the strange story

e Strange Story

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‘The strange story’ is a wooden puzzle toy containing 11 different animal figures with different characters each. This product is a handmade toy which shows the natural beauty of the pure materials, grain of the wood. The toy can also be used as a part of decoration and child’s toy at the same time. In addition, a story book comes along with the product. The story book of the ‘The Strange Story’ is not just an ordinary story book. The role of the story book is a device that connects the toy and the child to create a new form of a toy. These newly formed toys made by the creativeness of a child are sometimes a toy, sometimes an object which will live forever in a child’s memory.


Page 1: The strange story



Page 2: The strange story

<�e Strange Story>

‘�e strange Story’ is a wooden puzzle toy contain-

ing 11 di�erent animal �gures with di�erent charac-

ters each. �is product is a handmade toy which

shows the natural beauty of the pure materials, grain

of the wood. �e toy can also be used as a part of

decoration and child’s toy at the same time.

In addition, a story book comes along with the

product. �e story book of the ‘�e Strange Story’

is not just an ordinary story book. �e role of the

story book is a device that connects the toy and the

child to create a new form of a toy. �ese newly

formed toys made by the creativeness of a child are

sometimes a toy, sometimes an object which will live

forever in a child’s memory.

Page 3: The strange story

�e Strange Stor y

1. �e elephant, want to be gira�e.

2. �e Tree, disl ikes land.

3. �e old shrimp man.

4. �e shy �sh.

5. �e cricket, loving sun.

6. �e hippo, looks l ike a rhino.

7. �e walking octopus.

8. �e lazy donkey.

9. �e ray, wants to �y.

10. �e lying bird.

11. �e snake, with t wo heads.

Page 4: The strange story

�e elephant, want to be gira�e.

�ere is elephant, who wants to be a gira�e.She is so envious of gora�e's slim neck and skinny legs.

So she makes her thick legs long and skinny.She cuts the long nose and large ears.

"If I have long neck, I would be a gira�e."she is very happy.

Why does she wants to be a gira�e?


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�e tree, dislikes land.

�ere is a tree which dislikes land.�e tree wants to be far away from land.So roots become longer than branches.

Most of his leaves are fallen down.�e tree is le� with only bare branches.

Why doesn't the tree like? the land?


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�e old shrimp man.

�ere is an old shrimp man.He lives in the sea, for 100 years.

He is tired of living the sea."I'll go to land! I want to see the new world!"

Can he come to the land?


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�e shy �sh.

�ere is a shy �sh.He hides his body under the sand.

His face is disguised as seaweed and coral.Nobody knows where the �sh is.

One day friends come."Why don't you come outside? let's play!"

"No~ No~" Why is he hiding?


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�e cricket, loving sun.

�ere is a cricket, falling in love with the sun.He sings a song for the moon till that time.

But now, he sings for the sun."Oh~ Sole Mio~ Oh~ Sole mio~"

How is the cricket falling in love with the sun?


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�e hippo, looks like a rhino.

�ere is a hippo who looks like a rhino.Everyone regards him a rhino.

“Hey rhino, why are you always in the water?”“I’m a hippo! Not a rhino!”

He thinks everyone is a fool not to distinguish rhino and hippo.

How can he let them know him a hippo?


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�e walking octopus.

�ere is an octopus likes walking more than swimming.“Why don’t you swim like any other �sh?”

“I prefer walking to swimming. Try walking graciously like me.”

“You will be eaten by a shark while walking slowly.”But he keeps walking.

What makes him walk?


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�e lazy donkey.

�ere is a lazy donkey.“He really doesn’t like to work.

“It’s time to work, donkey. So many things to carry.”“I hate working. Why should I work all day?”

How can he stay without working?


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�e ray, wants to �y.

�ere is a ray who wants to �y.He believed that he can �y with

his big wings like �ying �sh.“Hey, �ying �sh, how can I �y like you?”

“Just jump out of water and �ap your wings, it’s so cool.”�e ray envies �ying �sh proudly �ies.

Why does he want to �y?


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�e lying bird.

�ere is a bird always lying.He never �ies.

“Why are you laying all day?”“I’m not just lying, watching the sky.

Try this, the sky is so beautiful.”Why does he feel sky beautiful?


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�e snake, with two heads.

�ere is a snake with two heads.�ey don’t like each other.

“I want to go le�.” / “No, I want to go right.”“I want to have a tail like any other snakes.

It’s because of you!”“No. I want to have a nice tail with bell.

It’s because of you!”How can they get familiar?


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First Vintage Books Edition, Oct 2014

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