the star of the north. (bloomsburg, pa.) 1850-01-17 …...8 thomas sutton vs veniali rees 10 robert...

USURY. ?In the Pennsplvania Senate, Mr. Matthias, on last Friday presented an act au- thorizing and rate of interest to be recovered which the parties had contracted for. On judgments it does not legalize a higher rate of interest than 6 per cent, whatever the contract may have been. ty A Meteor, of great brilliancy, was observed in the neighborhood of Snow Hill, Md., on the night of the 28th nit. Its light rendered the most minute objects plainly discernible. JAIL BCRNT?Loss OK Lirs!?The jail of Adams county, Pa., vras entirely consumed by fire on Monday. Two human lives were lost by the catastrophe?lsaac Muslcman & John Toner, bath insane, and confined for safe keeping. CURE FOR BAD FITS?Not by any pa tent medicine, but by a good suit ?not such a suit as a man can get into at court,but 6uch a neat, well-made and fashionable suit of clothing as every body should wear; just auch as you can find at A. H. Ellis', if you will call and examine his stock of coats, pants, vests, and other articles of dress at the lower door of the new Exchange Block near- ly opposite the Court-House, in Bloomsburg His stock of ready-made clothing is not the "slop-work" made up for sixteen cents a day, but is cut with attention and made up to wear and not only to sell. Mr. Ellis has also on hand an assormentof oloth, cassimeres, sattinets, and suitable trim- mings ; so that he is prepared to make up clothing ,o order at the shortest notice. He will pay particular attention to culling out. MARRIED. At Lime Ridge, on Tuesday, Dec. 25th, by the Rev. I. Ball, Mr. Wesley Fitzsimmon, of of Mahoning tp., to Miss sasah Jane Smith, of Berwick. In Orangeville, on Tuesday evening, Janu- ary Bth, by the Rev. Barnhart, Mr. Ellis Mi- cliael, of A/uncy, to Miss Kosanna, daughter of J. Keichart, of the former place. By the same at the same time and place, Mr. Isaac C. Dorland, of A/uncy, to A/iss Eli- zabeth, daughter of J. Reicha'rt, of the for- mer place. By the Rev. Tobias, on the 10th inst, Mr. Daniel A/erkel, to Miss A/elinta Workheiser, both of Madison. ~~ DIED. 3 At Pittston, on last Friday, Mr. James Hjde Jenkins, aged 35 years. Mr. Jenkins had been for 'wo years Super- visor on the North Branch Canal, and was a man respected and esteemed by those who best knew him. In Bloomsburg, on Monday last, MART, an infant daughter of Dr. J. Ramsey, aged a- bout 16 months. In Bloom tp., on Monday last, Mr. Shaffer aged about 50 years. In Fishingcreek township, on last Tuesday morning, Daniel Dealer, aged about 60 years In Bloomsburg, on Friday the 4th instant, Willits H., son of t'narles Kratntn, aged 2 years 9 months and 14 days. In Bloomsburg, on the sth instant, Emma Elizabeth, daughter of John Bitters, aged 0 years and 2 mouths. In Bloomsburg, on Wednesday morning last, Sarah Jane, another daughter of John Bitters, aged 14 years. In Orange tp., on last Sunday, of apoplex- y. Mr. Thomas Bender, aged about 75 years. In Mountpleasant tp., on last Sunday, sud- denly, an infant son of Isaac Musgrove Esq. In Sunbttry, on Tuesday the Bth inst., John S. Heilrnan, aged about 22 years. Public Sale. WILL BE sold at public sale, on the prcnt- ! ises, on Saturday, the 29th day of March, A. . 1). 1850, at 11 o'clock, A. M., that certain property, known as the Itor riiig Creek .11111 Proper ly. Situate in Franklin township, Col. County, j near the mouth of Roaring Creek. Said property consists of about Forty A- crea of Land, on which are erected A GRISTMILLAND SAW-MILL, And Several Du-elling Houses. The water power is one of the best and most unfailing of any in this section of the State, being suf- j ficient at the lowest s:ages of the water to turn two run of stone. Tbo property will be sold with a reserva- tion of the water right, and privileges con- j nectod therewith, of the Roaringcreek Fur- I nace. Terms of sale?one fourth cash, and the residue in one, two and three years, with in- terest, secured by bond and mortgage on the property. E. H. BALDY, "For the Trustees of the U. S. Bank. Danvillo, Jan. 7, 1850?9t. Administrator's Notice. Loiters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Columbia county upon the Es- tate of Thomas McN'air deceased, late of Berwick, all persons having claims against said Estate are requested to make the same known without delay, and those indebted to the Estate to make payment to THOMAS S. McNAIR. Administrator. Berwick, Jan. 7th, 1850.?6t. A Ilouse L Lot at Private Sale. THE subscribers offer to pnr- chasers, at private sale, a house WH I | jjgand lot upon the Main Street of fIK!S9SjB Bloomsburg, 'he business part of the town, between the two principal hotels, and only a little more than a square from the Court House. The lot fronts 66 on Main street and extends 214J feet back. The house is a large stone dwelling, and the property in every way offers a fair chance to any person wishing a residence or business location in the county-scat. For terms in- quire of A. H. ELLIS. Bloomsburg, or C'. D. GEARHAHT Berwick. List Of Letters Remaining in the I'ost Office at Bloomsburg, quarter ending December 31, 1849 : Arnold, G. B. Lilley, Harriet Abbott, John 11., Washingidn Corbitt, Jennetl Maguire, John (ship) Dodson, Elizabeth Owen, Mordecia Danlield, Sarah Hoe, Jonas F'rey, Jones Reichelderfer, Joel Hollister, Mahlon Rimert, Tobias llollister, Mahlon W. Thomas, Nathaniel D. Lewis, William Wailor, William Lillcy, George Winters, Bamuel B. YVilliams, Jacob (ship) Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. J. M. CHAM BERLIN, I'. M. List of Causes FOR TRIALAT JANUARY TERM, 1850. 1 Commonwealth vs Charles F Mann et al 2 John Bear vs Catharine Bear 3 Bonhntn It Gearhart vs John S Dye 4 Kdmun>l L Piper vs John Bailey 5 Elisha B Stettler vs Samuel Stettler 6 Henry Hartman vs Noah S Prentiss 7 Jacob Welliver vs John Runyan 9 Isaac Tyler vs Benjamin P Frick 8 Thomas Sutton vs Veniali Rees 10 Robert Montgomery vs Gilbert Hess and John Hess 11 Nicholas Seybert vs Thos Connelly et al 12 John P Grove et al vs William Donaldson ct al 13 Lloyd Thomas vs Peter Mowrer 14 Caleb Appleman vs Josiah Galbraith 15 Join Betron et ux vs John McGowin ad- ministrator el al 16 George Driesbach vs Jacob R Howcr 17 Adams & Price vs Frederick R Wohlforlh 18 John Shively vs Samuel Yost et al 19 Thomas Wildoner's Ex vs Robert Lock- art 20 Same vs same 21 Joint Shively vs Samuel Yost et al 22 James Black vs Richard Black 23 David N Kownover et al versus Danville Bridge Company 24 Manassah Bowman vs Joseph Sharpless 25 John Achenbach vs Mathew McDowell et al 26 Same vs same 27 Anna Dillman vs S B M Yantz 28 John Reed vs Le Grand Bancroft 29 John Davies et al vs Wm H Wooden 30 Isaac Burnhcimer et al vs J R Fredericks et al 31 Levi Ashton vs Abraham Cool 32 David H Rishel vs Jesse Aten et al 33 Wm Betterly vs Moses May et ux 34 Drake & Bechtel vs Nicholas Seybert 35 Ehphraim McCollum's Ex versus Henry Johnston LIVEKY STABLE. NOAH S. PRENTISS ??\u25a0 \u25a0 invites the public to tryQgjppSg £ IV' v bis new stock of horses,.SiE_E_S2_ carriages and buggies, a variety of which can be found at his Livery Stable, lie can always furnish horses and vehicles of the best kind, and on reasonable terms. lie has recently added a number of fashionable ve- hicles and good horses to his former slock.? He will furnish to parties four horse convey- ances with good and safe drivers, at very low prices. Call at the lower end of Ilopkinsville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly Look at Tliis! The undersigned hereby gives notice to all those indebted to the late lirrn of Eyer and Helley, to call and settle their accounts be- tween this and the 25th day of January next; and, if neglected, costs must be the result, for this is and shall be the last they have been of long standing, and the death of Mr. Helley renders it necessary to have all accounts closed within the above slated time. I may be found at Mendenhall & Mench's store ready to attend to all business. J. EYER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 15, 1819.?1t Charles Conner Co. Have just opened a NEW STORE in their riew brick building, on Main and Iron streets in the town of Bloomsburg. They have a splendid assortmont of Fall and \\ intcr.Goods; Which will be sold very cheap for Cash or Country produce. Their iriends and the public are invited to call and see them. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1819. New Goods.?New Firm. The Cheapest goods in Light Street Can be bought of PETER ENT, who has taken the store formerly kept by Sloan and Thompson, and filled it up with a new and choice selection of the most fashionable and desirable goods. He has every article usu- ally kept iu a country store; and will sell Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Crockery, Ce- dar Ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes for Cash or country produce, a little cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in the neighborhood. Call and see, all who wish a grand chance for bargains. PETER ENT. Light Street Jan. 3d 1850. From California. There is news that clothing is dear, but in Light Street J. E. Fredericks and James Smith make the neatest kind of clothing at the low est prices. They have opened a shop nex door to S. L. Bettle's store in the lower cut of Light Street, where they will do all kindl of FASHIONABLE TAILORING at the shortest notice and lowest prices. They invito only a trial to give satisfaction. They receive the latest city fashions, and will give particular attention to cutting out. J. E. Fredericks will also continue his busi- ness at the old stand in the upper part of the town. Light Street, April 19, 1849. ATTENTION! The undersigned takes this method to no- tify all those having unsettled accounts with the late firm of lletley & Mendenhall to call | on him and have the same adjusted by the I first of February next, and those who have j already enjoyed a reasonable credit are ex- j pceteu to call immediately prepared to make | payment, as the death of Mr. Ilelleyrenders | it'necessary that the business of the firm should be settled up as speedily as possible. S. MENDENHALL Surviving Partner. Bloomsburg, Dec. fi, 18-19.?6t. JYEW Aoo lis. The subscriber has just received and open- ed a now and choice lot of goods which he offers for sale at the lowest prices. An abundance of the necessaries and lux- uries of life will be found in his assortment. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SATTINETS, ALPACAS, CASHMERES, DE- LANES?HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS,SHOES. MUFFS PRINTS, &SHAWLS. IN short, everything for Ladies and Gen- tleman's wear, beside a full variety of GRO- CERIES, (IUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, AND CEDARWARE, Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon. WE charge nothing for showing goods. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oct 15th 1849. A Chance for a good Bargain. The undersigned, offers for sale, a Daguer- rotype Apparatus, in good order, together with instructions in the Art of taking Daguer- teoiypc Likenesses. For twenty five dol- lars. Inquire at Biady's Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. JOHN CASE. Bloomsburg. Jan. 1, 1850. It PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen- eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at the Cotttt House in Woomsburg , on Monday the 21st day of January next, will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace & Constables, in attd for the county of Col- umbia, are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem- brances, to do those things to their sev- eral offices appartaining to be done. And. all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris- oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro- per persons to prosecute ugainst him, as shall be just?and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurora are request- ed to he punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their no- tices, Given under my hand at Rlooms- bttrg the 18th of December,i* the year of our J.ortl one thousand eight hun- dred and forty-nine?and the Indepen- dence of the United States of America the 74i11. PETER RILLMYER. Sh'ff (God save the Commonwealth.) Good and Clienp Watches. Gold, Silver and Jewelry, at wholesale and retail, at the cheap wutch and jewelry store, No. 9G Nonli Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Guff lever watches, fully jewelled, S3O and upwards. . Silver lever do, fully jewelled, $lO and upwards. Silver lepine do, jewelled, sll and up- wards. Silver quartier watches, from s?> to 10. Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts. Gold pencils, from $1 50 to $7" Best quality crystals?ordinary 12 cts, patent 18, and lunet 25 cents, Silver spoons, in coin equal in value to the price-tea spoons 85, desert 810, table spoons sls a set. Other articles in the same proportion, lie warrants all his goods to be that for which they are sold. Continually an hand an extensive as- sorlmentof the handsomest gold, jewel & silver goods. Also a selection of M.J. Tobias & Co. ; E. Simpson Samuel and Brothers; E. S. Yates Co.; John Har- rison ; G. 4' It. Beesley's, and other su- perior patent lever motions, which will be cased according to order. Arrangements have been made with the above named distinguished manufacturers, tl.c besl in Liverpool, to procure on the shortest notice all kinds of watches,made according to order, 4" if desired the name and place of residence of the person ord- ering the same will he engraven on the watch. O. CONRAD, Importer. January 1, 1850.