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FROM THE DESK OF FR. GALEN LENT AND BEING A WELCOMING PRIEST Lent is the 40 days, excluding Sundays, of penitential preparation for Easter in the church year. It began as early as apostolic times as a short period of fasting, one or two days, preceding a fes- tival. Writings of Tertullian, Irenaeus, and Hippolytus witness to a two-day fast in the 3 rd century. They referred to Tessarakoste, as the name of Lent occurs in the 5 th Council of Nicaea in 325 C. E. The 40 days is suggested by Jesus’ fast in the desert and may have been influenced by the fast prescribed for candidates preparing for baptism. The three leading themes of Lenten liturgy since ancient times have been baptism, penance, and the passion of Christ. One of the purposes of Lent in the early church was preparing candidates for baptism on Easter night, Holy Saturday. (If you wish to be baptized on Holy Saturday or Easter Day, please let me know.) During this season our lessons will reflect references to water, raising from the dead, and light. In the early church, candidates were taught the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer and instructed in the Gospels. Thank you for allowing me to share a brief bit of church history and one purpose of Lent. Now you may be asking, ‘How do I observe a holy Lent?’ This is certainly your choice. Please consider doing more than giving up chocolate, coffee, or dieting. Instead prayerfully consider how you may grow in relationship with the Trinity and your neighbors. It’s in the building of relationships in the vine that produces fruit. This came clearer to me while reading Radical Welcome by Stephanie Spellers. One small section of this book is the foundation of my personal Lenten plan this year. My goal is to be a welcoming priest, focusing on hospitality, con- nection, being centered, and being open to conversation. Hospitality is about being gracious and warm to those around me, especially those whom I’ll call others. (I’m using others as shorthand to describe anyone who would not typically be part of our network of relationships; in the time of Jesus, learned rabbis didn’t hang out with ragged beggars, and in 2016, it’s hard to imagine a CEO sitting on a park bench having a friendly conversation with a homeless person.) Jesus embraced and lived this type of hospitality by eating, drinking, and convers- ing with the disciples and the others. This engagement let those around him see and experience one another as God’s children, and as we read the Gospels today we too can become participants. Connection is about being linked to our neighbors and our neighborhood. I’ve done that in my residential neighborhood, but I still need to find ways to better connect to those within 3 miles of our church. There’s a sincere desire that runs in my veins to better live this out in the Northland. Being centered is having a clear, compelling sense of Christian identity. It’s a self- understanding that’s based in part on our cultural and denominational heritage while primarily and clearly being faithful to the call of living out God’s dream of ‘Kingdom’ through scripture, tradition, and reason and their context. (continued on p. 2) THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd February 2016

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Lent is the 40 days, excluding Sundays, of penitential preparation for Easter in the church year. It began as early as apostolic times as a short period of fasting, one or two days, preceding a fes-tival. Writings of Tertullian, Irenaeus, and Hippolytus witness to a two-day fast in the 3rd century. They referred to Tessarakoste, as the name of Lent occurs in the 5th Council of Nicaea in 325 C. E. The 40 days is suggested by Jesus’ fast in the desert and may have been influenced by the fast prescribed for candidates preparing for baptism.

The three leading themes of Lenten liturgy since ancient times have been baptism, penance, and the passion of Christ. One of the purposes of Lent in the early church was preparing candidates for baptism on Easter night, Holy Saturday. (If you wish to be baptized on Holy Saturday or Easter Day, please let me know.) During this season our lessons will reflect references to water, raising from the dead, and light. In the early church, candidates were taught the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer and instructed in the Gospels.

Thank you for allowing me to share a brief bit of church history and one purpose of Lent. Now you may be asking, ‘How do I observe a holy Lent?’

This is certainly your choice. Please consider doing more than giving up chocolate, coffee, or dieting. Instead prayerfully consider how you may grow in relationship with the Trinity and your neighbors. It’s in the building of relationships in the vine that produces fruit. This came clearer to me while reading Radical Welcome by Stephanie Spellers. One small section of this book is the foundation of my personal Lenten plan this year. My goal is to be a welcoming priest, focusing on hospitality, con-nection, being centered, and being open to conversation.

