the rev. fr. shnork souin, pastor sunday, september 30...

The Lighthouse Bulletin 70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Tel: 401.272.7712 | Fax: 401.272.2832 | e-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30, 2018 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10:00 a.m. The Holy Cross of Varak - Waraca3 Sovrp Qa[in Isaiah 65:22-25 (Pg. 741) ; Galatians 6:14-18 (Pg. 174); Matthew 24:30-36(Pg. 25) Parish Council on Duty: Ernie Shagalian; and Jason Martiesian Readers: Jennifer Kevorkian and Bedros Kevorkian Creed: Armenian Points of Light -Fr. Shnork Souin I was recently asked if the Armenians believe in the Rapture, a belief held by certain evangelical Christians that at Christ’s Second Coming, the “faithful” would be taken up to the sky and join Jesus before the climactic and tumultuous events of the Judgement. I simply answered, neither yes or no, but that “we believe in the Parousia (yergrort kalust - yrgrort calovst). The Parousia, a Greek word refers to Christ’s Second Coming when he will come with glory of the Father to raise the dead and to judge all mankind, both the living and the dead, with those who have done evil, rejecting the Son of God to the resurrection of judgement and eternal separation from God and those who have done good, bearing the fruits of faith in Christ to the resurrection of eternal life in the enjoyment of God’s presence on the new earth in the day without end. (see John 5:29) The study of such things is referred to in theology as eschatology or verchnapanutiun, the study of the last things. The heresies concerning the Last Things and Christ’s Second Coming have splintered churches into many groups simply due to an irreverence toward our Lord and his teaching together with a terrible practice of picking and choosing texts to fit a theology. The Last Day will be ripe with mourning, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth. The dread Judgement will see God’s wrath poured out on all unrepentant sin (Colossians 3:6). Our present age is already showing the intensification of the growing pains of the Last Day, with gross sin being manifest not only in the realm of the secular but also in the church of God. The world is already seeing and experiencing the “birth-pangs(Matthew 24:8) an escalation in war, natural disasters, famine, pestilence, while in the spiritual realm, we see spiraling sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive increases in abortion (Ireland a Catholic nation, recently legalized the procurement of abortion changing and rending apart segments of their constitution protecting the life of the unborn), anti-Christian Communism, and governmental persecution of Christendom both abroad and now even in America where religion is supposed to be free and unfettered from any government persecution. To help better understand the premise under which our Orthodox Eschatology is refined regarding the Parousia or Second Coming, we have a few Scriptural Signs and the witness of the Church fathers to rely on and as summarized in the Nicene Creed. The gospel of St. Matthew chapter 24 contains in it the capstone of our eschatology and is known as the Olivet Discourse. The Parousia will see the Judgement against all iniquity and with-it catastrophic occurrences, preceded by wars and rumors of war, and a general diabolical and deliberate rejection of a communion with God. The only means that scripture and the patristic testimony convey to avert such destruction is from a genuine repentance and turning

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Page 1: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

The Lighthouse Bulletin

70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908

Tel: 401.272.7712 | Fax: 401.272.2832 | e-mail: [email protected] | [email protected]

The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30, 2018

Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10:00 a.m.

The Holy Cross of Varak - Waraca3 Sovrp Qa[in Isaiah 65:22-25 (Pg. 741) ; Galatians 6:14-18 (Pg. 174); Matthew 24:30-36(Pg. 25)

Parish Council on Duty: Ernie Shagalian; and Jason Martiesian Readers: Jennifer Kevorkian and Bedros Kevorkian Creed: Armenian

Points of Light -Fr. Shnork Souin I was recently asked if the Armenians believe in the Rapture, a belief held by

certain evangelical Christians that at Christ’s Second Coming, the “faithful”

would be taken up to the sky and join Jesus before the climactic and

tumultuous events of the Judgement. I simply answered, neither yes or no,

but that “we believe in the Parousia (yergrort kalust - yrgrort calovst). The

Parousia, a Greek word refers to Christ’s Second Coming when he will come

with glory of the Father to raise the dead and to judge all mankind, both the

living and the dead, with those who have done evil, rejecting the Son of God

to the resurrection of judgement and eternal separation from God and those

who have done good, bearing the fruits of faith in Christ to the resurrection

of eternal life in the enjoyment of God’s presence on the new earth in the “day without end”. (see John 5:29) The

study of such things is referred to in theology as eschatology or verchnapanutiun, the study of the last things.

