the remnants of hope

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  • 8/11/2019 The Remnants of Hope


    Chapter One

    Triangles and Crescents.

    Karen Thomas watched with a slight bemusement as her father, Evan (although

    these days all anyone seemed to call him was Old Tom) entertained some regular bar iesat their family tavern's corner, and at times the busiest place the tavern's bar! The

    tavern itself had legendary fame, more so for being used by legends than of being one

    itself! The "itter #inter, or so it has been called for as long as can be remembered!

    $he was young, %ust having turned si&teen and was gorgeous, at a petite height

    of ve one, with long brown hair, and matching colored eyes!!! $he new she was

    gorgeous if nothing else for how often she got told it! Of course, she only had her eyes,

    and her heart for one man (though he was barely so at %ust eighteen), Kharth Travis!

    #ell!!! and at times, she!!! o! $he loved Kharth, has been his girlfriend nearly ever since

    he showed up here in *eance ve years ago! "ut, while she did love another man, she

    did out of nothing but friendship! +es! riendship! othing more! This man being Kal, thesame age as Kharth and his closest friend!

    They both showed up here at the same time as ate would have it! Their

    arrival, and the ght that ensued!!! Karen laughed a bit at the memory! Kharth had been

    so cool and calm! #hile Kal was hot and ery raging- The temper on him!!! $omeone

    had taen a swing at Kharth!!! Kal too o.ense, and punched the o.ender in the face!

    $aid o.ender's (/on!!! or "ill!!!one of those forgetful names) friends leaped to his

    defense!!! 0n all out brawl ensued! Kharth's cool words stymied it from getting more

    violent! 1ong enough for Evan Thomas to step in! #hile usually %ovial, the man was

    respected, and he made it damn clear that nothing of this sort would happen in his

    establishment! 2e helped the newly arrived Kharth and Kal to a meal, and bade them to

    tell them their story! #hen he found out how hard o. they were, Evan o.ered them wor

    around The "itter #inter in e&change for board and food! Over the course of a few

    months, the two became lie sons to the indhearted inneeper! $o naturally when Karen

    became 3uite smitten with Kharth and he ased Evan if he was oay with him courting

    his daughter!!!

    Karen sighed, put her hands on her face! 2e used to be soromantic! *ashing

    even! 0 cool, witty, rogue of sorts! 0lways new what to say! $o charming! $o sweet! ow

    she felt lie she spent more time visiting with Kal than she ever saw of Kharth! 2e was

    out! ear always it seemed! $he used to as Kal where he was! "ut all it did was painhim! Kal was a great friend to her, always has been! !!!but he is to Kharth too! $o she

    stopped asing!

    $he sighed again! $he wished Kharth was here! 1ie how it used to be! "ut!!! $he had to

    admit she looed forward in her own way to her nightly visits with Kal! Kal had an

    obsession with legends, myths, superstitions things she new ne&t to nothing of! "ut by

    2eaven, it was sointeresting- $he loved hearing him tell her all about whatever new

    mystery he'd been studying! $he wondered what she would learn tonight!!!

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    Kal Thane was a tad bored as he too a small pull from a as he had lled with

    some of his friend Kharth's li3uor reserve! 2e winced a bit as the taste hit him! #hisey!

    Kharth's favorite! "lah! 2e hated the taste! Oh well!!! 2e was scribbling idly on a scratch

    piece of paper he was using as boo mar! /ust writing his name in di.erent styles! Kal

    was his only truename! 2e was an orphan! 4nclaimed! 4nloved!!! well! 2e used to say

    that, but he should really stop sounding so pitiful! $o he'll %ust stic with unclaimed! 2e

    too to saying his last name was Thane around fteen! 0n irony of sorts! 0rchaic word for

    ruler, a ing! 2e was of the mind that if he gave himself a name for someone incredible,

    maybe some day he would be! 2e had even taen to signing his name in such a specic

    and uni3ue way! 0 K with a half arc around it to mae what was a roughly a T! 0 few dots

    here and there! 5t was a pretty good homage to magical runes he had read of!

    2e's always loved all the old legends! The myths! Tales of magic that once

    e&isted! Of a clandestine order that runs everything!!! The order that, as legend has it,

    controls all magic in the world! 0ll events! 0ll political machines! They run the world! one

    dare oppose them as well, this, Order of The 6rescent as they are called! 2e certainlywouldn't! 0fter all! 0s legend went, anyone that encountered them!!! ever heard from

    again! 1iely illed! Or!!!worse!

