the rotary foundation of rotary international the rotary foundation of rotary international two...

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

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Page 1: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

The Rotary Foundation

of Rotary International

Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

Page 2: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

Annual Programs Fund

For Support Today

Permanent Fund

To Secure Tomorrow

Page 3: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• Total funds committed …………$595 million as of 30 June 2006

• Number of nations having . . . . . . . . 122benefited from PolioPlus grants

• Number of children receiving . . . . 400 million oral polio vaccine in 2006

• Polio-free countries, territories . . . . 210and areas in 2007

• Countries endemic for wild . . . . . . . Only 4polio virus in 2007

Polio Eradication Polio Eradication

Page 4: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• Ambassadorial ScholarshipsAmbassadorial ScholarshipsWorld's largest privately funded international scholarship programs

• Rotary Centers for Rotary Centers for International StudiesInternational StudiesMaster's degree program in peace and conflict resolution

• Group Study ExchangeGroup Study ExchangeFour to six weeks international cultural and vocational exchange

Educational Programs Educational Programs

Page 5: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• District Simplified GrantsDistrict Simplified GrantsShort-term service activities or humanitarian endeavors of districts in communities locally or internationally

• Matching GrantsMatching GrantsHumanitarian projects that benefit a communityin need and have direct local & international Rotarian involvement

• Volunteer Service GrantsVolunteer Service GrantsSupport the travel of individuals who are planning or implementing service projects.

• 3-H Grants3-H GrantsFund large-scale projects that enhance health, help alleviate hunger or improve human development.

Humanitarian Programs

Humanitarian Programs

Page 6: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• Addresses all of the greatest educational and humanitarian needs

• Its world reach is greater than the United Nations

• We can go where politicians and religious groups cannot

• The Rotary Foundation is YOUR Foundation

• Why wouldn’t your Foundation be among your Charities of Choice?

The Rotary Foundation IS Unique

The Rotary Foundation IS Unique

Page 7: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Annual GivingAnnual Giving

Encourage Every Rotarian • to contribute Every Year to The Rotary Foundation

Annual Programs Fund (APF-SHARE)• to participate in a Foundation humanitarian or

educational project Every Year

Encourage Every Club • to set minimum US$100

per capita APF goal

Page 8: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• Builds ongoing support for The Rotary Foundation - the lifeblood for Foundation Programs

• Helps achieve the worldwide goal of US$100 per capita

• Eligible for Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow,Multiple Paul Harris Fellow, PaulHarris Society and Major Donor recognition

Annual Giving – APF-SHARE

Annual Giving – APF-SHARE

Page 9: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member:• A Rotarian who contributes US$100 or more every year

Paul Harris Fellow: • A Rotarian who contributes, or in whose

name is contributed, US$1,000

Paul Harris Society: • Anyone who makes a US$1,000 contribution

each year to APF/SHARE, PolioPlus or approved Humanitarian grants

• Each PHS is managed by the district

Annual Giving – APF-SHARE

Annual Giving – APF-SHARE

Page 10: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

• CoffeeCoffee $ 32 Billion$ 32 Billion ($107 per capita)($107 per capita)• Cosmetic Products            Cosmetic Products             $  30   Billion$  30   Billion• Pet Products                     Pet Products                     $  31   Billion$  31   Billion• Soft Drinks                       Soft Drinks                        $  60   Billion $  60   Billion ($200 per capita($200 per capita))• Beer                               Beer                                $ 45   Billion$ 45   Billion• Weight Control Products Weight Control Products  $  33   Billion$  33   Billion• Fast Food                        Fast Food                        $103   Billion $103   Billion ($343 per capita)($343 per capita)• Legal Gambling                 Legal Gambling                  $550   Billion$550   Billion

TOTAL TOTAL $884 Billion $884 Billion ($2,947 per ($2,947 per capita)capita)


How we spend our money

How we spend our money

Page 11: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International



Earnings Earnings Pay TRF Pay TRF



Select Select ParticipantsParticipants




• District Simplified GrantsDistrict Simplified Grants• Matching GrantsMatching Grants• Ambassadorial ScholarshipsAmbassadorial Scholarships• Additional GSE TeamAdditional GSE Team• Rotary Centers for International Rotary Centers for International


