the shroud of turin proves the resurrection - by dr. richard kent

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Free Christian Teaching 

The Shroud of Turin proves theResurrection Forensic examination of the Shroud of Turin By Dr. Richard Kent

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is, we believe, proved by the Shroud ofTurin

Jesus Christ rose from the dead 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most famousresurrection in history, and is at the heart of theChristian message. After the Crucifixion, JesusChrist rose from the dead. We believe this isscientifically proved by the Shroud of Turin, theburial cloth of Jesus Christ.

 After three days, Jesus' mother and MaryMagdalene went to the tomb to perform the fullJewish burial. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ isdescribed in all four gospels. We have reproducedthe account from Matthew 28:1-10, TLB:

"Early on Sunday morning, as the new day wasdawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to the tomb. Suddenly there was a greatearthquake; for an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven and rolled aside the stone and sat onit. His face shone like lightning and his clothing was a brilliant white. The guards shook with fearwhen they saw him, and fell into a dead faint. Then the angel spoke to the women. "Don't befrightened!" he said. "I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified, but he isn't here! For hehas come back to life again, just as he said he would. Come in and see where his body was lying..And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and that he is going toGalilee to meet them there. That is my message to them. The women ran from the tomb, badlyfrightened, but also filled with joy, and rushed to find the disciples to give them the angel's message.

 And as they were running, suddenly Jesus was there in front of them! "Good morning!" he said. Andthey fell to the ground before him, holding his feet and worshiping him. Then Jesus said to them,

"Don't be frightened! Go tell my brothers to leave at once for Galilee, to meet me there ."

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Shroud of Turin We believe that the Shroud of Turin is the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ. It contains both theblood stains and a faint photo-negative image of a crucified man.

We will attempt to prove that the Shroud is the authentic burialcloth of Jesus, and that the image on the Shroud can be explainedby the Bible and an application of known laws of TheoreticalPhysics.

We also believe that the carbon dating of 1325 AD has been

incorrectly interpreted. The carbon dating machines correctlydemonstrated the additional Carbon-14 isotopes in the Shroud.

This has been widely interpreted as showing that the shroud couldnot come from the times of Jesus Christ (33A.D) but is dated 1325

 AD approximately.

There is another far more intriguing explanation!

We believe that the additional Carbon 14 isotopes in a first CenturyShroud actually prove that radiation took place, emitted at theResurrection.

We believe that the radiation actually caused the image on theShroud, and the additional Carbon -14 atoms at the same time.

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 In other words, we believe that the additional Carbon-14 isotopes demonstrated by carbon datingmachines in the Shroud actually prove the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! 

Other resurrections in the Bible

There are many instances in the Bible of resurrection from

the dead. Jesus said that there was definitely life after

death. At the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus said to his

sister Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And

whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." John


In the New Testament:

1. Jesus raised the widow of Nain's son to life.

2. Jesus raised Lazarus to life.

3. Jesus raised Jairus' daughter to life.

4. Paul was stoned to death, and came back to life.

5. Peter raised Dorcas to life

6. Paul raised Eutychus to life.

7. At the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, many Old Testament saints were resurrected.

In the Old Testament

1. Elijah raised a child to life

2. Elisha raised a child to life

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The raising of the widow of Nain's son by Jesus 

Jesus stopped a funeral procession, and raised a young

man to life. This is described in Luke 7:11-17 TLB.

"Not long afterwards Jesus went with his disciples to the

village of Nain, with the usual great crowd at his heels. A

funeral procession was coming out as he approached the

village gate. The boy who had died was the only son of his

widowed mother, and many mourners from the village

were with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart

overflowed with sympathy. "Don't cry!" he said. Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it,

and the bearers stopped. "Laddie," he said, "come back to life again." Then the boy sat up and began

to talk to those around him! And Jesus gave him back to his mother. A great fear swept the crowd,

and they exclaimed with praises to God, "A mighty prophet has risen among us," and, "We have seen

the hand of God at work today." The report of what he did

that day raced from end to end of Judea and even out

across the borders. "  

The raising of Jairus' daughter by Jesus 

 A 12 year old little girl died, and Jesus raised her back to

life. This is described in Luke 8:41,42, 49-54 (TLB).

"A man named Jairus, a leader of a Jewish synagogue, came and fell down at Jesus' feet and begged

him to come home with him, for his only child was dying, a little girl twelve years old. Jesus went with

him, pushing through the crowds. A messenger arrived from the Jairus' home with the news that the

little girl was dead. "She's gone," he told her father; "there's no use troubling the Teacher now." But

when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to the father, "Don't be afraid! Just trust me, and

she'll be all right." When they arrived at the house, Jesus wouldn't let anyone into the room except

Peter, James, John, and the little girl's father and mother. The home was filled with mourning people,

but he said, "Stop the weeping! She isn't dead; she is only asleep!" This brought scoffing and

laughter, for they all knew she was dead. Then he took her by the hand and called, "Get up, little

girl!" And at that moment her life returned and she jumped up! "Give her something to eat!" he said.

Her parents were overcome with happiness, but Jesus insisted that they did not tell anyone the

details of what had happened."

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The raising of Lazarus by Jesus 

The raising of Lazarus, after 4 days in the tomb, is perhaps

one of Jesus' most famous miracles, so we have

reproduced the entire story, from John 11:17-46 TLB

"When they arrived at Bethany, they were told that

Lazarus had already been in his tomb for four days.

Bethany was only a couple of miles down the road from

Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish leaders had come to

pay their respects and to console Martha and Mary on their

loss. When Martha got word that Jesus was coming, she

went to meet him. But Mary stayed at home. Martha said

to Jesus, "Sir, if you had been here, my brother wouldn't

have died.

 And even now it's not too late, for I know that God will bring my brother back to life again, if you will

only ask him to." Jesus told her, "Your brother will come back to life again." "Yes," Martha said,

"when everyone else does, on Resurrection Day." Jesus told her, "I am the one who raises the dead

and gives them life again. Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall live

again. He is given eternal life for believing in me and shall never perish. Do you believe this, Martha?"

"Yes, Master," she told him. "I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one we have so long

awaited." Then she left him and returned to Mary and, calling her aside from the mourners, told her,

"He is here and wants to see you." So Mary went to him at once.

Now Jesus had stayed outside the village, at the place where Martha met him. When the Jewish

leaders who were at the house trying to console Mary saw her leave so hastily, they assumed she

was going to Lazarus' tomb to weep; so they followed her.

When Mary arrived where Jesus was, she fell down at his feet, saying, "Sir, if you had been here, my

brother would still be alive." When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jewish leaders wailing with her, he

was moved with indignation and deeply troubled. "Where is he buried?" he asked them. They told

him, "Come and see." Tears came. "They were close friends," the Jewish leaders said. "See how

much he loved him."

But some said, "This fellow healed a blind man-why couldn't he keep Lazarus from dying?" And again

Jesus was moved with deep anger. Then they came to the tomb. It was a cave with a heavy stone

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rolled across its door. "Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, said,

"By now the smell will be terrible, for he has been dead four days." "But didn't I tell you that you will

see a wonderful miracle from God if you believe?" Jesus asked her. So they rolled the stone aside.

Then Jesus looked up to Heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me. (You always hear me,

of course, but I said it because of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent

me.)" Then he shouted, "Lazarus, come out!"

 And Lazarus came-bound up in the grave cloth, his face muffled in a head swath. Jesus told them,

"Unwrap him and let him go!" And so at last many of the Jewish leaders who were with Mary and saw

it happen, finally believed on him. But some went away to the Pharisees and reported it to them."

Peter raised Dorcas to life

Peter had been present when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter

to life. After the Resurrection of Jesus, Peter did the same

for Dorcas, a believer in Joppa. This is described in Acts

9:36-42 TLB: "In the city of Joppa there was a woman

named Dorcas ("Gazelle"), a believer who was always

doing kind things for others, especially for the poor. About

this time she became ill and died. Her friends prepared her

for burial and laid her in an upstairs room. But when they

learned that Peter was nearby at Lydda, they sent two

men to beg him to return with them to Joppa.

This he did; as soon as he arrived, they took him upstairs where Dorcas lay. The room was filled with

weeping widows who were showing one another the coats and other garments Dorcas had made for

them. But Peter asked them all to leave the room; then he knelt and prayed. Turning to the body he

said, "Get up, Dorcas," and she opened her eyes! And when she saw Peter, she sat up! He gave her

his hand and helped her up and called in the believers and widows, presenting her to them. The news

raced through the town, and many believed in the Lord."

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Paul raised Eutychus to life 

Eutychus fell to his death during a long sermon given by

Paul. Paul promptly raised him back to life, and carried on

preaching! This is described in Acts 20:7-10 TLB: "On

Sunday we gathered for a Communion service, with Paul

preaching. And since he was leaving the next day, he

talked until midnight! The upstairs room where we met

was lighted with many flickering lamps; and as Paul spoke

on and on, a young man named Eutychus, sitting on the

windowsill, went fast asleep and fell three stories to his

death below. Paul went down and took him into his arms.

"Don't worry," he said, "he's all right!" And he was! What a

wave of awesome joy swept through the crowd! They all went back upstairs and ate the Lord's

Supper together; then Paul preached another long sermon- 

so it was dawn when he finally left them! "  

The Resurrection of Old Testament Saints 

 After Jesus died, many Old Testament saints were

resurrected, and later appeared to many people in

Jerusalem. This is described in Matthew 27:50-53: "Then

Jesus shouted out again, dismissed his spirit, and died. And look! The curtain secluding the Holiest

Place in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and rocks broke, and

tombs opened, and many godly men and women who had died came back to life again. After Jesus'

resurrection, they left the cemetery and went into Jerusalem, and appeared to many people there."


Elijah raised a child to life 

Elijah had been staying in the home of the widow of Zarephath, and her son. There had been a

famine, and God had provided food for them through the prophet Elijah. However, one day the son

died, and Elijah raised him back to life. This is described in Kings 17:17-18:1

"One day the woman's son became sick and died. "Oh man of God," she cried, "what have you done

to me? Have you come here to punish my sins by killing my son?" "Give him to me," Elijah replied.

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 And he took the boy's body from her and carried it upstairs to the guest room where he lived, and

laid the body on his bed, and then cried out to the Lord, "O Lord my God, why have you killed the

son of this widow with whom I am staying?" And he stretched himself upon the child three times and

cried out to the Lord, "O Lord my God, please let this child's spirit return to him." And the Lord heard

Elijah's prayer; and the spirit of the child returned, and he became alive again! Then Elijah took him

downstairs and gave him to his mother. "See! He's alive!" he beamed. "Now I know for sure that you

are a prophet," she told him afterward, "and that whatever you say is from the Lord!"