-1y.49 Hoots and Shoes. IT Encourage your cum Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves. The subscriber would inform his friends and the public, thnt ho has on hand, and makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices : Men s fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide 1 75 do miners', nailed, 2a2 50 Ladies' gaiters, 2a 2 25 " Lace boots, 1 62 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro- portion. He manufactures his work of the best of stock, and warrants it to wear ; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call and see for yourselves, chop on Main St., next door below llarlman's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. ADMINISTRA TOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration dc bonis non with the will annexed, having this day been gran- ted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Columbia County, upon the estate of Henry Gigger, deceased, late of Moutour township. All persons having demands a- gainst said estate, are requested to make the same known without delay, and those indeb- ted to the estate to make payment as soon as possible. EPHRAIM P. LUTZ, Adm. Bloomsburg, Dec. 25, 1849. ADMINIS TllA TOR'S NO TICK. Letters of administration have been grant- ed to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Columbia county, upon the estate of Samuel Yost, deceased, late of Roaringcreek township ; all persons having claims against the said estate are requested to make them known without delay, and those indebted to the estate to make payment to the under- signed in Roaringcreek township. JACOB R. HOWER, Adm. December 27,1849. DON'T ALL SPEAK ATONCE ! To HAVE the best fitting suit in made by BERNARD RUPERT, who docs Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & ~IX a little better than it can be done in town by any body else. Ho has just received the la- test Fall Fashions, and with his oxperiene in cutting garments, he can promise the best satisfaction to those who patronize him. If CALIFORNIA Was to be supplied with such garments as he turns off, a fair fortune might be made at once. His shop is on Main street below Mar- ket, in the building lately occupied as an of- fice by C. R. Buckalew. will take country produce for his work, and gold dollars will not be refused. Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849?tf. Boot and ShoemakiHg. J A COn F. DEITTERICH Has removed his boot and shoe establish- ment, into the new frame building on Main Street two doors above Albright fc Mengel's store, opposite the Forks Hotel, where he in- vites his old customers and the public gener- ally to call and give his work a fair trial. He will furnish all articles in his line of busi ness neat, strong and cheap. Bloomsburg, April 19th 1849.-ly. NEW AKrLITAL i Bv different arrivals we have replenished our STOCK OF GOODS, which we will sell at our usual low prices. J. 11. BARTON & CO. Bloomsburg, Nov. 8. 1819. SliurlflPs Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of venditioni ex- ponds to me directed will be exposed to pub tic sale ut the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21st day ot January next, at 1 o'clock, I'. >l., the following tracts of real estate, viz : A certain tract or piece of land situate in Beaver township, Columbia county, contain- ing about thirty acres, more or less, bounded by lands of W in. Kulp, Jacob Hinterliter and others, whereon is erected a small log house and a saw mill, with, the,appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Fisher. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Briarcreek township, Columbia county, con- taining sixteen acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Jackson & Jacoby, James Boyles, Joseph Gensil and others, whereon is erect- ed a Furnace, Casting House, Foundry, Ma- chine Shop, Blacksmith Shop, one trame store house, two one and a halt story double frame dwelling Tiouses, one log house one story- high, one large frame stable, and other out- buildings, with the appurtenances. Also, all the right title and interest of defendant in a certain tract of land situate partly in Or- ange township and partly inCentre township Columbia county, containing about two hun- dred acres more or less, bounded by lands in the name of James l'atton, Jacol>|Moyer, Al- exander Aikman and others, with the appur- tenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Charles Kalbfus. ALSO, A certain lot or parcel of land situate in Mahoning township, in the town of Danville in Columbia county, containing about one- fourth of an acre more or less, bounded in front by the main road leading from Danville to Catawissn, and by a lot belonging to Hen- ry Sanders, and on an alley and others, wher- on is erected a two story frame dwelling house, with a frame kitchen attached there- to, and a frame stable, with the appurtenan- ces. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Huffman, deceased now in the hands of John Rhoads, adminis- trator of said deceased, with notice to Cath- arine Huffman, widow and heirs. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate in Jackson township, Columbia county, containing eigh- ty acres more or less, of which about twenty- live acres are cleared, bounded by lands of John Kile, Samuel Kitchen, and other# where- on is erected a one and a half story tog dwelling house, a frame bank barn, a saw- mill, and other out buildings, with the ap- purtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elisha Hess, now in the possession of Lafayette Kessler. ALSO, A certain tract or piece ot land situate in Catawissa township, Columbia county, con- taining about fifteen acres more or less, bounded by lands of John Price, I. Breach and others, whereon is erected a one and a half story frame house, with the appurtenan- ces. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Gensil. ALSO. At the same time and place, by virtue of a writ of alius venditioni exponas, a certain tract of land situate in Fishingcreek township, Co- lumbia county, containing one hundred and o'ght acres more or less, bounded bylands of Edwin Holmes, John Pealer and others, on which is erected a one story log dwelling house, and other out buildings, with the ap- purtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of It. K. Carpenter. PETER BIf.LMFA'ER, SluT. Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, j December 2(1, 1819. } The Largest Stock of Goods in Town. WM. MCKF.I.VY & Co, at their old stand on corner of Main and Market Streets, offer to purchasers the best assortment of new FALL AND If INTER GOODS, That can be found in Bloomsburg. Their new supply just opened, consists of every desirable kind of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, HARDWARE, EARTH- ENWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., Aic., &c., &c. Every thing in the way of Dress Goods for Ladies' or Gentleman's wear, can be found in their assortment to suit every taste. Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Merinoes, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Shawls, Hand- kerchiefs, Woollen & Cotton Flannels, French, English and American Broadcloth, Cassim- ers, Sattinetts, Beaverteens, Tweeds & Jeans of every style and [ rice can be furnished by them. JYno Goods ! AT THE STORE OF Sloan and Mendenliall. Just received and opened, a large and well selected assortment ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS, To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally; as it would require too much time to enumer ate all the names and varieties of articles. Their Stock is composed of Cloths, Cassi- rneres, Satinetts, Silks, Dr Laines, Calicoes and Fancy Goods in Variety. ALSO Fresh Groceries, Hardware, Queens- ware Shoes, Hats & Caps, &c. &c. They feel warranted in saying that those in want of good goods have only to call and examine for themselves, as it will always afford us great pleasure to wait upon all those who may fovout us with a call. IVCountry Produce taken in exchange for goods. 1 A. J. SLOAN, E. MENDENHALL. Blooomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849-tf. THTS ISTIIE PLACE For Good Watches. Henry Zuppinger returns R 2C- bis thanks for past patro- nage, and invites the pub \ 'WM be to examine his new T '{" i assortment of SISZSEJ CLOCKS, WATCHES, 1 \u25a0 Glasses, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will nlso re- pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti- cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in thginiddlo room ot the Ex- change block, neiyrljk'opposite to the Court] House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. CHARLES R. BKKALEIV, ATTORNS? AT LAW. BLOOMSBURG, COL. CO., PA. OFFICE?Two doors below the Court-Houso. North side of Main Street. Nov. 8, 1848. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, NO. 95 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHIL- ADELPHIA, PA. This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one of the best in the city. Merchants and oth- ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to give him a tall, Philadelphia Reading and Pottsville WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON and after November Ist, 1849, the Passenger Trains will run between Phil- adelphia and Pottsville, as follows: Leaves Philadelphia at 84 A. M., daily, except Sundays. Arrives at Reading at 11 18 Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50 Loaves Pottsville at 84 M. M. Daily except Sundays. Arrives at Reading at 10 00 Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50. Pottsville and Philadelphia 53,50 an: f 3.- 00; Pottsville and Reading Si,4o and 51 20: Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90. Passsengers cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tickets. There will be no afternoon Train. fST NOTICE.?Fifty pound of baggage will be allowed to each passengei in these lines; and passengers are expressly prohib- ited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Sec'ry Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re- ceived from the city, a large and select as- sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very- cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec- ond uoor South of the Court house. LIT He continues to manufacture Huts to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. BOOTS AND SHOES. FRANT7. & JOHNSON \ftjf Have the largest assort- Beafjfow. \u25a0Lment of BOOTS AND®* SHOES that can be found in Blooms- burg. They have on hand every variety ol City and Eastern work which they warrant to be well made, and they are continnually making to order every kind of Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Ladies Misses and Childrens shoes that are desired. Every taste and size can be suited at their STORE, and their goods will be sold as cheap as they can be bought any where else in tho COUNTY. Their Store is on the East side of Main Street, in Biggs' new Exchange building. Bloomsburg, Dec. 6, 1849. CHEAP TAILORING. The subscriber is now doing a large busi- ness at Tailoring in Light Street, and invites all who wish for fashionable, well-fitting and cheaply-made garments to visit his shop and give him a trial. He has two shops in operation, turning off work. One is in the upper end and the other in the lower part of Light Street. He regu- larly receives the CITY FASHIONS, and asks only tor a trial to insure satisfaction. Particular attention will be paid to cutting out. B. F. DOLLMAN. Light Street, April 12, 18-19-ly NEW SADDLER SIIOP- The subscriber announces to the public that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door above Rupert's Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, Ami every other article in his line of busi- ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the lowest pricos. Those who wish work in his line will do well to give him a call. ty Hides, country produce, and even gold dollars will he taken in payment for work. W. MK. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. New Boot & Shoe Store. JOSEPH 11. WEAVER Has opened a new Boot and Shoe Store at the lower end of Main street, in the building lately used as Nathan's Clothing Store. Ho will always keep on hand an assortment of ready made work, and will make to order at the shortest notice coarse and fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters arid Slippers for Gentlemen, I-adies and Misses' wear. Ho will furnish his work, made in a neat and substan- tial manner, at the lowest prices. With articles made strong and neat, an I sold cheap, he solicits a share of public pat ronage. Bloomsburg, April 5, 1849-tf 0. C. KABLER. Attorney at Law and Counsellor, Respectfully informs his friends and the pub- lic that he has commenced the practice ot law in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'a., where he will promptly attend to all legal bu- siness entrusted to his care. Otlice on Main street, three doors south ol Hayhurst fc Baldy's store. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1849. TO rrouv NOTICE, is hereby given, that I have ap- plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Col- umbia county, for the benefit of the Insol- vent Laws ol this Commonwealth, and the said Court have appointed the Third Monday of January next, for the hearing of me and my creditors at the Court House in Blooms- burg, when and where you may attend if you think proper. BKNJ. F. BOCII. Bloomsburg, Dec. 20, 1849.-41 FASHIONABLE TAILORING. HIRAM IV. BROWN, Has opened a shop in one of the upper rooms of the new building opposite the Forks Hotel, in Bloomsburg, Pa., where he invites all customers who wish fashionable, well-fit- ting and well-made garments to visit his shop, examine his work, and give him n trial. He regularly receives the LATEST CITY FASHIONS, and ask only for a trial to ensure satifaction. Particular attention will begiven to cutting out. Bloomsburg, April 9, 1849. K. W. WEAVER, MTOEIH-AT-LAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., Pi OFFICE?On the East side of Main Street, three squares below Market. Notice, AI,I. THOSE indebted to the subscribers on Bond, Note, or Book account of more than one year's standing, are requested to make payment between this and the first day of March next. Those neglecting this notice may expect to pay corns. WM. MCKELVY k CO. Bloomsburg; Dec. 3. 