the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-10-13 [p ]. · 11 it i1 iq f j t r i i unro-j ltno t3 nev york satuhda...

11 It i1 iq f r I I J t unrO- J LtNO t3 NEV YORK SATUHDA Y OCTOBER 13 1883 rnrCl TWO CEfTS DEMOCRATIC CONKKRKN- CETO H7II TO iifv A rtcTon- rxty IN roitK THIS FAIII- CHtAariiRliiar Ifrpnrtn frtiu the dtnlrmrn nf Cttnvrtia in l Cuunty Imnmlltevii Tho- HIOIF tommlttpp lu llpclu Oruiinlnilloii AIIUKY Oct 121ho OluilniHii of th- IVmocnitlc Count yOommlttioH I tlin HliitiCon- InilCoininlltco nml ninny Onmocriitlo mlltnm- rnit In hlnclty toiliy to voiifiir UR to tlin IMSI rowans toweuro a Domoirnlld lotory In tha- filnto this Inl Tho confpronio sns hcltl In- tha City AlKint250 DnmncrntM worn jiroi- nt Incluillnif tho Hon Itimxroll P Tlowor- Ernf ttf Coriiliii Ilniit0ov UnvM I Hill A J Parkar Hudis W leokhnr IMwnnl John K Duvolln Isnua H Color cnndlcliitu for Secrotnry of Htato tlio non AKrcil C Chopin cnmllilnto lor Comp irollcr the Hon lobrl A Mnxwcll cnnillilnto- forTrcn iirnr ElncnthnrSwont cnn Jliluto 111 Htnto llimlnitr Sonntors Tolin C c Inoiibs Jolin J J Klornnn JnmuH Fitwurahl Ins 1 llily TliomnsF Oriuly AtotnnilcrllaucnsnndI- MIIP W Covert Hltlnoy P Nichols II O Thoini9on Kihvnrd Kunrnoy HhcrllT Davidson nd Cot M I C Murphy ot Now York Tlionms Jr und tho Hon GoorKo Ilnlncs of lIon 11 Chnrlus W McCuno tho Hon Thos- K llonuillct nnd tho lon 1orJycu I L Iafllln ot- VlHtcr tlio Hon Tuttlool Soliuylor tho lon linorct Srnunllni nt Otaeco the Hull HolmuH Cot Siinniol 1 Tllilcn Jr and tho lan 1 llnlllduy ot TomiikiiiB ex Murphy ol Troy oxHJenker Pattcinnn- K Irititls llnlly Milton Northltl Joromo- II Pnrmentor Puikor Wllllains CoiiKiiKiinan- Womplo W Wlthorstone I E It KI slnKi n- Diuilal Miiiinlnu W A Pouchor of O WCKO A W Call of llrootno the Hon Vf Caryl Ely Jtiilus W lockhll T ThonuiH KnriKKs ot- Utlca nnd A HenHi of Onoiulnca Tho linn l rpiiHtli4 I Cnrnltiir iiilMil rm ninlrmiLtl aha Waltoi HllunnaaSooiotary Much enthusiasm i P wisniiinifestoil J Mr Apwir Mild that ho had been reiinoMod to- Itatt tlio nlijuit of tlio cotifuioiico ThoieMlIt- tl f thn Ohio iluctlon hud placed It within tlio power of tho Democracy to carry this Stato by- Birr llfty thousand majority Tills ndvantnijo- rnicht lie forfeited by lack ol effort Tho Democratic Knlim In tlie rural districts ol Ohio proved thut that Htato was not carried on local IbKties Thoiu would b tlm Mimo results in Other States tmless they woro lost by Indiffer- ence ¬ Tho Democintlc v nta In this Stato as- DOOtlOl Annthor GOllOflQ was dhlilcd botvrcun- thn Hopubllcins tho Prohibitionists tho- liocnli token and other parties Tho Domoc- racv thl fall oiicht to cut nut nt law a pro ortlonof tlioiroto IIH possible Tlmy did lot Want to look for coiiMrls for olorlloulll to them natuiallr On III lr Knvitatc oto usually foi off pel cent That niuruln I thin tear brine n Klorlnus- miceibH If tlio Hnpulillciins hrotiKht out 111 per COlt nioio of tholr oto than tlin Demo- crats ¬ inltlit possibly carry the Mate Mr- ApirurMild that tlio Republican tntH this > ear Vruro based on false statements Thov assorted that tho Ilxolh1 eolllorolsOI undir Dumo- crntio rile Ihs new unices hlo been lUith thnso assertions wolo truo Tho taxeb had really bOll reduced although they seomod to liuvn Increnscd- Ihroiti tho adoption of tho froo canal amend- ment ¬ No now oillcofi nor commissions nor bonnlH linil boiii nuulo or apiiointod that did pat tako tho placo of ofllcoH conimipnions and boards nliendy iittlni and more cxprnnUc Mr lltiswoll 1 1luunr thon HUkKCHtod a plan of organization bifcd on tho plan thut has proved so successful In JolTorBon onunty Hy- Eettltikouttho full DDinocratlevotothla lull ho all the Htato would not imlv receive a tell the county tickots would boolectfil in a majority of tho cnuntlns- Thn Chairmen of the ControsB Di lrleCol mlttces tlion mado repnrta as to tho tions nnd prospects In their districts Thoro- portbwere vory faorablo- Vhon the Delaware district was callod JliidBO- Maynaril Bald that It was OB easy for tho Dem- ocrats ¬ of Now York to carry this State by 75000 majority ns It was for tho Democrats Ohio tp- am I their Stain bYf l12010 to 10000 mn i rliy The false 11 Itepumlcnns- houM bo exposed to tho poonle by tlio dissom- Inatlnn of documents and a stroni enort should bo made to poll n strong voto The poo ploouulu to bo shown that tho host adminis- tration ¬ ever seen In thlsHtato had boon liuiiiKU- rntod w Ithln the past year Uboless otllces had boon uliollhlifil and rororml havo boon inaugu- rated ¬ nhlch vrlll FIIVK I pooplo huiulrnds of- UiotiHandF of dollars The diiimers of ocr eonlldoncK should bo avoided for the Ilopubli cans would probably rodoublo tholr elTprts In this Bin to because of tlioir reverses in Ohio Whol n report from the Haratoca dihtrlct was Aloxandor 5uoll Illo that the district bad spoken for Itwlf elected Mr llnu CUR to tho Konato nnd Mr Wample to CoiiirresB When tho JolTorson district was cnllnd Mr Grlflln said that tho Democrats of JolToison county had always polled not loss than ninety one pur cent of tholr vote and that this tear thoy would do bottnr On tho call of OBHTCKO Mr IouchoraiUoentid- tho nomination of Mroni county tickets wiy- Inethat weak local tickets inviiriably wonkel < d aKtalo ticket Mr ChllilBof rtonoon plPtlKcd his county for Jrom 500 to finu Democratic majority on tho alto ticket and n Domociatlu Assoniblyiniui Clmlrnipn of tho County Committees then mado htatcmcntB cnncernlnp tho organ- ization ¬ In their counties Columbia wa- MrloIllor 500 mnJorll TheCortland coun ¬ last year thoy eleutoil nearly their entiro county tlcknt nnd they bopod to dons well noxt sear Tho Chairman of tho Dutcliecs Committeo bald that his coun- ty ¬ was redeemed last jour from ten years of- itoptiblicnn rule nnd tho outlook was bright Wlion Lewis county xvau callod the ChiiI man ot tho leo llltoo 01 Importance ot trettlnu vote He Mtld that In ten years ulelol onlarl had lOl nlnctcd In that county haven to mnjority ll had known Dnmocrats to travel tliirtnnn tulles over roiiLh country roiuls to vote Niagara lonortnd that she would elect her county ticket and solid two Democrats to th Assembly Ontario reported thntcho would do better this year than last when him elected her entireItickct by fiom llfto to liioO majority Uueenspromised her usual majority althoiicli f no was deprossed by reports of n dis- united Democracy In Now York ally After ilipwi reports were made spooohos wore ilnlUernl by JlessiH McKelway llunedlct- Korthrup Htlllllrwllno other cdlturs on tho conference adjourned WhllpOIH Mcantlmo n mooting or tno State uaininiiiool- iold HIM Hhlrlf Davidson npimnred as the proxy- Ilittavln of Col Murphy and Kdward Konr nry for Augustus Sihell I Mr A i Collins of was inn Faulkners substitute All A tlieotlmr members of thu committee I worupres- iu I enl Albnny was chosen ns the heniliiuarliTHof M tlm coininlitiii It was thought best to keep away from the Influence of tho factions In Now York Daniel M lllnll Id waul Cooper Kd- wurd Murphy 3 llrown Ir and lllrllilarny lr tho Incentive Committee Til tnkn prompt stofis to per Ir Hie orjMnlatIon In the Slate and to Hood counties with campaign documents our IWI A1 MWrIJ Albnny Ilrniucruli ICrJolclnv Over eke Vie lory In Okli- iAiiitsv Oct l2Cov Cluvuluuil Jiolil I nu Irifnimal reception this ovonlna Fur two Knurs thn I iccutivo Mansion was thrnnued- It Ircbhmonth wore served and tho luvornor- Imila uarrn shako of tho hand and a welcome tn nil He was serenaded by thu Democratic rimlmx who were celebrating tho Dcniucrntlc- victot y In Ohio The mansion was aclnvv with firunorkt Ilotwinn 4000 and 5000 jmrsons- ncre presunt In resimnse the Governor said KtuowriiutM am vtrv much Kratifled hylhlirc nit ml r in 101111 In Hit n jolilm which to nlKht Klid dim the lnnrl nr the niimhi m of the parl tn nhlch I am 11110 I 11 Inn I do not fnr u inJim lit attribute lulu 41 nlriilinu und llni conihment of HIP VITI imde to- kti oHu r Uiu Hi in Ihe incllnntlnii nf mf Illl > frit mil a iinh n nmu n thin to rnnirritulntv f ach olhtT on thu- KiftInn lllllciil IICP and I llllf poiltlon ma- Icr I I nu mint t p laid nildo nhlle aa M- tiw noHI of n Ill nliIih I dai aihleied- a I vn iir > M 111 IP our jov uiiil exultntlon W cilp- braie in n ifht I 4try in u tnont Imnortaiit I n Miind- ylil ir > nln htrivii unn innnrlnf a nimh irri r vi wronip w I iron Ttif anll 1 Joy to tlerlilcve- niini nl f our trrlhrcu mt HIIP mid > Uld I Un m- all I Ihr ruitu nnd Hie u Iniirutloll hkll lhelritallillltr I I > iiil rniinTi I Imiii u I nrl iaiilp I In the nrrnt cam la itii nf P lft tli fnuidil and nun Illilo in Ihe van fatliiHiuiiiifoiiuw I What rhall tin ainwfrler HIP iJiHUMracj 11 sn Vnrk itnd Lack the rluifliiv- ur > iiiii lhat p ar u on tin vta and II I tin Hurl dan I lp n her > lde dearlna Klurloun jrnlhe Tin > I iJkl run of iriii r rv 0 tcrlhe volei of blind tarll > an < eal 10101 WcwtJ I ecaun w r dcnrve nicci t became I ktcluri audbu aukew inr Iniili aloft Hi Unnnerof Iliclrrlilin etiiinn full will ilia mul of f watchful > iaiiauinri uaj neiliullnnl lo ai r iitt that Odeil and rlolhruliieM I U u ourlruit twKraiiilatinlwt I iic rel > IItr truellemocrat Inth NI w ork that Ihe whlih I In I mljUed liioiMrih 1111 lr > i tlorl > and tint tin caldldl lr- rtioi n iu iai I cuiitol o vrcll rcprtnnl cauae lie liiitriiilcii wlilh elected I fgr the Democratic 0111 UK inru nun preuulta 1 Ihe exult of the elata t for their mtffrairpK hM f fnre It other men nr ol whom Ui I iinrty would hat rtllKhlM to huinr tut a Phnle wait tii h niMlevand thki It wa ll and fairly made I r illy hrllrTo The cliurtrr i Imdnuatlin I In any quart r that thl clinlpp WM Inlliipnrd Inil roprly or detpr mined nthtrnlM than hy the Judgment nr iho uivnn whom the rip ou > ii imt vn r t will not dprelip tint 1 may I lii mf ly Ml i he lntelllKCiie i II e Ieoplp I Ilin Kxriiijapir t Inhuli clUin tliofrlxllritK of aldlnc tn thi eiiux Thl pnnnnt t he done iy IimlinndlnK and caUl I knnu I cm aHi rrrfnnnliit HIP ilutUi I of my putilln itun ru Hinhrticmiif 11111 lo for I am into that ihp 1 hleh do I < tiot n 1i them nnd thp fatty rp nm ntnlh who arp nut cirrfulnr their In t rrt Itipy lll npinllMi Vie aepa to iiit the Oil r of HIP Mala In tho liiill of mm liiohitf tin full rOllhlIIO thi iarl > We well 10 uii I In hlol tdarn tlnwo who hapuliowit flrlelllytn trry irUHtp nnd iiuldlc tiiit Wpnrcenl in HIP the flatppnndldati > oi of whom come no rrnlliiii v iih tie inrutili ripp ntictlnn nf their ii n lKhl r uliirhui I mtlriilialv Their ui form ttn I iliiti i or tlitn i < mnmptlnned nml frr li from tin j pi K HIJ HWlo o n I wlllfarp r thdr iaut > 1111Umt In M I aiu rnlltled li thpir ii c ami I hllelll Hirnuuh tin In arty i rtirta of Ihilr nartj friend Hie Ilitellleilit I I lu I Him of the ntrn of th mat I itii irmtip them to Hinre In the nilmtuifttrntlnn of otn stup Iniprnnnnl- Tlin tilin1nii follnnml liy tlio tlironc linn mnrchnil olt to tho KiMtmnrn Honin ulicro tlio Joiiincnittn Still 11 cuiiillilntri nirn Htixylni AH noon in tlin tntislo iinscil Mr John fi lliiitcnir Htpppoil fnrwiinl on tlin liortlio nml liitroilitpoil HID Hon Isiiiii II MujniirJ tlm- pnnillilutu 111 Sucrnlnry of Ntntii who nftnr tlmnklnic iiioplu for tlio cotntillniunt Hiild- Thp iiriofnt Ifixii l inir lr it 1101 IIP The i oinlAr tnliHllHtiou nroupfil tn tin fiut n rlciil rronom II cl hi ex pi iiilluirti l 1lhe niiU VI iMilnor tn HU hoiiiiRt 3 I trHtlnii of tnitlie nllalr mitt I llu only unre naft- Kiianl of IllII 1 In up 1 IIP i xcrcl I > p of iloiil ful IHIH rn mil I Ihf praiMltf of ilinililful pxcnllturc are now inaiU tin ilijol if innIt roathltiK luililio- trltlotviii ntiil Hi rttlrrn n lifMiiintnir to un frt aM thiv I limp tifipr Ilfn rp akhertiil th lr- rltrhltotip t liLiiril an to lme ir h riHiili1 1 In- thiMroilliMiil r ir iMitnihcK It titlui Inlfi lru v r I ltioiinhtiiiiiiiMInoil thiliiirtof II MiHri lilcli Utlio oiiirt h ful fljn nf thH h I IKpl nut 111- H1 > l tire Minrll liifnrinril n tutlle lll lor nf the krint nrt touhUli > on lulonir thatltunn iir anlzi fur I 1aIJoII lurii nf l i iirlnif I toitr 111 tin i I tin mo Tfnt lnill1iluiil Ifh con plutillt ulth III t Illkhim ililfrif of f illil rolrtllo- thitti r ui if nil ciltlohtl trtl4l for rltip ialu tun- l lil llioriinv Hint iir ilollar tnkpn from HIH l cltlpii I > iitiji t uiiiinl I or iihiiuioiftur titxatlun I utill- irollrr nnl tliuttvpr iiiineci iry Itifrlniriliiititof I natural rlylit Ua rnnii Hit atp HIIIU of I IIP foiiitln- tlou iTlMPliilf uii hlcl Jiflirnnii ntil hln cnupr Itiilll tliu llriniitrnlU titnl whirl IIIM made Illi- ltrlniiHinpt fotirhcorr viir of lU hll lnr > Tim Hon A r Cliiiiln tho Domoerallconni- llilfttn for Cotniitrollar nita nut ItitimlncLMl Afkr rolorlll to tho stiucch ol Jmlko Jluy- liuril tt Ua limn tn rrnir I to thoi HiMtiMrntl1 rlllPl- iilon flileht to I litch h IM rrlirouiflil riHCp n ltinu t lp uifiir to nil I iiolitiinl oliKcrM rrt Unit tln n tit 11111 nf lhpipo p tliiMp I who IHP Illtlr Inlitii In illIn- iitffilrHpxiiitt 1011 anil ttliotali llttli or tn jmrt- In IolillCK r lutill In lu I w Ith the l 11 rrntl t iirt I linn hien iilinHn in tlip Ohio t tlou llint Ierl1 I 1m uliuuli I itriiitiT rliriilllCHtii thliu hud et IPI l it It w n 11 t nu onlinarx Ictcri tin the I trt r llppiilllrniii pirj IMIIP eflorl lui I turn nuilit I tn cum KIICIP lihlcp IInuIh h1 hrt n tunli the nlijpct of vxirv form of raluiuti ami nilnippn iMit tlnu Vi t lu rptte of Hil I ihp l einncrnc hn t nun n- iiint i xtrannlliuiry lcl r > ami iiinu n i li a lurire 1- 1hn ppr het u I ollnl HIM P factH Jti tir HIP i otnlii iou Hint llu IHOIU nrp mclluliii morn nutl IIUTI li uirl lieiuiH r i > It uarrHtith the ti llpf Hint an piilniiint in t niUriMTpHentHHou linc IHI n futile I In 0111 ho th u ill be In SPW iii- tMrSwifl tho Doinniratlccnnillilnto fnrStntn rnclnvor I b ln cilleil for ccttBod hlmsulf from innkliiKaBiiicili I CII111 that If nlrctI- M ho voulii iiurfnrin < of his placo with tlin piioriry mid ability lin i n cs oil KpapclinA wiirn nlho mndit by John I K Dovlln- of SOl York Wllllnm A 10uchr of Owoco o Italnos of Snmtiul I I llnlllilny of Toiuiikins IDiintj luti > at niulit huiinlor John J Kiornnn wni- soronniluil at tlm Koiinuirn Ho mnilo tmboit- Hiiuoch uxiirunsini tlinnk for tho compliment A STIll IX UXAT 1OTITICS- Connty Democrat l uiniv the OffVor to- ramniiins The tlllreni AVitltlnr- Tlio lon John Kellys ntatomcnt to the Tnmmnny Commiltco on OllanIZlor on Thursday ovonlnt of tho Dcinocniort proposition for t union of tho party on louil- tlcktu oxcltoil much comniont yesterday amonc tho County Domocrnoy polltlclanB Many of thor fiiihl that tbo orcanlzntlon had not ntilhorlcd anybody to treat with Mr Holly and throatonod to provout 1 union of- tho Democracy If any nttompt wan tnado to- dollvor thorn to Tammany without their con- sent ¬ At tho moctini of their Executive Committee Ingtullht Police Juatlco Maurice Jlowor Blld A gentleman connected with tills orxnnln- tlon whoso relations with Mr Mlynro of a confidential charactur made homo HueircRtfons- to him concerning Democratic union Mr Kolly was not authorized to sny that tlioso- miLLcstions wore an ofllcial communication from the County Democracy If tho ontlo man wore bore toniuht ho could speak for hlmoHlf Homo of our momtwrs who are Intor- ested in the comlin I campalirn are In Albany attundlm the inrottm nf tho State Committee I therefore more that thl mooting adjourn to tomorrow uvcnini wlnn they will boheio- Tbo motion was carried and the committee ndjouwd Tim absunt ucntKimun to whom JiiBtlon Iowir rofcrrnd wuro Hubert U Thomp- son ¬ ami cMIIInrloor Tho CitizensCommitlpo of Fifty determined yesterday to tnko an uctlvn port in thin oum- pitiifti Aiiioni Hie memlwrs of thocommlttco prosuut toio Joseph II Clmnti1 oxMayor Grace icorte Jonet 1 IJ Willis Jame Ind- oriik 11 Comlorl llobort 11 Itoosnvolt tliarloa W Diyton and Krndi rlck W Wliitricli Mr- Cboato was Ilosldcnt- Tho Kxccutivo Commlttea rnportcd that In their opinion th Citi7nns Commlttim should nomlnatoriindiilnieH for all tho local ofllos to bo Illleil iilltlm coinlriLiloilliHi- Tho Committee of Fifty adopted tho report and niljournoil until Tuesday next whnn thy Intend to nominate a county tlckut If the County DimioiTiniy dnrlilob to lltiht Tam- many ¬ flaidonoof thuCltizanx wu shall nom inato