the - rockaway township free public library · i»u tbaokonil, codfish, wuitcfluli and borring....

THE VOL. n. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1872. NO. 17 The Iron Era, BiTEBJU* at BBNJ. H. VOQT. EDITOR um PBOIIIETOB. O1D«« Cor. llotrli mud VUcfcwall |UMU. TEKKIfl or lUBBCfiDPTIOlf i IMTJIRIAIILT a ADTAKCE. Ooo Tear, - . _ - _ - - $2.00 SI* Monti)!., -• - . - - - - - 1,00 ihrco months, —— — «. — — — 00 Unslness Cards. GEO. RICHARDS & Co., BUJ TICKETS FOB THE FitlHOITAIj LINES OF BTBAHEHSTOANDFIIOH Quconiitomi ana Jjiverpoolt ' Oroat Britain, Irolan*!, Germany and FraDee •S.4S per £1. PASSAGE TICKETS Liverpool and Queenstown, on tbofollowing Bteanuiiip tinea: ' INDIAN, ', .. CUNAKD, ,..;.; \*f.RATIONAL, ..•: -. ; Liverpool and Great Weatern. Prafta on England, and Royal Bank of IM SEG-TJR'S BANK, i. IV.'-.. •' nocisaba'n The Union Bunk at Dover. $.Toa ner.eantqalft Bonda ot tha Honatoq and Tcxaa Central Hallway Company—Hon. W«. S. *Dodf{o, Frefidwit—for a&lo at Wo. and aeoiu.d Intoraat. Alao, aeTon-tolrly Northern Paelfle Railroad Bond! at par and ao«mod lnlaraat. CiroulaisandpartiotiUrafaraiauad on Bon. • • , A. 0. P. SEOUB, Banktr. Ji.b. lal, 187J. !. - .- I S . rp . X. MCUPHVH rumoxuit* HAIIl DRESSING, Sharing »tad Ihanpoolng KrtBblUhmt CocilaokmU and Snaui Bit., DOTI»,N.J. '. IT. B.-farltailar altlonllon eton to entllis and' and.hlldnfa balr. Ba«n boBod, aot and ground.* I*1JT J C. JOIUfSOff, . .. WBOLUlLSAMDBETiniDUI'ZBIlt Foreign and Domestic Tobacco, »M»ioir novae. . ; Oorn.r or Bi.ekw.Il and Omiol SI., '}') Jpbyasn, N. J. r < I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Honwi md CtrrUgen tt> Let. j S T ,. ,„ .DOVER, N. J.. -A *. WM>Vnr month, i TIT »T. LBPORT, ! .''" C6unsellor at Lay, AKD MASTER IN CHANCERY, Offlsa neil door to OK, lUchardl * Co'a Btore, 3rA0gmgj.BT.V DOVEIVN.3. vrKioimoun & QMITII, | Attorneys 4 Counsellors at Law, Cor. Blackwell end Sniiex Bti. | DOVER, NJJ. Dsoombar 8*th,1870." I . H. KEIOBHODB. I M. WIUTB. ' b I I! W" ; OFFIOJE, UNION IU1X DCttDISO, -;' 1 Dover, N. J. i A . OILXiKIT, Ptdaifehiiig Undertaker - LIOBNOED ADOTlOKREn AND COHUM- 8l0MP.noFDF.Kna All ordorapromptly tttendod tot DiiiotintLL BTHtrT, D»rr»r, K. J. E. M. STICKLE, / HOUSE AND SIGN Prospect Street,' Dover,' N. J. GLAZMO, QRAININQ, AND PAPER- HANGING AT THE LOWEST BATES. Carriages and Sleighs Of lflre*7 Dacrlptlim. Oor.Bl.okwoIUnailorBoii8l., lK>Viin,». N.H. DIUMAIT. Ora. KoOuounr. Pwtl«!a? ettsstion paid •• wpftlrisr asfi painting. . It-Ij . inMeri, Architect CIVIL, JIWINDEE, Office on Blookwoll Street, near Sussex, PIuji, Spoolfioatloiu ud lanorlntondonoo of build If l . • - Surrey*, Lareta, Qradoa, PJtni, 4 c for public »n3priTaloijnpioreraoat«, • _ - . J-l? SAMSON MINING Co., CHESTER, Uonii Co.. N. J. Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. Addnia O. W. UUXBR, BM, S.W.GEOBOE.Sop't., 1 Bread BI.NswYott. clintor, Mpnb Oo?, 8M1* H.J. A. TAYLOR, Uun-rionmra im> DEALS* txLIOHT IWD HunJ HARNE S, SADDLES, &c, . JDOVER, N. J., AnnonnceM to tlio pniillo tiitAho hoarsea'Ted hit Winter ilookofOoodi, ind Infitos ia enmiiw* Uon of hli •plouilid HIMUOO of Buffalo and Wolf Skin Fancy Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, 1 Sleigh Bells, Whips, Brushes, Combs, OILS far Iaibrlcatlng Ilarnest, Ointments, Llnlmenti, And ID bet *U thoio trtlolca neodod bj % good honeminlD tlio proper care of that iiKfiuul- n^B.1, 1£4T1DC llDn&llt On wntifinaJljr Large Stock ot Horse' Blankets, I amabla to aall at maah Below the Uaunl Prlcea. REPAIBINO done oaaUy, nubatantlaUy and promptly. Oall andexunlnotnyatitck. I guarouloa aatisfacllon. DU.mlg.rUth.mO. Myr C. H. DALBYMPLE. DR.TJGOIST, MORIHSTOWN, N. J. Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, ETC., ETO. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. MINERAL WATERS ot all klndi, TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, and norjlbtag nautlly found in a First Class Drug Store. ,Tb tlio Tory rotponilblo datjr of compoundlog dAtal Fbysioiami' Fresoriptions, PlIRITV jlKll OFFICHTAL OIIABACTER OF ALL HEUICISE8 II8KDIS Free Passage Tickets JltOM Dover to Morristown AND RETURN. On »d fcfUr Aug. 6th, 1BT1, th« mbwriUrwUl par the pnaiBgo, orer tho M. h K. 1L H. from Donr to Marrlilown nnd rolnm, of tUcltlxoni of Dororand ricintty who will pninbisd of him » •ait of clothe* of any fleMripifon, A •plondfd sod entirely new itock of JU*dy- mtda Clothing lias \et\ been pat jn mj norf itoro ID thojDld Iron Bank Jfnlldlnr, fronting tho Park itMorriitown. :„ SAM UK I, HAM. UvrrlHown, Ang. B, 1BT2. 8»-J H. P. SAMDEBSON, Sole Agent for Dover, OF Bice's Celebrated MINCE-MEAT! The Best in the Market! Best Seleoted BEEF Choicest New Fruits Thll calubnUd IIInos-Hul hat b«o Ihorongblf tried bj soms cf lbs beltftunOleaIn tUUGIt/, and Pronounced Excellent! . TBT IT!! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NBWSTORQ AND . NEW GOODS!! BOUGHT AT CASH PRICES If! And ai I ihall SBLL itiB CASK, I MM' ATFOBD to SELL CHEAP ! JUST SE0EITED, A BPLCHD1D ST0OE OF Dry Goods and Notions Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS i LADIES'TTBAil Srer ofbnd iaDofor. FRE^H GROCERIES Isaothratiiilru tonnl tUnah af tnrl Hosiitold. Crockery & Glass-ware ThB latest designs ' u woU as tba mot* tnbitantUl . arlidoilnlblittae. , - Xbanjiutaponod, and tuVitettM•lUutn oT DOTOT to eomo andoutnlne mj fooOi and pfiesi. Under th« Imoir EmOfltoa, oonut al BbekmB and Morris Streets, Dow, H. /. JOHN F. WOOD. Ladies' and Children's Shoos OCEATEB Uion the CHEATEST, GEOUUK PIEHSON, llanufacturor of Olioice"Sweet CIDER AND Pure Cider VINEGAR MTT.T. nnooic, H. 3. Also dealer In nil klDSfl of TL1IBER, PLMK, Ac, Ac, lit very low prices. N. B.-Ordora loft at rioraon'n Hut & Fur Store Dover, trill rooulvo prompt atteutlun, O. H. DAMYMTLE, Drnggidt. WIIITLOCK & LEWS, New Stor§! NEW GOODS ! TTESW X»K,XO133S woantljrmovml to onr Largo »ndE,o- Nbw Store Room, Cor. of Blackwell and Morris Streets, We •boll bo ploMod towcloomo onr old cm torn- en. *nd til other* who ma; fiivor ui with tx call, •nd cheerfully I.IDWour NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF GOODS 1 Which for QUALITY, QUANTITY and PRICE, wtj tool BMtirsd cannot bo iiiniaBBCu by any atom la thi country. Onr Nun; ttoonu bolnc about totur tlmtl tho alza of tho«owo fonnuri/oMur'--' suable*tu tok»p a tall aooortmout of all art oonnoctad with our builneu. and whioh coniUtt. in part of Dry Goods & Fancy Goods, Boohfttladici' fashionable droaa goods, nil vnrlo- tto* and erad«B> •aUcnei.mniUna, ulieolinm, tlck- tngi, shlrthigB, towoliDge, hosiery, cotton tliroftd, •tut und kid aloren, dross andcloak trimmlugri, J bboni, luce*, ilmwli, elmMrgi, flannolu, thread, oodloi,fto..Bus Also, GENT'FURNISHING GOODS, •ach Melothi, mMtawnw, mtinotU, Joans, den- ims, linen andcotton goodt, colion, cravat •, nook ties, buck, liile, wool, cotton. Bilk and hid glovea; wool and cotton half hoso, Ulkand linen lundknr- nhleft, Ac, be. BOOTS and SHOES. Udfoa' and chaldron's'bfch aliooa, rcaltoru, lualdnii. illppon, mbbcrg. Ao. Mon'e atnlboys 1 heivy and Ono booli, aliociB, fioitcm nnd dippem. Groceries and Provisions ! TOM, coflboi. angara, mohBflcs and syrups, all gt»doi, variciloa and. prices. Canned and dried fruiti, •itGncps and llnvorlng citrnota, pork, •mokod hum indihonlunra, driod beof onu bacon, i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring. A'IO, always on hand, a Choice Article of Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs, Crockery, Cutlery and Glass Wire. a'flno asaortmant—tablo ami pocket cntlerr, tablo erockoryandfilMi-Wftro, parlor, boll, dlniug aud twdroon) Umin. HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS. Foil aeta of Oarpontora' and other mechanicn tooli, of tha l»at mannraotnro. Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuse. i full uaortment of Merchant Iron and Stool, in roda and linn, anltablo for bkckaniHlis' or minora QID ; olio ipoi-ting ntid tnlnlns ponder, and safety fnH, eu plpos and flttlngs. Jiarso aboos and nallH, carpontora" n«tla and BPikui, blaoktmlUis 1 nnvlla, bellowi, vieof, taps aoddbs. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. In tbla branah of bntlnoia, ve Intond keeping on hand a fall •apply or parlor unite, bodronm sets, marble-top tablet, dining and uxtcnuon table a, •ofaa, lonnges, toto-i-totci, ottumaiut, olialrs, rockers, easy oualra, Durcatia, lofci, wardrobe*, waah-aUnda, heditoadi, towel racki, Ac; nlio, FrencU Plato andAmerican Mlnon and Looking- Olaaaoa. Hair, cotton, wool aud it raw mnttrum- ei and PUIOWB: bedblankati and lin«Q, all kinds. *JT Onr line of cupola aro well auluotod, aud eonalatiof rEnglbband Amonuan Erujwle, Iu- rralo, Homp andIlag. Parlor Mats, 4c. Oil Ulolhi, aU widQi*. Uoit of oamtook-of goodi bavo boon roeo ^ purohaaod t,t tfao-preiant reduced pricoi, and Uon wlcotodfcom the beat houica In Now York, with groat n r o , and which wo intond todla- poto of at prloea aa low at onn up aObrdad.— "iqulok aaleaand email profili," botng onr motlo. Wo bATO cngMod tho.aorvlcca of soma young gen- tleman aa aaloinien, whoao reputation for bonoity and boUtcnoiB ire well-known, who will cltDor- tnllr exhibit onr Btook or goodn, aud informyon u/ uin piioot, wheiheryou pnrcLoau or no!. Pleoao gtfe m a oall. . . WariMKac &LEWIS. THOMAS BOLITHO, O -S" S» T ES H. S, FRESH EVERT DAT, B r tfae 100 or 1M0, or hy tha Quart, Half Gal- nRD'lGsU>BK-ss,a»h& - SALOON, i Blaokwsll Street, or dallrorod/ : 40-tf DOVEIt, N. J. TEMPERANCE HOTEL, S. J. SKAIIIIVK, Proprietor, Sussex St., Dover, N.J. Boarding by the Cay or TYotk. Mosla at aU hours. Oyators in ovory Style Confootionory, Ac : LIVEIIY STABLES In connection with Iho House.. Look Here! Tlic Grcntcst Victory of tho Dny THE WILSON SHUTIXE Sewing Machines, THE BEST INTHIS WORLD. And from *15 to «25 cheaper than any otlic; Orst-olauti Somug Machine, AHEAD OF ALL. For Blraplicity, dnrablllt; and Itoauty thoy stani uurhollod. Fur atltcbliitf, bamming, tuck- init, foiling, nulltuur. oordinir, binding, bmitllug, authoring and HQWIIIR on gathere, they aro tuiinoIUtL All pRrtioBIn mint of a good rcliabla DraUkas loclt-atitcli Blachino era roanectriilly iuvlted to oull and oxomlno tliaso oxcolluut Maoblnua nt R. D. OinBO't variotr storo, DlaokffoU tltroot, Uorcr, N.J. . Tako no doalor'B word Ibat they aro not a standard or aro worthless, but call and examine thorn bo Turn purcbaaliig elnow)iT"i and bn cou- rlnocd that they ara juit what thoy aroclaimed to bo. ' 'UaohincB ioMbymonUily imtalimonts. ETory MAoliino nnrrantod and kupt In rcpnli for ii»o yoari, froo of chargo. Thorough and sat- isfactory ioatniotlonB given Ircoof chargo. JOSIMMI KAIS12U, At B. V. CHASE'S now Iloi, Vldlo k Uluo Storo, HUSBIIX StroEit, Dovor, Now Jcnoy, Agent tor Morris County. Band for Circulara and Prices. AddroflBP.0.1)ox,DSS. NcedloR anil fitturoB ooniitantly on hnntl. Neotllos for ail Urat-cliwB Sowlnfl Mauhinoa fur- nlahad at abort notice. The Reason KING & JOHNSON Aro busy wlillo so many ar« crylsg " dull buslncna, liarA timoi," $:, is lia- causo tboy are aolling nearly all Hioli', ., STOCK OF' GOODS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES Tha incresao of Bales In their Dross Goods, bai lompollod them to earry a Larger and greater variety of Styles than lieratofgre, Aid ara BOW Mndf wltk % New & Splendid Stock. Tko onlyHeuio U irhlck tho . SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM U Btletly biUwiol to. Morristown, K. J. THE ONLY HOUSE IN TOWN THAT SEtXS Falrchild's Double & Twist Cas simeros, Flannels & Yarns, KING &JOHNSON'S. ' IT MTI^I. 1>AY AQ whodutlro t* purcbaBO Domestics, Flannels, Shawls, Cloakings, Cloth Cassimoros, Under Garments, Gent's Fur- nishing Goods, &c, Tu croUnndcxainiao tlin Filaok of KING* & JOHNSON. C3-O TO SANDERSON'S son Yoirn Grroceries AND Provisions, IIE mnldng this brancli of Triido a Specialty. Strict attention paid to having FRESH BUTTER Constantly on Hand. OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, DOVER, isT.J. LAWS OF NEW JER5EY. By Authority. CHAPTER CCVTI. A further Biipi>teinun{ to aa act ootltlod " An ml for punixiiinont of crimes." anprovixl April uix- toentli, olytituon Imndrfid anil forty-six, 1. J!oit cnnoUid by tl.o Btuato und Uun^rnl in- IIHIJIV of tho rltato of Kuvr Jersey. Tlint >f any of' HOLT uf any city. tonmBhip, nerd ur mmiti uilhla etnto, »lml hercnftcr obtnia, nr cuimial; old, RB- elrtt, orpiouino, in obteliiiiig for aiiyothorpLTiHiji or jiiirdoiin, corjHirntioiJ or curnonUlotiB, any Bum or HiiniH of money, iioton, bunila/Hurip, nuciiriticK, or uthcr vuluitilo Iliincr, from any BUI'II city, lown- n1iir>, wnnl, or county, or from this utatu, uot law* fully andjn«Uy duo to unid oflkor, or to such oilier iKirann or jionoiiR, curponilluu ur curjium- lioua, nt the timo of obtaining thoBnme, ho ulioll bo d'jcniod to bo (tnl'ty uf a nigh mindcnionTior. ituii (>u conviction therenf, nhsllXo pnniniied l>y B lino not oxetcding livo thousand duUnm. or lin- prlioucd in tho utato prison not decoding livo % Ami bolt pnactoJ,TkKt tUh Act Blioll lake 1B72, CHAPTER CIj. A further anpploinont to an net, oti tilled "An act to ro((ulato thobnslncas of flro, llfu, acicidout, innriuo, and livo iloitt iimuronco by eoiiipnnk-n or aHiodntioiiH not Incorpnratod by thin Htfitu," approved April uiuth. ono thouuaud eight linu- 1. I)u it o"»(!kid by tho Ron a to and (loncral Afl- semlily nf tho Btnto (if Kc\t forsuT, TliaL tlio sue ret cry of itdto, in maklnn fA'nntloo nt IMIIIOIUU aa rcnulrod liy tho first eoction of fUrmpIoiiKiiit act, uppruvLd Pubruary sixth, Dua;thoiisnui1 ciuli t limi- * daudiovonty-tn-o. sbRU'not bo nmtmUid to ntamliird of valuation m gold neotioinriotitiou- but may mnko nuch rahiatiuu accurding lu tho uurluu 1 mortality, anil four per ccntuui Intor- oBt, or nuunnllng toany other rectigniEod Btond- nrd of vnliiiitiDri, IU ho mny doain bout far thu BO- curity of iho bushious, nna tho anfety of p t. Ami bo itonaolod, That this net Blmll talie Oiivt liiimuiiinttily. Approved March 7,1873. CHATTEIt CCVI1I. AnactforthopriiBirrntionufurdurlnlihrarlcfand roadlnif-rooma, 1. BoIt enacted by tlio Sanato amipAnoral AB- I Dinlily of tlic Btate of |Now Jorsey.iniat anypur- .lon vfho shnll by uuiiypr dlBordijfly couduot lu any unhllc library or ruacling room In tiiitf Btato. disturbor iDterriipt tlni<ioiotiihd rood order of tboB# who rcnort toand iiHo^nid libraiy »r road- ing-room for ruadiu« oritudy, may, upun oonviu- tl.m thoroof, btforo any jiiMieo (if tlio iioaco nr polioo court within the city or town whoro said li- brnry or ron<1iug-rooni in cutiibliaiicd, boftntdto nn amount noteiecoditgtwonty ilollura, or iui- priRoncd In tlio eonntyjiill not oicociling ton UOVH, -', tbo diimwtloii of said court or mauiitrnto. J. And ho it onnctod, That thia act tthall bo a iinblh) act, ntid Khali taku tUeat In—•••"-"•'- Approved Marcli, 8,1872. CHAPTER CCCtT. A further supplomcnt to tho act onIIHull " An act for th» preservation of uhocp," approved April funrtoouth, ono thouutid night hundred and forty-nix. • • 1, I)o it enacted by tho Henito nnd Clonpral Ap- _jmbty ortho Btato uf New Jcreoy, Tliat aomucli of section ft>«r uf tho "Supplement to nn act for tliu preservation of Bhecji," which said snimlonient wan Epi'rovcd Mn^ch tw-unty-fourth, one Hiouinnd oicht humlred andflfty-twn, o«renulreathomuot- iug of thu towualdp committi-utoljoboldou tho Drat Monday of October hi aaCh and ovory your, bo ami-tho Rimo iahuroliy repealed; and lhounid towiinWp snminltton fllicil toarcnflor moot on tbo llrat Tumloy uf tklitr.-mbcr of each aud ovory y T"'And lio it onactml, Tliat tills act aliaU tnko offoct Imuiedintely, Approvud March 8,1879. . . CH.UTK11CCVI. An act for tha ProHcrvalinn of Fisli In tho ffatori of tho llaritttn txud Scudy nook 13oja ond their tributaries. ' 1, Do it pnncted by thnScnato nnd donrrnl Ai Rumt>Iyoft]iu»tatoofMuwJontoy, That it nha.1 not bo lawful fprftiiypcraoli or poraonn, or any cnrporatlun or aisadaiion, to crout or caiieo to bo orcetod any liontingi^fnotary for tha purporto o' pressinR or oht (liningoil from Hah in any of thi waters of llarltnn Kay or of Bnndy Hook Bnyi oi of any of tho tnbutarjGB of Bald bays, or of oithei C "a. l ?\?»t bo itcnaoto4 That It •hall Uot bo for any pcrsou orperKons, or any .corporation or aHaociotloii, tnplacoon lioardnnyvcBBol, of any duKcriplion wiiutovur,toymacliiriory with intent to nso Riich machinery fpr pressing or ohtniiiing oil from Hull In Uiu nutcrfuf Iho Ilnritau Uny or ofHuinly llookllay, or ofauyof thotrlbutoritiaof tlic BHIII buys, ur uf niLhor of thorn, t. And bo it uuaukd, That It ahall uol bo lawful for anypirmin or pcrsori, corporation or sano'iii tion, to poi-mlt tu itiiw into tt.o wntiis of tli abuvo numed imyH, or of their trilmtwius, from any iloatlng faotury. or from any factory located upon thu Blioronof cllborof said bays, or of (sillier oi their tnbutarleH, any soap, pumico. dubrln, ro- sidnuin or rcfuiio matter of any diaoription arising from tho preeaing or mixuuiiicturius olio, from 4.' And bo it cuaclod, That oil vcanola and float- iou oroctloim of ovorj- description found upon tho waters of tho llarituu liij or of tho Handy Hook Bay, or nf any pf tbo tributarien or citlior of said baj«, mth machiiiory and matcriaU far thu pur- iioaonfm*i>urticturiiif'ollfroinllsti, in either of Biiid bnya or their tribnlanofl.nliRf!, with all ilia ninohiin'ry, ftock and fiitnrun, bo forfiUtoO to tlm stato of Now Jomoy. 5. And bo it enacted, Tliat all persons employ- ed or iu any WBy onnagod in \iofation of any of thoforogoiiis provliloi.a of thisact,nhalibo deem- ed guilty of a misdemeanor, nud on conviction in any court of competent lurindittion, Khali In* pnn iflhodby flnonntdxceetlinff two hundred dollnri or impritonmont at barn labor not ciceoding on< year or bolh, in tha dim™Uon of tho court. 0, And bo It onactod, Tliat of all Ones, pouahloL and'forreilures incurred under this act, tlio in- former sbull bo ontlilfHl to rcorlvo ono molflty of eaid lint's Kiul forfeiltirei, anil tha other inoloty shall bu udJ liiUi thn treasury ot tho a.uto. 7. Aniflioitonacted, Tliat thi8 net shall tn1 offoot imuuxliatuly. Approved March 8,18T2. CIIAPTER CLXXH. in act snnplomontnry to anact cntitlod " An n to Itinnrporato Benovolont nnd L'liaritnblo Am 'ciatioim, approved Marph ninth, eighteen hu Crod and(Ifly thron, 1. llo it Qiinctrd by tho Bcnnto anddcncral / twiubly of III in Bliilo ufjHuW Jurstiy, That over anybeiiovolnnt orfTrfltcrnal orgnnlry' " aodoty having » grftiiifImlgf, or nflarfv, head, duly orgcitiizoil fiid csiitKiHrlii tb ahldl dotQ'" ill1n in A'tAliiSnii •*4*7ilfnrvn Ti\i- call " For tlio IUONEUA. LOCAL OPTION AND THE CONSTITU- TION. : ut w. 7. T. Well, "Local Optlon'a" put torontl This philanthropic ichomo hut taken Al.dBtyJounicynptLa.poul; I)y legal IIIKIC dhorti andRtinhen, 'T'naB fondly hoped by Wnipcrftnco men, That this woul.l lfu tho (fraud iulutlou Of how tu bnulib m m ; but Ihuu, Poorthinj;! 't'is 'gflinBt tha constitution. Thoro was iHiforo our civil wir, A cre«l ahief juntieo of tho nation j A judgo wlioui many did abhor, lloonuao of thin iutorprotation; Kaltl ho, • > Sly frionde, I nnvor can " Thin prol)lcm give but ono Bolutlou; "Now, can n nlcgcr boarnan? "C'oBirl 'tU'gaiust tbocon*I it ul Ion." When ulavGH from slavory did Ii«o, Frjm chains BO cruel, bitUir, gnlllng, Aud machod h hnil they rtt'camfd jma froo, ExhsiifltoQ, fsmtflbod, faltorlugl failing; Wo worn cuinmandud, (thoughin vulu,) OH pain of fliml disBolutiou. To catcb and Bcud thom back again, Uuoauno, " 0, that w*s coiistitulioQ." Wion traitors hol-J thosibro draw, To fight fur ntavcry and sectatlon, Aud gut our arms nnd nionoy, too, By busoflt thuft, in thair pciBSuaotunj 'Twas thought by mauy legal pates "If thero'fl tobo a revolution, "Woain'tcucrco tho Boutlioni Blstes, "Uocuusj 'tis 'gainst the Canstitntlon." Just introduco BOIHO Bwludlinjf scheme, Aud thickly o'er with guldbostrowit, Tbon irotild'nt tho const!tut!on tocui With iTftj-B and moana of liow to do it 7 Would'nt that go through lu donblo quick 7 Now, ffhero'syour frl^dy ulocutloti. Aud lawyers' arguuiouts BO thick, To show 'tis 'tfoliiBt tlto Ooo«titntlou ? Dut, trysome philanthrope nluo; Sumo Btihomo for human olovatlon, To utrcngthen and dovolop man, Tobanfuhovil and tomptatioa. Ity Ittivyor'n wit and lobby touch, We havo tho nfttno old eUlo solution ; Tho Hamaolilery wo'vo hoard BO inncb, " 'TIB all agaluut tlio Ounatltutloa." Why is It.'mon must toll BOlong To make &publlo reformation 7 And why do they who battle strong Sooftonmoot with condoranation? . TiB lgnoranco and sslfldbnois Tlint constitutes tho trno Holntion; Flratconqiicr this, what then? HUCCCBS? 0 no I 'tis .'gainst tho Constitution. Well, slavery has mot It's fato; Inte'mpcranoo, too, will aomo Ume follow. Wo CAM coorco a rebel Statoj So lawyora' •VIOWBaro Bonio-timoa Lollow. If friondB of right keep up tlio fight Thcro'11 bo a moral revolution; There'll ha s, tlmo when—all Bliall BCO— itrfutmB won't hurt tha Couatitutlon. y othar loglalativo lioaii. to Bolout aud iinnlo Iho trarsons wlio shall form mich norpo^Uon, nnd bo ;ho Drat truetooti thereof, anil to prmerlho tho lermftofolUooof BUCII trustees, and tiroviilo for thoir cksilQcaUon, ao tlmt a portion tWoorshall i out of offiCL-, nnd their eucecancirs ba elected oach nnmial noaaion, ami by tuomoniUMUprcs- A of suoii craud IOIIKC of nocioty: tho said grand dgiTor noL'ioty mny nlaojirovldn ibat no peruou ilull boa tnifltoe ur Much corporation, nnlcflH ho bo a wcinbvr of Bach order, urgauieatioii or noclo- y, in good Blandlug; »nd nlw>. rnrjnircs said mard of tmstceii toreport annually to tho crnnd lailfiu or BtKiloty foimdiug Iho BAUIO tho condition numbers iu cccllon one, and nn to tho cmount of ineom.i in m-otioii three of thu act to which thin act fa supplementary, nhall not apply to eorpura- IOIIB farmed lor tho purpose nf OBtobhauflig a ollfffo andhmno na alHivrt providod. Appraveil March 8,1872. An old bochclor lia\-ing licenlangliocl nt \>y n bevy of pretty girls, told thorn tliat tlioy wero mnuU potntocs. "Wo may bo email potatoes," replied ono of tlio moid- n na, "but wo aroswept ones." Tho TOnrinj?'torrents in tlio streets of Korwiok, on Sunday, "riitled tho road," nnd uncnrtliotl ft lemnlo akelotoii—nppa- rontly young womiui—lioon tlicro pcrhnpa twenty ycmn—foul play. For tho Inos E«A, AMONG THE CpAL. Mr, Editor.— Aa you (jivo mo ttio lotml nowa in nntl nroitnil tha city that is to he the leadinQ on* in Morris County, it is bat f/ur that I slionld givo you something novel in re- turn. It is ti matter of surpriao to mo that ao marv eujoy tho two of Coal though intel- ligent inmany respects, nnd never lmvri tho curiosity to inquire whoro it comes from uor how it is prepared for market. I must confess thftt my own idons were formerly vory madequato, though I hntl rend nil I could find oil the subject and had osaniiued euch drawings as were given of certain jiarta of tho process, A few hours wolJ »pcnt, uniiwgsb the coal in this valley, ivilt give you moro truthful ideas of thu nature, extent nnd importance of tho hw inc3o of proparing it for tho mnrkot, than till that you hnvo fiver read. If it uhould over become warm nnd pleasant which at present is quite dubious, I trust that you witt Wsc tho iron track that runs through lhuyr.u.d and hoautlful Deanery of the TV.itor Gap on tha Delaware rivor, and hpend nil the thno you onn spare ia this busy valley. Aa you descend tho mountain, approach- ing Sernnton from the East, crossing and rccrosaing Boaring-brook, which,, in its rnpid doDceut, gliilo3, tumbles and leaps— tlaahing itaolf, uow thia side nnd thon tlint. ngainst the rugged rooks, tlint hound tho narrow gorge, yon will uatab. your ilrst glimpse, of r. oulm-hosip. Thcso heaps, or rathor mounds, (as mauy of thoin aro of forulidablo size,) oro made nip of coal too finely broken for market, together wilh iho nhale which lies next to'tlio coal and is moro or losa hrokon in binstiiig. Soninton ia not soon till you Biuldonly omerga from tho mountain gorgo, and in n moment or two you nro " in medins res.' On tho right is Iho city, onthcloftahirgo area filled to snffocntion with thousands of coal-cara>aud looomotlvea. Passing through tho Dtipot you flud Etroot-cnra ready to convoy you to. Hytlo Park across the Lacltawiinna on tho Went; or to Provi- dence, another portiou of the city Tip tlio river to tha North. I would hero romnrk that tho oity of Ssrimton inclndoB within its bounda throe boroughs, Provideaoo, Scranton and Uy&e Pnric, nnd n large por- tion of tho township of Providcnoo, oaoh rotfiining theirflopnmtopost offlco. Tlmro in nn oity in thoUnion, oiccpt Hiicngo that has mado nnch rnpid utridos in biiBinosa nnd populntion us Sernnton. In 1810, -where is now tha donuost portion of tho city, thoro wva but ono houso nnd old mill boating tho ouplionioua nnmo of Slooum hollow. Now within its litnita nro moro than thirty six iliausaml inhnbi- tnntfl. Tho coal measure which (Ills tho valley, is from one to three miles mdo, and from fllty to sixty milea long. If you would got bird's oyo view of the oity nnd ite invi- rons oomo with mo to' tho Onynga Shaft and brealior, which stauda on au elova- tion west of Providence, tlio highest por- tion of which is 130 foot above the ground. But before ire olinib tip let mo iutroihico 'ou to tho courteoiiK forcratin J. C. J3ow- aian wh03o oflicois ii Blunt romovo from tho main building, lvbo will Ituitlly act as our cicerone. An we imti into tbo build- ing he gives us its dimensions, 400 fuut lougbylOO feet wiilo and 18G feot liigli. Its shape is )icciiliar. From tho bigliuat part over llto ahnft thcr« Jo n nuriofj of oofu,fctcpby Btep till itcomms down to two storied. Onr guidu takes ua first into tho engine torn. Thoro wo BOOthrco boautifiil en- gines, one to dritfo tlio ]trQakerof45horao ur, and two of GO liorso power each, to move tho Elevators. These last work in unison. Tbo engineer Htanda between them wilh a spciikiiig tubfi, reaching to tho bottom of tio mine, nnd aotcombrako nt his command and instant UHC; TWO other lurgo cngiiies nro in x^laco, and ncnr- ly com]>leted. in tlic Ramo room designed meet the increasing wants of thu estab- lishment. ing to the ronr of tho building, wo next cxamino tljo Hlowcr or fan diiven by im engine of 43 horao power. This is ca- pablo of driving iutu tho mine 85,009 cu- bic feet of air per minute, . This fnu in in a projootiun wliicli runa out eomo 50 foot from tlio niniu l>uililing. AnecwTiug nn inclino plune, or mulo wuy, wo encounter cars ladou with culm drawn by muloson a railway which wbou it rendios the culm gradually iisccurht NO flint tho licnp continually increases in night and in every other dimenaion. Agniu wo enter tho main bdilding, nnd by dlong eerics cf p pass to tlio highest portion of tho building. But jileaso noticonsyon go up, the etzo and quantity of timber which WAS thought necoBanry in BUCII a building. Youfloo,boaides, mfinjr uf tho inner tioa capi>ed with iron, and Bolted to tho po&te,' anil you feel Hurc that no power, which it is likoly to encounter* -within or without, will ever shako It down. Hero you get that bird's eye view that t promised you. Tha wkolo city lies haluio you. You uot only sco till tho Lousoa but get some idea of tbo business tliat occupies the thoughts and hands of so many people You can count 12 coal openings with their breakers, and mountiiinB of culm within tho y mits ; besidas nmny others up and down tlin valloy. I know you nro inclined •to linger when such a proRpect is beforo you, butyou rauet not forgot that yon aro among thecoal, and you wish to know how it is prepared forusc. Above our beads ara two largo wliools, around which circulate wiro ropes. To tho ono ond of each Uat- tached a car holding ono and a half tons of coal with trucks and a section of rail- way. I3y n simple contrivnuoo the rail is Hupiwrtod, the cur ia run soino 12 feotond ' tho coal ia omptiod into a ohute. Follow- ing it to tho noit floor wofindfourorflvo men with aooki making tho first Bcpara- tion. One mizes a Inmu of clean coal too largo for tlio uoxt grotto (stenm-boat coal) and pitched it into a holo, nud it takeoita y to tlio depository of lump coal, Btoam boat coal is caiofiilly selected and throtra upon an iron grnto tutho uppor part of tho slmto, nud wlint paosca through, ia tho second grade. Tho muss o£ tha coal pasa- 03 down tbo Bhtito to tho first brakor nnd is crushed by two power fill rollm-s as near- ly as may ho into tho third grails called grate coal. From the "uro.ikorit passes In- to a rotating sorjon, wharo tho grate caal is Bop.iriitcd from tlio finest nud from what la too conraa for tho screen, and takes its way to.its resting plnco, ready for loaJing on ttic cant. Tlio ooarscst soon finds it- - Bolf in miotliur bronlior nml is prepared to takoits place with tlio othor brokon coal . in a long rotating Bcroou, whioh takes from it first the diujt and very flna * coal, whicli gooa to tho culm hoap ; noxt tho i coal, than the c7ms!nul, then the stove', d lastly tho cgy, whiuli brings tho list up to tho gmto of which I havo spoken. AH tho way tlo:vn ut every suitable place mon and boys uro otationod, towntoh for Bluto and iiujmro coal, called bony, from - itd containing thia labors ofslato, minglod with tlio eonl. Eaxjfoiully ia this proo'oaa of pnrifiuation ciuxieil on in iho story just over tho loading bins. Hero tbo ooal ia • Hop.iratert into numerous shulos togivo room for mou nml boyn, four or fivo to a uhnto, caoh with a box by his Bide, who, in various postures, linng over tho shutoe, wntcbiugfor any iinpnritioa in tho coal, ns it passes Hlowly ilown toits detttiontion. Thcronroi5moiinnil52 lioja omployoii at this shaft Toil thousand and thirty fonr " tone of conl woro raised iu March. Tho last process, which, properly belongs to propnring coal for tha njarKet, ia loading Iho cars, which transport it by mil to dis- tant poitiam u£ our ouuntry. A rail-way )Osac8 through tlio building EQ.TXono end, jy wliich corn oro brought into position o rociiivo tho contents of the oool-bius, ,Tho lider comtaaiids a lover, by •which ho cau at will permit tho caul to oscnpo tlio lianiU of it« tormontnrn, to nrnlce long iournoyii throngk tho hinrl to ohoor the licnrLa of a multitudo at shivering mor- tals. I linvo not yot done with thwsingle opening to tho conl ami its surioundingB much Ies3 ttiiton jan into its wonderful de- posits. Thin I must rcaervo for Borne fu- turo time, lest I weary your most pationt render. LTJZERNE. Tlir Cliienjo Post nayHi "In thirteen uiontliH, Ofilcar Jnmcs, of flic Niiw York JH'IICO fi>ri!o, lias itillvilBovi'iitooii hundiG<l (luyj. Whuever wwaiigo a man ?

