the shalom v o l u m e 4 5 , n o . 7...more involved in environmental projects through oseh shalom,...

OSEH SHALOM’S CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER Dear Hevre, I hope that the winter months have been peaceful for you. It’s hard to believe that Passover is just around the corner! The pivotal holiday offers a strong message of simplicity and minimal consumption. The Torah tells us to get rid of chametz, or grain products, for the holiday. Many Jews believe that chametz, the puffed up leavened products, symbolizes the excess baggage of our inflated egos and our expansive perceived physical needs. When we clean our homes before the holiday to get rid of traces of grain products--the ‘traditional’ chametz- -we should also work to simplify our lives and pare back on our excess physical belongings and consumption. This message of simplicity and reduced consumption speaks deeply to the environmental crises of global warming and energy shortage. Our current dizzying pace of energy consumption and carbon emissions threatens the health of the planet through rampant climate change and degradation of our natural resources. Many leaders and organizations have called for widespread change. The White House recently announced an initiative to reduce Federal Government greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by the year 2020. The organizations of the Reconstructionist movement recently signed onto the Jewish RE-FUEL YOUR THINK TANK Sunday, March 11, 2012 7 Hours, 70 Sessions 10 – 5 @ University of Maryland, College Park, Munching Hall From comedy to Kabbalah, global politics to playground politics, soul mates to soul searching. 70 great conversations with inspiring speakers. What they say might surprise you! Sponsored by the Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning and Maryland Hillel. General Admission: $18 ($25 at the door) Students: FREE (with valid student ID) - high school and undergraduate students Registration now open: / 240.283.6200 Rabbi’s Message INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Rabbi’s Message 1-3 Presidents’ Report 2-3 Social Action 9 Religious VPs 10 Shabbat Iyyun 16 Candle Lighting 18 Routes: A Day of Jewish Learning The Shalom The Shalom The Shalom MARCH 2012/5772 VOLUME 45, NO. 7 OSEH SHALOM’S CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER

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Page 1: The Shalom V O L U M E 4 5 , N O . 7...more involved in environmental projects through Oseh Shalom, please contact our Community Services co chairs, Linda Bergofsky (

O S E H S H A L O M ’ S C O N G R E G A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R

Dear Hevre,

I hope that the winter months have been peaceful for you. It’s hard to believe that Passover is just around the corner!

The pivotal holiday offers a strong message of simplicity and minimal consumption. The Torah tells us to get rid of chametz, or grain products, for the holiday. Many Jews believe that chametz, the puffed up leavened products, symbolizes the excess baggage of our inflated egos and our expansive perceived physical needs. When we clean our homes before the holiday to get rid of traces of grain products--the ‘traditional’ chametz--we should also work to simplify our lives and pare back on our excess physical belongings and consumption.

This message of simplicity and reduced consumption speaks deeply to the environmental crises of global warming and energy shortage. Our current dizzying pace of energy consumption and carbon emissions threatens the health of the planet through rampant climate change and degradation of our natural resources. Many leaders and organizations have called for widespread change. The White House recently announced an initiative to reduce Federal Government greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by the year 2020.

The organizations of the Reconstructionist movement recently signed onto the Jewish


Sunday, March 11, 2012

7 Hours, 70 Sessions

10 – 5 @ University of Maryland, College Park, Munching Hall

From comedy to Kabbalah, global politics to playground politics, soul mates to soul searching. 70 great conversations with inspiring speakers. What they say might surprise you! Sponsored by the Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning and Maryland Hillel.

General Admission: $18 ($25 at the door)

Students: FREE (with valid student ID) - high school and undergraduate students

Registration now open: / 240.283.6200

Rabbi’s Message I N S I D E








Social Action 9

Religious VPs 10







Routes: A Day of Jewish Learning

The ShalomThe ShalomThe Shalom M A R C H 2 0 1 2 / 5 7 7 2 V O L U M E 4 5 , N O . 7

O S E H S H A L O M ’ S C O N G R E G A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R

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Rabbi’s Message (continued)

Energy Covenant Campaign, spearheaded by the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL). The Campaign focuses on the goal of significantly lowering greenhouse-gas emissions within the Jewish community, advocating for energy independence and security, and reducing the Jewish community’s energy consumption 14% by 2014. COEJL picked the auspicious year 2014 in part because it marks the next occasion of the shmita, the sabbatical year in which the Torah tells us to let the Earth rest.

The campaign’s Call to Action declares:

We need to internalize the idea of environmental responsibility, the constant awareness that we are a people of menders, of healers, and that our fractured planet – compound fractures, at that – cries out for healing. Our readiness to take up the challenge must become part of who we are and what we are about. For in the end, the environment is not something “out there”; we ourselves are part of it. We cannot “fix” the environment unless we are prepared – nay, eager – to repair ourselves. Enlightened stewardship is not only a religious and moral imperative; it is a strategy for security and survival.

