the sacred art of anointing

The Sacred Art Of Anointing by Allison Stillman "The Sacred Art of Anointing" is the first publicly available book in countless centuries that educates the reader about an ancient ceremonial use of consecrated essential oils to make, or declare one sacred, holy, and Divine. "The Sacred Art of Anointing" looks at the historical use of essential oils in spiritual and religious ceremony, gives definitive information about essential oils, crystals and gemstones, sound therapy, and the art of consecration; which enables the reader to shift into a more balanced, graceful, and abundant way of life. This book is a comprehensive guide to the sacred art of anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt. It provides any reader with everything they need to know in order to create ceremonies to be performed for health and well being, to develop inner wisdom and guidance, to induce deeper states of relaxation, and to awaken higher states of consciousness and Divine realization. The ancient art of anointing is a sacred ceremony of using oil as a rite, especially for consecration. When we consecrate someone or something, we are devoting our selves with deep solemnity or dedication to the sacred. The definition of the word sacred means to entitle one to veneration by association with Divinity! Anointing has been practiced for thousands of years as a method for invoking the Divine into our lives, our hearts and our minds.When we anoint ourselves with

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The Sacred Art of Anointing


The Sacred Art Of AnointingbyAllison Stillman

"The Sacred Art of Anointing" is the first publicly available book in countless centuries that educates the reader about an ancient ceremonial use of consecrated essential oils to make, or declare one sacred, holy, and Divine. "The Sacred Art of Anointing" looks at the historical use of essential oils in spiritual and religious ceremony, gives definitive information about essential oils, crystals and gemstones, sound therapy, and the art of consecration; which enables the reader to shift into a more balanced, graceful, and abundant way of life. This book is a comprehensive guide to the sacred art of anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt. It provides any reader with everything they need to know in order to create ceremonies to be performed for health and well being, to develop inner wisdom and guidance, to induce deeper states of relaxation, and to awaken higher states of consciousness and Divine realization.The ancient art of anointing is a sacred ceremony of using oil as a rite, especially for consecration. When we consecrate someone or something, we are devoting our selves with deep solemnity or dedication to the sacred. The definition of the word sacred means to entitle one to veneration by association with Divinity!Anointing has been practiced for thousands of years as a method for invoking the Divine into our lives, our hearts and our minds.When we anoint ourselves with essential oils as in a sacred ceremony, we are invoking the presence and consecration of the Divine to be a part of our body, mind and spirit.While we are all familiar with the use of anointing by the Church as in last rites, (a ceremony where the priests use oils to consecrate and bless someone who is preparing to journey out of the body), many are unaware of the extensive use of essential oils for elaborate anointing ceremonies that occurred in the temples of Egypt honoring all great rites of passage.The ancient Egyptians were extensively schooled in the use of essential oils for rites of passage, and had elaborate anointing ceremonies using a variety of oils to invoke transitions and initiations throughout their lives. They grew aromatic plants in gardens around the temple grounds and offered oils to the Gods, using scent as a means for deep states of meditation and for connecting into the Divine. In fact, many of the pharaohs, Kings and Queens were buried with essential oils to ensure their passage into the Divine.In a modern day anointing ceremony, we can anoint ourselves with one essential oil, or a blend of several oils.The most important part of an anointing ceremony will always be the intention we put into the oils when blending or concocting an anointing chrism. Some of the oils that have been used historically are frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, rose, and the highly revered lotus oils. The Bible has scores of references to the power of essential oils when used to anoint the body.Because essential oils are live plant extracts, they contain electromagnetic energy, and affect us in various ways.They are also perfect conduits for intention and our own conscious declaration for anointing. When we invoke the essence of the Divine into our oils, they then become a holy anointing oil, and whenever we anoint ourselves with the blend, we will feel the blessing of the sacred, the holy and the Divine!The Anointing CeremonyAllison Stillman is a visionary aromatic alchemist and ordained minister who lives in the anointing capital of the world, Ojai, CA. Allison is one of the world's leading authorities on anointing, and has performed anointing ceremonies for 25 years.

Anointing heralds back thousands of years as one of the oldest and most traditional use of aromatics, or pure essential oils. Anointing is a rite whereupon we use these holy oils in a ceremony of application for the purpose of consecration. This sacred dedication has been practiced as a method of invoking Divinity and awakening consciousness.

Allison offers a variety of different anointing ceremonies, from large group anointing ceremonies, to intimate one on one anointing rites of passage. Her anointing rites of passage are a life transforming experience, a deep immersion into the magical and alchemical world of aromachology that can generate quantum shifts in life.

In addition to the various anointing ceremonies, Allison also performs sacred wedding ceremonies, birth blessings, house blessings, and last rites.