the republi c of the union of myanmar


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ပြ ညေထာငစသမ�တမြ နမာ�ငငေတာ

လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ!အငအားဝနက� းဌာန

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Immigration and Population

�ငငခြ ားသားအမ> ေနထငခငဆငရာနညးဥပေဒများ�ငငခြ ားသားအမ> ေနထငခငဆငရာနညးဥပေဒများ

TThhee PPeerrmmaanneenntt RReessiiddeennccee ooff aa FFoorreeiiggnneerr RRuulleess

၂၀၁၄ ခ�စ၊ �ဝငဘာလ ၁၈ ရက

18th November 2014

A The Permanent Residence of a Foreigner Rules

(Contents) Sr Particulars Page

1 Chapter I Title and Definition 1

2 Chapter II Provisions Relating to the Application of the Permanent Residence


3 Chapter III Application for the Permanent Residence 9

4 Chapter IV Application to Issue the Permanent Residence Certificate


5 Chapter V Validation and Registration for the Term of the Permanent Residence and the Annual Term


6 Chapter VI Application for the Renewal of the Permanent Residence


7 Chapter VII Application for the Household Member List of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate


8 Chapter VIII Application for the Copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate for Loss or Damage


9 Chapter IX Particulars to be Carried out as to the Change of Curriculum Vitae of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate


10 Chapter X Particulars to be Carried out as to the Birth or Decease of the Child in Myanmar


11 Chapter XI Particulars to be Carried out as to the Decease of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate


12 Chapter XII Imposition of Fees 22

13 Chapter XIII Duties and Rights of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate


14 Chapter XIV Prohibitions and Restrictions 27

15 Chapter XV Revocation and Cancellation of the Permanent Residence


16 Chapter XVI Appointment of the Inspection Officers 30

17 Chapter XVII Miscellaneous 31


�ငငခြ ားသားအမ> ေနထငခငဆငရာနညးဥပေဒများ

( မာတကာ )

စဥ အေက� ာငးအရာ စာမျက�ာ

၁။ အခနး (၁) အမည�င အဓပ ာယေဖာပြ ချက ၁

၂။ အခနး (၂) အမ� ေနထငခင

ေလ�ာကထားခြ ငးဆငရာပြ ဌာနးချကများ

၃။ အခနး (၃) အမ� ေနထငခငေလ�ာကထားခြ ငး ၉

၄။ အခနး (၄) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးရန

ေလ�ာကထားခြ ငး


၅။ အခနး (၅) အမ� ေနထငခငသကတမး�င�စစဥသကတမး

အတညပြ &မတပတငခြ ငး


၆။ အခနး (၆) အမ� ေနထငခငသကတမးတးေလ�ာကထားခြ ငး ၁၅

၇။ အခနး (၇) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတရရသအမေထာငစ

လဦးေရစာရငး ေလ�ာကထားခြ ငး


၈။ အခနး (၈) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတေပျာကဆးခြ ငးသ(မဟတ

ပျကစးခြ ငးအတက မတ* +ေလ�ာကထားခြ ငး


၉။ အခနး (၉) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ၏ကယေရးဖြ စစဥ

ေပြ ာငးလခြ ငးဆငရာ ေဆာငရကရမညအချကများ


၁၀။ အခနး (၁၀) မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးကေလးေမးဖားခြ ငးသ(မဟတ

ကေလးေသဆးခြ ငးဆငရာေဆာငရကရမည



၁၁။ အခနး (၁၁) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတရရသေသဆးခြ ငးဆငရာ

ေဆာငရကရမည အချကများ


၁၂။ အခနး (၁၂) အခေက/ းေငသတမတချက ၂၂

၁၃။ အခနး (၁၃) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသ၏ တာဝန�င



၁၄။ အခနး (၁၄) တားမြ စချကများ�ငကန(သတချကများ ၂၇

၁၅။ အခနး (၁၅) အမ� ေနထငခင1ပသမးခြ ငး�င ပယဖျကခြ ငး ၂၈

၁၆။ အခနး (၁၆) စစေဆးေရးအရာရများခန(အပခြ ငး ၃၀

၁၇။ အခနး (၁၇) အေထေထ ၃၁

B (Contents)


18 Form No. Ah Ma Na (1)

The application for the Permanent Residence of a foreigner


19 Form No. Ah Ma Na (2)

Application form to issue the Permanent Residence certificate


20 Form No. Ah Ma Na (3)

Application form to register the validity term of the Permanent Residence Certificate


21 Form No. Ah Ma Na (4)

Application form to permit the renewal of the Permanent Residence


22 Form No. Ah Ma Na (5)

Application form to draw permit of the household member list of the person who obtains the Permanent Residence


23 Form No. Ah Ma Na (6)

Application form to draw permit of the copy for loss and damage of the Permanent Residence certificate


24 Form No. Ah Ma Na (7)

Application form to the change of curriculum vitae of the person who obtains the Permanent Residence


Application form for transfer of address of the person who obtained the Permanent Residence

25 Form No. Ah Ma Na (8)

Application form of the return of the Permanent Residence Certificate


( မာတကာ )


စဥ အေက� ာငးအရာ စာမျက�ာ

၁၈။ ပစအမန (၁) �ငငခြ ားသားအမ� ေနထငခငေလ�ာကလ2ာ ၃၃

၁၉။ ပစအမန (၂) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးရနေလ�ာကလ2ာပစ ၅၂

၂၀။ ပစအမန (၃) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတသကတမးအတညပြ &



၂၁။ ပစအမန (၄) အမ� ေနထငခငသကတမးတးခင ပြ &ရန



၂၂။ ပစအမန (၅) အမ� ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး

ထတယခင ေလ�ာကလ2ာပစ


၂၃။ ပစအမန (၆) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆး/ပျကစးခြ ငး

အတက မတ* +ထတယခငေလ�ာကလ2ာပစ


၂၄။ ပစအမန (၇) အမ� ေနထငခငရရသ၏ကယေရးဖြ စစဥ

အေက/ ာငးအရာေပြ ာငးလခြ ငးများအတက



အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ၏

ေနရပလပစာေပြ ာငးေရ23ခငေလ�ာကလ2ာပစ

၂၅။ ပစအမန(၈) အမ� ေနထငခငလကမတရရသေသဆးသဖြ င



The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Immigration and Population

Notification No. 1/ 2014

12th Waning Day of Tazaungmone1376 ME


The Ministry of Immigration and Population here by issues the

following rules in exercising the power conferred under Section 16 of the

Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1947.

Chapter I

Title and Definition

1. These rules shall be called the Permanent Residence of a Foreigner


2. The expressions contained in these rules shall have the same

meanings as contained in the Myanmar Immigration (Emergency

Provisions) Act, 1947. Moreover, the following expressions shall have the

meanings given here under:

(a) Law means the Myanmar Immigration (Emergency

Provisions) Act, 1947.

(b) Permanent Residence means granting the permanent

residence in Myanmar within the stipulated period

permitted to a foreigner who is in conformity with the

qualifications contained in these rules;

(c) Permanent Residence Certificate means the certificate and

card issued under these rules to emigrate into Myanmar

within the period granted the permanent residence in

Myanmar to a foreigner;

(d) Myanmar Citizen means a citizen who is prescribed by the

Myanmar Citizenship Law;

ပြ ညေထာငစသမ�တ မြ နမာ�ငငေတာအစးရ

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ အငအား၀နက� းဌာန

အမန�ေက ာငြ ာစာအမတ၊ ၁/၂၀၁၄

၁၃၇၆ ခ�စ၊ တနေဆာငမနး လဆတ ၁၂ ရက

(၂၀၁၄ ခ�စ၊ �ဝငဘာလ ၁၈ ရက)

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ အငအား၀နက� းဌာနသည ၁၉၄၇ခ�စ၊ မြ နမာ�ငင

လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး (လတတေလာပြ ဌာနးချကများ) အကဥပေဒပဒမ ၁၆ ပါ လပပငခင

ကကျငသး၍ ေအာကပါနညးဥပေဒများက ထတပြ နလကသည။

အခနး (၁)

အမည�ငအဓပ�ါယေဖ�ပြ ချက

၁။ ဤနညးဥပေဒများက �ငငခြ ားသားအမ" ေနထငခငဆငရာနညးဥပေဒများ ဟ ေခ'


၂။ ဤနညးဥပေဒများတငပါရေသာ စကားရပများသည ၁၉၄၇ ခ�စ၊ မြ နမာ�ငင

လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး (လတတေလာပြ ဌာနးချကများ) အကဥပေဒတငပါရသညအတငး

အဓပ)ါယသကေရာကေစရမည။ ထ ပြ ငေအာကပါစကားရပများသည ေဖာပြ ပါအတငး

အဓပ)ါယသကေရာကေစရမည -

(က) ဥပေဒ ဆသညမာ ၁၉၄၇ ခ�စ၊ မြ နမာ�ငငလဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး (လတတ

ေလာပြ ဌာနးချကများ) အကဥပေဒကဆသည။

(ခ) အမ" ေနထငခင ဆသညမာ ဤနညးဥပေဒများပါ အရညအချငး သတမတ

ချကများ�ငကကညေသာ �ငငခြ ားသားက ခင ပြ -သည သတမတကာလ

အတငး မြ နမာ�ငငတင အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ခြ ငးက ဆသည။

(ဂ) အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတ ဆသညမာ �ငငခြ ားသားတစဦးက မြ နမာ�ငင

တင အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -သည ကာလအတငး မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးသ

ဝငေရာကေနထင�ငရန ဤနညးဥပေဒများအရ ထတေပးထားသည

သကေသခအေထာကအထား လကမတ�င ကတကဆသည။

(ဃ) မြ နမာ�ငငသား ဆသညမာ မြ နမာ�ငငသား ဥပေဒအရ သတမတထား

ေသာ�ငငသားက ဆသည။


(e) Associate Citizen means an associate citizen who is

prescribed by the Myanmar Citizenship Law;

(f) Naturalized Citizen means a naturalized citizen who is

prescribed by the Myanmar Citizenship Law;

(g) Holder of the National Registration Card means a person

who is holding the certificate issued in accord with rules

made under Registration of Residents in the Union of

Myanmar Act, 1949;

(h) Ex-Myanmar Citizen means a citizen who is prescribed by

the Myanmar Citizenship Law or a person who has held

associate citizen scrutiny card or naturalized citizen scrutiny

card or national registration card and a person who adopts

a citizenship of any foreign countries;

(i) Expert means a qualified scholar in the respective fields

according to the requirement of work;

(j) Person who Desires to Invest and Operate Business means a

person who desires to come and invest in business of

Myanmar in accord with the Foreign Investment Laws;

(k) Foreigners Related to the Myanmar citizen means a

foreigner wife or husband who has married to a Myanmar

citizen in accord with Myanmar Customary Law, existing

laws relating to marriage of Myanmar citizens who are not

Buddhism and directives and, offsprings who are unmarried

and under 18 years of age born or adopted by them;

(l) Contributor to Long Term Benefits of the State means

a person who is enable to the extent of his ability

in any of education, economic and social sectors of

(င) ဧည�ငငသား ဆသညမာ မြ နမာ�ငငသားဥပေဒအရ သတမတထား

ေသာ ဧည�ငငသားက ဆသည။

(စ) �ငငသားပြ -ခငရသ ဆသညမာ မြ နမာ�ငငသားဥပေဒအရ သတမတ

ထားေသာ �ငငသားပြ -ခငရသက ဆသည။

(ဆ) အမျ-းသားမတပတင သကေသခကတပြ ားကငေဆာငသ ဆသညမာ

၁၉၄၉ ခ�စ၊ ပြ ညေထာငစမြ နမာ�ငငအတငး ေနထငသများ မတပတင

ေရးအကဥပေဒအရ ပြ -လပသည နညးဥပေဒများ�ငအည ထတေပး

ေသာ သကေသခကတပြ ား ကငေဆာငသက ဆသည။

(ဇ) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငး ဆသညမာ မြ နမာ�ငငသားဥပေဒအရ သတမတ

ထားေသာ �ငငသားေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ဧည�ငငသားစစစေရးကတ

ပြ ား သ မဟတ �ငငသားပြ -ခငစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ အမျ-းသား

မတပတငသကေသခကတပြ ား ကငေဆာငခဖးသေသာလညးေကာငး

ဖြ စပ. း ပြ ညပ�ငငတစခခ၏ �ငငသားအဖြ စ ခယထားသက ဆသည။

(ဈ) က0မးကျငပညာရင ဆသညမာ လပငနးလအပချကအလက သကဆငရာ

လပငနးနယပယတင အရညအချငးပြ ညမသ ပညာရငကဆသည။

(ည) ရငး�းမြ 2-ပ�၍ စးပားေရးလပကငလသ ဆသညမာ �ငငခြ ားရငး�း

မြ :-ပ�မ�ဆငရာ ဥပေဒများ�ငအည မြ နမာ�ငငစးပားေရးလပငနးများတင

လာေရာက ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�လပကငလသက ဆသည။

(ဋ) မြ နမာ�ငငသား�ငဆကစပသ�ငငခြ ားသားများ ဆသညမာ မြ နမာဓေလ

ထးတမးဥပေဒ၊ ဗဒ<ဘာသာဝင မဟတသည မြ နမာ�ငငသားများ၏

လကထပထမးမြ ားခြ ငး�ငသကဆငသည တညဆဥပေဒများ၊ =>နက� ား

ချကများ�ငအည မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င လကထပထားေသာ �ငငခြ ားသား

ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနး�င ယငးတ ကေမးဖားေသာ သ မဟတ တရားဝင

ေမးစားေသာ အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက အမေထာငမပြ -ရေသးသည

သားသမးများက ဆသည။

(ဌ) �ငငေတာ၏ ေရရညအကျ-းစးပား အတက အေထာကအကပြ -�ငသ

ဆသညမာ �ငငေတာ၏ ပညာေရး၊ စးပားေရး၊ လမ�ေရးစသည နယပယ


the State for the development of the State;

(m) Implementation Central Committee means the Central

Committee relating to Implementation for granting the

permanent residence for foreigners which is formed,by

notification, by the President of the Union of Myanmar;

(n) Implementation Working Committee means the

Implementation Working Committee for granting the

permanent residence for foreigners which is formed by the

Central Committee for Implementation in order to scrutinize

the applications of the permanent residence for foreigners in

accord with laws and rules;

(o) Ministry means the Ministry of Immigration and Population;

(p) Department means the Department of Immigration and

National Registration;

(q) Section means the section of Permanent Residence of a

foreigner of the Department;

(r) Office of Township Staff Officer-in-Charge, means the

Department of Township Immigration and National


(s) Inspection Officer means the Immigration Officer from the

Department of Immigration and National Registration who is

assigned duty by the Ministry to inspect the relevant person

at the necessary time and place whether or not in

conformity with orders and directives issued under these

rules in applying the permanent residence in Myanmar

inholding and using of the Permanent Residence


(t) Form means the prescribed form contained in these rules.

(u) Appendix means the appendix prescribed by the

requirements of these rules.

တစရပရပတင �ငငေတာဖAဖ. -းတးတကေရးအတက တတစမးသေရA

ပါဝငေဆာငရက�ငသက ဆသည။

(ဍ) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ ဆသညမာ �ငငေတာသမ�တက

အမန ေက� ာငြ ာစာထတပြ န၍ ဖAစညးသည �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခင

ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတက ဆသည။

(ဎ) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ ဆသညမာ �ငငခြ ားသား

အမ. ေနထငခငဆငရာ ေလCာကထားခြ ငးများအား ဥပေဒ၊ နညးဥပေဒများ

�ငအည စစစေဆာငရက�ငရန အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟ

ေကာမတကဖAစညးသည �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ

အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတက ဆသည။

(ဏ) ဝနက6 းဌာန ဆသညမာ လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ အငအားဝနက� း

ဌာနက ဆသည။

(တ) ဦးစးဌာန ဆသညမာ လဝငမ�က� က� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရး

ဦးစးဌာနက ဆသည။

(ထ) ဌာနစတ ဆသညမာ ဦးစးဌာန၊ �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ခြ ငး

ဆငရာဌာနစတက ဆသည။

(ဒ) မ" -�နယဦးစးဌာနမ8း9း ဆသညမာ မ. - နယလဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င

အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာနမDးEးက ဆသည။

(ဓ) စစေဆးေရးအရာရ ဆသညမာ မြ နမာ�ငငတငအမ. ေနထငခင

ေလCာကထားရာ၌လညးေကာငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတက ကငေဆာင

အသးပြ -ရာ၌လညးေကာငး ဤနညးဥပေဒများအရ ထတပြ နသညအမန ၊

=>နက� ားချကများ�င ည=တခြ ငးရမရက လအပသညအချန၊

လအပသညေနရာတင သကဆငသအားစစေဆးရန ဝနက� းဌာနမ

တာဝနေပးထားခြ ငးခရေသာ လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသား

မတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာနမ လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရးအရာရက ဆသည။

(န) ပစ ဆသညမာ ဤနညးဥပေဒများပါသတမတ ပစက ဆသည။

(ပ) ေနာကဆကတ ဆသညမာ ဤနညးဥပေဒများပါ လအပချကများက

သတမတေဖာပြ သည ေနာကဆကတက ဆသည။


Chapter II

Provisions Relating to the Application of the Permanent Residence

3. The ex-Myanmar citizen or foreigner is entitled to apply the permanent

residence as an expert if it is in conformity with the following particulars:

(a) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to

settle in Myanmar before obtaining the permanent

residence if he/she is the ex-Myanmar citizen;

(b) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to

settle before the date of application of the permanent

residence within the consecutive 10 years of such date if

he/she is the foreigner and he/she accesses and resides in

Myanmar not less than 3 years consecutively; and if he/she

departs to abroad while residing as such, the period of

his/her stay in abroad does not exceed the consecutive 90

days within one year;

(c) being an expert who has experience of work place in the

respective fields and is enable to perform the interests of the

State which are consistent with the requirement of the State;

(d) being a person who is enable to submit the certificate or

document of the relevant State organizations as an expert in the

respective business adopted by the relevant Ministry of Myanmar;

(e) being a person who is enable to pay tax in accord with the

existing laws, rules, regulations and directives according to the

category of business operated in the country if he/she gets the

permanent residence;

(f) not being a person who is regarded as an international


(g) not being a person who has the political asylum in any country;

(h) not being a person listed in local, foreign or international

criminal record;

အခနး (၂)

အမ" ေနထငခငေလ:ာကထားခြ ငးဆငရာပြ ဌာနးချကများ

၃။ မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငး သ မဟတ �ငငခြ ားသားသည ေအာကပါအချကများ�င

ည=တလCင ကGမးကျငပညာရငအဖြ စ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားခငရသည -

(က) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငမရမ မြ နမာ�ငင၌

အေခြ ချေနထငခငမရသည ဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာငေနထငသ

ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ခ) �ငငခြ ားသားဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသည ေန မတငမ

ယငးေန �င တစဆကတညးဖြ စေသာ ၁၀ �စအတငး အေခြ ချေနထငခင

မရသညဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာင၍ မြ နမာ�ငငတင သး�စ

ေအာကမနညး စHဆကမပြ တ ဝငထကသားလာေနထငပ. း ယငးသ

ေနထငစH ပြ ညပသ ထကခာပါက ပြ ညပ၌ ေနထငေသာကာလသည

တစ�စအတငး တစဆကတညး ရကေပါငး ၉၀ ထကမပခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) သကဆငရာလပငနးနယပယ၌ လပငနးခင အေတAအက� -ရ ပ. း

�ငငေတာ၏ လအပချက�င ကကညေသာ �ငငအကျ-းက ေဆာငရက

�ငသ ပညာရငဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဃ) မြ နမာ�ငငရ သကဆငရာဝနက� းဌာနက သကဆငရာလပငနးတင

ကGမးကျငပညာရငဖြ စေက� ာငး လကခအတညပြ -သည သကဆငရာ�ငင

အဖAအစညး၏ တရားဝငအသအမတပြ -လကမတ သ မဟတ အေထာက

အထားတငပြ �ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(င) အမ. ေနထငခငရရပါက ပြ ညတငးတငလပကငသည လပငနးအမျ-း

အစားအလက တညဆဥပေဒ၊ နညးဥပေဒ၊ စညးမျHး၊ =>နက� ားချကများ

�ငအည အခနထမးေဆာင�ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(စ) အပြ ညပြ ညဆငရာဒကIသညအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးခရသ မဟတခြ ငး၊

(ဆ) �ငငတစခခ၌ �ငငေရးခလ�ခင ရရေနထငသမဟတခြ ငး၊

(ဇ) ပြ ညတငး၊ ပြ ညပသ မဟတ �ငငတကာ ပြ စမ�မတတမးတင စာရငးဝငသ

မဟတ ခြ ငး၊


(i) being a person who is enable to submit the original copy of official recommendation of the relevant country which is in good health and free from contagious disease;

(j) being a person who gives admission that he/she respects the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar and he/she is a person who desires to respect and provide the interests of the State;

(k) being a person who is enable to be examined by appearing himself/herself when informs the Implementation Central Committee.

