support i h n King. The game did nut get so bad until the sixth Innin. The New Yorks were well In Ihe lead with four runs to their credit over the one HI which Wmiblugtnn bad mid.-- . In this Inning J they Jumped on Men or. and marie the apoi-tu- - tors siik by making a total of five runs. After J that they plajid e slly. Tbe boys ero tired J and rill not exert themselves. H Wsshlngton's tale is soon told. Aran In the HI flrst h nl put thorn even for tho time txlng, but HI they drew 1.1 .nka until tbo sixth, when tbey gtit Hi another. Half the crowd wont home, but In the HJ sluhth ihe remain er saw Belli cb knock a lull HI U centre flfld. He roiuhed set ond In safety, HI and, scilnir thit the ball, blch had been thrown Kj te was gong a footovor bis bead, HI Itsrtcd (or third. Noons backed "Scrappy, so HI Belbaih went on In, By hard work Mcdulro Hi BMPsire'l to git In also in this Inning. Sullivan M mui h less eltlcicnt than Seymour, but he :pt bis hits wrll scattered. The scoro: M WAfcniNoro. , saw vobk. r. la.r.o.A.c1 B.lB.rO.A.8. Hi!) 10 8 8 0 Vsn II'1'n.ef.u 8 0 0 HI Iclliach, if ,2340 1 Tiernan. rf..l 1101 HI pemmt. u 13 4 8 1 Joyce. 8b. ...X 8 18 0 HI BeUuln-.i- i 10 8 8 0 UstIs. ss 1 14 8 8 HI Tuker,tb..O 1 a 0 0 Ulraon,lib..l 8 3 8 0 HI Belli;, 8h ,.i I 0 8 0 W.Uon. 0....2 Bill HI 4Jy. rf...o o 0 Clark, lb,. 1 3 10 0 0 HI C'Bnea.i.b.O 0 0 1 0 lln'mes. K...1 18 0 0 HJ ,,0000 0 SolUean, p..l 1010 HJ Ken er, p. ,,0 0 0 8 0 .. TotaU.... 10 18 27 18 4 HI Totl!. S 8 87 14 8 H Wuli ngton 1 0000108 1 6 H Hew York , 1 3 3 0 0 B 0 0 010 H Ewne runs Wublngton. li New York. 8 Flnt IM " by erron W Inirto i. 8. Left on hnea Wab- - Hi toia, a; w yor rt- - pn, uu on hall. Oil HI uffSulllTun. 8. Struck ,ut By Sullivan. 8. fm Tkret-bu- - hit. eila-li- . Dinont. Wilson. Two- - HI "" Ml" It Illy. UlUon. Tuosr. Stolen bases WS stlnich. Deiuont, Vn Hal rrn.Twuau. Double plays of -- Krii y. OTirt-n- , anil i mt snrt Tucker, W vrnpire-iieyd- ler. Time 2 hours and 80 minutes. jH BKOOKLTN, D; rniLADELPUIA, 3. HJ- - .,nl the Brooklyn and Philadelphia player aUalayed s.jine snap In tholr work yesterday' Hi fra t Kasturn Park would liuve been an J ttitetlng rtir. Iloih pltihera at times wore HI E,-- e Vve- - Bnd at Intervals, when least expected, H bus forced ill.- twirlers to put on extra force. Hs 'bere wat no extliemeul north mentioning un-H- I j" the ninth inolutr, whin Ihe (juukers were de-- prlied oi H least one run. With a lend of four H rjD. i bo I'hiiHue pluas' chances of overtaking HJ tio noiu toaiu were small imlood. but, neverlbo-H-J sa, ibi--j iimi)e a wood attempt to pull out a vlo- - K jery. La.rue opened tbo final Inning with a well-- Pined tliue to centre, but wus forced out at JMk second b) Doyle, nhosu bounder went toBiUlth, 'HC- - ft '',,r;, drive lo far centre Held by Cleiuouta jHJ biuuitht In Iloyle. The latter could have scoied HI M10."10 '"'. but he s'oppodat third. Konnedy Hit iiV.i t0 o''1 Oliicn on two but the HH '"," 'nonstop could nut be Uiuptcd, Then Hi 'toirlnglii lr' sent a str.ilght one iicros. the Hj ut and allien shoved the 1). 11 to left, scoring HI Client', mid reuihliig second ou Andrews HI fua s. Th-- lolluwtil tbe decisions which HI F"i,ht dUin.iy to the visiting pluyer. Cross's S"1,?;'1"' on lt Journey to venire when Hi f,"dth iad down the ball and quickly HI L ", " " first, Fruin tbe grand stand it m m CUD if the ball be it out the runner. The Hi i.a ,"'11 silting on a dirtct line with first base, HI "ho erc in u position to soe tbo bug, HH Ci,"; "l,; , There was no doubt that HI !". 'aid blundured when he called Orler, the JR f"1 out nt ilrst. ending the gunio. Tho f2m ki. ,ri w B.llt ,0 bat In pin e of Kllleld, and ho HV tL '"'bull In almost th" same iltiectlon as Hb) ci .'"v. fl",lll, w" aifain on band to assist iu the HI irii' W 'l0 apparently got tho bull too laie to Hs! K i0 ery Due's surprise. Umpire Mo- - JJ,,"W llu'a out," The Philadi Ipblia H (Tr ..KUred nl h umpire ami walkod ? l,e, ' eld- - Orlllln's homo run In Ibo Hh i.rA,lnnl,"-'i-- 8 u in, une. Doituxnty wa Hi C.,iilfAn'rr bthesiorihli.jlounder.wlinn the HJ tuj end ot the bluyi . and bounded n H a.U.K,,'hou,ler' r'iUcld, wbo has piotwbly H , '" before made a homo run, caused some ex citement among the visiting players by driving the hall under the ropes In right field. Whon Fill eld reached third he had not recovered from his surprise and wanted to stop, but Uoylo pushed blm down the base lino. Just as tbo pitcher crossed the pinto Jones recovered tbo ball boyond the embankment. The scoro: SROOX1.TS. I raiLAfikU-tllA- . a. Is. r.o.A.B. lUk.r.o. t.x. Orlffla.ef.,,.8 1 8 0 o'Coolsy, ef.,.,0 0 8 0 0 Jones, rf 0 10 0 0 I)od. tb....0 0 4 8 0 Anderson, It. 1 0 8 0 1 Deleh'ntr, lf.0 1 0 0 1 SUiinlle, 3b..t 8 0 I 0 Latols, rt..0 8 10 0 Lachance.tb.0 1 II 0 0 IHiyto. UI....1 0 0 0 0 CnaTrn.3b.O 1 4 B 1 8 10 0! O.mlth,ss..0 1 8 7 ...,0 8 8 B 0 Orlm. c I 1 n 0 0Cro.3b 0 0 14 0 Kennedy. p. .0 8 0 8 0 FinoM, p.,,.,1 10 8 0 --. a lsr 0 0 0 0 0 Totals. ,...B 10 8718 81 Totals 8 ft 84 14 1 llattod In plsos of Tlflsld In tbs ninth Inning. Brooklyn 1 0 I 0 8 1 0 0 .. 8 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 83 Rarned run rtrooklyn. It Philadelphia, 8, first hue on error Pnllartelphla. Left on liaae Brook- lyn, RtPh la lelphla. A. Home runs Orlltln, Klneld. Time-bas-e hll ClamenM. TwiUm hit Kennedy. Ptoleu hasei Orlm. Shlmlle, Canaran. First bue vn bll orrvtilelil, 3i olTKenn dy, I, Struck mil "y Fin Id. It by 4. Double play Canavan. 0. Smith, a d l.aohanee. Umplro McDonald. Tims 1 hour and Bl minutes Attendance, 0.831. 1LTIV0R. 1 aostos, 0. Dostoi. Jnne 88. Tbs Orioles Mnk the final game of this ecrtea from the home before the largest attenitanoe seen on tbe Routli Pml In two years. It was the first game the l an tonaumers had loot at home aluee their return from the West. Tha whole ttory la told In the ruperb nttclitng, Stem I's hit Into Hie right bleachers yielding tbeon yrun. It w 'a also practically an errorless game, aa Duffy's rntibtslnth third oostnothln but a bae. Et?ntl'a batting and Jennlnn's short field work were again the features of Ihe champions' gams. Long and Collins also played well. Tha score SOSTOH. SALTTKORX. n. ls.r.o.1.. A.t Hamilton. cf.O 18 0 0 McOraw, Ob.O 10 0 0 Tenney, lb.,0 Oil 1 0 Dojle. lb... 0 0 7 0 0 Long, ss 0 18 0 0 Jmulmrs. ss.O 0 B 4 0 Hunt, If 0 0 8 0 1 Kelley, if....0 0 8 0 0 Ktlvetu. rf...o 8 8 0 0 btenn-1- . cf...l 8 8 0 0 Tenner, Stx.. .0 0 110 O'Brien, rf ...0 18 0 0 BUhl 0 0 0 0 0 Hells. b....O 0 0 O 0 Collins. 8b... 0 18 8 0 Bowerman.o.O 0 7 8 0 Clausel. O....0 0 8 I 0 Corbett, p...O 0 0 8 0 Nieuois, p.. ..0 oiBO ::; Totals 1 B87 8 0 Totala....0 BB7I3 1 Batted for Yeager In th ninth Inatng. Boston. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Baltimor....,! 1....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Earned nin Balllmore. Home run -- Stentel. Bart- - nee hit Veajrer. F.r.t base uu balU 2t Baltl- - more, 8. Lft on bases Boston. At Dal Imore, 4. Struck out By Corbslt. 81 by Nlcho'a. I. Paused ball Bowerman. lilt by pitched ball Onniel. Tims 2 hours and 8 minutes. Umpires Etusllo and O'Day. Attendance 1 7.000. ciMCisxari. 7t Lomsvtme, 1. CrscmuTi. Jua 88. Th Lout vlllee went down In a heap before tbs Clnclunatla through Inability to hit Bre.tenjteln. who noelved excellent support, The scoret cxnccriavi. Loctsvnx. l la.r.o,A.e. n. I. r.o. A.B. Burke, If..... 1 I 1 0 0 Clarke, If.... 0 10 0 0 Hny. cf 0 I 1 0 rf.l I 8 0 I Corcoran. 8b. 1 3 1 B 0 Plcierin.r.or.0 0 18 0 Irwin, 3b... .0 0 8 8 0 Station!. 8b. 0 8 18 0 Miller, rf ...0 0 0 0 0 Werdi-n- . lb.,0 8 10 t 0 Deckle;, lb.. I 8 13 1 0 Dolan.aa 0 0 18 3 Illch.-J- , aa....l 13 8 0 Dexter, c... 0 0 18 0 I'lllt. o 8 1 0 B 0 Johnson, Sb..0 18 4 0 Brelt'nst'n.p.1 8 10 0 Fraser, p ....0 0 0 8 0 Totals ,7 li 87 11 o' Totals .7 7 84 80 "I Cincinnati 0 0 0 13 10 8 ..7 LouUtI.Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Ri nt earned Cincinnati. 4i LouIitIU-- , 1. Tiro. baaehlta Cor or n. Stafford. To Pettr, BrelUnstsln. Stolen banes Beokley in), e hlt Irwin. Hloiey. 6tru k out Bt Brelten'teln. 7t br Fraer, t. First base on ball Off Breittnteln, 81 oit Praaer, 8. Left on bve C nelnn itl. Ui Louis- ville. 7, Fl'st a on errora 4. Hit by pitcher By Fra-e- r, I. Wild p.toa a Friser, 2. Um- pire Uum. Time 8 hours and A minutes. cmcaoo. Bt cutTXLAXO. 8. CmCAOO. June vn. The Chlcagos won from the In- dians Clarke. Ihe Unlee-alt- y of Chicago her. was signed by Clav land and plti-he- a cred-tabl- e gane. -- Danny ' Frteni made his rea peai ance In a Chlcao uniform, and kept th vtittora' hits well acatu-red- . Tbs seor: CHICAOO. CXITILA.TO. a. l. r.o. a. a. a. I s. r.o. a. a. Ererett, 8b.. 1 I 1 0 Barkert. lf..o 1 8 0 1 McC' 1 fi 8 0 Chllln. ib....n 0 4 4 1 Lne,cf 2 8 8 0 0 SockTxlu.rf.O 8 2 0 0 Anson, lb. ..2 0 V O 0 MoKeao, u..O 1 I B 0 , Ryan, rf 1 0 1 1 0 Wallace. Sb..l 0 1 5 1 D cker. lf...O 18 0 OTrtwiu. lb. .3 8 13 0 0 Connor. 2b.. 0 0 0 4 0 Oear, cf 0 8 10 11 Frleol. P....0 0 0 8 0 Creli r.c.,.0 0 0 11 Klttrldge. e.O 1 8 0 0 Clarke. p....O 8 0 13 Totals.... "ailiT "0 Totals...., 1) 10 2 18 "7 , Chicago 8 0 2 0 10 0 3 .. 8 Cleveland 0 0 0 8 0 I 0 0 03 Eam-- runs CMcaro. 8: CIvU&l, 2 Flmt base by error Chicago. B. Lelt on bass Cbl. a 10. Is CleT.lanl, 0. Flrtt ba on halls Off Friend. 4: off Clark- -, S. Struck out By Frl od, 4 Home run Lattice. Risrett. Stolen b aea XI Cormlck (2), Lanic-m- , Anaon. t nisya llclw- - an. Cbilita and Trtv-a- (3): Chl.di and Tel-ea- mt by pitcher Uy Friend, umplr UcDermott. Tims 2 hours. O.000. rrrrsrcTto. 61 ST. Locts, 3. Pillsauuo. Jnne 28. With Tannehlll on tbe rubber y tbe loea s bad no trouble to win from tha Browns. Pitub rg iotight Ed B Lynch, a catcter. from th Matufleld Interstate League Th score: I rrmsrao. ST. tons. a. lar.o.A.K.' .!. ro. a.x. Smith, lr 1 8 10 0 Turner. rt...O 2 8 0 0 PadJm. 2b..O 0 8 8 0 Ha Iman.'ib.O 0 8 2 0 DaU lb. ...I 1 II I 1 Hartman.8b.U 0 8 0 0 1 8 0 0 0...I 8 2 8 0 Donoeaa.rf.1 I 8 0 0 Urady, tb....0 0 10 0 I Ely. as 1 1 4 8 0 Lal.y, If 1 0 8 0 0 , 8uden. 0....1 0 4 0 OCroaa. as.... 0 114 0 Duunellj, 3b.O 118 0 Harlley, cf..O 0 10 0 Tannehul. p.O 0 0 8 0 Caney. P....1 3 13 0 ' Totals. B 7 27 13 1 Totals 8 8 24 10 I Pltt-bur- 1 10 2 0 0 0 1 . a 8t. Louis 0 0I0000O g 3 Earned runs Pittsburg. It St. Loul, 1. Two-bs- hit Ely. Threebae hit Daela. First bis-o- n balta OUT uusblll li i.n Caney, 2. ntruik nut By Tan- nehlll. 4t j Cirsey, I. Stolen hae m tli. Sacrl-do- r hit Dom ally, nil by pitcher Pa lilen. Hart-ma- Doubt" play Ely and Davia. Time I hour and SB mlnuta. empire Sheridan. Attendance 8,000. Atlaatlc Leaerne. AT LAkCASTEa. a. n. x. Lancaste- r- 9 1 I 0 0 I 0 0 17 7 B QartforJ 0 10 0 8 0 0 0 03 S 8 Batteries West and Ftotbt Vlckery and Roach. at ajuouro. I a. a. a. Reading 0 0 10 10 0 0 02 4 4 flewari 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 ,.- -0 10 I Batteries Lucid and Barekleyi Coogaa and A. Rotbfiis. AT Btcnaoxn. a. n. x. Richmond .8 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 ,. B 0 I Norfolk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 8 Dittiirlrl - Bnnmtdl and Fostsri Newton and Snyder. at ratxaaox. a n. c. Paterson 1 10 10 0 0 0 ..8 B 1 Albletlo 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 23 0 B BatteriesJones and Bmlnk I Oarrln and Fox. Brklyu Amateur Asaoclatlu at raosrcci run. a. a. a. 00010 84 on Bldney.T.":."""....... 14 8 8 8 4 ..-- 85 17 8 Batteries Mitchell. CambeU, and Halleyi Wall, CUncy. and Daly. a. r. c. St. Peter'aO.UA.B 0 B 0 fl 1 10 18 IM a Bvaolutes 0 010000084 14 7 attsrtes Horman and Walli Dyer, Low, and Brown, ew England Lea sua. At Pawtueket Pawturkn. 8; New Bedford, 1. At Taunton Fall River, B Taunton, 18. At Brockton Newport, lfll Brockton, 7, rnellout Stale Laaaaa, At Waterbury Waterbury. I7i Brutol, B. At Demy Derby, i Torrlairton. S. At Uildgeport Bridgeport. Bt lltrldsa, 14. Other Uhim. rxrnoToi. IS) siwiBx, 7. Nxwinx, Jun 8n. Nearly t.UOO peraom went to Shooting Park tiajy to wi'nesi me u, pin game betwien the Newark in I Irvluiitim teami.w bleu were faiuuua nn tt diamond nearly forty years go. A malo IJ of tbe players are now grulfatlirs, nil, 01 e I bsll was not looked for, but It waa aurprls.uir the way In whl"b aome of them ahownl up. After Ova Innings alJ war tired out and willing to quit. Thssoorsi Irvlnrtm B 4 0 8 J--IH Ifl 4 Newark 0 10 8 88 Batteries Walters and Farrowi Falluute, Ford. Pruton, aad Oaburn. AT CUOTOXA riEX. a. n. a. 0 0 0 8 0 0 (I 11 II 11 8imTb"ns:.:.::::o o i b i a 1 ..- -ta b Batterlea Tagurt and AiUlri Stewart and O'NelL at OAaxxRSvnxa. Oarnrvlll 8 1 I 4 0 8 8 8 ..IB blTUiuls College 0 8800000-- 9 Uatterlrs-Hurp- hy and Stalteri Duffy, Baker, and KnihalL AT KXaLEWOOD. n. 8. s. ilonteUIr A. 0..4 B B 4 1 1 0 80 IB 8 KMI wood 0081000 0- -8 07 Bttrle-T)rr- ull and Woodi Westsrvelt and ltus- - MIL at sotrrn osasox.. a. n. x. MorrUtownr.C.O 0 0 0 8 0 I 0 0- -3 8 8 oouibOraag-K.C.- 0 I 0 I 0 8 0 ,.- -7 IB 5 Batteries Howell and Cbadnsllt Chard and Orady. AT OBAXOE. 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8- - fl 4 ArriVgon.::..0 0 10 10 0 0 0- -3 4 8 Batteries WesUrvell and Itsmmlugj Castro and j Wiley. AT COHXIXO. n, n. c. j Corning 1 00080000 8 H U 8 I HornellsViiii.'.O 0 8 10 0 0 10 0- -4 0 8 Batteries-Hoo- ker and Mour Mullln and Patohtn, AT OOSTO. B B Norwich A. O....0 ! ! ' 2 lloonton S 8 0 0 I 0 0 ..a is . Batteries MoDonough and Blaanwayi Oerber and Mllner, AT HiCXXJISiCX. a. n. a. Orltanl F. O...B 0 4 0 18 8 0 ..18 18 1 BtaUnl. 0.0. ,0 000000000 8 a Battctlei Klsbcl andOumlngi Dlaosway and Vorhuu at tioanuvrowx, a. n. r.. Plate Ilonpltal.O 7 R A 0 B B t ..28 SB fi NewarkO.N.TB 0 13 0 4 0 0 010 10 11 UatUrlss-C- arr and Osegeri Hawkins and Brlttlng. AT Xl'TtST. a. n. x. Nntley A.0....8 1001800 00 B 7 Woorib'geA.A.n 110 8 0 8 0 010 IS 6 Batteries alllla and Burkoi nrown and Cohen. at xxw KocnxtAB. laiyola 1 1 1 0 B 0 8 0 0 0- -8 Huguenots 0 4 0 18 10 0 0 18 Batteries Usher and Barry McOowan and ftochelle. AT LOUISVILLE. a. n. B. Brotherhoods. ..0 10101 188 8 10 4 Cuban ZUIanta.O 0 B 0 0 8 0 0 ..18 10 4 Batteries Ward and daywardi Selden and Wit. Mams. AT XJDOXWOOn, a, n. a. Rldgewood T. 0..1 OBOOOOtO 8B9 ib,bi,i, vn aaniftonB ,.18 fi 7 Batteries Jefferson and Ueyarat Barton and Han-Is- AT BASTOX. Esston B 0 1 1 B 0 1 8 1- -18 17 7 Catsssaojaa 1 0800008 1 B 74 at Lxmorrrox. a. n. a. Ihlghton 0 0 8 1 8 0 S 1 11 18 B Washington 9 010010004 BB Batteries Durnbaugh and Kocht Anarews and Oox. At Prospect Prk Young Men's League. 81 Qutncy A. O..HI. Itaueoi, l Fort Green. 48. Payntar. lit Unlonlaod, K New Utreoht. 38t Cortland SO Ri- vals, 311t Maretta, 87. Ilesley. 81 Oak Coierie. 28. Aurora Vi Echir,8. Journeay Burnham. Jrs.. 41 Oreemrood, Jra., 4. Young Brlghtona. Ill Excelsior, IB. Araion, Bt Manual Training High School. 0. Wlnthrop, Jm., rt Wlnalow, 8, At Mount Vernon -- Y. U. O. A, I81 Wtlllamabnrg F C. 18 'atClaremont Park Martin B. Browna. 87i Tiffany At Am rose Park Calhoun. Bobbins A Co., 18 Bweeuer. Pemhrook A Co., 17, At Van Cortlandt Park Rtversld F. O, 2Si Joint svab Ia aAtXAlefctf An i At Ambrone Park Burnet Company, 17 Bwaa, Fin. h Company, 18. At Williamsburg-Athleti- cs, 81 Williamsburg A. il Closter Ctoiter F. O. 24t Plermont. 4. At Stanhope All Washington. 2 Rookaway A. A, 16. At Hohokus Orlll A. A.. 13i Entre Nous, B. At Tirrytown Fletcher. 12 Y. M. C. A.. IB, At Long Br inch Lon Branch, Vt Lakeood. 8. At Jersey City Pacltlo A. Cm 17i NaUonala, 10. naaebatl Ctame VATTOAL LEaOCE AXD web tea ASSOOIAZXOB, Cleveland at Chloigo. atlaxtio LRjiatra Hartford al Newark: Reading at PaMrssa, OTilia uaxxs. Providence vs. Brooklyn, at Provtdeno. Uarl A. A. vs. Murray llllla, at Whlteiton. Emera'da of Cathollo Protectory 11 Bt, Loot Col- lege, at V 1 eit N.-- Voik F. O. va. Oenulne Cuban Oianta, at Weehawken. Sldneva th. Bay Rldg A 0.. at Ambros- - Park. Will a 1 s' urg A. A. va. Brighton A, C at Wtlllam-bur- g A. A. grounds. Hohoken vs. Kacrsattons. at 8V. Qorg ertofcat grounds. War, rly A. O. va. Tower M. and N. Company, al Willlainahrlde. Brooklyn F. O. va. Nat'onal. at Brooklyn. Norm m A. O. va. Emrtr A. A., at Evergrean, Faston va. St. ew. at Cotlaca Point, Ironsides va. Passaic A. C at KeeauotiB. Loyola A. A. va. United Statea Englnsers, at WO ta Point. Newark A. 0. va. Eureka A. 0.. al Newark. Uueriia County A. C. va. Mauler A. C. at Astoria visitation Lyceum vs. Waverly A. A al Tucksho. Baaeball Bet. j.j.h.-n- o. O. W. S Not that we know of. J. s. P. Beat four out of seven gam. A C. W. Princeton. Harvard. Brown Yale, and Pennsylvania. Frank Bnnard. Yes, If the batsmaa reaches ant base afterward. A w. s. 1. Nichols and Bergen ot the Bostons. 8. Mc.lulre. 3. luile. Tne Oenulne Cuban Olants and Kid Caney's team will play a return gams tMly at Reali-r- . Rust- - has bven a Natloual League pitcher since the eatoo of 1H89. Indlanapolli was m th League tbeu An Out Leairuer. I. The Brooktyns have not won a from tbe New Yurks this aeaion. 2 He tays Earn- - 9 I rtiTt uld. 3. ;li. 1. 1th 1 oxrd ULltcr Ui . decide B. We cannot ay. OftiMJr, June t The Orange Athletic Club base- ball nine baa e ur d tbe of Stephens the left- - band twlrler m bo pi yed mo.i good ball for tlie Ornx team last aeason Ho will mki- - hl appearin"" cert week Tbe Auetrallan biaebaU nine will play the O.A.C.on the Oval n xt Thur-- y. and nsxthatuntay the Orange boys will line op agaliutt lb Moutolalr A. 0, onxAsrjcxT triyn iiaxdily. B stomp ITfitne In tbe at. taals Derby Blx lnsrlba In front or naebvtilr. 8t. Locts. June 20. Twenty thousand ad- mirers of the thoroughbred saw Ornament, the peerless son of Imp. Ordor Vlctorene, win the $12,000 Su Louis Derby In a walk this afternoon at the FalrOrounds. A majority of ' the large crowd had pinned their faith . and their dollars on Typhoon II.. essentially a St. Louts horse. Ornament and Typhoon II. ' had met In tbe Kentucky Derby, and tbe latter won In a drive by a neck. Dut the track was not so heavy nor the distance so long on that occasion as The victories of both cracks had been so im-- 1 presslve since that the shrewdest bandlcappers were puzxled to pick tbe winner. As an Indica- tion of the estimate placed upon tbe relative chances of the two, the opening betting on Ornament was even money, while 6 to B was quoted against Typhoon II. the only other starter, was posted at 8 lo 1. A great deal ot money was wagered on both Ornament ant Tvphoou II. The llnil quotitloiis were: Ornament 1) to 10, Tphoon II. 11 to 10. lluck-Vldcr- 12 10 1. When sent away Buckvldero was In the lead, Typhoon II. second, and Ornament third. At the quurter Typhoon II. led by two lengths, with one length before the outsider. At tho half Ornamont moved up and Typhoon II. led y only a length, with lluckvl-der- e three lengths back. Clayton plckod the best going, taking Ornament wide at the turn at lho six furlong pole, and Typhoon's Joikey did the snme. Doth were running easy, no k and nook. 81 nightor cut the turn short with Iluckvldero nnd closed on the leaders, hut at n big sicrltlcc In the heavy going. At the mlleOrnnnicnl forced to lho front without much exertion. ml led by 11 length, Typhoon II. apparently bfllng unable to k himself. Ilnekvldere wita third, two lengths awnv. At tho mile and a quarter Orna-min- i still led by 11 length nnd was running easy, Typhoon II, was In trouble. Slaughter again rusbud Ilnekvldere through it qiinginlre tncut the turn short ntul mako up some ground. Ornn-- ' mi: nt imnto Ibe turn wide, as iisu-il- , nnd In- creased hit lo id to two lengths at the head of Ibostrctih, while Huckvldcro pnssed the tired Typhoon II. In the linnl furlong Ihe race proved to he a mere cxer-Is- gallop lorOrnntnont, the big and Blmpoly chestnut coll winning as ho pleiecd by six lengths. Uuckvlderi beat Typhoon II. three lengths 'or the plnco. Tbe time, 2:31, Indicates the heavy condition of the track. Summaries of the day's reces: Pint liaoo One mile. C. 8. Bush, 107 (Tonron). IB to I. worn Oarnelt Ripple, 108 (Dean), 80 to 1. aeo-on- Hob White, lufl (Oreene), to 0, third. Time, Second Rsce One mile snd twenty yards. Madallo, 107 (Mt chetl), IB lo I, wont L dy Brllauiile, 102 (hlauchteri, 2 to I.iecondt Morallat, 107 (Foncon), B tot. third. Time. IiS'j. Tlilnl lace One mile and a sixteenth, Danii-li- . 