the sun. (new york, ny) 1870-02-04 [p...

! U i P THE SUN, I'M DAY, fKBRUART 4. 18T0, . Eljc IfcJP J5uu. II BMftM Tur All. rSttlAY, mim'AKY im mmilli r-- 4 My r Mu-- l. M . ii Apollo Mall Hi It m ftbbth'b Thi Mtr-- , lltebnt'b NlftHHftta SI" ft t ill b A. . M4 I aire I CmhiI lp rb 11 I S nWt I'brnrn I ft, . rb Ir.ab V 1 ' .1. irb f mi. ii - r ... rtniy. i hmkM ii, to ir 1 h flMHH WalNM. " DMfwH a Trrm hi i M SB 1 i1 I ' 'if ss i i i i ... Jfl 1.i. M Minn II B 'Ii bjbU M MM Ii ' V i j ., i "' ' '' ' " bb 'b i'li WbMUT b i ItSb. PMt ASTIbtlbtM, r l,M- - H ' In . 4 . hi ... CI , Iiim iMfrfbMflf tM, Mil. I'. att ftSTlH, to.4b MMflffBMMf) OMSM, Mf Rft . ffft Mb rrttbl tTnflrbb. sfti MbrrlbST- - in I l llr, frf "nt. . ftW I. I,, .... l . ... IUi "Ai Iflbf ii. p.r. ihMk 91 l. . will i'." .fi.. II, Mb, . Ml In" t HO tJbbtl. Iibfl.b1, ,!.,..,' I' n "I. M bi d Hlblbb iniT bt It. im Wbdklj nJ bbii.. W ... ), w'.tb. b'.l nib ihioi , bl IM "to' bbIM b l.rn. . A ........ r. ii e mil. lb MM iwiih. now II. t r t i should lie linprui'liril nnrt llrmovrrt. Tt i ft fnct, mid lln lvi..k of Iht Clftorfl itoiibo ihow it, tiiut Moan B. Oriiinkix, t'i fnlliictor of port, hnn paid to Suim, Ti BLATCUFORDi lately one of Ml a. nlio van a parly to enormous Iratiel Bpofl the lvvi'Mlf, mi l who lUtl to CniibUln Willi Mr. QRIMMBIX'I coiinivini, to owftix1 rivt runl puniAlimcr.t fir lil rrimis, mid who rmr bark by tlio ronnivanre of Mimobofly rlftp in MMk ft wy a to rlniru the immunity coonlxl to criminal thnt turn ftntc' ovi denro. It in frt thnt Mr. Orinnki i. DM I xi. I Mt man lit nUirynt a Dtp l(J( CiAltc-fo- r fr nr the NflM tfiit ht ran a.rny until the (.',i(.' irAl n he WW ii.Vn f, il If (Ai WRrWHof (Wi (r to riWyn hi off.fe ! In other word, a neouudrel who lulu roblioil tho (Jovirn rami of hundnlft of thouAanils of dollar, aid who hftH rliwl to Cnnndft to omape pun- - Ithinent, Ib paid 1 this good naturrd liuardinn of tho puldic nionry much more M) ho ftdkA for, on tho protenc that tho in atlll hi debtor The wliolo biatorr Of Ibil case iboWl a rjotpreo of ofTu inl tn apacity, if not of enm nal rulpftliility, In Mr QRUfltMU , whicli rtudore It necoeanrj' tl.t ho should at om-- be removed from all power to doj li te the poo-vle- 'e treury hcreatter. BLATCBVOBDM A man of rrppectftMe eon neetiotiA, and the liidno'ieo of hia family ib for special reason (HViil aily powerful over Mr Uii.wii. lis IVftudft wvm diaooverot In tho latter part ot Octl ' of, and Mr OniH IMU was ofltfiftlly InfoillMd of them by I Attorney PiyMUCTOXT, Thereujon he pvo to BLATCnFOBO a leave of ali'nce, with wlii. h ho at oneo Bod to Canada, evidently in tho hopo that Lis crimes inifjht lo covered up by the help of hie fr onds and ftuxicintes, so thnt he could rot nr. to lus office us if nothing unusual had happened Mr. QUXXMLL t oaoo enteral uiiii the worV of covering np tho criineft if hi auliordinuto, deny ng to the reprtnoi'ta-tive- s ot the press and other that lll.ATcn-FOlt- had done any wroiif, and denvinff that ho hiul left the city tor in ire than n dny or two, though t'.ero were tile-frat- i is In town at tho ilUM proving thnt III. AT( Km; I was in t'anadn. and poob-pOo- ll lag all rx-r'- s that any I'r .ud h-- d U en roui-oiit- tl by him. The effort to hide Hi.Mt ttpoiin'i s, however, proved fuilue. Thanks to the independent pn-ss- the facts wen- - dropped Into publicity ; anJ then what did our ven srftldo OolUctOf dot Why, he acttptol thr rtf'.jnation f tbiri detected rohler, just ns il ho l.ud DOM an houornl lu, llnm' less man' Tin he did Without consiillini; thj Secretar.N of tho Trcucury upon the sulject. lie evi iflBtlV feared that Mr BOUTWRIX would not let his friend of) so eunlv, and accordingly he fon stalled any onlor from h in by ftC ae)rtin 111 ATI IIKollii's n .e .Ue-- and noun nation n IttCOOMOZ in his ;dace. Tho final act of pavie BbATCBrORO bll alary for nominal service in the t;mc while ho was a fugitive frani jiiHtire ill C'aiiftdft, Ir f ft piece witli nil tho rest, of Mr UttlN ITkViL'l act In tliis ce Is there a man so ItilBtn tod u Id tiny that the official who thus bnsui his trust, the Collector who toys money to thoee who have br ken Into the In asury and ha- - e been canplit Kdibiog it. should bo ponoilted u day longof to control the Vin t sums of money nnd the vat intr rut thftt pftM tbfough tlM Custum House 1 Or i there n Ho)mblicn in OongfOM who will not fool thai ther i .s no fcali ty fur h.s party until Musis II Ont"JHRI.I i tin utid pemoTed from oStoul lliinimi Lifts' nud Ii. :. KMUdi Cupt. bJiiAW, of tho UotuloB Fife Brigadp, n ceuih visited this o t t" study the OfgUni nut ii u and uii.n.iieiiienl of our Tiro I)eiart m'-nt- , so that whatever fUpOflority It pus HHX.-.- iniht ho IssfUfnofutud Into bll own e iimuauil at homo. A recent rtlMltiT In one of the inline Hate Itlburbfl of London H'llj HlmtUlM 111 iHUilm need of reform in die lyitera wbloh v'm there for the pro v. lit. on and ntinotlon of flro. It ftiftQ fur nlaliM iliigulftf MtMBpbi of mittokoa N I. ."lull .'I' ll The o it Siarnnd tbirtoi Hotel at Richmond II. .1 is ftlutOftl l.ii' OUi ill I,ond .i RUtluiu, ll i'.ih1 in tto neighborhood of wuny structures of annuiit ditto, 1" culi.irly llubtU to Is. rie tfoyod by lire. 'I lie inn WIJ il sod fur tin ii inte r, it out) dculmni bvtng tho mantgor - u ('. utleiiian who hud lor inuny i .ir! een an utiieer of tho huigliab imij dark, a SelUnuoil, and a boy. A Ilro broUo out, in wind manner I not known, at o'clock in tie raoruhig, and tba padldlnpj was totally ll.istr ii. All the Inntataa except tie BtaangPT eacapod, He was on flu; thirl !l r, "ii i;, Iftlnjy si-- oqg after the lire raj undof full lioadway, But tin re wu no wut r obtaluabbl hy which to clneli the I' inn s, nor ait) lu id r or :'u. tratie to fin glaU a awna of fulaaaa to tba uufoftunato Plait F c utrft'. he wan bui imd to death m i not tho utualloat u aau o( bla issiy baa been cliscovor.-- l And when tins ajaadlaaj laagady was atmnlotoi the avtlwritiaa con reiusl u HMslIng and to llstJullM bow k nil canio ul- - ut III . They aseertftliind that eight 'flrn enir'.nes aglgajfe, ft"' re irecut al the scene soon alter tho out fWagigg break of the fire, but that they were utterly DJl ICM bic, u.P " no w ater was to be had. 'ITie "tuneock" of the district, under whoae charge are tho water plBMi waft first ftwukened. lie dlHUflfud that thero was an Insnffli out pressure on. and msn was sent ad stance of five miles on hors back to give the necessary order t the otfle- -i of the com- pany, lvlsy after delay ensued; an the fire engims mihl as well have bOUS in New Yolk n w.thiu a few rods of the burning hotel. Hut, though rod tspe snd n faulty system prevented the presorvati ui of the bvjldlng, why wns not the man within it saved V TM evidence shows that the nnthorities were not unnwnre of the MMflg danger Last the;- bad tppUcdtO the NCtOf Of the purish, whose rlnindi was ivt far fr. m the old Inn, f r permission to place a Are escape on the n .rth side of the churchyard. Tin r railed his attention to tho fact that the place wns th" best that cm! 1 l e ebx'td, on ac- count of It publicity ; that there was Mod of curing to resident of the subnrb ft l etter means of escape from fire tliftn that iBbtdail by ardiMiy bsddari ; and thnt in the el'y of London proper fire escapes In many instances are all owed to Ixi kept In tho churchyard nf tba parish to which thoy be- long, Hut the answer nf the minister ws ft refusal. "1 decline,'' ho nld, " to nllow the t'n M apt to be plac si In the rhnrchynr 1 I abottld think it wronir and sn art of ilesecrft-tio- to kaop ft o In the chnrihyard. Which I bel eve to bo holy ground." Now, if th" clergyman had allowed the machine in question to lo jdncisl there, the life sacrificed at the ts'ar and darter would without doubt have Ixvu sine I. No other suiublo tation w found for It, o that no fire escape whatever had been proridiKl tip to tin time of the Dm. I H not both absurd aud w rong to nwert that ny I'round is io holy to be un-i- i for the purpoo of aav lag hnman life? The noblest deed we know of are done by inon and women who xr 1 their own lives to uvo those of other. And how can it endanger the unnetity of the hol.est ground to aid in preserving the lire of men T Fatthlcua Democrat. Objectionable in many other reaptcts a i the new chsrter for tlii city prepared by Meusr. BWMWT, TWIBD, H.M.I., and their asaociftte, It coutaiua one provision alone wh ch sVonld lnnre, not only It own re- jection, but the ruin of it proimsera. Kor years past tbio get llemen haro been harping upon the nnnstrntn Injoaticu done to the eople of this city by taking away the taxing Kwerfrom their imtiiediuto roptvsen-tatiro- and vcitiug it in the handa of men entirely IfMponfibMI to them for their babarlor. They hnvo eicu.-.- ! them-circ- fr- in the charge of corruption rnd cu by arefriog thnt tl ey hal no eontrol orcf the city appioyirlatkma, end hftro lsinstil much of tho reform they would effect if they were only clotluxl With the ncci Fsary power. Vet now, with a Demo- cratic ready to comply with their w sin s, tin y coolly propose tho passage of tba following enactment : Frc. !H Tc Croon n ronndl bhatlhivs nn towrr to impose tales or ftSSIMMI'WtS, nr i.orriw miiney, or eaatrct debts, i r nmm las i reait of 10 eiiy, so-lr- srs riht.r smnorisoil ss to do liv art N the lmtlurs. nn.l all the IrfishtlTr powrr ot the eHf bh ll l" bin or ItnMe t n.l be eiercl-e- u in a f.rnuiv "Mil. inch ataM! mnt, rirrron, or linetiilon I are row ff neiafVr uis be hy Iri- - IsTtuUlure, In Other WOfda, they Intend to go dlrrctlv ftgainst their prcviou profeanior,, and ecu tlnue tho anjuat and nndimocrntic SAtem of 1 vying taiaa uuJer which we hvo Leo:i groaning lor so many years. The Independent PimocraM In tho legisl- ature fr .m this ity, Messrs Oli.VLT, Ciieam-- i n. NoifTOX, and others, liuvehere ft aplandld opjvirtii' ity for Winn ng to their support an overwhelm ng majofity of our Deiuncrat.o dtiaatMi Let them loaiat that tho power of firinp the amount of money rrrjti.rcd for both city and county purjxi. sU given to ft bisly of men elected by tho people (f the city, and t)iu d.roctly reeponsible to them. This tho only nund democratic system, and must be adopted before we shiill lav,, anything Ilk a hlf adttlalftratlon of tho c ty oxpandituraa, Cor. Hoffman IliRht. Our general opposition to tlov. UofTMAM all never load us l itentionallr to do an act of toward him : and we cheerfully admit thnt in the matter of Jolts- - POLBI tho Qovenior In actssl very fa rly, and in ft manner deserving of commendation fnm men of all parthu. The Attorney i ieiu rnl should now allow Mr. Pouch to bava the in t conducted by hi OWn counsel ; we ure confidi nt that the cjise will i daddad aecordinp to law. Conpres ought to provide for the appoint- ment ef tommi-biu- to lis .... of literary man of aekaowtedged ajaod taste, whose duty it should be lo bt'lrct and d ie usmis for ucw and ittltsa. We l.uve alfaadl the bluadin of niuuini one Territory (now a Ststc) " Nevada, " inother "Colnm- - do," and aaotbaf " Bantam." n of a bisk wurd-- i aro aoniajanplaai adjectirus; W bill a fourth Territory lei' tbl nuinc " Wyo- - aiina," bowanad bnai t'eaayilraala fauaty, und a ft that of 11 Waablagtau," arhlab Imd alreidy poaa appropfi ted hy li wns nnd counties lattU ineraliio tlii.i iiiout tin I'liinn. New, tve sa-- it . afanaiad 1 call new Territory adjoining Kan. ia aa tba south 'Liaoolo," sl.ieU is about as annaaalag nnd agly an appauatloa a aanba found. Smviy ibafi nr. et i uoogk nuslaal sad ligalAiant In, linn name Rot yat in use, cut of ablcb lo ahooia oaa sultabbi frf tka aurpoaa, wuh.uit riaoftiag to M i,i!ici,iu.M T'.,e dlaraputable aud doollolng Ttmridla. putos i he aorraatnaai of aa account of its praa. ul edit orlal .Aieii DnbUabad by Mr. A i ..i - ti a c. Mariaiaa, hut it dues not dare to qaasllon tlie lliui us oditori are now lien rl nil tog- - Uhm n. Tboogh printad in tteu Vafk, the Tim is aCtttiall an liiiliU psper - and dull st ibid 'Die JribWU has in In ten sting 8001141 f. live itatfuant of lha builuaia af tka ('antral and fine It iilrnads during die year indin; f Ho. ibiij. The t ci, tl;il nu de light J r Cent, und hud a inrplai Of mure lliuu a million ; snnle the lirii! wai nut nblo e ven to pay Mian 'i eoul. on Its eiht mill on rnd n half of stuck, let clune patiau diudeuels vn lis lavanty nUhona of atuaiaaa stock. We dn not qaaatlantka iaatiia of the currant apiaioa tbai tba Caatial i .J is nsak tsttcr insiiagisl I baa tho gill but it rhosld also not be furpulten that the ( tnlrul bss a narrow sni ti.e Urn. ft liroxd nup ai.d that a bruad gauge rosei will lose MMnfy, nkHa ens srtth a narrow gaoirs at lu aide Baku, mvoi-y- . Tbe gnat fault u the Brl thfttitUix fctit wide; rthI ll lODgMll remiim to, fti irctionln will trjftr hadlv At the curl of tho year, no matter how it wui.magcJ. Thftl the lion. t'llAIIf.Kfl HfMXr.H BllOllld l'O rncrgt ticallv ft wirk in hin elTtrtt to irnlucc lil, OOltMgVM in tho Cnttld BtalM Setinte to fo-i- li Wh him in favtir if tho ppcrterrution of IrtTf ry nml (he i iniHt ion of tho av it ia Tub, w ii 't nurpriatiuf.;. Hut ibnt br bould open-I- t HriM k hn m'uf Uv in fturh etfort) Mr. Loni !infnTi. the Hpnnith Mioitter, n retllv On Mnndair ImI llMM two gnt!em?ii mlled tnpetlrrr npnn th Hon. Cabi, BOKtTRt, t'iiiti StBttm St nator from Mmuun. They IMI not irceivfid. It ii Bnid tlt Ihtn nrvcr wan nt powerful ttOt no corrupt lobby ut AlUoMiy m tbU winter. Tbll atldrMltl grcttt corrupti(n in the LeiriU-tiin- . 1hr ) nitici'atry IMMl look out. IihIimiIu-jiNin- n v mak' uioney by l leRinlfttmn ; but (hi hnmcnud thf blame Kill bo ruinoul to tho A HF.ft T9;n oi.oxtL'ti i:i rr.M. r. An Inmpretor.fJt'iif sol ItetirranlnB Pnvnio rirTn MeHnifi mcjnr on UU t'oao rorlnlivt HHtHirdlnnleo. Thn cnTninnndinjr ofticvr of the Fouitli Ilegi-:nrn- t. Nt w .ler-t-- ltille 0P9ft Wfco ttzur' dM ft feitr l mmlitUto tn tho rhctlon for Culom of that i 'tunc nt upon itn i owaolautlon )u the National ;nanl latt Arril, obont to inon thoio ntlccm who. In voting Mttl! him, fallod to npTre-'ihl- o him at hi oa riluatittti. Or n. KunTon him, after Ion de'eat, as DiTinhn, IMlMrttOr-t- i upon bin t ail by way of nonthini; Ins woHh-Uv- prt'le It i the dnty o( ihia oftcial lo rwdtf o .intniil rtpori ttlunttRf thv Ml vbrui of tMk oriuniiution, m, all lalllntj bfiow th tta-- I l.hrt minima n aro ny Iiw iciirrnt to bf i .li d, In hia Unit rrpt Tt. trir lrpvtor Ocnrr 1. m tftiUiatniulins tli raci Hint rvcry comuuy In hW old rtlnrnt WM nllM bi low tho mimuium, hat hiken riritrnlar enm lo rep-n- t only tlio- tii-- e t fftrers rot-- n.-- i I mi on a forimr oer.iapn. Illii it ii n m tUia matter ! Hwnrll a a aTMU k A of hi- - unrtttie-- 4 tn hoT l cnnml-:- i ii, It tut rery p'Ortrthlr the ralhnt ptH uma-rrf- T will be i ahert upon to !mco a com I niarlMl (r rirr hcliuu uf duty. OUTM Ofj.i.v.s oi rsmw. The i f. I... An bar How Aim i Olrk-Ino- MarUft Uairrld-Hoiit- iu ttj l I i . VtV ih CMwff" Tr(bun. Mi-- a Olier Lgnn is in town. Sh was nt tho Mirrmwu Doatf ymterdny, an I at one of hrr Ikieidl' r j i- - intcrvlewM. Mfra Loffin bai npmmn, ana .aie of Morn are contained lu the following; : T" ;:l r )' V AM. Thl V4t.LT. I IfMOM Mr ti won the h't bfJttaMM tt M tcnatttrsf aa anything ei. The Kngliith honotwiaprai thf Lydm I hompaioii tit ope, I in. a ue faf wWCT thnn billet irtrl who ilancea on the face. Iao-et- n i" in art, it Wfll ua palntlnr or rui'tirr Mil th Luriettquem were neltnrr munnil, I. ttrionw, uur Ijr.c ariiatv Ac'rawtua or hallft glna aia no niftf mim ral than OihOI women, in proportion lo tlo lr nmnt er 1 cm tufntioii inat.y actreataipa in lUifl ton who art virions ha mu man Cava wnu uro f. t I'nnciptM of rteeenc) ai! vhtnr arc tn thcr n.tarta whrn ).unz. artl ll er bo t'irourh nte on the aluae puu- to ih. i nj. in all I havo w t ttn on M suiitet I iiajYti aev r mrnlionf-.