Elisha raised a child to life 

Elisha raised a dead child aged 12 to life, after he had died in his mother's arms, possibly of a brain

haemorrhage. This is described in 2 Kings 4:31-37 TLB: "Gehazi went on ahead and laid the staff

upon the child's face, but nothing happened. There was no sign of life. He returned to meet Elisha

and told him, "The child is still dead." When Elisha arrived, the child was indeed dead, lying there

upon the prophet's bed. He went in and shut the door behind him and prayed to the Lord. Then he

lay upon the child's body, placing his mouth upon the child's mouth, and his eyes upon the child's

eyes, and his hands upon the child's hands. And the child's body began to grow warm again! Then

the prophet went down and walked back and forth in the house a few times; returning upstairs, he

stretched himself again upon the child. This time the little boy sneezed seven times and opened his

eyes! Then the prophet summoned Gehazi. "Call her!" he said. And when she came in, he said,

"Here's your son!" She fell to the floor at his feet and then picked up her son and went out".

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Shroud of Turin

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the

heart of the New Testament, celebrated

by millions of believers all over the world

every year. Resurrection from the dead to

a new life in Heaven, in a resurrected

body, is the most cherished hope of all

Christians. Based on Jesus' promises, all

true born again believers in Jesus Christ

can confidently look forward to an

Eternity in Heaven!

Heaven, from the movies, THE FINAL

FRONTIER and THE LAZARUS PHENOMENON which can be viewed on this web site.

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 After the Crucifixion 

 After the Crucifixion the disciples took Jesus' Body down from the Cross shortly after His death at 3

pm. The disciples only had three hours during which to bury Jesus' Body, before the start of the

Passover at 6 pm.

They therefore had to act quickly, and did not have time

for the full Jewish traditional burial in "windings", which

took many hours.

Jesus' Body was wrapped in a Shroud 

The Bible does not give full details of exactly what

happened, but we know that Jesus was buried in a large

piece of cloth.

The Sindon 

 According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ was buried

in "fine linen" (Mark 15:46). The Greek word in the New

Testament for this "fine linen" is "Sindon", and is used

elsewhere in the New Testament. This word is used to

describe a large piece of bleached linen cloth, used in the

case of Mark's cloak around his body in Mark 14:51,52:

"Now a certain young man followed Him, having a linen cloth (Greek: Sindon) thrown around his

naked body. And the young men laid hold of him, and he left the linen cloth (Greek: Sindon) and fled

from them naked."  

This word "Sindon" is NOT the same as the grave clothes

(Greek: Keiriais) used to wind Lazarus' body, which are

described in John 11.44: "And he who had died came out

bound hand and foot with grave clothes, (Greek: Keiriais)

and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them,

"Loose him, and let him go."  

There was not enough time between 3 pm and 6 pm for the traditional Jewish burial of Jesus Christ,

so Jesus was hastily wrapped in a large linen sheet (Greek: Sindon) before burial in the Tomb. In fact

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the two Mary's came to the Tomb on Resurrection morning (that we now call Easter Sunday) to

perform the full Jewish burial ritual. The two Mary's were going to perform the traditional Jewish

burial rites, which normally took many hours.

 Although the Bible is not clear about how exactly the Sindon was wrapped around Jesus' body, many

sincere Christians believe that this image here is an accurate portrayal of what actually happened.

The burial in the Tomb 

The disciples then buried Jesus' body in the Tomb. Many Christians, including ourselves, believe that

the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is the actual location where Jesus was buried. For further information

on the Garden Tomb see The Amazing Discoveries of Ron Wyatt on this web site.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead

 After three days and nights, Jesus rose from the dead. This

fact is recorded not only in the Bible, but also by Flavius

Josephus. He was born in 37 AD, and was a Jewish

Pharisee and Jewish historian who is widely quoted. He

wrote: "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man,

if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of

wonderful works ... Pilate ... condemned him to the cross

... he appeared to them alive again on the third day."

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The Shroud of Turin 

The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the actual burial cloth of

Jesus Christ. It has been the source of controversy for hundreds of


The Shroud of Turin has been kept in a silver chest in the Chapel of the

Holy Shroud in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, since

1578. The Shroud has been the subject of more scientific examination

than any other piece of material on this planet!

The Shroud of Turin is a large piece of yellow coloured linen, with

dimensions 14 feet, 3 inches long and 3 feet, 7 inches wide. On the

Shroud are the faint ghostly images of a Crucified Man, with all the

wounds of Scourging and Crucifixion. There are also blood marks present

on the scalp, right chest wall, both wrists and both ankles. The images of the blood are real images.

In other words they are photo-positive. However, the images of the crucified Man are photo-negative.

The authenticity of Shroud of Turin 

The authenticity of Shroud of Turin has been fiercely debated for many years! There is really no

middle ground! There are only two possibilities:

Theory 1: The Shroud of Turin is one of the cleverest frauds in history, possibly created by Leonardo

da Vinci (1452 - 1519). Whilst we do not doubt that Leonardo da Vinci was extremely gifted, we do

not believe it would be possible for him, or anyone today, to create such an image, so great are the

technical difficulties.

Theory 2: The Shroud of Turin is the True Authentic Shroud of Jesus Christ, bearing the imprints of

His Scourging, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. To many people this is proof the Resurrection of Jesus

Christ (3 B.C - 33 A.D)

We will explore the truth hidden in the Shroud, and hope to show you some amazing evidence. We

believe that the Shroud of Turin was left behind on purpose by Jesus Christ to provide scientific

evidence for His Crucifixion and Resurrection, to sceptics today, 2,000 years after the Resurrection!

We believe that the image on the Shroud was caused by a transient burst of radioactivity, at the time

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of the Resurrection, which scorched the linen of the Shroud, leaving behind an Image of a crucified

Man - Jesus Christ! The following sections contain an explanation of the Image on the Shroud, and

how we believe the Image was caused. 

Photography of the Shroud of Turin

The first photograph of the Shroud in 1898 

Interest in the Shroud dramatically increased in 1898 when

the Italian photographer Secundo Pia took the first

photograph of the Shroud in 1898. Both pictures abovehave a mixture of photo-positive and photo-negative

images, which we will study in detail.

The picture on the left is a photo-positive picture of the face on the Shroud, with red blood marks

from the Crown of Thorns. There is a faint image of a face, which is in photo-negative, making it

difficult to understand.

To Secundo Pia's astonishment the photo-negative face image on the Shroud (above left) became a

photo-positive image on his camera negative (above right), except that the blood was in photo-

negative, and therefore appears white on the black and white negative. The image of the Crucified

Man in photo-positive is now much more clearly seen!

The photo-negative image (above left)

The image above left is a photo-positive image, with actual blood marks clearly seen in red, arising

from the scalp wounds caused by the crown of thorns. The image of the face is in photo-negative,

and is difficult to understand.

The photo-positive image (above right) 

 After Secondo Pia had photographed the photo-negative image of the face (above left) in 1898 he

developed in his laboratory the amazing image of Jesus Christ on the right, in true photo-positive,

with the blood marks more clearly seen in white, in photo-negative.

Both pictures have a mixture of photo-positive and photo-negative features, which we will study in


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The blood stains on the Shroud 

The Shroud has blood marks on the scalp, both wrists, the

right chest wall, and both ankles. This photograph of the

Shroud clearly shows blood marks (in white) over the

scalp, both wrists (with blood flows from both puncture

wounds), blood flows from both plantar surfaces of the

feet (see the dorsal image below right), and multiple

laceration wounds from the Scourging.

The blood has been analysed. It is Type AB, the rarest

blood group, and also contains a high level of Bilirubin.

This is a bile pigment, which is found in high levels in the

blood of torture victims. The bile pigment Bilirubin is bright

red. This red colour is maintained post mortem, and accounts for the bright colouration of the blood

on the Shroud.

The Scourging 

Multiple dumbbell shaped lacerations can be seen over the

back, upper and lower aspects of both legs, and the

anterior chest wall. According to Dr Robert Bucklin M.D. a

Professor of Pathology, and former forensic pathologist,

there are over 120 separate lashes, performed by two

separate soldiers. Each single lash produced multiple

lacerations, with severe injuries to the skin and underlying

soft tissue. This was a most severe Scourging, and Jesus

Christ was nearly scourged to death.

On the photograph of the dorsal image can be clearly seen

the scourge marks over the back, and lower limbs. On both images can be clearly seen the profuse

bleeding from the wounds in the scalp, and from both wounds in the feet, in white photo-negative.

This is because the Blood of Jesus Christ actually stained the Shroud, before the Image was created

at His Resurrection.

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The Crown of Thorns 

On the photograph on the right,

multiple rivulets of blood can be

seen tracking from the scalp.

This was almost certainly caused

by the "crown of thorns", which

is one of the ways by which the

victim on the Shroud is

identified, since this was a

torture reserved only for Jesus

Christ. The crown of thorns was almost certainly a bush of thorns from the Lote bush, which grows

wild in the Jerusalem area. The thorns are up to two inches long, and caused profuse bleeding.

The crown of thorns is recorded in Mark 15:17-18: "And they clothed Him with purple; and they

twisted a crown of thorns, put it on His head, and began to salute Him, "Hail, King of the Jews!"

 Abrasion to tip of nose 

Forensic examination of the Shroud by Dr Robert Bucklin

(see below), and other pathologists reveal the abrasion to

the tip of the nose. There is also bruising of the right

cheek, almost certainly caused by beating and punching.

The nailing of the hands 

Examination of the area of the hands on the Shroud shows

the left hand over the right hand (remember the image is

transposed in a photo - negative image). There is also a

puncture wound in both wrists, from which blood is

seeping, draining up both forearms on the Shroud.

In mediaeval paintings the nails were always painted

inserted into the palms, rather than the wrists.

Experiments on dead bodies shows that the weight of a human body cannot be supported by nails

through both palms.

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 As the Shroud clearly shows, the nails were in fact inserted through the wrist, through a small

depression easily palpable on the dorsum of the wrist known as "Destot's point". The Roman soldiers

were very skilled at Crucifixion, and searched for this exact point. The nails would have passed

directly through the Median nerve in the Carpal Tunnel, causing excruciating pain.

 As can be clearly seen on the Shroud, the thumbs appear to be missing from both hands. There is a

reason for this, as explained below.

The position of the arms on the Cross 

We believe that the correct position of the arms on the

Cross is as shown, with the palms against the wood of the

Cross (the Patibulum) and the thumbs pointing


Traditionally the Crucifixion has always been displayed with

the nails passing though the palms, and the dorsum of the

hand against the crossbar. This is not correct. The blood

flow from the wounds in the wrists shows that when the

arms were placed on the Cross, they were placed with the

palms against the wood of the Cross, with both thumbs

pointing downwards.

The blood trails can be clearly seen with the blood flowing on the dorsum (the back) of the forearms,

from medial to lateral (on the back of the forearm, this is from the side of the forearm with the little

finger, to the side of the forearm with the thumb. Try it on yourself!)