1849. Register's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY given lo all legatee* creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors that the following administration and guar- dian accounts have been filed in the office of the Register of the county of Columbia and will be presented for confirmation and allow- ance to the Orphans' Court, to be held at llloornsburg in and for the County aforesaid, on Wednesday the 23d day ol January next at 2 o'clock I*. M. 1. The account of Samuel Creasy, admin- istrator of the estate of Philip Creasy, late of Mirflin township, Columbia county, dee'd. 2. The first and linal account ol Hugh Me- Cracken, administrator do bonis noil &c., of the estate of James McCracken, late ol Lib- erty township, deceased. 3. The filial account of John K. Grotz, Guardian of Samuel Kuhn a minor child of Isaac Kuhn, late of Bloom tp., Col. Co. dec d. 4. The linal account of John K. Grotz, Guardian of Savilla Kuhn, a minor child of Isaac Kuhn, late of Bloom tp., dec d. 5. The account of Levi Aikrnan, Guardian of Isaac D. Fowler, a minor child ot David Fowler, late of Briarcreek township, Colum- bia county, deceased. 6. The supplementary account of Samuel Yorks, administrator with the Will annexed of Daniel Montgomery, late of Mahoning tp., Columbia county, deceased. 7. The account of the administration of Charles Hellley, deceased, Executor ol Hen- ry Gigger, deceased, filed by Ephraim P. I.utz, a Iministrator cum lestamenio annexo of said Hefiley, late of Bloom township, Co- lumbia county, deaceased 8. The final account of Anthony Dengler, administrator of the cstato of John Graham, late of Roaring creek tp., col. Co., deceased. 9. The account of Jonathan Critz St David Critz, admr's. of the estate of Filizabeth Critz, late of Montour township, col. Co. deceased. 10. The account of David R. Rishel, .ad- ministrator of the estate of George Shane jr., late ©f Montour tp., Columbia co., deceased. JESSE G. CLARK, Reg'r. REGISTER'S OFFICE, j Bloomsburg, Dec. 25, 1849. j rT)ri*, Q3Qan.o.Cs>E£l s 's3 Indian *>sctable Panacea. Rowand & Walton invite attention to the following advertisement: DR. CULLENEVER VICTORIOUS! As a proof of the continued success of DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PA- NBCEA, we refer to a few of tho many cer- tificates in our possession, of cures perform- ed by this great purifier. Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of South Mulberry Ward, cured of Barber s Itch. Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No. 83 North Sev- entlietrcet, cured of hereditary Tetter, which covered his entire body. Mr. E. VV. Maxwell, Grape court, Market street, above Eighth, cured of Serolula, had fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the time he commenced taking the Medicine. Kliss Christiai a Sands, West Spruce street, between Beach and Willow streets, near the Schuylkill, cured of Serolula; had suffered eight years; her head was so much affected that lea and coffee would pass out at her ear ?this is a strong case. " Capt. John K. Barclay, No. 400 Market street, cured of Scrofulous Sore Leg, of 3ti years' standing. This case is well known to many of our best Physicians, who have Ire- quently advised amputation. Mr. Isaac Brooks. Jr., No. 5 Jefferson, west of Schuylkill Sixth street, below Locust. This was, undoubtedly, one of the most se- vere cases of Scrofula ever cured, and is certified to by many of our best physicians and clergymen, and also by himself. Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east from Twelfth street above Race, cured of Scrofulous Sore Throat, of eight years stan- ding. Mr. J. If. Frick's child, No. 73i Dock St., Philadelphia. Mr. Michael Duffy, 14 South Frout street, (at P. Brady & Co.'s,) Philadelphia, cured of Tetter ot twenty five years. Mr. Williom Flemming, No. 210 Wash- ington street, between Eighth and Ninelh, Philadelphia, cured of Erysipelas four years, which destroyed the flesh to the bone. Wiliarn Barker, cured of Scrofula. This case had been in the hospital many months, and discharged as incurable?he is now well and may bo scet? daily at our office. Mr. David Cirgan, Muddy creek, 'Hamil- ton county, Ohio, cured of Serolula. This was a very severe case, and Xirgatt say. that could money prevent, he would not undergo the same affliction for ten thousand dollars, and yet he was cured for a few dollars, by Dr. L'ullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea. Mr. John W. Hazletou, of Mulica Hill, Now Jersey, cared of Tetter of ten years' standing, with a few bottles of the Panacea. Mr. John Brockeu, of Germantown, a: the a"e of tit years, was cured of a violent Tet- ter that had troubled him" for 18 years. Mrs. Eve Siscoe, No. 53 South street, be tween Third and Fourth, from Schuylkill, cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suf- fering 12 years with them. Mrs. S. is 62 years of age. Mrs Elizabete C Foster, Second street, four doors above Washington street, was cured of Tetter on her leg, which had troub- led her 14 years. Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street, now of Manayitnk, cured of T .tter of 5 years in hands and feet. Mr Mellon Grubb, juniper street, near Spruce, curetl of Scrofulous Ulcers on the shoulders, which had defied tile doctors more than a year. Mr Hiram Ridge, Attleboro', Bucks co., Pa., cured of Salt Rheum. This case had been pronounced incurable by some 12 or 14 physicians of the first a last resort had recourse to Cullen's Panacea, and was cured completely in a few months, after suffering 17 years?the disease had almost covered his entire person. Henry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cured of the worst ease of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer- sey, by 7J bottles ! Thomas Wainwright, of Manyunk, cured of Scald Head; the disease extended over the whole scalp until it was an entire mass of corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa- nacea cured him. We might add Base filter case, ad Infini- tum; but wo think it unnecessary; presu- ming the afflicted will want more evidence than we can give in an advertisement, we again ask them to send to oar office and get these certificates, from which you will lea;,i the extraordinary sufferings ol these persons, as Well as the mode of cure. liOWAND & WALTON, l'm/nirlnrs, No. 21 North Si.xlh street, Philad'aJ ItP The following persons are agents for the above meeicine in Columbia county. E. Pi Lutz, Bloomsburg; M. C.Grierj Dan- ville ; Peter Ent, Light street; Hickels ami Stewart, Orangevillo ; Cyrus Barton, Kspy- town; J. Schmick, Cattawissa; M. U. Shoe- maker, Buckhorn. Jan. 3d 1850.?6 m. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under tile firm of Sloan & Thompson was tlissolvod by mutual con- sent on tne 32dday of Decomberlast. Per- sons indebted to the firm are requested to make early payment to either of the under- signed, at their old store stand, now kept by Peter Ent, where the books of the (irm can be foundi GEORGE SLOAN, \V. S. THOMPSON. ! Light Street. Jan. 3. 1849-lt Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family medicines. Dr. Kcclcr is a regular graduate from one of the best medical schools of the oounlry, and a practising physician of the city of Philadelphia. We take great plertsufo lit presenting these remedies to the afflicted.? They arc all of undoubted medical powers and hold out to the invalid a promise of re- lief, sueh as none others possess. They each have been thoroughly tried in a long successful private practice, and have estab- lished for Uiemsrlves a reputation but few possess, and given better satisfaction to the afflicted than any ol the boasted remedies of the day. In offering them to the public, the proprietor is influenced hv no sinister [ motives of train, but feels cotieeiuus that they are eminently deserving of public con- fidence. No medicines ever before the pub lie have acquired such deserved reputation upon their merits alone, or appeal with such irresisl hie force lo the invalid. DR. KEELER'S PANACEA, For the re- moval and permanent cure of nfl diseases a- rising from an impure state of the Blood and hatiit of the body, viz: Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy,- Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in all its forms, Tetter, Scald Head, Cutaneous alfec- tions of the face and extremities, Chronic enlargements of the Joints, While Swelling, Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders, arising front debility, Mercurial and Heredi- tary predispositions, &c. i"r" In every change that is taking plaod in the body, it is manifest that it is brought about by something having a substantive ex- istence. If we suppose the organs of our body originally perfect, they must continue perlect unless changed by the intervention of something that bears an unhealthy rela- tion to it. In all eases of disease, there must be the interposition of some new ingredient, which by playing its part as a course served to modify the properties before connected with the body. It is absurd to talk of spon- taneous disease taking place in organs pre- viously healthy, without the interposition of some morbific agent, as well might we ex- pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon- taneously into Plaster of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease them is a prior cause which must be removed, through the agency of the Blood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to tho i\iNA(T.A. ... r®'' In the evidence luo following is sub- mitted to the public: I'HH.Annr.pniA, June 9th, 1847. Having been appraised of the nature of the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure to be able to recommend it as a valuable remo- dy for those ehroni:, constitutional and glan- dular diseases, to which it is especially a- dapted. 'To those who are afflicted, and re- quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtain it iu a more agreeable, active arrd unitorm state, than is to be found in the Panacea. I have used it in several instances with dcci- ked and signal succes. Yours &c. D. Allison, ill. D. For details certificates, &c., see circulars, &c.?Price SI per bottle, large size, 6 bottles 1)11. HEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies before the public this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping eaugh, Pleurisy, As- thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold. To much praise cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges any one afflicted with any ot the above com- plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price 50 cents. Dr. Heeler's Cordial and Carminitiee. Every family whether rich or poor, who values health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best remedy known for Diar- rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in- fantum, cholic flatulency, griping pains, cramp, ect., and for all diseases of the sto- mach and bowels caused by Teething. The numerous testimonials from Physicians and others unsolicited, has given it a reputation as firm as adamant. Price 25 eeuts per bot- tle. Dr. Heeler's Vermij ige Syrap. ?This reme- dy is pleasant to the taste, harmles to the pa- tient and all powerful in destroying and re- moving all kinds of worms from the body. It is without doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroying medicine before the public, and will if administered according to direc- tions. remove them within sor 6 hours after taken.?The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Kcelcr's Liver and Sanative PILLS. Although not recommended as a "cure all," yet they are the mildest and best rem- edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice, Dys- pepsia, Biliousness, nervousness, foul stom- ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike other purgative medicine they leave the bowels always relaxed consequently are the proper medicine for females and persons leading a sedentary life. Price 25cts. Dr. Heeler's Rheumatic Lotion. A justly celebrated external application for pains ol the chest, neuralgia, head-ache, sprains, bruises, tie doloreatlx swellings of the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatica and for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru- befacient remedy is applicable. Price 371 cts per bottle. All of the above celebrated and extensive- ly used medicines, are prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market 'street, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms- burg; Chalfant U Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey Shore ; and' by Druggists and Merchants throughout the County and State. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849. ly. liook Merc. The subscribers wish to inform their friends and the public generally, that thev have ta- ken the entire stock of store goods belong- ing to the late firm of Unfitly & Mendeuhall, atttl entered into partnership under the tirin of MENDENHALL AND MENSCH, j (dating rrom the 2Gtll of November, 1849,) ? and ;nat their stock comprises a general as- J sc,ftmout of Merchandize, suited to the sea- sou. They can always be found at tho Cheap Comer, anxious to sell cheap fdr cash or iu exchange for country produce generally. S. MENDENHALL, A. C. MENSCH; j Bloomsburg. Dec. 6, 1849.?Gt THE FORKS HOTEL. The subscriber would inform his old friends and the public in general, that he Has taken the well known stand recently kept by Dan- iel Snyder. Esq., on the head of Main street, in Bloomsburg, and will continue tho public house known by tho sign of "TllE FORKS" where he is prepared to accommodate those who may favor him with their custom. His arrangements are complete; quarters spaci- ous?location pleasam uid without promis- ing too much, ho (lattors himself he will be able to do amnle justice to his guests. Stabling and the liest fare for norses, fee. SAMUEL BLUE. Bloomsburg, April-26. 1849. (Jinn hiiuett, ! A fine lot of all sizesjusl received and for , sale rheap by PKAXTZ fc jnHNSWt.