The heresies concerning the Last Things and Christ’s Second Coming have splintered churches into many groups

simply due to an irreverence toward our Lord and his teaching together with a terrible practice of picking and

choosing texts to fit a theology.

The Last Day will be ripe with mourning, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth. The dread Judgement will see

God’s wrath poured out on all unrepentant sin (Colossians 3:6). Our present age is already showing the

intensification of the growing pains of the Last Day, with gross sin being manifest not only in the realm of the

secular but also in the church of God. The world is already seeing and experiencing the “birth-pangs” (Matthew

24:8) an escalation in war, natural disasters, famine, pestilence, while in the spiritual realm, we see spiraling

sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive increases in abortion (Ireland a Catholic nation,

recently legalized the procurement of abortion changing and rending apart segments of their constitution

protecting the life of the unborn), anti-Christian Communism, and governmental persecution of Christendom both

abroad and now even in America where religion is supposed to be free and unfettered from any government


To help better understand the premise under which our Orthodox Eschatology is refined regarding the Parousia

or Second Coming, we have a few Scriptural Signs and the witness of the Church fathers to rely on and as

summarized in the Nicene Creed. The gospel of St. Matthew chapter 24 contains in it the capstone of our

eschatology and is known as the Olivet Discourse.

The Parousia will see the Judgement against all iniquity and with-it catastrophic occurrences, preceded by wars

and rumors of war, and a general diabolical and deliberate rejection of a communion with God. The only means

that scripture and the patristic testimony convey to avert such destruction is from a genuine repentance and turning

Page 2: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

away and from all sinfulness, chiefly infidelity to God which can even be

demonstrated by indifference (see New Age movement and Process Theology if

not all out hatred and in so doing rewriting the script of morality.)

The other signs will be the preaching of the Gospel throughout the whole world

(Mat. 24:14) The Parousia is not the proof of God’s anger and hatred of sin so

much as proof of his love and concern for his creation which he deemed “very

good” from the beginning. The Parousia will bring the promised finality to the

evidence of God’s love for us in that he will “forgive all sins and heal all diseases (Ps. 103:3), unveiling the very

heart of God in Christ who desires that man should live eternally with him God does not take pleasure in the death

of the wicked but would rather that “he turn from his ways and live” (Ezekial 18:23).

These are the days to turn to Christ. NOW is the time. The dual feasts of the Exaltation and the Holy Cross of

Varak ought to be harbingers of the days to come and a summoning of the wise to repentance from sin and every

evil. They are wonderful vehicles in which we should buckle up in order to prepare for the coming days, with a

profound outpouring of contrition, repentance and seeking the mercy of All-mighty God, yearning for his

absolution, thankful for his long-suffering and grateful for his love and the gift of gracious forgiveness for the

sake of Christ found and sacramentally given only in and through the clergy and in the church those God given

means and mysteries of his promise.

Before your Holy Cross we humble ourselves and bow down, O Lord Jesus Christ. Come Lord Jesus. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew

30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they

will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His

angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end

of heaven to the other. 32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender

and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that [b]it

is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things

take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 36 “But of that day

and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.


Preparation for Holy Communion: Of course, our Lord commands us to participate regularly in His Holy Supper. The

late Patriarch of Constantinople, His Beatitude, Abp. Shnorhk Kaloustian, of blessed memory in his catechesis states that

you must receive Holy Communion at least 5 times a year to even be considered a Christian. St. Paul in teaching the

essentiality and centrality of the sacrament reminds of the Lord’s command to “Do this, as often as you drink it, in

remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:25) and “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the

Lord’s death till He comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:26). So while it is essential to be frequently prepared to receive Communion,

even weekly, it is also equally important to be prepared to eat and drink from the Holy Chalice in a worthy manner.