8B (Preston), ft to I, worn 70(Elttley), t to 1, eevonl. David, 88 (Cooml.s), 3 to a, third. Time, Fourth Race fit. Louis Dcrbv, vlue II 8,000 three-yea- r oldsi one mile an I a half, Oraanvnt, 127(Cluy-ton- ). U to 10, won, nuekvidera. 12ft 18 to 1. sioindi Ttpnoon II., 1VB (Oarurr), lOto 1, third. Time. V I. Fifth lla'r One mile and seven yards Pick Behan. IU (We'stcr). to 1, won. A D. 0 . 107 (llooner). 8 to I, secon It Ja-- Bradley, 10A (Jones), B to 1, third. Ra-- One mile. Oold Top, 101 (Jones), B to l.woni RoralCholoo, 1 10 (darii-r- ). tol, seconli Nsunle L.'s Bister, 84 (0. Coombs), B to 8, third. Time, 1i4UK. The Winner at NherTleld Park. Crucian, June 88 But two favorll-- a won out In races us Hbeffleld Park, and these wr not eswclally trong Iu Ihe bettlnt Summarlesi Flit Race Six anJ f furlungs. Jersey Lad, ill) (A. liarrett), 9 to B. wen. Orey Do, 104 (Donald- son), 40 to l.seiondi CoraUsvllI, 107 (Oouln), iltul, third. Time, l23 econd Race-F- ive furlongs. OftlelaN, 10 1 (T. r. to 8. w ni Hardly, 103 (A. Dsrrstli, 4 to ft, eeSndt The Professor, lot (Csyr.ood), 8 to I, third. Time, :03, Third Race Five snd a half furlongs Abuse, 117 (A. llorrett). to B, woni Lone Prince s, V to 1, sec- ond! Lew llopp-r- , 107 (Cay wood), 0 to 1, third. Tim, Fourth Race-O- ne mile. Dr. Rbeppard, 104 (A, too, worn Ben Wadd-l- l. I0A (Oonln). 7 to 3, eeoindi Mandollua, 103 (Caywuod). 8 to ft, third. T FlTi'li 'it .ot six and one-hal- f furlongsi Corduroy, loafreotl), IB to I. woni Inrltatus. iftl (P.Clay). to ft, sn-n- ili Lidy Dixon, 103 R. Armstrong), 7 to I, Ihlnl Time. IlllJ. Hath t,ee Ntretlwhasei short course, shout on Ul Corro dJ, ISJKi (J. Jackson), "nt.Vl.xoni WarI.anoc.Jr.. 13hC, (Uarper), ,40 to 1. e o d! llaumoud, 13S (Lawless), 40 to 1, third. Time, Viftl fens rront tbn lloran World. Ciiiciao, Juno 28 Albert Thompon, a jockey. while attempting to boarl an elrctrlo car at Boutb Chicago oittid for Uhefneld, foil under tbe wheels. One leg was o badly criisned that amputation was newesary, Oreat r r t was felt, as lTlMirmnB was a favorite and a race winner. I BLUEAWAY DISQUALIFIED. zxnriB elmoreIs 001.T lobes tbe ZEPUXtl HTAK.ES. rails ta Carry a Penalty for Winning lb Mnnhneetl Blakr Itaon Uom to Mont d'Or Perrlcr'a ntlrrup Cup sir Walter Wins Wild Warrior la Ihe Dost or the Maidens, A crowd of holiday proportions saw ioruo cap- ital racing at Bbccpjhoad Bay yesterday aftor-noo- tbo handicap, at ono Ditto and a furlong, whkb was won by tho ever green tittlo champion Sir Walter, with Cromwoll second and Itcnsso-lao- r third, bringing about such a stirring finish that tho occupants of tho stand roio to tholr foot and oheorod to tha echo. Not more than a foot divided tha throo contestants nt tho trlro, and Blr Walter only won because Taral was the Strongest of tho throo Jockeys and lifted tho veteran In tho final strides. The stnko races, the Zephyr, for and tho Stirrup Cup, for three-year-ol- and upward, with gentlemen riders In tho saddle, were disap- pointing contest. The Morris crack. Varus, porformed very poorly In the former, which was won by Lewis Elmore's Olueawny, and Ferrler, ridden by his owner, Mr. Hunn, easily dofeatod St. Nicholas II. and Hodm n D. (or the cup. While Blueiiway vron the Zephyr Stakes, he was subsoquontly disqualified for not carrying his proper weight. The official bullotlu. which tolls the tale, follows: " An objection having been made against the Zephyr being awarded to Dluoaway, tho Stew- ards decldo that IiuwIb Elmore's Bluaanay, hav- ing carried live pounds less weight than re- quired by tho conditions of tho race, is dlsquall-- I fled and tha race awarded to Sensation 8tuble's Mont d'Or, with Varus second, nnd Fixed Star third. Illueawny should have carried 110 pounds, he having won the Manhassot Stake, worth (1,430, on June 3, at tha Drooklyn meet ing. Uy so doing ho lncurrod aponallyof five pounds. Nine starters were on the card for tha Zephyr, but Kittle Dily, Lydlnn, and dorian were drawn early In the day, leaving a small field of five to go to tho post. The Morris pair. Varus and Fixed Star, were favorites at odds of 2 to 1 on, with 2g to 1 offered against Bluo-nwa- 20 to 1 Oen. Maceo. nnd 30 to 1 Mont d'Or. Varus and Fixed Star made the running until tho final furlong, when Varus gave It up llko a toward, and Mont d Or rushed to the front. Thorpe lost considerable ground at tho elbow with Blueaway. but atoned for this mistake by riding a strong finish on tho son of Oetaway, getting up in time to win a good race by half a length. Mont d'Or was second and Varus third. An objection was lodged with the outcomo as given above. Varus soems to be nn of Ihe worst type. Lltllefleld said that the son of Cayuga stopped wltb his mouth open. Mont d'Or Isa useful-lookin- colt, with- out much of Ibo quality which Is characteristic of most of the llayon d'Ors. Forrler was naturally a great favorite for the BtlrrupCup, a he Isoneoi the best performers In training on tho turf course. It was known that be bad been suffering from n splint, but tbe talent figured that he could have several troublesome splint nnd still beat 6L Nlcholaa II. and Rodman II. Hunn, who has the hands and seat of a professional, shot to the front tho moment tbe start na made and rem'lned there to the end, winning under a pulL 8L Niiholas beat Hodman B. for second money. It was a vory cheap race, and by no means worth tbe money tt cost tbo Coney Island Jncker Club. Wolhurst and Arbuckle carried the bulk of the tnonry In the opening dash nt soven s. 'or which there wore nine starters. Neither got Ihe money, for after Storm King had shown the way to the stretch. H. Martin moved Leedsvlllo out of the ruck nud won n good race. Clawson, tho lad who rode LucroUa Borgia In her four-mil- e record-tir- king trip in California recently, had the mount on Wo- lhurst nnd succeeded In boating Storm King homo for second money. Shultxwas prominent for six furlongs, but Arbuckle was outrun all tho war. Joseph E. Seagram's three-year-o- Tragedian was fa vorlie for the handle p at ono mile and a furlong, with that good three-year-ol- Rens- selaer seiond choice at 4 lo 1. Sir Waller and the Bromley pair. Free Advice and Hondo, wero , net In dent ind. Cromwoll was away In front at . while TLd Swa'.u r.-- :tf: tl the . post. Cromwell set a merry pace for the balanco, and ho soon had the others I driving bard to reach him. Rcmeelaer. sir Walter, nnd Tragedian, however, got within striking distance ot the son of 3u 131 ilse In tho upper turn and tho quartet swung Into tho stretch head and he-id- . Tragedian was tbe flrst to crack. Tho other throe-year-ol- were madeof Btemerstiifl.andwheiithetlght wastho thickest nennt-ilae- r trot his head In front. Crom- well I hung on unusually wull, for this horse s rep- utation lor courage hts never been alwve oar, and Taral got Sir Walter rightdown to business. As a consequent e the crowd iw ono of the most brllll ini finishes of the meeting. Head and be nl and stride for stride the trio ran the last furlong, and It was only by tho most super- human efforts that Taral got Sir Walter home winner by n nose. Cromwoll beat Hciwselncr as far for second money. Tho time, 1:65, aftor a. delar of half an hour at the post, marks a grand performance. " If hu bad only run that way with 1 IB pounds In tho Suburban." was Wnltor rtolliiiss com- ment after the race. While Sir Waller per- formed well. Ilonsselaer was undoubtedly tho hero of tbe race. Wasteiul. a very taking colt by Knight of Ellerslle. out of Squander. In David Oldeon s string. Lucid and Qlorl in were much fancied by the talent In tbe ilnsb for maiden s at five and a half fnrlonu'S. but John A. Bonnet's black colt Wild Warrior, with Simms In the saddlo, took them all Into camp In clover stylo. Glorinn was sec- ond, and Tnral thinks he would have won hid Wasteful not carried him out when lie swerved. Commerco was third nnd Wasteful fourth. Tho winner Is a full brother to Huron ami other good SyLnrls, a colt, by Morello out of Deccpi ion. a starter In this ruce, ran In California as 1 hoi po. Zanone looki-- a winner of the sixth race until the I ist fifty foot, whon ho w is collared by Do-Ia- n lo. the fnvorlte, and boaton a bead In a hard drlte. tJothim. tho top wotght. was third. Domltor, Beaufort, and Lambent all showed speeil of a hltib order, A steeplechase over the short course brought tbo dav's sport toac!o"C. Mill Boy was favor- ite, wlih Mars Chan a strong seiond Tbo ' fiuorltw got an ugly fall at tbo Juinri opposite , the tower end or the stand. Tuxedo fell nt tbo same obstacle and dragged Owons several yards before Ihe plucky rider cxlrl-- 1 cated his foot from the stirrup, and Hill-mon- t went down opposite tho clubhouse This left only Mars Chan and Latitude, and Mara landed tho formiir winner In a common gallop. Both English, tho rider of Mill Hoy, nnd How. in, who bad the mount on Beaumont, were badly shaken up, nnd Owen, remounting, rode Tuxedo plucklly iiver tbe course, und finished within the time limit, thus earning third money. Tol Mloan's physician would not penult him to ridu yealerday, and Sam Dogget was kept out of lho aaddle by u crippled right band, which be poisoned in noniu way. Among the spectators yesterday were) August ' Bnlmont, Jamos It. Keene. I'reslilont Klpof the I Coney Island Jorkov Club, V. J. Dwyor. J. O. i Hoi ksiher, J. II. Bradford, Andrew Miller, James Oalay,F. I'. Kcene, T. S. Ilowlnnd. J, Q. Foil insbce. f. It. ami Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., 11. It. ICnapp, Arthur White, and J, K. Seagram. Summary follow: rirtsT RACE. For aelllngi br subscription of 110 eaohi purse Iftoilt of which II 00 to eevund and ISO tothlrai seven furlonxsi Dai Gideon's br. c, Leedavllle, by Pcmtlac Th Huuaw. 101 (It. Martin). 1 C. Hits hmanu t sons b. g. Wolhurst. 10B (Claw-son- ) 8 W. I.andslrg'a blk, e, Storm King, 108 (0'laryj. S Arbuckle, Parmesan, Draw Lad, bbultt, Femandlno, and Chum also ran. Time, I .SB Belling Against Wolhurst, 2h to 1 Arbuckle, 8 to It Luedsvllle, 0 lo It Mtorm King, 0 to It Draw Lad, 12 to tt I'jnnc'Bu and hhulir., each IB to It Chum, BO to 1 Feruamllne. DO to 1, SECOND HACK. For ami upward! bandlespi by of 110 ekchs puree I'OO, or winca lltft to and I7B to tidrdi una nolo and a Ittrliiniii Oneck HtibVa b. h. Mr Walter, 8, by Imp, Mid- - lotnlau-LaXc- ala, I2A (Taral) 1 A. J, Joiner's ib, h, Cromntll, fi, 117 (II Martin),. 8 John K McDonald's cb. e. Rensselaer, u, 117 (Henitt) 3 Krre Advice, Ron lo, Cbalb nger, Volley, Traedlan, and Lincoln II. also ran, Th' hwaln led a the post. Time, I IBS. Belting Against Tragedian. U to fti Renselar, 4 to 1 rdr N alter, 7 to Free Advice and Hondo, coupled, h to IsTlie Swalu and Cnailcugcr.eaob lOti liCrom-Wel- l and Volley, each 12 to 1 Lincoln, II., 20 to 1. T1IIIID RACK. Zephyrt 12,000-- , for of .10 each, lb wluifrlo r.cWvo ll.ftOO, the second 1.150, and th third IIBII, Futurity ooursai Dentation Htablo'e h. a. Slant d'Or, by Imp, Rayon d Or Ml. Vernon (hcherrer) 1 A. II D. II Morris's b.o. Varus, 109 (Llttlrrirlil).. 8 A. Il.l II M irrls's ch, r. Fix dblar. lull (I'enu)., B Oen. M jo-- o and Uluiawav alio ran Tbe last named won with II I pounds up, but was protisted and his pioper ne'glit bolng I IU pounds. Time. till. Betting Two to 1 on Varus and Fixed Starcouplrdt gainst Ulueaway, II to Oi Oen. Maeu. 20 to li Mont d'Or, HO to 1 FODKTI1 RACE. Tha Stirrup Cup, 11,300: for s and up- ward, at neilerw.lgutsi by of $3ueacU starters lo pay ,tp ad Itloaaii the winner to receive SMuOaul Ilia cup, Ihe cond I26u, and tbe third BIBil; one iiiIIb aud aalxteeulb, ou turfi II II. mill's en. h. Ferrler aged, by Falsetto Imp. Cndereils, IBO (Mr. Hunn) 1 K.I). Ilrard's ch. c. bt. NliholasII., 8, K1U (Mr. Hob- - tilnsi , 3 A. II, Baruey'scb.g. Rodman n fi. lBB(Ur. Barney). U Time. Ii13 Betting Two to 1 ou Ferrlert against Bt. Nicholas II., 2 to It Rodman 1)., IB to I, riKTII RACK. Mslden rao No. 8: ior by suUcrlp-Xfltlsacb- ) yura tA00,oX which 1100 t seooud, and ISO to third) lastfiv and a half farlongs Futu- rity coursst J, A. Rennet's blk. o. Wild Warrior, by Iroquois Brunette, tB2 (Sims) 1 Marcus Daly's eh. e. Olorlsn, I SB (Taral) 8 B. L. Orat s's b. 0. Commerc. 128 (Perkins).,.. .... fl Wasteful. Athamas, Sybaria, Lurid, Oov. Bushnell, Wnlttllng Con, Ella Daly, byrlax, and Kavlcullne also ran. Time, lilO. Bettlue Against Wastsful, 8 to 1 Lnetd and plo-rla- raidt 4 to II Wild Wanlor, 0 to 1 Sybarls. 8 to 1 Commerce, In to It Navlcullne, Oov. Buihnrll. and Whlstltog Con, each SO to 1 Ella Daly and Syrinx, each 60 to l Athamaa, 100 to 1. SIXTH RACE, For and upward! selling! try sub- scription ot 10 each! purs 8800. of which 8100 to the second and IBO to the third! six furlongs, on main track. T. Welsh's b. g, Dolando, 4, by Powhstan-Barblehs- , lOftrTnoria) M. Co Wlt'abr. g. Zanone. 4, 10ft (O'Leary) 2 J.J. McOirTertyseh.h. Ootham, 8,117 (McCarlerty) 0 Beaufort. Titmouse. Illusion. Mingo II., Harrington, Agitator, Refuges, Lambent, Ross O, Domltor, and Dr. Jim also ran. Time, 111 4 SB. Bettlngt Against Dolando, 8a to 1 Ootham, 4 to 1 Agitator, B to It Zonon. 0 to It illusion and Har- rington, esch 12 lo It Beaufort, Uefiipee. Lambent and Ross O, aeh 20 to 1 Doml or and Dr. Jim, each 40 to It Mingo II. and Titmouse, each 100 to 1. BKVCNTTI RACE. For and ovart free handicap stejpl. ebaset by stibierlptlon of 810 tarht pur-- e $800. of wi leb 1100 to the second and 150 to tbs third i short steepleehass connx! Ed Wa'n'a ch. g. Mara Chan, aged, by Circassian dam unknown. 140 iMirai ,,,,,,, ' J U. Frotnlugbam, Jr.'s, eh. g. Latitude, aged, 148 (Barry) , 8 Mr. 8. C. nildreth'h.g. Tuxedo, axed, 14B (Owens), 0 Mill Boy and Beaumont fell and did not finish. Time. 4ift. Betting Agalmt Mill Boy, BtoBi Mars Chan. S to ll Latitude, 4 to It Tuxdo, B to It Beaumont. BO tol. During Tcarting rrosa lb Nurrx Bins). The yearlings from tho Nursry Btud, the prop- erty of August Belmont, were sold yesterday In tho paddocks opposite tbe Shecpshcad Bay track before the races began. They wera the get of Badge, Rayon d'Or, Fiddlesticks, and Magno-tlto- r. The bidding was slow and poor prices prevailed. Twenty-on- e out of the twenty-eigh- t oue rod wore sold for fO.650, an average of $311. The highest price was 81,030. which J. S. Cur- tis, the South Africa millionaire, paid for Yule-tid- e, The best prices wero: THE PROPERTY OF ADOC8T BELMONT. Fellclan. br. o., by Imp. Rayon d'Oi-Fell- W. ll.Bmlck B7B0 Yuletlde. br. a, by Badge Yaeulti J. K. Curtis. 1,060 Rusher, cb. c, by Msnrtlzer Imp. Rushlight! W.C. Daly BBO Candlestick, ch. f by Flddlestloka Clarlndai J. S Curtis a."- - High Bom. b.c by Badge Her Oracei W. C. Daly BBO Leplda. b. f.. by Magnsttxer Leopoldlnai W. O. Daiy BBO Highland Prince, b. c. by BadgeImp. Quean of ths Clansi W. n. Rarrlck 400 Boysterer. n. c by Badg: James Hints BBO TnE PROPERTY OF E. O. POTTER. Zoroaster, b. o., bj Imp. Rayon d'Or Imp. A- - tort! W. H. Barrlck B0 Winner at nisbUnd Park. Dxraorr. June 38. The talent broke even todyal Highland Park. It waa a Saturday crowd, wltb a fin day aud fast track. Bu,nmarlea: First Race Six furlongs. Leonlre, 108 (Tto), 10 to 1. wontUeuroa.107 iBmlth). fl to 1, second: BenMtta, 10B (Jones). 4 to I, third. Time. lilO. becond Race Flv rurlonxa. Mystary. 10S 3 to 1, wont Katie II., 110 (Sbedy), 4 to 1, second i Ma Aug Una, I0B (Turner), 8 to B, third. Time, 1:03. ....... Third Raoe Seven rnrlonn. too (Bunn), 8 to 2. won: Bill KlUon. 101 fSuerlsnd), 8 10 1. second: Dr Work. t8 (Campbell). Bio 1, third. Tim, nvim. Fourth Race Six furlongs. Paul Orlgva, 106 (Jones). 1 to 2, wont Clyasea. 110 (Irving), 6 to B, second t Myth, 101 (Sberlaud). 12 tol, third. Time. Wlft. Fifth Race Flvarnrlongs. Laverock, 110 (Walker). 2 to 6. worn Aunt Bird, un (Mxon). n to l.snoudt Margaret Jane, VK (Bunn). IB to t. third. Tim. 1:08. S.xtn On mile. King Elkwood. un (Camp- bell), ft to 1, won: Th Duchess, 103 (Irving), fl to 2, accou ; Springtime, 104 (Jonas). 3 to 1, third. Tim, 1:44K. Wlsmer at litonla. CrvcnrvATL Jan 38. The notel nndlep, always an esp daily popular event of tbe Latonla spring meeting, together with th aonoun.d mau-- race be- tween Til o and Boinerges, drew one of tbe beat cion-i- l of the a aaou Th match waa declared oil. declining to al ow I oaarrgee to meet Turney Hmthrra' crack, and rorfelung 1100. Ths ban Heap was taken by Dr McLean's Lokl. tbe favor- ite Summary: First Race One mile El Tore. 101 (Murray) 8 ta 1, worn J P. B, 101 (Morrison). 2 to 1. second t Yel- - rtLgtou. nt (tiers.-:;- . B tc :. th rd. Tltct. 1.14 V Second Race Five furlongs Msclver, 10 (Oard- - ner), even, won: luatoa. Uu (Tbompaon). 20 to 1, secondt Chlcupee. 108 (Morrison). 12 to 1, third. Time. ltoa. Third Race. One mile White Oak, 103 (Morrison), 4 to 1. wout Ollran, no (Burns). 20 to 1. aacondi Uata Off. 0B (Tupee), B to I, third. Time. l:4Sa Fourth Race Hotel Handicap! one mile and a six- teenth. Lokl. HUlHUD.b toft, won: Ben Holladay, 117 (Overton). 12 to ft, second. Byron McClelland, log (Morrlaon). 7 to ft, tblrd. Time, 1:4S. Filth tUi-- e Five rurlonga. Flora Lode. lOB(RelrT), even, wont Holmes, 112 (Overton), B to ft, second i Mora Roe. VU (Hurray), 100 to 1, third. Time, Sixth Race Deelared off. Betenth Race One mile. Oaeuro, 85 (Tlosknii. SO to 1, non.Ortiiikr 103 (Everett), 8 to ft i second ; Ban-qu- 11., U7 (Burn.,, 3 to 1, third. Tim, 1:43V CrlckeU London, June 20. The American Cricketers finished their game wltb Oxford Past and Pres- ent and were defeated by seven wickets. Tho score: OXFORD. PAST ANTJ PRESENT, nm Inning. Second InntHg. E. Rowley, c, Wo.d. b. P. H. Clark 28 b. Bates 10 Lord Oeorg Scott, b. King. 10 A Eoclea, b. Bates 24 b. P. tt. Clark. ...84 II. T Stanley, o. Wood, b. CreK-a- r ,, 43 b. King 0 F. L. Fane. 1. b. w b King. 28 not out 88 B I. Bannon. b. P. II.O ark. 13 L Moutinornncj, b. P. U. Clark 81 T. R Henderson, t. Bates.... 