Hospitality is about being gracious and warm to those around me, especially those whom I’ll call others. (I’m using others as shorthand to describe anyone who would not typically be part of our network of relationships; in the time of Jesus, learned rabbis didn’t hang out with ragged beggars, and in 2016, it’s hard to imagine a CEO sitting on a park bench having a friendly conversation with a homeless person.) Jesus embraced and lived this type of hospitality by eating, drinking, and convers-ing with the disciples and the others. This engagement let those around him see and experience one another as God’s children, and as we read the Gospels today we too can become participants.

Connection is about being linked to our neighbors and our neighborhood. I’ve done that in my residential neighborhood, but I still need to find ways to better connect to those within 3 miles of our church. There’s a sincere desire that runs in my veins to better live this out in the Northland.

Being centered is having a clear, compelling sense of Christian identity. It’s a self-understanding that’s based in part on our cultural and denominational heritage while primarily and clearly being faithful to the call of living out God’s dream of ‘Kingdom’ through scripture, tradition, and reason and their context.

(continued on p. 2)


Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd February 2016



Being open to conversation is about listening carefully to, making room for, sharing with, and learn-ing from those around me. It’s also being attentive to God’s Spirit and using the gifts of the Spirit to be a transformational ally to members of our faith community and others, finding out what is inside and what they sense God is calling out of them for the good of the community.

What I ask of each of you is prayers for me during this season of Lent to stay true to my stated Lenten discipline, to faithfully serve each of you, neighbors, and others through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

He has the right to criticize, who has the heart to help..

Abraham Lincoln


by Senior Warden Analee Lanio

Last Sunday our first hymn at communion was “We all are one in mission” from our Wonder, Love and Praise hymnal. Verses 1, 2 and 4 follow:

“We all are one in mission, we all are one in call, our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all. A single, great commission compels us from above to plan and work together that all may know Christ’s love. We all are called for service to witness in God’s name. Our minis-tries are different, our purpose is the same: to touch the lives of others by God’s surprising grace, so people of all nations may feel God’s warm embrace. Now let us be united and let our song be heard. Now let us be a vessel for God’s redeeming Word. We all are one in mission, we all are one in call. Our varied gifts united by Christ, the lord of all.” (Words by Rusty Edwards)

Sunday was the annual meeting and we elected new vestry members. After the annual meeting there was a short vestry meeting and I was announced as the Senior Warden.

My hope and prayer for 2016 is that we will all be a vessel for God’s love. We have a wonderful talented congregation. This hymn was a perfect selection for last Sunday. By the time you read this newsletter our vestry will have met on Friday night, January 22 and Saturday, Jan-uary 23. We will be calling on all of you to use your varied gifts.

I am honored to be your Senior Warden this year and hope to work with each and every one of you. If you would like to discuss anything during this year, my email is [email protected] and my phone number is 816-835-7447. Peace be with all of you this wonderful year of our Lord.