- l a mnaU-nimr- not c l.vU a 1 i.oiur- on, ho mukr irec une ot tav ii:u' heiora tb lootlitcHU. 1 New Y rk hailct g tU got from to $15 a . aeet lo l.reir lattiiiv In tlaueio, which la lue ml qH.liiira-- r ii icq. mute. 1 mitti apieiaily to t.oncc that Dr. liatmhl. ul Ih. t rlty, ant Mttaj in Kmi i luiicnci wi:Ul'a lo a bU n.uue i, 1 lorttet culled frum L irttcttti wl at atjitod llir.r ut- -, uu i ut tl.cui to the diMmem ol netrepae. J hit wait un. air. and I eotirelr repudiate it rc"ti- - ru tiou i ty ibt ui u, l. uiy w rttiua. tV lien 'he n aOafratfl uitM incni it neet "nlul it will n an'- w iu.a l liranelieaof all pro MtttM an.1 Iraden NttJ luMo a ntat.un of li.e.r uot.rt. Then, It girl tlcairtai lo he a ha gvl Off a citai ahtp uutkr. It bt tl) on stood that ahe diea ao to rnru a litt iliuod, ond t ot iront otte r m.)tlTi. Tut Kngllih hurle-qa- vinni-- ii havr done moir lo hurin the atukje aud to loner wotranho-K- hudtnenhoie k x Hi u anvtlng that e'r hai , ne to us. 'ire "Mlack Cr in iia worst orm v..ia pocue; tnt tht re ia ne.thrr po.try, cenc , nor acii tn the Kn.l.ah I url aquiri. i' re are ut many ttriuut.a KffttWi on :be ilatgl aa off It in proportion. caLut rniNfg artiu n am kkolisu acn. Trine A It bar ia hUtff Kt.hah noh. I uw Ltta ten rMi IgO whm a bnr. Will Ml titer In . He ou s teote' uit. I m n nch 4 itii Hie k. n u gtoatul decllnine o giro h.ra a pu' lie reci i lion, ll a- - , r dt(tn.nti rha oat?, ptc wi o ti i y to blra aow urdy bo if thr meet la kland Tuat H the w a M ail the EnalUh mi-- i ra :y m thla tuuirv. n.e ..t nil lha gud bai II thvy cu ( t, aaJ cut their fr.euda uVtr iIm: e 11 A ' lST nr. riFTMHH MaM.atgT. T have n'T Mpngajl t nf nitnoriiy reprt-t- o .1 tuon, hut Ihivrti edit oi the Fifteenth nautuimt at, an.l am orppaad to It, utveauna it mill iale aaroffa, CMaaaV girl n 'nun. and it) tntrUariana over t' a beada u' ttiu. ai. I Ral i ' oil ; rnt imen. Mr .In'inn la our enam-'- n tn Omfffff , he la cejtly adminM by n. Tha ftnl tine "f .n in Mli 'ge I. comlni. aa UiTir up jri" l it. .1 Wis. LlT. rroorc at her JaM valuf. Wh t i r ohie, aup. rh nian. "hoaro d'd .of srnrt rt ep paier, alibi u,h aha drvtttrd litre rraffl to ehant .hie pu'pot in ttna rltt , 1 i.a not tbiiik rbarnjttle work ought in e p for; It won d not he eliantv t ll as. Charttv - thr a mitbuit uf the htarl ; tnt I thiuk t'hic i0 muni to bore auutMoiad Ler paptr. 6b will gut a good aalary In lion ton. ax. un g.vf.N a tr rrr ar nanaiin. to a noa Stl Halt HtM Iirkknmjn nnd 1 are rery alannrh In da. BOl ritall Hi ;i1 klias Dn ki its ni La not un rn d et. I beitete !l l true ihatbe haa hid two fmn-- ft - of r a nare ; any girl WHh f).(sQ a rear wuM ikel) have as ffanW A tuan w ill tkl aanio reofnO oonfd pwhihly haa aa manx wive aa lie plea d An-l- is taenty a a yean old. Hhe ought lu peraial i caltbacy tl hkoa, she haa aot tiuio foi gtarHagC Join of Arc did not drn atockWig- - : r ml in dttflgal Uiaa In . er younger dir, but hrr m n l - BOt 'u'lv tteveloo'd then ; gkg did not ilffw Mm ui a tcr aur (.ok no th aor.. ET-- If all woniont mtadff were fally devlo y A the attHkiiura would he darned ; wuno-- w ud than invent daxn-ini- r muehineai und etahliah a hired ayatcm of labor lor the emplovmrnt ot imprcuiitoua mt'ii and wonico aa darut ra; I lilnam ii might become darners. A v a bill mUlM VX MIBKT IOMI U '.stliM, CHI C AOO MAS. I w BUM llacsi to ai cotiruae Chineae emigration, hat woulo not kiv- tin ni tne nullnt, as they aie dlsguali-f- d bf lik of Inti Heel ; t oaid like to establish an educational taat,aad H ve for a atandar-- fluent hand-wri- t I of i. ttd lha K.teLlig'nt autwiTiutt fff a aarlca of oncatloni rffMtlffff aB the h'storr of oar eonntry. Thf-r- oqI.1 ta anora than another genrrallon if wmut n's unnds were fully dv lu d. W - Man IIH Mra. Liv .more, ni.d Mrs. .lulu Ward Howe art - Ih fnailnct of watcrnitywould ri oiuiu. Anna DicMi'ftoii hiay ytt siiccuoih to tone (uliat,iie Cbleajo man. Hhe would make a anlfn dhl alit she ta a gloelnus girl, hhe haa a grant idea uf ionic ait. Hheuould go on tho aUce and make aa nio h mi ey aa now. It the duty of g herself to hrr tea waa i. t Incumbent upon tear. MJffl Pivrs at ogt.aojrTfj'o'a anonga i.traRATrae. My ri.T. t r ws d vuted Irom th siaife by litera- - tui.'. ladori Itaratan. I hart iu at flushed i.oto ruann'-iTi- of a new bo-i- l b lie. fort! 'h Kootlhta and Ithin't Baaoaa.1 heildea niJttorrii t pagea Of a aerial atoty lor the Detroit IribiUi. U a lOBuattl a J hit ric. Il ta BaOM the "lJJot hu f I huve no Unit for the atago. tbOOgb 1 dp throw oil trlflea as mr "furf' now al thr Museum. When WliUBff, 1 Woik fron U to 4 nr fi in U t oft iff td iIih AuilouV t iiiod. In New York. I dlueut U.Imouico's every day. I lite ou i..' Karopeao pl tn; n is a gotM iiian for young mar r i l loiks. I go to the Htu onin ; (Uire ia not inueli litlk ihete nbom the 1 lecture on " li rl " n W i dp. r it t vn inr im at. the tVI of r ruarv, 1 bara, nt Kartell Hull. 1 BM hcturu on " lloia'' n vt agtal n, njiaoi in oi nan ai,. I t!vrtk Reffaaa Urai hy AM oalff wo ai'iv things in Mi ir - j;. igtg boll fi r .tett. Darla. bb4 opTomg i a lUOP $9 lloioce hki ly lo 1ffg amle a while i i li. u a clu a. roboft aon of Mi. r;ca.wi-k- . I dout bat tve I bai tiiuut waa iMtlratad in ihe gold bnainaaai dunk uorma tooit-- 1 igk, I wun't aay layhini iboai tieihd uher rabc. Ih n ; it v Ottld RBka th - tbllll tOO farctral ; ttul U reiuihds Bta of o inoadotr, wtth you can put in. I wit up In MiBBaaota. near ihe Kcil (titer country, two years aro, nnd thera waa an lodlaa t i called Hole-- . ii - u : lh 'Wy but Ifo.t ,n th lav, ol t ho'-- i I ci If wert-- rery f:u-h- afruld. t'n' di a inrl r it l. to he In net- - heie I m .,, aiaj Ing, and rhuutt 1 tl.B' " UntaaAtaal Wall" Wlla roHUl.g, Dbtcatfo Mdtanaffa aye van fur t'cmonatra'tve, niol 1 1. 1MB i M IpBOM t. t ncin .id la quiet. U aattonairaUva, und .i Ut t pMk lo, (toaion i v i y BIBB) - Mafitt tba m iloitenb town in all II count t y its Bellow aa a r pc pt,uy, li will br a long uo e pefoffB i uicaco ta p litrrari bkf Now kurk. I Bioan t h:t no great naaica Uko Prtaiit C'i icaro haa In proved Wondi r.utl, in gal ycur ; tt era re iw a'tagato the couii h'uie. Ctitaago irehltertmi ii mora ki ltrii tban Niw York tho BOW w lor, I d n't k00 lu,ut l, c eioc of Wulsh, hnt I don't tl nk men o ijriit to he haaftfftl even joy niiiraciiuu wives i gin a oad I. i. aapital nagaakniant. t he II t gaj a lifts for lift bat 'I Lb'it rule a il loUo d u ho vvi.u'. I laiak Ih'i trfttgntim f Va,vu uue, could luM dr. I yog Uavg U C .UUiU LOW, lUkc it plajMaBti lioaj Ljr. 1 br Itt t . Ilm ui c t,ookt,, lirrrubtoiia. j wit rQ i sroM, i a. 'ke it mill his wila and boj ooaff Uoatoii, undi r niedu'al lyaatatffttt and aet king yaal Ilia bund Is tt) il'i'ihied. Ait or uppt o iu fr-- this otra liu roamed lffati a hand keep- ing with him, ai d to I'lun o, nmonf other tin - WbllOtbrya heaenthuek fflfi of borrowed money, nnd wrote Wt'B "i . he full like o unging Into a wildernce, nervr to tot a human luce :igaln. Immediately after wittina be si- rt. .i Aay bogie, h. n warmly rcceircd by hia wife. Ilia whtreahonla wilt not i'v laaia uou.-- lu wider tu aruld furtbt i nolo-- r rty. H- ami and unlet, and ou out will ba ill' tu r. I., a, attaaajtaaaaa THE GREAT CUBAN TRlUMm AN ACCVBATE LVaWI till UOX or THK XAlTtr.. Tho Dtfeat ol ruollo-T- hr Arnhnsbrd htufnt (.en. Jot dnua THnk Mnr. -- airiits hajaaliluu Pnella'a Trtalnfl Th I rHpnalah Heirrm-T- hr tiban fii nrrula F.aaerrdo nnd Olherw nl i npinn t oneapoitdenct of Ikajaua. Matahxai, Jn.i. 20, 187" -- When I wrote niy loiter of tha Mill taaia. ali'ck la the Sr of tho b, glTin you an aeronni of (he rlrfca of Pnell Ml and her salellltea aot up a yell of rage at tho immi- nence ol tl.o Pr nnd Its harcfsci dnf s In pO"!!'1' snrh Infrrnal Ite. tbt corn sp. if dm Ha- sina Ji urnala telched forth th lr, the pute Hue Moo,! ta Hpoln, ar d NN f.' Mns ot the griiiul ui, washed wero ontrag. 'V Mai the eorrcap i uf the New York prt .a w ri uaiotished. Uy this gtt amir tl wll! new" rt Ball Blktorj at IM inti llliEnc'c of ffraiLo'a nrrrtT. Tho Bt. Dotnlngo IffaltOff, who auM M own to tha Spaniards fof gold, lafl Nu.-- is .nine flat of Deciaoer, a'.th hi Iriy H.'X-- Ma, einnhylng Btren dnvi to r- aeh Ro trtgaffaa '1 ' I ?l aattt - lOBl about iwcti'y mm dsi': . nnd fhlllo intended to ekanro hia line ot Byarcb, ovtlng lo t.;e eouUnu.l hiraaaln of tba pn'riot-- . tut lortnnaw ly he BOO tinned with hi oigro guM", who, on n' nr'or InforrfM d PaittO Uill Ih patriot elamp waa yet narly two raiha ilBtBBt. not k iowtag of the H latrnce of nn old ln'r nelir.w nt erected oter ny t ur flgO. Jordae, erf rt y a.n. of every movement of tho enemy, urdc . ta not cmtdcto flltncc. and l.ciUMlhera hiiv'ng tninaged to nmke an old MM gun sei rteahlc. furn Mied uMut ten ronnda of orimnuition lor tho piece. ThoMp:innrds advanced, wltl out IWattaWttaal tho Intrenehmfnt I in iront, or thr pad lot srrny drawn np ui its hahfce Whaa tffJaV icn!ff r. piatul shut was hc?.d, th- - final to lJn the conilwt. Too cannon ItMlfJ with Nhrspnel mow d; down the adv inct gu.-.r- of the 8t aniar Is ar I ItM ti' in rifles itiide and hitvue mnung IM n tin h dy. At tho Aral di ch:ugo ovtr fvnty fhe p ' "f'1" rro killed, nod BjMfft tl an tv tee Oil nomti- w. nnled. Tho panhrda foatiil like tlgtrs nnd tutt.ouh they red the jvilrl t, of iv oin tuHtiy were tuily armed, almost on" th;rd, not nn inch of pn und as mined hy them. At night .11 tha tlinatt n lemaltud the Mime aa in the morning, the put hot- - Mttetatt tig theli position In front, the Ppaulatds about noon post as Ing lhena ra ol a lilt h cinlntnce on t tlaffM defaatli f th amnll body of patilta atationud th ro, whoae rimunnlon had glren uut. Tho waul of flitmunitlon now berime general, whxn Bi iimi rlitertrfj, with party of tntivillters, alh r nr uf tho bpaniiirds, and with a audd' n y"ll killed th"ae guarding fajaMtf! triln. nnd Ci.r:yi' l off or deatrorod tuew'iole of It. The Soau-lard- s then made a rcry desperate at', mpt to force the roflilon. hut wero nna'de to do It. and aee'.ng tho futility of ttt'.r attempt, retreated to Arroyo Hondo, where they remained until the 1Mb, unable to return to NoiTitas. onleaa they would Lave acri flced all Uieir wotiuded, nnd powcrlces to altnek the patriots. Puello nt Ust manazetl to pot hlmarlMn march, nnd reached Haga. a ae tlement abont aeien tnllra ftom NutT'ttia, on the tt.M, eniloylng acrcn dn(a lo march twenty ratlct. Tlie eC U aoi? . force of the Bpanhirda at Djcti mi i.'- ' to six ii n r' d aad twrntynlno men. Krery tnmhr of of ataff was either kill" ! or wounded, l'oel.o Mmseit being wounded ta t., The l"are are: riTaioTs. Offleeri kill. J ll hold tar W;le1. nw oiUrfis aou.idt.-- ao d ars Iffalaa Ill artMAroa. Ofllf" killed M Boidirrs killed, or who oifli woat.aud a.i dito or aroar - r HBttaaM wuaudi-- Tie difference of oaca tn the Uo aides :a owing to tlo first threa dt"charzea of tho patrlo'e bth ud tho lotrencotnt ota, 'when hi l a inle patriot a..a illhrr killed or WOWhdod, whl.c tlio uiiscanrcttng tspanUrd-- rtcelred au nt ffrr at few ycrda d. stance Into their closi ly Bhtfta rallka. uen alM ia r averting to attj. k Jord n, Who mhl fuiiaU.a gg BBaTatl i hO tO r ccii' ht n aad hi lr cp. Tlie lt Wll he lha MM if In 1'iul u' c is , and ere Mar, h ea;tr. ilie troops WtUbaCOh l il tney i ven m ituuin tbt m. Ives in thl seaport tow ua w uiiout being at'. at a ; lha uu 'a nil fbiili d'iar"inieiits are WMwdniWa t'nmi tlit mtertur. ihey will full i"tn the han "f the aurrraisiTeiv. About forty of the BMlah Yolnntrers) hare Bid j ui i bah patriots, whito tk' about one eunditd i m the inl 't.ihou fUtioneil on ttn ntTTttt Httlrffrt Tnoai kafft ba conn- so irtqnent thai Hern r, thr hniiub '.rniraliat ruerto I'r ntie, h.ia recolw lo w th raw the CjU-lat.- s irutu that line, tm I IBB I U ui aomewhi re eis lutihor rem.. t l DWtttha f'lnan lines. l'oel.o to I 0. rto Tnucpu oh .". t lactly wiblug tu ... a auu.i laiAM geuctal lu gather Unr. it. Tho Hparlsh J"rmi't apd rffl il rtxrt ln1t lisf I'ueil t.rok llna mifo, hut IhH l is plainly apbitent, at tl.o Ing-- gt men! hi ll e 1t took f .nco beta t in Caarro atu t.uaiuairo, and Pnttio re trratod tfter the haith . are ml c to tha same jour- nal. Tbt patriots art In hl;h feaiorr. and he Fph-lt- orgtna will toon me inotht r ttiut. Ihe hpan lurds into a few more hatts gaaj may on ejicct to l arn of a ni:".t er of eiecnti ".a among tee pcare-abl- e .ii inulti-- itffl poiUon of the pnpulo uud. Tbat hi their ay of old .Icing m t tr.ft hUg, Mr. Itedpath, t - - n merrhant, has been making itnotic fMhhk BSN eh- a IB our low n. Ha.ipatn ia t beio; ll t fnet oi hating n u ited o dine with a Npamari g nn jl hat m.ide bun ( rget h.a country and bis peraonal iliatuiy, It he ever li.i t anv. Tho .1r- r,i newapr:- la tuitt. jub.Unt titer the avBtjl iu ant of Iteupaih. and g'uwingly lurltaa other loreigntra tu lul ow lua eaamp.e. MOBB LIES. The gr indlloo,nent announcement ol the capturt of Hen. Marcano and Livj, ami oi lien. Klrneiedo'a lamliy, ao vaunt'iinty heralded by tvt-r- E pant si u, turns out ta b ft ucutly uhn ated lie, a uh t very nice foundation to btild upon. 1'jt l cap- - turtdianol Orh, Marcsnn, tht l arinietm, but an old man named r'runcitro Marrauti. unable tocirry a tfitn, mark lete to direct an army roipa. ia a diauat nlatioa uf the go rnlla LlTh, the terror of the truly loyul, and de Kiaiieredo lamliy is not ihe family ul (ten. iVdro k kaueredo, but ui toiue otbrr gcnlltmai: bearing the aamt natiuc The Aaaoaalnmiou mf 4 aatan n. UtrtM, Feb. . Two men were killed in this City last night. una arr eomnu in freetv for tbc orpuftns of taaianon. The Spaniards mant-fta- l great Indiguiitiou at t t killiug of l uataium. Kuan all porta ui the ItthOd ttOhM rcpoHl of pub- lic dcuiOiiairati.tftt ol MttrrhaM ngaiLat tht ( ulai:a The Captaln-Oonera- l a an l ipotab to BltBOgha. ir, whleli bt wurua th rolaattors t.ini too will tiva a po.r idea of the Uuvcrniiu'iit whtah emul is them by committing tela ul retaliation, nnd .1 tlicm tu cotifiiie lliemauivcs to ihe r dtttjr, ihu nyalattl iUt of public order, in die pcriorinaiiee ul Watch tber aro tht flrtneat - ..1 of th. autluritiea. MXQUIMITM in ti i. i tut s ir llnusllrn of .dm I'lauka liicenlaualr ! Oat nud aVill. 