48 L. Berkeley, not out 18 F. W. Brooks, b. King 0 A. P. Wlakbani. u. King U Extras 18 Extra 1 Total 881 Total 84 GENTLEMEN OF PHILADELPHIA. Ftrat Stotmrf Inning. A. M. Wood, c. Bannon, b. Stock IB . Stanley, b. Berkeley 0 H. 0. Thxr, o. Fan, b. Stock 81 e. Wlckhaia, b. Btooka 11 J. A. Lester, st. Wlokham, b. Stocks 1 L b. w b. Berks-le- y 88 C. Coatee, c Henderson, b. Stocks i B o. Henderson, b. Stocks 84 J. B King, h. Berkeley 7 o. Fane, b. Stooks IB F. II. IlohUn. c. aad b. Berke- ley 10 1. b. w., b. Berke- ley 7 L. Blddle, b. Stocks B runout 10 E M Crrgsr.b. Berkeley.... 18 b. Stocks 0 F. It. Ilatca, o. and b. Stocks, W b. Berkeley 18 U. L Clark, o. Bannuu. b. Btooka 10 b. Berkeley 18 P. H. Clark, not out 8 not out 18 Extra 4 Extras 11 Total 180 Total 831 RUNS AT TTIB FALL OF EACH WICKET. riaaT ivvrso. Oxford 21 48 84 189 144 IBB 180 888 267 881 Phil'd'lphta.33 43 4B 80 89 88 83 VB 112 120 sxcovo Philadelphia.. 0 84 48 7B 108 187 107 189 202 281 Pbll Haly, Jr., Wins tbe 41 ran Jubilee Handicap Lono UruNcn. June 20. Elkwood Park was tho scene of a number of Interesting matches at llvo birds this afternoon. The principal event, the Orand Jublleo Handicap, was won by Phil Daly, Jr., with nineteen kills. His twolftb bird, a rapid drlvor, was the only one to get away. Itohert Tolond of tho Rlvorton Oun Club, Phila- delphia, captured socorid money with eighteen kills. Hand llallnr.l stored bis usual luck, fin- ishing wllh aevontren kills and ono dead out of bounus. uiaronco iminn "in nni unisn, a 'asi lot of birds were used In the handicap shootinir, A strong wind was blowing at tbe time. Sum- maries: Mli&M Out, Ift rntranoe Ballard and Daly, 4 TolatidT 2i Dulau. 0, pur divided. Ten Blnis.llO Entrance Ballard 8Daly,8 Dolan and Tolaud, ft ea-- The latter two did not finish. Ti n Birds, IK) Entrance Dolan and Daly, Mt Inland, 7l Ballard, I (wit idrsw on tbe tblrd round) Dolan won the shoot off, Orand Jubll a Handicap, 20 Birds Eaoh, 120 I".n. trance, two mo eye, An nd 80 per cent. Daly, 39 rani-- . m.Toiand, 28 i rds. letj Ballard, 29 yards, 17: Dolan, did not ilntsi. Ten birds, IU) Km ranee Ballard, 80 yards, 8 Daly, fl: Dolan and Toland did not nulsh. Teu Birds, till Entrauoe-Di- ly, lilt Dolan, 9 To- land, Hi Ballard 4. Thn latter did not finish. T n limit. Sin Riitrano Daly, Bt Dolan, Ballard, and Toland did not finish. EMZARKTn, Juno 20. The first of the clnb championships was doilded this aftoruoon at the Huburbnn Clnh traps, this city, nnd wits won easily hy .I II. Smith. The shooting winnt fifty tnrgeta, unknown traps, unknown utixlos. The scores! bmlth, 8a iBatler, 33 Eaton, 81 Baiter, 88 Add-ber- S! Rosa, 2.i. Tho Suburban Club team will soon shoot a match with the crack Peeksk 11 Club. Ogds aad Bnds or Sport. Creaeent. The world' record for four miles Is held by tho Oxford Unlv, rellr crew, wblch, In Ihrtll, roweal four mdiis and about 440 yards In 18 lulnulis aud 47 aeconds. Will Remove Wrinkles Positive. A tarred conipli xion beautlfW. Iir. John UIi'mi Ulhbs. E.iwirlo Maaa R dlcr. I'td. U. B EiKlsnd, Canada, Fran will il slop or reduce any paitof the i for rheum.ttlam. Ac,, aspecine. on.oof Co,, uod UKUAUttAV. Bend J or call for books. CHESS. Itudge Win Another Uams In th Women's Tnnrney al Londoa. London. Juno 20. The eovonth round of tho InUrnhtlomtl wornon' choss tournament was In Ibis city this afternoon, tho results olngas follows: Worra 1 b, al Stevenson In a Dutch gam after thirty-tw- movea, Tlie game tetween Fox and Thomas, a French de- fence, wn adjourned. Ooodlng beat Eschweg In a Freneh Dsfene. after thlrtv moves. Field beat Hook In an Evans O ambit declined after Ihlrty-nin- moves, Forta-- an-- l Sharp drew their game, a French after forty-si- moves. bvdnry taat De la Vlgnotnan Irregular Opening afiirtlfiy moves. The gams between Ritdg and Htrtssch, a Four Knights game, was adjourned. Barry beat Mailer llarlung In a Three Knights gtno aftor twentv-seve- moves. Thorald beat Flnu Iu a Qluoco Piano afttr thirty flv move. FaanlieatBonnefln In a Counter Ccntr Oamblt after tbirty-fou- r move. At the evening meeting tho eighth round was plaved wlUi tho following results: Thorn d be t Stevenson tn a Uluoeo Piano after twenty move. The game between Thomas and Hnller-Hartun- a Quei-a'- s Oam It det lined, wa left unnnls'ied. Bonn fin neat Ooodtng In a Centre Counter Oamblt aft-- r forty-tw- moves. Hooks heat Fagan In a Centr Oamblt after forty-tw-o moves. Watson beat Barry In a Queen' Oamblt after forty-thre- e moa. Sidney beat Finn In a Queen's Oamblt declined af- ter thirty-seve- moves. Rudge beat Forbes-Sharp- s In a Olnooo P'ano after thirty movea. Field and Worrall drew their gam, a Sicilian De- fence, after twenty-eigh- t mo et. Fox iieat Esohwege In a Centra OounterOambll after flfty.flve moves Merits, b brat De la Vlgns In a French Defence after thirty-nin- moves. Mlsa Es hwege's father donated four gold medals y for consolation prlaea. Following Is the standing of tho contestants to date: Ptaters. Won. Lott.l rlnitrl. Won. Coal Barry 4 8 Hooko 6 A Bonnsfln....,... 8 Muller-nartun- g S ""s Eacbweg 4 4 I'Rndg 7 0 Faean B 1 IBteveuaon 1 7 Field 4 84 Stdney 6 8 Finn 81 S"g eerhoma B 4 Forbes-Sharp- ,8 Ch Thorold 4 84 Fox 4 8 DelaVlgns 1 8 Ooodlng 8 8 Watson 44 84 Hertrach 8 B l"Worrall 4 B Qamu lsft unfinished. Y. 81. S3, A. Athletcsk The first set of events of the d series between the members of the Twenty-thir- d street branch Y. M. C. A. took plnco at tbe St. George A. C. grounds yesterday afternoon. Each con- testant receives credit tor actual performance. The fifty-yar- d dash waBrun In heats of six mon, with time to count. Summary: Fifty-Yar- Daah First heat won by John W. Cross. Time. B 4 B seeon Is. Second best won by E. O. Meer. Time, A seconds Third heat won by ti. Time, 8 seconds. Running Uroad Jump Won by E. B. Mayer, with 80 feet 1 Inch: J. II. Oris, second, wltb 19 feet 8 Inches: John W. Cross, third, with IB feet 104 Inches. The Junior classes of the Central Bedford, Twenty-8ixt- b Ward, Twenty-thir- d Street, nnd Harlem brunches of the Y. M. C. A. held a series of athletic games at Prospect Park yesterday. Tho Harlem boys captured nearly all the pritos. Two baseball games woro played. Harlem de- feating Twenty-thir- Street by 10 to 5, an 1 Bed- ford defeating Central by 18 to 8. The athletlo sports resulted as follows: B0 Yard Dasti Won itv Carney, Twenty-thir- Street Branch: O'Donnoll, nar!m Branch, second. Leap Prog Won y Ollendort. O'Donnall, and Var-le- y of th Harlem Bran- b. Broal Jump for Small Boy Won by Ollendort. Hrlem Branch. Broad Jump for Large Boys Won by Yarley. Har- lem Branch. d Race Won by Moors and Frank i O'Diinseil and Ollen lorf second. Both tesms mem- bers of Harlem Branch. tllebsBoad County Country Club Opening. One of the most successful golfing features from tbe social standpoint evor held on Staten Island was the mixed foursomes to Innugurato tbe opening or tbo new links and home of tho Richmond County Country Club yesterday. There was a crush of visitors, and tbe players were followed from tee to tee by many groups of interested onlookers. The furnishings nnd arnncsment of the nc.v houja trercsrcaUy The summary: I Bd. B fid. Gron. Wcap. Ket. T. a. Cabot and lira. Cabot 87 89 138 SS 100 L. Van Rensselaer and Miss Van Rensselaer. -- 09 B4 1B3 BO 103 A. E. Paterson and Mtas Whlttemor 8B fit 119 IS 104 J. E. Faher aad Miss Marie Kobbe 81 83 197 80 107 W. Wltherjpoon and Mil. M. 11 Park B7 64 111 0 111 A P RlDley and Sirs. Van Rensselaer . . ..73 71 144 80 114 T. S. Hope Simmon and MiuMmpon 88 88 189 IB 114 C. N. Dourtll and Mlsa Boyd 89 B3 128 B 118 Mr. aud Mrs. John R. Chadwto 83 08 134 IS 110 R. E. Bonner and Mlaa Roninson 80 70 ISO 13 118 James Park and Miss Edwirds BS 80 12S 10 118 C. A. Fr; and Mlsa E. II. Bonn I 87 89 130 IB 121 B. Lo. kwood and Mlaa Isabel Bonner 78 77 133 83 130 On tbe Essex Conntx Link. Orange, Juno 20. Good scores wero the rulo y In tho play on tbe links of the Essex County Country Club for tho Juno cup. Tho play was spirited, and some new players went over the course to determine their handicap. Tho Ion est score yet made for the cup was turned In by Manton B. Mctcalf, who went over tbe rourso twico. Wltb n bandlcnp of fl on tho second turn, ho got a net score of 83. This ecoro will result In somo of the other crack players of tho club turning out In forco next week, ns tho comp-tltio- n will close on Wodnesrtay. Nearly all of players turned In their cards, owing to tho reported Intention of tho Golf Committee to Impose n penilty upon nil who go over the course and fail to report tbelr cards. Tho scores: Gross, ITeap. Set. Manton B. Metcalf 98 h:l R. R. McDoUtfall 127 2ft 109 Oscar WIIeEerod 190 2ft 93 Rlohanl D Moras 129 IB 111 Dr. Klelnlians 10A 19 I'D Oeorge U. Jenktuson. second 121 0 lift B. F.KIbam 112 9 93 nnward A Colby lfll 13 SU William Runkli 93 8 87 Manton B. Metcalf 1U9 9 91 Dytter Blradow Downa Paterson. Borne record golf was witnessed In the Dyker Meadow nnd Paterson tenm match nt tbe Dyker Meadow Golf Club yesterday. The home tram won by 38 hole to 11, but Its Cnptnln, Daniel Chauncey, was beaten by his opponent, A. II. Lnrkln. Chauncey, on tils seiond round, tlod the record for the new course, tntulo by W. II, Crit- tenden on June 22, but Lnrkln, who Is an old l'rlnieton baseball man, rut the record a stroke by making a 40. Their cards v, ore: Chauncey Out i. 4 7 7 6 7 S 7 B B 58 la 0 B 0 B 8 B 7 4 447 99 Lar kin-- Out 10 4 B B 8 0 ft 4 8 1 In 8B400B04 B 40 97 lho score follows: iivkkk keaoow. I raTxasox. D. Chauncey 0'A. n. Larklu 2 8. Chauncey 0 W, O. taoit, Jr U A. UNorris 10 1). (irlirgs 0 W II. Crittenden 12 w, n. Rosencrants 0 W. K. Fowler 0 Malcolm Oomou 0 J. C. Powers 0 ll.O. Knox B Dunoin Palwards 1 Tom Ooodliody 0 II. n. HoKssTSr 1EF Soott 0 A. R. Klsh. , II Ur. McCoy 0 Total .7) Total ,Tl At tbn Country Club or Wrstrhpater. Thero was a large attendance of spectators on tho pretty links of tho Country Club of West- chester yesterday, whero u mixed foursome for handsoiiio prlrca was tho feature, Tho cards show tho result: J. O. Cooley and Mrs. J, M. Waterbury tlroti. H'cap. A'el. Out,, 0 7 9 I) 6 ft 7 7 n Iu 4 111 7 8 B 4 5 7 -3S 117 104 974 A. V. II. Ellis aud Mrs. Kills Out..H 9 M 4 ft 4 7 U (10 ln.,.0 H 7 7 A 4 3 7 ll- -BI 114 IS 90 II, A. nildcrsleeve and Mlaa (ill lerslt-ot-e UDi1 V U I I V II 11 I "I In ..0 H 10 18 8 4 4 H 0.1 121) 23 104 C. II. Mitchell and Mra. Mitchell-O- ut., I 111 H 4 M ll ft A 10 08 In. 4 11 II 9 H 8 0 7 fi 1.1 139 80 109 K. O. Mtdlson and Mr. W, 11. Ha'ida Out. .li v II 0 ,i 4 a 8 tli B In .8 9 12 14 4 B B H ti tt i 133 12 121 CbarleaS. Adee and Mrs, Csmplwil Out. .8 II IB 8 B fl 4 ft 1(1 All In. ..4 7 13 B 3 0 B 10 10-- 71 137 14 123 Arrldeut to a iiolfrr. Will Tucker, Ihe professional at the BU Andtew'sOolf Club nud ono of tbo bust known golfers in the country, may be uniiblo lo piny .again for somo tlmo us the result of injuries received In n runaway on Krldiiy, Tucker whs driving to lho Mount llopo links from lliu St, Ali'raw's Krounds in a I gbt biukuoird when tb horse ran nny and ho was thrown Irom lb wagon. No bones were broken, but Tucker was considerably bruised and shaken up, 1 POTTING GOLF AT ARDSLEY H ZAItOE FIELDS IS HIE CONTESTS liH lOJt THE llEatlNOTOX CUPS. WM' Mrs. F.ldrldge Captures Ibe Women Prt irMaSH Kerrh and Worcester Tie for lb It1) S?ibsH Troplij Another Tie In Ihe Claa A Division fllH of Ibe llnndlCMpn.-tvree- nrealtaaad PatoB. W-s- A now stylo of golf competition nt tho Ardsloy 'T lH CI illi. n putting match, brought out a Urge bum- - ebV bcr of entries yesterday. Tho match was on SSsebsI special putting links, a plot Of lawn little large JftaaHa' than a croquet ground, on w blch six holes were) llH placed at distances of sixty foot apart. Each 7 eH player raudo two circuits of tho putting course StimlRS wero barred, and, nrtcr the first twH stroke, the flags were llftod from each holo. Ml As at croquet, tho women wore gay In V H summer frocks and hats, but tho mon wore their fc jH ordinary golfing suits. Many of tho women !g m wororod golf Jacket, thebrllllnntcolormakinga H vivid contrast with Ihetr white gowns. Tho H pnttlng ground was marked out close to tha i m voranda of the clubhouse, which was crowded '.i.jl with onlookers. The prltcs were two sllvei '' cups, presented by It. R. Romlngton. f H There was a tlo In both tho men's and women's laH putting contests, Th men made the best cards, 'HiH the leaders llolng at twenty-nine- , as followsi P. B. Keeoh 8 8888B88988 8l 'aH W. J. Worcester 8 3888888928 88 LM Tho men will play off on Monday. The women iH who tlod played again, Mrs. Kldrldge winning &saH wltb thirty-fou- r to Mlsa Edith Gould's forferv two. Tbo scores: JesH MEN'S PCTTTNO alATCTL BaH P. B. Keeoh. 9B W. J. Woroatr, 8l JL W.O aaH boun.81. Delanoay Nlooll. Bit J. n. Black. Bit A. & LsbW Cochrane, B3i W. 8, Brooka. B2t E. 8. Jaffrry, Bit Bs llfaH H. Jatfrey. 82i T. O. Condon. Bit J. E. Bhsflleld. S8 j IS F.J. Winston. 3.1! H. B. pawn. B4 H. Denoey, 81 f. LbsM LEIilrlig. lilt A. O. Katchum. Bit J. D. TalljT. B . JSeBsH J. It. Itatmiker. 84 S. II. P. Trowbrtdga, 14) B VIIbW Orimn. BBi J. II. McCul.ough. Bit F. D. Paver. BSt J. C. Parrlsh, 33: P. oilbsrt Thebaud, 88t J. T. Terry, 'JsH Jr. 87i W. E. Billings, 87 U. S. Jaffny, 87 A. Bs kffVi Ooodbody, 40. women's Ptn-rm- o m trf OH Mr. 1. 1.. Eldrtdge. Ml Mis Rdltb Ooold, III Ht vfaaH Frailer, 34i Mrs J.T.Terry, Jr.. 84 Mr. OrtfllaJ B6 liaHl Mlsa Ethel Oonld, 89t Miss inn Arohbold. 80l Hrt, . M. M. Van Buren. 88 Mlaa FaehrL 8flt Hiss Uur iebsH Onuld, 37i Mas Parrlsh. 87 Miss France Ardbbold, ,HtaH 87i Mra Cochrane, 8A Mr Frost, 8H Mrs. Battnl, .tilH 8": Hiss Marie Hewitt, 89 Mta JatTray, 89i,ttU iffaaM Nlns Hewitt. BRi Mia Barron. 89t Mra. Paton. 48. eHI Ties woro quite the order of tho day, Wa ilasH Brooks and Paton camo In all even In thy olass ?iJHI A division of the special Juno handicap. Patpn'o MffmWL second round was very pretty goltlng. Taller. $yi although ho made hi first round within twp) AaW strokes of the raoor.l, round his task ss scratflh mat, man looanluoii to enable him to win. V.W, " IBBn Chrystlo won omowhat easily In olass B Tu cards follow: H H.B. Brook ..... Out.... 1 M I it H In 65B808BB 48 II U N '' H M. 8. Paton H Out.... BBB88BDJ 7-- 00 ' asH la. .....8 ft 0 8 8 7 B 749 BB 14 0t SaHl F. B. Eeeoh iIebmI Out.... 84748BI7 B--80 U B 7 47848 848 98 11 09 (HH J. E. Shemeld 'iisaH Out 4 B B S 8 B B B 49 , fl H In..:....ft 0 8 8 6 8 4 0 8- -47 SS la U ' H II, W. Oalhonn W Out 5 0 7 B fl 7 B 7 S- - .. In s 0 0 4 0 I 4 0 B 4B U 04 i flj F. L. Winston -- ft' B Out 4 B 0 B B 8 4 B 7 4T i .afsTfl In.:.:"a 8 0 4 0 7 4 7 oO BT Ur CO ',: H J. a Taller . mWt Out ft480B40 041 j) .BBH U ...4 0 0 4 8 4 4 0 0 4B 80 0 63 M T, O, Condon 2 .faH Out B S 0 4 B B B 1 749 J fBH In. ....... 5 4 B 4 6 B 6 B 6- -4 B B4 S SS -- ' H W.Chrystle 4 H Out 4 4 0 4 8 8 4 6 748 J In. ...... .5 ft 7 4 B 0 6 B 6 Bl B7 10 BT H R. n. Robertson .... aaH Out B 4 B 4 0 4 7 fH Id 4 8 8 3 0 0 4 0 10 50 98 8 80 '' jBBBM J. T. Terry, Jr. T ebH Out ft 6 B 4 8 6 B 7 1068 ..... ' sfafj In a ft 8 4 0 8 6 0 654 . BH Delance; L. Nlcolt ", jM Out ,...B to 8 4 0 7 6 B 738 I In. ...... 4 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 9 B3 107 10 97 BBBB E.S. Jsffrey ... .: sH Out 0 5 6 4 8 7 7 .. In ......ft 9877748 6 00 110 IS W. J. Worcester -- ? taosj Out. 0 7 a fl B 8 6 B 8 BB SB In . ..4 8 7 0 0 0 4 8 6- -58 111 14 ST K A. D. Cochrane ..... asB Out 8 0 0 8 8 8 M la 0 0 0 8 8 B 8 9 6 S3 111 IS SB IM CLASS B. M F. F. Chrystle km Out 0 7 4 4 8 8 4 7 0--B0 IB 6 B 6 0 7 B B 749 II 11 80 - ! O. B. P. Trowbridge ' H Out 6 8 7 4 7 B B B 888 In. ......4 7 4 B B 0 8 B 9- -48 100 11 84 H T. O. Strong ....... it H Out ft ft B 4 In 6 7 8 4 9 B 4 B 48 108 IB BS . H R. B. Wade .... Bmm Out 8 B 0 B 7 6 4 ? tSBBJ In. ......ft 4 B 8 8 7 B 8 1068 108 IS SO cfl R, R. Remington stH Out 3 14 7 4 B B B 8 888 " SB In B 4 7 4 7 7 B 8 8- -B8 119 84 Bl . H F. C. McCormack M Odt 4 10 fl 8 8 10 B 7 B 88 i, SB In 0 7 8 4 7 0 6 8 5B 117 14 SS f H W. C. Fargo ... 9bI Out B 7 8 6 7 8 80 A In 4 0 8 4 7 B B 7 B4 114 80 04 H Cyrua Field Judson ..... 5 naB Out fl 8 4 4 7 7 ,. VM la. ......A 7 B 4 8 B 0 B 10 69 117 81 SS '! H J. S. McCullough i' M Out. fl 7 B 6 8 7 0 9 788 A fH n 8 0 A a8 0 0 0 9 09 117 U It fl W.U.Patterso- n- ' m Out. 4 10 0 4 8 7 0 8 B 89 In 0 B 4 8 8 B 6 B 11 B0 11B IT M MM J. W. Bird laH Out 4 8 10 B 8 7 B 0 B4 S3 tn. ...0560704 61053 UT IS 101 W Stewart Denning Kl Out. 6 7 10 4 9 7 M0 10-- 89 MM In 6 0 B B 9 8 6 7 969 IIS 84 104 , Mt U. II. Psase H9 84 118 jH ' ' nal Cup Play at Bllsabeth. ' EuuBtm, June SO. The fourth round In th J, fl golf tournament at the Suburban Club this al-- tcrnoon for the Turner-Va-n Sickle silver enp p fl was won by Arthur Fisher. John F.Cook has "1 fl won tho cup twice nnd John Price once. The A fl cup becomes the property of the person winning jM It three times. Tho scores Oils aternooni fl Cross. U'cap. AV, ,J S A, Fisher 9ft 10 88 eg Mi U. W Coyne 100 7 98 M It. A. Waterbury 103 10 93 ' W 104 10 9 '. II. T. Alexaider 109 18 98 ,W C lirewater 112 14 SB Lf J.C. F.llliltt 10S 9 99 . ffc! W. P.Tiiomas 118 19 101 CW C 11 to-- er 110 7 168 ftt C.A.Morris 118 9 108 Mi J. 11 Turner 104 0 104 JS?.' F. n. Williamson 104 .0 104 ,. - T.S.Loea.-- r 118 18 JOB fl. J, Van bl.kle 109 0 108 till A.fawyrr 184 14 lid , Ui V.M. Coyne IBS 14 110 B-- , Mlcbe Wins the Prntt Cop. K Olen Cove. June SO. In the last weekly ban). K dlcap for the Orat cup offered by H. L. Prats 'i 1 CO. Gates. 110, 11, 108, was tbe winner, with ' l J. ' J. 1). C Tappan. U2, 3, 100, second. The result (j gave Oates three wins In tho seventeen contests a of the series, but he is still one less than W. L. Hlcke, who will receive the cup. Next Saturday J ' play begins under the same conditions for K ; another cup presented by the same donor. The yt' munthly handicap was alsodocidod. The class WI A scores wero: (81 I ?ASa fTaanaat tT VIM CO. Oates US 18 100 ll II, W, Maxwell 139 80 109 ' iff' Harvey Murdoch 198 11 118 ill 11 M Allans 122 , 9 118 ! Tho class 1) handicap was won by A 0. Bed- ford, ' 13'.', DO, U'J, j Aulley llereal nirhuond IIIIL ! Nuti.f.v, June 20. The Nutley Oolf Club 6, ' ! feated tho Ulchmond Hill team y by thly f I teen holes to eight, Tbe summary: ;' MTI.KT, i eiciixovD niu. x n T. W, Hatterthwalte.,., 0 F. J, Silma m., 1 , ll AlpbeusUecr ,,,,, 3 Franklin Paddook 0 U Mure Ml liael ,.,, 4 Arihur Mai n 0 , I E Mergsn. Jr li A 0. Olid rsleevs,, 7 , B F. K. 0 0, H. Van Rrnsalear 0 , R b.ll.Derr ill), F.Walls 0 . f Total , 13 Total,,, 8 V jj ? al l.liilta Opened al Lone nranrb. J Ix)N(i IlitANL'ii, Juno SO. A very high ocean Jf I wind Inlfrforod materially wltb the scoring In 'jb j tho llrHt of tbo weekly handicaps for Ihe season j at tho N'orwooil KloliI Club Tbe prise Is '.if t a vnlu iblo cup, to bo won outright by the player winning tho grontcr numlier of tbe weekly 'f i iiinlclics by bept, 1, The summary: ' I! Gross, ircap. iVsl. " Frank P.. Henderson 110 18 88 John W. Alhaugb, Jr...., Ii3 9 94 " Hi ll. W Curtis 101 U 96 fi F Hliniuoiu ,.117 23 96 "It A. McClavti 1IH 33 9B - (I II Mtirp'iv 1(8 i 101 7 II Frnuklln Id n Jr 144 85 109 fi Oeorge llroaaw ,.144 lift 109 ? I I.. Itiaia 113 83 111 J Mnwulug 1ft! 40 118 j 11 K. Drowning 142 27 lit II. II. Hilling . W. Otlcraon, J. Lockwood, B. I T, lUiiM, and I'. Hoes did not hand In caxtls. J''