a tiokot which will bo sntibfnctory to them and to tho liopuhlicanB In Hint event both of thow urKiinlAitlnmi may ondorne It If tho County Itomoiiacy uiiitimlwltli Tammany wobelleo thntwith llepubllcan asfilatiuioo wo can elict our tlcknt- Mr John J1 Oltrlon Chairman of the Ma- cbino liopubllcan Central Committee nald The Democratw will unite Vo believe that there I is a chunco this year to iiuauh nil tho Democratic machines If NO van nmko a union with the Cltlxnns1 Committee 1 think that wo CUM beat tbo DomoorntF- Hnnildnil Hint aurilon could eaxlly bo nmiln and said that tho Itopublicanh had no oamli- dntu for Itouihtnr and wore wlllini that tho Citlzitib Committee hhoulil miilo tlio nomina- tion ¬ for thut olllco iU SK1SIOXI 1- l TJeUT- III l 1oiinael 3Iuvluir C Q10 tke Indictment mill IllickHrce Ike 1rlioiirrA- IJIAXV Oct 121ho wholo of lo lIIY- beslon of the Oycr ami Tormlnor which la try InII the SessioriH bribery case wa Hpont In tho- arfiiiiiont of motion to Muush tho Indictment and dlHchnrce tho prisoner Thoro was no diminution In tho Interest or tho attomlnnco This morniri after exARnomblyman Albert Sheldon had boon recalled and hadclvon un- important ¬ toHtlmony tho pro ocul1DII an- nounced ¬ that they rostml their case Tho lion Hamilton Harris for tho dcfonco then moved that the indictment bo quashed and Mr Kossloim discharged on tho crotind that thoru had boon n fallunt of proof of- tho crime alloirod Ho cltid tho Jnw nacsoil- in IHoll In relation to bribery mid hiilil- tlio tostlmony bhouod only an attomiit- to bribe Tho statute of IbOJ noitlou 2 made nn II till IIIJlt to bribe a crime Tlio- pioMcution aHkiid for n vonvictlon for nn attempt at bribery under an Indictment fnrbillioiy In 1H74 the ilftii nthaitlcloof tho niihtltntlnn relative wholly to bribery wim- mloptiil Ko tatuto on tho subject hud boon panned ho mid hlnco tho adoption of that art clit and therefore thocomUlliitlniiulanutnd- inniit iibrnKiUud iniiilnhiii for tlm crlmoof- brllmry whnr tlin hrlho WIIH iiocoptcd no pun l iHhment nuilil bo InlliclPd for till crime of at- tempted ¬ brlbiry A further obirctlnn was that the tnhtlitioiiy of the perbon hrlbitl iniiht be- corrolxiMtiil by oldenco other than llint of the inin bribed DlHtrlet Attorney lion Jck nieued that tho jury could ioinlct of alesber crimu llnui thitt- rlmrced in tho indlitment and Hint attempted bribery Is an nlTenro lit rniiunoii law Vh n- tho Hiiiummi authority Uellned rlmn and d- Hcril id It ima felony that was HUfllcleiit It did not n iirid aildltlomtl leiilhlatlon to proecrlbo piiiilHhniciii- Altorniydeneral lliiehill followed support of thoMilldltyof theliiillctmiint- p I I II W Ilioklmm lor tliiTiiiVfiiiifBTciaimeil tliat no nftnmtt to bribe could be provin unliHS it was Hhown tliat- tho mimijy WIH nccnnliil llIh ti full ioncur- lonce b > tho receiver In tho liitunt of the p r- to civlliL tlio bribe und that thernforo this caw tnubt full by the testimony ol the worn witnesso thut ho did not Intend toconbum- ma o the net Mr IVckhum had not concluded argument when tho court ailiourned I he IiuperlMl JuH Out Roniiililiiir in w In uieiii uv reoat fiR to lao V gtl IIrolller Ia a ay alllltolllullltudSIII a 11Ir4 J A r Nutlken llUtory f Ireland D1 M PHUl an wI Coimlete lluabrldt4lo fd- ho pGIA trrJ1r KW 6 ctlllA i P Vote IJrolfcera Fnaklan Cut lo uc- KhowlnKwhal I tn near for men and lion ihU I fall i iil free llroadnVy and llouitou I l and Mil ay ardUj it Ad Mick VcQuald Hie CtaiiEtllitr- No In HrJpal Vltllf sao Vrkt t ctuti JJP J Vnccl Jlrolker Cut Irlcca 1 For fine clnlhliu nre 1layloIh l mlichlef with hi priced ullori JJi RARE BOOKS HALF RUINED NllOCKlXO COVW770VO1 TIIKAXCIKUT- UITY unittitrT- kp Dirt 11pit und llralrlictlnn In Ihe Itoom- Contnlnlnv Ike Oollepllon r Miinlrliinl- RronriU IlhrurlunN Apiiiilnleil by Ilitck Politician Vlalt In Ike Itoom In nil probability tlio moil uliamefully ncI chlll nnd abused property In tho posses Klon ot tho ultions of Now York Is tho Oily Library It In tho collection nf books that has boon cradually accumulatlni ovor slnco tho foundation of tho city nnd that Is now shelved In tho lanrR room In tho southeast cor nnr of tho City Hall over tho police station Tho room Is In tho utmost disorder It has como to lio tn n uroator or less oxtent n lounn- Inu placo for Idlo mon Tho colllnit Is foul Btnlnod and broken Tho walls aro dirty pen ¬ cilmarked and pasted over with nnwspaper clippings 11 picture from a pollco paper and odd bits of ditty paper The wornout tat- tered ¬ oilcloth looks us II It had not been cleaned since the room was llrst used ns a library which is said to have boon In 1847 A heap of broken Klaus rests ncalnst a bonkca ° o and a pile ot brooms map brushes nnd palls rests In one corner beside a washstand whoso boarded sldo Is falllni to ptorcs The bankrupt city of Kllrahith contains no public room In any such condition liut the valuable collection of books I Is worse off These 1110 stored in creat cases built ntiuitifct the walls and tn other lofty closets Rtandlim OliO on either slJo or the chamber ThoMi cases IniM1 white frames nnd vainifiiuil and ulacd doors The white I painted wood of- tho drawers nniler thiso CIHCS I HOPIIIS I nntor to haxobccn olemed They urn Illthy with dirt Tho ulaes In the doors Is so dusty and dirt 110 Kriinod that thromli somnof them It I is Imtios- sllilo to rcail Iho tltlis of I the iiliiines Attlin bottom of the linvrst linn of panes dirt him ln nli fiiittlliii unit npiMirmiliitltii for vnurs and it thickly i luut1i class ami lies an oiuhlh of an inch thick on tho bottom bhetvcn Impatient and reckless cltdons 01 custodians hiiMi ilelllier- ately milled Iho locked dfom open rather than slop to unlock tlinin and tlm bolts aro In two of them actually split nut of tho wood Tlm dinirs of tbo topmost closets IIIIVD been left open for months iierhnps Ncars and the dust has had fiiii acci ss to the idiolxos Ihn hlmbby pieces of white writliiu i aier lacked on the sluihus and boarinu the titles ot each separUo- detiartment nt tlio collection aro stained and torn Klictlnn ballots are pasted on ono of the frames On the odds and ends of oldfashioned- fnrnlttm1 and on the lloor nre KHat piles of ImiiKh lust covnrid and In rnucod rapprnK- iNini tho room the appearance of an Ann Urcet paief dealers store or Iho lumber room In n book collectors uatrct There Isapli turoof Charles Xscouit whore In that iliiioli monarch I is dlstiibutim tho- crosis of Iho liKion of Ifiinor but its ulass Is almost hidden under dill I A mlntiton work with n lau would nncal tho pictures tt no and consldciabln worth Over it IIKUUS iinothcr lnral lilt The thanccs aro that tho present librarian not know what It is forho lone a time lias it beiii Ioncoalcd by dust A chIlI and shabliy collection of samples of chromo llthoutnpby a hilitr Cnult tidrtrnit of Her Ltuil Mason and a clinaii bedchamber mil ror handod down from thodu > s of thoeolonihts aro less Illthv Hut while nil this can bo remedied with dust cm paint or soap and water the books can never bn mitdo presentable The dust neclcct and violent Uuiie tioni which they have suf- fered ¬ for viirs havo loll them in the main HO many vviccKs They compose a battered wot n- mothandOiistiiatiin array of tatters and dirt iuu the Ill II 111 0 ChlmM and Latin Loon a huuo tome printed tlio order of Nnpolion tho Iniat and pnsciitid to New York by tho- miinlclpiilitv ot Itoimn in 1raniO bus its lick bioken nnd Its covers hancint to it from force of habit Tho insects that oat leather and the dust that corrupts It havo wrecked tin covets of tho loni row of minutes nf tho Common Council uoliiL back as fill as 1810 that liu sunken In tho dust on tho lower shall in one of- tlio cases The Illos of a mornlnc nnwspapor complete from the year 1H43 are racttod and split bucked Vherovorthoeyo of a visitor to tho room rests it Is confronted by tlm same ruin dirt and disorder Yistirdny when Tliu hits ro portervvent in there as any clllZlJn Is nl liberty to do nnd nsliiwMirs do every day to look over tho State laws and city ordiimncus of the past ho found policeman loallnc In a chair in ono corner and a croup of IdlolooklnKinen over the costly and once boautltul colkiotion of prints of the monuments of Iarls and Nlnovnh which form rare henes In tlio collection Hn found that the librarian is Thomas Dorsoy nnd lib assistant I I is John llront Thev wcro not chosen for their Illness for their duties In tlio division ot i ationate lIch Alderman has the iippointmont of some man to some of- tho regular positions and tlm posts of Librarian and Assistant Llbrnilan fall in tle cilioial list The mnn who cot these plncisarc thus repaid for political and pirty Mirviccs Luch nuts fHO a jcar Tlio only Iibrarinn in twenty years who was by training capibli of Intoll- icertly dlscbnrKlnc tboduthH of tho place ne- cordlm to an old and wellposted politician was Mr llichard Henri Stoddard the pout who went out at the end of n tear Sometimes when an Ahloiman I is roilected his henchman In tha library lenmlns a second year The library contains a very ureat deal of rub ¬ bish in the form ot broken sets of books and odds and ends of tho municipal records of other cltits It l looks as Iliunub whatever useless books have been sent havo been placed upon tho tdiilvori It contains miny Ill valuable volumes however besides thosi that have been mentioned tho completo lecords of tlio old Volunteer Fire Dnpartment I n full set with the exception of two volumes ot tlio city direc- tories ¬ nml u complete sot of the famous Cor- poration ¬ Manuals holm amoiiK these How many valuablo books havRdlnipponred from Its fllmlveH will mivnr bo known though It Is said tliat them aro some now in another public col ¬ lection A lot of medals lIlt by Iopo Pins IX and I tho costly sword with Its jowellodecablnr- dthati n IViiZ presented to tho cit r 1lftJ Itolcli from that room some years 11110 rortumitoly I the most valuable part of tho collection tho early manuscilpt records of the city from the times of the Dutch until after tho termination of tho LnullRh riiloani locked up In a number of hnco safes In an adjoinim loom nnd tin keys to these an In tlm possession of the Clerk of the Common Council MvrK Atrn KFAIX- KcitBnulloKf rNi > ulu AmlmiiuUor to 1itrliI- AHIH e Clolnrl Oct 121ho DuiMlu JoellIl1nNllrIIZ the Spanish Ainhnssndor to Franco has re- sliiiied and declaies his detormlmitlon to Ill slut upon tho acceptance of his resignation It la rumored hero that Kcnor Moret a loading momborof the Spanish Democratic Club Is to bo appointed Spanish Minister of Iorolcn Af- fairs ¬ Tho appointment of Scflor Moret would be robiirdoil hern as slunlfyini tho close of the Alfonso Incident MADIIIP Oct 12Ihn loaders of tho DyniiH tie Loft will not bo oblo to decide as to accept ini poBitinim In tho now Cabinet until they know the programme to be adopted byHcinnr rosadallerrtira Thoy will hold a consulta- tion ¬ with him today Tho Left Iswllllnuto postpone 1100 eoiiildoratlon of tho question of- conHtltntlonnl reform Hut will Insist upon the adoption of univiisnl HiilTraKo KlnuAlfonso- wlllurnnt to Heftor 1imadnllerrera nuwor to dissolve the Clmmlmrof Deputies vvlilch will inakn the new Ministry morn independent than previous Cabinets Honor Gamacho has it is hild doellnod to cnntlntio as Minister of Ii- minio In tho now Cabinet ns ho Is reluctant to trust his projects for financial reforms to u coalition Cabinet Tho crisis is mill unsettled At an Inter- view ¬ hitwiim Honor 1osaduHnrrera Honor Moret and Marshal Rvrrano ieftor Momt I ex- plained ¬ to Honor IoHidallerriira tlm eondl HOIIK upon which thn Dnnistio Vtll would en- tnr tho Cabinet Ilnsldea tlm iiuestlom of uni- versal ¬ HiilTrno and constitutional reform disputes exist coneernlni the distribu- tion ¬ of tlm portfolios Heftor Insnda Htrrern Informed H nor Jforot that Im- coimlderod tlm conditions somewhat hard and tliat ho would Impart his decision later Marshal rierrano thereupon summoned th leaders the liymihtic Ieft whllo Hi nor T- osadullcrrcrn Imld H conforencii with Honor Hauasta Tha latter refused to accept tho prlnelplfl of unhor uuffniiio Heflores Moiet Lopez nnd HomliiLiHv nflerwurd conferred lurrolll LIIL notlilnt- dollnllely WIIt with Honor if decided lrlkql n III Euul1- I1SIION ON 121ho bhock 01 lrtlllluilko- t III IHul hid ftlurl 0111 rrrh1 Irr- dfty courret1 I ucloek all TII III III II a- uorlt llIhuckl of eanhlullhe u II al KralU 1 Zgorle 011 Thurodl Ot1l11l1 HULLMAN lATllRtttl T11K1U Iff- Hp enlnlnr > HwoopInK Do wn mn Ike rrael- I Ike Hala rOper Heli First of nit Ill sell tho orchestraetolls Bald Mr John H Drnoer Innt nleht ns ho Blood on tho 81110 nt IHolnvvny Holt bcfnro a IIUR- OdlaRrnm of tha Metropolitan Opera Houno nltt- ltiKH on which n number of scats wore already checked off I Ill ton dollars for 20 olo ouso snng out a mnn with erny Btdo vhl8knrs Without puylna any attention to tho Inter- ruption ¬ Mr Draper continued Tho upset price IB f 10 How much nm I bid 1 The blddlnir started nt 111 ran up rnnldlr to 25 and then morn slowly to 35 After Tygon called out that Miiuro somo ono ahoutad ox cltodly Thlrtythreo dollars Wo dont road backward Ilko tho Chlncse remarked Mr Draper What do you tako Tyson Ton and twolvo I In E replied tho specula ¬ tor Tho bidding rot next choice ran up to 120 bid I by Lawrcncn llarrott Two sonts 1 askod Mr Draper I supposn youll take Kraneesca with ou Lawrence How much am 1 offered for 1I0xl chalco I klf ton dollars for zo olo ousoTsani I out tho man with uray nldo whlskem iMnln Hut thobiddlncran UIJ to SIR Who bldnsbod the nuctlonoor Jonos I ront name please F lonc Tho next choice was sold for till and tho next for fIr At this price Mr C Montagu Ward purchased four Boats and Mr J 1 Wysoim two Can you let mo- havo two icood ones John asked Mr Kemoys- Dont call mo John 1 when Im up here said Mr Urnper with enmt dlcnlty After Mi Kemeys had mndohiflnloctlnn Tyson swooped down on a loll bunch of seals Icif ton dollars for 70 olo ouso sane out the man with gray whiskers iualii Homo ono run tho blddlm tin to fourteen Tho mnn in cray whiskers then looked at Mr Draper and tipomnl his mouth wide without SByliiKnn > thliiK I I and a half responded tho auc- tioneer ¬ How ninny do you takiV All yor not left Eiild tho bidder an h started for the door J Last row ton- 1hervlln HI Murk oil all Iho rest to Itullmnn said Mr Draper Thats just like Hullnmn said n theatrical man There hoH cola blic lot of Kood seals nt half n dollar loss tlmn Iho other speculators Tho nuetloneor next disposed ot tlin only I two Imlcnolres I lemnlnlns to MrHcott nnd MrKtont- at tlM and UH rusppctlvnlv Tho tiartorro mill llrst tier boxes IiavliiK boon sold for tho season the Bocoml tior boxes were noxt stinted at an upset of J50 Urst choice was knocked down to lolin Trenornt St Win Ktolnway cot a box iitfriSnmlMr lleldeii Vrof Doremus and Mr Van Santvoord at tho sumo price There woto soven left 1 elf yerflll for the rest shouted Mr Hull man who had loturnod Hut tliey all wentatl- in Then a number of seats in tho balcony and family circle wcro sold Tho subscription ami auction sales leave only seats In tho bal- cony ¬ and family circle unsold The sale of- theuo bcclns nt the box otllcu on Monday Mr Tillotson calculates that tho llrst nlhts house will bo about 80000 MIXKKS VKINd- Tke nII CI Cnntimiiy lni lfiylnic ll lecllTcs to lro- t ct II lroii rt- HltADroiti Ii Oct 12ThI8 nflornonn n- spoclnl train arrived from New York over tho- llochester and Pittsburgh Itiilhvav Twenty four stroni men In citizens dress left tho train nnd took dinner nt a hotel Theywore mot nt tho depot by General Manager Mer- chant ¬ Thoy were dotoctlvgs cent out from Iinkcrtons New York agency and wore in chartro of ono of tho rinkertotis All woro heavily armed After dinner Iho strangers loft for DuboK In n special train whore the lloch- cctcr IlttHhurgh llallroad Company is bav- in ¬ L serious trouble with Its coal miners General Mnnauor Merchant suld- Tho rallmad compny wns compelled to employ detectives to protect Its properly and tho lives of its man Arm weeks iuo tlio- minoib on tho lowKrndc division of tbo Alle- cbeny Valley Hallway wont out on n strike They are still out and aie thu ISO of all our trouble Our company bus paid its miners tun cents morn per ton than the miners lin tho low uradn mines 110 rocolvlnit