1 Steve Nelson

2 Ginny Chrostowski

4 Tiarra King

8 Galen Snodgrass

9 Ashaley Perkins

10 Betty George

11 Penny Yardley

14 Wren Ballance

17 Lyle Wood

18 Vicki Nelson

19 Ken Keeling, Jon Herbig

23 Pat Muldoon

24 Millicent Draper

26 Diana Lee

28 Barbara Cobb


2 Bev & Al Spencer

7 Shilah & Paul Boulé

15 Pam & Charlie Cram


Please pray for

Healing of body, mind and spirit: Wren Ballance,

Norma Deyoe, Dana Foster, Betty George, Jim Girsch,

Mark Goss, Cameron Ham, the Harvey family, Corey

Hudson, Pat Johnston, Harold & Judy Kost, Augie

Lanio & family, Caryn Larsen, Patrick Larsen, Dexter

& Alexis McDade, Rex O’Dell, Geddes Paulsen, Bob

Potter. Joe Richardson, Sylvia Roth, Frances Saluto,

Rita Seago, Carrie & Luke Spellman, Ian Thomas, Bill

Turner, Jean White, Mark Wilson, and Mary Wilson

R.I.P. Wava Martene (Wadley) Carroll, aunt of Ward

Wilson, 1/9/2016; Patricia Turner Starns, aunt of Susan

Stensrud and John Starns,, 1/24/16

Expectant parents: Nicholas & Anne Hoatland,

Casey & Mario Moore, and Madison & Connor Wood

Serving in our Armed Forces: Vincent Armato, Clay

Channell, Gary Cram, Craig Elliott, Scott Hall, Doug

Snodgrass, Korinne Takeyama, Elias Wilson, and

Leevi Wilson


If you would like to submit an item for pub-lication in the newsletter, the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Please e-mail your item to Carye at [email protected] . You may also drop the information in the Shepherd’s Voice mailbox in the church office. (If you do this, please follow up with a call to Carye at 816-792-1891 to ensure that the item is picked up in a timely fashion.)

If you would like to have the newsletter sent via e-mail, please contact the church office (452-0745).

Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to

my supplications in your faithfulness;

answer me in your righteousness.

Psalm 143:1




The Backpack Shepherds program helps feed some Eastgate Middle School children & their families, as well as Oakwood Manor and Lakewood Elementary children. These families have been identified by school counselors to be in need. A variety of food to provide good nutrition to the students & their families is packed in backpacks and taken to the schools each week. A large quantity is purchased from Harvesters by our volunteer shoppers at a greatly reduced cost. Donations of bulk quantities of food in non-glass con-tainers are always needed. There are opportunities for you to be a packer, shopper, pick-up or delivery of backpacks person, or a stocker. Packing is done by teams in the early evening on Wednesday or on one Thursday afternoon each month during the school year. To volunteer or for more information contact Dave Talbot. Please note on your check memo line “Backpack Program”.



Thanks to all the parishioners who contributed to the Northland Shepherd's Center JOY Bags project this year. Almost $500.00 was contributed, which is a significant amount of the overall cost.

It is so gratifying to know how supportive our church is of worthy causes. The clients who received the bags of groceries & other things appreciate them, enjoy them, and feel joy in knowing there are people who care about them.


Infant through size 5 Toddler clothes are being collected at Church of the Redeemer for children. Anything used for babies: diapers, wipes, carseats, etc. is needed also. If you have such items please bring them to church, or directly to Redeemer. If we have enough response it would be nice if we had an individual willing to take the responsibility of collecting & delivering the items. Any volunteers? Call Nancy Bash @ 453-5719.


The Outreach Committee meets the second Monday of each even-numbered month at 7 PM. This month’s meeting is on February 8. We work with Bethel UCC in the Backpack Shepherds program, which is housed at Good Shepherd. Our Outreach Garden is located just past the parking lot, and before you know it spring will be here and the volunteers will be out preparing it for planting. In addition, volunteers from Good Shepherd help out at Episcopal Community Services, Northland Assistance Center, Shepherd’s Center of the Northland, and the Clay County Clothes Closet. These are all great opportunities to get involved and make a difference in someone’s life!

Tom Kincaid chairs the committee and will be happy to tell you more. You’re also welcome to attend the February 8 meeting.




Saturday, February 6 at 6 PM in the Parish Hall

We will be offering a choice of lasagna or spaghetti or a little of both, as well as salad, bread, dessert and wine. Tickets will be two for $25.00 or one for $15.00. Youth under 10 years of age are $8.00. To-go plates can also be purchased for $10.00. Piano music will be provided by Terry Foster. We will also be holding a silent auction that evening – make sure to bring your checkbooks because the winners will be announced that night!


Tuesday, February 9 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Tickets are available in the church foyer after all services through February 7. Tick-ets can also be purchased that evening at the door. Ticket prices are $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children under 12, and guests are free.