The blood flows from the injuries in the wrist indicate that the victim died with His hands raised about

65 degrees from the horizontal on the Cross. (To define medial and lateral, in the "anatomical

position" the palms are facing forward).

In the blood flows shown in the picture to the right, the blood on the dorsum of both forearms is

clearly tracking from medial to lateral. The only way this could have occurred is if the arms were

positioned on the Cross with palms against the wood of the Cross, with both thumbs pointing down to

the feet, and the nails hammered into Destot's points.

The significance of this is that after six hours on the Cross, the weight of Jesus' body would have

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dislocated His shoulders, elbows and wrists. Jesus died with His body supported by both arms, raised

about 65 degrees from the horizontal. The arms are six inches longer than normal on the Shroud, due

to the dislocations.

In addition, Jesus' body weight would have forcibly flexed

both thumbs into the palms, and Jesus' hands would have

adopted a "claw" position. This is the reason why the

thumbs are not seen on the Shroud. It is inconceivable

that a mediaeval forger would be familiar with these

anatomical details, which are certainly not well understood

today, judging by all the anatomically incorrect images of

the Crucifixion.

The wound between the 5th and 6th right ribs 

There is a large blood stain over the right chest wall area, consistent with the post mortem wound to

the chest. There is a penetrating skin wound in the right chest wall produced by a sharp puncturing

instrument, almost certainly a Roman spear. The spear wound is between the 5th and 6th Right ribs.

Dr Robert Bucklin comments: "This wound has all the characteristics of a post-mortem type flow of

blood from a body cavity or from an organ such as the heart. At the upper plane of the wound is an

ovoid skin defect which is characteristic of a penetrating track produced by a sharp puncturing


The nailing of the feet 

The image below left is the probable position in which the feet where nailed. The image below right is

an X-ray showing the probable position of the nail, between the 2nd and 3rd Metatarsal spaces.

The image below left shows the blood red colouration on the Shroud where the feet were positioned.

The image below right shows the same area photographed, with the blood as a photo-negative white

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Forensic examination of the Shroud of Turin

Dr Robert Bucklin M.D, was a former Professor of Pathology

and Forensic Pathologist in Los Angeles, and member ofSTURP (The Shroud of Turin Research Project.) He personallyconducted over 25,000 autopsies in his capacity as a ForensicPathologist, to determine the Identity and exact cause ofdeath of the "Man on the Shroud."

He conducted an autopsy on the Shroud of Turin for STURP,and described the wounds of "The Man on the Shroud" inminute detail. His full findings may be read on He positively identified theMan on the Shroud as Jesus Christ, and Crucifixion as themeans of execution.

 A summary of Dr Robert Bucklin's research on the

Body of the Man on the Shroud is as follows:

1. The body was approximately 5ft 11inches tall.

2. The body weighed approximately 175 pounds.

3. The body was anatomically well developed and normal.

4. The body had stiffened in Rigor Mortis.

5. The body had long hair, and a short beard.

6. The body had multiple puncture wounds over the entirescull area.

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 7. The body had an abrasion at the tip of the nose.

8. The right cheek was distinctly swollen.

9. Rounded foreign objects can be seen over the right and left eyes.

10. There is a large blood stain over the right chest area, consistent with the post mortem wound tothe chest.

11. There is a penetrating skin wound in the right chest wall produced by a sharp puncturinginstrument.

12. The blood flows from the injuries in the wrist indicate that the victim died with his hands raisedabout 65 degrees from the horizontal.

13. The body had been nailed through both wrists.

14. Only four fingers are visible of both hands, suggesting injury to the Median nerve of both wrists.

15. The body had been nailed through both feet.

16. The left foot had been flexed over the right foot beforenailing.

17. There are a series of traumatic injuries which extendfrom the shoulder areas to the lower portion of the back,and down to the backs of the calves. These images aredumbbell-shaped imprints, applied possibly by a whip.

18. There is abrasion and denuding of the skin over theright and left shoulder blade area consistent with a heavyobject, like a beam resting over the shoulders.

19. The whip injuries occurred earlier than the otherinjuries.

20. Had been scourged with His hands above His heads,by two separate soldiers.

21. The victim was executed in an upright position with Hisarms extended upwards.

22. A Crucifixion type posture would be the most plausibleexplanation for these findings.

23.The wound in the right side released a watery type fluidfrom the body cavities as well as blood from the heartarea.

24. The Man on the Shroud died of postural asphyxia asthe result of His position during the Crucifixion.

25. There is also evidence of severe blood loss from theskin wounds, as well as fluid accumulation in the chest

cavities related to terminal cardio-respiratory failure.

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26. In the case of Man on the Shroud, the forensic pathologist will have information relative to thecircumstances of death by Crucifixion which he can support by his anatomical findings.

27. The forensic pathologist will be aware that the Individual Whose Image is depicted on the clothhas undergone:

- Puncture injuries to His wrists and feet

- Puncture injuries to His head

- Multiple traumatic whip-like injuries to His back

- Post mortem puncture injury to His chest area which has released both blood and a water type offluid.

Dr Robert Bucklin concluded, "From this data it is not an unreasonable conclusion for theforensic pathologist to determine that only One Person in history has undergone thissequence of events. That Person is Jesus Christ."  

Pollen found on the Shroud

Botanists have discovered pollen and spores on the linen

of the Shroud, and these have been extensively researched

in many laboratories.

Dr Max Frei was a botanist and noted Swiss criminologist.He took samples from the surface of the Shroud in 1973

and 1978, as a member of the STURP team. Dr Frei

identified pollen and spores of 58 different plants, many

that originate only in and around Jerusalem and areas of

the Middle East, including the ancient cities of

Constantinople and Edessa.

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Subsequent researchers included: 

1. Dr. Avinoam Danin, a Botany Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2. Dr. Uri Baruch, a pollen specialist at the Israel Antiquities Authority.

3. Oswald Sheuermann, a German physics teacher.

4. Dr. Alan Whanger, a Professor at Duke University, USA.

Research revealed that of the 28 plants, 20 are known to grow in Jerusalem itself and 8 others grow

in the vicinity in the Judean desert or the Dead Sea area. Though some of these plants may be found

in Europe, 14 of the 28 plants only grow in the Middle East and never in Europe. Of the 28 plants, 27

bloom in the Spring, corresponding with the Jewish Passover.

Pollen of the tumbleweed Gundelia Tournefortii 

Professor Avinoam Danin of the Hebrew University of

Jerusalem identified a high density on the Shroud of pollen

of the tumbleweed Gundelia tournefortii

Pollen of Zygophyllum dumosum 

Professor Avinoam Danin also identified a high density of

pollen on the Shroud of Zygophyllum dumosum on the

Shroud, as well as an image of the actual plant. This plant

grows only in Israel, Jordan, and the Sinai.

Professor Avinoam Danin's analysis 

Professor Danin said that the two species, Gundelia tournefortii and Zygophyllum dumosum, co-exist

in a limited area only. He also said, "This combination of flowers can be found in only one region of

the world. The evidence clearly points to a floral grouping from the area surrounding Jerusalem. In

the light of our findings, it is highly probable that the Shroud did in fact come from this part [the area

around Jerusalem] of the world."  

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Research into dirt found on the Shroud

Two scientists researched the minute

quantities of dirt found on the Shroud.

They were:

1. Joseph Kohlbeck, a scientist at the

Hercules Aerospace Center, Utah

2. Richard Levi-Setti, a scientist at the

University of Chicago

The concluded that dirt from the roads ofJerusalem (Travertine Aragonite) may be found on the Shroud on the following parts of Jesus' Body:

1. The nose

2. The left knee-cap

3. Both heels

The dirt on the nose and the left knee cap is almost certainly dirt from the road, as Jesus fell under

the weight of the heavy cross beam tied over His shoulders.

The dirt on the heel area was probably collected as Jesus stood at Calvary (a quarry area in Northern

Jerusalem near Golgotha) waiting to be executed by Crucifixion. Joseph Kohlbeck and Richard Levi-

Setti compared dirt samples taken from the Shroud with limestone from ancient Jerusalem tombs.

Joseph Kolbeck stated: "There might be other places in the world where identical travertine aragonite

is found. However, no such places are known." It therefore seems very likely that the Shroud

originally came from Jerusalem.

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The coins over the Eyes on the Shroud

 A number of researchers, including Dr Robert Bucklin and Professor Alan Whanger, have commentedon the raised rounded objects placed over the anatomical eyes on the Shroud. It was Jewish customto place small coins over the eyes of a dead body, to keep the eyelids closed.

Jean-Philippe Fontanille of is a specialist inancient coins, and beautifully describes the coins minted by Pontius Pilate in the years A.D. 29, 30and 31. These two sets of images to the right and below have been used with the kind permission ofJean-Philippe Fontanille of  

Research by Professor Alan Whanger of Duke University 

Professor Alan Whanger is an Emeritus Professor and Specialist Psychiatristat the Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. U.S.A. His excellentwork on the coins over the eyes is recorded at   An extract from this outstanding articleis as follows:

The image of the coin over the right eye 

"The image of the coin over the right eye is the clearer ofthe two, and the "letter-like shapes'' are clearlydistinguishable from the vagaries of the weave. Theyvirtually exactly match the lettering on a Pontius Pilatelepton owned by Filas, which has the misspelled inscriptionUCAI rather than the usual UKAI. Our technique enabledus to study the coin more completely and note 74 points ofcongruence between the Pilate Lituus lepton and theimage over the right eye of the Shroud. We also, for the

first time, dated the coin as struck in the 16th year ofTiberius, or A.D. 29. "

The area over the anatomical right

eye of the Shroud image 

The image to the right is "the area over the anatomicalright eye of the Shroud image (a computer enhancementof the Enrie photograph).

This shows the letters UCAI, and the Lituus. The arrow

points to the upper third of the critical letter C. The lettersare about 1.5 mm high."  

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  A Pontius Pilate lepton 

"A Pontius Pilate lepton ("window's mite") owned by Francis Filas, showing the highly specific Lituus,or auger, or astrologer's staff design, the frequent clippededge from one to four o'clock, and, despite erosion, parts

of the letters TIOUCAI. Again, the arrow points to theletters."  

The overlapped images of the coin over the righteye. 

The overlapped images, showing the almost perfectcongruence of the two indicating that this coin was struckfrom the same die as the coin over the Shroud image'sright eye."

The coin image over the left eye 

"The coin image over the left eye is less distinct but still clearly identifiable as the so-called JuliaLepton of Pilate, struck only in the year A.D. 29. There are 73 points of congruence between this coinand the area over the left eye. The probability of placing two different coins minted in the same yearon a corpse "several decades" after their issuance is rather remote."  

Our own conclusion from Professor Alan Whanger's research:

1. Professor Alan Whanger's amazing research seems to indicate that the coins placed over theanatomical eyelids on the Shroud were both minted by Pontius Pilate in the year AD 29.

