the star of david zodiac information charts

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  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    The 12 Sons of Jacob Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Zebulon

    II. Taurus = Joseph

    III. Gemini = Benjamin

    IV. Cancer = Issachar (or Levi)

    V. Leo = Judah

    VI. Virgo = Naphtali

    VII. Libra = Asher

    VIII. Scorpio = Dan (or Joseph)

    IX. Sagittarius = Gad

    X. Capricorn = SimeonXI. Aquarius = Reuben (or Naphtali)

    XII. Pisces = Levi

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    The 12 Tribes of Israel Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Judah (or Gad)

    II. Taurus = Issachar (or Ephraim)

    III. Gemini = Zebulon (or Menasseh)

    IV. Cancer = Reuben (or Issachar)

    V. Leo = Simeon (Judah)

    VI. Virgo = Gad (or Naphtali)

    VII. Libra = Ephraim (or Asher)VIII. Scorpio = Menasseh (or Dan)

    IX. Sagittarius = Benjamin

    X. Capricorn = Dan (or Zebulon)

    XI. Aquarius = Asher (or Reuben)

    XII. Pisces = Naphtali (or Simeon)

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Apostle Peter

    II. Taurus = Apostle Simon

    III. Gemini = Apostle James Alphaeus

    IV. Cancer = Apostle Andrew

    V. Leo = Apostle John

    VI. Virgo = Apostle Phillip

    VII. Libra = Apostle Bartholomew (or Nathaniel)

    VIII. Scorpio = Apostle Thomas

    IX. Sagittarius = Apostle James

    X. Capricorn = Apostle Matthew

    XI. Aquarius = Apostle Thaddeus

    XII. Pisces = Apostle Mathias (after Judas)

    The 12 Archangels of the Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = MachidielII. Taurus = Asmodel

    III. Gemini = Ambriel (or Raphael)

    IV. Cancer = Muriel (or Gabriel)

    V. Leo = Verchiel (or Michael)

    VI. Virgo = Hamaliel

    VII. Libra = Uriel

    VIII. Scorpio = Barbiel (or Camael)

    IX. Sagittarius = AdnachielX. Capricorn = Hanael (or Azrael)

    XI. Aquarius = Gabriel (or Uriel, Cassiel)

    XII. Pisces = Barchiel

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    The 12 Prophets of the Old Testament Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Malachi

    II. Taurus = Haggai

    III. Gemini = Zachary

    IV. Cancer = Amos

    V. Leo = Hosea

    VI. Virgo = Micah

    VII. Libra = Jonah

    VIII. Scorpio = Obadiah

    IX. Sagittarius = Zephaniah

    X. Capricorn = Nahum

    XI. Aquarius = Habakuk

    XII. Pisces = Joel

    Sign Symbol Son of


    Tribe of


    Aries Zebulon Judah

    Taurus Joseph Issachar

    Gemini Benjamin Zebulon

    Cancer Issachar Reuben

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    Leo Judah Simeon

    Virgo Naphtali Gad

    Libra Asher Ephraim

    Scorpio Dan Menasseh

    Sagittarius Gad Benjamin

    Capricorn Simeon Dan

    Aquarius Reuben Asher

    Pisces Levi Naphtali

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    2 Sons of Jacob Zodiac

    I. Aries = ZebulonII. Taurus = JosephIII. Gemini = Benjamin

    IV. Cancer = Issachar (or Levi)V. Leo = JudahVI. Virgo = NaphtaliVII. Libra = AsherVIII. Scorpio = Dan (or Joseph)IX. Sagittarius = GadX. Capricorn = SimeonXI. Aquarius = Reuben (or Naphtali)XII. Pisces = Levi

    2 Tribes of Israel Zodiac

    I. Aries = Judah (or Gad)II. Taurus = Issachar (or Ephraim)III. Gemini = Zebulon (or Menasseh)

    IV. Cancer = Reuben (or Issachar)V. Leo = Simeon (Judah)VI. Virgo = Gad (or Naphtali)VII. Libra = Ephraim (or Asher)VIII. Scorpio = Menasseh (or Dan)IX. Sagittarius = BenjaminX. Capricorn = Dan (or Zebulon)XI. Aquarius = Asher (or Reuben)

