the role of ict in economic growth of korea · 2009. 2. 2. · the role of ict in economic growth...

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea: Productivity Changes across Industries since 1985 January, 29, 2009 Chang-Ho Yoon*, Kyoung-Youn Na** and Hyun-Joon Jung*** * Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University ** Ph.D. student, Department of Economics, Korea University *** Researcher, Korea Information Society Development Institute

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Page 1: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

The Role of ICT

in Economic Growth of Korea:Productivity Changes across Industries since 1985

January, 29, 2009

Chang-Ho Yoon*, Kyoung-Youn Na** and Hyun-Joon Jung***

* Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University** Ph.D. student, Department of Economics, Korea University

*** Researcher, Korea Information Society Development Institute

Page 2: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

I. Introduction

II. Empirical Model and Estimation

III. Concluding Comments

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

I. Introduction

• Information Technology and Productivity Growth in OECD countries (2003): Diverging patterns of ICT diffusion across countries and industries, and differential impact over time.

• Need to examine a case of ICT leading country where a sustained increase of productivity has been traced in ICT intensive industries.

• Recovery of Korea after financial turmoil in the late 1990s.

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

• Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively modest compared to the previous rapidly growing period. The annual rate of growth of net capital stock of the Korean economy over the period of 1970- 2005 was 10.8%, while 6.0% for 1998 – 2005. In the case of ICT sector, the rate was 41.2% for the period of 1984-1998, and then reduced to 3.4% for 1998 – 2005.

• The trend growth rate of Korea has been lowered after the crises with much less volatility until 2007.

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

- Source : Bank of Korea

Page 6: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Sources of GDP growth using best estimate and harmonized prices

- Source : Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi (2007)

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Decomposition of TFP Growth

- Source : Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi (2007)

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

• Literature on growth enhancing effects of ICT: Jorgenson, D and K. Stiroh (1999, 2000), Stiroh, K. (2002), Jorgenson, D and Motohashi, K (2005), Kanamori, T and Motohashi, K (2008)

• Suspicious perspective on the New Economy: Gordon (2000)

• Roller and Waverman (2001) on the positive role of ICT infrastructure in economic growth.

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

II. Empirical Model and Estimation

Methodological comments on previous research

(1) Technology specification– Suppose the economy is divided into ICT producing

sector and using sector. Then ICT capital stock of ICT producing sector often becomes the ICT infrastructure of the whole economy and complementary to ICT capital of ICT using sector (e.g. fixed and wireless networks, R&D facilities)

– The effects of ICT on productivity of ICT using industry can be underestimated if focusing on ICT capital of that industry alone.

Page 10: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• The Ratio of ICT capital stock (OECD 2002 classification)




1985 1990 1995 2000 2005year


- Source : EU KLEMS

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

(2) OECD ICT sector definition- capital measurement

– OECD ICT sector definition(2007): “The production (goods and services) of a candidate industry must primarily be intended to fulfill or enable the function of information processing and communication by electronic means, including transmission and display.”

– New ICT definition exclude the sentence that “Industries producing products (technologies) that use electronic processing to detect, measure, record or control a physical process.”

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• ICT Convergence sectors use more and more ICT intermediate inputs or ICT capital which are not classified as ICT.

– Motor vehicle is a good example. – The components of Motor vehicle such as ECU, sensors

and embedded SWare not classified as ICT.– ECU or sensors uses electronic processing to detect,

measure, record or control a physical process (sensing, computing and communicating).

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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(3) Inter-industry spill-over effects

– In many competitive or oligopoly industries, an investment game in ICT often results in cost and price reduction, and wealth redistribution from firms to consumers. Gain in consumer surplus boosts consumption in other industries.

– Due to heavy development cost and low marginal cost of ICT equipment and software, strong network effects prevail among the users across industries (e.g. software for internet security).

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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- Source: EU KLEMS

Industrial Classifications

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Estimation of spill-over effects

• We consider aggregate production function

• is aggregate ICT capital stock at t.

• Let denote the proportion of ICT capital stock of industry i at t.

• Then

),,,( tICKKLfY tititit =




ititt KICK θ

Page 16: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

1. Standard Cobb-Douglas Function

2. Other specification to emphasize the dependency of industry spill-over on

γβαtititiititiiit ICKKLtBKLtAFY )(),),(( ==

γγ θ )(∑=i

ititt KICK

0,, >γβα

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea


ittititiit ICKKLtBY θγβα ⋅= )(

Page 17: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Specification for industrial value added. All the variables are in natural logarithms.

• Both and are determined endogenously within the system (depend on current and lagged output levels as well as technology shocks)

)( itititickitkitnit mickkny +++++= νηβββ

ittiit ev += −1,αν1|| <α

)0(~, MAme itit

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

n k

Page 18: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Dynamic representation(1)


• In either case we can obtain consistent estimates of the unrestricted parameter vector using the GMM methods.

