the stellar nation of the dragon

The Stellar Nation of the Dragon. Liltianes Draco We must say this again in advance that all the stellar nations were born out of the Light, each as a perfect manifestation of the Divine dream of Creation, and that is where they return to, after having traveled through the colorful pathways of experiencing. Therefore we must think of each nation with the highest possible respect and openness, without any prejudices. The heavenly name of the Stellar Nation of the Dragons,which is to be presented here is Liltianes Draco, which in our language means,"The Heart of the Warrior". The Celestial cradle of this nation,the place where its journey began on the galactic scene was revealed to us at the beginning of our attunement already.This stellar place is one of the ancient stars of the Orion constellation, and although it can no longer be seen in its original size, its original position is still indicated by a star fragment, in the form of Omega Orionis. The great and spectacular constellation on the celestial equator represents the Celestial Hunter,the son of Poseidon according to Greek mythology.One of the legends says that Orion fell in love with a group of nymphs who were hiding in the cluster of the Pleiades in the neighboring constellation. Interestingly,due to the Earth's rotation, Orion seems to be hunting these stellar women constantly over the sky. From the previous chapters we could learn that Betelgeuse and Bellatrix,the stars on Orion's shoulders are the stations of the Stellar Nation of the Angels,while the three stars embellishing his belt - Mintaka, Alnitak and Alnilam - are the initiating gates of the Nation of the Winged Lion. And now it was revealed that the star Omega Orionis marks the point of the Hunter's heart - it shines a dile dimly now but originally it was a much greater star. Its present position is 24.36' Gemini. This star itself is

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Page 1: The Stellar Nation of the Dragon

The Stellar Nation of the Dragon.

Liltianes Draco

We must say this again in advance that all the stellar nations were born out of the Light, each as a perfect manifestation of the Divine dream of Creation, and that is where they return to, after having traveled through the colorful pathways of experiencing. Therefore we must think of each nation with the highest possible respect and openness, without any prejudices. The heavenly name of the Stellar Nation of the Dragons,which is to be presented here is Liltianes Draco, which in our language means,"The Heart of the Warrior". The Celestial cradle of this nation,the place where its journey began on the galactic scene was revealed to us at the beginning of our attunement already.This stellar place is one of the ancient stars of the Orion constellation, and although it can no longer be seen in its original size, its original position is still indicated by a star fragment, in the form of Omega Orionis. The great and spectacular constellation on the celestial equator represents the Celestial Hunter,the son of Poseidon according to Greek mythology.One of the legends says that Orion fell in love with a group of nymphs who were hiding in the cluster of the Pleiades in the neighboring constellation. Interestingly,due to the Earth's rotation, Orion seems to be hunting these stellar women constantly over the sky. From the previous chapters we could learn that Betelgeuse and Bellatrix,the stars on Orion's shoulders are the stations of the Stellar Nation of the Angels,while the three stars embellishing his belt - Mintaka, Alnitak and Alnilam - are the initiating gates of the Nation of the Winged Lion. And now it was revealed that the star Omega Orionis marks the point of the Hunter's heart - it shines a dile dimly now but originally it was a much greater star. Its present position is 24.36' Gemini. This star itself is called the Heart of the Warrior, and the whole nation has been named after it. Then a very interesting vision was unfolded when through the usual, entered the energy field of this star and its galactic spiritual teleportations we entered the energy field of this star and its galactic genesis and ancient history was revealed.When we dissolved into the stellar space of Omega Orionis,a golden ring of light and a golden aura appeared first, and then as we traveled across this layer permeated by this beautiful light,a light-blue field emerged. Going further,we saw that the the space was permeated by deep and dark red and black colors.We could feel that colors were very specifically related to this stellar nation. Then the figure of a giant white light-egg took shape, from the center of which a very peculiar deep-toned glow emanated.It was truly wonderful to get close to that moment, when the life-seed in the egg, which had been placed into the heart of this star by the Divine Creator's dream. cracked open right before our eyes, and out of it, the form of the first giant dragon-being emerged in its entire magnificence. radiating some truly noble power. His aura was red and black, and a great, white and shining ring of light appeared over his head.There was truly an extreme power,certainty and stability emanating from him,as he was standing there,towering over us in a suite of armor, as a guarding and protecting dragon-being. Interestingly,he was not frightful at all,we could rather feel that he was such a dignified guardian and protective being who was not a messenger of the

