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~The Straight Scoop from Lisa Manyon~ Hello Savvy Marketer,

I want to personally thank you for taking the time to invest in your

business (taking the time to read this is an investment of your time and energy).

One of the things people

underestimate is the amount of content you need to create to support your business. From

newsletters, blog posts, social media updates, white papers, special reports, sales pages, web copy and the list goes on.

You may have heard the age-old marketing and advertising

adage “Copy is King”. I’m not going to dispute the importance of content, but the truth is, Copy is QUEEN and Strategy is KING.

Anyone who says otherwise is only giving you a piece of the

marketing puzzle. In order to get marketing results, you must have copy that connects to your prime prospects

and a strategy to get them there. I’m here to bring all the pieces together for you so you can create your Copywriting

Action Plan and approach your marketing in a way that will bring you greater results.

If you have ever felt stuck or been challenged by

marketing and creating copy for your marketing message, I’m not surprised. You see, I’ve found that traditional

copywriting and marketing techniques taught by many of the “gurus” are not as effective as they once were.

In fact, to mission-driven people (people like YOU, who have a

huge desire to facilitate change and be of service), these

antiquated approaches can be counter-productive to your success. Here’s what I mean. In the traditional formula you

are taught to highlight the pain points of your prospects, you’re taught to then agitate the issue and to focus on the pain

points, and once you’ve honed in on the pain points, you’re taught to solve the problem with your offer. This is known as

the problem, agitate and solve approach. And, I don’t

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know about you, but it just doesn’t feel good to me. I

believe people are in enough pain.

That’s exactly why I created The New Marketing Model for Success based on values, integrity and being of service

first. I think you’ll find that my copywriting and marketing formula of “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” will bring you

greater results.

We don’t need to be agitated to make a decision. In fact, especially for women (who are now influencing over 85% of all

purchasing decisions), when someone acknowledges our challenges (and really understands where we’re coming from),

provides a helpful solution and extends a friendly invitation, we’re more likely to take action. Nothing truly flows when it

comes from a place of pain and fear… Plus, when you’re

trying to create marketing messages based on a formula that feels broken or manipulative, chances are, your

marketing messages won’t be as effective as it could be.

Let me ask you this: When was the last time you purchased anything because you felt agitated? Have you ever purchased

something when you felt pressured? If so, I bet you experienced buyer’s remorse. That’s not the feeling you want your ideal

customers to have (I’d bet on that). Frequently, I share that I’ve never bought anything when agitated except maybe wine and

chocolate AND that had NOTHING to do with marketing. By large, the majority of purchases are made from an emotional

place, but this doesn’t mean you have to be manipulative about your marketing messages.

My mission is to give you a voice to turn your ideas into something that matters. I tend to attract mission-driven

entrepreneurs, business owners, visionaries, thought-leaders, authors, coaches, trainers, corporate leaders, speakers, artists,

healers and even light-workers. While you may seemingly not have anything in common with each other, you do have a

common thread. Regardless of your business model and

offerings, you have a vision to influence the world in a positive way. You often struggle to turn your BIG mission into a palatable

marketing message that gets results. The biggest challenge seems to be creating palatable marketing messages that don’t

feel icky or too salesy (yes, these are highly technical terms). And, when you’re struggling with your marketing message,

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chances are your strategy might need a boost, too.

The good news is I can help. I’m often told that I hold the vision

for where you are going before you even see it yourself. I also have the gift of capturing your voice in way that feels right to

you, says what you want to say without hard-sell tactics, and most importantly, connects with your ideal clients. In fact, I’ve

discovered that when you are BEing of true service, you don’t really have to sell (more on that later).

The Copywriting Action Plan will help you get clear on all of the

content you’ll need to effectively market your business. You’ll also learn tips to connect your message to market and build

lasting relationships, create customer loyalty and, ultimately, increase your results. The Copywriting Action Plan will also help

you think more strategically about your overall strategy. From

there, you’ll decide your next steps.