4 vslih boloo llnaaaaa. Ouc of the in. it indent ua tie m t ea that ever came ondcr Ihe notice oi mr t'nat an Uuuaa offlciala aa discoTed yeafrdsy. It has been obst reed for ouio lime pari that aahVhM c gaia bhVg loun th-i- r wuy luto tint city ob Wlttffb M dat bad been paid. Paitlea suspected of the Imud wt-r- fftoaijy watched, but the skill on luim iv di?y dis,dici were ao great that lor a while tnt wutcucr wero con.plu.eIr hmd. Information phi reedTe i s' .ia. whleli d r. w i pu lou ou soma txd ir Bhokj tl t h id trnrod ou t: a ateatu'r Da toah iThal Darhhhi and been consigned toM. M. Ie1gftdi, aft id r ahffatt, They wern reirularly paaad tkrohfk Ibl Chiton llou-- o, hut in H't-a- of ueiug takeu to JMzu.lii diey were eou-v-- i to itrhi k itorr, llCo'tunot stnei, and hem win setten. The pltiuks Wtfft 10 ieft huig 9 inehea tlih k, aud 11 were in Bhch BhUdJO, When the ortl-c- t .Ta saw tho a i n tutlnti&l of bu.iig aoid" ttiiu.i tkitr htihdi. Anyiitni iBorahatiiruj tbih tbaaa bun il-- s Itwotld bo haro to Imagine, '1 in t ,tP i , 0 fiber by ua re 4fCM of airl , an I - im .,f it. pittuk pi hcyond tbt Mhojs. M (f llfv ,1U(, faa kiauked nbotit The buns tliatuaulffhl midl tbl lUta o' their belli.' eui I. r the atuujclmg ol cuara rno,t Mrrobabla, Tliffaa r .iar Mlhkl am Imported irom II Tiuvi, bu aiise ti e t'ulum cedar d ib t a irom tne Am. rtcnii. and la used tor milking BplM into which duturatle e y, irs are packed, so that tl ey mi y th inor- - aaaUt bi Bhaaad oil fur Imported Uatahhl, Itloiions tn tie tie s and boiea un iu purled for the aUhl KUaOtt, To amn gle aigara hy aiieh inoana Is ;it once ao d.riiig ai d aimplt ibal uu uiie .i iii. .it of U aa poaailne. Tlia Caatotn liotua offetili uppronrbtd the bun dha ul fin it, with il. feeling tlntl d.ey were on n and gotiac ilinse. 'I hey untied the atriif-- and lift.d u.e Bffll p'a.ik. I; oame t.U ua any BMIIh Wtihld, ahh day nn aned ul H.a thought of then- fa lahur. Tbll iildh.aida untno nent pi auk, hut thai waa Immovable. They applied tUu.r aiifiuth lo ii, out c. ni t not atlr it, U wu ii ill- .1 down, and u had lo ttsar it off. Jfenaaih the plank twtMy-nu- bum of elgara, Uf to a be i weie luuiid, ami oproihg ttH utbfl bundlet taey iotnd tht httJM nmnhcr in each, ihert were III haire In ail, coaUiuing i." i cigala, valued at abott J .0 aihonaand. A great many ehzara have amugrled by this detib-f- but now that it has to i. detected, It will be lungbt lnra another tsiaaily knatcuiouB 1U bt con ttgfftth jitr.rrwt.'ii m ii tfilUM vi iKCTirt: Fnlbrr Har'ln llr ml dm hia t trot V itf-Pll- gbt framihf (uur - itaiisset Cln rnar-la- at far C 'nic ion I mi - Itleh - n ' Jhatsata rirm innii'i onie-- The c is of the K v. Whffriot Mrrlin hnhist AhMe-n- an alfffel r wsar da nn ttt e munition yia- - tentfly hefmr CoWhil- -li r Oabhffh. At n'ehM-- the Hon A I! Pnnly i nttre.l tin cotut room and Wok Behiirn ivtleUiv. Vr. 'i V. enl Mi. John Fr.lgalck, who delen M tho l y Filh.r mil his isarK-ti- rllaVUers fiomtlu huri,e ol ffBttdt subs uiicntly iiopeir d. and Vr. I'urdj thfn roa i nd antd that nar'y nil hi- - w itnesffa kid rtl.spi are.!, and that the few whom he ha t ea;ititrtd h:u! centm '.n od lilt Ir Drift Bff4 ffl.l ivlt- -. and were rrndy tn ftf the lie not urer t for HM conduct nf Ihff OuilfhattJhl Wit I half I, lltlll uptn Ihe belief tint hff h bv- n Limpiied with or li.tlmhluled hy the Bifeot ide. Mi. Hull repti. thnt IB one lainperc-- wilh the wilne--- i , and ho im vedtlal tho Complaint ho ilianiiattod. OuaattfaWaaaWfff Oabotn, In r udennu a declhnv f ud Uiere appeared to be enint gffaaiad of suspicion thnt the wHii'iasna had beuu taniprred wi'h, ami ht i ou d not. therelom, lIvo tho defen.l ftnl an honora-- I io itaobftrgo. Uu rivinwlng thr evidonoe, howc.ei, ho fell himself bound to tlUiulsa tha comphdnla ugatnat all tbt de' ndanta. I aiantly noon t'.it rondoruig of tlilt docUUui tin fmnd- - of Aid. T iVr. nnd of bU of the Kighls-tit- a aliert dUdllery, aurmun led iindPonitiHtuliitail them on Utll ee .oe lran Kalher Maitln'a net. The dafe:ited d.vinob.okcd upou them In amaaament, and linn having a numhr of hit witnesses in the guMme-- , be ri;hed out nr l Iii t ollding, A fr sr mlnut - sll-- r iie h oi disiippear-ed- , seterst needy hKikhnf Hrrmana eprese.i the ntmoat Hnxietg lo aet bun, and ihey a. arct cd for him dlltg.ntlT In Hit Afomfy's dfpart-n-,T- t. A' kngth one M them, tbt BpotieamtB Ol IM f.thrra. tppealed to Mr. wh u rretl him ' t ie Hon. Mr, TimbsiP: m, ft fp- t:nl o3 cer u tr SupiTM-o- r Dutcher. " I vants mv money.' ha aatd. " Vot the hell yon l.tinra tae fetri mlthont mm f two ilollars a day. vot I g a at rnlP' a w Ta vot 'or ion do that, cb r Where mi re vou the ust tlu.e day ah'n lha BUOWMJ nndr nullof y"' asked tha Knrroaa-in-g ( lerk. m m nTavafOfl I, ehtM rople I tho wltne-- a. Ay, I man "landing tn the athrent, watting to he mtlr d " ' llea I Wllhffas for the defti ee," nnitl n fntn I of Mr. Tlmberm u : md tr Intu r rcfrrrad thr mattrr to ih" lion. A. ll. Phrdfa who lelt bis d sk early to unon the of the wllneaj-e- for tho G"T mmeut. AhOtBtf BOt Iff Wtfinflhl now rt.trrs Ihe Ti!'i n Attorney's ofllee, and ihe llou. Mr. ri Imt erinni paaea Ids null nrm fiiralHtrly aronntl his ahuuldtr. "t'an't y u tiTf ns mre t videne tint Mderman 'larker aa eOhnt rted with tht Twenty-nint- eireol 'astillory, and that M mi l his oil r purtners dt fiauJel da- (lo mint BI of the tai on the wl lakey un'ofaeturrd lhrn? The witnea looked at thr Hi n Mr, Tl mtrrman, at d nude mi tuauJi'ua reidy. Tha pair thru rpa versed in a hw tOBB of voice, and It t ad th it liar wll up; It to Commissioner t.)stora lor a rant tu rearrest Mr. Bar kor. Mr Tl&Miman, Who baa ban detailed by Super vioi 1 an hrr to ltd Hnther Murttn in the pro at of his rn-- -, in h ffldavit yeafrdiiv aaalust Noffl I Lotaa, h waJ-k- l t aportina mm, whoji he ch.rcrs vtith Mffltif dt' 'ded liit Oovrrnment of n tt whiskey ma. ficttired In a ry In Fortv tlr-- t ttrt-et- , of ahiih he is part pi oprieior. l.o tact ot the w,tr rant be. ti too'i leaked out, e tha attempl of Tlmbt rman to ketp thf mattrr private l.oger wna htught t ommlaa.oatr Ottfurn, and i.tid in gsjimi in to ; Ki-r lr e&aiuinatiou next Siturtlay. A warrant wna a so iisnM loff die afffi at of gnod t r r raun, whose nama, tor oSvion ta withheld. A reporter of i nn Si n aak- d one of the offlr'ila com tried w lib Jude Plot it j oul'a Uuparlmebl how Ii catWa Kid.rr Martin his ense. What the lu ll eould in poor old fallow iin " wua the reply. "We locked up the onlr gtud a we bad In tho (.nnd Jury loom, anil ' en the ofnrer who had charge of him ifp. ned the door to ht nr him into ..n t. be found no', it in tnt apart-m- Tha failoa yuat aaa jumped out of tut- uin-du- into Ileade street, and ttcaped. N.UJJH'tt VB VMM A IZO JT, Folrr Itls'll Tkr Vatce aT lha I'r. ts 1( rttMBt rri i and Jauriiois hi innui . I ir t'onrat o -- m. ih nnd eweeu. om i As JfiM )' L if'xit!, ro. 9. It apps'ars that the pOWBTI that bo ut Albntir bun Ti .vered tint af lea iztng 11k el. uf Hnnth fta MaaWffriaoff in the luce ot Ihe law Will tutwurk.and thnt Juiev after 'til, hi h;- - BOff t ut cnioiceuient of tu law, ha thr In V treaa. T ,h siiww tbat Home fiinjs cannot e d a e tiic t;ng" aa we I aa u.uer. umitb's coNrnsaio or wititia, ia," )' 7'imt. To the rnnru the haWJ bt lon.s, an .n t' m i -- '.otild he of. li Mr. Hmtth, atier nil. ral-- j ia r.lpble, Ii t It he ao dec:. u. I in the prop'' nlier; It not, Mr. ffulev s is eloa-l- entitled to the ofih-e- . A lull .id- pt. d no bt thr Lagl III ton euunot render that ruiit wlrtab a is w rong at tho tiuio of the rhctlon: und the an nipt (s a confession of wak-- i - tt niea Mt hmi.B BM bia aupp. ru ra should tt 1 'turned tu niaae. a P' t B, n tti job. From Ut w '. '. rt. I. In open fjOnlhri ot' hat Mr. Uann Pffttitb then and now a Police (o nmisi ner, .iff' red Ion aelf a I Candidal4 foi the nlhee tT Mupcrvl-.- u f this county, lie a as rot lcr'eV., hut w - id on the petti Ibt law rrqtiirra t .a: the c tndid .te rt rcivu g the aeruod Tulo r nil be at pointed to ofilce aa T- der t.'is law, Mr. r;uh de. ma ids lh Hppointment. aud ft Bill ll BOW hc .ae the l.eglslfttoro lo froa him from the disability nt a, :ind to mikt tne rott BBAl lor liuu legal We d nut tuppot that an. IhWXrf will c uslder aueh bll., il passed, aa ahahffllhg Mr, KunL a i Uvh In Iraat. '1 he tu t aPpafffhl reason it r waahlng to give the office to Mf bthltl la lus tut t mate connection wita "The 1 an mam King." The af teat 18 B bul l, bad job, aad i ur ruici had bo:.t r lit it ahme. mh CBBghtr'a wai mv. ffOJ fWI tTTPTtlrft I TTt AV'fm tht 7V .' n, Jut. tl, Mr. Stuiih can ohh be Mipervisor by virtue of an aet yrt to he puaaed ,n utner words. lie muat he legislated inlo ofnee, in lt II mcc of I most rlhttout i.d taiutm ol the Vetopol.ran Police act. And such legislation the put- .n- - In both llotiiea am cxpccied to a.d. because Mr. Smith u a ilepublieau. ll thty do this they anlhorlis and JnsMfy the otter ii o! the juat and wbolewomt haala tin wbtcb our ayatewi ia lonnded ihal of keuping our poiira fret from apd priaomil aalration. To overrule this ree.rie doavwow la to nnlhiy it tor irrr, and make onr polwc a larKe In- - ru aent ia tau nan. ni UhkiffQail and tne lammn.y Itimt t't trust n ftraajbUoah an J no cba.upun ul guad gov trument heri will so vote. The It t - Itunasroas ( hatters from Ih W haVafh tAtglt t ffwvvatli i. The worat feature iu ihe propo-.n- l New ork C)t kartOffi ta c.ehera rtiuaikt. i, ii tta failuie to aiuoko out and purif the real ring tht in o' i llusid uf Sup i isoit. ii bo tuciden-ta- l aeUiil Wl uhBIt II In tlit cbap'er tr- illuk ol fuiict guvevament dom aids uotice, as an eQurl lo a t ten ua prrcedrnt, and li icier np public procevd-Ing- a i. in public ubacrvatmft. Wt ahuUt tu the pro via;on that exelndi-- a the reportera uf the preae from bting pp tent at the irlula of ptdlctm n. Kepeatod f fi I avti arlaajn nuder ki I uaont police ngitM, wbrrata, notwUhalaadlDi tha pita. nee u the rc porta rt, the roi,ce l oninnaaionera baa foiled ur ra IBBOd to g'vo r.drcaa lo clugriia wt.o lad BaWB grossly und even latatly nuautrtl by pol. ca iiuh wtehlaig. ibt only threa p. opie have uoon ueraonul eiui.iy aud htutahty on the pmt of a he Ut Mhttla und upoa trruBUt or intlift i enet on toe p.u t of llir l.rada u tht tirpartluent, cubaiala lu tot tHWaff hhBBffffhtm hruught lu bear tr th prtaauaiu t e ttahOBff i" all. eh i c eoiii4aluta ui c llaWfM Bgaiflsl do fAaa900tlhOt of HUecm u iri Ihffoatlga ltd. Thr new thai lei hTOpOaol 10 drpiive gtifathl ol tnl guar, nice lur BfOh u.akaig ihe tiKais He t ret, j.. rmlttiug no lhhOtahdlMl pi eas i but OhlV BUuh ofllt i. l I port BB the I'ol.Ci CWahttlaaiOfMra ..I tlltfl ht. tu Ih If on- n jo ad time, to author g 1 hi piroetluut uf sca nt trm s ietioii uf public bha io M tl Wl iHtl, uml ll pei la. tod iu Uu t.iae ol p. ee tiii, would boob ba pgU'ddod a ilHhoti' at ptiDti Clans to ev ry olbaff bf uuh i the public a. n c he ch a h r la aiii nt ta r gt ni tu the must ami irau'.'il-- nt t pi Bll ion of u.l, the Ki York dOBuloWicadtd Boa- i oi Hupm.aots. bo fgf ..auu ..inu W the n w tbBfftlf BtnB. thotl IWalVt am i el uu l a it o i,i,e lrua. iu I iiuuiuci uls, half J.epublu .ui", affO it .it e tu hi. lot aa many mo com I hull lot, P0il4 BMJII hi too uUiioha tin ion, i.a htiiore. 'Ine lloaidul Ahtertnei. tu New Voi'k ou petty Ij retail a d W h the Bnpaff. vifOta, Wnu t tha Aiduim.ii Uu a rapOfftod, and lot puhl.c know au Bi Ho worat of ihoii uudu nga. lint li.e t a e u. rfflftfffl lit in avcrot. armed w ih iov,m ffiffVffdlhfj tha-- of tho jUtjtffniin, attt tht l if t rOtnu out. eve. 1 00041 on tl y. hy acrl dint, aa tu ah.. I day tlo . i h I lie ii.ibiuua thev l, BOf how UtUvh ul It i( ai U) tba HBiW will n hail and now uu b iu IH it a. BffBtaff. ba I ul lao IWatVO. looino-i- l thi tail.. c I'o. ire i ommioftioiM r 11 mf hhtlth M the affhtfof f the Uapttblh mi huh, hi. .Mr. VVhllfff It iei lif M 1). uaa :ratll ball'; and, BolUtcg apart, a l me unit, it be ii i li tut-- , io lABhff4vaa nn I ti. ti uth r, to then IBBPUttiffl pi'tea. Tblj uilung lo the tame aOC ll e un- -. the) int. si in and BOhtfOl tba aiail fhO pod COff.lOritlOl a. the name oi u iiiMiio crjlic bhpafft Uof nrt r enm hi anv tthauvl tl tiittiaaetaui ur auvlhluir else oil, title of polities, hut It ib lu.l uWod. i i.e tli I, arcano .Uied. ur Itidoiaad, hy toal of Ua tlblloa huhffVtaoff, In j aurd, li.e ae.iudiil, taualo, ahaui.', a i mi:, of Nuw Voia lorjl polling, nil Bffhlfi n IhO Ui i . i ui ou p. ivlaara. Ha a io Cohdamn siio.tioo w ortb al V biaher. LSuita were inMitutod VOltnlhy In the Unltod Ht .it a 1) strict l t int. hi Judeo I'.i rirpont, fm II. C'liti-e- . i.n ol it.ur bhSdrad burrela uf ahikry, louud at tti Hroudttaff; uue undrrd and BlhOtf-thre- twrrtr'a, futind at s Mid ,o IN uil m t an l Witter Btrart) thrro l uin!ntl und aU'y-tw- burn b, found ai C beuadway; aud one Uou an id utul Nlty t in barrtla, (omul at Ih hlatv strati, 1 ht property, wbteb wua reerntly aeiresl, .a valatd a f ' ana i. ueoeaa-tr- pat via bare been filed prvpaiatury lu Ita coodliuuatiuaii IH llSWEEISY'S LEGISLATURE oiA-- rtottr tn rni vji OOl irotr-WA- H i v i n i: ,M. a 4 1 1 s, iii Norton. L'ri amrr nnd ttenet not to lo ttulrd h lh- - lllnc -- Tie Hoveruor Tired ol Snnhblnu- - IIUEae llenrv'a P" leaa Mght nud bia I npn rilM on mat t lanra- - At n.'.T, Feb. 1 -- Oor. Huff. nan has at last, aa pre.lirted by your coi respondent I flW dafn afOa, openly quarn Dad wttli tho P natora boMtng the bal anco oi puwi r, strnj I beciuse Ihrr nfused to mm flni tho appointnunt of a man whom thty- lid not l ror I a- - ipialififd to 111 the ta ahich lie was i otalnated. Tha war betae. i. ih- - H. natora aud the tlovcinor has tberelore bet-'i- tn c:um st, and a aer it will tthj lis Irapoaa'.ble ta u 11. When t mutant w.scunveted t Oov. Ilolinal last even-lug- , d.m the DttBattfhtal reiKitt a ha-- t .! term!n d to reject Mr. McCoUihe, of TrWff, for t upltal l'ulice ooimis-ia- r, It Is add thai his haetlicncy Inrthaltb flew Into a puaslun, and vchen.eudy. my, rrtliglouxlv, declared tiiat he vonM mot rgnnir tub wax via to b,mi a hih. lit pasaed a -- lerplc-a nUht. lie waa in tht Ex- ecutive chamher nt an y ur!y hour thla not to work, bat to advist with tba ring- masters In town c virerilnif the beat mean of br nglnK r tmlepradep Srnatore to submtaalon. A plau wi s ajtttd no. n W hile me Heiiata waa tn aesnton, Heiiutur Banks whlapered to Senators Micharl Nor- ton, Oentt, nnd t re .uier. that Uov. HotTinan desired thrtff pr'sene Immed'atolv. The rVsnatcrs arott end ariildovtn alalia Into the Exrcntlve chamler Tha Crotrtnor recevad them funding tnd ahouk hands vlth thtm ; he a s very pule ; hit evi a wi re Moodsnot : bta Austrian chin teemed ta bavo ; ht atr ked Ida s nervously wilh I la right hand, and in his left ho he'd a small smell- ing bottle, which, at Rhakeaptaro aould aay, grr.n A!sn wo na otva nia isoag." ThefJoverr.ur, nwkiug an affui t lo cilia hia rnfflod feedings, aahtt tlentlemen. Ib,iveent forffon in to t it tbfJ I am vn v an a bins to have Mr. MoC mint rnnilnnad lit l ii ven aood msn for tnt Ware. He enloya an eveeh lent hit political T: e rd eartno tvfbriit-- ; he la a mrmhrr of the Hiat- - Central tioinuatten front tti judicial il oilet, and hia Is aa appoint nirut wu.Lh I think you jti fM t j confirm " IVnator 0R5KT Now, Oov rn-o- . let mo aav ona wnrtl to ym ; t of tht Demorrntt of tba ritv of Troy no trrooed to Mr. Mctonlho; wa oucht only ti plafe In offlee non who aro tho chcdcei of ti e prnple and not lhtaa whom thty don't want. Wt eat't contlroa him, I have rrspmiailuluwt on me as wall aa yoor-ol- '. Mr. McOnmc will he rejected If you do not withdraw his name. Tskemj wurd tor it. The Uoveraor eoold r stralu htnateH no longer ; a rrinisn-- i hue ovrrpread Ida tare. Bad angry diaerrmb'e In every fratore; wilh decided he aaid m , nT. p n ,rT BffaffM m ant aona oallrAT0!rB prnio MT TE M of efflrr f jo nrn't Cnflrm Mr. MrOrlht. rVnitor yasrar- - And I ha d d if wa don't rejift BvffB. I am a henntor and nncratard mff dnttfP. A -- nch 1 ill use my tnlhi nee to bars thla man rejoried, .and yon bet roar Ufa he a ill be ra-- J,M tseasMr N.tBToH f' yon can't co trol K Jictl n by thr thirit of denying ma a pattr In vonr adtt. I will do nay doiy draotio ot any thrrat rnu eaa make. renst r ("nrswrn I nrognlB" no ofbar nnlhorlty Oovrrnor Hoffman, man that or the people woo eleetad and aent aaa here, and am actustad by no other niotivtt tban the tneccat ol tha Democratic 1 IVnator Baww en to land Mr fconlhet but without Brat!. W ith n reaaaaraneft from IMnrt Ilnrrv fienrt mat Mrt'oidha w i.a ae ij" tea", thl arty relnrned to tbt Nfnate i hitni1- - r. Twenty minute later the Aeuato ntuKiTrn Tna OattvATtov of Isa.ic MeCuinbe, .1 Tray, fbff Capital Police and inioemvion to rffeet was aaayl to (iov. Iloflman who was found vigor. uislt snufflng tht frairrant t otlon ot the - nn n ,uiu b rttlOa The eonvi-raat- n iv given I hi.