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Page 1: The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-01-17 …...8 Thomas Sutton vs Veniali Rees 10 Robert Montgomery vs Gilbert Hess and John Hess 11 Nicholas Seybert vs Thos Connelly et

USURY.?In the Pennsplvania Senate, Mr.

Matthias, on last Friday presented an act au-

thorizing and rate of interest to be recoveredwhich the parties had contracted for. Onjudgments it does not legalize a higher rate

of interest than 6 per cent, whatever thecontract may have been.

ty A Meteor, of great brilliancy, was

observed in the neighborhood of Snow Hill,Md., on the night of the 28th nit. Its lightrendered the most minute objects plainly


JAIL BCRNT?Loss OK Lirs!?The jail ofAdams county, Pa., vras entirely consumedby fire on Monday. Two human lives were

lost by the catastrophe?lsaac Muslcman &

John Toner, bath insane, and confined forsafe keeping.

CURE FOR BAD FITS?Not by any pa

tent medicine, but by a good suit ?not sucha suit as a man can get into atcourt,but 6ucha neat, well-made and fashionable suit ofclothing as every body should wear; justauch as you can find at A. H. Ellis', if youwill call and examine his stock of coats,pants, vests, and other articles of dress at thelower door of the new Exchange Block near-

ly opposite the Court-House, in BloomsburgHis stock of ready-made clothing is not the

"slop-work" made up for sixteen cents a day,but is cut with attention and made up to wear

and not only to sell.Mr. Ellis has also on hand an assormentof

oloth, cassimeres, sattinets, and suitable trim-mings ; so that he is prepared to make upclothing ,o order at the shortest notice. Hewill pay particular attention to culling out.

MARRIED.At Lime Ridge, on Tuesday, Dec. 25th, by

the Rev. I. Ball, Mr. Wesley Fitzsimmon, ofof Mahoning tp., to Miss sasah Jane Smith,of Berwick.