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  • I THE StN, SUNDAY, Jt)KB 27. 1897. ' JlBI JOYCE'S DOUBLE VICTORY.I vcir ToitKB trzs riro nxjfM mostT TUB IT AtilllXQ I VN8.

    geymanr aad Sullivan Pitch Pin Ball nroeti- -V ,aa Ueresl the Ptallahlphias Italtlnsore

    Whitewash Ihx Itoeioti Cincinnati, Cbl-cag- oand Pittsburg Ibe Oihrr Winner,

    The New York deserve a royal receptionthe Polo Grounds to-

    morrowwhrn thev tome back to

    to play the champion Baltimore. Out1 of ilgbtgnme played away from home during

    tho past week tlioy won stx. their double vlo--

    tory over the Washington yesterday being amost creditable performance. They are still Infourth placo, twetuy-sl- points behind the

    hut as they are playing stronir ballthey are liable to forgo nhend at any tlmo TheBrooklyns won aclosognme from tho Philadel-phia, and are still Oftli. but tho Pittsburg arecloto tiehlnd them hy virtue of their victory overBt. Louis. Tho nnltlinores npplled the whitewash brush to tho Uostons, and out tbelr leaddown to twenty-liv- e points. Cincinnati had a

    V dncb with the Loulsvlllcs. and tho Chlcagosbsd an easy task to outplay tho Clovcland.The results:yew York, Si Washington, t (first gams).

    Xsw York, IOi Washington. B (second gams),brooklyn, St Philadelphia, 8.

    Baltlnior, 1 Hoston. 0.Cincinnati, 1 x Louisville, 1.

    Chicago, wiClsveland, 8.n. Pittsburg, Bt Bt Lonla, 8,

    ma record,m Vr i rvr

    Clwoa Wbn.T.oH.Ctnt.1 Club: Won.letl.Ctnl.Boston ST 14 .733 Cleveland. ...84 86 .480

    B 8ammor....3ft IS .700 Philadelphia. 9B 2V .483BMI....3I 17 .BIB W.shlMun..BI 99 .420B Srw York....Sl to .B20 Lou vlil....19 SO .8m,

    Brooklyn 36 8ft BIO Chicago 19 82 .370Pittsburg. ...20 SB .BUD M. Louis 11 43 .S03

    I xiir tore, 0; WAsniNOTON. 1 rinsT dame.H Washington, Juno '28. The Now Yorks tookboth game Irom Washington adding tothuli laurel, but leaving gloom In inelr wnke.for live hours 8,000p ople watthed tbe proceed- -Uies with a nriely a cheer. The Senators were

    H plainly outclaasod to-- lay. It was evldont fromLho first Innlngot the first frame that luoy could

    Hi ao little or nothing with their opponents, ai d ItBB was with sullen despair thtt lho crowd watched

    12 the vMors pile up run .iftcr run and make nion- -ke)sof tha bonio team. When the first nameI opened raanv pro llcte la cluster of victories i ortho homo aggregation, while the remainderB hoped forani von bieag. Fifty Now ork rooterswere seated In t e grandstand, and, with tho ex.- -rcpimnofa fo etn gg.ers here and there, they

    H were the only ones who hopod for a New orkvictory.