This means that we should examine ourselves and our lives. Are we living a life that is centered in Christ? Are we obedient

to His commands for orderly Christian living? Do we participate in the life-giving mysteries in a worthy and God pleasing

manner, keeping the Holy Commandments? St. Paul says, “Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord

in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him

eat of the bread and drink of the cup. (1 Corinthians 11:27) Clearly, we are not to participate in an unworthy or unbelieving

manner. With the invitation come obligations but also great privileges, blessings, divine Mercy and Promise!

To summarize, we should always and often receive the Holy Things, but at the same time discern the very real presence of

the Lord in the Mystery of Holy Communion and examine ourselves to see that we eat and drink in a worthy manner. Being

a Christian frees us from sin, but at the same time holds us to a greater accountability before the Lord.

In preparation for weekly Communion, ask yourselves in examining your conscience, “Do I

believe that THIS is truly the Living and Life-Giving Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ,

that He has given to me for the forgiveness of my sins and the promise of eternal life?” If you

can truthfully answer “Yes Lord, I believe’” then as a baptized and or confirmed member of

the Orthodox Church, you are eligible to receive the gift of Immortality from the Holy Chalice

of Christ’s Life-Giving Body and Blood.

Page 3: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

Participating in the Divine Liturgy:

Please follow the prayers and hymns of the Divine Liturgy in the books provided in the pews. The front section contains

the Armenian Kerapar text and modern Armenian translation, while the latter part gives the English transliteration and

translation. Page numbers are illuminated at the upper left and right sides of the main altar. Please sing along with

any of the hymns which the choir is singing.

Confession and Holy Communion: Those who are preparing to receive Holy Communion may kneel in the center aisle or

remain standing at their pew for the group recitation of the confession (p. 48-49). After the absolution please proceed via

the central aisle towards the altar in an orderly manner. Two Parish Council members will be present to assist. Please

return to your pew via the side aisles.

WISH LIST: We Have a New Printer!

If you would like to donate in whole or in part please see Fr. Shnork or PC

member. Total cost is $10,000.

How can I better Participate in the Divine Liturgy?


Congregational Singing is good, holy and edifying. Here are some responses that you should know. PLEASE


NB: (There must be NO talking before or after Communion as we are to receive Communion.

1/ Kissing the Cross (during the procession):

The faithful says: #i,ys]ir yv zis a-a]i anmah carinn Asdov/o3 1 You shall be remembered before the immortal

Lamb of God.

The giver says: #i,yal li]ik a-a]i anmah Asdov/o3 1 Hee-shyal l ichi a-ra-chi an-mah

as-doo-dsoh or Christ is revealed in our midst.

2/ Kiss of Peace:

Greeting: Krisdos i me] mer 3a3dnyxav 1 Kris-dos-ee mech mer hayd-neh-tsav. Christ is

Revealed among us.

Response: )rhnyal e 3a3dnov;ivnn Krisdosi 1 Orh-nyal eh hayd-noo-tyoo-nun Krees-do-see. or Blessed is the revelation of Christ.

3/ Response when Kissing the Gospel (after the Divine Liturgy):

The faithful says:

#i,ysze Der zamyna3n badaraks Hee-shes-tseh Der za-me-nayn ba-da-ra-kus ko. Or May the Lord remember

all your sacrifices.

The priest says: Daxekyz Der usd srdi kovm 1 Da-tseh kez Der usd sur-dee koom. Or May the Lord grant to you

according to your heart.

4/ Blessing the Congregation (when priest turns and blesses with sign of the Cross.)

Priest: Qa.a.ov;ivn amynyxovn 1 Kha-gha-ghoo-tiun a-meh-neh-tsoon or Peace be unto all .

Faithful respond: Yv unt hokvo3t kovm 1 Yev unt hok-vuyt koom or And with your spirit.

5/ What to say before receiving HOLY COMMUNION

Before receiving: I have sinned against God.