-- narrate I as it ocenri. I. TTie only p.irt uf It wnlcb B ay KoVMy be douMd, is ihit wbir la tho bl .snhetned. Bnt tht tto can be authrnH-BBtO- b ' KM lloflTnttn himself, il ui era.ary Whu liav-th- Itini jurn.ils to say .u v f WMJ Tit'. ft;w rirht or mh: f The (lovemor his -- worn that he mil not arn l in any man nomin iti ana hia ofofhee, aud bo oi cuurao luclu I a tht nouuua-tio- n for pot wnniigv A!fp ntnaon nt'Tr.m. Tho- - h ird worklnr who with mlcbt and main lonrbt. and aWtWa and to .1 fie I tra . t i carry the l)emorr;itx bonncr thi mp ini to vle-U- j1, msy now console t'n mrlvrs tn otM Inr, on der a administration, a Mj comp'ement oi ltenubbctn limb r Musie-- s and Port Wanbna lor the neat year, bo! thla la only a Dart of the i. . Tour readers may remember that some days ar l jour coiraspondenl fxprofaod tub ray.n'a no? to pita a It1 it thrcugn t ongrrfa die appoint-me- of Harbor Masltra led Port Wirdrn in dm secretary of tht Trtxtso-- y. and thas nteal from tnt state Ita ft c lent ehartcrd rixhia. Tney I ave not abaadonett the m. rt. The Iducand Ihe Uuteruur hint by tblamtana to ba releas jirom tbe two Tnorstxn rnonisaa thev have made 'or theso offlcea, nnd t throw tho reapoasibility on a sdmtnaTit!"n. A?n n It la aaerrt. d that dn lacumb-i- i t Vatera nnd Toil Wardens have r.ied a t ttr-- e ..f n ro retain rnlr p aces, and for tl U iatrrt. se have en- cased t' r services of notorious lobbfftata, ho hart Fka aar ol the that be. Tba OoVaraor baa uos an opportunity to keep Radir.i! In office. t 'ontmry to rrnci I exiec ationa, the bill ttvtllalr r the appsdmni-- nl of Henry hn 1th aa r'nperviaor of nir e njnlv. wna eal cd in ita order in ihe Asaembly this morin.i but Mr. John White, a bo Introtae-i- l tne bill, did not mo rr Its eoiv-- i leranop. Mr Wulta li fofTWI d our eorrra-'ondeii- th it as A'lorney-tleo-eri- l CbBfhpl In bal alio ed the writ tr it'IiA nnd th c.te wa falr'v be ort the eours. nr did not he would take furt.ier ac'ion In tl e pre uiaoa. 1 herrtore, au lar ua the LArlalatiire U coure.utd, Mr fc'ejiey need teir no imtrfei nco. RO patnCKAT WILL Da RB record hta vote tn ftvur of tht meaaure. nor will ary Kepuhllcfin. Mr. O nil's hilt rthttive to construct ing a hrtdire to Blaekel:a Tland. and thenca to Kavrnswootl, wat eonsnlerrd In the Aamt ly. .1 gave riat to an antiuatod debata Mr. I'eiraall. member from CJuccne couutv uppoaod ihe hill, and said that he waa not la favur of rlvmg th. of bia couutv power to rxpt-n- fft.OUhOQO for the aiuung thai that uower wa loo to be aaated in the Hoard. Mr J.ihn Wiilto re. marked that the land on tbe otlur aide in 1'p BT SMCl LtTORt. Mr. Thuiuta V. Field, in reply to Mr. Whltr' ohargea, ttMk oce islun to oiu'i'iui iiu as tho laadrr of Lhl BUrg liorao (vlry. Mr. Whl't, v hen fiforutod of what the leadrr of thn HUrk llor-- e t avalr alrnifte I, ar .se and Mkod Mr. Kiel is whether he me tut t intimate that he wgl .irtuited hy tm rcennry matlvta In opposing tbt ball. Mi. Fielda r. ' d Hint be did not, ht .oiialdered the Black Harse t'avalry a mart mythical tiprea-aion- , " all ruht ;" said Mr. White, " tbe gcnikman may Mil me a myth If ha lllea, but not the leader thl k Hurat Cavalry " Tho Cuuinilttev aroao aud rr ported pi ugreaa un the bill. hia meaaurt has already tastd tht Ktnaie. Bina(or fietiel says thai lha rrfMents af hia are t,f the pre, poaed ImprovtMiient, as lerrlaixe c immuuit mlon wuh Astoria un I County la win, v in.nhqu.iU to tha aanta of lot oop,. The llunave Cotniu dte on Waaanl Means will report the it" Aonropiiiilhai lull nex: week, r tNriaa svt.its nr thh arNtTV. The Henatr 0 Klebnrda and William H. Bitker , ul Mud. ft u. I.oun l oiniiu Itao ia ; Join B. P.tin n, of Itar.aarhrr. Adtis. rv Ctmimna uu. r ot the Capiioi Po Ice; (leorjr W., nf Mouror, Kopttrtntahdaat ot the uwttfhhca lb ma tun nt j wi It nit J'urccll. Vau..ger of the W' Houe if HBlhgfl Ro'iart 11. fhwhhaind. Agent lor thr Cnon rilga lndhm- - lltnry K. Allen. Attorory lor tha rmeu Nutiua ol iiis; K wu Aluu and J l u aJhffia, I. .tan Comanasioiifra ol Ostvco. BQL. j nr inn ti. tn i it; ir, Tha It rt Thlrtv-al- x t a. ludi l Iroai lha Natal t i rrniftiiira-niiil- ug HIM lor lila .1 ii lb er. At 11 tAlt'k fhOTllltil IViuco Ar- tiu- with hit Mil Bf Offhi tfffUoffrail und, cinbarkad at tbe t nimti t wuurf, Whita Inl), lu I'.e termer Xllnnahai.noclc U I'lall da ferttOfi atlhhl iu tbe IrtM r. The ttlHtttffff With t li r rp:il guest were IMOUtpaplcd bt tht fore t 'i' Oonjantl at pofft Wtlh III Ir tfftffffa, alo Ihao. Iui: hs nn H .t'er mi I t wt iia, . or. i. n uu l aevcraj oksl rs.ath Drooktffn rffarr Ylffd and a ver) f w "ti ata, gaaajn r w iBth Till Hcn t illed to dlatuijuisli any IOMI Wff ul tho f: lpriia Thli j tlx. When till Ih '' t i' aril "b'pnlnii aioir the bo 4 tha Brltlah aotora, ai prrrhtigtd, wtro hoiatad rt the ton but hy aotVIO OUlfwBrd nccnl i.t, g tha n d inaiaiiuftni ayitiab Btlflbattl arfflcf vtjs pohktd die luivnrdt iiafoitin tie't purl. 1. fl gifaLl g ou t heatla ol iuoe itandilll aiouud. w on a otp iinac Hunt th n b'Ulicd out I lie. , bt jabcr. d'ye set- thai. .i T yi q ; the i'. hensiitn wtin'l H In a Vjngte p ti. at IL st t.l Tharieortlun pat y Kuit u miltoh, ami were received by t.t'u. Vudgoa and a ..U. Aroy aaiute waa lliod iruu ItM hrat v v?U Uu ill un lu. h cunimrind N.iiruaf, ami w tttrgt mh am ud I a eli irm n rt. ry wltuhiw tu luo turr icaa, onirrra tii irlfra, und private rr . a in t e in afhtfortiood, iiuuiug u ni .it ltt'ie lall luf Cne!. Moll U I to IliOt. lb. I'nnee wua uineh phviaod with tba woraa nt Tort Witdaaorth, nn IWhWrkoll ll Hen. M Dovcfl thnt it waa the peu of uu it ii.Hs.onry tl at ho itad en r U held." U la aui l tail Ihe iittli heiwl of the roy ut m - ii in I (I At tmt Cuimui u. die party wara ri aaivad by Ut Beau Niel, tbe Bttihuie) of tbl erun. The waa a review, "li.e Oarrnah. und aa dla lion, all ol wuieh to (be avlat ui - a lion of di. Pnaae, paatd uf wtfiuut iraid hi Inr Prince ntumtwl to iht v at 4:10 P. M aud waa driven to hia hotbl, Vbv llruvuorl. OflJfO liXD? ttOOH in tn . . Tar N'r TtilTtvnv svhie'i Is ( Btlhi the Trret HI ioio 11 i r IffOfal N ;4 f) Norlolk liortriilug tbe Tttffth In Rg II nek Sinco I ho conso'iilniiio of tin' 1, Tlarltnn Bay tnd the laOWfl Branch an - rf ltallrods stt'b tl a Sontiu rn NewJ. gy tinner the litter naraa, Nw Ytir'-- fi likely total l etter accommotafs.d In snmrrtrr Whirl 'inaj between this c'lf and Wa g Bran. U ll, g ltiJ .been. Tht frcqaent tunninLt atnound of mrri fri it.'ilfd w th us. at " Ti c oi " en hahdl lit. ok1, baa in) tiie c httafflMttM Cothhanj l rortdi ant" hrr landing plact with d'epi-- tfttlff. nW stall sj bua been erected at tlo1 hen d el Ui ti'rsa shoe, whrrs vi is cm uao twenl.. tWi ,; water. Handr Bootl lo.rinr kfi n rablh inrpfises to tho OOTirnrM t hv tin I - , N w .erey. no rt.ltleti'rv b.-- b' en Catpcrtenogd H ot'tsh ing permia'tlon t lhl n I ti e Hoe rillrnhl fl nr mtb fuilher. wh'rh will hntia this ejty ttiiai an hour and n hull' nl Long Krone i. Bui tar Company ha- - eat t rou th t .. . fnfral on Sandy Ho ik for ti dnManaaj of two n nnd if the work Is allowed to i ron ed the en ir a ii fall, anl the Hong ttt mat '.c Wllbld a v. U the 1st ul Mi) It is rttxeud that tba i will he t t.- fllv Rmton eipitallsts mo hrivdy IhtOffrstt'l In fk new unib ataklna, havln : la VtlW lliw oritf ..i n of tba Camden and Amboy Railroad Con piny to ronstrnet a ahnr- h e to Norfolk. 't. I ra; of dm lte mllllon.-tir- of tloboki 1. 4 , bhl becti pnrcti,ift.l. nnd tu- - MOCkholdci mw drtafftwlffid lo leave no atOsta untun.r I to it, k tht new antcrnrlae psv. A e' ir'er Is to I NtalBH Irom the New .lerse, Lahtaklthri to tha hta line wltn tta Cum lea and Auiooy ut or tieir Ptrhbti nn, w hieh wl't Ihabln Bhleni o revlt Phtlndsytphla from Lon Brtnchm tw ., twl! hoars. WMM MQOVMM VAUMQ ! ti.. Follovta who would have Hold i ountrr ll ethe Lntl uut been ton rung lor Them. " Tho Consnliditted Rimship Ootltporiy' Wol formed In Jannary. for blockade nn B pnr posct, and was chartered by !ie Porth t ':,rolina Legislature. Henry llirt, now resldlnj In this dty, wnu appointed It rddent and Tre.isnrer , it ft ei. dmed, and .ihd general control of the OotopajtjS affslra. At tho close of tl.o WaY tbO COttpaoff Waff I iinkrnpt, and tha ato khn dern had no leinrti f ir their Inreatrnent Mr. Hnr' filled to account for nta atewardablp, and In ft. soli mi hia property Ib i l arWton, and InTe-t'-- d m real ratt ' - rpT and Hrooklvn In the name of bla wife The suva-b- - Idora havt antd ha the Huprcine Coo rt. an claua this property shou'd ba put in th ha di of a rwlver, Dre,.ina pwreaaaad with fund of e i riaj. I an? .tppm. ruled, ami toat IB BOBMaih ing abouid be had. Mr. Hart denies that bo frtiudtil. nt ,ny of the Company's money aav be never w ( . nr-r- , and waa only nomiafrTly Prraidant awtOfalaty, IHU, ht having alnce Unit titar bet n ftWBff, ll I but a Mr. t n .nv orTa ii wua artual Piesnlent; thai !i" only roprrty of tbe Conipuny In bis pors"hfi an it i cf Jacob Pec ire (now allexed tu be inanU u or L f iHAl, and two iuU in ilrouklyn of I. til ui lac ompcity ol the Compnuv, le aw g pally ioftt throntrb the eartJre of hiork .. ' A motion lor a raerlvrr was ar .u. d i t. . .,jr Judgu Caruuao. Deeisiun r.sei vnl. fT KalFataV MAMLMOAD .ut ItDBM, The Rallroaid OfllelaTn Inrtlft r- i ll Tht lino Krmntiis TaUrn to Bottoai Mr. Morris M. IVyer who met his deatb on Wl Inesjy nurnlng In the New Bhffth IV ' niaa trap Waff a scccesafnl dry too l ci Tehant ,' No. fl Winter street, Bo ton. lie ha I come lo Yorl ciprt-sa'- to Infortit bis brother, Mesnr, F Baffaal V M I'eyaer. Inirortei ow Broirf vay of ft. rstl of another brother In lnn Mr. I). M. I'. tt r. i i thia city - A cable l 10 thai waa found in his ifuck a. Mr. re.aer icarea a wife and two rlddr-a- Tla was of the Hebrew filth, BfhOBft WhOM hi L td a l.inrc rirr o of ft lnda .ltd admirer . Tbe rai road offlclais re ainsnlrtrly In'! T rnt to the ninrder, and aro cu (lil ifflB t to throw tat I trti upou tbe llarle-- ra t i, s line ur't.r It h'tra- - they empty to driw t. e r curs info thr J. pet, la anawer to j r nott of the Coronet lor aaa on die , nrt of the t n.onn- -, the repl an i t " It was the CoroncTa 1 ce to snmnv-- . ,i th .t tbey ba nothr.t; at aU to do with alter.' 'Iht man.: d n miuna t.cre tik. n irnin th nine yiattrday gfteffaOOaj by tbl re.uUv. s. :i I MM th L. aton fur inurmeut. . Bl'.Mt MA MB The British Iron-cla- Monareli IffU) rl 1W ton and Vew York. Tht tonnage of Amcr'coii s Mafhatt ia tha hale ftshrry gmdnn'ty drcrt attng. Au Ohio law student who unue f.lly attempted to lit t n M a WBBfl ha gone BTBBff. (luribaidi'ft new work is dohOtbod BI b ir.g ne loiig.bUter, fni.oua r.ttaek on pr)eta and iraaf ciaft." Four fathers have fUod since the nj.nitif of tbe (E unienlcal ( oaucU two Cardinala a 1 ivt Baliot s. brnaacla is ftdvocatod by tbe mere!.. 'tta el Deri n as a favorable place lur au annus! In-- r st oasl cxhlh on. Camilla TJrao haa aocurvd all the aloe, rs afi4 I in u tin an urcoesery for bar "mouncr foat.t 4. raa Prone ten In Kuropo, women cm uow rA ' I grtcof M l. lu France, Il .taU, SwIUcrla. J, -- lodaB j aiid m aland. Tbe report that the wealthy voir r.uiil I' of Bute had left tbe Bomao catbolle Cbuui. i .Uioil f tatlffoly denied. The "coining; wuuian" has been MUnlltad il the l'n versify of Mehi;an. Baff ha hi Mocawaf, lid sho Is a sophomore. ( Tba American citUena at Datmbttl ( hart farmed a WasMngtantan" Club, of wbieti Qorlbatall M Honorary President. Silver baa been discuvurtHl in t) i'..r!i:i euuaty (III ) lead ml its, and a Michigan BQ apttrl art p r, urln . lo " gO for It." ii tbouaand nine hundred woiknn n t ron and tteel workaof Krupit, tu dcruiati nslaoJ 15,000 ooo poi nds ofatael lat year. An Enliah de ui, "in tba presen- - f III bishop and a large congregation," recu'lj lea ancsl the Aj r if ill ffttt u or name. A London merchant adverti-v- f r ri rlcrfc who eould brfte confl nrment." Ur rei ei vt? J aa from MM who had beet eeven years in jail. Tbe Nile baa rie i tins jeir to a 'eatfi heiaht than on er.y t w th u lifftl ..mibDil-- he itamaxc la ahoal .'00. 00.000 Of trhBtt. A doa;er oountaas, widow of a bf--' earl, has bestowed her hand np-- her tal oorlsr. lha fair brltl- - ha pnaae tur fUiluth year A loci, tr baa been fortnm! in 1' - aiffc BOptheJ of l foO OOff frtnt- - to develop nil ' silat Pratt e. and ibe, irltiti -a aa iBcffted I A Wiacoiinn olrri; in in w ao ba. bee .. Ing aralnt msrnare Is aurrti ir.; t. i.... ul ulue wivce living In rt part of th. A diHitiulty wiili tlie nauagai ol P I theatre ba IhdailBltrly noatpoiod lha iw rorma ea I the Itoestnl reqa em. e uncos d f crdl an I M I Au luJianu papei a.. tt is a Un liar fill I fhtl reliMons revirata ariftlviva th- in ul I during th- - shert tnd lar day. nf ne I A mall in .Ni w Hump .hire U." I hfiiwh dhaVh raw oyMort on a wtv fka l,lr"" I ii' n s aim.- on br BOhl Ctffst tsthr d - v' n ,T IvBoihla. A cloryninn of W, t V,!j i H BllB atrr's au. v io e IttMBOl p- .- ii and road ino t'l nliht. ItflOgtk, be M ' f toil Oil haafh, Ai tba rUtttral of Milt Ai l he ler. Vt.. i t loana ItHtlaa BPI'I for the fhOhlliH. BOt id ut tai. ' dirt e at tbe pffftffa, Kliubelh H.'itv, lhl OOffMlUaid n, n un of the rial o hiif Bttiplovrii . ii idoi In Khfllanl. baa Ifi'iU leul f akouihn' 111 i lls LIlltUL Tho llfltfian tin isle ll disluy- lo rove cfti'i heid on t i lift V r would he Inatiatli I L of tut i vVortvi ! th Thr rrptirt tbll Kr. '. wh i ' Uiutafftllltlli other d iy. h id hoi s, ir t away bv ao at madil ll ' hffUOl flftirthBtlBl ob a Hen icl pu" " The inraroemted nun. Hubm laid to took Mtrliuall v.eii i. tt in really Is. tv e III ns na l. inor. v n and hraftit, Ha r.-- . "ie t u th. aatj u. coin ran tiff 1 ittahs ' Mitoi..u p ijer tbat a I t ti Ihltg a UO name n. rhll O' Iht M 'i I' Ihdhfi BOl is'eivra u Ibrt h mdev d i'' OBJ bun .red no la; s wotth o c ' a d;.d'io an ut oah to aakuhatod eui i iifBl. SilthH uloa of whit the ho i r I Doliod hiatal an uu - to u v c i mifi I hJl itt 1st ui poooiulwf a i Uf ihruaahsiat tbe tou u.y i. i. Bioko a ffooalsYiiod Ii a had itaci tbiMt tuid laahfj hrand a