2. Not only were they minted in the year A.D. 29, but they were both placed over the eyelids of the

Body of Jesus Christ at the same time.

3. The fact that both coins were placed over the eyes at the same time means that, by the laws ofprobability, the Crucifixion happened within a few short year of 29 A.D, and that the Shroud is alsotherefore dated within a few short year of 29 A.D.

4. Many people, including ourselves, believe that the Crucifixion took place in A.D. 33. Please visitThe Crucifixion of Jesus Christ for proof of this.

5. It therefore seems very likely that the Shroud dates from the time of Jesus Christ.

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The three dimensional properties of the Shroud

On February 19th 1976 the unique Three

Dimensional properties of the Shroud

were discovered by Dr John Jackson, Dr

Eric Jumper Rev Dr. Kenneth Stevenson,

Giles Charter and Peter Shumacher of the

Colorado USAF STURP team, using a VP8

NASA 3 dimensional computer designed

for NASA and the Gemini space project.

The experiment was performed at

 Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Dr. John Jackson, is a former physics Professor at the US Air Force Academy, Colorado, and founder

of the Turin Shroud Center of Colorado, P.O.Box 25326, Colorado Springs,

CO 80918, USA

Web site: 

The images on a VP8 Image Analysing Computer 

The VP8 Image Analysing Computer was originally

designed to create a three dimensional image of serial

images, and used for military purposes.

NASA was interested in images taken by satellite, of the

reverse side of the moon. The image formed on the VP-8

Image Analysing Computer are created by computer

analysis of serial photographs taken by an orbiting

satellite. The images are formed by the computer processing of multiple images normally taken, in

this case, by a space telescope. Multiple images of the moon taken by a space telescope can be

processed by the VP8 computer, and a three dimensional image of the moon computed and displayed

on a computer monitor.

 VP8 analysis of the Shroud of Turin showed a three

dimensional image 

In 1976 the team discovered that a photograph of the

Shroud produced a three dimensional image when placed

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under a VP8 Image Analysing Computer. The three dimensional face and body of the Man of the

Shroud, produced by the VP-8 computer, can be clearly seen.

This discovery implies that the Shroud uniquely has distance imaging information embedded in the

image, which was only discovered by NASA researchers in 1976!

This implies that the photograph of the Shroud, unlike any known simple photograph, drawing or

painting, was "dimensionally encoded."

Explanation of Dimensional encoding of the image on the Shroud 

The fact that the VP-8 Distance imaging computer reveals

that the shroud has encoded distance imaging information

leads us to the following conclusions:

1. Distance imaging information was somehow encoded

within the image on the Shroud, at its formation.

2. The image originally came from a three dimensional


3. This alone virtually guarantees that the Shroud is not a

painting of any sort at all.

4. The photograph of the Shroud is the only known two

dimensional image on Planet Earth that displays this

amazing property.

5. Since the VP8 Image Analysing Computer technology

was not invented until 1976, it seems inconceivable that

Leonardo da Vinci, or any other mediaeval artist, would be

technically able to create such an image using a

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technology that would not be discovered for a further 4 centuries! Where would he start?

6. For example, if the greatest group of scientists in the world today were asked to create an image,

using technology unavailable until 400 years later, where would they start?

There is no paint at all on the Shroud. The image appears to have been scorched onto the cloth, with

the scorching affecting the top few fibrils of cloth only. The team believed that radiation was involved

in the formation of the image.

The image is really a three dimensional topographic image.

The closer the cloth was to the body, the more the image

was highlighted. The image then acts like photographic

negative, with light and dark reversed, but dimensionally


It therefore seems probable that the Shroud of Turin was

the very first photograph ever produced, by Jesus Christ Himself, at His Resurrection! We will explain

out theory about this later.

Dr Accetta’s experiment to explain the image formation on the Shroud

Until recently, the exact mechanism of the formation of the image was unknown. However, Dr August

 Acetta M.D. of STURP has presented a hypothesis concerning

the mechanism of the image formation on the Shroud.

Dr August Accetta is an American radiologist, and founder of the

Shroud Center of Southern California, 8840 Warner Ave, Suite

200, Fountain Valley CA 92708, USA 

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Dr Accetta's experiment on himself, presented at a STURP meeting, is, in our opinion, perhaps the

most significant experiment ever performed to discover the mechanism of the image formation on the

Shroud of Turin.

Dr Accetta injected into his own veins a solution of methylene diphosphate, containing radioactive

technetium-99m, a radioisotope with a short half life. The radiation from the technetium atoms

produced gamma rays, which could be detected by the VP8 Image Analysing Computer.

Dr Accetta produced an image on the VP8 computer similar, but

with less definition, than the Shroud image.

We have quoted a brief abstract of Dr Accetta's

experiment, quoted from 

"If indeed a corpse created the image we see on the Turin

Shroud, then the source of energy to create this image may have

come from emitted biochemical bond energy. We have used a

human model labelled with radioactive methylene diphosphinate

to successfully reproduce some of the many Shroud image

characteristics, such as borderless density shading, soft tissue

and skeletal information, vertical alignment and non-contact

imaging by capturing emitted radiation using a gamma camera

and vertical collimator. Conclusion: Some significant Shroud

image characteristics can be best explained using an emitting

radiation model. No other human model study we know of has

approximated the Shroud image this closely."  

 According to Dr Accetta's own web site 

- "The Shroud behaves as a photographic negative. The Shroud encodes three-dimensional (3-D)

data which corresponds to a three-dimensional body.

- The image is without substance, but rather is due to change within the linen itself.

- The Shroud image exhibits anatomical structures clearly not in contact with the cloth, e.g., thus

suggesting a type of autoradiograph (X-Ray).

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- Medical radiation imaging has, by far, come the closest to reproducing the totality of the image. Yet,

the Shroud image remains a mystery that cannot be duplicated."

Our own conclusions from Dr Accetta's experiment 

 According to Dr. Accetta, the Image on the Shroud may have been caused by the radiation given off

by the body within the Shroud. He went further, and showed how an image, similar to the Shroud

image, could be formed by injecting a radio-isotope into his own body, and creating an image of his

own body, using gamma ray radiation, on a VP8 Image Analysing Computer.

We have made our own conclusions from Dr

 Acetta's amazing experiment: 

1. It has been established by many scientists that there is

no paint on the Shroud at all.

2. Other mechanisms for the formation of the image on

the Shroud have been proposed, but not demonstrated


3. However, Dr Accetta has actually shown scientifically how the Image on the Shroud could have

been formed by Gamma rays, in a similar way to the formation of X-rays such as are seen in hospital

Radiology departments today.

4. Furthermore, he has shown that his gamma radiation theory can be scientifically reproduced in an

experiment on himself.

5. This is an admirable example of true basis of all scientific observation and conclusion.

6. Dr Accetta performed a true and, to our knowledge, unique scientific experiment to show how the

image on the shroud may have been caused:

- Dr Accetta constructed a scientific hypothesis about the mechanism of the Image formation.

- Dr Accetta devised an experiment to validate his hypothesis.

- Dr Accetta then drew a valid conclusion on the basis of his experiment, proving his original


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7. No other scientists have come even close in demonstrating a mechanism which can be scientifically

validated for the formation of the Image on the Shroud.

8. Dr Accetta's experiment seems to us to prove conclusively that the Image of the Shroud could only

have been formed by a transient burst of nuclear radiation, similar to the image formation of an X-


9. The only event that we know about that could have caused such radiation is the Resurrection of

Jesus Christ.

10. If indeed radiation was emitted at the Resurrection of

Jesus Christ then there should be some evidence of this.

11. We believe there is such evidence, in the additional

radioactive C-14 discovered at the Carbon Dating of the


12. We will later explain our understanding of Carbon


13. We will also our own theory of the Image formation on the Shroud

14. We will also explain how we believe that the date extrapolated from the Carbon Dating

experiment of 1988, was incorrectly interpreted.

15. In this 1988 experiment, the date given to the Shroud, according to the scientist, was A.D. 1325 ,

with a latitude of 65 years younger or older.

16. We actually believe that this incorrect date of A.D. 1260 - 1390 actually scientifically proves the

Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as we will explain later.

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Is the Shroud the artistic work of Leonardo Da Vinci or caused by theResurrection of Jesus Christ?

The Shroud of Turin is perhaps the most controversial

religious relic in history. It is certainly by far the moststudied! Thousands of scientist from all over the world

have analysed the Shroud, and a great number of books

have also been written on the subject. It has been Carbon

Dated as 1260 A.D. to 1390 A.D, and this is discussed in

Section xxx.

There is no middle ground! There are only two


1. A mediaeval artist, possibly Leonardo da Vinci

(1452-1519), was the cleverest artist in history,

and created the Shroud of Turin.

2. Jesus Christ (3 B.C - 33 A.D.) left behind Him the

first X-ray radiograph ever taken, proving His Crucifixion and Resurrection, to a sceptical

20th and 21st century.

We will examine these two possibilities! Only one of them could possibly be the truth!

 As Kenneth More the English actor, made a very profound statement in his famous narration of the

wonderful documentary, "The Silent Witness", about the Shroud of Turin. Kenneth More concluded

the documentary, still available, with this question: "Is the Shroud of Turin the work of the cleverest

forger the world has ever seen, or the true burial cloth of Jesus Christ. There can be no middle


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Could the Shroud of Turin be the work of Leonardo Da Vinci?

 According to the Carbon Dating tests the Shroud of Turin is

dated between 1260 A.D. and 1390 A.D. Many people

sincerely believe that Leonardo da Vinci created the


We do not deny that Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a

supremely gifted Renaissance artist, designer, scientist,

engineer, and thinker.

Despite his considerable talents, even Leonardo would

have faced massive challenges to create the Shroud ofTurin,

which we believe would be impossible to create by the

cleverest scientists in the world today!

In order to create the Shroud of Turin, Leonardo da Vinci

would have to overcome the following seemingly impossible challenges:

1. Leonardo would have to create an image of a Crucified Man by scorching the top few fibrils of a

large sheet of ancient linen.

2. He was not permitted to use any paint, since no paint has ever been found on the Shroud.

3. The image had to be scorched both in X-ray radiograph format, and also in photo-negative, a

technology not discovered until 1820 approximately, nearly 4 centuries after he lived!

4. The scorching had to possess three dimensional properties, so that the VP8 Image Analysing

Computer, designed in 1976, could "discover" these properties on the Shroud.

5. The VP8 computer was designed 5 centuries after he

lived, causing additional problems!

6. These three dimensional properties are unique in the

World of Art, and no other painting or scorching has ever

possessed this property!

7. Leonardo would therefore have been required make an

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inspired guess not only about radiography and photography, by also about the VP8 Image Analysing

computer technology. None of these were discovered for four to five centuries after he lived!

8. The linen of the Shroud itself had to appear authentic, and the fraud clever enough to deceive

sophisticated scientist five centuries later!