After receiving: Amen. (Make a clear and careful sign of the Cross on your body)

TODAY’S REQUIEMS (Hokehankist):

Christ, Son of God, forbearing and compassionate, have mercy in your love as our creator, upon the souls of

your servants who are at rest, especially upon the souls of your servants; JOHN STEPANIAN (51 Year Memorial); BERCH STEPANIAN (21 Year Memorial) – requested by Martha

Stepanian. COL. MOORAD MOORADIAN (9 Year Memorial) – requested by Lillian Mooradian and Family.

…for whom we are offering these prayers. Remember them on the great day of the coming of your Kingdom.

Make them worthy of your mercy, expiation and the forgiveness of sins. Glorify them and reckon them with the

company of your saints at your Right Hand.

For you are the Lord of the living and of the dead and to you is befitting glory, dominion and honor, both now and

always and unto the ages of ages, Amen.

Page 4: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

PRAYER FOR HEALING -Armenian Book Of Hours (Sixth Hour)

Remove the pains and heal the wounds of your people, O Lord our God, and grant perfect health to us all through your all-

conquering cross, through which you eliminated the weakness of the human race and condemned the enemy of our life and

salvation. You are our life and salvation, beneficent and all-merciful God, and you alone can forgive our sins, remove

diseases and sicknesses from us. You know our needs, O giver of gifts; grant your abundant mercy to all your creatures,

each one according to his needs. And through your gifts may we always praise the all-holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and

the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer of Thanksgiving: We are grateful to our Lord for the safe return of Staff Sargent (SSG) Zachary Bilodeau (fiancé of Lisa Zaroogian) on his safe return from his Special Operation Detachment (Global), serving overseas. Welcome home, SSG Bilodeau! Thank you for your selfless service to our nation. May God bless you and Lisa. Note: Please call the office if you would like to include the name of your family member or friend who is

presently serving in active duty abroad.


WHY SEND A HALLMARK CARD? Offer instead the Card that Shares and Cares at prayer!

Information about the Prayer Card Ministry of Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church is available through the church

office. If you would like to request a Healing Prayer Card, Memorial Prayer Card for a loved one, or some other special

occasion Prayer Card, please call the office (272-7712). Details for this are available on line at The name of your loved one and the one requesting the card will be included in

this bulletin on the Sunday of your request and the person will be remembered in prayer by the pastor during the Liturgy.

Please keep our Christian brothers and sisters in Artsakh, Syria, Egypt and Iraq in your prayers that

God Almighty will watch over them and protect them in these uncertain and dangerous times. Also,

please pray for the victims of the recent floods in Kerala, India, that God will grant them comfort and


Prayers of Healing: are requested for our beloved Pastor, Der Shnork, Tom Topalian, Vicky Jamgochian, Satenig Minasian,

Jack Chakoian.

PRAYER BOX - There is a prayer box in the chancel located on the table at the entrance of the Sanctuary on the elevator

side where you may place your written prayer requests. Prayer of the Week Jesus, Wisdom of the Father, grant me wisdom,

that I may, at all times, think, speak, and do before you that which is good in your sight. And save me from evil thoughts,

words, and deeds. Have mercy upon your creatures and upon me, a great sinner. Amen.

Sunday Fellowship: Welcome parishioners and visitors. Please join us for coffee and fellowship after services in the Egavian Hall.


OCTOBER 13 The Cultural committee proudly present s “Nor Serund” (New Generation) Folk youth group from Armenia.

Do not miss! Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7:00pm - Egavian Cultural Center. 70 Jefferson Street, Providence, RI. For

tickets call: Janna Guegamian 401 861-3573, Mariam Saribekyan, 401 714-6327, or Church office 401 272-7712/ Adults

$25. Children under 16 Free Come, support, and enjoy the musical talent of teens from Armenia. Reception to follow in

the Hanoian Church Hall. All are invited!

OCTOBER 26 Save the date! The Women’s Guild Fall event will be held on Friday, October 26 - “Sentimental Journey!”