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1870-02-04 [p ] life? The noblest deed we know of are done by inon and women who xr

! U i P


Eljc IfcJP J5uu.II BMftM Tur All.

rSttlAY, mim'AKY im

mmilli r--

4 My r Mu-- l. M . ii

Apollo Mall Hi It m

ftbbth'b Thi Mtr--

, lltebnt'b NlftHHftta SI" ftt ill b A. . M4 I aire I

CmhiI lp rb 11 I

S nWt I'brnrn I

ft, . rb Ir.ab V 1 ' .1. irbf mi. ii - r ... rtniy.

i hmkM ii, to ir1 h flMHHWalNM. "DMfwH a

Trrm hi i M SB

1 i1 I ' 'if ssi i i i ...

Jfl1.i. M Minn II B'Ii bjbU M MM Ii 'V i j ., i "' ' '' ' "

bb 'b i'li WbMUT b i ItSb.PMt ASTIbtlbtM, r l,M- - H '

In . 4 . hi ... CI

, Iiim iMfrfbMflf tM, Mil. I'.att ftSTlH, to.4b MMflffBMMf) OMSM, Mf Rft . ffft Mb

rrttbl tTnflrbb. sfti MbrrlbST- - in I l llr, frf "nt. . ftW I.I,, .... l . ... IUi "Ai Iflbf ii. p.r. ihMk 91l. . will i'." .fi.. II, Mb, .

Ml In" t HOtJbbtl. Iibfl.b1, ,!.,..,' I' n "I. M

bi d Hlblbb iniT bt It. im Wbdklj nJ bbii.. W ... ), w'.tb.b'.l nib ihioi , bl IM "to' bbIM b l.rn. .

A ........ r. ii e mil. lb MM iwiih.

now II. t r t i should lie linprui'lirilnnrt llrmovrrt.

Tt i ft fnct, mid lln lvi..k of Iht Clftorflitoiibo ihow it, tiiut Moan B. Oriiinkix,t'i fnlliictor of port, hnn paid to Suim,Ti BLATCUFORDi lately one of Ml a.

nlio van a parly to enormous Iratiel Bpofl

the lvvi'Mlf, mi l who lUtl to CniibUln Willi

Mr. QRIMMBIX'I coiinivini, to owftix1 rivtrunl puniAlimcr.t fir lil rrimis, mid who

rmr bark by tlio ronnivanre of Mimoboflyrlftp in MMk ft wy a to rlniru the immunitycoonlxl to criminal thnt turn ftntc' ovi

denro. It in frt thnt Mr. Orinnki i. DM

I xi. I Mt man lit nUirynt a Dtp l(J( CiAltc-fo- r

fr nr the NflM tfiit ht ran a.rny until the(.',i(.' irAl n he WW ii.Vn f, il If (Ai WRrWHof

(Wi (r to riWyn hi off.fe ! In other word,a neouudrel who lulu roblioil tho (Jovirn

rami of hundnlft of thouAanils of dollar,aid who hftH rliwl to Cnnndft to omape pun- -

Ithinent, Ib paid 1 this good naturrdliuardinn of tho puldic nionry much moreM) ho ftdkA for, on tho protenc that tho

in atlll hi debtorThe wliolo biatorr Of Ibil case iboWl a

rjotpreo of ofTu inl tn apacity, if not of enm nalrulpftliility, In Mr QRUfltMU , whicli rtudoreIt necoeanrj' tl.t ho should at om-- be

removed from all power to doj li te the poo-vle- 'e

treury hcreatter.BLATCBVOBDM A man of rrppectftMe eon

neetiotiA, and the liidno'ieo of hia family ib

for special reason (HViil aily powerful overMr Uii.wii. lis IVftudft wvm diaooverot

In tho latter part ot Octl ' of, and Mr OniHIMU was ofltfiftlly InfoillMd of them by I

Attorney PiyMUCTOXT, Thereujon hepvo to BLATCnFOBO a leave of ali'nce,with wlii. h ho at oneo Bod to Canada,evidently in tho hopo that Lis crimesinifjht lo covered up by the help ofhie fr onds and ftuxicintes, so thnt he couldrot nr. to lus office us if nothing unusual hadhappened Mr. QUXXMLL t oaoo enteraluiiii the worV of covering np tho criineft i f

hi auliordinuto, deny ng to the reprtnoi'ta-tive- s

ot the press and other that lll.ATcn-FOlt-

had done any wroiif, and denvinff thatho hiul left the city tor in ire than n

dny or two, though t'.ero were tile-frat- i

is In town at tho ilUM proving thntIII. AT( Km; I was in t'anadn. and poob-pOo- ll

lag all rx-r'- s that any I'r .ud h--d U en roui-oiit- tl

by him.The effort to hide Hi.Mt ttpoiin'i s,

however, proved fuilue. Thanks tothe independent pn-ss- the facts wen- - droppedInto publicity ; anJ then what did our ven

srftldo OolUctOf dot Why, he acttptol thrrtf'.jnation f tbiri detected rohler, just ns il

ho l.ud DOM an houornl lu, llnm' less man'Tin he did Without consiillini; thj Secretar.Nof tho Trcucury upon the sulject. lie evi

iflBtlV feared that Mr BOUTWRIX would not

let his friend of) so eunlv, and accordinglyhe fon stalled any onlor from h in by ftC

ae)rtin 111 ATI IIKollii's n .e .Ue-- and nounnation n IttCOOMOZ in his ;dace.

Tho final act of pavie BbATCBrORO bllalary for nominal service in the t;mc while

ho was a fugitive frani jiiHtire ill C'aiiftdft, Ir

f ft piece witli nil tho rest, of Mr UttlNITkViL'l act In tliis ce Is there a man so

ItilBtn tod u Id tiny that the official who thusbnsui his trust, the Collector who toys

money to thoee who have br ken Into theIn asury and ha- - e been canplit Kdibiog it.

should bo ponoilted u day longof to controlthe Vin t sums of money nnd the vat intrrut thftt pftM tbfough tlM Custum House 1

Or i there n Ho)mblicn in OongfOM whowill not fool thai ther i .s no fcali ty fur h.sparty until Musis II Ont"JHRI.I i tin

utid pemoTed from oStoul

lliinimi Lifts' nud Ii. :. KMUdiCupt. bJiiAW, of tho UotuloB Fife Brigadp,

n ceuih visited this o t t" study the OfgUni

nut ii u and uii.n.iieiiienl of our Tiro I)eiartm'-nt- , so that whatever fUpOflority It pusHHX.-.- iniht ho IssfUfnofutud Into bllown e iimuauil at homo. A recent rtlMltiTIn one of the inline Hate Itlburbfl of LondonH'llj HlmtUlM 111 iHUilm need of reformin die lyitera wbloh v'm there for the prov. lit. on and ntinotlon of flro. It ftiftQ furnlaliM iliigulftf MtMBpbi of mittokoa NI. ."lull .'I' ll

The o it Siarnnd tbirtoi Hotel at RichmondII. .1 is ftlutOftl l.ii' OUi ill I,ond .i RUtluiu, lli'.ih1 in tto neighborhood of wuny structuresof annuiit ditto, 1" culi.irly llubtU to Is. rie

tfoyod by lire. 'I lie inn WIJ il sod fur tin

ii inte r, it out) dculmni bvtng tho mantgor- u ('. utleiiian who hud lor inuny i .ir! een

an utiieer of tho huigliab imij dark, aSelUnuoil, and a boy. A Ilro broUo out, inwind manner I not known, at o'clock in

tie raoruhig, and tba padldlnpj was totallyll.istr ii. All the Inntataa except tieBtaangPT eacapod, He was on flu; thirl!l r, "ii i;, Iftlnjy si-- oqg after the lireraj undof full lioadway, But tin re wu no

wut r obtaluabbl hy which to clneli theI' inn s, nor ait) lu id r or :'u. tratie to finglaU a awna of fulaaaa to tba uufoftunatoPlait F c utrft'. he wan bui imd to deathm i not tho utualloat u aau o( bla issiy baabeen cliscovor.-- l And when tins ajaadlaajlaagady was atmnlotoi the avtlwritiaa conreiusl u HMslIng and to llstJullM bowk nil canio ul- - ut

III . They aseertftliind that eight 'flrn enir'.nesaglgajfe, ft"' re irecut al the scene soon alter tho out


break of the fire, but that they were utterlyDJl ICM bic, u.P " no w ater was to be had. 'ITie

"tuneock" of the district, under whoaecharge are tho water plBMi waft firstftwukened. lie dlHUflfud that thero was an

Insnffli out pressure on. and msn was senta d stance of five miles on hors back to givethe necessary order t the otfle- -i of the com-

pany, lvlsy after delay ensued; an thefire engims mihl as well have bOUS in NewYolk n w.thiu a few rods of the burninghotel.

Hut, though rod tspe snd n faulty systemprevented the presorvati ui of the bvjldlng,why wns not the man within it saved V TMevidence shows that the nnthorities were not

unnwnre of the MMflg danger Lastthe;- bad tppUcdtO the NCtOf Of the

purish, whose rlnindi was ivt far fr. m theold Inn, f r permission to place a Are escapeon the n .rth side of the churchyard. Tin rrailed his attention to tho fact that the placewns th" best that cm! 1 l e ebx'td, on ac-

count of It publicity ; that there wasMod of curing to resident of the subnrb ft

l etter means of escape from fire tliftn thatiBbtdail by ardiMiy bsddari ; and thnt in the

el'y of London proper fire escapes In many

instances are all owed to Ixi kept In thochurchyard nf tba parish to which thoy be-

long, Hut the answer nf the minister ws ft

refusal. "1 decline,'' ho nld, " to nllow thet'n M apt to be plac si In the rhnrchynr 1 I

abottld think it wronir and sn art of ilesecrft-tio-

to kaop ft o In the chnrihyard.Which I bel eve to bo holy ground."

Now, if th" clergyman had allowed themachine in question to l o jdncisl there, thelife sacrificed at the ts'ar and darter wouldwithout doubt have Ixvu sine I. No othersuiublo tation w found for It, o that no

fire escape whatever had been proridiKl tipto tin time of the Dm. I H not both absurdaud w rong to nwert that ny I'round is ioholy to be un-i- i for the purpoo of aav laghnman life? The noblest deed we know ofare done by inon and women who xr 1 theirown lives to uvo those of other. And howcan it endanger the unnetity of the hol.estground to aid in preserving the lire of men T

Fatthlcua Democrat.Objectionable in many other reaptcts a i

the new chsrter for tlii city prepared byMeusr. BWMWT, TWIBD, H.M.I., and theirasaociftte, It coutaiua one provision alonewh ch sVonld lnnre, not only It own re-

jection, but the ruin of it proimsera.Kor years past tbio get llemen haro beenharping upon the nnnstrntn Injoaticu doneto the eople of this city by taking away thetaxing Kwerfrom their imtiiediuto roptvsen-tatiro-

and vcitiug it in the handa of menentirely IfMponfibMI to them for theirbabarlor. They hnvo eicu.-.- ! them-circ-

fr- in the charge of corruption rndcu by arefriog thnt tl ey hal no

eontrol orcf the city appioyirlatkma, endhftro lsinstil much of tho reform theywould effect if they were only clotluxl With

the ncci Fsary power. Vet now, with a Demo-

cratic ready to comply with theirw sin s, tin y coolly propose tho passage oftba following enactment :

Frc. !H Tc Croon n ronndl bhatlhivs nn towrrto impose tales or ftSSIMMI'WtS, nr i.orriw miiney,or eaatrct debts, i r nmm las i reait of 10 eiiy, so-lr-

srs riht.r smnorisoil ss to do liv art N thelmtlurs. nn.l all the IrfishtlTr powrr ot the eHfbh ll l" bin or ItnMe t n.l be eiercl-e- u in af.rnuiv "Mil. inch ataM! mnt, rirrron, orlinetiilon I are row ff neiafVr uis be

hy Iri- - IsTtuUlure,In Other WOfda, they Intend to go dlrrctlv

ftgainst their prcviou profeanior,, and ecutlnue tho anjuat and nndimocrntic SAtemof 1 vying taiaa uuJer which we hvo Leo:i

groaning lor so many years.The Independent PimocraM In tho legisl-

ature fr .m this ity, Messrs Oli.VLT, Ciieam-- i

n. NoifTOX, and others, liuvehere ft aplandldopjvirtii' ity for Winn ng to their support anoverwhelm ng majofity of our Deiuncrat.odtiaatMi Let them loaiat that tho power offirinp the amount of money rrrjti.rcd for

both city and county purjxi. s U given to ft

bisly of men elected by tho people (f thecity, and t)iu d.roctly reeponsible tothem. This tho only nund democraticsystem, and must be adopted before we shiilllav,, anything Ilk a hlf adttlalftratlon oftho c ty oxpandituraa,

Cor. Hoffman IliRht.Our general opposition to tlov. UofTMAM

all never load us l itentionallr to do an actof toward him : and we cheerfullyadmit thnt in the matter of Jolts-- POLBI thoQovenior In actssl very fa rly, and in ft

manner deserving of commendation fn mmen of all parthu.

The Attorney i ieiu rnl should now allowMr. Pouch to bava the in t conducted by hiOWn counsel ; we ure confidi nt that thecjise will i daddad aecordinp to law.

Conpres ought to provide for the appoint-ment ef tommi-biu- to lis .... of literaryman of aekaowtedged ajaod taste, whose duty itshould be lo bt'lrct and d ie usmis for ucw

and ittltsa. We l.uve alfaadlthe bluadin of niuuini one Territory

(now a Ststc) " Nevada, " inother "Colnm- -

do," and aaotbaf " Bantam." n of abiskwurd-- i aro aoniajanplaai adjectirus;W bill a fourth Territory lei' tbl nuinc " Wyo- -

aiina," bowanad bnai t'eaayilraala fauaty, unda ft that of 11 Waablagtau," arhlab Imd alreidypoaa appropfi ted hy li wns nnd counties lattU

ineraliio tlii.i iiiout tin I'liinn. New, tve sa-- it. afanaiad 1 call new Territory adjoining Kan.

ia aa tba south 'Liaoolo," sl.ieU is about asannaaalag nnd agly an appauatloa a aanbafound. Smviy ibafi nr. et i uoogk nuslaalsad ligalAiant In, linn name Rot yat in use, cutof ablcb lo ahooia oaa sultabbi frf tka aurpoaa,wuh.uit riaoftiag to M i,i!ici,iu.M

T'.,e dlaraputable aud doollolng Ttmridla.putos i he aorraatnaai of aa account of its praa.

ul edit orlal .Aieii DnbUabad by Mr. A i . . i -

ti a c. Mariaiaa, hut it dues not dare to qaasllontlie lliui us oditori are now lien rl nil tog- -

Uhm n. Tboogh printad in tteu Vafk, theTim is aCtttiall an liiiliU psper - and dullst ibid

'Die JribWU has in In ten sting itatfuant of lha builuaia af tka ('antral andfine It iilrnads during die year indin; f Ho.

ibiij. The t ci, tl;il nu de light J r Cent,und hud a inrplai Of mure lliuu a million ;

snnle the lirii! wai nut nblo e ven to pay Mian 'i

eoul. on Its eiht mill on rnd n half ofstuck, let clune patiau diudeuels vn lis

lavanty nUhona of atuaiaaa stock.We dn not qaaatlantka iaatiia of the currant

apiaioa tbai tba Caatial i .J is nsak tsttcrinsiiagisl Ibaa tho gill but it rhosld also not befurpulten that the ( tnlrul bss a narrow sni ti.eUrn. ft liroxd nup ai.d that a bruad gauge roseiwill lose MMnfy, nkHa ens srtth a narrow gaoirsat lu aide Baku, mvoi-y- . Tbe gnat fault u the

Brl thfttitUix fctit wide; rthI ll lODgMllremiim to, fti irctionln will trjftr hadlv At the curl

of tho year, no matter how it wui.magcJ.

Thftl the lion. t'llAIIf.Kfl HfMXr.H BllOllld

l'O rncrgt ticallv ft wirk in hin elTtrtt to irnlucclil, OOltMgVM in tho Cnttld BtalM Setinte to fo-i-

li Wh him in favtir if tho ppcrterrution ofIrtTf ry nml (he i iniHt ion of tho av it ia

Tub, w ii 't nurpriatiuf.;. Hut ibnt br bould open-I- t

HriM k hn m'uf Uv in fturh etfort) Mr.

Loni !infnTi. the Hpnnith Mioitter, n retllvOn Mnndair ImI llMM two gnt!em?ii

mlled tnpetlrrr npnn th Hon. Cabi, BOKtTRt,

t'iiiti StBttm Stnator from Mmuun. They

IMI not irceivfid.

It ii Bnid tlt Ihtn nrvcr wan nt powerfulttOt no corrupt lobby ut AlUoMiy m tbU winter.Tbll atldrMltl grcttt corrupti(n in the LeiriU-tiin- .

1hr ) nitici'atry IMMl look out. IihIimiIu-jiNin- n

v mak' uioney by l leRinlfttmn ; but(hi hnmcnud thf blame Kill bo ruinoul to tho

A HF.ft T9;n oi.oxtL'ti i:i rr.M. r.An Inmpretor.fJt'iif sol ItetirranlnB Pnvnio

rirTn MeHnifi mcjnr on UU t'oaororlnlivt HHtHirdlnnleo.

Thn cnTninnndinjr ofticvr of the Fouitli Ilegi-:nrn- t.

Nt w .ler-t-- ltille 0P9ft Wfco ttzur' d M ft

feitr l mmlitUto tn tho rhctlon for Culom of thati 'tunc nt upon itn i owaolautlon )u the National;nanl latt Arril, obont to inon thoio

ntlccm who. In voting Mttl! him, fallod to npTre-'ihl- o

him at hi oa riluatittti. Or n. KunTonhim, after Ion de'eat, as DiTinhn, IMlMrttOr-t- i upon bin t ail by way of nonthini; InswoHh-Uv- prt'le It i the dnty o( ihia oftcial lorwdtf o .intniil rtpori ttlunttRf thv Ml vbrui oftMk oriuniiution, m, all lalllntj bfiow th tta-- I

l.hrt minima n aro ny Iiw iciirrnt to bf i

.li d, In hia Unit rrpt Tt. trir lrpvtor Ocnrr 1.

m tftiUiatniulins tli raci Hint rvcry comuuy In hW

old rtlnrnt WM nllM bi low tho mimuium, hathiken riritrnlar enm lo rep-n- t only tlio- tii-- e

t fftrers rot-- n.-- i I mi on a forimr oer.iapn.Illii it ii n m tUia matter ! Hwnrll a a aTMU k A

of hi- - unrtttie-- 4 tn hoT l cnnml-:- i ii,It tut rery p'Ortrthlr the ralhnt ptH uma-rrf- T

will be i ahert upon to !mco a com I niarlMl (r rirrhcliuu uf duty.

OUTM Ofj.i.v.s oi rsmw.The i f. I... An bar How Aim i Olrk-Ino-

MarUft Uairrld-Hoiit- iu ttj lI i .

VtV ih CMwff" Tr(bun.Mi-- a Olier Lgnn is in town. Sh was nt tho

Mirrmwu Doatf ymterdny, an I at one of hrr Ikieidl'r j i- - intcrvlewM. Mfra Loffin bai npmmn,ana .aie of Morn are contained lu the following; :

T" ;:l r )' V AM. Thl V4t.LT.I IfMOM Mr ti won the h't bfJttaMM tt M

tcnatttrsf aa anything ei. The Kngliith honotwiapraithf Lydm I hompaioii tit ope, I in. a u e faf wWCT

thnn billet irtrl who ilancea on the face. Iao-et- n

i" in art, it Wfll ua palntlnr or rui'tirr Milth Luriettquem were neltnrr munnil, I. ttrionw,uur Ijr.c ariiatv Ac'rawtua or hallft glna aia noniftf mim ral than OihOI women, in proportion lotlo lr nmnt er 1 cm tufntioii inat.y actreataipa inlUifl ton who art virions ha mu man Cava wnu urof. t I'nnciptM of rteeenc) ai! vhtnr arc thcr n.tarta whrn ).unz. artl ll er bo t'irourhnte on the aluae puu- to ih. i nj. in all I havo w t

ttn on M suiitet I iiajYti aev r mrnlionf-.- l a mnaU-nimr-

not c l.vU a 1 i.oiur- on, ho mukr irec uneot tav ii:u' heiora tb lootlitcHU. 1 New Y rkhailct g tU got from to $15 a . aeet lol.reir lattiiiv In tlaueio, which la lue ml qH.liiira-- r

ii icq. mute. 1 mitti apieiaily to t.oncc that Dr.liatmhl. ul Ih. t rlty, ant Mttaj in Kmi

i luiicnci wi:Ul'a lo a bU n.uue i, 1 lorttet culledfrum L irttcttti wl at atjitod llir.r ut- -, uu iut tl.cui to the diMmem ol netrepae.J hit wait un. air. and I eotirelr repudiate it rc"ti- - rutiou i ty ibt ui u, l. uiy w rttiua. tV lien 'he naOafratfl uitM incni it neet "nlul it will n an'- w

iu.a l liranelieaof all pro MtttM an.1 Iraden NttJ luMoa ntat.un of li.e.r uot.rt. Then, It

girl tlcairtai lo he a ha gvl Off a citai ahtp uutkr.It bt tl) on stood that ahe diea ao tornru a litt iliuod, ond t ot iront otte r m.)tlTi. TutKngllih hurle-qa- vinni-- ii havr done moir lo hurinthe atukje aud to loner wotranho-K- hudtnenhoiek x Hi u anvtlng that e'r hai , ne to us. 'ire"Mlack Cr in iia worst orm v..ia pocue; tnttht re ia ne.thrr po.try, cenc , nor acii tn theKn.l.ah I url aquiri. i' re are ut many ttriuut.aKffttWi on :be ilatgl aa off It in proportion.

caLut rniNfg artiu n am kkolisu acn.Trine A Itbar ia hUtff Kt.hah noh. I uw Ltta

ten rMi IgO whm a bnr. Will Ml titer In .