Our miners wcio- sntlslled with their wnps but the Htriknrs havo intluencod many of them to unit Wo employ in our mined COO mon No demonstra- tions ¬ of violence weio Hindu until yesterday Thn stipotlntomlent and Ills mon were about to outer thn mines when they won1 confronted by a larcc l body of strikers who were armed tho teeth Tim 1 lender indnred I thn I miners I llg lull work His sum lIt bevoral peremptory notices had born served upon t the miners nnd declared that now was the tlmo for action Tin1 miners a body refused to strike Tho strikeis became nnury and drawing their revolvers IIrod them into tho nit Tlm superintendent and Ills aids could not control tho mon who scattered Ilku n Hock of sheep Thev could not bo pi vtilcd upon to return to work In ibid oinrrcPitay lid fenrlui blood shod I leleraphid to Ilnkerlon for detnctive- sAt I oclock tOiilfht sixteen men of 1lnker- lons detectives will leivn NHW York for tlio mines They will do police duty Homo will mlnule with tho strikers In dlsRUise and lonrn- Iholr plans I nm afraid that n riot will tukn place hilt hope that the detectives will hold the strikers down Knveral cases of rlllosnnd- nmmunltion have been sent to Uubols for tlm- uso of tlm olllcers 1our weeks IIRO our dally avuraue shlpmontsof coal from the niiiiiB MCIO aoo cars Now we nre dolnu vory little TIIK uniu- An I IWTJN i > llninleil Mnorltv of AOOOO Airulnit- Ike Irokllilllon Amendment COMIMIIUS Oct 12 Oflliilnl icturns from six counties vvoro received up to 10 oclock to- nlcht Hocretnry of Ktito Nowrann estimates Hoadl > s majority In the Htato at 11803 No Hcuros havo been received to clmnuo tho esti- mates ¬ made on the Legislature In tho six counties olllcin Ashliind Delaware iallla- JofTorson Wyandott and Anclalxo tho total vote was 35708 Tho Second Amendment received 1H2G7 or over half the votes cast Urnntlni Ihesnmn rnto of mtjoil ties with a combined neuatlvo vote of 75 000 in Hamilton nml Cuyahouiv counties It is estimated that theimcmlment will do- feitted by 10000nt least Htillhomeltrlomls of the measure claim that it will be adopted by 10000- CIKVEIAND Oct 12Jhn ofllcial vote of Cuy- alioira lOIlIlI will uive Koadly Ml pliunllty and lloselliiferLlijutonantloveriior J75H- Tho total veto of tho county ls33r liJ Thn whole number of otes cust fur the judicial amendment is 15111 for tho amendment to- reciiliilo Ilijuor tutlllc JH5I i for prohibition l2iril Conbenuently tho majority against till judicial uinnndinnnt is 2IiJ nuninst regu lutlun ltiUfij t against prohibition MWJ CINCINNATI 10112111 Hamilton county thn- LcKislatlvo ticket stands ItepuhllcntiH tineo nnd Democrats All tho county olllcors except tho County Commissioner are Democrats In the Ktaln by unefllilal returns I lie Leirls- latiiin stands Sonato DomocrabJ2 Hopub- llcans 11 House Doiiiocrats Cl llopubll- ciuis 41 Ntorm tin Ike Alliinllc Cnntl- WAHIIINOION Oct 121110 following etato- nitiil hui lurii fnriiUluil t by the hiifnKl office In rtrffime- toiiiiulri n wllli rKHMllo uHorin nll lo l he IIIOVIIIK up HIP AthinlU Liial- Ihiru are Inihintioni tliHt n Plurin In inovinir slowly norlhwiinl i n tliu Moiitll Atliiiillc I convt mill vtMiplH null In hiintli tuvvuril 1 tltpe llnturax nonlil probuldy ell iiiuiiter ilunurruu K I hiuirday unit Kinnluy I Thin Btoriu IIIHV finMpvir inovo nnrlheitiit front llAtltriiw uml net lo Mi HI Northern H lioii Itiiu rt > art not mini ri nt tn Hurrhnt the iioimte I inilKtloii uf a e > loll hut the liulkullonHliMjk in llml illciiUon AIUv JitrobiiMii ITnexiirrtnl Aliirrlune- TiiEnniN Oct 121ho nmrrlato nolico of- Mlt AiilolnitipJucohuiilmnihterof ItiiTlolorAp > J- iohniof the Ainrriiiin HoiiH1 to William A fall WAI- i iihUtluil to ilay TliH I linJpH father In ttlit to have fur olillui tin Kriiiini lo tnnip to I the houp wiiprpiuiou HIP coujile ran nway to Plillntlflihia 111 VVpilnpiilny ami- wrrvnmrrUU ti Ihf Kev William linjil Mr hv n > I U- alii lo lp uf the llrinuf W A Kiaui Uri > inu > ic I uh lithrrM if llurton II I taitl Unit IIP Wftii ttlalii iil to MlM JiudlniH ef rat > t nrn nirn Anil after H iitmrrtl with In r nmrrli it Hiiotlur klil from wlioui he I In mlil to IIare hotn illvurctl I llrupplnc lleuil In kli l <Bce- Charlori A Coo n retired merchant fell dead from ur eiy je UrJo > In 1110 oltloo nt 1m rront- Uriel Mrloiwai HI curiolil He hail been a iiitin tier of HIP linn of COP Ainlcrion lot Co cotton nur- chanti Vlim I he nm i jrruri i lie ia I alrcaily- ainai I pil 1 a fortunp Ainl rptlrrit from nctlve I iixIneM In- Ihtnilke In which he illid lir IrsnmilMl I rivate real Klalp 1iifcliitii He MuriinttrimirwUli hlinju la law mil fell from lilt chtr ileail TTky a n Irltbuaa Wept The niot extraordinary uiUUc alnntr ttcr gheii In New York a temperance luir a rrutli at the City Hall r mlnl cenct of tbe father Matliew cicittment- la New York Sct tomori wi SwR4a JCrt1Aa- V i MIKE CLEARY HAULED UP ACCUSED iiKLVimi VLIICK A TXMPT- JV AltirOXA MIXKIt T m Ilnahca C nme Kntt Wliti VUOOOO or Hn unit lllirln Nlllllvnn III Ikn Iliiwrryf- ikunff Draper AuiMilnlvil HlnLekolilvr Mike Cloary tho pUKlllst Thomas othcrwlso known as Hlmnu Drnpor and Wll- llnm ¬ Ilennott woro nrraluned nt thn Tombs Court yesterday nnd accused ot swindling Thomas Huijhos of Arizona out ot 5000- HuuhcB told tho police that ho was n mlnrr In Arizona whcro tomo limo nti ha struck It rich Ono Hiimmor day 500000 was offered to him for his mlnlmt property onolmlt to bn paid down Ho accepted the ofTer nnd cnmo on- to Now York where ho arrived on Monday Aug 20 Ho stopped at tho Alison House on tho corner of Crosby nnd Hprlni streets Ho Intended to Invest In real cstato and uottlo In Wnw York lin I In nn Trlflliinnti tvltti n utpnnt n u lovo for his countrymen Join down tholloworyon tho 28th or 29th- of September ho noticed on the window of 270 thu namo Mike Cloary nnd decided eo In nnd tako n drink with tho mnn who owned tho- namo Tho company ho met pultod him Ho told of his luck in Arizona nnd became popular In tho onsulnc thrco days ho says ho Bpent 1300 In treating Ho wont also to Harry Hills and there mot Jem Mace Ho did not tnko to Jem because of his nationality Ho had greater faith tn Mr John I Hulllwin At Clenrys ho as free In expressing his opinion of tho two Ilkliter nnd offered to bet f 10000 that Mr Sullivan could knock out Mr Maco In four lounds tinder tho rules of tho distln- uulshod Mnniuls of Juvonsburry Mr William llonnctt and ollicrswero wllllnir to back Mr Maco and It WIIH nuroud thut a match should lie arranuoit On the oxcnitiu of Oct 1 Mr Sham Dinpnrwns Introduced to Mr Hilllies by Mr Mlko Ileary as a proper person to hold Ihn Htakosiind the following articles of iiKreoment oto drawn iii- Artlrlraiif ngrppmelit enli red Into Ilili Ilrxl ln of Oe tohpr IhMi- I Milhull her match John I Sullivan to hoi four round Mnriiuln or Jupumhom rule for flili lBaldp- t ameit Inrioran do InTtln miitrh lamen Xtncp to hox finr round MaMiiln or menilerr iiilo fur lMhharl ilpurv ileo H fltmn and I Jsinr cr ennui dnII fllrm III Ihp hnnN nf Ihnimoi tlnntr ho IK to iu tn final utakpliolder mid referee Tin term of tin Hirht to he miiiutilh Huretd innn Thu croniid U to lp tnvmd fnr hpii Hip Hun duiitt IM made Tho next dehn it of Honn IK t t nut ui on ThillMini Id I lsl nlHiehoilinuf MkhtnlYlenri at 270 llonprt hetween HIP honrn of rt and IJ r M Kltlur- iirl fullliii in inl ii HIP f HOI In thp tl MIPI Illed hall for fill all IIIOIIPV den lted 111 the MnU older a Imildf The next del n lt of OltillHtnhe nial nn tlot it IHHS In Ihn Innikpj of Mlrhnpl Ilenr tietuein the liniiraotSand 12 I1 M- IOMH l SiiiitvftN ty Mlohnel Cleary lAMin MAik to lunuf Corcorun- Mr Cloary according to Sir lltiuhes bent to- BCO Mr Sullivan to iinanKo tho terms of thu match and was provided with n cortlllid chock for 110000 to uso In buyinc bets and Irni ulnn tho match On Thursday whon tho additloniilr- lnttnult tit < null nc l brought to Mr Huuhes which purported to come fiom Clenry at llmlnuton lcl whither he had KOIIO lo sco Sullivan H said Siillitim lotiltl nut M it hull hprt Put up th IIIOIIPV- anil t lll h e him to nnirrnu MICIIAM Iu ittr- Mr Huchea said that ho thereupon put tho 4000 In tho bunds of Mr Sham Draper A check wax deposited bv the opposition Tho next day Mr Huihos rellcctod and ho went on to lloston to see Mr Sullivan Ho says ho was surprised to learn that Mr Sullivan was in Washington on anparrlm tour Ilo hastened to vVnsiilncton and thorn met Mr Sullivan Mr Sullivan listened with Interest to tho story of Mr llu hcs and than salu that he know nothlnc of the match and would not Imvo any Ihlnetodovvithll Then ho told Mr Himhoa that the thine was a Uovvory skin came Mr Iluirhos hastened back to Mr Mlko Clearyn saloon and demanded his 5000 oi Mr Draper Notwithstanding his haste ho failed to arm o In the saloon until several hours ufter tbo expiration of tho time durlnir which accord Im to the contract tho ndditlona SSOOfl should bo put up Mr Hlianir Draper re ¬ fused to return tho 5000 in his hands on tho around that It hud boon forfeited Eventually Mr Hughes wont up to Pol lea Head iunrtors and told his ndvonturos On Thursdnv of this week on his oath Justlci Willie criinted the warrants which woro servoi- on Clcnri Diaper and Itunnctt Mr HiiLhos assorts that Mr Dennett is the James Cor- coran ¬ of tlio nitlclns of uciromcnt Mr Thomas Draper smoked a clear on an iron rail In front nf his saloon In HixiTi avonue When questioned about tho story told by Mr Hnches he said 1 do not want to say anything about tho matter You will tret our side noxt Tuesday und von will find It all perfectly straight Mr Miko Cloary was in his saloon at 270 Iloucry hist niuht In explanation of tlio- alia r he said Tim talk about this match first started at Harry Hills the day of youtic Ivixoys benellt I was not there IIuhcs stood up and olterci- to bet 100110 that riulllvan could knock out Mace That nlKht lie came bore nnd uave mei- ccrtlllcd check on n hank thn name of which have foriioltiiii for 10000 I was to draw tho money and arrange the mach I did not draw tho mouey 1 cauied tho check for two vvooks- ami uavo it back to him on Wodnesdayn week aco Then he hunt me to see Sullivan nnd nr- inmo tho match I vrcnttoYllmlnilon Sullivan was to have boon there Thursday nlcht a week IIKD but Im fulled to Kettlni hall Iluches hai put up his flOUO 1 lolcuiuphod him thai would see Sullivan tho next day nnd that ho should mil up his mono of course liu HiiKlies went on to Washington to see hullhni himself and Sullivan lufused to atreo to the terms He vvn cone when I cot back Hughes was jiono so lorn that ho tailed to Htiowti when his final deposit of 5000 was dno At 12 oclock Mucn nnd his backer cumo around and claimed that tho 5000 already dcposito was forfoitod So It was tlvon them Tho trouble wi that Huuhon put up his money without seeim Mii man Ilennott hud nothinu to do with It He was my cashier Jem Mnco declined to say anythlnc oxcep thai ho nlwavs kept still when there was a law- suit in prioress Harry Montauuo said tlm Hiiuhosvvas In Hills nt the tlmo of Nlxeys bonellt and offered to bet lloono that Hiilllvoi could knock out Mace in four rounds Mon tiiKtio told him of the 1010 In Hurry Hills hands and then asked him by v hose uutlioritj he olTcrcd lo bick Sullivan HiiLhcs roiillei that he had soon Sullivan and iTint Hiilllvai would make the match Montague domandei that the nchotlntiins should couio tliiouul Sullivans HKUlar backer At the Anson House the proprietor Mr An- BOH lloiiso said that lluuhes lind b ion very iulut there Ho wanted to buy real ct Uto He was with dilllculty diasunded from paylm 10000 for a Klxtyllrsl wticet tenement Mr House was a Foitynlnor and NO WIIB Mr Huuhii9 They weio filuridly Mr Unction said that he was a single man lltlvsoven > oarh old He came to this country In 1HI7 Hi struck It Mint in California but lost it all am then made a stake In Arizona ten or twolvu year ago When he came here ho had jus sold his proporl > for half a million dollars Ilo brouyhi u lartrnBiini of money with him K this city U had been stated that the BUIII was 520DO The last of September Mr lluvhus fell In with the llouorj1 boys nnd then hlu drafts on the largo box envelope deposited it tile Anson House Hiifn were large nnd freijuuat He was cone three days In succession and 01 application nt tho 1 oiirteenth pnclnct station Detective Halt was detailed to bunt him up He found him at dearys drinking clminpacm with a crnttd of men ami women Hughes toh- thn detecllvo tliat he had orknd forty > niru Ii- Iho mines up to his neck In water toonrn his money and Im proi nsed to spend it up to his nock In champagne If he plcat nd When after llml Mr Hughes came Into Hit hotel acMinpanied by Mr Draper as Mr House helliivcs and asked for the big box en- volopn Mr HIIUHO old him the safe was lockei- nnd the keys vren deposited with a sifo d nos- compmy Mr HnwhcH left tho hotel on Oct i but did not take bin envelope unay until tho- 4th At that tiiim It contained 25000 Mr House believes that Mr HughoH spent nearly 3000 treating the people nl dearys Arrett- Pa Oct 12After tho perform lire tfluii lure In Hlflil l y JnhnI- iitftfirB Hiiltivim anil In- u tliry took in tie toun tli- iiiMnlKltlat haven Ahau- of tlie KlnwtMlHnleti it- At ill rrinite- ut about 2 ut lock tin montiijf Iliu Ii- tliv nm rttitliil liy luiifc AitniiKoioii M rcfu Ki i It HMMII TliuTtikr- f ft Itiritf ttHl rt dlltrtTM In thuri tii limifr vi tuhi tic w nl in TIM nrc i Mirrunl On I rt return hvillitov- fhu 11hnt tti iaur uf tit hnutp Minnlp liiivn1 nlth l o iflrln nuiiifl luinlp llur- rliiKliti an Ntlllt Hronn HI rt urn t il ami ln11 on vi- rlouiichalKeii Htilllviin ulnl liU larl Ittt fnrVVIIktK Urn en un early trnln llnw they cu l from H- ihvucp hllv vurruunHO > ullvtiiun Uaniiittr > Kululile Weddlnn In VlrclnlnI- ltiMMOM Oct 12 Yesterday Miss lertrud Tucker dauifliter f toiiKrei inan Itandululi Tiukr- wat inarrleil ID Mr John I IIKIII well known inn der of the New Vor har At Ihp Ianiiurl ullter thul te ioopvil to iiiorie vVa mniinii whtn at Mnuut Vtrn- onanuiil uiulainonf tint lirlilal rnuli IK n nlr o- tlliir canillriilckj hU h once I phinjeil In lailj hpot wood nlfo of Hie tolotilal Hovernor 1000 xi rsnKAuns ix- I njr Koonrt f Ckrcrt of nfcleli N b y- Ueiirire Crunp Ilectl p One Tho nowMlcnlcra of Hrooklyn tinllcil with olrrratlons from Now York nnd Jorsoy City ast nlKht In a public dcmonatratlon In order o manifest their Msolvp not to submit to thn- ITortof the proprietor of tho Ilivald to compel lioin to noil that paper at a profit of only one lilnl of n cent a copy Tho New York micro numborim pevoral hundreds tot nt Cooper Institute nnd walked o and over tho bridge headed by n- mnd and carrying transparencies nnd red anterti1 Thoywolo met at tho other end of lie brlilko by tlm llrooklyn dealers who had larndod from tho Hrooklvn City Hall to Dod ord avenue whcro they had mot tho news ¬ dealers of tho Ijistorn District When tho thrco- organIzullona had united thorn wore neiuly a- housand men in lino Tho llnoof march was enlivened by fireworks and cheers Monavvhllo an audlonco had been Kathcrinc- at Music Hall In Fulton and riatbush avenues ihorlly niter oclock the procession began o pour Into tlio hall nmld cheers until every seat was occupied As tho various ranspniancles wore placed on the platform thcro was groat cheering Mr John Hwlnton- nado his appearance and was cheered Tlmn he members of the Newsdealers Union took heir Keats on thn platform and there was noro cheering Mi llounctt called the mooi- ng ¬ to order nnd upon his motion Corporal Tanner wan chosen Chairman Thu Corporal was duly cheered Ho said thoslrnirulo was a- lattlc for life and the newsmen could not live y soiling tho Ilivnlilnl twonnts Resolutions vvoio load bv ColConnolly They recapitulated tho schedule of piolltsmado hy he iionsdenleis on the various newspapers md nnnomicod tho icsolutlnn of tho novv- sloalors not to sell the lltmlil for two cents The couiso of James lordon Ilennetl was de- nounced ¬ asaii alliick by immcnso caidtal nnd nsatiatogrold- IrJiti Kulntiin wns Ilion Intrndlleoil nnd iiLnln rhoorcd lie spoko of the magnitude that now uarlid Uiu nevsdealersmovement although twas stalled by such it trifllngthiniias n third of it cent He counselled thn newsdealers to cop up their orLiiiilatlon Ho said of Dm ac- tion ¬ of tho iTitTii A mote