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The Source November 2018

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Page 1: The Source - Amazon S3€¦ · Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what Jesus’ reply to the question

The Source

November 2018

Page 2: The Source - Amazon S3€¦ · Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what Jesus’ reply to the question


Inside The Source

Bill’s Black Book Page 3 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 11 B-SiDE Youth Ministry Page 7 CHAMPs Children’s Ministry Page 6 Coming January 2019 . . . Page 4 Family Updates Page 11 Financial News Page 2 Grief Ministry Page 10 Growth Group Next Steps Page 9 Growth Group Purpose Page 10 Monthly Calendar Page 12 Operation Christmas Child Info Page 8 Randolph’s Random Reflections Page 4 Stewardship Corner Page 2 Transformed Study Information Page 5 Trash 2 Treasure/HOPE Pantry News Page 8 Troop Support Page 10 Upcoming Sermon Titles Page 12 Women’s Ministry Information Page 10 Young At Heart Page 5

$$$ FBC Financial News $$$ Stewardship corner

FBC is supported solely by the tithes and offerings of its

members and regular attenders.

Thank you for

your continued


Reporting Period: 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

Total Contributions: $ 26,147.25

Total Expense: $ 30,638.09

Difference: $ -4,490.84

Checking Balance: $ 5,189.82 (10/29/18)

Savings Balance: $ 12,159.71 (10/31/18)

Page 3: The Source - Amazon S3€¦ · Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what Jesus’ reply to the question



The Key to making your life count is focus. You don’t have time for everything. Plus, not everything is of equal value.

Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what

Jesus’ reply to the question about the most important command. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul,

and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar: Love your neighbor as

much as you love yourself.” Matthew 22:36-38 (TLB) Two things matter the most in life. Love for God and love for


God put you here to do two things. Learn to love God. And learn to love other people. Life is one giant lesson in love.

Life isn’t about acquisition, accomplishment, achievement or any of the other things we’re told life is about. All of that

you’re going to leave behind. You’re not going to take your career to heaven. You’re not going to take your car to heav-

en, or your good china, or your house. But you are taking your character. You’re taking you. God put you here to learn

to love.

God says you need to make learning how to love your number one priority. More than anything else he says you need

to say, I want to learn how to be a loving person; how to love God and how to love other people. If you want a lasting

legacy, if you want people to remember you, love. Because love lasts. Nothing else does. People are going to forget all

your work and all your wealth. People are never remembered for what they made. They’re remembered for what they

gave away. They’re remembered for their love. The only things that are going to last are the things you did in love.

When people are dying they don’t want things around them. They want people. They want the people that they love

and they want to love those people. The truth is every one of us will eventually learn the basic truth of life that life is

about relationships not accomplishments. When you’re dying you’re going to want people around you who love you,

not things. My prayer for you is to learn that truth. Learn that what matters right now are relationships. What matters

is do I love God with all my heart? And do I love everybody else?

The Bible says life without love is worthless. It’s a wasted life. 1 Corinthians 13:3b (MSG) “No matter what I say, what

I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.” If that’s true, then why do relationships get the short end of the

stick? We don’t have time for the people we love. Our attention goes to other things. Why? We get busy.

When we get busy we get preoccupied with things that are of lesser importance. Here’s what happens. When you get

overloaded and in a hurry you start skimming your relationships. I don’t have time to be alone with God in a quiet

time. I don’t have time to go to a growth group. I don’t have time for my wife or my husband or my kids. I’m going to

just cut it back. I don’t have time to go out with my friends. I don’t have time for relationships.

Big mistake! Life isn’t about the other stuff. It’s about the relationships. We focus on what’s urgent not what’s im-

portant. We start focusing on getting work done and reaching goals and paying bills. Five years from today you’re not

going to care about those bills. But instead you’re going to have the results of those relationships you skimmed on.

Nothing can take the place of love. It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got or how famous you are. If your rela-

tionships aren’t loving and developing, life is miserable. Learn to love God with all your heart and his Son Jesus who

he sent. Learn to love everybody else. That’s why God put you there.

We think that relationships are a good thing, but we act like they’re something we’ve got to make time for. Like that’s

one more thing I need to add to my life. No. It is your life. All the other stuff is peripheral. Your relationships are your

life. Your job and everything else are peripheral. God didn’t put you here on earth for a job. He put you here to learn to

love. Life is not about achievement. It’s about love. Busyness causes us to forget that.

Take time not only during this holiday season but every day of your life to love God more and love people better.

Thank you for your love, your support, your encouragement and your generosity during October’s Pastor Appreciation

month. I love you and I love the opportunity we have to serve together.

Until Next Time, God Bless You!