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Page 1: THE - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring. A'IO , always on hand a Choic e Articl f Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs, Crockery, Cutlery


The Iron Era,BiTEBJU* at


O1D«« Cor. l l o t r l i mud VUcfcwall | U M U .

TEKKIfl o r lUBBCfiDPTIOlf i


Ooo Tear, - . _ • - _ - - $2.00SI* Monti)!., - • - . - - - - - 1,00i h r c o months, —— — «. — — — 00

Unslness Cards.



Quconiitomi ana Jjiverpoolt'

Oroat Britain, Irolan*!, Germany and FraDee•S.4S per £1. •


Liverpool and Queenstown,on tbo following Bteanuiiip tinea: '

INDIAN, ' , .. CUNAKD,,..;.; \*f.RATIONAL, ..•: -. ;

Liverpool and Great Weatern.Prafta on England, and Royal Bank of IM


i. • IV.'-.. • ' n o c i s a b a ' n

The Union Bunk at Dover.$.Toa ner.eantqalft Bonda ot tha Honatoq and

Tcxaa Central Hallway Company—Hon. W«. S.*Dodf{o, Frefidwit—for a&lo at Wo. and aeoiu.dIntoraat. Alao, aeTon-tolrly Northern PaelfleRailroad Bond! at par and ao«mod lnlaraat.

CiroulaisandpartiotiUrafaraiauad onBon. • • ,

A. 0 . P . SEOUB, Banktr.Ji.b. lal, 187J. !. • - .- I



HAIIl DRESSING,Sharing »tad Ihanpoolng KrtBblUhmt

CocilaokmU and Snaui Bit., DOTI» ,N.J . '.IT. B.-farltailar altlonllon eton to entllis

and' and.hlldnfa balr. Ba«nboBod, aot and ground.* I*1JTJ C. JOIUfSOff,


Foreign and Domestic Tobacco,

»M»ioir novae. . ;Oorn.r or Bi.ekw.Il and Omiol SI.,

'}') J p b y a s n , N . J. • r <I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Honwi m d CtrrUgen tt> Let. j


, . ,„ .DOVER, N. J . . -A*. WM>V nr month, i

T I T »T. LBPORT, • !

.''" C6unsellor at Lay,AKD MASTER IN CHANCERY,

Offlsa neil door to OK, lUchardl * Co'a Btore,3rA0gmgj.BT.V DOVEIVN.3.

vrKioimoun & Q M I T I I , |

Attorneys 4 Counsellors at Law,Cor. Blackwell end Sniiex Bti. |

DOVER, NJJ.Dsoombar 8*th,1870."


I M. W I U T B . '


Dover, N. J. iA. OILXiKIT,

Ptdaifehiiig Undertaker- LIOBNOED ADOTlOKREn AND COHUM-

8l0MP.noFDF.KnaAll ordorapromptly tttendod tot

DiiiotintLL BTHtrT, D»rr»r, K. J .



Carriages and SleighsOf lflre*7 Dacrlptlim.

Oor.Bl.okwoIUnailorBoii8l., lK>Viin,».N.H. DIUMAIT. Ora. KoOuounr.Pwtl«!a? ettsstion paid • •• wpftlrisr asfi

painting. . It-Ij

. inMeri,Architect

CIVIL, JIWINDEE,Office on Blookwoll Street, near Sussex,PIuji, Spoolfioatloiu u d lanorlntondonoo of build

I f l . • -Surrey*, Lareta, Qradoa, PJtni, 4 c for public

»n3priTaloijnpioreraoat«, • _ - . J-l?


Miners and Shippersof Iron Ore.