I’m confident that we at Oseh Shalom are ready to do our part. We’ve already taken numerous important steps toward energy efficiency, environmental action, and awareness. These include:

Current efforts to create a solar rooftop

Multiple community gardening projects, including our new Sharon Stern Memorial Garden and our organic produce garden

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued on page 3)


Presidents’ Report In March we celebrate Purim. Purim literally means “lots”, and the name reminds us of the fact that Haman (BOOOO!) used lots to determine the date on which the Jews of Persia would be killed. There was no rhyme or reason to the choosing of this date; it was left to random chance. Purim reminds us that many matters of both life and death are, essentially, a matter of chance. We struggle valiantly to control our lives, but ultimately we all face the stark reality that control is an illusion, that much of life is unpredictable and, at times, unfair , and that all we can control is our response to life’s relentless slings and arrows. We may work hard, we may take good care of ourselves and others, but we still exercise precious little influence over the ways in which our destiny, and the destiny of those whom we love, plays out. Therefore, we must all learn to cultivate an attitude of acceptance, and to roll with life’s punches. We all have the choice to lament, or to laugh at, the human condi-tion, to marinate in that which is disappointing and disillusioning, or to live life em-bracing both its mystifying complexity and its wondrous marvels. This is where faith helps. This is where practicing joy helps. And this is where being part of a commu-nity helps. Purim provides us with an annual opportunity to collectively experience faith and joy as we drown out the name of Haman and “get so drunk that we cannot

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President’s Report (cont.)

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tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman.” The communal solidarity that emerges as we read the story of Esther together brings us together, and reminds us that it is through our shared experience of fragility and vulnerability that our humanity most radiantly reveals itself.

Oseh offers many activities through which members can experience communal solidar-ity. There is our congregational theme, “Practicing Being Jewish”, and the Rabbi’s drashot on Friday nights, as well as the Retreat in January and many of the Life Long Learning events, reflect and elaborate on this theme. Our congregation also hosted Women’s Winterhaven in January and Men’s Winterhaven in February, and we would like to thank the many volunteers who helped with these endeavors. Additionally, the Sisterhood organized the Tu B’shvat Seder and the Men’s Club organized the annual Super Goal event. Life Long Learning will sponsor “Mystical Experience: Insights from the Psilocybin Research” and did sponsor Rabbi Arthur Green’s lecture. The Shabbat Lunch and Learn series continued with Jake Robbins' speaking on “Jews: A people or Religion.”

There will be Purim Services on March 7, and a Shabbat Iyyun on March 23 featuring Maryrita Wieners speaking about the “Stations on the Journey to a New Spiritual Com-munity.” Finally Top Chef Oseh will be held on March 31. Please remember that Tot Shabbat services are scheduled during the first part of the family service, which takes place on the first Friday of every month.

There continue to be plenty to do and many ways to come together as a community. Check the calendar on the web site as well as your Inbox for e-mail updates. As always, if you have suggestions please let us know.

Roberta and Karen

Widespread adoption of energy efficient CLF lightbulbs

Single-stream recycling

Installation of tankless water heaters

Of course these steps aren’t enough. As a community and as individual households, we can and should do more to promote a healthy environment that will sustain our children and grandchildren, l’dor vador. If you wish to get more involved in environmental projects through Oseh Shalom, please contact our Community Services co-chairs, Linda Bergofsky ([email protected]) and Judy Swanner ([email protected]).

May the weeks before Pesach inspire us to focus on the essence of our needs, and to get rid of the chametz of excessive consumption and outsized carbon footprints. Best wishes for a wonderful spring and a sweet Pesach!


Rabbi Doug Heifetz

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Mazel Tov! Cindy and Jay Feinberg announce the engagement of their son Kevin Feinberg to Lisa Manaresi. They reside in Arlington, Virginia. She is a nurse at Childrens Hospital in DC, and he is a software developer SAP in Arlington.


Development Corner Tzedek Fund

We are very happy to report that as we head into the last month of our Tzedek campaign, we have collected almost $21,000 from 48 congregant families. Of these contributions, 40% of the total came from contributions of $500 or more. Although we are very pleased with our re-sults to date, to match last year’s contributions, an additional $10,000 is still needed.

At Oseh Shalom, we are entirely dependent upon the generosity of our membership, particu-larly those in a position to maker larger donations. If you have already made a Tzedek contri-bution, but at a lower level than customary, please consider giving an amount equal to your previous donations. If you have not yet made your 2012 taxable Tzedek donation, now would be an excellent time to do so. Your contribution helps fund our abatement program so that our fellow congregants can maintain their connection to Oseh Shalom and to the Jewish commu-nity.

We are confidant that you will respond generously and that we will meet our Tzedek goal.

Steve Kaplan

The congregation sends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Elie Fried Stowe and her entire family on the recent death of Susie Parker, z''l, sister of Elie Fried Stowe.

Baruch Dayan ha’Emet

To Emily Blank in beloved memory of her mother Annette Blank

Pauline Pivowar


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From the Desk of Barry Nove

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A lot has been happening in February; we’ve two new renters: a monthly Church Bible Study on Monday evenings (which hopes to grow into a twice a month meeting), and Shake Your Soul® YogaDance class twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. with Marlene West, the only certified Yoga-Dance teacher in the State of Maryland. To learn more or to participate call Marlene West at (410) 733-8786, sessions are $8 per person. The class is followed by the long-standing Israeli Dance session at 8:15 p.m. every Wednesday evening.

Shake Your Soul® is a holistic approach to movement and dance, and was inspired by yoga, Qi Kung, modern dance, African dance, and body-mind centering. In their classes, they will also explore music and dances from all over the world. Shake Your Soul® is about having fun, dancing to uplifting music, and feeling good in your body.

