the san francisco call (san francisco) 1900-05-30 [p 10] · 2017. 12. 17. · 10 the san feanciscov...

THE SAN FEANCISCOv CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 36, 1900. 10 SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The Ban Francisco Call, corner of Market end Third street*, open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH '>FFICES-£27 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. Zr <0 Hayes street; open until 8:S0 p. m. C3» McAllister street: open until S:33 p. m. C15 Larkln etrcct; open until 9:30 p. m. 1S41 Ml«'.on street; open until 10 p. m. _C1 Mission street, comer Sixteenth; open un- til S r>- m. 106 Eleventh street; open until 9 p. m. 1096 Valencia street ; op*-n until 9 p. m. Northwest Twenty-recond and Ken- r.itkr »treetf: open ur.til 8 p. m. MEETIXG >OTICES. MOUNT Moriah Ledge No. 44, F. and ft A. M. Officers and members are re- *\^ si«-ctruily requested to assemble st the j£3< Temple THIS DAY <Wedne*4iky). JIajW * 30. at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of attend- ing the runcral of Bnthfr STEPHEN COWAN, late me— ber cf Mari!r.« Lodge No. 41. Martinez, <"al. Ky order of the Master. THEO FKOLICH. Secretary. CROCKETT Loi'.ge No. ;3T. F. and A. M.— Third degree THIS (WEDNES- -S\^ DAY) EVENING. May iO. at 7:30 iSjf o'clock. By oidef cf the W. M. / V » 11. FORTRIEDH, Secretary. 3J1FSION' L<--3g-c- :<c. 169. I\ and A. M.— *r OJScers fend members are hereby noti- yk n>d to attend the funeral of our de- t-^JX ceased brother. JEREMIAH BROWN- f *r s ING, from the hall of this lodge TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY) at 1:S0 p. m. «y order of the W. K. C. P. DUSKER, Secreuu-y. MISSION Lodg*? No. 1C9. F. and A. M.— © CallM meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY) A EVENING, at ', o'clock. Third degree. "$£ 2f C. D. HL'XKER. Secretary. /^y> HAKJ1O.VV LoJge No. 13. I. O. O. <_W(«a : ., F. Th< ofHc*if fcnd ')." funeral con::::lttee cf the above lodge are hereby notified to assemble at . '''¦' Odd Fellows' Hail, corner cf Market and Seventh sts.. on THURSDAY. May Jl. 13C0. at t:3ii a. m.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. CliR. KAES- 1XAX. By order CHAS. (JL'AST. Secretary. OFRCEBS and niembfrs of Golden Gate y^g Chapter No. 1. O. E. S., are n-jtifled to J%[«^ attt-nd :he funeral of nur late brother. * J fer^ JEKKM1AH PIWWXINO, from Mis- f slon Masonic HsU. WEDNESDAY. May 30, at 1 :30 p. m. By order of the Worthy Matron. SAN FKA.VCISCO Camp - -q No. 4iT. V.\ O. W.— Of- <PX/' - "Q fleers ani members are --»^t<JVV 7?*V!?2jQl hereby :. •:•.•-- 10 att^n.i C^C^ON:S5»'/SS^3 The fcr.eraJ :r '.-¦ \~~Z}\* i^*"«'i'T> ceased neighbor, JO- HANNES W. EIP.D. at ! p. m. from Masonic building. lUh &ii.l Railroad avr«. South. W. U WILSON, C. C H. J. McCLIXTOCK. Ork. THE thirteenth annual picnic »5Tfw of the Sons of gt. Ceorte fv&'Zi^f will U Leld WEDNESDAY. May .'.*. at Funset park, -*«kJC%. *t^ :-;i_-. :a Crus Vi. i:r.:a::-.5. A fyf^7*S\-**~^ :...-: interesting programme tfv^ KC2ii2p of Knclish cynics and sports \ ¦\jt3^e^/ for old and younr. fat and lean. A crand tug cf war— v&W* San Francisco vp. Oakland and Alameda. Valuable will be offered for all events. lius:c and dancing «IO held forth all day in la.rsf J.evi!ion. Trains ,-ine £. F. ifoot of Market et.). T:45 and S:C a. m. Special train win l?ave Fourteenth and Franklin, Oakland. f a. m. Tickets iround trip), $1; children, 10c. ANCIENT Order cf ForesierB— The twen- «ft_^V ty-»:xih :::.„.., iiicnic willbe held In > F hchu<.-tzen Park, r.ear J=an Rafael, on Jt\ WEDNESDAY. Mav 30, 1S00. Round- £_> trip ticket, including- a^misfjen to park and ' in cate prizes, adu'.ts 50c. children 25c. ' Valuable frate and came prises will be dis- tributed. Tickets can be procured at A. O. V. building. 1C2 O'farrell St., or at the ferry on rnonsir.s of picnic. J. FALCONER, President I n. ?:. McLennan, secretary. ! THE Caiedrr/.an Club will hold Its . <y x- thirty-fourth arr.ual coth»r:r.j: and ?1» Of J.-J fames at Shell Mound Park on XtxXS* WEDNESDAY. May 23. The best **23* j cthletes cf the Pac'.flc Coast will compet* fcr prizes. Over j::>n© will be distributed. Full banJs fcr pavilion dancing up to S p." m. Eairpipers for platform and fancy ! £&ncir.g. Over forty evente on procramme; j g^t one. A Highland welcome with a full i cay of pleasure to all. Buy round trip ferry | tickets fcr Shell Mound Park. Admission to ' rrourd«, acult?". 60c; children. 25e. ) THH California Debris Commission, having: re- o»'.ved tpplieatior.s to mine by the hydraulic process from Robert Hill, in the Gardners | Point ir.lns, n<?ar Port Wine, Sierra. County, j tr. depoett tailings in Sawmill Ravine; from 1 Charles Hilton, in the Dry Gulch placer mine. ' i«ar I'lf-asar*. Valley, El Dorado County, to deposit tailing* In Clear Creek; from L. Koss, I lr. the Woouchuck mine. In Gold Lake Mining ' District. Sierra County, to deposit talllnes Ini Woodchuck Ravine, and frcm the Golden Hill j Mining Company. In the Golden Hill mine. r.»ar Fowt-Ilton. Butt* County, to deposit tail- i lnfrs in a ravine, notice that a meeting «in be held at rcosi S3, Flooa building. San Francisco. Cal.. on June 1L 1S00. at 1:30 p. rj. AGENTS TlXVTEa 1 LADT ana r*"tlenten agents wanted: very good proposition: arr'y immediately. Mer- car.Mlo library bu'.ljjng. room 11. ASTUOL.OGY. ~ FiTof! A.~MA'PKIvr~oTEgy : pti^greatest aetrol- o?ist ar.d palmist in the world; satisfaction li Powell rt. SCIENTIFIC astrolftiry: readings. SCc: mdl, $1; hcroycopes. PROF. MONROE. 128 Turk st. ATTORXEYS AT LAW. ADVICE fr**; divorce law & specialty; private: ' no f^e without success; collections. G. W. . HOWE, atty. at law. tZ r J Market.cor. Stockton. R. W. KING. ?27 Market st.. room IstJ all cas'«; no advance charge*; call or write. ADVICE Tree: no charve unless successful. W. AV. DAVIDSON. t:T Market St.. opp. Mason. L. f-. CLARK. Emma Ppreckels blCg., J77 Mar- ket ft.; consultation tree; no fees In advance. UATIl -OAU1XET HOT AIH. VAPOR. ROKIXSON $3 4-pan-l folding; door opens: firm and safe. W. S. BROWN, gen, agt.. 426 Ellis. DELGIAX IIAItKS. LOIU>~DONCAKTnR 7?i7??.'^Fe*i'%^00 •LORD DONCASTER Fee S15 00 LORD iXiNCASTER Fee $13 00 On May IS we received direct from Ensland an animal known ae LORD DOXCASTER. His sire was Palace Cup buck of 1S3S and dam was winner cl Doncastcr Sliver Cup of 1SSS. Ke' won a i>rize ever}- time he was shown is Errlanfl. H* has magnificent rhape. and without doubt excels every animal m America In the dark rirhTieFS of hl» color. For a very limited time his fee In itud willbe 115. Tou cannot get a like Fervire frcm tny buck that will compare with him fcr less tfcan $'.0. Ifyour does lack color you should certainly not fall tc fer*e«i t!:»m to him. CALIFORNIA BELGIAN HARE ASS'N. ALAMEDA.CAL. J'jrt Received Word ~~ Ttat the Celebrated Cuck CRACKAJACK Pcored M Points. Only true colored buck llvlnr: also highest peering. Is to be >-on?!m»4 ts the sale of GOLDEN' WT^T RKLG1A.V HARE STOCK. Do not rnifs this opportunity if you want a fine ENGLISH BUCK or DOE. for this etock mutt be eold this week. Call to-day ¦ - G2 Mor.Uromery st., city. THOROrCHDRED B»!rlan does, br»d to Roval Pwereipn. 510. to tr>; to Emperor of Norfo'lk $20 u> (S»: to AJax fhichent-scortng buck in .America). £» to fJ); youngsters, all strains « weeks, £2 tO; 10 we»fc*., J3 W> : 3 month*. J5 ar.d IT IA. Kenwood P.abbltry. 535 nth «.. Oakland. A SNAP- Belgians; disagreement of partners- K h 'S*-~. a4* h*!:* 8 . all apes: Lord Edlnboro.' Lord Rosl,erry. King Yukon and Lord nan- bury strains; If taken as a whole will sell for half market value. Address box 2120. Call. CLAREMONT Belgian Hare Ansoclatlon-Does bred to Fashodi Prince and Royal RochdaJe $10 to %Z*: be«t rtrain youngsters 12 to Jli' 4S15 Telerraph ave.. Oakland: FOIl ealo— Very fine etock of high-ocore r*><J|- prr-el Eplrinn hare*, all ncored by Mr« Bush _100H4 Sutter gt.. Sen Francisco. ' 5a' TKEMONT F-elglan Hare CoT.liJ* Flllmore at f^ar, Francis. OlL-flend Cc in stamps for lKx>k en care and feeding. BELGIAN hnres. ajj slieg. cheap for m. few day* to make room; Yukon buck for service 214 Golflpn Gate ave. . GOLDEN GATE«3ELG1AN HARE C. 603 Gclo". en Gete ave., S._F.; 0C0 rabbits for sale cheap. PFn>ICRnE:D doo- with JlttTF bv^wrd Fashoda Chief (imported). Kurrka Babbitry. 1816 Turk. BTCYCLCS For Snl» or Rifbangr. ?>nT\* Cleveland Wcycle»: better than ever-Tin" LEAVITT & BILL, 809 Larkln st. ~' GREAT bargains In second-hand bicycles; from J5 ur>: FfM for list. LEAVITT &. BILL, 203 Lcrkln rt.. HgJi Francisco. BOAIIDI.VG FOR CHILDREN A PRIVATE home for children by week or; one day to 15 y»ara old: select neigh- borhood: mother's care; termn low; tmnny ¦ yard. 1804 Pott ft.: tel. Larkln 1*1: S b»Ug. HOOK* M3XV' ASD OLD. SCHOOL BOOKS bought and exchanged. H ol me» Book Co.. 7TM Mission st., near Third. BOOT A*D SHOB^DARCAlJrS. BARGAINS, la«le«' and children's eboee; Crum- . leers' samples xnfg. cost. Kohlbechcr. 14S 4th. BUSINESS CHANCES. K5^RES^aX ; RANT -"bargain •" going to Bu^ rope cause of eale. MCLAUGHLIN & CO.. 7774 Market st. J400— SALOON; city front; bargain; on account of other business. McLAUGHLJN. 777H Mkt. $500 SALOON and lunch house; bargain this ci.r. Mclaughlin &. co.. mvt Market st. MANand wife to manage restaurant; very ele- gantly furnished. Apply. D. McRAE. S37 Mission st. 4 VIvRY elegantly furnished house to rent of 18 rooms; rent $S5. D. McRAE. 837 Mission st. $700 CASH—Corner grocery and bar: 2 living rooms; rent $14 25; daily sales $15; ovmer must leave m once for Europe. M. GRIFFIN, 719 v Market ft., room 1. nr. Call bldg. To r*m— For ccal yard, milk depot, etc.; fine location; place Is entirely covered and con- tiins 3 stalls: rent only J15; water free. In- quire WM. IIENDRICKSON & CO., 614 Call building. CALL and see cur HH of good paying busl- riesF»*: groceries, naloons, restaurants, hotels, paint r.licn*. delicacy stores: sale and ex- chancc. EITEL &CARROLL. 10C8V£ Market. KERN County oil lands; a chance to get an Interest In 11,000 acres of choice oil laads; buy now and ret In on the ground floor: these lands are located !n the great oil districts of McKITTRICK. SUNSET AND KERN RIV- ER. Kern County, and belong to the OCCI- DENTAL OIL COMPANY. incorporated under the laws of West Virginia; stock abso- lutely non-as«csfable: investigation solicited. D. H. MO6TELLER, Agent. Room 264. Parrott Building. 8. F. S2SW>— SNAP: $10 day clear: be Increased: gen- teel business: downtown; suitable lady or gentleman; close Investigation solicited. 213 Examiner building. AT a great bargain—Bakery, candy, notions, school supplies, cigars, etc.: good stock and fixtures: located by a BChool: living rooms. VXS Golden Gats ave. $600— PARTNER in restaurant and family dln- ir.p-rocm: flrst-class hotel;, pome capital re- gulrfd. Address box 211S. Call offlce. CIGAR store and fixtures for sale for $125 If rold before Friday, June 1. Inquire at 28 Eest m. FRUIT (»tand to let; *V, Fourth st. ; low rant. Arrly to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Monfgy. J4C0 CORNER grocery and bar: 4 livingrooms; acocnt of sickness. 1111 Howard; no agents. GROCERY, bakery and notion store, with fur- niture of 3 rooms, fcr sale. 225 Ninth st. J400— DTEIXG, cleaning and laundry offlce; nrft-cla**, faying business for 2 person*: 4 living rooms; nice location: low rent; month's trial given. Address box 2116. Call. FOR rale— Restaurant; cloee to four factories; business rood. Apply between 11 and 12 a. m.. CO? B.nd 610 Seventh Ft. FOR sale On account of departure for Nome, a fruit and candy business and paying welL Address box 174S. Call offlce. $5V) DRaYING business well established, horses, wagnni", everything completo; $200 caeh. balance on easy payments. C H., room », 2t Geary st. _^____ DRUG store for Bale or exchange for San Fran- cisco property; a well-etocked. modern, pay- lnc drug store In a gf»od mining towa; cash trade. Call at 730 O'yarrell St.. city. A CHANCE to make $40 a week or more by lnvestlne about $700 In good business; no hard work. Box 1773. Call. GROCERY and bar for rale: cash trade; $750. Address box 173S. Call offlce. GOOD paying 3-chalr bartxr shop for sale. 259 Seventh et. FOR sale Good outside route on morning pa- per; easy terms. Box 1736, Call offlce. FIRST-CLAPS sloop yacht 32 feet long. W. H. CAMPBELL, Sausallto. ' FOR SALE—Flrst-class outside route on a morning paper. A., box 1T70. Call offlce. RESTAURANT for your own price; going to Nome. Apply 1 Fifth et.. room 10. LARGE store to let on Market St.; lease for gale; 22x100. Box 1749. Call. -_ FOR *ale—The Central Hotel In Napa. con- taining thirty rooms: central location; price reasonable. Address R. CUFF, Napa, Cal. FOR sale or exchange— Handsome cottage, fur- nlshed; barn; Berkeley. Box 17&S, Call office. WANTED Bakery^or bakery and coffee Faloon ; must be good location. Box 2S79. Call ctflce. A. TRANSFER corner saloon; north of Market; sickness. Address box ISM, Call office. fJOO— RESTAURANT; no night work; old stand. 229 Elrhth st. GOOD planing mill and lumber yard in this ctiy for sale. Box 2S61, Call office. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from CEO. W. CASWELL & CO.. 412 Sacramento et. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisments and fub«criptlons has been established at 1096 Va- ltnc'.a ti. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. IS rages, sent to any address In the Vnltefl States or Canada one year for $1. LODGIXG-UOU8ES FOR SALE. S6-ROOM corner $4000 Hotel and bar: 36 rooms 1S00 21 rooms on Market St.; only ?00 25 rooms en Bush; rent K-5 950 12 rooms on McAUIeter Ft 4C0 16 rooms: fine corner: clears $150 1000 16-room house on Turk *t 7^0 10 rooms en Jones St.; clears $S3 350 10 rooms en Mason St.; payments 450 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY HOUSE. TELEPHONE MINT 7&6. II. C. DECKER. 1020 Market St.. opp. Fifth. . R. H. WINSTON & CO.. 1026 Market St. 15 rooms; $250 cash, balance $10 month... J423 27 rooms; corner: best of furniture 1500 35 rooms; corner; monthly payments 1900 60 rooms; corner; must sell 1900 40 rooms; rent $37 50 j 600 $30—11 H»X>MS. all rented, with big yard for raising rabbits; low rent. BASILE, 3 Eddy. J1S0O— E6 ROOMS; all rented; good location; near Market; cent.; rent low. BASILE, 3 Eddy et. A ROOMING house: great money maker; heart the city. COWING & CO., 719 Market. TO rent—5 and 6 room flats, furnished. M. GRIFFIN. 719 Market, room t nr. Call bldg. A LIST of 129 lodgir.g-housefl for «ale. M. GRIFFIN, 7J0 Market, room 1. nr. Call bldg. CARHIAGES AND WAGONS. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harnen, etc. cheap. EAGAN & SON. 2117 Mission st. CAMP waffon; finefit In California: good as B»w; cost SSOO; cell $100. 3279 Mission it. NEW & 2d-h«nd wagon*, bug-les. carts &. har- nees, work Ik. driving hcrses. Uth & Valencia. friRlTUALISM. AT Occidental Hall, 5C5 Larkln Et: spiritual meeting this evening, Mrs. Griffin and Ehrlner; 10c. MME. MARQUISE, 6 Hyde, holds test circle to-night at t; 10a; readings. 