He ou s teote' uit. I m n nch 4itii Hie k. n u gtoatul decllnine o giro h.ra a

pu' lie reci i lion, ll a- - , r dt(tn.nti rha oat?,ptc wi o ti i y to blra aow urdy bo ifthr meet la kland Tuat H the w a M ailthe EnalUh mi-- i ra :y m thla tuuirv. n.e ..t nillha gud bai II thvy cu ( t, aaJ cut their fr.eudauVtr iIm: e

11 A ' lST nr. riFTMHH MaM.atgT.T have n'T Mpngajl t nf nitnoriiy reprt-t- o .1 tuon, hut

Ihivrti edit oi the Fifteenth nautuimt at, an.l amorppaad to It, utveauna it mill iale aaroffa, CMaaaV

girl n 'nun. and it) tntrUariana over t' a beada u'ttiu. ai. I Ral i ' oil ; rnt imen. Mr .In'inn la ourenam-'- n tn Omfffff , he la cejtly adminM by n.Tha ftnl tine "f .n in Mli 'ge I. comlni.

aa UiTir up jri" l it. .1 Wis. LlT. rroorc at herJaM valuf. Wh t i r ohie, aup. rh nian. "hoarod'd .of srnrt rt ep paier, alibi u,h aha drvtttrdlitre rraffl to ehant .hie pu'pot in ttna rltt , 1 i.anot tbiiik rbarnjttle work ought in e p for; Itwon d not he eliantv t ll as. Charttv - thr a

mitbuit uf the htarl ; tnt I thiuk t'hic i0muni to bore auutMoiad Ler paptr. 6b will gut agood aalary In lion ton.

ax. un g.vf.N a tr rrr ar nanaiin. to a noaStl Halt HtM Iirkknmjn nnd 1 are rery alannrh

In da. BOl ritall Hi ;i1 klias Dn ki its ni La not unrn d et. I beitete !l l true ihatbe haa hid two fmn--

ft - of r a nare ; any girl WHh f).(sQ a rearwuM ikel) have as ffanW A tuan w ill tkl aanioreofnO oonfd pwhihly haa aa manx wive aa lie

plea d An-l- is taenty a a yean old. Hhe oughtlu peraial i caltbacy tl hkoa, she haa aot tiuiofoi gtarHagC Join of Arc did not drn atockWig- - :

r ml in dttflgal Uiaa In . er younger dir, buthrr m n l - BOt 'u'lv tteveloo'd then ; gkg did notilffw Mm ui a tcr aur (.ok no th aor.. ET-- If allwoniont mtadff were fally devlo y A the attHkiiurawould he darned ; wuno-- w u d than invent daxn-ini- r

muehineai und etahliah a hired ayatcm of laborlor the emplovmrnt ot imprcuiitoua mt'ii and wonicoaa darut ra; I lilnam ii might become darners.A v a bill mUlM VX MIBKT IOMI U '.stliM,

CHI C AOO MAS.I w BUM llacsi to ai cotiruae Chineae emigration, hat

woulo not kiv- tin ni tne nullnt, as they aie dlsguali-f-d bf lik of Inti Heel ; t oaid like to establish an

educational taat,aad H ve for a atandar-- fluent hand-wri- t

I of i. ttd lha K.teLlig'nt autwiTiutt fff a aarlca ofoncatloni rffMtlffff aB the h'storr of oar eonntry.Thf-r- oqI.1 ta anora than another genrrallon ifwmut n's unnds were fully dv lu d. W - ManIIH Mra. Liv .more, ni.d Mrs. .lulu Ward Howe art

- Ih fnailnct of watcrnitywouldri oiuiu. Anna DicMi'ftoii hiay ytt siiccuoih to tone(uliat,iie Cbleajo man. Hhe would make a anlfndhl alit she ta a gloelnus girl, hhe haa a grantidea uf ionic ait. Hheuould go on tho aUceand make aa nio h mi ey aa now. It the duty of

g herself to hrr tea waa i. t Incumbent upontear.MJffl Pivrs at ogt.aojrTfj'o'a anonga i.traRATrae.

My ri.T. t r ws d vuted Irom th siaife by litera- -

tui.'. ladori Itaratan. I hart iu at flushed i.otoruann'-iTi- of a new bo-i- l b lie.fort! 'h Kootlhta and Ithin't Baaoaa.1 heildea

niJttorrii t pagea Of a aerial atoty lor the DetroitIribiUi. U a lOBuattl a J hit ric. Il ta BaOMthe "lJJot hu f I huve no Unit for the atago.tbOOgb 1 dp throw oil trlflea as mr "furf'now al thr Museum. When WliUBff, 1 Woik fron U

to 4 nr fi in U t oft iff td iIih AuilouV t iiiod. In NewYork. I dlueut U.Imouico's every day. I lite oui..' Karopeao pl tn; n is a gotM iiian for young marr i l loiks. I go to the Htu onin ; (Uire ianot inueli litlk ihete nbom the 1 lecture on" li rl " n W i dp. r it t vn inr im at. the tVI of rruarv, 1 bara, nt Kartell Hull. 1 BM hcturu on" lloia'' n vt agtal n,

njiaoi in oi nan ai,.I t!vrtk Reffaaa Urai hy AM oalff wo ai'iv things in

Mi ir - j;. igtg boll fi r .tett. Darla. bb4 opTomg i

a lUOP $9 lloioce hki ly lo 1ffg amle a whilei i li. u a clu a. roboft aon of Mi. r;ca.wi-k- .

I dout bat tve Ibai tiiuut waa iMtlratad in ihegold bnainaaai dunk uorma tooit-- 1 igk,

I wun't aay layhini iboai tieihd uher rabc.Ih n ; it v Ottld RBka th - tbllll tOO farctral ; ttulU reiuihds Bta of o inoadotr, wtth you can put in.I wit up In MiBBaaota. near ihe Kcil (titer country,two years aro, nnd thera waa an lodlaa t i calledHole-- . ii - u : lh 'Wy but Ifo.t ,n th lav, ol t ho'-- i

I c i If wert-- rery f:u-h- afruld. t'n' di a inrlr it l. to he In net- - heie I m .,, aiaj Ing, and rhuutt 1

tl.B' " UntaaAtaal Wall" Wlla roHUl.g,Dbtcatfo Mdtanaffa aye van fur t'cmonatra'tve,

niol 1 1. 1MB i M IpBOM t. t ncin .id la quiet. UaattonairaUva, und .i Ut t pMk lo, (toaion i

v i y BIBB) - Mafitt tba m iloitenb town in allII count t y its Bellow aa a r pc pt,uy, li will br along uo e pefoffB i uicaco ta p litrrari bkf Nowkurk. I Bioan t h:t no great naaica Uko PrtaiitC'i icaro haa In proved Wondi r.utl, in gal ycur ;tt era re iw a'tagato the couii h'uie. Ctitaagoirehltertmi ii mora ki ltrii tban Niw York tho

BOW w lor,I d n't k00 lu,ut l, c eioc of Wulsh, hnt I don't

tl nk men o ijriit to he haaftfftl even joy niiiraciiuuwives i gin aoad I. i. aapital nagaakniant. t heII t gaj a lifts for lift bat 'I Lb'it rule a il loUo

d u ho vvi.u'. I laiak Ih'i trfttgntim f Va,vu uue,could luM dr.

I yog Uavg U C .UUiU LOW, lUkc it plajMaBtilioaj Ljr.

1 br Itt t . Ilm ui c t,ookt,, lirrrubtoiia.j wit rQ i sroM, i a.

'ke it mill his wila and boj ooaff Uoatoii,undi r niedu'al lyaatatffttt and aet king yaal Iliabund Is tt) il'i'ihied. Ait or uppt o iu fr--

this otra liu roamed lffati a hand keep-ing with him, ai d to I'lun o, nmonf othertin - WbllOtbrya heaenthuek fflfi of borrowedmoney, nnd wrote Wt'B "i . he full like o ungingInto a wildernce, nervr to tot a human luce :igaln.Immediately after wittina be si- rt. .i Aay bogie, h. nwarmly rcceircd by hia wife. Ilia whtreahonla wiltnot i'v laaia uou.-- lu wider tu aruld furtbt i nolo-- r

rty. H- ami and unlet, and ou out will baill' tu r. I., a,




Tho Dtfeat ol ruollo-T-hr Arnhnsbrdhtufnt (.en. Jot dnua THnk Mnr. --

airiits hajaaliluu Pnella'a Trtalnfl Th I

rHpnalah Heirrm-T- hr tiban fii nrrulaF.aaerrdo nnd Olherw nl i npinn

t oneapoitdenct of Ikajaua.Matahxai, Jn.i. 20, 187" -- When I wrote

niy loiter of tha Mill taaia. ali'ckla the Sr of tho b, glTin you

an aeronni of (he rlrfca of Pnell Ml and

her salellltea aot up a yell of rage at tho immi-

nence ol tl.o Pr nnd Its harcfsci dnf s In pO"!!'1'snrh Infrrnal Ite. tbt corn sp. if dm Ha-

sina Ji urnala telched forth th lr, thepute Hue Moo,! ta Hpoln, ar d NN f.' Mns ot thegriiiul ui, washed wero ontrag. 'V Mai the eorrcap i

uf the New York prt .a w ri uaiotished. Uy

this gtt amir tl wll! new" rt Ball Blktorj at IMinti llliEnc'c of

ffraiLo'a nrrrtT.Tho Bt. Dotnlngo IffaltOff, who auM M own

to tha Spaniards fof gold, lafl Nu.-- is .nineflat of Deciaoer, a'.th hi Iriy H.'X-- Ma, einnhylngBtren dnvi to r- aeh Ro trtgaffaa '1 ' I ?l aattt - lOBl

about iwcti'y mm dsi': . nnd fhlllo intended toekanro hia line ot Byarcb, ovtlng lo t.;e eouUnu.lhiraaaln of tba pn'riot-- . tut lortnnaw ly he BOO

tinned with hi oigro guM", who, on n' nr'orInforrfM d PaittO Uill Ih patriot elamp waa

yet narly two raiha ilBtBBt. not k iowtag of the H

latrnce of nn old ln'r nelir.w nt erected oter n y t ur

flgO. Jordae, erf rt y a.n. of every movementof tho enemy, urdc . ta not cmtdcto flltncc.and l.ciUMlhera hiiv'ng tninaged to nmke an oldMM gun sei rteahlc. furn Mied uMut ten ronnda oforimnuition lor tho piece. ThoMp:innrds advanced,wltl out IWattaWttaal tho Intrenehmfnt I in iront, orthr pad lot srrny drawn np ui its hahfce Whaa tffJaV

icn!ff r. piatul shut was hc?.d, th-- final to lJn theconilwt.

Too cannon ItMlfJ with Nhrspnel mow d; down theadv inct gu.-.r- of the 8t aniar Is ar I ItM ti' in riflesitiide and hitvue mnung IM n tin h dy. At tho Aral

di ch:ugo ovtr fvnty fhe p ' "f'1" rro killed,nod BjMfft tl an tv tee Oil nomti- w. nnled. Thopanhrda foatiil like tlgtrs nnd tutt.ouh they

red the jvilrl t, of iv oin tuHtiy were tuilyarmed, almost on" th;rd, not nn inch of pn und as

mined hy them. At night .11 tha tlinatt n lemaltudthe Mime aa in the morning, the put hot- - Mttetatt tig

theli position In front, the Ppaulatds about noonpost as Ing lhena ra ol a lilt h cinlntnce on t tlaffMdefaatli f th amnll body of patilta atationud th ro,whoae rimunnlon had glren uut.

Tho waul of flitmunitlon now berime general,whxn Bi iimi rlitertrfj, with party of tntivillters, alh

r nr uf tho bpaniiirds, and with aaudd' n y"ll killed th"ae guarding fajaMtf! triln. nnd

Ci.r:yi' l off or deatrorod tuew'iole of It. The Soau-lard- s

then made a rcry desperate at', mpt to forcethe roflilon. hut wero nna'de to do It. and aee'.ngtho futility of ttt'.r attempt, retreated to ArroyoHondo, where they remained until the 1Mb, unableto return to NoiTitas. onleaa they would Lave acriflced all Uieir wotiuded, nnd powcrlces to altnek thepatriots. Puello nt Ust manazetl to pot hlmarlMnmarch, nnd reached Haga. a ae tlement abont aeientnllra ftom NutT'ttia, on the tt.M, eniloylng acrcndn(a lo march twenty ratlct. Tlie eC U aoi? .

force of the Bpanhirda at Djcti mi i.'- ' to sixii n r' d aad twrntynlno men. Krery tnmhr of

of ataff was either kill" ! or wounded, l'oel.oMmseit being wounded ta t., The l"areare:

riTaioTs.Offleeri kill. J ll hold tar W;le1. nwoiUrfis aou.idt.-- ao d ars Iffalaa Ill

artMAroa.Ofllf" killed M Boidirrs killed, or whooifli woat.aud a.i dito or aroar - r

HBttaaM wuaudi--

Tie difference of oaca tn the Uo aides:a owing to tlo first threa dt"charzea oftho patrlo'e bth ud tho lotrencotnt ota, 'when hi la inle patriot a..a illhrr killed or WOWhdod,

whl.c tlio uiiscanrcttng tspanUrd-- rtcelred a u

nt ffrr at few ycrda d. stance Into their closi lyBhtfta rallka.

uen alM ia r averting to attj. k Jord n, Whomhl fuiiaU.a gg BBaTatl i hO tO r ccii' ht n aad hilr cp. Tlie lt Wll he lha MM if In 1'iul u'c is , and ere Mar, h ea;tr. ilie troops WtUbaCOh

l il tney i ven m ituuin tbt m. Ives in thl seaporttow ua w uiiout being at'. at a ; lha uu 'a nil fbiilid'iar"inieiits are WMwdniWa t'nmi tlit mtertur. iheywill full i"tn the han "f the aurrraisiTeiv.

About forty of the BMlah Yolnntrers) hareBid j ui i bah patriots, whito tk' about

one eunditd i m the inl 't.ihou fUtioneil onttn ntTTttt Httlrffrt Tnoai kafft baconn- so irtqnent thai Hern r, thr hniiub '.rniraliatruerto I'r ntie, h.ia recolw lo w th raw the CjU-lat.- s

irutu that line, tm I IBB I U ui aomewhi re eislutihor rem.. t l DWtttha f'lnan lines. l'oel.o

to I 0. rto Tnucpu oh .". t

lactly wiblug tu ... a auu.i laiAM geuctal lu gatherUnr. it.

Tho Hparlsh J"rmi't apd rffl il rtxrt ln1t lisfI'ueil t.rok llna mifo, hut IhH l is plainlyapbitent, at tl.o Ing-- gt men! hi ll e 1t took f .ncobeta t in Caarro atu t.uaiuairo, and Pnttio retrratod tfter the haith . are ml c to tha same jour-nal. Tbt patriots art In hl;h feaiorr. and he Fph-lt-

orgtna will toon me inotht r ttiut. Ihe hpanlurds into a few more hatts gaaj may on ejicct tol arn of a ni:".t er of eiecnti ".a among tee pcare-abl- e

.ii inulti-- itffl poiUon of the pnpulouud. Tbat hi their ay of old .Icing m t

tr.ft hUg,Mr. Itedpath, t - - n merrhant, has been

making itnotic fMhhk BSN eh- a IB our low n.Ha.ipatn ia t beio; ll t fnet oi hating n u ited odine with a Npamari g nn jl hat m.ide bun ( rget h.acountry and bis peraonal iliatuiy, It he ever li.i t anv.Tho .1r- r,i newapr:- la tuitt. jub.Unt titer the

avBtjl iu ant of Iteupaih. and g'uwingly lurltaaother loreigntra tu lul ow lua eaamp.e.


The gr indlloo,nent announcement ol the capturtof Hen. Marcano and Livj, ami oi lien. Klrneiedo'alamliy, ao vaunt'iinty heralded by tvt-r- E pant si u,turns out ta b ft ucutly uhn ated lie, a uh t verynice foundation to btild upon. 1'jt l cap- -turtdianol Orh, Marcsnn, tht l arinietm, but anold man named r'runcitro Marrauti. unable tocirrya tfitn, mark lete to direct an army roipa. iaa diauat nlatioa uf the go rnlla LlTh, the terror ofthe truly loyul, and de Kiaiieredo lamliy is not ihefamily ul (ten. iVdro k kaueredo, but ui toiue otbrrgcnlltmai: bearing the aamt natiuc

The Aaaoaalnmiou mf 4 aatan n.UtrtM, Feb. . Two men were killed in this

City last night. una arr eomnu in freetvfor tbc orpuftns of taaianon. The Spaniards mant-fta- l

great Indiguiitiou at t t killiug of l uataium.Kuan all porta ui the ItthOd ttOhM rcpoHl of pub-lic dcuiOiiairati.tftt ol MttrrhaM ngaiLat tht ( ulai:a

The Captaln-Oonera- l a an l ipotab to, whleli bt wurua th rolaattors t.ini too will tivaa po.r idea of the Uuvcrniiu'iit whtah emul is themby committing tela ul retaliation, nnd .1 tlicmtu cotifiiie lliemauivcs to ihe r dtttjr, ihu nyalattl iUtof public order, in die pcriorinaiiee ul Watch tberaro tht flrtneat - ..1 of th. autluritiea.

MXQUIMITM in ti i. i tut s irllnusllrn of .dm I'lauka liicenlaualr !

Oat nud aVill. 4 vslih boloo llnaaaaa.Ouc of the in. it indent ua tie m t ea that ever

came ondcr Ihe notice oi mr t'nat an Uuuaa offlcialaaa discoTed yeafrdsy. It has been obst reed for

ouio lime pari that aahVhM c gaia bhVg loun th-i- rwuy luto tint city ob Wlttffb M dat bad been paid.Paitlea suspected of the Imud wt-r- fftoaijy watched,but the skill on luim iv di?y dis,dici were aogreat that lor a while tnt wutcucr wero con.plu.eIrhmd.

Information phi reedTe i s' .ia. whleli d r. w ipu lou ou soma txd ir Bhokj tl t h id trnrod ou t: aateatu'r Da toah iThal Darhhhi and been consignedtoM. M. Ie1gftdi, aft id r ahffatt, They wernreirularly paaad tkrohfk Ibl Chiton llou-- o, hut inH't-a- of ueiug takeu to JMzu.lii diey were eou-v--

i to itrhi k itorr, llCo'tunot stnei, and hemwin setten. The pltiuks Wtfft 10 ieft huig 9 ineheatlih k, aud 11 were in Bhch BhUdJO, When the ortl-c- t

.Ta saw tho a i n tutlnti&l of bu.iigaoid" ttiiu.i tkitr htihdi.Anyiitni iBorahatiiruj tbih tbaaa bun il-- s Itwotld

bo haro to Imagine, '1 in t ,tP i , 0 fiber byua re 4fCM of airl , an I - im .,f it. pittuk pihcyond tbt Mhojs. M (f llfv ,1U(, faakiauked nbotit The buns tliatuaulffhl midl tbllUta o' their belli.' eui I. r the atuujclmg olcuara rno,t Mrrobabla, Tliffaa r .iar Mlhkl amImported irom II Tiuvi, bu aiise ti e t'ulum cedard ib t a irom tne Am. rtcnii. and la used tor milkingBplM into which duturatle e y, irs are packed, so thattl ey mi y th inor- - aaaUt bi Bhaaad oil fur ImportedUatahhl, Itloiions tn tie tie s and boiea uniu purled for the aUhl KUaOtt, To amn gle aigara hyaiieh inoana Is ;it once ao d.riiig ai d aimplt ibal uuuiie .i iii. .it of U aa poaailne.

