the second life of carol - excerpt

EXT. VERMONT COUNTRYSIDE - DAY It is early fall and the Vermont countryside is thick with trees whose leaves are just beginning to turn. A lonely highway threads through the greenery. A beat-up pickup truck rumbles along the highway, slowly, not seeming to have any destination. EXT. HIGHWAY - CONTINUOUS In the center of the road, a turtle creeps toward the far side. The truck approaches behind it and slows to a stop. MATT ELLIS emerges from the driver’s side of the truck. His hair is shaggy, and he wears a rumpled coat that is slightly too large. Matt walks around the truck and bends down, scooping the turtle up. It squirms helplessly in his grasp. MATT Careful, little buddy. He carries the turtle to the far side of the road and sets it gently in the grass, and watches as it trundles onward. EVAN GORE pokes his head out of the passenger’s side window of the truck. EVAN We could have just used that, you know. Matt frowns, troubled, and he comes back and climbs into the truck. INT. PICKUP TRUCK - CONTINUOUS Matt settles into the driver’s seat. MATT If we have to kill something, doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose? Evan rolls his eyes. Matt continues driving.

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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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The first fifteen pages of a script entitled "The Second Life of Carol". A wealthy, dying woman offers a large sum of money to anyone who can reunite her with her daughter, Carol. There's just one problem--Carol has been dead nearly twenty years.



    It is early fall and the Vermont countryside is thick with trees whose leaves are just beginning to turn. A lonely highway threads through the greenery.

    A beat-up pickup truck rumbles along the highway, slowly, not seeming to have any destination.


    In the center of the road, a turtle creeps toward the far side. The truck approaches behind it and slows to a stop.

    MATT ELLIS emerges from the drivers side of the truck. His hair is shaggy, and he wears a rumpled coat that is slightly too large.

    Matt walks around the truck and bends down, scooping the turtle up. It squirms helplessly in his grasp.

    MATTCareful, little buddy.

    He carries the turtle to the far side of the road and sets it gently in the grass, and watches as it trundles onward.

    EVAN GORE pokes his head out of the passengers side window of the truck.

    EVANWe could have just used that, you know.

    Matt frowns, troubled, and he comes back and climbs into the truck.


    Matt settles into the drivers seat.

    MATTIf we have to kill something, doesnt that kind of defeat the purpose?

    Evan rolls his eyes. Matt continues driving.


    They continue along down the highway until they spot a fresh deer carcass lying by the side of the road. The truck pulls over in front of it.

    Matt and Evan hop out of the truck and walk over to examine the deer. Matt kneels by the deers head.

    He lifts its head gently and examines it. After a moment he grins, clearly excited. Evan crouches by its legs and Matt looks up at him.

    MATTThey broken?

    Evan lifts each leg and checks it.

    EVANLook good to me.

    Matt is barely able to contain his grin.

    MATTGreat! Help me get him into the truck, E. Gore!

    EVAN(rolling his eyes)

    Yes, Master.

    Together, they lift the deer from the grass and ease it into the bed of the truck. They secure it with cables, return to the truck, and drive off.


    BIANCA DAVENPORT sits with her grandmother, MAUDE HORNSBY-WHITTAKER, in the office of DR. JOHNSON. It is a plain office with plastic plants and white walls.

    Bianca is a slim, bookish young woman with thin-framed glasses. Her hair is pulled back in an apathetic bun on her head. She holds Maudes hand, biting her lip with worry as she watches Dr. Johnson. Her eyes are pleading.

    Maude is an elegant elderly woman. She is dressed to the nines even to go to the doctors office, and holds her head high and regal, ignoring Biancas worry.

    Dr. Johnson is a squat man with thick glasses. He sits at his desk and looks at Bianca and Maude with sympathy on his face. His forehead glistens.


  • DR. JOHNSONMrs. Whittaker, Im afraid the prognosis isnt good --

    MAUDEJust tell me, Doctor. Im not getting any younger.

    DR. JOHNSONYou dont have much time left --

    Bianca covers her mouth with her hand, but Maude is unimpressed.

    MAUDENone of us do.

    Dr. Johnson wipes his brow with a handkerchief.

    DR. JOHNSONWell, you have about a week. Im so sorry we didnt catch this sooner.

    Bianca gasps and reaches to put her arm around Maude.

    BIANCAGrandma --

    Maude waves her off.

    MAUDEBianca, dont cry. Its unbecoming.

    (looks thoughtful)A week, hm?

