the sterek book


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fanfic teen wolf


  • sterek

  • by: kjerstin-art


    2. WHY STEREK ?

    3. CANON

    4. THANK YOU

  • 1. SHIPPINGShipping, derived from the word relationship, is often played on

    perceived chemistry between characters. Shipping is when you

    want two characters to be in a romantic relationship. It is considered

    a general term for fans emotional involvement with the ongoing

    development of romance in a work of fiction.

    Shipping refers to the whole phenomenon; a ship is the concept of

    a fictional couple; to ship a couple means to want to see them in a

    relationship; a shipper is somebody significantly involved with a

    fictional couple.

  • by: starktrek

  • Shipping is also about the anticipation.

    Will they finally get together?

    Why should they get together?

    Shippers write paragraphs and essays about their favorite ships;

    theyre devoted to their OTP (One True Pairing).

    When someone says they ship Sterek, they are saying they love the

    idea of Derek and Stiles in a romantic relationship. To show their

    love and support, Sterek shippers get inspired by what happens

    in the show to create their own stories and fanart. While some works

    are solemnly part of the imagination of its creators, others remain

    faithful to what we see and what we get on the show.

    by: kickingshoes

  • by: aeslinn

  • 2. WHY STEREK ?To tell a real love story, one that resonates on a deeper level, the

    characters have to be equals, not necessarily within their own

    universes but from the point of view of the narrative. The two parts

    of the couple need to have their own personal character arcs. They

    need to exist outside of the couple, with a narrative agency that few

    pure love interests ever get. Thats why Scott and Allison work well

    as a story. They are established as romantically linked, but more

    than that, they have near equal shares in the narrative because they

    are characters with their own personal arcs.

    If either Derek or Stiles are going to be deemed worthy of a real love

    story, this is where theyll find it. Not just because of chemistry, not

    just because they are both opposites and mirror images, but because

    they are narrative equals.

  • by: alphapact

  • by: halewolfing

  • by: wholove

  • CHEMISTRYFound in every interaction between this pairing, from their snarky,

    quirky banter to their deep, searching looks. This is the deepest

    root of our love of Sterek, the reason we latched onto the pairing,

    the reason Sterek has spread like wildfire. Every moment they are

    on screen together is loaded with emotions, and more than just

    adversarial ones. The characters play off of one another, humor one

    another, tease one another, all the while giving the fandom a chance

    to wonder about all that they could yet be.

    Chemistry cannot be manufactured on television. In books you can

    create chemistry with words, but on screen it all comes down to a mix

    of casting and luck. It doesnt matter how well you plan it, sometimes

    chemistry happens even when it wasnt supposed to.

    Stiles and Derek have undeniable chemistry.

  • by: tumsa

  • by: sinyhale

  • POTENTIALThis pairing is all about delicious potential. Hilarity and angst and

    somewhere in between the spark of something that can last.

    Theyre like magnets that push and pull, act and react. Its that

    potential built up mixed with the slow build, that has us on the edge

    of their seat, waiting for that much more that could easily happen.

    To reach the point where that chemistry is undeniable, not just to us,

    not just to the other characters, not just to you, but also to them.

  • by: mydearsourwolf

  • by: alphapact

  • by: ohhelga

  • by: schmorill

  • TRUSTDespite explicitly stating his distrust of Stiles in 2x04, Derek has

    shown several times over and several times again that he does trust

    Stiles. He may not even know it, standing by his resolution to trust no

    one, but nevertheless, he has trusted Stiles to keep him alive, to keep

    his secrets, to find the way into the bank, to protect his unconscious

    and dying sister - the list goes on. Derek can count on Stiles - always

    has been able to. Stiles has seen Derek weak and vulnerable and has

    come through for him time and time again. And just like he saved

    Derek, Stiles has also been saved in return. Though hes stated his

    dislike and distrust of Derek several times, hes trusted Derek with

    not only his own life, but also Scotts and later his fathers. Derek

    punched Stiles in the wrist and Stiles walked right back up to the

    table and stood next to him because as much as they push each others

    buttons, Stiles knows Derek would never hurt him.

  • by: sinyhale

  • They have saved each others actual lives several times, but with

    trust, they can also save each other in even more important ways.