)( 1*11,17116151,14131,1211 itititttiittiitit wyickickkknny ++++++++= −−−− ηπππππππ

)( 2*21,27126251,24231,2221 itititittittiittiitit wyickickkknny +++⋅+⋅++++= −−−− ηπθπθπππππ

),,,,,,( 7654321 ππππππππ =

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Page 19: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

Variables Definition

GO Gross output at current basic prices (million won)

VA Gross value added at current basic prices (million won)

GO_P Gross output, price indices, 1995 = 100

VA_P Gross value added, price indices, 1995 = 100

L Total hours worked by employees (millions)

KICT ICT assets, Real fixed capital stock, 1995 prices

K All assets, Real fixed capital stock, 1995 prices

LAB Labor compensation (million won)

CAP Capital compensation (million won)

TFP TFP (value added based) growth, 1995=100


- Source : EU KLEMS

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Page 20: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Descriptive Statistics

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

(ln level)

VA 630 15.862 1.011 13.098 18.347

n 630 6.449 1.106 3.341 8.271

k 630 16.655 1.366 13.359 20.150

ick 630 17.015 0.772 15.658 18.060

Learning 630 18.996 1.064 15.676 21.406

rTFP 600 0.033 0.074 -0.243 0.372

rGO 600 0.073 0.097 -0.459 0.942

rick 600 0.120 0.043 0.039 0.185

630 0.039 0.055 0.001 0.339

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea


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Estimation of production function

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Page 22: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Production Function Estimation Result (conti…)

*, ** and *** denote significance of the test statistic at the 10, 5 and 1% level of significance, respectively.

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Page 23: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• rTFP Regressions

• is TFP of industry i in year t.

• is Gross Output of industry i in year t.

• is cumulative Gross Output of industry from year t-5 to year t-1.

• is ICT capital stock of all industries in year t.




ittititit ICKdLearningGOdAd εδγβα ++++= lnlnlnln


The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• rTFP Regressions Result

*, ** and *** denote significance of the test statistic at the 10, 5 and 1% level of significance, respectively.

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Dummy Variable rTFP Regressions


• if , otherwise.

• if ICT using industry, if ICT producing industry.

ittitit ICKdGOdCDAd εφδγβα +++++= lnlnln

1=D 1998≤t 0=D



The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

Page 26: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• Dummy Variable rTFP Regressions Result

*, ** and *** denote significance of the test statistic at the 10, 5 and 1% level of significance, respectively.

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Continuous ICT Variable rTFP Regressions



ittittit ICKdGOdICKdDAd 11111 lnlnlnln εφδβα +++⋅+=

itittitittit ICKdGOdCICKdDAd 2122122 lnlnlnln εθλφδθγβα ++++⋅+⋅+=

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Continuous ICT Variable rTFP Regressions Result

*, ** and *** denote significance of the test statistic at the 10, 5 and 1% level of significance, respectively.

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Aggregate TFP growth rate

– Source : EU KLEMS










1985 1990 1995 2000 2005year

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT producing industries



id = 13

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.1076 0.0847

id = 23

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.1190 0.0576

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT producing industries

– ICT producing industries (both manufacturing and service) show consistently higher productivity growth. During the financial crisis, still positive growth.





1985 1990 1995 2000 20051985 1990 1995 2000 2005

1 3 2 3

indus_r_TFP total_r_TFP


G rap h s b y id

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT intensive industries– The proportion of ICT capital( ) is greater than the

average proportion of all the industries. The status can change over time.

• Among the industries which use ICT intensively, select industries with TFP growth rate persistently higher than economy wide growth rate since 2002.


8 Chemicals and chemical



The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT intensive industries (code 8, 12, 14)

id = 8

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.0524 0.0453

id = 12

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.0745 0.1079

id = 14

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.0648 0.0870

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT intensive industries

– Among ICT intensive industries, industries 12 and 14 show high volatility.

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea





1985 1990 1995 2000 20051985 1990 1995 2000 2005

1 2 1 4

indus_r_T F P total_r_TF P


G rap h s b y id

Page 35: The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea · 2009. 2. 2. · The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea • Since the financial turmoil, capital deepening in Korea has been relatively

• ICT intensive industries (conti…)

– Industry 8 shows consistently higher productivity growth with small volatility.





1985 1990 1995 2000 2005


indus_r_TFP total_r_TFP


Graphs by id

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• ICT intensive service industry


id = 24

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

indus_rTFP 20 0.0447 0.0995

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• 23 Post and Telecommunications • 24 Financial Intermediation





1985 1990 1995 2000 20051985 1990 1995 2000 2005

23 24

indus_r_TFP total_r_TFP


G raph s by id

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Service industries with increasing ICT intensity since mid 1990s

18 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail sale of fuel

19 Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

20 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household goods

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Right axis =share

– ICT intensity rises and then declines recently. Better performance recently.





















1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

18 19


indus_rTFP total_r_TFPshare


Graphs by id


The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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• Export ratio of ICT using industry and producing industry

– Source : Bank of Korea

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010year

ex_ratio_ICT_high ex_ratio_ICT_pro

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• Export volume indices (1995=100)





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010year

ex_vol_ICT_high ex_vol_ICT_proex_vol_sum

- Source : Bank of Korea

The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

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The Role of ICT in Economic Growth of Korea

III. Concluding Comments

• In contrast to previous research, ICT has strong effects on the productivity of ICT using export industries (notwithstanding ICT producing industries).

• Dynamic comparative advantage has been revealed toward the ICT using export industries which have managed to adopt convergent technologies. However from the 4th quarter of 2008, exports began to decline rapidly.

• Does technology convergence extend to other promising industries?

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