In Orangeville, on Tuesday evening, Janu-ary Bth, by the Rev. Barnhart, Mr. Ellis Mi-cliael, of A/uncy, to Miss Kosanna, daughterof J. Keichart, of the former place.

By the same at the same time and place,Mr. Isaac C. Dorland, of A/uncy, to A/iss Eli-zabeth, daughter of J. Reicha'rt, of the for-mer place.

By the Rev. Tobias, on the 10th inst, Mr.Daniel A/erkel, to Miss A/elinta Workheiser,both of Madison.



At Pittston, on last Friday, Mr. JamesHjde Jenkins, aged 35 years.

Mr. Jenkins had been for 'wo years Super-visor on the North Branch Canal, and was aman respected and esteemed by those whobest knew him.

In Bloomsburg, on Monday last, MART, aninfant daughter of Dr. J. Ramsey, aged a-bout 16 months.

In Bloom tp., on Monday last, Mr.Shaffer aged about 50 years.

In Fishingcreek township, on last Tuesdaymorning, Daniel Dealer, aged about 60 years

In Bloomsburg, on Friday the 4th instant,Willits H., son of t'narles Kratntn, aged 2years 9 months and 14 days.

In Bloomsburg, on the sth instant, EmmaElizabeth, daughter of John Bitters, aged 0years and 2 mouths.

In Bloomsburg, on Wednesday morninglast, Sarah Jane, another daughter of JohnBitters, aged 14 years.

In Orange tp., on last Sunday, of apoplex-y. Mr. Thomas Bender, aged about 75 years.

In Mountpleasant tp., on last Sunday, sud-denly, an infant son of Isaac Musgrove Esq.

In Sunbttry, on Tuesday the Bth inst.,John S. Heilrnan, aged about 22 years.

Public Sale.WILL BE sold at public sale, on the prcnt- !

ises, on Saturday, the 29th day of March, A. .1). 1850, at 11 o'clock, A. M., that certainproperty, known as the

Itor riiig Creek .11111 Proper ly.

Situate in Franklin township, Col. County, jnear the mouth of Roaring Creek.

Said property consists of about Forty A-crea of Land, on which are erected

A GRISTMILLAND SAW-MILL,And Several Du-elling Houses. The waterpower is one of the best and most unfailingof any in this section of the State, being suf- jficient at the lowest s:ages of the water toturn two run of stone.

Tbo property will be sold with a reserva-tion of the water right, and privileges con- jnectod therewith, of the Roaringcreek Fur- Inace.

Terms of sale?one fourth cash, and theresidue in one, two and three years, with in-terest, secured by bond and mortgage on theproperty. E. H. BALDY,

"For the Trustees of the U. S. Bank.Danvillo, Jan. 7, 1850?9t.

Administrator's Notice.

Loiters of Administration having beengranted to the undersigned by the Registerof Wills of Columbia county upon the Es-tate of Thomas McN'air deceased, late ofBerwick, all persons having claims againstsaid Estate are requested to make the sameknown without delay, and those indebted to

the Estate to make payment toTHOMAS S. McNAIR.

Administrator.Berwick, Jan. 7th, 1850.?6t.

A Ilouse L Lot at Private Sale.

THE subscribers offer to pnr-chasers, at private sale, a house

WH I | jjgand lot upon the Main Street offIK!S9SjB Bloomsburg, 'he businesspart of the town, between the two principalhotels, and only a little more than a squarefrom the Court House. The lot fronts 66 onMain street and extends 214J feet back.The house is a large stone dwelling, and theproperty in every way offers a fair chance toany person wishing a residence or businesslocation in the county-scat. For terms in-quire of A. H. ELLIS.

Bloomsburg, orC'. D. GEARHAHT


List Of LettersRemaining in the I'ost Office at Bloomsburg,quarter ending December 31, 1849 :Arnold, G. B. Lilley, HarrietAbbott, John 11., WashingidnCorbitt, Jennetl Maguire, John (ship)Dodson, Elizabeth Owen, MordeciaDanlield, Sarah Hoe, JonasF'rey, Jones Reichelderfer, JoelHollister, Mahlon Rimert, Tobiasllollister, Mahlon W. Thomas, Nathaniel D.Lewis, William Wailor, WilliamLillcy, George Winters, Bamuel B.

YVilliams, Jacob (ship)Persons calling for the above letters will

please say they are advertised.J. M. CHAMBERLIN, I'. M.


1 Commonwealth vs Charles F Mann et al2 John Bear vs Catharine Bear3 Bonhntn It Gearhart vs John S Dye4 Kdmun>l L Piper vs John Bailey5 Elisha B Stettler vs Samuel Stettler6 Henry Hartman vs Noah S Prentiss7 Jacob Welliver vs John Runyan9 Isaac Tyler vs Benjamin P Frick8 Thomas Sutton vs Veniali Rees

10 Robert Montgomery vs Gilbert Hess andJohn Hess

11 Nicholas Seybert vs Thos Connelly et al12 John P Grove et al vs William Donaldson

ct al13 Lloyd Thomas vs Peter Mowrer14 Caleb Appleman vs Josiah Galbraith15 Join Betron et ux vs John McGowin ad-

ministrator el al16 George Driesbach vs Jacob R Howcr17 Adams & Price vs Frederick R Wohlforlh18 John Shively vs Samuel Yost et al19 Thomas Wildoner's Ex vs Robert Lock-

art20 Same vs same21 Joint Shively vs Samuel Yost et al22 James Black vs Richard Black23 David N Kownover et al versus Danville

Bridge Company24 Manassah Bowman vs Joseph Sharpless25 John Achenbach vs Mathew McDowell

et al26 Same vs same27 Anna Dillman vs S B M Yantz28 John Reed vs Le Grand Bancroft29 John Davies et al vs Wm H Wooden30 Isaac Burnhcimer et al vs J R Fredericks

et al31 Levi Ashton vs Abraham Cool32 David H Rishel vs Jesse Aten et al33 Wm Betterly vs Moses May et ux34 Drake & Bechtel vs Nicholas Seybert35 Ehphraim McCollum's Ex versus Henry





invites the public to tryQgjppSg £IV' v bis new stock of horses,.SiE_E_S2_carriages and buggies, a variety of whichcan be found at his Livery Stable, lie canalways furnish horses and vehicles of thebest kind, and on reasonable terms. lie has

recently added a number of fashionable ve-hicles and good horses to his former slock.?He will furnish to parties four horse convey-ances with good and safe drivers, at verylow prices.

Call at the lower end of Ilopkinsville, onthe East side of Main street.

Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly

Look at Tliis!

The undersigned hereby gives notice to allthose indebted to the late lirrn of Eyer andHelley, to call and settle their accounts be-tween this and the 25th day of January next;and, if neglected, costs must be the result,for this is and shall be the last theyhave been of long standing, and the death ofMr. Helley renders it necessary to have allaccounts closed within the above slated time.

I may be found at Mendenhall & Mench'sstore ready to attend to all business.

J. EYER.Bloomsburg, Dec. 15, 1819.?1t

Charles Conner Co.Have just opened a NEW STORE in theirriew brick building, on Main and Iron streetsin the town of Bloomsburg.

They have a splendid assortmont ofFall and \\ intcr.Goods;

Which will be sold very cheap for Cash orCountry produce.

Their iriends and the public are invited tocall and see them.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1819.

New Goods.?New Firm.

The Cheapest goods in Light StreetCan be bought of PETER ENT, who hastaken the store formerly kept by Sloan andThompson, and filled it up with a new andchoice selection of the most fashionable anddesirable goods. He has every article usu-ally kept iu a country store; and will sell

Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardware,Queensware, Crockery, Ce-

dar Ware, Hats andCaps, Boots and

Shoes forCash or country produce, a little cheaperthan they can be bought elsewhere in theneighborhood. Call and see, all who wisha grand chance for bargains.

PETER ENT.Light Street Jan. 3d 1850.

From California.There is news that clothing is dear, but in

Light StreetJ. E. Fredericks and James Smith

make the neatest kind of clothing at the lowest prices. They have opened a shop nexdoor to S. L. Bettle's store in the lower cutof Light Street, where they will do all kindlof

FASHIONABLE TAILORINGat the shortest notice and lowest prices. Theyinvito only a trial to give satisfaction. Theyreceive the latest city fashions, and will giveparticular attention to cutting out.

J. E. Fredericks will also continue his busi-ness at the old stand in the upper part of thetown.

Light Street, April 19, 1849.

ATTENTION!The undersigned takes this method to no-

tify all those having unsettled accounts withthe late firm of lletley & Mendenhall to call

| on him and have the same adjusted by theI first of February next, and those who have

j already enjoyed a reasonable credit are ex-j pceteu to call immediately prepared to make

| payment, as the death of Mr. Ilelleyrenders| it'necessary that the business of the firm

should be settled up as speedily as possible.S. MENDENHALL

Surviving Partner.Bloomsburg, Dec. fi, 18-19.?6t.

JYEW Aoolis.The subscriber has just received and open-

ed a now and choice lot of goods which heoffers for sale at the lowest prices.

An abundance of the necessaries and lux-uries of life will be found in his assortment.



PRINTS, &SHAWLS.IN short, everything for Ladies and Gen-

tleman's wear, beside a full variety of GRO-CERIES, (IUEENSWARE, HARDWARE,AND CEDARWARE,

Those wishing to purchase will do well tocall soon. WE charge nothing for showinggoods.