4. The ex-Myanmar citizen or foreigner,if it is conformity with the following particulars, is entitled to apply the permanent residence as the person who desires to invest and operate business:

(a) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to settle in Myanmar before getting the permanent residence if he/she is the ex-Myanmar citizen;

(b) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to settle before the date of application of the permanent residence and within the consecutive 10 years of such date if he/she is the foreigner and he/she accesses and resides in Myanmar not less than 3 years consecutively; and if he/she departs to abroad while residing as such, the period of his/her stay in abroad does not exceed the consecutive 90 days within one year;

(c) being a person who is enable to invest in accord with Laws related to foreign investment if he/she invests in productions and services;

(d) being a person who is enable to pay tax in accord with the existing laws, rules, regulations and directives according to the category of business operated in the country if he/she is granted the permanent residence;

(e) being a person who is enable to submit the official document taken in possession of amount of money equivalent to the volume of investment;

(f) not being a person who is regarded as an international refugee;

(ဈ) ကျနးမာေရးေကာငးမနေက� ာငး�င ကးစကေရာဂါကငးရငးေက� ာငး

သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ တရားဝငေထာကခချကမရငး တငပြ �ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ည) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာက ေလးစားလကနာပ. း �ငင၏

အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားလလားသ၊ ကညပပးေဆာငရကမည

သ ဖြ စေက� ာငး ဝနခချကေပးသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဋ) အေကာငအထညေဖာ ေရး ဗဟေကာမတက အေက� ာငးက� ားသညအခါ

ေလCာကထားသ ကယတငလာေရာက၍ အစစေဆးခ�ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

၄။ မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးသ မဟတ �ငငခြ ားသားသည ေအာကပါအချကများ�င

ည=တလCင ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�၍ စးပားေရးလပကငလသအဖြ စ အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထား

ခငရသည -

(က) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငမရမ မြ နမာ�ငင၌

အေခြ ချေနထငခငမရသည ဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာငေနထငသ

ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ခ) �ငငခြ ားသားဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသညေန မတငမ

ယငးေန �င တစဆကတညးဖြ စေသာ ၁၀ �စအတငး အေခြ ချေနထငခင

မရသည ဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာင၍ မြ နမာ�ငငတင သး�စ

ေအာကမနညး စHဆကမပြ တ ဝငထကသားလာေနထငပ. း၊ ယငးသ

ေနထငစဥ ပြ ညပသ ထကခာပါက ပြ ညပ၌ ေနထငေသာကာလသည

တစ�စအတငးတစဆကတညး ရကေပါငး ၉၀ ထကမပ ခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) ကနထတလပမ�လပငနးများ၊ ဝနေဆာငမ�လပငနးများအတက ရငး�း

မြ :-ပ�မ� ပြ -လပမညဆပါက �ငငခြ ားရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ��င သကဆငေသာ

ဥပေဒများ�ငအည ရငး�းမြ :-ပ��ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဃ) အမ. ေနထငခငရရပါက ပြ ညတငးတငေဆာငရကသည လပငနးအမျ-း

အစားအလက တညဆဥပေဒ၊ နညးဥပေဒ၊ စညးမျHး�င =>နက� ားချက

များ�ငအည အခနထမးေဆာင�ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(င) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ�ပမာဏ�င ညမCေသာေငေက� းပမာဏက ပငဆငေက� ာငး

တရားဝငအေထာကအထားတငပြ �ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(စ) အပြ ညပြ ညဆငရာဒကIသညအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးခရသ မဟတခြ ငး၊


(g) not being a person who has the political asylum in any


(h) not being a person listed in local, foreign or in the

international criminal record;

(i) being a person who is enable to submit the original copy of

official recommendation of the relevant country which is in

good health and free from contagious disease;

(j) being a person who gives admission that he/she respects

the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar and he/she is a

person who desires to respect and provide the interests of

the State;

(k) being a person who is enable to be examined by

appearing himself/herself when informs the Implementation

Central Committee.

5. The ex-Myanmar citizen who is not intended to perform as an

expert or a person who desires to invest and operate business is entitled to

apply the permanent residence if it is in conformity with the following


(a) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to

settle in Myanmar before getting the permanent residence;

(b) being a person who is enable to contribute long term

benefits of the State;

(c) being a person who has adequate money for livelihood

during the stay is Myanmar or who is enable to submit

guarantee that the citizen of Myanmar who settles within

Myanmar takes responsibility for his/her livelihood;

(d) being a person who is enable to pay tax in accord with the

existing laws, rules, regulations and directives if he/she

operates any of earned income businesses;

(e) not being a person who is regarded as an international


(ဆ) �ငငတစခခ၌ �ငငေရးခလ�ခငရရေနထငသ မဟတခြ ငး၊

(ဇ) ပြ ညတငး၊ ပြ ညပ သ မဟတ �ငငတကာပြ စမ�မတတမးတင စာရငးဝငသ

မဟတ ခြ ငး၊

(ဈ) ကျနးမာေရးေကာငးမနေက� ာငး�င ကးစကေရာဂါကငးရငးေက� ာငး

သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ တရားဝင ေထာကခချကမရငးတငပြ �ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ည) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာက ေလးစားလကနာ�ငပ. း �ငင၏

အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားလလားသ၊ ကညပပးေဆာငရကမည

သ ဖြ စေက� ာငး ဝနခချကေပးသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဋ) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတက အေက� ာငးက� ားသညအခါ

ေလCာကထားသကယတင လာေရာက၍ အစစေဆးခ�ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

၅။ ကGမးကျငပညာရင အဖြ စေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�၍ စးပားေရး

လပကငလသအဖြ စေသာလညးေကာငး ေဆာငရကရနမရညရယေသာ မြ နမာ�ငငသား

ေဟာငးသည ေအာကပါအချကများ�င ည=တလCင အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားခင

ရသည -

(က) အမ. ေနထငခငမရမ မြ နမာ�ငငသ အေခြ ချေနထငခငမရသည ဗဇာ

အမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာငဝငေရာကေနထငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ခ) �ငငေတာ၏ ေရရညအကျ-းစးပားအတက အေထာကအက ပြ -�ငသ

ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးေနထငစH ေနထငစားေသာကေရးအတက ေငေက� း

အလအေလာကရသ သ မဟတ ယငး၏ ေနထငစားေသာကေရးအတက

မြ နမာ�ငင အတငးအေခြ ချေနထငသ မြ နမာ�ငငသားက တာ၀နယ

ေက� ာငး အာမခချက တငပြ �ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဃ) ဝငေငရရေသာ လပငနးတစစတစရာေဆာငရကပါက တညဆဥပေဒ၊

နညးဥပေဒ၊ စညးမျHး၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည အခနထမးေဆာင

�ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(င) အပြ ညပြ ညဆငရာဒကIသညအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးခရသ မဟတခြ ငး၊


(f) not being a person who has the political asylum in any country;

(g) not being a person listed in local, foreign or in the international criminal record;

(h) being a person who is enable to submit the original copy of official recommendation of the relevant countries which is in good health and free from contagious disease;

(i) being a person who gives admission that he/she respects the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar and he/she is a person who desires to respect and provide the interests of the State;

(j) being a person who is enable to be examined by appearing himself/herself when informs by the Implementation Central Committee.

6. Foreigners related to a Myanmar citizen is entitled to apply the permanent residence in taking responsibility by the relevant Myanmar citizen and if it is in conformity with the following particulars:

(a) being a foreigner wife or husband who has married a Myanmar citizen and being offspring who are unmarried and under 18 years of age born or adopted by them in accord with Myanmar Customary Law and existing laws and directives relating to marriage of Myanmar citizens who are not Buddhism;

(b) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to settle in Myanmar before obtaining the permanent residence if he/she is the ex-Myanmar citizen;

(c) being the holder of a type of visa which is not entitled to settle before the date of application of the permanent residence and within the consecutive 10 years of such date if he/she is the foreigner and he/she accesses and resides in Myanmar not less than 3 years consecutively; and if he/she departs to abroad while residing as such, the period of his/her stay in abroad does not exceed the consecutive 90 days within one year;

(စ) �ငငတစခခ၌ �ငငေရးခလ�ခင ရရေနထငသ မဟတခြ ငး၊

(ဆ) ပြ ညတငး၊ ပြ ညပ သ မဟတ �ငငတကာ ပြ စမ�မတတမးတင စာရငးဝငသ

မဟတ ခြ ငး၊

(ဇ) ကျနးမာေရးေကာငးမနေက� ာငး�င ကးစကေရာဂါ ကငးရငးေက� ာငး

သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ တရားဝငေထာကခချက မရငးတငပြ �ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဈ) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာက ေလးစားလကနာ�ငပ. း �ငင၏

အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားလလားသ၊ ကညပပး ေဆာငရကမည

သဖြ စေက� ာငး ဝနခချကေပးသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ည) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတက အေက� ာငးက� ားသညအခါ

ေလCာကထားသကယတင လာေရာက၍ အစစေဆးခ�ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

၆။ မြ နမာ�ငငသား�ငဆကစပသ�ငငခြ ားသားများသည ေအာကပါအချကများ�င

ည=တလCင သကဆငရာမြ နမာ�ငငသားကတာဝနယ၍ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားခင

ရသည -

(က) မြ နမာဓေလထးတမး ဥပေဒ၊ ဗဒ<ဘာသာဝင မဟတသည မြ နမာ�ငင

သားများ၏ လကထပထမးမြ ားခြ ငး�င သကဆငသည တညဆဥပေဒ

များ၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င လကထပထားေသာ

�ငငခြ ားသား ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးဖြ စခြ ငး�င ယငးတ က ေမးဖား

ေသာ သ မဟတ တရားဝငေမးစားေသာ အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက

အမေထာငမပြ -ရေသးသည သားသမးများ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ခ) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငမရမ မြ နမာ�ငင၌

အေခြ ချေနထငခငမရသည ဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာငေနထငသ

ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) �ငငခြ ားသားဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားသညေန မတငမ

ယငးေန �င တစဆကတညးဖြ စေသာ ၁၀ �စအတငး အေခြ ချေနထငခင

မရသည ဗဇာအမျ-းအစားက ကငေဆာင၍ မြ နမာ�ငငတင �စ �စ

ေအာကမနညး စHဆကမပြ တ ဝငထကသားလာေနထငပ. း ယငးသ

ေနထငစH ပြ ညပသ ထကခာပါက ပြ ညပ၌ေနထငေသာကာလသည

တစ�စအတငး တစဆကတညး ရကေပါငး ၉၀ ထကမပခြ ငး၊


(d) not being a person who is regarded as an international


(e) not being a person who has the political asylum in any


(f) not being a person listed in local, foreign or in the

international criminal record;

(g) being a person who may submit the original copy of official

recommendation of the relevant countries which is in good

health and free from contagious disease;

(h) being a person who gives admission that he/she respects

the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar and he/she is a

person who desires to respect and provide the interests of

the State;

(i) being a person who is enable to be examined by

appearing himself/herself when informs the Implementation

Central Committee.

7. The foreigner wife or husband who has married a Myanmar citizen

under sub-rule (a) of rule 6 shall make acknowledgement that he/she has

at least two years of legal marriage term and has no other wife or

husband except the present legal wife or husband of Myanmar citizen.

8. The application of the permanent residence shall be voided in

applying the permanent residence for the persons in sub-rule (a) of rule 6,

if the following matters arise in the responsible Myanmar citizen applicant

before obtaining the permission:

(a) decease;

(b) termination or revocation from being a citizenship;

(c) divorce from being legal wife or husband to a person who

desires to get the permanent residence;

(d) abandoning from being legal offspring to a person who

desires to get the permanent residence.

(ဃ) အပြ ညပြ ညဆငရာဒကIသညအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးခရသ မဟတခြ ငး၊

(င) �ငငတစခခ၌ �ငငေရးခလ�ခင ရရေနထငသ မဟတခြ ငး၊

(စ) ပြ ညတငး၊ ပြ ညပ သ မဟတ �ငငတကာ ပြ စမ�မတတမးတင စာရငးဝငသ

မဟတ ခြ ငး၊

(ဆ) ကျနးမာေရးေကာငးမနေက� ာငး�င ကးစကေရာဂါကငးရငးေက� ာငး

သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ တရားဝငေထာကခချကမရငး တငပြ �ငသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဇ) မြ နမာ�ငင၏အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာက ေလးစားလကနာ�ငပ. း �ငင၏

အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားလလားသ၊ ကညပပးေဆာငရကမည

သဖြ စေက� ာငး ဝနခချကေပးသဖြ စခြ ငး၊

(ဈ) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတက အေက� ာငးက� ားသညအခါ

ေလCာကထားသကယတင လာေရာက၍ အစစေဆးခ�ငသ ဖြ စခြ ငး၊

၇။ နညးဥပေဒ ၆(က) အရ မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င လကထပထားေသာ �ငငခြ ားသား

ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးသညတရားဝငအမေထာငသက အနညးဆး �စ�စ ရရမညဖြ စပ. း

လကရ မြ နမာ�ငငသား တရားဝငဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးမတစပါး အခြ ားဇနး သ မဟတ

ခငပနး မရေက� ာငး ကယတငဝနခချက ပြ -ရမည။

၈။ နညးဥပေဒ ၆(က)တငပါဝငသများအတက အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားရာတင

ခင ပြ -ချကမရရမတာဝနခေလCာကထားသ မြ နမာ�ငငသားသည ေအာကပါဖြ စစဥများ

ေပ'ေပါကပါက အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားမ� ပျကြပယေစရမည-

(က) ေသဆးခြ ငး၊

(ခ) �ငငသားအဖြ စမ ရပစ သ မဟတ Eပသမးခရခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) အမ. ေနထငခင ရရလသအား တရားဝင ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးအဖြ စမ

ကာရငး ပြ တစခြ ငး၊

(ဃ) အမ. ေနထငခငရရလသအား တရားဝင သားသမး အဖြ စမ စန လ>တခြ ငး၊


Chapter III

Application for the Permanent Residence

9. The applicant for permanent residence under these rules shall

apply in the Section himself/ herself together with the following


(a) the application form Ah Ma Na – 1 for the permanent

residence of a foreigner;

(b) three coloured photographs sized in 1.5 inches x 2 inches

which were taken during last six months;

(c) original and copy of valid passport and travel document (to

attach the original and copy of such passport if he/she holds

more than one type of passport);

(d) sufficient recognized document as being the citizenship

from the state of origin of the applicant for the permanent


(e) appointment letter or invitation letter of which term is at

least one year and above;

(f) official recognized documents in respect of education

qualification for the experts and valid recommendations of

the relevant organizations for experience of work place,

service term relating to applied business;

(g) if the applicant of the permanent residence is

accompanied by the wife or husband and legal offspring

who are unmarried under 18 years of age:

(i) record of household members list;

(ii) curriculum vitae such as name, age and occupation

of family members;

အခနး (၃)

အမ" ေနထငခငေလ:ာကထားခြ ငး

၉။ ဤနညးဥပေဒများအရ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသသည ေအာကပါ စာရက

စာတမးအေထာကအထားများ�ငအတ ဌာနစတတငအမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားသ

ကယတင ေလCာကထားရမည-

(က) �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ရန ေလCာကလ>ာပစအမန- ၁၊

(ခ) လနခေသာေခြ ာကလအတငးက Eကကးထားသည တစဒဿမငါး

လကမ x �စ လကမ အရယ ေရာငစဓါတပ သးပ၊

(ဂ) သကတမးရေသာ တရား၀င�ငငကးလကမတ�င ခရးသားစာရက

စာတမးအေထာကအထားမရငး�င မတL D (တစမျ-းထကပေသာ �ငငကး

လကမတကငေဆာငထားပါက ယငး�ငငကးလကမတမရငး�င မတL D

တ က ပးတေဖာပြ ရန)၊

(ဃ) အမ. ေနခငေလCာကထားသ၏ မရငး�ငငမ�ငငသားဖြ စေက� ာငး ခငလ

ေသာအသအမတပြ -အေထာကအထား၊

(င) အနညးဆး တစ�စသကတမး�ငအထက ရသညအလပခန စာ သ မဟတ

ခင ပြ -ဖတေခ'စာ၊

(စ) ကGမးကျငပညာရငများအတက ပညာအရညအချငး�ငပတသက၍

တရားဝငအသအမတပြ - အေထာကအထားလကမတများ�င ေလCာက

ထားသည လပငနးဆငရာ လပငနးခငအေတAအက� -၊ လပသကအတက

သကဆငရာအဖAအစညးများ၏ ခငလေသာတရားဝငေထာကခစာများ၊

(ဆ) အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားသ�ငအတ လကပါေနထငမည ဇနး

သ မဟတ ခငပနး�င အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက အမေထာငမပြ -ရေသး

သည တရားဝငသားသမးများပါရပါက -

(၁) အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငးမတတမး၊

(၂) မသားစဝငများ၏ အမည၊ အသက၊ အလပအကင စသည



(iii) original and copy of legal marriage certificate for

the wife or husband;

(iv) birth certificate for offspring under 18 years of age

which is translated into English language recognized

by the relevant government;

(v) official guardianship certificate for adoption for

adopted offspring under 18 years of age which is

translated into English language recognized by the

relevant government;

(h) The following requirements of the persons who desires to

invest and operate business shall be submitted:

(i) permission and company registration document

issued under the Investment Law;

(ii) commercial activity of the company;

(iii) record of company's account for three years if there

are economic business in other countries;

(i) curriculum vitae and responsibility of the responsible person

in Myanmar for ex-Myanmar citizens who are enable to

contribute to long-term benefits of the State who is not an

expert and not enable to invest;

(j) if he/she is the foreigner related to Myanmar citizen:

(i) application for foreigner which is undertaken by

his/her related Myanmar citizen;

(ii) official document authenticated and translated into

English language by the person who is recognized

and entitled to testify by the relevant Government of the

said foreigner of the admission that the foreigner has no

other wife or husband except the present wife or

husband of a Myanmar citizen.


(၃) ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးအတက တရားဝငလကထပစာချ-ပ မရငး

�ငမတL D၊

(၄) အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက သားသမးများအတက သကဆငရာ

အစးရက အသအမတပြ -အ Mဂလပဘာသာပြ နဆထားသည ေမး


(၅) အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက ေမးစားသားသမးများအတက

သကဆငရာအစးရက အသအမတပြ - အ Mဂလပဘာသာ ပြ နဆ

ထားသည ေမးစားေသာ တရားဝငအပထနးခင သကေသခ


(ဇ) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�၍ စးပားေရးလပကငလသများ�ငသကဆငသည ေအာက

ပါလအပချကများ တငပြ ရမည-

(၁) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ�ဥပေဒအရ ထတေပးသညခင ပြ -မန �င ကမ)ဏ


(၂) ကမ)ဏ၏ စးပားေရးလပငနးအစအစဥ၊

(၃) အခြ ား�ငငများတင စးပားေရးလပငနးများရပါက ကမ)ဏ၏

သး�စစာေငစာရငးအတက အေထာကအထားမတတမး၊

(စျ) ကGမးကျငပညာရင မဟတေသာ ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ� မပြ -လပ�ငေသာ

�ငငေတာ၏ ေရရညအကျ-းစးပားအတက အေထာကအကပြ -�ငသ

မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးများအတက မြ နမာ�ငငရ တာ၀နယအာမခမည

ပဂN-လ၏ ကယေရးအချကအလက�ငတာဝနခချက၊

(ည) မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င ဆကစပသ�ငငခြ ားသားဖြ စပါက -

(၁) �ငငခြ ားသားအတက ဆကစပသ မြ နမာ�ငငသား၏ တာ၀နခ


(၂) �ငငခြ ားသားသည လကရမြ နမာ�ငငသား ဇနး သ မဟတ

ခငပနးမတစပါး အခြ ားဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးရသမဟတ

ေက� ာငး ဝနခချကက ၎ငး�ငငခြ ားသား၏ သကဆငရာအစးရ

အသအမတပြ - သကေသခပငခငရသက မနကနေက� ာငး

အ Mဂလပဘာသာပြ နဆထားသည တရား၀ငအေထာကအထား၊


10. If the application under rule 9 is received, it shall be scrutinized, as

may be necessary, by the officer in charge of the Section and submitted

as soon as possible to the Implementation Working Committee.