    DR. JOHNSONId suggest you get your affairs in order.


    (smiles)I think Ill find my daughter.

    Biancas face goes from distraught to confused.


    The town of Greenhaven is a small town nestled in the heart of Vermont. The clean streets are lined with well-kept shops and little restaurants.


  • A dark green Rolls Royce turns the corner onto Main Street and continues along.


    Bianca sits in the back seat, gazing forlornly out the window of the car. Beside her, Maude is sitting with her hands clasped in her lap and her head held high.


    The Rolls Royce passes a pickup truck with a deer carcass in the bed, parked before the large glass window of a diner. On the window the words Cabots Family Diner are painted in blue and yellow.

    Through the window of the diner, Matt and Evan can be seen just sitting down in a booth.


    CHARLIE TRAVIS approaches Matt and Evans booth. She is chewing gum and wears her bleached hair in a messy ponytail. She pulls her order pad from her waitresss apron.

    CHARLIEHey, guys!

    MATT AND EVAN(together)

    Hey Charlie!

    Charlie leans down and kisses Matt on the cheek. He is grinning like he just cant help himself.

    CHARLIEWhat are you grinning at? Did you finally find a job?

    MATTNo, better!

    Charlies eyes narrow with skepticism and Evan kicks Matt beneath the table.

    EVANDude, not before we order.

    (to Charlie)Can I get a Tuesday special?


  • Charlie blows at bubble and looks expectantly at Matt. She does not write anything down.

    MATTWell, we found this deer.

    (pointing out the window)And shes in great shape, and --

    Charlie frowns and holds up her hands.

    CHARLIEStop. Just stop.

    Matt wilts, dejected.

    CHARLIEJesus Christ Matt. When are you gonna give up this Frankenstein bullshit and get a real job?

    MATTActually Im more like Herbert West...

    Evan groans and slumps, shaking his head.



    MATTI mean, Im not making people out of parts. Thats barbaric.

    Charlie scowls and slams her order pad down on the table, startling both of them.

    CHARLIELook. I have been putting up with your disgusting hobby for years. Do you even know how many of my friends think youre a serial killer?

    EVANOh come on Charlie --

    CHARLIEShut up, Evan! Just stay out of this!

    She puts her hands on her hips and leans over toward Matt a bit. He leans back.


  • CHARLIEIm done. I dont care what crazy notes you got from your dad, I dont care about how close you are. I dont care about your demented little dream.

    She straightens up and picks up the pad, tucking it in her apron.

    CHARLIEFind a real job or Im gone!

    Charlie storms off and Matt and Evan watch her go. From behind the bar, the line cook stares at them. Back at the table, Evan looks at Matt.

    EVANWhy do we even eat here?


    Maude sits at the far end of a long dining room table. Bianca sits to her right. A lunch service is laid out for them, but the table is otherwise empty and bare. Maude eats, but Bianca only stares distantly at her food.

    MAUDEI wonder what lovely country your mother is vacationing in.

    (sips her tea)It shouldnt be too hard to track her down.

    Bianca pokes her salad with a fork.

    MAUDEI wonder why she never sends post cards anymore?

    She looks off into the distance a moment, thinking, then looks at Bianca.

    MAUDEYoure awfully quiet, dear. Dont you want to see your mother again?


    Bianca stands outside the Whittaker family mausoleum, a bouquet of lilies in her hand. She hesitates for a long moment and takes a deep breath.


  • BIANCA(to herself)

    Dont be a fool.

    She puts a hand on the mausoleum door and grimaces as she pushes it open.


    Bianca covers her nose and walks slowly through the mausoleum. She gazes about, reading the names on each crypt as she passes.

    She comes to a crypt at the far end of the mausoleum which reads Carol Anne Davenport. Here she stops and crouches, reaching to trace over the engraved letters before she sets the lilies gently against the shutter. She swallows.

    BIANCAHey, Mom ...


    The interior of Matt and Evans underground bunker is like a mad scientists laboratory. Everything is sterile steel and white lights. Matt and Evan enter, carrying the dead deer. They hoist it onto a steel table in the center of the room.

    EVANYoure sure thisll work this time?

    Matt laughs. He goes to a sink and washes his hands, then dons a pair of rubber gloves. He puts on a white lab coat and holds a second one out to Evan.

    MATTIm never sure. Thats why its an experiment!

    Evan takes the coat and pulls it on, then puts on his own rubber gloves.

    Matt draws a syringe with a very long needle from a drawer and injects the deer with it. He then flicks on the machines around the room and begins hooking the deer up to them.

