the scientific statement of being

Perfection Perfection is the starting point, not the goal. The Lord's Prayer - from the Aramaic translation Our Father, Who art in Heaven...Thy nature is holy... Thy Kingdom is come; Thy will is done, in Earth as it is in Heaven... Thou give us this day our daily bread... Thou forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us... Thou lead us not into temptation; rather, Thou deliver us from evil... for Thine is the Kingdom...Thine power...Thine the glory...Forever. This is so. Daily Prayer “Thy kingdom come;” let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them! The Scientific Statement of Being There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. Spiritual Prayers and Principles in Christian Science Healing Treatments A Christian Science treatment consists of the practitioner silently arguing about the nature of reality. All healing is a metaphysical process: That means there is no person to be healed, no material body, no patient, no matter, no illness, no one to heal, no substance, no person, no thing and no place that needs to be influenced. This is what you must first be clear about. Declare the allness, perfection and absolute supremacy of God. Then continue by denying various ideas, the existence of duality, illness, injury, evil, suggestion, error, limitation, and the symptoms of whatever the illness is. Conclude the treatment by asserting that disease, injury, illness, limitation, is a lie, that this is the word of God and that it has the power to heal. The God (“Divine Mind”), being perfect, creates only perfection. Human beings, as God’s divine ideas, are not susceptible to sickness, sin, or death. All reality reflects God’s attributes: It is loving, spiritual, eternal, intelligent, joyful, harmonious, and so forth.

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Teachings on the science of healing.



Perfection is the starting point, not the goal.

The Lord's Prayer - from the Aramaic translation Our Father, Who art in Heaven...Thy nature is holy... Thy Kingdom is come; Thy will is done, in Earth as it is in Heaven... Thou give us this day our daily bread... Thou forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us... Thou lead us not into temptation; rather, Thou deliver us from evil... for Thine is the Kingdom...Thine power...Thine the glory...Forever.

This is so.

Daily Prayer

“Thy kingdom come;” let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me,

and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and

govern them!

The Scientific Statement of Being

There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.

Spiritual Prayers and Principles in Christian Science Healing Treatments

A Christian Science treatment consists of the practitioner silently arguing about the nature of reality. All healing is a metaphysical process: That means there is no person to be healed, no material body, no patient, no matter, no illness, no one to heal, no substance, no person, no thing and no place that needs to be influenced. This is what you must first be clear about. Declare the allness, perfection and absolute supremacy of God. Then continue by denying various ideas, the existence of duality, illness, injury, evil, suggestion, error, limitation, and the symptoms of whatever the illness is. Conclude the treatment by asserting that disease, injury, illness, limitation, is a lie, that this is the word of God and that it has the power to heal.

The God (“Divine Mind”), being perfect, creates only perfection.

Human beings, as God’s divine ideas, are not susceptible to sickness, sin, or death.

All reality reflects God’s attributes: It is loving, spiritual, eternal, intelligent, joyful, harmonious, and so forth.

Matter is nothing but a manifestation of thought; it is insubstantial and illusory.

It is “mortal mind” (“error”) that produces the appearance of anything other than well-being.

Negative emotions proceed from the false beliefs of separation from God and the reality of matter.

Jesus had a perfect understanding of the divine nature, thus manifesting the “Christ principle”.

You and I, attaining that level of understanding, would also manifest the Christ principle.

Thus, poverty, cancer, and war are manifestations of the “lies” of lack, illness, and disharmony.