11. The Implementation Working Committee shall, when it receives the

submission under rule 10, after scrutinizing whether such submission is in

conformity with the relevant prescribed documents contained in these

rules or not and whether such submission is in conformity with orders and

directives issued by the Ministry or not:

(a) submit as soon as possible to the Implementation Central

Committee together with the recommendation for granting

the permanent residence if it is in conformity with the


(b) request the requirements from the applicant if it is not in

conformity with the stipulation or incomplete with


(c) submit the objection to the Implementation Central

Committee together with reason if the requirements are not

able to be submitted completely by the applicant although

it is requested under sub-rule (b).

12. When the Implementation Central Committee receives the

submission under sub-rules (a) and (c) of rule 11:

(a) it shall inform in writing as the permanent residence is

granted to the relevant applicant if it decides to grant the

permanent residence after summoning the relevant

applicant and verifying with the documents in application if

the submission is under sub-rule (a) of rule 11;

(b) it shall decide not to grant the permanent residence after

scrutinizing the submission and inform in writing as the

permanent residence is not granted to the relevant

applicant if it receives the submission under sub-rule (c) of

rule 11.


၁၀။ နညးဥပေဒ ၉ အရ ေလCာကထားချကက လကခရရလCင ဌာနစတ

တာ၀နခအရာရက လအပသလစစစေဆာငရက၍ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနး

ေကာမတသ ေဆာလျငစာ တငပြ ရမည။

၁၁။ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၀ အရ တငပြ

ချကကလကခရရလCင ဤနညးဥပေဒများပါသကဆငရာ သတမတချကအေထာကအထား

များ�င ပြ ညစည=တမ� ရ မရကလညးေကာငး၊ ၀နက� းဌာနက ထတပြ နသတမတထား

သည အမန ၊=>နက� ားချကများ�ငည=တခြ ငး ရ မရ ကလညးေကာငးစစစပ. း-

(က) သတမတချက အေထာကအထားများ�င ည=တပြ ညစေက� ာငး ေတAရ

လCင အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -�ငေရးအတက ေထာကခတငပြ ချက�ငအတ

အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတသ ေဆာလျငစာတငပြ ရမည။

(ခ) သတမတချက�င ည=တခြ ငး သ မဟတ အေထာကအထားများ

ပြ ညစ ခြ ငးမရလCင ေလCာကထားသထမ လအပချကများက ေတာငးခ


(ဂ) နညးဥပေဒခ (ခ) အရ ေတာငးခေသာလညး ေလCာကထားသက

လအပချကများ ပြ ညစစာတငပြ �ငခြ ငးမရပါက ကျ-းေက� ာငးေဖာပြ ချက

�ငအတ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ သ ကန ကကတငပြ


၁၂။ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၁ နညးဥပေဒခ (က)

�င (ဂ) အရတငပြ ချကက လကခရရသညအခါ -

(က) နညးဥပေဒ ၁၁၊ နညးဥပေဒခ (က) အရ တငပြ ချကဖြ စလCင သကဆငရာ

ေလCာကထားသအားေခ'ယေတAဆ၍ ေလCာကထားလ>ာပါ အေထာက

အထားများ�င တကဆငေမးမြ နးစစမးပ. း အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ရန ဆးဖြ တ

ပါက သကဆငရာအမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသထ အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -

ေက� ာငး စာဖြ ငအေက� ာငးက� ားရမည။

(ခ) နညးဥပေဒ ၁၁၊ နညးဥပေဒခ (ဂ) အရ တငပြ ချကက လကခရရလCင

တငပြ ချကကစစစပ. း အမ. ေနထငခင ခငမပြ -ေက� ာငး ဆးဖြ တ၍

သကဆငရာအမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသထ အမ. ေနထငခင ခငမပြ -

ေက� ာငး စာဖြ င အေက� ာငးက� ားရမည။


Chapter IV

Application to Issue the Permanent Residence Certificate

13. If the applicant of the permanent residence receives the notice of

the Implementation Central Committee that the permanent residence is

granted under sub-rule (a) of rule 12, he/she shall come to the Section

within 60 days from the day of such notice and apply himself/ herself to

issue the Permanent Residence Certificate together with the following


(a) application form Ah Ma Na – 2 to issue the Permanent

Residence Certificate;

(b) valid passport, and original and copy of travel document

and sufficient recognized certificate that he/she is a citizen

from the State of origin of the applicant of the permanent


(c) original notice to the applicant as the permanent residence

is granted by the Implementation Central Committee

relating to the permanent residence of a foreigner;

(d) the following documents shall be submitted if the applicant

of the permanent residence is accompanied by his/her

family member:

(i) record of household members list;

(ii) background such as name, age and occupation of

the family members;

(iii) birth certificate for offspring;

(iv) official guardianship certificate for adoption if he/she

has the adoptive offspring under 18 years of age.

14. If the Officer-in-Charge of the Section receives the application

under rule 13, shall issue the Permanent Residence Certificate after

scrutinizing this application in accord with orders and directives prescribed

by the Ministry and causing the prescribed fees to be paid by the person

who obtains the permanent residence.


အခနး (၄)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးရနေလ:ာကထားခြ ငး

၁၃။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၂(က)အရ အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -

ေက� ာငးအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ၏ အေက� ာငးက� ားစာက လကခရရလCင

အေက� ာငးက� ားသည ေန ရကမရကေပါငး ၆၀ အတငး ဌာနစတသ လာေရာက၍

အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတထတယခင ပြ -ပါရန ေအာကပါ စာရကစာတမး အေထာက

အထားများ�ငအတ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသကယတင ေလCာကထားရမည-

(က) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးရန ေလCာကလ>ာပစအမန-၂၊

(ခ) သကတမးရေသာ �ငငကးလကမတ�င ခရးသားစာရကစာတမး

အေထာကအထား မရငး�င မတL D၊ အမ. ေနခငေလCာကထားသ၏ မရငး

�ငငမ �ငငသားဖြ စေက� ာငး ခငလေသာ အသအမတပြ - အေထာက


(ဂ) �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး

ဗဟေကာမတမ အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ေက� ာငး ကာယကရငသ အေက� ာငး

က� ားစာမရငး၊

(ဃ) အမ. ေနခငေလCာကထားသ�ငအတ မသားစဝငများပါရပါက ေအာကပါ

အေထာကအထားများတငပြ ရမည-

(၁) အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငးမတတမး၊

(၂) မသားစဝငများ၏အမည၊ အသက၊ အလပအကငစသည

ေနာကေက� ာငးရာဇဝင၊

(၃) သားသမးများအတက ေမးစာရငးသကေသခလကမတ၊

(၄) အသက ၁၈ �စေအာက ေမးစားသားသမးများ ပါရပါက

ေမးစားေသာတရားဝင အပထနးခင သကေသခလကမတ။

၁၄။ ဌာနစတတာ၀နခအရာရသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၃ အရ ေလCာကထားချကက လကခ

ရရလCင ဝနက� းဌာနကသတမတထတပြ နထားသည အမန ၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည

စစစ၍ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသက သတမတအခေက� းေင ေပးသငးေစပ. း အမ. ေနထငခင



15. If the applicant of the permanent residence does not apply and

draw the Permanent Residence Certificate within 60 days prescribed

under rule 13, he/she shall submit the sufficient ground to the

Implementation Central Committee within 120 days commencing from

such day.


၁၅။ အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားသသည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ေလCာကထား

ခြ ငး�င ထတယခြ ငးတ က နညးဥပေဒ ၁၃ အရ သတမတရက ၆၀ အတငး

ေဆာငရက�ငခြ ငးမရပါက ထေန မစ၍ ရကေပါငး ၁၂၀ အတငး အေကာငအထည

ေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတသ ခငလေသာအေက� ာငးပြ ချက တငပြ ၍ေဆာငရကရမည။


Chapter V Validation and Registration for the Term of the Permanent Residence and the

Annual Term 16. (a) The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate

shall have initial stay for five years as the term of the permanent residence;

(b) If the initial stay for five years of the term of the permanent residence has been expired, he/she may reapply the renewal of five years at a time;

(c) The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall apply to the Section himself/herself to register the term of certificate once in a year within the term of the permanent residence in sub-rule (a) together with the following documents within 30 days from the date of completion of one year:

(i) application form Ah Ma Na-3 to register the validity term of the Permanent Residence Certificate;

(ii) valid passport, and original and copy of travel document and sufficient recognized certificate that he/she is a citizen from the State of origin of the applicant of the permanent residence;

(iii) original and copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate;

(iv) document permitted to continue to operate business from the relevant department;

(v) tax exemption certificate issued in accord with the existing law, and original and copies of valid company registration which has not been expired for the persons who desires to invest and operate business.

(d) If the Officer-in-Charge of the Section receives the application under sub-rule (b) of rule 16, registration for the approval of term of the Permanent Residence Certificate shall be made after scrutinizing in accord with orders and directives prescribed and issued by the Ministry and causing the prescribed fees to be paid by the person who obtains the permanent residence.


အခနး (၅)

အမ" ေနထငခငသကတမး�င �စစဥသကတမးအတညပြ -မတပတငခြ ငး

၁၆။ (က) အ မ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသသည အ မ. ေနထငခငသကတမးအဖြ စ

ကနဦးငါး�စ ရရမညဖြ စသည။

(ခ) အ မ. ေနထငခငသကတမး ကနဦးငါး�စပြ ညပ. းပါက ထပမ၍ တစက� မ

လCင ငါး�စသကတမးတး ေလCာကထား�ငသည။

(ဂ) အမ. ေနထငခင လကမတရရသသည နညးဥပေဒခ (က) ပါ အ မ.

ေနထငခငသကတမးကာလအတငး တစ�စလCငတစက� မ လကမတ

သကတမးအတညပြ -မတပတငရန တစ�စပြ ညသညေန မစ၍ ရကေပါငး

၃၀ အတငး ေအာကပါ စာရကစာတမးအေထာကအထားများ�ငအတ

ဌာနစတသ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ ကယတင ေလCာကထားရမည-

(၁) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတသကတမး အတညပြ -မတပတငရန

ေလCာကလ>ာပစအမန- ၃၊

(၂) သကတမးရေသာ �ငငကးလကမတ�င ခရးသားစာရကစာတမး

အေထာကအထား မရငး�င မတL D၊ အမ. ေနခငေလCာကထားသ၏

မရငး�ငငမ �ငငသားဖြ စေက� ာငး ခငလေသာ အသအမတပြ -


(၃) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတမရငး �င မတL D၊

(၄) သကဆငရာဌာနမလပငနးဆကလကလပကငခငပြ -ထားသည


(၅) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�၍ စးပားေရးလပကငလသများအတက တညဆဥပေဒ

�ငအညထတေပးသညအခနကငးလတေက� ာငးသကေသခလကမတ

�င သကတမးမကနေသးေသာ ကမ)ဏမတပတင မရငး�ငမတL Dများ၊

(ဃ) ဌာနစတတာဝနခအရာရသည နညးဥပေဒခ ၁၆(ခ)အရ ေလCာကထားချကက

လကခရရလCင ဝနက� းဌာနက သတမတထတပြ နထားသည အမန ၊ =>နက� ား

ချကများ�ငအညစစစ၍ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသက သတမတအခေက� းေင

ေပးသငးေစပ. း အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတသကတမး အတညပြ -မတပတငခြ ငး

က ေဆာငရကေပးရမည။


Chapter VI

Application for the Renewal of thePermanent Residence

17. If the person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate desires to renew the term of the permanent residence, after the filling up completely of the application form Ah Ma Na -4 to permit the renewal of the permanent residence at least within 90 days before the expiry of five-year term, he/she shall apply himself/ herself to the Section according to procedure together with the documents submitted in the initial application contained in rule 9.

Chapter VII

Application for the Household Member List of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate

18. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall apply himself/herself in the relevant Office of Township Staff Officer-in-Charge together with the following documents for issue of the household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence in order to reside in the area to be settled in accord with the existing laws:

(a) application form Ah Ma Na – 5 to draw permit of the household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence;

(b) original and copy of passport of the applicant; (c) original and copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate

of the applicant; (d) curriculum vitae of household members who are to be in the

household (original/ copy of document); (e) recommendation of the relevant ward or village-tract

administrator that the applicant resides in his/her ward or village-tract;

(f) original and copy of tenancy agreement if the applicant hires a house and resides in it and procurement agreement if he/she purchases a house and resides in it.


အခနး (၆)

အမ" ေနထငခငသကတမးတးေလ:ာကထားခြ ငး

၁၇။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသသည အမ. ေနထငခငသကတမး တးမြ :ငေလCာက

ထားလက သကတမးငါး�စမကနဆးမ အနညးဆးရကေပါငး ၉၀ အတငး အမ. ေနထငခင

သကတမးတးခင ပြ -ရန ေလCာကလ>ာပစအမန-၄ တင ပြ ညစစာဖြ ညစကပ. း၊ နညးဥပေဒ ၉

ပါ ကနဦးေလCာကထားစဥကတငပြ သည စာရကစာတမးအေထာကအထားများ�ငအတ

လပငနးစဥအတငး ဌာနစတသ ၎ငးကယတငလာေရာက ေလCာကထားရမည။

အခနး (၇)

အမ" ေနထငခငရရသအမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငးေလ:ာကထားခြ ငး

၁၈။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသသည ယငးအေခြ ချေနထငမညေဒသတင တညဆ

ဥပေဒများ�ငအညေနထင�ငေရးအတက အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရ

စာရငးထတေပးပါရန ေအာကပါစာရကစာတမး အေထာကအထားများ�ငအတ သကဆင

ရာမ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးတင အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသကယတင ေလCာကထားရ


(က) အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး ထတယခငေလCာက


(ခ) ကာယကရင၏ �ငငကးလကမတမရငး�ငမတL D၊

(ဂ) ကာယကရင၏အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတမရငး�ငမတL D၊

(ဃ) အမေထာငစတငပါဝငမည မသားစဝငများ၏ ကယေရးအချကများ

(အေထာကအထားမရငး/မတL Dများ)

(င) မမ၏ ရပကက သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစတင ေနထငေက� ာငး

သကဆငရာရပကက သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏


(စ) အမငားရမးေနထငပါက အမရင အမငားစာချ-ပ၊ အမဝယ၍ ေနထင

ပါက အေရာငးအဝယစာချ-ပ အေထာကအထား မရငး�င မတL D၊


Chapter VIII

Application for the Copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate for Loss

or Damage

19. If the loss or damage of the Permanent Residence Certificate

occurs, the person who obtains the permanent residence shall complain

himself/herself to the relevant Township Police Station and Office of the

Township Staff Officer-in-Charge, together with the following documents

after reporting to the relevant ward or village-tract administrator within 72

hours from the time of such occurrence:

(a) original and copy of application written by himself/herself to

issue the copy for loss or damage;

(b) five coloured photographs sized in 1.5 inches x 2 inches

which were taken during last six months;

(c) number and date of loss or damage of the Permanent

Residence Certificate;

(d) original and copy of valid passport;

(e) original and copy of household member list of the person

who obtains the permanent residence;

(f) recommendation of ward or village-tract administrator for

loss of the Permanent Residence Certificate.

20. The person who obtains the permanent residence shall apply to

draw permit of the copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate

himself/herself to the Section after filling up completely the application

form Ah Ma Na-6 to draw permit of the copy for loss and damage of the

Permanent Residence Certificate together with documents that he/she has

complained under rule 19.

21. The Section may issue the copy after scrutinizing the necessary

documents in respect of the application under rule 20 in accord with

orders and directives issued by the Ministry and causing the prescribed

fees to be paid by the person who applies the copy of the Permanent

Residence Certificate.


အခနး (၈)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတေပျာကဆးခြ ငး သ�မဟတ

ပျကစးခြ ငးအတက မတ< 8ေလ:ာကထားခြ ငး

၁၉။ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသသည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆးခြ ငး သ မဟတ

ပျကစးခြ ငးဖြ စေပ'ပါက ယငးသ ဖြ စေပ'ချနမ ၇၂ နာရ အတငးသကဆငရာ ရပကက

သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစ အပချ-ပေရးမDးEးသ သတငးပ ပ. း ထမတစဆင ေအာကပါ

အေထာကအထားများ�ငအတ သကဆငရာမ. - နယရတပဖAစခနး�င မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

Eးသ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆး သ မဟတ ပျကစးသ ကယတင သားေရာက

တငက� ားရမည-

(က) ေပျာကဆးခြ ငး သ မဟတ ပျကစးခြ ငးအတက မတL D ထတေပးရန

ကယတငေရးေလCာကလ>ာ မရငး�ငမတL D၊

(ခ) လနခေသာ ေခြ ာကလအတငးက Eကကးထားသည တစဒဿမငါး

လကမ x �စလကမ အရယရ ေရာငစ ဓါတပ ငါးပ၊

(ဂ) ေပျာကဆး သ မဟတ ပျကစးသည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတအမတ �င


(ဃ) သကတမးရေသာ �ငငကးလကမတ မရငး�င မတL D၊

(င) အမ. ေနထငခင ရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး မရငး�င မတL D၊

(စ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတေပျာကဆးခြ ငးအတက ရပကက သ မဟတ

ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ ေထာကခချက။

၂၀။ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၉ အရ တငက� ားပ. းေက� ာငး အေထာက

အထားများ�ငအတ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆးပျကစးခြ ငးအတက မတL D

ထတယခင ေလCာကလ>ာပစ အမန - ၆ က ပြ ညစစာ ဖြ ညစက၍ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ

မတL Dထတယခင ပြ -ပါရန ဌာနစတတင ၎ငးကယတငေလCာကထားရမည။

၂၁။ ဌာနစတသည အပဒ ၂၀ အရ ေလCာကထားချက�ငစပလျဥး၍ လအပေသာ

အေထာကအထားများကစစစပ. း ဝနက� းဌာနမထတပြ နထားသညအမန ၊ =>နက� ားချက

များ�ငအညစစစ၍ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတမတL DေလCာကထားသအား သတမတအခ

ေက� းေငေပးေဆာငေစပ. း မတL Dထတေပး�ငသည။


Chapter IX

Particulars to be Carried Out as to the Change of the Curriculum Vitae of

the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate

22 (a) The person who obtains the Permanent Residence

Certificate or the responsible person on behalf of him/her

shall apply to the relevant Office of Township Staff Officer-

in-Charge, within 30 days from the date of the change if

there are changing processes of passport number,

education qualification or marital status relating to the

person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate

while residing with the permanent residence.

(b) According to the application in accord with sub-rule (a),

together with the recommendation issued by the Office of

Township Staff Officer-in-Charge, the following documents

shall be submitted:

(i) application form Ah Ma Na-7 of the change of

curriculum vitae of the person who obtains the

permanent residence;

(ii) original and copy of the Permanent Residence


(iii) original and copy of passport;

(iv) original and copy of household member list of the

person who obtains the permanent residence;

(v) original and copies of official documents in respect

of the change of facts in curriculum vitae (passport,

degree certificate, marriage certificate, etc.)

(c) The Section shall, when it receives the application under sub-

rule (b), perform in accord with the relevant orders and

directives and undertake the change of curriculum vitae of

the person who obtains the permanent residence.