Dinner and dance to the newest crooner in town, Ron Giorgio. This young man loves to perform the tunes of the greatest

singers of all time. Lillibeth Kooloian ([email protected]

OCTOBER 28 A Flu Shot Clinic will take place on Sunday, October 28 after church. A more complete notice about the

clinic will be published in future bulletins.

NOVEMBER 3 & 4 Annual Church Bazaar - Save the Date!!

NOVEMBER 17th NE Region Diocesan Sunday School Faculty Workshop

Page 5: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

NOVEMBER 19 Mary House Outreach - In the spirit of Christian stewardship, part of our parish outreach effort is to

volunteer at St. Patrick’s meal kitchen. Monday, September 24, is our Parish’s next date to volunteer. We meet at St.

Patrick’s on Smith Street by 4:00pm. The last meal is served by 5:15 p.m. when we help with clean-up. Call Joyce Avedisian

(724-3978) if you have questions. Future dates: 4/15/19, 6/24/19.

NOTICES WISH LIST: Der Hayr is in need of some educational resources in his office. It will be comprised of audiovisual

technological used for the education of couples to be married, Deacons Training, Bible Study etc. The whole cost is $500.

If you are interested in making this donation please contact Der Hayr personally. Your gift will be remembered with a

plaque placed in the office. Thank you and God bless you.

LOST AND FOUND We have a number of items that have

been left been left behind If we don’t hear from you we will

donate them to the various charities. If you left something

behind, please call the office and speak to Fran to verify that

we have it and to arrange pick up.

Items: Gold Cross, Umbrellas, black glass case, Fleece

jacket, ladies beige shoes, blue coat, sewing kit…

JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST: To receive all the latest, Ppease go

to and click “subscribe” and add your e-mail

address so that you receive updates and events. Its real simple and

you’ll get weekly updates!

The Investment Committee is looking for a replacement to one

of their committee members that is stepping down. This

committee is tasked to manage our Endowment Fund and meets

every two months. If you are interested, please contact the Church


Parish Member Dues - Take

advantage of the many payment

options in the new year. Pay by

check or by credit card in full or in

part – weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

You can pay securely online through

PayPal on the church website ( using the dues &

stewardship donation button. Membership dues are $175 ($125

for seniors, $100 ages 18-24). Become a steward of the church by

contributing beyond dues as part of the Stewardship Program.

Existing members’ dues must be received by Dec. 31, 2018 and

new members by June 30 to vote at the Parish Assembly on

February 24, 2019.

The Armenian Historical Association of Rhode Island

(AHARI)’s exhibit - Rhode Island Armenians: Discovering the Past

and Looking to the Future – is open for public viewing by appointment.

The exhibit spans the history of RI Armenians from the earliest

immigrants to the current community. Artifacts, photos, documents and

memorabilia illustrate its migration, adaptation, survival and success through artistically created panels noting different aspects of the

community, its history and legacy. This exhibit was developed in concert with Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Genocide Museum

& Institute in Yerevan, Armenia and Lusine Matevosyan, Graphic Artist. Email: [email protected] or

[email protected] or call: 401-454-5111 for an appointment.

7pm: AHARI and NAASR are sponsoring an illustrated lecture by Christina Maranci, PhD --- Art of Armenia: An

Introduction. Dr. Maranci has published and lectured widely, having authored three previous monographs and over seventy


establishment of the Church. the faithful who would

gather on Sunday, the day of the Lord’s resurrection,

would participate in the “gifts” which are the life-

giving Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for

the forgiveness of sins and the life eternal.

As is still the case today, many who may have been

sick, unable to attend the Sunday Divine Liturgy or,

who were penitent, unbaptized or for many reasons not

in communion with the recognized church body,

would not receive the ‘gifts’ of the Eucharist. In this

way, the gifts and outpouring of love and the

collection for the common good is represented in the

distribution of mahs. The mahs (antidoron-Greek) is

therefore a great symbol of the church’s outreach and

social ministry as well as the care for souls both in and

outside the church body.

