the scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve...

The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form a hypothesis 4. Test the Hypothesis 5. Analyze the results 6. Draw conclusions 7. Communicate the results

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Post on 29-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps:

1.Make observations

2. Ask a question

3.Form a hypothesis

4. Test the Hypothesis

5. Analyze the results

6. Draw conclusions

7. Communicate the results

Page 2: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form
Page 3: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Hmmm. All my house plants are dead or dying.

Page 4: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Can artificial light make plants grow faster?

Page 5: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Informal: Artificial UV lights will help plants grow.

Formal: If plants are given artificial light, then they will grow faster.

Page 6: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Step 1- get three trays with the same soil, water, seeds etc…

Step 2- Make one with no plant light, one with plant light for 3 days, and one with plant light for 7 days.

Step 3- Record growth each day

Page 7: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

A controlled experiment is an experiment in which all things are alike in every aspect except for one factor. The factors that are controlled/ kept the same, are called controlled parameters.

The controlled experiment had surprising results.

Page 8: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Everything that needs to be the same for every part of the experiment.

1. Heat of room

2. Heat of water added to cup

3. Type of water

4. Instrument to measure temperature

Page 9: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

In a controlled experiment, it is the one variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated.

paperpaper StyrofoStyrofoamam


44 66 99

4.54.5 66 9.59.5

4.54.5 6.56.5 99

44 6.56.5 9.59.5

Page 10: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

The factor or result that changes as a result of the independent variable.

paperpaper StyrofoStyrofoamam


44 66 99

4.54.5 66 9.59.5

4.54.5 6.56.5 99

44 6.56.5 9.59.5

Page 11: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

The one factor in an experiment that is allowed to change.

The only variable they wanted to test was the amount of sugar.

paperpaper StyrofoStyrofoamam


44 66 99

4.54.5 66 9.59.5

4.54.5 6.56.5 99

44 6.56.5 9.59.5

Page 12: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

paperpaper StyrofoamStyrofoam ceramicceramic

44 66 99

4.54.5 66 9.59.5

4.54.5 6.56.5 99

44 6.56.5 9.59.5

Page 13: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Look at the data. Make graphs, explain it in written form.

paperpaper StyStyrofrofoaoamm


44 66 99

4.54.5 66 9.59.5

4.54.5 6.56.5 99

44 6.56.5 9.59.5

The average time for paper cups to cool down was 4.25 minutes. The average time for styro cups to cool down was 6.25 minutes. The average time for ceramic cups to cool down was 9.25minutes. Therefore the best insulation was from the ceramic cups.












Page 14: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

•Was the hypothesis correct?

•Would you do things differently if you did the experiment again?

Page 15: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form


Page 16: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

The Scientific Method is a way of finding the answer to a question, developed after observations, that is repeatable, and based upon data. Data is information that one records while doing an experiment.

Galileo is the “father”

Page 17: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

How do Scientists Think?

•Observe-Use all five senses to describe something

•Vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell

•Infer-Draw conclusions from interpreting data and or observations

Page 18: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

The scientific method involves approximately seven steps to insure a valid finding

P rob lem H yp oth es is R esearch P roced u res M ateria ls D ata C on c lu s ion

S c ien tific M eth od


Page 19: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Based upon observations, what you want to find out. It could be in the form of a problem or a question

Page 20: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

An educated guess about the answer to the problem. It should be stated as “if, then”


If you lift heavy weights daily, then your muscles will grow

Page 21: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Find out as much information about the subject as possible. Some sources include the internet, the library, teachers, experts and the results of similar experiments

Page 22: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

Step by step action needed to perform an experiment in which only one factor is allowed to vary. The other factors that could vary are controlled. This acts like a set of directions.

Page 23: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

A list of all the things needed to complete the experiment including the amounts needed

Page 24: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

A record of what happened during the experiment.

The data from your experiment may be shown in several ways:

A graph

A paragraph

A Table

But, always begins with a Table.

Page 25: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

•Was the hypothesis correct?

•Would you do things differently if you did the experiment again?

Page 26: The scientific method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions or solve problems. Steps: 1.Make observations 2. Ask a question 3.Form

1. Scientific methods are the ways in which scientists follow steps to answer questions and solve problems.

2. Any information gathered through the senses is an observation. Observations often lead to the formation of questions and hypothesis.

3. A hypothesis is a possible explanation or answer to a question. A well formed hypothesis may be tested by experiments.

4. A controlled experiment tests only one factor at a time and consists of a control group and one or more experimental groups.

5. After testing a hypothesis, scientists analyze the results and draw conclusions about whether the hypothesis is supported.

6. Communicating results allows others to check the results, add to their knowledge, and design new experiments.