GEORGE WEAVER.Bloomsburg, Oct 15th 1849.

A Chance for a good Bargain.

The undersigned, offers for sale, a Daguer-rotype Apparatus, in good order, togetherwith instructions in the Art of taking Daguer-teoiypc Likenesses. For twenty five dol-lars. Inquire at Biady's Exchange Hotel,Bloomsburg, Pa. JOHN CASE.

Bloomsburg. Jan. 1, 1850. It

PROCLAMATION.NOTICE is hereby given that the

several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen-eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, andOrphans' Court. Court of Oyer andTerminer and Jail Delivery, in and forthe County of Columbia, to commence at

the Cotttt House in Woomsburg, on

Monday the 21st day of January next,will continue two weeks.

The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &

Constables, in attd for the county of Col-umbia, are requested to be then and therein their proper persons, with their rolls,

records, inquisitions, and other remem-brances, to do those things to their sev-

eral offices appartaining to be done.And. all witnesses prosecuting in behalfof the Commonwealth against any pris-oner, are also requested and commandedto be then and there attending in their pro-per persons to prosecute ugainst him, as

shall be just?and not to depart withoutleave at their peril. Jurora are request-

ed to he punctual in their attendance, at

the time appointed agreeable to their no-tices,Given under my hand at Rlooms-

bttrg the 18th of December,i* the yearof our J.ortl one thousand eight hun-dred and forty-nine?and the Indepen-dence of the United States of Americathe 74i11.

PETER RILLMYER. Sh'ff(God save the Commonwealth.)

Good and Clienp Watches.Gold, Silver and Jewelry, at wholesale

and retail, at the cheap wutch and jewelrystore, No. 9G Nonli Second street, corner

of Quarry, Philadelphia.Guff lever watches, fully jewelled, S3O

and upwards. .Silver lever do, fully jewelled, $lO and

upwards.Silver lepine do, jewelled, sll and up-

wards.Silver quartier watches, from s?> to 10.Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts.Gold pencils, from $1 50 to $7"Best quality crystals?ordinary 12 cts,

patent 18, and lunet 25 cents,

Silver spoons, in coin equal in value to

the price-tea spoons 85, desert 810, tablespoons sls a set.

Other articles in the same proportion,lie warrants all his goods to be that forwhich they are sold.

Continually an hand an extensive as-sorlmentof the handsomest gold, jewel &

silver goods. Also a selection of M.J.Tobias & Co. ; E. Simpson Samuel andBrothers; E. S. Yates Co.; John Har-rison ; G. 4' It. Beesley's, and other su-perior patent lever motions, which willbe cased according to order.

Arrangements have been made with theabove named distinguished manufacturers,tl.c besl in Liverpool, to procure on theshortest notice all kinds of watches,madeaccording to order, 4" if desired the name

and place of residence of the person ord-ering the same will he engraven on thewatch. O. CONRAD, Importer.

January 1, 1850.-1y.49

Hoots and Shoes.ITEncourage your cum Mechanics, and you

encourage Yourselves.The subscriber would inform his friends

and the public, thnt ho has on hand, andmakes to order all kinds of BOOTS ANDSHOES, at the following low prices :Men s fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50

do kipor cow hide, 3 35do calf shoes 2 00do cow hide 1 75do miners', nailed, 2a2 50

Ladies' gaiters, 2a 2 25" Lace boots, 1 62" Thick soled slippers, lal 37" Pump soled, 100" Excelsiors, 125Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro-

portion. He manufactures his work of thebest of stock, and warrants it to wear ; andhe is determined to sell it as low as otherscan their Yankee or city work. Call andsee for yourselves, chop on Main St., nextdoor below llarlman's Store.


ADMINISTRA TOR'S NOTICE.Letters of Administration dc bonis non with

the will annexed, having this day been gran-ted to the undersigned by the Register ofWills of Columbia County, upon the estateof Henry Gigger, deceased, late of Moutourtownship. All persons having demands a-gainst said estate, are requested to make thesame known without delay, and those indeb-ted to the estate to make payment as soonas possible. EPHRAIM P. LUTZ, Adm.

Bloomsburg, Dec. 25, 1849.

ADMINISTllA TOR'S NO TICK.Letters of administration have been grant-

ed to the undersigned by the Register ofWills of Columbia county, upon the estate ofSamuel Yost, deceased, late of Roaringcreektownship ; all persons having claims againstthe said estate are requested to make themknown without delay, and those indebted to

the estate to make payment to the under-signed in Roaringcreek township.

JACOB R. HOWER, Adm.December 27,1849.


To HAVEthe best fitting suit inmade by BERNARD RUPERT, whodocs Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & ~IXa little better than it can be done in town byany body else. Ho has just received the la-test Fall Fashions, and with his oxperiene incutting garments, he can promise the bestsatisfaction to those who patronize him. If

CALIFORNIAWas to be supplied with such garments as heturns off, a fair fortune might be made atonce. His shop is on Main street below Mar-ket, in the building lately occupied as an of-fice by C. R. Buckalew.

will take country produce for hiswork, and gold dollars will not be refused.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849?tf.

Boot and ShoemakiHg.

J A COn F. DEITTERICHHas removed his boot and shoe establish-

ment, into the new frame building on MainStreet two doors above Albrightfc Mengel'sstore, opposite the Forks Hotel, where he in-vites his old customers and the public gener-ally to call and give his work a fair trial.He will furnish all articles in his line of business neat, strong and cheap.

Bloomsburg, April 19th 1849.-ly.

NEW AKrLITALiBv different arrivals we have replenished

our STOCK OF GOODS, whichwe will sell at our usual low prices.

J. 11. BARTON & CO.Bloomsburg, Nov. 8. 1819.

SliurlflPs Sales.By virtue of sundry writs of venditioni ex-

ponds to me directed will be exposed to pubtic sale ut the Court House, in Bloomsburg,on Monday the 21st day ot January next, at

1 o'clock, I'. >l., the following tracts of real

estate, viz :A certain tract or piece of land situate in

Beaver township, Columbia county, contain-ing about thirty acres, more or less, boundedby lands of W in. Kulp, Jacob Hinterliter andothers, whereon is erected a small log houseand a saw mill, with, the,appurtenances.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Jonathan Fisher.

ALSO,A certain lot or piece of ground situate in

Briarcreek township, Columbia county, con-taining sixteen acres, more or less, boundedby lands of Jackson & Jacoby, James Boyles,Joseph Gensil and others, whereon is erect-

ed a Furnace, Casting House, Foundry, Ma-chine Shop, Blacksmith Shop, one trame storehouse, two one and a halt story double framedwelling Tiouses, one log house one story-high, one large frame stable, and other out-

buildings, with the appurtenances. Also,all the right title and interest of defendant ina certain tract of land situate partly in Or-ange township and partly inCentre townshipColumbia county, containing about two hun-dred acres more or less, bounded by lands inthe name of James l'atton, Jacol>|Moyer, Al-exander Aikman and others, with the appur-tenances.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the properly of Charles Kalbfus.

ALSO,A certain lot or parcel of land situate in

Mahoning township, in the town of Danvillein Columbia county, containing about one-fourth of an acre more or less, bounded infront by the main road leading from Danvilleto Catawissn, and by a lot belonging to Hen-ry Sanders, and on an alley and others, wher-on is erected a two story frame dwellinghouse, with a frame kitchen attached there-to, and a frame stable, with the appurtenan-ces.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Daniel Huffman, deceasednow in the hands of John Rhoads, adminis-trator of said deceased, with notice to Cath-arine Huffman, widow and heirs.

ALSO,A certain tract of land situate in Jackson

township, Columbia county, containing eigh-ty acres more or less, of which about twenty-live acres are cleared, bounded by lands ofJohn Kile, Samuel Kitchen, and other# where-on is erected a one and a half story togdwelling house, a frame bank barn, a saw-mill, and other out buildings, with the ap-purtenances.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Elisha Hess, now in thepossession of Lafayette Kessler.

ALSO,A certain tract or piece ot land situate in

Catawissa township, Columbia county, con-taining about fifteen acres more or less,bounded by lands of John Price, I. Breachand others, whereon is erected a one and ahalf story frame house, with the appurtenan-ces.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Daniel Gensil.

ALSO.At the same time and place, by virtue of a

writ of alius venditioni exponas, a certain tractof land situate in Fishingcreek township, Co-lumbia county, containing one hundred ando'ght acres more or less, bounded bylands ofEdwin Holmes, John Pealer and others, onwhich is erected a one story log dwellinghouse, and other out buildings, with the ap-purtenances.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of It. K. Carpenter.

PETER BIf.LMFA'ER, SluT.Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, j

December 2(1, 1819. }

The Largest Stock

of Goods in Town.WM. MCKF.I.VY & Co, at their old stand on

corner of Main and Market Streets, offer topurchasers the best assortment of new

FALL AND If INTER GOODS,That can be found in Bloomsburg.

Their new supply just opened, consists ofevery desirable kind of


ENWARE, BOOTS, SHOES,&c., Aic., &c., &c.

Every thing in the way of Dress Goods forLadies' or Gentleman's wear, can be found intheir assortment to suit every taste.

Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Merinoes,Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Shawls, Hand-kerchiefs, Woollen & Cotton Flannels, French,English and American Broadcloth, Cassim-ers, Sattinetts, Beaverteens, Tweeds & Jeansof every style and [ rice can be furnished bythem.