    Its that potential saving that makes us so emotionally invested in the

    pairing. Its how fate, as cheesy as that sounds, brings them together

    and makes them grow more and more fond of each other. Its how

    fear became curiosity, how curiosity became concern and

    how concern can become so much more.

    by: radioactivated

  • SCOTTScott McCall has always been the link between Stiles and Derek. Stiles

    can be and has been the bridge that Derek needs to become closer to

    Scott as a brother, as an ally. There is untapped energy in the three of

    them as a group, in the way that they could become the greatest allies

    and lead the greatest pack Beacon Hills has ever seen.

    Scott and Stiles can help Derek become the leader that his mother

    was. Scott is smart and hes strong, but his heart is his weapon.

    Stiles is brave and he cares, but his mind is what is always ahead of

    everyone else. Derek is too noble and pragmatic, but its his soldier

    soul that makes him move forward.

    Scotts heart, Stiles mind and Dereks strength combined

    would be an unstoppable force.

  • by: weredoc

  • by: kumagorochan

  • by: alphapact

  • EQUALSAs theyve grown closer and closer, their relationship has changed,

    but not their dynamic. Derek is still a puzzle that Stiles wants to solve

    and he has been the one, moreso than any other character, to work

    on putting it together. Stiles is still unreadable to Derek - hes the

    human who runs with wolves and is not afraid to remain by his side.

    Still them, but with less walls to climb, because Stiles understands

    a bit more of Dereks pain and Derek is giving in more and more to

    Stiles amusement.

    From day one, they have interacted as equals - not because they

    were physically matched, but because Stiles said so and Derek

    let him. Dereks physical prowess complement Stiles physical

    weakness (striking in comparison to his peers). Moreover, Dereks

    biggest weakness is his susceptibility to words, which are Stiles

    greatest strength.

    Theres the epic potential of becoming something great without

    changing them. They dont need to change for each other. That

    acceptance has been there for a while.

    Together they become more.

    Together, Stiles and Derek complement each other.

  • by: ohhelga

  • by: zainclaw

  • TROPESMerriam-Webster defines trope as a figure of speech. In

    storytelling, a trope is just that a conceptual figure of speech,

    a shorthand for a concept that the audience will recognize and

    understand instantly.

    The appeal of Stiles and Derek rests on the fact that the relationship

    satisfies several extremely popular tropes, such as:

    Belligerent Sexual Tension: Theres a couple, usually a

    sweet but quickly angered person paired with a secretly-kind jerk,

    who is not able to admit their feelings. Despite the conflict, there

    is an attraction. Sometimes they will progress to admitting their

    friendship but insist they are Just Friends. Eventually, they can

    admit their feelings to practically anyone except their loved one.

    Fire-Forged Friends: Characters hostile to each other or

    indifferent that must fight on the same side. Afterwards, they are

    no longer hostile and perhaps even actual friends, which eventually

    evolves into Battle Couple dynamics - the kind of couple where

    bullets figure prominently in the story of their early romance. Where

    war buddy and significant other are synonyms. Where if you

    harm either one, the other will kill you as surely as the sun rises.

  • And is it worth the wait,all this killing time?

    Are you strong enough to stand,protecting both your heart and mine?

    by: jojenreeds

  • Cant Live With Them; Cant Live Without Them: One

    person, often a loner-type, is paired off with someone else against

    their will. He cant stand the person/situation and wishes for his old

    routine. When he gets it back, he suddenly realizes he misses that

    person a lot and does everything in his power to get them back.

    by: fruscianted

  • Odd Friendship: A friendship which develops between

    two characters that would seem unlikely to be friends, whether

    its because of them having diametrically opposed personalities or

    some other quirks of their beings that would lead to them clashing.

    Through their friendship, they learn more about each other and

    about themselves.

    Vitriolic Best Buds: These guys bicker constantly. Theyre

    always snaping at each other. They snark relentlessly. They duke it

    out on equal terms, hurling insults at one another with prejudice.

    But underneath the verbal fencing is a rock-solid friendship. Often,

    they have opposite morals, personalities, or fighting ability which is

    presumably the cause of the vitriol.

    by: sinyhale

  • by: herzdieb

  • by: winterkiss

  • Opposites Attract: Strong relationships thrive on how

    each member compensates for the others weaknesses with his own

    strengths, and vice versa. It is all but guaranteed that the characters

    differences will cause more friction than harmony between them.