The new class leads into the Israeli Dance group regular meeting at 8:15 p.m., held every Wednesday night at Oseh Shalom, so I encourage you to consider coming out and enjoying both opportunities. I understand that Israeli Dance charges $5 per person per session.

At this time last year, I wrote in my article asking members

to keep Oseh Shalom in mind when hearing someone’s interested in rental space for a meeting or family event. Rental income for this year, not including our rental to ABCkidstime, looks to be coming in at double what I budgeted for the year. I’d like to do even better, so please keep the buzz out there and know we love providing a home to your simchas too!

I would also like to thank all the volunteers we’ve had this past month: Judy Arnoff, Rose Fishman, Jacqueline Gentile, Molly Hullinger, Karen Israel, Doris Kirschbaum, Pauline Pivowar, and Linda Schoolnick. I can’t tell you enough how much help they are.

On a personal note I am excited about the fact my two books are now available in digital print (ebooks – for Nook and Kindle). Getting a book published has been a dream since I was a teenager; having a novel and a book of my short stories published by two different publishers is more than I could have wished for. I’m hoping to have a book launch and reading at the upcoming Balticon, the Baltimore Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, over Memorial Day Weekend. I know some of our members are regulars at the convention and hope to see you there. If you’re interested in learning more

about my books visit my websites: or

Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a wonderful Passover. Have a Zissen/Sweet Passover.

Barry Nove

Facility and Office Manager

[email protected]

301-498-5151 ext. 25

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Social Action: Tikkun Olam Opportunities

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Now that our Super Goal party is over and Purim is almost here, it’s time to plan for another Oseh Shalom tradition, our 4th annual Mitzvah Day. This year’s Mitzvah Day will be held on Sunday, April 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 1:00


Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity for all individuals in our congregation to come together in the holy task of tikkun olam, repairing the world. Mitzvah Day is a conscious effort, on one single day, to bring together the entire Oseh community to spend the morning on social justice and environmental activities to benefit our greater community.

Here’s the Mitzvah Day schedule

9:00 AM Breakfast and Blessing

9:30 to 11:30 AM Participate in Mitzvot activities

11:30 AM Enjoy lunch and a discussion

Mitzvot examples from the past three years include:

Preparing casseroles for Elizabeth House

Digging in the dirt and planting the Oseh Shalom Community Garden

Putting together goodie bags for children living in shelters

Sewing pillows with the Caring & Support committee to hand out to our congregants who are sick

Helping out in local county parks systems

Maybe you have other ideas for Mitzvah day activities that you’d like to share. If you would like to participate in planning Mitzvah Day 2012, please contact:

Felicia Dannick-Friedman [email protected]

Judy Swanner [email protected]

Linda Bergofsky [email protected]

Like to shop? Hate to shop and do it all online? Either way, before you click the Amazon link, click the Oseh link

( Then click the Support and Support menu and go to Amazon. Oseh gets a percentage and it costs you nothing. You can also find out how to register your Giant Foods card, donate a car or boat, buy a brick on our Pathway of Peace, or remember a special occasion with one of the many wonderful Oseh funds. So Shop till you Drop, but click Oseh first! Who knew shopping was such a good thing? (OK, ladies we all knew!)


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From Your Religious VPs

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In 2009 the Board approved, and

we began implementing, our

current Kashrut and Dietary Policy.

It’s been about three years now,

time to review the Policy to see

what parts of it need changing or


After soliciting feedback from the

congregation for more than six

months, a group met on January

29 to review a series of requested

changes to our current Kashrut

policy. The following changes

were recommended by this group.

Prior to sending these to the

Religious Committee and then to

the Board for approval, we would

like to give the congregation at

large further opportunity for

comment. Please send your

comments to the Religious Co-

Vice Presidents, Helen Lann and

John Riehl: [email protected]

and [email protected] as

soon as possible.

Recommended Changes:

I. Peanut/Food Prohibition Policy

Current Policy: Peanuts or

products containing them are

prohibited on entire Oseh campus,

and tree nuts, chick peas, and

sesame seeds (and products

containing them) are prohibited

from the School Wing.

Proposed Change: Peanuts or

products containing them are

prohibited on entire Oseh Shalom

campus. Tree nuts are also

prohibited in the school wing only.

Chick peas, sesame seeds, and

products containing them are

permitted in the School Wing for

non-Religious School events. Per

Religious School Policy, chick peas,

sesame seeds, and products

containing them will not be served

during Religious School events.

II. Food for Pot Luck or other events

Current Policy: Only dairy or parve

food prepared in congregants’ homes

or from kosher certified

establishments can be brought in for

pot luck events and cannot be

brought into the kitchen.

Proposed Policy Change: Dairy or

pareve (no meat) food prepared in

non-kosher establishments (such as

cheese or vegetarian pizza,

vegetable or fruit platters, etc) can be

brought in and served at Pot Luck or

other events (such as Religious

School dinners). Food prepared in

homes or non-kosher-certified

establishments may not be brought

into the kitchen. No kitchen

equipment, utensils, etc, may be

used to serve, prepare or store such

food. The group should be clearly

informed that the food being served

is from a non-kosher-certified

establishment. Congregants bringing

in food are responsible for making

every reasonable effort to check

ingredients to make sure no lard,

meat products, etc. were used. No

food prepared in Oseh’s kitchen may

be served at an event where food is

brought in from a non-kosher-

certified establishment or

congregants’ homes.