အခနး (၉)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ၏ကယေရးဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလခြ ငးဆငရာ


၂၂။ (က) အမ. ေနထငခင ဖြ င ေနထငစHကာလအတငး အမ. ေနထငခင လကမတ

ရရသ�ငသကဆငသည �ငငကးလကမတအမတ၊ ပညာအရညအချငး

သ မဟတ အမေထာငေရးအေခြ အေနေပြ ာငးလမ� ဖြ စစဥများရလCင

ေပြ ာငးလမ�ရသည ေန ရကမ ရကေပါငး ၃၀ အတငး အမ. ေနထငခင

လကမတရရသ ကယတင ဖြ စေစ၊ ယငး၏ကယစား တာဝနခ

ေဆာငရကသက ဖြ စေစ သကဆငရာ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးသ ဦးစာ


(ခ) နညးဥပေဒခ(က)�ငအည ေလCာကထားချကအရ မ. - နယဦးစး ဌာနမDး

Eးကထတေပးေသာ ေထာကခချက�ငအတ ေအာကပါစာရကစာတမး

အေထာကအထားများ တငပြ ရမည-

(၁) အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ၏ ကယေရးဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလခြ ငး ေလCာက

လ>ာပစ အမန-၇၊

(၂) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ မရငး�င မတL D၊

(၃) �ငငကးလကမတ မရငး�င မတL D၊

(၄) အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး မရငး�င

မတL D၊

(၅) ဖြ စစဥအေက� ာငးအရာ ေပြ ာငးလခြ ငး�ငစပလျဥးသည တရား

၀ငအေထာကအထား မရငး�င မတL Dများ (�ငငကးလကမတ၊

ဘAလကမတ၊ လကထပစာချ-ပ စသည)၊

(ဂ) ဌာနစတသည နညးဥပေဒခ (ခ) အရ ေလCာကထားချကကရရသညအခါ

သကဆငရာအမန ၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအညေဆာငရက၍ အမ. ေနထင

ခငလကမတရရသ၏ ကယေရးဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလမ�က လကခေဆာငရက



Chapter X

Particulars to be Carried Out as to the Birth or Decease of the Child

in Myanmar

23. Any of the parents who have obtained the Permanent Residence Certificate give birth to a child in Myanmar shall:

(a) inform the relevant ward or village-tract administrator within seven days from the date of birth in order to make registration on the birth of the child within Myanmar and shall apply the change of curriculum vitae together with the correctly filled up form Ah Ma Na-7 within 30 days from the date of birth to the relevant Office of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,;

(b) attach and submit the original and copy of household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence of the parents to enter into the name list of the child who was born;

(c) contain original and copy of valid Permanent Residence Certificate or national certificate of any of the parents, citizen scrutiny card or associate citizen certificate, associate citizen scrutiny card or naturalized citizen scrutiny card or national registration card;

(d) contain original and copy of parental valid passport of the person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate;

(e) submit original and copy of birth certificate or register of birth of a child.

24. (a) The application under rule 23 shall be submitted to the Department for permitting to complete the name of the child in the Permanent Residence Certificate after scrutinizing whether this application is complete and proper in conformity with the orders and directives of the Ministry or not by the relevant Office of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,.


အခနး (၁၀)

မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးကေလးေမးဖားခြ ငး သ�မဟတ

ကေလးေသဆးခြ ငးဆငရာ ေဆာငရကရမညအချကများ

၂၃။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ မဘတစဦးဦးသည မြ နမာ�ငငအတငး

ကေလးေမးဖားခြ ငးအတက-

(က) မြ နမာ�ငငအတငး ကေလးေမးဖားေက� ာငးမတပတငေပး�ငေရးအတက

ကေလးေမးဖားသညေန မစ၍ ခ�စရကအတငး သကဆငရာ ရပကက

သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDးEးသ သားေရာကအေက� ာငး

က� ားရမည။ ထမတစဆင ကေလးေမးဖားသညေန မစ၍ ရကေပါငး ၃၀

အတငး ပြ ညစမနကနစာဖြ ညစကထားသည ပစအမန-၇ �ငအတ

သကဆငရာမ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးတင ဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလမ� ေလCာကထား


(ခ) ေမးဖားေသာကေလးအမညစာရငးက ေရးသငး�ငရန မဘ၏ အမ.

ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး မရငး�င မတL Dက ပးတ

တငပြ ရမည။

(ဂ) သကတမးရေသာ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ သ မဟတ မဘတစဦးဦး၏

�ငငသားလကမတ၊ �ငငသားစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ ဧည�ငင

သားလကမတ၊ ဧည�ငငသား စစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ �ငငသားပြ -

ခငစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ အမျ-းသားမတပတင သကေသခကတ

ပြ ားမရငး�င မတL Dတ ပါရရမည။

(ဃ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသမဘ၏ သကတမးရေသာ �ငငကး

လကမတမရငး�င မတL Dတ ပါရရမည။

(င) ေမးဖားေက� ာငး အေထာကအထားလကမတသ မဟတကေလးဖားစာရငး

မရငး�င မတL Dတ ကတငပြ ရမည။

၂၄။ (က) နညးဥပေဒ ၂၃ အရ ေလCာကထားချကသည ဝနက� းဌာန၏ အမန ၊

=>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည ပြ ညစမနကနခြ ငးရမရက သကဆငရာ

မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးကစစစပ. း အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတတင ကေလး

အမည ဖြ ညစကခင ပြ -ေရးအတက ဦးစးဌာနသ တငပြ ရမည။


(b) If the Department receives the submission of Office of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, under sub-rule (a), it shall issue to the relevant applicant through the Office of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, after the complement of the name of the child in the Permanent Residence Certificate.

(c) The Department shall submit the performance under sub-rule (b) to the Central Implementation Committee and the Ministry.

25. Any of the parents who have obtained the Permanent Residence

Certificate shall: (a) inform the relevant ward or village-tract administrator within

seven days from the date of decease of the child for enabling to register the decease of the child in Myanmar and apply to register the change of curriculum vitae in the relevant Office of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, together with form Ah Ma Na-7 completely filled up within 30 days from the date of the decease of the child;

(b) attach and submit the original and copy of household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence of the parents to cancel the name list of deceased child;

(c) contain original and copy of valid Permanent Residence Certificate of the parents or national certificate of any of the parents, citizen scrutiny card or associate citizen certificate, associate citizen scrutiny card or naturalized citizen certificate, naturalized citizen scrutiny card or national registration card;

(d) contain original and copy of passport having the name of deceased child or valid passport of any of the parents;

(e) submit original and copy of the documentation of the decease of the child or death certificate.


(ခ) ဦးစးဌာနသည နညးဥပေဒခ (က)အရ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEး၏ တငပြ

ချကကလကခရရလCင အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတတင ကေလးအမညက

ဖြ ညစကပ. း မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးမတစဆင သကဆငရာေလCာကထား

သထ ထတေပးရမည။

(ဂ) ဦးစးဌာနသည နညးဥပေဒခ (ခ)အရ ေဆာငရကချကက အေကာင

အထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ�င ဝနက� းဌာနသ တငပြ ရမည။

၂၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ မဘတစဦးဦးသည-

(က) မြ နမာ�ငငအတငး ကေလးေသဆးေက� ာငးမတပတငေပး�ငေရးအတက

ကေလးေသဆးသညေန မစ၍ခ�စရကအတငး သကဆငရာ ရပကက

သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDးEးသ သားေရာကအေက� ာငး

က� ားရမည။ ကေလးေသဆးသညေန မစ၍ ရကေပါငး ၃၀ အတငး

ပြ ညစမနကနစာ ဖြ ညစကထားသည ပစအမန-၇ �ငအတ သကဆငရာ

မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးတင ဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလမ� မတပတငရန ေလCာက


(ခ) ေသဆးေသာကေလးအမညစာရငးက ပယဖျက�ငရန အမ. ေနထငခင

လကမတရရသ မဘ၏ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရ

စာရငး မရငး�ငမတL Dက ပးတတငပြ ရမည။

(ဂ) မဘ၏သကတမးရေသာ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ သ မဟတ မဘတစဦး

ဦး၏ �ငငသားလကမတ၊ �ငငသားစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ ဧည

�ငငသားလကမတ၊ ဧည�ငငသားစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ �ငင

သား ပြ -ခငလကမတ၊ �ငငသားပြ -ခငစစစေရးကတပြ ား သ မဟတ အမျ-း

သားမတပတငသကေသခကတပြ ား မရငး�င မတL Dပါရရမည။

(ဃ) ေသဆးေသာကေလးအမညပါရေသာ �ငငကးလကမတ သ မဟတ မဘ

တစဦးဦး၏ သကတမးရေသာ �ငငကးလကမတမရငး�င မတL Dတ ပါရ


(င) ကေလးေသဆးေက� ာငးအေထာကအထားလကမတ သ မဟတ ေသဆး

စာရငး မရငး�င မတL Dတ တငပြ ရမည။


26. (a) The application under rule 25 shall be submitted to the

Department for cancellation of the name of the child in the

household member list of the Permanent Residence

Certificate after scrutinizing whether the application is

complete and proper in conformity with the orders and

directives of the Ministry or not by the relevant Office of the

Township Staff Officer-in-Charge,.

(b) If the Department receives the submission of Office of the

Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, under sub-rule

(a), it shall issue to the relevant applicant through the Office

of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, after the

cancellation of the name of the child in the household

member list of the person who obtains the permanent


(c) The Department shall submit the performance under sub-

rule (b) to the Implementation Central Committee and the



၂၆။ (က) နညးဥပေဒ၂၅ အရ ေလCာကထားချကသည ဝနက� းဌာန၏ အမန ၊

=>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည ပြ ညစမနကနခြ ငး ရ မရက သကဆငရာ

မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးမစစစပ. း အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ အမေထာငစ

လဦးေရစာရငးတင ကေလးအမည ပယဖျကေရးအတက ဦးစးဌာနသ

တငပြ ရမည။

(ခ) ဦးစးဌာနသည နညးဥပေဒခ (က)အရ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEး၏

တငပြ ချကက လကခရရလCင အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦး

ေရစာရငးတင ကေလးအမညကပယဖျကပ. း မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးမ

တစဆင သကဆငရာေလCာကထားသထ ထတေပးရမည။

(ဂ) ဦးစးဌာနသည နညးဥပေဒခ (ခ)အရ ေဆာငရကချကက အေကာင

အထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ�င ဝနက� းဌာနသ တငပြ ရမည။


Chapter XI

Particulars to be Carried Out as to the Decease of the Person Who Obtains

the Permanent Residence Certificate

27. If the person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate is

deceased, the Permanent Residence Certificate of the deceased shall be

returned to the Section through the relevant Office of the Township

Departmental Officer-in-Charge, within 30 days from the date of such

decease by the next of kin or responsible person together with the

following documents:

(a) application form Ah Ma Na-8 of the return of the Permanent

Residence Certificate;

(b) copy of the notice within seven days from the date of such

decease to the relevant Office of the ward or village-tract

administrator where the person who obtains the Permanent

Residence Certificate resides;

(c) original Permanent Residence Certificate of the deceased;

(d) original and copy of the passport;

(e) original and copy of documentation of the decease or

death certificate;

(f) original and copy of the household member list of the

person who obtains the permanent residence for

cancellation of the name of the deceased.


အခနး (၁၁)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတရရသေသဆးခြ ငးဆငရာေဆာငရကရမည အချကများ

၂၇။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ ေသဆးပါက ေသဆးသညေန မစ၍ ရကေပါငး

၃၀ အတငး အနးစပဆးေဆမျ-း သ မဟတ တာဝနခေဆာငရကသက ေအာကပါ

စာရကစာတမး အေထာကအထားများ�ငအတေသဆးသကငေဆာငခေသာ အမ. ေနထင

ခငလကမတက သကဆငရာ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးမတစဆင ဌာနစတသ ပြ နလညအပ�


(က) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတပြ နလညအပ� ခြ ငးေလCာကလ>ာပစအမန - ၈၊

(ခ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ ေနထငေသာ သကဆငရာရပကက

သ မဟတ ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDးEးသ ၎ငးေသဆးသညေန မစ၍

ခ�စရကအတငး သားေရာကအေက� ာငးက� ားထားသည စာမတL D၊

(ဂ) ေသဆးသ၏အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ မရငး၊

(ဃ) �ငငကးလကမတ မရငး�င မတL D၊

(င) ေသဆးေက� ာငး အေထာကအထားလကမတ သ မဟတ ေသစာရငး

မရငး�ငမတL D၊

(စ) ေသဆးသအမညအား ပယဖျကရနအတက ၎ငးရရထားေသာ အမ.

ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး မရငး�င မတL D။


Chapter XII

Imposition of Fees

28. The applicant for the permanent residence shall pay US $ 500

which is not returnable for the initial application for the permanent

residence to the Section.

29. The person who has obtained the notice of the permanent

residence under sub-rule (a) of this rule 12 shall, after applying to draw

permit of the Permanent Residence Certificate in accord with rule 13 to

the Section, and in drawing the Permanent Residence Certificate in

accord with rule 14 and in registering the term of the Permanent

Residence Certificate in accord with rule 16, pay the fees as follows:

(a) US $ 1000 per annum for a foreigner;

(b) US $ 500 per annum for ex-Myanmar citizen;

(c) US $ 300 per annum for each of their legal offspring at the

age of seven years to 18 years of age applied for the

permanent residence along with the persons in sub-rule (a)

or (b).

Proviso: If the legal offspring applied for the

permanent residence along with the persons

in sub-rule (a) or (b) are seven years and

under of age, they are allowed to reside free

of charge.

30. If the registration is made within 90 days after exceeding 30 days

without the registration of term approval within 30 days after the expiry of

one year in accord with rule 16, US $ 200 shall be paid as a fine and if the

registration of term approval is made within 180 days after 90 days, US $

500 shall be paid as a fine.


အခနး (၁၂)

အခေက းေင သတမတချက

၂၈။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသသည ကနဦးအမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားခြ ငး

အတက ပြ နလညထတယ၍မရသည အေမရကနေဒ'လာ ၅၀၀ က ဌာနစတတင ေပးသငး


၂၉။ ဤနညးဥပေဒ ၁၂၊ နညးဥပေဒခ (က) အရ အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ေက� ာငး အေက� ာငး

က� ားစာရရသသည နညးဥပေဒ ၁၃ �ငအည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ထတယခင ပြ -ပါ

ရန ဌာနစတသ ေလCာကထား၍ နညးဥပေဒ ၁၄ �ငအည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ

ထတယရာတငလညးေကာငး၊ နညးဥပေဒ ၁၆ �ငအည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ

သကတမးအတညပြ - မတပတငရာတငလညးေကာငး ေအာကပါအတငးအခေက� းေငက

ေပးေဆာငရမည -

(က) �ငငခြ ားသားတစဦးအတက တစ�စလCင အေမရကန ေဒ'လာ ၁၀၀၀၊

(ခ) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးတစဦးအတက တစ�စလCင အေမရကန ေဒ'လာ


(ဂ) နညးဥပေဒခ (က) သ မဟတ (ခ) ပါ ပဂN-လတ �ငအတ တစပါတညး

အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားသည အသက ခ�စ�စအထကမ ၁၈ �စ

အထ ယငးတ ၏ တရားဝငသားသမးတစဦးစအတက တစ�စလCင

အေမရကန ေဒ'လာ ၃၀၀၊

ခP ငးချက။ နညးဥပေဒခ (က) သ မဟတ (ခ) ပါ ပဂN-လတ �ငအတ

တစပါတညး အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသည ယငး

တ ၏ တရားဝငသားသမးသည အသက ခ�စ�စ�င

ေအာကဖြ စပါက အခမေနထင ခင ပြ -သည။

၃၀။ နညးဥပေဒ ၁၆ �ငအည တစ�စ သကတမးကနဆးပ. း၊ ရကေပါငး ၃၀ အတငး

သကတမးအတညပြ -မတပတငခြ ငးမပြ -ဘ ရကေပါငး ၃၀ ေကျာလနပ. း ရကေပါငး ၉၀

အတငး မတပတငခြ ငးပြ -လCင ဒဏေက� းေငအဖြ စ အေမရကနေဒ'လာ ၂၀၀ က

လညးေကာငး၊ ရကေပါငး ၉၀ ေကျာလန ပ. း ၁၈၀ အတငး သကတမးအတညပြ -

မတပတငခြ ငးပြ -လCင ဒဏေက� းေငအဖြ စ အေမရကန ေဒ'လာ ၅၀၀ ကလညးေကာငး



31. The applicant shall pay US $ 300 as a fee for the issue of a copy of

loss if the Permanent Residence Certificate is issued according to the

application to issue copy of the Permanent Residence Certificate for loss

or damage of it in accord with rules 19 and 20.

32. The relevant applicant shall pay himself/herself for the imposed

fees for application and issue of the permanent residence, annual

approval of the registration for the Permanent Residence Certificate,

paying the imposed fine and the drawal of copy for loss and damage of

the Permanent Residence Certificate to the Section.


၃၁။ နညးဥပေဒ ၁၉၊၂၀ တ �ငအည အမ. ေနထင ခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆး ခြ ငး

သ မဟတ ပျကစးခြ ငးအတက အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ မတL Dထတေပးရန ေလCာကထား

ချကအရ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးရလCင ေပျာကပျကမတL D ထတေပးခအဖြ စ

ေလCာကထားသက အေမရကန ေဒ'လာ ၃၀၀ ေပးေဆာငရမည။

၃၂။ အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားခြ ငး၊ ထတယခြ ငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ

သကတမး �စစHအတည ပြ -မတပတငခြ ငး၊ သတမတဒဏေက� းေပးေဆာငခြ ငး�င အမ.

ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆးပျကစး၍ မတQDထတယခြ ငးတ အတက သတမတအခ

ေက� းေငများက ဌာနစတတင သကဆငရာ ေလCာကထားသကယတင ေပးေဆာငရမည။


Chapter XIII Duties and Rights of the Person Who Obtains the Permanent Residence

Certificate Duties 33. The duties of the person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall: (a) respect the sovereignty of Myanmar and existing laws

and laws of the respective country and reside peacefully;

(b) pay tax in accord with the provisions of the existing revenue law upon the income which is earned within Myanmar;

(c) submit the sufficient ground and obtain the permission if desires to reside one year and above consecutively beyond the territory of Myanmar within five years term of the permanent residence;

(d) apply and reside in accord with rules 18 in the relevant Office of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, in the Region or State to be settled for obtaining the household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence;

(e) hold and keep systematically the Permanent Residence Certificate so not as to damage and loss.

Rights 34. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate:

(a) has the right to do the apartment of the complex building bought by own name in accord with the existing laws;

(b) may apply in order to make the household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence in accord with the stipulation in the apartment of the complex building bought by own name to the Office of Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, in accord with the stipulation;


အခနး (၁၃)

အမ" ေနထငခငရရသ၏ တာဝန�င အခငအေရးများ


၃၃။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသသည-

(က) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာ�င တညဆဥပေဒများကလညး

ေကာငး၊ သကဆငရာ�ငငအသးသး၏ ဥပေဒများကလညးေကာငး

ေလးစားလကနာ၍ ေကာငးမနစာ ေနထငရမည။

(ခ) မြ နမာ�ငငအတငး ရရသညဝငေငအေပ' တညဆအခနဥပေဒပါ ပြ ဌာနး

ချကများ�ငအည အခနေပးေဆာငရမည။

(ဂ) အမ. ေနထငခငသကတမးငါး�စအတငး မြ နမာ�ငငပြ ငပတင တစ�စ�င

အထက တစဆကတညးေနထငလပါက ခငလေသာအေက� ာငးပြ ချက

တငပြ ၍ခငပြ -ချကရယရမည။

(ဃ) အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစ လဦးေရစာရငး ရရေရးအတက

အေခြ ချေနထငမည တငးေဒသက� း သ မဟတ ပြ ညနယရ သကဆငရာ

မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးတင နညးဥပေဒ ၁၈ �ငအည ေလCာကထားေနထင


(င) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတက ပျကစးခြ ငး၊ ေပျာကဆးခြ ငးမရေစရန စနစ



၃၄။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသသည -

(က) မမအမညဖြ ငဝယယထားေသာ စေပါငးပငအေဆာကအဦရ တကခနး

များက တညဆဥပေဒများ�ငအည ေဆာငရကပငခငရသည။

(ခ) မမအမညဖြ င ဝယယထားသည စေပါငးပငအေဆာကအဥရ တကခနး

တင သတမတချက�ငအည အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရ

စာရငး ပြ -လပ�ငေရးအတက မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDးEးသ သတမတချက

�ငအည ေလCာကထား�ငသည။


(c) may have the right to enter into the household member list of the person who obtains the permanent residence to the next of kin as follows and may reside with visa without having the right to settle and have the right to reside by applying the renewal of visa if they are not the persons who obtain permanent residence:

(i) legal wife or husband;

(ii) legal parents;

(iii) legal offsprings;

(d) has the right to access several times into Myanmar by holding the Permanent Residence Certificate and valid passport of the relevant country until the period before the expiry of the term of the Permanent Residence Certificate;

(e) has the right to apply to determine as Myanmar citizenship together with admission to be relinquished the citizenship of other country if he/she is ex-Myanmar citizen and regranted the citizenship after residing five years in Myanmar with the Permanent Residence Certificate and may apply to permit to continue to enjoy the benefits of the Permanent Residence Certificate if he/she is not determined as Myanmar citizenship;

(f) has the right to free of customs duties in accord with the existing notifications and directives of the Customs Department if his/her own properties are imported from abroad within 90 days after obtaining the Permanent Residence Certificate;

(g) has the right to stay and work in other areas except the restricted or prohibited area officially declared by the State in accord with the existing procedures;

(h) has the right to operate economic business in the businesses permitted to him/her in accord with the existing laws related to foreign investment;


(ဂ) မမ�င ေအာကပါအတငး ေတာစပသများက အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ

အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငးတင ထညသငး�ငခင�င ၎ငးတ သည အမ.