    Thats what gives the Odd Couple its fuel for situations such as:

    Slap-Slap-Kiss: When two characters spend

    a lot of time bickering, it is all but inevitable that sooner

    or later one of them will interrupt the other in mid-rant

    by suddenly grabbing and kissing them. The kissed one

    rarely resists, and usually responds wholeheartedly.

    Usually this is triggered by their hostilities reaching a

    climax that results in an exchange of slaps, followed by

    a moment where both stare at each other in combined

    confusion and shock, after which they dive into the kiss.

    Will They or Wont They?: Two characters,

    often combative but with obvious Unresolved Sexual

    Tension, resist going into a full blown relationship for a

    rather long time.

    Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each

    Other: When a couple/potential couple who spend

    the entirety of the show yelling at each other, insulting

    one another, stabbing each other in the back, etc.

    have a moment when they reveal that, deep down, they

    really care for one another.

  • Love At First Punch: They say you never get a second

    chance to make a first impression, but if that first impression involves

    you insulting, smacking or punching anyone with an arrogant

    personality, then youd best watch out. You may have just made

    yourself a cruel and brutal enemy. And if they dont become your

    enemy, they may become something else.

    Power Trio: Linking back to the SCOTT point, the most

    common pattern for this is for two members of the group to be each

    others Foils, frequently coming into conflict with each other, with the

    third member of the group acting as the mediator, keeping The Team

    together and balancing their respective personalities.

    by: levin-atanx

  • by: alphapact

  • HISTORYWe see Derek and Stiles reflected in other popular couples, and were

    inevitably driven to them. A few examples of romantic duos that share a

    similar dynamic to Derek/Stiles are:

    Elizabeth/Darcy From Pride And Prejudice (Though

    More So In Adaptations Than The Book.)

    Knightley/Emma In Emma (As Well, Their Modern

    Successors, Cher/Josh In Clueless.)

    Katherine/Petruchio In The Taming Of The Shrew

    (And Their Modern Successors Kat/Patrick In 10 Things

    I Hate About You.)

    Han Solo/Leia In Star Wars.

    Beatrice and Benedick in Shakespeares Much Ado

    About Nothing.

  • by: pembroke

  • by: herzdieb

  • PARALLELSAllison & Scott and Derek & Stiles kind of parallel each other in

    opposing ways.

    Allison and Scott pretty much fall into instant infatuation whereas

    Stiles and Derek mistrust and dislike each other from the start. Allison

    doesnt know about Scott for a good chunk of their relationship, and

    Stiles knows all about Derek right from the get-go. Allison and Scott

    get into danger because of each other, whereas Derek and Stiles get

    into danger together and then have to get each other out of it. Scott

    and Allison have to sneak around to spend time together, and Stiles

    and Derek try to avoid having to see each other, but always manage

    to gravitate back together despite themselves. Scott and Allison

    spend all of their time declaring their love for each other, and Derek

    and Stiles go out of their way to convince everyone they dont care if

    the other one dies even though they keep saving each other.

  • COMPATIBILITYWhen Stiles and Derek are in a scene together they bring out sides in

    each other that are normally hidden. Derek is more sarcastic, more

    human, less of a burned shell. Stiles is less accommodating, often

    more focused. When they are together they figure stuff out and get

    shit done and they play off each other in fascinating ways.

  • They talk out ideas and possibilities and follow through when theyve

    figured something out. They have similar damages, things they can

    understand that no one else can. Theyve both lost people they loved

    and felt responsible for it. They both hide their true feelings, one

    behind a brutish silence, the other behind sarcasm. There is anger in

    both of them. They have both loved or are possibly still in love with

    women who didnt love them back.

    They protect each other. They argue and push and pull, because oddly

    enough, even with threats and such a physical strength differential, their

    decision making process is democratic or at the very least iterative.

    by: tifferini

  • by: aspenaire

  • by: dereksassypants

  • by: snarkyashale

  • FANDOMAs in August 2013, of the 24,360 TEEN WOLF stories on AO3 a

    general fanfiction archive 15,556 of them are tagged Stiles/Derek

    (64% of the total), which is more than five times the amount of stories

    that feature the next most popular pairing (Scott/Allison).