You can expect to stay connected via my online newsletter approximately once a week. I’ll also send you a few follow-up

messages within the next two weeks to see how you’re progressing with your journey (it may seem like a lot of

communication to start and it will slow down to only once a week unless I have a big promo to share). I’m honored to have the

opportunity to support you and am excited to have you as a member of the Write On Creative Community. While we

may or may not work together (you’ll find more info about this at the end of the Copywriting Action Plan), my desire is that you

succeed no matter what. And it’s really important to choose a copywriting partner and content strategist who has a work style

that meshes with yours. Someone who can help you craft your

marketing message to capture your true voice (or, at the very least, show you the way).

Cheers to your continued success!

Let’s get started.

Write on!~

Lisa Manyon “The Business Marketing Architect”

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~Copywriting Action Plan~

How To POWERFULLY Communicate Your Marketing Message To Increase Results

Welcome to the wonderful world of entrepreneurialism, business ownership and marketing management! You see, no matter what

your profession, you will always have a second job—the job of

a marketer.

We’re all fueled by our passion. Regardless of what it might be, we want to be happy, successful and enjoy life, right?

The bottom line is we’ve chosen our specific role or followed our calling

for a reason. When it comes right down to brass tacks, though, we must do much more than what we love. We have to market,

advertise and promote our services. Or we have to find the right person to add to our team to get the job done.

One of the most important aspects of marketing is your

Copywriting Action Plan.

This is where POWERFULLY communicating your marketing message to increase results comes into play. I say “play” because I love my work.

As a professional copywriter and marketing strategist, you might say I

have the best of both worlds. I’m able to skillfully merge my role as passionate entrepreneur with the role of marketing my business… and

luckily for you, yours too.

You see, the success of any marketing, advertising and promotional campaign all hinges on one very important factor—


Content translates to copy and, honestly, anyone CAN write. It’s a fact that if you can talk, you can write. At the same time, just

because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

Copy is more complex than simply writing something and popping it

into your medium of choice. Strategies need to be considered

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when cleverly crafting copy. It’s important to know:

what you want to say

who you want to say it to

how you need to present your information to get results

where to place your message

when to place your message

Once you’ve carefully considered all the elements of your

marketing efforts, you will have the foundation for your Copywriting Action Plan.

Here is the breakdown of my simple formula to create marketing

messages with integrity to help get you started. I encourage you to use this as the basic formula for all of your marketing messages and

I’ll share some additional tips, too.

I challenge you to examine your current marketing efforts, carefully. Chances are they can be improved with a detailed assessment of your

advertising, marketing and promotional materials.

Ask yourself:

1. Am I addressing the specific challenge of my prospects?

2. Am I offering the right solution to this challenge (from a place of

true service)?

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3. Am I extending a friendly invitation to take the next step or am I

being too pushy and salesy?

By examining your copy, offer and strategy, you’ll often find areas for improvement AND you’ll know if you’re getting

results. From there, it’s up to you create a Copywriting Action Plan to reach your goals.

There’s more to copy than just filling space with words. In fact, having

a plan for all of your copywriting efforts will place you miles ahead of many other businesses.

With that being said, let us jump right into my tips to help your

copy succeed and start developing your Copywriting Action Plan.

7 Power-packed Marketing Message Techniques to Help You Stand Apart From the Crowd,

Be of True Service and Easily Increase Your Profits

(Hint: When you are BEing of TRUE service, you don’t have to “sell”)

1. Understanding the importance of copy

First and foremost, it’s vital to understand why copy is so important. Your business success depends on copy more than you

might realize.

It’s amazing how many people don’t even know what “copy”


It’s even more amazing that many people who do understand the true value and power of copy don’t utilize it to the fullest—let alone

create a Copywriting Action Plan.

Copy is the written part of any marketing, advertising and promotional piece.