Tlia Caatotn liotua offetili uppronrbtd the bundha ul fin it, with il. feeling tlntld.ey were on n and gotiac ilinse. 'I hey untied theatriif-- and lift.d u.e Bffll p'a.ik. I; oame t.U ua anyBMIIh Wtihld, ahh day nn aned ul H.a thought ofthen- fa lahur. Tbll iildh.aida untno nentpi auk, hut thai waa Immovable. They appliedtUu.r aiifiuth lo ii, out c. ni t not atlr it, U wuii ill- .1 down, and u had lo ttsar it off.

Jfenaaih the plank twtMy-nu- bum of elgara, Ufto a be i weie luuiid, ami oproihg ttH utbfl bundlettaey iotnd tht httJM nmnhcr in each, ihert wereIII haire In ail, coaUiuing i." i cigala, valued atabott J .0 aihonaand.

A great many ehzara have amugrled by thisdetib-f- but now that it has to i. detected, It will belungbt lnra another tsiaaily knatcuiouB 1U bt conttgfftth

jitr.rrwt.'ii m ii tfilUM vi iKCTirt:

Fnlbrr Har'ln llr ml dm hia t trot V itf-Pll- gbt

framihf (uur - itaiisset Cln rnar-la- at

far C 'nic ion I mi - Itleh - n '

Jhatsata rirm innii'i onie--The c is of the K v. Whffriot Mrrlin hnhist

AhMe-n- an alfffel r wsar da nn ttt e munition yia- -

tentfly hefmr CoWhil- -li r Oabhffh. At n'ehM-- theHon A I! Pnnly i nttre.l tin cotut room and Wok

Behiirn ivtleUiv. Vr. 'i V.

enl Mi. John Fr.lgalck, who delen M tho l y

Filh.r mil his isarK-ti- rllaVUers fiomtlu huri,e

ol ffBttdt subs uiicntly iiopeir d. andVr. I'urdj thfn roa i nd antd that nar'y

nil hi- - w itnesffa kid rtl.spi are.!, and that the few

whom he ha t ea;ititrtd h:u! centm '.n od lilt Ir DriftBff4 ffl.l ivlt- -. and were rrndy tn ftf the

lie not urer t for HM conduct nf Ihff

OuilfhattJhl Wit Ihalf I, lltlll uptn Ihe belief tinthff h bv- n Limpiied with or li.tlmhluled hy the

Bifeot ide.Mi. Hull repti. thnt IB one lainperc-- wilh

the wilne--- i , and ho im vedtlal tho Complaint ho

ilianiiattod.OuaattfaWaaaWfff Oabotn, In r udennu a declhnv

f ud Uiere appeared to be enint gffaaiad of suspicionthnt the wHii'iasna had beuu taniprred wi'h, ami hti ou d not. therelom, lIvo tho defen.l ftnl an honora-- I

io itaobftrgo. Uu rivinwlng thr evidonoe, howc.ei,ho fell himself bound to tlUiulsa tha comphdnlaugatnat all tbt de' ndanta.

I aiantly noon t'.it rondoruig of tlilt docUUui tinfmnd- - of Aid. T iVr. nnd of bU

of the Kighls-tit- a aliert dUdllery, aurmun led

iindPonitiHtuliitail them on Utll ee .oe lran Kalher

Maitln'a net. The dafe:ited d.vinob.okcd upou themIn amaaament, and linn having a numhrof hit witnesses in the guMme-- , be ri;hed out nrl Iii t ollding, A fr sr mlnut - sll-- r iie h oi disiippear-ed- ,

seterst needy hKikhnf Hrrmana eprese.i thentmoat Hnxietg lo aet bun, and ihey a. arct cd forhim dlltg.ntlT In Hit Afomfy's dfpart-n-,T- t.

A' kngth one M them, tbt BpotieamtB Ol IMf.thrra. tppealed to Mr. wh u rretl him '

t ie Hon. Mr, TimbsiP: m, ft fp- t:nl o3 cer u trSupiTM-o- r Dutcher.

" I vants mv money.' ha aatd. " Vot the hell yonl.tinra tae fetri mlthont mm f two ilollars a day. votI g a at rnlP' a w Ta vot 'or ion do that, cb r

Where m i re vou the ust tlu.e day ah'n lhaBUOWMJ nndr nullof y"' asked tha Knrroaa-in-g

( lerk. m m

nTavafOfl I, ehtM rople I tho wltne-- a. Ay, Iman "landing tn the athrent, watting to he mtlr d "

' llea I Wllhffas for the defti ee," nnitl n fntn I ofMr. Tlmberm u : md tr Intu r rcfrrrad thr mattrrto ih" lion. A. ll. Phrdfa who lelt bis d sk early to

unon the of the wllneaj-e- for thoG"T mmeut.

AhOtBtf BOt Iff Wtfinflhl now rt.trrs Ihe Ti!'i nAttorney's ofllee, and ihe llou. Mr. ri Imt erinnipaaea Ids null nrm fiiralHtrly aronntl his ahuuldtr.

"t'an't y u tiTf ns mre t videne tint Mderman'larker aa eOhnt rted with tht Twenty-nint- eireol'astillory, and that M mi l his oil r purtners dtfiauJel da- (lo mint BI of the tai on the wl lakeyun'ofaeturrd lhrn?

The witnea looked at thr Hi n Mr, Tl mtrrman,at d nude mi tuauJi'ua reidy. Tha pair thru rpaversed in a hw tOBB of voice, and It t a d th itliar wll up; It to Commissioner t.)stora lora rant tu rearrest Mr. Bar kor.

Mr Tl&Miman, Who baa ban detailed by Supervioi 1 an hrr to ltd Hnther Murttn in the pro at

of his rn-- -, in h ffldavit yeafrdiiv aaalustNoffl I Lotaa, h waJ-k- l t aportina mm, whoji hech.rcrs vtith Mffltif dt' 'ded liit Oovrrnment of

n tt whiskey ma. ficttired In a ryIn Fortv tlr-- t ttrt-et- , of ahiih he is part pi oprieior.

l.o tact ot the w,tr rant be. ti too'ileaked out, e tha attempl of Tlmbt rman toketp thf mattrr private l.oger wna htughtt ommlaa.oatr Ottfurn, and i.tid in gsjimi in to ;

Ki-r lr e&aiuinatiou next Siturtlay. A warrant wnaa so iisnM loff die afffi at of gnod t r r raun, whosenama, tor oSvion ta withheld.

A reporter of i nn Si n aak- d one of the offlr'ilacom tried w lib Jude Plot it j oul'a Uuparlmebl howIi catWa Kid.rr Martin his ense.

What the lu ll eould in poor old fallow iin "wua the reply. "We locked up the onlr gtud a

we bad In tho (.nnd Jury loom, anil ' en theofnrer who had charge of him ifp. ned the door toht nr him into ..n t. be found no', it in tnt apart-m-

Tha failoa yuat aaa jumped out of tut- uin-du-

into Ileade street, and ttcaped.


Folrr Itls'll Tkr Vatce aT lha I'r. ts 1( rttMBt

rri i and Jauriiois hi innui. I ir t'onrat o -- m. ih nnd eweeu.

om i As JfiM )' L if'xit!, ro. 9.

It apps'ars that the pOWBTI that bo ut Albntirbun Ti .vered tint af lea iztng 11k el.

uf Hnnth fta MaaWffriaoff in the luce ot Ihe lawWill tutwurk.and thnt Juiev after 'til, hi h;- - BOff

t ut cnioiceuient of t u law, ha thr In V treaa.T ,h siiww tbat Home fiinjs cannot e d a e tiict;ng" aa we I aa u.uer.

umitb's coNrnsaio or wititia,ia," )' 7'imt.

To the rnnru the haWJ bt lon.s, an .n t' m i-- '.otild he of. li Mr. Hmtth, atier nil. ral-- j

ia r.lpble, Ii t It he ao dec:. u. I in the prop'' nlier;It not, Mr. ffulev s is eloa-l- entitled to the ofih-e- .

A lull .id- pt. d no bt thr Lagl III ton euunot renderthat ruiit wlrtab a is w rong at tho tiuio of therhctlon: und the an nipt (s a confession of wak-- i

- tt niea Mt hmi.B BM bia aupp. ru ra should tt1 'turned tu niaae.

a P' t B, n tti job.From Ut w '. '. rt. I.

In open fjOnlhri ot' hat Mr. Uann Pffttitbthen and now a Police ( o nmisi ner, .iff' red Ionaelf a I Candidal4 foi the nlhee tT Mupcrvl-.- u fthis county, lie a as rot lcr'eV., hut w - idon the petti Ibt law rrqtiirra t .a: the c tndid .tert rcivu g the aeruod Tulo r nil be at pointed toofilce aa T- der t.'is law, Mr. r;uh ids lh Hppointment. aud ft Bill ll BOW hc .ae thel.eglslfttoro lo froa him from the disability nt a, :ind to mikt tne rott BBAl lor liuu legalWe d nut tuppot that an. IhWXrf will c uslder

aueh bll., il passed, aa ahahffllhg Mr, KunL a i

Uvh In Iraat. '1 he t u t aPpafffhl reason it rwaahlng to give the office to Mf bthltl la lus tut t

mate connection wita "The 1 an mam King." Theaf teat 18 B bul l, bad job, aad i ur ruici had bo:.t rlit it ahme.

mh CBBghtr'a wai mv. ffOJ fWI tTTPTtlrft I TTt

AV'fm tht 7V .' n, Jut. tl,Mr. Stuiih can ohh be Mipervisor by virtue of

an aet yrt to he puaaed ,n utner words. lie muat helegislated inlo ofnee, in lt II mcc of I most rlhttout

i.d taiutm ol the Vetopol.ran Policeact. And such legislation the put- .n- - In bothllotiiea am cxpccied to a.d. because Mr. Smith u ailepublieau.

ll thty do this they anlhorlis and JnsMfy the otterii o! the juat and wbolewomt haala tin

wbtcb our ayatewi ia lonnded ihal of keuping ourpoiira fret from apd priaomil aalration.To overrule this ree.rie doavwow la to nnlhiy it torirrr, and make onr polwc a larKe In- - ru aent ia taunan. ni UhkiffQail and tne lammn.y Itimt t'ttrust n ftraajbUoah an J no cba.upun ul guad govtrument heri will so vote.

The It t - Itunasroas ( hattersfrom Ih W haVafh tAtglt t ffwvvatli i.

The worat feature iu ihe propo-.n- l New orkC)t kartOffi ta c.ehera rtiuaikt. i, ii tta failuie toaiuoko out and purif the real ring tht

in o' i llusid uf Sup i isoit. ii bo tuciden-ta- laeUiil Wl uhBIt II In tlit cbap'er tr- illuk ol fuiict

guvevament dom aids uotice, as an eQurl loa t ten ua prrcedrnt, and li icier np public procevd-Ing- a

i. in public ubacrvatmft. Wt ahuUt tu the provia;on that exelndi-- a the reportera uf the preae frombting pp tent at the irlula of ptdlctm n. Kepeatodf fi I avti arlaajn nuder ki I uaont police ngitM,wbrrata, notwUhalaadlDi tha pita. nee u the rcporta rt, the roi,ce l oninnaaionera baa foiled ur raIBBOd to g'vo r.drcaa lo clugriia wt.o lad BaWB

grossly und even latatly nuautrtl by pol. caiiuh wtehlaig. ibt only threa p. opie have uoonueraonul eiui.iy aud htutahty on the pmt of a heUt Mhttla und upoa trruBUt or intlift i enet on toep.u t of llir l.rada u tht tirpartluent, cubaiala lu tottHWaff hhBBffffhtm hruught lu bear tr th prtaauaiut e ttahOBff i" all. eh i c eoiii4aluta ui c llaWfMBgaiflsl do fAaa900tlhOt of HUecm u iri Ihffoatlgaltd. Thr new thai lei hTOpOaol 10 drpiive gtifathlol tnl guar, nice lur BfOh u.akaig ihe tiKaisHe t ret, j.. rmlttiug no lhhOtahdlMl pi eas i butOhlV BUuh ofllt i. l I port BB the I'ol.Ci CWahttlaaiOfMra

..I tlltfl ht. tu Ih If on- n joad time, to author g1 hi piroetluut uf sca nt trm s ietioii uf public bhaio M tl Wl iHtl, uml ll pei la. tod iu Uu t.iae ol p. eetiii, would boob ba pgU'ddod a ilHhoti' at ptiDtiClans to ev ry olbaff bf uuh i the public a. n c

he ch a h r la aiii nt ta r gt ni tu the mustami irau'.'il-- nt t pi Bll ion of u.l, the Ki

York dOBuloWicadtd Boa- i oi Hupm.aots. bo fgf..auu ..inu W the n w tbBfftlf BtnB. thotl IWalVtam i el uu l a it o i,i,e lrua. iu I iiuuiuci uls, halfJ.epublu .ui", affO it .it e tu hi. lot aa many mocom I hull lot, P0il4 BMJII hi too uUiiohatin ion, i.a htiiore. 'Ine lloaidul Ahtertnei. tu NewVoi'k ou petty Ij retail a d W h the Bnpaff.vifOta, Wnu t tha Aiduim.ii Uu a rapOfftod, and lotpuhl.c know au Bi Ho worat of ihoii uudu nga.lint li.e t a e u. rfflftfffl lit in avcrot. armed w ihiov,m ffiffVffdlhfj tha-- of tho jUtjtffniin, attt thtl if t rOtnu out. eve. 1 00041 on tl y. hy acrldint, aa tu ah.. I day tlo . i h I lie ii.ibiuua thev

l, BOf how UtUvh ul It i( ai U) tba HBiW will nhail and now uu b iu IH it a. BffBtaff. ba I ul laoIWatVO. looino-i- l thi tail.. c kll.WtifUltiuiislh.itI'o. ire i ommioftioiM r 11 mf hhtlth M the affhtfof fthe Uapttblh mi huh, hi. .Mr. VVhllfff It iei lif M1). uaa :ratll ball'; and, BolUtcg apart, a l meunit, it be ii i li tut-- , io lABhff4vaa nn I ti. ti uth r, to then IBBPUttiffl pi'tea. Tblj uilung lo thetame aOC ll e un- -. the) int. si in and BOhtfOl tbaaiail fhO pod COff.lOritlOl a. the name oi u iiiMiiocrjlic bhpafft Uof nrt r enm hi anv tthauvl tltiittiaaetaui ur auvlhluir else oil, title of polities, hutIt ib lu.l uWod. i i.e tli I, arcano .Uied. ur Itidoiaad,hy toal of Ua tlblloa huhffVtaoff, In j aurd, li.eae.iudiil, taualo, ahaui.', a i mi:, of Nuw Voia lorjlpolling, nil Bffhlfi n IhO Ui i . i ui oup. ivlaara.

Ha a io Cohdamn siio.tioo w ortb alV biaher.

LSuita were inMitutod VOltnlhy In the UnltodHt .it a 1) strict l t int. hi Judeo I'.i rirpont, fm II.C'liti-e- . i.n ol it.ur bhSdrad burrela uf ahikry,louud at tti Hroudttaff; uue undrrd and BlhOtf-thre-

twrrtr'a, futind at s Mid ,o IN uil m t an lWitter Btrart) thrro l uin!ntl und aU'y-tw- burn b,found ai C beuadway; aud one Uou an id utul Nltyt in barrtla, (omul at Ih hlatv strati, 1 ht property,wbteb wua reerntly aeiresl, .a valatd a f ' anai. ueoeaa-tr- pat via bare been filed prvpaiatury luIta coodliuuatiuaii


oiA-- rtottr tn rni vji OOl irotr-WA- H

i v i n i: ,M. a 4 1 1

s, iii Norton. L'ri amrr nnd ttenet not tolo ttulrd h lh- - lllnc -- Tie HoveruorTired ol Snnhblnu- - IIUEae llenrv'a P"

leaa Mght nud bia I npn rilM on mat t lanra- -

At n.'.T, Feb. 1 -- Oor. Huff. nan has at last, aa

pre.lirted by your coi respondent I flW dafn afOa,

openly quarn Dad wttli tho P natora boMtng the bal

anco oi puwi r, strnj I beciuse Ihrr nfused to mm

flni tho appointnunt of a man whom thty- lid not

l ror I a- - ipialififd to 111 the ta ahich lie

was i otalnated. Tha war betae. i. ih- - H. natora aud

the tlovcinor has tberelore bet-'i- tn c:um st, anda aer it will tthj lis Irapoaa'.ble ta u 11. When t

mutant w.scunveted t Oov. Ilolinal last even-lug- ,

d.m the DttBattfhtal reiKitt a ha-- t .! term!n d toreject Mr. McCoUihe, of TrWff, for t upltal

l'ulice ooimis-ia- r, It Is add thai his haetlicncy

Inrthaltb flew Into a puaslun, and vchen.eudy. my,rrtliglouxlv, declared tiiat he vonM

mot rgnnir tub wax via to b,mi a hih.lit pasaed a -- lerplc-a nUht. lie waa in tht Ex-

ecutive chamher nt an y ur!y hour thlanot to work, bat to advist with tba ring-

masters In town c virerilnif the beat mean of br nglnK

r tmlepradep Srnatore to submtaalon. A plau

wi s ajtttd no. n W hile me Heiiata waa tn aesnton,

Heiiutur Banks whlapered to Senators Micharl Nor-

ton, Oentt, nnd t re .uier. that Uov. HotTinan desiredthrtff pr'sene Immed'atolv. The rVsnatcrs arottend ariildovtn alalia Into the Exrcntlve chamlerTha Crotrtnor recevad them funding tnd ahoukhands vlth thtm ; he a s very pule ; hit evi a wi reMoodsnot : bta Austrian chin teemed ta bavo

; ht atr ked Ida s nervously wilhI la right hand, and in his left ho he'd a small smell-

ing bottle, which, at Rhakeaptaro aould aay,grr.n A!sn wo na otva nia isoag."

ThefJoverr.ur, nwkiug an affui t lo cilia hia rnfflod

feedings, aahtttlentlemen. Ib,iveent forffon in to t it tbfJ

I am vn v an a bins to have Mr. MoC mint rnnilnnad litl ii ven aood msn for tnt Ware. He enloya an eveehlent hit political T: e rd eartno tvfbriit-- ;

he la a mrmhrr of the Hiat- - Central tioinuatten front ttijudicial il oilet, and hia Is aa appoint nirut wu.Lh I

think you jti fM t j confirm "IVnator 0R5KT Now, Oov rn-o-

. let mo aav ona

wnrtl to ym ; t of tht Demorrntt of tbaritv of Troy no trrooed to Mr. Mctonlho; wa

oucht only ti plafe In offlee non who aro tho chcdcei

of ti e prnple and not lhtaa whom thty don't want.Wt eat't contlroa him, I have rrspmiailuluwt

on me as wall aa yoor-ol- '. Mr. McOnmcwill he rejected If you do not withdraw his name.Tskemj wurd tor it.