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self-purposed war and devastation, but he was much rather the keeper of the Divine Order and Divine Power, one who makes sure that the Heavenly laws are obeyed. Then we could see that in the moments after his birth, when he came to his consciousness and when he made a motion or he spoke, he could most great winds about. He introduced himself as San- Tayphon - the Lord of the Heavenly Winds, and of the sacred Air element. If we consider,our association to the word typhoon is no coincidence. Getting into contact with the consciousness of the firstborn dragon being,we understood that his job was to make the winds,the protective and battleful elements of the air move about,for the protection of the Divine Order, if it was threatened by any forces of the chaos or unpeacefulness.And to demonstrate the Divine quality assigned to him, San-Tayphon chased great typhoons around us and he swept the surrounding stellar landscape clean with tremendously powerful whirlwinds in only a few moments. At this point we realized that actually there was not one.but there were four dragon beings born on this star in that moment. Suddenly the picture expanded an, these four birth-mysteries were revealed all at once, as the sacral rnotions of one and the same cosmic moment. We could say that they were placed on this special scene of the sky as the keepers of the four directions and the four sacred elements,in the heart of the Celestial warrior. We saw the Dragon of the Earth come to life: his powerful, muscular and forceful body consisted of many different shades of the red and it was embellished by abstract drawings of translucent green lights, and under his tremendously heavy footsteps the stellar ground was nearly crushed. Then we witnessed the awakening of the Dragon of Fire, whose light-body was colored with glowing orange and golden yellow lights and we could see that he raised great fires and flames around himself hy each of his motions, words and thoughts - and of course he could also move or make them disappear by his intentions. Then finally the Dragon of Water emerged; wonderful, almost indescribable fluorescent blue, indigo and turquoise color lights ran across his light-bodyi and the waters of this stellar world moved together with his steps. Following his thoughts and commands, the lands were covered by floods and powerful storms; showers and rains came heavily upon the worlds.Or on the contrary, he could punish the community that turned against the Divine Order by the total lack and withdrawal of water - by the burden of drought. So these four great and wonderfully colorful and tremendously powerful dragon beings stood before us, they started out towards one another. pounding along;and then spreading their wings, they rose high above, and crossing the starry sky, they arrived to the center of this star. Then it turned out that there was a fifth egg. namely the most precious and the rnost gigantic one at once. The four dragon beings, commissioned with the guarding of the four elements arrived into the heart of the star just in time to witness this great moment of birth. This giant crystal-white egg man, front of us, and it was at least three times as big as the other ones, so the dragons, which had previously seemed enormously big, looked quite little now, compared to the central light-egg that was still waiting for the signal that calls to life.Then we could witness again that inside of this egg,life came to motion,it longed to come to the surface, and it gradually cracked up and then broke off it the shell, and by absorbing the contours of light which had formed the egg,the greatest and most

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glorious being on the pathway of this nation was born-the lord of the dragons, the ruler and the supreme commander of the Dragon Nation.As he stepped out of the shell and came to his consciousness, this incomprehensibly powerful dragon-being spoke up with his roaring,thundering voice, while he blew giant fires around himself,out of which huge el flames burst up and there were signs and different secret symbols formed in space,by thousands of light-sparks.Then in a magical way,out of these flames.eight golden columns of light were born, about which the Divine impulse tl revealed that they were the symbols of the eight steps of the initiation, the Eight Sacred Pathway,the eight Virtues of the Warrior. Then the Lord of the Dragons spoke up in his thunderous voice and introduced himself: "I Am the great Khan, the keeper of the Divine Order":and in the meantime, further giant flames of light burst into the sky. It is not by chance that the word than keeps on returning in many different Earthly cultures,including al the Chinese tradition, where the Khan is the ruler of the warriors, appearing asthe figure of the emperor and general officer united into one. This also indicates that the ancient history and the spiritual qualities of this nation are very strongly attached to the Chinese culture for example and the martial art schools that are so typical there.Then the ruler continued: "wherever I thrust my sword into,the power and the intention are measured there"And it was revealed to us indeed that wherever Khan stabbed his sword into, all the processes were exposed, the al hidden things were revealed and it could be seen what intentions had beta moving the events, which were just unfolding, especially in the power sphere.