One of my favorite analogies comes from my friend and colleague

Lorrie Morgan–Ferrero. She professes that copy is the DNA of all marketing materials and she is so right. Imagine stripping away the

words from any broadcast radio or television script, print ad, brochure, website, billboard, business card… well, you get the idea.

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As you imagine advertising, marketing and promotional pieces without words, you begin to realize how important

carefully crafting your copy really is.

Simply put, your word (your copy) is your honor. That’s why it’s important to choose

your words wisely and make sure everything you’re doing is based on your

values (including your marketing).

Once you grasp how important copy is, you’re able to begin the process of crafting

copy that sells (without being pushy or salesy). If you aren’t interested in doing the actual writing yourself, you’ll at least

understand why it’s necessary to partner with a pro to help

you powerfully communicate your message to increase results. Plus, it’s often a good idea to have another set of eyes

review your copy, or possibly even create new copy, from a fresh perspective.

Take Action Challenge:

o Stop and take a moment to ponder all the areas in your

business where copy is necessary. o Now review one piece of copy.

o Ask yourself, “How important is this marketing material and is it doing its job?”

2. Know who you’re speaking to

This may seem obvious to you. At the same time, I’ve seen seasoned business owners grossly underestimate how crucial it is to

really connect with prospects.

If you think “everyone” is your target or prospective market, your copy will be watered down. Vanilla, if you will. Bland copy

doesn’t connect, let alone promote sales, and a broad approach to capturing your market is kind of like trapshooting. Hit and miss.

Unless, of course, you’re a sharpshooter or in this case a professional copywriter who can skillfully reach your desired target

audience with the right message.

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I actually once had a marketing professor in a small market claim he advised his students to target everyone in small markets

because it’s too expensive to segment. I was shocked and amazed by this methodology, especially since it’s proven time and again

that direct marketing works best. Not everyone is your ideal client. Not everyone has interest in your product or services. And,

most importantly, not everyone is prequalified to invest in what you have to offer.

So, really think about who you want to

reach BEFORE you begin writing. Consider your ideal clients. Hone

your marketing skills to become laser- focused on who you really want to work

with and how you will benefit them. You

want to be clear on this before you hire an ace copywriter to help you out, too.

This is a KEY piece of your marketing puzzle and something I go over in great detail as a part of my

program How to Create Marketing Messages With Integrity: Attract Your Ideal Client With Your Authentic Voice. When you are clear

about who you are meant to serve, you can create marketing messages with ease. More importantly, you’ll begin attracting ideal

clients instead of chasing not-so-ideal clients.

Bottom line is: The more clarity you have about who you want to do business with, the easier it will be to connect

with them. This clarity also positions you to attract your ideal clients instead of chasing not-so-ideal-clients.

Take Action Challenge:

o Think about your business and who you ultimately want to work with (who are you meant to serve?).

o Make a list that showcases all of your products, services and offerings.

o Are your marketing materials specifically created to attract your ideal customer? Is your ideal customer the same for

each offering?

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3. Discover your audience’s “hot buttons”

It’s one thing to know who you are speaking to and it’s another to

actually get through to them.

Here’s what I mean.

Often, we become so impassioned by our work or what we have to offer, we forget to really focus on our customers.

Taking the time to discover the “hot

buttons” of the people you want to reach will greatly increase your chances of

building relationships, really connecting and making a sale or lasting business

partnership. And by “hot buttons” I mean

what they are passionate about, what they need, the challenges they face and how

you can serve them. I do not mean focusing on pain points and agitating that pain. That’s the old-

school approach and, honestly, you can get better results without it.

Personally, I ask several key POWER point questions to really get to

the heart of my audience (or my client’s audience if I’m creating copy for someone else). I suggest you do the same.

After reviewing the POWER points, I go even deeper and clients

immerse themselves in my specialized questionnaires.

Knowing what really makes your customers tick will give you

the competitive edge to present your product or service in a way that motivates action and generates sales (without

having to use pushy hard-sell tactics). Again, this is where you’re attracting your ideal clients instead of spreading yourself too

thin, watering down your message and trying to be all things to everyone.