ေနထငခငရရသမဟတပါက အေခြ ချေနထငခငမရေသာ ဗဇာဖြ င

ေနထင�င ပ. း ဗဇာသကတမးတးမြ :ငေလCာကထား၍ ေနထငခငရသည -

(၁) တရားဝင ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနး၊

(၂) တရားဝင မဘများ၊

(၃) တရားဝင သားသမးများ၊

(ဃ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတသကတမးမကနဆးမအချနထ အမ. ေနထငခင

လကမတ�င သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ သကတမးရေသာ တရား၀င �ငငကး

လကမတတ က ပးတကငေဆာင၍ မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးသ အက� မက� မ


(င) မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတဖြ င မြ နမာ

�ငငတင ငါး�စေနထငပ. းချနတင �ငငသားအဖြ စ ပြ နလညခယခင ပြ -

လCင အခြ ား�ငင၏ �ငငသားဖြ စမ�က စန လ>တမညဖြ စေက� ာငး ၀နခ

ချက�ငအတ မြ နမာ�ငငသားအဖြ စ သတမတေပးရနေလCာကထားခင

ရသည။ မြ နမာ�ငငသားအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးမခရပါက အမ. ေနထငခင

လကမတအကျ-းခစားခငက ဆကလကခစားခင ပြ -ရန ေလCာကထား�င


(စ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရပ. း ရကေပါငး ၉၀ အတငး မမ၏

ကယပငသးပစRညးများက ပြ ညပမတငသငးပါက အေကာကခနဦးစးဌာန

၏ တညဆအမန ေက� ာငြ ာစာ၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည အေကာကခန

ကငးလတခငက ခစားခငရသည။

(ဆ) �ငငေတာမ တရားဝငထတပြ နထားေသာ ကန သတနယေမြ သ မဟတ

တားမြ စနယေမြ များမတစပါး အခြ ားနယေမြ များသ တညဆလပထး

လပနညးများ�ငအည သားေရာက ေနထငအလပလပကငခငရသည။

(ဇ) �ငငခြ ားရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ��င သကဆငေသာ တညဆဥပေဒများ�ငအည

မမအားခင ပြ -ထားသည လပငနးများ၌ စးပားေရးလပငနး လပကင



(i) has the right to take medical treatment as Myanmar citizens

in Myanmar;

(j) has the right to study in accord with the stipulation of the

Ministry of Education.


(ဈ) မြ နမာ�ငငတင မြ နမာ�ငငသားများနညးတ ကျနးမာေရးဆငရာ ေဆးဝါး


(ည) ပညာေရးဝနက� းဌာန၏ သတမတချက�ငအည ပညာသငယခငရသည။


Chapter XIV

Prohibitions and Restrictions


35. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall:

(a) not allow to transfer, return, hold and use the Permanent

Residence Certificate to anybody;

(b) not change, edit and add the particulars mentioned in the

Permanent Residence Certificate except under rule 22;

(c) not refuse when the Inspection Officer requests to inspect

the Permanent Residence Certificate and other

requirements and documents according to his/her



36. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall:

(a) not be entitled to elect as a representative of any Hluttaw or

a representative who has been elected by the public;

(b) not be entitled to vote for any Hluttaw in constituencies;

(c) not be entitled to serve as a permanent staff who enjoys the

State budget in the functions of the Government.


အခနး (၁၄)

တားမြ စချကများ�င ကန�သတချကများ

တားမြ စချကများ

၃၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသသည -

(က) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတက မညသ ကမCလ>ေပြ ာငးခြ ငး၊ အပ�ခြ ငး၊

ကငေဆာငအသးပြ -ရန ခင ပြ -ခြ ငးမပြ -ရ။

(ခ) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတေပ'တင ေဖာပြ ထားေသာအချကများက နညး

ဥပေဒ ၂၂ အရ မတစပါး ပြ -ပြ ငေပြ ာငးလခြ ငး၊ တစစတစရာ ပြ ငဆင

ေရးသားခြ ငး�င ဖြ ညစကခြ ငးမပြ -ရ။

(ဂ) စစေဆးေရးအရာရက ယငး၏ တာဝနဝတL ရားအရ အမ. ေနထငခင

လကမတ�င အခြ ားလအပချကများ၊ စာရကစာတမး အေထာကအထား

များက စစေဆးရနေတာငးဆသည အခါတင ငြ ငးဆခြ ငးမပြ -ရ။


၃၆။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသသည -

(က) လ>တေတာတစရပရပ၏ ကယစားလယ အဖြ စေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ပြ ညသ

မ ေရးချယတငေမြ :ာကေသာ ကယစားလယအဖြ စ ေသာလညးေကာငး

ေရးချယခပငခင မရေစရ။

(ခ) မဆ�Sနယေမြ များတင လ>တေတာတစရပရပအတက ဆ�Sမေပးပငခင


(ဂ) �ငငေတာအစးရ၏လပငနးများတင �ငငေတာဘTာေငရယခစားသည

အမ. တမး၀နထမးအဖြ စ တာ၀နထမးေဆာငခင မရေစရ။


Chapter XV Revocation and Cancellation of the Permanent Residence


37. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall be revoked the permanent residence if any of the following matters arises:

(a) breaching of any of the prohibitions issued by the Implementation Central Committee from time to time for the interests of the State;

(b) participating, doing activity, performing or contributing in State Parties and State Parties Organization;

(c) making activity, instigating or contributing to be dissented in race and religion;

(d) finding that incorrect, fraudulent, fogery or created by any illegal means to the particulars in original application;

(e) finding on the fact that his/her marriage is aimed to apply the permanent residence;

(f) terminating or revocating of wife or husband who is a citizen of Myanmar from being the citizenship after obtaining the permanent residence for the foreigner wife or husband who has married Myanmar citizen in accord with the Myanmar Customary Law and existing laws and directives relating to marriage of Myanmar citizen who are not Buddhism, divorcing from legal wife or husband and late marriage of the person who obtains the permanent residence;

(g) terminating or revocating of father or mother who is a citizen of Myanmar from being the citizenship after obtaining the permanent residence for legal offsprings who are under 18 years of age born or adopted by the foreigner wife or husband who has married Myanmar citizen in accord with


အခနး (၁၅)

အမ" ေနထငခင9ပသမးခြ ငး�င ပယဖျကခြ ငး

9ပသမးခြ ငး

၃၇။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသသည ေအာကပါအေက� ာငးတစရပရပေပ'ေပါက

ပါက အမ. ေနထငခငက Eပသမးခြ ငးခရမည-

(က) အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတက �ငငေတာအကျ-းငာ အခါ

အားေလျာစာထတပြ နသည တားမြ စချကတစရပရပက ေဖာကဖျက

ကျDးလနခြ ငး၊

(ခ) �ငငေရးပါတများ�င �ငငေရးပါတအဖAအစညးများတင ပါ၀ငခြ ငး၊

လ�ပရားခြ ငး၊ ေဆာငရကခြ ငး သ မဟတ ေထာကပကညခြ ငး၊

(ဂ) လမျ-းေရး၊ ဘာသာေရးေသးကေစရန ေဆာငရကခြ ငး၊ လ�ပရားခြ ငး

သ မဟတ ေထာကပကညခြ ငး၊

(ဃ) မလေလCာကထားချကတင ပါဝငသညအချကအလကများ မမနကန

ေက� ာငး၊ လမလညေဖ'ပြ ေက� ာငး၊ အတပြ -လပေက� ာငး သ မဟတ

တစနညးနညးဖြ င တရားမဝင ဖနတးေက� ာငးေတAရ ခြ ငး၊

(င) အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားရန ရညရယ၍ လကထပခြ ငးဖြ စသညဟ

စစစေတAရ ခြ ငး၊

(စ) မြ နမာဓေလထးတမးဥပေဒ၊ ဗဒ<ဘာသာ၀င မဟတသည မြ နမာ�ငငသား

များ၏ လကထပထမးမြ ားခြ ငး�ငသကဆငသည တညဆဥပေဒများ၊

=>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င လကထပထားေသာ

�ငင ခြ ားသား ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးအတက အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ချက

ရရပ. းေနာက မြ နမာ�ငငသား ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးသည �ငငသား

အဖြ စမရပစခရခြ ငး သ မဟတ Eပသမးခရခြ ငး၊ တရားဝင ဇနး

သ မဟတ ခငပနးအဖြ စမ ကာရငးပြ တစခြ ငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခင ရရသ

သည ေနာကအမေထာငပြ -ခြ ငး၊

(ဆ) မြ နမာဓေလထးတမးဥပေဒ၊ ဗဒ<ဘာသာ၀ငမဟတသည မြ နမာ�ငငသား

များ၏ လကထပထမးမြ ားခြ ငးများ�င သကဆငသည တညဆဥပေဒများ၊

=>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည မြ နမာ�ငငသား�င လကထပထားေသာ


the Myanmar Customary Law and existing laws and directives

relating to marriage of Myanmar citizens who are not


(h) changing operation of original business without the

approval of the Implementation Central Committee after

obtaining the permanent residence within three years if

he/she is expert or investor;

(i) failing to register the term approval of the Permanent

Residence Certificate under rule 30 after the expiry of one

year up to 180 days;

(j) breaching of prohibitions and restrictions of the permanent



38. The person who obtains the Permanent Residence Certificate shall

be cancelled the permitted permanent residence if any of the following

matters arises:

(a) death of the person who obtains the Permanent Residence


(b) deportation after being punished under the existing law

due to commiting any offence.

39. The decision of the Implementation Central Committee shall,

relating to permit or not to permit the application of permanent

residence, revocation and cancellation of the permanent residence, be

final and conclusive.


�ငငခြ ားသား ဇနး သ မဟတ ခငပနးတ မ ေမးဖားေသာ သ မဟတ

ေမးစားေသာအသက ၁၈ �စေအာက တရားဝငသားသမးများအတက

အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရ ပ. းေနာက မြ နမာ�ငငသား မခင သ မဟတ

ဖခငသည �ငငသားအဖြ စမ ရပစခရခြ ငး သ မဟတEပသမးခရခြ ငး၊

၎ငးသားသမးသည တရားဝငသားသမးအဖြ စမ စန လ>တခရခြ ငး၊

(ဇ) ကGမးကျငပညာရင သ မဟတ ရငး�းမြ -ပ�သဖြ စပါက အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -

ပ. း သး�စအတငး မလလပကငခေသာ လပငနးအား အေကာငအထည

ေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ၏ ခင ပြ -ချကမရဘ ေပြ ာငးလလပကငခြ ငး၊

(ဈ) နညးဥပေဒ ၃၀ အရ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ တစ�စသကတမး

ကနဆးပ. းေနာက ရကေပါငး ၁၈၀ ပြ ညသညေန အထ သကတမး

အတညပြ -မတပတငရန ပျကကကခြ ငး၊

(ည) အမ. ေနထငခငဆငရာ တားမြ စချကများ၊ ကန သတချကများက

ချ-းေဖာကခြ ငး။

ပယဖျကခြ ငး

၃၈။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသသည ေအာကပါအေက� ာငးတစရပရပ ေပ'ေပါက

ပါက ခင ပြ -ထားေသာ အမ. ေနထငခငကပယဖျကခြ ငး ခရမည -

(က) အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတရရသ ေသဆးခြ ငး၊

(ခ) ပြ စမ�တစရပရပကျDးလနသဖြ င တညဆဥပေဒအရ ပြ စဒဏစရငခြ ငး ခရ

ပ. းေနာက ပြ ည�ငဒဏေပးခရခြ ငး၊

၃၉။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားချကက ခငပြ -ခြ ငး၊ ခငမပြ -ခြ ငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခင

Eပသမးခြ ငး၊ ပယဖျကခြ ငးများ�ငစပလျHး၍ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ၏

အဆးအဖြ တသည အပ. းအပြ တ ဖြ စသည။


Chapter XVI

Appointment of Inspection Officers

40. The President of the Union may assign duties to the Ministry to

appoint the Immigration Officers from the Department as the Inspection

Officers in order to inspect whether or not whom it concerns comply with

these rules and orders and directives issued under these rules in respect of

the application of the permanent residence for foreigners in Myanmar

and the matters relating to hold and use of the Permanent Residence


41. The Ministry shall, by notification, appoint Inspection Officers and

prescribe the functions and duties thereof.


အခနး (၁၆)

စစေဆးေရးအရာရများခန�အပခြ ငး

၄၀။ �ငငေတာသမ�တသည �ငငခြ ားသားများ၏ မြ နမာ�ငငတငအမ. ေနထငခင

ေလCာကထားခြ ငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ ထတယကငေဆာငအသးပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ

ကစRရပများ�ငစပလျဥး၍ သကဆငသများက ဤနညးဥပေဒ�င ဤနညးဥပေဒအရ

ထတပြ နသညအမန ၊ =>နက� ားချကများ�ငအည လကနာေဆာငရကခြ ငးရမရက စစေဆး

ရနအလ ငာ ဦးစးဌာနမ လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရးအရာရများက စစေဆးေရးအရာရများအဖြ စ

ခန အပေရးအတက ၀န က� းဌာနအား တာဝနေပးအပ�ငသည။

၄၁။ ၀နက� းဌာနသည စစေဆးေရးအရာရများ ခန အပခြ ငး�င ၎ငးတ ၏ လပငနး

တာဝနများ သတမတခြ ငးတ က အမန ေက� ာငြ ာစာထတပြ န၍ ေဆာငရကရမည။


Chapter XVII


42. The applicant of the permanent residence shall renew a term

of further residence by limitation of period in accord with the

provisions of existing laws until the period before he/she obtains the

Permanent Residence Certificate.

43. If the expert or the person who invests and operates business

desires to change own business within three years after obtaining the

permanent residence, he/she shall submit to the Implementation

Central Committee with the approval of the relevant Ministry for

obtaining the permission.

44. The Ministry may direct the requirements for the purpose of

systematic implementation of the provisions contained in the rules in

respect of the application of the permanent residence and the

matters thereof.

45. The Department shall, the tasks completion conditions of issuing

Permanent Residence Certificate and registering of term approval,

issuing of the copy of Permanent Residence Certificate, changing the

curriculum vitae of the person who obtains the permanent residence,

report to the Implementation Working Committee.

46. The relevant government departments and government

organizations shall submit the required qualification norms in the

respective fields and number to permit respectively in the prescribed

type for granting the permanent residence of a foreigner in Myanmar

to the Implementation Central Committee.

By order,

(Khin Yi)

Union Minister


အခနး (၁၇)


၄၂။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသသည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတမရရေသးမကာလ

အထ တညဆဥပေဒပါ ပြ ဌာနးချကများ�ငအည ကာလကန သတချကဖြ င ဆကလက

ေနခငသကတမး တးမြ :ငေနထငရမည။

၄၃။ ကGမးကျငပညာရင သ မဟတ ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�၍ စးပားေရးလပကငသသည မမ

လပကငေသာလပငနးက အမ. ေနထငခငရရပ. း သး�စအတငး ေြပာငးလလပါက

သကဆငရာဝနက� းဌာန၏ ေထာကခချက�ငအတ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟ

ေကာမတသ တငပြ ခင ပြ -ချကရယရမည။

၄၄။ ဝနက� းဌာနသည အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားခြ ငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ

ေလCာကထားခြ ငးဆငရာကစRရပများ�ငစပလျHး၍ နညးဥပေဒပါပြ ဌာနးချကများက စနစ

တကျအေကာငအထညေဖာ�ငရနအလ ငာ လအပသညများက =>နက� ား�ငသည။

၄၅။ ဦးစးဌာနသည အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတထတေပးခြ ငး�င သကတမးအတညပြ -

မတပတငခြ ငးကလညးေကာငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ မတL Dထတေပးခြ ငးကလညး

ေကာငး၊ အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ၏ ကယေရးဖြ စစဥေပြ ာငးလခြ ငးကလညးေကာငး

ေဆာငရကပ. းစးမ�အေခြ အေနက အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတသ တငပြ


၄၆။ သကဆငရာအစးရဌာန၊ အစးရအဖAအစညးများသည မြ နမာ�ငငတင �ငငခြ ား

သားအမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ေရးအတက သကဆငရာလပငနးနယပယအလက လအပသည

အရညအချငးစ��နးများ�င သတမတအမျ-းအစားအလက ခငပြ -လသညအေရအတက

တ က အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတသ တငပြ ရမည။

အမန အရ

(ပ) ခငရ

ပြ ညေထာငစဝနက� း

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ အငအားဝနက� းဌာန


Annexure (a)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (1)

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

The Ministry of Immigration and Population

The Application for the Permanent Residence of a Foreigner

This application is applied for permanent residence as to the

Permanent Residence of a Foreigner Rules made under the Myanmar

Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1947.

Part (a)

Particulars of an applicant (particulars to be filled by an applicant).

1. Name of the holder of the travel document .........................................

2. Other name (if any) ...................................................................................

3. Sex ...............................................................................................................

Male Female

4. Citizen

(a) Present .................................................................................................

(b) Previous ................................................................................................

5. Date of birth ................................................................................................

6. Birth place ..................................................................................................

7. Religion ........................................................................................................

1.5 inches x

2 inches



ေနာကဆကတ (က)

ပစအမန (၁)

ပြ ညေထာငစသမ=တမြ နမာ�ငငေတာ

လဝငမ>က6 းက ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ�အငအားဝနက6 းဌာန

�ငငခြ ားသားအမ" ေနထငခင ေလ:ာကလ?ာ

ဤေလCာကလ>ာသည ၁၉၄၇ ခ�စ မြ နမာ�ငငလဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး (လတတေလာ

ပြ ဌာနးချကများ) အကဥပေဒအရပြ -လပသည �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခင ဆငရာနညး

ဥပေဒများအရ အမ. ေနထငခင အတက ေလCာကထားခြ ငးဖြ စသည။

အပငး (က)

ေလ:ာကထားသ၏ ကယေရးအချကများ (ေလ:ာကထားသဖြ ည သငးရနအချကများ)

၁။ ခရးသားအေထာကအထားလကမတပါအမည ..................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမညရလCင .........................................................................................

၃။ လင ...............................................................................................................

ကျား မ

၄။ �ငငသား

(က) လကရ ................................................................................................

(ခ) ယခင ..................................................................................................

၅။ ေမးသကUရာဇ .................................................................................................

၆။ ေမးဖားရာေဒသ ..............................................................................................

၇။ ကးကယသညဘာသာ .....................................................................................

၁.၅ လကမ�င ၂ လကမ

အရယ ဓာတပ


8. Literature / Language skill







Ability of comprehension



rks Writing Reading Speaking





















(Note. Language skill such as Myanmar / English / Chinese / Japanese/

French etc.)

9. Height ........................ Weight ..................................................................

10. Distinguished mark ....................................................................................

11. Marital status ..............................................................................................

12. Passport No. ................................................................................................

13. Date of issue ...............................................................................................

14. Date of expiry ............................................................................................

15. Place of issue ..............................................................................................

16. Date of first arrival to Myanmar ................................................................

Entry airport .................................................................................................

17. Type of visa (date of issue and place) ...................................................

18. Duration of stay in Myanmar and address ............................................


19. Permanent address ...................................................................................



၈။ တတကGမးသည စာေပ / ဘာသာစကားအမျ-းအစားများ

(မတချက။ ဘာသာစကား၌ မြ နမာ / အ @ဂလပ / တ9တ / ဂျပန / ပြ ငသစစသညဖြ င တတကGမးသည ဘာသာစကားများေဖာပြ ရန)

၉။ အရပအမြ င ........................ ကယအေလးချန...................................................

၁၀။ ထငရားသညအမတအသား .............................................................................

၁၁။ အမေထာငရ/ မရ ..........................................................................................

၁၂။ �ငငကးလကမတ အမတ ...............................................................................

၁၃။ ထတေပးသညရကစ ........................................................................................

၁၄။ ကနဆးမညရကစ ............................................................................................

၁၅။ ထတေပးသညေနရာ ........................................................................................

၁၆။ ြမနမာ�ငငသ ပထမဆးေရာကရသညရကစ ................. ဝငေရာကသညေလဆပ


၁၇။ ဗဇာအမျ-းအစား(ထတေပးသညရကစ�ငေနရာ) ...............................................

၁၈။ ြမနမာ�ငငတငေနထငခသညကာလ�ငေနရပလပစာ .......................................