Infamous net of cowardice u more cruel and tyrannical act of oppression was never potpotratod by money against poverty The band played n pot potirrl which Included The Hoguns March to the bov Instead of a penny He said he had rewarded tho boy for his honesty nml that tho- Ijoys namo was ueorgo Crane Here 1 am said a piping voice in the cal lory and the attention of the audience was di CUXIKXTIOX- ICepori of tke Xeiv York CimimlUee uu Iko- ICntincnllon uftke Prnier Hook PIIIIADKIPHIA Oct 12 In tho Kpfgcopn- llcnerat Comintion to ilny th Huv Dr Pix from the- n vclal roniiultteL1 of the iliuceiio of New fork on the jiropoBeil change In the ratlflcntiotiif the Hook of Coin nidii lraer ire entnt the rcporl of HIP cnnunlttpev- vtiicti wan referred to the ointnlltcecin 1rajerUouk The connnlttce reported tliat Ihoy ATP nnnllllnif to tone tliusuhRtance of ttie rntlllciitlon In the ny j roponfil Itiliould rpmnln Intact until mnne irritve necpHnlly re- qtilreii 1U alteration or rcneun unit ciu then It hhntili remain vv hat it now strictly nnd iroprh It the art hv- v hlch a compotcnt Aultiorlty cine inllilitv recoirnltton and ohlliratllnn to the prpnent Honk of roinmon Im i r Tin Committee on CBIIDIIR nmilu u report rpconnnend Inir Hint theword Iroicntant Kiilcopui he not lift out of HIP canonn- In Hie llotme of Hishnpi the lefflliiionlalH of nithoii fleet Knlckerhocker of Indiana A Utnnt ni hoicl ct Kandoliih ot Vlrulnla and A RUIiinl Itlnhii elect totti r- of hew York werp irenpntpi1 nnd the Home concurred with the Holme of Ieputipa In conHrininir them The ItlKht Iter Dr I H Knlckprlmrker ot lllnneiiota will tf consecrated as Hinhop of Indiana In bl Mark Cluirctiof thin city on Hnnda > mornlnir next The con operator will be Itlihop COXP of icnteniSeu York H- Halfltpd hy HUhoiif Ljninn Koliertton and Mpfnren The aerinon n 111 lieprparhed hy Illnhop Wlilpkof Mlniietota MR SIIKK11AX AT lA IX UFO STATUS AlleKlnir tknt n Ken York Action la Hoelllej- lo kU Connecticut lllvnrce Hull Robert llobortson sued HoKor sr Hhorman- fnrnierl AHsiitant tlillpd Stntp Uletrict Attorney ii- Ihlaclty cialmliiK IO nndpr an aureeinent h- Mr > Sherman to m > him ono fniirlh of the fcog reci Ivei- hy Mr Shcrimm from client hrou ht to him by Hobert- nn An iittni linienl van Krnnted uifnliiHt projart n- Mr Sherman In IhUpIt mum ihp uround that IIP nut nnn riHlilelit lilnl livid In Cumin tlcnt- Thp IAHP wit bpfonluiltfp o ilormnn ipnteritny iipot- a motion for thn jintlltlcutlon of HIP fiireileM In the tiliiln- tllli nnilprlrikllnr lijidli HIP iiltachim nt Mr VV llrooke un liplialf f Mr Sherman dcilnnd Hint tlu- in Hun wan the rpitilt nf H eonHpirm n iiltiht hin client thp plnlm htini u Irumppil in OIIP In inllilpnrp If nnKi hip a suit now ieiiilliiL h > Mr hherman In ConiKPllcut- tunliiHt hlrt iji Florence Unifli shernihii for divorce In Hint action vrn siurmnn JUIIM In a IIPM that her him hand I lint n re l lent of Cntnectlclit and It Is ullived Hint HiU NIU Vork nclinii fNtirniiuht to procure Improp crl > n hKM detprmliiiition Hmt IIP ti mil Mr llioukt- HDSertid Hint John Itohorliiili one of HIP RUretleH liol HIP ntltichmetit in a fuifltUi front juiitice AH H frail111 IPIII hnnkriipl frniii scollund Mr llrookv a ked thai Hump dny IIP iet when Ilin inurt eim llfilentoun pxnm Inullon of tin miretlpH perMiunlly The htnrlnir nun im tpone tiutll next IhurHdtiv- Mr shprmun wan mnrrud In lsa tn a dauirhter of the late Inv HM IPV of Mlrtifirnii nnd U utilm foraititorct and the PIII IMJ of the twin hltdrcn on HIP around thut- Ilio l not n tit Iirtoii to liat the i are of them None of Tkem Oone Yet William Pitt Hhoarmnn Commlsslonor of Ac- countK cullpil nt HIP MayorV onice 3 cuterday and tal that ho vvoiild not reiiifti lil ntllce HP Atknonledifei the MnjorV iii pr to reniovc him nml said lie would i urrtnder hlaortlce when the removal tras niade Tim Mnvor ll that he would remove Mr shearman toda- r > David lilniBon AntUtant Slnrk and llnud Ilerk In HIP Klmtiifp DpjiiirlniPiit tun nut el an irpd Coiiip Irnller UrHiit reju nt for hi rpciKiiatmn Tin foinp trolleruill In n fewdnM Hiiininon Amlilnr Jnckfcon ti- ImwcaiiKp wh > he Rhould not he removed Hew 1- 1tnkp HIP IIIIIP coiirne v lth Mr ohn nii phoiild the lutler lint r iikli Thp oniitrnler kiild ppt rdu Unit lit con Midprtd Hn toiiimlHHlonerK of Atioiinli1 LrillcUm of Imnc II tlnrrt tt the netipral hookkcetr in the KiiiAiice Iieparliiidit unwarniiitid IIP Aliout Mr W K Vunderbllt- A ropoit was telecrniihod fiom New York last nlht Hmt VMIIInm K VuMdirlnll hud found lilnurlt uu- ahlp to meet his Innliiial enKiijementP mid hat hla father had fonlrlhiitid lle mllllims to luln him out Mr w K Vatnlirhllt Imiut ortnMn rhuiiiHij M DP- I raid Tin riport wnti Miirlpd tliU iifternoon In HipleHm ii Wall trrel llunlipniaduout of uhnle huh wlthiiu HIP MiKhteKt hrrd of Irutlf I hriird It this nflernnm lirfore I i mill up town fhev tnnk li tviiulnt of Mr underhlltH iihn ncp fiom 1oi II to iiu It In rirriiUtion Illl It linnnil i lire t nil Vnllh rlIU Hnik Vil Hny went Up Tunimnny llruea Exciting Ill NY Oct 12 While Bhnrirr Davldboni- d Kturni Mrtnoy p M Miiri and Inl Mlilmel I ll > uirc unlkinjr to tlie- jtaxxdl > Hull lolm tiny u knot of icliofl trirU w- thftlar o irrntelr n > kul limn Hit > weft tin jun In t Kriiriu p s ttliin trial > prmnilh rr ll l Nn HI nrr llir TIUIIIIIHIO Ieu- Hiimimin crHt i HIO havp I n- Klnanl d t efore HIP Hnvermir and inn h nue men too Imtdld jou do fheli n miarcd Clmprann drier A Oot wholopalo dealers In creek r > Hiid irlfurivare tu Cliiittifo mwlc un aij licaticn fur the njtnfntiirnt of ti rtCtnvr mOntny They ha > e- aitockof oitlH iAliMil Ht finniiNi atnl O MI arrotinlM- uinoiiittintr to tLVMi Tlutr lihl tllti art f HOC Alholt H Oinl A V iTnirlrtwrHur th Kmiiklin MuiirHht lnwriHi Matnlitm nittl t elitf n lu luiol A7MS TUK- A RiiffiMi haw liten nrrHltil ultlli rkttctilittf lu th > tointy nf the Curt ut honiK lxr ili nuuiiy- aiMdwiie I lie iif lnu riifr Denmxl uf Can ado nntt Lrt > liiiiHnnwi ltil Tr ni Mo Uk- A fur Jutlifc in the ell lrvMtt limn HUPJ oviM lo 11 Mnttlnw Mnriihjr- of Kill cut Kortj thlrtUlrrit New Vmk uty wnikilUl by thetan at ruut9 villf near Aimlenlrtm yeMenlu- Mr Auiai a HiirHtruv mother of Jo MtlMuu Hiir kiif- waHftiriikvu with ui jiit x nt the nMUin iof nn In tit tn tirutun tiiin > v itrdfi > itnil ibiiut cijtc KM I tu hu HluUHT j ar> nl- lTliMlrliiKftii Vutral Uhlironl Ioinimiij ulnh uu ltnif lav Ukfuttut llu tti i ttnii uf tin uniform tlmo- Miliiituln niloitr l Ly tin rnilrifl of tin1 coiintr > hut Unltkd IIM intttiitioit to cniiforiii HI tin iu ruU The ltatliofMuJorElt Iriinfi gufirtrrmiitrr 1T A at Kori lHanviirth r rilit Mill roinot i Cu I A H Kluttiitl AwiMtaiit tjuartt rniuttr to ho Major mul- i uirieruiahtir ititl r n ca varancy in lh v rttrinai- ttr Pepttrtinc nt to l UlUtl t > the rrt Uiit- Alrxamlcr Matin ulio ha 1ien an cxlcn ltA Mock ilfulrttit 1arU Ill IH ntorttt t liRecotn vxlitll hi- nrnutrty liuuilintrf f iiiiiiHtirlli of IUIK un l 7iiMKii tufk to uirtt iiulrMfilneMi fuciirrcl l itcuta- It lion IN tint lie Ii Mill lu as jl > IntoUd- iNiir Lunita convlrlfil of Inctntlliirinn nlillr ou Ilic- Ha to jirfkoii tu MiiHulicr Vi t nJay Juiupfl from H wiiiJow uf tli riiirfVH train riiniiln at the rate of fort mllfii an hour The train wsi Muiiitd nnliio- wat iuon aftrrw rlfttjttureO liavlutf received n ilnir- Ui > Dr Huhi Couth Hvrup for coutti and coMi u4- a > old larj doctor luU rrtct 2i ctutiJJifL- unk KILLED HIMSELF AT LAST 1I- oivo ntsnnvH ininn ATTEUFI AS 3- NUIVIIH s The Ilnrlem Tfonnic Mn > ii Tiink n Ilrld ill Ike KiiEtira K< lio InUnn Illmielr IPKT Inc FureuelU Irni Illiil on hliMklrt Front Dixvlil H lllaboy who lived with hla- mothrrat2il Inst 112th street left homo on- ho evening of Oct 4 to buy a milk ronto from n Harlem milk dealer Ho look out with him 700 with which lo pay for It Ho did not com lomo and did not call on tho milk dealer so- lin latter sayp He could not bo found At 2 oclock on Wedncfdiy afternoon a cat cposlted nt Johnsons Hotel nt Ninetieth trcctnnd 1ltth nveiiuo a younc man ncntlj- rcssed In black Ho went Into the barroom ind drank n milk punch Half an hour latci 10 wont awnv At dusk ho returned and aid that ho would remnln over night He had a front room on tho second lloor openlnc on a- ilniva vhlch looks out upon Central 1ark lo ntipiarod lobe tipsy On Thursday ho sal upon the piazza for nearly two hours want iwuy and came bick nualn at r oclock Ha- ordnioil a liiMs ot xnisapnrllln Then ho wont o hlH own room He had nuked Mr KduarJ lohnson tlm proiirietor of tho hotel not o hnxo htm disturbed Ho did not ippoar jOMtorday and about 5 oclock- n tho atternoon Johnson after trylnir the loor KOI Into the room by tho window over tho- ilnvit The Ills t tlilriL which cauuht his oyo- vn the yount mans shirt hloh lay on tno able The bosom aswrlltenoerwlthlead- Huill On tlio left Ulu of tho shirt bosom ero thcso words Noltnui > t Mnrphlnilll I- tlutiti II m > nvr V5I tvt IIJlli rtrrct- AlniiKsldn of tho shirt was nn empty vial abilled Sulphatnof morphia oiimi nvoir lupois IowernV WnlKhtmnn riilladilnhla Johnson shook lllsboy hv tlm shoulder He- RiiopiMl lint did not nenl Ho WUH taken to mo riisuytorlnn Hospital and died thcro tvvniity mlmiles after he arrived 1 hu other VMHimon tho shirt front was DMIIA liojon helKvutiie imvv llml the elid him inine HAM This was ovpr tho spot which covered his matt Ileiienth It was Hilt U Hie i nd of n wenrN lift without her And further down Let M KIIIM lau r knnw ST sKtli nvctiiie- On tho riuht side ot the shlrl bosom was this > OTIO I- IKeep the pant Hfcrcl If not for in unVc for KIIIH- D M- Nothlnc but a buttonhook was In his pock ¬ ets What hicamo of his iToo dois not aiuiear Itisbcy was 2s yenro old Ills father who died live > ears neo was In rood clrcuinstancos nnd for many yenirt was employed In the United States Assay Olllce in tills city Itlsboy had tried to kill himself twice bofoie In le eombor 1H78 Im fell in love with Miss lossio Hunt who BOVO music Icfsons tphlsHlster lie asked her to marry him but mm refused Hetlnnlly mot her In his moth ors parlor nlnno Ho took n nizoi from his pockel and lliieiitened to kill her unless sho promised to matry him Ho foieed her to nccompany him to the house of tho JliVi ol I Virgin at 220 Knot street whole they wero married Tlio mnrriaco was annulled and ho was soul to Iho Llmiri Itnfunnntnry Ho was released on parole in October 18SO In May 1881 tlm Ho formatoryolllcials wanted him for bomo mis ¬ conduct and a policeman wont to his houso to arrest him In tho Harlem stnlion whcro ho was taken bo llrcd a pistol at a policeman nnd then shot himself in tho loft bienst Ho recovered in two months His other atlompt nt snlcjdovvns made in tlio houso of n cousin whore ho drank laudanum Hlncn then Ills mother says that ho behaved himself bavins id von up tho habits of dissipa ¬ tion which nre said to have unsettled his mind Lately ho had been attentive to Miss lmna Lawyer who is tho viocprlnelpal of a public school nnd lives at NTS Sixth uvnnue Hn wanted her to marry him but It is said sbo refused him lllsboy had occasional employ¬ ment In tho Pension Bureau of this city Tke Koldemlc In tke Infant Aeyluni- Tho inquest which Coroner Tico Is hairline on Hie death nf n tabs lu IheNew Vork Iifnnt AijluniatI- lronxville tins developed this tpitlmnny Dr E fl- lriiBh the attending physician was removed bj Iretl- dtnt Clark Bell In MnjMinilbr Caroline U Mnrr van ap- pointed resident phjulcinn 1vvctit Hircp lnblrn lln- in AiiRiut and thlrt three Im beptembcr Un Joel roster and V A Hnrrnll of the Hoard of Mnnwrx but not of the Medical llnnrd recalled llr llrnsli Three data later President lp cut Dr llru li nway Dr llrnsh callPd for iin lniit l on th hody of H bnby vMinUlidln llitnli ron the irronnd Hint nn iMildetnlo had bet limit n< unchpckrd In th a Ium slnci Auir 2 that nearly alxi InfaulK Imd dli1 MIIP r tied ttnit Hu thild VIIIB trtnleil for niti Iiii and w hoon Invroiikh- Minn llanlev thp mitrim tpntitlpd Hint nfltr thp ln Otle t w nil call 1 four trnlnid iilimei hud lepn added In Ihi forcpin the Inktlliillon hv Irtat lent lltir orilem Tluro had hpen hut one nurie hcfore TlieiiKiutit vnn not concUidid ln t iiinhl Iretldent Hell KIIJI the eiddemlc WUHIIII Ppnlemlc of minvler Tke iarlk iinike Nciiaon Homo may say tliat it must havo bpon nw fill had unlikehut lam an rcrtiiin Hint lluinnn- parthiial nt I am that I nm ilandlng hpre unld Capt Iralnor oftha hnrk Italjih 11 1enke whlih urrle 1 from Itahia yeilerday lie continued quake Ihen Ifelt a cold chlllriui ovr nn riipMeamiihlp International from 1rle tu experienced nilmllnr hnckoii VVidnndn Oil 3 Mnsla llrukcn by Ikn Undue A Nova Scotia bark eolnt down tho Kast- Ithcr at llt oclock jestirdii ninrnliu caiiifht her fore nnd mam truck on Iho hriUe and Woke them flurl nil with n font or HI of tliern > al Arnrwaa- paMlnuotrrtlipcinlnFimn lit tlipilnip No one on thn- rnr km w nf tin i ollli i ii until tin tondiictor wan told of It I n oliciiiiun Thu pa iiui r liiirnpd nf It from lhcindiicliii ill r Hi teaclnd Np VT Tli iioliruaa Ihiit III dark Him tin Urplinilli and MIO riiKti r and that ihp ha biBid Hit hridtfe in tafelj on trnnU l mci Ilnlf llrulbcr In Trouble KANSAS 1iTv Oct 12 John T Knmiiols of Ki anioy Mn u hiilf hrnthpr of I rank linicn nai ar- rritid latplnit nUlit for FhontitiKat I C Danleli a- hatk driver KnmuN who win tltidir thf influence nf 11liior u Bkcl h > ilipdrltfr for hi fare when with nut provocation h dn w hln pUlnl nnd nredHiehall xrn7lnitlipilrltir lieid lttlpm WIT found on Sam nils l ti nn frnin rrauk Jnnie In nhich the latterrald that IIP cxperted i rp Inni to able to dlviiove of Hie- i luirkin ntuiiit him und obtain liln nleun Tke Cliolce of I be Tenth Vurd IleuiocrHtl- At a nioitliiB of the Tenth Ward Domocrntlo AuMnlition of Hronkljn In Id lnt cvninir HIP delo I Biillijn In I IP Il IonvinHnll nimllllilriicltd til vut c lltndrlx inn findll i lor Slnjor Ike Nlnnitl Offlce 1reillctlnn- Locil rilns followed by cloailiic weather MKterlv wind bpeniniiu variaulp ntnilnnnrv nr rmlinf haromi ter rliinit follonod ly a ullidit fall of lininra JOTTIXHH AIIOIT TOirV- ThpSlnitmirKvanrtliiK Vr and virn Wllion are hold lux rpvlial ninilui hi ti i Wot lnlrli Hiird filrtit lliiiH l hurcli The Aqueiuct rnminUiiIni ull lienr nn Mondayaf Irinnii all iirxiniliiirrtrud in Ihe lludiun lllvtr rout for tho new Lrolon iiiiudui t Iiaan N lacohi A vet run of Hie vvurnf the relielllon l mil exempt froin Jury dut hut eriiu In the Hlale Salininil diiard Killtxtmpl him The fei ond trial nf a fcuit In Hu iltv atraluit the iiurp tlPHnfW W Jtiiriihiini the defaulting ilerk of the Ilocfc lliartnieiitir llleil > i > tirdi hi fore JudKo J F Daly and ii jnn in u virdut fur the full amount clilmta liui Hiih Intiret- Aiiiilr Hivfll jivli old Tfj in t IKih itreet who nan uiiiUr urreil for upi Bult and tutterjr wat fniinil iliul iii the lliirlin iTioii e > trnla > mornluv lltrdeath It U uioki I naicaiifud ty alcohollini An- uulo nill hu lull to l Thn Metropolitan MUIPUIII of Art nlll clone upon the nf ti rnonii of rueMln n xt wh n the i recent loan ex lul Itlnii nf iiiutiuhi uiil Li dUjpriipd and HIP fall and winiir pjhihitlnn nhiili ill ovii to the jmljlic on Tllerda olH u 111 la arranged Cnrioiuilini IoutiM Andn k old > p t rdav that h would imt net nnthti Hoard nf Aldermen rinnlutlon di- reilluu that leKitl niiUiilrrii he lakili analnit all olllciala nlninrrv iiativ in ri tnn ilili fnr the Carroll defal iiillini iinlll he liiiddplprinlmd ho pri ri nn lll- Jiiliii lliinanln do n walterintlip N ynrk Hotel finil Iraae II Hipfr le had llonardarrolid a > IIPIIIU drunk and disorderly mid h u a lock d up in r nlihl On Ihc trial > elerdiy l forpl hlef JinlcehiiU lck linn aid got a vi rdicl fur fan rho nunliliildou ruiiinmiiiler nf KnUlu Tpmplar > frnin tnierlalnul tp urilayliv HIP lalea llnaliMiiiiiDiiilin Tin l4lle III Aim rlian Inmllilte fair aiidhud uhiiiiiurl on thg ilonr of HIP viakoma rpinplp riip xuiIi let for hnm hy lin Call Klmr lnv tit J l The llet iilillr > iirlinhrpi rn lull ln > i nUlii There + ntr nonini ii liele iiim mrpclrripd luiiioiiniiiiy 11iiiiciitlun viliKliiiiit at r Und fhirlj third tlreel onMondat pvinliurni vt loih il UInnv nllnii nil C lll > Vlilernianlpiniiven lio Out loiinirronlliiiMiintoiiI apei liold Ilitly uniiftM nrt c uUIJi