It’s also vital to realize sometimes you’re simply too close to your

own business to be objective. This is where an outside perspective from a professional copywriter, marketing

strategist or mentor can be really useful.

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Take Action Challenge:

o Ask yourself, “Do I really understand the challenges of my

prospects and ideal clients? What makes my customers tick?”

o Are you connecting on your prospects’ terms to help move them closer to a buying decision?

o What motivates people to buy from you instead of someone else?

4. Leave your ego behind

This is often the hardest concept to grasp, but a crucial component

to understand fully when writing effective marketing content. When preparing copy about your business, you need to keep your

ego in check.

You might not even realize how your ego is projected in your current copy or marketing efforts, or how it might be perceived by

others including potential business partners or clients.

Simply put, your customers are interested in how your product or service will benefit them. You can be the most

accomplished in your field and try to sell your products or services by explaining how great you are. Chances are, your copy will fail (or

at the very least not get the response or results you’d hoped for).

Certainly, you want to include your

qualifications in some marketing applications (think bios, resumes, media

pages, brochure information, about page on your website, etc.) and, at the same

time, the core focus of your copy should be on your end-user.

Again, it’s all about connecting with the consumer in a

friendly, purposeful way to promote action.

Always focus on the customers and what they will gain. Speak to them directly from a place of true service based on how you can

really help them. Be THE solution. This simple gesture will increase

results every time.

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Take Action Challenge:

o Take a moment to think about what is important to your core audience and the prospects who could be your paying

customers (aka ideal clients). o Now review the list of marketing materials you previously

compiled and highlight the copy you should create, revamp or completely rewrite to focus on your end-user.

o If you don’t have the time to tackle projects yourself, start outsourcing and offloading to a trusted copywriter or

marketing strategist today (the longer you wait to improve your content, the longer it will take to grow your


I also highly recommend learning copywriting basics yourself so you know what to look for when selecting the RIGHT copywriter for your


5. Include an offer or call to action (this is what I call the “invitation”)

What do you want your readers to do?

Purchase your products?

Sign up for your ezine or newsletter? Invest in your services?

Send referrals your way? Recommend you for speaking gigs?

Then, by all means, TELL them (or

better yet, gently ASK them).

While cute and clever ads with

sophisticated wordplay and subtle innuendos may win advertising awards,

clearly communicated offers and direct response is what delivers increased


It’s all about clear communication and letting your prospects know

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how you can be of service to them so they can consider becoming a

paid client (or investing in a product or service).

Now that you’ve taken the time to connect with your audience, it’s important to let them know what to do next.

The purpose of your advertising, marketing and promotional efforts should be clearly defined with an end-result in mind. Craft your

copy to support your goals and the needs of your clients.

Are you guiding your customers to take action?

Take Action Challenge:

o Take a moment to review all of your marketing materials today (especially if you hired a fancy ad agency, another

copywriter or a marketing “guru” to create them).

o Do all your efforts have a “call to action,” an “invitation” to guide your prospects toward the next logical step of doing

business with you? o Prioritize your projects and start updating your copy to

motivate action and sales. The sooner the better.

6. Tell a story to engage your audience

You may have heard the saying Facts Tell and Stories Sell… This is especially true when it comes to copy.

Facts are definitely important and you’ll want to be truthful

in any copy you create. Facts educate. Statistics can also be helpful (think facts and figures) and you can weave them

throughout your copy. Just remember who you’re talking to.

Studies have shown men tend to be more interested in facts and figures. Women tend to connect emotionally on a

relationship basis. Of course, this is a general statement and I

firmly believe a blend of facts, statistics and emotions must be incorporated in most copy.

To really connect you’ll also want to engage your audience with

storytelling. Figure out a way to connect your personal and professional experiences with your core audience’s desires.

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Can you POWERFULLY position your product and/or service in such a way your target audience will envision a better life because of

your offer?