9. The marks of Crucifixion had be clever enough to deceive Dr Robert Bucklin, a 21st century

Professor of Pathology, and Forensic Pathologist, (one of the most highly qualified Forensic

Pathologists in the world) as well as many other medically qualified authors and investigators.

10. Leonardo decided, for an unknown reason, to deviate from the invariable mediaeval practice of

illustrating the Crucifixion nail holes in Jesus' palms, rather than His wrists. This would surely not

have been accepted during Leonardo's lifetime, and his customers would probably have labelled the

Leonardo da Vinci fraudulent Shroud as a fraud in Leonardo's own lifetime!

11. Leonardo also apparently knew about the anatomical mechanics of Crucifixion, not well

appreciated even today. An example of this is the lengthened arms, and the absent thumbs.

12. If Leonardo were able to create the shroud, he evidently illustrated the arms 6 inches too long,

and the thumbs of both hands flexed into the palms, both caused by the mechanics of Crucifixion.

There are very few individuals alive today who are aware of such gruesome details of Crucifixion.

13. The blood on the Shroud had to be painted onto the linen of the Shroud using real human blood,

of type AB, the rarest blood group, possessed by only 3% of the population.

14. The blood was "painted" on before the Image was created, which is hardly the choice of any

artist, even today! Surely every artist we have ever heard of would have "painted" the blood onto the

Shroud after the Image had been created first. We use the word "painted" because there is not a

single brush stroke on the entire Shroud.

15. The completed Shroud contains true human blood, in normal photo-positive, and the Image on

the Shroud in X-ray radiograph photo-negative format!

16. We cannot think of any reason why Leonardo would ever want to create an Image with such a

complicated design which could not be understood during the mediaeval period, due to lack of

available technology!

17. The blood on the Shroud must contain a high quantity of Bilirubin, a bile pigment completely

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unknown in Leonardo's time, and which is present in the blood of victims of severe torture.

18. The Bibirubin is bright red, and helped to preserve the bright red colour of the blood, which would

otherwise be much darker in colour on the Shroud.

19. Leonardo evidently was aware of the fact that Bilirubin

is present in the blood of tortured victims, even though

Bilirubin was unknown at the time!

20. There was virtually no understanding about the

components of human blood during the mediaeval period.

21. For example, doctors routinely bled sick patients to

remove this "body humour", which was considered to be the cause of many illnesses! Doctors

probably killed many of their patients, through ignorance about the importance of blood for human


22. The linen of the Shroud had to clever enough to deceive very high profile 21st century botanists

and scientists, including Dr Max Frei (a Swiss Criminologist) Dr. Avinoam Danin (a University

Professor) , Dr. Uri Baruch, Oswald Sheuermann, and Dr. Alan Whanger (an Emeritus University

Professor) about the pollen on the Shroud. 21st century university botanist all declare that the Shroud

originated in the Middle East.

23. The dirt on the Shroud (Travertine Aragonite, found only in Jerusalem) had to deceive 21st

century sophisticated investigators such as Joseph Kohlbeck, and Richard Levi-Setti.

24. The coins over both eyes had to show the images of the A.D. 29 Lepton, minted by Pontius Pilate,

and be clever enough deceive Dr Alan Whanger, a 21st century Emeritus University Professor, using

highly sophisticated technology, unavailable to Leonardo.

25. The above list hardly begins to address the massive problems faced by Leonardo da Vinci, or any

other mediaeval forger!

26. Virtually all of the above mentioned technology was unavailable during Leonardo's lifetime, and

was not discovered until many centuries later!

27. The last major obstacle the Leonardo would have to overcome was to create the Shroud of Turin

before he was born!

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28. Carbon dating is actually very accurate. In 1988 the Carbon dating scientists dated the Shroud

from between 1260 A.D. to 1390 A.D.

29. Leonardo da Vinci lived A.D. 1452-1519. He would therefore have been required to create the

Shroud before his birth!

Our conclusions about a "forged" Shroud of Turin, by Leonardo da Vinci, or any other

mediaeval forger: 

1. So great are the challenges facing a mediaeval forger that the creation of the Shroud

of Turin by a forger during this period would be a genuine miracle in its own right!

2. It would be similar in difficulty to a 21st century forger today creating an image using

a technology that would not be discovered until the 26th century, 500 years from now!

3. We believe it would be impossible for anyone alive today to create the Shroud of Turin.

4. Carbon dating is actually very accurate. We believe that the Shroud is dated A.D. 33,

the date of the Crucifixion. We will explain later why we believe the Shroud is dated by

scientists at A.D. 1260 A.D. to 1390 A.D

5. Were it not for the Physics of the Resurrection, discussed later, the Shroud would be a

fraud, and the correct date really would be 1260 A.D. to 1390 A.D.

6. How could Leonardo da Vinci who lived A.D. 1452-1519 possibly have created the

Shroud, at least 62 years before he was born?  

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Is the Shroud of Turin the authentic burial Shroud of Jesus Christ?

We believe that the ONLY possibility is

that Jesus Christ actually left behind Him

the first known X-ray radiograph on this


We believe that He left His own Image on

the Shroud on Planet Earth to prove to a

sceptical world both His Crucifixion and

His Resurrection before leaving Earth for

Heaven. In the next few sections will be

exploring the miraculous Image leftbehind on the Shroud of Turin in 33 A.D. at the Resurrection.

There is a widely held belief that Science and Christianity are incompatible. Nothing could be further

from the truth! The reader need only spend a few hours reading the very advanced scientific

literature on the excellent web site (complied by Barrie Schwortz) to appreciate the

vast amount of scientific research expended on the Shroud!

1. If we are correct, The Image on the Shroud pre-dated all other X-ray radiographs by nearly 1,900


2. We believe that the Image on the Shroud of Turin was supernaturally created at the Resurrection

of Jesus Christ, by a supernatural emission of light and subatomic particles moving at the speed of


3. The emission of light and radiation may have been similar to the phenomenon known as the

Transfiguration, when Jesus Christ's Body became as bright as the sun, and His clothes as white as


4. During the Transfiguration, Jesus also entered Eternity, as evidenced by the appearance of Moses

and Elijah.

5. We also believe that the excess C-14 isotope present in the linen of the Shroud of Turin actually

proves the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as we will explain.

6. This subject is not an easy subject, but we hope that you will read the next few sections to fully

appreciate the miraculous qualities of the Shroud.

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7. The subject is inevitably technical in parts, although we have tried to make the subject as simple

as possible.

 A Study of the Transfiguration

Nobody understands the Resurrection, or

the Transfiguration! They were two

supernatural events, and nobody can

possibly understand them! They are both

completely outside our normal

experiences. In order to understand what

may have happened at the Resurrection,

it may be helpful to study the

Transfiguration, and attempt to draw

some parallels.

The Transfiguration 

The Transfiguration is described in

Matthew 17:1-3: "Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a

high mountain by themselves; and He was transfigured

before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes

became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and

Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Then Peter

answered and said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be

here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one

for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." While he was

still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them;

and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is

My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!" And when the disciples heard it, they fell on

their faces and were greatly afraid."

We are told that Jesus' Body changed from His normal Body, to a Body radiating light! We are told

that "His face shone like the sun, and His clothing became as white as the light." In addition Moses

and Elijah appeared with Jesus Christ. Moses and Elijah had both died hundreds of years previously!

Furthermore, God the Father spoke from Heaven, and said: "This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom

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I am delighted. Listen to Him!"  

Something very important happened here, which may cast some light on the Resurrection. Jesus'

whole Body glowed with light from within, and His face became as bright as the sun! Furthermore,

His clothing became as white as light.

We can only imagine what Jesus looked like. Notice that Jesus' face "shone like the sun", and that His

clothing became "as white as light". This was presumably caused by the brightness of His Body

shining through His clothes. We may have some idea of what Jesus' body may have looked like in the

Transfiguration. John described the same glorified Body of Jesus Christ in Revelation 1:12-19:

"When I turned to see who was speaking, there behind me

were seven candlesticks of gold. And standing among

them was One who looked like Jesus, who called himself

the Son of Man, wearing a long robe circled with a golden

band across His chest. His hair was white as wool or snow,

and his eyes penetrated like flames of fire. His feet

gleamed like burnished bronze, and his voice thundered

like the waves against the shore. He held seven stars in his

right hand and a sharp, double-bladed sword in his mouth,

and his face shone like the power of the sun in unclouded

brilliance. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead; but

he laid his right hand on me and said, "Don't be afraid!

Though I am the First and Last, the Living One who died,

who is now alive forevermore, who has the keys of hell

and death-don't be afraid! " TLB

Nobody knows exactly how this happened. However, there

are a number of Biblical pointers to what may have


1. We are told in the Scriptures that: "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all,"  1 John 1:5-6 .

2. We are also told in the Scriptures that God is covered in light: "LORD my God, You are very great:

You are clothed with honour and majesty, Who cover Yourself with Light as with a garment, Who

stretch out the Heavens like a curtain,"  Psalms 104:1-2 .

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Eternity and the Transfiguration 

 At the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah were present, from Eternity. They had both gone to Heaven

many centuries before. It is possible that Jesus entered Eternity at the Transfiguration, as evidenced

by His Glorified Body, and the presence of Moses and Elijah.

The Physics of the Transfiguration 

Light is not well understood, but we know, from Quantum Physics, that light consists of photons

moving in a wave form.

It is proved in Theoretical Physics that as the speed of light is reached, the fourth dimension known

as Time ceases to exist.

 Albert Einstein's famous equation 

 Albert Einstein's famous equation is as follows: E=mc2

This equation shows a relationship between energy, mass

and time, where:

E= Energy

m = Mass

c = Speed of Light (Time)

Einstein's famous equation, E = mc2, indicates the equivalency of mass and energy. It is this

relationship that lets us understand the power source of the universe, thermonuclear fusion and


Eternity and the Transfiguration 

We can only guess what may have happened to Jesus' body at the Transfiguration. However, in view

of the Theoretical Physics above, there was possibly some change in the molecules of Jesus Christ's

Body, so that the speed of the atoms of His Body greatly accelerated, giving off intense light.

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Since Einstein has clearly demonstrated that Mass and

Energy are equivalent, it is possible that some form of

exchange took place, so that the Body of Jesus Christ

radiated energy in the form of light, and possibly had less

mass as He entered the timeless dimension known as


This is pure speculation, and the author would be

delighted to hear from experts in the field of Nuclear

Physics on this subject! Please contact Dr Kent


The Transfiguration is one of many supernatural events concerning Jesus' Body described in the

Bible. On this occasion, His Body shone with light, and the light illuminated His clothing. It appears

that He may have entered Eternity since Moses and Elijah were present. From Theoretical Physics we

know that Eternity is entered as the speed of light is reached. If Jesus was actually in Eternity, then

the molecules of His Body may have been travelling at the speed of light.  

The Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin

 As discussed in the previous section, at the

Transfiguration, Jesus' Body became very bright, and

"shone like the sun,"  Matthew 17:1. This could have

enormous theoretical implications for the Image formation

on the Shroud of Turin.

Jesus Christ is God, the Second Person of the Trinity, and

radiated light, or radiation of some sort, at the

Transfiguration (see Section 14). 

It is our belief that something very similar happened at the

Resurrection. We cannot prove this, but since an Image

was created on the Shroud it seems a perfectly reasonable


Jesus' Body was raised from the dead after three days at

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Shroud, but also the Shroud itself may have emitted light, in a similar way to Moses' face.  

In this case, the cellular energy of the linen of the Shroud may also have been transiently changed,

as Moses' face was. The Shroud of Turin does not now glow with light, but there is a faint photo-

negative image of a Crucified Man which we still need to account for!

We believe that soft X- Rays

were radiated at the


We believe that X-rays were probably

released at the Resurrection, caused by

the intense radiation of light and

subatomic particles, moving at the speedof light, interacting with the linen of the


We believe that the effect of the radiation

of light and subatomic particles emitted at

the Resurrection was similar to a confined

nuclear reaction, with the generation of

soft X-rays.

We have described what we believe may have happened to the linen of the Shroud at the

Transfiguration, causing the Image of Jesus Christ.

Many observers have commented that the image on the

Shroud is fundamentally similar to an X-ray. This

observation may be very accurate!

We believe that soft X-rays were in fact released during

the Resurrection, as would normally be released during

any controlled nuclear reaction.

We believe that the effect of the radiation of light and

subatomic particles emitted at the Resurrection was similar

to a confined nuclear explosion, with the generation of soft

X-rays. Most of the soft X-rays released were probably

immediately absorbed into the linen of the Shroud.

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Dr Accetta's experiment confirms radiation 

The X-ray effect has been duplicated by Dr Accetta's experiment. Dr Accetta injected himself with a

radioactive material, and stood in front of a VP8 Image Analysing computer. The results are very

interesting, and certainly demonstrate that the mechanism of the Image formation on the Shroud

involved radiation (see section 10). 

The X-ray appearance of the anatomical hands on

the Shroud 

The X-ray effect is certainly given added credibility by the

hands on the Shroud, which appear to be an X-ray of the

underlying metacarpal bones and phalanges of Jesus

Christ's hands.

The Second Face on the Shroud 

In 2004 Giulio Fanti and Roberto Maggiolo of the University of Padua in Italy

discovered a faint "second face" on the dorsal aspect of the

Shroud of Turin, corresponding to the occipital area (the

back of the skull). The radiation of light and subatomic

particles, with associated soft x-rays, evidently imprinted an

Image of Jesus Christ's face on both sides of the Shroud.  

This "second" Image of the face of Jesus Christ gives added

credibility to the X-ray effect on the Shroud.

It also effectively eliminates any artistic methods of formation of the Image. This, in turn, makes the

X-ray theory much more likely.

The Resurrection was


The Resurrection was obviously

supernatural! This does need to be

emphasised! Many people have tried to

explain the Image of Jesus Christ by using

natural explanations, such as:.

1. Body fluid exudates.

2. Photography invented in the mediaeval

period, such as the "camera obscura".

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3. A very clever "drawing" by Leonardo da Vinci.

None of these will pass the very stringent tests in section The Various Scientific Tests On The

Shroud Other Than The Carbon Dating Tests! We would like to make the following points:

1. The dead Body of Jesus Christ was resurrected, and the Body of Jesus Christ entered Eternity,

according to the Bible.

2. Jesus Christ appears to have lived outside the fourth dimension, which we know a Time, in His

Resurrection body.

3. The Resurrection was supernatural, so it is not helpful to try to describe the Image formation on

the Shroud in natural terms, as many have tried to!

Changes in Jesus’ body at the resurrection affecting the Shroud of Turin 

Jesus' Body after the Resurrection was

changed from a dead Body to a new

Resurrection Body. The changes in his

Body may well have been similar to

changes at the Transfiguration, when He

assumed His Glorified Body, and "shone

like the sun". 

Review of Section 14: Jesus was in

Eternity at the Transfiguration

1. Jesus was almost certainly in Eternity

during the Transfiguration, since Jesus

was accompanied by Moses and Elijah, who had died many centuries previously.

2. At the Transfiguration Jesus' Body "shone like the sun", and his clothing was also "as bright as


3. Jesus was present in His Glorified Body at the Transfiguration, as we will probably see Him in


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7. This phenomenon was probably similar to Jesus' clothing at the Transfiguration which also became

as white as light, due to light from Jesus' Body shining through them (see Section 16).

8. This phenomenon was probably also similar to Moses' face after en encounter with God (see

Section 16).

9. Moses' face shone with light, so we believe that The Shroud probably also shone with light.

However, whilst on Earth following the

Resurrection Jesus displayed different physical


1. He still bore the marks of the wounds in His hands, feet,

and chest wall (John 20:20).

2. He could be seen and touched as a physical Body of

flesh and bone (Matthew 28:9, Luke 24:37-39).

3. He invited people to examine His Body (Luke 24:39-40,

John 20:20, 27).

4. Jesus ate and drank with His disciples after His Resurrection (Luke 24:41-43; Acts 10:41).

5. Jesus could appear and disappear in a closed room, indicating that He was not confined to the

normal physical laws of time and space.

6. After His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene by the Tomb (John 20:10-18),

Mary and the other women (Matthew 28:1-10), Peter (1 Corinthians 15:5), two disciples on the road

to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), ten disciples (Luke 24:36-49), eleven disciples in a room (John 20:24-

31), seven disciples by the Sea of Galilee (John 21), all the disciples (Matthew 28:16-20), five

hundred people (1 Corinthians 15:6), James (1 Corinthians 15:7), all the disciples again before He

ascended to Heaven (Acts 1:4-8) accompanied by two men in white clothes (possibly Moses and

Elijah), and to Saul in his way to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9) who became Paul.

7. In other words, Jesus Christ appears to have been living outside the fourth dimension, Time.

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Our theory about the image formation onthe Shroud of Turin

The following is our theory about how the Image on the

Shroud was scorched on to the Shroud by an intense

bombardment by subatomic particles, travelling at the

speed of light.

We believe that the Shroud is basically an X-ray

radiograph, caused by soft X-rays radiated at the


This section is rather technical! There is a heated dispute in scientific circles about how exactly the

Image of the Shroud was formed. This is a genuine attempt to answer that question, which cannot

easily be answered in non technical language! Please accept our apologies!

We believe that the Resurrection almost certainly caused

the linen of the Shroud to briefly radiate light 

1. If Moses' face glowed with light after an encounter with God, itis almost certain that the Shroud also briefly glowed with light both

during and immediately after the Resurrection.

2. Like Moses' face, the change to the Shroud was short lived. The

Shroud does not glow with light now.

3. This was the equivalent to an exposure to a camera, but using

radiation as well as light.

The Image on the Shroud was caused by radiation 

1. Dr Accetta has shown that a radioactive emission was the mostly

likely cause of the Image formation on the Shroud.

2. The mechanism was supernatural, and may have been similar to the Transfiguration.

3. The Shroud was made from linen, derived from flax, a common agricultural crop.

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17. Blood is seen on the Shroud in its natural red colour in true photo-positive.

18. Some energy emitted at the Resurrection may have been re-radiated in the ultraviolet, visible

light and infrared spectrums (as probably did the clothing of Jesus Christ at the Transfiguration).

19. A photonegative image, with three dimensional properties, was then scorched onto the Shroud by

the intense radiation of light and subatomic particles, with the emission of soft X-rays.

20. A photonegative image, with distance imaging properties, was scorched onto the top few fibrils of

the flax of the Shroud, complete with all the marks of the Scourging and the Crucifixion.

21. Dr John Jackson and Dr Eric Jumper showed that the Shroud has three dimensional properties,

unlike any other painting or photograph on this planet.

22. The Shroud was dimensionally encoded because the

original burst of radiation at the Resurrection was from the

three dimensional Body of Jesus Christ onto a two

dimensional Shroud. This totally unique transfer of data

caused the amazing three dimensional encoding, only to

be discovered nearly 2,000 years later!

23. The Image was a fundamentally a three dimensional

topographic Image.

24. The closer the cloth was to the Body of Jesus Christ, the more the Image was highlighted.

25. The Image then acted like photographic negative, with

light and dark reversed, but dimensionally encoded, unlike

a normal photograph or X-ray.

26. The image was not unlike an X-ray, since soft X-rays

were probably emitted at the Resurrection.

27. This probably accounts for the similarity both in

appearance, and in actuality, with a hospital X-ray such as we are familiar today.

28. Despite the scientific and technical description above, the phenomenon of the Resurrection,

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causing the image of Jesus Christ, was totally supernatural.

29. The Image of Jesus Christ on the Shroud is a miracle, which was not reproducible either in the

Middle Ages, and cannot be reproduced today, however sophisticated the technology employed!

 At the Resurrection additional radioactive C-14 was created

We believe that at the Resurrection additional

radioactive C-14 was created by the intense

bombardment of radiation and light

1. We believe that at the Resurrection, the linen of the

Shroud was probably bombarded by intense light and

subatomic particles moving at the speed of light.

2. This light and subatomic radiation, probably scorched

the linen of the Shroud, accounting for the photo-negative

image seen on the Shroud.

3. At the Resurrection the various chemical structures of

which the Shroud is composed may have been

decomposed to their constituent elements, during the

intense emission of light and radiation.

4. The Shroud is linen, which is derived from flax. Flax is a

plant material containing various elements including

Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Magnesium.

5. Chlorophyll is a major constituent of all green plants,

and has the chemical formula C55H72O5N4Mg.

6. Linen therefore contains a considerable amount of the elements Carbon and Nitrogen.

7. In the atmosphere, Radioactive C-14 atoms are created by the bombardment of Nitrogen atoms by

cosmic rays.

8. Cosmic rays in the atmosphere are subatomic particles moving at speeds approaching the speed of

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9. We believe that something very similar occurred at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

10. We believe that, in the areas of the Shroud where the scorching is seen (accounting for the

Image) the various chemical structures were bombarded with light and subatomic particles moving at

the speed of light.

11. We believe that the complex molecules of which the linen is composed were broken down, by the

light and radiation, to the basic elements, notably Carbon and Nitrogen.

12. We believe that this light and radiation fundamentally affected the Nitrogen atoms, and possibly

the Carbon atoms, in the Shroud, in the same way as cosmic radiation affects the Nitrogen atoms in

the stratosphere.

13. We believe that an additional quantity of the radioactive isotope C-14 was created at the

Resurrection by the radiation of light and energy.

14. We believe that the additional radioactive C-14 atoms were created in the Shroud by light and

subatomic particles, moving at the speed of light, as Jesus Christ entered Eternity.