In preparation, before the Eucharist, the priest or

deacons would separate a portion of the unleavened

bread from the actual Host which would be offered in

the Eucharist. The portion offered to God, in the

Armenian Church is called the Host (nushkhark). The

other portion which would be blessed but not

consecrated is called the mahs or portion. Those who

were unable to partake of the Eucharist would receive

the mahs in place of the gifts. Today, the priest

separates the part for the host ahead of time preparing

it, with prayers of the Nocturn (keesherayin jham) and

stamping it, most commonly, with the icon of the

crucifixion. Today as in the early days, the faithful in

attendance at the Divine Liturgy, are invited ‘in fear

and faithfulness’ (yergiogiiiv yev havadov) to come

and truly commune in the Lord's Body and Blood

offered to us in the Divine Liturgy by the power of the

Holy Spirit and God’s own Word where He said “Take

eat this is my Body, Take drink this is my Blood…”.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the faithful who are

sent “blessed by the Holy Spirit, depart in peace,” take

the mahs with them to their homes to give it to those

friends and family who were unable to receive the

“Holy Things” (srpootiunk) the Eucharist.

Page 6: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

essays, articles, and reviews, including the books. Her work combines scholarship on the history of Armenian art and

architecture with advocacy for at-risk Armenian heritage, particularly medieval monuments in the Republic of Turkey. This

free event will take place at the AHARI Museum at 245 Waterman Street, Suite 204 in Providence. The AHARI Museum will

be open at 6:15 p.m. Copies of The Art of Armenia will be available for purchase and signing at AHARI on the night of the lecture.

AHARI has a growing number of committees. The Genealogy Committee offers RI Armenians assistance in researching their

ancestors and an opportunity to share those experiences with others. Contact Margaret Chevian at [email protected] or 401-331-

3985. Share your family’s historical and cultural artifacts through AHARI and help perpetuate Armenia’s glorious past. We are

currently staffing (with volunteers) 2 projects: digitizing documents from 1890 to 1935 and creating interactive electronic mapping

presentations which will include photographs of the early Armenian immigrants to Rhode Island as well as immigration tracking.

AHARI is a 501c non-profit organization. The AHARI museum, 245 Waterman Street, Suite 204, on Providence’s East Side, near

Wayland Square.

LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR REMINDER- Remember your non-perishable food donations for Mary House food pantry.

Items that move very quickly and are needed the most - tuna, peanut butter, jelly, soups and rice. They also need personal

care toiletries such as tooth paste, tooth brushes, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant etc. As always thanks so much for

supporting Mary House. For info., contact Joyce Avedisian (935-1815). Next Meal Kitchen 11/19/2018.

AMAZON PRIME/SMILE SUBSCRIBERS - If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber

please switch to the Amazon Smile with the same benefits and consider making Sts.

Sahag & Mesrob Armenian

Church as the beneficiary. Go to:

ARMENIAN RADIO HOUR - Sundays 9-10 a.m. WARL

1320 AM ARDZAGANG - Armenian Television Program-

Statewide Cable Interconnect Channel 13 (A): broadcast

Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Altar Flower or Candle Donations -

Parishioners and friends are encouraged to

donate Altar Flowers and/or Candles for

the Divine Liturgy on Sundays. Forms for

you to participate are included with this

bulletin. A wonderful way to honor and/or remember your

loved ones, and your donation will be acknowledged in the

Sunday Bulletin. A Minimum offering of $50 for Flowers and

Free-will offering for Candles is suggested.

THANK YOU to those donating Altar Flowers Weekly Schedule

Seniors: Mondays (Except Holidays) 10:00 a.m.