• Matching GrantsMatching Grants• Volunteer Service GrantsVolunteer Service Grants• Group Study Exchange (GSE)Group Study Exchange (GSE)• Health, Hunger and Humanity Health, Hunger and Humanity

Grants (3-H)Grants (3-H)

50% District Designated Funds (DDF)50% District Designated Funds (DDF)50% World Fund50% World Fund

Understanding SHARE

Understanding SHARE

Page 12: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

APF-SHARE 3-Year Cycle

APF-SHARE 3-Year Cycle

• Funds from Annual Giving available to districts 3 years after they are contributed - through SHARE

• Contributions made to the Annual Programs Fund in 2004-05 become available in 2007-08

• Contributions made in 2007-08 available in 2010-11















Page 13: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

A Look at the Future – Today

A Look at the Future – Today

The Permanent Fund is Rotary’s Endowment Fund.

Contributions to The Permanent Fund are NOT spent.

Contributions are invested in perpetuity. Only the earnings are used to support Foundation Programs.

Page 14: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Current Permanent Fund Values



Page 15: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Endowments of Other Institutions

Endowments of Other Institutions

Service Organizations:

Kiwanis International Foundation $ 4 million

Lions Clubs International Foundation $ 1.6 million

Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund $ 217 million

Shriners Hospitals for Children $ 7 billion

University and College Endowments:

Harvard University $ 22.1 billion

University of Oxford $ 666 million

Yale University $ 12.7 billion

Page 16: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Testamentary GiftsTestamentary Gifts

• Benefactor• Bequest Society• Life Insurance• Retirement Plan

Gifts that benefit The Rotary Foundation after the donor’s death:

Page 17: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Benefactors & Bequest Society

Benefactors & Bequest Society

• A Benefactor is an individual or couple that has made a provision in their estate plan to gift a minimum US $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation, or made an outright gift of US$1,000 to the Permanent Fund.

• A Bequest Society member is an individual or couple that has made a provision in their estate plan totaling US $10,000 or more to TRF.

• Examples are living wills or whole and universal life insurance policies.

Page 18: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Major Donors & Major GiftsMajor Donors & Major Gifts

• MAJOR DONORS: Individuals or couples whose combined personal giving has reached US$10,000 or more, regardless of the gift designations.

• MAJOR GIFTS: Outright gifts of US$10,000 or moreUS$10,000 or more to any designation. Gifts of cash, appreciated assets, life income agreements and life insurance may be considered.

Page 19: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Major Gifts – Ways of Giving• Cash

• Securities – Stocks and Bonds

• Tangible Personal Property

• Real Estate

• Life Insurance

• Bequests

• Retirement Plans

• Life Income Agreements (US only)

• Donor Advised Fund (US only)

Page 20: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

IRA Roll-over OptionIRA Roll-over Option• Individuals who are 70 ½ at the time of the

gift may annually donate up to $100,000 from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA) directly to The Rotary Foundation

• This gift can be made without increasing federal gross income for that tax year

• Available from now until 31 December 2007 only

Page 21: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Life Income Agreements:Pass the Four “Win” Test Life Income Agreements:Pass the Four “Win” Test

Did you know that with one gift you can …

• Make a major gift to support Rotary Foundation programs

• Receive immediate tax benefits• Reduce capital gains tax on gifts of

appreciated assets (stock, property….)• Receive lifetime income for you or others

Page 22: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Donor Advised FundsDonor Advised Funds

Establishing a DAF is like having a private foundation without the hassles and paperwork that go along with operating one.

• Group account (From two to four account-holders, expected to last in perpetuity)

• Individual account (One account-holder and a spouse, possibility of transferring account-holder status to child or children, remainder to charity)

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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International



Page 24: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

SHARESHARE your support- Lead by Example

SHARESHARE your enthusiasm- Tell the Stories

SHARESHARE the opportunity – ASK!

SHARESHARE your appreciation