    5f they really did e&ist!!!and if they really did have the power of magic! 7ass on

    drawing any of their attention! Though he wouldn't mind being taught some of their

    magic- 2a- Though, to continue a hypothetical8 Kal felt lie the hardest part of nowing

    their magic, would be to hide that he didnow it! $uch power, such might-

    2e too another pull of what he was now deeming swill instead of whisey,

    then looed up, and beheld a vision waling towards him! 2e nearly choed on his li3uor

    as he tried not to stare at her! Ease up, he told himself!!! $he's Kharth's! +our friend! 2owhe treats her is beside the point!!! ot to mention, you're supposed to be her friend too

    you ass, so 3uit ogling her-

    Kal made a slight waving notion, and smired! #ell, that is too say more than

    usual! Kal was average in height, but a bit above it in weight! othing too e&traordinary,

    but his frame made it obvious he was far from wea! $trength training became a hobby of

    his around when he was twelve! #ell! #hen he could! 2e was passed around a lot! One of

    his foster homes was a martial arts do%o! 2is most useful fae family yet!

    2e had neatly cropped blac hair, that was a bit faded color! "angs were

    starting to grow out, but he usually combed them to the side! 2e had a long face, but astrong %aw to accent it! 2is eyes were a very intense green!!! 6omplimented by thin

    arched eye brows! That in itself would seem to give him a mocing9%ovial e&pression, and

    would have been his most noticeable feature!

    $ave for the scar on his mouth! 2e was told someone tried to ill him when he

    was a baby! 0 sadist! They too a nife to him! To his face! The scar formed in such a way

    as he aged!!! 2is mouth always pulled upward to the right! 0 perpetual smir! 2e used to

    be self conscious about it! "ut he's started to taen a liing on how his e&pression always

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    seems comic! :egardless of his actual mood!

    Karen sat down briey touching Kal's hand with her own (tightening Kal's smir

    up even more), she was about to spea, but before she could, Kal beat her to it!

    ;Karen, it's great to see you! 5t really is!!!and don't tae this the wrong way, but for the

    rst time since memory serves, 5 actually don'tnow where Kharth is either!;

    Karen's brow raised, as she put both her hands on Kal's, which was resting on

    the table, ;Kal!!! 5!!! why are you telling me this8 0re you worried8; 2er tone suggested

    that she desperately wanted Kal to tell her that he wasn't!

    2e wished he could!

    Kal e&haled slowly, and used his free hand to rub his eyes!

    ;+eah! 5 am actually! 2e seemed incredibly agitated, nervous, and well, even

    scared the last time 5 saw him! #hich was about an hour before 5 saw that he was gone!;

    Karen s3uee

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    Kharth eyed his friend for a minute, his e&pression unreadable! Then spoe as he eased

    his way into the chair Karen had been using! =Oh you now > the usual!?

    Kal made a small laugh at that! @ore for show than due to any amusement! Then was

    surprised as Kharth was now smiling! 7ractically beaming! 2e almost looed giddy!

    =Kharth #hat's going on8 #hat's got you so happy8?

    Kharth snapped his ngers, =@y good old friend, we are going to be rich! +ou

    won't believe how easily either-?

    Kal raised an eyebrow! Toyed with his as! =Easy money huh8?

    Kharth's voice was raising a bit from his e&citement! =The easiest!"ut! 5t's not

    a surething %ust yet! 5t seemed a little!!! odd!?

    Kal too a pull! =Odd is never good!?

    Kharth's smile faded! =@y thoughts e&actly Kal! 5 was out in the fringes of

    *eance, by the main gate! 5 was met there by a man! 7robably around thirty or so! ot

    too old not too young! 2e said he and his clientele are damn near obsessed with, well!!!?

    Kharth gestured towards a boo that Kal had been reading earlierA Elven Kind and

    Sorcery, Myths and Legends? Or a history that has been forgotten?

    Kal glanced at the boo! 2e was starting to get a bad feeling about this! 2is

    mind almost had it!!! Kharth's description about the man, what he was interested in!!!

    =Kharth, you still haven't e&plained how this has to do with us getting money8?