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1883-10-13 [p ]. · 11 It i1 iq f J t r I I unrO-J LtNO t3 NEV YORK SATUHDA Y OCTOBER 13 1883 rnrCl TWO CEfTS DEMOCRATIC CONKKRKN- CETO H7II TO iifv A rtcTon-

11 Iti1 iq fr I I



CETO H7II TO iifv A rtcTon-rxty


CHtAariiRliiar Ifrpnrtn frtiu the dtnlrmrn nfCttnvrtia in l Cuunty Imnmlltevii Tho-HIOIF tommlttpp lu llpclu Oruiinlnilloii

AIIUKY Oct 121ho OluilniHii of th-

IVmocnitlc Count yOommlttioH Itlin HliitiCon-InilCoininlltco nml ninny Onmocriitlo mlltnm-rnit In hlnclty toiliy to voiifiir UR to tlin IMSIrowans toweuro a Domoirnlld lotory In tha-

filnto this Inl Tho confpronio sns hcltl In-

tha City AlKint250 DnmncrntM worn jiroi-nt Incluillnif tho Hon Itimxroll P Tlowor-

Ernf ttf Coriiliii Ilniit0ov UnvM I HillA J Parkar Hudis W leokhnr IMwnnl

John K Duvolln Isnua HColor cnndlcliitu for Secrotnry of Htato tlionon AKrcil C Chopin cnmllilnto lor Compirollcr the Hon lobrl A Mnxwcll cnnillilnto-forTrcn iirnr ElncnthnrSwont cnnJliluto 111 Htnto llimlnitr Sonntors Tolin Cc Inoiibs Jolin J JKlornnn JnmuH Fitwurahl Ins

1 llily TliomnsF Oriuly AtotnnilcrllaucnsnndI-MIIP W Covert Hltlnoy P Nichols II O

Thoini9on Kihvnrd Kunrnoy HhcrllT Davidsonnd Cot MI C Murphy ot Now York Tlionms

Jr und tho Hon GoorKo Ilnlncs oflIon 11 Chnrlus W McCuno tho Hon Thos-K llonuillct nnd tho lon 1orJycu IL Iafllln ot-

VlHtcr tlio Hon Tuttlool Soliuylor tholon linorct Srnunllni nt Otaeco the Hull

HolmuH Cot Siinniol 1 Tllilcn Jr andtho lan 1 llnlllduy ot TomiikiiiB ex

Murphy ol Troy oxHJenker Pattcinnn-K Irititls llnlly Milton Northltl Joromo-II Pnrmentor Puikor Wllllains CoiiKiiKiinan-Womplo W Wlthorstone IE It KI slnKi n-

Diuilal Miiiinlnu W A Pouchor of O WCKO AW Call of llrootno the Hon Vf Caryl ElyJtiilus W lockhll T ThonuiH KnriKKs ot-

Utlca nnd A HenHi of Onoiulnca Tholinn lrpiiHtli4 ICnrnltiir iiilMil rm ninlrmiLtl ahaWaltoi HllunnaaSooiotary Much enthusiasmiP wisniiinifestoilJ Mr Apwir Mild that ho had been reiinoMod to-

Itatt tlio nlijuit of tlio cotifuioiico ThoieMlIt-tlf thn Ohio iluctlon hud placed It within tliopower of tho Democracy to carry this Stato by-

Birr llfty thousand majority Tills ndvantnijo-rnicht lie forfeited by lack ol effort ThoDemocratic Knlim In tlie rural districts ol Ohioproved thut that Htato was not carried on localIbKties Thoiu would b tlm Mimo results inOther States tmless they woro lost by Indiffer-ence


Tho Democintlc vnta In this Stato as-DOOtlOl Annthor GOllOflQ was dhlilcd botvrcun-thn Hopubllcins tho Prohibitionists tho-liocnli token and other parties Tho Domoc-

racv thl fall oiicht to cut nut nt law a proortlonof tlioiroto IIH possible Tlmy did lot

Want to look for coiiMrls for olorlloulllto them natuiallr On III lrKnvitatc oto usually foi off pel centThat niurulnI thin tear brine n Klorlnus-miceibH If tlio Hnpulillciins hrotiKht out 111

per COlt nioio of tholr oto than tlin Demo-crats


inltlit possibly carry the Mate Mr-ApirurMild that tlio Republican tntH this > earVruro based on false statements Thov assortedthat tho Ilxolh1 eolllorolsOI undir Dumo-crntio rile Ihs new unices hlobeen lUith thnso assertions wolotruo Tho taxeb had really bOll reducedalthough they seomod to liuvn Increnscd-Ihroiti tho adoption of tho froo canal amend-ment


No now oillcofi nor commissions norbonnlH linil boiii nuulo or apiiointod that didpat tako tho placo of ofllcoH conimipnions andboards nliendy iittlni and more cxprnnUc

Mr lltiswoll 1 1luunr thon HUkKCHtod a planof organization bifcd on tho plan thut hasproved so successful In JolTorBon onunty Hy-Eettltikouttho full DDinocratlevotothla lull ho

all the Htato would not imlv receive atell the county tickots wouldboolectfil in a majority of tho cnuntlns-

Thn Chairmen of the ControsB Di lrleColmlttces tlion mado repnrta as to thotions nnd prospects In their districts Thoro-portbwere vory faorablo-

Vhon the Delaware district was callod JliidBO-Maynaril Bald that It was OB easy for tho Dem-ocrats


of Now York to carry this State by 75000majority ns It was for tho Democrats Ohio tp-

amI their Stain bYf l12010 to 10000 mnirliy The false 11 Itepumlcnns-

houM bo exposed to tho poonle by tlio dissom-Inatlnn of documents and a stroni enortshould bo made to poll n strong voto The pooploouulu to bo shown that tho host adminis-tration


ever seen In thlsHtato had boon liuiiiKU-rntod w Ithln the past year Uboless otllces hadboon uliollhlifil and rororml havo boon inaugu-rated


nhlch vrlll FIIVK I pooplo huiulrnds of-

UiotiHandF of dollars The diiimers of ocreonlldoncK should bo avoided for the Ilopublicans would probably rodoublo tholr elTprts Inthis Binto because of tlioir reverses in Ohio

Whol n report from the Haratoca dihtrlct wasAloxandor 5uoll Illo that the district

bad spoken for Itwlf elected Mr llnuCUR to tho Konato nnd Mr Wample to CoiiirresB

When tho JolTorson district was cnllnd MrGrlflln said that tho Democrats of JolToisoncounty had always polled not loss than ninetyone pur cent of tholr vote and that this tearthoy would do bottnr

On tho call of OBHTCKO Mr IouchoraiUoentid-tho nomination of Mroni county tickets wiy-Inethat weak local tickets inviiriably wonkel<d aKtalo ticket

Mr ChllilBof rtonoon plPtlKcd his county forJrom 500 to finu Democratic majority on thoalto ticket and n Domociatlu Assoniblyiniui

Clmlrnipn of tho County Committeesthen mado htatcmcntB cnncernlnp tho organ-ization


In their counties Columbia wa-MrloIllor 500 mnJorll TheCortland coun ¬

last year thoy eleutoilnearly their entiro county tlcknt nnd theybopod to dons well noxt sear Tho Chairmanof tho Dutcliecs Committeo bald that his coun-ty


was redeemed last jour from ten years of-itoptiblicnn rule nnd tho outlook was bright

Wlion Lewis county xvau callod the ChiiIman ot tho leo llltoo 01Importance ot trettlnu voteHe Mtld that In ten years ulelol onlarlhad lOl nlnctcd In that county havento mnjority ll had known Dnmocratsto travel tliirtnnn tulles over roiiLh countryroiuls to vote Niagara lonortnd that she wouldelect her county ticket and solid two Democratsto th Assembly Ontario reported thntchowould do better this year than last when himelected her entireItickct by fiom llfto to liioOmajority Uueenspromised her usual majorityalthoiicli f no was deprossed by reports of n dis-united Democracy In Now York ally

After ilipwi reports were made spooohoswore ilnlUernl by JlessiH McKelway llunedlct-Korthrup Htlllllrwllno other cdlturs on

tho conferenceadjourned WhllpOIH

Mcantlmo n mooting or tno State uaininiiiool-ioldHIM Hhlrlf Davidson npimnred as the



of Col Murphy and Kdward Konrnry for Augustus SihellI Mr A i Collins of

was inn Faulkners substitute AllA tlieotlmr members of thu committeeI worupres-

iuI enl Albnny was chosen ns the heniliiuarliTHofM tlm coininlitiii It was thought best to keep

away from the Influence of tho factions In NowYork Daniel Mlllnll Id waul Cooper Kd-wurd Murphy 3 llrown Ir and

lllrllilarny lrtho Incentive CommitteeTil tnkn prompt stofis to per

IrHie orjMnlatIon In the Slate and to Hoodcounties with campaign documents

our IWI A1 MWrIJAlbnny Ilrniucruli ICrJolclnv Over eke Vie

lory In Okli-iAiiitsv Oct l2Cov Cluvuluuil JiolilI nu

Irifnimal reception this ovonlna Fur twoKnurs thn Iiccutivo Mansion was thrnnued-It Ircbhmonth wore served and tho luvornor-Imila uarrn shako of tho hand and a welcometn nil He was serenaded by thu Democraticrimlmx who were celebrating tho Dcniucrntlc-victot y In Ohio The mansion was aclnvv withfirunorkt Ilotwinn 4000 and 5000 jmrsons-ncre presunt In resimnse the Governor said

KtuowriiutM am vtrv much Kratifled hylhlircnit ml r in 101111 In Hit n jolilm which to nlKht Kliddim the lnnrl nr the niimhi m of the parl tn nhlch I

am 11110 I11 Inn I do not fnr u inJim lit attribute lulu41 nlriilinu und llni conihment of HIP VITI imde to-

kti oHu r Uiu Hi in Ihe incllnntlnii nf mf Illl > frit mil

aiinh n nmu n thin to rnnirritulntv f ach olhtT on thu-KiftInn lllllciil IICP and I llllf poiltlon ma-IcrI I nu mint t p laid nildo nhlle aa M-tiw noHI of n Ill nliIih Idai aihleied-aI vn iir > M 111 IP our jov uiiil exultntlon W cilp-braie in n ifht

I 4try in u tnont ImnortaiitI n Miind-ylil ir > nln htrivii unn innnrlnf a nimh irri r vi

wronip w Iiron Ttif anll 1Joy to tlerlilcve-niini nlf our trrlhrcu mt HIIP mid > Uld I Un m-all IIhr ruitu nnd Hie u Iniirutloll hkll lhelritallillltrI I >iiil rniinTi IImiii uI nrl iaiilpI In the nrrnt camla itii nf P lft tli fnuidil and nun Illilo in Ihe vanfatliiHiuiiiifoiiuwI What rhall tin ainwfrler HIPiJiHUMracj 11 sn Vnrk itnd Lack the rluifliiv-

ur> iiiii lhat p ar u on tin vta and II Itin Hurl dan I lp nher > lde dearlna Klurlounjrnlhe Tin > IiJkl run of iriii r rv 0tcrlhe volei of blind tarll > an < eal 10101WcwtJ I ecaun w r dcnrve nicci t became Iktcluri audbu aukew inr Iniili aloft Hi UnnnerofIliclrrlilin etiiinn full will ilia mul off watchful

> iaiiauinri uaj neiliullnnl lo ai r iitt thatOdeil and rlolhruliieM IU u ourlruittwKraiiilatinlwtI iic rel > IItrtruellemocrat Inth

NI w ork that Ihe whlihI In I mljUedliioiMrih 1111lr > i tlorl > and tint tin caldldl lr-rtioi n iu iai I cuiitol o vrcll rcprtnnl cauae

lie liiitriiilcii wlilh electedI fgr the Democratic0111 UK inru nun preuulta 1 Ihe exult of the elata


for their mtffrairpK hM f fnre It other men nr ol whomUi Iiinrty would hat rtllKhlM to huinr tut a Phnlewait tii h niMlevand thki It wa ll and fairly made Ir illy hrllrTo The cliurtrr i Imdnuatlin IIn any quart rthat thl clinlpp WM Inlliipnrd Inil roprly or detprmined nthtrnlM than hy the Judgment nr iho uivnnwhom the rip ou > ii imt vn r t will not dprelip tint1may Ilii mf ly Ml i he lntelllKCiie i II e Ieoplp I IlinKxriiijapir tInhuli clUin tliofrlxllritK of aldlnctn thi eiiux Thl pnnnnt the done iy IimlinndlnK andcaUl I knnu I cm aHi rrrfnnnliit HIP ilutUiI of myputilln itun ruHinhrticmiif 11111 lo for I am intothat ihp 1hleh doI < tiot n 1i them nndthp fatty rp nm ntnlh who arp nut cirrfulnr their Int rrt Itipy lll npinllMi Vie aepa to iiit theOil r of HIP Mala In tho liiill of mmliiohitf tin full rOllhlIIO thi iarl > Wewell 10 uii IIn hlol tdarn tlnwo who hapuliowitflrlelllytn trry irUHtp nnd iiuldlc tiiit Wpnrcenl inHIP the flatppnndldati > oi of whom come norrnlliiii v iih tie inrutili ripp ntictlnn nf theiriinlKhl r uliirhuiI mtlriilialv Their

ui form ttnI iliitii or tlitn i < mnmptlnned nmlfrr li from tin j pi K HIJ HWlo o n I wlllfarp rthdr iaut > 1111Umt In M I aiu rnlltled lithpir ii c ami I hllelll Hirnuuh tin In arty i rtirtaof Ihilr nartj friend Hie IlitellleilitI I lu IHim of thentrn of th mat I itii irmtip them to Hinre In thenilmtuifttrntlnn of otn stup Iniprnnnnl-

Tlin tilin1nii follnnml liy tlio tlironc linnmnrchnil olt to tho KiMtmnrn Honin ulicro tlioJoiiincnittn Still 11 cuiiillilntri nirn HtixylniAH noon in tlin tntislo iinscil Mr John filliiitcnir Htpppoil fnrwiinl on tlin liortlio nmlliitroilitpoil HID Hon Isiiiii II MujniirJ tlm-pnnillilutu 111 Sucrnlnry of Ntntii who nftnrtlmnklnic iiioplu for tlio cotntillniunt Hiild-

Thp iiriofnt Ifixii l inir lr it 1101 IIP The i oinlArtnliHllHtiou nroupfil tn tin fiut n rlciil rronom IIclhiex pi iiilluirti l1lhe niiU VI iMilnor tn HU hoiiiiRt 3

ItrHtlnii of tnitlie nllalr mitt Illu only unre naft-Kiianl of IllII 1 In up 1 IIP i xcrcl I

> p of iloiil ful IHIH rnmilI Ihf praiMltf of ilinililful pxcnllturc arenow inaiU tin ilijol if innIt roathltiK luililio-trltlotviii ntiil Hi rttlrrn n lifMiiintnir to un

frt aM thiv Ilimp tifipr Ilfnrp akhertiil th lr-rltrhltotipt liLiiril an to lme ir h riHiili11 In-thiMroilliMiil r ir iMitnihcK It titlui Inlfi lru v rIltioiinhtiiiiiiiMInoil thiliiirtof II MiHri lilcliUtlio oiiirt h ful fljn nf thH h I IKpl nut 111-

H1> l tire Minrll liifnrinril n tutlle lll lor nf thekrint nrt touhUli > on lulonir thatltunn iir anlzifur I1aIJoII lurii nf l i iirlnif Itoitr 111 tini I tin mo Tfnt lnill1iluiil Ifh conplutillt ulth III tIllkhim ililfrif off illil rolrtllo-thitti r ui if nil ciltlohtl trtl4l for rltip ialu tun-l lil llioriinv Hint iir ilollar tnkpn from HIHl cltlpiiI > iitiji t uiiiinlI or iihiiuioiftur titxatlun I utill-irollrr nnl tliuttvpr iiiineci iry Itifrlniriliiititof Inatural rlylitU a rnnii Hit atp HIIIU of I IIP foiiitln-tlou iTlMPliilf uii hlcl Jiflirnnii ntil hln cnuprItiilll tliu llriniitrnlU titnl whirl IIIM made Illi-ltrlniiHinpt fotirhcorr viir of lU hlllnr >

Tim Hon A r Cliiiiln tho Domoerallconni-llilfttn for Cotniitrollar nita nut ItitimlncLMlAfkr rolorlll to tho stiucch ol Jmlko Jluy-liuril

tt U a limn tn rrnir Ito thoi HiMtiMrntl1 rlllPl-iilon flileht to Ilitch h IM rrlirouiflil riHCp n ltinu tlp uifiir to nilI iiolitiinl oliKcrM rrt Unit tln n tit 11111

nf lhpipo p tliiMpI who IHP Illtlr Inlitii In illIn-iitffilrHpxiiitt 1011 anil ttliotali llttli or tn jmrt-In IolillCK r lutill In lu I w Ith the l11rrntl t iirtI linn hien iilinHn in tlip Ohio ttlou llint Ierl1 I1m uliuuliI itriiitiT rliriilllCHtii thliuhud et IPI l it It w n 11t nu onlinarx Ictcritin the I trt r llppiilllrniii pirj IMIIP eflorl luiIturn nuilit Itn cum KIICIP lihlcp IInuIh h1 hrt n tunlithe nlijpct of vxirv form of raluiuti ami nilnippn iMittlnu Vi t lu rptte of Hil Iihp l einncrnc hnt nun n-

iiint i xtrannlliuiry lcl r > ami iiinu n i li a lurire 1-1hn ppr het u I ollnl HIM P factH Jti tir HIP i otnlii iouHint llu IHOIU nrp mclluliii morn nutl IIUTI li uirllieiuiH r i > It uarrHtith the ti llpf Hint an piilniiint in tniUriMTpHentHHou linc IHI n futile IIn 0111 ho th u illbe In SPW iii-

tMrSwifl tho Doinniratlccnnillilnto fnrStntnrnclnvorI b ln cilleil for ccttBod hlmsulffrom innkliiKaBiiicili I CII111 that If nlrctI-M ho voulii iiurfnrin < of his placowith tlin piioriry mid ability lin i n cs oil

KpapclinA wiirn nlho mndit by John IK Dovlln-of SOl York Wllllnm A 10uchr of Owoco

o Italnos of Snmtiul IIllnlllilny of Toiuiikins IDiintjluti > at niulit huiinlor John J Kiornnn wni-

soronniluil at tlm Koiinuirn Ho mnilo tmboit-Hiiuoch uxiirunsini tlinnk for tho compliment


Connty Democrat l uiniv the OffVor to-

ramniiins The tlllreni AVitltlnr-Tlio lon John Kellys ntatomcnt to the

Tnmmnny Commiltco on OllanIZlor onThursday ovonlnt of tho Dcinocniortproposition for t union of tho party on louil-tlcktu oxcltoil much comniont yesterdayamonc tho County Domocrnoy polltlclanBMany of thor fiiihl that tbo orcanlzntlon hadnot ntilhorlcd anybody to treat with MrHolly and throatonod to provout 1 union of-

tho Democracy If any nttompt wan tnado to-

dollvor thorn to Tammany without their con-sent


At tho moctini of their ExecutiveCommittee Ingtullht Police Juatlco MauriceJlowor Blld

A gentleman connected with tills orxnnln-tlon whoso relations with Mr Mlynro of aconfidential charactur made homo HueircRtfons-to him concerning Democratic union MrKolly was not authorized to sny that tlioso-miLLcstions wore an ofllcial communicationfrom the County Democracy If tho ontloman wore bore toniuht ho could speak forhlmoHlf Homo of our momtwrs who are Intor-ested in the comlinI campalirn are In Albanyattundlm the inrottm nf tho State CommitteeI therefore more that thl mooting adjourn totomorrow uvcnini wlnn they will boheio-