What is your story and how does it

make life easier, faster or more complete for your customers?

Become an expert storyteller to

increase your results. Just make sure they’re true stories and not tall tales.

Truth in advertising is still the right way to go.

It is time to connect on an emotional level.

Take Action Challenge:

o Are you entertaining and engaging your audience with stories to connect them with you and your product or

services? o Think about ways you can build relationships through

storytelling and make a list of your stories. o How can you weave your stories throughout your copy and

marketing efforts to connect with your audience?

7. Consider the medium or channel of placement

Where is your message going to be seen or heard? This is an important question to consider BEFORE writing a single word. What

is your strategy?

Which marketing medium is the best choice for your message? Will

you reach your audience via radio or television broadcasts, viral video

marketing, billboards, online marketing via blogs or websites,

direct response mailings, email,

trade publications, newspaper ads,

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press releases or some other method?

Knowing your delivery method is crucial to deciding the length of

copy. Do you need a long sales letter to speak to already-qualified leads? Is a short, pithy ad in order? Or, is this a campaign requiring

a skillful balance of long and short copy?

What works in print might not always work in broadcast and vice versa.

Do you see why it’s important to understand your delivery options

and educate yourself on what is effective and what is not? If you don’t want to take on this task yourself, the key is finding a

crafty copywriter with experience spanning the mediums so your message is carefully tailored to work with the delivery

vehicle of choice.

Take Action Challenge:

o Before you write a single word of copy, consider your

medium. o Are you ready for a new approach with your marketing

materials? o Jot down your general ideas and then match your ideas

with the appropriate medium.

I know I promised 7 tips. I just cannot help myself. I think it’s

important to over-deliver whenever possible. So in the spirit of success and serving others, here’s another crucial tip.

8. Invest in your copy wisely

You’ve carefully reviewed your current marketing, advertising and promotional materials and now it’s time to

make an important business decision.

Will you outsource to a professional copywriter or write the copy yourself?

While it’s been said that copy is one of the most expensive

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items to outsource, I have to

challenge that a bit. I believe it can hurt your business and cost even

more if you don’t have the right person writing your copy.

Remember: All your advertising,

marketing and promotional efforts are INVESTMENTS, not expenses. If you

choose to write your own copy, it’s wise to invest in top-notch copywriting training.

Be sure to do what you do best and outsource the rest.

Return on investment should drive all of your decisions, but make those decisions wisely.

Take Action Challenge:

o Review your list of copywriting projects and start considering your options (What can you write? What

should you outsource?). o Be sure to thoroughly review candidates’ websites and

testimonials. Always carefully examine processes, procedures and work styles to make sure you are selecting

the absolute best fit for your business.

o Remember that copywriting and creating your content is a

collaborative process. Know you’ll have your work cut out for you and it’s always better to have a pro assisting.

Finalizing your Copywriting Action Plan

It’s my sincere hope this information has given you a solid foundation to create, revamp, rewrite or outsource your

copywriting projects.

You may have had several Ah-ha moments and realizations about just how important your copy is. Most importantly, I hope

you realize how crucial it is to create your Copywriting Action Plan and implement it.

As you review your copywriting projects list you’ve created and

consider your options, here’s some additional food for thought.

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Consider all of your copy – present and future

Here are some items you may need or want to add to your

current list of projects to update your Copywriting Action Plan.

Check all that apply to your current or future efforts.


Downloadable special reports (like this one)

Website copy

Website navigational outline and copy to create a new online


Landing Pages

Rewrites of current web content that isn’t getting the results

you’d hoped for

Sales Letters

Press Releases

Online Media Kit Content

Speaker one-sheet (online and offline use)

Bios (online and offline use)

Internet Marketing Support Materials:


Affiliate Program Plans and Email Support


Blog Postings and plans

Email promotions

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Ezine or Electronic Newsletter Content

Press Releases

Viral Video Scripts




Business Card Content

Consumer Packaging

Direct Mail Efforts

Envelope Copy



Point-of-Sale or Point-of-Purchase signage

Post Cards

Print Ad Content (newspaper, magazine or trade publication)

Rack Cards

Radio Broadcast Scripts

Television Broadcast Scripts

Storefront Signage

This information should help you approach your copy needs with

big-picture vision. You’ll probably even be reminded of projects you hadn’t noted before and I didn’t list above. Be sure to add

them to your list.