    Sterek is the third most popular pairing on AO3, only surpassed

    by Sherlock/Watson (Sherlock BBC) and Dean/Castiel (Supernatural)

    Of the top 10 stories (involving all fandoms) with the most kudos on

    AO3, 7 are Derek/Stiles. And of the top 20, 15 are Derek/Stiles.

    The most popular tags in Sterek stories are: fluff, angst, alternative

    universe, established relationship and hurt/comfort.

  • The most popular art online community, deviantART, has currently

    10,495 artworks featuring Derek and Stiles; from drawings to

    digital paintings and from tshirts to craft pieces.

    On Youtube, the estimated number of Sterek videos is 38,500.

    The most popular videos go beyond 200,000 views.

    Last year, Sterek won the Ultimate Slash Madness Tourney against

    Destiel with 429,233 votes (55,63%). This year, 32 pairings were

    competing against each other. Sterek took the second place with

    854,216 votes (49,91%) against Destiel. The number of votes doubled!

    by: silvermittt

  • by: AkiMao

  • by: qhuinn

  • by: stereksextape

  • by: wolfsbanepunch

  • LGBTViewers are desperately yearning for stories about people who are

    queer as a matter of course, stories that dont revel in how being gay

    is the most miserable thing that can happen to you, stories that arent

    about being queer as if that is the most important thing in our lives.

    Stiles and Derek have fully realized personal story arcs. If they fall

    in love their story wont be about them being gay, it will

    be about them being them. They will be queer people in a queer

    relationship, but their story will be about werewolves and personal

    guilt and learning to trust someone. And every time some fourteen

    year old queer kid sees them doing their Buffy impressions and fighting

    monsters, that kid will feel more of a person and less of a caricature.

    by: steammmpunk

  • by: AkiMao

  • by: sinyhale

  • CONNECTIONStiles and Derek share a fundamental connection, one that only they

    can understand. Both share not only loss in their pasts, but also carry

    a guilt, a feeling of responsibility for those losses. While we dont

    know the reason for Stiles guilt, its been made clear that its there

    and that fact sets him apart from others on the show whove lost

    loved ones - save for Derek. They share something that no one else

    can understand or empathize with, something that we hope someday

    they will be able to talk about and help each other through.

  • by: mydearsourwolf

  • by: winterkiss

  • STORYA romantic relationship between Stiles and Derek would make an

    incredibly interesting story. Its full of both internal and external

    conflict. Internally, their own clashing yet complementing personalities.

    Externally, the hinge point of Scott, of Stiles being his best friend and

    Derek being someone whos been forced into his life due to circumstance,

    along with their differing species and age difference. These things add

    depth and consequence, making the pairing something that is ever-

    -threatened and therefore ever-engaging.

  • Im not you, nor you me, but were both moving steady. by: winterkiss

  • by: mydearsourwolf

  • by: herzdieb

  • While watching Teen Wolf, people get the chance to step outside the

    heteronormative bubble for forty minutes, imagining that not everyone

    is automatically either straight or gay. Once you are able to put aside

    heteronormative assumptions, only two things matter: narrative and


    Both Derek and Stiles have come a long way since they first met. A

    romantic story between them would not be boring (at all), would not be

    about two characters who are meant to be, would not be another story

    about love at first sight. Theyre the people who were actively avoiding

    working with each other, but were still forced to do it. Its infuriating,

    hilarious and full of angst.

    by: alphapact

  • by: herzdieb

  • It would be amazing to watch two emotionally constipated characters

    try to negotiate actual feelings, to discover that they do care about each

    other, to discover they trust each other, to fight the misunderstandings,

    to come to a point where they try to avoid each other, to neglect those

    feelings. This would be a relationship where we could see both characters

    fight for it. It wouldnt be a blissful or easy road for the two of them, but it

    would be honest and sincere without either of them asking for anything

    in return.

    by: sinyhale

  • by: snarkyashale

  • Why do I ship Sterek?

    I dont see Sterek as two individuals I really want to see making out

    or something like that.

    I see a boy who lost his mother and perhaps also his father for a little

    while. I see a boy who probably thinks of his mother before he goes to

    sleep and how his life would be with her.


    Dad, please say something...

    by: lostyourtemper

  • I see a young man who smiles and laughs, but deep down hes

    breaking. Someone who protects people because he cant bear to lose

    anyone else.

    This character breaks my heart and sometimes I just wish he had a

    cup of raspberry hot chocolate, a blanket and a new video card for

    his PC games.