AddniaO. W. UUXBR, BM, S.W.GEOBOE.Sop't.,

1 Bread BI.NswYott. clintor, Mpnb Oo?,8M1* H.J.

A. TAYLOR,Uun-rionmra im> DEALS* tx LIOHT IWD

H u n J

H A R N E S,


. JDOVER, N. J.,

AnnonnceM to tlio pniillo tiitAho hoarsea'Ted hitWinter ilookofOoodi, ind Infitos i a enmiiw*Uon of hli •plouilid HIMUOO of

Buffalo and Wolf Skin

Fancy Lap Robes,Horse Blankets,1

Sleigh Bells, Whips,Brushes, Combs,

OILS far Iaibrlcatlng Ilarnest,

Ointments, Llnlmenti,

And ID bet *U thoio trtlolca neodod bj % goodhoneminlD tlio proper care of that iiKfiuul-n^B.1, 1£4T1DC llDn&llt On wntifinaJljr

Large Stock ot Horse' Blankets,I am abla to aall at maah

Below t he Uaunl Prlcea.

REPAIBINOdone oaaUy, nubatantlaUy and promptly. Oallandexunlnotnyatitck. I guarouloa aatisfacllon.

DU.mlg.rUth.mO. Myr



Dealer In


Chemicals,Dye Stuffs,



ot all klndi,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery,

and norjlbtag nautlly found in a

First Class Drug Store.,Tb tlio Tory rotponilblo datjr of compoundlogd A t a l

Fbysioiami' Fresoriptions,


Free Passage TicketsJltOM

Dover to MorristownAND RETURN.

On » d fcfUr Aug. 6th, 1BT1, th« mbwriUrwUlpar the pnaiBgo, orer tho M. h K. 1L H. fromDonr to Marrlilown nnd rolnm, of tUcltlxoni ofDororand ricintty who will pninbisd of him »•ait of clothe* of any fleMripifon,

A •plondfd sod entirely new itock of JU*dy-mtda Clothing lias \et\ been pat jn mj norf itoroID thojDld Iron Bank Jfnlldlnr, fronting tho ParkitMorriitown. :„ SAM UK I, HAM.

UvrrlHown, Ang. B, 1BT2. 8»-J


Sole Agent for Dover,OF

Bice's Celebrated

MINCE-MEAT!The Best in the Market!

Best Seleoted BEEF

Choicest New FruitsThll calubnUd IIInos-Hul hat b«o

Ihorongblf tried bj soms cflbs belt ftunOlea In


Pronounced Excellent!. TBT IT!!




And ai I ihall SBLL itiB CASK, I MM'



Dry Goods and Notions

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,S H A W L S ,

TRIMMINGS i LADIES'TTBAilSrer ofbnd ia Dofor.

FRE^H GROCERIESIsaothratiiilru tonnl tUnah af tnrl


Crockery & Glass-wareThB latest designs

' u woU as tba mot* tnbitantUl. arlidoilnlblittae. , -

Xbanjiutaponod, and tuVite ttM •lUutn oTDOTOT to eomo and outnlne mj fooOi and pfiesi.

Under th« Imoir Em Ofltoa, oonut al BbekmBand Morris Streets, Dow, H. / .

J O H N F. WOOD.Ladies' and Children's Shoos


GEOUUK PIEHSON,llanufacturor of

Olioice"Sweet CIDERAND

Pure Cider VINEGARMTT.T. nnooic, H. 3.

Also dealer In nil klDSfl of

TL1IBER, PLMK,Ac, Ac, lit very low prices.

N. B.-Ordora loft at rioraon'n Hut & Fur StoreDover, trill rooulvo prompt atteutlun,




New Stor§!NEW GOODS !


woantljrmovml to onr Largo »ndE,o-

Nbw Store Room, •Cor. of Blackwell and Morris Streets,

We •boll bo ploMod to wcloomo onr old cm torn-en . *nd til other* who ma; fiivor ui with tx call,•nd cheerfully I.IDW our


Which for QUALITY, QUANTITY and PRICE,wtj tool BMtirsd cannot bo iiiniaBBCu by any atomla thi country. Onr Nun; ttoonu bolnc abouttotur tlmtl tho alza of tho«owo fonnuri/oMur'--'suable* tu to k»p a tall aooortmout of all artoonnoctad with our builneu. and whioh part of

Dry Goods & Fancy Goods,Booh ftt ladici' fashionable droaa goods, nil vnrlo-tto* and erad«B> •aUcnei.mniUna, ulieolinm, tlck-tngi, shlrthigB, towoliDge, hosiery, cotton tliroftd,•tut und kid aloren, dross and cloak trimmlugri,Jbboni , luce*, ilmwli, elmMrgi, flannolu, thread,

oodloi, fto.. Bus Also,

GENT'FURNISHING GOODS,•ach M elothi, mMtawnw, mtinotU, Joans, den-ims, linen and cotton goodt, colion, cravat •, nookties, buck, liile, wool, cotton. Bilk and hid glovea;wool and cotton half hoso, Ulk and linen lundknr-nhleft, Ac , be.

BOOTS and SHOES.Udfoa' and chaldron's'bfch aliooa, rcaltoru, lualdnii.illppon, mbbcrg. Ao. Mon'e atnlboys1 heivy andOno booli, aliociB, fioitcm nnd dippem.

Groceries and Provisions !TOM, coflboi. angara, mohBflcs and syrups, allgt»doi, variciloa and. prices. Canned and driedfruiti, •itGncps and llnvorlng citrnota, pork,•mokod hum indihonlunra, driod beof onu bacon,i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring.A'IO, always on hand, a Choice Article of

Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs,

Crockery, Cutlery and GlassWire.

a'flno asaortmant—tablo ami pocket cntlerr, tabloerockoryandfilMi-Wftro, parlor, boll, dlniug audtwdroon) Umin.

HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS.Foil aeta of Oarpontora' and other mechanicn

tooli, of tha l»at mannraotnro.

Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuse.i full uaortment of Merchant Iron and Stool, inroda and linn, anltablo for bkckaniHlis' or minoraQID ; olio ipoi-ting ntid tnlnlns ponder, and safetyfnH, e u plpos and flttlngs. Jiarso aboos and nallH,carpontora" n«tla and BPikui, blaoktmlUis1 nnvlla,bellowi, vieof, taps aoddbs .


In tbla branah of bntlnoia, ve Intond keeping onhand a fall •apply or parlor unite, bodronm sets,marble-top tablet, dining and uxtcnuon table a,•ofaa, lonnges, toto-i-totci, ottumaiut, olialrs,rockers, easy oualra, Durcatia, lofci, wardrobe*,waah-aUnda, heditoadi, towel racki, Ac; nlio,FrencU Plato and American Mlnon and Looking-Olaaaoa. Hair, cotton, wool aud it raw mnttrum-ei and PUIOWB: bed blankati and lin«Q, all kinds.

* J T Onr line of cupola aro well auluotod, audeonalatiof rEnglbband Amonuan Erujwle, Iu-rralo, Homp and Ilag. Parlor Mats, 4c.

Oil Ulolhi, aU widQi*.Uoit of oamtook-of goodi bavo boon roeo ^

purohaaod t,t tfao-preiant reduced pricoi, Uon wlcotodfcom the beat houica In NowYork, with groat n r o , and which wo intond todla-poto of at prloea aa low at onn up aObrdad.—"iqulok aaleaand email profili," botng onr motlo.Wo bATO cngMod tho.aorvlcca of soma young gen-tleman aa aaloinien, whoao reputation for bonoityand boUtcnoiB i re well-known, who will cltDor-tnllr exhibit onr Btook or goodn, aud inform yonu/ uin piioot, wheiheryou pnrcLoau or no!.

Pleoao gtfe m a oall.. . WariMKac & LEWIS.


O -S" S» T ES H. S ,

FRESH EVERT DAT,Br tfae 100 or 1M0, or hy tha Quart, Half Gal-nRD'lGsU>BK-ss,a»h& -

SALOON,i Blaokwsll Street, or dallrorod/•: 40-tf • DOVEIt, N. J.


Sussex St., Dover, N.J.

Boarding by the Cay or TYotk. Mosla at aUhours. Oyators in ovory Style

Confootionory, A c :

LIVEIIY STABLESIn connection with Iho House..

Look Here!Tlic Grcntcst Victory of tho Dny


T H E B E S T I N THIS W O R L D .And from *15 to «25 cheaper than any otlic;

Orst-olauti Somug Machine,

AHEAD OF ALL.For Blraplicity, dnrablllt; and Itoauty thoy stani

uurhollod. Fur atltcbliitf, bamming, tuck-init, foiling, nulltuur. oordinir, binding,

bmitllug, authoring and HQWIIIR ongathere, they aro tuiinoIUtL

All pRrtioB In mint of a good rcliabla DraUkasloclt-atitcli Blachino era roanectriilly iuvlted tooull and oxomlno tliaso oxcolluut Maoblnua nt R.D. OinBO't variotr storo, DlaokffoU tltroot, Uorcr,N.J. .

Tako no doalor'B word Ibat they aro not astandard or aro worthless, but call and examinethorn bo Turn purcbaaliig elnow)iT"i and bn cou-rlnocd that they ara juit what thoy aro claimedto bo.' 'UaohincB ioMbymonUily imtalimonts.ETory MAoliino nnrrantod and kupt In rcpnli

for ii»o yoari, froo of chargo. Thorough and sat-isfactory ioatniotlonB given Ircoof chargo.

J O S I M M I K A I S 1 2 U ,At B. V. CHASE'S now Iloi, Vldlo k Uluo Storo,

HUSBIIX StroEit, Dovor, Now Jcnoy,Agent tor Morris County.

Band for Circular a and Prices.AddroflBP.0.1)ox,DSS.

NcedloR anil fitturoB ooniitantly on hnntl.Neotllos for ail Urat-cliwB Sowlnfl Mauhinoa fur-nlahad at abort notice.


Aro busy wlillo so many ar« crylsg " dullbuslncna, liarA timoi," $:, is lia-

causo tboy are aollingnearly all Hioli', .,



LAST YEAR'S PRICESTha incresao of Bales In their Dross Goods,

bai lompollod them to earry a

Larger and greater variety ofStyles than lieratofgre,

Aid ara BOW Mndf wltk %

New & Splendid Stock.Tko onlyHeuio U irhlck tho .

SMALL PROFIT SYSTEMU Btletly biUwiol to.

Morristown, K. J.THE ONLY HOUSE


Falrchild's Double & Twist Cassimeros, Flannels & Yarns,


AQ who dutlro t* purcbaBODomestics, Flannels, Shawls,

Cloakings, Cloth Cassimoros,Under Garments, Gent's Fur-nishing Goods, &c ,

Tu croU nnd cxainiao tlin Filaok of




Provisions,IIE mnldng this brancli of

Triido a Specialty.

Strict attention paid to having


Constantly on Hand.



By Authori ty .

CHAPTER CCVTI.A further Biipi>teinun{ to aa act ootltlod " An ml

for punixiiinont of crimes." anprovixl April uix-toentli, olytituon Imndrfid anil forty-six,1. J!o it cnnoUid by tl.o Btuato und Uun^rnl in-

IIHIJIV of tho rltato of Kuvr Jersey. Tlint >f any of'HOLT uf any city. tonmBhip, nerd ur mmiti uilhlaetnto, »lml hercnftcr obtnia, nr cuimial; old, RB-elrtt, orpiouino, in obteliiiiig for aiiyothorpLTiHijior jiiirdoiin, corjHirntioiJ or curnonUlotiB, any Bumor HiiniH of money, iioton, bunila/Hurip, nuciiriticK,or uthcr vuluitilo Iliincr, from any BUI'II city, lown-n1iir>, wnnl, or county, or from this utatu, uot law*fully and jn«Uy duo to unid oflkor, or to suchoilier iKirann or jionoiiR, curponilluu ur curjium-lioua, nt the timo of obtaining thoBnme, ho uliollbo d'jcniod to bo (tnl'ty uf a nigh mindcnionTior.ituii (>u conviction therenf, nhsllXo pnniniied l>y Blino not oxetcding livo thousand duUnm. or lin-prlioucd in tho utato prison not decoding livo

% Ami bolt pnactoJ,TkKt tUh Act Blioll lake


CHAPTER CIj.A further anpploinont to an net, oti tilled "An act

to ro((ulato thobnslncas of flro, llfu, acicidout,innriuo, and livo iloitt iimuronco by eoiiipnnk-nor aHiodntioiiH not Incorpnratod by thin Htfitu,"approved April uiuth. ono thouuaud eight linu-

1. I)u it o"»(!kid by tho Ron a to and (loncral Afl-semlily nf tho Btnto (if Kc\t forsuT, TliaL tlio sueret cry of itdto, in maklnn fA'nntloo nt IMIIIOIUU aarcnulrod liy tho first eoction of fUrmpIoiiKiiit act,uppruvLd Pubruary sixth, Dua;thoiisnui1 ciuli t limi-* daudiovonty-tn-o. sbRU'not bo nmtmUid to

ntamliird of valuation m gold neotioinriotitiou-but may mnko nuch rahiatiuu accurding lu thouurluu1 mortality, anil four per ccntuui Intor-

oBt, or nuunnllng to any other rectigniEod Btond-nrd of vnliiiitiDri, IU ho mny doain bout far thu BO-curity of iho bushious, nna tho anfety of p

t. Ami bo itonaolod, That this net Blmll talieOiivt liiimuiiinttily.Approved March 7,1873.

CHATTEIt CCVI1I.AnactforthopriiBirrntionufurdurlnlihrarlcfand

roadlnif-rooma,1. Bo It enacted by tlio Sanato amipAnoral AB-

I Din lily of tlic Btate of |Now Jorsey.iniat anypur-.lon vfho shnll by uuiiypr dlBordijfly couduot luany unhllc library or ruacling room In tiiitf Btato.disturbor iDterriipt tlni<ioiotiihd rood order oftboB# who rcnort to and iiHo^nid libraiy »r road-ing-room for ruadiu« oritudy, may, upun oonviu-tl.m thoroof, btforo any jiiMieo (if tlio iioaco nrpolioo court within the city or town whoro said li-brnry or ron<1iug-rooni in cutiibliaiicd, bo ftntd tonn amount noteiecoditgtwonty ilollura, or iui-priRoncd In tlio eonntyjiill not oicociling ton UOVH,-', tbo diimwtloii of said court or mauiitrnto.

J. And ho it onnctod, That thia act tthall bo aiinblh) act, ntid Khali taku tUeat In—•••"-"•'-

Approved Marcli, 8,1872.

CHAPTER CCCtT.A further supplomcnt to tho act onIIHull " An act

for th» preservation of uhocp," approved Aprilfunrtoouth, ono thouutid night hundred and

forty-nix. • •1, I)o it enacted by tho Henito nnd Clonpral Ap-

_jmbty ortho Btato uf New Jcreoy, Tliat aomucliof section ft>«r uf tho "Supplement to nn act fortliu preservation of Bhecji," which said snimlonientwan Epi'rovcd Mn^ch tw-unty-fourth, one Hiouinndoicht humlred and flfty-twn, o«renulreathomuot-iug of thu towualdp committi-utoljoboldou thoDrat Monday of October hi aaCh and ovory your,bo ami-tho Rimo iahuroliy repealed; and lhounidtowiinWp snminltton fllicil toarcnflor moot on tbollrat Tumloy uf tklitr.-mbcr of each aud ovoryyT"'And lio it onactml, Tliat tills act aliaU tnkooffoct Imuiedintely,

Approvud March 8,1879.

. . CH.UTK11CCVI.An act for tha ProHcrvalinn of Fisli In tho ffatori

of tho llaritttn txud Scudy nook 13oja ond theirtributaries. '1, Do it pnncted by thnScnato nnd donrrnl Ai

Rumt>Iyoft]iu»tatoofMuwJontoy, That it nha.1not bo lawful fpr ftiiy pcraoli or poraonn, or anycnrporatlun or aisadaiion, to crout or caiieo to boorcetod any liontingi^fnotary for tha purporto o 'pressinR or oht (liningoil from Hah in any of thiwaters of llarltnn Kay or of Bnndy Hook Bnyi oiof any of tho tnbutarjGB of Bald bays, or of oitheiC"a.l?\?»t bo itcnaoto4 That It •hall Uot bo limf.ilfor any pcrsou orperKons, or any .corporation oraHaociotloii, tnplacoon lioardnnyvcBBol, of anyduKcriplion wiiutovur, toy macliiriory with intentto nso Riich machinery fpr pressing or ohtniiiingoil from Hull In Uiu nutcrfuf Iho Ilnritau Uny orofHuinly llookllay, or ofauyof thotrlbutoritiaoftlic BHIII buys, ur uf niLhor of thorn,

t. And bo it uuaukd, That It ah all uol bo lawfulfor any pirmin or pcrsori, corporation or sano'iiition, to poi-mlt tu itiiw into tt.o wntiis of tliabuvo numed imyH, or of their trilmtwius, fromany iloatlng faotury. or from any factory locatedupon thu Blioronof cllborof said bays, or of (sillieroi their tnbutarleH, any soap, pumico. dubrln, ro-sidnuin or rcfuiio matter of any diaoription arisingfrom tho preeaing or mixuuiiicturius olio, from

4.' And bo it cuaclod, That oil vcanola and float-iou oroctloim of ovorj- description found upon thowaters of tho llarituu l i i j or of tho Handy HookBay, or nf any pf tbo tributarien or citlior of saidbaj«, mth machiiiory and matcriaU far thu pur-iioaonfm*i>urticturiiif'ollfroinllsti, in either ofBiiid bnya or their tribnlanofl.nliRf!, with all ilianinohiin'ry, ftock and fiitnrun, bo forfiUtoO to tlmstato of Now Jomoy.

5. And bo it enacted, Tliat all persons employ-ed or iu any WBy onnagod in \iofation of any ofthoforogoiiis provliloi.a of thisact,nhalibo deem-ed guilty of a misdemeanor, nud on conviction inany court of competent lurindittion, Khali In* pnniflhodby flnonntdxceetlinff two hundred dollnrior impritonmont at barn labor not ciceoding on<year or bolh, in tha dim™Uon of tho court.

0, And bo It onactod, Tliat of all Ones, pouahloLand'forreilures incurred under this act, tlio in-former sbull bo ontlilfHl to rcorlvo ono molflty ofeaid lint's Kiul forfeiltirei, anil tha other inolotyshall bu udJ liiUi thn treasury ot tho a.uto.

7. Aniflioitonacted, Tliat thi8 net shall tn1offoot imuuxliatuly.

Approved March 8,18T2.

CIIAPTER act snnplomontnry to an act cntitlod " An n

to Itinnrporato Benovolont nnd L'liaritnblo Am'ciatioim, approved Marph ninth, eighteen huCrod and (Ifly thron,1. llo it Qiinctrd by tho Bcnnto anddcncral /

twiubly of III in Bliilo ufjHuW Jurstiy, Thatover any beiiovolnnt orfTrfltcrnal orgnnlry' "aodoty having » grftiiifImlgf, or nflarfv,head, duly orgcitiizoil fiid csiitKiHrlii tbahldl dotQ'" i l l 1 n in A'tAliiSnii •*4*7ilfnrvn Ti\i-call "



: ut w. 7. T.

Well, "Local Optlon'a" put torontlThis philanthropic ichomo hut takenAl.dBtyJounicynptLa.poul;I)y legal IIIKIC dhorti and Rtinhen,'T'naB fondly hoped by Wnipcrftnco men,That this woul.l lfu tho (fraud iulutlouOf how tu bnulib m m ; but Ihuu,Poorthinj;! 't'is 'gflinBt tha constitution.

Thoro was iHiforo our civil wir,A cre«l ahief juntieo of tho nation jA judgo wlioui many did abhor,lloonuao of thin iutorprotation;Kaltl ho, • > Sly frionde, I nnvor can" Thin prol)lcm give but ono Bolutlou ;"Now, can n nlcgcr boarnan?"C'oBirl 'tU'gaiust tbo con* I it ul Ion."When ulavGH from slavory did Ii«o,Frjm chains BO cruel, bitUir, gnlllng,Aud machod h hnil they rtt'camfd jma froo,ExhsiifltoQ, fsmtflbod, faltorlugl failing;Wo worn cuinmandud, (thoughin vulu,)OH pain of fliml disBolutiou.To catcb and Bcud thom back again,Uuoauno, " 0, that w*s coiistitulioQ."