    XII. Pisces = Naphtali (or Simeon)

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    Sign ofZodiac

    Son ofJacob

    Tribe ofIsrael

    Apostle ofJesus

    Archangelof God

    Aries Zebulon Judah Peter Machidiel

    Taurus Joseph Issachar Simon Asmodel

    Gemini Benjamin Zebulon James Alphaeus Ambriel

    Cancer Issachar Reuben Andrew Muriel

    Leo Judah Simeon John Verchiel

    Virgo Naphtali Gad Philip Hamaliel

    Libra Asher Ephraim Bartholomew Uriel

    Scorpio Dan Menasseh Thomas Barbiel

    Sagittarius Gad Benjamin James Adnachiel

    Capricorn Simeon Dan Matthew Hanael

    Aquarius Reuben Asher Thaddeus Gabriel

    Pisces Levi Naphtali Mathias(Judas)


  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    2 Apostles of Jesus Christ Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Apostle Peter

    II. Taurus = Apostle SimonIII. Gemini = Apostle James AlphaeusIV. Cancer = Apostle AndrewV. Leo = Apostle JohnVI. Virgo = Apostle PhillipVII. Libra = Apostle BartholomewVIII. Scorpio = Apostle ThomasIX. Sagittarius = Apostle JamesX. Capricorn = Apostle MatthewXI. Aquarius = Apostle ThaddeusXII. Pisces = Apostle Mathias (after Judas)

    2 Archangels of God Star of David Zodiac

    I. Aries = Machidiel

    II. Taurus = AsmodelIII. Gemini = Ambriel (or Raphael)IV. Cancer = Muriel (or Gabriel)V. Leo = Verchiel (or Michael)VI. Virgo = HamalielVII. Libra = UrielVIII. Scorpio = Barbiel (or Camael)IX. Sagittarius = Adnachiel

    X. Capricorn = Hanael (or Azrael)XI. Aquarius = Gabriel (or Uriel, Cassiel)XII. Pisces = Barchiel

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts





    Star of









    Aries Peter Machidiel

    Taurus Simon Asmodel

    Gemini James



    Cancer Andrew Muriel

    Leo John Verchiel

    Virgo Phillip Hamaliel

    Libra Bartholome



  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    Scorpio Thomas Barbiel

    Sagittarius James Adnachiel

    Capricorn Matthew Hanael

    Aquarius Thaddeus Gabriel

    Pisces Mathias Barchiel

    No. Zodiac = Son = Tribe = Apostle = ArchangelI. Aries = Zebulon = Judah = Peter = Machidiel

    II. Taurus = Joseph = Issachar = Simon = Asmodel

    III. Gemini = Benjamin = Zebulon = James Alphaeus = Ambriel

    IV. Cancer = Issachar = Reuben = Andrew= Muriel

    V. Leo = Judah = Simeon = John = Verchiel

    VI. Virgo = Naphtali = Gad = Phillip = Hamaliel

    VII. Libra = Asher = Ephraim = Bartholomew = UrielVIII. Scorpio = Dan = Menasseh = Thomas = Barbiel

    IX. Sagittarius = Gad = Benjamin = James = Adnachiel

    X. Capricorn = Simeon = Dan = Matthew = Hanael

    XI. Aquarius = Reuben = Asher = Thaddeus = Gabriel

    XII. Pisces = Levi = Naphtali = Mathias = Barchiel

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    The Old Testament Star of David Zodiac



