10 a.m. to 6 p. m. TESTS and communications from "dead" frienfls to all to-night, 10c. 148 Sixth, rm. 12. SPIRITUAL circle to-night at *; all friends and skfpties Invlteo. 24 Sixth st., room 6. TVYLLIP:, the Lc« Angeles photo medium. 330 Ellis st.; 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.. Sundays Included. AT Friendship Hall. 235 McAllister; Mrs. Mey- er; convincing test to-night; 10c; sittings. MRS. LERTER BAILEY'S circle this evening, 10c; readings daily. 1204 Fillmore, near Turk. MRS.J.J.WHITNEY. clairvoyant, test, business mMlum, life reader; Fitting. $1. 1104 Market. MEDA HOBKINS, spiritual medium. 1423 Mar- ket, bet. 10th and 11th; cir. Mon., 8 p. m. CLAIRVOYANTS. A —MRS. DtT CLARK— THE WELL-KNOWN TRANCE MEDIUM. PKRMANENTLY LOCATED AT 505 TURK St., may be consulted on all affairs of life; she willshow you how to overcome your ene- mies: remove family troubles; restore lost af- fections; unite the separated; satisfaction guaranteed by mall; eend stamp for circular with special terms. MRS. DR. CLARK, 205 Turk St.. near Jonen. MME.LANGE. the great clairvoyant, tells past, future; n«ver fall*;has the preateat Egyptian secret; ehows picture future hurband or wife; f»e 25c and up; patKactlon to everybody; open Sundays. 1167 Market et., bet. 7th and Sth. "NOMEt" "Nome'.'*' "Nome!" Save your money: consult Watson, celebrated occult me- dium; lucky and true; Jut- and $1. 15S1 Market et., n* tr Twelfth. READINGS dally In cards and tea leaves; date?, facts, bus, ad. 373 Polk, cr. McAllister.' MME. HANSON, palmistry. 10c; card reader; past, present, future; 25c. 14$ Sixth et., r. 14. CARD reader and p&lmlrt removed- from S53 Mission st. to 136 Sixth, room 8. MME. August, clairvoyant, card reader; palmis- try; truth or no pay; 25c &. 50c. 1149 Mission. Ml£S MELVILLE. grea.t clairvoyant and water reader; German spoken. 921% Mission, op. Mint, CLAIRVOYANT,curd reader, best advice. _j Mlefion «t., near 4th, rm. 3; 25c up; ring bell. MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader* fittings dally . 212'j Sixth et. _^^ MME. ZEREDA of 5 Seventh St.. original gypsy life reader; readings 25c; no sign. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; businees advice; names given; 25c up. S Fourth st. MME. SYBILLE—Cradle to grave; future hus- band's picture; 25c; ladies. . 914 O'Farrell st. CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDIXG'S Pioneer Carpet-Beat- lng Works, 353-357 Tehama St.; teL S. 40. SANITARY Carpet Cleaning and Dyeing Co., 842-344 McAllister st. : phone South 14C. .< 3. E. MITCHELL Carpet Beating and Reno- vating Co., 240 14th St.; tel. Mission 1 74. CITY Steam Carpet Beating Works. G. H. STEVENS, mgr., 33-40 Sth St.; tel. South 250. J. McQUEEN'S Callfoi-nla Carpet Cleaning Co.. 453 Stevenson St.. tel. South 228; lowest rates. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard; laid at 4c, STRATTON'S, 3 Eighth st.; tel. Jessie 944. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st.; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM, proprietor. CONKLIN'S Carpet B«at!n««Works. 833 Golden Gate ave. ; telephone East 128. COLLECTION" OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency— No charge un- less successful. Room 310. 927 Market st COTTAGES TO L!2T. VASSEROT place, 7. oft* Geary, near Larkln— Modern ccttage, 6 rooms and bath; rent $20; water free. Apply L. C. BABIN. 413 Kearny. WELL-FURNISHED sunny cottage, 7 rooms, bath, garden, stable: put In perfect order. Ap- ply 2118 Union Ft., 11 to 5 o'clock: cheap rent. 1H-STORY; sunny, good grounds and view; take Mlsslon-st. cars to Powell ave. Key at 16 Prospect ave.; reasonable. TO LET for 3 or 4 months— Furnished cottage o£_ 8 rooms; $20; references. 217 Third ave., Richmond. WASHINGTON, 1323—6 rooms, bath and yard; marine view. DENTISTS. A FULL set of teeth on rubber plate. $5; a full set of teeth on a gold plate, $25; teeth without a plate; crown and bridge work our specialty; see our flesh-colored plates, thinner and stronger than rubber, warranted for 20 years; finings, 50c: crowns, $3 SO; all work painless and warranted. CHICAGO DENTAL PARLORS. 24 Sixth st. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC, S09 Mar- ket st., cor. 4th. rm. 7, Flood bldg., you can have your extractions done painlessly: teeth without plates our speclaity; gold crowns, $3 50 up; plates, extractions free, $4 30 up; of- flce hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. : Sundays 9 to 2 p. m. O. W. WILLIAMSON. M. P.. Manager. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell st. ex- tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his won- derful secret method; crowns, $2; bridges, $4; ¦ rubber or flexible platen, $3; received S first prizes; no students; guaranteed 12 years. FULL eet of teeth. $5: gold crowns. $3; new methods In bridge work: fillings, gold, $1 up: silver, 50c; painless extraction 50c: gas given. New York Dental Parlors, 969 Mission, cor.6th. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1413 Market, nr. Eleventh —No charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from $S per set; extracting, 50c; gas given. VAN VROOM— "Painless"; evenings and Sun- days. KOI Market St., corner Sixth. PARIS Dental Parlor, 235 Kearny. cor. Bush- Full set of teeth, $4; crowns, $3; fillings, 25c. SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. G. YOUNG. 1S41 Polk et. t DOG HOSPITALS. DR. CREEL Y*S C. P. dog soap creates a smooth, silkv coat: for sale by all druggists or at the hospital, 510 Golden Gate ave. DR. BUZARD'S Dog Hospital, Post. Flllmore— Advice and medicine 75e; city visits $1 50; all animals treated: dogs boarded. Tel. West 636. DRESSMAKEKS A>'i> SEAMSTRESSES XlcDOWELL'S Is the place to learn dressmak- ing and ladles' tailoring: eve. class. 103 Post. MME. REMBERT. 530 Sutter St.. dressmaking school; any pattern cut to measure. S. F. Dressmaking, Ladies' Tailoring School; French tailoring system taught. 411 Van Ness. PARISIAN dressmaking, 3S7 Geary st.; dresses made. $5 up; dresses made over; perfect fit. ACCORDION pleating factory; all kinds pleat- ing. pinking.121 Post, over O'Connor&Moffatt. 1 EDUCATIONAL. A— GALLAGHER-TARR United Schools, Par- rott building; Gallagher, IS years official re- porter, shorthand department; Tarr, expert accountant, bookkeeping dep't; a school con- ducted by experts: call or send for catalogue. II BALD'S Business College. 24 Post St., S. F.— Practical courses In bookkeeping, short- hand, typing, languages, telegraphy, English branches, civil, electrical and mining engin- eerinn. etc.: new SO-page catalogue free. ALL students but two taking full course this year got positions. SAN FRANCISCO BUSI- NESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market st. AYRES', th<* leading business college, 723 Mar- ket ct. : life scholarship, $50; includes short- hand, typing, bookkeeping, pen art; day &eve. CALIFORNIA Business College, 305 Larkln St.; the coming school; thorough; up-to-date; all branches; noyltlons secured for graduates. ENGINEERING, civil, elec. mining, mech. sur- vpy, ar*6>\ cyanide, arch. : day. eve. : est. 1S64. VAN DER NAILLEN SCHOOL. 933 Market. SHORTHAND taught personally or byntall; ac- knowledged by olflolal reporters "best teacher, best syst-m." M. G. BARRETT. 302 Montgmy. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE— Next session begins June 11: catalogue upon application. M. L. PANCOAST, Secretary, 510 Golden Gate. PROF. MERKI,successful teacher cf mandolin, violinand guitar. 1C0S Mission, above Sixth. LE JEUNE Art and Crafts School; modeling, designing, carving; all branches. 424 Pine st. THE only watchmaking school on the coast for ladles and gentleman. O. Sinz, 36 Geary, r. 34. ARITHMETIC,bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc.; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 Mission, nr. 6th. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. A—JAPANESE-CHINESE Contractor and Em- ployment Offlce furnishes best laborers and domestic servants. 4 Carlos place, off O'Far- rell, bet. Powell and Mason; tel. Black 4354. A MOST reliable Japanese and Chinese em- ployment offlce: established over five years. 421 Post St.; telephone Bush 135. ORPHEUM Employment Offlce— Japanese, Chi- nese help. 426 Powell, nr. Sutter: tel. Black5072. JAPANESE and Chinese Employment Offlce: best help furn.; tel. John 2121. 806H Stockton. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office— Best help. 411% O'Farrell st.; tel. East 426. EMPLOYMENT wTuiTUO KE.UALU. FIRST-CLASS German cook, competent In- fant's nurre, German cook with good city ref- errncce, flrst-cla.«s Swedish laundress and a number of houscglrls await positions at MISS CULLEN'S, 325 Sutter st. YOUNGmarried woman with 2 little girls aged 1 and 3 years wishes a position to take en- tire charge of house during owner's absence; object, good home; best of reference. 2111 Flllmore st. SWEDISH girl, flrst-elas3 cook Is taking a course at business college; would like a place to work In exchange for room and board. Box 1776. Call offlce. AS housekeeper by elderly Eastern woman; understands cooking, washing and the care of children; city references given; wages $12 to $15 month. Call 250 Tehama st. RESPECTABLE married woman, good opera- tor, wants work on factory pants or wrap- pers. MRS. BONOMY, 936% Howard st. YOUNG Swedish girl desires position In small American family to do light housework. Call 266 Tenth St., Swedish Baptist Church. SITUATION as companion to sick lady or chamberwork. Address box 17S6, | Call offlce. SWEDISH girl wishes to do general housework" wagf-s $20. Call at 12.Rltch Bt;, off Folsom. between Third and Fourth. FIRST-CLASS cook, also second cook, would like place at resort or mining camp. Box 1773 .Call offlce. WOMAN wishes position to do general house- work in city or country; small v/aces. 174 Je? sle st. WANTED—Situation by a competent cook* would like to go with private family In the country for the summer. Box 1774, Call offlce. IS YEAR-OLD girl wants nursing and general housework; speaks little English. SS Birch ave., upstairs. REFINED elderly lady wishes to do plain sew- lne, Rrslst with child and upstairs work in nice family. Address box 1777, Call office. GIRL 16 yeans; speaks English, Italian, Span- ish; understands French; desires position as nurse In private family. 725 Sansome st. PASTRY cook would like situation iiTTunch- room or small boarding-house. Box 1772, Call. WANTED—By experienced flnlsher on fine cus- tcm cants. 1111 Jones st. BY 2 Norwegian girls Positions . to do house- work, second work or cooking; references Box 1740. Call. GIRL for general housework 'and cooking; ref- erences.. Apply 8 Alice bL, off Folsom, bet Third nnd Fourth. \ : ,.-. .--¦_-.> WINCHESTER House. 44 Th.rd st.. near Mar- ket: 200 rooms; 25c to $150 night; $160 to $6 week; convenient and respectable; fre« 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. ¦ .*-;. AN experienced dressmaker, designer and per- fect fitter wishes work by 'the day In fam- ilies; very reasonable. Expert, box 1750. Call. - , \- ¦ ...... EMPLOYMENT WAXTED FEMALE. WOMAN wishes to go out by the day; washing or houEecleanlng. Call 611 Turk st. LADY wishes sewing and mending to do at home or housekeeper's position. Call 116 Sixth St., room 6^ j CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisement and subscriptions has been established at v% Va- lenda st. - - '.. K3IPLOV3IENT WAXTED MAL.iT A— COLORED chef and wife, just from the 'East With best of references, also 2 head and . second cooks, with first-class references, from Boston, want situations. Address C. It. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary St. ' COMPETENT German man and wife desire sit- uations; understand all kind of ranch .work; reference. MISS CULLEN. 325 Sutter St. FIRST-CLASS butler-wants position; best city references. MISS CULLLEN, 325 Sutter st. RELIABLE young man of 24, experienced In . bookkeeping and general office work, wishes position with established firm; reference from late employer. Address box 1793, Call office. PRACTICAL all-round pickle man with large Eastern and California .experience, is cpen to an engagement; can make his own steam; city or country. Address W. H., 1729 Eddy st. COACHMAN, young Englishman, wants situa- tion or as man about place or any place of trust; good references. Box 1788, Call office. ENGLISHMAN (aged 23). steady and reliable, wishes permanent employment with whole- sale firm; best of references. Address C. W. C, 1137 Union st. SITUATION wanted to care for horses or as watchman by handy man of 25; references; city. Address box 1735. Call offlce. YOUNO man wishes to complete his barber trade In good ehop. Address box 1734, Call office. SITUATION wanted by a coachman and gar- dener; best referenc=s. EMIL ERICKSON. 582 Albion St., Oakland. GOOD Jobbing blacksmith and sheer wishes a situation; reasonable wages. Address F. A. M.. box 16. Call office. " FRENCH cook wants situation in hotel, city or country. D. L.. 275 Stevenson St. JAPANESE couple want situations In family; man us cook and wife to do waiting and housework: with good reference. W. M.. 933 Sacramento st. ENGINEER and machinist. 32 years of age. good pipefitter; al6o woodwork: flrst-class ref- erences. Please address box 1723, Call offlce. LEE C. PRAY, carpenter and general jobber- Screen doors and windows, lattice work, fur- niture, roofs, outhouses, fences, board walks, cupboards made and repaired by the day or Job. Address Bailey block, room 2, Dwlght way station, Berkeley. GARDENER experienced In commercial and landscape gardening wishes to take chargs of a large private place, plantation, etc. : long years' references. Write to N. GARTNER, 953 Fortieth st., Oakland. OFFICE work— Young man of 28, with 6 years' expn-lence, wants position for the summer. Address J. E. COOVER. Palo Alto. Cal. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce, 2200 Fillmore st. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencla Ht. EXPEHT OPTICIANS. GEORGE MAYERLE. German expert optician, 107114 Market Ft.—Examinations free; German eye water by mall. 50e. Phone Mint 257. FLATS TO LET. i , - - >. .-.¦¦~ J ..~— ~~~— .—-^~-^^-— .*, 1ICO FLATS, cottages, etc.. Speck & Co.. 667 Mkt. 1S22 Pac av.; 10 r. Geary: 10 r. h...$70 710 McAllister; 3 r.h. 32 1610 California; 7 r. f . 35 793 Halght; 7 r. f 2511210 Polk; 9 r. h.... 35 922 Hyde; 6 r. f....32 50<331 Eddy; 4 r. f 20 jA— NW. corner Sutter and Scott; finest flat In city for the price; Investigate: 6 large rooms and large glazed porch; appreciated if seen. A— 7-ROOM flat: corner; sunny: 2 bay windows; all modern Improvements. 417% Third st. ALL bright flats. 4 and 6 rooms, bath. 1042 and 1044 Sacramento St., below Mason. ELEGANT 7-room flat; modern improvements. 2410 Sacramento st., near Webster. FLAT— Modern improvenemts; half block from Union Iron Works. 913 Illinois st. FLATS 3 and 4 rooms, bath; oft Howard, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. Key at 1626 Howard. GEARY, 813*4— Modern flat of 7 rooms and bath; rent J35; water free. Apply L. C. UABIN. 