Wion traitors hol-J tho sibro draw,To fight fur ntavcry and sectatlon,Aud gut our arms nnd nionoy, too,By busoflt thuft, in thair pciBSuaotun j'Twas thought by mauy legal pates"If thero'fl to bo a revolution,"Woain'tcucrco tho Boutlioni Blstes,"Uocuusj 'tis 'gainst the Canstitntlon."

Just introduco BOIHO Bwludlinjf scheme,Aud thickly o'er with guldbostrowit,Tbon irotild'nt tho const!tut!on tocuiWith iTftj-B and moana of liow to do it 7Would'nt that go through lu donblo quick 7Now, ffhero'syour frl^dy ulocutloti.Aud lawyers' arguuiouts BO thick,To show 'tis 'tfoliiBt tlto Ooo«titntlou ?Dut, try some philanthrope nluo;Sumo Btihomo for human olovatlon,To utrcngthen and dovolop man,Tobanfuhovil and tomptatioa.Ity Ittivyor'n wit and lobby touch,We havo tho nfttno old eUlo solution ;Tho Hamaolilery wo'vo hoard BO inncb," 'TIB all agaluut tlio Ounatltutloa."Why is It.'mon must toll BO longTo make & publlo reformation 7And why do they who battle strongSooftonmoot with condoranation? .TiB lgnoranco and sslfldbnoisTlint constitutes tho trno Holntion;Flratconqiicr this, what then? HUCCCBS?0 no I 'tis .'gainst tho Constitution.

Well, slavery has mot It's fato;Inte'mpcranoo, too, will aomo Ume follow.Wo CAM coorco a rebel Stato jSo lawyora' •VIOWB aro Bonio-timoa Lollow.If friondB of right keep up tlio fightThcro'11 bo a moral revolution;There'll ha s, tlmo when—all Bliall BCO—itrfutmB won't hurt tha Couatitutlon.

yothar loglalativo lioaii. to Bolout aud iinnlo Ihotrarsons wlio shall form mich norpo^Uon, nnd bo;ho Drat truetooti thereof, anil to prmerlho tho

lermftofolUooof BUCII trustees, and tiroviilo forthoir cksilQcaUon, ao tlmt a portion tWoorshall

i out of offiCL-, nnd their eucecancirs ba electedoach nnmial noaaion, ami by tuomoniUMUprcs-

A of suoii craud IOIIKC of nocioty: tho said granddgiTor noL'ioty mny nlaojirovldn ibat no peruou

ilull bo a tnifltoe ur Much corporation, nnlcflH hobo a wcinbvr of Bach order, urgauieatioii or noclo-y, in good Blandlug; »nd nlw>. rnrjnircs saidmard of tmstceii to report annually to tho crnnd

lailfiu or BtKiloty foimdiug Iho BAUIO tho condition

numbers iu cccllon one, and nn to tho cmount ofineom.i in m-otioii three of thu act to which thinact fa supplementary, nhall not apply to eorpura-

IOIIB farmed lor tho purpose nf OBtobhauflig aollfffo andhmno na alHivrt providod.Appraveil March 8,1872.

An old bochclor lia\-ing licenlangliocl nt\>y n bevy of pretty girls, told thorn tliattlioy wero mnuU potntocs. "Wo may boemail potatoes," replied ono of tlio moid-nna, "bu t wo aro swept ones."

Tho TOnrinj?'torrents in tlio streets ofKorwiok, on Sunday, "riitled tho road,"nnd uncnrtliotl ft lemnlo akelotoii—nppa-rontly young womiui—lioon tlicro pcrhnpatwenty ycmn—foul play.

For tho Inos E«A,AMONG THE CpAL.

Mr, Editor.—Aa you (jivo mo ttio lotml nowa in nntl

nroitnil tha city that is to he the leadinQ on*in Morris County, it is bat f/ur that Islionld givo you something novel in re-turn.

It is ti matter of surpriao to mo that aomarv eujoy tho two of Coal though intel-ligent in many respects, nnd never lmvritho curiosity to inquire whoro it comesfrom uor how it is prepared for market.I must confess thftt my own idons wereformerly vory madequato, though I hntlrend nil I could find oil the subject and hadosaniiued euch drawings as were given ofcertain jiarta of tho process, A few hourswolJ »pcnt, uniiwgsb the coal in this valley,ivilt give you moro truthful ideas of thunature, extent nnd importance of tho hwinc3o of proparing it for tho mnrkot, thantill that you hnvo fiver read. If it uhouldover become warm nnd pleasant which atpresent is quite dubious, I trust that youwitt Wsc tho iron track that runs throughlhuyr.u.d and hoautlful Deanery of theTV.itor Gap on tha Delaware rivor, andhpend nil the thno you onn spare ia thisbusy valley.

Aa you descend tho mountain, approach-ing Sernnton from the East, crossing andrccrosaing Boaring-brook, which,, in itsrnpid doDceut, gliilo3, tumbles and leaps—tlaahing itaolf, uow thia side nnd thon tlint.ngainst the rugged rooks, tlint hound thonarrow gorge, yon will uatab. your ilrstglimpse, of r. oulm-hosip. Thcso heaps, orrathor mounds, (as mauy of thoin aro offorulidablo size,) oro made nip of coal toofinely broken for market, together wilhiho nhale which lies next to'tlio coal and ismoro or losa hrokon in binstiiig.

Soninton ia not soon till you Biuldonlyomerga from tho mountain gorgo, and inn moment or two you nro " in medins res.'On tho right is Iho city, onthcloftahirgoarea filled to snffocntion with thousandsof coal-cara>aud looomotlvea. Passingthrough tho Dtipot you flud Etroot-cnraready to convoy you to. Hytlo Park acrossthe Lacltawiinna on tho Went; or to Provi-dence, another portiou of the city Tip tlioriver to tha North. I would hero romnrkthat tho oity of Ssrimton inclndoB withinits bounda throe boroughs, Provideaoo,Scranton and Uy&e Pnric, nnd n large por-tion of tho township of Providcnoo, oaohrotfiining their flopnmto post offlco.

Tlmro in nn oity in tho Union, oiccptHiicngo that has mado nnch rnpid utridos

in biiBinosa nnd populntion us Sernnton.In 1810, -where is now tha donuost portionof tho city, thoro wva but ono houso nnd

old mill boating tho ouplionioua nnmoof Slooum hollow. Now within its litnitanro moro than thirty six iliausaml inhnbi-tnntfl.

Tho coal measure which (Ills tho valley,is from one to three miles mdo, and fromfllty to sixty milea long. If you would got

bird's oyo view of the oity nnd ite invi-rons oomo with mo to' tho Onynga Shaftand brealior, which stauda on au elova-

tion west of Providence, tlio highest por-tion of which is 130 foot above the ground.But before ire olinib tip let mo iutroihico'ou to tho courteoiiK forcratin J. C. J3ow-

aian wh03o oflicois ii Blunt romovo from •tho main building, lvbo will Ituitlly act asour cicerone. An we imti into tbo build-ing he gives us its dimensions, 400 fuutlougbylOO feet wiilo and 18G feot liigli.Its shape is )icciiliar. From tho bigliuatpart over llto ahnft thcr« Jo n nuriofj of

oofu, fctcp by Btep till itcomms downto two storied.

Onr guidu takes ua first into tho enginetorn. Thoro wo BOO thrco boautifiil en-

gines, one to dritfo tlio ]trQakerof45horaour, and two of GO liorso power each,

to move tho Elevators. These last workin unison. Tbo engineer Htanda betweenthem wilh a spciikiiig tubfi, reaching totho bottom of tio mine, nnd aotcombrakont his command and instant UHC; TWOother lurgo cngiiies nro in x laco, and ncnr-ly com]>leted. in tlic Ramo room designed

meet the increasing wants of thu estab-lishment.

ing to the ronr of tho building, wonext cxamino tljo Hlowcr or fan diiven byim engine of 43 horao power. This is ca-pablo of driving iutu tho mine 85,009 cu-bic feet of air per minute, . This fnu in ina projootiun wliicli runa out eomo 50 footfrom tlio niniu l>uililing. AnecwTiug nninclino plune, or mulo wuy, wo encountercars ladou with culm drawn by muloson arailway which wbou it rendios the culm

gradually iisccurht NO flint tho licnpcontinually increases in night and in everyother dimenaion. Agniu wo enter thomain bdilding, nnd by d long eerics cf

p pass to tlio highest portion of thobuilding. But jileaso noticonsyon go up,the etzo and quantity of timber which WASthought necoBanry in BUCII a building.You floo, boaides, mfinjr uf tho inner tioacapi>ed with iron, and Bolted to tho po&te,'anil you feel Hurc that no power, which itis likoly to encounter* -within or without,will ever shako It down. Hero you getthat bird's eye view that t promised you.Tha wkolo city lies haluio you. You uotonly sco till tho Lousoa but get some ideaof tbo business tliat occupies the thoughtsand hands of so many people You cancount 12 coal openings with their breakers,and mountiiinB of culm within tho

y mits ; besidas nmny others up anddown tlin valloy. I know you nro inclined•to linger when such a proRpect is beforoyou, butyou rauet not forgot that yon aroamong the coal, and you wish to know howit is prepared forusc. Above our beads aratwo largo wliools, around which circulatewiro ropes. To tho ono ond of each Uat-tached a car holding ono and a half tonsof coal with trucks and a section of rail-way. I3y n simple contrivnuoo the rail isHupiwrtod, the cur ia run soino 12 feotond 'tho coal ia omptiod into a ohute. Follow-ing it to tho noit floor wo find fourorflvomen with aooki making tho first Bcpara-tion. One mizes a Inmu of clean coal toolargo for tlio uoxt grotto (stenm-boat coal)and pitched it into a holo, nud it takeoita

y to tlio depository of lump coal, Btoamboat coal is caiofiilly selected and throtraupon an iron grnto tu tho uppor part oftho slmto, nud wlint paosca through, ia thosecond grade. Tho muss o£ tha coal pasa-03 down tbo Bhtito to tho first brakor nndis crushed by two power fill rollm-s as near-ly as may ho into tho third grails calledgrate coal. From the "uro.ikorit passes In-to a rotating sorjon, wharo tho grate caalis Bop.iriitcd from tlio finest nud from whatla too conraa for tho screen, and takes itsway to.its resting plnco, ready for loaJingon ttic cant. Tlio ooarscst soon finds it- -Bolf in miotliur bronlior nml is prepared totakoits place with tlio othor brokon coal .in a long rotating Bcroou, whioh takesfrom it first the diujt and very flna * coal,whicli gooa to tho culm hoap ; noxt tho

i coal, than the c7ms!nul, then the stove',d lastly tho cgy, whiuli brings tho list

up to tho gmto of which I havo spoken.AH tho way tlo:vn ut every suitable place

mon and boys uro otationod, towntoh forBluto and iiujmro coal, called bony, from -itd containing thia labors ofslato, minglodwith tlio eonl. Eaxjfoiully ia this proo'oaaof pnrifiuation ciuxieil on in iho story justover tho loading bins. Hero tbo ooal ia •Hop.iratert into numerous shulos to givoroom for mou nml boyn, four or fivo to auhnto, caoh with a box by his Bide, who,in various postures, linng over tho shutoe,wntcbiugfor any iinpnritioa in tho coal, nsit passes Hlowly ilown to its detttiontion.Thcronroi5moiinnil52 lioja omployoiiat this shaft Toil thousand and thirty fonr "tone of conl woro raised iu March. Tholast process, which, properly belongs topropnring coal for tha njarKet, ia loadingIho cars, which transport it by mil to dis-tant poitiam u£ our ouuntry. A rail-way)Osac8 through tlio building EQ.TX ono end,jy wliich corn oro brought into positiono rociiivo tho contents of the oool-bius,,Tho lider comtaaiids a lover, by •which

ho cau at will permit tho caul to oscnpotlio lianiU of it« tormontnrn, to nrnlce longiournoyii throngk tho hinrl to ohoor thelicnrLa of a multitudo at shivering mor-tals.

I linvo not yot done with thw singleopening to tho conl ami its surioundingBmuch Ies3 ttiiton jan into its wonderful de-posits. Thin I must rcaervo for Borne fu-turo time, lest I weary your most pationtrender.


Tlir Cliienjo Post nayHi "In thirteenuiontliH, Ofilcar Jnmcs, of flic Niiw YorkJH'IICO fi>ri!o, lias itillvilBovi'iitooii hundiG<l(luyj. Whuever wwaiigo a man ?

Page 2: THE - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring. A'IO , always on hand a Choic e Articl f Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs, Crockery, Cutlery


BENJ. H. VOGT, Editor and Frop'r.

Satimlny, April 13, 1S72.

l 'HOM lllHIN'J'OV.

lilt.'.f tl.u -nm.ll-pi.Ji, "1 ,

C.,urK.'ii .Innim White ; (N.ntilnbl.ii, .Ti-iilhn llnld-ivin.J. II. CBM-J .Iml-juor, H. M.Cn>»-KIIII : Ti.ivn I-uinlii|ltw, i-jimiui-l T. Hiiiith, A. H,Will*, II. I., nyu'lj'i K»u-Ud \V. NlflfiUmllf"-, -t-M. C'< im.'ll ; I1..mi.! Krqx.rt , John IVl i l i r . J . H.('inn, }l. K. At MiitliinH; ltnadM,(1,5110,l'our CHIWIISUH, Sl'W ; Ci'iilini-oiit, (BOO; W »yi-nuii JloailiHiY ilny, $1.75 • Hand iindTmni perdav-?3.«) (iciiL-ntl Ekrt iun nud Town Mci-'---

A pnintiT, lining uskocl to oatimato tlmoHtnf imiiiliiiBnci'itiUulnmHpilrowfortli


Hr.-t .[.hj-di,

;i-liH Hiiro. At

it ]n>rr, us In lrliHh-T it -.van tlio nim.ll-uvr-ltrjuiH "Ki>iuithlli!,'t-lii<'"n'!i|i-h theydiciiify by n name. At lrii|:th th.-y p i t, t h u l i u m toj-Hrieruii.l that• DMinll.pi.s; the ruiil, v.-riisiUc nltl-fiihh-i.-le. imnRiti ii- !""•(-(.,• nt lliis nii-

B t i U u l n m H p . i l r o

f,rtll!ll|IlUon'. <• A ii.mjri.t is. f • T

l-. \\\-,- IK- In

... . mglight is ntmught, tbroo

into nvntwlRoymicnirti I'll iJiiiuL yonrW.nm for fifty ilnlli "

I!.- is -


•i* Heia-d npnii—N'irfii." | |

• p n s i d i n c plivwith UiL-Bini.ll

li-J rU'l 1 <

liu Pont Olllce. nt Dover IS. J.April II, 1872.

ii'iuu'lt, CIIBB. Frui-iiiui, Win,!nnm>t J''rnni-i8 (inynur, JohnInn.]-!..,.. L.-untt 111.**, Hnrryullou, Juhu Slnlmn, .Itilinrnm>, i-Uiza M«r«iii, Olmn^L.

, .J..VI,..; N. HlMb, iowpbino! l):ilrytni>!i>, Mini 51. J. Hinfriuk, liiobflr.l1 F.jsluii, JUB. A.—2 Trutliorfnr, Mm. W. If.I i'niill, Win. Wftllurii, fciio. H.' Ti> uhtalu anv (if tlirMi Itillun tin- npplii'anl mntl

rnilf-.r *i>vKiirifli:t. i.GiTtnu, pivo li.o <1tlu ofpsyonoemi | JJ^I?M\^Ft,"l•'.' .f.

>L-l'..«'d tlii IC, millt-i )»•111,, ummii(I.-,. m p i ^ l . . ! tlur Hum h

cluni'il last Stindny, m «i< lm<1 in. r.ll«i..iis wrrii-.-<•>. on thnt .lay, \Vc nlim linvi- a jirr.R|nvt nf tliolvniku being stopped, tno, nn limit nr Mm menImvu bcuii vvcinuUid aruuuil hi'iv, au<lnniai.-qiitiilly trill not bu «U.: iu work fur., unlit', ulleant this I* tlm talk. llv.-ii tlm Inditx, drar at ft-

ri upi-ctrii fur hur many t xivlli.nt iiunlitiun. ttii>

ili..l after n thoi-l )mt HCVITI- illm-n». Will, thelmly tvann nu-inlieruf Iliu 1'r.i-l.yUrir.ii i-tiur.Ji,nu.l achrUUnn in its Hem.'. Tho l.enrt-hr«krii hnsbnnd mid Krlof-Rlri.-ki u fi-li-iid* r.-.llyproiiiiiicil <iu thin, HO fur ns I<> <. 'ii'l -i Initnlilo thn luiuiKlfr of ,.ii,l ehiir.ih n^ncHt-ini,- him t>> nnkintc nt thu buiiiil- rrc|nirit>T<uiH,nan it uol 7 nml iuun|;li In a huivl.if virtu-oun iinllKiiRtioir from imr committrr, to nhnintin- ininidkrftj)}i!iii] for ncrniihuion to dn as ro-

Oiiuimnnnl 1. •iiulh wns fmitsd win. had ttmiritycnottKh to fly in thi fouc of provMcm-o by bavini!lilmnnlf opi'li In tbc iiifculioii, mid nlwi to tlmcoiidi'iinmtion of t!i>'m>iiniiltt<c. Tfiiswnn Itov.

r. .I.iiim, fiftliit place, wbn I'l-rfcnnud tlio Innt


TONIC BLOOD PUltlFIKR,VliiL-h nn-F]',HS fr.nn nil ntbor proparfttloua in

tin imtticllRto Actlou iip>iii tho

L.iver,Kidneys & BloodIt is puruly Ycgotalilc, and duaimoB tho ijHtctu

uf all inipnrilluH, and laillils It rightmniur.i up, nnd makes

Tor "ncii?ral DHiilily," "Loot Vitnlity," «nd[trnkaii-.Iiin-n (' l . tutWs, I "OlmllouijO tho1'JLh Cuntnry lo llnd Ita oqnni.

nry lUitllc fa w.ittli its WOIR)II tn nuld 1l'riic *1 porlluttKBlxliottlos, (5.


__. from , .Knp.B or UtAiMK I Ctall At E. I., aoorgu'tt Dnrc

turu cir M. V, & J. W. KdndiiR'H, Unvnr, nnd K"ti-amplo iMittlo of Dn. A. liOHCHEE'H flEHMAN

IYJ1U1', fruo of cliarfmt I t linn Intolyb.iun intro-liiiiod intotliia cnunlry from Oonnany, aitd forIIIV piTAon sufferint with a BIITCK) (Nmgl), lioaryWdftcttluilnn tho brcaRt, coDRiunptfnn, nr anylismu nr tbo tbnint and IIIURB, it bas no u<inol iulio w rid. Onrr.iKiilnra1solnjtili>B70wmtB. InII IMIHL'H inotioy will bo pminptly rutitrntd if |>or-

It Wtlio sravo ilih'rf>i M, <>t ,plnnil, luit tiny vitro rcalli- willing to (III li]i tltagmro dflcr HID coffin bad Imon 1'nn.Ti/d nccordiiij,'In tlm iiHiinl enstnm. TIIIR, IIOWCVLT,!). I*rt-r, tliconrrncar.if Ihu Inlmn-n,wrmlil not nllmv. HotlircatpntMl tu d:u'li*rKoovnry "motliLTH HOII" (ifthem if Ility (lit) HO, wlilt-ii FIHJIVLJ Ills KriDt klitil-linnrl^dB.M ftiul consiilc-rnlion for tint InborL-rx.Vrr., wo tiro lining nil wo cniL to prevent tiK1 iproadof tint ilinonac, Imping tlmt further ens..a l a rowill bu fuw nml far between.


. DisniHn mid diiutli lmw hunt nlormioglyproviilisiitnil nroimitiu and iu our midnt.Mnnjr fronh imiiiiiil^ uf rarth nro \ifliblointlio chiircli yunU liuro, ainlinuiiRottlinm,misutt uvur thoinoi-tttl roDiitins of DoctorJmnuH ltlloj, uliiKlii/CTt.i.-moai.i.jBiiJnii,citizen IUKI frinml who dioil at [incumonint>utho80nf Unrch la'it. Doctor lliloj-lmd rcsitloil ami pnicMacdin this commu-nity tiwirly, if not quitu twonty years, amil-jujriiga gAintiJ tho cutiro coiilhlounn oftha puoplo, cutiibli wliing a rcputuUoii furMlull imti fiiicoans tljut but fmv ]»laysioiaQ8(jniu ia much more yrolcuding plnocs tiinutlllH.