    ries Ram Tleh Zebulon Judah Malachi


    Bull Shor Issachar Joseph Haggai

    Gemini Twins Teumi Benjamin Zebulon Zachary


    Crab Sartan Issachar Reuben Amos

    Leo Lion Ari Judah Simeon Hosea


    Virgin Betula Naphtali Gad Micah

    Libra Scales Moznaim Asher Ephraim Jonah

    Scorpio Scorpion Akrav Dan Menasseh Obadiah

    Sagittarius Archer Kashet Gad Benjamin Zephaniah

    Capricorn Goat Gedi Simeon Dan Nahum

    quarius Water-Bearer

    Dli Reuben Asher Habakuk

    Pisces Fish Dagim Levi Naphtali Joel

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    12 Sons of Jacob

    I. Aries = Zebulon

    II. Taurus = Joseph

    III. Gemini = Benjamin

    IV. Cancer = Issachar

    V. Leo = Judah

    VI. Virgo = Naphtali

    VII. Libra = Asher

    VIII. Scorpio = Dan

    IX. Sagittarius = Gad

    X. Capricorn = Simeon

    XI. Aquarius = Reuben

    XII. Pisces = Levi

    12 Tribes of Israel

    I. Aries = Judah

    II. Taurus = Issachar

    III. Gemini = ZebulonIV. Cancer = Reuben

    V. Leo = Simeon

    VI. Virgo = Gad

    VII. Libra = Ephraim

    VIII. Scorpio = Menasseh

    IX. Sagittarius = Benjamin

    X. Capricorn = Dan

    XI. Aquarius = AsherXII. Pisces = Naphtali

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    12 Apostles of Jesus Christ

    I. Aries = Apostle Peter

    II. Taurus = Apostle Simon

    III. Gemini = Apostle James Alphaeus

    IV. Cancer = Apostle Andrew

    V. Leo = Apostle John

    VI. Virgo = Apostle Phillip

    VII. Libra = Apostle Bartholomew

    VIII. Scorpio = Apostle Thomas

    IX. Sagittarius = Apostle James

    X. Capricorn = Apostle Matthew

    XI. Aquarius = Apostle Thaddeus

    XII. Pisces = Apostle Mathias

    12 Archangels of the Zodiac

    I. Aries = Machidiel

    II. Taurus = Asmodel

    III. Gemini = AmbrielIV. Cancer = Muriel

    V. Leo = Verchiel

    VI. Virgo = Hamaliel

    VII. Libra = Uriel

    VIII. Scorpio = Barbiel

    IX. Sagittarius = Adnachiel

    X. Capricorn = Hanael

    XI. Aquarius = GabrielXII. Pisces = Barchiel

  • 7/26/2019 The Star of David Zodiac Information Charts


    12 Old Testament Prophets

    I. Aries = Malachi

    II. Taurus = Haggai

    III. Gemini = Zachary

    IV. Cancer = Amos

    V. Leo = Hosea

    VI. Virgo = Micah

    VII. Libra = Jonah

    VIII. Scorpio = Obadiah

    IX. Sagittarius = Zephaniah

    X. Capricorn = Nahum

    XI. Aquarius = Habakuk

    XII. Pisces = Joel

    No. Zodiac = Son = Tribe = Apostle = Archangel = Minor Prophet

    I. Aries = Zebulon = Judah = Peter = Machidiel = Malachi

    II. Taurus = Joseph = Issachar = Simon = Asmodel = Haggai

    III. Gemini = Benjamin = Zebulon = James Alphaeus = Ambriel = Zachary

    IV. Cancer = Issachar = Reuben = Andrew= Muriel = Amos

    V. Leo = Judah = Simeon = John = Verchiel = HoseaVI. Virgo = Naphtali = Gad = Phillip = Hamaliel = Micah

    VII. Libra = Asher = Ephraim = Bartholomew = Uriel = Jonah

    VIII. Scorpio = Dan = Menasseh = Thomas = Barbiel = Obadiah

    IX. Sagittarius = Gad = Benjamin = James = Adnachiel = Zephaniah

    X. Capricorn = Simeon = Dan = Matthew = Hanael = Nahum

    XI. Aquarius = Reuben = Asher = Thaddeus = Gabriel = Habakuk

    XII. Pisces = Levi = Naphtali = Mathias = Barchiel = Joel