III. Food for Winterhaven

Current Policy: Food prepared for

Elizabeth House or other facility may

be prepared in congregant homes

and stored in our refrigerators or

freezers. The food must be sealed

and wrapped. The Current Policy

does not address preparing food

distributed at Winterhaven or similar


Proposed Policy Change:

Meat, dairy, or pareve meals may be

prepared in Oseh Shalom's kitchen in

accordance with our Kashrut and

Dietary Policy.

Congregants may prepare dairy or

pareve meals at home to be given as

bagged lunches to individuals who

stay at Oseh Shalom as part of our

Winterheaven or similar shelter


No peanut or peanut products are


Dairy and meat products may not be

prepared together or served in the

same lunch (no ham and cheese


Each individual meal must be

individually wrapped, sealed, bagged,

and marked.

Meals prepared at home may be

brought into the synagogue and may

be stored in the dairy refrigerator or


Food should be stored in a

separately-marked container in our

dairy refrigerator.

Kitchen equipment, utensils, etc, may

NOT be used to serve food prepared

and brought in from congregant


Meals prepared at home may not be

served in the synagogue.

IV. Food before holiday services

Current Policy: Only kosher-certified

meat, or dairy/pareve foods/meals

prepared in Oseh Shalom’s kitchen

(Continued on page 11)

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or purchased from kosher-certified facilities in

accordance with this Kashrut and Dietary Policy may be

served during or after the following services or events:

Tikkun L’eyl Shavuot Program/Service

Selichot Program/Service

Proposed Policy Change: Those designated to bring in

food for a Shavuot or Selichot program (study group,

Tikun L’eil Shavuot, etc) may bring in dairy or pareve

food (no meat) prepared in congregant homes in

accordance with our Kashrut and Dietary Policy, in non-

kosher establishments (bakeries, etc), OR use dairy or

pareve food prepared in a kosher-certified

establishment or that is kosher-certified to serve at the

event. Food prepared in congregant homes or brought

in from non-kosher-certified establishments may not be

brought into the kitchen, and kitchen utensils or

equipment may not be used to prepare, serve, or store

such food.

(Continued from page 10) V. Passover Rentals

No current policy exists.

Proposed Policy Change: Those wishing to rent Oseh

facilities for an event at Passover must prepare all food for

the event in the Oseh kitchen or use Kosher-for-Passover

food prepared by a Kosher certified caterer; no food may be

prepared at home and brought into the synagogue for an

event during Passover.

No “kitniyot” (rice, beans, etc) may be prepared or served at

events at Oseh Shalom during Passover; the synagogue

follows Ashkenazi dietary customs during Passover. The

rationale for this recommendation is that to allow the

preparation of rice, beans ,and other foods per Sephardic

custom would make the kitchen unusable for those following

Ashkenzi tradition and could cause division in our community.

Passover is a short period of time, thus following the

Ashkenazi custom would not cause an undue burden to the


Helen Lann & John Riehl

Tot Shabbat: - 7:30 PM, First Friday Night of the Month We've changing the start time for our monthly music- and story-filled Tot Shabbat service,

geared toward children ages 2-5. The Tots and their parents now gather in the Sanctuary for

the beginning of the Family Service. The Family Service starts at 7:30 PM on the first Friday

night of each month. At 7:45 we invite the young children into the Quiet Room for the Tot

Shabbat service. The children are invited, but of course not required, to join in the

program, which lasts about 25 minutes. Afterwards, the Tot Shabbat participants

may return to the sanctuary for the end of the Family Service. Please contact Tot

Shabbat program leader Julie Argue ([email protected]) if you have any

questions. Please spread the word to anyone you know who has young children!

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MEETINGS: Sisterhood began in 1968 as a woman’s group within The Jewish Congregation of

Laurel (as it was called at that time). Membership is free and is open to any woman, regardless of

whether she is Jewish or a member of the Congregation. The Sisterhood offers great programs to

enjoy while doing your bit for the Oseh Shalom family. If interested, then come to our next

meeting and find out what the Sisterhood has to offer you.

Look forward to seeing you; we meet the first Tuesday of the month.


On Tuesday, May 1, at 7:00 p.m., Avital Kranz from The David Project will address the Upper School Students and their parents, on the subject, “How Do We Respond to Anti-Israel Sentiments and Forge Better Un-derstanding on Our College Campuses?” We invite all other congregants, especially high school and college age members and their parents, to join this important dis-cussion.

Motivated by the concern of a parent whose child was both surprised by the intensity of anti-Israel feeling on her campus and dismayed by her own inability to re-spond to it, the Life Long Learning Committee and the Upper School decided to invite a spokesperson from The David Project to address this concern.

The David Project defines its mis-

sion as follows: “The David Project posi-

tively shapes campus opinion on Israel by educating,

training, and empowering student leaders to be thought-

ful, strategic and persuasive advocates.” We also hope to

invite current college students to share their personal ex-

periences. If you are such a student or know of such a

student, please contact Amy Lechter-Siegel

([email protected]) or Hillary Finkel

([email protected]); we would love you to contrib-

ute to this discussion in any way you are comfortable.