Our Valentine's Day Celebration! February 11, 2016 at Cascone’s at 1:00 p.m.

Hostess: Susan Brown, 816-436-3401 Please join us! If you are not on my call list and you plan to attend, please call me so that there will be plenty of seats for everyone.


This new theatrical production explores the 1988 explosion in south Kan-sas City that caused the tragic deaths of six Kansas City firefighters. The produc-tion and post-play discussions will seek to both honor those firefighters and exam-ine questions about the case, raised by new evidence that has surfaced since the 1997 conviction and life imprisonment of five Kansas Citians. This is also an opportunity to see our fellow parishioner Nancy Marcy in action! We are putting together a group to attend the 3 PM matinee on Saturday, February 20 . We can get a group discount on tickets. If you’re interested in going with us, please let Carye Williams or Nancy Marcy know.



The Woolly Shepherds knitting group meets on the third Thursday of each month from 6 (or whenever you can get there) to 7:30 PM in the Troy-Lewis study. Bring whatever you’re working on, anything completed that you’d like to show off, knitting problems you need solving, interesting new patterns, yarn you’d like to give away or trade, etc. etc. Beginners are welcome! For more infor-mation, contact Mary Lee, [email protected].


Hi, everyone. There's a new ministry here at Good Shepherd that has been missing—the St. Francis Ministry. This idea was born out of a visit by Fr. Galen to the "Friends of the Parkville Animal Shelter (FOPAS)" when he did a special animal blessing last October for all the homeless dogs and cats residing there. Knowing how important His animal children are to God, knowing how many of us love our pets, and realizing how much help is needed to care for homeless, abused and neglected animals, it seemed that this ministry would be an important addition to this church.

Right now we're trying to figure out how this can be put into action. Anyone who is interested in being a part of it or simply giving some suggestions is encouraged to let Fr. Galen or me know. We DO know that we'll be posting special events going on in this area, and also important info that might help all of us "pet parents" care for our furry kids. Also, we'd like to let everyone about opportunities to volunteer at shelters and rescue groups.

A simple visit to a shelter, even a wonderful one like the Friends in Parkville, makes one realize how lucky our own pets are and how much help is needed by the homeless ones. For example, this shelter recently had a dog brought to them who was almost blind, alone and wandering in rural Platte County. Imagine how scary that would be. Keller needed help, real help, and they were able to call on the community to help finance a huge vet bill to have surgery done on her eyes so she could actually see. Donations were made, small ones that people could afford, but all those small ones added up to her being able to finally see, and play and feel safe and find that forever home. I don't know about you, but to me that is doing God's work—helping those innocent animals who have no voice. So be on the lookout for messages from the St Francis Ministry and please, if you'd like to be a part of it, just let Fr. Galen or me know. The animals will thank you for it.

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their

fellow man." -- St. Francis of Assisi




February 10—Ash Wednesday Service, Noon & 7 pm February 17—Eucharist, Noon & 6 pm Program—Session 1, God February 24—Eucharist, Noon & 6 pm Program– Session 2, Jesus March 2—Stations of the Cross, Noon & 6 pm Program—Session 3, Salvation March 9– Eucharist, Noon & 6 pm Program– Session 4, Practice March 16– Stations of the Cross, Noon & 6 pm Program—Session 5, Community


March 24—Maundy Thursday Eucharist & Foot-Washing, 7 pm Seder Meal, following worship March 25– Good Friday Worship, Noon, 7 pm March 26– Easter Even Worship, 7 pm Agape Feast following worship March 27– Easter Services, 8 & 10:15 am

Once again this year all eyes will be fixed on the holy women and men of God as they enter the Heavenly Arena in quest of the GOLDEN HALO! Learn about the saints and have fun. Google “Lent Madness” or find it on Facebook. More information and the official booklets will be coming up shortly. Watch for the brackets to be posted on the bulletin board.