  • Derek had feelings for Kate, which obviously ended badly and he

    blames himself every day. He returns to Beacon Hills and lives in the

    Hale house because he must remind himself of what we did and how

    everything is his fault.

    He doesnt trust anyone, because trust killed his family. He doesnt

    want to be alone, but he does it to himself because he feels that he

    deserves it. He starts a pack and later they leave him. He thinks he

    deserves this, that he should not have a pack again.

    Derek,we have to go!

    i didthis

  • If only something could go right for him. Anything! Like, his coffee is

    perfect that morning, his favorite team won, or even getting a lucky

    penny it would be great.

    These two have gone through so much in their young lives. I just want

    them to have someone to lean on when things get rough.

  • 3. CANONWe dont want Derek and Stiles to get the sweeping music treatment.

    They dont need it. We want to see them fight for this. We want to

    see them drawn to each other despite their own better judgment. We

    want to see them bleed for this. We want tooth and claw and tears and


    by: crisisindisguise

  • by: syllirium

  • Getting Stiles and Derek to their happy ending should take a long time.

    It should be hard. It should be a difficult road with a lot of pitfalls. Who

    wants easy? Easy and sweet is for people like Scott and Allison. Derek

    and Stiles are different. Their jagged edges are what makes them so

    good, what makes this so interesting.

  • Something like Derek and Stiles is a story about overcoming adversity.

    Its about how love, like weeds, can grow in unlikely places. Its the

    antithesis to sweet and easy. It takes a long time and a commitment by

    the writers to go there. The road is long and complicated. And maybe

    they wont ever get to anything like a happy ending. You know, thats

    okay, too.

    We want the show to leave us with metaphorical blue balls and tears

    and make us writhe with how much we want them to get together. Not

    just us fans, but everyone. We want to see Derek and Stiles steep in

    unresolved sexual tension until they, and we, cant take it anymore. And

    we want them to be the same sarcastic assholes theyve always been.

    by: hale-obrien

  • But what wed like to see is for all of that to be undeniably real. Even

    if they never act on it, wed like to see it made explicit that they want to.

    Maybe they arent ready to even acknowledge anything, but we have

    other characters, who know them and who are there when Derek and

    Stiles interact. Just something, indicating that people in their world,

    who know them, have also picked up on what we as viewers have.

    And later on, when they are ready to acknowledge to themselves their

    own emotions, we can get some angsty, sweet, sweet denial. You know

    thatd just make their discussions just a bit more desperate, more fierce

    and frantic. The tension would be maddening and beautiful.

    by: shercocklocked

  • by: winterkiss

  • The age difference is an interesting issue to explore and work with

    related to Stiles and Dereks characters. It brings up all the traumas

    in Dereks past, forces him to deal with all the things hes been hiding

    and running away from for years. It forces the viewer to contemplate

    how much age matters in defining equals, specifically in comparison

    to the other underage pairings on the show. It just brings so many

    possibilities for good television, we get giddy just thinking of it.

    Making it canon is the journey, not the destination. Making it

    canon is not about a static couple, its about a living, breathing

    story. Making it canon is not easy. But that journey, that struggle,

    makes it all the more satisfying in the end. Making it canon is

    about acknowledgement, not happy endings.

    by: aeslinn

  • by: sterekboberek

  • by: qhuinn

  • 4. THANK YOUIf only there was enough space in this tiny book that could express all

    of our love for this show and this pairing...

    The selection of works for this book was not easy. These were only

    some of many good examples of how talented and passionate Sterek

    shippers are. We are not trying to represent the whole fandom, but

    even if we tried, this little book wouldnt be able to, not even a little bit,

    not even at all. Itd not be able to represent all fans of all genders and

    ages, from all around the world. The Sterek fandom is massive and it

    keeps welcoming more fans each day it passes. It keeps bringing new

    talents and new minds together. Its all because of love and passion

    for this show; its all because of you.

    We hope that you can accept this as part of our love and gratitude for

    everything you have given us until now. While for some fans, Teen

    Wolf is merely a show that they enjoy watching during Mondays, for

    others its a source of inspiration. Your work inspires us to do more

    and do better. Thank you for this story, thank you for the amazing

    performances, thank you for the attention to the little details, thank

    you for the understanding and the love.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  • by: finduilasclln

  • 2013

    made with love