၁၉။ အမ. တမးေနရပလပစာ ....................................................................................









အေရး အဖတ အေပြ ာ




















20. Permanent address in Myanmar ..............................................................


21. Purpose of visit to Myanmar (in details) ..................................................


22. Sponsor’s name and address during the stay in Myanmar .................


23. Present occupation ..................................................................................

24. Occupation performed during the previous one year .........................


25. In addition to the paragraph (23), I do acknowledge that the

present occupation will not be changed within (3) years after receiving

the permit for permanent residence without the permission of the

Implementation Central Committee.

26. I do acknowledge that I will not involve, act, perform, support in

political parties, not act, support to cause dissension of race and religion.

27. I do understand that if I make false statement by premeditation or

alteration or cancellation by wrongful means in applying permanent

residence, I may be taken action against under the existing laws of

Myanmar and may be deported.


28. (a) Application must be made in person concerned.

(b) Regarding to the above particulars, originals and (3) copies

of documents shall be attached and submitted with the



၂၀။ မြ နမာ�ငငတင အမ. ေနထငမညလပစာ ............................................................


၂၁။ မြ နမာ�ငငသ လာေရာကလသညရညရယချက(အေသးစတေဖ'ပြ ရန) ................


၂၂။ မြ နမာ�ငငတငေနထငစဥ အာမခေပးေသာသ၏ အမည�ငလပစာ ....................


၂၃။ လကရအလပအကင ......................................................................................

၂၄။ လနခေသာ ၁ �စအတငးလပကငခေသာအလပအကင ......................................



၂၅။ အပဒ (၂၃) ပါ ေဖာြပချကအပြ င အမ. ေနထငခငပြ -ပ. း (၃) �စအတငး မလ

လပကငခေသာလပငနးအား အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ၏ ခင ပြ -ချကမရရ

ဘ ေပြ ာငးလလပကငခြ ငးမပြ -ေက� ာငး ကတပြ -ပါသည။

၂၆။ �ငငေရးပါတအဖအစညးများတင ပါဝငခြ ငး၊ လ�ပရားခြ ငး၊ ေဆာငရကခြ ငး၊

ေထာကပကညခြ ငး�ငလမျ-းေရး၊ ဘာသာေရးေသးကေစရနလ�ပရားခြ ငး ေထာကပ

ကညခြ ငးမပြ -ေက� ာငး ကတပြ -ပါသည။

၂၇။ ကGနေတာ/ကGနမသည အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားရာတင က� -တငရညရယ

ချကဖြ င မမနမကနေဖာပြ ခြ ငး သ မဟတ မသမာေသာနညးဖြ င ပြ ငဆငေဖာြပခြ ငး

သ မဟတ ထမချနေဖာပြ ခြ ငးများပြ -လပမပါက မြ နမာ�ငင၏ တညဆဥပေဒများအရ

တရားစဆခြ ငး/ ပြ ည�ငခြ ငးခရမညဖြ စေက� ာငး သရနားလညသေဘာေပါကပါသည။


၂၈။ (က) ကာယကရငကယတငေလCာကထားရမည။

(ခ) အထကပါ အေက� ာငးအရာများ�ငစပလျဥး၍ အေထာကအထားမရငး

�င မတQD (၃)စက ဤေလCာကလ>ာ�ငအတပးတတငပြ ရမည။


(c) The application fee is US$ (500) and the fee shall not be

reimbursed whether the application is approved or not.

(d) If committed or involved in any crime, the punishment as to

the relevant Country’s Court of Law shall be served.

(e) I shall be the tax payable person in accord with the existing

laws, rules, procedures, directives and shall be the person

who respects the sovereignty and desires to take

consideration and is able to assist for the interests of the


Signature of the applicant .......................................................

Contact telephone No ..............................................................

Date .............................................................................................

(Entries to be made by the office)

Application No .............................................. Date ..........................................

True copy ..................................

Checked .................................

Inspection Officer

Date ............................................. Ministry of Immigration and Population


(ဂ) ေလCာကထားမ� အခေက� းေငမာ အေမရကနေဒ'လာ (၅၀၀) ဖြ စပ. း

ေလCာကထားမ�ခင ပြ -ချက ရရသညဖြ စေစ/မရရသညဖြ စေစ အခေက� း

ေငက ပြ နလညထတေပးမညမဟတပါ။

(ဃ) ြပစမ�တစစတစရာကကျDးလနြခငး၊ ပါ၀ငပတသကခြ ငးရလCင သကဆင

ရာ�ငငတရားEး၏ စရငဆးြဖတသညပြ စဒဏအတငး ကျခရမည။

(င) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ တညဆဥပေဒ၊ နညးဥပေဒ၊ လပထးလပနညး =>နက� ား

ချကများ�ငအည အခနထမးေဆာင�ငသဖြ စပ. း အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာက

ေလးစားလကနာ၍ �ငင၏အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားလသ၊

ကညပပးေဆာငရက�ငသ ဖြ စရမည။

ေလCာကထားသလကမတ ..............................................

ဆကသယ�ငမညဖနးနပါတ ..............................................

ရကစ ..............................................


ေလCာကလ>ာနပါတ .......................................... ရကစ ..........................................

မတL Dမန ........................................

စစေဆးပ. း ....................................


ေန စ ................................... လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င ပြ ညသ အငအားဝနက� းဌာန



I received the supporting documents (original) on ..........................................

Hand over by Taking over (receive) by

Signature ............................................... Signature..............................................

Name ............................................... Name ..............................................

Position ............................................... Position ...............................................

Date ............................................... Date ...............................................


လကခရရခြ ငး

ကGနေတာ/ကGနမ၏ အေထာကအထား စာရကစာတမးများ (မရငး)က ............................

တင ရရခပါသည။

လေပြ ာငးေပးအပသ လကခရရသ

လကမတ .......................................... လကမတ ..........................................

အမည .......................................... အမည ..........................................

ရာထး .......................................... ရာထး ..........................................

ရကစ .......................................... ရကစ ..........................................


Part (b)

Facts relating to the qualification to be submitted separately (to submit with

document attached)

1. Educational Qualification

Sr. Type of


Period Name of the





Full time/

part time From To



2. Trainings attended


Name of



Period Name of the






From To



3. Professional work experiences

Sr. Previous


Period Name of



Designation /



pay scale From To




အပငး (ခ)

သးခြ ားတငပြ ရမည အရညအချငးဆငရာ အချကအလကများ (အေထာကအထားများ ပးတ

တငပြ ရန)

၁။ ပညာအရညအချငး

၂။ တကေရာကခဖးေသာသငတနးများ

၃။ ကGမးကျငမ�ဆငရာလပငနးခင အေတAအက� -များ

စဥ လပကငခေသာလပငနးများကာလ အဖBအစညးအမည၊




ပ: မးမ:

လစာ�>နး မ ထ

စဥ ဘB


ကာလ ေကျာငးအမည၊




အချနပြ ည/

အချနပငး မ ထ

စဥ သငတနး


ကာလ ေကျာငး/




သတမတချက မတချက

မ ထ


4. Activities in the field of work (education, commercial and social)


Field of work/

name of


Period Locality


served Remarks

From To



5. Countries of residency within last (5) years (up to present).

Sr. Country of


PeriodAddress Remarks

From To



6. Type of business at the presenter intended employment in Myanmar


Type of business

Period Name of the

company /




Ministry Remarks

From To



Note. The appointment or invitation letter which has a validity at least (1)

year and above shall be attached and submitted.


၄။ လပငနးနယပယ(ပညာေရး၊ စးပားေရး၊ လမ�ေရး)တ တင ပါဝငေဆာငရကခမ�များ

၅။ လနခသည (၅)�စတာ ကာလအတငး (လကရအချနထ) ေနထငခသည �ငငများ

၆။ မြ နမာ�ငငတင လာေရာကလပကငလျကရသည/လပကငလသည လပငနး


မတချက။ အနညးဆး (၁)�စသကတမး�င အထကရသည အလပခန စာ သ မဟတ

ခင ပြ - ဖတေခ'စာပးတတငပြ ရမည။

စဥ လပငနးနယပယ/


ကာလ တညေနရာ ထမးေဆာငခသညတာဝန မတချက

မ ထ

စဥ ေနထငခသည


ကာလ ေနရပလပစာ မတချက

မ ထ

စဥ လပငနးအမျ-းအစား

ကာလ ကမ�ဏ/




သကဆငရာဝနက6 းဌာန မတချက မ ထ


7. Type of business to be invested in Myanmar. ........................................

(a) Volume of investment / finance ..................................................

(b) Corresponding Bank and Bank Account No ............................

(c) If it is engaging as to the permission order of the Investment

Commission, permission order (original/ copy) ..........................

(d) If it is engaging as to the Myanmar Company Act,

Company registration certificate (original/ copy) ....................

(e) If it is investment engaging in the special economic zone,

permission order issued by the management committee

(original / copy)..............................................................................

(f) The document of ownership for the financial volume which

is equivalent to the volume of investment contained in the

aforesaid clause (a) shall be attached and submitted.

(g) Company's economic programme ...........................................

(h) Certificate for the clearance of account for (3)years ..............

8. If he is the ex-citizen of Myanmar, the personal data to be

submitted separately.

(a) Previous Myanmar passport No .................................................

(b) Date of issue ...................................................................................

(c) Date of expiry .................................................................................

(d) Place of issue .................................................................................

(e) Date of departure from Myanmar and the access .................

(f) Reason of departure from Myanmar ..........................................

(g) National Registration Card No......................................................

(h) Address of residence in Myanmar .............................................


၇။ မြ နမာ�ငငတင ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မည လပငနးအမျ-းအစား .......................................

(က) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ� ပမာဏ/ေငေက� း ...........................................................

(ခ) ဆကသယေဆာငရကမညဘဏ�ငဘဏစာရငးအမတ .........................

(ဂ) ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ�ေကာမရင၏ ခင ပြ -မန ဖြ င ေဆာငရကခြ ငးဖြ စပါက ခငပြ -

မန အေထာကအထား (မရငး/မတL D) ....................................................

(ဃ) မြ နမာကမ)ဏအကဥပေဒဖြ င ေဆာငရကသည လပငနးဖြ စပါက ကမ)ဏ

မတပတင လကမတ (မရငး/မတL D) ......................................................

(င) အထးစးပားေရးဇနတင ရငး�းမြ :-ပ� ေဆာငရကခြ ငးဖြ စပါက သကဆင

ရာစမခန ခမ�ေကာမတမ ထတေပးသည ခင ပြ -မန (မရငး/မတL D) ............


(စ) အထကအပဒခ(က)ပါ ရငး�းမြ :-ပ�မ�ပမာဏ�င ညမCေသာေငေက� းပမာဏ

အားပငဆငေက� ာငး အေထာကအထားများအား ပးတတငပြ ရမည။

(ဆ) ကမ)ဏ၏ စးပားေရးလပငနး အစအစဥ ..............................................

(ဇ) (၃)�စစာေငစာရငးအတက အေထာကအထားမတတမး ........................

၈။ မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးဖြ စပါကသးြခားတငပြ ရမည ကယေရးအချကအလက

(က) ယခငကငေဆာငခသည မြ နမာ�ငငကးလကမတအမတ .......................

(ခ) ထတေပးသညရကစ ...........................................................................

(ဂ) သကတမးကနဆးသညရကစ .............................................................

(ဃ) ထတေပးသညေနရာ ..........................................................................

(င) မြ နမာ�ငငမထကခာခသညရကစ�င၀ငထကေပါက .............................

(စ) မြ နမာ�ငငမ ထကခာခသည အေက� ာငးအရာ .....................................

(ဆ) ကငေဆာငခေသာအမျ-းသားမတပတငအမတ .....................................

(ဇ) မြ နမာ�ငငတငေနထငခေသာလပစာ ..................................................


9. Ownership for the livelihood to be submitted during the stay in

Myanmar (the document shall be attached and submitted) (Only for the

ex-citizens of Myanmar)

(a) Cash in hand .................................................................................

(b) Cash at the bank ..........................................................................

(c) Immovable property ownership ..................................................

10. Personal data of sponsor for the ex-citizen of Myanmar.

(a) Name .............................................................................................

(b) Date of birth (day / month / year) .............................................

(c) Father's name .................................................................................

(d) Occupation ....................................................................................

(e) Relationship to the applicant of the Permanent Residence .....

(f) Address ..........................................................................................

(g) Telephone No ................................................................................

Signature of the sponsor ........................................................


၉။ မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးေနထငစဥ ေနထငစားေသာကမ�အတက တငပြ ရမည ပငဆငမ�

များ (အေထာကအထားပးတတငပြ ရန) ( မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးများ အတကသာ)

(က) လက၀ယရေငေက� း ............................................................................

(ခ) ဘဏရေငေက� း ..................................................................................

(ဂ) မေရ>Aမေပြ ာငး�ငေသာပငဆငမ� .........................................................

၁၀။ မြ နမာ�ငငသားေဟာငးအတက တာ၀နယအာမခမညသ၏ ကယေရးအချကအလကများ

(က) အမည ...............................................................................................

(ခ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက/လ/�စ) ...............................................................

(ဂ) ဖခငအမည .......................................................................................

(ဃ) အလပအကင .....................................................................................

(င) အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ�ငေတာစပပ ........................................

(စ) ေနရပလပစာ .....................................................................................

(ဆ) ဖနးနပါတ .........................................................................................

တာ၀နခသ၏လကမတ ...........................................


11. If he is the foreigner related to the Myanmar citizen, the

acknowledgement of the applicant in person :

................................................ Citizen, I ............................................................ do

acknowledge that I got married to the Myanmar citizen U / Daw

............................................................................... as to the existing

.......................................... Customary Law since last ( ) years. Except

for this spouse I had not married to any person as my spouse and I do

acknowledge in person.

Signature of the person who acknowledge ................................

Name .............................................................................................

Contact Telephone No .................................................................

12. The acknowledgement regarding documents that submit for the

application of the Permanent Residence in Myanmar:

(a) I do fill up the application form with the consent of enabling

to scrutinize in respect of the income or financial facts and

other information for the application to the Immigration and

National Registration Department as to the Myanmar

Immigration (Emergency Provision) Act, 1947 and

procedures for permanent residence.

(b) Regarding the application for the Permanent Residence, I

do agree to scrutinize by the Ministry concerned or

Immigration and National Registration Department. The

said facts and documents are attached and submitted in

order to scrutinize the application for the permanent



၁၁။ မြ နမာ�ငငသား�ငဆကစပေသာ �ငငခြ ားသားဖြ စပါက ကာယကရင၏ ၀နခ

ကတပြ -ချက -

.......................................... �ငငသား၊ ကGနေတာ/ကGနမ ..................................... သည

မြ နမာ�ငငသား ဦး/ေဒ' .................................... အား တညဆ .....................................

................... ဓေလထးတမးဥပေဒအရ လနခေသာ ( ) �စကတညးက တရား၀င

လကထပခပါသည။ ၎ငးမတစပါး အခြ ားသတစဦးတစေယာကအား ခငပနး/ဇနးအဖြ စ

လကထပထားခြ ငးမရပါေက� ာငး ကယတင၀နခကတပြ -ပါသည။

၀နခကတပြ -သ၏လကမတ ............................

အမည ..........................................................

ဆကသယ�ငမညဖနးနပါတ ..........................

၁၂။ မြ နမာ�ငငတင အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားမ�အတက တငပြ သည အေထာက

အထားများ�ငစပလျဥး၍ ကတပြ -ချက -

(က) ၁၉၄၇ ခ�စ မြ နမာ�ငငလဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး (လတတေလာပြ ဌာနးချက

များ) အကဥပေဒ၊ �ငငခြ ားသားအမ. ေနထငခငဆငရာနညးဥပေဒများ

�င လပထးလပနညးများအရ အမ. ေနထငခငရရရန လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး

�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာနသ ေလCာကထားမ�အတက ဝငေင

သ မဟတ ဝငေငဆငရာ အချကအလကများ၊ အခြ ားသတငးအချက

အလကများ�င စပလျဥး၍ စစစ�ငသညဟေသာ သေဘာတညချကဖြ င

ေလCာကလ>ာပစအား ပြ ည စစာ ဖြ ည စကအပပါသည။

(ခ) အမ. ေနထငခငရရရန ေလCာကထားမ��င စပလျဥး၍ မြ နမာ�ငငရ

သကဆငရာဝနက� းဌာန သ မဟတ လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသား

မတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာနမစစစရန သေဘာတပါသည။ အမ. ေနထငခင

ေလCာကထားမ�အား စစစရနအတက အဆပါအချကအလက အေထာက

အထားများက ပးတတငပြ အပပါသည။


(c) The facts described in the application for the Permanent

Residence I do acknowledge that they are authentic.

.................................................... ....................................................

Name Citizenship Card No / Passport No

.................................................... ....................................................

Signature of the applicant Date


(ဂ) အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကလ>ာတင ေဖာပြ ထားေသာ အချကအလကများ

သည မနကနေက� ာငး ဝနခကတပြ -အပပါသည။

....................... ...............................................................................

အမည �ငငသားလကမတ အမတ /�ငငကးလကမတ အမတ

....................... ...............................................................................

ေလCာကထားသလကမတ ေန စ


Part (c) Personal data relating to particulars of the family members of the applicant for the Permanent Residence (Household members list/ shall be attached and submitted)

1. The particulars of the parents of the applicant for the Permanent Residence.

(a) Parents name in full ......................................................................

(b) Citizen ............................................................................................

(c) Nationality .....................................................................................

(d) Religion ............................................................................................

(e) Registration card No / Certificate No .........................................

(f) Date of birth (day/month/ year) ...............................................

(g) Place of birth ..................................................................................

(h) Permanent address ......................................................................

(i) Still living / or not ...........................................................................

2. The particulars of the wife/husband's parents of the applicant for the Permanent Residence

(a) Parents name in full ......................................................................

(b) Citizen ............................................................................................

(c) Nationality .....................................................................................

(d) Religion ............................................................................................

(e) Registration card No / Certificate No .........................................

(f) Date of birth (day/month/ year) ...............................................

(g) Place of birth ..................................................................................

(h) Permanent address ......................................................................

(i) Still living / or not ...........................................................................


အပငး (ဂ)

အမ" ေနထငခငေလ:ာကထားသ၏ မသားစဝငများ�င သကဆငသည ကယေရးအချက

အလကများ (အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငးပးတတငပြ ရမည)

၁။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ မဘများ၏ကယေရးအချကအလကများ -

(က) ဖခင�င မခင အမညအပြ ညအစ .........................................................

(ခ) �ငငသား ..........................................................................................

(ဂ) လမျ-း ................................................................................................

(ဃ) ကးကယသညဘာသာ ......................................................................

(င) မတပတငအမတ/ သကေသခလကမတအမတ .....................................

(စ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက/လ/�စ) ...............................................................

(ဆ) ေမးဖားရာေဒသ .................................................................................

(ဇ) အမ. တမးေနရပလပစာ .......................................................................

(ဈ) အသကထငရားရ/မရ ........................................................................

၂။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ ဇနး/ခငပနးမဘများ၏ ကယေရးအချကအလက

များ -

(က) ဖခင�င မခင အမညအပြ ညအစ .........................................................

(ခ) �ငငသား ..........................................................................................

(ဂ) လမျ-း ................................................................................................

(ဃ) ကးကယသညဘာသာ ......................................................................

(င) မတပတငအမတ/ သကေသခလကမတအမတ .....................................

(စ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက/လ/�စ) ...............................................................

(ဆ) ေမးဖားရာေဒသ .................................................................................

(ဇ) အမ. တမးေနရပလပစာ .......................................................................

(ဈ) အသကထငရားရ/မရ ........................................................................


3. Particulars of wife / husband of the applicant for the Permanent Residence

(a) Name in the passport ..................................................................

(b) Other name (if any) .....................................................................

(c) Sex

Male female

(d) Citizen ............................................................................................

(e) Nationality .......................................................................................

(f) Religion .........................................................................................

(g) Date of birth (day/month/year) ..................................................

(h) Place of birth ..................................................................................

(i) Occupation ....................................................................................

(j) Marriage certificate (original / copy) .........................................

(k) Date of marriage (day/month/year) ........................................

(l) Country where married ...............................................................

(m) Address of the country where citizenship is obtained ...........

(n) Passport No ...................................................................................

(o) Date of issue (day/month/year) ................................................

(p) Date of expiry (day/month/year) ...............................................

(q) Type of visa (Issued date and place) ........................................

(r) Date of First Arrival to Myanmar ..................................................

(s) Duration of Stay in Myanmar ........................................................

(t) Present address in Myanmar .....................................................