413 Kearny st. IF you want to move get printed list flats to let from BA'LDWIN& HOWELL, 10 Montgomery. MISSION. 1513, near 11th— 6 large sunny rooms; bath; yard and laundry; rent $18. MODERN lower flat. 7 rooms and basement. 1131 Geary St., bet. Van Ness and Franklin. NEW sur.ny flat, 6 rooms, batlr yard, base- ment; modern imp. 1931, 1935 O'Farrell st. PEARL. 27, off Market, nr. Valencia— Lower and upper flats; rent $8 and $7. SUNNY lower flat, 5 rooms, bath, yard, base- ment; rent reasonable. 482 Page, nr. Webster. $15—LOVELY flat of 4 large rooms and bath; nice view. 292 Third ave., cor. Clement St.; take Sutro car. ¦ $13—FLAT of 4 rooms. 125 Page, bet. Cough and Octavia, 1^4 blocks from Market. UPPER flat: 6 rooms and bath. U20B Turk St., near Laguna. $16—FLAT, 3 rooms and bath. 411 Larkln st. 2 FLATS of 4 rooms each; one $7 and other $9. 39 Shipley st.. between Third and Fourth. FVBNITURE FOR SALE. NEW furnishings of elegant modern flat on Van Ness ave. for sale. $450; rent of flat, $35; solid mahogany furniture: Axmlnster car- pets. Apply H. J. MOORE. 1039 Markt st. FURNITURE and carpets: cheap; leaving city; call from M to 2. 600H Leavenworth st. 4 ROOMS furnished In oak for $48 50. withNo. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market. FURMTUIIE WANTED. CHAS. LEVY buys your furniture, carpets, piano. 1135 Market Rt. : telephone Jessie 761. ALFRED WOLLPERT, 773 Mission et., pays highest price for your second-hand furnlturo. W. E. CODY (late with J. T. Terry & Co.) buys furniture, carpets. 757 Mission: tel. Itod 33»3. HELP ' WANTED— FEMALE. cTiChansen a"'c~6T.73hone grant iss HOTEL DEPARTMENT S waitresses, resort for second, $20; 2 wait- resses, springs, $20; 4 waitresses, different re- sort*. $20; 3 waitresses. flrBt-class commercial hotel north; 2 waitresses, south, $20; pantry girl, resort. $20 and free fare; 4 waitresses, flrst-class hotels, city. $20; 2 chambermaids to wait dinner, city, $20; chambermaid to wait, country, ?20. FAMILY ORDERS 'Seamstress who can cut and fit children's clothes, $1 day. 2 factory girls, $3 50 to $4 week; nurseglrl for Angel Island. $15: woman with a child, $20; 5 cooks, city, $25; housegirl, email family, all grown, $25'; cook, ranch, $25, fare paid; house- girls for city and country. C. R. HANSEN & , CO.. 104 Qeary t at. - ¦ ¦ ' "*" A COLORED cook, $25; colored maid, $20; >am« house. MISS CULLEN. 225 Sutter st. j A— IRONER. city. $30; Iron er. Palo Alto, $30 and found; cook. Ban Rafael, $80: French cook, $25; chnmbermald and laundress, coun- try. $20; 4 German cooks,, city, $30 and $25; cook, Kprlngs, $25; 10 waitresses, summer re- sorts and commercial hotels, $25 and $20; chambermaids to wait, $20 each: 4 waitresses, city hotels, $20 each; second girl, $25. MISS CULLEN. 325 Sutter Bt. . | WANTED—Fancy lroncr for laundry; 15 wait- " resses, city and country hotels and resorts Ab well as for private boarding-houses In San Francisco, $20 to $25: girl for general housework, country, $30; seamstress, private ; family, $25; Protestant nurse, $25; large num- ber of girls for general housework, city and country, $20 and $25. Apply to J. F. CROS- ETT & CO., 316 Sutter st. WANTED— A girl to work in an oyster and lunch counter; German preferred who , has had some experience. Call at 412V4 Sixth St.. between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. YOUNG lady over 20 to assist well-known com- edian in eketch; must travel. Address or call between 2 and 3 p. m., W. V.; 14 /Turk St., room 10. ... " i FIRST-CLASS cutter. for .Ilk. waists; capable of taking entire charge of manufacturing de- partment. ApplyMRS. MILLER. 1228 Market. WANTED—Young. girl assist light housework; no children; wages $7 per month. Apply 1653; ' Tenth ave.,, Sunset District. "--- T WANTED—Attractive girls from J6 to 18 years. Call SHREVE & BARBERS,' 511 Kearny st... from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. GIRL for housework; wages $10. MRS. VAS- ELATOS. .B st. and Forty-ninth ave. TRIMMER wanted; also apprentice. DINAN'S, 24 Kearny st. NEAT girl for general housework; family of three. 812 Ellis st. ' " ¦ A FACTORY girl Is wanted at 3460 Twenty- ;. fifth st. ; good wages. ¦ ¦-''.'. GIRL" for housework, I plain cooking and wash- . Ing.. M92Q Sutter. at. LADIES to fill positions; country: managers through Calif.; ref. required. 2421 Flllmore. HELP TVAJfTED—FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED : - ~ To work on shirts; beginners taught. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. 36V4 Fremont St.; elevator. GIRLS. i GIRLS. GIRLS. Highest wages paid to sewing machine oper- ators on LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'S overalls. Apply at once to MR. DAVI3. 32^ Fremont. GIRLS to learn to make cigarettes at JOHN BOLLMAN & CO.. 36 Jessfe St.; good wages to be earned; steady work; references. WANTED—A girl to assist in housekeeping. 120SM, Turk st. WANTED— Lady talloress for general tailoring; steady, work. 713 Valencia Bt. FIRST-CLASS ironers wanted for ladles' work. Address P. O. box S3-t. Vallejo. Cal. AN operator on pants; steady work. 110 WU- 1 Ham Ft. oft.Geary, near Taylor. IRONERS and operators wanted. National Laundry, 411 Sanchez st. WANTED— A reliable girl to help general housework; good home; nights off. 1426 Mason. NEAT girl; general housework, plain cooking, assist with children; $20. Call 233 Third ave.. Richmond District; take Sutter or Geary cars. WANTED— Women and girls to work on fruit. FolBom st., bet. 13th and 14th sts. A GIRL wanted to assist in general housework. 7S1 McAllister St., near Octavia. WANTED—Middle-aged woman to do light housework at 113 East st. WOMAN to help In kitchen of small boarding- house. 662 Fulton st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing; wages $25; refs. required. 1Scott st. COMPETENT nurseslrl with good references required for San Rafael. Box, 1741. Call offlce. YOUNG German girl to do housework and help in bakery. 3150 Twenty-second st. WAITRESS wanted. 113 Turk St.. In restau- rant. , GOOD finisher and apprentice girls on custom coats; pay while learning. 126 Russ st. WANTED—A good lively solicitor; big money. 133 Hills Et. FIRST-CLASS vest maker. 8H Antonio st., bet. Ellis and O'Farrell st, off Jones. FEW young ladles to Join night school; low rates. Ayres' Business College. 723 Market st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore st. ABRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1C96 Va- lencia st. ¦ HELP WAIVTED-MALB. AT C. R. HANSEN ? '"& C0 7 S?T.?..aoTGeary st Wanted for the Coast road, free fare. Teamsters $2 a day Laborers J2 a day FREE FARE FREE FAKE CO 4-horse teamsters $2 25 a day, via Los Angeles and Santa Barbara di- visions A free fara 30 laborers, S. P. Company work. $2 a day, board $4 50 a week free fare 60 section hands for different divisions on the a P. Co, $170 a day free fare 10 miners, $2 50 a day; 6 muckers. $2 a day: 20 fanners, $26 to $30; 20 quarry men, £2 and $2 25 a day; 20 mill and woods men, $30 to til and board, see boss here; camp blacksmith, $3 a day; 8 milkers, $25 and $30; 2 hostlers, $50; gardener, $30; choreman. Institution, $25; ranch blacksmiths, $35 and $30 HOTEL DEPARTMENT Meat cook, country hotel, $30 and fare ad- vanced; baker and pastry cook, $50; 3 broil- ere city, and country, $50, $55, and $30; 6 sec- ond cooks, city and country, $40 and $50; French cook, country hotel, $60 to $«>, see party here; third cotk. $40; 20 dishwashers, potwashers and kitchen hands, $20, $25 and $40. Neat young man with experience as hotel clerk, country hotel, $25; nurse for an lnstltu- tlon. $30. C. R HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary. A CHOREMAN who can milk and make butter; private place; country; $45; see party here. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary St. \-MURRAY & READY.. ..PHONE MAIN5348 Leading Employment and Labor Agents WANT 7 A. M. TO-DAY Help for all parts of California. Utah. Wash- ington, Arizona and Hawaiian Islands and Oregon, 5456 MEN FREE FARE and offlce fee Jl and no other expenses to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara .districts, we ship you to-day. 9 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.. for the S. P. R. R., laborers and team- sters, $2 day. FREE FARE HAYMAKING ANDHARVEST 2S9 men to run mowers, rakes, pitch and work In fields, header men. etc.. $1 25. $1 50. $2 day and found. COME AND SEE STABLES. VINEYARDS. ORCHARDS. GAR- , 16 stablemen, city and country Jobs, $40, $35, $30, $25 and found 129 vineyard and orchard hands, $33, $30, $2G and found;. 5 gardeners, 2 coachmen, 1 stable- man, all for private families, $30, $25. $20 and . found, COME. SEE DAIRIES, CHEESE FACTORIES 89 milkers for different places, $35. $30 and found; 5 butter makers and run separators, boss hc-e, $35 and found; 5 cheesemakers, dif- ferent Jobs. $35 and $40 and found ......AGAIN WE PAY YOUR FARES TO 25 SAWMILLS. ETC NO EXPERIENCE WANTED 563 men for 60 different Jobs, from laborers to run machines, wages from $26 to $40 per month and found also lumber pliers, bark peelers. $40 and found; crosseuti sawyers, Jackscrewers. band sawyers, screw turners, gang edgermen. In fact we want help of every description for sawmills, woods, etc., $80, $75. $90, $120. $60. $50, $40. $30 and faund; 584 woodchoppers. tie- makers, tool* and food found, some at mines, $3. $2 CO, $2, $160, $1 and 75c cord 10 laborers to build flume. $30 to $40 and fd MECHANICAL HELP 19 blacksmiths and hcrseshoers. $2 50 day, $50, $70, $15, IJ5 and found: also 5 helpers, $12 week, $35 and found; G woodworkers, carriage- makers, $3, $2 50 day, $40 and found: circular sawyer, $60 and found; 2 boilerrnakers, $3 60 day; carriage painter, stripe and letter, fare COc, $10 week and found screw tender, $52 and found; 3 carriage paint- ers I ....S. P. R. R.—DIFFERENT DIVISIONS.... FREE FARE OFFICE FEE $1 Section and reconstruction and NEW WORK LABORERS. YOU'LL SUIT. REGULAR WAGES SPECIAL NOTICE. ..MINES...BIG WAGES 35 laborers for mines, no experience required. YOU'LL SUIT. $40 to $4S per month and found: 29 miners, single hand $90 and $75 CROWDS GOING TO GOLD MINES SPECIAL 3 milk wagon drivers, $30, $25 and found; planer hand, rawmlll co $50 and found FOR A NEW MINE 12 laborers, no experience, fare. $2 50, $34 and found; t men and wives for ranches, $40, $35, ' $30 and .found. ..MEN, YOUNG MEN OR STRONG BOYS.. 36 wanted to pull rhubarb, pick peas, pick fruits, hoe between vines, make yourselves otherwise useful, $17 50 and $20 per month and found man for wine cellar, country. $25 and found READ THESE CAREFULLY 365 laborers and teamsters for all parts of California, also many for San Francisco, $3, $2 50, $2, $1 75 day; many city Jobs, to board home Wanted for a new railroad Free Fare teamsters $2 a day rockmen $2 a day laborers $2 a day Free Fnre Free Fare MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. A—COOKS* MAKERS \ WAITERS 8 bakers, city and country shops $40 and $50 39 cooks, restaurants, hotels and boarding- houses, ranches, etc $35 to $60 and found waiters, city and country hotels and resorts.. $25. $30 and $35 and found washer, country laundry, $30 and found; bar^ ' ' ber to run country shop Clerk, city $20 and found Porters, elevator boys, etc.; 4 baker's helpers, $30, $35, $25 and found. MURRAY A. READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. , BUTLER, country. $40, references: broiler. $55: cook, country boarding house. $40: porter and waiter. $25; vegetablemen. $25. $20; kitchen- man. $30; bellboy, $3, elevator boys, $4 week; waiters. $3: night waiter, $3; dishwasher, country $20,* $13; dishwashers, city. $25, $20; other restaurant and hotel help. J. F. CROS- ETTS Agency, 628 Sacramento st. i TWO edgermen. $45 and $70; trimmer for mill, $15 to $50- 3 car builders, 30c to 35c an hour; 3 carpenters. $3 day. free fare: ironmolder, j $3 day; machinists for city and country. $3 to $4; washer for laundry. $30 and board; starcher and wife. $60; man and wife, private family, $50; farmers, milkers, woods and mill men of all kinds, and many others. J. F. CROSETT'S Agency. 628 Sacramento st. BVRBERS' Progressive Union—Free employ- ment. H. Bernard. Sec. 104 7th; tel. Jessie 152. RESPECTABLE young man with some knowl- edge of barkeeplng for downtown saloon ; one living with parents preferred. Address box 1787. Call offlce. £ WANTED— Retail salesman, experienced In grocery business. Box 1789. Call offlce. WANTED— Extra dinner waiters at Bay State Restaurant. 29 Stockton st. >_ ; STEADY day : waiter; bakery and coffee-house. 612 Kearny st. ' WANTED Cleaner: steady work and good wages.' Hudson River Dye Works. 409 Sutter. BAKER'S helper wanted; S. S. City of Puebla; $35 or $10. Apply baker en board. WANTED— First-class bootblack for. barber shop." Call 141 Ellis st. -- WANTED—Blacksmith. Apply to J. O'SHEA, 17th and Vermont sts. INTELLIGENT steady boy to learn printing trade. "819 Market st. room 47. , WANTED— A 'good waiter. 134 Third /* ¦ HELP WAXTED 3IALB. WANTED :••• FREE FARE. 6 farmers for large vineyard, steady work, |26 and found. (For large Grain ranch.) - - * 2 warehouse men $4u and found 2 ranch blacksmiths $oO and $40 and found Shop blacksmith •? 5<J 2 single hand miners i- 50 day 2 muckers, same mine $2 oa y 50 farmers, hayinjf. vineyard, orchard and ranches. $25. $30, $35 acd $40 •• Milker, country $30 and %Zo Butcher country shop J25 and found. W. D. EWER & CO.. 610 Clay at. WANTED—Steady man. lightIndoor v/ork; will pay $;o per month, with chance of increase; J60 required. Apply TTTH Market St. room 7. BARBER wanted; guarantee $16; can make $18 to $25 per week. 1W First ave. south. Seattle, Wash. > BARBER wanted for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. 375 Fifth St. BARBER wanted; steady; cood young; man. C23 Clay st. BARBER wanted, must be At. at 12 Fifth at. BARBER wanted; first-class workman; steady. 609 Larkln st. WANTED—A good barber for Wednesday, Sat- urday and Sunday steady, at 405 Third st. WANTED—A flrst-class barber; good wages. Call early at 947 Fillmore st. GOOD steady barber for Saturday evenings and Sundays. 20OS Mission st. BARBERS-Good-paylng shop In nearby town; a bargain. DECKELMAX BROS.. IPS Ellis. BARBERS— A good shop for sale on account of sickness. Apply 911 Larktn at. VESTMAKERS wanted to take out work. 1215 Market st. WANTED—Shoe clerk. 962 Washington St., Oakland. WANTED— 4 good helpers In foundry. Apply at 642 Townsend St. WANTED—An experienced elevator boy at 29 Stockton st. BOOTBLACK wanted; barber shop. 1333 Mar- ket st. BEDMAKER: state references and salary ex- pected. Box 1778. Call office. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted. BELASCO & HARRIS CO., 541 Market it. WANTED— Recruits for the United States Marine Corps. U. S. navy; able-bodied, un- married men, of good character, between the ages of 21 and 3.1 years; not less than 5 feet 4 Inches and not over 6 feet 1 Inch In height; must be citizens of the United States or per- sons who have legally declared their lnten- i tions to become citizens; able to read, write and speak English properly. For further In- formation apply at the Marine Recruitlnif Offlce. 