God is the only creator of the universe including man; “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3 “And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them.” Jer. 25:6 God, being divine good, made All and All that He made was good; “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Gen. 1:31 God is eternal Spirit or Mind, so all things created by Him are spiritual; “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made;…He spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.” Psalm 33:6 The real man is not made of matter but of Spirit and man was made only good; “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.” Gen. 1:26 NEVER be afraid of any medical diagnoses or any mental suggestions that are negative. God is omnipotent Love which dissolves any fear; “Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage.” Joshua 10:25 “There is no fear in Love; but perfect Love casteth out fear.” 1 John 4:18 ALWAYS be grateful to God for His wondrous works. “To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.” Ps. 30:12 “O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Ps.136:26

Requirements for Metaphysical Treatment

1. Confidence – everything IS possible to God right NOW

2. Expectation, faith – knowing that one grain (or truth) is enough

3. Express dominion or authority of Christ

4. Be confident and persistent in divine ideas

5. Moral courage

6. Patience, humility, integrity and honesty fulfill God’s will

7. Child’s simplicity and trust

8. Trust your treatment

Requirements For A Healing Practice

Non judgmental mind

Compassionate and tender word – affection

Forgiveness and mercy

Purity, Humility, and Calmness

Unselfed or divine Love – spiritual affection

Keep watching consciousness against any false suggestions

Patient requirements

• Receptiveness

• Trustfulness

• Repentance

• Reformation

• Desire to grow in wisdom

• Reverence and affection before Truth or Christ

• Meekness and Humility

• Patience which breaks human will

A Treatment for Every Day

Every time you declare that you are perfect in God, there goes through the body a

health-giving power. When you realize this truth of truths, that you are now, not will be,

perfect in God, without a single doubt, wonderful things will come to pass.

Now let me urge you, however difficult it may seem, to declare times without number,

that you are perfect, joyful, triumphant, and complete. Say often that God is my

strength; God is my life; God is my health; God is my understanding.

You have dominion in Him over the world, the flesh, and the devil; a dominion that is

omnipotent. Your life is in Him. No power can bind you.

God is the only life. Spirit is the only substance. Love is the only cause. Harmony is

the only law. Now is the only time.

This is God’s spiritual household. Nothing can enter to annoy or destroy. Nothing can

enter to manifest sin, sickness: nor death, nor discouragement, for God, good, fills this

household with perfect love and peace and governs every member of it.

There is no evil condition nor thought that can argue, suggest, nor make any law to

dominate me, control me, crush me, bring evil to pass upon me, or shut out of my

consciousness any good.

There is no law of failure, no want, no poverty, lack or limitation. There is no law but

Divine law, which is plenty of abundance, harmony and dominion.

No mortal mind or minds, good or bad or indifferent, individual, collective, or universal

can touch me or anyone in the radius of my thought this day, for God good, governs me

and every member of this household with perfection.

Beloved Father-Mother God, give us wisdom to meet problems that come up to be met

today. Give me understanding to deny error. Give me grace to remain silent when it is

not necessary to speak. Oh Love, take me in. Give me one mind, one consciousness

and enable me to love my neighbor as myself. When I cease to judge, criticize or

condemn I begin to progress.

When others hate, despise, ridicule or ignore me, help me, dear God to love them more.

A Rule for Motives and Acts

Neither animosity nor mere personal attachment should impel the motives or acts of the

members of The Mother Church. In Science, divine Love alone governs man; and a

Christian Scientist reflects the sweet amenities of Love, in rebuking sin, in true

brotherliness, charitableness, and forgiveness. The members of this Church should

daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil, from prophesying, judging,

condemning, counseling, influencing or being influenced erroneously.

Alertness to Duty

It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against

aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God,

to his Leader, and to mankind. By his works he shall be judged, — and justified or


6th Tenet

We solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in

Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful,

just, and pure.

Called Forth

I have been called forth into expression by an act of the One Truth. The One functioning "Power" has called me forth. Therefore, I am it. I am the very being the world calls God, only it is not I but is that very God or Christ being that lives my life in the measure in which I have let it flow through me. That is my identity. Therefore, I now realize that all is beauty and perfection. I am called forth! I am called to meet and realize a spiritual purpose which I will find in the release of my human conceptions. Then I am alive! In this moment! In this very now! The value of my particular human time span no longer has much importance - and yet life in this moment is infinitely valuable and unfolding in eternal Truth. I am called forth into this life now and forever - Amen!

The Absolute

One Mind, One Power, One Presence. Creator, Maintainer and Sustainer of All. I the Absolute.