(u) Whether previously married or not (Yes/No) ............................

(v) If so, describe the detail in a separate paper.


၃။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ ဇနး/ခငပနး၏ ကယေရးအချကအလကများ

(က) �ငငကးလကမတပါအမည ..................................................................

(ခ) အခြ ားအမညရလCင .............................................................................

(ဂ) လင

ကျား မ

(ဃ) �ငငသား .........................................................................................

(င) လမျ-း ................................................................................................

(စ) ဘာသာ ............................................................................................

(ဆ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက/လ/�စ) ...............................................................

(ဇ) ေမးဖားရာေဒသ .................................................................................

(ဈ) အလပအကင ...................................................................................

(ည) လကထပစာချ-ပ( မရငး/မတL D) .........................................................

(ဋ) လကထပသည ရကစ (ရက/လ/�စ) ....................................................

(ဌ) လကထပခသည �ငင ........................................................................

(ဍ) �ငငသားခယထားေသာ�ငငရေနရပလပစာ .....................................

(ဎ) �ငငကးလကမတ အမတ .................................................................

(ဏ) ထတေပးသညရကစ(ရက/လ/�စ) ......................................................

(တ) ကနဆးမညရကစ(ရက/လ/�စ) .........................................................

(ထ) ဗဇာအမျ-းအစား (ထတေပးရကစ�ငေနရာ) ........................................

(ဒ) မြ နမာ�ငငသ ပထမဆးအက� မ၀ငေရာကခသညေန .............................

(ဓ) မြ နမာ�ငငတငေနထငခသည ကာလ .................................................

(န) လကရမြ နမာ�ငငတင အမ. တမးေနထငေသာလပစာ ............................

(ပ) ယခငကလကထပခဘးခြ ငးရ/မရ ...................... ရ/မရ ......................

(ဖ) ယခငလကထပခဘးခြ ငးရပါကသးခြ ားစာရကဖြ င အေသးစတေဖာပြ ရန


(w) To descirbe the country and the address of the

wife/husband of the applicant stayed (1) year (or) more

than (1) year starting from last (3) years up to present.

From ............................................ To .............................................

Address ...........................................................................................

Country ...........................................................................................

4. Particulars of the children applicant for the Permanent Residence

(if more than one, it is to describe in a separate paper)

(a) Name in the passport .................................................................

(b) Male/ Female ................................................................................

(c) Date of birth (day/month/year) ...................................................

(d) Citizen .............................................................................................

(e) Citizenship Card No ......................................................................

(f) Travel document (Passport)

(1) Type ...................................................................................

(2) Passport No ........................................................................

(3) Date of issue and expiry date .......................................

(4) Type of visa ........................................................................

(5) Date of issue and expiry date .........................................

(6) Date of first arrival to Myanmar .......................................

(7) Duration of stay .................................................................

(8) Present address in Myanmar ...........................................

(9) Whether applied along with the applicant for the

Permanent Residence or not .............................................


(ဗ) လနခသည (၃) �စမ ယေန အထ ေလCာကထားသ၏ ဇနး/ခငပနး (၁)�စ

(သ မဟတ) (၁)�စ ထကပ၍ ေနထငခဖးေသာ�ငငများ�င လပစာများအား

ေဖာ ပြ ရန၊

မ ........................................................... ထ ..................................................

ေနရပလပစာ ..................................................................................................

�ငင ..............................................................................................................

၄။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ၏သားသမး�ငစပလျဥးသည ကယေရးအချက

အလကများ (တစဦးထကပပါက သးခြ ားစာရကဖြ ငေဖာပြ ရန)

(က) �ငငကးလကမတပါအမည .................................................................

(ခ) ကျား/မ .............................................................................................

(ဂ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက /လ/�စ) ..............................................................

(ဃ) �ငငသား ..........................................................................................

(င) �ငငသားလကမတအမတ ..................................................................

(စ) ခရးသားအေထာကအထား(�ငငကးလကမတ)

(၁) အမျ-းအစား ..............................................................................

(၂) �ငငကးလကမတအမတ ............................................................

(၃) ထတေပးသညရကစ�ငကနဆးမညရကစ ...................................

(၄) ဗဇာအမျ-းအစား .......................................................................

(၅) ထတေပးရကစ�င ကနဆးရကစ ................................................

(၆) ြမနမာပြ ညသ စတင၀ငေရာကသည ရကစ ..................................

(၇) ေနထငခသညကာလ .................................................................

(၈) လကရမြ နမာ�ငငတင ေနထငမည လပစာ .................................

(၉) အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ�င အတ တစပါတညးေလCာကထား

ခြ ငး ရ/မရ ...............................................................................



Part (d)

Particulars relating to other legal children (adopted sons and daughters) of the applicant for the permanent residence.

1. Particulars to be submitted if there is other marriage

(a) Wife / Husband name .................................................................

(b) Citizen ..........................................................................................

(c) Place of birth ..................................................................................

(d) Date of birth (day/month/year) .................................................

(e) Date of marriage (day/month/year) .........................................

(f) Present address .............................................................................

(g) Date of divorced/ expired (day/month/year) ..........................

2. Personal data if there are legal children (adopted children) (if more than one, it is to describe in a separate paper)

(a) Name ..............................................................................................

(b) Place of birth ..................................................................................

(c) Date of birth (day/month/year) .................................................

(d) Citizen ...........................................................................................

(e) Qualification .................................................................................

(f) Natural father's name ...................................................................

(g) Natural mother's name ...............................................................

(h) Name of the adopted parents ..................................................

(i) Date of adoption (day/month/year) ..........................................

(The legal guardianship certificate made in Notary Public in English Language shall be attached and submitted)

(j) Present address .............................................................................


အပငး (ဃ)

အမ" ေနထငခငေလ:ာကထားသ၏ အခြ ားတရား၀ငသားသမးများ(ေမးစားသားသမးများ)�င

စပလျဥးသည အချကအလကများ

၁။ အခြ ားလကထပခြ ငးရက တငပြ ရမည အချကအလကများ

(က) ဇနး/ခငပနး၏အမည .........................................................................

(ခ) �ငငသား ...........................................................................................

(ဂ) ေမးဖားရာေဒသ .................................................................................

(ဃ) ေမးသကUရာဇ (ရက/လ/�စ) ...............................................................

(င) လကထပသည ရကစ (ရက /လ/�စ) ...................................................

(စ) လကရေနရပ .....................................................................................

(ဆ) ကာရငး/ေသဆးခြ ငးဖြ စပါကရကစ (ရက/ လ/�စ) ...............................

၂။ အခြ ားတရား၀ငသားသမးများ (ေမးစားသားသမးများ) ရပါက ကယေရးအချက

အလကများ (တစဦးထကပပါကသးခြ ားစာရကဖြ ငေဖာပြ ရန)

(က) အမည ................................................................................................

(ခ) ေမးဖားရာေဒသ ..................................................................................

(ဂ) ေမးဖားသည ရကစ (ရက /လ/�စ) .......................................................

(ဃ) �ငငသား ...........................................................................................

(င) ပညာအရညအချငး ............................................................................

(စ) အဘအရငးအမည ..............................................................................

(ဆ) အမအရငးအမည ...............................................................................

(ဇ) ေမးစားမဘအမည .............................................................................

(ဈ) ေမးစားသည ရကစ(ရက /လ/�စ) ......................................................

(အ Mဂလပဘာသာဖြ င Notary Public ပြ -လပထားသည တရားဝင

အပထနးခင သကေသခလကမတ ပးတတငပြ ရမည)

(ည) လကရေနရပလပစာ ..........................................................................


(k) Travel document (Passport)

(1) Type ..................................................................................

(2) Passport No ........................................................................

(3) Date of issue and expiry date .......................................

(4) Type of visa ........................................................................

(5) Date of issue and expiry date ........................................

(6) The first arrival date in Myanmar ...................................

(7) Duration of stay in Myanmar ..........................................


(ဋ) ခရးသားအေထာကအထား (�ငငကးလကမတ)

(၁) အမျ-းအစား ...........................................................................

(၂) �ငငကးလကမတအမတ .........................................................

(၃) ထတေပးရကစ�ငကနဆးရကစ ..............................................

(၄) ဗဇာအမျ-းအစား ....................................................................

(၅) ထတေပးရကစ�ငေနရာ .........................................................

(၆) ြမနမာ�ငငသ စတင၀ငေရာကသည ရကစ ................................

(၇) မြ နမာ�ငငတငေနထငခသညကာလ ........................................


Part (e)

The particulars relating to the wife/husband and children applied along with the Permanent Residence

Sr Name Date of

birth Male/female Relationship Photograph












အပငး (င)

အမ" ေနထငခင တစပါတညးေလ:ာကထားမည ဇနး၊/ခငပနး၊ သားသမးများ�ငစပလျဥးသည


စဥ အမည ေမးသကEရာဇ ကျား / မ ေတာစပပ ဓါတပ

ဇနး/ခငပနး ဓါတပ

သား/သမး ဓါတပ

သား/သမး ဓါတပ

သား/သမး ဓါတပ


Part (f)

Separate description and the acknowledgement of the applicant for the Permanent Residence and family members.

1. To describe if he is holding more than one passport which has validity:

(a) Name in the passport .................................................................

(b) Citizen ...........................................................................................

(c) Date of birth ...................................................................................

(d) Type of passport ..........................................................................

(e) Passport No......................................................................................

(f) Date of issue and expiry date ......................................................

(g) Country of issue .............................................................................

(h) To describe the detail particulars in the passport which has used .................................................................................................

2. Either of the applicant for the Permanent residence and a family member contained in Part (e):

(a) is a person who is not regarded as the international refugee, and who had seeked asylum in any other country.

(b) is a person who is not in the list of the local, foreign and international crime records

(c) Attaches and submits the official recommendation original of the relevant country that he is healthy and free from the contagious disease.

(d) Respects the sovereignty and abide by the existing laws of Myanmar and take consideration for the interest of the country.

3. To get the Permanent Residence, do apply for the following persons:

For self / wife / husband (described in Part "c" or "e" of the



အမ" ေနထငခင ေလ:ာကထားသ�င မသားစဝငတ�၏ သးခြ ားေဖာပြ ချက�င ကတပြ -


၁။ သကတမးရေသာ�ငငကးလကမတ တစမျ-းထကပ၍ ကငေဆာငသဖြ စပါက

ေဖာပြ ရန-

(က) �ငငကးလကမတပါအမည .................................................................

(ခ) �ငငသား ............................................................................................

(ဂ) ေမးသကUရာဇ .....................................................................................

(ဃ) �ငငကးလကမတ အမျ-းအစား ............................................................

(င) �ငငကးလကမတအမတ .....................................................................

(စ) ထတေပးရကစ�င ကနဆးရကစ .........................................................

(ဆ) ထတေပးသည�ငင ..............................................................................

(ဇ) အသးပြ -ခသည �ငငကးလကမတများပါ အေသးစတအချကအလကများ

က ေဖာပြ ေပးရန ...............................................................................

၂။ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ�င အပငး(င) တငပါရသည မသားစဝငတ သည -

(က) အပြ ညပြ ညဆငရာဒကIသညအဖြ စ သတမတခြ ငးမခရသ၊ အခြ ား�ငင

တစခခ၏ �ငငေရးခလ�ခင ခယထားခြ ငးမရသဖြ စပါသည။

(ခ) ပြ ညတငး၊ ပြ ညပ�င �ငငတကာပြ စမ�မတတမးဝင မရသဖြ စပါသည။

(ဂ) ကျနးမာေရးေကာငးမနေက� ာငး၊ ကးစကေရာဂါ ကငးရငးေက� ာငး၊

သကဆငရာ�ငင၏ တရားဝငေထာကခချက(မရငး) ပးတတငပြ ပါသည။

(ဃ) မြ နမာ�ငင၏ အချ-ပအခြ ာအာဏာ�င တညဆဥပေဒများက ေလးစား

လကနာပ. း �ငင၏အကျ-းစးပားအတက အေလးထားေဆာငရကပါမည။

၃။ အမ. ေနထငခငရရရန ေအာကပါပဂN-လများအတက ေလCာကထားအပပါသည -

မမကယတင/ဇနး/ခငပနး (ေလCာကလ>ာပစ၏ အပငး“ဂ”(သ မဟတ) “င”တင ေဖာပြ ထား


application form)/children (described in part "c" and "d" or "e" of the application form)

4. I do acknowledge myself that the facts described in this application and the attached documents are true and not making forgery and amending so.

5. I do agree to use fingerprints and the photographs of the applicant to scrutinize and adopt for performing the immigration functions in applying for the registration of permanent resident certificate.

6. I do believe and abide by any necessary investigation to scrutinize and adopt the acquired facts from the applicant for performing the immigration functions in applying for the permanent residence.

.................................................... ....................................................

Date Signature or the left hand

Fingerprint of the applicant


Signature or the left hand Fingerprint

of the applicant's wife/husband


Signature or the left hand fingerprint

of the applicant's children

(If it is applied along with the

Applicant for Permanent Residence)


သည )/သားသမးများ (ေလCာကလ>ာပစအပငး“ဂ”�င “ဃ”(သ မဟတ) “င”တင ေဖာပြ ထား


၄။ ဤေလCာကလ>ာတင ေဖာပြ ထားေသာအချကအလကများ�င ပးတေဖာပြ ထား

ေသာစာရကစာတမးများအားလးသည မနကနပါေက� ာငး၊ အတပြ -လပခြ ငး၊ ပြ ငဆငထား

ခြ ငးမရပါေက� ာငး ကယတငဝနခကတပြ -အပပါသည။

၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ မတပတငေလCာကထားရာတင လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရး

ဆငရာကစRရပများေဆာငရကရာ၌ စစစအတညပြ -�ငေရးအတက ေလCာကထားသ၏

လကေဗရာများ�င ဓါတပတ ကလအပသလေဆာငရက�ငရန သေဘာတညပါသည။

၆။ အမ. ေနထငခင ေလCာကထားရာတင ေလCာကထားသထမ လအပသည အချက

အလကများအား လဝငမ�က� းက� ပေရးဆငရာလပငနးများေဆာငရကရာ၌ စစစအတညပြ -

�ငေရးအတကလအပေသာ မညသညစစမးေမးမြ နးမ�မျ-းမဆ လကနာမညဖြ စေက� ာငး


....................... ...............................................................................

ရကစ ေလCာကထားသ၏ လကမတ သ မဟတ ဘယလကေဗ


ေလCာကထားသ၏ ဇနး/ခငပနး လကမတ

(သ မဟတ) ဘယလကေဗ


ေလCာကထားသ၏ သားသမး၏ လကမတ

(သ မဟတ) ဘယလကေဗ

(အကယ၍ အမ. ေနထငခငေလCာကထားသ�င အတ



Annexure (b)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (2)

Application form to issue the Permanent Residence Certificate

1. Name ........................................................................................................

2. Other Name (if any) ...................................................................................

3. Passport Number ......................................................................................

4. Father's Name ...........................................................................................

5. Nationality and Citizenship .......................................................................

6. Gender ......................................................................................................

7. Date of Birth .................................................................................................

8. Present Occupation ................................................................................

9. Present Address (in full) ..............................................................................


10. Duration of stay in Myanmar and Places;

Sr. From -------- year to ------- year Address once stayed






11. Attached Documents

(1) ..........................................................................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (ခ)

ပစအမန (၂)

အမ" ေနထငခင လကမတထတေပးရန ေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ အမည ..........................................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမညရလCင .........................................................................................

၃။ �ငငကးလကမတ အမတ ................................................................................

၄။ အဘအမည ....................................................................................................

၅။ လမျ-း�င�ငငသား ..........................................................................................

၆။ ကျား/မ ..........................................................................................................

၇။ ေမးသကUရာဇ .................................................................................................

၈။ လကရအလပအကင .......................................................................................

၉။ လကရေနရပလပစာ (အပြ ညအစ) ...................................................................


၁၀။ မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးေနထငခသညကာလ�င ေနထငခသညေဒသ-

စဥ ခ�စမ ခ�စထ ေနထငခသညေနရပလပစာ

၁၁။ ပးတတငပြ သည အေထာကအထား-

(၁) .............................................................................................................


(2) ..........................................................................................................

(3) ..........................................................................................................

(4) ..........................................................................................................

(5) ..........................................................................................................

12. General submission ...................................................................................



Signature of the applicant

13. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for the

Permanent Residence ..........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence

14. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee for the

Permanent Residence ..........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


(၂) .............................................................................................................

(၃) .............................................................................................................

(၄) .............................................................................................................

(၅) .............................................................................................................

၁၂။ အေထေထတငပြ ချက ။ ...................................................................................




၁၃။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနး ေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ

၁၄။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Annexure (c)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (3)

Application form to register the validity term of the Permanent Residence Certificate

1. Name in full ................................................................................................ 2. Other Name (if any) ................................................................................... 3. Nationality and Citizenship ....................................................................... 4. Gender ........................................................................................................ 5. Number of Permanent Residence Certificate and Date ....................

....................................................................................................................... 6. Occupation ................................................................................................ 7. Address in Myanmar .................................................................................. 8. Father's Name/Citizenship........................................................................... 9. Mother's Name/ Citizenship ...................................................................... 10. Attached Documents

(a) ............................................................................................... (b) ............................................................................................... (c) ..............................................................................................

Applicant (or) Parents (or) Guardian

Signature ..................................................

Name .........................................................

Address in Full ..........................................

Phone No ..........................................

Date ........................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (ဂ)

ပစအမန (၃)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတ သကတမးအတညပြ -မတပတငရနေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ အမညအပြ ညအစ .........................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမညရလCင ........................................................................................

၃။ လမျ-း�င�ငငသား .........................................................................................

၄။ ကျား/မ ..........................................................................................................

၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတအမတ�ငရကစ ..........................................................

၆။ အလပအကင ................................................................................................

၇။ မြ နမာပြ ညေနရပလပစာ .................................................................................

၈။ အဘအမည၊ �ငငသား ....................................................................................

၉။ အမအမည၊ �ငငသား ......................................................................................

၁၀။ ပးတတငပြ သည အေထာကအထား-

(၁) .............................................................................................................

(၂) .............................................................................................................

(၃) .............................................................................................................

ေလCာကထားသ(သ မဟတ)မဘ(သ မဟတ)အပထနးသ

လကမတ .................................................................

အမည .......................................................................

ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ ............................................

ဖနးနပါတ .................................................................

ရကစ .......................................................................


11. Findings of the administrator of ward or Village-tract ..........................




Date ................................................... .............................. Ward/ Village-tract

12. Findings of the Township Police Station ..................................................



Officer-in-Charge, of the Police Station

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

13. Findings of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, ...............



Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

14. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence


၁၁။ ရပကက (သ မဟတ) ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက ..............




ရကစ ...................................... ....................... ရပကက/ေကျးရာအပစ

၁၂။ မ. - နယရတပဖAမDးEး (သ မဟတ) မ. - မရစခနး၏ စစစေတAရချက .......................



မ. - နယရတပဖAမDး(သ မဟတ)စခနးမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၃။ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက .............................................................



မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၄။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ


15. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


၁၅။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Annexure (d)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (4)

Application form to permit the renewal of the Permanent Residence

1. Name in full ................................................................................................ 2. Other Name (if any) ................................................................................... 3. Gender ........................................................................................................ 4. Nationality and Citizenship ....................................................................... 5. Date of Birth ................................................................................................ 6. Occupation ................................................................................................ 7. Father's Name/ Citizenship ........................................................................ 8. Number of Permanent Residence Certificate and Date ..................... 9. Expire date of the Permanent Residence Certificate .......................

...................................................................................................................... 10. Address in full ............................................................................................


11. Findings of Ward or Village-tract Administrator ....................................



Date ................................................... .............................. Ward/ Village-tract

12. Findings of the Township Police Station ..................................................




ေနာကဆကတ (ဃ)

ပစအမန (၄)

အမ" ေနထငခငသကတမးတးခငပြ -ရနေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ အမညအပြ ညအစ .........................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမည(ရလCင) ......................................................................................

၃။ ကျား/မ .........................................................................................................

၄။ လမျ-း/�ငငသား .............................................................................................

၅။ ေမးသကUရာဇ ................................................................................................

၆။ အလပအကင .................................................................................................

၇။ အဘအမည၊�ငငသား .....................................................................................

၈။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတအမတ�ငရကစ .........................................................

၉။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ သကတမးကနဆးသညေန .........................................

၁၀။ ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ .................................................................................

၁၁။ ရပကက (သ မဟတ) ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက ..............