Then in the following step of this inner journey, the pictures of a pew'. at celebration were revealed, in which the previously net four dragon guards introduced themselves to Khan and demonstrated their tomes. As we could,

241learn already, San-Thayphon moved and stirred the heavenly winds as the lord of the air element, sweeping through the landscape as a purifying tornado.Then Silmalion presented himself as the keeper of the element of water, he displayed the cleansing power of the floods to his lord.He was followed by Yota,the dragon of the fire,who commanded countless fire elementals around him with just one blow.Then at last,the dragon of the earth came, whose name is Anchor and the stellar land cracked open for just one thumping of his foot. Then it was an astounding sight to watch the elements mingle about and their presentation, this strange ritual of forces reached its height,when the fiery water stirred hurricanes with a tornado,while the stellar land opened up and swallowed all of that. Then the power-vortex created by the dance of the elements emerged again and rearranging into a new, higher vibrational balance of purer light,they completely rearranged the landscape.The elements kept running in different creative and destructive whirls,following their ruling dragons' flows of thoughts,while the landscape of the "natural environment" took up new shapes again and again.The whole process of the earthly evolution could almost be visualized,where the landscapes of the Earth were

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shaped by the similar creative, maintaining,degrading and dissolving circles of the elements. Until finally,Khan's command could be heard, thundering into the space the word "Sante", which in the Celestial language means "Sacred" on the one hand and on the other hand it also means "Silence". So we understood that Khan is actually the lord of the fifth element at once, which is the word of the order commanding the elements, while the other face of it is the silence and the stillness of the elements. He is the one to stir up the elements and then he is also the one to calm them down, creating peace, stillness and a new balance. Then a wonderful depth opened up to us and we started to see in detail the aforementioned Eight Virtue,of the Warrior,which were conceived from Khan's spiritual fire and they were pierced into the heart of the star Omega Orionis, in the form of eight great columns of ethereal fire. We also learned that there is a star related to the initiation of each element and virtue. We could already see that the heart of Orion, which is the heart of the"great Celestial Warrior’’ is the the cradle of Liltianes Draco Stellar Nation.According to


the Heavenly messages,the next constellation of great importance to this is the Draco. which is the long-stretching figure of the Dragon constellation,' the Northern Hemisphere.In Greek mythology, the constellation depicted the dragon,which had guarded the golden apples of Atlas's daughters,the Hesperides,until it was killed by Hercules. One of the four stars of the 6th dimensional stellar space that form the head of the Dragon is Rastaban,currently standing at u°04Sagittarius. (Appendix, figure 26,page 589) The fire of the warrior is related here. In fact,the inner fire of the warrior-soul can be reflected in it.His or her enthusiasm and determination.This star reflects a kind of energy when somebody deep down his or her soul feels that there is a secret mission that motivates his or her life,s/he has to fight for something sacred with complete devotion. maybe even by self-sacrifice. and s/he dedicates all of his or her heart and life to this purpose.Rastaban can indicate a person who may find it difficult to fight for himself or herself, nevertheless,it s/he feels that s/he needs to stand up for others,needs to protect someone else's truth,then this person will spare no effort to do so.There is incredibly deep determination,consciousness,courage and the motivation of an inner fire burning in such a person's soul.The good use of this stellar fire was taught by Yota dragon-master,to therefore the firet Virtue of the Warrior is the Balance of Fire.Rastaban can remind us of a quite recent movie experience,when for example in The Lord of the Rings",in a hopeless battle,an apparent defeat against great superiority,at the majestic finishing accord;the determined group of a rescue army suddenly appears from behind the hill and it nearly floods into the valley around the castle.At such scenes, the ancient dragon-blood's heroic dedication,noble generosity and its willingness for self-sacrifice heats up in the viewer.Many different movie or book episodes may come up in our mind similarly, in which the determinedness,the faith and the enthusiasm of a handful of warriors can win over either the physical,astral or the magical dominance.