Righteous Judgment

Judge not by appearances but judge righteous judgment. See the Christ in all (human, animal, vegetable, mineral).


Mary Baker Eddy - There is but one I, or Us, but one divine Principle, or Mind, governing all existence – continuing – . . .whatever reflects not this one Mind, is false and erroneous, even the belief that life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material. …declare I shall no other mind before Divine Mind, and become fully conscious of this, and adhere to it throughout the entire day; then the evil cannot touch me.

Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.

Ernest Holmes – The basis of all mental healing is in a change of belief. Since the subjective mind tends to create all beliefs impressed upon it, it follows that in mental healing the whole object is to change the belief. In order to do this we must have a solid ground of conviction upon which to base our beliefs.

There is but One Primary Cause. It is perfect. This Primary Cause is pure Spirit, unhampered by any condition whatsoever. It is not subject to sickness or limitation of any nature.

Our subjective thought patterns are so filled with the belief in sickness and limitation, which has been handed down from countless generations, that we all have an unconscious conviction of the necessity of suffering. To get away from this we must plunge through these subconscious reactions and endeavor to merge into the realm of pure Spirit, the Unconditioned, the Perfect and the Absolute.

Any mental statements which will help us to do this are good. We must realize that disease is not an entity or a thing in itself. It is merely a negative condition logically flowing from a misuse of the Principle of Causation.

These subjective thought patterns are so numerous and so deep that the new idea does not always instantly, change them. Gradually, however the habitual false thought patterns tend to loosen and disappear, and gradually a new channel is cut through to pure Causation which is always perfect.

Since it is sometimes difficult for one to do this for himself it is perfectly legitimate for him to engage the help of another, who, by long practice and much experience, has not only gained complete confidence in the Law and Its operation, but has also gained complete faith in his own ability to use this Law. The patient puts himself in the position of being willing to receive his good even though he cannot see it or consciously entertain it. The practitioner puts himself in the position of knowing that this good is flowing through his patient; that the perfect Life Stream is circulating in him. In this way the consciousness of the practitioner becomes at least a temporary medium for the stream of Perfect Life through his patient.

Realizing that there is but One Universal Subjectivity which flows through each person as what we call the individual subjective mind, the practitioner does his entire work within his own consciousness for his patient. The result is that the consciousness of right action which rises in the practitioner’s thought also, simultaneously, manifests as right action through the patient's body.

The practitioner withdraws from the contemplation of disease, with its symptoms, and thinks of the patient as a pure spiritual individual. He thinks of the patient as being as pure and perfect as is God, the Living Spirit. All of his affirmations are built upon this proposition. According to the law of subjective action and reaction, the result of this is to awaken a corresponding receptivity in the mind of the patient, which produces a corresponding flow of Life through him.

The process is very simple and very direct. There is never any sense of control in this; it is, rather, a sense of recognition and realization. Whether the treatment is what we call absent or present makes no difference. The only advantage in present treatment lies in the explanation of these principles to the patient. Aside from this, there is no advantage in what is called present treatment.

It is important to know that this Creative Law works independently of the intellect. Hence, even an intellectual barrier on the part of the patient is no real barrier, provided he is willing to receive the healing.

Spiritual mind healing is based upon the theory that every individual is perfect at his Source. The Source of every individual is Pure Undifferentiated Spirit. This Spirit is not sick; therefore It does not need to be healed.

In spiritual mind healing the belief alone needs to be changed, thus permitting a new flow of pure Spirit unhampered by any thought of restriction, pain, disease, etc. It would be impossible to arrive at this conclusion unless one were firmly convinced that such a pure Spirit is at the root of every man’s being. According to the Law of Cause and Effect, which works from image, idea and belief to form, it follows that in mental healing one must rise above the belief, the idea and the form which produce the disease. No matter what such a belief may be, he must rise in consciousness to the perception of the pure stream of Life which is unconditioned, unhampered, and unimpaired in Its movement. He must see through the apparent condition, which is real enough so far as it goes, to the Reality, which is perfect.