40 Ellis st., San Francisco. CaL. or | 530 K St., Sacramento, Cal. MEN wanted to learn barber trade: only re- quires six to eight weeks; day and evening class; special inducements this season; only Institution In the world teaching this trade: map of city and Illustrated catalogue mailed free. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 635 Clay et. WANTED—Elderly man to help sell fruit oft a ¦wagon; $15 per month and found. 123 Henry Bt. ; call before S a. m. BARBERS— 3-chalr shop for gale; good loca- tion; new modern furniture; 3 living rooms; I furniture value equals purchase price; $450. Box 1744. Call offlce. SIGN paintlnc—Wanted, boy who has worked about 2 years at trade. 79 ThlM st. APPRENTICES wanted to learn barber trade at their own price. Box 1747, Call. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, halt price. 6C2 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. ONE good finisher and 1 good helper In wagon factory. 630 Broadway. WANTED General tailor for the country. J. BAUMGARTEN & CO.. 7 Montgomery st. BRIGHT boy wanted for jewelry store; state references. Box 1737. Call. "WANTED—Drug clerk. 1^3 Eddy St.; call about 9 a. m. SOLICITOR and collector for industrial Insur- ance; 12-1, 5-6. r. 6. 405 Montgomery st. 3-CHAIR barber shop, close to Market st.: one of the best stands In the city; at sacrifice. Full particulars STOLTZ. 630 Market st. GOOD gardener for country place; wages '$23. MRS. CATTELL. 523 Eighth st.. Oakland. GET your ?hoe» half-sole«l while waiting; £5c to 50c. 562 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. WANTED— A good lively solicitor; big money. 136 Ellis st. WANTED Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Th'rd St.; 130 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $2 p?r week. MEN to learn barberlng and halrdressing at 9. F. Barber School. 741A Howard st. GENTLEMEN'S suits to order. $1 per week, at cash prices. N. Y. Tailoring Co.. 113 Kearny. SAILORS, ordinary seamen and green hands; all parts of world. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart. PENSIONS— GEO. D. CAMPBELL, lawyer; IS years' practice; Examiner b!dfr. WINCHESTER Hotel. 41 Third St., near Mar- ket; "CO rooms, 25c night: reading room; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. LTNDELL House, corner Sixth and Howard Rooms 15c to 23c per night; 73c to $2 per week. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. HOtlSES. LIVE STOCK. Etc r'or Sale THE sixth iot of the 200 horses from the Canty ranch Just In; from $20 up; 6 blacks, 2 browns and 2 whites In the lot. 2170 Market st. ; Castro-st. cars pass the door. 40 HORSES for Bale; also wagons, buggies, carts, harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market. 827 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednesday. 8ULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. FOR SALE—1 good driving horse; « years' old; bargain. Call N. E. cor. 15th and Guerrero. FOR rale—2 extra fine carriasr teams. DAL- ZIEL. Vet. Dentist. 605 Golden Gate ave. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list; houses to let; send for dr- cular. G. II. L'MBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. LEAVENWORTH. £06. near O'Farrell— 2-story house 8 rooms, alcove and bath; In good order: key at grocery. Apply to C. S. CAPP & CO.. Real Estate Agents. 630 Market st. PIERCE. E. side. bet. California and Sacra- mento— 2-stcry bay-window. 6 rooms and bath: neat house; nice neighborhood. Apply to C. S. CAPP <fc CO.. Real Estate Agents. 6S0 Market st. BROADWAY, 1516. near Van Ness— Sunny 7- room house. IIOUSES TO 1,E!T FURNISHED. CALIFORNIA, near Van New ave.—10-room house, completely furnished. Call 1115 Post. LOST AXD FOOD. LOST— A pass-book with the Hlbernla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco. In the name of LAVINIA E. DEAN, No. 207-1S4. The firmer will please return to bank. LOST—White cat; green and one blue eye. Re- ward at 41 South Park. LOST— A passbook with the Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco. In the name of ANTHONY MURRAY. No, 1S9-103* The finder will please return to bank. LOST— Receipt book containing s00 shares Im- perlal mining stock: reward, ill Larkln st. LOST— Bank book on the Hlbernla Bank. In th» name of MRS. ANN McDANIEL. Finder win return same to the Hlbernla Bank and receive reward. BIEOICAL. DRS GOODWIN, the wTlTkaown ladle.' phy- slclan. formerly 401 Van Ness, returned from Europe with advanced knowledge; safe ami reliable cure $3; have treated thousands ot cases withsuccess; 15 years' practice In S F maternity home; low fees. 1007^ Market st.' D t R J , G -. W ' O'pON'^ELL.'the world-renowned ladies' specialist: «afe and reliable; has prac- ticed In 8. F. for years; treated thousands of cares successfully: treatment caa be used at ¦home; consultation Tree. Write or call at ' 1C2JU Market st. MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable specialist; » yrs. practice: home In confinement; treatment at office. $5; any ailment; consultation free; con- fldenttal. 942 Post Bt.. b»t. Hyde and Lurkin. MRS. DR. KOHL, ladles' epeclallst-GuararH i 9 ?.?, 1 / 611111161 " at offlc e. *•"•: consultation free 1U2 Market St.. bet. Mason and Taylor; office hours 9 to 5. Sundays 10 to 4. MRS. DR. ALLEN. 1C35 Market; ladle.' spe- clallst: treatment a; office. $5: consultation free; hour* 10 to I. Phone Jeasle 257. DR and MKS. DAVIES. 1221 Mark-t: ladles" physician; chronic . diseases treated: tot* scientific methods; treatment. $S. DR. NO TOY KEE. late of Canton. China: dls- eases of all kinds cured: herbs and teas; sanl- tartum. .04 Bacra.mento.cor. Kearny :advte« f r«». N IP E reliable home for confinement: reasona- ble. 2012 Folgom gt.. MRS. DR. PFEIFFER. Y. S.— DR. WISE & CO.. the ladles' specialists. 1118 Market gt.; every cage guaranteed: $5 up. MRS. ECHWARTINO. midwife; private homa in confinement for ladles. 810 Eddy st. DR. and MRS. M. WEGENER— Private home In confinement. 1812 Golden date are. DR. WONQ HIM. herb doctor, treats all dia- eases 01 the human body. 115 Mason st. 3IISCELLAXEOCS FOIl SALE. BOILKRS. engines. 7-hand machinery. Mc- INTOSH & WOLPMAK, 193-197 Fremont at. A— BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en- eines, boilers water pipe, shafting, pulleys. etc WHITELAW. as Spear st. BARS back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun- ters ' linoleum, store and office furniture and fixtures; new and second hand; we always have a large stock of saloon out3t3 en hand; 12 complete outfits on our door, ready r.tih; we can shin everyth'.ns In M hours. J. -N'OO- ¦NAN 1C1T. 1019. 102 1. 1023 Mission St., aWv-j SUth"; write for catalogue. WHISKY for family or medicinal us>; 4 full oaart bottles, expressage prepaid, H ?); noth- ing on case to Indicate contents; twice ta» trice could buv no better; mail orders solic- ited. F. EPHKAIM &CO.. IS Montgomery. A-$3 &0 DERBY and Fedora hats, il 73. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny st.. nr. Pine. KD-HAND Dow duplex steam pump; S-ia. steam. 6-tn. water. H. S. WHITE. olSMlaalon. FINE ycuns parrot. Just starting in to talk, for sale cheap. 1112 Powell st. A FINE suit. $li); dress pants. 12 73. MISFIT? CLOTHING PARLORS. 43? Montgomery at. FITLL line cameras and photo supplies; seiiins cheap. W. A. HARTTER. 513 Examiner bids. WE v rent full-dress and Tuxedo suits for {2 50. Portland Loan Offlce. V, Stockton st. MAGIC lanterns new and second-hand: r.iovlne pictures. Bl'LLARD & BHECK. 131 Post it. CASH registers of every description for aala and repaired. 1S27 Market, bet. 9th and liha. FORTABLE engines, boilers: Iron and wood planers: lathes: Id-hand. J. Burke. 133 Bealg. A NEW Standard Typewriter; latest model; cheap. Typewriter Exchange. 409 California, EDISON concert phonograph, price reduced to 1100: concert records. J2 50. BACIGALUPL, 933 .Market St.. San Francisco. NEW and second-hand slot machines bough* and sold. W. C. BEXTHAM. 1S32 Market st. A 10-TON Fairbanks scale and ftro and burs- lar proof safe. 21S California at. SAFES- New and second hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st. SECOND-HAND fireproof safe; 1 fira and hurff- lar proijf safe; cheap. 43 Main st. SAFES New and second hand; all sizes. THB WALTZ SAFK. 109-111 Market St.. San Fran. ONK 4-slded sticker; I planer and matcher: t air compressor; 5 locomotive*. K9 Fremont. I AWEEK'S news for 5 cents. The Weekly Call. IB pages. In wrapper, for mnHing. fl r»»r year. 3IISCELLA.\EOUS \VA\TS. ' WANTEP—Second-h.T.nil sash and doors cheap. Address box 1729. Call offlce. ¦ LAL'NDRYMEX Wanted, second-hand boson* I lron.»r; state price an.l make. Box 1730, Call. WANTED—Second-hand upright plann for cash. II. L. WHITrHKAO. 1710 ?.>¦-! rk-t st. J1OXEV TO LOAX. HEIRS~t<T unsettled estates In crobata can re- ceive cash at ence: also first or second mort- gage loans on real estate, furniture and pianos: no removal: prompt dealing: no charge unless loan is granted. EQUITABLQ LOAN CO.. roon*4 (SOI. Examiner building. ANY proposition, any amount; 6 per cent; flnt. I second mortgases. estates In probate. Interest In estates, legacies, corporation loans, chattel mortgages; confidential: advice free. O. K- OLSEN. room 18. first floor. Chronicle Mils. ANY amount at 8 per cent; 1st. Idand 3d mort- jragea, undivided Interest, real estate in pro- bate; mort^aKea and legacies bought: no de- lay; Bet my terms before doing business els«- where. R. McCOLOAN. Montgomery, r. 2. HIGHLY respectable privata p'.ace to obtala liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry at low- est rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84« Market St.: ttl. Main 1G44. Branch 13 Third st. NOTICE—Pledges of the Mint Loan Office. 14 . Fifth st.. are transferred to W. J. Hesthal. 10 Sixth St.. where the business will ta coa- tlnued. T. LUBEI.SKI. ¦ ON r-al estate. 1st or 2nd mortgages, and on> furniture or pianos: no removal: any amount; lowest rates. BECKER Sc CO.. IS Montgomery. MOST reliable place to borrow on diamonds, watches, Jewelry. W. J. HESTHAL, la SUth; highest price fcr old gold: silver, diamonds. j ANT amount by private party on furniture and pianos: no removal: low rates; conndentiaU ! BONELLI. Conservatory b'.dj:.. 130 Fcwell st. j AT 125 Kearny st, room 9, rer-rectab!* private i place to borrow on watches, diamonds: lowest rates: take elevator. Telephone Davis 935. ON furniture and pianos without removal : quick service: money direct: lowest Interest. Rcoas (3 and 63. Dcnohoe buildl.iff, 1170 Market st. LOANS made on furniture at 1H per cent; also loans to salaried people. HAKSHBARG1SK. 822 Ellis St.. room ii. MONEYloaned salaried people without security. HILL.rm. 44. Merchants' Exchnge. 43! Calif. TO salaried people; without security; all busl- ness confidential. Tousley Co.. 3n Parrott big. CASH loaned to salaried people on note without indcrser. MORREL.L. 6C9 Etamlner building. 1 ON furniture, pianos, without removal; no [ commlMton; privata. LICK.Ul McAllister. IF your property Is mortjraeed and you neetl more money see H. MURPHY. 630 Market st. TO salaried m»n without collateral or indoraer. S. F. DIs<"->unt Agency. 143 Phelan building. 3IES1CAL. I.\STUfME.\TS. PIANOS! PIANOS f PIANO?! * *4S. JS3. *100. J133. tlGi; upright: easy payments. Symphonion music boxes from $14 to J1C0, and everythine In the music Una. S. F. MUSIC CO.. 225 Sutter at. PACKARD PIANOS-Beat the world. * Packard organs are the best. See and hear them when you're ready. Bring your cash: we'll do the rest. MAUVAIS'. 763 Market st. OLYMPIA eelf-playing music boxes are tha latest and best; any style sold on Installments If you haven't the cash to spare. Z. MAU« VAIS- Music Store. 7K> Market St. DECKER & SON pianos., established la U9L are as reliable In tone, action and durability as any piano caa be made. Sola agency. MAUVAIS'. 763 Market st. * AS we represent the best make of pianos la every trade, from Stetnway down to low- priced makes, and aa our Installment pay- ments are easier than those of other dealers, we are the people from whom you should purchase; new upright pianos. i<5 cash. W per month: other pianos 13. $4 and $3 per month, SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. Stelnway Dealers. . cor. Kearny and Sutter sts.. Saa Franclscoj cor. Thirteenth, and Broadway. Oakland. AN exceptional offer Fischer. $S0- Arion, $105{ Cable. 1186; Estey. $190; finest condition war- ranted: easy payments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. IS O'Farrell at.; Chtckerinsr. Steclc. Vose. Sterling. Curtaz pianos. ABSOLUTELY" the oldest and largest honsa west of Chicago is KOHLF.R & CHASET3, 26. 2S and 20 O'Farrell st. ; planes, organs and all ether musical instruments of all Kradea and prices; terms easy; prices lowest; everr- thlr.v possible done to please and satisfy tin customer. A BARGAIN; fine cabinet grand $350 piano, almost new; must sell; $U0 cash. Address box 462. Call offlce. BARGAINS—A few pianos will be sold thl» week for storage: offers wanted (cash or In- stallments). Wilson's Storage Co., 1710 Mrkt. A BEAUTIFVLS4C0 upright piano, not us»d % year, will be sold immediately for $125; owner leaving the city. Room 12._ Flood bids. A— STEINWAY urrltjht: fine condition; very cheap. BP.UETNN. 2?S Post st. WANTED- 10 square pianos, six organs, for optintry schools. BTRON MAUZY. 308 Post. $150 CASH will purchase a fine uprtxht; call at once. 1021 Van Ness ave.. room 7. A ETEINWAY. $165: installments $3. $5. $7. $10- rents $2 op. HEINE'S. US Ellis st. SOHMER & CO.. Byron Mauiy Planoa. 303 to 312 Post st. GOOD Fischer: treat bargain. SCHMITZ. 13 McAllister st.. next Hibemia Bank. W. G. BATiGER. 412 Sacramento St.. a?ent foe Francis Bacon and Hallett & Davla pianos. SUPERIOR violins, rlthera, old and new. H- MULLER. maker, repairer, t Latham place. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address in tha United Ptates or Canada one year for $1. OKFICES~XJfD~STOnES^-ToT '£•£ MONTGOMERY. IS—J nice sunny front rooms, good for offices; also 2 furnished rooms; renS very cheap. pa Ljtt isTnri VME. Neerxaard. Prea. St. Germain Col>«» ot Palmistry: reads 1 to S. (IS deary, nr. Jones. H. JEROME FOSSELLI. scientific palmist. S13 Taylor st.. b»t. Geary & Post: phone bla<-k 561. PERSONALS. J2LECTRIC lights la every rornn- Winchester Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Market: ICo rooms; lie to USO cer night; $160 to J6 per week; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. AN elescant sutt fcr $10 75 frcm Imported or do- mestic remnants. L. I.EMO3. 1U7 Market st._ between Seventh an<t Eighth. IF you wish full value for your cast-eftcloth!n~ call on B. COHEN. 157 Third: teL Black OZX. LADIES' and gents* cantcft clothing bought and •old. Bllverman. $34 Folsom; tel Folsom U91. FULL-DRESS and other suits bought; also old gold. Portland Loan Office, 23 Stockton »u