    MATTLook on the bright side, E. Gore. At least were not waiting for a thunderstorm.

    Evan rolls his eyes and goes to help him.


  • EVAN(muttering)

    No wonder Charlie thinks youre a joke.


    A) The deer is hooked up to the machines, which whir and buzz.

    B) Matt throws a switch. He and Evan hold their breath, watching with tense faces.

    C) The deer lays on the steel table. Its legs begin to twitch.


    Matt and Evan cheer. They hug each other, and Matt rushes to the table and rests his hand on the deers neck.

    MATTShes breathing! This is incredible!


    Holy shit. Holy shit. You crazy son of a bitch...

    Evan approaches the deer slowly and Matt gestures to the counter.

    MATTGet me a sedative? Dont want her to freak out and hurt herself.

    Evan walks to the drawer and fumbles to prepare a syringe, which he hands to Matt. Matt injects it carefully into one of the tubes connected to the deer, and strokes her neck gently until she closes her eyes.


    Bianca is curled in the window seat of her bedrooms bay window that overlooks the garden. She is reading a book, and her temple rests against the glass. Beside the window seat there stands a small table with a teacup and kettle.


  • A knock sounds on her door and she looks up, reaching for a bookmark and tucking it between the pages as she sets the book on the table next to the kettle.

    BIANCACome in!

    The door opens and the family maid, ELISA, enters. She is clearly frustrated, her hair is in a disarray, and she is wringing her hands.

    ELISAMiss Bianca! You must help! It is Miss Maude!

    Bianca leaps from her seat, knocking over the small table that holds her book and tea kettle. It falls to the floor with a crash but she ignores it and dashes to Elisa.

    BIANCAWhat happened? Is she okay?

    ELISAShes out of her mind is whats happened!


    Maude sits in the back seat of the Rolls Royce, hands clasped around her purse in her lap, smiling to herself.


    The Rolls Royce pulls into the parking lot of the local TV station and parks. The driver, Adam, gets out and opens the door for Maude, who steps out of the car with a determined smile on her face.


    SAL REYNOLDS sits at his desk, going over the news for the evenings broadcast. His ASSISTANT appears in the doorway and knocks on the frame.


    SAL(not looking up)

    No time.


  • His assistant steps aside and Maude steps into the doorway.

    MAUDEYou have time for me, young man.


    JACK lounges on the couch with his arm around his girlfriend, EMMA. The remains of two TV dinners lay on the coffee table before them. The apartment is cluttered and dirty.

    Jack is drinking a beer and Emma is flicking channels on the TV. She comes to the local news channel and stops, setting the remote aside.


    The evening news opening credits play and Sal sits behind his anchor desk, smiling.

    SALGood evening Greenhaven! Im Sal Reynolds.


    JACK(rolls his eyes)

    Lets not watch this crap.

    Jack reaches for the remote.

    SAL (V.O.)Breaking news in Greenhaven today! Local millionaire Maude Hornsby-Whittaker announced that shes offering her fortune to whoever can reunite her with her daughter, Carol.

    Jack perks up, interested, and looks at the TV again.


    A picture is displayed of Carol, who is smiling and waving and clearly intoxicated, a martini in her hand.


    SAL (V.O.)My heart goes out to her, as Carol passed away suddenly almost twenty years ago...


  • Jack looks thoughtfully at Emma, then back at the TV, then back at Emma. She catches his eye and winks.

    SAL (V.O.)In nationwide news...


    He squeezes Emmas shoulder and she turns to him and smiles.

    EMMAI kinda look like her, dont I?

    Jack grins, realizing theyre on the same page.

    JACKAint you always wanted to live in a mansion?


    Maude and Bianca eat supper in the dining room. Now and then Bianca looks up and glares at Maude. Maude does not notice and seemingly has no worries.

    The butler, GERARD, stands at Maudes elbow, surveying the room in stony silence.

    MAUDENow this chicken is just delicious. Is this a new recipe? Isnt this delicious, Bianca?

    Bianca frowns at Maude and pokes at her food.

    MAUDEWell dont just sit there. Polite young ladies make conversation!

    Bianca slams down her fork.

    BIANCAAre you out of your mind?

    Maude looks startled and Bianca stands.

    BIANCAMy mother is dead! Shes out in the mausoleum!

    (points)And youre just begging for some nutjobs to come harass us!


  • MAUDE(appalled)

    Why, I --

    BIANCADo you even realize what youve done?