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Putting Your Copywriting Action Plan into Action Now that you’ve given consideration to all the copywriting

support you’ll need and you’ve noted it in your Copywriting

Action Plan, it’s time to prioritize.

Break each project down by priority and assign a deadline to complete each project. Then it’s time to start writing or contact

your new copywriting partner and be sure to review your Copywriting Action Plan regularly. You’ll want to make sure your

marketing message is solid because if your words are weak, your results will be, too. Once you’re comfortable crafting copy that

attracts your ideal clients, you’ll want to examine your online presence to make sure your website is really working for you.

And, once you’ve established a solid online presence, you can begin to develop your Content Strategy Plan.

The steps I recommend when planning for your marketing

success include:

1. Identify what you need to write. The Copywriting Action Plan

to help you write better copy and identify what you need to write so you can start planning your content. (This is my free gift to


2. Learn how to craft copy in your own voice so you can create messages that connect with your prime prospects. It’s also

important to understand the basics of copywriting so you can hire the right person/people to support your efforts when you

decide to outsource. The program I recommend to help with this is How to Create Marketing Messages With Integrity: Attract

Your Ideal Clients With Your Authentic Voice.

3. Create a strong online presence with a clear and compelling

website (it’s all about leveraging your time and talents and an effective website can help make that happen). The program that

can help you do this is 24-7 Web Sales Secrets.

4. Develop a Content Strategy Plan. This is your Internet editorial plan to help guide all of your marketing efforts in

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accordance to your goals. This process is recommended only

when you are web-ready. (You don’t want to drive traffic to your site if it is not doing its job.)

5. Monitor your results. This is where you roll up your sleeves

with a trusted partner to review your offerings via a Marketing Audit or you schedule one-on-one time with a trusted consultant,

your mentor or coach of choice to review your BIG picture vision and make sure you are reverse-engineering your marketing

efforts to support this vision. More often than not, you’ll need to course correct and it’s important to have trusted advisors who

can help.

Marketing your business is an ongoing responsibility. Do what it takes to ensure your success – and success is largely a matter of

actually implementing your plan.

READ ON to discover Write On solutions for your business... (and a special savings of $200.00 as a “Thank You”

for being a part of the Write On Creative community).

About Write On ~ Creative Writing Services & Lisa Manyon:

How Write On Creative Serves You:

My primary goal is to make your life easier by providing ongoing

professional copywriting, coaching, mentoring and marketing strategy support so you can share your message with the world,

help more people, and, of course, increase your results (including profits).

I offer programs to help you with this.

You will find that I meet you exactly where you are and have solutions if you need marketing copy, have marketing copy

that needs help or just want to write better marketing copy yourself.

Let’s Get Started…

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Ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work?

When you want to do it yourself, this generally

means you’re a self-starter and need solutions

to improve your overall marketing message, web content and strategy. You might

be just starting out online or you could already have an established online presence and understand the importance of

fine-tuning your content and creating fresh copy.

I have two recommendations for your DIY pleasure. I suggest

starting with your marketing message and making sure you have a solid foundation for all of your marketing efforts.

When you're questioning your

own direction, know you need to make adjustments and aren't

sure WHY your marketing messages are missing the

mark, I have the solution for you. This is a highly effective process that brings laser clarity to

your values, mission and vision, and completely changes the way you've been crafting your marketing messages and approaching

your strategy. When you’re still struggling or want to improve your copywriting and marketing skills and you're ready to

discover a simple formula to create marketing message with

ease and receive guided training from me, I highly recommend my program How to Create Marketing Messages With

Integrity: Attract Your Ideal Clients With Your Authentic Voice. You'll learn first-hand how my “Challenge. Solution.