Speaker to Address Anti-Israel Sentiments on College Campuses

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Beyond Borders Beyond Borders: The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - Melton Specialty Class

Tuesdays 2/28, 3/13, 3/27, 4/17, 5/1, 5/15, 5/29, 6/12

7:15-8:45 PM

Cost: $200 + $36 for materials. Please contact [email protected] or 240-283-6200 for registration materials.

Instructors; Anton Goodman, James Hyman, JoHanna Potts and Avi West

Location: Oseh Shalom, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, MD

The Mideast has been called the crossroads of multiple continents and cultures. It should therefore come as no sur-prise that the complexity of the Arab-Israeli conflict involves the intersection of religion, culture, history, politics, eco-nomics, and the daily struggle for identity and survival.

Through the use of texts and documents (including government documents, newspaper articles, poetry, songs, speeches, and photographs) students will gain insight into the origins of the conflict and its reverberations today.

Topics will include:

An introduction to the region - Palestine before 1880; biblical boundaries, travelers’ journals, rise of nationalisms, understanding maps.

The rise of Zionism- from Herzl’s vision to the Balfour Declaration; Jewish aspira-tions, Arab protestations, and British provocations as the Ottoman Empire gets sliced and diced.

Between the Wars - conflicting goals of independence, whose national rights are right? Read from the key British Commission reports (King-Crane, Peel), sug-gestions of partition plans, and the White Paper that created British policy during World War II.

World War II and the Holocaust- additional impetus towards Zionist independence. Birthing a state - “if not now, when?” and a review of tactics and strategies (Monday morning quarterbacking).

From Israel’s war of independence- and the Arabs' Nakba (disaster), through the 1950s.

The rise of Palestinian Nationalism and the Six Day War - the rise of religious Jew-ish extreme nationalism after the Six Day War.

The 1980s- Hoping for peace; preparing for war; Egypt and Jordan lonely pioneers. Social turning points in Israeli society.

Into the 21st Century- what patterns emerged; have we learned lessons from his-tory? Mainstreaming multiple narratives. Living with complexity.

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Think you have what it takes

to be


Cook at Home & Bring Your Creation*


Just Come And Sample the Entries


Taste a Variety of Passover Wines



8 P.M.





$12 in advance, $15 on the day of the event includes tastes of food entries in 3 Passover themed categories: 1st

course, 2nd course, and dessert

$5 for wine tasting ticket. Chefs eat for free.

For advance tickets or to obtain guidelines for entering cooking competition,

e-mail Hillary Finkel at [email protected]

*Deadline for notifying us that you will be entering: March15

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Dates Light Candles Havdalah Parsha Haftarah

March 2-3

Shabbat Zachor

5:44 PM 7:15 PM Tetzaveh

Exodus 28:31-29:18, Deuter-onomy 25:17-19

I Samuel 15:2-34

March 7

Ta'anat Esther

Erev Purim

Exodus 32:11-34:10

March 8


5:51 PM 7:22 PM

March 9-10

Shushan Purim

5:51 PM 7:22 PM Exodus 17:8-16

Ki Tisa

Exodus 31:18-33:11

I Kings 18:1-39; I Kings 18:20-39*

March 16-17

Shabbat Parah

6:58 PM 8:29 PM Vayakhel-Pekudei

Exodus 37:17-39:21, Num-bers 19:1-22

Ezekiel 36:16-38

March 23-24

Rosh Chodesh Ni-san

Shabbat HaChodesh

7:05 PM 8:36 PM Vayikra

Leviticus 3:1-4:26; Exodus 12:1-20; Numbers 28:9-15

Ezekiel 45:16-46:18

March 30-31 7:12 PM 8:43 PM Tzav Malachi 3:4-24

Candle Lighting Times

*The first haftarah is read by Ashkenazim, the second by Sephardim.

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March Birthdays: 1 Aaron Benton-Klein