Wherever possible, the practitioner should explain these principles to the patient and instruct him in the proper use of the Laws of Mind. When this is not possible, or when it is inadvisable, because of certain intellectual barriers which the patient has, the practitioner often does better to work within himself entirely for his patient.

Because of the unity of the Mind Principle nothing is absent from It. The practitioner, then, mentioning the name of the patient, is present with him in Spirit. Disregarding the

physical absence of the patient, the inner awareness which the practitioner arrives at will tend to objectify itself through the patient, wherever he may be.

I am an effective practitioner using the creative Law of Mind in such degree as I absolutely believe in It. I have complete faith that It will instantly respond to me. If I am working for myself I must know that I am rooted in pure Spirit, in perfect Life, and in absolute Being. If I am working for someone else, I need merely mention his name, and, stating that my word is for him, arrive at the same realization with the definite intention that this recognition will operate through him.

Any idea of the physical absence or physical presence of my patient must be put out of my thought. My sole and whole endeavor is to understand his spiritual perfection; to rise above the appearance of his condition to a realization that he is rooted in pure Spirit and that he now has perfect Life. It is unnecessary for me to wonder how my treatment is to reach him, since there is but One Mind in which everyone exists.

In spiritual mind healing my whole endeavor is to arrive at a conclusion of perfection. My treatment is my contemplation of this Perfection as now flowing through myself or through my patient. If, in my treatment, I meet the thought of obstruction, I must immediately remove the belief in the necessity of this obstruction. This is not a matter of mental coercion, but of spiritual conviction.

Therefore a good part of my treatment lies in meditating upon this spiritual conviction and in contemplating its meaning. I must have a deep realization and recognition of this Perfection, for no condition can rise higher than its source. I must be certain, then, that the source of my conviction rises higher than any objective fact which would contradict it. This whole process should seem simple to me rather than complex. It should be direct.

In treatment I should be careful to use only those words which have a definite meaning to my own consciousness. There is no secret about this. There is nothing about it that is difficult to understand. It is simplicity itself.

Joel Goldsmith – One Power Which is No Power

God is Spirit, and if God is the creative principle of the universe, then this universe is a

spiritual creation, not a physical one, not a corporeal one: a spiritual creation. If that is

true, is it not foolish to pray to a spiritual God to do something to a physical universe

which actually does not exist. We are dreaming when we are praying to a spiritual God

to change some kind of matter, to change some physical structure. God is not in that

picture. We need the practitioner who will sit down and realize that God is Spirit, the

offspring of God is spiritual, and into that creation nothing enters that defileth or maketh

a lie. Trying to change a material universe will get us nowhere spiritually.

Human mind broadcasting is not power. It can only be stopped by realization of the

nothingness and non-power of that which is claimed to be such great power. Look at

some form of error- some form of sin or some form of disease or sick person- look right

at it and say, Thou art no power; thou art carnal mind, or nothingness; thou art the arm

of flesh, or nothingness. Thou couldst have no power unless it came from God, for there

is no power but God. God is the life of all being, the immortality and the eternality. God

is the only law, the only law-giver. There is no law of matter; there is no law of disease.

Material power is not power; it is a claim of power…God, Spirit, is power, and Spirit is

infinite, Spirit is all-power. Unless you are specific in your work, specific in your knowing

of the truth, specific in your realization that you are being confronted with mental and

physical powers that are not power, they will continue to be a power until you have the

realization of their non-power.

Reasons for Lack of Healing

The practitioner may…not be completely living, moving, and having his being in God-

consciousness…He does not rise high enough in consciousness to meet those more

serious problems. Sometimes it is because a practitioner has not the time to give those

cases that require years of work. The patient has taken on some state of consciousness

that just does not yield, does not give itself up, and those cases represent what appear

to be our failures…Even those who have seemed not to yield, if they were given enough

time and enough work, eventually do.