Tbo motion was carried and the committeendjouwd Tim absunt ucntKimun to whomJiiBtlon Iowir rofcrrnd wuro Hubert U Thomp-son


ami cMIIInrloorTho CitizensCommitlpo of Fifty determinedyesterday to tnko an uctlvn port in thin oum-pitiifti Aiiioni Hie memlwrs of thocommlttcoprosuut toio Joseph II Clmnti1 oxMayorGrace icorte Jonet 1IJ Willis Jame Ind-oriik 11 Comlorl llobort 11 Itoosnvolt tliarloaW Diyton and Krndi rlck W Wliitricli Mr-Cboato was Ilosldcnt-

Tho Kxccutivo Commlttea rnportcd that Intheir opinion th Citi7nns Commlttim shouldnomlnatoriindiilnieH for all tho local ofllos tobo Illleil iilltlm coinlriLiloilliHi-

Tho Committee of Fifty adopted tho reportand niljournoil until Tuesday next whnn thyIntend to nominate a county tlckut If theCounty DimioiTiniy dnrlilob to lltiht Tam-many


flaidonoof thuCltizanx wu shall nominato a tiokot which will bo sntibfnctory tothem and to tho liopuhlicanB In Hint eventboth of thow urKiinlAitlnmi may ondorne It Iftho County Itomoiiacy uiiitimlwltli Tammanywobelleo thntwith llepubllcan asfilatiuioo wocan elict our tlcknt-

Mr John J1 Oltrlon Chairman of the Ma-cbino liopubllcan Central Committee nald

The Democratw will unite Vo believe thatthere Iis a chunco this year to iiuauh nil thoDemocratic machines If NO van nmko a unionwith the Cltlxnns1 Committee 1 think that woCUM beat tbo DomoorntF-

Hnnildnil Hint aurilon could eaxlly bo nmilnand said that tho Itopublicanh had no oamli-dntu for Itouihtnr and wore wlllini that thoCitlzitib Committee hhoulil miilo tlio nomina-tion


for thut olllco




IIIl 1oiinael 3Iuvluir C Q10 tke Indictmentmill IllickHrce Ike 1rlioiirrA-

IJIAXV Oct 121ho wholo of lo lIIY-

beslon of the Oycr ami Tormlnor which la tryInII the SessioriH bribery case wa Hpont In tho-

arfiiiiiont of motion to Muush tho Indictmentand dlHchnrce tho prisoner Thoro was nodiminution In tho Interest or tho attomlnncoThis morniri after exARnomblyman AlbertSheldon had boon recalled and hadclvon un-important


toHtlmony tho pro ocul1DII an-nounced


that they rostml their caseTho lion Hamilton Harris for tho dcfonco

then moved that the indictment bo quashedand Mr Kossloim discharged on tho crotindthat thoru had boon n fallunt of proof of-

tho crime alloirod Ho cltid tho Jnw nacsoil-in IHoll In relation to bribery mid hiilil-tlio tostlmony bhouod only an attomiit-to bribe Tho statute of IbOJ noitlou2 made nn II till IIIJlt to bribe a crime Tlio-pioMcution aHkiid for n vonvictlon fornn attempt at bribery under an Indictmentfnrbillioiy In 1H74 the ilftii nthaitlcloof thoniihtltntlnn relative wholly to bribery wim-mloptiil Ko tatuto on tho subject hud boonpanned ho mid hlnco tho adoption of that artclit and therefore thocomUlliitlniiulanutnd-inniit iibrnKiUud iniiilnhiii for tlm crlmoof-brllmry whnr tlin hrlho WIIH iiocoptcd no punliHhment nuilil bo InlliclPd for till crime of at-tempted


brlbiry A further obirctlnn was thatthe tnhtlitioiiy of the perbon hrlbitl iniiht be-

corrolxiMtiil by oldenco other than llint ofthe inin bribed

DlHtrlet Attorney lion Jck nieued that thojury could ioinlct of alesber crimu llnui thitt-rlmrced in tho indlitment and Hint attemptedbribery Is an nlTenro lit rniiunoii law Vh n-

tho Hiiiummi authority Uellned rlmn and d-

Hcril id It ima felony that was HUfllcleiit It didnot n iirid aildltlomtl leiilhlatlon to proecrlbopiiiilHhniciii-

Altorniydeneral lliiehill followed supportof thoMilldltyof theliiillctmiint-

pI I II W Ilioklmm

lor tliiTiiiVfiiiifBTciaimeil tliat no nftnmtt tobribe could be provin unliHS it was Hhown tliat-tho mimijy WIH nccnnliil llIh ti full ioncur-lonce b > tho receiver In tho liitunt of the p r-

to civlliL tlio bribe und that thernforo thiscaw tnubt full by the testimony ol the wornwitnesso thut ho did not Intend toconbum-ma o the net Mr IVckhum had not concludedargument when tho court ailiourned

I he IiuperlMl JuH OutRoniiililiiir in w In uieiii uv reoat fiR to lao V gtl

IIrolller Ia a ay alllltolllullltudSIII a 11Ir4 JA r

Nutlken llUtory f IrelandD1 M PHUl an wI Coimlete lluabrldt4lo fd-

hopGIA trrJ1r KW 6 ctlllA

i P

Vote IJrolfcera Fnaklan Cut lo uc-

KhowlnKwhalI tn near for men and lion ihUI fall i iilfree llroadnVy and llouitouI l and Mil ay ardUj it


Mick VcQuald Hie CtaiiEtllitr-No

In HrJpal Vltllfsao Vrkt t ctuti JJP

JVnccl Jlrolker Cut Irlcca

1 For fine clnlhliu nre 1layloIhl mlichlef with hipriced ullori JJi



kp Dirt 11pit und llralrlictlnn In Ihe Itoom-Contnlnlnv Ike Oollepllon r Miinlrliinl-RronriU IlhrurlunN Apiiiilnleil by IlitckPolitician Vlalt In Ike Itoom

In nil probability tlio moil uliamefullyncI chlll nnd abused property In tho possesKlon ot tho ultions of Now York Is tho OilyLibrary It In tho collection nf books that hasboon cradually accumulatlni ovor slnco thofoundation of tho city nnd that Is nowshelved In tho lanrR room In tho southeast cornnr of tho City Hall over tho police stationTho room Is In tho utmost disorder It hascomo to lio tn n uroator or less oxtent n lounn-Inu placo for Idlo mon Tho colllnit Is foulBtnlnod and broken Tho walls aro dirty pen ¬

cilmarked and pasted over with nnwspaperclippings 11 picture from a pollco paper andodd bits of ditty paper The wornout tat-tered


oilcloth looks us II It had not beencleaned since the room was llrst used ns alibrary which is said to have boon In 1847 Aheap of broken Klaus rests ncalnst a bonkca° oand a pile ot brooms map brushes nnd pallsrests In one corner beside a washstand whosoboarded sldo Is falllni to ptorcs The bankruptcity of Kllrahith contains no public room Inany such condition

liut the valuable collection of books IIs worseoff These 1110 stored in creat cases builtntiuitifct the walls and tn other lofty closetsRtandlim OliO on either slJo or the chamberThoMi cases IniM1 white frames nnd vainifiiuiland ulacd doors The whiteI painted wood of-tho drawers nniler thiso CIHCSI HOPIIISI nntor tohaxobccn olemed They urn Illthy with dirtTho ulaes In the doors Is so dusty and dirt 110

Kriinod that thromli somnof them It Iis Imtios-sllilo to rcail Iho tltlis ofI the iiliiines Attlinbottom of the linvrst linn of panes dirt himln nli fiiittlliii unit npiMirmiliitltii for vnursand it thickly i luut1i class amilies an oiuhlh of an inch thickon tho bottom bhetvcn Impatient andreckless cltdons 01 custodians hiiMi ilelllier-ately milled Iho locked dfom open rather thanslop to unlock tlinin and tlm bolts aro In twoof them actually split nut of tho wood Tlmdinirs of tbo topmost closets IIIIVD been leftopen for months iierhnps Ncars and the dusthas had fiiii acci ss to the idiolxos Ihn hlmbbypieces of white writliiu i aier lacked on thesluihus and boarinu the titles ot each separUo-detiartment nt tlio collection aro stained andtorn Klictlnn ballots are pasted on ono of theframes On the odds and ends of oldfashioned-fnrnlttm1 and on the lloor nre KHat piles ofImiiKh lust covnrid and In rnucod rapprnK-iNini tho room the appearance of an AnnUrcet paief dealers store or Iho lumber roomIn n book collectors uatrct

There Isapli turoof Charles Xscouit whoreIn that iliiioli monarch Iis dlstiibutim tho-crosis of Iho liKion of Ifiinor but its ulass Isalmost hidden under dillI A mlntiton workwith n lau would nncal tho pictures tt no andconsldciabln worth Over it IIKUUS iinothcrlnral lilt The thanccs aro that tho presentlibrarian not know what It is forho lone atime lias it beiii Ioncoalcd by dust A chIlIand shabliy collection of samples of chromollthoutnpby a hilitr Cnult tidrtrnit of HerLtuil Mason and a clinaii bedchamber mil rorhandod down from thodu > s of thoeolonihts aroless Illthv

Hut while nil this can bo remedied with dustcm paint or soap and water the books cannever bn mitdo presentable The dust neclcctand violent Uuiie tioni which they have suf-fered


for viirs havo loll them in the main HOmany vviccKs They compose a battered wot n-

mothandOiistiiatiin array of tatters and dirtiuu the Ill II 111 0 ChlmM and Latin Loona huuo tome printed tlio order of Nnpoliontho Iniat and pnsciitid to New York by tho-miinlclpiilitv ot Itoimn in 1raniO bus its lickbioken nnd Its covers hancint to it from forceof habit Tho insects that oat leather and thedust that corrupts It havo wrecked tin covetsof tho loni row of minutes nf tho CommonCouncil uoliiL back as fill as 1810 that liusunken In tho dust on tho lower shall in one of-tlio cases The Illos of a mornlnc nnwspaporcomplete from the year 1H43 are racttod andsplit bucked

Vherovorthoeyo of a visitor to tho roomrests it Is confronted by tlm same ruin dirtand disorder Yistirdny when Tliu hits roportervvent in there as any clllZlJn Is nl libertyto do nnd nsliiwMirs do every day to look overtho State laws and city ordiimncus of the pastho found policeman loallnc In a chair in onocorner and a croup of IdlolooklnKinenover the costly and once boautltul colkiotion ofprints of the monuments of Iarls and Nlnovnhwhich form rare henes In tlio collection Hnfound that the librarian is Thomas Dorsoy nndlib assistantI Iis John llront Thev wcro notchosen for their Illness for their duties

In tlio division ot iationate lIch Aldermanhas the iippointmont of some man to some of-tho regular positions and tlm posts of Librarianand Assistant Llbrnilan fall in tle cilioial listThe mnn who cot these plncisarc thus repaidfor political and pirty Mirviccs Luch nutsfHO a jcar Tlio only Iibrarinn in twentyyears who was by training capibli of Intoll-icertly dlscbnrKlnc tboduthH of tho place ne-cordlm to an old and wellposted politicianwas Mr llichard Henri Stoddard the pout whowent out at the end of n tear Sometimeswhen an Ahloiman Iis roilected his henchmanIn tha library lenmlns a second year

The library contains a very ureat deal of rub ¬

bish in the form ot broken sets of books andodds and ends of tho municipal records of othercltits It llooks as Iliunub whatever uselessbooks have been sent havo been placed upontho tdiilvori It contains miny Ill valuablevolumes however besides thosi that have beenmentioned tho completo lecords of tlio oldVolunteer Fire DnpartmentI n full set withthe exception of two volumes ot tlio city direc-tories


nml u complete sot of the famous Cor-poration


Manuals holm amoiiK these Howmany valuablo books havRdlnipponred from ItsfllmlveH will mivnr bo known though It Is saidtliat them aro some now in another public col ¬

lection A lot of medals lIlt by Iopo Pins IXand Itho costly sword with Its jowellodecablnr-dthati n IViiZ presented to tho cit r 1lftJ Itolclifrom that room some years 11110 rortumitolyIthe most valuable part of tho collection thoearly manuscilpt records of the city from thetimes of the Dutch until after tho terminationof tho LnullRh riiloani locked up In a numberof hnco safes In an adjoinim loom nnd tinkeys to these an In tlm possession of the Clerkof the Common Council

MvrK Atrn KFAIX-

KcitBnulloKf rNi > ulu AmlmiiuUor to 1itrliI-

AHIHe Clolnrl

Oct 121ho DuiMlu JoellIl1nNllrIIZthe Spanish Ainhnssndor to Franco has re-

sliiiied and declaies his detormlmitlon to Illslut upon tho acceptance of his resignation Itla rumored hero that Kcnor Moret a loadingmomborof the Spanish Democratic Club Is tobo appointed Spanish Minister of Iorolcn Af-


Tho appointment of Scflor Moret wouldbe robiirdoil hern as slunlfyini tho close of theAlfonso Incident

MADIIIP Oct 12Ihn loaders of tho DyniiHtie Loft will not bo oblo to decide as to acceptini poBitinim In tho now Cabinet until theyknow the programme to be adopted byHcinnrrosadallerrtira Thoy will hold a consulta-tion


with him today Tho Left Iswllllnutopostpone 1100 eoiiildoratlon of tho question of-conHtltntlonnl reform Hut will Insist upon theadoption of univiisnl HiilTraKo KlnuAlfonso-wlllurnnt to Heftor 1imadnllerrera nuwor todissolve the Clmmlmrof Deputies vvlilch willinakn the new Ministry morn independent thanprevious Cabinets Honor Gamacho has it ishild doellnod to cnntlntio as Minister of Ii-minio In tho now Cabinet ns ho Is reluctant totrust his projects for financial reforms to ucoalition Cabinet

Tho crisis is mill unsettled At an Inter-view


hitwiim Honor 1osaduHnrrera HonorMoret and Marshal Rvrrano ieftor Momt Iex-plained


to Honor IoHidallerriira tlm eondlHOIIK upon which thn Dnnistio Vtll would en-tnr tho Cabinet Ilnsldea tlm iiuestlom of uni-versal


HiilTrno and constitutional reformdisputes exist coneernlni the distribu-tion


of tlm portfolios Heftor InsndaHtrrern Informed H nor Jforot that Im-coimlderod tlm conditions somewhat hardand tliat ho would Impart his decision laterMarshal rierrano thereupon summoned thleaders the liymihtic Ieft whllo Hi nor T-osadullcrrcrn Imld H conforencii with HonorHauasta Tha latter refused to accept thoprlnelplfl of unhor uuffniiio Heflores MoietLopez nnd HomliiLiHv nflerwurd conferred

lurrolll LIIL notlilnt-dollnllely

WIItwith Honor ifdecided

lrlkqln III Euul1-

I1SIION ON 121ho bhock 01 lrtlllluilko-t III IHul hid ftlurl 0111 rrrh1 Irr-

dfty courret1 I ucloek all TII III III II a-

uorlt llIhuckl of eanhlullhe u II al KralU1 Zgorle 011 Thurodl Ot1l11l1

HULLMAN lATllRtttl T11K1U Iff-

Hp enlnlnr > HwoopInK Do wn mn Ike rrael-I Ike Hala rOper Heli

First of nit Ill sell tho orchestraetollsBald Mr John H Drnoer Innt nleht ns ho Bloodon tho 81110 nt IHolnvvny Holt bcfnro a IIUR-OdlaRrnm of tha Metropolitan Opera Houno nltt-

ltiKH on which n number of scats wore alreadychecked off

I Ill ton dollars for 20 olo ouso snng outa mnn with erny Btdo vhl8knrs

Without puylna any attention to tho Inter-ruption


Mr Draper continued Tho upsetprice IB f 10 How much nm I bid 1

The blddlnir started nt 111 ran up rnnldlr to25 and then morn slowly to 35 After Tygon

called out that Miiuro somo ono ahoutad oxcltodly Thlrtythreo dollars

Wo dont road backward Ilko tho Chlncseremarked Mr Draper What do you takoTyson

Ton and twolvo IIn E replied tho specula ¬

tor Tho bidding rot next choice ran up to 120bidI by Lawrcncn llarrott Two sonts 1 askodMr Draper I supposn youll take Kraneescawith ou Lawrence How much am 1 offeredfor 1I0xl chalco

I klf ton dollars for zo olo ousoTsaniI outtho man with uray nldo whlskem iMnln Hutthobiddlncran UIJ to SIR Who bldnsbodthe nuctlonoor Jonos I ront nameplease F lonc Tho next choice wassold for till and tho next for fIr At this priceMr C Montagu Ward purchased four Boatsand Mr J 1 Wysoim two Can you let mo-havo two icood ones John asked Mr Kemoys-

Dont call mo John1 when Im up here saidMr Urnper with enmt dlcnlty After MiKemeys had mndohiflnloctlnn Tyson swoopeddown on a loll bunch of seals

Icif ton dollars for 70 olo ouso sane outthe man with gray whiskers iualii

Homo ono run tho blddlm tin to fourteenTho mnn in cray whiskers then looked at MrDraper and tipomnl his mouth wide withoutSByliiKnn > thliiK

I I and a half responded tho auc-tioneer


How ninny do you takiVAll yor not left Eiild tho bidder an h

started for the doorJLast row ton-1hervlln HIMurk oil all Iho rest to Itullmnn said Mr

DraperThats just like Hullnmn said n theatrical

man There hoH cola blic lot of Kood seals nthalf n dollar loss tlmn Iho other speculators

Tho nuetloneor next disposed ot tlin onlyI twoImlcnolres Ilemnlnlns to MrHcott nnd MrKtont-at tlM and UH rusppctlvnlv Tho tiartorromill llrst tier boxes IiavliiK boon sold for thoseason the Bocoml tior boxes were noxt stintedat an upset of J50 Urst choice was knockeddown to lolin Trenornt St Win Ktolnwaycot a box iitfriSnmlMr lleldeii Vrof Doremusand Mr Van Santvoord at tho sumo priceThere woto soven left

1 elf yerflll for the rest shouted Mr Hullman who had loturnod Hut tliey all wentatl-in Then a number of seats in tho balcony

and family circle wcro sold Tho subscriptionami auction sales leave only seats In tho bal-cony


and family circle unsold The sale of-theuo bcclns nt the box otllcu on Monday MrTillotson calculates that tho llrst nlhts housewill bo about 80000



Cnntimiiy lni lfiylnic ll lecllTcs to lro-t ct II lroii rt-

HltADroiti Ii Oct 12ThI8 nflornonn n-

spoclnl train arrived from New York over tho-llochester and Pittsburgh Itiilhvav Twentyfour stroni men In citizens dress left thotrain nnd took dinner nt a hotel Theyworemot nt tho depot by General Manager Mer-chant


Thoy were dotoctlvgs cent out fromIinkcrtons New York agency and wore inchartro of ono of tho rinkertotis All woroheavily armed After dinner Iho strangers loftfor DuboK In n special train whore the lloch-cctcr IlttHhurgh llallroad Company is bav-in


L serious trouble with Its coal minersGeneral Mnnauor Merchant suld-

Tho rallmad compny wns compelled toemploy detectives to protect Its properly andtho lives of its man Arm weeks iuo tlio-minoib on tho lowKrndc division of tbo Alle-cbeny Valley Hallway wont out on n strikeThey are still out and aie thu ISO of all ourtrouble Our company bus paid its miners tuncents morn per ton than the miners lin tho lowuradn mines 110 rocolvlnit Our miners wcio-sntlslled with their wnps but the Htriknrshavo intluencod many of them to unit Woemploy in our mined COO mon No demonstra-tions


of violence weio Hindu until yesterdayThn stipotlntomlent and Ills mon were aboutto outer thn mines when they won1 confrontedby a larccl body of strikers who were armedtho teeth Tim1 lender indnredI thnI minersI

llglull work His sum lIt bevoral peremptorynotices had born served upon tthe minersnnd declared that now was the tlmo foraction Tin1 miners a body refused to strikeTho strikeis became nnury and drawingtheir revolvers IIrod them into tho nit Tlmsuperintendent and Ills aids could not controltho mon who scattered Ilku n Hock of sheepThev could not bo pi vtilcd upon to return towork In ibid oinrrcPitay lid fenrlui bloodshod I leleraphid to Ilnkerlon for detnctive-sAtI oclock tOiilfht sixteen men of 1lnker-lons detectives will leivn NHW York for tliomines They will do police duty Homo willmlnule with tho strikers In dlsRUise and lonrn-Iholr plans I nm afraid that n riot will tuknplace hilt hope that the detectives will holdthe strikers down Knveral cases of rlllosnnd-nmmunltion have been sent to Uubols for tlm-uso of tlm olllcers 1our weeks IIRO our dallyavuraue shlpmontsof coal from the niiiiiB MCIOaoo cars Now we nre dolnu vory little