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1900-05-30 [p 10] · 2017. 12. 17. · 10 THE SAN FEANCISCOv CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 36, 1900. SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The Ban Francisco



BUSINESS OFFICE of The Ban FranciscoCall, corner of Market end Third street*, openuntil 12 o'clock every night In the year.

BRANCH '>FFICES-£27 Montgomery street,corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m.

Zr<0 Hayes street; open until 8:S0 p. m.C3» McAllister street: open until S:33 p. m.C15 Larkln etrcct; open until 9:30 p. m.1S41 Ml«'.on street; open until 10 p.m._C1 Mission street, comer Sixteenth; open un-

tilS r>- m.106 Eleventh street; open until 9 p. m.1096 Valencia street ;op*-n until 9 p.m.Northwest Twenty-recond and Ken-

r.itkr »treetf: open ur.til 8 p. m.


MOUNT Moriah Ledge No. 44, F. and ftA. M.

—Officers and members are re- *\^si«-ctruily requested to assemble st the j£3<

Temple THIS DAY <Wedne*4iky). JIajW *30. at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of attend-ing the runcral of Bnthfr STEPHENCOWAN, late me— ber cf Mari!r.« Lodge No.41. Martinez, <"al. Ky order of the Master.

THEO FKOLICH. Secretary.

CROCKETT Loi'.ge No. ;3T. F. and A.M.—Third degree THIS (WEDNES- -S\^DAY) EVENING. May iO. at 7:30 iSjfo'clock. By oidef cf the W. M. /V »

11. FORTRIEDH, Secretary.3J1FSION' L<--3g-c- :<c. 169. I\ and A. M.— *r

OJScers fend members are hereby noti- ykn>d to attend the funeral of our de- t-^JXceased brother. JEREMIAH BROWN- f*r sING, from the hall of this lodge TO-DAY(WEDNESDAY) at 1:S0 p. m. «y order ofthe W. K. C. P. DUSKER, Secreuu-y.

MISSION Lodg*? No. 1C9. F. and A. M.— ©CallM meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY) AEVENING, at ', o'clock. Third degree. "$£2f

C. D. HL'XKER. Secretary. /^y>

HAKJ1O.VV LoJge No. 13. I. O. O. <_W(«a:.,F.

—Th< ofHc*if fcnd ')." funeral

con::::lttee cf the above lodge arehereby notified to assemble at . '''¦'

Odd Fellows' Hail, corner cf Market andSeventh sts.. on THURSDAY. May Jl. t:3ii a. m.. for the purpose of attendingthe funeral of our late brother. CliR. KAES-1XAX. By order CHAS. (JL'AST. Secretary.

OFRCEBS and niembfrs of Golden Gate y^gChapter No. 1. O. E. S., are n-jtifled to J%[«^attt-nd :he funeral of nur late brother.


JEKKM1AH PIWWXINO, from Mis- fslon Masonic HsU. WEDNESDAY. May 30,at 1:30 p. m. By order of the Worthy Matron.

SAN FKA.VCISCO Camp - -qNo. 4iT. V.\ O. W.—Of- <PX/' - "Qfleers ani members are --»^t<JVV 7?*V!?2jQlhereby :. •:•.•-- 10 att^n.i C^C^ON:S5»'/SS^3The fcr.eraJ c£ • :r '.-¦ \~~Z}\*i^*"«'i'T>ceased neighbor, JO-HANNES W. EIP.D. at!p. m. from Masonicbuilding. lUh &ii.l Railroad avr«. South.


THE thirteenth annual picnic »5Tfwof the Sons of gt. Ceorte fv&'Zi^fwill U Leld WEDNESDAY.May .'.*. at Funset park, -*«kJC%. *t^:-;i_-.:a Crus Vi. i:r.:a::-.5. A fyf^7*S\-**~^:...-: interesting programme tfv^KC2ii2pof Knclish cynics and sports \¦\jt3^e^/for old and younr. fat andlean. A crand tug cf war— v&W*San Francisco vp. Oakland and Alameda.Valuable willbe offered for all events.lius:c and dancing «IO held forth all day inla.rsf J.evi!ion. Trains ,-ine £. F. ifoot ofMarket et.). T:45 and S:C a. m. Special trainwin l?ave Fourteenth and Franklin, Oakland.f a. m. Tickets iround trip), $1; children, 10c.

ANCIENT Order cf ForesierB— The twen- «ft_^Vty-»:xih :::.„.., iiicnic willbe held In >Fhchu<.-tzen Park, r.ear J=an Rafael, on Jt\WEDNESDAY. Mav 30, 1S00. Round- £_>trip ticket, including- a^misfjen to park and

' in cate prizes, adu'.ts 50c. children 25c.

'Valuable frate and came prises willbe dis-tributed. Tickets can be procured at A. O. V.building. 1C2 O'farrell St., or at the ferry onrnonsir.s of picnic.

J. FALCONER, President In. ?:. McLennan, secretary. !THE Caiedrr/.an Club willhold Its . <yx-

thirty-fourth arr.ual coth»r:r.j: and ?1» Of J.-Jfames at Shell Mound Park on XtxXS*WEDNESDAY. May 23. The best **23* jcthletes cf the Pac'.flc Coast will compet*fcr prizes. Over j::>n© will be distributed.Full banJs fcr pavilion dancing up to Sp." m. Eairpipers for platform and fancy !£&ncir.g. Over forty evente on procramme; jg^t one. A Highland welcome with a fullicay of pleasure to all. Buy round trip ferry |tickets fcr Shell Mound Park. Admission to

'rrourd«, acult?". 60c; children. 25e. )

THH California Debris Commission, having: re- •o»'.ved tpplieatior.s to mine by the hydraulicprocess from Robert Hill, in the Gardners |Point ir.lns, n<?ar Port Wine, Sierra. County, jtr. depoett tailings in Sawmill Ravine; from 1Charles Hilton, in the Dry Gulch placer mine.

'i«ar I'lf-asar*. Valley, El Dorado County, to •deposit tailing*In Clear Creek; from L. Koss, Ilr. the Woouchuck mine. In Gold Lake Mining

'District. Sierra County, to deposit talllnes IniWoodchuck Ravine, and frcm the Golden HilljMining Company. In the Golden Hill mine.r.»ar Fowt-Ilton. Butt*County, to deposit tail-ilnfrs in a ravine, notice that a meeting '¦«in be held at rcosi S3, Flooa building. SanFrancisco. Cal.. on June 1L 1S00. at 1:30 p. rj.


LADT ana r*"tlenten agents wanted: verygood proposition: arr'y immediately. Mer-car.Mlo library bu'.ljjng. room 11.


FiTof! A.~MA'PKIvr~oTEgy:pti^greatest aetrol-o?ist ar.d palmist in the world; liPowell rt.

SCIENTIFIC astrolftiry: readings. SCc: mdl, $1;hcroycopes. PROF. MONROE. 128 Turk st.


ADVICE fr**;divorce law & specialty; private:'

• no f^e without success; collections. G. W.. HOWE, atty. at law. tZrJ Market.cor. Stockton.R. W. KING. ?27 Market st.. room IstJ all

cas'«; no advance charge*; call or write.ADVICE Tree: no charve unless successful. W.

AV. DAVIDSON. t:T Market St.. opp. Mason.L. f-. CLARK. Emma Ppreckels blCg., J77 Mar-

ket ft.; consultation tree; no fees Inadvance.


ROKIXSON $3 4-pan-l folding; door opens: firmand safe. W. S. BROWN, gen, agt.. 426 Ellis.


LOIU>~DONCAKTnR 7?i7??.'^Fe*i'%^00•LORD DONCASTER Fee S15 00LORD iXiNCASTER Fee $13 00

On May IS we received direct from Enslandan animal known ae LORD DOXCASTER.His sire was Palace Cup buck of 1S3S and damwas winner cl Doncastcr Sliver Cup of 1SSS.Ke' won a i>rize ever}- time he was shown isErrlanfl.

H* has magnificent rhape. and withoutdoubt excels every animal m America In thedark rirhTieFS of hl» color. For a very limitedtime his fee In itud willbe 115. Tou cannotget a like Fervire frcm tny buck that willcompare with him fcr less tfcan $'.0. Ifyourdoes lack color you should certainly not fall tcfer*e«i t!:»m to him.CALIFORNIA BELGIAN HARE ASS'N.ALAMEDA.CAL.

J'jrt Received Word~~

Ttat the Celebrated Cuck CRACKAJACKPcored MPoints.

Only true colored buck llvlnr: also highestpeering. Is to be >-on?!m»4 ts the sale

of GOLDEN' WT^T RKLG1A.V HARE STOCK.Do not rnifs this opportunity ifyou wanta fine ENGLISH BUCK or DOE. for thisetock mutt be eold this week. Call to-day


-G2 Mor.Uromery st., city.

THOROrCHDRED B»!rlan does, br»d to RovalPwereipn. 510. to tr>; to Emperor of Norfo'lk$20 u> (S»: to AJax fhichent-scortng buck in.America). £» to fJ); youngsters, allstrains «weeks, £2 tO; 10 we»fc*., J3 W>:3month*. J5 ar.dIT IA. Kenwood P.abbltry. 535 nth«.. Oakland.

A SNAP-Belgians; disagreement of partners-K h'S*-~.a4* h*!:*8. all apes: Lord Edlnboro.'Lord Rosl,erry. King Yukon and Lord nan-bury strains; If taken as a whole will sell forhalf market value. Address box 2120. Call.

CLAREMONT Belgian Hare Ansoclatlon-Doesbred to Fashodi Prince and Royal RochdaJe$10 to %Z*: be«t rtrain youngsters 12 to Jli'4S15 Telerraph ave.. Oakland:

FOIl ealo— Very fine etock of high-ocore r*><J|-prr-el Eplrinn hare*, all ncored by Mr« Bush

_100H4 Sutter gt.. Sen Francisco.' 5a'

TKEMONT F-elglan Hare CoT.liJ*Flllmore atf^ar, Francis. OlL-flend Cc in stamps forlKx>k en care and feeding.

BELGIAN hnres. ajj slieg. cheap for m. fewday* to make room; Yukon buck for service214 Golflpn Gate ave. .GOLDEN GATE«3ELG1AN HARE C. 603 Gclo".en Gete ave., S._F.; 0C0 rabbits for sale cheap.PFn>ICRnE:D doo- withJlttTF bv^wrd FashodaChief (imported). Kurrka Babbitry. 1816 Turk.


For Snl» or Rifbangr.

?>nT\* Cleveland Wcycle»: better than ever-Tin"LEAVITT &BILL,809 Larkln st. '¦ ~'

GREAT bargains In second-hand bicycles; fromJ5 ur>: FfM for list. LEAVITT &. BILL, 203Lcrkln rt.. HgJi Francisco.

BOAIIDI.VG FOR CHILDRENA PRIVATE home for children by week or; one day to 15 y»ara old: select neigh-borhood: mother's care; termn low; tmnny

¦ yard. 1804 Pott ft.: tel. Larkln 1*1: S b»Ug.

HOOK* M3XV' ASD OLD.SCHOOL BOOKS bought and exchanged.

Holme» Book Co.. 7TM Mission st., near Third.

BOOT A*D SHOB^DARCAlJrS.BARGAINS, la«le«' and children's eboee; Crum-. leers' samples xnfg. cost. Kohlbechcr. 14S 4th.

BUSINESS CHANCES.K5^RES^aX;RANT-"bargain •" going to Bu^

rope cause of eale. MCLAUGHLIN & CO..7774 Market st.

J400— SALOON; city front; bargain; on accountof other business. McLAUGHLJN. 777H Mkt.


SALOON and lunch house; bargain thisci.r. Mclaughlin &. co.. mvt Market st.

MANand wife to manage restaurant; very ele-gantly furnished. Apply. D. McRAE. S37Mission st. 4

VIvRY elegantly furnished house to rent of 18rooms; rent $S5. D. McRAE. 837 Mission st.

$700 CASH—Corner grocery and bar: 2 livingrooms; rent $14 25; daily sales $15; ovmer mustleave m once for Europe. M. GRIFFIN, 719

v Market ft., room 1. nr. Call bldg.

To r*m—For ccal yard, milk depot, etc.; finelocation; place Is entirely covered and con-tiins 3 stalls: rent only J15; water free. In-quire WM. IIENDRICKSON & CO., 614 Callbuilding.

CALL and see cur HH of good paying busl-riesF»*: groceries, naloons, restaurants, hotels,paint r.licn*. delicacy stores: sale and ex-chancc. EITEL&CARROLL. 10C8V£ Market.

KERN County oil lands; a chance to get anInterest In 11,000 acres of choice oil laads; buynow and ret In on the ground floor: theselands are located !n the great oil districts ofMcKITTRICK. SUNSET AND KERN RIV-ER. Kern County, and belong to the OCCI-DENTAL OIL COMPANY. incorporatedunder the laws of West Virginia; stock abso-lutely non-as«csfable: investigation solicited.

D. H. MO6TELLER, Agent.Room 264. Parrott Building. 8. F.

S2SW>— SNAP: $10 day clear: be Increased: gen-teel business: downtown; suitable lady orgentleman; close Investigation solicited. 213Examiner building.

AT a great bargain—Bakery, candy, notions,school supplies, cigars, etc.: good stock andfixtures: located by a BChool: living rooms.VXS Golden Gats ave.

$600—PARTNER in restaurant and family dln-ir.p-rocm: flrst-class hotel;, pome capital re-gulrfd. Address box 211S. Call offlce.

CIGAR store and fixtures for sale for $125 Ifrold before Friday, June 1. Inquire at 28Eest m.

FRUIT (»tand to let; *V, Fourth st.;low rant.Arrly to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Monfgy.


CORNER grocery and bar: 4 livingrooms;acocnt of sickness. 1111 Howard; no agents.

GROCERY, bakery and notion store, with fur-niture of 3 rooms, fcr sale. 225 Ninth st.

J400— DTEIXG, cleaning and laundry offlce;nrft-cla**, faying business for 2 person*: 4living rooms; nice location: low rent; month'strial given. Address box 2116. Call.

FOR rale—Restaurant; cloee to four factories;business rood. Apply between 11 and 12 a. m..CO? B.nd 610 Seventh Ft.

FOR sale—

On account of departure for Nome,

a fruit and candy business and paying welLAddress box 174S. Call offlce.


DRaYING business well established,horses, wagnni", everything completo; $200caeh. balance on easy payments. C H., room», 2t Geary st.


DRUG store for Bale or exchange for San Fran-cisco property; a well-etocked. modern, pay-lnc drug store In a gf»od mining towa; cashtrade. Call at 730 O'yarrell St.. city.

A CHANCE to make $40 a week or moreby lnvestlne about $700 In good business; nohard work. Box 1773. Call.

GROCERY and bar for rale: cash trade; $750.Address box 173S. Call offlce.

GOOD paying 3-chalr bartxr shop for sale. 259Seventh et.

FOR sale—

Good outside route on morning pa-per; easy terms. Box 1736, Call offlce.

FIRST-CLAPS sloop yacht 32 feet long. W. H.CAMPBELL, Sausallto.


FOR SALE—Flrst-class outside route on amorning paper. A., box 1T70. Call offlce.

RESTAURANT for your own price; going toNome. Apply 1Fifth et.. room 10.

LARGE store to let on Market St.; lease forgale; 22x100. Box 1749. Call. -_

FOR *ale—The Central Hotel In Napa. con-taining thirty rooms: central location; pricereasonable. Address R. CUFF, Napa, Cal.

FOR sale or exchange— Handsome cottage, fur-nlshed; barn; Berkeley. Box 17&S, Call office.


Bakery^or bakery and coffee Faloon;must be good location. Box 2S79. Call ctflce.

A. TRANSFER corner saloon; north of Market;sickness. Address box ISM, Call office.

fJOO—RESTAURANT;no night work;old stand.229 Elrhth st.

GOOD planing mill and lumber yard in thisctiy for sale. Box 2S61, Call office.

COFFEE and tea routes supplied from CEO.W. CASWELL & CO.. 412 Sacramento et.

A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisments andfub«criptlons has been established at 1096 Va-ltnc'.a ti.

CHEAPEST and best In America— The WeeklyCall. IS rages, sent to any address In theVnltefl States or Canada one year for $1.


S6-ROOM corner $4000Hotel and bar: 36 rooms 1S0021 rooms on Market St.; only ?0025 rooms en Bush; rent K-5 95012 rooms on McAUIeter Ft 4C016 rooms: fine corner: clears $150 100016-room house on Turk *t 7^010 rooms en Jones St.; clears $S3 35010 rooms en Mason St.; payments 450


II.C. DECKER. 1020 Market St.. opp. Fifth. .R. H. WINSTON & CO.. 1026 Market St.

15 rooms; $250 cash, balance $10 month... J42327 rooms; corner: best of furniture 150035 rooms; corner; monthly payments 190060 rooms; corner; must sell 190040 rooms; rent $37 50 j 600

$30—11 H»X>MS. all rented, with big yard forraising rabbits; low rent. BASILE, 3 Eddy.

J1S0O— E6 ROOMS; all rented; good location; nearMarket; cent.; rent low. BASILE, 3 Eddy et.