Pastor Bill

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It has been good to hear of those who have immensely

benefitted from the 40 Days of Prayer study. For many,

there was a significant increased quality (and likely quan-

tity) of prayer. For others, it was a confirmation of the

robust prayer life they had already nurtured. Others simp-

ly just liked the study probably in part because they were

hearing God speak to them. I add my voice to those who

praise God for what He has once again done in the lives of

the FBC family.

I imagine some of the actual insights about how to pray,

including how to pray throughout one’s day or praying for

healing and restoration, are what stand out the most in our

minds. Tools are necessary. Examples of prayers, includ-

ing of course the Lord’s Prayer, are beneficial.

However, a main emphasis of the series called attention to

what we think about who God is. Our knowledge of God

will inform our prayer lives. Knowing that we can indeed

cast all our cares and anxieties upon Almighty God is a

game changer. Yes, we desire to nurture a healthy respect

of God. Yet, for many it becomes a liberating truth to real-

ize that we can bring our complaints and grievances be-

fore our Father in heaven. There are times when we need

to be taught or shown how to do something. Hopefully

that happened for you during the 40 Days of Prayer. It is

just as important, however, to see prayer as a conversation

with a good God who loves you.

Calendar year 2018 has been a challenging one for many

in the FBC family. In cases in which a personal calamity

did not surface, many are concerned about national devel-

opments. Even if satisfaction with what has occurred on

the home front personally and nationally exists, there is

often alarm regarding the world we find ourselves living

in. Perhaps you will be able to identify with David’s

words in Psalm 13 below. Do note two things, however.

First, David is able to bring both his lament and plea for

help before God. Second, he returns to a position of trust

because he has experienced God’s goodness.

“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?

How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

and day after day have sorrow in my heart?

How long will my enemy triumph over me? 3 Look on me and answer, Lord my God.

Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, 4 and my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’

and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 5 But I trust in your unfailing love;

my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing the Lord’s praise,

for he has been good to me.”

--- Psalm 13 (NIV)

Before you ask…

It was fall of 2014 when

we/FBC went through the

Church Wide Transformed Bible Study.

The only way to truly change your life is

to change the way you think.

During this Transformed study you

will learn about the habits, truths, and

characteristics that enable

change—lasting change—

to happen in your life.


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Please join us

Wednesday November 14th

@ 11:30 am

Invite a friend

Bring a main dish, side dish or a

salad to share. It’s important that you bring a

dish to share to make sure there is enough for

all .

Drinks & Dessert Provided

Be sure to join us for fun, food & games!

Please RSVP to:

Diane Armbruster

909) 938-3594


What is TRANSFORMED TRANSFORMED is a church-wide seven session

(+ 1 celebration night) church wide study that will

guide and grow our church by exploring what the

Bible has to say about every essential area of our

lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Rela-

tional, Financial and Vocational.

The world is shouting for our attention with

answers to our relationship struggles, solutions to

our financial trouble, and explanations to our

search for meaning. But the world’s promises

leave us empty and searching for more. God’s will

is the only answer that promises to

TRANSFORM our lives from the inside out.

Let us unite as a church and be


Attention Leaders & Hosts

and Future Leaders & Hosts! Be sure to be a part of the

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Growth Group Info & Training 12:30PM-ish

(after 2nd service cleanup)

Lunch is provided

Childcare can be provided 5

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Thanks to everyone who donated

items for our event, and to all of you

who attended and helped make this

a fun night for our families. You are

all very much appreciated. The last

minute plea for cakes had such a

great response! THANK YOU!

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Page 8: The Source - Amazon S3€¦ · Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what Jesus’ reply to the question


HOPE Pantry

November 3rd

7:00 am

November 17th

7:00 am

Pantry Shopping List:

Packaged Dinners Vegetables

Rice or Dried Beans Deodorant

Canned Meats Bar Soap

Canned or Pkgd Soups

Macaroni & Cheese Jell-O

Spaghetti/Pasta Spaghetti Sauce

Disposable Razors


Liquid Soap Canned Beans


Feminine Hygiene Products

Shaving Cream

Hot Cereal



Peanut Butter

Thank you to everyone for all of their donations to the October Yard Sale!

Even with the rain the sale was a whopping success! Please continue to leave your donations at the Schirano home. The garage door is always open. However, they are running out of storage space. If anyone is able to help store the yard sale items please contact Cathy Schirano. The assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support of T2T.



Please Join Us!

November 10th a 11:30am

Help us fill the boxes with lots

of gifts and even more love!

All Boxes Due

November 11th

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Transformed Growth Groups begin the week of January 20, 2019: (So far) For: When: Where:

Young at Heart Seniors Tuesdays at 11:30AM Here at FBC Led by: Randolph Romero Jr.

Women Tuesdays at 6:30PM Here at FBC Led by: Judy Rooze

General Tuesdays at 6:30PM Taylor Home, Rancho Cucamonga Led by: Bill Williams

General Wednesdays at 6:30PM Freeman Home, Alta Loma Led by: Jeff & Deanna Freeman

Young Adults Wednesdays at 6:30PM Here at FBC Led by: Samantha Guynes

Eternal Rewards

Open your home

DVD Player

Provide a light snack

Transformed Hosts (Pastor Rick Warren will lead)

Is this YOU?

What Now?

Now that 40 days of

Prayer is completed, what

should we do until Trans-

formed in January?

*Growth Groups can use the

principals that were learned

during the 40 Days study &

meet for prayer

*Plan a few meals/events


*We can help you find a 4-6

week study to take you

through to January 20th

*Enjoy a break

Stop by the FBC Library to check-

out the recommended books from

Pastor Rick Warren that are related

to 40 Days of Prayer.

Then stop by the “Growth Group

Table” to check out other studies

and to see the Transformed Study.

Coming in


40 days of Prayer Recommended Books

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Support & Prayer for Our Troops!

Heart to Heart Women’s Ministry

Upcoming Events

Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays @ 6:30pm @ FBC

Please contact Judy Rooze for more info.

Women’s Yoga Class THURS Evenings 5:30 pm

Women’s Team Meeting Nov 10th 10:00 am

Christmas Ornament Exchange December 9th @

12:30 pm @ FBC

If you or someone you know are struggling with

grief, the Grief Support Ministry can offer practical,

biblical tools to help you. Check out the Community

Center for information gathered to assist you.

If you would like assistance, please contact me at



Kathy Amie-Farmer

God never intended for his followers to live

the Christian life separated from the rest of

the body of Christ. The church must provide

an environment where people can share the

real stuff of life and find support, encourage-

ment, honesty, openness, grace, and biblical

trust. The most effective way to do this is

through small groups.

Principle 1:

Every Christian needs a spiritual family.

Principle 2:

Every Christian needs a laboratory for life.

Principle 3:

Staying in your building limits your growth.

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Directory Updates:

If you have a change in your contact information please let us

know by filling out your Connection Card on Sunday mornings with the correct

information and turning it in to the office or the offering plate as it goes by.

Barry & Cindy Stonehouse 8th

Christian & Samantha Guynes 12th

Gary & Gabriella Campbell 14th

Lucy & GregoryStone 17th

Randolph, Sr. & Renetta Romero 22nd

Kevin & Kathy Farmer 28th

Cristina Ortiz 3rd

Bisi Akanwo 4th

Judy Rooze 5th

Sebastian Belmal 5th

Kevin Smith 6th

Angel Amie 8th

Megan Pham 8th

Margot Trigueros 8th

Marlene Fulfer 10th

Tia Schirano 12th

Delores Davis 18th

James Cox 19th

Desmond Davis 21st

Cynthia Johnson 24th

Shirley Gulley 25th

Daniel Freeman 26th

Jenna Rollman 27th

Chrystal Walter 29th

Page 12: The Source - Amazon S3€¦ · Jesus said there are two things that are more valuable than anything else. Loving God and loving others. Look at what Jesus’ reply to the question


First Baptist Church of Rancho Cucamonga 7450 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 - 1403 (909)987-3676


11/4, 11, 18, 25 - Celebration Services: 9:30am /11:00 am

11/4, 11, 18, 25 - Library open between Services

11/25- Blood Pressure Check After Each Service

Mondays - Saturdays 11/2, 11/30 - Assemble Food Boxes for Pantry: 9:00 am

11/3 - Daylight Savings Ends/Set Clocks Back 1 Hour

11/3, 11/17 - HOPE Pantry @ FBC: 7:00 am

11/6, 13, 20, 27 - WM Bible Study: 6:30 pm

11/6, 13, 27 - B-SiDE Youth: 6:30 pm

11/7, 14, 28 - ZIP! For Kids!: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

11/1, 8, 15, 29 - Women’s Yoga Class: 5:30 pm

11/15 - Young At Heart Senior Lunch: 11:30 am

11/16 - Assemble Food Boxes for Pantry: 5:00 pm

11/10 - WM Team Meeting: 10:00 am

11/10 - Operation Christmas Child Packing Party: 11:30 am

11/11 - All Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due

11/22 - Happy Thanksgiving

For more information please check @

The Community Center or log on to

FBCRC Calendar Message Titles

November 4th

“Thinking Clearly about Your Relationships”

November 11th

“Thinking Clearly about Sex”

November 18th

“Thinking Clearly about Stress”

November 25th

“Thinking Clearly about Spiritual Finances”


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