TIIK uniu-



i > llninleil Mnorltv of AOOOO Airulnit-Ike Irokllilllon Amendment

COMIMIIUS Oct 12 Oflliilnl icturns fromsix counties vvoro received up to 10 oclock to-

nlcht Hocretnry of Ktito Nowrann estimatesHoadl > s majority In the Htato at 11803 NoHcuros havo been received to clmnuo tho esti-mates


made on the Legislature In tho sixcounties olllcin Ashliind Delaware iallla-JofTorson Wyandott and Anclalxo thototal vote was 35708 Tho SecondAmendment received 1H2G7 or over half thevotes cast Urnntlni Ihesnmn rnto of mtjoilties with a combined neuatlvo vote of 75000 in Hamilton nml Cuyahouiv countiesIt is estimated that theimcmlment will do-feitted by 10000nt least Htillhomeltrlomls ofthe measure claim that it will be adopted by10000-

CIKVEIAND Oct 12Jhn ofllcial vote of Cuy-alioira lOIlIlI will uive Koadly Ml pliunlltyand lloselliiferLlijutonantloveriior J75H-

Tho total veto of tho county ls33r liJ Thnwhole number of otes cust fur the judicialamendment is 15111 for tho amendment to-reciiliilo Ilijuor tutlllc JH5I i for prohibitionl2iril Conbenuently tho majority against tilljudicial uinnndinnnt is 2IiJ nuninst regulutlun ltiUfij t against prohibition MWJ

CINCINNATI 10112111 Hamilton county thn-LcKislatlvo ticket stands ItepuhllcntiH tineo nndDemocrats All tho county olllcors excepttho County Commissioner are Democrats

In the Ktaln by unefllilal returns Ilie Leirls-latiiin stands Sonato DomocrabJ2 Hopub-llcans 11 House Doiiiocrats Cl llopubll-ciuis 41

Ntorm tin Ike Alliinllc Cnntl-WAHIIINOION Oct 121110 following etato-

nitiil hui lurii fnriiUluil tby the hiifnKl office In rtrffime-toiiiiulri n wllli rKHMllo uHorin nll lo lh e IIIOVIIIK upHIP AthinlU Liial-

Ihiru are Inihintioni tliHt n Plurin In inovinir slowlynorlhwiinl i n tliu Moiitll AtliiiillcI convt mill vtMiplH nullIn hiintli tuvvuril1 tltpe llnturax nonlil probuldy elliiiuiiter ilunurruu K I hiuirday unit KinnluyI ThinBtoriu IIIHV finMpvir inovo nnrlheitiit front llAtltriiw umlnet lo Mi HI Northern H lioii Itiiu rt > art not miniri nt tn Hurrhnt the iioimte IinilKtloii uf a e > lollhut the liulkullonHliMjk in llml illciiUon

AIUv JitrobiiMii ITnexiirrtnl Aliirrlune-TiiEnniN Oct 121ho nmrrlato nolico of-

Mlt AiilolnitipJucohuiilmnihterof ItiiTlolorAp > J-

iohniof the Ainrriiiin HoiiH1 to William A fall WAI-

i iihUtluil to ilay TliHI linJpH father In ttlit to have furolillui tin Kriiiini lo tnnip to Ithe houp wiiprpiuiou HIPcoujile ran nway to Plillntlflihia 111 VVpilnpiilny ami-wrrvnmrrUU ti Ihf Kev William linjil Mr hv n > IU-

alii lo lp uf the llrinuf W A Kiaui Uri > inu > ic I uhlithrrM if llurton II I taitl Unit IIP Wftii ttlalii iil toMlM JiudlniH ef rat > t nrn nirn Anil after H iitmrrtl withIn r nmrrli it Hiiotlur klil from wlioui he IIn mlil to IIarehotn illvurctl

I llrupplnc lleuil In kli l <Bce-

Charlori A Coo n retired merchant fell deadfrom ur eiy je UrJo > In 1110 oltloo nt 1m rront-Uriel Mrloiwai HI curiolil He hail been a iiitintier of HIP linn of COP Ainlcrion lot Co cotton nur-chanti VlimI he nm i jrruri i lie ia I alrcaily-ainai


pil1 a fortunp Ainl rptlrrit from nctlve I iixIneM In-

Ihtnilke In which he illid lir IrsnmilMl I rivate realKlalp 1iifcliitii He MuriinttrimirwUli hlinju la lawmil fell from lilt chtr ileail

TTky an Irltbuaa WeptThe niot extraordinary uiUUc alnntr ttcr gheii In

New York a temperance luir a rrutli at the CityHall r mlnl cenct of tbe father Matliew cicittment-la New York Sct tomori wi SwR4a JCrt1Aa-

V i



T m Ilnahca C nme Kntt Wliti VUOOOO orHn unit lllirln Nlllllvnn III Ikn Iliiwrryf-

ikunff Draper AuiMilnlvil HlnLekolilvrMike Cloary tho pUKlllst Thomas

othcrwlso known as Hlmnu Drnpor and Wll-


Ilennott woro nrraluned nt thn TombsCourt yesterday nnd accused ot swindlingThomas Huijhos of Arizona out ot 5000-

HuuhcB told tho police that ho was n mlnrrIn Arizona whcro tomo limo nti ha struck Itrich Ono Hiimmor day 500000 was offeredto him for his mlnlmt property onolmlt to bnpaid down Ho accepted the ofTer nnd cnmo on-

to Now York where ho arrived on MondayAug 20 Ho stopped at tho Alison House ontho corner of Crosby nnd Hprlni streets HoIntended to Invest In real cstato and uottlo InWnw York lin IIn nn Trlflliinnti tvltti n utpnntn ulovo for his countrymen

Join down tholloworyon tho 28th or 29th-of September ho noticed on the window of 270thu namo Mike Cloary nnd decided eo Innnd tako n drink with tho mnn who owned tho-namo Tho company ho met pultod him Hotold of his luck in Arizona nnd became popular

In tho onsulnc thrco days ho says ho Bpent1300 In treating Ho wont also to Harry

Hills and there mot Jem Mace Ho did nottnko to Jem because of his nationality Hohad greater faith tn Mr John I Hulllwin AtClenrys ho as free In expressing his opinionof tho two Ilkliter nnd offered to bet f 10000that Mr Sullivan could knock out Mr Maco Infour lounds tinder tho rules of tho distln-uulshod Mnniuls of Juvonsburry

Mr William llonnctt and ollicrswero wllllnirto back Mr Maco and It WIIH nuroud thut amatch should lie arranuoit On the oxcnitiu ofOct 1 Mr Sham Dinpnrwns Introduced to MrHilllies by Mr Mlko Ileary as a proper personto hold Ihn Htakosiind the following articlesof iiKreoment oto drawn iii-

Artlrlraiif ngrppmelit enli red Into Ilili Ilrxl ln of Oetohpr IhMi-II Milhull her match John I Sullivan to

hoi four round Mnriiuln or Jupumhom rule forflili lBaldp-tt ameit Inrioran do InTtln miitrh lamen Xtncp to

hox finr round MaMiiln or menilerr iiilo fur

lMhharl ilpurv ileo H fltmn and I Jsinr crennui dnII fllrm III Ihp hnnN nf Ihnimoi tlnntrho IK to iu t n final utakpliolder mid refereeTin term of tin Hirht to he miiiutilh Huretd innnThu croniid U to lp tnvmd fnr hpii Hip Hun duiitt IM

made Tho next dehn it of Honn IK t t nut ui onThillMini Id I lsl nlHiehoilinuf MkhtnlYlenri at270 llonprt hetween HIP honrn of rt and IJ r M Kltlur-

iirl fullliii in inl ii HIP f HOI In thp tl MIPI Illedhall for fill all IIIOIIPV den lted 111 the MnU older aImildf The next del n lt of OltillHtnhe nial nn tlotit IHHS In Ihn Innikpj of Mlrhnpl Ilenr tietuein theliniiraotSand 12 I1 M-

IOMH l SiiiitvftN ty Mlohnel ClearylAMin MAik to lunuf Corcorun-

Mr Cloary according to Sir lltiuhes bent to-BCO Mr Sullivan to iinanKo tho terms of thumatch and was provided with n cortlllid chockfor 110000 to uso In buyinc bets and Irni ulnntho match On Thursday whon tho additloniilr-lnttnult tit < null nc l

brought to Mr Huuhes which purported tocome fiom Clenry at llmlnuton lcl whitherhe had KOIIO lo sco Sullivan H said

Siillitim lotiltl nut M it hull hprt Put up th IIIOIIPV-anil t lll h e him to nnirrnu MICIIAM Iu ittr-

Mr Huchea said that ho thereupon put tho4000 In tho bunds of Mr Sham Draper A

check wax deposited bv the opposition Thonext day Mr Huihos rellcctod and ho went onto lloston to see Mr Sullivan Ho says ho wassurprised to learn that Mr Sullivan was inWashington on anparrlm tour Ilo hastenedto vVnsiilncton and thorn met Mr SullivanMr Sullivan listened with Interest to tho storyof Mr llu hcs and than salu that he knownothlnc of the match and would not Imvo anyIhlnetodovvithll Then ho told Mr Himhoathat the thine was a Uovvory skin came

Mr Iluirhos hastened back to Mr MlkoClearyn saloon and demanded his 5000 oiMr Draper Notwithstanding his haste hofailed to arm o In the saloon until several hoursufter tbo expiration of tho time durlnir whichaccord Im to the contract tho ndditlonaSSOOfl should bo put up Mr Hlianir Draper re ¬

fused to return tho 5000 in his hands on thoaround that It hud boon forfeited

Eventually Mr Hughes wont up to Pol leaHead iunrtors and told his ndvonturos OnThursdnv of this week on his oath JustlciWillie criinted the warrants which woro servoi-on Clcnri Diaper and Itunnctt Mr HiiLhosassorts that Mr Dennett is the James Cor-coran

¬of tlio nitlclns of uciromcnt

Mr Thomas Draper smoked a clear on aniron rail In front nf his saloon In HixiTi avonueWhen questioned about tho story told by MrHnches he said

1 do not want to say anything about thomatter You will tret our side noxt Tuesdayund von will find It all perfectly straight

Mr Miko Cloary was in his saloon at 270Iloucry hist niuht In explanation of tlio-alia r he said

Tim talk about this match first started atHarry Hills the day of youtic Ivixoys benelltI was not there IIuhcs stood up and olterci-to bet 100110 that riulllvan could knock outMace That nlKht lie came bore nnd uave mei-ccrtlllcd check on n hank thn name of whichhave foriioltiiii for 10000 I was to draw thomoney and arrange the mach I did not drawtho mouey 1 cauied tho check for two vvooks-ami uavo it back to him on Wodnesdayn weekaco Then he hunt me to see Sullivan nnd nr-inmo tho match I vrcnttoYllmlnilon Sullivanwas to have boon there Thursday nlcht a weekIIKD but Im fulled to Kettlni hall Iluches haiput up his flOUO 1 lolcuiuphod him thaiwould see Sullivan tho next day nnd that hoshould mil up his mono of course liuHiiKlies went on to Washington to see hullhnihimself and Sullivan lufused to atreo to theterms He vvn cone when I cot back Hugheswas jiono so lorn that ho tailed to Htiowtiwhen his final deposit of 5000 was dno At12 oclock Mucn nnd his backer cumo aroundand claimed that tho 5000 already dcpositowas forfoitod So It was tlvon them Thotrouble wi that Huuhon put up his moneywithout seeim Mii man Ilennott hud nothinuto do with It He was my cashier

Jem Mnco declined to say anythlnc oxcepthai ho nlwavs kept still when there was a law-suit in prioress Harry Montauuo said tlmHiiuhosvvas In Hills nt the tlmo of Nlxeysbonellt and offered to bet lloono that Hiilllvoicould knock out Mace in four rounds MontiiKtio told him of the 1010 In Hurry Hillshands and then asked him by v hose uutlioritjhe olTcrcd lo bick Sullivan HiiLhcs roiilleithat he had soon Sullivan and iTint Hiilllvaiwould make the match Montague domandeithat the nchotlntiins should couio tliiouulSullivans HKUlar backer

At the Anson House the proprietor Mr An-BOH lloiiso said that lluuhes lind b ion veryiulut there Ho wanted to buy real ct Uto Hewas with dilllculty diasunded from paylm

10000 for a Klxtyllrsl wticet tenement MrHouse was a Foitynlnor and NO WIIB MrHuuhii9 They weio filuridly Mr Unctionsaid that he was a single man lltlvsoven > oarhold He came to this country In 1HI7 Histruck It Mint in California but lost it all amthen made a stake In Arizona ten or twolvuyear ago When he came here ho had jussold his proporl > for half a million dollarsIlo brouyhi u lartrnBiini of money with him Kthis city U had been stated that the BUIII was

520DO The last of September Mr lluvhusfell In with the llouorj1 boys nnd then hludrafts on the largo box envelope deposited ittile Anson House Hiifn were large nnd freijuuatHe was cone three days In succession and 01application nt tho 1 oiirteenth pnclnct stationDetective Halt was detailed to bunt him upHe found him at dearys drinking clminpacmwith a crnttd of men ami women Hughes toh-thn detecllvo tliat he had orknd forty > niru Ii-

Iho mines up to his neck In water toonrn hismoney and Im proi nsed to spend it up to hisnock In champagne If he plcat nd

When after llml Mr Hughes came Into Hithotel acMinpanied by Mr Draper as MrHouse helliivcs and asked for the big box en-volopn Mr HIIUHO old him the safe was lockei-nnd the keys vren deposited with a sifo d nos-compmy Mr HnwhcH left tho hotel on Oct ibut did not take bin envelope unay until tho-4th At that tiiim It contained 25000 MrHouse believes that Mr HughoH spent nearly3000 treating the people nl dearys

Arrett-Pa Oct 12After tho perform

lire tfluii lure In Hlflil l y JnhnI-

iitftfirBHiiltivim anil In-

utliry took in tie toun tli-

iiiMnlKltlathaven Ahau-

oftlie KlnwtMlHnleti it-

Atill rrinite-

utabout 2 ut lock tin montiijf Iliu Ii-

tlivnm rttitliil liy

luiifc AitniiKoioii M rcfu Ki iIt

HMMII TliuTtikr-fft Itiritf ttHl rt dlltrtTM In thuri tii limifr vi tuhi

tic w nl in TIM nrc i Mirrunl On I

rtreturn hvillitov-

fhu11hnt tti iaur uf tithnutp Minnlp liiivn1 nlth l o iflrln nuiiifl luinlp llur-rliiKliti an Ntlllt Hronn HI rt urn t il ami ln11 on vi-rlouiichalKeii Htilllviin ulnl liU larl Ittt fnrVVIIktKUrn en un early trnln llnw they cu l from H-ihvucp hllv vurruunHO > ullvtiiun Uaniiittr >

Kululile Weddlnn In VlrclnlnI-ltiMMOM Oct 12 Yesterday Miss lertrud

Tucker dauifliter f toiiKrei inan Itandululi Tiukr-wat inarrleil ID Mr John I IIKIII well known innder of the New Vor har At Ihp Ianiiurl ullter thul teioopvil to iiiorie vVa mniinii whtn at Mnuut Vtrn-onanuiil uiulainonf tint lirlilal rnuli IK n nlr o-

tlliir canillriilckj hU h once I phinjeil In lailj hpotwood nlfo of Hie tolotilal Hovernor

1000 xi rsnKAuns ix-

I njr Koonrt f Ckrcrt of nfcleli N b y-

Ueiirire Crunp Ilectl p One

Tho nowMlcnlcra of Hrooklyn tinllcil witholrrratlons from Now York nnd Jorsoy Cityast nlKht In a public dcmonatratlon In ordero manifest their Msolvp not to submit to thn-

ITortof the proprietor of tho Ilivald to compellioin to noil that paper at a profit of only onelilnl of n cent a copy Tho New Yorkmicro numborim pevoral hundredstot nt Cooper Institute nnd walkedo and over tho bridge headed by n-

mnd and carrying transparencies nnd redanterti1 Thoywolo met at tho other end oflie brlilko by tlm llrooklyn dealers who hadlarndod from tho Hrooklvn City Hall to Dodord avenue whcro they had mot tho news ¬

dealers of tho Ijistorn District When tho thrco-organIzullona had united thorn wore neiuly a-

housand men in lino Tho llnoof march wasenlivened by fireworks and cheers

Monavvhllo an audlonco had been Kathcrinc-at Music Hall In Fulton and riatbush avenuesihorlly niter oclock the procession begano pour Into tlio hall nmld cheers until

every seat was occupied As tho variousranspniancles wore placed on the platform

thcro was groat cheering Mr John Hwlnton-nado his appearance and was cheered Tlmnhe members of the Newsdealers Union tookheir Keats on thn platform and there wasnoro cheering Mi llounctt called the mooi-ng


to order nnd upon his motion CorporalTanner wan chosen Chairman Thu Corporalwas duly cheered Ho said thoslrnirulo was a-

lattlc for life and the newsmen could not livey soiling tho Ilivnlilnl twonntsResolutions vvoio load bv ColConnolly They

recapitulated tho schedule of piolltsmado hyhe iionsdenleis on the various newspapersmd nnnomicod tho icsolutlnn of tho novv-sloalors not to sell the lltmlil for two centsThe couiso of James lordon Ilennetl was de-nounced


asaii alliick by immcnso caidtal nndnsatiatogrold-IrJiti Kulntiin wns Ilion Intrndlleoil nnd iiLnln

rhoorcd lie spoko of the magnitude that nowuarlid Uiu nevsdealersmovement althoughtwas stalled by such it trifllngthiniias n third

of it cent He counselled thn newsdealers tocop up their orLiiiilatlon Ho said of Dm ac-


of tho iTitTii A mote Infamous net ofcowardice u more cruel and tyrannical act ofoppression was never potpotratod by moneyagainst poverty

The band played n pot potirrl which IncludedThe Hoguns March

to the bov Instead of a penny He said he hadrewarded tho boy for his honesty nml that tho-Ijoys namo was ueorgo Crane

Here 1 am said a piping voice in the callory and the attention of the audience was di


ICepori of tke Xeiv York CimimlUee uu Iko-ICntincnllon uftke Prnier Hook

PIIIIADKIPHIA Oct 12 In tho Kpfgcopn-llcnerat Comintion to ilny th Huv Dr Pix from the-n vclal roniiultteL1 of the iliuceiio of New fork on thejiropoBeil change In the ratlflcntiotiif the Hook of Coinnidii lraer ire entnt the rcporl of HIP cnnunlttpev-

vtiicti wan referred to the ointnlltcecin 1rajerUoukThe connnlttce reported tliat Ihoy ATP nnnllllnif to tonetliusuhRtance of ttie rntlllciitlon In the ny j roponfilItiliould rpmnln Intact until mnne irritve necpHnlly re-qtilreii 1U alteration or rcneun unit ciu then It hhntiliremain vv hat it now strictly nnd iroprh It the art hv-v hlch a compotcnt Aultiorlty cine inllilitv recoirnlttonand ohlliratllnn to the prpnent Honk of roinmon Im i r