15. We believe that Nitrogen, and possibly Carbon atoms, bombarded by radiation and light at the

Resurrection, was converted into radioactive C-14.

16. We believe that the additional radioactive C-14 molecules are still present in the Shroud.

17. We believe that this additional radioactive C-14 in the Shroud is the explanation for considerable

confusion about the interpretation of the correct date of the Shroud, as will be discussed in Section


Carbon dating and the Shroud of Turin

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In 1988, Carbon Dating of the Shroud was performed at

Oxford University, the University of Arizona, and the Swiss

Federal Institute of Technology. The scientists stated that

the Shroud samples had a 95% probability of dating

between 1260 A.D. and 1390 A.D. For simplicity, let us

assume an average age of 1325 A.D. 

Following this carbon dating most people concluded that

the Shroud of Turin was a very clever fraud, and interest in

the Shroud has dropped in recent years. As already

explained, we do not believe it would be possible for a

mediaeval artist to create the Shroud!

Dr Richard Kent, the writer of article, believes that the Carbon Dating has been inaccurately

interpreted by scientists who have not included the Resurrection in their interpretation of the test


Dr Accetta's experiment, already discussed, demonstrates that the Image on the Shroud of Turin was

probably caused by emission of radioactivity.

It is our belief that the radiation emitted at the Resurrection, caused the following:

1. The scorching of the top fibrils of the linen of the Shroud.

2. Bombardment of Nitrogen and Carbon atoms within the Shroud by radiation and light, travelling at

the speed of light, at the Resurrection.

3. Conversion of Nitrogen atoms into radioactive C-14 within the linen of the Shroud.

4. The additional quantity of the isotope C-14 within the linen of the Shroud altered the results of the

Carbon Dating, so that the Shroud appeared much younger than it actually is.

The interpretation of carbon dating test 

The interpretation of carbon dating test is complicated, but will be explained briefly. We are

personally convinced of the authenticity of the Shroud, and that the additional quantity of the isotope

C-14 demonstrated by the carbon dating tests actually proves the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! This

will be explained later.

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There are 107 elements on this planet 

There are 107 known elements, and all matter on this planet is composed of various elements. The

human body is composed of 17 elements, including Carbon.

Carbon dating explained 

Radio Carbon dating was discovered by Willard Libby in Chicago in 1952. Carbon Dating is a method

of dating samples with the element Carbon in them.

Carbon isotopes 

Carbon normally exists as the isotope C-12. The normal isotope C-12 has 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and

6 electrons. There are three main varieties of Carbon atoms, technically called "isotopes". These

isotopes are C-12, C-13 and C-14. Of the three isotopes of Carbon:

- C-12 makes up 99% of available Carbon.

- C-13 makes up 1% of available Carbon.

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- C-14 - makes up 1 part per million of available Carbon

So there is not much C-14 about! Every living thing has a tiny amount of C-14 in it, including you and


C-14 formation and incorporation into plants and animals 

C-14 is formed in the upper atmosphere from the bombardment of

Nitrogen atoms by cosmic rays from the sun. The radioactive

Carbon atom C-14 then becomes combined with Oxygen to form a

Carbon Dioxide molecule containing C-14.

C-14 incorporation into plants and animals 

The Carbon dioxide molecules, with the radioactive C-14, become

part of the gases in our atmosphere. All plants breathe in Carbon

Dioxide, and a tiny amount of radioactive C-14 is incorporated into

their structure.

In the case of the linen of the Shroud of Turin, the linen was made from flax. All flax has a tiny

amount a radioactive C-14 in it, derived from the radioactive labelled Carbon dioxide, which may be


How does Carbon Dating work?

Radio carbon dating is used to determine the age of

samples containing Carbon, by means of measuring the

amount of the isotope Carbon-14 (C-14) in any given


The isotope Carbon-14 is radioactive and the radioactivity

may be measured. C-14 atoms are naturally unstable.

Radioactive C-14 atoms decay back to Nitrogen at a known

rate. The rate of "decay" is known as the "half-life". The "half life" of C-14 is 5,730 years. This means

that if a known amount of C-14 was present, then 5,730 years earlier there was twice as much of it,

because half of the C-14 has decayed over the preceding 5,730 years.

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The theory of Carbon Dating assumes that if an observer knows the amount of radioactive C-14 that

is present in a sample, then the date of the sample's origin can be calculated.

The Carbon dating machine does not actually date anything 

The Carbon dating machine only provides information about how

much radioactive C-14 is in a sample of material. This is important

to know, especially in the case of the Shroud.

Since scientists know that radioactive C-14 decays over a "half life"

of 5,730 years, scientists believe they can date samples of material

by interpretation of the quantity of C-14 present, and the known

half life of 5,730 years.

Carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin 

Like all other Carbon dating, the dating of the Shroud of Turin in 1988 was based on:

- The quantity of radioactive C-14 in the flax of the Shroud.

- An interpretation of its presumed age using the known "half life" of radioactive C-14.

However, the traditional carbon dating model is likely to give false results in the case of the Shroud,


- According to many scientists working on the Shroud, including Dr John Jackson, Dr Eric Jumper, and

Dr August Accetta, the image formation on the Shroud was a radioactive process.

- Additional C-14 molecules were therefore formed during this radioactive process, which we believe

occurred at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Without wishing to be disrespectful to scientists involved in the Carbon Dating of the Shroud, it seems

that the physics of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ have not been taken into account! The

Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not mentioned by the scientists who dated the Shroud, so presumably

was not taken into consideration during the dating process!

The Resurrection was a radioactive process! 

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Dr Accetta has clearly shown that the Image on the Shroud was probably caused by a transient burst

of radioactivity. Most scientists agree that radioactive C-14 is normally formed by the bombardment

of cosmic rays from the sun and outer space of Nitrogen molecules in the upper atmosphere, as

already discussed.

Cosmic rays are made of subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. Cosmic rays

have extremely high energies and travel at extremely high speeds through space, nearly at the speed

of light.

We see no reason at all why radioactive C-14 should not have been formed within the linen of the

Shroud at the time of the Resurrection! This additional radioactive C-14 would not have been caused

by radiation from the sun, but by radiation at the time of the Resurrection!  

We have already looked at the Transfiguration in the last section. It seems to us highly likely that

high energy subatomic particles were emitted both at the Transfiguration, and at the Resurrection.

If this is correct, then this would dramatically alter the amount of C-14 atoms found in the Shroud

from the time of Jesus Christ, and dramatically alter the results of the Carbon Dating tests in 1988.

The Resurrection has not been taken into consideration by Carbon Dating scientists! 

- Using normal scientific reasoning, the Shroud appeared to be dated at approximately 1325 A.D.

- However, there is another possibility, which does not appear to have been considered!

- Scientist have calibrated the amount of Radioactive C-14 in the linen of the Shroud, and calculated a

mean date of 1325 A.D.

- They have pronounced that the Shroud is dated 1325 A.D.

- Following this most people have concluded that the Shroud of Turin is a fraud.

We believe we have shown that the Shroud could not possibly be a fraud, unless it is a

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miracle in its own right! 

We believe that the additional C-14 atoms were created by

radiation of light, and subatomic particles possibly

travelling at he speed of light, at the Resurrection

We believe that the linen of the Shroud dates from the

time of Jesus Christ. The linen bought by Joseph of

 Arimathea for the rapid burial of Jesus Christ contained a

tiny amount of radioactive C-14, as does all vegetable


We believe that if the Shroud of Turin had been Carbon Dated before the Resurrection, it would have

been dated at 33 A.D. approximately, since all other tests indicate a first century Shroud.

This C-14 in the original linen was derived from the uptake by the flax of radioactive Carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere, as already explained. 

However, the Shroud was bombarded with

radiation at the Resurrection! 

However, the linen of the Shroud of Turin is unique! We

believe that the linen was radiated at the Resurrection of

Jesus Christ. There is plenty of Nitrogen in all plant

material, and 80% of our atmosphere is Nitrogen. It seems

to us very likely that at the Resurrection there was an

intense radiation of subatomic particles including electrons,

protons, and neutrons, possessing extremely high energy, and possibly travelling at the speed of


We believe that the complex molecules within the linen were vaporised by the surface radiation to

their original elements of Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Magnesium. This caused Nitrogen

atoms, and possibly Carbon atoms, within the linen of the Shroud to be converted to radioactive C-

14! This caused a greater quantity of the radioactive isotope C-14 to be present in the flax of the


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Our scientific conclusions about the image formation on the Shroud, andthe proof of the Resurrection

Using the normal criteria for interpreting the results of the 1988 Carbon 14 dating tests: 

- The Carbon 14 test does NOT actually provide a date! The date is interpreted by scientists using the

known half life of radioactive decay of c-14 of 5,730 years.

- Based on the quantity of radioactive C-14 present in the specimen tested, the Shroud of Turin is

assumed to be dated A.D. 1260 -1390.

- The Shroud therefore appears to be much younger than it actually is, if the additional radiation

caused at the Resurrection is NOT taken into account!

- However, if the additional radiation caused by the Resurrection IS taken into account, we believe

that additional C-14 in the material of the Shroud of Turin actually PROVES that the linen has been

irradiated, causing the well known X-ray appearance of the Shroud.

- In the absence of any other explanation, and in the light of the experiments of Dr Accetta, Dr

Jackson and Dr Jumper, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ seems to be the only reasonable conclusion

for the additional radioactive C-14 in the linen of the Shroud, and the apparent age of 1325 A.D.

- After the Resurrection, the Shroud contained an excess of radioactive C-14 atoms, caused by the

radiation emitted at the Resurrection.

- The Shroud now had an apparent age of 1325 A.D. due to the additional C-14 atoms in the linen.

- The Shroud therefore appears to be much younger than it actually is!

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The Various Scientific Tests On The Shroud Other Than The Carbon DatingTests

The various scientific tests on the Shroud 

In the case of the Shroud there are a high number of

eminent and accredited scientists from many different

fields of science. With one notable exception, the scientists

quoted in this article have all studied the Shroud, and have

all concluded that the Shroud is either dated from the time

of Jesus Christ, or is consistent with the Biblical account of

the Crucifixion.

Some of the points showing that the Shroud is

authentic are as follows: 

1. The crown of thorns, with a large flow of blood from the


2. The wound in the Right chest wall from the lance,

between the 5th and 6th right ribs.

3. The nails in the wrists rather than the palms, as

invariably displayed in all mediaeval paintings.

4. The absence of both thumbs on the image, caused by the mechanics of the Crucifixion.

5. The coins over the eyes, minted by Pontius Pilate, and dated 29 A.D.

6. The Scourging marks all over the body.

7. The bruising over both shoulders from carrying the Patibulum, which weighed about 80 pounds.

8. The laceration of the nose, caused by punching by the soldiers and the priests of the Sanhedrin.

9. The bruising over the right eye, caused by punching by the soldiers and the priests of the


10. The unique 3D image on the NASA VP8 Image Analysing Computer.

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11. The pollen on the Shroud from Jerusalem.