ROOMING house: great money maker;heart the city. COWING & CO., 719 Market.

TO rent—5 and 6 room flats, furnished. M.GRIFFIN. 719 Market, room t nr. Call bldg.

A LIST of 129 lodgir.g-housefl for «ale. M.GRIFFIN, 7J0 Market, room 1. nr. Call bldg.


ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harnen,etc. cheap. EAGAN & SON. 2117 Mission st.

CAMP waffon; finefit In California: good asB»w; cost SSOO; cell $100. 3279 Mission it.

NEW & 2d-h«nd wagon*, bug-les. carts &. har-nees, work Ik. drivinghcrses. Uth& Valencia.


AT Occidental Hall, 5C5 Larkln Et: spiritualmeeting this evening, Mrs. Griffin andEhrlner; 10c.

MME. MARQUISE, 6 Hyde, holds test circleto-night at t; 10a; readings. 10 a.m. to 6 p. m.

TESTS and communications from "dead"frienfls to all to-night, 10c. 148 Sixth, rm. 12.

SPIRITUAL circle to-night at *; all friendsand skfpties Invlteo. 24 Sixth st., room 6.

TVYLLIP:, the Lc« Angeles photo medium. 330Ellis st.; 10 a. m. to 5 p.m.. Sundays Included.

AT Friendship Hall. 235 McAllister; Mrs. Mey-er; convincing test to-night; 10c; sittings.

MRS. LERTER BAILEY'S circle this evening,10c; readings daily. 1204 Fillmore, near Turk.

MRS.J.J.WHITNEY. clairvoyant, test, businessmMlum, life reader; Fitting. $1. 1104 Market.

MEDA HOBKINS, spiritual medium. 1423 Mar-ket, bet. 10th and 11th; cir. Mon., 8 p. m.


A —MRS. DtT CLARK—THE WELL-KNOWN TRANCE MEDIUM.PKRMANENTLY LOCATED AT 505 TURKSt., may be consulted on all affairs of life;she willshow you how to overcome your ene-mies: remove family troubles; restore lost af-fections; unite the separated; satisfactionguaranteed by mall; eend stamp for circularwith special terms. MRS. DR. CLARK, 205Turk St.. near Jonen.

MME.LANGE. the great clairvoyant, tells past,future; n«ver fall*;has the preateat Egyptiansecret; ehows picture future hurband or wife;f»e 25c and up; patKactlon to everybody; openSundays. 1167 Market et., bet. 7th and Sth.

"NOMEt" "Nome'.'*' "Nome!" Save yourmoney: consult Watson, celebrated occult me-dium; lucky and true; Jut- and $1. 15S1 Marketet., n*tr Twelfth.

READINGS dally In cards and tea leaves;date?, facts, bus, ad. 373 Polk, cr. McAllister.'

MME. HANSON, palmistry. 10c; card reader;past, present, future; 25c. 14$ Sixth et., r. 14.

CARD reader and p&lmlrt removed- from S53Mission st. to 136 Sixth, room 8.

MME. August, clairvoyant, card reader; palmis-try; truth or no pay; 25c &. 50c. 1149 Mission.

Ml£S MELVILLE. grea.t clairvoyant and waterreader; German spoken. 921% Mission, op. Mint,

CLAIRVOYANT,curd reader, best advice. _jMlefion «t., near 4th, rm. 3; 25c up; ringbell.

MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader*fittings dally. 212'j Sixth et.


MME.ZEREDA of 5 Seventh St.. original gypsylife reader; readings 25c; no sign.

MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently;busineesadvice; names given; 25c up. S Fourth st.

MME. SYBILLE—Cradle to grave; future hus-band's picture; 25c; ladies. .914 O'Farrell st.

CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING.WHEN you become disgusted with poor work

send to SPAULDIXG'S Pioneer Carpet-Beat-lng Works, 353-357 Tehama St.; teL S. 40.

SANITARY Carpet Cleaning and Dyeing Co.,842-344 McAllister st.:phone South 14C. .<

3. E. MITCHELL Carpet Beating and Reno-vating Co., 240 14th St.; tel. Mission 174.

CITY Steam Carpet Beating Works. G. H.STEVENS, mgr., 33-40 Sth St.; tel. South 250.

J. McQUEEN'S Callfoi-nla Carpet Cleaning Co..453 Stevenson St.. tel. South 228; lowest rates.

CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard; laid at 4c,STRATTON'S, 3 Eighth st.; tel. Jessie 944.

ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st.;tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM, proprietor.

CONKLIN'S Carpet B«at!n««Works. 833 GoldenGate ave.;telephone East 128.


GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency— No charge un-less successful. Room 310. 927 Market st

COTTAGES TO L!2T.VASSEROT place, 7. oft* Geary, near Larkln—

Modern ccttage, 6 rooms and bath; rent $20;water free. Apply L.C. BABIN. 413 Kearny.

WELL-FURNISHED sunny cottage, 7 rooms,bath, garden, stable: put In perfect order. Ap-ply 2118 Union Ft., 11 to 5 o'clock: cheap rent.

1H-STORY; sunny, good grounds and view;take Mlsslon-st. cars to Powell ave. Key at16 Prospect ave.; reasonable.

TO LET for 3 or 4 months— Furnished cottageo£_ 8 rooms; $20; references. 217 Third ave.,Richmond.

WASHINGTON, 1323—6 rooms, bath and yard;marine view.

DENTISTS.A FULL set of teeth on rubber plate. $5; a

full set of teeth on a gold plate, $25; teethwithout a plate; crown and bridge work ourspecialty; see our flesh-colored plates, thinnerand stronger than rubber, warranted for 20years; finings, 50c: crowns, $3 SO; all workpainless and warranted. CHICAGO DENTAL

PARLORS. 24 Sixth st.

AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC,S09 Mar-ket st., cor. 4th. rm. 7, Flood bldg., you canhave your extractions done painlessly: teethwithout plates our speclaity; gold crowns,$3 50 up; plates, extractions free, $4 30 up; of-flce hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.:Sundays 9 to 2p. m. O. W. WILLIAMSON. M. P.. Manager.

DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell st. ex-tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his won-derful secret method; crowns, $2; bridges, $4; ¦

rubber or flexible platen, $3; received S firstprizes; no students; guaranteed 12 years.

FULL eet of teeth. $5: gold crowns. $3; newmethods In bridge work: fillings, gold, $1 up:silver, 50c; painless extraction 50c: gas given.New York Dental Parlors, 969 Mission, cor.6th.

DR. LUDLUM HILL,1413 Market, nr. Eleventh—No charge for extracting when plates aremade: old plates made over like new; teethfrom $S per set; extracting, 50c; gas given.

VAN VROOM—"Painless"; evenings and Sun-days. KOI Market St., corner Sixth.

PARIS Dental Parlor, 235 Kearny. cor. Bush-Full set of teeth, $4; crowns, $3; fillings, 25c.

SET of teeth without plate. DR. H.G. YOUNG.1S41 Polk et. t

DOG HOSPITALS.DR. CREEL Y*S C. P. dog soap creates a

smooth, silkv coat: for sale by all druggistsor at the hospital, 510 Golden Gate ave.

DR. BUZARD'S Dog Hospital, Post. Flllmore—Advice and medicine 75e; city visits $1 50; allanimals treated: dogs boarded. Tel. West 636.


XlcDOWELL'S Is the place to learn dressmak-ing and ladles' tailoring:eve. class. 103 Post.

MME. REMBERT. 530 Sutter St.. dressmakingschool; any pattern cut to measure.

S. F. Dressmaking, Ladies' Tailoring School;French tailoring system taught. 411 Van Ness.

PARISIAN dressmaking, 3S7 Geary st.; dressesmade. $5 up; dresses made over; perfect fit.

ACCORDION pleating factory; all kinds pleat-ing. pinking.121 Post, over O'Connor&Moffatt.


A—GALLAGHER-TARR United Schools, Par-rott building; Gallagher, IS years official re-porter, shorthand department; Tarr, expertaccountant, bookkeeping dep't; a school con-ducted by experts: call or send for catalogue.

IIBALD'S Business College. 24 Post St., S. F.—Practical courses In bookkeeping, short-hand, typing, languages, telegraphy, Englishbranches, civil, electrical and mining engin-eerinn. etc.: new SO-page catalogue free.

ALL students but two taking full course thisyear got positions. SAN FRANCISCO BUSI-NESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market st.

AYRES', th<* leading business college, 723 Mar-ket ct.:life scholarship, $50; includes short-hand, typing, bookkeeping, pen art; day &eve.

CALIFORNIA Business College, 305 Larkln St.;the coming school; thorough; up-to-date; allbranches; noyltlons secured for graduates.

ENGINEERING, civil,elec. mining, mech. sur-vpy, ar*6>\ cyanide, arch.:day. eve. :est. 1S64.VAN DER NAILLEN SCHOOL. 933 Market.

SHORTHAND taught personally or byntall; ac-knowledged byolflolal reporters "best teacher,best syst-m." M.G. BARRETT. 302 Montgmy.

S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE—Next sessionbegins June 11: catalogue upon application.M. L.PANCOAST, Secretary, 510 Golden Gate.

PROF. MERKI,successful teacher cf mandolin,violinand guitar. 1C0S Mission, above Sixth.

LE JEUNE Art and Crafts School; modeling,designing, carving; all branches. 424 Pine st.

THE only watchmaking school on the coast forladles and gentleman. O. Sinz, 36 Geary, r.34.

ARITHMETIC,bookkeeping, grammar, writing,etc.; day or eve.; $5mo. 1024 Mission, nr. 6th.


ployment Offlce furnishes best laborers anddomestic servants. 4 Carlos place, off O'Far-rell, bet. Powell and Mason; tel. Black 4354.


MOST reliable Japanese and Chinese em-ployment offlce: established over five years.421 Post St.; telephone Bush 135.

ORPHEUM Employment Offlce—Japanese, Chi-nese help. 426 Powell, nr. Sutter: tel. Black5072.

JAPANESE and Chinese Employment Offlce:best help furn.; tel. John 2121. 806H Stockton.

CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office—Best help. 411% O'Farrell st.; tel. East 426.


FIRST-CLASS German cook, competent In-fant's nurre, German cook with good city ref-errncce, flrst-cla.«s Swedish laundress and anumber of houscglrls await positions at MISSCULLEN'S, 325 Sutter st.

YOUNGmarried woman with 2 little girlsaged1 and 3 years wishes a position to take en-tire charge of house during owner's absence;object, good home; best of reference. 2111Flllmore st. •

SWEDISH girl, flrst-elas3 cook Is taking acourse at business college; would like a placeto work In exchange for room and board.Box 1776. Call offlce.

AS housekeeper by elderly Eastern woman;understands cooking, washing and the careof children; city references given; wages $12to $15 month. Call 250 Tehama st.

RESPECTABLE married woman, good opera-tor, wants work on factory pants or wrap-pers. MRS. BONOMY, 936% Howard st.

YOUNG Swedish girl desires position In smallAmerican family to do light housework. Call266 Tenth St., Swedish Baptist Church.

SITUATION as companion to sick lady orchamberwork. Address box 17S6, |Call offlce.

SWEDISH girlwishes to do general housework"wagf-s $20. Call at 12.Rltch Bt;, off Folsom.between Third and Fourth.

FIRST-CLASS cook, also second cook, wouldlike place at resort or mining camp. Box 1773

.Call offlce.

WOMAN wishes position to do general house-work in city or country; small v/aces. 174Je? sle st.

WANTED—Situation by a competent cook*would like to go with private family In thecountry for the summer. Box 1774, Call offlce.

IS YEAR-OLD girl wants nursing and generalhousework; speaks little English. SS Birchave., upstairs.

REFINED elderly lady wishes to do plain sew-lne, Rrslst with child and upstairs work innice family. Address box 1777, Call office.

GIRL 16 yeans; speaks English, Italian, Span-ish; understands French; desires position asnurse In private family. 725 Sansome st.

PASTRY cook would like situation iiTTunch-room or small boarding-house. Box 1772, Call.

WANTED—By experienced flnlsher on fine cus-tcm cants. 1111 Jones st.

BY 2 Norwegian girls—

Positions .to do house-work, second work or cooking; referencesBox 1740. Call.

GIRL for general housework 'and cooking; ref-erences.. Apply 8 Alice bL, off Folsom, betThird nnd Fourth. \ :,.-..--¦_-.>

WINCHESTER House. 44 Th.rd st.. near Mar-ket: 200 rooms; 25c to $150 night; $160 to $6week; convenient and respectable; fre« 'busand baggage to and from ferry. ¦ .*-;.

AN experienced dressmaker, designer and per-fect fitter wishes work by 'the day In fam-ilies;very reasonable. Expert, box 1750. Call.- , •

\- ¦ ......


FEMALE.WOMAN wishes to go out by the day; washing

or houEecleanlng. Call 611 Turk st.

LADY wishes sewing and mending to do athome or housekeeper's position. Call 116 SixthSt., room 6^ j

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsreceived at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore.

A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisement andsubscriptions has been established at v% Va-lenda st.

- -'..

K3IPLOV3IENT WAXTED MAL.iTA—COLORED chef and wife, just from the'East With best of references, also 2 head and. second cooks, with first-class references, fromBoston, want situations. Address C. It.HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary St. '

COMPETENT German man and wife desire sit-uations; understand all kind of ranch .work;reference. MISS CULLEN. 325 Sutter St.

FIRST-CLASS butler-wants position; best cityreferences. MISS CULLLEN, 325 Sutter st.

RELIABLE young man of 24, experienced In. bookkeeping and general office work, wishesposition with established firm;reference fromlate employer. Address box 1793, Call office.

PRACTICAL all-round pickle man with largeEastern and California .experience, is cpento an engagement; can make his own steam;city or country. Address W. H., 1729 Eddy st.

COACHMAN, young Englishman, wants situa-tion or as man about place or any place oftrust; good references. Box 1788, Call office.

ENGLISHMAN (aged 23). steady and reliable,wishes permanent employment with whole-sale firm; best of references. Address C. W.C, 1137 Union st.

SITUATION wanted to care for horses or aswatchman by handy man of 25; references;city. Address box 1735. Call offlce.

YOUNO man wishes to complete his barbertrade In good ehop. Address box 1734, Calloffice.

SITUATION wanted by a coachman and gar-dener; best referenc=s. EMILERICKSON. 582Albion St., Oakland.

GOOD Jobbing blacksmith and sheer wishes asituation; reasonable wages. Address F. A.M.. box 16. Call office.


FRENCH cook wants situation in hotel, city orcountry. D. L.. 275 Stevenson St.

JAPANESE couple want situations In family;man us cook and wife to do waiting andhousework: with good reference. W. M.. 933Sacramento st.

ENGINEER and machinist. 32 years of age.good pipefitter; al6o woodwork: flrst-class ref-erences. Please address box 1723, Call offlce.

LEE C. PRAY, carpenter and general jobber-Screen doors and windows, lattice work, fur-niture, roofs, outhouses, fences, board walks,cupboards made and repaired by the day orJob. Address Bailey block, room 2, Dwlghtway station, Berkeley.

GARDENER experienced In commercial andlandscape gardening wishes to take chargsof a large private place, plantation, etc.:longyears' references. Write to N. GARTNER,953 Fortieth st., Oakland.

OFFICE work—Young man of 28, with 6 years'expn-lence, wants position for the summer.Address J. E. COOVER. Palo Alto. Cal.

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsreceived at Call branch offlce, 2200 Fillmore st.

A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements andsubscriptions has been established at 1096 Va-lencla Ht.


GEORGE MAYERLE. German expert optician,107114 Market Ft.—Examinations free; Germaneye water by mall. 50e. Phone Mint 257.


- —- —>. -¦ .-.¦¦~ J..~—~~~—


— —.*,

1ICO FLATS, cottages, etc.. Speck &Co.. 667 Mkt.1S22 Pac av.; 10 r. Geary: 10 r. h...$70710 McAllister;3 r.h. 32 1610 California; 7 r.f. 35793 Halght; 7 r. f 2511210 Polk; 9 r. h.... 35922 Hyde; 6 r. f....32 50<331 Eddy; 4 r. f 20

jA—NW. corner Sutter and Scott; finest flat Incity for the price; Investigate: 6 large roomsand large glazed porch; appreciated if seen.

A—7-ROOM flat: corner; sunny: 2 bay windows;all modern Improvements. 417% Third st.

ALL bright flats. 4 and 6 rooms, bath. 1042and 1044 Sacramento St., below Mason.

ELEGANT 7-room flat; modern improvements.2410 Sacramento st., near Webster.

FLAT—Modern improvenemts; half block fromUnion Iron Works. 913 Illinois st.