Invitation.™” formula is changing the way we market forever. The process will shift the way you approach marketing and bring

you into alignment with your message so you craft copy that helps you connect with the right clients for your business. (This

program is normally $297.00 and payment options are available.)

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When you're ready to revamp your website to ensure you're capturing the

attention of your ideal clients in 3 seconds or less, I highly recommend

the 24-7 Web Sales Secrets Course that Ali Brown and I co-created. We

walk you through the exact steps you need to take to create a clear strategy

for your website and write copy that connects with your prospects, turning them into paying customers. Plus, you'll learn

the 3, 3, 3 rule that is a MUST have for all websites. (This program is normally $247.00.)

I've created a little bundle of LOVE for you to help you improve your marketing message and your website strategy (two of the

most fundamental pieces of your marketing puzzle).

I'm offering you this special, reduced investment as a “Thank You” for trusting me and for being a part of the

Write On Creative Community. Plus, I want to help you with your marketing message and strategy so you can leverage your

time and talent. You’ll know if it feels right to you and, if not, that’s okay, too. (I trust you’ve already received a great deal of

value from the Copywriting Action Plan.)

In a nutshell, you'll save $200.00 when you treat yourself to the How to Create Marketing Messages With Integrity program

and the 24-7 Web Sales Secrets program (a combined value

of $544.00 is yours for only $344. That's both programs for only $47 more than the MWI alone and $100.00 off each program).

Click this link to receive your savings of $200.00.

I encourage you to take action only when you are ready to make significant changes in your business and you are

actually committed to implementing the information in my programs.

You won't find this offer on my website, but if you'd like get the

full details on these programs and the other ways I can help you, visit www.writeoncreative.com and remember to come back here

to use this special link to claim your bundled savings.

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Have a website that’s not really doing what it needs to do?

When you have copy that needs help, this generally

means you have an established web presence

that isn’t performing as you’d like. You need help with strategy and fine-tuning your web content to connect with your

ideal clients, attract qualified prospects and turn them into paying customers. Often, you’ve only been given pieces of the

online marketing puzzle and you’re wondering why it’s not all fitting together as you’d hoped. You likely have an established

brand or you may be in the process of rebranding. The starting point for you is a Manyon Marketing Web Makeover where you’ll

receive comprehensive one-on-one time with me to create a strategy to improve your website flow, content and more. We’ll

likely uncover some unrealistic web expectations (which might

also reveal additional revenue streams, online and offline, as well as strategies to tap into that potential). When you’re

ready to increase your results online, a Manyon Marketing Web Makeover is the best choice for you.

Ready to work together to create web content and strategy that gets results?

When you need copy, this generally means you are

creating a website from scratch and need

guidance with writing for the web and developing your strategy. You might also

already have an established business and you’re now expanding and adding a brand or online presence. The best place to start

is to review the Basic 5 Page Web Copy and Strategy

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Package offer.

You can get all the details when you visit


You’ll find solutions to support you if you need copy, have copy that needs help or you want to learn how to do it better yourself.

Once you’ve become a preferred client, you gain access to services NOT available to the general public (things like

Marketing Audits, Content Strategy Plans, retained content strategy and consulting packages, one-on-one mentoring

programs, etc.).

Note: I prefer the long-term approach to working together and

can support you with a variety of projects. We can explore these

options once you become a preferred client. It’s important to mention that I only set aside time to support 4 mission-driven

businesses with Manyon Marketing Web Makeovers each week and my schedule only allows full support of 2 web content and

strategy project clients each month. My consulting, coaching and mentoring is reserved for preferred clients and I do have a wait

list for other projects when my schedule is full. I also have trusted, preferred referral partners if we are not a good fit or if

my schedule is full. Most professional copywriters have a 4 – 6 week turnaround time and many have a waiting list (me

included, depending on project scope). So, the sooner you select the pro you want to work with, the sooner you’ll be able to

POWERFULLY communicate your marketing message to increase results even if Write On Creative is not the best fit for you. Plus,

once you’ve established a long-term relationship with the

content strategist of your choice, chances are your projects will be expedited based on in-depth knowledge of your products and

services learned over time. My preferred clients receive priority treatment.

