the samurai’s garden

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The Samurais GardenKeith Contrera

Summary Steven, the protagonist of the novel, becomes ill with tuberculosis. Because he is too ill to study and he is afraid of infecting his sister, he leaves his home in Hong Kong and moves to Tarumi, a small island in Japan, to recover. In Tarumi, he lives in his grandfathers beach home with Matsu. Matsu has been the family servant for decades; he also has a passion for gardening. While recovering, Steven builds a relationship with Matsu, as well as focuses on painting, and becomes friends with Matsus friend Sachi. Sachi was once the most gorgeous woman in all of Tarumi, but was scared by leprosy and was forced into exile to the town of Yamaguchi (a town of lepers). Kenzo, one of Matsus friends and someone who Steven meets, once loved Sachi, but they were torn apart by the exile and leprosy. When Kenzo finds out Sachi, had come down off the mountain to help Steven and Matsu rebuild the beach house and garden that were destroyed by a storm, he is enraged and soon hangs himself. During the novel Steven also falls in love with a girl named Keiko, but can only be friend because he is Chinese and she is Japanese. Steven must also confront his father, Ba-ba, about an affair he has been having on his business trips to Japan. All of this is happening during WWII, so the reader learns a lot about the Japanese attacks on China and the reasons behind the current Japanese and Chinese relationship.Self ImprovementSelf improvementWhile in Tarumi, Steven focuses on painting, which is something he has always lovedMatsu has almost perfected his gardening skills and is known as the best gardener in TarumiSteven talks about how he has become wiser because of his experience in TarumiWe live a short enough time on this earth. A man should do what he loves.With Matsus help. He showed me that life is not just from within. It extends all around you, whether you wish it or not.HonorHonorThe title, Samurais Garden refers to Matsus Garden.The samurai is a very esteemed rank in Japanese culture, and this symbolizes the honor that Matsu has, even if he is not technically a samurai. Matsu embodiesthe best characteristicsof a samurai- he is strong, silent, and loyal.Sachi moved to Yamaguchi because she felt she was dishonoring her family.Stevens father, Ba-ba, bring dishonor to his family by having an affair.

AcceptanceAcceptanceSachi is out casted and exiled because of leprosy. She was separated from her family, friends, and the love of her life. Steven gets to know Sachi and finds beauty in who she is, rather what she looks like.Here in Yamaguchi I learned that beauty exists where you least expect to find it.

What I learned about China and JapanCurrently, Japan and China do not like each other. But, they cannot ignore or attack each other because they are essential to the survive of each other. They are dependent on each other because they use each others exports and are essential to the stability of each other. The reason they do not like each other is because of their history. The book takes place in the time period of WWII, when Japan was taking over parts of China. Steven, who is Chinese, always has awkward moments with his Japanese friends when he hears of the war. China and Japan also share similar art forms such as martial arts and painting.Would I Recommend the Book? Yes. I would give it a solid 7/10. It was very interesting and teaches the read a lot about Japanese and Chinese culture and relations. However it should be noted there are some emotional parts; including deaths, war, and suicide. If you are very sensitive to these thing I would be cautious about reading the novel. My only complaint is that there is no climax. Overall, a good read and would recommend it to most people.Tsukiyama, Gail.The Samurai's garden. New York: St. Martin's P, 1995