1 Daniel Shine

1 Beth Souba

1 Allen Wolf

2 Jonathan Assaraf

2 Michael Bacharach

2 Seth Eaton

2 Kenneth Tossell

3 Lee Goldberg

3 Bernice Goodwin

3 Matthew Litow

4 Elmina Hilsenrath

4 Kyle Krieger

4 J. Shane McCarthy

5 Eric Adler

5 Tamara Fastman

5 Sharon Folse

5 Andrew Lincoln

5 Elizabeth Tossell

6 Robert Berger

6 Barry Mauk

7 Benjamin Hollander

7 Sara Lessler

7 Beth Loeb

7 Dan Loeb

7 Barbara Margolis

8 Sharon Baranson

8 Sharon Mager

9 Susan Ginsberg

9 Lauren Swanner

10 Daniel Baker

10 Doug Kornreich

10 Judith Miller

11 Rachel Livengood

11 John Riehl

12 Alyssa Quigley

13 Jeffrey Aug

13 Adam Reese

13 Nyree Wannall

14 Heidi Hess-Webber

14 Abraham Solomon

15 Kelly Benton-Klein

15 Judah Lippmann

16 Rebecca Davidson Wolf

16 Dan Horak

16 Robert Schrier

17 Marissa Alper

17 Michael Alper

17 Benjamin Krakower

17 Erin Margolis

17 Arielle Miller

18 Matthew Goodwin

18 Reenie Kraft

18 Brett Rome

18 Sarah Winchell

19 Brandon Edelberg

19 Ed Kraft

19 Jonathan Levy

20 Hilary Becker

21 Robert Kleinberg

22 Elie Stowe

23 Maurice Assaraf

23 Emily Parker

24 Daniela Moreno

24 Kathleen Wilson

25 Betsy Adelman

25 Leonard Bers

25 Jeremy Kusnetz

26 Nathan Brocenos

26 Toni Goldberg

26 Gloria Makino

26 Curtis Menyuk

26 Shari Obler

27 Barry Edelberg

27 Ezra Hollander

28 Rebecca Meyerson

28 Sarah Pomerantz

29 Holly Stone

30 David Wasserman

31 Michael Azoulay

31 Ronnie Brown

31 John Margolis

31 Rochelle Newman

31 Gabriella Signor


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Yahrzeits 3/1/2012 *Rae Schoenfeld, mother of Stephen Schoenfeld

3/2/2012 *Bernard (Si) Dvorchik, father of Sheila Urman

3/2/2012 Russell Brodie, brother of Bryna Weiss

3/3/2012 Thelma Glaser, mother of Ruth Brodsky

3/4/2012 David Harris Gladstone, grandfather of Bobbi Adams

3/4/2012 Isidor Kay, grandfather of Linda Bergofsky

3/4/2012 Rose Naftali, grandmother of Seth Eaton

3/5/2012 *Mildred Weber Brown, mother of Ronnie Brown

3/5/2012 Nelle Pearlman, aunt of Julie Burns

3/5/2012 Trude Valfer, grandmother of Dan Krieger

3/5/2012 Gretta Rae Magnus, mother of Gary Magnus

3/6/2012 Joseph Katz, father of Paul Katz

3/6/2012 *Mildred Schlossenberg, mother of Ellis Schlossenberg

3/7/2012 Ted Roeburg, stepfather of David Friedman

3/7/2012 Adolph Weinshel, father of Gail Katz

3/7/2012 Alfred Selber, father of Sharon Mager and Cindy Selber

3/7/2012 Brian Karl Newman, brother of Rochelle Newman

3/7/2012 Herbert Remer, father of Laurie Remer

3/7/2012 Jerome Scissors, father of Rich Scissors

3/8/2012 Frieda Kornitzer, mother-in-law of Bennett Friedman

3/8/2012 *Gene Kaplan, husband of Valerie Kaplan

3/8/2012 Simon Berstein, grandfather of Norman Levine

3/8/2012 Russell Desjardins, grandfather of John Riehl

3/9/2012 Mary Gold Holzman, mother of Melinda Bers

3/9/2012 Blanche Dresner, mother of Norman Dresner

3/9/2012 Sidney Reamer, father of Beverly Ludwig

3/10/2012 Oscar "Buddy" Becker, father of Eileen Hollander

3/10/2012 James Magin, brother of Ed Magin

3/10/2012 *Esther Dvorchik, mother of Sheila Urman

3/11/2012 Alexander Weiner, father of Marilyn Bernhardt

3/11/2012 Esther Miriam Levan, mother of Bob Levan

3/11/2012 Donna White, daughter of Ruth White

3/12/2012 Brodene Makino, mother of Todd Makino

3/12/2012 Nathan Miller, father of Eric Metzman

3/13/2012 Jacob Wechsler, grandfather of Seth Eaton

3/14/2012 Solomon Lubin, father of Marjorie Aug

3/14/2012 Shirley Lerner, grandmother of Bari Rudikoff

3/14/2012 *Anne Schlossenberg, wife of Ellis Schlossenberg

3/14/2012 Jennie Harris, grandmother of Gail Whitman

3/15/2012 *Abraham Albert Russakoff, brother of Renee Firtag and uncle of

Linda Solomon

3/15/2012 Florence Isaacson, mother of Micki Goldstein

(Continued on page 22)

* Light will be lit on Sanctuary Memorial Board.

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3/15/2012 Betty Figelman, mother of Leah Young

3/16/2012 Leon Land, father of Eric Land

3/17/2012 *Carl "Kelly" Klein, father of Stephen Klein and grandfather of Kelly Benton-Klein

3/17/2012 Irene Brocenos, mother of Peter Brocenos and mother-in-law of Eilene Brocenos