Hw proscnioimpirtoa cliaoB untl coufl-ilcuco nt ovorj couch of sufluriiiKi and na»rt of innguotUm that ho poaaraaed midv/ia ahlo to couvey to otlicni in a wont,look, or gosturo was mediciuo to tlto Bickmoro iiotout thnn ninny of tho nostnnnHthat Hood tho country. Hii eocial qimli-tioB oiuloarod him to nil with whom heenmo in oontnet niut tho void created inUnit circle by his dcnlh will without doubtover remain. Justice to tho memory idDoctor Rilcy wonlil dmimiid uu nblar penHum this. Wa enn only my, tlmt in hit*dciitli wo rcnlizo n tfiout Ions nnd tlmt rtHCIIHO of. it will lung diujj to us, ufl wo fol-low on attcr him down to tho durktrrloufl river.

\\ro nrc nboiit to lose nnothnr ot ourmost lospocled mid unoful eitiKens in Mr.Jiviaca Kiliiatriolt, though not by dunth,\\Q hoiiL>. IIu hits ilispuHod u[ his f"nnd uppurtonniioea to Mr. W. F. Wiggins,nml iix noon an his nlTiurs arc lyBtrniRhtenctl tip will or proposos ti> scelt ahniiitntiou in nonin other pm-t or tho, Iof UUL-IC fjnm. Mr. It. inn man small iurlnturo but fills n lmgo plnco in tho publicfnvor, nnd wo most siuooroly regret thoturn of nlTiiirs thnt liiw brought tibout thiiiloci^ion nn Ills part. We will nil micahim from tho lgnst to, Xoighhum will mias him n» n neighbor, fritmdias n friend, mid citizonn as a comisolor,nntl osnccially- will lio bo mibscd in tho M.K. Olutreli niid Sunday School whoro hiling nlwnyn bnrno micU tin. native pnrt.Hut tho bent of friondn must flopumte, Sowo Bi\y joy ruul iiciico atkml him whorcvoiho gooa. J. I>.

Tabernacle Hall, Dover.Wednesday Ev'ng, April 17, 72.


ENTERTAINMENTly Ilio Youne Livdlos Mid Oontlcmon of tho

Lhivcr M. B. Cburrli, coueinUne of

Di -nmns , T a l t l c n u x ,

ANTOMINE AND MUSIC,'Will talto plsvoc on

VEDNEBDAT Ercning, Ai>ril 17tb, 1B72,

At Tnlidmndfl Hall, D«Yor.

Change of Prograimiic.

DoTor Cornet KtmdWill lio prosont, nnd (liicnurBo cseollent munio.

I'rocccds for tho ttcneflt of tho Church.

Tiofcole, AilnUs 60 cts.Cbildnm - - - - . - - - . . -35 eta.

For nnio at Boty'n anil Donoghue's book ntorcH,trfl Biwi) At 7.13, to comniCDCu at 8 o'clock.'

FHOHI STAKIIUI'IS.Nova licro qniia dnlL Dofttliu nro fi

VWai, and bicknesa conaidcrablo, oaichilly nmong c'.ililron. Tlu) villugocou-tiuucit to grow in size if not in mrProliibitiou ou election tluya cntucs gooicitizens to dosiro i t tlio wliolo year. OIKold tipplor thought it (jnilo Imnl tlinltliero ahunltl bo two Smitlnj-B in tlio enunivoek find no cliiuico ot thiulie bpttimes. Query : If it was ivoll nnd goodflint tlio wilo ol buor ami mm l'ist Mon-day should liaYO beeu prohibited by la'why is it not just m well and good ti> ]>ro<hjbit tho nnlo of it on Tnntilaj, or We]ic»dfty, or luiy other day ? Now, sir,doom thin mnttcr iiiiconxtitutionul 1 Whnlright bftvo wo, through out LogiilBtiire,to sny to nny junn whut ho mny und whnllie mny uot sell ! No, Bir, nny law ciirtaling or prohibiting tbo KAIQ of mmmfuottir-

*vd nriiuleB in unconstitutional—uuoousti-tutioual, sir.

Tlio nnnunl Tavm Meeting passed oilquietly. Tlio following 13 tho pk'ctcdticket :

I1SIUM Towsfinir.—jrmluratnr, .T. If. KnightTijwn t'lt'i-k, J- JlcCt.iiiirrll ; Araoour, J . SIcJIIc-U- ; C(4Ii->:inr. .1- 11- i niu ; SIHWVOIK of llifiliwhj»;l»- W. Gnblr, .T.itin i l . Ki.i^ht; Over*nf •!••• I'm.r, IVniidi- II- ....wp-nri!: Cli.mcn l!t<hir.iii-w, I'.-trr t-'tnitli, IHNIW 1.. (.>nr«-n ; CoMi-t/o... .SU AJ,.,,.., ln;:ifl V.". (i..l i" in,ni>

1872 SPRING 1872


George Feder,The Wuil-kuowu

Morcliant Tailor,If tliiK (Jity, forniorly In Tiliu Ilcrry'a Jluildlng,

ft. H. McDavit's Now Building,N « t to Srf*nr> Tic- Hank, wkcrc bo ia now

ruady iu olTor tbu largest aiidfluent stock of

Cloths, Cassimeres & VestingsOr cTory di'scriptinn, nnd a mil lino of

Mcn'ii. Vuiilhu* and Children'*

Ready-Made Clothing,In Btjlo and quality tholicRt, In variuty Iho

most oitunalvo. In prlru tho moitoconomical. A'no, a full lino

Gents' Furnishing Goods.

Tinwtfiil for thn very lihoral pMronftRO bo-ulinvctl np io ino by my fullon- citiEuiia dnrlii^; a

unn, tu bold out ntmsiu.1 IniiDcemeiiU totmrohliiorfl, naUanrd lliat I can giro thorn aLntlor artlclo Tor lu»» money than cau bo fur-nished hy Binnllur limiBrb.

Ulaokwoll Htroot, Dovor, N.J.

TO LET,TWO flml-rbnn KTOUKK. in nun of thn brat ln-

catiunn in Ilovor. Onu riiiivoiilent fur aKuuornl Btoru, tlio ullmr fnr a clothing ritoro.

PosBL-tisiuu tlit» firat of April. Knqulro of thoSubwriLor,

n-tf Tixi /a r.BnnY.J nauL'H itiotioy will bo iiro

...'t siHufnrllnn is not giliuvt* nny Pft»o. Try i t t

Kiild >it n r i l ]V OltlCK

-liuvt* nny Pft»o. Try ittKiild >it nrtifcifilfl nni] rtunlnrti ovorvniinrtf.

Van OltlCKN'S AUQUHT KLOWiilt f»r (Tji-FXIIINIB, liver ooikliilalut, costivL-nrttrt, nluk lioad-Ulic.fte. Novtir/nlla. I.. H. flltfc'KN, I'rotiiio.h r , Wnotilttur, N . J. Also sold by I . N. 11EECH,

clifiwnyir, Wnotiltt

Itaclifiwny."I^DIX LINE

llousekco])ing Goods

Buggy For Sale.\ N npon-tnp llupf^, in gnnd ordrr, for aalo

Mrst-clnss Yolto of OxenFor Sale,

Witf/or vitliont A CART;ipply to, Joim ircno1.Ditvor, April 18, IB7X- 17-19

Miss Knlo Lepoiii's- SclioolWll commeneo on

MONDAY, April 15th,111 tlio Academy I lull ding, uu Dlckcriion Btrool.-Tonni.—rrimnry Doportaiont, ft i«r qunrtor.

Grammar „ tO „Dnver, April 18,1B73.


Red, White and Blue Store.

Engineers, Miners and Laborers


I WANT flvo rtiKltiftora, from flflcAn ttr twentymlncM nuil flftemi U1>oror« In K" "itli rrm to

work in tho Tin II niton II inn, Outunagon Comitr,Lako Sii[)crior, Michigan.

Apply at tlio omco of tho Kuunltou Miuo, to tliBuporintcmlout,

Tliomns T. Dunn,formerly of Jlyrnm Mine, Dorai

Alt pirtio* (in) expoctod to defray iheit OITD OX-pnliH-H. 17-21

Dolly Varden CalicoesAT

Red, White & Blue Store.

Valuable FarmFor"Sftlo, near Dover,

Only tbroc-fotirtliB of a. mile from tlio town,containing

100 Acres of Land,W I T H GOOD HITII^DINGS.

Tlio I'ftrm In witll watcrciJ, anil Lara flno «im'rcbrvrj, nith other fruit.

Tho locKtion cannot bo Burjiamcd fnr tmj purpoiStoplicu C. Bcrrr.

April 13,1873. 17-tf

Dolly Ynrdcn Dress Goods


• N o t i c e .ITIIK Dlrcctom and BtocUinldorn nf tho "tlnln

Turnnlko I'^mpiiny " will mtie% M tlio Ilottor Hanuu'l Hlltw, Woinlttort. on Tnt-gditj, May 141H7B, at 10 o'filock A. U. t for tbo Eloction oDIroiitor* for ensuing year.




House and LotAT AUCTION.

C.A. GI i /LKN,Auc .

^1HK Ri!l)Ecril*r WIIIR cl.>simn» of iliinnRing ofMi Huu..o mid Lot, eitimto <m tho l^B'l

Lend ing from Kocluway to Mount l loiie,no mllo from tlio latttcr plnuo, nill offer thoimo fur ink tm /

T H U H 8 D A Y , APHTL 18llitOu tlio 1'rfinlBes, ot 3 o'd«rk 1'. M.

Tho buildlnua miiBitit or t. two-nml-n-lmlf iiloryranio HOUKU, m-nrly tow, 68 l.y in, witU cclWnik-r tho whuloi und a GQinll llnrn.Tlio I/)t ooiiUiiiB fnur ncr.M uf, wlikh

will bo Buhl nn a fflioto or in M* to unit pui-.lmK-ert. Any nun>otis wishing tu Inrntc in llik sectionwill find thin a vnry dculrshlc ]iroprrly

aa «»«}•, mid rnmln kiimvn «n tiny (if HIIIO liy

Or fnr pnrticulumAiirlioiu.iT, Dover.

Some New Spring Shawls



Lands and, Real Estate.3UJWUAST to nn order or tbo Orphans' f »nrt

(,f tlm (Siiiuty of SlfirrlH. madu »n the 12lbiy of l'»lirtinr>'i A. IK IHTi, tin- Sul-Bi-riliLT,

'liinrdlatiof Anna llnitliL-rton, will null nt l'ublluVcnduo onTHTJHSDAY, tho 18lh ilnyof Arum 1872

olwocn tbo boura of 12 o'doclf M., AII<1 £ o'clool;'. SI., at tho hoiiHu or It Vnil, li.-itiir thnitn rcBhk.ncD of Itiuhard l[ioth.'rtim, dcuM.nn

tliu pruinlwd hereinafter di'iirfbud. r>ilaR' '1'k all tlm Lutntc, rluht, tillu mid ititi ri-Ht or

naiil Anna Kroiiu'rim,; tho tunic iwinK an.JU«1 iiDdiviiliiil fiiiQ-Hlxtli part or nlmni *.f In nu.l

to, all that curUiu tm.:t of Iniid In tho IWinliipit Itan.Iob))., Morris Wiiiiity, NVw Jumcy, b'linul-

' on tliti north by Linda ut Unvid Tinker, midnoa W. Krothnrton, caat by Urn road k'H<bh|i

.-m Wovcr lo Walnut Onivo, Hnuth by loudn nfiAdta Brolhiirton, Hilan I)i-ll and Unli-mou Unl-

jnipU', and wust by Inuds of Oi'orgo Oniiio, Win.iiriior and ltnulcl Brlnnt; and p-.iituhii 100(irPB mnro or Iciin, nnd la known as tho lioino-

itond farm of lliulnrd llrothurtnu, decouuud.JnincH If. Ntighliuiii')

Gtmrdimi, An,Dorcr, K. J.. Feb. lfi, 1B72. lil-lf

Spring Dress GoodsMI



Allen Palmer & Son,


Builders.Jobbing promptly attended to.

S. J. PAWIEIt, Architect.lft-y

Standard Itono Manures.rTTIIR Huliacrlbcru, Imvluc tnhen tlio aconcy fnX "fitomf.l'i. AmmonlAtod Diflnt.lvwl," linn pi i'« Ilnw llimn rhoiiplinto," " I' lion

nfurm tlm Fnnnrrii nnd QanlonorH of Dovcriinvicinity, that tlMty will kcop a supjily of thenrortilizorncuimtantly OD hand, at tlioluitoit innihot pricua.

New Clover and Timothy SeedAt tbo Lowont l'Hooa.

Clrenlari containing particular*, Ac.', may bolad OD application to

M. F. A I. XV. BeaiOr John S. Cailetlne

Dover,. April lat, 1872,

Beautifol lot of RuchesIT

Cluise's Red, Wliito & BlueAmo rntsn LOT OP

Ladies' & Children's Shoos.


Mrs. W. S. OOLLARD,BuoooMor lo l ira. L.

N E W STOREOr Mr. Martin ficarta'^ opposltj Mt..

Blnckwcll Street, Dover,And haa Jnut rMolvod a.

Choice Stock of

NEW SPRING GOODSConsisting of a full lino ot

Straw Hats and Bonnets,Silki, niliboiK, Laces, Crapes, Flo wen, Laco

Collars, Hcarfa nnd ltavt, Fancy Gowii,Itsal and Imitation Hair

MILLINERY GOODSricaao coll und oxnmino thorn,

lfl-y Mra. W. 8. COLT..MIP.

The Imported Stallion

French Chief!For tbo aonrcnlcncn nf Fnnncrs nml lornnf of

ennd ntock. French Chief will ntnnd for Moronthis soaion at tho following namod place• [

At STABLES of 0 . M. TUNIS, DOVEB,On Monday and Baturaay of eaoh week. %

At TAYLOR'S HOTEL. MENDHAM,On Tuesdays and Wodncidayn.

At U . D. BEOEit's HOTEL, F I I A N D E E S ,On Thursday*, and


D e s c r i p t i o n n m l P e d i g r e e .PIIEKCH CHIEF Ia a dark nmhoSany broim

color, blank legs, ninno and tntl, si it tun and ona-lialfliandfllilRTi, and will bo scron yrara old thoSth day nf Juno next. Ho TTUB alrcil hy Kufiland'gKlnry. (rrcat-tlam Ly nld HnnipBfin, and was ira-nortdd to tlili country by J. Middle ton, of Ohio,In 1871, and WDI^IIII bctn-oon Qrtocn nnd n\j.*--'Immb-od poundn. He In callndby iU*bentluifnrat.vlnanddnrahility, the bcit homo ovornorfcd to Hill country.

Co in i i t i o i i f i .rfrnt.—All Jtarcii trith f>ml, twentv-flvo tlntlarn'Hcnmt].—All Moroii parted with irill ba oonsi

drrcd with foul.'Jiiird—AU uiouDyn dno olglit montln nfle

titnn nf MPrvlof.Tlio Bcanon commences tlm 32nd or April.

I I I S I I O P BVA.NR,Vn\fr, hare Jirnny, i'roprlutor.

f i icciidro of C. A. t

Jesse S. Doty^Column

NEW BOOKS. tAt Doty's Book Store." Household i:diti»ii." by Chun. Dickons.. ,,,,, .," The Abuiuinnlioii of Modtrru Socloly," by

(owit Talniaf,'o. ••,.<-.;"llluatrol.d library of Trawln, Eiploratioit

ml AdVL-nturo," by Itnynrd Tnjlor. ^ "Arouud Tl.o World," by E. V. Cl.Trifnor "'•CoininoiiHimiioiu tho Houmbuld," by Bfar-

>ti IIHI)and. . . 1•• WiifHud Cainbormodc," by Go". McDonald.«' MUBIC and*," by H. It. Hnwci*."Clntildp; or tlio Sccrot uf U'hico OcncrilloiiB,

by Dr. I'oint Martin.•'Tnio as fltocl," liy Marlon Harluiid. ••i LOBI Ilulr of UnlitliROw," by Houthworth."ITio Country of the JJwarfs," by I1. HuCliuiUu."Uim ami Her PWIIKT," by ARIIOH U.Jtaica..'"MnbPlLee,"by tho author of "Tho srurton

HOIIBU."•Tuor TIHumility," hy F. W. Robiiwon.''IlfKiili'rt rt Liirtt," by I). App<'lton."A frown fhim Ilia Hl«-ar.B hy tho author ot

1 Wuruii n-iili Many I'liroinls."•'Cm tlm Old J^ivo?" by Zadi-l II«nifB Hud-

dintttun."Iked Timo and Harvnl, ur DuiliiB MjAii-

rciitkcKhlp." . . . . . . . ." l'rny of llottB," by Hfircnco JTnrryat. ," T w o Fninily MrjtheiH," by Marln Bophio

Scbwnriz."Kiirclii-ilon," by O. ,T. Whyln Slolvillo."A I-fjftf in Iho Ktorm." !•.» onldn.

^JHlnbrldb Andre, by H. ]]»rli.g-(limld..M. A.

A Household Pet I


Fruit Trees,Apple, I W , rium nml Cherry Trees, nl low

lirivoH, to clear Iho grouml.

Shade Trees,,

Evergreens, &c,'edging arbor ritara, Bllvor Urn, balnnm or (1m,Norway npruoo, bomWk. KibuHan arhor vitnea

borricfl, raBiiiwrrirn. rlinhnrb, Mnckcap rQBpburricK, rnurry, currant,

t-raiH) vincit, hoi wood, climb-Jug ninuH, At;., Ac, Ac.

N. It.—Tomato ami calibago plants in their

R. T . Tl inmiisoi i .poyw, April, 1H72. 1

R. M. WilsonTJESPECTFUfXY infnm« tho IniwUUnla ofAX Dorur aivl \plo!ulty thnt hu baa taken (ho

BARBER'S SHOPlAtolv ocunpioil liv F. I. FOUNTAIN!*, on SitHttfxRtrtH't, ncrxt dimr to IIOI.V'H ll'toh Htorc-, iiliiru lio

Hair Cutting; a srecinlty.Giro mo a call.

Dovor, N. J.*, April 1st, 1B72.

A HOUSE & Nine Acres of LandFOR SALE OR RENT,

A T S U C O A S U N N A .[E IIOUHD cuntntna novel ii nxiniB, two base

_. monta and n collnr. Tho lower pnrt of Hi.houao '/rne built fur a baltory, tbu location beingright in thn vtllaRo and well adapted for a IUIRJ-ncHH stand nf any kind. Thoro IB also a largojurn nnd other o Jtliimsoa.

Tbo lot cruiHiBlB of nluo ncren of laild, undiTexcullcnt cultivation, mid wuil nti>clit-d with iionr,

Eaqn o on tbo l > r o ^ [ ^ £n J N O

Kcor Ualiitr'B MDt.Buccaannna, N. J. ia-25.p

"WAN.TED,PATlTXElt In a nico, clean nnd iri-ll payiiifj,old t)«tnlilisli(Hl hiiMncitf. A raru iwortu-

or a mnn with Hiunll capilal.nillro at tblu oUico fur flirt her particular!.


50 Miners Wanted.•\XTAXTEn. nt thnIIUHUPJ- « ITono Iron Mine*W I-Vrrnna, Cllntnn c:o.. Sew York, on the

Whitehall & PlaitHburgb ltnilruad.»i-ea about fi3 per niouth.

U i c l i u r i l KUUi*14*l!)p Ailnlui; Cuptnin.

WANTED,12,000 Cordi ot

CHESTNUT TIMBER,"HIIIOJI fi to fl inolicB tblok, to cut ntpnrr, i ,J J Inrbcn lone, for nhii'll tlio lii};limft inarVutprico will bo pnlcl.

Pnrtbn lia\-inR nnotl Inml In tho vFrinity nWoodport or I-ake Hop*teong, nnd Uhing ti«ll tbo timber, wJl do wull to call on

n. linnit & Co.,_ 10-2m TYoodr irt. Morria Co.. N. J.

A i n i l l t l S 0 I I I G U 1 T C O U I t T .Lorillarvpy)

ve% \ In Cane. Domes tie Attachment,

NOTICE 1B linrcbv Riven tbat a writ of attach-ment, in tlio above Mated doit, wns IRSUOII

uut tif tlio Circuit L'ourt nf xnid Connty on thaSlli d»y nf Fcliriiftrr, 1872, rc.-tHnu.blo to tho 15thdty of Fabrnary, im, f..r tho Hum of fiOfl.tlio nuit of tho Hold I -vl Hartuy uiul aBalunl |oiUto of tho Mid James Cow.