    Set mour made the star record of tho seasonfor the loinl grounds, only two safe hits beingrune up off his delivery and eight men wildlyB t inning tho air three times In an eilort to lo atehis curves and irou bills. Klnupiti hed a steadygame, but the support was ragged. Jan i

    flu Iron stepped to tbe oat first, and the first hallv.hicb cme over tho plate he ranpo.l (or a

    fm ban. Ho came In without difficulty. DavisH hd a ciojc shitve at first, where he enmenear being caught napping by Tommy Tuikcr.Lynch ioula not see It that way. unit this started

    H the kick against the umpire. In tho third theH New Yo.-k- s scored,igoln. sending Warnornroundthe "uses. The runs kept pllinj up until the

    M eighth, when Van Haltren. Tiernan, Holmes."Jr anu mour each made one run.1 This ended It so far as New York was con- -I cerned. Tho only score mide by Washington

    A was In the sixth. Selbicb getting his baso on aifl scratch and waking his way to the home plate

    after stealing second. Thj work of tho homeJW team was very poor In this game. Dcmotitro--

    l villa, the bright shortstop, seemed umble loH handle the ball and ni'ido two disastrous errors.nilrnn hrt n. bad cise of fumbles also. NotonoH of the team eecmed able to got his lamps on the

    bill, although F.irrell locate 1 it for a clean ln- -gleonJReliiy strotched a long single Into a

    I The Holding of the New York team was of thoJ order. Gleason did esreclally well,iccptins all chunces and making three nut- -ouu and four The stick work wasulsogoo I, every man on the to an, except Ho,mcs,

    H Earing one or more hits to his credit. henH this came closol with the score standing 9 to 1J every one pres.-n- t was willing lo admit tnat thej visitors were playing pennant-winnin-g ball. ,H Thesvorc: j

    Bj WAiartarov. t sxw toek.l .livr.a k.s Is.rnA.fl. I

    tU ' 0 I 0 I Vnmtr1i.cf8 18 0 0B B'llcii.K .10 0 0 0 Tlrrnaa. rt..l 110 0M 08 V J y. 3b....0 I 0 1 0m IrrtlL 0 . .0 I 3 4 0 Darls. SS.....0 8 8 4 0Hf Tu.kar, lb.,0 0 18 0 0 Ol,aon.2b..0 18 4 0Bctilv. .Sb... 10 3 1 Warner, c- -.. 8 17 8 0AU7. rf....u OHIO Clark. lb....O 81000

    1 0 0 3 7, 1 liolnu-s- . If.. .8 00, 0 O,J Khij. p 0 0 0 0 0 Seymour, p.. I I 0 I 9

    H T011K.....T 8 37 18 B Totals.. .8 10 87 18 0J Wuh'nitt'n. 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01KwTork 1 0 0 1 1 I O 4 3--

    H Si rued runs 5ew York. S. tint base on rrrors- -York. 4. Left on buo WuUog'ou. 4i Sew

    ork. 7 FintbiM oa uu OS hu. B; olT Sey- -M Buar. 3. struck oul By King. 3: by beymour. 6.(I T,hAe h!t Kellly. Tiernan. Sejmour.

    ttt Stolen ba Selbach, Joyce. Hulmes.HI Cut Double vltrt rrell and DmontrTlllettem.mireTilIe and Tucker. Bit by pitcher By King.H t. U'1,4 pitches K M. 1; Sdytuuor 1. umpire

    J Ljncti. Time of giin 'i hours.W TOKK, 10J WABHWOTOW, 8 6K0OND GAME.

    H WABnmoTON, June ao. Tbe second game wasH very unlniercating and entirely fo.tturoless. unUH Uu Se inch's Dtay In r a two-bagu-JM Into a borne run can be called n feature. 1 hejim lme tetm objected to tbe close decblons nf'til ljuch. and Nick Young replaced him iu thisBT game nith Heydler. The latter was anxious to

    give Washington a fair deal, and In one or twoI tuunces hi gve them a shade the better of the

    sntument. He was a trifle erratic on the ballJ and strike decisions, but It did not affect the

    W Win Mercer wria eelectot to do the honor'i tor the Washington lays, and It was thought

    Hi that they stool a show to win. The New yorksB took prido In knotk ng " Winnie's" alow bull allL over Ihe lot und fattened up their bulling aver--

    ( sgea UU they almost burst. Everybody Uiok aj puck t JlerLer, wbo. by tbe way, got muchJ bs'ter support i h n King.

    The game did nut get so bad until the sixthInnin. The New Yorks were well In Ihe leadwith four runs to their credit over the one

    HI which Wmiblugtnn bad mid.-- . In this InningJ they Jumped on Men or. and marie the apoi-tu- -

    tors siik by making a total of five runs. AfterJ that they plajid e slly. Tbe boys ero tiredJ and rill not exert themselves.

    H Wsshlngton's tale is soon told. Aran In theHI flrst h nl put thorn even for tho time txlng, butHI they drew 1.1 .nka until tbo sixth, when tbey gtitHi another. Half the crowd wont home, but In theHJ sluhth ihe remain er saw Belli cb knock a lullHI U centre flfld. He roiuhed set ond In safety,HI and, scilnir thit the ball, blch had been thrownKj te was gong a footovor bis bead,HI Itsrtcd (or third. Noons backed "Scrappy, soHI Belbaih went on In, By hard work McdulroHi BMPsire'l to git In also in this Inning. Sullivan

    M mui h less eltlcicnt than Seymour, but he:pt bis hits wrll scattered. The scoro:

    M WAfcniNoro. , saw vobk.r. la.r.o.A.c1 B.lB.rO.A.8.

    Hi!) 10 8 8 0 Vsn II'1'n.ef.u 8 0 0HI Iclliach, if ,2340 1 Tiernan. rf..l 1101HI pemmt. u 13 4 8 1 Joyce. 8b. ...X 8 18 0HI BeUuln-.i- i 10 8 8 0 UstIs. ss 1 14 8 8HI Tuker,tb..O 1 a 0 0 Ulraon,lib..l 8 3 8 0HI Belli;, 8h ,.i I 0 8 0 W.Uon. 0....2 BillHI 4Jy. rf...o o 0 Clark, lb,. 1 3 10 0 0HI C'Bnea.i.b.O 0 0 1 0 lln'mes. K...1 18 0 0HJ ,,0000 0 SolUean, p..l 1010HJ Ken er, p. ,,0 0 0 8 0 ..

    TotaU.... 10 18 27 18 4HI Totl!. S 8 87 14 8H Wuli ngton 1 0000108 1 6H Hew York , 1 3 3 0 0 B 0 0 010H Ewne runs Wublngton. li New York. 8 FlntIM " by erron W Inirto i. 8. Left on hnea Wab--Hi toia, a; w yor rt- - pn, uu on hall. OilHI uffSulllTun. 8. Struck ,ut By Sullivan. Tkret-bu- - hit. eila-li- . Dinont. Wilson. Two--HI "" Ml" It Illy. UlUon. Tuosr. Stolen basesWS stlnich. Deiuont, Vn Hal rrn.Twuau. Double playsof -- Krii y. OTirt-n- , anil i mt snrt Tucker,W vrnpire-iieyd- ler. Time 2 hours and 80 minutes.jH BKOOKLTN, D; rniLADELPUIA, 3.HJ- - .,nl the Brooklyn and Philadelphia player

    aUalayed s.jine snap In tholr work yesterday'Hi fra t Kasturn Park would liuve been an Jttitetlng rtir. Iloih pltihera at times woreHI E,-- e Vve- - Bnd at Intervals, when least expected,H bus forced ill.- twirlers to put on extra force.Hs 'bere wat no extliemeul north mentioning un-H- I

    j" the ninth inolutr, whin Ihe (juukers were de--prlied oi H least one run. With a lend of fourH rjD. i bo I'hiiHue pluas' chances of overtakingHJ tio noiu toaiu were small imlood. but, neverlbo-H-J

    sa, ibi--j iimi)e a wood attempt to pull out a vlo- -K jery. La.rue opened tbo final Inning with a well--Pined tliue to centre, but wus forced out atJMk second b) Doyle, nhosu bounder went toBiUlth,'HC-- ft '',,r;, drive lo far centre Held by CleiuoutajHJ biuuitht In Iloyle. The latter could have scoiedHI M10."10 '"'. but he s'oppodat third. KonnedyHit iiV.i t0 o''1 Oliicn on two but theHH '"," 'nonstop could nut be Uiuptcd, ThenHi 'toirlnglii lr' sent a str.ilght one iicros. theHj ut and allien shoved the 1). 11 to left, scoringHI Client', mid reuihliig second ou AndrewsHI fua s. Th-- lolluwtil tbe decisions whichHI F"i,ht dUin.iy to the visiting pluyer. Cross's

    S"1,?;'1"' on lt Journey to venire whenHi f,"dth iad down the ball and quicklyHI L ", " " first, Fruin tbe grand stand itm m CUD if the ball be it out the runner. TheHi i.a ,"'11 silting on a dirtct line with first base,HI "ho erc in u position to soe tbo bug,HH Ci,"; "l,; , There was no doubt thatHI !". 'aid blundured when he called Orler, theJR f"1 out nt ilrst. ending the gunio. Thof2m ki. ,ri w B.llt ,0 bat In pin e of Kllleld, and hoHV tL '"'bull In almost th" same iltiectlon asHb) ci .'"v. fl",lll, w" aifain on band to assist iu theHI irii' W 'l0 apparently got tho bull too laie toHs! K i0 ery Due's surprise. Umpire Mo- -

    JJ,,"W llu'a out," The Philadi IpbliaH (Tr ..KUred nl h umpire ami walkod? l,e, ' eld- - Orlllln's homo run In IboHh i.rA,lnnl,"-'i-- 8 u in, une. Doituxnty waHi C.,iilfAn'rr bthesiorihli.jlounder.wlinn theHJ tuj end ot the bluyi . and bounded

    n H a.U.K,,'hou,ler' r'iUcld, wbo has piotwblyH , '" before made a homo run, caused some ex

    citement among the visiting players by drivingthe hall under the ropes In right field. WhonFill eld reached third he had not recovered fromhis surprise and wanted to stop, but Uoylopushed blm down the base lino. Just as tbopitcher crossed the pinto Jones recovered tboball boyond the embankment. The scoro:

    SROOX1.TS. I raiLAfikU-tllA- .

    a. Is. r.o.A.B. lUk.r.o. t.x.Orlffla.ef.,,.8 1 8 0 o'Coolsy, ef.,.,0 0 8 0 0Jones, rf 0 10 0 0 I)od. tb....0 0 4 8 0Anderson, It. 1 0 8 0 1 Deleh'ntr, lf.0 1 0 0 1SUiinlle, 3b..t 8 0 I 0 Latols, rt..0 8 10 0Lachance.tb.0 1 II 0 0 IHiyto. UI....1 0 0 0 0CnaTrn.3b.O 1 4 B 1 8 10 0!O.mlth,ss..0 1 8 7 ...,0 8 8 B 0Orlm. c I 1 n 0 0Cro.3b 0 0 14 0Kennedy. p. .0 8 0 8 0 FinoM, p.,,.,1 10 8 0

    --. a lsr 0 0 0 0 0Totals. ,...B 10 8718 81

    Totals 8 ft 84 14 1llattod In plsos of Tlflsld In tbs ninth Inning.

    Brooklyn 1 0 I 0 8 1 0 0 .. 8Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 83

    Rarned run rtrooklyn. It Philadelphia, 8, firsthue on error Pnllartelphla. Left on liaae Brook-lyn, RtPh la lelphla. A. Home runs Orlltln, Klneld.Time-bas-e hll ClamenM. TwiUm hit Kennedy.Ptoleu hasei Orlm. Shlmlle, Canaran. First bue vnbll orrvtilelil, 3i olTKenn dy, I, Struck mil "yFin Id. It by 4. Double play Canavan.0. Smith, a d l.aohanee. Umplro McDonald. Tims1 hour and Bl minutes Attendance, 0.831.

    1LTIV0R. 1 aostos, 0.Dostoi. Jnne 88. Tbs Orioles Mnk the final game

    of this ecrtea from the home before the largestattenitanoe seen on tbe Routli Pml In twoyears. It was the first game the l an tonaumers hadloot at home aluee their return from the West. Thawhole ttory la told In the ruperb nttclitng, Stem I'shit Into Hie right bleachers yielding tbeon yrun.It w 'a also practically an errorless game, aa Duffy'srntibtslnth third oostnothln but a bae. Et?ntl'abatting and Jennlnn's short field work were again thefeatures of Ihe champions' gams. Long and Collinsalso played well. Tha score

    SOSTOH. SALTTKORX.n. ls.r.o.1.. A.t

    Hamilton. cf.O 18 0 0 McOraw, Ob.O 10 0 0Tenney, lb.,0 Oil 1 0 Dojle. lb... 0 0 7 0 0Long, ss 0 18 0 0 Jmulmrs. ss.O 0 B 4 0Hunt, If 0 0 8 0 1 Kelley, if....0 0 8 0 0Ktlvetu. rf...o 8 8 0 0 btenn-1- . cf...l 8 8 0 0Tenner, Stx.. .0 0 110 O'Brien, rf ...0 18 0 0BUhl 0 0 0 0 0 Hells. b....O 0 0 O 0Collins. 8b... 0 18 8 0 Bowerman.o.O 0 7 8 0Clausel. O....0 0 8 I 0 Corbett, p...O 0 0 8 0Nieuois, p.. ..0 oiBO ::;Totals 1 B87 8 0

    Totala....0 BB7I3 1Batted for Yeager In th ninth Inatng.

    Boston. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00Baltimor....,! 1....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11Earned nin Balllmore. Home run --Stentel. Bart- -

    nee hit Veajrer. F.r.t base uu balU 2t Baltl- -more, 8. Lft on bases Boston. At Dal Imore, 4.Struck out By Corbslt. 81 by Nlcho'a. I. Pausedball Bowerman. lilt by pitched ball Onniel. Tims

    2 hours and 8 minutes. Umpires Etusllo and O'Day.Attendance 1 7.000.

    ciMCisxari. 7t Lomsvtme, 1.CrscmuTi. Jua 88. Th Lout vlllee went down In

    a heap before tbs Clnclunatla through Inabilityto hit Bre.tenjteln. who noelved excellent support,The scoret

    cxnccriavi. Loctsvnx.l la.r.o,A.e. n. I. r.o. A.B.Burke, If..... 1 I 1 0 0 Clarke, If.... 0 10 0 0

    Hny. cf 0 I 1 0 rf.l I 8 0 ICorcoran. 8b. 1 3 1 B 0 Plcierin.r.or.0 0 18 0Irwin, 3b... .0 0 8 8 0 Station!. 8b. 0 8 18 0Miller, rf ...0 0 0 0 0 Werdi-n- . lb.,0 8 10 t 0Deckle;, lb.. I 8 13 1 0 Dolan.aa 0 0 18 3Illch.-J- , aa....l 13 8 0 Dexter, c... 0 0 18 0I'lllt. o 8 1 0 B 0 Johnson, Sb..0 18 4 0Brelt'nst'n.p.1 8 10 0 Fraser, p ....0 0 0 8 0

    Totals ,7 li 87 11 o' Totals .7 7 84 80 "ICincinnati 0 0 0 13 10 8 ..7LouUtI.Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01

    Ri nt earned Cincinnati. 4i LouIitIU-- , 1. Tiro.baaehlta Cor or n. Stafford. To Pettr,BrelUnstsln. Stolen banes Beokley in), ehlt Irwin. Hloiey. 6tru k out Bt Brelten'teln. 7tbr Fraer, t. First base on ball Off Breittnteln, 81oit Praaer, 8. Left on bve C nelnn itl. Ui Louis-ville. 7, Fl'st a on errora 4. Hit bypitcher By Fra-e- r, I. Wild p.toa a Friser, 2. Um-pire Uum. Time 8 hours and A minutes.

    cmcaoo. Bt cutTXLAXO. 8.CmCAOO. June vn. The Chlcagos won from the In-

    dians Clarke. Ihe Unlee-alt- y of Chicagoher. was signed by Clav land and plti-he- a cred-tabl- egane. -- Danny ' Frteni made his rea peai

    ance In a Chlcao uniform, and kept th vtittora' hitswell acatu-red-. Tbs seor:

    CHICAOO. CXITILA.TO.a. l. r.o. a. a. a. I s. r.o. a. a.Ererett, 8b.. 1 I 1 0 Barkert. lf..o 1 8 0 1

    McC' 1 fi 8 0 Chllln. ib....n 0 4 4 1Lne,cf 2 8 8 0 0 SockTxlu.rf.O 8 2 0 0Anson, lb. ..2 0 V O 0 MoKeao, u..O 1 I B 0 ,Ryan, rf 1 0 1 1 0 Wallace. Sb..l 0 1 5 1D cker. lf...O 18 0 OTrtwiu. lb. .3 8 13 0 0Connor. 2b.. 0 0 0 4 0 Oear, cf 0 8 10 11Frleol. P....0 0 0 8 0 Creli r.c.,.0 0 0 11Klttrldge. e.O 1 8 0 0 Clarke. p....O 8 0 13

    Totals.... "ailiT "0 Totals...., 1) 10 2 18 "7 ,Chicago 8 0 2 0 10 0 3 .. 8Cleveland 0 0 0 8 0 I 0 0 03

    Eam-- runs CMcaro. 8: CIvU&l, 2 Flmt baseby error Chicago. B. Lelt on bass Cbl. a 10. IsCleT.lanl, 0. Flrtt ba on halls Off Friend. 4: offClark- -, S. Struck out By Frl od, 4 Home runLattice. Risrett. Stolen b aea XI Cormlck (2), Lanic-m- ,

    Anaon. t nisya llclw- - an. Cbilita andTrtv-a- (3): Chl.di and Tel-ea- mt by pitcher UyFriend, umplr UcDermott. Tims 2 hours.

    O.000.rrrrsrcTto. 61 ST. Locts, 3.

    Pillsauuo. Jnne 28. With Tannehlll on tbe rubbery tbe loea s bad no trouble to win from tha

    Browns. Pitub rg iotight Ed B Lynch, a catcter.from th Matufleld Interstate League Thscore:

    I rrmsrao. ST. tons.a. lar.o.A.K.' .!. ro. a.x.Smith, lr 1 8 10 0 Turner. rt...O 2 8 0 0

    PadJm. 2b..O 0 8 8 0 Ha Iman.'ib.O 0 8 2 0DaU lb. ...I 1 II I 1 Hartman.8b.U 0 8 0 0

    1 8 0 0 0...I 8 2 8 0Donoeaa.rf.1 I 8 0 0 Urady, tb....0 0 10 0 IEly. as 1 1 4 8 0 Lal.y, If 1 0 8 0 0

    , 8uden. 0....1 0 4 0 OCroaa. as.... 0 114 0Duunellj, 3b.O 118 0 Harlley, cf..O 0 10 0Tannehul. p.O 0 0 8 0 Caney. P....1 3 13 0' Totals. B 7 27 13 1 Totals 8 8 24 10 I

    Pltt-bur- 1 10 2 0 0 0 1 . a8t. Louis 0 0I0000O g 3

    Earned runs Pittsburg. It St. Loul, 1. Two-bs-hit Ely. Threebae hit Daela. First bis-o- n baltaOUT uusblll li i.n Caney, 2. ntruik nut By Tan-nehlll. 4t j Cirsey, I. Stolen hae m tli. Sacrl-do- r

    hit Dom ally, nil by pitcher Pa lilen. Hart-ma-Doubt" play Ely and Davia. Time I hour

    and SB mlnuta. empire Sheridan. Attendance8,000.

    Atlaatlc Leaerne.AT LAkCASTEa.

    a. n. x.Lancaste- r- 9 1 I 0 0 I 0 0 17 7 BQartforJ 0 10 0 8 0 0 0 03 S 8

    Batteries West and Ftotbt Vlckery and ajuouro.

    I a. a. a.Reading 0 0 10 10 0 0 02 4 4flewari 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 ,.- -0 10 I

    Batteries Lucid and Barekleyi Coogaa and A.Rotbfiis.

    AT Btcnaoxn.a. n. x.

    Richmond .8 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 ,. B 0 INorfolk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 8

    Dittiirlrl - Bnnmtdl and Fostsri Newton and ratxaaox. a n. c.

    Paterson 1 10 10 0 0 0 ..8 B 1Albletlo 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 23 0 B

    BatteriesJones and Bmlnk I Oarrln and Fox.

    Brklyu Amateur Asaoclatluat raosrcci run.

    a. a. a.00010 84 onBldney.T.":."""....... 14 8 8 8 4 ..-- 85 17 8Batteries Mitchell. CambeU, and Halleyi Wall,

    CUncy. and Daly.a. r. c.

    St. Peter'aO.UA.B 0 B 0 fl 1 10 18 IM aBvaolutes 0 010000084 14 7

    attsrtes Horman and Walli Dyer, Low,and Brown,

    ew England Lea sua.At Pawtueket Pawturkn. 8; New Bedford, 1.At Taunton Fall River, B Taunton, 18.At Brockton Newport, lfll Brockton, 7,

    rnellout Stale Laaaaa,At Waterbury Waterbury. I7i Brutol, B.At Demy Derby, i Torrlairton. S.At Uildgeport Bridgeport. Bt lltrldsa, 14.

    Other Uhim.rxrnoToi. IS) siwiBx, 7.