3/17/2012 Rick Nathan, father of Robert Nathan

3/17/2012 Joseph Bernard Margolin, father of Heidi Praff

3/18/2012 Joseph Aug, father of Stephen Aug

3/19/2012 Issackhar Assaraf, father of Maurice Assaraf

3/19/2012 Morris Bergofsky, grandfather of Linda Bergofsky

3/19/2012 Isadore A. Dannenberg, father of Diane Cohen

3/19/2012 Saul Wallach, father of Diane Cohen

3/19/2012 Shirley Land, mother of Eric Land

3/19/2012 Beth Sobel, cousin of Robin Mauk

3/20/2012 Zella Brenner, mother of Judy Arnoff

3/20/2012 Leonard Dreifuss, father of Peter Dreifuss

3/20/2012 Jeffrey Finkel, husband of Hillary Finkel

3/20/2012 Charles Kaplan, father-in-law of Valerie Kaplan

3/20/2012 Freda Kirschner, mother of Sidney Kirschner

3/22/2012 Messoda Assaraf, mother of Maurice Assaraf

3/22/2012 Jeannette Alperstein, sister of Renee Firtag

3/22/2012 Selma Kleinberg, mother of Robert Kleinberg

3/23/2012 *Jerry Firtag, husband of Renee Firtag, father of Linda Solomon and

father-in-law of Arthur Solomon

3/23/2012 Dennis White, son of Ruth White

3/24/2012 Bernard Ginsberg, father of Robert Ginsberg

3/25/2012 Shirley Goldblum, mother of Gail Whitman

3/26/2012 *Mollie Eisenblatt, great grandmother of Mark Pomerantz

3/28/2012 Harold Shugar, father of Michael Shugar

3/30/2012 Philip Berz, grandfather of Karen Bonnie Eaton

3/31/2012 Jerome Diamond, father of Stacey Halpern

3/31/2012 Sarah Zalkind, grandmother of Susan Levine

3/31/2012 Gary Altman, brother-in-law of Alan Seigel

(Continued from page 21)

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March Anniversaries 2 Bob & Lorraine Levan

4 Mitch & Tiffany Kavalsky

6 Sidney Kirschner & Lynne Masterson

10 Larry & Kay Taub

17 Jeff Gilbert & Judy Katz

18 Gary & Debbie Richardson

21 Martin & Carolyn Makovi

24 Sidney & Diane Hersh

26 Michael & Hilary Becker

26 Stanley & Karola Miller

27 Ronald & Kelly Benton-Klein

30 Laurie Remer & Robert Fleishman

31 Stephen & Lorraine Schoenfeld


It doesn’t matter if you have 50 or 250 guests.

We Specialize In Delicious Kiddushim,

And We Will Customize Your Menu

To Your Specifications.

We Care, Because We Are A Part Of Your Shul!

To set up a Kiddush call Marilyn Riffkin 301-384-8667

If you have good news to share, such as a

birth in the family, an engagement, a wedding, a job promotion, awards received,

grandchild born, new job…

Please e-mail all good news to

Carolyn Makovi for publication

in The Shalom.

[email protected]

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Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Tanya Brewer & Jeremy Bernhardt

Edward Stern

In memory of Sharon Stern and Theodore Stern

Building Fund


Library Fund

Judy Arnoff

In honor of Pauline Pivowar’s 80th birthday

Religious School Scholarship Fund

Carole, Robert, Jennifer, Michael, & Eric Nathan

In memory of Ezra Eisenberg, beloved father and grandfather

Religious School Special Events Fund

Julie Burns

In honor of Anna

Tzedek Fund

Judy Arnoff

In memory of Howard Arnoff

Jeryl & Matt Baker

Sheila Blum

In memory of Fannie Goldstein, her mother

Steve Kaplan & Lynn Gaynes-Kaplan

In honor of Gloria Gaynes & Gertrude Kaplan

Casino Night Sponsorship Donation

Jeffrey Koeppel

Yartzeit Fund

Jessica Bird

In memory of Danie Remenick, father of Jes-sica Bird, grandfather of Sasha Bird

Gary Gaines

In memory of Chester Gaines, grandfather of Gary Gaines

Laurie Remer

In memory of Herb Remer

Rochelle Sypes

In memory of my mother, Ruth Rosenzweig

Rochell Sypes

In memory of my beloved husband, Stephen & my beloved father, David

Community Services Fund (Social Action)

Bob & Lorraine Levan

In honor of Pauline Pivowar’s birthday

General Donations


Helen & Lewis Fleischmann

In honor of the Banot Mitzvah of Sierra Good-man, and Marcie & Tess McRae


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Revised: 2/16/2012


Thank you for your contribution Please make checks payable to: Oseh Shalom, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, MD 20707 Or by credit card: (Circle one) Mastercard or Visa #: __________________________

Cardholder’s Name______________________________________ Expiration Date: _________

Or by Paypal at

______ Chumash — Five Books of Moses ($40)

______ Kol Haneshama ($54): ___ Daily Prayerbook ___ Shabbat & Festivals Prayerbook

___ Yamim Nora’im / High Holy Days

______ Kol Haneshama: Prayers for a House of Mourning ($18)

______ Prayerbook Fund ______ ____ ____ ____ ____

Other $50 $25 $18 $10

______ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

______ Library Fund

______ Green Fund [to lessen the impact on the environment, and subsidizes operations to act in a sustainable manner]

______ Building Fund

______ Camp JRF Scholarship Fund

______ Tzedek Fund

______ Religious School Scholarship Fund

______ Religious School Special Events Fund

______ Music and Arts Fund

______ Torah Repair Fund ($18 per letter)

______ Yartzeit Fund

______ Growth and Programming Fund

______ Israel Quest

______ Sharon Stern Garden Fund

______ Community Services (Social Action and Caring & Support)

For special contribution opportunities, please contact the Synagogue Administrator at 301-498-5151. ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω

______ Tribute card $5.00 (cards are sent out in donor’s name for all life cycle events.) Please make checks for tribute cards payable to: Oseh Shalom Sisterhood, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, Maryland 20707

ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω Please record my contribution: ______ In memory of: ___________________________________________________________

______ In honor of:_____________________________________________________________

By: _____________________________________________________________________________

Please send acknowledgment to: _______________________________________________________

We appreciate your very thoughtful gift!!