3 and 4 rooms, bath; oft Howard, bet.Twelfth and Thirteenth. Key at 1626 Howard.

GEARY, 813*4— Modern flat of 7 rooms andbath; rent J35; water free. Apply L. C.UABIN. 413 Kearny st.

IF you want to move get printed list flats to letfrom BA'LDWIN& HOWELL, 10 Montgomery.

MISSION. 1513, near 11th—6 large sunny rooms;bath; yard and laundry; rent $18.

MODERN lower flat. 7 rooms and basement.1131 Geary St., bet. Van Ness and Franklin.

NEW sur.ny flat, 6 rooms, batlr yard, base-ment; modern imp. 1931, 1935 O'Farrell st.

PEARL. 27, off Market, nr. Valencia— Lowerand upper flats; rent $8 and $7.

SUNNY lower flat, 5 rooms, bath, yard, base-ment; rent reasonable. 482 Page, nr. Webster.

$15—LOVELY flat of 4 large rooms and bath;nice view. 292 Third ave., cor. Clement St.;take Sutro car. ¦

$13—FLAT of 4 rooms. 125 Page, bet. Coughand Octavia, 1^4 blocks from Market.

UPPER flat: 6 rooms and bath. U20B Turk St.,near Laguna.

$16—FLAT, 3 rooms and bath. 411 Larkln st.

2 FLATS of 4 rooms each; one $7 and other $9.39 Shipley st.. between Third and Fourth.


NEW furnishings of elegant modern flat onVan Ness ave. for sale. $450; rent of flat, $35;

solid mahogany furniture: Axmlnster car-pets. Apply H. J. MOORE. 1039 Markt st.

FURNITURE and carpets: cheap; leaving city;call from M to 2. 600H Leavenworth st.

4 ROOMS furnished In oak for $48 50. withNo.7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market.


CHAS. LEVY buys your furniture, carpets,piano. 1135 Market Rt.:telephone Jessie 761.

ALFRED WOLLPERT, 773 Mission et., payshighest price for your second-hand furnlturo.

W. E. CODY (late with J. T. Terry & Co.) buysfurniture, carpets. 757 Mission: tel. Itod 33»3.



cTiChansen a"'c~6T.73hone grant issHOTEL DEPARTMENT

S waitresses, resort for second, $20; 2 wait-resses, springs, $20; 4 waitresses, different re-sort*. $20; 3 waitresses. flrBt-class commercialhotel north; 2 waitresses, south, $20; pantrygirl, resort. $20 and free fare; 4 waitresses,flrst-class hotels, city. $20; 2 chambermaids towait dinner, city, $20; chambermaid to wait,country, ?20.

FAMILY ORDERS'Seamstress who can cut and fit children's

clothes, $1 day.2 factory girls, $3 50 to $4 week; nurseglrl for

Angel Island. $15: woman with a child, $20; 5cooks, city, $25; housegirl, email family, allgrown, $25'; cook, ranch, $25, fare paid; house-girls for city and country.

• C. R. HANSEN &,CO.. 104 Qeary



' "*"

A COLORED cook, $25; colored maid, $20; >am«house. MISS CULLEN. 225 Sutter st. j

A—IRONER. city. $30; Ironer. Palo Alto, $30and found; cook. Ban Rafael, $80: Frenchcook, $25; chnmbermald and laundress, coun-try. $20; 4 German cooks,, city, $30 and $25;cook, Kprlngs, $25; 10 waitresses, summer re-sorts and commercial hotels, $25 and $20;chambermaids to wait, $20 each: 4 waitresses,city hotels, $20 each; second girl, $25. MISSCULLEN. 325 Sutter Bt. . |

WANTED—Fancy lroncr for laundry; 15 wait-" resses, city and country hotels and resortsAb well as for private boarding-houses InSan Francisco, $20 to $25: girl for generalhousework, country, $30; seamstress, private;family, $25; Protestant nurse, $25; large num-ber of girls for general housework, city andcountry, $20 and $25. Apply to J. F. CROS-ETT & CO., 316 Sutter st.

WANTED— A girl to work in an oyster andlunch counter; German preferred who ,hashad some experience. Call at 412V4 Sixth St..between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.

YOUNG lady over 20 to assist well-known com-edian ineketch; must travel. Address or callbetween 2 and 3 p. m., W. V.; 14 /Turk St.,room 10. ... " i

FIRST-CLASS cutter. for .Ilk.waists; capable• of taking entire charge of manufacturing de-partment. ApplyMRS. MILLER.1228 Market.

WANTED—Young.girlassist light housework;no children; wages $7 per month. Apply 1653;'Tenth ave.,, Sunset District. "---T

WANTED—Attractive girls from J6 to 18 years.Call SHREVE & BARBERS,' 511 Kearny st...from 9 a. m. till4 p. m.

GIRL for housework; wages $10. MRS. VAS-ELATOS. .B st. and Forty-ninth ave.

TRIMMER wanted; also apprentice. DINAN'S,24 Kearny st.

NEAT girl for general housework; family ofthree. 812 Ellis st.


A FACTORY girl Is wanted at 3460 Twenty-;. fifth st.;good wages. ¦ ¦-''.'.

GIRL"for housework, Iplain cooking and wash-. Ing..M92Q Sutter. at. -¦

LADIES to fill positions; country: managersthrough Calif.; ref. required. 2421 Flllmore.


GIRLS WANTED :- ~To work on shirts; beginners taught. LEVISTRAUSS & CO.. 36V4 Fremont St.; elevator.

GIRLS. i GIRLS. GIRLS.Highest wages paid to sewing machine oper-ators on LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'S overalls.Apply at once to MR. DAVI3. 32^ Fremont.

GIRLS to learn to make cigarettes at JOHNBOLLMAN & CO.. 36 Jessfe St.; good wagesto be earned; steady work; references.

WANTED—A girl to assist in housekeeping.120SM, Turk st.

WANTED—Lady talloress for general tailoring;steady, work. 713 Valencia Bt.

FIRST-CLASS ironers wanted for ladles' work.Address P. O. box S3-t. Vallejo. Cal.

AN operator on pants; steady work. 110 WU-1 Ham Ft. oft.Geary, near Taylor.

IRONERS and operators wanted. NationalLaundry, 411 Sanchez st.

WANTED—A reliable girl to help generalhousework; good home; nights off. 1426 Mason.

NEAT girl; general housework, plain cooking,assist with children; $20. Call 233 Third ave..Richmond District; take Sutter or Geary cars.

WANTED—Women and girls to work on fruit.FolBom st., bet. 13th and 14th sts.

A GIRL wanted to assist in general housework.7S1 McAllister St., near Octavia.

WANTED—Middle-aged woman to do lighthousework at 113 East st.

WOMAN to help In kitchen of small boarding-house. 662 Fulton st.

COMPETENT girl for general housework; nowashing; wages $25; refs. required. 1Scott st.

COMPETENT nurseslrl with good referencesrequired for San Rafael. Box,1741. Call offlce.

YOUNG German girl to do housework and helpin bakery. 3150 Twenty-second st.

WAITRESS wanted. 113 Turk St.. In restau-rant. ,

GOOD finisher and apprentice girls on customcoats; pay while learning. 126 Russ st.

WANTED—A good livelysolicitor; big money.133 Hills Et.

FIRST-CLASS vest maker. 8H Antonio st.,bet. Ellis and O'Farrell st, off Jones.

FEW young ladles to Join night school; lowrates. Ayres' Business College. 723 Market st.

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsreceived at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore st.

ABRANCH offlce for Call advertisements andsubscriptions has been established at 1C96 Va-lencia st.



AT C. R. HANSEN?'"& C07S?T.?..aoTGeary st

Wanted for the Coast road, free fare.Teamsters $2 a dayLaborers J2 a day

FREE FARE FREE FAKECO 4-horse teamsters $2 25 a day,via Los Angeles and Santa Barbara di-visions A free fara

30 laborers, S. P. Company work.$2 a day,board $4 50 a week free fare60 section hands for different divisions on thea P. Co, $170 a day free fare

10 miners, $2 50 a day; 6 muckers. $2 a day:20 fanners, $26 to $30; 20 quarry men, £2 and$2 25 a day; 20 milland woods men, $30 to tiland board, see boss here; camp blacksmith, $3a day; 8 milkers, $25 and $30; 2 hostlers, $50;gardener, $30; choreman. Institution, $25;ranch blacksmiths, $35 and $30

HOTEL DEPARTMENTMeat cook, country hotel, $30 and fare ad-

vanced; baker and pastry cook, $50; 3 broil-ere city, and country, $50, $55, and $30; 6 sec-ond cooks, city and country, $40 and $50;French cook, country hotel, $60 to $«>, seeparty here; third cotk. $40; 20 dishwashers,potwashers and kitchen hands, $20, $25 and $40.

Neat young man with experience as hotelclerk, country hotel, $25; nurse for an lnstltu-tlon. $30. C. R HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary.

A CHOREMAN who can milk and make butter;private place; country; $45; see party here.C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary St.

\-MURRAY& READY....PHONE MAIN5348Leading Employment and Labor Agents

WANT 7 A. M. TO-DAYHelp for all parts of California. Utah. Wash-ington, Arizona and Hawaiian Islands andOregon, 5456 MENFREE FARE and offlce fee Jl and no otherexpenses to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara

.districts, we ship you to-day. 9 a. m. and 5:30p. m.. for the S. P. R. R., laborers and team-sters, $2 day. FREE FARE

HAYMAKINGANDHARVEST2S9 men to run mowers, rakes, pitch and workIn fields, header men. etc.. $1 25. $1 50. $2 dayand found. COME AND SEESTABLES. VINEYARDS.ORCHARDS. GAR-,16 stablemen, city and country Jobs, $40, $35,$30, $25 and found129 vineyard and orchard hands, $33, $30, $2Gand found;. 5 gardeners, 2 coachmen, 1stable-man, all for private families, $30, $25. $20 and. found, COME. SEE

DAIRIES, CHEESE FACTORIES89 milkers for different places, $35. $30 andfound; 5 butter makers and run separators,boss hc-e, $35 and found; 5 cheesemakers, dif-ferent Jobs. $35 and $40 and found......AGAIN WE PAY YOUR FARES


563 men for 60 different Jobs, from laborers torun machines, wages from $26 to $40 permonth and foundalso lumber pliers, bark peelers. $40 andfound; crosseuti sawyers, Jackscrewers. bandsawyers, screw turners, gang edgermen. Infact we want help of every description forsawmills, woods, etc., $80, $75. $90, $120. $60.$50, $40. $30 and faund; 584 woodchoppers. tie-makers, tool*and food found, some at mines,$3. $2 CO, $2, $160, $1 and 75c cord10 laborers to build flume. $30 to $40 and fd

MECHANICAL HELP19 blacksmiths and hcrseshoers. $2 50 day, $50,$70, $15, IJ5 and found: also 5 helpers, $12week, $35 and found; G woodworkers, carriage-makers, $3, $2 50 day, $40 and found: circularsawyer, $60 and found; 2 boilerrnakers, $3 60day; carriage painter, stripe and letter, fareCOc, $10 week and foundscrew tender, $52 and found; 3 carriage paint-ers I....S. P. R.R.— DIFFERENT DIVISIONS....FREE FARE OFFICE FEE $1Section and reconstruction and NEW WORKLABORERS. YOU'LL SUIT. REGULARWAGESSPECIAL NOTICE...MINES...BIG WAGES35 laborers for mines, no experience required.YOU'LL SUIT. $40 to $4S per month andfound: 29 miners, single hand $90 and $75


3 milk wagon drivers, $30, $25 and found;planer hand, rawmlll co $50 and found

FOR A NEW MINE12 laborers, no experience, fare. $2 50, $34 andfound; t men and wives for ranches, $40, $35,'$30 and .found...MEN, YOUNG MEN OR STRONG BOYS..36 wanted to pull rhubarb, pick peas, pickfruits, hoe between vines, make yourselvesotherwise useful, $17 50 and $20 per month andfoundman for wine cellar, country. $25 and found

READ THESE CAREFULLY365 laborers and teamsters for all parts ofCalifornia, also many for San Francisco, $3,$2 50, $2, $1 75 day; many city Jobs, to boardhomeWanted for a new railroad Free Fareteamsters $2 a dayrockmen $2 a daylaborers $2 a dayFree Fnre Free Fare

MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st.

A—COOKS* MAKERS \ WAITERS8 bakers, city and country shops $40 and $50

39 cooks, restaurants, hotels and boarding-houses, ranches, etc $35 to $60 and foundwaiters, city and country hotels and resorts..

$25. $30 and $35 and foundwasher, country laundry, $30 and found; bar^

''ber to run country shopClerk, city $20 and foundPorters, elevator boys, etc.; 4 baker's helpers,$30, $35, $25 and found. MURRAY A. READY,634 and 636 Clay st.

• ,

BUTLER, country. $40, references: broiler. $55:cook, country boarding house. $40: porter andwaiter. $25; vegetablemen. $25. $20; kitchen-man. $30; bellboy, $3, elevator boys, $4 week;waiters. $3: night waiter, $3; dishwasher,country $20,* $13; dishwashers, city. $25, $20;other restaurant and hotel help. J. F. CROS-ETTS Agency, 628 Sacramento st. i

TWO edgermen. $45 and $70; trimmer for mill,$15 to $50- 3 car builders, 30c to 35c an hour;3 carpenters. $3 day. free fare: ironmolder, j$3 day; machinists for city and country. $3to $4; washer for laundry. $30 and board;starcher and wife. $60; man and wife, privatefamily, $50; farmers, milkers, woods and millmen of all kinds, and many others. J. F.CROSETT'S Agency. 628 Sacramento st.

BVRBERS' Progressive Union—Free employ-

ment. H. Bernard. Sec. 104 7th; tel. Jessie 152.

RESPECTABLE young man with some knowl-edge of barkeeplng for downtown saloon ;one living with parents preferred. Addressbox 1787. Call offlce. £

WANTED—Retail salesman, experienced Ingrocery business. Box 1789. Call offlce.

WANTED—Extra dinner waiters at Bay StateRestaurant. 29 Stockton st. >_ ;

STEADY day :waiter; bakery and coffee-house.612 Kearny st.



Cleaner: steady work and goodwages.' Hudson River Dye Works. 409 Sutter.

BAKER'S helper wanted; S. S. City of Puebla;$35 or $10. Apply baker en board.

WANTED—First-class bootblack for.barbershop." Call 141 Ellis st.

--WANTED—Blacksmith. Apply to J. O'SHEA,

17th and Vermont sts.

INTELLIGENT steady boy to learn printingtrade. "819 Market st. room 47. ,

WANTED—A 'good waiter. 134 Third /* ¦



WANTED :•••• FREE FARE.6 farmers for large vineyard, steady work,

|26 and found.(For large Grain ranch.) - - *

2 warehouse men $4u and found2 ranch blacksmiths $oO and $40 and foundShop blacksmith •?5<J2 single hand miners i-50 day2 muckers, same mine $2 oay50 farmers, hayinjf. vineyard, orchard andranches. $25. $30, $35 acd $40 ••Milker,country $30 and %ZoButcher country shop J25 and found.

W. D. EWER & CO.. 610 Clay at.

WANTED—Steady man. lightIndoor v/ork; willpay $;o per month, with chance of increase;J60 required. Apply TTTH Market St. room 7.

BARBER wanted; guarantee $16; can make $18

to $25 per week. 1W First ave. south. Seattle,Wash. >

BARBER wanted for Wednesday, Saturday andSunday. 375 Fifth St.

BARBER wanted; steady; cood young; man.C23 Clay st.

BARBER wanted, must be At. at 12 Fifth at.

BARBER wanted; first-class workman; steady.

609 Larkln st.

WANTED—A good barber for Wednesday, Sat-urday and Sunday steady, at 405 Third st.

WANTED—A flrst-class barber; good wages.Call early at 947 Fillmore st.

GOOD steady barber for Saturday evenings andSundays. 20OS Mission st.

BARBERS-Good-paylng shop In nearby town;

a bargain. DECKELMAX BROS.. IPS Ellis.

BARBERS—A good shop for sale on account ofsickness. Apply 911 Larktn at.

VESTMAKERS wanted to take out work. 1215Market st.

WANTED—Shoe clerk. 962 Washington St.,

Oakland.WANTED—4 good helpers In foundry. Apply

at 642 Townsend St.

WANTED—An experienced elevator boy at 29Stockton st.

BOOTBLACK wanted; barber shop. 1333 Mar-ket st.

BEDMAKER: state references and salary ex-pected. Box 1778. Call office.

FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted. BELASCO& HARRIS CO., 541 Market it.