    Nxwinx, Jun 8n. Nearly t.UOO peraom went toShooting Park tiajy to wi'nesi me u, pin gamebetwien the Newark in I Irvluiitim teami.w bleu werefaiuuua nn tt diamond nearly forty years go. Amalo IJ of tbe players are now grulfatlirs, nil,01 e I bsll was not looked for, but Itwaa aurprls.uir the way In whl"b aome of them ahownlup. After Ova Innings alJ war tired out and willingto quit. Thssoorsi

    Irvlnrtm B 4 0 8 J--IH Ifl 4Newark 0 10 8 88

    Batteries Walters and Farrowi Falluute, Ford.Pruton, aad Oaburn.

    AT CUOTOXA riEX.a. n. a.

    0 0 0 8 0 0 (I 11 II 118imTb"ns:.:.::::o o i b i a 1 ..- -ta b

    Batterlea Tagurt and AiUlri Stewart and O'NelL

    at OAaxxRSvnxa.Oarnrvlll 8 1 I 4 0 8 8 8 ..IBblTUiuls College 0 8800000-- 9

    Uatterlrs-Hurp- hy and Stalteri Duffy, Baker, andKnihalL

    AT KXaLEWOOD.n. 8. s.

    ilonteUIr A. 0..4 B B 4 1 1 0 80 IB 8KMI wood 0081000 0- -8 07

    Bttrle-T)rr- ull and Woodi Westsrvelt and ltus- -MIL

    at sotrrn osasox.. a. n. x.MorrUtownr.C.O 0 0 0 8 0 I 0 0--3 8 8oouibOraag-K.C.- 0 I 0 I 0 8 0 ,.--7 IB 5

    Batteries Howell and Cbadnsllt Chard and Orady.AT OBAXOE.

    0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8-- fl 4ArriVgon.::..0 0 10 10 0 0 0- -3 4 8

    Batteries WesUrvell and Itsmmlugj Castro and jWiley.

    AT COHXIXO. n, n. c. jCorning 1 00080000 8 H U 8 IHornellsViiii.'.O 0 8 10 0 0 10 0- -4 0 8

    Batteries-Hoo- ker and Mour Mullln and Patohtn,AT OOSTO.

    B B

    Norwich A. O....0 ! ! ' 2lloonton S 8 0 0 I 0 0 ..a is

    . Batteries MoDonough and Blaanwayi Oerber andMllner,

    AT HiCXXJISiCX.a. n. a.

    Orltanl F. O...B 0 4 0 18 8 0 ..18 18 1BtaUnl. 0.0. ,0 000000000 8 a

    Battctlei Klsbcl andOumlngi Dlaosway and Vorhuuat tioanuvrowx,

    a. n. r..Plate Ilonpltal.O 7 R A 0 B B t ..28 SB fiNewarkO.N.TB 0 13 0 4 0 0 010 10 11

    UatUrlss-C- arr and Osegeri Hawkins and Brlttlng.AT Xl'TtST.

    a. n. x.Nntley A.0....8 1001800 00 B 7Woorib'geA.A.n 110 8 0 8 0 010 IS 6

    Batteries alllla and Burkoi nrown and xxw KocnxtAB.

    laiyola 1 1 1 0 B 0 8 0 0 0- -8Huguenots 0 4 0 18 10 0 0 18

    Batteries Usher and Barry McOowan and ftochelle.AT LOUISVILLE.

    a. n. B.Brotherhoods. ..0 10101 188 8 10 4Cuban ZUIanta.O 0 B 0 0 8 0 0 ..18 10 4

    Batteries Ward and daywardi Selden and Wit.Mams.

    AT XJDOXWOOn,a, n. a.

    Rldgewood T. 0..1 OBOOOOtO 8B9ib,bi,i, vn aaniftonB ,.18 fi 7Batteries Jefferson and Ueyarat Barton and Han-Is-


    Esston B 0 1 1 B 0 1 8 1- -18 17 7Catsssaojaa 1 0800008 1 B 74at Lxmorrrox. a. n. a.Ihlghton 0 0 8 1 8 0 S 1 11 18 BWashington 9 010010004 BB

    Batteries Durnbaugh and Kocht Anarews and Oox.At Prospect Prk Young Men's League. 81 Qutncy

    A. O..HI. Itaueoi, l Fort Green. 48. Payntar. litUnlonlaod, K New Utreoht. 38t Cortland SO Ri-vals, 311t Maretta, 87. Ilesley. 81 Oak Coierie. 28.Aurora Vi Echir,8. Journeay Burnham. Jrs.. 41Oreemrood, Jra., 4. Young Brlghtona. Ill Excelsior,IB. Araion, Bt Manual Training High School. 0.Wlnthrop, Jm., rt Wlnalow, 8,

    At Mount Vernon -- Y. U. O. A, I81 WtlllamabnrgF C. 18

    'atClaremont Park Martin B. Browna. 87i Tiffany

    At Am rose Park Calhoun. Bobbins A Co., 18Bweeuer. Pemhrook A Co., 17,

    At Van Cortlandt Park Rtversld F. O, 2Si Jointsvab Ia aAtXAlefctf An i

    At Ambrone Park Burnet Company, 17 Bwaa,Fin. h Company, 18.

    At Williamsburg-Athleti- cs, 81 Williamsburg A.

    il Closter Ctoiter F. O. 24t Plermont. 4.At Stanhope All Washington. 2 Rookaway A. A,

    16.At Hohokus Orlll A. A.. 13i Entre Nous, B.At Tirrytown Fletcher. 12 Y. M. C. A.. IB,At Long Br inch Lon Branch, Vt Lakeood. 8.At Jersey City Pacltlo A. Cm 17i NaUonala, 10.

    naaebatl CtameVATTOAL LEaOCE AXD web tea ASSOOIAZXOB,

    Cleveland at Chloigo.atlaxtio LRjiatra

    Hartford al Newark: Reading at PaMrssa,OTilia uaxxs.

    Providence vs. Brooklyn, at Provtdeno.Uarl A. A. vs. Murray llllla, at Whlteiton.Emera'da of Cathollo Protectory 11 Bt, Loot Col-

    lege, at V 1eit N.-- Voik F. O. va. Oenulne Cuban Oianta, at

    Weehawken.Sldneva th. Bay Rldg A 0.. at Ambros- - Park.Will a 1 s' urg A. A. va. Brighton A, C at Wtlllam-bur- g

    A. A. grounds.Hohoken vs. Kacrsattons. at 8V. Qorg ertofcat

    grounds.War, rly A. O. va. Tower M. and N. Company, al

    Willlainahrlde.Brooklyn F. O. va. Nat'onal. at Brooklyn.Norm m A. O. va. Emrtr A. A., at Evergrean,Faston va. St. ew. at Cotlaca Point,Ironsides va. Passaic A. C at KeeauotiB.Loyola A. A. va. United Statea Englnsers, at WO

    ta Point.Newark A. 0. va. Eureka A. 0.. al Newark.Uueriia County A. C. va. Mauler A. C. at Astoriavisitation Lyceum vs. Waverly A. A al Tucksho.

    Baaeball Bet.j.j.h.-n- o.O. W. S Not that we know of.J. s. P. Beat four out of seven gam.A C. W. Princeton. Harvard. Brown Yale, and

    Pennsylvania.Frank Bnnard. Yes, If the batsmaa reaches ant

    base afterward.A w. s. 1. Nichols and Bergen ot the Bostons. 8.

    Mc.lulre. 3. luile.Tne Oenulne Cuban Olants and Kid Caney's team

    will play a return gams tMly atReali-r- . Rust- - has bven a Natloual League pitcher

    since the eatoo of 1H89. Indlanapolli was m thLeague tbeu

    An Out Leairuer. I. The Brooktyns have not won afrom tbe New Yurks this aeaion. 2 He taysEarn- -9 I rtiTt uld. 3. ;li. 1. 1th 1 oxrd ULltcr Ui .

    decide B. We cannot ay.OftiMJr, June t The Orange Athletic Club base-

    ball nine baa e ur d tbe of Stephens the left- -band twlrler m bo pi yed mo.i good ball for tlie Ornxteam last aeason Ho will mki- - hl appearin"" certweek Tbe Auetrallan biaebaU nine will play theO.A.C.on the Oval n xt Thur-- y. and nsxthatuntaythe Orange boys will line op agaliutt lb Moutolalr A. 0,

    onxAsrjcxT triyn iiaxdily.B stomp ITfitne In tbe at. taals Derby Blx

    lnsrlba In front or naebvtilr.8t. Locts. June 20. Twenty thousand ad-

    mirers of the thoroughbred saw Ornament, thepeerless son of Imp. Ordor Vlctorene, win $12,000 Su Louis Derby In a walk thisafternoon at the FalrOrounds. A majority of 'the large crowd had pinned their faith .and their dollars on Typhoon II.. essentiallya St. Louts horse. Ornament and Typhoon II. '

    had met In tbe Kentucky Derby, and tbe latterwon In a drive by a neck. Dut the track wasnot so heavy nor the distance so long on thatoccasion as

    The victories of both cracks had been so im-- 1presslve since that the shrewdest bandlcapperswere puzxled to pick tbe winner. As an Indica-tion of the estimate placed upon tbe relativechances of the two, the opening betting onOrnament was even money, while 6 to B wasquoted against Typhoon II. theonly other starter, was posted at 8 lo 1. A greatdeal ot money was wagered on both Ornamentant Tvphoou II. The llnil quotitloiis were:Ornament 1) to 10, Tphoon II. 11 to 10. lluck-Vldcr-

    12 10 1.When sent away Buckvldero was In the lead,

    Typhoon II. second, and Ornament third. Atthe quurter Typhoon II. led by two lengths,with one length before the outsider.At tho half Ornamont moved up and TyphoonII. led y only a length, with lluckvl-der- e

    three lengths back. Clayton plckodthe best going, taking Ornament wideat the turn at lho six furlong pole,and Typhoon's Joikey did the snme. Doth wererunning easy, no k and nook. 81 nightor cutthe turn short with Iluckvldero nnd closed onthe leaders, hut at n big sicrltlcc In the heavygoing. At the mlleOrnnnicnl forced to lho frontwithout much exertion. ml led by 11 length,Typhoon II. apparently bfllng unable to k

    himself. Ilnekvldere wita third, twolengths awnv. At tho mile and a quarter Orna-min- i

    still led by 11 length nnd was running easy,Typhoon II, was In trouble. Slaughter againrusbud Ilnekvldere through it qiinginlre tncutthe turn short ntul mako up some ground. Ornn-- 'mi: nt imnto Ibe turn wide, as iisu-il- , nnd In-creased hit lo id to two lengths at the head ofIbostrctih, while Huckvldcro pnssed the tiredTyphoon II.

    In the linnl furlong Ihe race proved to he amere cxer-Is- gallop lorOrnntnont, the big andBlmpoly chestnut coll winning as ho pleiecd bysix lengths. Uuckvlderi beat Typhoon II. threelengths 'or the plnco. Tbe time, 2:31, Indicatesthe heavy condition of the track. Summariesof the day's reces:

    Pint liaoo One mile. C. 8. Bush, 107 (Tonron). IBto I. worn Oarnelt Ripple, 108 (Dean), 80 to 1. aeo-on-

    Hob White, lufl (Oreene), to 0, third. Time,

    Second Rsce One mile snd twenty yards. Madallo,107 (Mt chetl), IB lo I, wont L dy Brllauiile, 102(hlauchteri, 2 to I.iecondt Morallat, 107 (Foncon), Btot. third. Time. IiS'j.

    Tlilnl lace One mile and a sixteenth, Danii-li- .8B (Preston), ft to I, worn 70(Elttley), t to 1,eevonl. David, 88 (Cooml.s), 3 to a, third. Time,

    Fourth Race fit. Louis Dcrbv, vlue II 8,000 three-yea- roldsi one mile an I a half, Oraanvnt, 127(Cluy-ton- ).

    U to 10, won, nuekvidera. 12ft 18to 1. sioindi Ttpnoon II., 1VB (Oarurr), lOto 1,third. Time. V I.

    Fifth lla'r One mile and seven yards Pick Behan.IU (We'stcr). to 1, won. A D. 0 . 107 (llooner). 8to I, secon It Ja-- Bradley, 10A (Jones), B to 1, third.

    Ra-- One mile. Oold Top, 101 (Jones), B tol.woni RoralCholoo, 1 10 (darii-r- ). tol, seconliNsunle L.'s Bister, 84 (0. Coombs), B to 8, third.Time, 1i4UK.

    The Winner at NherTleld Park.Crucian, June 88 But two favorll-- a won out In

    races us Hbeffleld Park, and these wr noteswclally trong Iu Ihe bettlnt Summarlesi

    Flit Race Six anJ f furlungs. Jersey Lad,ill) (A. liarrett), 9 to B. wen. Orey Do, 104 (Donald-son), 40 to l.seiondi CoraUsvllI, 107 (Oouln), iltul,third. Time, l23

    econd Race-F- ive furlongs. OftlelaN, 10 1 (T.r. to 8. w ni Hardly, 103 (A. Dsrrstli, 4 to ft,

    eeSndt The Professor, lot (Csyr.ood), 8 to I, third.Time, :03,

    Third Race Five snd a half furlongs Abuse, 117(A. llorrett). to B, woni Lone Prince s, V to 1, sec-ond! Lew llopp-r- , 107 (Cay wood), 0 to 1, third. Tim,

    Fourth Race-O- ne mile. Dr. Rbeppard, 104 (A,too, worn Ben Wadd-l- l. I0A (Oonln). 7 to 3,

    eeoindi Mandollua, 103 (Caywuod). 8 to ft, third.T FlTi'li 'it .ot six and one-hal- f furlongsi Corduroy,loafreotl), IB to I. woni Inrltatus. iftl (P.Clay).to ft, sn-n- ili Lidy Dixon, 103 R. Armstrong), 7 to I,Ihlnl Time. IlllJ.

    Hath t,ee Ntretlwhasei short course, shout onUl Corro dJ, ISJKi (J. Jackson),"nt.Vl.xoni WarI.anoc.Jr.. 13hC, (Uarper), ,40 to 1.

    e o d! llaumoud, 13S (Lawless), 40 to 1, third.Time, Viftl

    fens rront tbn lloran World.Ciiiciao, Juno 28 Albert Thompon, a jockey.

    while attempting to boarl an elrctrlo car at BoutbChicago oittid for Uhefneld, foil under tbe wheels.One leg was o badly criisned that amputation wasnewesary, Oreat r r t was felt, as lTlMirmnB wasa favorite and a race winner.



    zxnriB elmoreIs 001.T lobes tbeZEPUXtl HTAK.ES.

    rails ta Carry a Penalty for Winning lbMnnhneetl Blakr Itaon Uom to Mont d'Or

    Perrlcr'a ntlrrup Cup sir Walter WinsWild Warrior la Ihe Dost or the Maidens,

    A crowd of holiday proportions saw ioruo cap-ital racing at Bbccpjhoad Bay yesterday aftor-noo-

    tbo handicap, at ono Ditto and a furlong,whkb was won by tho ever green tittlo championSir Walter, with Cromwoll second and Itcnsso-lao- r

    third, bringing about such a stirring finishthat tho occupants of tho stand roio to tholr footand oheorod to tha echo. Not more than a footdivided tha throo contestants nt tho trlro, andBlr Walter only won because Taral was theStrongest of tho throo Jockeys and liftedtho veteran In tho final strides. The stnkoraces, the Zephyr, for and thoStirrup Cup, for three-year-ol- and upward,with gentlemen riders In tho saddle, were disap-pointing contest. The Morris crack. Varus,porformed very poorly In the former, which waswon by Lewis Elmore's Olueawny, and Ferrler,ridden by his owner, Mr. Hunn, easily dofeatodSt. Nicholas II. and Hodm n D. (or the cup.

    While Blueiiway vron the Zephyr Stakes, hewas subsoquontly disqualified for not carryinghis proper weight. The official bullotlu. whichtolls the tale, follows:

    " An objection having been made against theZephyr being awarded to Dluoaway, tho Stew-ards decldo that IiuwIb Elmore's Bluaanay, hav-ing carried live pounds less weight than re-quired by tho conditions of tho race, is dlsquall-- Ifled and tha race awarded to Sensation 8tuble'sMont d'Or, with Varus second, nnd Fixed Starthird. Illueawny should have carried 110pounds, he having won the Manhassot Stake,worth (1,430, on June 3, at tha Drooklyn meeting. Uy so doing ho lncurrod aponallyof fivepounds.

    Nine starters were on the card for tha Zephyr,but Kittle Dily, Lydlnn, and dorian weredrawn early In the day, leaving a small field offive to go to tho post. The Morris pair. Varusand Fixed Star, were favorites at odds of 2 to 1on, with 2g to 1 offered against Bluo-nwa-

    20 to 1 Oen. Maceo. nnd 30 to 1Mont d'Or. Varus and Fixed Star made therunning until tho final furlong, when Varus gaveIt up llko a toward, and Mont d Or rushed tothe front. Thorpe lost considerable ground attho elbow with Blueaway. but atoned for thismistake by riding a strong finish on tho son ofOetaway, getting up in time to win a good raceby half a length. Mont d'Or was second andVarus third. An objection was lodged with theoutcomo as given above. Varus soems to be nn

    of Ihe worst type. Lltllefleld saidthat the son of Cayuga stopped wltb his mouthopen. Mont d'Or Isa useful-lookin- colt, with-out much of Ibo quality which Is characteristicof most of the llayon d'Ors.

    Forrler was naturally a great favorite for theBtlrrupCup, a he Isoneoi the best performersIn training on tho turf course. It was knownthat be bad been suffering from n splint, buttbe talent figured that he could haveseveral troublesome splint nnd still beat6L Nlcholaa II. and Rodman II. Hunn,who has the hands and seat of a professional,shot to the front tho moment tbe start namade and rem'lned there to the end, winningunder a pulL 8L Niiholas beat Hodman B. forsecond money. It was a vory cheap race, and byno means worth tbe money tt cost tbo ConeyIsland Jncker Club.

    Wolhurst and Arbuckle carried the bulk ofthe tnonry In the opening dash nt soven s.

    'or which there wore nine starters.Neither got Ihe money, for after Storm Kinghad shown the way to the stretch. H. Martinmoved Leedsvlllo out of the ruck nud won ngood race. Clawson, tho lad who rode LucroUaBorgia In her four-mil- e record-tir- king trip inCalifornia recently, had the mount on Wo-lhurst nnd succeeded In boating Storm Kinghomo for second money. Shultxwas prominentfor six furlongs, but Arbuckle was outrun alltho war.

    Joseph E. Seagram's three-year-o- Tragedianwas fa vorlie for the handle p at ono mile and afurlong, with that good three-year-ol- Rens-selaer seiond choice at 4 lo 1. Sir Waller andthe Bromley pair. Free Advice and Hondo, wero ,net In dent ind. Cromwoll was away In frontat . while TLd Swa'.u r.-- :tf: tl the .post. Cromwell set a merry pace for thebalanco, and ho soon had the others Idriving bard to reach him. Rcmeelaer. sirWalter, nnd Tragedian, however, got withinstriking distance ot the son of 3u 131 ilse In thoupper turn and tho quartet swung Into thostretch head and he-id- . Tragedian was tbeflrst to crack. Tho other throe-year-ol- weremadeof Btemerstiifl.andwheiithetlght wasthothickest nennt-ilae- r trot his head In front. Crom-well


    hung on unusually wull, for this horse s rep-utation lor courage hts never been alwve oar, andTaral got Sir Walter rightdown to business. Asa consequent e the crowd iw ono of the mostbrllll ini finishes of the meeting. Head andbe nl and stride for stride the trio ran the lastfurlong, and It was only by tho most super-human efforts that Taral got Sir Walter homewinner by n nose. Cromwoll beat Hciwselncr asfar for second money. Tho time, 1:65, aftor a.delar of half an hour at the post, marks a grandperformance.

    " If hu bad only run that way with 1 IB poundsIn tho Suburban." was Wnltor rtolliiiss com-ment after the race. While Sir Waller per-formed well. Ilonsselaer was undoubtedly thohero of tbe race.

    Wasteiul. a very taking colt by Knight ofEllerslle. out of Squander. In David Oldeon sstring. Lucid and Qlorl in were much fanciedby the talent In tbe ilnsb for maiden s

    at five and a half fnrlonu'S. but JohnA. Bonnet's black colt Wild Warrior, withSimms In the saddlo, took them all Intocamp In clover stylo. Glorinn was sec-ond, and Tnral thinks he would have wonhid Wasteful not carried him out when lieswerved. Commerco was third nnd Wastefulfourth. Tho winner Is a full brother to Huronami other good SyLnrls, a colt, byMorello out of Deccpi ion. a starter In this ruce,ran In California as 1 hoi po.