For most of our work, healing comes quickly, comes joyously. But the way of it is the

realization that it is nothing but atheism to believe that material power is power. That is

the secret of healing. Spiritual power is the only real power. Any other claims of power

can be reversed or nullified. Material force is not power, Whether it appears as infection,

contagion, whether it appears as mental hypnotism, it is the mind of flesh or the arm of

flesh and it is, therefore, nothingness, for Spirit is the all and the real and eternal. Nullify

every mental and physical claim of power wherever you meet up with it. Accept it as a

responsibility that wherever your attention is drawn to mental or physical power, you will

sit down, quietly and peacefully, and realize, Not by might, nor by power, but by the

spirit of God is all this made null and void. The invisible Spirit is the law and the cause of

all that is…Thank you Father. This is your universe, spiritual, complete.

The human mind is only a instrument what we use to lead us to a place where we no

longer use it. When the mind is not operation, that is when spiritual power is fully

released. The greatest healing works, the greatest works of restoration and reformation,

the greatest works of spiritual power are accomplished when there is neither word nor

thought, when there is a complete stillness. Then something takes place within, and that

is revelation of the Spirit and of the power of the Spirit. There are no thoughts of the

human mind that ever reach God, God reaches us in the silence, in the stillness, in the


We must acknowledge that every finite concept is of the carnal mind, a sense of

selfhood or power apart from God. But from there on, we go into silence to realize that

this that is appearing to us as the mind of man or the arm of flesh is not power, is not

presence, is not law.

Remember that temptation, whatever its form, has to be consciously rejected. This is

not easy to do because the one thing the world is suffering from is mental inertia. It will

not wake up and think. It wants to look at pictures. It does not want to give voice to

specific truth. It does not want to live with truth. It wants to depend on an unknown God,

or on a concept of God that has failed mankind for thousands of years.

Regardless of what I think or believe, this does not change That which is. Regardless of

what I may have faith in, this carries no power since the power is That which is, whether

or not I have faith in it. There is really no power in my beliefs or my faith, since power

exists whether or not I believe or have faith.

Clarence Steves – We must never wait for what is called material sense to substantiate

spiritual reality. Divine ever-present facts are always present and in manifestation. The

carnal suggestion is that we must wait for the evidence to appear through what is called

the treatment, or through the operation of the law of nature. Let us stop this suggestion

of carnality by steadfastly identifying ourselves as the Truth of being which is always

present to spiritual sense. The knower, the knowing, and the known, are all one being;

and there is no possibility of lapsing for or returning to. Christian Science not only lifts

the curtain on man- that is, the coincidence of Principle and idea- but Christian Science

also drops the curtain on the personal sense of self in this true realization of

coincidence. Love demands of us that we see the coincidence of Principle and its idea.

In this true coincidence, the idea is seen to be the functioning presence of Principle

itself, cause being effect, God being His own manifestation.

Allen White - …ALL, and this leaves nothing beside. Sickness, like aught else evil, is

not something to be met, destroyed or healed, because PRESENT PERFECTION

leaves no evil – leaves none sick, ailing or in distress. Surely no one would go about

trying to heal God!

Paul F. Gorman - We teach that no disease, discord, lack or limitation is truth, nor has

to be suffered. Health, wealth, harmony, peace and freedom of being exists within you

this minute, fully established and already manifested, ready to well up and spring forth

as the good and truth of tangible experience "through" your spiritual consciousness.


There is only good everywhere. Keep your awareness lifted above the tangible, into the

spiritual, the realm of only good everywhere - Spirit everywhere.

Stop identifying with THINGS and SITUATIONS. You and your entire world are

INCORPOREAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Everything everywhere is Spirit, yet

misinterpreted by the MIND as finite, fractional, distorted images of sense.

Do not struggle with the "outer" appearance in any way. Fill your awareness to

overflowing with the awareness of the One Consciousness you are conscious WITH.

That Consciousness "does the work" of revealing life, harmony, abundance, and

fulfillment where an appearance was discordant, limited or lacking.

Then you will never be surprised at the wonderful expressions of that good in the

appearing physical forms.