Jr. Choir, Nazeli Dance Group, Arts Education Program,

Sunday School,Adult Armenian School and Saturday

Armenian School: all classes will resume in the




o Contribute canned food products and

participate in the Mary House Service Program

o Donate hygienic products: toothpaste &

toothbrushes, toilet paper & Kleenex, soap & shampoo, hand

sanitizers & deodorants

o Keep Warm this Winter – new scarfs, hats, mittens,

gloves for children & adults (boxes in Educational Wing)

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy


“Put the best construction on people and things

and stop complaining about others but love them

at all cost.” Listen to the story of the fly and the

bee. Fr. Shnork Souin 2018 Some people tell me that they are scandalized because they see many things wrong in the Church. I tell them that if you ask a fly, “Are there any flowers in this area?” it will say, “I don’t know about flowers, but over there in that heap of rubbish where you can find all the filth you want.” And it will go on to list all the unclean things it has been to. Now, if you ask a honeybee, “Have you seen any unclean things in this area?” it will reply, “Unclean things? No, I have not seen any; the place here is full of the most fragrant flowers.” And it will go on to name all the flowers of the garden or the meadow. You see, the fly only knows where the unclean things are, while the honeybee knows where the beautiful iris or hyacinth is. As I have come to understand, some people resemble the honeybee and some resemble the fly. Those who resemble the fly seek to find evil in every circumstance and are preoccupied with it; they see no good anywhere. But those who resemble the honeybee only see the good in everything they see. The foolish person thinks foolishly and takes everything in the wrong way, whereas the person who has good thoughts, no matter what he sees, no matter what you tell him, maintains a positive and good thought.

+ St. Paisios of Mt. Athos

Page 7: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive

On-Going Charitable Projects: canned goods collections (church vestibule), hygienic products collection

(Sunday School Hall), Mary House Service & Keep Warm this Winter

Contact Information

Arts Education & Nazeli Dance Group: Contact Janna Guegamian (401-861-3573) or e-mail [email protected]

Armenian School: Contact Mariam Saribekyan (401-714-6327)

Sunday School: Contact Martha Jamgochian (401-723-3344) or e-mail at [email protected]



8 Columbus Day, Office Closed 9 Parish Council 7 p.m.

13 Armenian School Husenig Grove

Family Day and Outing

Cultural Committee Nor Serund 7 p.m.

14 Sunday school Field trip to AHARI museum

(East Side Providence) following Badarak 24 Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m.

26 Women’s Guild “Sentimental Journey”, save

the date.

28 Tri-Church Sunday School Visitation at

Armenian Evangelical Church


Flu Shot Clinic after church.


3 & 4 Annual Church Bazaar - Save the Date

7 Knights of Vartan – Knight & Daughter of

the Year Dinner

17 Diocesan Regional Sunday School Faculty


18 Sunday School- Parents meet the Diocesan

Director of Religious Education Assembly

following Holy Communion

Until January 13 Visit the Met in NYC for

ARMENIA! Exhibition

Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church



NOW, CREDIT CARD, OR ON-LINE PAYPAL ACCEPTED MAKE FULL, QUARTERLY , MONTHL Y PAYMENTS. □Check Amount enclosed Dues $_____ + Stewardship $______ Total $______ □ Amount to charge Credit Card $_____ #:_____________________

Signature: _____________ ID #: _____(Include the 3 personal ID) Exp Date:_____ M y 2 0 1 9 C o m m i t m e n t :

In add i t ion to dues ($175/person) , I/we wou ld l i ke to p ledge $______ for s tewardsh ip in 2019 .

A L T A R F L O W E R S / C A N D L E D O N A T I O N F O R M

Dear Fr. Shnork, I would like to donate Altar flowers/Candles during the Divine Liturgy on Sunday ________________.

Name/s:_________________________ Phone number where you can be reached: ____________________

Amount Enclosed: $____ (Min. $50) Candles $____ Free will-no minimum

If you would like to make this donation (please list below):

In Memory of: ___________________________________________________

In Honor of: ___________________________________________________ *Please note that your donation for flowers will be noted on the respective Sunday Beacon Bulletin.

If you would like to offer an amount less than $50, please consider Donation for Altar Candles also recorded in the Bulletin,

Name of Donor and in whose memory they are offered.

Payabke: Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church, 70 Jefferson Street, Providence, RI 02908, Att: Altar Flowers/Altar Candles

Page 8: The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor Sunday, September 30  · sexual transgression, the breakdown of the family, massive