    Zanone looki-- a winner of the sixth race untilthe I ist fifty foot, whon ho w is collared by Do-Ia-n

    lo. the fnvorlte, and boaton a bead In a harddrlte. tJothim. tho top wotght. was third.Domltor, Beaufort, and Lambent all showedspeeil of a hltib order,

    A steeplechase over the short course broughttbo dav's sport toac!o"C. Mill Boy was favor-ite, wlih Mars Chan a strong seiond Tbo

    ' fiuorltw got an ugly fall at tbo Juinri opposite, the tower end or the stand. Tuxedo fell nt

    tbo same obstacle and dragged Owonsseveral yards before Ihe plucky rider cxlrl-- 1cated his foot from the stirrup, and Hill-mon- t

    went down opposite tho clubhouseThis left only Mars Chan and Latitude, andMara landed tho formiir winner In a commongallop. Both English, tho rider of Mill Hoy, nndHow. in, who bad the mount on Beaumont, werebadly shaken up, nnd Owen, remounting, rodeTuxedo plucklly iiver tbe course, und finishedwithin the time limit, thus earning third money.

    Tol Mloan's physician would not penult himto ridu yealerday, and Sam Dogget was kept outof lho aaddle by u crippled right band, which bepoisoned in noniu way.

    Among the spectators yesterday were) August' Bnlmont, Jamos It. Keene. I'reslilont Klpof theI Coney Island Jorkov Club, V. J. Dwyor. J. O.i Hoi ksiher, J. II. Bradford, Andrew Miller,

    James Oalay,F. I'. Kcene, T. S. Ilowlnnd. J,Q. Foil insbce. f. It. ami Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.,11. It. ICnapp, Arthur White, and J, K. Seagram.

    Summary follow:rirtsT RACE.

    For aelllngi br subscription of 110eaohi purse Iftoilt of which II 00 to eevund and ISOtothlrai seven furlonxsiDai Gideon's br. c, Leedavllle, by Pcmtlac Th

    Huuaw. 101 (It. Martin). 1C. Hits hmanu t sons b. g. Wolhurst. 10B (Claw-son- ) 8W. I.andslrg'a blk, e, Storm King, 108 (0'laryj. S

    Arbuckle, Parmesan, Draw Lad, bbultt, Femandlno,and Chum also ran.

    Time, I .SBBelling Against Wolhurst, 2h to 1 Arbuckle, 8 to

    It Luedsvllle, 0 lo It Mtorm King, 0 to It Draw Lad,12 to tt I'jnnc'Bu and hhulir., each IB to It Chum,BO to 1 Feruamllne. DO to 1,

    SECOND HACK.For ami upward! bandlespi by

    of 110 ekchs puree I'OO, or winca lltft toand I7B to tidrdi una nolo and a Ittrliiniii

    Oneck HtibVa b. h. Mr Walter, 8, by Imp, Mid- -lotnlau-LaXc- ala, I2A (Taral) 1

    A. J, Joiner's ib, h, Cromntll, fi, 117 (II Martin),. 8John K McDonald's cb. e. Rensselaer, u, 117

    (Henitt) 3Krre Advice, Ron lo, Cbalb nger, Volley, Traedlan,

    and Lincoln II. also ran, Th' hwaln led a the post.Time, I IBS.

    Belting Against Tragedian. U to fti Renselar, 4 to1 rdr N alter, 7 to Free Advice and Hondo, coupled,h to IsTlie Swalu and Cnailcugcr.eaob lOti liCrom-Wel- l

    and Volley, each 12 to 1 Lincoln, II., 20 to 1.T1IIIID RACK.

    Zephyrt 12,000-- , for of .10 each, lbwluifrlo r.cWvo ll.ftOO, the second 1.150, and ththird IIBII, Futurity ooursaiDentation Htablo'e h. a. Slant d'Or, by Imp, Rayon

    d Or Ml. Vernon (hcherrer) 1A. II D. II Morris's b.o. Varus, 109 (Llttlrrirlil).. 8A. Il.l II M irrls's ch, r. Fix dblar. lull (I'enu)., BOen. M jo-- o and Uluiawav alio ran Tbe last namedwon with II I pounds up, but was protisted and

    his pioper ne'glit bolng I IU pounds.Time. till.

    Betting Two to 1 on Varus and Fixed Starcouplrdtgainst Ulueaway, II to Oi Oen. Maeu. 20 to li Mont

    d'Or, HO to 1FODKTI1 RACE.

    Tha Stirrup Cup, 11,300: for s and up-ward, at neilerw.lgutsi by of $3ueacUstarters lo pay ,tp ad Itloaaii the winner to receiveSMuOaul Ilia cup, Ihe cond I26u, and tbe thirdBIBil; one iiiIIb aud aalxteeulb, ou turfiII II. mill's en. h. Ferrler aged, by Falsetto Imp.

    Cndereils, IBO (Mr. Hunn) 1K.I). Ilrard's ch. c. bt. NliholasII., 8, K1U (Mr. Hob- -

    tilnsi , 3A. II, Baruey'scb.g. Rodman n fi. lBB(Ur. Barney). U

    Time. Ii13Betting Two to 1 ou Ferrlert against Bt. Nicholas

    II., 2 to It Rodman 1)., IB to I,riKTII RACK.

    Mslden rao No. 8: ior by suUcrlp-Xfltlsacb- )yura tA00,oX which 1100 t seooud,

    and ISO to third) lastfiv and a half farlongs Futu-rity coursstJ, A. Rennet's blk. o. Wild Warrior, by Iroquois

    Brunette, tB2 (Sims) 1Marcus Daly's eh. e. Olorlsn, I SB (Taral) 8B. L. Orat s's b. 0. Commerc. 128 (Perkins).,.. .... fl

    Wasteful. Athamas, Sybaria, Lurid, Oov. Bushnell,Wnlttllng Con, Ella Daly, byrlax, and Kavlcullnealso ran.

    Time, lilO.Bettlue Against Wastsful, 8 to 1 Lnetd and plo-rla-

    raidt 4 to II Wild Wanlor, 0 to 1 Sybarls. 8 to1 Commerce, In to It Navlcullne, Oov. Buihnrll. andWhlstltog Con, each SO to 1 Ella Daly and Syrinx,each 60 to l Athamaa, 100 to 1.

    SIXTH RACE,For and upward! selling! try sub-

    scription ot 10 each! purs 8800. of which 8100 tothe second and IBO to the third! six furlongs, on maintrack.T. Welsh's b. g, Dolando, 4, by Powhstan-Barblehs- ,

    lOftrTnoria)M. Co Wlt'abr. g. Zanone. 4, 10ft (O'Leary) 2J.J. McOirTertyseh.h. Ootham, 8,117 (McCarlerty) 0

    Beaufort. Titmouse. Illusion. Mingo II., Harrington,Agitator, Refuges, Lambent, Ross O, Domltor, and Dr.Jim also ran.

    Time, 111 4 SB.Bettlngt Against Dolando, 8a to 1 Ootham, 4 to 1

    Agitator, B to It Zonon. 0 to It illusion and Har-rington, esch 12 lo It Beaufort, Uefiipee. Lambentand Ross O, aeh 20 to 1 Doml or and Dr. Jim, each40 to It Mingo II. and Titmouse, each 100 to 1.

    BKVCNTTI RACE.For and ovart free handicap stejpl.

    ebaset by stibierlptlon of 810 tarht pur-- e $800. ofwi leb 1100 to the second and 150 to tbs third i shortsteepleehass connx!Ed Wa'n'a ch. g. Mara Chan, aged, by Circassian

    dam unknown. 140 iMirai ,,,,,,, 'J U. Frotnlugbam, Jr.'s, eh. g. Latitude, aged, 148(Barry) , 8

    Mr. 8. C. nildreth'h.g. Tuxedo, axed, 14B (Owens), 0Mill Boy and Beaumont fell and did not finish.

    Time. 4ift.Betting Agalmt Mill Boy, BtoBi Mars Chan. S to

    ll Latitude, 4 to It Tuxdo, B to It Beaumont. BOtol.During Tcarting rrosa lb Nurrx Bins).

    The yearlings from tho Nursry Btud, the prop-erty of August Belmont, were sold yesterday Intho paddocks opposite tbe Shecpshcad Bay trackbefore the races began. They wera the get ofBadge, Rayon d'Or, Fiddlesticks, and Magno-tlto- r.

    The bidding was slow and poor pricesprevailed. Twenty-on- e out of the twenty-eigh- toue rod wore sold for fO.650, an average of $311.The highest price was 81,030. which J. S. Cur-tis, the South Africa millionaire, paid for Yule-tid- e,

    The best prices wero:THE PROPERTY OF ADOC8T BELMONT.

    Fellclan. br. o., by Imp. Rayon d'Oi-Fell-W. ll.Bmlck B7B0

    Yuletlde. br. a, by Badge Yaeulti J. K. Curtis. 1,060Rusher, cb. c, by Msnrtlzer Imp. Rushlight!

    W.C. Daly BBOCandlestick, ch. f by Flddlestloka Clarlndai

    J. S Curtis a."- -High Bom. b.c by Badge Her Oracei W. C.Daly BBO

    Leplda. b. f.. by Magnsttxer Leopoldlnai W. O.Daiy BBO

    Highland Prince, b. c. by BadgeImp. Queanof ths Clansi W. n. Rarrlck 400

    Boysterer. n. c by Badg: James Hints BBOTnE PROPERTY OF E. O. POTTER.

    Zoroaster, b. o., bj Imp. Rayon d'Or Imp. A- -tort! W. H. Barrlck B0

    Winner at nisbUnd Park.Dxraorr. June 38. The talent broke even todyal

    Highland Park. It waa a Saturday crowd, wltb a finday aud fast track. Bu,nmarlea:

    First Race Six furlongs. Leonlre, 108 (Tto), 10 to1. wontUeuroa.107 iBmlth). fl to 1, second: BenMtta,10B (Jones). 4 to I, third. Time. lilO.

    becond Race Flv rurlonxa. Mystary. 10S3 to 1, wont Katie II., 110 (Sbedy), 4 to 1,

    second i Ma Aug Una, I0B (Turner), 8 to B, third.Time, 1:03. .......Third Raoe Seven rnrlonn.too (Bunn), 8 to 2. won: Bill KlUon. 101 fSuerlsnd),8 10 1. second: Dr Work. t8 (Campbell). Bio 1, third.Tim, nvim.

    Fourth Race Six furlongs. Paul Orlgva, 106(Jones). 1 to 2, wont Clyasea. 110 (Irving), 6 to B,second t Myth, 101 (Sberlaud). 12 tol, third. Time.Wlft.

    Fifth Race Flvarnrlongs. Laverock, 110 (Walker).2 to 6. worn Aunt Bird, un (Mxon). n to l.snoudtMargaret Jane, VK (Bunn). IB to t. third. Tim. 1:08.

    S.xtn On mile. King Elkwood. un (Camp-bell), ft to 1, won: Th Duchess, 103 (Irving), fl to 2,accou ; Springtime, 104 (Jonas). 3 to 1, third. Tim,1:44K.

    Wlsmer at litonla.CrvcnrvATL Jan 38. The notel nndlep, always

    an esp daily popular event of tbe Latonla springmeeting, together with th aonoun.d mau-- race be-tween Til o and Boinerges, drew one of tbe beatcion-i- l of the a aaou Th match waa declaredoil. declining to al ow I oaarrgee to meetTurney Hmthrra' crack, and rorfelung 1100. Thsban Heap was taken by Dr McLean's Lokl. tbe favor-ite Summary:

    First Race One mile El Tore. 101 (Murray) 8 ta 1,worn J P. B, 101 (Morrison). 2 to 1. second t Yel- -rtLgtou. nt (tiers.-:;- . B tc :. th rd. Tltct. 1.14 V

    Second Race Five furlongs Msclver, 10 (Oard- -ner), even, won: luatoa. Uu (Tbompaon). 20 to 1,secondt Chlcupee. 108 (Morrison). 12 to 1, third.Time. ltoa.

    Third Race. One mile White Oak, 103 (Morrison),4 to 1. wout Ollran, no (Burns). 20 to 1. aacondi UataOff. 0B (Tupee), B to I, third. Time. l:4Sa

    Fourth Race Hotel Handicap! one mile and a six-teenth. Lokl. HUlHUD.b toft, won: Ben Holladay,117 (Overton). 12 to ft, second. Byron McClelland, log(Morrlaon). 7 to ft, tblrd. Time, 1:4S.

    Filth tUi-- e Five rurlonga. Flora Lode. lOB(RelrT),even, wont Holmes, 112 (Overton), B to ft,second i Mora Roe. VU (Hurray), 100 to 1, third.Time,

    Sixth Race Deelared off.Betenth Race One mile. Oaeuro, 85 (Tlosknii. SO

    to 1, non.Ortiiikr 103 (Everett), 8 to ft i second ; Ban-qu-11., U7 (Burn.,, 3 to 1, third. Tim, 1:43V


    London, June 20. The American Cricketersfinished their game wltb Oxford Past and Pres-ent and were defeated by seven wickets.Tho score:


    nm Inning. Second InntHg.E. Rowley, c, Wo.d. b. P. H.

    Clark 28 b. Bates 10Lord Oeorg Scott, b. King. 10A Eoclea, b. Bates 24 b. P. tt. Clark. ...84II. T Stanley, o. Wood, b.

    CreK-a- r ,, 43 b. King 0F. L. Fane. 1. b. w b King. 28 not out 88B I. Bannon. b. P. II.O ark. 13L Moutinornncj, b. P. U.

    Clark 81T. R Henderson, t. Bates.... 48L. Berkeley, not out 18F. W. Brooks, b. King 0A. P. Wlakbani. u. King UExtras 18 Extra 1


    Ftrat Stotmrf Inning.A. M. Wood, c. Bannon, b.

    Stock IB . Stanley, b.Berkeley 0

    H. 0. Thxr, o. Fan, b.Stock 81 e. Wlckhaia, b.

    Btooka 11J. A. Lester, st. Wlokham, b.

    Stocks 1 L b. w b. Berks-le- y88

    C. Coatee, c Henderson, b.Stocks i B o. Henderson, b.

    Stocks 84J. B King, h. Berkeley 7 o. Fane, b. Stooks IBF. II. IlohUn. c. aad b. Berke-

    ley 10 1. b. w., b. Berke-ley 7

    L. Blddle, b. Stocks B runout 10E M Crrgsr.b. Berkeley.... 18 b. Stocks 0F. It. Ilatca, o. and b. Stocks, W b. Berkeley 18U. L Clark, o. Bannuu. b.

    Btooka 10 b. Berkeley 18P. H. Clark, not out 8 not out 18Extra 4 Extras 11

    Total 180 Total 831RUNS AT TTIB FALL OF EACH WICKET.

    riaaT ivvrso.Oxford 21 48 84 189 144 IBB 180 888 267 881Phil'd'lphta.33 43 4B 80 89 88 83 VB 112 120

    sxcovoPhiladelphia.. 0 84 48 7B 108 187 107 189 202 281

    Pbll Haly, Jr., Wins tbe 41 ran Jubilee HandicapLono UruNcn. June 20. Elkwood Park was

    tho scene of a number of Interesting matches atllvo birds this afternoon. The principal event,the Orand Jublleo Handicap, was won by PhilDaly, Jr., with nineteen kills. His twolftb bird,a rapid drlvor, was the only one to get away.Itohert Tolond of tho Rlvorton Oun Club, Phila-delphia, captured socorid money with eighteenkills. Hand llallnr.l stored bis usual luck, fin-ishing wllh aevontren kills and ono dead out ofbounus. uiaronco iminn "in nni unisn, a 'asilot of birds were used In the handicap shootinir,A strong wind was blowing at tbe time. Sum-maries:

    Mli&M Out, Ift rntranoe Ballard and Daly, 4TolatidT 2i Dulau. 0, pur divided.

    Ten Blnis.llO Entrance Ballard 8Daly,8 Dolanand Tolaud, ft ea-- The latter two did not finish.

    Ti n Birds, IK) Entrance Dolan and Daly, Mt Inland,7l Ballard, I (wit idrsw on tbe tblrd round) Dolanwon the shoot off,

    Orand Jubll a Handicap, 20 Birds Eaoh, 120 I".n.trance, two mo eye, An nd 80 per cent. Daly, 39rani-- . m.Toiand, 28 i rds. letj Ballard, 29 yards,17: Dolan, did not ilntsi.

    Ten birds, IU) Km ranee Ballard, 80 yards, 8Daly, fl: Dolan and Toland did not nulsh.

    Teu Birds, till Entrauoe-Di- ly, lilt Dolan, 9 To-land, Hi Ballard 4. Thn latter did not finish.

    T n limit. Sin Riitrano Daly, Bt Dolan, Ballard,and Toland did not finish.

    EMZARKTn, Juno 20. The first of the clnbchampionships was doilded this aftoruoon atthe Huburbnn Clnh traps, this city, nnd wits woneasily hy . I II. Smith. The shooting winnt fiftytnrgeta, unknown traps, unknown utixlos. Thescores!

    bmlth, 8a iBatler, 33 Eaton, 81 Baiter, 88 Add-ber-S! Rosa, 2.i.

    Tho Suburban Club team will soon shoot amatch with the crack Peeksk 11 Club.

    Ogds aad Bnds or Sport.Creaeent. The world' record for four miles Is held

    by tho Oxford Unlv, rellr crew, wblch, In Ihrtll, rowealfour mdiis and about 440 yards In 18 lulnulis aud 47aeconds.

    Will Remove Wrinkles Positive.A tarred conipli xion beautlfW.

    Iir. John UIi'mi Ulhbs. E.iwirlo Maaa R dlcr.I'td. U. B EiKlsnd, Canada, Fran will il slop

    or reduce any paitof the i for rheum.ttlam. Ac,,aspecine. on.oof Co,, uod UKUAUttAV. Bend

    J or call for books.


    Itudge Win Another Uams In th Women'sTnnrney al Londoa.

    London. Juno 20. The eovonth round of thoInUrnhtlomtl wornon' choss tournament was

    In Ibis city this afternoon, tho resultsolngas follows:Worra 1 b, al Stevenson In a Dutch gam after

    thirty-tw- movea,Tlie game tetween Fox and Thomas, a French de-

    fence, wn adjourned.Ooodlng beat Eschweg In a Freneh Dsfene. after

    thlrtv moves.Field beat Hook In an Evans O ambit declined after

    Ihlrty-nin- moves,Forta-- an-- l Sharp drew their game, a French

    after forty-si- moves.bvdnry taat De la Vlgnotnan Irregular Opening

    afiirtlfiy moves.The gams between Ritdg and Htrtssch, a Four

    Knights game, was adjourned.Barry beat Mailer llarlung In a Three Knights

    gtno aftor twentv-seve- moves.Thorald beat Flnu Iu a Qluoco Piano afttr thirty

    flv move.FaanlieatBonnefln In a Counter Ccntr Oamblt

    after tbirty-fou- r move.At the evening meeting tho eighth round was

    plaved wlUi tho following results:Thorn d be t Stevenson tn a Uluoeo Piano after

    twenty move.The game between Thomas and Hnller-Hartun- a

    Quei-a'- s Oam It det lined, wa left unnnls'ied.Bonn fin neat Ooodtng In a Centre Counter Oamblt

    aft-- r forty-tw- moves.Hooks heat Fagan In a Centr Oamblt after forty-tw-o

    moves.Watson beat Barry In a Queen' Oamblt after forty-thre- e

    moa.Sidney beat Finn In a Queen's Oamblt declined af-

    ter thirty-seve- moves.Rudge beat Forbes-Sharp- s In a Olnooo P'ano after

    thirty movea.Field and Worrall drew their gam, a Sicilian De-

    fence, after twenty-eigh- t mo et.Fox iieat Esohwege In a Centra OounterOambll after

    flfty.flve movesMerits, b brat De la Vlgns In a French Defence after

    thirty-nin- moves.Mlsa Es hwege's father donated four gold medalsy for consolation prlaea.