Tin Committee on CBIIDIIR nmilu u report rpconnnendInir Hint theword Iroicntant Kiilcopui he not lift outof HIP canonn-

In Hie llotme of Hishnpi the lefflliiionlalH of nithoiifleet Knlckerhocker of Indiana A Utnnt ni hoicl ctKandoliih ot Vlrulnla and A RUIiinl Itlnhii elect totti r-

of hew York werp irenpntpi1 nnd the Home concurredwith the Holme of Ieputipa In conHrininir themThe ItlKht Iter Dr I H Knlckprlmrker ot lllnneiiotawill tf consecrated as Hinhop of Indiana In bl Mark

Cluirctiof thin city on Hnnda > mornlnir next The conoperator will be Itlihop COXP of icnteniSeu York H-Halfltpd hy HUhoiif Ljninn Koliertton and Mpfnren Theaerinon n 111 lieprparhed hy Illnhop Wlilpkof Mlniietota


AlleKlnir tknt n Ken York Action la Hoelllej-lo kU Connecticut lllvnrce Hull

Robert llobortson sued HoKor sr Hhorman-fnrnierl AHsiitant tlillpd Stntp Uletrict Attorney ii-

Ihlaclty cialmliiK IO nndpr an aureeinent h-


Sherman to m > him ono fniirlh of the fcog reci Ivei-

hy Mr Shcrimm from client hrou ht to him by Hobert-nn An iittni linienl van Krnnted uifnliiHt projart n-

Mr Sherman In IhUpIt mum ihp uround that IIP nutnnn riHlilelit lilnl livid In Cumin tlcnt-Thp IAHP wit bpfonluiltfp o ilormnn ipnteritny iipot-

a motion for thn jintlltlcutlon of HIP fiireileM In the tiliiln-tllli nnilprlrikllnr lijidli HIP iiltachim nt Mr VV

llrooke un liplialf f Mr Sherman dcilnnd Hint tlu-in Hun wan the rpitilt nf H eonHpirm n iiltiht hin clientthp plnlm htini u Irumppil in OIIP In inllilpnrp If nnKihip a suit now ieiiilliiL h > Mr hherman In ConiKPllcut-tunliiHt hlrt iji Florence Unifli shernihii for divorceIn Hint action vrn siurmnn JUIIM In a IIPM that her himhand I lint n re l lent of Cntnectlclit and It Is ullivedHint HiU NIU Vork nclinii fNtirniiuht to procure Impropcrl > n hKM detprmliiiition Hmt IIP ti mil Mr llioukt-HDSertid Hint John Itohorliiili one of HIP RUretleH liolHIP ntltichmetit in a fuifltUi front juiitice AH H frail111IPIII hnnkriipl frniii scollund Mr llrookv a ked thaiHump dny IIP iet when Ilin inurt eim llfilentoun pxnmInullon of tin miretlpH perMiunlly The htnrlnir nunim tpone tiutll next IhurHdtiv-

Mr shprmun wan mnrrud In lsa tn a dauirhter of thelate Inv HM IPV of Mlrtifirnii nnd U utilm foraititorctand the PIII IMJ of the twin hltdrcn on HIP around thut-Ilio l not n tit Iirtoii to liat the i are of them

None of Tkem Oone YetWilliam Pitt Hhoarmnn Commlsslonor of Ac-

countK cullpil nt HIP MayorV onice 3 cuterday and talthat ho vvoiild not reiiifti lil ntllce HP Atknonledifeithe MnjorV iii pr to reniovc him nml said lie wouldi urrtnder hlaortlce when the removal tras niade TimMnvor ll that he would remove Mr shearman toda-


David lilniBon AntUtant Slnrk and llnud IlerkIn HIP Klmtiifp DpjiiirlniPiit tun nut el an irpd CoiiipIrnller UrHiit reju nt for hi rpciKiiatmn Tin foinptrolleruill In n fewdnM Hiiininon Amlilnr Jnckfcon ti-ImwcaiiKp wh > he Rhould not he removed Hew 1-

1tnkp HIP IIIIIP coiirne v lth Mr ohn nii phoiild the lutlerlint r iikli Thp oniitrnler kiild ppt rdu Unit lit conMidprtd Hn toiiimlHHlonerK of Atioiinli1 LrillcUm ofImnc II tlnrrt tt the netipral hookkcetr in the KiiiAiiceIieparliiidit unwarniiitid

IIP Aliout Mr W K Vunderbllt-A ropoit was telecrniihod fiom New York last

nlht Hmt VMIIInm K VuMdirlnll hud found lilnurlt uu-

ahlp to meet his Innliiial enKiijementP mid hat hlafather had fonlrlhiitid lle mllllims to luln him out

Mr w K Vatnlirhllt Imiut ortnMn rhuiiiHij M DP-II raid

Tin riport wnti Miirlpd tliU iifternoon In HipleHm iiWall trrel llunlipniaduout of uhnle huh wlthiiuHIP MiKhteKt hrrd of Irutlf I hriird It this nflernnmlirfore I i mill up town fhev tnnk li tviiulnt of Mr

underhlltH iihn ncp fiom 1oi II to iiu It In rirriiUtionIlll It linnnil i lire t nil Vnllh rlIU HnikVil Hny went Up

Tunimnny llruea Exciting IllNY Oct 12 While Bhnrirr Davldboni-

dKturni Mrtnoy p MMiiri

and Inl Mlilmel I

ll> uirc unlkinjr to tlie-jtaxxdl

> Hull lolm tinyu knot of icliofl trirU w-

thftlaro irrntelr n > kul limn

Hit > weft tin jun In tKriiriu

p s ttliin trial> prmnilh rr ll l

Nn HI nrr llir TIUIIIIIHIO Ieu-Hiimimin

crHt i HIO havp I n-


d t efore HIP Hnvermir

and inn h nue men too Imtdld jou dofheli n miarcd

Clmprann drier A Oot wholopalo dealers Increek r > Hiid irlfurivare tu Cliiittifo mwlc un aij licaticnfur the njtnfntiirnt of ti rtCtnvr mOntny They ha > e-

aitockof oitlH iAliMil Ht finniiNi atnl O MI arrotinlM-uinoiiittintr to tLVMi Tlutr lihl tllti art f HOC

Alholt H Oinl A V iTnirlrtwrHur th KmiiklinMuiirHht lnwriHi Matnlitm nittl t elitf n lu luiol


A RiiffiMi haw liten nrrHltil ultlli rkttctilittf lu th> tointy nf the Curt ut honiK lxr ili nuuiiy-

aiMdwiie I lie iif lnu riifr Denmxl uf Canado nntt Lrt > liiiiHnnwi ltil Tr ni Mo Uk-


fur Jutlifc in theell lrvMtt limn HUPJ oviM lo 11 Mnttlnw Mnriihjr-

of Kill cut Kortj thlrtUlrrit New Vmk uty wnikilUlby thetan at ruut9 villf near Aimlenlrtm yeMenlu-

Mr Auiai a HiirHtruv mother of Jo MtlMuu Hiir kiif-waHftiriikvu with ui jiit x nt the nMUin iof nn Intit tn tirutun tiiin > v itrdfi > itnil ibiiut cijtc KM I tuhu HluUHT j ar> nl-

lTliMlrliiKftii Vutral Uhlironl Ioinimiij ulnhuu ltnif lav Ukfuttut llu tti i ttnii uf tin uniform tlmo-Miliiituln niloitr l Ly tin rnilrifl of tin1 coiintr > hutUnltkd IIM intttiitioit to cniiforiii HI tin iu ruUThe ltatliofMuJorElt Iriinfi gufirtrrmiitrr 1T

A at Kori lHanviirth r rilit Mill roinot i Cu I

A H Kluttiitl AwiMtaiit tjuartt rniuttr to ho Major mul-ii uirieruiahtir ititl r n c a varancy in lh v rttrinai-ttr Pepttrtinc nt to l UlUtl t > the rrt Uiit-

Alrxamlcr Matin ulio ha 1ien an cxlcn ltA Mockilfulrttit 1arU Ill IH ntorttt t liRecotn vxlitll hi-nrnutrty liuuilintrf f iiiiiiHtirlli of IUIK un l 7iiMKii

tufk to uirtt iiulrMfilneMi fuciirrcl l itcuta-Itlion IN tint lie Ii Mill lu as jl > IntoUd-

iNiir Lunita convlrlfil of Inctntlliirinn nlillr ou Ilic-Ha to jirfkoii tu MiiHulicr Vi t nJay Juiupflfrom H wiiiJow uf tli riiirfVH train riiniiln at the rateof fort mllfii an hour The train wsi Muiiitd nnliio-wat iuon aftrrw rlfttjttureO liavlutf received n ilnir-


Dr Huhi Couth Hvrup for coutti and coMi u4-a > old larj doctor luU rrtct 2i ctutiJJifL-



oivo ntsnnvH ininn ATTEUFI AS 3-


The Ilnrlem Tfonnic Mn > ii Tiink n Ilrldill Ike KiiEtira K <lio InUnn Illmielr IPKTInc FureuelU Irni Illiil on hliMklrt Front

Dixvlil H lllaboy who lived with hla-mothrrat2il Inst 112th street left homo on-ho evening of Oct 4 to buy a milk ronto from

n Harlem milk dealer Ho look out with him700 with which lo pay for It Ho did not comlomo and did not call on tho milk dealer so-

lin latter sayp He could not bo foundAt 2 oclock on Wedncfdiy afternoon a catcposlted nt Johnsons Hotel nt Ninetiethtrcctnnd 1ltth nveiiuo a younc man ncntlj-rcssed In black Ho went Into the barroom

ind drank n milk punch Half an hour latci10 wont awnv At dusk ho returned andaid that ho would remnln over night He had

a front room on tho second lloor openlnc on a-

ilniva vhlch looks out upon Central 1arklo ntipiarod lobe tipsy On Thursday ho salupon the piazza for nearly two hours wantiwuy and came bick nualn at r oclock Ha-ordnioil a liiMs ot xnisapnrllln Then ho wonto hlH own room He had nuked Mr KduarJlohnson tlm proiirietor of tho hotel noto hnxo htm disturbed Ho did notippoar jOMtorday and about 5 oclock-n tho atternoon Johnson after trylnir theloor KOI Into the room by tho window over tho-ilnvit The Ills t tlilriL which cauuht his oyo-vn the yount mans shirt hloh lay on tnoable The bosom aswrlltenoerwlthlead-Huill On tlio left Ulu of tho shirt bosomero thcso wordsNoltnui > t Mnrphlnilll I-

tlutiti II m > nvr V5I tvt IIJlli rtrrct-AlniiKsldn of tho shirt was nn empty vial

abilled Sulphatnof morphia oiimi nvoirlupois IowernV WnlKhtmnn riilladilnhlaJohnson shook lllsboy hv tlm shoulder He-

RiiopiMl lint did not nenl Ho WUH taken tomo riisuytorlnn Hospital and died thcrotvvniity mlmiles after he arrived1 hu other VMHimon tho shirt front was

DMIIA liojon helKvutiie imvv llml the elid him inineHAM

This was ovpr tho spot which covered hismatt Ileiienth It wasHilt U Hie i nd of n wenrN lift without herAnd further downLet M KIIIM lau r knnw ST sKtli nvctiiie-On tho riuht side ot the shlrl bosom was this


IKeep the pant Hfcrcl If not for in unVc for KIIIH-D M-

Nothlnc but a buttonhook was In his pock ¬ets What hicamo of his iToo dois not aiuiearItisbcy was 2s yenro old Ills father who diedlive > ears neo was In rood clrcuinstancos nndfor many yenirt was employed In the UnitedStates Assay Olllce in tills city Itlsboy hadtried to kill himself twice bofoie In leeombor 1H78 Im fell in love with Misslossio Hunt who BOVO music IcfsonstphlsHlster lie asked her to marry him butmm refused Hetlnnlly mot her In his mothors parlor nlnno Ho took n nizoi from hispockel and lliieiitened to kill her unless shopromised to matry him Ho foieed her tonccompany him to the house of thoJliVi ol I Virgin at 220 Knotstreet whole they wero married Tliomnrriaco was annulled and ho was soul to IhoLlmiri Itnfunnntnry Ho was released onparole in October 18SO In May 1881 tlm Hoformatoryolllcials wanted him for bomo mis ¬conduct and a policeman wont to his housoto arrest him In tho Harlem stnlion whcroho was taken bo llrcd a pistol at a policemannnd then shot himself in tho loft bienst Horecovered in two months His other atlomptnt snlcjdovvns made in tlio houso of n cousinwhore ho drank laudanum

Hlncn then Ills mother says that ho behavedhimself bavins id von up tho habits of dissipa ¬tion which nre said to have unsettled hismind Lately ho had been attentive to Misslmna Lawyer who is tho viocprlnelpal of apublic school nnd lives at NTS Sixth uvnnueHn wanted her to marry him but It is said sborefused him lllsboy had occasional employ¬ment In tho Pension Bureau of this city

Tke Koldemlc In tke Infant Aeyluni-Tho inquest which Coroner Tico Is hairline on

Hie death nf n tabs lu IheNew Vork Iifnnt AijluniatI-lronxville tins developed this tpitlmnny Dr E fl-lriiBh the attending physician was removed bj Iretl-dtnt Clark Bell In MnjMinilbr Caroline U Mnrr van ap-pointed resident phjulcinn 1vvctit Hircp lnblrn lln-in AiiRiut and thlrt three Im beptembcr Un Joelroster and V A Hnrrnll of the Hoard of Mnnwrx butnot of the Medical llnnrd recalled llr llrnsli Three datalater President lp cut Dr llru li nway

Dr llrnsh callPd for iin lniit l on th hody of H bnbyvMinUlidln llitnli ron the irronnd Hint nn iMildetnlohad bet limit n < unchpckrd In th a Ium slnci Auir 2that nearly alxi InfaulK Imd dli1 MIIP

rtied ttnit Hu thild VIIIB trtnleil for niti Iiii and w hoonInvroiikh-Minn llanlev thp mitrim tpntitlpd Hint nfltr thp ln

Otle t w nil call 1 four trnlnid iilimei hud lepn added InIhi forcpin the Inktlliillon hv Irtat lent lltir orilemTluro had hpen hut one nurie hcforeTlieiiKiutit vnn not concUidid ln t iiinhl IretldentHell KIIJI the eiddemlc WUHIIII Ppnlemlc of minvler

Tke iarlk iinike NciiaonHomo may say tliat it must havo bpon nw

fill had unlikehut lam an rcrtiiin Hint lluinnn-parthiial nt I am that I nm ilandlng hpre unld CaptIralnor oftha hnrk Italjih 11 1enke whlih urrle 1 fromItahia yeilerday lie continued

quake Ihen Ifelt a cold chlllriui ovr nnriipMeamiihlp International from 1rle tu experiencednilmllnr hnckoii VVidnndn Oil 3

Mnsla llrukcn by Ikn UndueA Nova Scotia bark eolnt down tho Kast-

Ithcr at llt oclock jestirdii ninrnliu caiiifht herfore nnd mam truck on Iho hriUe and Woke themflurl nil with n font or HI of tliern > al Arnrwaa-paMlnuotrrtlipcinlnFimn lit tlipilnip No one on thn-rnr km w nf tin i ollli i ii until tin tondiictor wan told ofIt I n oliciiiiun Thu pa iiui r liiirnpd nf It fromlhcindiicliii ill r Hi teaclnd Np VT Tliiioliruaa Ihiit III dark Him tin Urplinilli and MIOriiKti r and that ihp ha biBid Hit hridtfe in tafelj on

trnnU l mci Ilnlf llrulbcr In TroubleKANSAS 1iTv Oct 12 John T Knmiiols of

Ki anioy Mn u hiilf hrnthpr of I rank linicn nai ar-rritid latplnit nUlit for FhontitiKat I C Danleli a-

hatk driver KnmuN who win tltidir thf influence nf11liior u Bkcl h > ilipdrltfr for hi fare when withnut provocation h dn w hln pUlnl nnd nredHiehallxrn7lnitlipilrltir lieid lttlpm WIT found on Samnils l ti nn frnin rrauk Jnnie In nhich the latterraldthat IIP cxperted i rp Inni to able to dlviiove of Hie-i luirkin ntuiiit him und obtain liln nleunTke Cliolce of I be Tenth Vurd IleuiocrHtl-

At a nioitliiB of the Tenth Ward DomocrntloAuMnlition of Hronkljn In Id lnt cvninir HIP delo IBiillijn In I IP Il IonvinHnll nimllllilriicltd til vutc lltndrlx inn findll i lor Slnjor

Ike Nlnnitl Offlce 1reillctlnn-Locil rilns followed by cloailiic weatherMKterlv wind bpeniniiu variaulp ntnilnnnrv nr rmlinf

haromi ter rliinit follonod ly a ullidit fall of lininra


ThpSlnitmirKvanrtliiK Vr and virn Wllion are holdlux rpvlial ninilui hi ti i Wot lnlrli Hiird filrtitlliiiH l hurcli

The Aqueiuct rnminUiiIni ull lienr nn MondayafIrinnii all iirxiniliiirrtrud in Ihe lludiun lllvtr routfor tho new Lrolon iiiiudui t

Iiaan N lacohi A vet run of Hie vvurnf the relielllonl mil exempt froin Jury dut hut eriiu In the HlaleSalininil diiard Killtxtmpl him

The fei ond trial nf a fcuit In Hu iltv atraluit the iiurptlPHnfW W Jtiiriihiini the defaulting ilerk of the Ilocfclliartnieiitir llleil > i > tirdi hi fore JudKo J F Dalyand ii jnn in u virdut fur the full amount clilmtaliui Hiih Intiret-

Aiiiilr Hivfll jivli old Tfj in t IKih itreetwho nan uiiiUr urreil for upi Bult and tutterjr watfniinil iliul iii the lliirlin iTioii e > trnla > mornluvlltrdeath It U uioki I naicaiifud ty alcohollini An-uulo nill hu lull to l

Thn Metropolitan MUIPUIII of Art nlll clone upon thenf ti rnonii of rueMln n xt wh n the i recent loan exlul Itlnii nf iiiutiuhi uiil Li dUjpriipd and HIP fall andwiniir pjhihitlnn nhiili ill ovii to the jmljlic onTllerda olH u 111 la arranged

Cnrioiuilini IoutiM Andn k old > p t rdav that hwould imt net nnthti Hoard nf Aldermen rinnlutlon di-reilluu that leKitl niiUiilrrii he lakili analnit all olllcialanlninrrv iiativ in ri tnn ilili fnr the Carroll defaliiillini iinlll he liiiddplprinlmd ho pri ri nn lll-

Jiiliii lliinanln do n walterintlip N ynrk Hotelfinil Iraae II Hipfr lehad llonardarrolid a > IIPIIIU drunk and disorderly midh u a lock d up in r nlihl On Ihc trial > elerdiy lforpl hlef JinlcehiiU lck linn aid got a vi rdicl fur fanrho nunliliildou ruiiinmiiiler nf KnUlu Tpmplar >frnin tnierlalnul tp urilayliv HIP laleallnaliMiiiiiDiiilin Tin l4lle III Aim rlian Inmlliltefair aiidhud uhiiiiiurl on thg ilonr of HIP viakomarpinplp riip xuiIi let for hnm hy lin Call Klmrlnv tit J l

The llet iilillr > iirlinhrpi rn lull ln > i nUlii There +ntr nonini ii liele iiim mrpclrripd luiiioiiniiiiy11iiiiciitlun viliKliiiiit at r Und fhirlj third tlreelonMondat pvinliurni vt loih il UInnv nllnii nilC lll > Vlilernianlpiniiven

lioOut loiinirronlliiiMiintoiiI apei liold IlitlyuniiftM nrt c uUIJi