March Uth, 1H72.

NEiouiioun & aiirrn, IHCHAUD RPECA t t y s , 13-21 CV)s,

NEW YORK, CORK & LIVERPOOLNow ond Fall-poworod Stoamahipa.

Tho Six Largest In the World.OCEANIC, CELTIC, REPUBLIC,. "

ATLANTIC, BALTIC, ADRIATIC,0,000 Ton* itanUn_3,0tt0 Ii. p , •net).

BaiHngfromNowYorlcon HATUHDAY8, fromUvorpnul on XHUiiaUAVa, and Curk Harbor tholay folio wine.

Flora tho Wblta Btar Dock, r&vonU Forrr,Boy City. Paaaougor ncoummQdatlouB (ior allolaaaea) unrivaled, eotnblnlng

Sufcty, Spceil, ami Comfort.fialMni, Blato rooma. amoking>room, nnd batn-

roama Iu mldihlp acctiun, wlioro lomt motion inSurgeona and atoaardoBeca acoompauy

a atcaraara.UATEM—Saloon. S30 gold. Rtnorace, »1O eur-

wng*. Tboao irifllilng to aond for frlanda fromthe Old Country can now obtain, atooraco prepaidoorliflcatDi, 633 anmrney.

1'aHHuugr-ra boghnd lo or from any part ofAmerica. I'ariB, Harohurg, Norway, flwedon,India, Auitnlin, China, etc. -

Excursion Tickotg Rrnntud at tha lowest ratoi.Drafts from £1 unnardfl.l o r innpoction of plaiisi nnd other Infnrmntlon,

ajply at lha CompanfB Offlocs, No. ID, Broadway)

J . I I . S P A R K S , A s c i i t ,OrtoJOUNLECUKll,


HflB rouwnd lil« DpptKl Offlct to Ilie iplundid• ' ; Htiit of lloouiB ovor ^ , , K ,

Goodaio,& Voughfs Drug -StoreVbcrohGT-illbcpWuiato attciul toall oatla

mrtiiininK tJ l»i" wofisatloo. - Ur. JwlmiiUm haslie fxiitncmu of Huvt-B Yuara' close .aiijilication"UionructiiM tif l)np«Blrj.lIv.rur-wbioU liaain in Mm t'ity of Hover. 1 unv t taken upctiulinn in tliu pcrfuotion uf ths '

Nitrous Oxide Gc&s-, iirhli-b is tho beat ancntliotlo now in mo for tiniilnlirhH extraction of teeth. IB1B3«HO tho novas, called tbo FLUIU ur OONDHNyEp .OAHI maii^noelidtgofur tliflgaaor tbfi oitractloK

r tbo ttutb wlioru now OIUJ* aro luBcrtcil.Tuoth Dllod witli gold, froulono dollar up, and

silver flfty cunts to onu dullar.

i t t i u i t U u I Sets of T c c t l i , .

.tppt-r nnd under, for (30, (in tbo liloat improvtbuctlou I'latCfl', warraulodto gtvu aatUfnction,I tnlifl ploiiUJ-o in rofurring to tlio following

[outlomcm • '

llov. II. 0. Itloelo, Dr. J. C. King,Dr. T. II. Crittonden, M. H. Dlchoraon.

S.' B. Johnston,Oppoilto Hrfiur'a Hew Baafc,ovM Oood

b VuttiilU'a l lmg Blare, Dover, «. J.


Price $37.00. . , ,

Tho only Frneticiil LowLock-Stilch

Sewing Machine ;over invented

It in n triumph uf Muubnnlnnl aouluB, trfinplt,compact, oYi-'iout, dnrablu and comploto.

Every Machine Warranted, forFive Years ! '

It will I lnu , Fell , U.ii.l.Cnnl, llitilil, SciT u t k , Kitu1<-, I l r ini t l lch, Wntlivr mi>l So»r

iitthciMiiiic (Imr, andivilhvdrkcqnnlljrn '. . jllli, linnn, woulun, and cutUin gaodn, iy]silk, linen or cotton thread.

It mnlicfi thu Loclt-bUtch (nlilio on both Hides. JItHcnaiTlththok'nKtpoaxlMo ainuunt of Inimr.

ul a ulri nvclvo jonra old onn nln it withouttknu. Thin Mftchino dnu-a all tho work uf aKli-priucd Mauhiuo. Nu moro uocd of paving

'J'IIIH Mavliiiie, for 1'ainily UHQ nnd light Mium-fhctiirliig pnr)ioHen, la BQC-rlor to any other Ma-uhiuo, anil for.all prnutLo! miikiiig purpOHus,nimpltdly. atrcnuth and beauty. It ia uuanproauh-od tif any Jl no hi no yui invented.

Wo aliDnld bu pkmiod to bavo ovory ono wlnhlngtn purebaHO n Kiiniui' Mnchluo coll at «ur Halcti--uuin nnd mnlio a pursounl culmination of thonerits af thr

Home Shuttle Sewing Machine.It ia nlthln tho roach of alt.

Pr ice 837.00, \'"' ' \

At Doty's Book Store,DOVER, N. J .

Thin illaclilno combines nl] tho very t>oat tinall*lien nf ALL other KuivitiR Maclilni'ii, nnd hamny noir and cicolk'iit foaturou of iti nwn, liciid-voiding awry bad foaluro that uaiiduiuus 8

iniiy. •:Thiaifl tbo lust ntop tolion toward a perfeemiiiiK Mncbino, nnd im a prominent inanumetr"r Hxidtnit a Hhort timo Hlnno, "An liiiprovom^

..n tho "Homo Kliiittl<t"uill ludeml bn IL ruilnttlbut, my friondn, tho luvcntar is an yet uubora.'

Jesse S. Doty •njTcnt for Morria County, and nltbc

no hft« lwcn lulroduuvd into thb„. „ fcw dnvs, a n

IMT havo already been K<All aro Uvltud tu cull In

AT HIS BOOK STOBEand cxnmlno itiftm. From tT.OO tof 10.00 in made«n imiry mncblno. wliila on other mac«h.nro from425.00 to S33.O0 la made. It OOHU an mnob.tomnkoalfnmoSbuttloHaciiinnoB it docs nny oftho others, whllo Uiity arc Bold at about half tho1*TICG,

Oall and see them !


Organs! Melodeons!!

.GREAT BARGAINS 111A T • ' • • • ' • •


Book and Music Store,SUSSEX STIIEET,

Tlij Lovo.1 pri«, n™ pSPaTlf 5,'d"-!!]1 torQonth to epmd, - . , -Oall atiil convlneo jouradTca tliat tlioro 'arc

nno olioapor or lwttor., ...-I^rgo Anaortniciit coa.tantlr nn liamL 1

InBtrumont warranted for flvcyears.

T o L e t , ••m i l E Tlonmn formt-rly ncvuplpil by Trre InorrJL E m Office; eornur (if Hlndtn-oll and Morria

Streets. Kimnlro of -„ , M. k I. HEAIUXQ.

Duvtr, MaiLU 30, '72. # 15-tf


Ladies all, both greai and small,, T , • . . . . ' ; s-

We would your attontionxall


Storo Bod, White & Mluo,Where yon «IU olwayn nud winollilns


New Lot of Necfllc-lVork



.. Ei t r . QuoUlyt , .'.

" ' v '.' AT.THE

Red, Wliite and Blue

. CIlEAl'Elt THAN EVEB. ; "'


COTTON EDGINOS,-C- . - . • , ' A T - • ' •


Mr. and Mrs. CILASE,,-I-' » > "•• • • ; • • > . .y-'f-

Will bo rcry rauoh plrnmcl to teo tUolr Frl»iai

• • « . » . -, - „ • ' «U ta« • • r j - ; • rI , ' 'i. -,'*J • • ..-'.;; •'. ' \f '• '

Some; S w e e t Gider, • • ;•;;By tho Oallnn. For Fan^ii; 1110.


.Great bargains,for:

&rand Spring Opening

NEW^OODSThe aultscribcr btivlug bail bia a to ok of fiood

to ioiuovxtdutdotitrovod nnd tinhi* Iks In liU aton>. nnw nHurn this ubolc In boitiioetiun witli his now Block nf bprina Qooda a<

IXWKUJUUCESKUJUUCES.tlian liavo proTMlo'tt for ibo lad'ton roa

BHA;I)Y MADE CLOTJUDfO,iCdaaiiiiornn, Glut ha, Voatlngs by tho yard, ,,. . , ,„.. .. . , -,TliniJjUiftt^inyclotbiof mo'cinh»To mdUciilatl

Of (lio very bleat atylca.'Boo tha folloningP r i c o B j f - r S f ; . > - - . f s

: < • • • ' " ' • '. • ' • • • • •

i.. COATS FItOM 82.GQ TQ $10.00, • I:! PAKTS'S *'(*«*i;as '" -'

VESTS " ' — 7 5 - " 8.50And ovcrytblnR elad in my linoi Ks ohoap In pro-

portion, ^ ; -' -, • - • • ;, SUITS TO OH

IUvIfi^locorod tlidbfal'TaUofato boliafl,n~ Hdw prbttarod to TuriiiaU tlio finuat nuitaoOlotliinn I« Ijio lateBt ittlog, and of Um bunt worh-maiwhlp. wnrranl^a to fit; Oliia doOctency in' tliutMdoluDovcrwiUnoloucerbofolt,, I pnte aeka tahr'ttU tb'wmrd our ct tWn tliai' thoynot go olsowhoro to cot a good article of clol oO i l l d b W ~ l lnewlioro. Two

'a Store, B l kDoors liolnw _ . rf _woUBtrcot,l^oicr,s. J . . ,

lo-,tf,A. SIMON.

Spring'72 ! l Spring'72 I

ods !,

New-Cargets! New Carpets!

JustArriyecl!CliWposiio'iho.Conntjl, i i i :

' _ r,Call.and a(Kll


-' _ r r ^ ^ - r T _ r,Call.and a(Klliom-!

; • " ' "Sr S'IIAB'BIW, '


"JOHN LETOHER,""Dover, N. J.,


American and English BOOKS.ILL EOOKSrSKlKr Tiy BubgoripUoa

or othoxwiso, funiiHlicd at NowXurk '

With Till and oompJuto rvfnronocB andlea, and Iho AiVwryjiba, Concordance, andlima ID lloijo,' to will oh aro atlded Lbdnfood'yinnroliunyivo AJIIK to tlio Study of tlio Harrod.ij.turf i, with Warln'a New afid Improved Dlo-

limiary of tho Itlblo, nilh elxtcon flnu BUUI platoa,fuiir illiiBtratiie oolurctl BIB pa, and moro than 200imjiorior ctiKraTiiipoon vrtsoil, rriilt family portrait

llmm. Thin.In tho inoat complute aiid Lo*utlfut,,rk nf tbo hind ovor puhliHbod. Piiooft MCord-\g tu binding, from 110 to 110.

Tim nttnntlon o f t tic "people .of tbta poctlon t*inrlicularly nullcitoil to tlio nuporlor tdvnntaf!«B..r tlio.purvltnao'fif ItonkB from all Ihtt innat ]>op-il.r puhlMiDra in tltU country and England, and

>ohnd by apntli'mton to inn, uuxt door lo Good-lit; ik Vottgliri Drag Btoro, BoTor.

• •; -' ALSO, '

Books, Pamphlete,'Magazines,

.WHI be ttlun Mtf

At Now York Bookbinder*1


P. H. Hoflfman,Merchant Tailor.



FINE COATINGS• Of all tho latent BIJIM.

CASSnCEiRESOf all qualltioa and prkoi.

Made .Clothing


(Cent's Fnrnislilng Goods.

r portunal attontloo will bo giron to t lu <rat-Cg nnil irnilfnu of all ordori onlmatod to nf.1

tf, and the ntjlo and fit of all garm*nti gnarao-

•••• P . H. H o f f m a n . ;

i Slarcli 10lb, 1873.


Wboloiala and raU



Cor. Blackwoll & Prospect Stt.,


150 ^apkagesi of -Lard

'in tnbi, and,

i ou 500 lu

' :; and is wtrruitad to lit -. : :JZH

Pure and of the Best Quality.


PaiabBieri t t nboluaalo and r»li.U ar« t

tod tg call ana onmino my Block,

Page 3: THE - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring. A'IO , always on hand a Choic e Articl f Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs, Crockery, Cutlery



e Newton.fofftotfrsavj: Messrs.Goo. JUoharda & Co., of Dover, havo laidju n largo atook ol goods, and given Mr.Lewis O, Adauw entire charge of theirstore. " Low" in on enterprising oitltenand a good business man, and a Ion toour town. We arc glad Hesan. Blob.£ Co. hiivo BO learned to appreciate liisworth.

BoT A Mm, Roberta, living at tbo' Richard Mine, wai walking home on the

truck ol tlio Mt. Hope R. R. from tho 1bo Mine, iflatWodncaday, whonaoarloij-IKI with laborers, and running by gravityovertook and ran her down; Sho liadevory too of tlio loft foot crashed off eloteto tho loot. Dr. Conflict promptly at-tended her nud dressed tUo wranda.

The Township Elections.The township election in this county re-

sulted generally (a Republican victories.the Board of Freeholders standing twentyRepublicans to ten Democrats. I a thistownship a IiaJf doeoa tiokota were run,(onr of them being "split." Roxburyand Pouaio oaeh elected one RepublicanFreeholder; Hanover, reported Domo-oratie gave the Republicans eixty majority.Mfoni* township g&ae » Democratio ma-jority o f « , but eleotod ono " * ~holder.

BiMDOIfnTOWHBinP.Republican, ix

gpNo. 1, will be hold in tiiopabllo Bchr>olLOURO next Tucwday evening nt 1G rnin-utoa beforo 8 o'clock, at which there willbo submitted tba question of .voting a ta:to maintain a frao public Bohool tho com-ing year, Tho amount thought tobenoa-txta&Tj for this purpose, in addition to therovonna from tlio State, U throo thooundthrso hundred dollars. To pay annualinteroit on $1,500, bond, 8315 ; to pmyIjftlanc* of indabtodnen to builders, 81,403 ; to complete grading grounds utdceraoutintf cgllar, 8085.

JBSf Tho ontortdinment by tha young.lndied and gontlomen fop tho banofit of th«M. E. Church, in Tabernacle Hall on Wed-nesday evening, was the most brilliant af<fair •( tho kind over got up in Dover, notono ploco in tho programme hut was hear-tily encored. At tho instance of man; ofihe larga audience present a wish topout tho ontortnlnmont will bo gratified onWednesday eveaing next, with • ohftageof pTOgramms. Seldom have we oson asmnoh real untiefaction expressed as wasdoolared by tho delighted audience on tbii

I occasion, and wo doubt not hub that ihekail will ngnin bo filled to overflowing.

I © " Last Thursday a meeting of be-twoon thirty nod forty pwminent Repub-licans from different parts of tbo eotinty-was held In tho office of Mr. Tbeo. Ayera,at Marristown, for the purpose of diaouis-ing tlio propriety of establishing anotherpolitical journal in that city to representtho " haivy-weight" wing of the Repub-lioftn party. Twenty-five hundred dollarsiroro aubnoribod on tho ipot and fifteenhundred raoro ore to he raised Immediate-ly ; P . F. Luudy, tho Morriatown repor-ter of tho Newark Adtertiter was electedoditor, and the now organ WM ohrlstea«di" Thtt Murrit liepuhltcan." Well, "his- ;

lory rapeatHhoraolt,"ani.weaauld glvo aninteresting hiatory of tho upa and

s of tho proas of Morris Comity that woulddittabuBQ thomiads of many who think thebusiness (i lucrative one., That the com-ing campaign will bo of a highly enter-taining character we may readily imagine,?anil'that tho figlit will bo a bitter onenoodsno imagioati on to predict

£ & - Tha uev Board of Xrarteoi electedfor the Conference Seminary ftt Haakott*town, met on the 9th Inst. at the residenceof D..Campbell, Esq., in Newark, andorganized by tho election of D. Campbell,President, ROT. J . K. Burr, Secretary1,and Bov. 0. S. Ooit, of Fatsrson, Tresi-iirer'. :It WAS resolved'-to p n n h f ^tho work of completion as rapidly as thocollecting of funds would justify. I t jujirosnmod the studding, lathing and ptering of the walls could be completed ttytho first of November next; moire than thwoncres 6i plastering is necessary to completethe building. Rev, 0, B. Little, the now-]y nppointcd agont, is already in the fieldnnd will visit tho churches and make dol-lootions in tho accomplishment of this jib*jecL Wo bespeak for him n morosaful

( year's work in Ma now and important fieldof labor, . . I .

affi-Lnst TUwrsdny morning about froo'clock aloud explosion aroused the neigh-bora in': Blapkvell'street, near Warrenj,nnd several \of thorn descended to theBtreet to lenrn the catue thereof. An in-vestigation showed that a bold Attempt ntburglary had been mode in the joweiryHtoro ot Mr. E . Hoirliousa. Tho burgjurshad micoeoded in blowing oil the door oftho safo containing Valuables, and the con*cusfuou-^hod thrown it forward on thefloor, which literally sloaedthe only meansof access to tho iuterlox. The safe, weigh-ing twptaLB, it"would havo been almostimpojaiblo undor tho oUronmstanoet of •brokenyiopr and irenfcot roomto:haTeturno'd it *over, and thus fortunately thomcftrik'VmployfHl to tone (lie entrance « Malso .tho means-of saving tho property.Tho window; glass In tbo rear of Ui« itorewas very muoh Bhntterod by the oiplosion,and i t would ao6m that too much povdohod.been used. As ufltud, if some o! oaroitizenB oorild "only Bee" oert^n individ-n nb whom they "Biupected all the Umo"they wnlil ciuily iJontifytho burglan.This ia thU itdxd attempt at anfa brettingin thia (own -within a year.

For a week or two past sereral strangenhove bean among us making enquiries of

' a business character, renting, ttore roonufor biuimwa purposee, haying salij ofonovatod, and sonding tolopraphio des*patches fixing tho time when they mightbe expected -with their goodt. But theyhavo not yet put in an appearance, and IIia thought they were making obMrvationswhile pretending boiinou.

Tho following named' gentlemen^$IOOOfbr«» ar-• "rcat and conviction of the borgltrs:. ^Whitlock & Iiowia, 0100 j L B, JoUey,

8100; A-leiTWighton, $100} Hairhopsa ADro.,-8100; Qm. Rieburdi, ftlOO ; Cbas.HoFnrlan, ftlOO ; Danlal Uoller, 0100 ;,B. Liudatoy, filOO; J . H. Batttnrortb,S10U ; Alpheua Beemer, $100.

0 . Garrabrant 294 Wm. Bhupe 31u


Begar 840 F . Merchant 289•18BWSOB.

Henry Atno 257 C. H. Mumon 8G4OOIiLSOTOB. '

B. Dlokorion 878 O. M. Tunis 2G6TDSTICS Or JTCB f BAUE,

A. A- Trowbridgo202 N. 0. BlaoUord 174John Roff 144

Joshua H. Buttenrorth (Ind), 267OnOflBN VBSSQOliDJUIS.