Sloan and Mendenliall.Just received and opened, a large and well

selected assortment ot

FALL AND WINTER GOODS,To which they invite the attention of

their friends and the public generally; as itwould require too much time to enumerate all the names and varieties of articles.Their Stock is composed of Cloths, Cassi-rneres, Satinetts, Silks, Dr Laines, Calicoesand Fancy Goods in Variety.

ALSO Fresh Groceries, Hardware, Queens-ware Shoes, Hats & Caps, &c. &c.

They feel warranted in saying that thosein want of good goods have only to call andexamine for themselves, as it will alwaysafford us great pleasure to wait upon allthose who may fovout us with a call.

IVCountry Produce taken in exchangefor goods. 1


Blooomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849-tf.


For Good Watches.Henry Zuppinger returns

R 2C- bis thanks for past patro-nage, and invites the pub

\ 'WM be to examine his newT '{" i assortment of

SISZSEJ CLOCKS, WATCHES,1 \u25a0 Glasses, and

Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which heoffers for reasonable prices. He will nlso re-pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti-cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.

His shop is in thginiddlo room ot the Ex-change block, neiyrljk'opposite to the Court]House.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849.



OFFICE?Two doors below the Court-Houso.North side of Main Street.

Nov. 8, 1848.


ADELPHIA, PA.This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one

of the best in the city. Merchants and oth-ers visiting Philadelphia would do well togive him a tall,

Philadelphia Reading and Pottsville


ON and after November Ist, 1849, thePassenger Trains will run between Phil-

adelphia and Pottsville, as follows:Leaves Philadelphia at 84 A. M., daily,

except Sundays.Arrives at Reading at 11 18Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50

Loaves Pottsville at 84 M. M. Daily exceptSundays.

Arrives at Reading at 10 00Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50.

Pottsville and Philadelphia 53,50 an: f 3.-00; Pottsville and Reading Si,4o and 51 20:Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90.

Passsengers cannot enter the Cars unlessprovided with Tickets.

There will be no afternoon Train.fST NOTICE.?Fifty pound of baggage

will be allowed to each passengei in theselines; and passengers are expressly prohib-ited from taking any thing as baggage buttheir wearing apparel, which will be at therisk of its owner.

By order of the Board of Managers.S. BRADFORD, Sec'ry

Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849.


THE subscriber respectfully informs hisfriends and customers, that he has just re-ceived from the city, a large and select as-sortment of


Hats and Caps, ofDURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVEDSTYLE, which he offers for cash sales very-cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec-

ond uoor South of the Court house.LIT He continues to manufacture Huts to

order as usual.THOMAS WILLITS.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849.


\ftjf Have the largest assort- Beafjfow.\u25a0Lment of BOOTS AND®*

SHOES that can be found in Blooms-burg. They have on hand every variety olCity and Eastern work which they warrantto be well made, and they are continnuallymaking to order every kind of Boots Shoes,Gaiters, Ladies Misses and Childrens shoesthat are desired. Every taste and size canbe suited at their STORE, and their goodswill be sold as cheap as they can be boughtany where else in tho COUNTY.

Their Store is on the East side of MainStreet, in Biggs' new Exchange building.

Bloomsburg, Dec. 6, 1849.

CHEAP TAILORING.The subscriber is now doing a large busi-

ness at Tailoring in Light Street, and invitesall who wish for fashionable, well-fittingandcheaply-made garments to visit his shop andgive him a trial.

He has two shops in operation, turning offwork. One is in the upper end and the otherin the lower part of Light Street. He regu-larly receives the CITY FASHIONS, andasks only tor a trial to insure satisfaction.

Particular attention will be paid to cuttingout. B. F. DOLLMAN.

Light Street, April 12, 18-19-ly

NEW SADDLER SIIOP-The subscriber announces to the public

that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in thecentral part of Bloomsburg, on Main street,one door above Rupert's Store, where hewill keep constantly on hand and make toorder all kinds of


Ami every other article in his line of busi-ness. He will also attend to TRIMMINGcarriages and buggies, in every desirablestyle, and will turn off all his work neat andgood ; and at the lowest pricos. Those whowish work in his line will do well to givehim a call.

tyHides, country produce, and even golddollars will he taken in payment for work.

W. MK. THORNTON.Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849.

New Boot & Shoe Store.

JOSEPH 11. WEAVERHas opened a new Boot and Shoe Store at

the lower end of Main street, in the buildinglately used as Nathan's Clothing Store. Howillalways keep on hand an assortment ofready made work, and will make to order atthe shortest notice coarse and fine Boots,Shoes, Gaiters arid Slippers for Gentlemen,I-adies and Misses' wear. Ho will furnishhis work, made in a neat and substan-tial manner, at the lowest prices.

With articles made strong and neat, an Isold cheap, he solicits a share of public patronage.

Bloomsburg, April 5, 1849-tf

0. C. KABLER.Attorney at Law and Counsellor,

Respectfully informs his friends and the pub-lic that he has commenced the practice otlaw in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'a.,where he will promptly attend to all legal bu-siness entrusted to his care.

Otlice on Main street, three doors south olHayhurst fc Baldy's store.

Bloomsburg, April26, 1849.

TO rrouvNOTICE, is hereby given, that I have ap-

plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Col-umbia county, for the benefit of the Insol-vent Laws ol this Commonwealth, and thesaid Court have appointed the Third Mondayof January next, for the hearing of me andmy creditors at the Court House in Blooms-burg, when and where you may attend ifyou think proper.

BKNJ. F. BOCII.Bloomsburg, Dec. 20, 1849.-41


Has opened a shop in one of the upperrooms of the new building opposite the ForksHotel, in Bloomsburg, Pa., where he invitesall customers who wish fashionable, well-fit-ting and well-made garments to visit hisshop, examine his work, and give him ntrial. He regularly receives the

LATEST CITY FASHIONS,and ask only for a trial to ensure satifaction.

Particular attention will begiven to cuttingout.

Bloomsburg, April9, 1849.



three squares below Market.

Notice,AI,I. THOSE indebted to the subscribers on

Bond, Note, or Book account of more thanone year's standing, are requested to makepayment between this and the first day ofMarch next. Those neglecting this noticemay expect to pay corns.

WM. MCKELVYk CO.Bloomsburg; Dec. 3. 1849.

Register's Notice.NOTICE IS HEREBY given lo all legatee*

creditors and other persons interested in theestates of the respective decedents and minorsthat the following administration and guar-dian accounts have been filed in the office ofthe Register of the county of Columbia andwill be presented for confirmation and allow-ance to the Orphans' Court, to be held atllloornsburg in and for the County aforesaid,on Wednesday the 23d day ol January nextat 2 o'clock I*. M.

1. The account of Samuel Creasy, admin-istrator of the estate of Philip Creasy, late ofMirflin township, Columbia county, dee'd.

2. The first and linal account ol Hugh Me-Cracken, administrator do bonis noil &c., ofthe estate of James McCracken, late ol Lib-erty township, deceased.

3. The filial account of John K. Grotz,Guardian of Samuel Kuhn a minor child ofIsaac Kuhn, late of Bloom tp., Col. Co. dec d.

4. The linal account of John K. Grotz,Guardian of Savilla Kuhn, a minor child ofIsaac Kuhn, late of Bloom tp., dec d.

5. The account of Levi Aikrnan, Guardianof Isaac D. Fowler, a minor child ot DavidFowler, late of Briarcreek township, Colum-bia county, deceased.

6. The supplementary account of SamuelYorks, administrator with the Will annexedof Daniel Montgomery, late of Mahoning tp.,Columbia county, deceased.

7. The account of the administration ofCharles Hellley, deceased, Executor ol Hen-ry Gigger, deceased, filed by Ephraim P.I.utz, a Iministrator cum lestamenio annexo

of said Hefiley, late of Bloom township, Co-lumbia county, deaceased

8. The final account of Anthony Dengler,administrator of the cstato of John Graham,late of Roaring creek tp., col. Co., deceased.

9. The account of Jonathan Critz St DavidCritz, admr's. of the estate of Filizabeth Critz,late of Montour township, col. Co. deceased.

10. The account of David R. Rishel, .ad-ministrator of the estate of George Shane jr.,late ©f Montour tp., Columbia co., deceased.


Bloomsburg, Dec. 25, 1849. j

rT)ri*, Q3Qan.o.Cs>E£l s 's3

Indian *>sctable Panacea.

Rowand & Walton invite attention to thefollowing advertisement:

DR. CULLENEVER VICTORIOUS!As a proof of the continued success of

DR. CULLEN'S INDIANVEGETABLE PA-NBCEA, we refer to a few of tho many cer-

tificates in our possession, of cures perform-ed by this great purifier.

Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of SouthMulberry Ward, cured of Barber s Itch.

Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No. 83 North Sev-

entlietrcet, cured of hereditary Tetter, whichcovered his entire body.

Mr. E. VV. Maxwell, Grape court, Marketstreet, above Eighth, cured of Serolula, hadfourteen open ulcers upon his body at thetime he commenced taking the Medicine.

Kliss Christiai a Sands, West Spruce street,between Beach and Willow streets, near theSchuylkill, cured of Serolula; had sufferedeight years; her head was so much affectedthat lea and coffee would pass out at her ear

?this is a strong case."

Capt. John K. Barclay, No. 400 Marketstreet, cured of Scrofulous Sore Leg, of 3ti

years' standing. This case is well known to

many of our best Physicians, who have Ire-

quently advised amputation.Mr. Isaac Brooks. Jr., No. 5 Jefferson, west

of Schuylkill Sixth street, below Locust.This was, undoubtedly, one of the most se-vere cases of Scrofula ever cured, and iscertified to by many of our best physiciansand clergymen, and also by himself.

Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east

from Twelfth street above Race, cured ofScrofulous Sore Throat, of eight years stan-ding.

Mr. J. If. Frick's child, No. 73i Dock St.,Philadelphia.

Mr. Michael Duffy, 14 South Frout street,

(at P. Brady & Co.'s,) Philadelphia, curedof Tetter ot twenty five years.

Mr. Williom Flemming, No. 210 Wash-ington street, between Eighth and Ninelh,Philadelphia, cured of Erysipelas four years,which destroyed the flesh to the bone.

Wiliarn Barker, cured of Scrofula. Thiscase had been in the hospital many months,and discharged as incurable?he is now welland may bo scet? daily at our office.

Mr. David Cirgan, Muddy creek, 'Hamil-ton county, Ohio, cured of Serolula. Thiswas a very severe case, and Xirgatt say. thatcould money prevent, he would not undergothe same affliction for ten thousand dollars,and yet he was cured for a few dollars, byDr. L'ullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea.

Mr. John W. Hazletou, of Mulica Hill,Now Jersey, cared of Tetter of ten years'standing, with a few bottles of the Panacea.

Mr. John Brockeu, of Germantown, a: thea"e of tit years, was cured of a violent Tet-ter that had troubled him" for 18 years.

Mrs. Eve Siscoe, No. 53 South street, between Third and Fourth, from Schuylkill,cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suf-fering 12 years with them. Mrs. S. is 62

years of age.Mrs Elizabete C Foster, Second street,

four doors above Washington street, wascured of Tetter on her leg, which had troub-led her 14 years.

Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street,now of Manayitnk, cured of T .tter of 5 yearsin hands and feet.

Mr Mellon Grubb, juniper street, nearSpruce, curetl of Scrofulous Ulcers on theshoulders, which had defied tile doctorsmore than a year.

MrHiram Ridge, Attleboro', Bucks co.,Pa., cured of Salt Rheum. This case hadbeen pronounced incurable by some 12 or 14physicians of the first a lastresort had recourse to Cullen's Panacea, andwas cured completely in a few months, aftersuffering 17 years?the disease had almostcovered his entire person.

Henry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cured of theworst ease of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer-sey, by 7J bottles !

Thomas Wainwright, of Manyunk, curedof Scald Head; the disease extended overthe whole scalp until it was an entire massof corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa-nacea cured him.

We might add Base filter case, ad Infini-tum; but wo think it unnecessary; presu-ming the afflicted will want more evidencethan we can give in an advertisement, weagain ask them to send to oar office and getthese certificates, from which you will lea;,ithe extraordinary sufferings ol these persons,as Well as the mode of cure.

liOWAND & WALTON, l'm/nirlnrs,No. 21 North Si.xlh street, Philad'aJ

ItP The following persons are agents forthe above meeicine in Columbia county.

E. Pi Lutz, Bloomsburg; M. C.Grierj Dan-ville ; Peter Ent, Light street; Hickels amiStewart, Orangevillo ; Cyrus Barton, Kspy-town; J. Schmick, Cattawissa; M. U. Shoe-maker, Buckhorn.

Jan. 3d 1850.?6 m.

Dissolution of Partnership.

Notice is hereby given that the partnershipheretofore existing under tile firm of Sloan& Thompson was tlissolvod by mutual con-sent on tne 32dday of Decomberlast. Per-sons indebted to the firm are requested tomake early payment to either of the under-signed, at their old store stand, now kept byPeter Ent, where the books of the (irm canbe foundi GEORGE SLOAN,

\V. S. THOMPSON.! Light Street. Jan. 3. 1849-lt

Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family

medicines.Dr. Kcclcr is a regular graduate from one

of the best medical schools of the oounlry,and a practising physician of the city ofPhiladelphia. We take great plertsufo lit

presenting these remedies to the afflicted.?They arc all of undoubted medical powersand hold out to the invalid a promise of re-lief, sueh as none others possess. Theyeach have been thoroughly tried in a longsuccessful private practice, and have estab-lished for Uiemsrlves a reputation but few

possess, and given better satisfaction to theafflicted than any ol the boasted remediesof the day. In offering them to the public,the proprietor is influenced hv no sinister

[ motives of train, but feels cotieeiuus thatthey are eminently deserving of public con-

fidence. No medicines ever before the publie have acquired such deserved reputationupon their merits alone, or appeal with suchirresisl hie force lo the invalid.

DR. KEELER'S PANACEA, For the re-moval and permanent cure of nfl diseases a-rising from an impure state of the Blood andhatiit of the body, viz:

Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy,-Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in all itsforms, Tetter, Scald Head, Cutaneous alfec-tions of the face and extremities, Chronicenlargements of the Joints, While Swelling,Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders,arising front debility, Mercurial and Heredi-tary predispositions, &c.

i"r" In every change that is taking plaodin the body, it is manifest that it is broughtabout by something having a substantive ex-istence. If we suppose the organs of ourbody originally perfect, they must continueperlect unless changed by the interventionof something that bears an unhealthy rela-tion to it. In all eases of disease, there mustbe the interposition of some new ingredient,which by playing its part as a course servedto modify the properties before connectedwith the body. It is absurd to talk of spon-taneous disease taking place in organs pre-viously healthy, without the interposition ofsome morbific agent, as well might we ex-pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon-taneously into Plaster of Paris, without theaid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease themis a prior cause which must be removed,through the agency of the Blood. For thispurpose there is no remedy superior to thoi\iNA(T.A.


r®'' In the evidence luo following is sub-mitted to the public:

I'HH.Annr.pniA, June 9th, 1847.Having been appraised of the nature of

the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure tobe able to recommend it as a valuable remo-dy for those ehroni:, constitutional and glan-dular diseases, to which it is especially a-dapted. 'To those who are afflicted, and re-quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtainit iu a more agreeable, active arrd unitormstate, than is to be found in the Panacea. I

have used it in several instances with dcci-ked and signal succes. Yours &c.

D. Allison, ill. D.For details certificates, &c., see circulars,

&c.?Price SI per bottle, large size, 6 bottles

1)11. HEELER'S COUGH SYRUP.Among all the remedies before the public

this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con-sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs,Hoarseness, Whooping eaugh, Pleurisy, As-thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affectionsof the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold.To much praise cannot be bestowed uponthis remedy, and the proprietor urges anyone afflicted with any ot the above com-

plaints to secure it at one. It is warrantedto cure or no pay. Price 50 cents.

Dr. Heeler's Cordial and Carminitiee.Every family whether rich or poor, who

values health and all its blessings, shouldhave this invaluable remedy at hand. It isinfinitely the best remedy known for Diar-rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in-fantum, cholic flatulency, griping pains,cramp, ect., and for all diseases of the sto-mach and bowels caused by Teething. Thenumerous testimonials from Physicians andothers unsolicited, has given it a reputationas firm as adamant. Price 25 eeuts per bot-tle.

Dr. Heeler's Vermijige Syrap. ?This reme-dy is pleasant to the taste, harmles to the pa-tient and all powerful in destroying and re-moving all kinds of worms from the body.It is without doubt, the cheapest and bestworm destroying medicine before the public,and will if administered according to direc-tions. remove them within sor 6 hours aftertaken.?The dose is small, and each bottlecontains twice as much as similar remedies.Price only 25 cents per bottle.

Dr. Kcelcr's Liver and SanativePILLS.

Although not recommended as a "cureall," yet they are the mildest and best rem-edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice, Dys-pepsia, Biliousness, nervousness, foul stom-

ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlikeother purgative medicine they leave thebowels always relaxed consequently are theproper medicine for females and personsleading a sedentary life. Price 25cts.

Dr. Heeler's Rheumatic Lotion.A justly celebrated external application for

pains ol the chest, neuralgia, head-ache,sprains, bruises, tie doloreatlx swellings ofthe joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatica andfor all disorders wherein a sedative and ru-befacient remedy is applicable. Price371 cts per bottle.

All of the above celebrated and extensive-ly used medicines, are prepared and soldWholesale and Retail, 294 Market 'street,Philadelphia.

For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms-burg; Chalfant U Hughes, and Dr. J. A.Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus, JerseyShore ; and' by Druggists and Merchantsthroughout the County and State.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849. ly.

liook Merc.The subscribers wish to inform their friends

and the public generally, that thev have ta-ken the entire stock of store goods belong-ing to the late firm of Unfitly & Mendeuhall,atttl entered into partnership under the tirinof MENDENHALL AND MENSCH,

j (dating rrom the 2Gtll of November, 1849,)?and ;nat their stock comprises a general as-

J sc,ftmout of Merchandize, suited to the sea-sou. They can always be found at tho CheapComer, anxious to sell cheap fdr cash or iuexchange for country produce generally.


j Bloomsburg. Dec. 6, 1849.?Gt

THE FORKS HOTEL.The subscriber would inform his old friends

and the public in general, that he Has takenthe well known stand recently kept by Dan-iel Snyder. Esq., on the head of Main street,in Bloomsburg, and will continue tho publichouse known by tho sign of "TllE FORKS"where he is prepared to accommodate thosewho may favor him with their custom. Hisarrangements are complete; quarters spaci-ous?location pleasam uid without promis-ing too much, ho (lattors himself he will beable to do amnle justice to his guests.

Stabling and the liest fare for norses, fee.SAMUEL BLUE.

Bloomsburg, April-26. 1849.(Jinn hiiuett,

! A fine lot of all sizesjusl received and for, sale rheap by