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So the star of Rastaban indicates this exact heroic determination.At the same time,this is where the dragon warrior learns the noble gesture of self sacrifice as well,If we consider,the warrior needs to overcome one of the strongest attributes of the ego-the life instinct. S/he most be willing and able


the sacrifice even his or her life for the holy purpose, It is on Rastaban that the :icor,- learns this kind of self-sacrifice, this hod of dedication A., rythi, else, the sacred fire of the holy war.

The exact projection of this stellar ray into the birth chart it,connection with certain planetary ray, and especially the house cusp it is casp onto,tell a lot about the area of hfe where the person is able to fight for the truth,or for other’s rights,with this determination,so we can understand what s/he considers as holy purposess,sacred and important matters",and life themes.

We must mention a thought about the shadow or dark side of this stellar ray too however,meaning its operation on a lower octave.As the kamikaze action and the suicide assassins who attach the bomb to themselves for the sake of the holy Jihad also belong to Rastaban.Unfortunately the terrorist leaders and terrorist warriors can also have "their Rastaban",where in the fire of some rabid passion they could nearly scorch,burn and demolish everything for the purpose, which they consider to be a holy cause.But the pure noble stellar energy of Rastaban can also be the initiating ray of the wonderful warriors, the determined general officers and great leaders.

The next star on the head ot the Celestial Dragon is Etamin/Eltanin,which is presently standing at 28o 4'Sagittarius. (Appendix, figure 26., page 989) This is the mirror of the water element belonging to the warrior,the lord and master of which is Silmalion. It is important to understand that the first four Virtues of the Warrior are about balancing the individual elements,meaning the realizations of the Balance of Fire,the Balance of Water,the Balance of Earth and the Balance of Air.This second gate is about the Balance of Water. We can consider here that the Warriors of the East,the students of the martial arts,who are actually the members of the Dragon Nation,learn emotionlessness as a serious part of their training.So the balance of the water element means the balance of the emotion,. Learning the perfect control,the 'strict discipline of the emotions.In many heroic ages,like here in Europe,or at the Greeks,the warriors needed a muse,so the emotional attachment could be

244important,but the warriors of the East do not really like this,in fact.they try to deconstruct this attachements by all means, because they exactly know the way deconstruct this attachment by an intense emotion can make them and vulnerable.The revenge,hate or anger can be such emotions,too.Neither of these are good emotions and

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they are certainly not the right attitude in the warriors’ motivation,as they use up a great part of their power the warriors' mind and force it to work irrationally,in fact,many warriors can be chased into final destruction by the self-destructive fire of the rage that runs uncontrollably loose.So the initiation to this Virtue of the Warrior on the star Etamin/Eltanin is about the warrior learning to control his or her emotions perfectly.S/he needs to recognize and identify his or her own feelings and then sublimate the lower contents of those,and s/he needs to be in complete control over all the impulses, attachments and dependences,emotional or sexual attractions,as well as the rages and vengefulness.And then s/he must become capable of recognizing the emotions working in his or her opponent as well,to be able to react on those properly. If this stellar ray is included in your chart you must smply know that according to your soul’s, intention - whether you have been born to be a warrior or not - you have to learn to control your emotions, because probably in your previous lives - and in this present incarnation too - your emotion,have been dragging you into lots of unnecessary and exhausting struggles,in which your inner emotional impulses deluge you like avalanches,that are hard to handle and restrain.

