the seventeenth century listo

Marilyn Vasquez Luz Mary Otárola Susannah Monge Shantany Walker

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Page 1: The seventeenth century listo

Marilyn VasquezLuz Mary OtárolaSusannah MongeShantany Walker

Page 2: The seventeenth century listo


Hobbes was a rationalist, building his arguments on deductive design, at a time in which English science was moving more closely toward the empirical method of truth-building, that is, using inductive methods to validate hypotheses. He built strong metaphysical arguments in favor of a mechanics-based vision of life.

1588 - 1679

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•Rules were needed to keep people in awe, otherwise society would be a chaos.

His reasons:

•The English beheaded the king (1651)•Irreverent society

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•People started to complain about religious and political matters.

•During the reing of Charles I the civil war was held unleashing new forces in English society.

•A new and competitive society arose with a lighter social structure and freedom in religion and politics.

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•Church was strugling between two different thoughts, Calvinism and Catholisism.

•Puritans held positions in the Anglican Church even though they differed with some practices.

•1603 James I used his power to dismiss Puritan clergymen.

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Charles I was as ambitious as his father. Back

then, the Parliament was in charge of approving

the money for the king according to English Law.

Charles, in his desire of power and wealthy,

extorted loans by threatening parliament men with

prison. He lost popularity by pressing the poor into

service as soldiers and sailors.


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•He was born in London or its environs in the year 1572•He was sent to a private school in St. Martin's Church, and later to Westminster•His father, a minister, died shortly before his birth and his mother remarried a bricklayer. •In 1594, Jonson married Anne Lewis and began to work as an actor and playwright. Jonson and Lewis had at least two children, but little else is known of their marriage.


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He was the most influential writer of the early 1600. Jonson’s life was a mirror of the tensions of his time.He set down his trowel to become a solider, and later turned up us an actor in London.In 1598, Jonson wrote what is considered his first great play, Every Man in His Humor. In a 1616 production, William Shakespeare acted in one of the lead roles.Jonson killed Gabriel Spencer in a duel and was tried for murder. He spent only a few weeks in prisonJonson become a great favorite of James I and was friendly with many noblemen and with others writers 1620s ,Jonson was the best-known poets in a city of poets He is regarded as one of the major dramatists and poets of the seventeenth century.

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Jonson’s work - Jonson strove for the perfection and harmony he found in his beloved classical authors, turning away the ornate style of Elizabethan times.-He took seriously the role of poet and he believed that not other profession cloud compare to it.

Jonson lived up the moral duty in several ways

-Giving some advice in some poems

-Honoring worthy men and woman in others

- In his plays, by satirizing corruption and immorality.

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John Donne was born in Bread Street, London in 1572 to a prosperous Roman Catholic family.

He never tried to make writing as a career.

His poems were not published until two years after his death.

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-1615 , he was an Anglican minister.

-Donned is associated with the metaphysical school of poetry.

-His first book of poems, Satires, is considered one of Donne's most important literary efforts.

-His death was in November and December 1623.

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-Poets of the seventeenth century, Jonson or Donne.

-The “Sons of Ben” were influenced by Donne’s work

and the “School of Donne”.

-Best-known: Robert Herrick, Sir john Suckling, and

Richard Lovelace. They were also Cavalier poets, since

they are identified with the king's cause.

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•Robert Herrick poetry gives little evidence of the Civil War

and Interregnum.

• He became Anglican minister, also wrote graceful religious


•Sir John Suckling was everything the Puritans despised – A

gambler, cardsharp, and pleasure seeker- He is remembered

for his love poems.

•Richard Lovelace was a very handsome man. He wrote

about themes near the heart of the Cavaliers: honor,

bravery, true, love, and stoical resolve.

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•The School of Donne

•Followers: George Herbert and Andrew Marvell

•Like Donne, Herbert excelled at the conceit and the other stylistic features of metaphysical poetry. However, his poems are almost all religious lyrics.

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•Andrew Marvell was born later than the other metaphysical and Cavalier poets. He tutored the daughter of a Puritan leader. He used his influence at court to prevent Milton’s execution for treason.

•Marvell’s best lyrics blend the metaphysical brilliance of Donne and Herbert and the classical finish of Jonson and Herrick. They offer observations on nature, love, and God. His best-known poem, “To His Coy Mistress,” is one of the very best lyrics in English literature.

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•The greatest poet of the seventeenth century: John Milton.

•The best-selling prose writer of the century: John Bunyan (Bible vs. Bunyan's religious narrative).

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•He was born in London (middle-class family).

•In John Milton the streams of the Renaissance and the Reformation flow together. He was a learned disciple of the Greek and Latin authors; and was a profound Calvinist who studied the Old Testament in Hebrew.

•As the battle between Charles I and Parliament grew hotter, Milton began writing political pamphlets for the Roundhead cause.

•He supported the Commonwealth and Protectorate and even defended the execution of Charles I.

•Why God allows suffering and unhappiness in this world.•Paradise Lost.

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•After decades of political activity, Milton concluded that the best humans could hope for was to lead their individual lives blamelessly. Unlike Milton, Bunyan had little education beyond reading the Bible.

•He wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress (the allegory tells the story of a man who flees sin to lead a holy life).

•Bunyan and Milton produced the greatest literary works of the Puritan revolution. The Commonwealth had failed, but left behind a new culture that was neither courtly nor Puritan.

•The revolution that had begun in the mid-seventeenth century would continue in the eighteenth.

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Marilyn VasquezLuz Mary OtárolaSusannah MongeShantany Walker