Wednesday noon and Wednesday evenings

“Embracing an Adult Faith, Marcus Borg on What It Means to Be Christian” DVD series


Wednesday evenings only

C. S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” DVD with accompanying discussion and arts & crafts projects


Living Compass, “Living Well Through Lent 2016”

Lent Madness

The Labyrinth will be available during Holy Week

Stations of the Cross with booklets

SEDER For the whole family, following the Maundy Thursday service on March 24. You must sign up by March 20. Watch for a sign-up sheet to be post-ed on the bulletin board.









2/6 Saturday 6:00PM Italian Dinner/Silent Auction

2/6-2/7 Sat/Sun After services Souper Bowl of Caring

2/13-2/14 Sat/Sun Snow Creek/Lock-In

2/18 Thursday 6:30PM Backpacks/Youth Support

2/21 Sunday 5:30-7:00PM Youth Get Together

2/26-2/28 Fri-Sun Happening #73


The youth group will be holding our first ever Italian dinner/silent auction fundraiser on Satur-day, February 6th starting at 6pm. We will be offering a choice of lasagna or spaghetti or a little of both as well as salad, bread, dessert, and wine. Tickets will be 2 for $25.00 or 1 for $15.00. We will also offer to go orders for $10.00 per plate. Piano music will be provided by Terry Foster. We will also be holding a silent auction that evening – make sure to bring your check books because the winners will be an-nounced that night!


The youth group will be participating in Souper Bowl of Caring again this year on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7, 2016, as well as during the Saturday, February 6th service. The youth will collect money following the 8:00 and 10:15 services on Sunday. All proceeds will benefit the Good Shepherd Backpack Program. Please help to make this an even bigger success this year!


Join the KC Network as we travel to Snow Creek to go snow tubing! Meet at 5 pm to carpool from Good Shepherd to the Snow Creek Ski Area in Weston, MO or meet everyone there at 6 pm. Ad-vance Registration required for group ticket pricing!

Tube for two hours, come back to Good Shepherd for the lock­in, then head home at 9am on Sun-day following the 8 am service. Cost: $25 includes tubing and lock­in snacks. Optional: Extra $ for snacks at Snow Creek. Join the fun!

Register online at



February 26-28, 2016

Location: Grace Episcopal Church, 820 Howard, Carthage, MO

Why come to Happening? Simply put, Happening is a spiritual awakening/renewal weekend for high school youth led by high school youth. Adult facilitators, lay and clergy, support the weekend and the preparations of the team leading the event. IMAGINE...youth give up their cell phones for a weekend to have real conversations with people about God - what could be better! Talk to youth/adults, see it in action and get inspired! Register online at


Silent Auction – Starts on the weekend of April 9th and 10th and will run through Sunday, May 1st. If you have anything to donate, let Laura know by April 3rd.

Spring Garage Sale – Friday, April 22nd and Saturday, April 23rd. We welcome any donations except for box television sets, car seats, and clothing but please remember that donations of clothing can always be made to the Clay County Clothes closet.


Maundy Thursday Retreat, March 24-25 and/or Good Friday Lock-In, March 25-26, KC. Register online now at

Junior High Retreat - April 1-3

St. Philip’s, Joplin

706 Byers Avenue

Joplin, MO

Grades 5th - 8th -

We are more than a body, we are spiritual beings on a human journey. Talking about the important issues in our lives is part of that experience. Asking questions and finding our own answers helps us lead a more authentic life. And, since relationships continually change there is no limit to the number of weekends a 5th-8th grader can attend! Short talks are given on relationships, peer pressure, social media, scripture and prayer….and all that makes for good discussion! Register online now at