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The following star is Grumium,located at 24.52' Sagittarius presently.(Appendix, figure 26., page 589)The Virtue of the Warrior related to this is the Balance of the Earth element,the grand master of which is the dragon warrior Anchor.In our earthly concepts, this is in fact the power of the body,the physical force,the physical endurance,which needs to be taken very seriously by all the warriors.Interestingly,the Dragon star.seeds that are dropped into the earthly human body form a distinctively strong,stringy, muscular,stout and athletic body.For one thing,we can think of the physical power of the gladiators,and then the more refined,stringier but extremely strong and harmonic body structure of the students of the martial arts.The warrior has to learn the wisdom of the earth,meaning .s/he needs to learn the perfect and unhindered moving of the forces inside his or her body.S/he needs to know how to keep the channels of the ethereal prana,the channels of water,fire and,vind pure and open,and how to move the chi (qi) around his or her body in a way that s/he is in control of each and every inch of his or her body. So this is not the least about mere body building,as it is truly very important to know the etheric energies that maintain the health and fitness of the body,and to be able to perfectly move and control those through the etheric meridians.This is the basis of Tai Chi and Chi Kung (Qigong), too.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The fourth star on the head of the Dragon is Alrakis, which is standing at 24°50' Scorpio now.(Appendix, figure 26.,page 589) This stellar space is under the control of San-Tayphon grand dragon master,to the Virtue of the Warrior related to this star means the realization of the Balance of the Air element. This air element in the warriors' language men. "keeping the thoughts clean’’,so the purity and the emptying of the mind and the complete control of the though. are extremely important for the warrior.This means that a warrior is a good fighter only if she can keep his or her head and thoughts clear and at the same time s/he can see into the

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thoughts of the opponent.If the warrior is able to feel and to see the intention of the opponent, before the enemy even thought of it.To the warrior, this is the art of the clear mind, which cannot be disturbed by any emotion, fit of passion or fear, not even any projected idea:as by the power and wisdom of San-Tayphon s/he is able to empty all the contents of his or her mind and create complete silence, to attend only to what moves in the mind of his or her opponent,in order to be able to react instantly and properly upon those. Then this is followed by the fifth golden column. as the fifth Virtue of the Warrior.We have to return to the constellation Orion here,namely to the star Rigel,which is also a 6th dimensional world,embellishing the left foot of the Celestial Hunter.Appendix,figure 14.. page 583) Its present position is 16.56.Gemini.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By the time the warrior gets here,s/he has been able to realize the balance of the earth, air and fire elelements his or her initiations already,and s/he now comes to the the Rigel to learn the Balance of the’’Motion’’.The important galactic initiating mystery school that is operated here unites the previous grades and creates a new quality out of them. This is where the warriors learns to move perfectly all the force,that originate front the with the given situation.S/he learn.,to involve them in the actual movements of the fight.Rigel is the heavenly Star of themartial arts.The wide spectrum of the eastern initiating arts is all rooted in this stellar space,and this is where they get their initiatingray from. This is here the warrior acquires that extremely sophisticated wisdom of fighting where,he knows which element needs to be dominated over the others at a given moment,against the given opponent,to say for example if the water element needs to be in dominance in the warrior's movements,and then the element of fire must prevail,or maybe the physical power of the earth element needs to be emphasized,or maybe the warrior can break through the defense of his or her opponent by some mental force or mental projection,etc. This is where one of the purest warrior-archetypesis related to.This could be interpreted like the soul that in sanctified for this dentiny by the Divine powers according to hisor her mission needs to fight to protect the balance of the force,.S/he need,to fight in order to protect the balance of the universal force,, against the opposing power,which create chaos and disorder.The light versus shadow battles. the polarity wars,which are meant to be balanced by the dragon warriors,are very strongly connected to this stellar place. They have to learn how to equilibrate the forces of the different worlds by the sacred rite of their that the Order may be restored and the Divine will may peaceful and very subtile maybe prevailed.With the peaceful and very subtle almostdancing movements of Tai Chi it seems as if they created light-balls of small universes, into which all the elements Were embedded, following the principle of the highest level inner and outer balance,and as if by their movements they could simply smooth away the imbalance of the universe.And when someone directs all this consciously focused on the act of fighting,we arrive to the means of the eastern martial arts. The following,sixth initiating station is the stellar space of the already introduced Vega/Wega, presently located on 15.25'Capricorn.(Appendix, figure 23,, page 588) This is where the Nation of the Winged Lion and the Nation of the Dragons meet, as the Sixth Virtue of the Warrior is the Warriors Power and Lordship.