    Following Is the standing of tho contestants todate:

    Ptaters. Won. Lott.l rlnitrl. Won. CoalBarry 4 8 Hooko 6 ABonnsfln....,... 8 Muller-nartun- g S ""s

    Eacbweg 4 4 I'Rndg 7 0Faean B 1 IBteveuaon 1 7Field 4 84 Stdney 6 8Finn 81 S"g eerhoma B 4

    Forbes-Sharp- ,8 Ch Thorold 4 84Fox 4 8 DelaVlgns 1 8

    Ooodlng 8 8 Watson 44 84Hertrach 8 B l"Worrall 4 B

    Qamu lsft unfinished.

    Y. 81. S3, A. Athletcsk

    The first set of events of the d seriesbetween the members of the Twenty-thir- d streetbranch Y. M. C. A. took plnco at tbe St. GeorgeA. C. grounds yesterday afternoon. Each con-testant receives credit tor actual performance.The fifty-yar- d dash waBrun In heats of six mon,with time to count. Summary:

    Fifty-Yar- Daah First heat won by John W. Cross.Time. B 4 B seeon Is. Second best won by E. O.Meer. Time, A seconds Third heat won by ti.

    Time, 8 seconds.Running Uroad Jump Won by E. B. Mayer, with

    80 feet 1 Inch: J. II. Oris, second, wltb 19 feet 8Inches: John W. Cross, third, with IB feet 104Inches.

    The Junior classes of the Central Bedford,Twenty-8ixt- b Ward, Twenty-thir- d Street, nndHarlem brunches of the Y. M. C. A. held a seriesof athletic games at Prospect Park yesterday.Tho Harlem boys captured nearly all the pritos.Two baseball games woro played. Harlem de-feating Twenty-thir- Street by 10 to 5, an 1 Bed-ford defeating Central by 18 to 8. The athletlosports resulted as follows:

    B0 Yard Dasti Won itv Carney, Twenty-thir- StreetBranch: O'Donnoll, nar!m Branch, second.

    Leap Prog Won y Ollendort. O'Donnall, and Var-le- yof th Harlem Bran- b.

    Broal Jump for Small Boy Won by Ollendort.Hrlem Branch.

    Broad Jump for Large Boys Won by Yarley. Har-lem Branch.

    d Race Won by Moors and Frank iO'Diinseil and Ollen lorf second. Both tesms mem-bers of Harlem Branch.

    tllebsBoad County Country Club Opening.One of the most successful golfing features

    from tbe social standpoint evor held on StatenIsland was the mixed foursomes to Innuguratotbe opening or tbo new links and home of thoRichmond County Country Club yesterday.There was a crush of visitors, and tbe playerswere followed from tee to tee by many groupsof interested onlookers. The furnishings nndarnncsment of the nc.v houja trercsrcaUy

    The summary:I Bd. B fid. Gron. Wcap. Ket.

    T. a. Cabot and lira.Cabot 87 89 138 SS 100

    L. Van Rensselaer andMiss Van Rensselaer. --09 B4 1B3 BO 103

    A. E. Paterson and MtasWhlttemor 8B fit 119 IS 104

    J. E. Faher aad MissMarie Kobbe 81 83 197 80 107

    W. Wltherjpoon andMil. M. 11 Park B7 64 111 0 111

    A P RlDley and Sirs.Van Rensselaer . . ..73 71 144 80 114

    T. S. Hope Simmon andMiuMmpon 88 88 189 IB 114

    C. N. Dourtll and MlsaBoyd 89 B3 128 B 118

    Mr. aud Mrs. John R.Chadwto 83 08 134 IS 110

    R. E. Bonner and MlaaRoninson 80 70 ISO 13 118

    James Park and MissEdwirds BS 80 12S 10 118

    C. A. Fr; and Mlsa E. II.Bonn I 87 89 130 IB 121

    B. Lo. kwood and MlaaIsabel Bonner 78 77 133 83 130

    On tbe Essex Conntx Link.Orange, Juno 20. Good scores wero the ruloy In tho play on tbe links of the Essex

    County Country Club for tho Juno cup. Thoplay was spirited, and some new players wentover the course to determine their handicap.Tho Ion est score yet made for the cup wasturned In by Manton B. Mctcalf, who went overtbe rourso twico. Wltb n bandlcnp of fl on thosecond turn, ho got a net score of 83. This ecorowill result In somo of the other crack playersof tho club turning out In forco next week, nstho comp-tltio- n will close on Wodnesrtay.Nearly all of players turned In theircards, owing to tho reported Intention of thoGolf Committee to Impose n penilty upon nilwho go over the course and fail to report tbelrcards. Tho scores:

    Gross, ITeap. Set.Manton B. Metcalf 98 h:lR. R. McDoUtfall 127 2ft 109Oscar WIIeEerod 190 2ft 93Rlohanl D Moras 129 IB 111Dr. Klelnlians 10A 19 I'DOeorge U. Jenktuson. second 121 0 liftB. F.KIbam 112 9 93nnward A Colby lfll 13 SUWilliam Runkli 93 8 87Manton B. Metcalf 1U9 9 91

    Dytter Blradow Downa Paterson.Borne record golf was witnessed In the Dyker

    Meadow nnd Paterson tenm match nt tbe DykerMeadow Golf Club yesterday. The home tramwon by 38 hole to 11, but Its Cnptnln, DanielChauncey, was beaten by his opponent, A. II.Lnrkln. Chauncey, on tils seiond round, tlod therecord for the new course, tntulo by W. II, Crit-tenden on June 22, but Lnrkln, who Is an oldl'rlnieton baseball man, rut the record a strokeby making a 40. Their cards v, ore:

    ChaunceyOut i. 4 7 7 6 7 S 7 B B 58la 0 B 0 B 8 B 7 4 447 99

    Larkin-- Out10 4 B B 8 0 ft 4 8 1

    In 8B400B04 B 40 97lho score follows:

    iivkkk keaoow. I raTxasox.D. Chauncey 0'A. n. Larklu 28. Chauncey 0 W, O. taoit, Jr UA. UNorris 10 1). (irlirgs 0W II. Crittenden 12 w, n. Rosencrants 0W. K. Fowler 0 Malcolm Oomou 0J. C. Powers 0 ll.O. Knox BDunoin Palwards 1 Tom Ooodliody 0II. n. HoKssTSr 1EF Soott 0A. R. Klsh. , II Ur. McCoy 0

    Total .7) Total ,Tl

    At tbn Country Club or Wrstrhpater.Thero was a large attendance of spectators on

    tho pretty links of tho Country Club of West-chester yesterday, whero u mixed foursome forhandsoiiio prlrca was tho feature, Tho cardsshow tho result:

    J. O. Cooley and Mrs. J, M. Waterburytlroti. H'cap. A'el.

    Out,, 0 7 9 I) 6 ft 7 7 nIu 4 111 7 8 B 4 5 7 -3S 117 104 974

    A. V. II. Ellis aud Mrs. KillsOut..H 9 M 4 ft 4 7 U (10ln.,.0 H 7 7 A 4 3 7 ll- -BI 114 IS 90

    II, A. nildcrsleeve and Mlaa (ill lerslt-ot-eUDi1 V U I I V II 11 I "IIn ..0 H 10 18 8 4 4 H 0.1 121) 23 104

    C. II. Mitchell and Mra. Mitchell-O- ut.,I 111 H 4 M ll ft A 10 08

    In. 4 11 II 9 H 8 0 7 fi 1.1 139 80 109K. O. Mtdlson and Mr. W, 11. Ha'ida

    Out. .li v II 0 ,i 4 a 8 tli BIn .8 9 12 14 4 B B H ti tt i 133 12 121

    CbarleaS. Adee and Mrs, CsmplwilOut. .8 II IB 8 B fl 4 ft 1(1 AllIn. ..4 7 13 B 3 0 B 10 10-- 71 137 14 123

    Arrldeut to a iiolfrr.Will Tucker, Ihe professional at the BU

    Andtew'sOolf Club nud ono of tbo bust knowngolfers in the country, may be uniiblo lo piny

    .again for somo tlmo us the result of injuriesreceived In n runaway on Krldiiy, Tucker whsdriving to lho Mount llopo links from lliu St,Ali'raw's Krounds in a I gbt biukuoird whentb horse ran nny and ho was thrown Irom lbwagon. No bones were broken, but Tucker wasconsiderably bruised and shaken up,



    Kerrh and Worcester Tie for lb It1) S?ibsHTroplij Another Tie In Ihe Claa A Division fllHof Ibe llnndlCMpn.-tvree- nrealtaaad PatoB. W-s-

    A now stylo of golf competition nt tho Ardsloy 'TlHCI illi. n putting match, brought out a Urge bum-- ebVbcr of entries yesterday. Tho match was on SSsebsIspecial putting links, a plot Of lawn little large JftaaHa'than a croquet ground, on w blch six holes were) llHplaced at distances of sixty foot apart. Each 7 eHplayer raudo two circuits of tho putting courseStimlRS wero barred, and, nrtcr the first twHstroke, the flags were llftod from each holo. MlAs at croquet, tho women wore gay In V Hsummer frocks and hats, but tho mon wore their fc jHordinary golfing suits. Many of tho women !g mwororod golf Jacket, thebrllllnntcolormakinga Hvivid contrast with Ihetr white gowns. Tho Hpnttlng ground was marked out close to tha i mvoranda of the clubhouse, which was crowded '.i.jlwith onlookers. The prltcs were two sllvei ''cups, presented by It. R. Romlngton. f H

    There was a tlo In both tho men's and women's laHputting contests, Th men made the best cards, 'HiHthe leaders llolng at twenty-nine- , as followsiP. B. Keeoh 8 8888B88988 8l 'aHW. J. Worcester 8 3888888928 88 LM

    Tho men will play off on Monday. The women iHwho tlod played again, Mrs. Kldrldge winning &saHwltb thirty-fou- r to Mlsa Edith Gould's forfervtwo. Tbo scores: JesH

    MEN'S PCTTTNO alATCTL BaHP. B. Keeoh. 9B W. J. Woroatr, 8l JL W.O aaH

    boun.81. Delanoay Nlooll. Bit J. n. Black. Bit A. & LsbWCochrane, B3i W. 8, Brooka. B2t E. 8. Jaffrry, Bit Bs llfaHH. Jatfrey. 82i T. O. Condon. Bit J. E. Bhsflleld. S8 j ISF.J. Winston. 3.1! H. B. pawn. B4 H. Denoey, 81 f. LbsMLEIilrlig. lilt A. O. Katchum. Bit J. D. TalljT. B . JSeBsHJ. It. Itatmiker. 84 S. II. P. Trowbrtdga, 14) B VIIbWOrimn. BBi J. II. McCul.ough. Bit F. D. Paver. BSt J.C. Parrlsh, 33: P. oilbsrt Thebaud, 88t J. T. Terry, 'JsHJr. 87i W. E. Billings, 87 U. S. Jaffny, 87 A. Bs kffViOoodbody, 40.

    women's Ptn-rm- o m trf OHMr. 1. 1.. Eldrtdge. Ml Mis Rdltb Ooold, III Ht vfaaH

    Frailer, 34i Mrs J.T.Terry, Jr.. 84 Mr. OrtfllaJ B6 liaHlMlsa Ethel Oonld, 89t Miss inn Arohbold. 80l Hrt, .M. M. Van Buren. 88 Mlaa FaehrL 8flt Hiss Uur iebsHOnuld, 37i Mas Parrlsh. 87 Miss France Ardbbold, ,HtaH87i Mra Cochrane, 8A Mr Frost, 8H Mrs. Battnl, .tilH8": Hiss Marie Hewitt, 89 Mta JatTray, 89i,ttU iffaaMNlns Hewitt. BRi Mia Barron. 89t Mra. Paton. 48. eHI

    Ties woro quite the order of tho day, Wa ilasHBrooks and Paton camo In all even In thy olass ?iJHIA division of the special Juno handicap. Patpn'o MffmWLsecond round was very pretty goltlng. Taller. $yialthough ho made hi first round within twp) AaWstrokes of the raoor.l, round his task ss scratflh mat,man looanluoii to enable him to win. V.W, " IBBnChrystlo won omowhat easily In olass B Tucards follow: H

    H.B. Brook .....Out.... 1 M I it HIn 65B808BB 48 II U N '' HM. 8. Paton HOut.... BBB88BDJ 7--00 ' asHla. .....8 ft 0 8 8 7 B 749 BB 14 0t SaHlF. B. Eeeoh iIebmI

    Out.... 84748BI7 B--80U B 7 47848 848 98 11 09 (HHJ. E. Shemeld 'iisaHOut 4 B B S 8 B B B 49 , fl HIn..:....ft 0 8 8 6 8 4 0 8- -47 SS la U

    ' HII, W. Oalhonn WOut 5 0 7 B fl 7 B 7 S-- ..In s 0 0 4 0 I 4 0 B 4B U 04 i flj

    F. L. Winston --ft' BOut 4 B 0 B B 8 4 B 7 4T i .afsTflIn.:.:"a 8 0 4 0 7 4 7 oO BT Ur CO ',: H

    J. a Taller . mWtOut ft480B40 041 j) .BBHU ...4 0 0 4 8 4 4 0 0 4B 80 0 63 M

    T, O, Condon 2 .faHOut B S 0 4 B B B 1 749 J fBHIn. ....... 5 4 B 4 6 B 6 B 6- -4 B B4 S SS --' H

    W.Chrystle 4 HOut 4 4 0 4 8 8 4 6 748 JIn. ...... .5 ft 7 4 B 0 6 B 6 Bl B7 10 BT H

    R. n. Robertson .... aaHOut B 4 B 4 0 4 7 fHId 4 8 8 3 0 0 4 0 10 50 98 8 80 '' jBBBM

    J. T. Terry, Jr. T ebHOut ft 6 B 4 8 6 B 7 1068 ..... ' sfafjIn a ft 8 4 0 8 6 0 654 . BH

    Delance; L. Nlcolt ", jMOut ,...B to 8 4 0 7 6 B 738 IIn. ...... 4 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 9 B3 107 10 97 BBBB

    E.S. Jsffrey ... .: sHOut 0 5 6 4 8 7 7 ..In ......ft 9877748 6 00 110 IS

    W. J. Worcester --? taosjOut. 0 7 a fl B 8 6 B 8 BB SBIn . ..4 8 7 0 0 0 4 8 6- -58 111 14 ST K

    A. D. Cochrane ..... asBOut 8 0 0 8 8 8 Mla 0 0 0 8 8 B 8 9 6 S3 111 IS SB IM

    CLASS B. MF. F. Chrystle km

    Out 0 7 4 4 8 8 4 7 0--B0IB 6 B 6 0 7 B B 749 II 11 80 - !

    O. B. P. Trowbridge ' HOut 6 8 7 4 7 B B B 888In. ......4 7 4 B B 0 8 B 9- -48 100 11 84 H

    T. O. Strong ....... it HOut ft ft B 4In 6 7 8 4 9 B 4 B 48 108 IB BS . H

    R. B. Wade .... BmmOut 8 B 0 B 7 6 4 ? tSBBJIn. ......ft 4 B 8 8 7 B 8 1068 108 IS SO cfl

    R, R. Remington stHOut 3 14 7 4 B B B 8 888 " SBIn B 4 7 4 7 7 B 8 8- -B8 119 84 Bl . H

    F. C. McCormack MOdt 4 10 fl 8 8 10 B 7 B 88 i, SBIn 0 7 8 4 7 0 6 8 5B 117 14 SS f H

    W. C. Fargo ... 9bIOut B 7 8 6 7 8 80 AIn 4 0 8 4 7 B B 7 B4 114 80 04 H

    Cyrua Field Judson ..... 5 naBOut fl 8 4 4 7 7 ,. VMla. ......A 7 B 4 8 B 0 B 10 69 117 81 SS '! H

    J. S. McCullough i' MOut. fl 7 B 6 8 7 0 9 788 A fHn 8 0 A a8 0 0 0 9 09 117 U It flW.U.Patterso- n- ' m

    Out. 4 10 0 4 8 7 0 8 B 89In 0 B 4 8 8 B 6 B 11 B0 11B IT M MM

    J. W. Bird laHOut 4 8 10 B 8 7 B 0 B4 S3tn. ...0560704 61053 UT IS 101 W

    Stewart Denning KlOut. 6 7 10 4 9 7 M0 10-- 89 MMIn 6 0 B B 9 8 6 7 969 IIS 84 104 , MtU. II. Psase H9 84 118 jH

    ' ' nalCup Play at Bllsabeth. '

    EuuBtm, June SO. The fourth round In th J, flgolf tournament at the Suburban Club this al--tcrnoon for the Turner-Va-n Sickle silver enp p flwas won by Arthur Fisher. John F.Cook has "1 flwon tho cup twice nnd John Price once. The A flcup becomes the property of the person winning jMIt three times. Tho scores Oils aternooni flCross. U'cap. AV, ,J SA, Fisher 9ft 10 88 eg MiU. W Coyne 100 7 98 MIt. A. Waterbury 103 10 93 'W 104 10 9 '.II. T. Alexaider 109 18 98 ,WC lirewater 112 14 SB LfJ.C. F.llliltt 10S 9 99 . ffc!W. P.Tiiomas 118 19 101 CWC 11 to-- er 110 7 168 fttC.A.Morris 118 9 108 MiJ. 11 Turner 104 0 104 JS?.'F. n. Williamson 104 .0 104 ,. -T.S.Loea.-- r 118 18 JOB fl.J, Van bl.kle 109 0 108 tillA.fawyrr 184 14 lid , UiV.M. Coyne IBS 14 110 B-- ,

    Mlcbe Wins the Prntt Cop. KOlen Cove. June SO. In the last weekly ban). K

    dlcap for the Orat cup offered by H. L. Prats 'i 1CO. Gates. 110, 11, 108, was tbe winner, with ' l J.'J. 1). C Tappan. U2, 3, 100, second. The result (jgave Oates three wins In tho seventeen contests aof the series, but he is still one less than W. L.Hlcke, who will receive the cup. Next Saturday J 'play begins under the same conditions for K ;another cup presented by the same donor. The yt'munthly handicap was alsodocidod. The class WIA scores wero: (81

    I ?ASa fTaanaat tT VIM

    CO. Oates US 18 100 llII, W, Maxwell 139 80 109 ' iff'Harvey Murdoch 198 11 118 ill11 M Allans 122 , 9 118 !

    Tho class 1) handicap was won by A 0. Bed-ford, '13'.', DO, U'J,


    Aulley llereal nirhuond IIIIL !Nuti.f.v, June 20. The Nutley Oolf Club 6, ' !

    feated tho Ulchmond Hill team y by thly f Iteen holes to eight, Tbe summary: ;'

    MTI.KT, i eiciixovD niu. x nT. W, Hatterthwalte.,., 0 F. J, Silma m., 1 , llAlpbeusUecr ,,,,, 3 Franklin Paddook 0 UMure Ml liael ,.,, 4 Arihur Mai n 0 , IE Mergsn. Jr li A 0. Olid rsleevs,, 7 , BF. K. 0 0, H. Van Rrnsalear 0 , Rb.ll.Derr ill), F.Walls 0 . f

    Total , 13 Total,,, 8 V jj? all.liilta Opened al Lone nranrb. J

    Ix)N(i IlitANL'ii, Juno SO. A very high ocean Jf Iwind Inlfrforod materially wltb the scoring In 'jb jtho llrHt of tbo weekly handicaps for Ihe season jat tho N'orwooil KloliI Club Tbe prise Is '.if ta vnlu iblo cup, to bo won outright by the playerwinning tho grontcr numlier of tbe weekly 'f iiiinlclics by bept, 1, The summary: ' I!

    Gross, ircap. iVsl. "Frank P.. Henderson 110 18 88John W. Alhaugb, Jr...., Ii3 9 94 " Hill. W Curtis 101 U 96 fiF Hliniuoiu ,.117 23 96 "ItA. McClavti 1IH 33 9B -(I II Mtirp'iv 1(8 i 101 7 IIFrnuklln Id n Jr 144 85 109 fiOeorge llroaaw ,.144 lift 109 ? II.. Itiaia 113 83 111J Mnwulug 1ft! 40 118

    j 11 K. Drowning 142 27 litII. II. Hilling . W. Otlcraon, J. Lockwood, B.

    I T, lUiiM, and I'. Hoes did not hand In caxtls.