    Bianca is on the verge of tears. Maude takes a deep breath, composing herself.

    MAUDEYour mother isnt dead, sweetheart. Just three months ago she sent me a postcard from Korea.

    BIANCAShe did no --


    Gerard, get me the postcard Carol sent.

    From across the house, the doorbell sounds. Gerard bows politely.

    GERARDIll tend to the door, Maam.

    He leaves. Maude frowns at Bianca. Bianca sits, and a cold, stony silence settles between them.

    Gerard returns, leading a DRAG QUEEN dressed in a white fur coat.

    GERARDAhem. A Carol to see you, Maam.

    The drag queen spreads his arms as if to hug Maude, whose face puckers in a frown.


    Bianca leaps from her seat.

    BIANCAGet away from her!

    The drag queen jumps back, startled. Gerard steps between him and Maude. Bianca is shaking with anger.


  • BIANCAGerard. Please escort this -- this woman -- from the house.

    Gerard nods and leads the drag queen from the room. Bianca sinks slowly back into her chair. Maude looks at her but Bianca does not return her gaze. Bianca takes a long drink of her wine, picks up her fork, and resumes eating.


    Bianca and Maude sit at a small table in the garden, having tea. With them is a FALSE PSYCHIC WOMAN with askew hair, who peers into a crystal ball.

    FALSE PSYCHIC WOMANI can see your daughter clearly, Ms. Hornsby-Whittaker. Even now, she longs to be reunited with you!

    Bianca leans on her hand, thoroughly unimpressed.


    -- A stream of imposters show up at the door to the Whittakermansion. Bianca stands by the door with Gerard and refutes them all: a teenage girl, a woman her own age, a woman who is almost Maudes age.

    -- Bianca and Gerard field phone calls from imposters, declining each one in turn.

    -- Maude sits on the porch admiring an old picture of Carol as Gerard escorts away another imposter and Bianca puts her face in her hands.


    A field aside a dirt road, before the hatch of Matt and Evans bunker. The men stand in the grass. Evan holds an animal control pole and Matt has the deer on a leash. He reaches to unclasp the collar from her neck.

    EVANI still think we should fence her up for a bit.

    MATTShe has a tracker. The yard isnt the wild.


  • He tugs the collar off and the deer bolts off into the forest. Matt and Evan watch her go. After she has disappeared into the forest, they turn back toward the hatch of the bunker.

    An old red car comes rumbling up the dirt road and pulls to a stop. Evan groans.

    EVANOh good, Miss Sunshine is here.

    Matt elbows him as Charlie climbs out of the car. She smiles brightly and waves, and Matt smiles a touch and waves back. She strides over and hugs him, and they kiss briefly.

    Charlie Steps back and holds a newspaper out to Matt.

    CHARLIELook! The old steel mill is hiring. You can get a real job.

    Matt takes the newspaper.

    MATTYou want me to cut my fingers off?

    He reads the paper and nudges Evan, who leans in and reads over his shoulder, then laughs.

    EVANLooks like old lady Whittakerfinally snapped.

    Charlie frowns and steps closer.

    CHARLIEWhat are you talking about?

    They all take a moment to read the add in the newspaper, which tells of Maudes offer for whoever reunites her with Carol. Matt grins.

    MATTAnd you said Id never make any money doing this.

    He taps her on the head with the paper and she scowls and swats at him.

    CHARLIEGive me that! I did not come all the way down here to fuel your stupid fantasies!


  • She snatches for the newspaper and he holds it out of her reach. He and Evan laugh. The deer emerges from the forest again and makes a calling sound. Charlie frowns at her, blinking.

    The deer is unsteady on her legs, and her fur has developed a grayish pallor, and patches have begun to fall off, leaving bloody spots. Charlies face crinkles.

    CHARLIEWhats wrong with that deer?


    Thats the one we revived!

    Matt groans and Charlie pales, looking appalled.

    CHARLIEYou -- that worked?

    The deer takes a few steps closer and bends her head to graze. Charlie covers her mouth.

    CHARLIEThats -- Oh God. I have to go.

    She flees back to her car and drives away. Matt and Evan glance at each other.

    MATT(to the deer)

    Dont listen to her, Tilly. Youre beautiful...

    EVANI told you we should have kept her close.

    Matt glances at the newspaper ad again, and then looks at Evan. He sighs as though in defeat.

    MATTYeah. Looks like we have a couple kinks to work out.

    Evan hoists his animal control pole and together he and Matt advance upon the deer.