Speaking of preferred clients, click here “Client Comments” to

read what they have to say about working with me.

Read on to learn more about my qualifications and experience. You’ll find my bio on the next page.

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I’m excited to help you find your voice and

turn your ideas into something that matters!

About Lisa Manyon:

Lisa Manyon is “The Business Marketing Architect”, a content strategist for mission-driven entrepreneurs and business owners. The creator of

The New Marketing Model for Success, Lisa’s “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” copywriting and

marketing formula has shifted – and is shaping the future of – the way we market today. Her

relationship-first approach is friendly, effective and

teaches people how to create marketing messages with integrity based on values.

Her philosophies have been featured in Inc.

Magazine and alongside visionaries Richard Branson, Jessica Jackley, Arianna Huffington and B Corporations like Ben and Jerry’s in the

bestselling books Wonder Women: How Western Women Will Save The World and Engage: Your Step by Step Guide to Creating a Workplace

that You, Your Co-workers and Your Customers Love!

A thought leader in copywriting, strategy and marketing, she

specializes in powerfully communicating your marketing message to increase results. Her innovative marketing vision has been known to

accurately predict marketing trends. Lisa’s philosophies offer an alternative to the notion that “copy is king”, with her message that

copy is actually QUEEN (the feminine energy of marketing), strategy is KING (the masculine energy of marketing), and together they are the

key to creating strong, effective results. She is a master of matching your message to market. Renowned for her Manyon Marketing Web

Makeovers, Content Strategy Plans and website copy and strategy packages, Lisa helps clients build relationships, attract ideal clients and

increase income online and offline (often uncovering unrealistic web

expectations). Lisa’s consulting techniques have doubled client engagement and opt-in rates quickly, generated over $40,000.00 in

just one focused email campaign and produced over $75,000.00 in

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sales via a single launch concept. Lisa’s big-vision ability to see all the

pieces of your marketing puzzle allows her to help you reverse engineer your big ideas into tangible action steps to turn your dreams

into reality.

President of Write On ~ Creative Writing Services, LLC, Lisa has successfully operated her business since 2003. Additionally, she

has spent well over 20 years in the marketing trenches of advertising agencies, radio stations and nonprofit organizations. She is the

recipient of the Charles Schwab Financial Literacy Award in The Hot Mommas 2011 Competition and is featured in the world’s largest

digital library of role models for women and girls, housed at George Washington University. Lisa is co-creator of the 24-7 Web Sales

Secrets Course and co-author of the #1 best-selling book Success Rituals 2.O – Winning Habits of High-Achieving Women:

How She Does It and You Can Too.

The first professional copywriter in the state of Idaho to achieve

Glazer–Kennedy Creating Copy that Sells certification, she has collaborated with Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero and served as a Copy Coach in

the She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp. She survived John Carlton’s infamous Marketing Rebel Hot Seats, participated in the top Influence

level of Ali Brown’s Elevate coaching and is a Certified Radio Marketing Master via The Radio Advertising Bureau.

Lisa is a Council Member for the Women Speakers Association,

Founding Member of the Evolutionary Business Council and Expert Faculty for Business Brilliance University. Her articles are featured in

Online Marketing Manager, Women Online, Dare, Healthy Wealthy N Wise, Feminine Soul, Compose, SoulWoman, Aspire magazine and

more. She’s a guest expert on Experience Pros radio and available for

media interviews, speaking engagements, training, workshops, and breakout sessions.

Learn more via her media kit at lisa.instantmediakit.com or visit her APEX award-winning blog where she offers free marketing resources www.writeoncreative.com/blog.