12. The dirt on the Shroud from Jerusalem.

13. The photo negative image on the Shroud.

14. The photo positive blood image, which stained the linen of the Shroud before the image of Jesus

Christ , in photo-negative was produced.

15. The arms on the Shroud are 9 inches longer than normal due to dislocation of the shoulders,

elbows and wrists during Crucifixion.

We believe that, as in the case of abnormal blood test results on perfectly fit patients, the Carbon

dating of 1325 A.D. may well be a case of incorrect interpretation of the results, when all other tests

point to a Shroud from A.D.33!  

How should a scientist treat a test result which is dramatically different from all other


The author of this section of the book is a retired medical doctor

Dr Richard Kent. During his professional career it was not at all

unusual to test patients with a variety of tests, and for one test to

show a wildly abnormal result, inconsistent with the other tests!

In this case, doctors are trained to look carefully at all the

possibilities. Either all the other tests are incorrect, or there is some

factor which has caused the abnormal result in the abnormal test.

- In clinical practice, very rarely an unusual test result appears,

quite inconsistent with all the others.

- In such a situation, a number of tests show that a patient is very fit, but one test shows that the

patient is very ill indeed, or should even be dead!

- In this case obviously the doctor must carefully examine his patient to ensure that he does not have

the highlighted illness.

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- However, occasionally incorrect interpretation of the results account for the aberrant test, and

doctors are aware of this.

Explanation of the additional C-14 in the Shroud

- It is our belief that the incorrect Carbon

dating of 1325 A.D. by scientists in

Oxford, Switzerland and Arizona should

be expected!

- Far from causing dismay amongstindividuals who believe the Shroud to be

authentic, we believe it is actually a

source of great encouragement!

- Carbon dating machines do not date

anything. They merely provide accurate

information about how much radioactive

C-14 is present in a sample.

- We believe that the additional C-14 atoms discovered to be present in the Shroud by the various

Radio-Carbon dating machines actually proves the Resurrection!

- We do not for one moment doubt the accuracy of the Carbon Dating machines in detecting the

quantity of C-14 in the Shroud.

- We do however disagree with their conclusions about the date of 1325 A.D.

- Had there be no Resurrection, we believe the Shroud would have displayed the appropriate quantity

of C-14 for a first century Shroud, with a mean date of 33 A.D., the date of the Crucifixion.

However, the much higher quantity of radioactive C-14 indicates one of two possibilities: 

Theory: The Shroud is a fraud: The Shroud is dated approximately 1325 A.D, and the Carbon Dating

tests have been correctly interpreted.

Theory: The Shroud is authentic: The Shroud is authentic, dating from 33 A.D.

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However, the Shroud was bombarded with light and subatomic particles at the Resurrection,

converting Nitrogen and Carbon into radioactive C-14, hence producing additional radioactive C-14,

accounting for the incorrect date of 1325 A.D.

Discussion of the Theory: The Shroud is a fraud 

1. The other 12 scientific tests all point to an authentic Shroud of Jesus Christ.

2. As discussed, if there is one abnormal scientific result in a set of results, scientists should look very

carefully at the assumptions they have made concerning the interpretation of the abnormal result.

3. We believe that the additional C-14 can accounted for by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

4. We believe that the high quantity of radioactive C-14 atoms in the First Century Shroud accounted

for the incorrect Carbon dating of C-14, since the physics of the Resurrection was not taken into


Discussion of the Theory: The Shroud is authentic 

We believe that this theory is correct, for the following reasons:

- All of the scientific tests discussed above, with the exception of the Carbon Dating test, indicate

that, in the opinion of the scientists concerned, the Shroud is authentic.

- We believe that at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ there was an emission of light and subatomic

particles moving at the speed of light, as well as additional soft X-rays.

- We believe that at the radiation vaporised the surface fibrils of the Shroud, causing the photo-

negative burn on the Shroud, and free Nitrogen and Carbon atoms.

- We believe that the Nitrogen and possibly Carbon atoms in the Shroud were converted by the

emission of light and radiation at the Resurrection, travelling at the speed of light, to radioactive

isotope C-14 atoms.

- The Shroud of Turin therefore had additional radioactive C-14 molecules, which would not normally

be expected in a Shroud dated A.D. 33, the date of the Crucifixion.

- If we are correct in the above assumptions, obviously the additional radioactive C14 remained in the

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linen of the Shroud until the Shroud was Carbon dated in 1988.

- The scientists involved in the 1988 Carbon Dating experiment used traditional methods to interpret

their results.

- Based on their normal Carbon dating methodology, the Shroud of Turin was shown by radioactive

dating to have a quantity of radioactive C-14 consistent with linen from A.D. 1325.

- However, these scientists had not included the physics of the Resurrection in their analysis!

We believe that the linen of the Shroud is unique, and contains additional C-14

molecules, proving the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 

- The linen of the Shroud was derived from flax.

- The flax, like all vegetable matter, contained trace amounts of radioactive C-14, from

photosynthesis of Carbon Dioxide containing radioactive C-14.

- We believe that the Shroud of Turin is unique.

- This linen was radiated at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

- This radiation caused a greater quantity of the radioactive isotope C-14 to be present in the flax of

the Shroud.

- Using the normal criteria used for dating, based on the quantity of radioactive C-14 present, the

Shroud of Turin therefore appeared to be much younger than it actually is!

- We believe that the excessive Isotope C-14 in the material of the Shroud of Turin actually proves

that the linen has been irradiated.

- In the absence of any other explanation, and in the light of Dr Accetta's experiment, and also the

experiment of Dr Jackson and Dr Jumper, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ seems to be the only

reasonable conclusion for the photo-negative image formation on the Shroud.

- We believe that the 12 tests prove the authenticity of the Shroud, dating from A.D. 33.

- We believe that the additional radioactive C-14 in the material of the Shroud of Turin actually proves

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that the linen has been irradiated.

- In the absence of any other explanation, we believe that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ seems to

be the only reasonable conclusion for the photo-negative image formation on the Shroud, and the

additional radioactive C-14 in a first century Shroud.

Summary - We believe that the Shroud of Turin actually proves theResurrection of Jesus Christ

We believe that science has therefore proved the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

We believe that the additional quantity of radioactive isotope C-14 in linen of the Shroud proves the

Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

This is the most amazing and faith building information, and has changed Richard and Val's lives!

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 A free PowerPoint presentation on this, and many other subjects, may be downloaded for educational

purposes only. For details please see Free PowerPoint Presentations on this web site. The

PowerPoint presentations are not for sale under any circumstances.

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Dr Richard Kent also gives entirely free conferences on this subject, and many other subjects,

anywhere in the world. For details please see Free Conferences, on this web site.

This is perhaps the most exciting of all the free lectures given by Dr Richard Kent!

We believe that science therefore proves the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

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We believe that science has therefore

proved the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

We believe that the additional quantity of

radioactive isotope C-14 in linen of the

Shroud proves the Resurrection of Jesus


This is the most amazing and faith

building information, and has changed

Richard and Val's lives!

Free PowerPoint presentation 

 A free PowerPoint presentation on this, and many other subjects, may be downloaded for educational

purposes only. For details please see Free PowerPoint Presentations on this web site. The

PowerPoint presentations are not for sale under any circumstances.

Free Conferences 

Dr Richard Kent also gives entirely free conferences on this subject, and many other subjects,

anywhere in the world. For details please see Free Conferences, on this web site.

This is perhaps the most exciting of all the free lectures given by Dr Richard Kent!

Why does the Resurrection of Jesus Christ matter?

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Jesus Christ said, in John 5:28-30:

"Do not marvel at this; for the hour is

coming in which all who are in the graves

will hear His voice and come forth - those

who have done good, to the resurrection

of life, and those who have done evil, to

the resurrection of condemnation". 

The point is that, according to Jesus

Christ, everyone on Planet Earth, who has

ever lived, will be resurrected at some

point in the future!

 According to Jesus' teachings in this

passage, and throughout the New

Testament, we will ALL end up in either

Heaven or Hell, just like the two thieves

on the Cross, one of whom is in Heaven, the other in Hell.

The whole point of this web site is to convince as many people as possible that The Bible is

Supernatural, which may be read on this web site, and to try to ensure that everyone who reads

this web site ends up in Heaven, not Hell.

Please read "How to Get To Heaven" on this web site unless you are certain you are already going

to Heaven!

 Accreditation, Acknowledgements and Legal notices

The author of this analysis is Dr Richard Kent, a retired UK medical doctor who, although he has been

studying the Shroud for many years, does not consider himself an expert on the Shroud of Turin by

any means.

Richard has drawn on information both on the Internet, and also in books, to come to his

conclusions, which may or may not be correct. Richard leaves that for others to decide!

Dr Richard Kent would very much like to like to thank the following, amongst many others, for their

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amazing contribution to the research on the Shroud of Turin.

1. Barry Schwortz, official photographer for STURP, and author of for his kind

permission to use his excellent images.

2. Barrie Schwortz' web site is by far the best site on the internet for Shroud

research, in our opinion.

3. Dr Robert Bucklin MD for his excellent forensic work on the autopsy of the Shroud of Turin. His

original research is also viewable on 

4. Dr John Jackson of the USAF Colorado Shroud of Turin Research Project and for his excellent work

using the VP8 Image analysing computer. His excellent web site is 

Dr August Accetta of STURP and the Shroud Centre of California for his excellent work on the image

formation of the Shroud of Turin. His web site is 

5. Jean-Philippe Fontanaille of  for his excellent work on the

authenticity of the coins on the Shroud.

6. Various researchers have done excellent work on the pollen found on the Shroud. These include Dr

Max Frei, a botanist and noted Swiss criminologist. Subsequent researchers included: Dr. Avinoam

Danin, a Botany Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Uri Baruch, a pollen specialist at

the Israel Antiquities Authority, Oswald Sheuermann, a German physics teacher and Dr. Alan

Whanger, an emeritus professor in the USA.

7. Two scientists researched the minute quantities of dirt found on the Shroud. They were Joseph

Kohlbeck, a scientist at the Hercules Aerospace Center, Utah, and Richard Levi-Setti, a scientist at the

University of Chicago

8. Daniel R. Porter of for his excellent analysis, and web site.

9. Joby Provido, author of www.pixelworks/shroud/homepage.htm for his excellent work, and kind

permission to use his images

10. Ross Patterson of for his very kind permission to use his computer

generated images of the Resurrection.

11. and The Visual Bible for their kind permission to use their images.

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12. All quotations from the Bible are from the New King James Version unless otherwise stated.

13. Some images used in this presentation are legally used from 

14. Friends, particularly Rev Chris Hill of who has kindly commented on this



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