WANTED—Recruits for the United StatesMarine Corps. U. S. navy; able-bodied, un-married men, of good character, between theages of 21 and 3.1 years; not less than 5 feet4 Inches and not over 6 feet 1 Inch In height;must be citizens of the United States or per-sons who have legally declared their lnten- i

tions to become citizens; able to read, writeand speak English properly. For further In-formation apply at the Marine RecruitlnifOfflce. 40 Ellis st., San Francisco. CaL. or|530 K St., Sacramento, Cal.

MEN wanted to learn barber trade: only re-quires six to eight weeks; day and eveningclass; special inducements this season; onlyInstitution In the world teaching this trade:map of city and Illustrated catalogue mailedfree. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 635Clay et.

WANTED—Elderly man to help sell fruit oft a¦wagon; $15 per month and found. 123 HenryBt.;call before S a. m.

BARBERS— 3-chalr shop for gale; good loca-tion; new modern furniture; 3 living rooms; Ifurniture value equals purchase price; $450.Box 1744. Call offlce.

SIGN paintlnc—Wanted, boy who has workedabout 2 years at trade. 79 ThlM st.

APPRENTICES wanted to learn barber tradeat their own price. Box 1747, Call.

ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, haltprice. 6C2 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts.

ONE good finisher and 1good helper In wagonfactory. 630 Broadway.


General tailor for the country. J.BAUMGARTEN & CO.. 7 Montgomery st.

BRIGHT boy wanted for jewelry store; statereferences. Box 1737. Call.

"WANTED—Drug clerk. 1^3 Eddy St.; call about9 a. m.

SOLICITOR and collector for industrial Insur-ance; 12-1, 5-6. r. 6. 405 Montgomery st.

3-CHAIR barber shop, close to Market st.: oneof the best stands In the city; at sacrifice.Full particulars STOLTZ. 630 Market st.

GOOD gardener for country place; wages '$23.MRS. CATTELL. 523 Eighth st.. Oakland.

GET your ?hoe» half-sole«l while waiting; £5cto 50c. 562 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts.

WANTED— A good lively solicitor; big money.136 Ellis st.


Laborers and mechanics to knowthat Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, stillruns Denver House. 217 Th'rd St.; 130 largerooms; 25c per night; $1 to $2 p?r week.

MEN to learn barberlng and halrdressing at 9.F. Barber School. 741A Howard st.

GENTLEMEN'S suits to order. $1 per week, atcash prices. N. Y.Tailoring Co.. 113 Kearny.

SAILORS, ordinary seamen and green hands;all parts of world. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart.

PENSIONS— GEO. D. CAMPBELL, lawyer; ISyears' practice; Examiner b!dfr.

WINCHESTER Hotel. 41 Third St., near Mar-ket; "CO rooms, 25c night: reading room; free'bus and baggage to and from the ferry.

LTNDELL House, corner Sixth and Howard—

Rooms 15c to 23c per night; 73c to $2 per week.

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsreceived at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st.

HOtlSES. LIVESTOCK. Etc r'or Sale

THE sixth iot of the 200 horses from the Cantyranch Just In; from $20 up; 6 blacks, 2browns and 2 whites In the lot. 2170 Marketst. ;Castro-st. cars pass the door.

40 HORSES for Bale; also wagons, buggies,carts, harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market.827 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednesday.8ULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers.

FOR SALE—1good driving horse; « years' old;bargain. Call N. E. cor. 15th and Guerrero.

FOR rale— 2 extra fine carriasr teams. DAL-ZIEL. Vet. Dentist. 605 Golden Gate ave.


A—PRINTED list; houses to let; send for dr-cular. G. II.L'MBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery.

LEAVENWORTH. £06. near O'Farrell— 2-storyhouse 8 rooms, alcove and bath; In goodorder: key at grocery. Apply to C. S. CAPP& CO.. Real Estate Agents. 630 Market st.

PIERCE. E. side. bet. California and Sacra-mento— 2-stcry bay-window. 6 rooms andbath: neat house; nice neighborhood. Applyto C. S. CAPP <fc CO.. Real Estate Agents.

6S0 Market st.

BROADWAY, 1516. near Van Ness— Sunny 7-room house.


FURNISHED.CALIFORNIA, near Van New ave.— 10-room

house, completely furnished. Call 1115 Post.


LOST—A pass-book with the Hlbernla Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco. In thename of LAVINIAE. DEAN, No. 207-1S4.The firmer willplease return to bank.

LOST—White cat; green and one blue eye. Re-ward at 41 South Park.

LOST—A passbook with the Hlbernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco. In thename of ANTHONY MURRAY. No, 1S9-103*The finder will please return to bank.

LOST—Receipt book containing s00 shares Im-perlal mining stock: reward, illLarkln st.LOST—Bank book on the Hlbernla Bank. In th»name of MRS. ANNMcDANIEL. Finder win

return same to the Hlbernla Bank and receivereward.

BIEOICAL.DRS GOODWIN, the wTlTkaown ladle.' phy-

slclan. formerly 401 Van Ness, returned fromEurope with advanced knowledge; safe amireliable cure $3; have treated thousands otcases withsuccess; 15 years' practice InS F •maternity home; low fees. 1007^ Market st.'


J,G-. W'O'pON'^ELL.'the world-renownedladies' specialist: «afe and reliable; has prac-

ticed In 8. F. for years; treated thousands ofcares successfully: treatment caa be used at¦home; consultation Tree. Write or call at'1C2JU Market st.

MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable specialist; » yrs.practice: home In confinement; treatment atoffice. $5; any ailment; consultation free; con-fldenttal. 942 Post Bt.. b»t. Hyde and Lurkin.

MRS. DR. KOHL, ladles' epeclallst-GuararHi9?.?,1/611111161"at offlce. *•"•: consultation free1U2 Market St.. bet. Mason and Taylor; officehours 9 to 5. Sundays 10 to 4.

MRS. DR. ALLEN. 1C35 Market; ladle.' spe-clallst: treatment a; office. $5: consultationfree; hour* 10 to I. Phone Jeasle 257.

DR and MKS. DAVIES. 1221 Mark-t: ladles"physician; chronic . diseases treated: tot*scientific methods; treatment. $S.

DR. NO TOY KEE. late of Canton. China: dls-eases of all kinds cured: herbs and teas; sanl-tartum. .04 Bacra.mento.cor. Kearny :advte« fr«».

NIPE reliable home for confinement: reasona-ble. 2012 Folgom gt.. MRS. DR. PFEIFFER.

Y. S.—DR. WISE & CO.. the ladles' specialists.1118 Market gt.; every cage guaranteed: $5 up.

MRS. ECHWARTINO. midwife; private homain confinement for ladles. 810 Eddy st.

DR. and MRS. M. WEGENER— Private homeIn confinement. 1812 Golden date are.DR. WONQ HIM. herb doctor, treats all dia-eases 01 the human body. 115 Mason st.



BOILKRS. engines. 7-hand machinery. Mc-INTOSH & WOLPMAK, 193-197 Fremont at.

A—BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en-eines, boilers water pipe, shafting, pulleys.etc WHITELAW. as Spear st.

BARS back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun-ters'

linoleum, store and office furniture andfixtures; new and second hand; we alwayshave a large stock of saloon out3t3 en hand;12 complete outfits on our door, ready r.tih;we can shin everyth'.ns In M hours. J. -N'OO-¦NAN 1C1T. 1019. 102 1. 1023 Mission St., aWv-j

SUth"; write for catalogue.

WHISKY for family or medicinal us>; 4 fulloaart bottles, expressage prepaid, H?); noth-

ing on case to Indicate contents; twice ta»trice could buv no better; mail orders solic-ited. F. EPHKAIM &CO.. IS Montgomery.

A-$3 &0 DERBY and Fedora hats, il73. Pop-ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny st.. nr. Pine.

KD-HAND Dow duplex steam pump; S-ia.steam. 6-tn. water. H. S. WHITE. olSMlaalon.

FINE ycuns parrot. Just starting in to talk,for sale cheap. 1112 Powell st.

A FINE suit. $li); dress pants. 12 73. MISFIT?CLOTHING PARLORS. 43? Montgomery at.

FITLL line cameras and photo supplies; seiiinscheap. W. A. HARTTER. 513 Examiner bids.

WE v rent full-dress and Tuxedo suits for {250.Portland Loan Offlce. V, Stockton st.

MAGIC lanterns new and second-hand: r.iovlnepictures. Bl'LLARD & BHECK. 131 Post it.

CASH registers of every description for aalaand repaired. 1S27 Market, bet. 9th and liha.

FORTABLE engines, boilers: Iron and woodplaners: lathes: Id-hand. J. Burke. 133 Bealg.

A NEW Standard Typewriter; latest model;cheap. Typewriter Exchange. 409 California,

EDISON concert phonograph, price reduced to1100: concert records. J2 50. BACIGALUPL,933 .Market St.. San Francisco.

NEW and second-hand slot machines bough*and sold. W. C. BEXTHAM. 1S32 Market st.

A 10-TON Fairbanks scale and ftro and burs-lar proof safe. 21S California at.

SAFES- New and second hand. THE HER-MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st.

SECOND-HAND fireproof safe; 1fira and hurff-lar proijf safe; cheap. 43 Main st.


New and second hand; allsizes. THBWALTZ SAFK. 109-111 Market St.. San Fran.

ONK 4-slded sticker; Iplaner and matcher: tair compressor; 5 locomotive*. K9 Fremont.

IAWEEK'S news for 5 cents. The Weekly Call.IB pages. In wrapper, for mnHing. fl r»»r year.

3IISCELLA.\EOUS \VA\TS.'WANTEP—Second-h.T.nil sash and doors cheap.

Address box 1729. Call offlce.¦ LAL'NDRYMEX

—Wanted, second-hand boson*

I lron.»r; state price an.l make. Box 1730, Call.

WANTED—Second-hand upright plann forcash. II.L. WHITrHKAO. 1710 ?.>¦-!rk-t st.


HEIRS~t<T unsettled estates In crobata can re-ceive cash at ence: also first or second mort-gage loans on real estate, furniture andpianos: no removal: prompt dealing: nocharge unless loan is granted. EQUITABLQLOAN CO.. roon*4 (SOI. Examiner building.

ANYproposition, any amount; 6 per cent; flnt.I second mortgases. estates In probate. Interest

In estates, legacies, corporation loans, chattelmortgages; confidential: advice free. O. K-OLSEN. room 18. first floor. Chronicle Mils.

ANYamount at 8 per cent; 1st. Idand 3d mort-jragea, undivided Interest, real estate in pro-bate; mort^aKea and legacies bought: no de-lay; Bet my terms before doing business els«-where. R. McCOLOAN. S« Montgomery, r. 2.

HIGHLY respectable privata p'.ace to obtalaliberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry at low-est rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84« MarketSt.: ttl. Main 1G44. Branch 13 Third st.

NOTICE—Pledges of the Mint Loan Office. 14. Fifth st.. are transferred to W. J. Hesthal.10 Sixth St.. where the business will ta coa-tlnued. T. LUBEI.SKI. ¦

ON r-al estate. 1st or 2nd mortgages, and on>furniture or pianos: no removal: any amount;lowest rates. BECKER Sc CO.. IS Montgomery.

MOST reliable place to borrow on diamonds,watches, Jewelry. W. J. HESTHAL, la SUth;highest price fcr old gold: silver, diamonds.

j ANT amount by private party on furniture andpianos: no removal: low rates; conndentiaU

! BONELLI. Conservatory b'.dj:.. 130 Fcwell st.

j AT 125 Kearny st, room 9, rer-rectab!* privatei place to borrow on watches, diamonds: lowest

rates: take elevator. Telephone Davis 935.ON furniture and pianos without removal:quick

service: money direct: lowest Interest. Rcoas(3 and 63. Dcnohoe buildl.iff, 1170 Market st.

LOANS made on furniture at 1H per cent; alsoloans to salaried people. HAKSHBARG1SK.822 Ellis St.. room ii.

MONEYloaned salaried people without security.HILL.rm. 44. Merchants' Exchnge. 43! Calif.

TO salaried people; without security; all busl-ness confidential. Tousley Co.. 3n Parrott big.

CASH loaned to salaried people on note withoutindcrser. MORREL.L. 6C9 Etamlner building.

1 ON furniture, pianos, without removal; no[ commlMton; privata. LICK.Ul McAllister.IF your property Is mortjraeed and you neetl

more money see H. MURPHY. 630 Market st.

TO salaried m»n without collateral or indoraer.S. F. DIs<"->unt Agency. 143 Phelan building.



*4S. JS3. *100. J133.tlGi; upright: easy payments.Symphonion music boxes from $14to J1C0, and everythine In the music Una.

S. F. MUSIC CO.. 225 Sutter at.

PACKARD PIANOS-Beat the world.*

Packard organs—

are the best.See and hear them when you're ready.Bring your cash: we'll do the rest.

MAUVAIS'. 763 Market st.OLYMPIA eelf-playing music boxes are tha

latest and best; any style sold on InstallmentsIf you haven't the cash to spare. Z. MAU«VAIS- Music Store. 7K> Market St.

DECKER & SON pianos., established la U9Lare as reliable In tone, action and durabilityas any piano caa be made. Sola agency.MAUVAIS'. 763 Market st.

*AS we represent the best make of pianos laevery trade, from Stetnway down to low-priced makes, and aa our Installment pay-

ments are easier than those of other dealers,we are the people from whom you shouldpurchase; new upright pianos. i<5 cash. W permonth: other pianos 13. $4 and $3 per month,SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. Stelnway Dealers.. cor. Kearny and Sutter sts.. Saa Franclscojcor. Thirteenth, and Broadway. Oakland.

AN exceptional offer—

Fischer. $S0- Arion, $105{Cable. 1186; Estey. $190; finest condition war-ranted: easy payments. BENJ. CURTAZ &SON. IS O'Farrell at.; Chtckerinsr. Steclc.Vose. Sterling. Curtaz pianos.

ABSOLUTELY" the oldest and largest honsawest of Chicago is KOHLF.R & CHASET3,26. 2S and 20 O'Farrell st.;planes, organs andall ether musical instruments of all Kradeaand prices; terms easy; prices lowest; everr-thlr.v possible done to please and satisfy tincustomer.

A BARGAIN; fine cabinet grand $350 piano,almost new; must sell; $U0 cash. Addressbox 462. Call offlce.

BARGAINS—A few pianos will be sold thl»week for storage: offers wanted (cash or In-stallments). Wilson's Storage Co., 1710 Mrkt.

A BEAUTIFVLS4C0 upright piano, not us»d %year, will be sold immediately for $125;owner leaving the city. Room 12._Flood bids.

A—STEINWAY urrltjht: fine condition; verycheap. BP.UETNN. 2?S Post st.

WANTED-10 square pianos, six organs, foroptintry schools. BTRON MAUZY. 308 Post.

$150 CASH will purchase a fine uprtxht; callat once. 1021 Van Ness ave.. room 7.

A ETEINWAY. $165: installments $3. $5. $7. $10-rents $2 op. HEINE'S. US Ellis st.

SOHMER & CO.. Byron Mauiy Planoa. 303 to312 Post st.

GOOD Fischer: treat bargain. SCHMITZ. 13McAllister st.. next Hibemia Bank.

W. G. BATiGER. 412 Sacramento St.. a?ent foeFrancis Bacon and Hallett & Davla pianos.

SUPERIOR violins, rlthera, old and new. H-MULLER. maker, repairer, t Latham place.

CHEAPEST and best in America— The WeeklyCall. 16 pages, sent to any address in thaUnited Ptates or Canada one year for $1.

OKFICES~XJfD~STOnES^-ToT '£•£MONTGOMERY. IS—J nice sunny front rooms,

good for offices; also 2 furnished rooms; renSvery cheap.

pa LjttisTnriVME. Neerxaard. Prea. St. Germain Col>«» ot

Palmistry: reads 1 to S. (IS deary, nr. Jones.

H. JEROME FOSSELLI. scientific palmist. S13Taylor st.. b»t. Geary &Post: phone bla<-k 561.

PERSONALS.J2LECTRIC lights la every rornn-Winchester•

Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Market: ICo rooms;lie to USO cer night; $160 to J6 per week;free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry.

AN elescant sutt fcr $10 75 frcm Imported or do-mestic remnants. L. I.EMO3. 1U7 Market st._between Seventh an<t Eighth.

IFyou wish fullvalue for your cast-eftcloth!n~call on B. COHEN. 157 Third: teL Black OZX.

LADIES' and gents* cantcft clothing bought and•old. Bllverman. $34 Folsom; tel Folsom U91.

FULL-DRESS and other suits bought; also oldgold. Portland Loan Office, 23 Stockton »u