ရကစ ...................................... ....................... ရပကက/ေကျးရာအပစ

၁၂။ မ. - နယရတပဖAမDးEး(သ မဟတ) မ. - မရစခနး၏ စစစေတAရချက .......................




Officer-in-Charge, of the Police Station

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

13. Findings of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, ...............



Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

14. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence

15. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


မ. - နယရတပဖAမDး(သ မဟတ)စခနးမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၃။ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက .............................................................



မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၄။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ

၁၅။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Annexure (e)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (5)

Application form to draw permit of the household member list of the person

who obtains the Permanent Residence

1. Name in full ................................................................................................

2. Other Name (if any) ...................................................................................

3. Nationality and Citizenship .......................................................................

4. Sex (Male/Female) ...................................................................................

5. Number of Permanent Residence Certificate and Date .....................

6. Occupation ................................................................................................

7. Address in Myanmar ..................................................................................

8. Father's Name, Nationality ......................................................................

9. Mother's Name, Nationality .....................................................................

Note. If family members live together please mention it.

Signature of applicant for the Permanent Residence

Name .........................................................

Address in Full ..........................................

Phone No ..........................................

Date ........................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (င)

ပစအမန (၅)

အမ" ေနထငခငရရသ အမေထာငစလဦးေရစာရငး ထတယခင ေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ အမညအပြ ညအစ .........................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမည(ရလCင) ......................................................................................

၃။ လမျ-း�င�ငငသား ..........................................................................................

၄။ ကျား/မ ........................................................................................................

၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတအမတ�ငရကစ .........................................................

၆။ အလပအကင .................................................................................................

၇။ မြ နမာပြ ညေနရပလပစာ ..................................................................................

၈။ အဘအမည၊ �ငငသား ....................................................................................

၉။ အမအမည၊ �ငငသား ....................................................................................

မတချက။ အတေနထငသည မသားစဝငရက အမညစာရငးပးတတငပြ ရန။

ေလCာကထားသ (အမ. ေနထငခငရရသ)

လကမတ .................................................................

အမည .......................................................................

ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ ............................................

ဖနးနပါတ .................................................................

ရကစ .......................................................................


Annexure (f)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (6)

Application form to draw permit of the copy for loss and damage of

the Permanent Residence Certificate

1. Name in full ................................................................................................ 2. Other Name (if any) ................................................................................... 3. Loss/damage Permanent Residence Certificate No. and Date ............... ...................................................................................................................... 4. Occupation ................................................................................................ 5. Address in full ............................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... 6. Father's Name, Nationality, holding card No .........................................

...................................................................................................................... 7. Mother's Name, Nationality, holding card No ........................................

...................................................................................................................... 8. Date of loss / damage and reason .........................................................

...................................................................................................................... 9. Attached Document ..............................................................................


Signature of applicant for the Permanent Residence

Name .........................................................

Address in Full ..........................................


Date ........................................................

Phone No ...................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (စ)

ပစအမန (၆)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတ ေပျာကဆး/ပျကစးခြ ငးအတက မတ< 8ထတယခင ေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ အမညအပြ ညအစ ..........................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမည (ရလCင) .....................................................................................

၃။ ေပျာကဆး/ပျကစးသညအမ. ေနထငခငကတပြ ားလကမတအမတ�င ရကစ .......


၄။ အလပအကင .................................................................................................

၅။ ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ .................................................................................


၆။ အဖအမည၊�ငငသားအမျ-းအစား�ငကငေဆာငသညလကမတအမတ ...............


၇။ အမအမည၊ �ငငသားအမျ-းအစား�ငကငေဆာငသညလကမတအမတ ...............


၈။ ေပျာကဆးပျကစးသညရကစ�ငအကျ-းအေက� ာငးေဖာပြ ချက ...........................


၉။ ပးတတငပြ ေသာအေထာကအထား ..................................................................


ေလCာကထားသ(သ မဟတ)မဘ(သ မဟတ)အပထနးသ

လကမတ .................................................................

အမည .......................................................................

ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ ............................................

ဖနးနပါတ .................................................................

ရကစ .......................................................................


10. Findings of Ward or Village-tract Administrator ....................................



Date ................................................... .............................. Ward/ Village-tract

11. Findings of the Township Police Station ..................................................



Officer-in-Charge, of the Police Station

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

12. Findings of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, ...............



Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

13. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence


၁၀။ ရပကက (သ မဟတ) ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက ..............



ရကစ ...................................... ....................... ရပကက/ေကျးရာအပစ

၁၁။ မ. - နယရတပဖAမDးEး(သ မဟတ) မ. - မရစခနး၏ စစစေတAရချက .......................



မ. - နယရတပဖAမDး(သ မဟတ)စခနးမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၂။ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက .............................................................



မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၃။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................



အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ


14. Comments of the Implementation Central committee for

permanent residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


၁၄။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Annexure (g)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (7)

Application form of the change of curriculum vitae of the person who

obtains the Permanent Residence

1. Name in full ................................................................................................ 2. Other Name ................................................................................................. 3. Nationality and Citizenship ...................................................................... 4. Gender......................................................................................................... 5. Permanent Residence Certificate No and date ................................... ...................................................................................................................... 6. Occupation ................................................................................................ 7. Address in Myanmar .................................................................................. 8. Father's Name/ Citizenship ...................................................................... 9. Mother's Name/ Citizenship ...................................................................... 10. Parents occupation and address ..........................................................

...................................................................................................................... 11. Other Particulars to be altered except address

Particulars written Particulars to be altered

12. Describe reasons to be altered in brief ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (ဆ)

ပစအမန (၇)

အမ" ေနထငခငရရသ၏ ကယေရးဖြ စစဥအေက ာငးအရာေပြ ာငးလခြ ငးများအတက


၁။ အမညအပြ ညအစ၊ ..........................................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမညရလCင၊ ........................................................................................

၃။ လမျ-း�င�ငငသား .........................................................................................

၄။ ကျား/မ ..........................................................................................................

၅။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတအမတ�ငရကစ၊ .........................................................

၆။ အလပအကင .................................................................................................

၇။ မြ နမာပြ ညေနရပလပစာ ..................................................................................

၈။ အဘအမည၊ �ငငသား ....................................................................................

၉။ အမအမည၊ �ငငသား ......................................................................................

၁၀။ မဘအလပအကင�ငေနရပလပစာ ...................................................................

၁၁။ လပစာမအပအခြ ားအေက� ာငးအရာေပြ ာငးလ>ေပးရန

ေရးသားထားသညအေက ာငးအရာ ေပြ ာငးလ?လသညအေက ာငးအရာ

၁၂။ ေပြ ာငးလရသညအေက� ာငးအကျဥးေဖာပြ ရန






13. Attached and submitted documents

(1) ..........................................................................................................

(2) ..........................................................................................................

(3) ..........................................................................................................

(4) ..........................................................................................................

Applicant (or) Parents (or) Guarding


Name .........................................................

Address in Full ..........................................


Phone No ...................................................

Date ........................................................

14. Findings of Ward or Village-tract Administrator ....................................



Date................................................... .............................. Ward/ Village-tract

15. Findings of the Township Police Station ..................................................








၁၃။ ပးတတငပြ သညအေထာကအထားများ

(၁) ...............................................................................................................

(၂) ...............................................................................................................

(၃) ...............................................................................................................

(၄) ...............................................................................................................

ေလCာကထားသ(သ မဟတ)မဘ(သ မဟတ)အပထနးသ

လကမတ .................................................................

အမည .......................................................................

ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ ............................................

ဖနးနပါတ .................................................................

ရကစ .......................................................................

၁၄။ ရပကက (သ မဟတ) ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက ..............



ရကစ ...................................... ....................... ရပကက/ေကျးရာအပစ

၁၅။ မ. - နယရတပဖAမDးEး(သ မဟတ) မ. - မရစခနး၏ စစစေတAရချက .......................



Officer-in-Charge, of the Police Station

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

16. Findings of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, ...............



Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

17. Comments of the Township General Administration Department .....




Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

18. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence


မ. - နယရတပဖAမDး(သ မဟတ)စခနးမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၆။ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက .............................................................



မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၇။ မ. - နယအေထေထအပချ-ပေရးဦးစးဌာန၏ သေဘာထားမတချက .....................




ရကစ ...................................... ................ မ. - နယအေထေထအပချ-ပေရးဦးစးဌာန

၁၈။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................



အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ


14. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


၁၉။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Application form for transfer of address of the person who obtained the Permanent Residence

1. Name of the person to transfer ............................................................... 2. Father's Name ........................................................................................ 3. Nationality and Citizenship ..................................................................... 4. Male / Female ............................................................................................ 5. Date of Birth.................................................................................................. 6. Permanent Residence Certificate No and date ................................. 7. Occupation ............................................................................................... 8. Present occupation .................................................................................... 9. Present address (in full) ............................................................................. 10. Address to be transferred (in full) ............................................................ 11. Reasons of transfer (in full) ........................................................................ 12. Duration stayed in Myanmar and name of the Township / village

Sr ( ) year to ( ) year Address once stayed







အမ" ေနထငခင လကမတရရသ၏ ေနရပလပစာေပြ ာငးေရ?Bခငေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ ေပြ ာငးေရ>Aလသအမည ...................................................................................

၂။ အဘအမည ...................................................................................................

၃။ လမျ-း�င�ငငသား ..........................................................................................

၄။ ကျား/မ ..........................................................................................................

၅။ ေမးသကUရာဇ ...............................................................................................

၆။ အမ. ေနထငခငလကမတ အမတ�င ရကစ .......................................................

၇။ အလပအကင ..................................................................................................

၈။ လကရအလပအကင .......................................................................................

၉။ လကရေနရပလပစာ (အပြ ညအစ) ..................................................................

၁၀။ ေပြ ာငးေရ>Aမည ေနရပလပစာ (အပြ ညအစ) .......................................................

၁၁။ ေပြ ာငးေရ>Aလသည အေက� ာငးပြ ချက (အပြ ညအစ) ...........................................

၁၂။ မြ နမာ�ငငအတငးေနထငခသည ကာလ�င ေနထငခသည မ. - /ရာ-

စဥ ခ�စမ ခ�စအထ ေနထငခသညေနရပလပစာ

(၁) ...............................................................................................................

(၂) ...............................................................................................................

(၃) ...............................................................................................................

(၄) ...............................................................................................................

(၅) ...............................................................................................................


13. Persons to be transfer along with applicant.

Sr Name Gender Relationship Holding Certificate





14. If all the members of the family transfer, how to manage the

apartment / room / flat:

(1) Sell .....................................................................................

(2) Return .....................................................................................

(3) Lease .....................................................................................

(4) Other .....................................................................................

15. Particulars of the room/flat or apartment where to be transferred:

(1) name of the purchaser ..............................................................

(2) return ..............................................................

(3) house of the relatives ..............................................................

(4) others ..............................................................

16. Particulars of the children.

Sr Name Gender Date of



place of


Holding Certificate





Remark: Particulars of all the children must be stated.


၁၃။ ေလCာကထားသ�င တပါတညးေပြ ာငးေရ>Aမညသများ -

စဥ အမည ကျား/မ ေတာစပပ ကငေဆာငသညလကမတ

၁၄။ အမသားအားလးေပြ ာငးေရ>AလCင တကခနးမညသ စစဥမည-

(၁) ေရာငးမည ........................................................................................

(၂) ပြ နအပမည ........................................................................................

(၃) ငားရမးမည ........................................................................................

(၄) အခြ ား ........................................................................................

၁၅။ ေပြ ာငးေရ>Aေနထငမည အရပေဒသရတကခနးအေက� ာငးအရာ-

(၁) ၀ယသအမည ....................................................................................

(၂) ပြ နအပမည ....................................................................................

(၃) ေဆမျ-းမတသ Mဂဟအမ .......................................................................

(၄) အခြ ား ....................................................................................

၁၆။ သားသမးများအေက� ာငးအရာ -

စဥ အမည ကျား/မ ေမးသကEရာဇ ေမးရပ ကငေဆာငသညလကမတ

မတချက။ သားသမးများအားလး၏ အေက� ာငးအရာက ေဖာပြ ရမည။


17. Date of Marriage and Locality ................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

18. Whether he/she has stayed with husband or wife the duration and the locality if he stayed together .........................................................................


...................................................................................................................................19. Reasons why staying separately from the husband or wife, the duration of the period staying separately .......................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

20. Whether been to abroad or not if so abroad, particulars of the visit

Sr Name of the Country

and Town visited

Date of Departure From


Particulars of arrival to Myanmar

and date





21. Whether there are debts or not to be received by the government.

Sr Type of the debt Value to be paid remarks

1 Income tax

2 Sale tax

3 Tax of electricity and water supply

22. Particulars of cases facing in respect of himself at the present locality (for example; civil case, criminal case or trade dispute. etc.)


၁၇။ လကထပသည ေန ရက�င အရပေဒသ ............................................................ ................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................၁၈။ ခငပနး/ ဇနးသည�ငအတေနထငခ ခြ ငးရ/မရ၊ အတေနထငခပါကေနထငခသည ကာလ�င ေဒသ ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................

၁၉။ ခငပနး/ဇနးသည�င မညသညအေက� ာငးေက� ာင သးခြ ားေနထငခသည�င သးခြ ားေနထငခသည ကာလ ..................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................

၂၀။ �ငငခြ ားသ သားေရာကဘးခြ ငးရ/မရ၊ သားေရာကဘးပါကသားေရာကခသည အေက� ာငးအရာ ......................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................

စဥ သားေရာကခသည �ငင�င မ" -�အမည

မြ နမာပြ ညမ


မြ နမာပြ ညသ�ေရာကသည အေက ာငးအရာ�င ေန�

၂၁။ အစးရကရရနရသာ ေကV းြမများရ/မရ၊

ေကG းမ" အမျ-းအစား ေပးရနရေသာတနဘး မတချက

(၁) အမြ တခန .........................................................................................

(၂) ေရာငး၀ယခန .........................................................................................

(၃) မးခန၊ ေရခန .........................................................................................

၂၂။ လကရေနရပတင မမ�ငပတသက၍ ရငဆငေနရေသာ အမ�အခငးများ အေက� ာငးအရာ (ဥပမာ-တရားမမ�၊ ရာဇ၀တမ�၊ ၀ါဏWဇပဋပကIမ�၊ စသညဖြ င ........




23. Immovable properties


Property name and category

Located Address

How it is possessed

Date of receipt

Market Value





24. General Submission ..................................................................................


Signature of the Applicant

25. Comments of the Township Immigration and National Registration

Department in respect of the present address

Officer-in-Charge, of the Township

Immigrationand National Registration Department

...................................................... Township




၂၃။ မေရ>Aေပြ ာငး�ငေသာပစRညးများ-

စဥ ပစHညးအမည�င







ရရသညေန� ကာလ


၂၄။ အေထေထတငပြ ချက။ ...................................................................................




၂၅။ လကရေနရပလပစာ�င သကဆငေသာ မ. - နယလ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င

အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရး ဦးစးဌာန၏ သေဘာထားမတချက .........................................



မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာန

........................................ မ. - နယ


26. Comments of the township general administration department .......



Township Administrator

Township General Administration Department

...................................... Township

27. Comments of the Immigration and National Registration

Department of the State/Region. .......................................................................



Officer-in-Charge, of the State / Divisional

Immigration and National Registration Department

...................................... Township

28. Sanction of the government of the State / Region attached. ............




State / Region Government

...................................... State/ Region


၂၆။ မ. - နယအေထေထအပချ-ပေရးဦးစးဌာန၏ သေဘာထားမတချက ......................



မ. - နယအပချ-ပေရးမDး

မ. - နယအေထေထအပချ-ပေရးဦးစးဌာန

........................................ မ. - နယ

၂၇။ ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� း လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရး ဦးစး

ဌာန၏ သေဘာထားမတချက .......................................................................................



ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� းဦးစးဌာနမDး

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာန

........................................ မ. - နယ

၂၈။ ပြ ညနယ/ တငးေဒသက� းအစးရအဖA၏ ခင ပြ -မန (ပးတပါသည)


ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� းအစးရအဖA

.............................. ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� း


29. Comments of Officer-in-Charge, of the Immigration and National

Registration Department of the state/region in respect of the address to

be transferred ........................................................................................................



Officer-in-Charge, of the State/Region

Immigration and National Registration Department

...................................... State/ Region

30. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee of the

permanent residence. ..........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence

31. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee of the

permanent residence.. .........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee for the Permanent Residence


၂၉။ ေပြ ာငးေရ>Aမည ေနရပလပစာ�င သကဆငသည ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� း

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပ ေရး�ငအမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ သေဘာထားမတချက ...



ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� းဦးစးဌာနမDး

လ၀ငမ�က� းက� ပေရး�င အမျ-းသားမတပတငေရးဦးစးဌာန

.............................. ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� း

၃၀။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................



အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ

၃၁။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ


Annexure (h)

Form No. Ah Ma Na (8)

Application form of the return of the Permanent Residence Certificate

1. Name of the deceased in full ................................................................

2. Other name (ifany) ..................................................................................

3. Male / Female .........................................................................................

4. Nationality / Citizenship ............................................................................

5. Number of Permanent Residence Certificate of the deceased and

date ............................................................................................................

6. Father's name of the deceased and holding certificate No ...............


7. Address of the deceased in full .............................................................



8. Cause of death ........................................................................................


9. Place of death ........................................................................................

10. Death certificate number and date ......................................................

11. Name of the person who informs holding certificate number ............


12. Relationship between the deceased ..................................................


ေနာကဆကတ (ဇ)

ပစအမန (၈)

အမ" ေနထငခငလကမတ ရရသေသဆးသဖြ င ပယဖျကေပးရန ေလ:ာကလ?ာပစ

၁။ ေသဆးသအမည အပြ ညအစ ..........................................................................

၂။ အခြ ားအမည (ရလCင) ....................................................................................

၃။ ကျား/မ ..........................................................................................................

၄။ လမျ-း/�ငငသား .............................................................................................

၅။ ေသဆးသ၏ အမ. ေနထငခင လကမတအမတ�င ရကစ ....................................


၆။ ေသဆးသ၏ အဖအမည �င ကငေဆာငသည လကမတအမတ ........................


၇။ ေသဆးသ၏ ေနရပလပစာအပြ ညအစ ............................................................



၈။ ေသဆးရသည အေက� ာငးအရငး .....................................................................


၉။ ေသဆးသည ေနရာ ........................................................................................

၁၀။ ေသဆးေက� ာငးလကမတ အမတ�င ရကစ ......................................................

၁၁။ တငက� ားသအမည၊ ကငေဆာငသညလကမတ အမတ ......................................



၁၂။ ေသဆးသ�င ေတာစပပ ................................................................................


13. Address of the informer ............................................................................



Signature of the Informer

Name ......................................................

Date ........................................................

14. Findings of Ward or Village-tract Administrator ....................................



Date ................................................... .............................. Ward/ Village-tract

15. Findings of the Township Police Station ..................................................



Officer-in-Charge, of the Police Station

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township

16. Findings of the Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge, ...............



Township Departmental Officer-in-Charge,

Date ................................................... ...................................... Township


၁၃။ တငက� ားသေနရပလပစာ ...............................................................................



တငက� ားသလကမတ

အမည ...........................................

ရကစ ...........................................

၁၄။ ရပကက (သ မဟတ) ေကျးရာအပစအပချ-ပေရးမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက ..............




ရကစ ...................................... ....................... ရပကက/ေကျးရာအပစ

၁၅။ မ. - နယရတပဖAမDးEး(သ မဟတ) မ. - မရစခနး၏ စစစေတAရချက .......................



မ. - နယရတပဖAမDး(သ မဟတ)စခနးမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ

၁၆။ မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး၏ စစစေတAရချက .............................................................


မ. - နယဦးစးဌာနမDး

ရကစ ...................................... ............................................. မ. - နယ


17. Comments of Office of the Government of the State/Region ............



Department of the State / Region

Date ................................................... .............................. State / Region

18. Comments of the Implementation Working Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Working Committee for the Permanent Residence

19. Comments of the Implementation Central Committee for

Permanent Residence ...........................................................................................




Implementation Central Committee of the Permanent Residence


၁၇။ ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� းဦးစးဌာနမDးEး၏ သေဘာထားမတချက ......................



ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� းဦးစးဌာန

ရကစ ...................................... ............................... ပြ ညနယ/တငးေဒသက� း

၁၈။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက ..................................................................................................



အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးလပငနးေကာမတ

၁၉။ အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာ အေကာငအထညေဖာေရး ဗဟေကာမတ၏

သေဘာထားမတချက .................................................................................................




အမ. ေနထငခင ပြ -ခြ ငးဆငရာအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးဗဟေကာမတ