the solar system

The Solar System The Sun Planet s Star s The Moon

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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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My class power point for a lesson outlining the Solar System. Students will be asked to pick one thing to continue researching for a later project after viewing the slide show presentation.


Page 1: The Solar System

The Solar System

The Sun



The Moon

Page 2: The Solar System

The Solar SystemThe Solar System consists of a sun, 9 planets and multiple moons!

Page 3: The Solar System

The SunThe Sun is a medium sized star which measures 1392000km across.

• Almost entirely made up of hydrogen and helium and weighs 2000 trillion trillion tons.

• Heated by nuclear reactions that reach temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius.

• Solar flares occur on the surface of the sun.

• Sun spots are dark spots on the sun’s surface• Which are 1500ْC cooler than the rest of the surface.

• Solar Flares Video

Page 4: The Solar System

Mercury The nearest planet to the sun. Mercury has the fastest orbit. Mercury’s surface is mostly made of rock and it’s core is made of iron.

Page 5: The Solar System

Venus Second from the sun.

Shines like a star, is called the Evening Star as it is seen just before sunset.

The atmosphere on Venus is made up of mostly carbon dioxide with thick clouds of sulphuric acid! Can humans survive on Venus?

Hottest planet in the Solar System!

Page 6: The Solar System

Earth Third rock from the sun!!

5th largest planet.

No other planet Earth’s unique suitability to support life with liquid water on the surface.

Earths atmosphere is mainly harmless nitrogen and oxygen.

Earth has a magnetic field stretching 60,000km into space which protects Earth from the Sun’s radiation.

Earths orbit around the sun is

365 days (1 year).

Page 7: The Solar System

The Moon

The Moon is 384,000 km from Earth.

Orbits Earth once a month.

1 half of the moon is always lit by the sun.

Has NO atmosphere!

The only other place in the Solar System humans have visited…

Page 8: The Solar System


The Red Planet – appears red from the oxidised iron in the soil.

4th planet from the sun.

6794 km in diameter

2 small moons, Phobos and Deimos

Rovers of Mars!

Page 9: The Solar System


The biggest planet in the Solar System

142,984 km in diameter

Orbit around the sun takes 11.86 years!

Twice as heavy as all the other planets put together.

No surface – mostly made of hydrogen and helium gas

Four moons, Ganymede, Callisto, Io,

Europa. 59 Smaller moons.

Page 10: The Solar System

Saturn 2nd Biggest Planet

Orbit around the sun is 29.5 years

Famous for its rings

Winds ten times stronger than a hurricane on Earth!

Made of gas and liquids, almost entirely hydrogen and helium

One of the fastest spinning planets, rotates in just 10.66 hours

Saturn’s rings are made of millions of tiny ice-coated rock fragments

Page 11: The Solar System

Uranus 7th Planet from the sun

In Summer on Uranus the sun does not set for 20 years, in winter the darkness lasts for 20 years!

Uranus is so far from the sun it is very cold with temperatures of -210ْC

1 moon, Miranda

51,118 km in diameter and is 14 times heavier than Earth

Tilts so far on its side it appears to roll around the sun!

Page 12: The Solar System

Neptune 8th planet from the sun

Discovered in 1846 by mathematicians Adams and LeVerrier

Orbit lasts 164.79 earth years

Shrouded by blue methane like Uranus

Strongest winds in the Solar System, 2000km/hr.

Page 13: The Solar System

Pluto Dwarf planet

Discovered 1930

Takes 248 years to orbit the sun

Tiny ball of rock covered in ice

Atmosphere changes in relation

to its orbit around the sun, when

it is closest to the sun the

atmosphere is very thin, at its

furthermost from the sun the

atmosphere freezes into ice.

Page 14: The Solar System

The Stars Balls of gas mainly made up of hydrogen and helium Nuclear reactions at the centre of the star generate enormous

energy which the stars send out as heat and light Centre of a star reaches 16millionْC Stars twinkle because they are seen through the Earth’s

atmosphere 3 Types, Large White Star, Medium Size Star (Sun) Small Red Star Stars are born and they die…..