KC Network Day of Service - April 30



Week of 4 Epiphany

Sun, Jan. 31: Psalm 24, 29 * 8, 84. Gen. 18:16-33, Gsl. 5:13-25, Mark 8:22-30 Mon, Feb. 1: Psalm 56, 57 [58] * 64, 65. Gen. 19:1-17(18-23)24-29, Heb. 11:1-12, John 6:27-40 Tue, Feb. 2: Psalm 61, 62 * 68:1-20(21-23)24-36. Gen. 21:1-21, Heb. 11:13-22, John 6:41-51. Wed, Feb. 3: Psalm 72 * 119:73-96. Gen. 22:1-18, Heb. 11:23-31, John 6:52-59. Thur, Feb. 4: Psalm 70, 71 * 74. Gen. 23:1-20, Heb. 11:32-12:2, John 6:60-71. Fri, Feb. 5: Psalm 69:1-23(24-30)31-38, * 73. Gen. 24:1-27, Heb. 12:3-11, John 7:1-13. Sat, Feb. 6: Psalm 75, 76 * 23, 27. Gen. 24:28-38, 49-51, Heb. 12:12-29, John 7:14-36.

Last Week of Epiphany

Sun, Feb. 7: Psalm 148, 149, 150 * 114, 115. Ecclus. 48:1-11. 2 Cor. 3:7-18, Luke 9:18-27. Mon, Feb. 8: Psalm 25 * 9, 15. Prov. 27:1-6, 10-12, Phil. 2:1-13, John 18:15-18, 25-27. Tue, Feb. 9: Psalm 26, 28 * 36, 39. Prov. 30:1-4, 24-33, Phil. 3:1-11, John 18:28-38. Ash Wed, Feb. 10: Psalm 95 & 32, 143 * 102, 130. Amos 5:6-15, Heb. 12:1-14, Luke 18:9-14. Thur, Feb. 11: Psalm 37:1-18 * 37:19-42. Hab. 3:1-10(11-15)16-18, Phil. 3:12-21, John 17:1-8. Fri, Feb. 12: Psalm 31 * 35. Ezek. 18:1-4, 25-32, Phil. 4:1-9, Mark John 17:9-19. Sat, Feb. 13: Psalm 30, 32 * 42, 43. Ezek. 39:21-29, Phil 4:10-20, John 17:20-26.

Week of 1 Lent

Sun, Feb. 14: Psalm 63:1-8(9-11), 98 * 103. Dan. 9:3-10, Heb. 2:10-18, John 12:44-50. Mon, Feb. 15: Psalm 41, 52 * 44. Gen. 37:1-11, I Cor. 1:1-19, Mark 1:1-13. Tue, Feb. 16: Psalm 45 * 47, 48. Gen. 37:12-24. I Cor. 1:20-31, Mark 1:14-28. Wed Feb. 17: Psalm 95* & 32, 143 * 102, 130. Gen. 37:25-36. I Cor. 2:1-13, Mark 1:29-45. Thur, Feb. 18: Psalm 50 * [59, 60] or 19, 46. Gen. 39:1-23, I Cor. 2:14--3:15, Mark 2:1-12. Fri, Feb. 19: Psalm 95 & 40, 54 * 51. Gen. 40:1-23, I Cor. 3:16-23, Mark 2:13-22. Sat, Feb. 20: Psalm Psalm 55 * 138, 139:1-17(18-23). Gen. 41:1-13, I Cor. 4:1-7, Mark 2:23—3:6.

Week of 2 Lent

Sun, Feb. 21: Psalm 244, 29 * 8, 84. Gen. 41:14-45, Rom. 6:3-14, John 5:19-24. Mon, Feb. 22: Psalm 56, 57, 58 * 64, 65. Gen. 41:46-57, I Cor. 4:8-21, Mark 3:7-19a. Tue, Feb. 23: Psalm 61, 62 * 68:1-20(21-23)24-36. Gen. 42:1-17, I Cor. 5:1-8, Mark 3:19b-35. Wed, Feb 24: Psalm 72 * 119:73-96. Gen. 42:18-28, I Cor. 5:9—6:8, Mark 4:1-20. Thur, Feb. 25: Psalm [70] 71 * 74. Gen. 42:29-38, I Cor. 6:12-20, Mark 4:21-34. Fri, Feb. 26: Psalm 69:1-23(24-30)31-38. * 73. Gen. 43:1-15, I Cor. 7:1-9, Mark 4:35-41. Sat, Feb. 27: Psalm 75, 76 * 23, 27. Gen. 43:16-34, I Cor. 7:10-24, Mark 5:1-20.