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Tell others >>> The Shalom

is a great place to advertise!

It benefits our community’s


and our congregation.

If you know someone

who is interested,

please contact: Carrie Goodman

at [email protected]

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Oseh Shalom WHO’S WHO LIST for 2011-2012

Rabbi Rabbi Doug Heifetz 301-498-5151 rabbiheifetz@oseh-

Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Gary Fink 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Facility & Office Manager Barry Nove 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Cantor Cantor Charlie Bernhardt 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Ed Litrenta 301-498-5151 [email protected]

Education Director Maryana Harouni 301-498-7004 [email protected]

Religious School Assistant Doryss Amar 301-498-7004 [email protected]

Senior Youth Group Advisor Josh Swanner 410-215-7562 [email protected]

Mikey Hess-Webber 301-275-7849 [email protected]

Shalom Editor Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Shalom Layout Marlene Newman 301-879-7213 [email protected]

Shalom Advertising Carrie Goodman 410-375-4085 [email protected]

All Publicity Chairs osehpublic-

Webmaster Melody Magnus 301-622-2947 [email protected]


Co-Presidents Karen Meckler 443-812-2414 [email protected]

Roberta Sacks 410-730-1894 [email protected]

Administrative V.P. Lynne Gaynes-Kaplan 443-864-1935 [email protected]

Don Street 301-257-4711 [email protected]

Financial V.P. David Argue 301-625-8136 [email protected]

Education V.P. Debbie Richardson 410-531-6590 debbierichard-

Eli Stav 443-514-8182 [email protected]

Religious V.P. John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

Helen Lann 301-490-3971 [email protected]

Treasurer Billie Roogow 410-461-9063 [email protected]

Membership Kelly Benton-Klein 301-490-7764 [email protected]

Cindy Scilipoti 443-538-8652 [email protected]

Financial Secretary Rob Nachman 410-730-7337 [email protected]

Gary Greenwald 301-596-9231 [email protected]

Secretary Judi Davidson Wolf 443-878-4845 [email protected]

David Friedman 301-236-9251 [email protected]

Community Services Judy Swanner 410-750-2344 [email protected]

Linda Bergofsky 301-604-0901 [email protected]

Past President Linda Solomon 240-280-2067 [email protected]

Policy & Procedures Larry Taub 301-439-0365 [email protected]

Music Committee Dan Bravmann 410-792-2868 [email protected]

Publicity Elizabeth Leight 301-725-7173 [email protected]

Elaine Povich 301-490-2832 [email protected]

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Publicity Intern Jac Gentile 530-388-8812 [email protected]

Building and Grounds Gary Magnus 301-622-2947 [email protected]

Jorge Moreno 301-437-6565 [email protected]

At-Large Robin Thomas 410-531-3509 [email protected]

At-Large Brian Richards 410-997-5398 [email protected]

Youth Liaison Shari Argue 301-625-8136 [email protected]

Development Steve Kaplan 410-290-3937 [email protected]

Contracts Coordinator Karen Bonnie Eaton 443-326-6326 [email protected]

JRF Representative John Riehl 301-490-3645 [email protected]

High Holiday Coordinator Elie Stowe 202-302-4977 [email protected]

Doris Kirschbaum 301-345-4763 [email protected]

Life Long Learning Hillary Finkel 410-997-6812 [email protected]

Sue Burger 301-384-6840 [email protected]


Co-Presidents Carolyn Makovi 301-236-4411 [email protected]

Rose Fishman 301-384-6744 [email protected]

Vice President

Recording Secretary Rochelle Sypes 240-264-1281 [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary Judy Arnoff 301-490-6207 [email protected]

Treasurers Pauline Pivowar 301-604-8954 [email protected]

Margrit Assaraf 240-280-7259 [email protected]

Gift Shop, Chair Elie Stowe 301-236-9577 [email protected]

Membership Chair Rose Fishman 301-384-6744 [email protected]

Oneg Host Chair Lisa Karpf 301-262-5581 [email protected]

Beryl Kramer 301-587-8972 [email protected]

Oneg Sponsors Chair Rose Fishman 301-384-6744 [email protected]

Program Chair

Tributes Chair Leah Young 301-498-4251 [email protected]

Oneg Food Chair Rose Fishman 301-384-6744 [email protected]

Catering Marilyn Riffkin 301-384-8667 [email protected]


Co-Presidents Alan Seigel 301-490-0057 [email protected]

Geoff Berman 410-796-0829 [email protected]

Past President Michael Becker 443-474-7374 [email protected]

Treasurer Art Solomon 240-280-2067 [email protected]

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Oseh Shalom

7515 Olive Branch Way

Laurel, MD 20707

Phone: 301-498-5151


Doug Heifetz, Rabbi

Carolyn Makovi, Editor

Marlene Newman, Layout Editor

Carrie Goodman, Advertising

E-mail: [email protected]

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Columbia, MD 21045Columbia, MD 21045Columbia, MD 21045Columbia, MD 21045

Oseh Shalom is a vibrant, inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue, with members throughout the Baltimore-Washington area, dedicated to providing a supportive

community for celebrating Jewish life through prayer, learning and social action.

Oseh Shalom’s Mission Statement