The Uoveraor eoold r stralu htnateH no longer ; arrinisn-- i hue ovrrpread Ida tare. Bad angry

diaerrmb'e In every fratore; wilh decidedhe aaid

m , nT. p n ,rT BffaffM m ant aona oallrAT0!rB

prnio MT TE M

of efflrr f jo nrn't Cnflrm Mr. MrOrlht.rVnitor yasrar- - And I ha d d if wa don't

rejift BvffB. I am a henntor and nncratard mffdnttfP. A -- nch 1 ill use my tnlhi nee to bars thlaman rejoried, .and yon bet roar Ufa he a ill be ra--

J,MtseasMr N.tBToH f ' yon can't co trol

K Jictl n by thr thirit of denying ma a pattrIn vonr adtt. I will do nay doiy draotio

ot any thrrat rnu eaa make.renst r ("nrswrn I nrognlB" no ofbar nnlhorlty

Oovrrnor Hoffman, man that or the people wooeleetad and aent aaa here, and am actustad by noother niotivtt tban the tneccat ol tha Democratic1

IVnator Baww en to land Mr fconlhetbut without Brat!. W ith n reaaaaraneft from IMnrtIlnrrv fienrt mat Mrt'oidha w i.a ae ij" tea", thl

arty relnrned to tbt Nfnate i hitni1- - r.Twenty minute later the Aeuato

ntuKiTrn Tna OattvATtovof Isa.ic MeCuinbe, .1 Tray, fbff Capital Police

and inioemvion to rffeet was aaayl to(iov. Iloflman who was found vigor. uislt snufflngtht frairrant t otlon ot the - nn n ,uiu b rttlOa

The eonvi-raat- n iv given I hi.-- narrate I

as it ocenri. I. TTie only p.irt uf It wnlcbB ay KoVMy be douMd, is ihit wbir la tho

bl .snhetned. Bnt tht tto can be authrnH-BBtO-

b ' KM lloflTnttn himself, il ui era.ary Whuliav-th- Itini jurn.ils to say .u v f WMJ Tit'. ft;wrirht or mh: f The (lovemor his -- worn that hemil not arn l in any man nomin iti ana hia

ofofhee, aud bo oi cuurao luclu I a tht nouuua-tio- n

forpot wnniigv A!fp ntnaon nt'Tr.m.Tho- - h ird worklnr who with mlcbtand main lonrbt. and aWtWa and to .1 fie I tra .

t i carry the l)emorr;itx bonncr thi mp ini to vle-U-

j1, msy now console t'n mrlvrs tn otM Inr, onder a administration, a Mj comp'ementoi ltenubbctn limb r Musie-- s and Port Wanbnalor the neat year, bo! thla la only a Dart of the i.

. Tour readers may remember that somedays ar l jour coiraspondenl fxprofaod

tub ray.n'a no?to pita a It1 it thrcugn t ongrrfa die appoint-me-

of Harbor Masltra led Port Wirdrn in dmsecretary of tht Trtxtso-- y. and thas nteal from tntstate Ita ft c lent ehartcrd rixhia. Tney I ave notabaadonett the m. rt. The Iducand Ihe Uuteruurhint by tblamtana to ba releas jirom tbe

two Tnorstxn rnonisaathev have made 'or theso offlcea, nnd t throw thoreapoasibility on a sdmtnaTit!"n. A?n nIt la aaerrt. d that dn lacumb-i- i t Vaterannd Toil Wardens have r.ied a t ttr-- e ..f n roretain rnlr p aces, and for tl U iatrrt. se have en-

cased t' r services of notorious lobbfftata, ho hartFka aar ol the that be. Tba OoVaraor baauos an opportunity to keep Radir.i! In office.

t 'ontmry to rrnci I exiec ationa, the bill ttvtllalr rthe appsdmni-- nl of Henry hn 1th aa r'nperviaor ofnir e njnlv. wna eal cd in ita order in ihe Asaemblythis morin.i but Mr. John White, a bo Introtae-i- ltne bill, did not mo rr Its eoiv-- i leranop. Mr Wultali fofTWI d our eorrra-'ondeii- th it as A'lorney-tleo-eri- l

CbBfhpl In bal alio ed the writ tr it'IiAnnd th c.te wa falr'v be ort the eours. nr did not

he would take furt.ier ac'ion In tl e pre uiaoa.1 herrtore, au lar ua the LArlalatiire U coure.utd,Mr fc'ejiey need teir no imtrfei nco.

RO patnCKAT WILL Da RBrecord hta vote tn ftvur of tht meaaure. nor will aryKepuhllcfin. Mr. O nil's hilt rthttive to constructing a hrtdire to Blaekel:a Tland. and thenca toKavrnswootl, wat eonsnlerrd In the Aamt ly. .1

gave riat to an antiuatod debata Mr. I'eiraall.member from CJuccne couutv uppoaod ihe hill, andsaid that he waa not la favur of rlvmg th.

of bia couutv power to rxpt-n- fft.OUhOQO forthe aiuung thai that uower wa loo gra.itto be aaated in the Hoard. Mr J.ihn Wiilto re.marked that the land on tbe otlur aide

in 1'p BT SMCl LtTORt.Mr. Thuiuta V. Field, in reply to Mr. Whltr'

ohargea, ttMk oce islun to oiu'i'iui iiu as tholaadrr of Lhl BUrg liorao (vlry. Mr. Whl't,v hen fiforutod of what the leadrr of thn HUrkllor-- e t avalr alrnifte I, ar .se and Mkod Mr. Kiel iswhether he me tut t intimate that he wgl .irtuitedhy tm rcennry matlvta In opposing tbt ball. Mi.Fielda r. ' d Hint be did not, ht .oiialdered the

Black Harse t'avalry a mart mythical tiprea-aion- ," all ruht ;" said Mr. White, " tbe gcnikman

may Mil me a myth If ha lllea, but not the leaderthl k Hurat Cavalry " Tho Cuuinilttev aroaoaud rr ported pi ugreaa un the bill. hia meaaurt hasalready tastd tht Ktnaie. Bina(or fietiel says thailha rrfMents af hia are t,f the pre,poaed ImprovtMiient, as lerrlaixe c immuuitmlon wuhAstoria un I County la win, v in.nhqu.iU totha aanta of lot oop,.

The llunave Cotniu dte on Waaanl Means willreport the it" Aonropiiiilhai lull nex: week,

r tNriaa svt.its nr thh arNtTV.The Henatr 0 Klebnrda and William

H. Bitker , ul Mud. ft u. I.oun l oiniiu Itao i a ; JoinB. P.tin n, of Itar.aarhrr. Adtis. rv Ctmimna uu. rot the Capiioi Po Ice; (leorjr W., nf Mouror,Kopttrtntahdaat ot the uwttfhhca lb ma tun nt j wiIt nit J'urccll. Vau..ger of the W' Houe ifHBlhgfl Ro'iart 11. fhwhhaind. Agent lor thr Cnonrilga lndhm- - lltnry K. Allen. Attorory lor tha

rmeu Nutiua ol iiis; K wu Aluu and J l uaJhffia, I. .tan Comanasioiifra ol Ostvco. BQL.

j nr inn ti. tn i it; ir,

Tha It rt Thlrtv-al- x t a. ludi l Iroai lhaNatal t i rrniftiiira-niiil- ug HIM lor lila.1 ii lb er.

At 11 tAlt'k fhOTllltil IViuco Ar-

tiu- with hit Mil Bf Offhi tfffUoffrail, cinbarkad at tbe t nimti t wuurf, WhitaInl), lu I'.e termer Xllnnahai.noclc U I'lall daferttOfi atlhhl iu tbe IrtM r. The ttlHtttffffWith t li r rp:il guest were IMOUtpaplcd bt thtfore t 'i' Oonjantl at pofft Wtlh III Ir tfftffffa, aloIhao. Iui: hs nn H .t'er mi I t wt iia,

. or. i. n uu l aevcraj oksl rs.ath Drooktffn rffarrYlffd and a ver) f w "ti ata, gaaajn r w iBth Till Hcn

t illed to dlatuijuisli any IOMI Wff ul thof: lpriia Thli j tlx.

When till Ih '' t i' aril "b'pnlnii aioir the bo 4tha Brltlah aotora, ai prrrhtigtd, wtro hoiatad rtthe ton but hy aotVIO OUlfwBrd nccnl i.t, g tha n dinaiaiiuftni ayitiab Btlflbattl arfflcf vtjs pohktddie luivnrdt iiafoitin tie't purl. 1. fl gifaLl g out heatla ol iuoe itandilll aiouud. w o n a otp

iinac Hunt th n b'Ulicd out I

lie. , bt jabcr. d'ye set- thai. .i T yi q ; the i'.hensiitn wtin'l H In a Vjngte p ti. at IL st t.lTharieortlun pat y Kuit u miltoh, amiwere received by t.t'u. Vudgoa and a ..U. Aroyaaiute waa lliod iruu ItM hrat v v?U Uu ill un lu. hcunimrind N.iiruaf, ami w tttrgt mh am u d I aeli irm n rt. ry wltuhiw tu luo turr icaa,onirrra tii irlfra, und private rr . a in t ein afhtfortiood, iiuuiug u ni .it ltt'ie lall luf Cne!.Moll U I to IliOt.

lb. I'nnee wua uineh phviaod with tba woraant Tort Witdaaorth, nn IWhWrkoll ll Hen. M

Dovcfl thnt it waa the peu of uu itii.Hs.onry tl at ho itad en r U held." U la aui l tailIhe iittli heiwl of the roy ut m - ii in I (I

At tmt Cuimui u. die party wara ri aaivad by UtBeau Niel, tbe Bttihuie) of tbl erun. The

waa a review, "li.e Oarrnah. und aa dlalion, all ol wuieh to (be avlat ui - a lion of di.Pnaae, paatd uf wtfiuut iraid hi Inr Princentumtwl to iht v at 4:10 P. M aud waa driven tohia hotbl, Vbv llruvuorl.

OflJfO liXD? ttOOH in tn . .

Tar N'r TtilTtvnv svhie'i Is ( Btlhithe Trret HI ioio 11 i r IffOfal N ;4 f)

Norlolk liortriilug tbe Tttffth In RgII nek

Sinco I ho conso'iilniiio of tin' 1,Tlarltnn Bay tnd the laOWfl Branch an -

rfltallrods stt'b tl a Sontiu rn NewJ. gytinner the litter naraa, Nw Ytir'-- fi likely totall etter accommotafs.d In snmrrtrr Whirl 'inajbetween this c'lf and Wa g Bran. U ll, g ltiJ

.been. Tht frcqaent tunninLt atnound of mrrifri it.'ilfd w th us. at " Ti c oi " en hahdllit. ok1, baa in) tiie c httafflMttM Cothhanj l rortdiant" hrr landing plact with d'epi-- tfttlff. nWstall sj bua been erected at tlo1 hen d el Ui ti'rsashoe, whrrs vi is cm uao twenl.. tWi ,;water. Handr Bootl lo.rinr kfi n rablhinrpfises to tho OOTirnrM t hv tin I - ,

N w .erey. no rt.ltleti'rv b.-- b' en Catpcrtenogd Hot'tsh ing permia'tlon t lhl n I ti e Hoe rillrnhlfl nr mtb fuilher. wh'rh will hntia this ejty ttiiaian hour and n hull' nl Long Krone i.

Bui tar Company ha-- eat t rou th t .. . fnfralon Sandy Ho ik for ti dnManaaj of two n nnd ifthe work Is allowed to i ron ed the en ir a iifall, anl the Hong ttt mat '.c Wllbld a v. Uthe 1st ul Mi) It is rttxeud that tba iwill he t t.- fllv

Rmton eipitallsts mo hrivdy IhtOffrstt'l In fknew unib ataklna, havln : la VtlW lliw oritf ..i nof tba Camden and Amboy Railroad Con piny toronstrnet a ahnr- h e to Norfolk. 't. I ra;of dm lte mllllon.-tir- of tloboki 1. 4 ,bhl becti pnrcti,ift.l. nnd tu- - MOCkholdci mwdrtafftwlffid lo leave no atOsta untun.r I to it, k thtnew antcrnrlae psv. A e' ir'er Is to I NtalBHIrom the New .lerse, Lahtaklthri to thahta line wltn tta Cum lea and Auiooy ut or tieirPtrhbti nn, w hieh wl't Ihabln Bhleni o revltPhtlndsytphla from Lon Brtnchm tw ., twl!hoars.


ti.. Follovta who would have Holdi ountrr ll ethe Lntl uut been ton rung

lor Them." Tho Consnliditted Rimship Ootltporiy' Wol

formed In Jannary. for blockade nn B pnr

posct, and was chartered by !ie Porth t ':,rolinaLegislature. Henry llirt, now resldlnj In this dty,wnu appointed It rddent and Tre.isnrer , it ft

ei. dmed, and .ihd general control of the OotopajtjS

affslra. At tho close of tl.o WaY tbO COttpaoff Waff

I iinkrnpt, and tha ato khn dern had no leinrti f ir

their Inreatrnent Mr. Hnr' filled to account for nta

atewardablp, and In ft. soli mi hia property Ib

i l arWton, and InTe-t'-- d m real ratt ' - rpTand Hrooklvn In the name of bla wife The suva-b- -

Idora havt antd ha the Huprcine Coo rt. an clauathis property shou'd ba put in th ha di of a

rwlver, Dre,.ina pwreaaaad with fund of e i riaj.I an? .tppm. ruled, ami toat IB BOBMaihing abouid be had.

Mr. Hart denies that bo frtiudtil. nt ,ny ofthe Company's money aav be never w ( . nr-r- ,

and waa only nomiafrTly Prraidant awtOfalaty, IHU,ht having alnce Unit titar bet n ftWBff, ll I but a Mr.t n .nv orTa ii wua artual Piesnlent; thai !i" only

roprrty of tbe Conipuny In bis pors"hfi an it icf Jacob Pec ire (now allexed tu be inanU u or Lf iHAl, and two iuU in ilrouklyn of I. til uilac ompcity ol the Compnuv, le aw g

pally ioftt throntrb the eartJre of hiork .. 'A motion lor a raerlvrr was ar .u. d i t. . .,jrJudgu Caruuao. Deeisiun r.sei vnl.


The Rallroaid OfllelaTn Inrtlft r- i ll Thtlino Krmntiis TaUrn to Bottoai

Mr. Morris M. IVyer who met his deatb on

Wl Inesjy nurnlng In the New Bhffth IV ' niaa

trap Waff a scccesafnl dry too l ci Tehant ,' No. flWinter street, Bo ton. lie ha I come lo Yorlciprt-sa'- to Infortit bis brother, Mesnr, F Baffaal

V M I'eyaer. Inirortei ow Broirf vay of ft. rstlof another brother In lnn Mr. I). M. I'. tt r.

i i thia city - A cable l 10 thai tjff.clwaa found in his ifuck a.

Mr. re.aer icarea a wife and two rlddr-a- Tlawas of the Hebrew filth, BfhOBft WhOM hi L td al.inrc rirr o of ft lnda .ltd admirer .

Tbe rai road offlclais re ainsnlrtrly In'! T rnt tothe ninrder, and aro cu (lil ifflB t to throw tat I trtiupou tbe llarle-- ra t i, s line ur't.r It h'tra- -

they empty to driw t. e r curs info thr J. pet, laanawer to j r nott of the Coronet lor aaa ondie , nrt of the t n.onn- -, the repl an i t " Ti.alIt was the CoroncTa 1 ce to snmnv-- . ,ith .t tbey ba nothr.t; at aU to do with alter.'

'Iht man.: d n miuna t.cre tik. n irnin th nineyiattrday gfteffaOOaj by tbl re.uUv. s. :i I MM thL. aton fur inurmeut. .

Bl'.Mt MA MB

The British Iron-cla- Monareli IffU) rl 1Wton and Vew York.

Tht tonnage of Amcr'coii s Mafhatt ia

tha hale ftshrry gmdnn'ty drcrt attng.Au Ohio law student who unue f.lly

attempted to lit t n M a WBBfl ha gone BTBBff.

(luribaidi'ft new work is dohOtbod BI b ir.g

ne loiig.bUter, fni.oua r.ttaek on pr)eta and iraafciaft."

Four fathers have fUod since the nj.nitifof tbe (E unienlcal ( oaucU two Cardinala a 1 ivtBaliot s.

brnaacla is ftdvocatod by tbe mere!.. 'tta el

Deri n as a favorable place lur au annus! In-- r st oasl

cxhlh on.Camilla TJrao haa aocurvd all the aloe, rs afi4 I

in u tin an urcoesery for bar "mouncr foat.t 4. raaProne ten

In Kuropo, women cm uow rA' I

grtcof M l. lu France, Il .taU, SwIUcrla. J, -- lodaB j

aiid m aland.Tbe report that the wealthy voir r.uiil I'

of Bute had left tbe Bomao catbolle Cbuui. i .Uioil ftatlffoly denied.

The "coining; wuuian" has been MUnlltad ilthe l'n versify of Mehi;an. Baff ha hi Mocawaf, lidsho Is a sophomore. (

Tba American citUena at Datmbttl ( hartfarmed a WasMngtantan" Club, of wbieti Qorlbatall M

Honorary President.Silver baa been discuvurtHl in t) i'..r!i:i

euuaty (III ) lead ml its, and a Michigan BQ apttrl artp r, urln . lo " gO for It."

ii tbouaand nine hundred woiknn n t

ron and tteel workaof Krupit, tu dcruiati nslaoJ15,000 ooo poi nds ofatael lat year.

An Enliah de ui, "in tba presen- - f IIIbishop and a large congregation," recu'lj lea ancslthe Aj r if ill ffttt u or name.

A London merchant adverti-v- f r ri rlcrfc

who eould brfte confl nrment." Ur rei ei vt? J aafrom MM who had beet eeven years in jail.

Tbe Nile baa rie i tins jeir to a 'eatfiheiaht than on er.y t w th u lifftl ..mibDil--

he itamaxc la ahoal .'00. 00.000 Of trhBtt.A doa;er oountaas, widow of a bf--'

earl, has bestowed her hand np-- her tal oorlsr.

lha fair brltl- - ha pnaae tur fUiluth year

A loci, tr baa been fortnm! in 1' - aiffc

BOptheJ of l foO OOff frtnt- - to develop nil ' silatPratt e. and ibe, irltiti -a aa iBcffted I

A Wiacoiinn olrri; in in w ao ba. bee ..

Ing aralnt msrnare Is aurrti ir.; t. i....ul ulue wivce living In rt part of th.

A diHitiulty wiili tlie nauagai ol P I

theatre ba IhdailBltrly noatpoiod lha iw rorma ea I

the Itoestnl reqa em. e uncos d fcrdl an I M I

Au luJianu papei a.. tt is a Un liar fill I

fhtl reliMons revirata ariftlviva th- in ul Iduring th- - shert tnd lar day. nf ne I

A mall in .Ni w Hump .hire U." I

hfiiwh dhaVh raw oyMort on a wtv fka l,lr"" Iii' n s aim.- on br BOhl Ctffst tsthr d - v' n ,TIvBoihla.

A cloryninn of W, t V,!j i HBllB atrr's au. v io e IttMBOl p- .- ii

and road ino t'l nliht. ItflOgtk, be M 'f toil Oil haafh,

Ai tba rUtttral of MiltAi

l he ler. Vt.. i t loana ItHtlaa BPI'I

for the fhOhlliH. BOt id ut tai. 'dirt e at tbe pffftffa,

Kliubelh H.'itv, lhl OOffMlUaidn, n un of the rial o hiif Bttiplovrii .

ii idoi In Khfllanl. baa Ifi'iU leul fakouihn' 111 i lls LIlltUL

Tho llfltfian tin isle ll disluy- lo

rove cfti'i heid on t i lift V r

would he Inatiatli I Lof tut i vVortvi ! th

Thr rrptirt tbll Kr. '. wh i '

Uiutafftllltlli other d iy. h id hois, ir t away bv ao at madil ll 'hffUOl flftirthBtlBl ob a Hen icl pu" "

The inraroemted nun. Hubmlaid to took Mtrliuall v.eii i. tt inreally Is. tv e III n s na l. inor. v

n and hraftit, Ha r.-- . "ie t u

th. aatj u. coin ran tiff 1 ittahs '

Mitoi..u p ijer tbat a It ti Ihltg a UO name n. rhll O' Iht M 'i I'

Ihdhfi BOl is'eivra u Ibrt h mdev d i''OBJ bun .red no la; s wotth o c ' a

d;.d'io an ut oah to aakuhatod euii iifBl.

SilthH uloa of whit the ho i r IDoliod hiatal an uu - to u v c i mifi hJl itt 1st ui poooiulwf a i Ufihruaahsiat tbe tou u.y i. i.

Bioko a ffooalsYiiod Ii a had itacitbiMt tuid laahfj hrand a