Wm. H. MoDayiU72 J . V,'. Hunl 200John Hauce 820 E. Lewia 267

IOWM ooKMrrms, • '1. W. Staring 818 J . D. King 811J. W. Drathertoa 829 H. P. Baudowon 298If. D. Ford 817 Geo. PieraonAlfred Taylor" 399 Jwf.'WortmanW. M. IleJOon 881 Jamea Cox

Of HWHWAT8,J u . B . Carrel 883 T. Reynolds 298J. a Daliympld, 885 Jared Ooo

a a o t APPBAIS,Jot. a Beemer 82S D. L. Bryaat 80SDiridJeaUas 825 O.A. Qillou BIDJ. U. Clark 820 D. P. Morohant 287

OONaTiDLES.3. ArmEtam 8«0 E. MnAor • 291Bamaet Kison 823 B. D. Pool 293A. Willianu 808 0 . H. Munion 297UOMS Doty 971 J . B. Young* 810

OVBBSZBH O* POOR.Scmael Nixon S23 B. Z>. Pool

POOWP KBXPBB.A. Williatni 800 J . Robertson 811

$700 for towniUlp expoaaes. -$0000 for road purpotos. -Next akotion and town mooting in

Dover.In Hi. OUTO, too DomoontiboiDR in tho BHCon-lencjr gflnonrailj oonotxlwl Uiu Moderator and

Uo-OftUiof Hi* town commUko to tl» Ilcpubli

, J AuAMor, John N. Slurp; Collector,Million Ktnun; Jadgo ut Election, Jacob Wnclc;

^oll'oor, Gideon Uklnon; Froolmldori.^.Hlurp, Lowta IIolio: CommlBsJoueri ol

Ajipeali. JQLH D. UudJ. ttao. A. Kmf Hi, It. A. Htc-phrai: I W B Oommittso. D, A. Niohnlaa, BnniuolC,Ctsk«y,1taoa Q. Bud<S, Jaha SaxtUt, U. A.Howoll; BnrTDTori of IligUiraji, Juob Millor,O»o. A. Smith ; OoniUbki, Million . K.nnan,Thom*i Woliton [ Pound Koonora, Uhol Derrj,

lkuBDBT towiraHTP,—Jnilgo of Election. JohnA. HonnoU t Town Clerk. Ilieodoro V. King ; Ar

"Iwird DflJ j Collector, WilHsmH-arccfiomra of Appeili, Jobn A' UonnoL,

D*nlol O. WIlMnn, Afir»L»m Dlokorson; Clio BOOFreeholder-, AlfrtdE. De C»mp, Jeromlnlt Uakcr;Tumi Commit leo. Thomas L. Kliiif. D»vW S. Al-lan, William M.rfoN«ily,. liiritn lialic, JoilnliSfMkcr: OYcreoorof Toor, Bllni P. King ; Con-tiibloM, Edmrd Tb]J,\ilkbkrd }L "Sovng pittrrej-orsof l^sbvr&yi, AurUlt. Dnko. Jr^ Aaron A.Also ; tor Towusblp purpoBcs. (60.00 ; Uunat,41,600 ; lUtel far working IU)aJ* •. h«ud per dnrtl.HOO ; lUtel far w|t,1S J Team, »2.!5.

ItOGxiwAT TAbt»l»m ¥,

>.—Judses of Election,~~ IB Jllnncbsrd; Town

"loisor, Thamns F

ilalBor JteobL debtor, Uhol H. ...„_-—,mmlulonera of Appeal, Jchn Stitoa, Jolmrtii, Chstles B. Dicicrson,; SurrojorB of HIRC-, Abraham T. KIkltoII. AuBiiBtns S. Cuuioi-; Jutiw of tbo l'ctfo B»niuol 8 Itassott;

, JwobL-

WAT, Abralum - * —-—-*~—i ...-D-..— H* v ~.. _llno ; Jutiw of tbo l'ctfo, BRIUUBI 8, Itassott;Conitablos,Hathiat D.KitcIioll, Joliu 1'. HonOer-iwn, Dkoiai fibawgor, Stmuol A Dlauchnrtl. Wm.ThtraiH.

In Roelu.i»ay Townihlp tho Demncrali el«tone Judge of Eloctlon, A«ifBsor, ono Town Com-milteonuui. Jwitico of Ibo Ycaoa and one Oonsli-b!o. .

tinmnwM.'Tamnmt.—Tomi Clerk, a IT. Cum-hack: Collector, Chin. 8. Emmom; Ainesnor,Chirfoi Banlen; Jodgo of Blot lion, Jumna CY*wfrer; ChoMn Frtwlioldere, Daniel Bndd, E!!iM. BtoUensor: Coiatahle, Out. fl. Eimnom,Jurrejora ot Higbwiys, Bimeon Drako. WiUuunT.llollck; OommlBBlonDni of AppcolB,

~ ivldB. BoCwnp, Oaloli 0«bnm; OversowElfoha BkeUcDKOr; Town Couitnlltco,

iwrn.Tijror.Johii wSbb, Jr., BimoaWilliam T. ilolick, A. J, filout

lt9*A sad and fetal railroad aoaidtnt aa-onrred near Dickenon'n erasBingabout«nomile below this town on WodnOaclay lasb-Thomaa, a son of Mr. Joseph • Scales,about sixteen yoars of age, living near thenoene of the aooiilont, attomptod to getOD the Boonton ore train, 'which pnssosthem about noon, when ho Blippod andfoil berjeatli tho wtoola. Hii left leg fromJust bftlow the knots, indadiog tho footWM completely eniRued, (liUibringonly bytho -tendona and pieces of flesh. Z>ra.Condiot'niid Sing were Bommoncd ta nt-tendthonnfoitniuto young man, but hadfod ia ©boat two hours, howg unable torally from tbo effeote of tho fearful ahookto hit system, Hn also Tcceivod bniisosabout the bead, bat thoy were not of afatal character.

Momstown politicJani havegot'into a nine fquabbla. The electionb i t Monday, one would think, was of na-tional Importance, BO bittor m a the fightAfter counting tho votes in tho NorthernDistrict, And the Democratic ticket beingdeolArod elected, a miatafeo in tho pollbook, or a stuffing of tho ballot boxdeclared, and a flglit resulted for thettiisioa ol tbo above articles, tho Repuuli-

retaining poaioeaion of them, and re-counting the votes nmong themsolvoa.Being more Honiut than tlie Bemoorata,of oouroe the Republicans foqnd c major-ity against the oorrapt Eemacraoy and arow ifl tho result Tholkmoorata declarethat they will contest tho oloction, whlohwonld havD to be done throagh tho courts,-which will tnho ft long time, or the elec-tion will be doolored null and -void, andaa the Southarn district ia Democratic,this would probably throw the townshipInto theirlands. However, thoro aro twosides to this story, and* it remains to bo

bow mnoh story-telling will bo theremit, wbila the liulploss people stnnd offand watch this dignifiod wranglo betweennlnth-olaw potiticiaDfl,

•. Bt & I. Soaring, iwfldeM, of thiacity, have just closed a contract with Mr.Geo. Richards for the Otendon Iron Cufor tho arection ol twenty tenement housesat the Teabo Mine, near thin place, tofinished ready /or occupancy in thirtydojfl.

ppiug held in Dovor on tbo 25th ult., fortlio purpose of contidcring tlio praatioa-bility and coneultiug in regard to induce-ments offered for somo further Investmentin a manufacturing enterprise at or nearDover, at an adjourned meeting held laittMonday evening, reported as follows :

That aa jut they have not been able toview and okamiuo porsonnlly the groundsand locations contemplated na fully OH do-nirod, but comider tho following namedlocations vory liberal offers modo by cor-torn goutlcmon iu Dover and vicinity,amjile ar.d well adapted for the purposeshnd in view.

1st. A lot or tract of six or eight acres,near tho ItaUrond depot—offered free.

2d. A lot of two acres on the road lead-ing to Alt, FleaBtmt, thTeo-Ionrthu of amito from town—offered frco.

8J. A lot of eix aeroe on tho road load-inff to Swood's Mine, on thBlino of thecanal—at a nominal prioo,

itli. Tiiree acroa of what U known aathe "Orano Forgo" property, whore a goodwater power win bo Bconrod.

Tho committee also reported tbnt thoyhad found a nnmber of responsible gen-tlemen tvko would promptly tondor capi-tal, and are fully assured from the encour-agement thus received of Duoh characterthat Hie necessary enpitnl required toBtart additional mannfooturing here andin the vioiuity can bo obtained. And fur-ther, that from tho vory favorable expres-sion of jjublio sentiment received, asalnofrom our iucxhaaatihle resources of min-eral wealth, oar railroad /acllities, nAvim-tagcous location and proximity to marketDover is second to no point in tho Statefor tlio inducement) ofTcrod nt this timefor on advantageous investment of capitaliu tha establishment aiul oitemion liof vnrions mannfaoturing interests andeateri>riHCB. Aud further, from infontion received from exporiencod hnrdwaromou, and also through, their own investi-gations. It is established beyond. coutro-vorsy thnt a manufacturing ouhaving iron oa the basis of tho articleprodaocd can bo safoly and ptofitoblyBiaritH In or jfoor Dover, bcth for tho ron-aon of the inoxhauattble and economicalsupply of tbo raw material here j)roducedbut DIBO from the increased demaad androadj ealo of almost every ortielo mnnu-faoturod In tho hardware Uno.

Xlio eommittoo suggent^d that amongthe list of urUulen iu this Hue Ihut uuuld buprofitably mnnufaotured & forwhioli thoreis & ready anle, were axes, axletrecn, anvils,lintclietfl bamment, piofca, ehovola, hoes,alodgoa crow-ban, stool springs, M hchisels and doubtless many othsr urtioloswith oqnal Bucceas and profit.

Tlie cpmmitteo'also suggested, in viewof tho increasing population and growthof our town and vicinity, theywould urgo upon onr . oitizona theduty and lmportunco of furnishing addi-tional employment to a largotclnaa, in thesupply ond right' direction ol necessarycapital.

Sovernl eliort actdre&Gcs were mfldo bygentlemen present. And it was doomed nd-visable io fncreasfl tha number ol thecommittee to ten.

Tlio committee is now composed no fol-low;

JJas, A. Qoodale, B. M. "Whito, G. Qar-rabrnnt, W. A. Diokoreon, J. P. Bntterworth, 0. E Gago, B. H. Vogt, O. VI.Kennedy, J. XJ. Lawrence, Jos. Reed.

The meeting thon adjourned to Mondayovoning, April 22nd; at whiob time it 11hopod there will bo alarge'turn out Tliiimovement is roooiving the greatest en-couragement, and the liberal offers andgood feeling manifested tovmrd tho objectmust oertairHy stimulate tho committeeto still greatur exertions.

pul In forre, IIOT inany willfully nc-j-lcct lo dothuir pari, onil liuw many mtnilmrii uf the church

tlerowlio pajliltlo or uothlui; toward tholapport of their elmrcb, but will ]>rato aud talli

very occasion about tlio' bftckvcordutBS uf thol i coming forward. Thoy go to cliurth

ilfl regular aud wake long pruronr, hui nroiry careful to button up tlicir pockots ami wait

[ur others to Go fur them thai which tUoy stiuuldby all means do fur tboinstlvus; not only aroIhoy putting out nil tho ll^lit In tbdr own hoartstnd drylnp up tho fuuuUlm uf rtUlyionu lift, mid

l lliuir atvu Buuli; but aro iiiHiilcrcri ufllio verj tuuso tlio; prnjiooo to re pro sent and toREII. Christ wi.l "that > ml/ roliglunu mau la ft»a light ttt on a hill, wlilcU civimot bo hid." HutIhoy tay, thnl was In olden times aud tho pooplo-irouow vlscr sntl don't uoedit.

• . DOTEB, April 11,1672.To tlio Editor of tho Inoif ERA tTh!i i»m« io bo the ngo of now elmrcliss d

Dovor and its vicinity, X liko this rory muchNothing, I think, moro improraa tho apponranixif a town »nd IU anrrouniUDgi, 111 an doen n. nc>»t

looking: eliurcli. By a resolution paiacd atiwtlng Leld by tba tnutueil of tho SfethodUtpfaoDpftl churub flfDover, ihoy have, I prcnumcinto to tho conclusion to commence to build aonM "the publla"nlllfofll disposed to do "Hn

thinff neodfal." Tho church or clmpel. whoncomplotcd, is to 1» dedicated ns a froo-wfll ofTer-Ingof "tli^ pocplo" Io tho worship nnd norvica ufOod,.'1neoanootion with tho Uathodiit Kpip l chntcli " and ihall bo it frco church for allwho care to TTorahlp thoro.

What dooa tills moan ? Will tho brethren ox.pUln? W1I tho Muthodiat Conforonco ullow thitehapoJ, tuilton their cim ground, and within 35footoftholr oirn ohnroh|to bo occupied [lysrival cburoo, Bay, frco Methodtet? I doubt It.Tula quostion ta "nut nittiin tbo provinceof the eliaroh t»srd of Truitoet to ilofdIfoar thli is till) old story of tho nptfor vod tliofly, yihtbh only diflbn In Ua appltuticm.

Now, rosily, Mr, Editor, I cannot fljmpfcwithlbif tnadoof KotUng moati4 for building*cburoh.; I*hlnk tho pknef thonor.F*tnorJIcCart; U maoh boltor and mnoh moro oommond*bis »tlaet. aad to wy tha least; Ho pat tho bur.donwheroit bolotigt. I.tnow tbnt many -willobject to tbii, bat thli is my viav of Ilia m b j ^ .Ho, It Menu to mo, not only tskes tlio bestconne, bat tlio only comistent ono loft him.Vfhti bo ihoctd take core to do la, to BOO that h<Host not make Iho taxunoqnal, norovortaxbUmombori,' Sat aomo will say that thia is thowont kind of tyranny.- I t la the kind of tyrannythat Is noodod und without which no goToramcntcan bo supported or Biutainod. UTiq would payhis Ur If ho dld'not fcol compoUcd, or Ifnlloncdto put ibo ainonnt himtett, how luge wooM It be?GOTcmnonta, without U1I1 lair of aocial tyranny,wonld soon find ttiemielv** on thotr "beam onda"and then who Fould want an ofDoo*

Mow, Ur. Editor, I Uko It, that churches aro»• DDOBBIUT to the moral bcnlth of afd mm unityaa any unitary rrgulnlon or. t&w, that may l>a

mdod for Its pbjelcal bonhh. Wbst wonld tbiiorBDy otheroatnmnnlty, become Inailiort timowithout dmrehes. I t would not only soon bo do;

Jcd In its n o n l , but alao in' Its pbyvicathoaUh. Kow,' In poUUeir » man jn*y bo a delcrat or ft republican, but to wh&tovor party ho bo-Jongi, ho willingly balpt to support tho govern-

And thore Iitho anmo freedom iurclIglonBmat-tors ; lie may belong to tho preiliy torlani, metU-

Ufg, oiilsoopaiians or baptist*, or to stiy otherraintiion ho may ouooBC,'but wbat right bai

ha to eipoct to onjoy iti benefits frco of cipunss.If bo cannot prosper and maHitttn life rigbti

under a Rood gorornment without tkli then whyshould hejiotpay hia proportionate port of llioexpanses for its maintenance

Anil just because Father AlcCarty'a plau cai

KaiNTHB Mi.aioOinci.1!,by Siguor Blitz.—Thia work is in ouovol-imo of tibout 450 pngoa, boautifully illus-trated nitli 17 f uU'paga engr&viuga besidesQumoroua small ones, nit exootited andproduced with great enro by eminent ar-tists. It is tho most graphic autt interest-ing account of Bigiior Dlitz'a j>iofeaiionaltifo lor tho past fifty ycKts. Ho tolla ofhis experience and ndvontiues among thoprinces aud nublcs of Europe, nj well anamong tbo ignorant and aypcrstitioua no-grocs of tho aouth, nnd the moit amusingand laughable iaoident* aa tho result*.Ilia thrilling dcicriiiticna of tho offocta ofbis vcutrilofiuial povorn, crcatiug tho mostintcoso escitcmont and anxlotr; and againtho most uncontrollable inurnment must

Ibo [U-Iill*•rule]; road lo furm an npprei:iii-t RCUHC or thia wort. Wm. S- bowman,Jr. , is now canvoiaing tbia vicinity forbubotik nnd nB it eun only bo lidd bymliscrijilitm i t is probably tbo only op-ortunity our tenders will liavo ol getting

the work.

*a?*Tho following oxlracta ooncornineUnilrnnd lt'>purti wu clipped from theTruosurur's l teport :

CODKN MINE RAILIIOAD,Capita] Ktock, SIBU.OOU ; coat of rood—

coiiiitructiim, 835l),6aa.71 ; Cfiuipment,893,008.21 ; renl estate, SS7.27 ; lonkiiiLfa lotnl of S4IJ2,U93.92. Roccipts for 1871were SIR, USfi 21 ; oxponaofl, S19.088.47 ;dirideuil'j six yur uoutuia on capital otock$27,000.

IlinEIlKIA MIKS nATLROAS.Tho cujiitnl stock of tlii3 milrond ia

5150,000, wliilo tho eout of rnnd cquip-numfai, nifriniM, &a, WM S148.C38.76.TJm Tccvi{>tn were $JG,C27.05 ; expouacp,81B.G0G.a-l, und tliridend of tun per centon tbo cipitnl liaa been paid.

UOIIItlM AND ESSEX nATLBOAD.Tho pfiiiit-rtl Rt-(wli nf Hie nbovo roiui 13

318,008,200 ; the funded delit S11.010,-000 ; the cost of railroad including nil es-pciibca, ?10,017,441.2Q ; cost of oqirip-uiout nnd other cmiatructiou 60,84a,889.0G, laukiug tlio total nmount of ooustrue-tion aocunnt S2G,890,249.80. The ro-eoipts for tbo year have been 82,fl87,21D.95, wliilo tho nxiioufiea liave been $9,818,-'21)0.95, leaviny a mirpfna of SOOS.OIU.Two pavmenta of interest at seven percentum iier finmim, havu boon niado totlio Btocltlioldent by tho leoflecs, tho Dela-ware, LtielEnwauim and Weatcrn Ilnilroad







CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAREMining Materials of all kinds.


Lime, Latli, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.A1SO, DEALER IN

STOVES! STOVES I!Great Reduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram

g Juttt reeulvod a krgo itook of Slovoi o CTory dencrliitian, V9 nro tiw rrrpnrcd to icll at

All kbicil ol tho vory .yll.a of

Cooking Stoves, Pnrlor ami Heating Stoves, Itnngcs, &c.

Tinware, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing.liBATI IT.3, TKOTIGtHS, *o .

A very lino OHortment of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &oAmt & tiriety of ntbor urtlclce nstinllj1 hopt in n vrcll aniipllGtl Tin Store

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGNeatly rtono anil ptomptly oltondoil to. \>'a gnnrantoD to glvo BatlBfa-tlon;


SPRING, 1852. SPRING, 1872.


AT HEWSON'S,Cor. Main & Van Houteu Streets, Paterson, N. J,

NOTIOB !The attention ot the CITIZENS of DOVEB is called to our EHIIABOED SIOOK of

First Class aud Fashionable Dry Goods,Every Department replete with NEW SPRING NOVELTIEB in

Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, etc., etc. .

NBW DBPABTMESTS \rill Lo oi)cncd iu April for tho uolo of

Rich Laces, .Gimps, Fringes, Sets Collars, Cnffn, nndNotions of


BLACK SILKS! BLACK SILKS!A V017 largo stock of BLACK MKI COLORED SILKS, from tho lowost to the higbost

gnidos, aud for vnluo nro l l d

Mourning Department. Mourning DepartmentTho Assortment of DcnirtiUo and Suitol'lo Qoods for


' Domestics mul Woollens Sold at Old Prices.



Cor. Main § Van Jloulen Streets.

A I T J I i LIKE Ol '

D R E S S G O O D S ,Black and Colored Alpacas,

From 25 Cuita u p ;

Paramattas, very •wide,At 37J Conbi i>or ynril : choice colors.

Empi'oss Cloths and Merinos,Vory Cheoj),

Ladies' Vests and Drawers.Men's Under Wear,

A L L A T R E D U C E D P R I C E S .In fact, wo offer grcuUuuuccmoulB to Ciwli

i l l-s in our >Vholumle line of Gomln,


Dry Goods,Groceries,


Carpets,O i l C l o t h s .

Iron and Steel for Mining Purposes, and Jcssup's Axe Steel,

Powder, Safety Fuse, &c.Mr. KINNON'S ROOKAWAY AXES.



Ilns the Largest mid Host Extensive Stock ot

Foreign and Domestic Dry GoodsCOLORED DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS.


Cloths, Cassimeres, Worsted Plaids, Delaines.

Shawls, Flannels and Worsted Goods.A LABQE AND EXTESSIVE ASSOHTMENT OF



White and Grey Blankets,OIL CLOTHS AND DOOR MATS,




Cannot be Excelled in DOVER.

Lister's aiul Allcntowi Ground H0110 Superphosphate ofLimo, Clover nnd Timothy Seed, Lime,

Celncnt nnrt Master, &c.Thn Ladies and Oontloiucu will phaso bear In IHindiliittlt. J . Roberts'

PaTEffT PARABOLA NEEDLES, •"ggS$|ThoTcry l>0Bt iu tba TVoild," eUrcry iu polish noil grace fill la sUapo ; aba, Bobttla*


SCISSORS AND RAZORS, ' ..Elosantof I'ulali aiidEaoii of Hdga. (

o A call, I em Uund ta 8ELL for LESS FBOFIT tlian aujr other boaflo in Hi* aHjv

SMC. 3EI. X > I C K . E ! B . S O P i r ,Blacfcwell-street, Dover, UT. J.

E. Hairhouse & Bro.,Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry

3L. rC ES I >Alunys OD bnml, D ITiQc Assortment of



And Jewelry of Every Description!Repairing Executed witli Neatness


Page 4: THE - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · i»U tbaokonil, codfish, wUitcfluli and borring. A'IO , always on hand a Choic e Articl f Fresh Buttor, Cheese and Eggs, Crockery, Cutlery


Mr. Cash and his Prices.Anil nt n l!ic.-liii'< U l.l.a \,n-u lt.-hi.lvcd, Tlin

froui Hi.a limo t.i II.

D O W N GOESThe Long-credit Trices


, JXT 3".

of tills vs ' i l l . . inn lt'.l fit.'><r 1).IV.T, mill HunUii' irmnimli r >.r Hi ' Sliuo anil u-i 'r l luo' of KtiivjL'im'.v, at tlio Btjiu o l

D. A. DERBY,Goods at such LOW PMC J

Tint 11 l.:is HSLUMMI "II!,.- |.nU!e,

llllll.lllk' illllT. t'JU.

L A M P S ! L A M P S !!Tlmt will i«iv« you hii.-li Usmtii1... li(;l.l, niftitiii

hum.! lirlijlit ami fh. iiful. IJIII|IB furItiu Jhill. l'.ir.or mil Kitchen.

CViid-fl Toi.1.1 Ump', ]!r.-icUt., tc, nuil

G LASS-WA R E,fancy I <I (.!*•<« of t.ll rijlci, mid n l«rB1

noiit uf I-.juI.iii(;-{;lis*NtB,

I). A. IBlackwell Street.

Family MedicinesAT

D. A. DERRY'S,i'liro, nml h!j;hly ivnuiiinciirteil to tho pnhlta as

UUBI fur u liuiiilri'il nml uno cimiiiluiut...

T E A S ! T E A S ! Irrvnli, mid tlio dioWol fioloctious that the

Mai*Uct c.iu pruducu nt


Fresh Fruits !CANNED FRUITS !

Ami nil kinds of


Pure Confectionery



T. P. Skclenger, - - Prop'r

1'iiMhr cn.nill.v, Hint he linn . _.„tuitl greatly Improved what WOB


w pj'cnii-i'il in rwi'lvn vlni(or»reninuurtlsitiiuiti f»r minimi* L oar (lorn 1Raiiiiilofir miy uthnr Mtaiilisliitiant ill Ibi

r in Hiliiat<ul njii") tlin mont riovntotlt ^tni'riii cmirtt' , twd ^otinannontlT aw, „ „ „ „ . ,•,:„„ I r,,r health in uuwmntodi

Kxcclirnl nUblJii nru iitliiciicd t.. tliti p unii(lJSi-*-toluss Uini-ouls nw tiriit Hir liirc.

J'.1;-- T. P . KKEtVLENGEH.CIit-'Hiur, N. J., 11. 9-y


MacUiiic awl Iron Gompiiny,



V l a»s pipo cut Mia fltlod to ortlor.

Iron and Brass Castings

of all descriptions furulahcd promptly.

Particular attention given to



. Role 5Ivir.rsclnrerfl or IIDTSON'8

Patent Oar-Pushers

f i r of.VirYnrk ami Now J W M T .

DEY GOODSGroceries,



B SO HO and OT E

S SCarpets,


Mining MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,




FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.


Dover, N. J.,Dealers In

Leliigh and ScrantonO O J&. L ,

At tlio Lowest BInrltct Price.

Wholesale mid itctnil.All Sizes Constantly on liaiul, tuid

delivered to miy port of tlioCity or ViciiiUy.

Orttcrn nny bo add re sued through tlio Tnslom™, ]lox u s , or loft at tbo oflico in Blackwullstreet, noar SUHHOI.

Ynrd nlllco nost to Gngo &. Beach's lumber yardofDco, Uladnvcli street.



Ulftokwoll St., near SIIBSOX, Dovor, N. J,


For dcRprljillnriB or lVoporty and pacUciienquire itt the oiUcc.

M. & I. Searing,CARPENTERS,


DOVER, N. J.Plans And E|>oiJfieulI(jnh for buiWing*, Contracts

tnltoti rtuilmnfcirinlsfurnlnliod.

Jobbing in O-eneral.

GAGE & BEACH,dealers ia




Dover, N. J.



M O B R I S T O W N , 'IIiu jiisl ll[ii lii'<l fitdiliii'.'f l»n Store \TU1I

WINTBK GOODS,Wlik-li BHi-iMiasiiy mi vtliiuj; !u tho lino,


Superiority «1" Miitcrial,i:\urlitifurc ufturcd.



E. 0. BUST'SLadies, Misses anil Children's

SHOES,iirrmit.-rtnhvnys |(>ltt, nrc In lm foitml In

Jli t-a]>cr lit mi :it miy O(1KT Blott;

Rubber Boots & Shoes,


COTTAOX-: now',Next lo WnslitiiyU'i!

Morristown, N. J.

0. B. B0BI0TTIHag removed liia

Boot and Shoe StoreVa n hrffar oml mure ronvnnlimt nhe o nf Inmi-

nebx, fiirtiiorlvnuciipiril by Hurtoii A,


In BUokwoil SUeel,

Whore lie will employ gronter fuel!! ties in histbiiHinuHU. A Kjilanillil

N e w S tock of Goods,r('iv<Xi"^^nmoTin.Tl?uHmnn.v"ni;"tsiitt'''nlili"ii(Ronllc.1 tu tlio •'Hilt!on liLta," ivitli tli« unvIMtcut Mclnllic Mutton IIolo rrolwtor. ""


A\*t>, L a .Hits' Serge a ml ClothVentilating TVnler-iu'ouf JJoots ami Shoos,

Onstoin AVoi'Ic.Forn I m m u n e , tn-U-ftltui« nml slyllfili

or nlioc, T Ilnttrrinvfii'ir (lint t cnmiol Ira i t r'frttuliliHliTimut In ttiu nmiitrv. I nnk lint"in: trial to i^taljliflli your piitruuhgo with tuu.l'riccgmodurnK!. .

Repairingtiuno ticnlly and Bulislaiitinlly.

G. B. Boriotti.

Mrs. A. Beemer,Fashionable


Fancy. Goods,NcstlUoor lo JIivii-lioiiHo'it Jc'wolry Rtoro,

Blackwell Street/ Dover, N. J.,Taltca lileantire in nolirjluy liPr fnf-ml ami (hoitiblli! tlinl

Fall and Winter Styles

H A TA full lino or

Feathers & Flowers,

fash Ribbon and Bows,of tlio latest ntylcH, mitl a lino nBBortmont of

Chignons, Swi t ches ,Braids and Rolls,

Alsn, a great varioty of

Zephyr Goods,'an<l Iho imnni vnrbly of

itiilios' Furnishing Goods,itli the- heat mnlerinl uml inont t'ompctmit QS-itaiito, find a IIIIIK "Kiwrieijco in tliu luisim-KB

Hi) tlnlter oiirKftkfH Tiilly ]iic|nrpil to moot tlioQiimnJu of our jKitrmiH jHtimiitly nml Hallafneto-

F R E S H F R U I T S ,

Oranges, Lemons,



1'ilra CrtnTrctionuilcfl, Kills uf nil Idtnls, I

X'illa mid i.'lostc-1-n, a ti Kcgnm, Fmully JMIduos,

ENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE.Annual Winter Closing Sals,lud Enrly Spring Opening.



BEY GOODS,Comprifliitj; In part

«1 IAQIIS S t tuwh,>Vintcr Dress (Joods, .

lVowl l tose UlmihctHfCIutliȣi.CaH>tiiiieic


Apothecary,Diclcorson Street,

Opposite It. K. Depot,OfTors for Balo a well gcloclcd Block of




And Fancy ArticlesSal.. &o.

Physicians' Proscriptions

Carcfu% 'compounded at all lioui-n,

Sweeclish LeechesConnlaully on hand.

Is the Best of all.CIIIKIW will lluJ it lo tlii4r »»lwuita(fn

i ml trytliu UUiliaTIO hblttvo buylug B

ntiiR ranter nn<1 mala-s ICSB noieo tliaa an

a linen tlirua-1 or slnoa cotton.—T«nalmasily rairujjfil, Iwiuff adr-adjautiji

d In an ; otlnT

-...OH lint lirctilt Hireiulfl, liornnno or »ui-_.toiisinrig—(s Icpi. lUblo to RO( out of ordur—fai

l.uiulriiJ loas number of parti lima m, rs-haa CO [lolutu of •ujiLriorlly oier

ulhera,Tlieaa OKcolIant mneliinm nro RiTon tiat

tri&l and thorough liittlruulltiun fruu.Any pemon l>uyinc DUO of tlino mnoliiuoi 1

Fcuinfti/r ilNnliHllcii tliorcwitli, can owhaifrcu of oltargo, fur niiy other mannfnclurcr.

Tnlio m> il^ikbcsl until j-ouiia trlL'il

! Itiat HID/aro



All Kin'Is or SOTTIME Mnuliino Noodlos for Ml

Stoves. StovesTHE OLD STAND,

UNION HAIL BUILDINGOpposite tliu roat Ofllcc, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,>f tlio lulest mid most iinproTod nlylcii, forirmng public and privnto buililiiiRH, A Urfto «IBI

inont of Hloves, clioap for cosh.


STOVES, R A N G E S ,Lc. Also a variety of

Cost and fu floina ii iens nt Josa'thnn Coat.

Early Spring Trade.Wo upon to-ilay Inigu tliiantlticB of

Heat JJi-.-iiula at

leached and Brown Muslins,h tro Btmll HCII at wli

Ahiu largo nsHortm

hite Drawer Muslins, TuckedMuslins and Skirtings, Gil-

bert's Flannels, Ham-burg Embroideries .

nicliimlsou'H Linens nml Shirt FrontsOf our own mnmifhcturo,

W JH tlin llmo fn- PinltinK up lhcnn Bnmli<. Ouraauortnientrt mil ho uumplutc, am] prlt'oa

niucii loivur Ilinn nlxly days lionco,

Cor. nroailantl West Purls. Sts,

. J.

(T. 0. DONOGHUE.Book, Stationery and

NEWS DEALER,r. IJlnckwoll nnd Siftses strootfl, oj>po-Bito the Mansion House, Dover, N, J .

.lull of tlin U-fuliiyr Montlily IXnuafnu, Lnlmnllto nny pott of llio United Stoics all ordermail promptly attnmlcil tn.lubacrip lions rvculvod by llio weok or month." l l i l l l l




A full asftortiutot of



LEADEBS, and all kimlB or Jobbing in my lln<OHO in tbo buBt infitinornnd nt tho flfiurtoal no<'ico. Ululiost ],n«H imid fur old Iron.

Copper lead nud puwtor t ft ken In oich^ngo fc

ALEXANDEB WIGHTON.Docciubcr SHli, 1670. 1-lyr.

E. L I N D S L E Y & SON,Settlers In

* House Furnishing. ana .

Builders' Hardware.iVo ivould partlcuinrly call nttcnllou tu our ex-

tern! vo Btoclt uf

Mechanics ' Tools,wliioli ara fully irarrAiitod to bo tho best,


niaclcwcll Btrnct, Uoror, N. .T, Mlf

, - -Inokii, ntid miscolm ,

.... nml Freneli hi Colors, wonld rcBpcctfnl,,yimrnttoiitioii to tho fact tlmt l a m icllhigin M jjroally roducioil prices.

Law Blnnlts of tho lnteat Now Jorsoy.mi in great vnriety.

tusic &3IiEsicftlInstrumcntsA Specialty.

MELODIOHSLoss than NEW YORK Pries.B O O K - B I N D I N G -

n with ncjtncsg and iliapatsli and In nny stylo



COAL,Housed Serened and Delivered

At tlio Shortest Notice,

in quantities to unit pnreliitBere. Also,

Soft Coal for Blacksmiths,

D O V E RMnvMc nml Grnnito Worlcs,

Kuxt door to THE IKON EHA DulIiUnff,

DOViin, N. J.,

C. S. Davison,navlng starto-1 an r.xluMlnlimout for tlio

Srnnuiiicliiro or

M A K I U . C & t i l l A i M T i :


IX. rospuct fully aolicit tlio iinblio patrouigoilu aoetioni of tCo I'aunty, Kuaranlcdng togb

tho i.tmont Batisfactlou OH regardu tlio fliioWftrkmnnalilp roquirod, and at prlooa moronflonnblo.

Oh cull lioforo going olBOwlioro.V. B. DA.VISON*.

Next door to Iho Iron Km DnUdintr.


Irn l'oelc A fll " " j *, , VH. V In Attothmont.

1HK Bnlo of l'roifrtyndvortisedlntlioali,,,.,- ?'lltc<l

1clul»* *tands adjunmod to itho 15th

y of April, A. D, 1B72, at tho same boar and

E . H . M i m . n , Auditor.

W. H. McdAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



dono wituncatneas and lUsnalcL.nnaontbo m

rcaBonablo tonnB.

Con. DucsirELL Asm 8usSEr STOKCTS,I3OVER, N. J.,

Under Ooo. niehard. 4 Oo.'i store.December 21tli, 1870.

Orders for Sawing and Planing ™ , ^| Work ptrioinica nd cspcncncc<l

it tlio lowcal ettnli price; and manatoctnror ofconnuou ami front

Firo Drlck and Cloy conalnntly on huti, at


Oyster Bay Restaurantjinn '

Eating House,THOS. BOUTI1O - - Proprietor,


Oysters and piarnsin «rory stylo,

Itmv, Slewed, Fried anO m - ' s by irliolcatjoior retail, ln»;11ir»linl

oropmcil, IncinaiillUiii ulltlilobrsil<ion«<J-o.iral.,U>l«,B»PP°r»A.MlprlYati foSll i

AliI "rl lonlu tho oily promptly a; lop W tolid delivered fioo ofcliurgo

At the Dover Book'Store. /NDEIt (ho "'Iron Km" Oflleo, you can ImU £avulo]Miii, in largo or tnuU-quiuiUlir.i. (

E, IINDSLEYJJoaiiTB I D '• - i l • " •

Guns andRevolvers,Uotallie Cartrldnca, HUot, I!e»t HporUnp POJKW

A l l K i n d s of I j tn r .Uvure . ,CHEAP VOn CASiL ,( .• M

Next door to the Mnnnlon Hoiuiit; DoTor.N, 3..) .11,

Mineral PropertyFOR ojvgji'j. j , . ^ - . v

Tbo Bubiorlbcr offers lor a»l» about

T w e n t y Acres of LandWith a vnlnalila nilnurnl donnult, sit unfed la,' thr

thern part of Uoror, ne»r Chrystal •(totout nhafta haro Loon snnk And cunuidurktlitaken out. TUo [iropcrty is »l»o rorj doilm

FOR DDJLDINa PURPOSES,'^l i t location healthy and oominftndl.ig ft flaepmipect. fiituatod wjftiln tun mlnutoi .yttik 0(^1 .t>iiiliiDikic«iilrecf Dovor, it ia annHldcrad,. tumllding eitcB.-cqnal (o aay other priporly in' tL«icfiilly of tlio town. , • / • : . . <M •llio price la Hvo TliouHAnd^DoJUtDj ftp*,its

terms nfi liberal ai can bo floalrod. " • v >Also fur Bivlu aororal biiildiutf lull lu iLo'iiilgli-

borhoodf ' , • ••('•'. '! .'.• . ' J J -l'cr/ioiiB to rlow tho proinlios

uponO. U. Wnrron rtroot; or • l T

JIAULONMUNHON, on tho !>remJnorD o w , W. J., HOT. 2B| 1871, •- •

Seven Reasons IVIiy -y;


TENDER FKET, POUN'DEH, BTlfrF JOINTSHl'ltAINH, OALrJH, UIlUiaiM, AND LJ —NESS OF ALL KINDa.FIH3T.—It in cnmpoBod nftho moat rowitnnti

and PENBTUATIKO liquids known In chcmtitrj,'f>>SECOND.—Combined with tlio ahavo fi ft Mfc-

DIOINAL On., mado oiproisly for tlila Liniment,and mixed liy on entirely now proooss. ^

TI1I11D.—Tho IHO of tho i-gtvorfiri and ponotr*-

iil Mclicd mnnclo

nud gf




' >, .. ID Morria County, leut


Whoro cou 1)0 found tbo lu gout asaorttncDt o

,Horse Blankets ,Buffiilo. Robes, Woll1 Holies

«ndFox Robes,


' - ~ - A.' •plondla snsortinont or

Trunks, Carpet Bags,Valises,- ntclicls, &e,

Dmihei, Cattf-Cotah; • Curds, anil Ilorw- ecr»l«m, ajKJiigui, Clmiiiols BlUus.

. nnd I'ostlior Dnalora.Agonl for XtookWoll'n'TrolnliiK A|>|inralUH, OilsandVamUh for ITixrii(»i> AirmiigHiiindo ID ardutand put up In » workiuanUha manner.

, .nbricstcs tlio jolu.and Immediately throttlca tho tUL.

npolalt tu louiion ita (loathly and pot-

FOUltTJL—Tlili Medicinal Oil is mad far Isame roaaon ttrnt a cowl moclmnio alwayi unoi til• to make IIIB machinory work wltli easo anduro--1-'— Ho in (ho aaiiio wiw tho muaeleg aiidjoin

liimls nlmulil ho rubricated if wo wlahbavo thorn travel with rapidity and OBBO.

FIFTH—IIl is Tory HWIIIIIIUJ in ill itction, w\nt bum or bllHtur tlio Animal Ilko mo»t of trod hot" llnlmouta of tho day.SIXTH,—Not ono drop nf tinctnro of caycni

or rod iMprar can be found In Itn com poult (m>r wo told %,htt no liniment can bo eQoctivc wliilima mid bllatorn tho anltnal until tho muiclro hnrd nml dried" almost to a criin,SEVENTH.—livery bottlo Ii WARKJINTKOIvo good naliafnctlon or yiinr nioiipy wlll'bo rindod, TliU eliunrs cnuchiniTOIy t i n t tho pro-lititom havo full confidence lu tliia proparallon,

md proroi fur tho aovonth time that (i. E. B. a,10 bent liniment In tho.worldfor hones, .Hold by all DrtiRKissti, and by , ' ,

22y QOODAiib .v VODQTIT, Doror,*N.




hna alio aoalct in Ore, Oro Lnnili.iron, COBI, AO.

Doccmbor21th, 1870.


Oyster HouseEESTAUBAUT;:;;

'BED. DONALDSON, Pipp'rWarmDstreet, opposite tboSdpot/' ;!'•

D O V E R , N T J V -•••'•'•'••Tkt subscribor turn roccntlj fltted op ft-;

: AT IN G H(O.ES.E,1J0I1 lui boon noorlod In Doyor forn long timo,

andnowinformstliotraTOlingpnbUotliii , /be ia fully proparoa to furnish « ,[ 17,. i

Bill of Mire:'ph ns eannnot bo foond only in fholnrge eltloa.'


Every OonvenJenbo? •L!Iw?io5lffprBP?r*H1111 o f "'fnfW ho flattnnTROJI nmt A ronlJy increasing uusuiesB | i '

PPOSITE THEWarronStroot, ,

J .Mannfaeturof of •' •'•

BOUTHBT.,Morri8t<nni,N.'IJ. '

Chas. McFarlan,

Heal Estate



. DOVER, N. J.

Agentror;ilicf<)II<J«(iie nui-clmsComl.nnl,,.

Liverpool & London & Globe- IllSIU'ftllCO CO.

Royal Insurance, Liverpool.Franklin. / 1 Pliiladelplilp.Uudsoh - - Jersey City,Tcbplc's i,- / - - jyowark.Homo - c6l;mil)iis, Ohio.JUutnal'BenoiltLifo, tfcwni*^ Choice Lots in Dover,

for solo clioap, nlsa sovcnl

Houses and Lois,. ' • 'AKEW

HOUSE A N D B A E N ,. . • »it i i •

1 ACRE pfLAND,. '. in tho town of Dovor..'

P R I O E $7.OOO.

5 The New Empire

< Base-burn-tag Cooking Stove,

^1 BEST BAKING STOVE: I N Tn^.wonLDi- . • - :

,tof > Lug,, AiiorUsont of other Stylei of Cook*" ' .toRBtoTDB.ltBneo^PAHorStoTeB.fte.,

FOB SUMMER & WINTER USE.Aloo,» choleo itock of ; :"

; Cutlery,', riain and J»p»nnod

Lrbank'fl Scales at manufoc-• Inrer'a prices;

ild Iron • Connor, Brans, Lcod, 1*«8» a n d Crcon-cki talion l!, uchonso for Rooda. JOy