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When someone is able to unite the aforementioned forces within him or herself,s/he might realize the enormous power s/he can gain by that.Therefore s/be needs to learn how to manage this power well. The initiating ray to this,,as the highest station of the initiation into power is the star Vega,where even a dragon warrior has to understand and learn how to handle the acquired and now akillfully controlled powers well, by serving the Divine Will with them, all through the way, A really well trained and highly initiated warrior can truly experience his or her power - the power over life and death, which can only be managed and properly represented by great wisdom and humility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following initiating step-the seventh one-offers great assistance in this.It is related to the star Thuban.This star is part of the Draco,the Dragon constellation that is.and it is actually the heart of the dragon warrior.(Appendix, figure 26., page 58g) Its present position is 7°33' Virgo. In fact, this world represents an energy that emanates the heart-light of the warrior all across the galactic sky.The seventh Virtue of the Warrior, which is related here,is the Warrior’s Mercy This is the motion when the warrior take,the sword away from his or her defeated prey - and.s/he offer,mercy.When the warrior finds that the defeated opponent, or the dethroned being comes round and s/he truly converts in that particular moment of being at death's door, admitting his or her sins and false intentions,then the warrior may have mercy upon him or her. It takes great wisdom for the warrior to feel exactly when s/he can have mercy, meaning when s/he recognizes which way s/he offers a better opportunity for the defeated one to develop and to create the universal good-by the opponent's life,or by his or her death. Again,if we think of some pictures in certain movies. we can recall a scene when the hero has mercy on his or her evil and cruel opponent, and from then on, we are in dread,as we know that it certain that the defeated soul,which was given a new chance by inner,actually continue to fight with similar nobility. In fact,such a defeated one ,often not even be able to receive and handle mercy,and as for compensatin,the shame of his ocher defeat, s/he may even be after his or her enemy with even more cruel and fanatic vengeance from then on. The holy warrior has to stand up for much higher ideals and principles however, which not only affect the fate - life or death - of a single human or being, but serve the Divine Order and Will, truly. Anyway,the stellar ray of Thuban represents the Warrior's Mercy, which means that if the being, which the warrior had to attack for the sake of protecting the order,admits his or her mistakes and is able to correct those by his or her life, then s/he may receive mercy by the warrior's heart. So this is a beautiful,truly noble and pure spiritual quality indeed.


We finally arrived to the Eighth Virtue of the Warrior,and at once the eighth initiating stellar scene,which is interestingly a previously introduced star - Algol.So it has been revealed that this is one of the stations of the Stellar Nation of the Dragons,too.It is the Beta star of the Perseus constellation, presently standing at 26°16' Taurus.(Appendix. figure 05., page 584) The corresponding Virtue of the Warrior is the Mercileaaness... and rekntle2anem of the dragon warrior. It can be very staggering - still very much

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comprehensible - that it is indeed a very important virtue for the warrior to be able to decide over life or death. As if one must be killed in the name of the protection of the Divine truth and order, then it is the warrior who must strike the lethal blow on the perpetrator, and sThe must complete the motion to fulfill the order of fate. This sounds very harsh and it is truly a really frightening thing, but only that soul may become a warrior, who can bear the responsibility of this decision and deed and who, besides mercy, possesses the virtue of ruthlessness as well, so that ,he may be the hand of the Divine executor. It is very meaningful though that by this, we understood that Algol -rn the eighth initiating place of the Dragon Nation - represents the cruelty of the dragon warriors. That is why it later becomes such a dark, gloomy and scary…

The Foundations of Zamol

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xianaNew Religi

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ous Movement

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 An Introduction to

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Native Faith