Week of 3 Lent

Sun, Feb. 28: Psalm 93, 96 * 34. Gen. 44:1-17, Rom 8:1-10, John 5:25-29. Mon, Feb. 29: Psalm 80 * 77, [79]. Gen 44:18-34, I Cor. 7:25-31, Mark 5:21-43.



Giving of your time and talents can further enrich both your life and the life of the community around you. If

you would be interested in being involved with a ministry group at Good Shepherd, please refer to the con-

tact person(s) for each of the ministry groups listed below.

Ministry Group

Contact Meeting Time/

Date Ministry

Group Contact

Meeting Time/Date

Acolytes Ron Ham Monthly obliga-tions as sched-


Nursery Teachers

Tiffany Olsson 9:00 through 10:15 service

Altar Guild Liz Janney Monthly obliga-tions, Quarterly


Office Help-

ers Kathy Potter As needed

Building and Grounds

David Talbot

1st Tuesday of each month,

7:00 PM Workday, 3rd

Saturday of each month

Pastoral Care. Eucharistic

Visitors Judy Lane As scheduled

Backpack Shepherds

David Talbot Outreach

Chair: Tom


Reaching out to our local com-munity, the na-

tion, and the world.

2nd Monday of

each even-numbered

month 7:00 PM

Chalice Bear-ers

Monthly obliga-tions as sched-


Clay County Clothes Clos-

et Tom Kincaid

Coffee Hour Mary Lee After the 10;15


Episcopal Community

Services Judy Lane

Communica-tion Director

Brad Hale As scheduled Northland

Assistance Center

John Zaiger

Daughters of the King

Carye Williams 2nd Sun. of the month after 10:15 service

Outreach Garden

Bob Kile

Christian Formation

Judy Kile 4th Tuesdays,

7:00 PM Shepherd’s

Center Nancy Bash

Education for Ministry

Kristin Nieder-berger, Susan


Mondays 6:45 PM

Sunday Adult Bible Study

Bob Kile Sundays

9:00-10:00 AM

Evangelism Pat White, Brad Hale

2nd Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00 PM

Ushers Jon Herbig

Monthly obliga-tions as sched-


Financial Ministries Council (FMC)

Bev Roggenkamp

1st Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:30 PM

Vestry, Clerk

and Treasurer Tom Kincaid,

Fr. Galen 2nd Tuesday of each Month

Lay Readers Monthly obliga-tions as sched-


Wedding re-ception host-

ing Nina Edwards As requested

Music Instrumental

Terry Foster Wed. 7:15

10:15 Service

Youth Group Laura Williams Weekly as an-


Music Vocal

Terry Foster

Adult Choir Wed. 7:15, Sun. 9:30 Rehearsal, 10:15 Service

Book Club Judy Kile 3rd Tuesdays at

7 PM

Newsletter Carye Williams Published



Roy & Jacquel-

ine Perdue As needed

College Stu-

dents Mary Lee As needed

St. Francis

Ministry Susan Jacobs As needed


Rev. Galen D. Snodgrass ……………………...………Rector

Laura Williams…………………………..………...Youth Director

Kathy Potter……………………………………..Church Secretary

Carye Williams…………………………….…..Newsletter Editor

Jeff VanWagner................................................Sexton

Parish Phone #: 816-452-0745

Tiffany Olsson………………………..…………………….Nursery

Brad Hale…………………...……....Communication Director

Parish Fax #: 816-452-6080

Parish E-mail: [email protected]


Staff Meetings: Thursdays 9:00 AM

Holy Eucharist: Saturdays 4:30 PM

Sundays 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM

Church of the Good Shepherd

4947 N. E. Chouteau Dr.

Kansas City, MO 64119-4815