    Kharth himself no longer looed nearly as happy! 2is brow was furrowed as he

    to was thining! "ut when he spoe, a smile broe on his face! =:ight! @oney- 2e ased if

    5 new anyone who was nowledgeable about this stu.! 0nyone at all! Of course 5 didn't

    say your name, but 5 did say 5 now someone that is as good as a damn encyclopedia for

    the stu.! 2e got real interested then! 2e was in earnest nearly! $aid if they could as you

    some 3uestions and record the answers!!! Ten thousand!?

    Kharth laughed as both Kal's eyebrows went up! =$plit between us right8?

    Kharth laughed again! =o my friend! Each! 5f they lie your answers!!! @ore!?

    Kal should be thrilled, but still! $ome nagging warning in his brain! 2e still

    hadn't gured it out! 2e heard Kharth mutter something! $ounding lie a curse! Kallooed up! Kharth was rubbing his hand!

    =$omething hurt8? Kal ased!

    Kharth held his hand up! There was an odd mar imbedded in it! 5t almost

    looed lie a burn!

    =uc- #hat happened8?

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    Kharth let out a curt laugh! =5 went to shae his hand at the end of our

    business! 2e seemed taen abac by it! 1ie it was an odd custom he wasn't used to or

    e&pecting! #hen he did, his ring niced my hand! 2urt a lot more than it seemed it should

    have! #eird!?

    The dread Kal felt must have been palpable at this point! Kharth was taen

    abac! =#hat is it8?

    =Kharth! The ring! #hat did it loo lie8?

    2e thought! =5t had a crescent moon on it!?

    Kal cursed and grabbed Kharth, his eyes wide! =That's the symbol of The Order

    of The 6rescent-?

    Kharth's face went pallid! =!!!that's not real though, and even if it is!!! 5 mean!!!

    5t doesn't matter! :ight8?

    Kal spoe! 2is voice shaing! Kharth noted the fear in it! =Order of The

    6rescent! 0s in people who run the world! 5f they actually e&ist, magic does too and if it

    does!!! They can use it! The order's members get sent out to nd people! This guy you

    met and his associates8 7robably nothing but gloried assassins!? Kal paused and stood

    in front of Kharth, looing at him intently, =#e have to get the fuc out of here! 0s fast as


    Kharth looed around at his home! 0t Kal's home! #here despite all his faults,

    and showing to the contrary, the girl he loved was!!!

    2e nodded!

    Chapter 2:

    Run Like Hell!

    Miss Angelica Brown

    Somewhere, in a location that is thousands of miles away, yet ethereal to the oint of

    noneistence enough to be but a mile away"""

    #way from two young friends, who run" $un with the greatest fear they've ever %nown in

    their lives" $un" &et in their terror, they remain true" hey are closer than blood" hey willdie for each other" hey will rotect each other"

    hey may (ust ma%e it"

    0ngelica "rown rubbed her eyes in frustration and let out a sigh! One hand

    propped up her face, while the other drummed on a beautifully ornate table in front of

    her! $he was in the council hall! The secretive meeting place for the council of The Order

    of The 6rescent! $he had earned a seat in the council a year or two ago > and while she

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    was certainly a silled diplomat, brilliant in her own right, and a talented worer of

    magic!!! $he often wondered if she had earned this position because she had tits and a

    pussy! 0nd not the withered old saggy ind lie the two other senior members that were

    women! $enior in more ways than one!!! $he gures they are at least three times her age!

    1iely more!

    0ngelica was a young woman of twenty ve! $he had brownish hair!!!(or blondish,

    depending on the angle of the light) that was usually ept neatly down, in a orderly

    fashion during council meetings! 2owever, it was late, and she was alone!!! $o you now

    what8 $he had it in a pony tail! 5f anyone had a problem with it, she could inform the old

    bald bastards how much damn wor it is to have hair this long, and to eep it looing this


    $he a beautiful face, with clearly dened cheebones, thin lips that were 3uic to crac

    into a smile, or a laugh (usually at your e&pense) and brown eyes that were matte and

    dar enough to nearly match her pupils! $he had eyebrows that looed nigh always

    furrowed, as if thining or worrying over something always! #hich, well!!! wasn't too far

    from the truth!

    Especially now! $he couldn't gure it out- #hat the hell did @athias want with these B

    people8 $ome of them younger than her- @ight as well be ids- *amn- @athias is the

    leader of The Order of The 6rescent! 2e has been!!! well! o one will actually conrm

    that! "ut she nows! 2e has been since it's e&isted! 2e nows ways of sustaining life! $he

    suspects his methods!!! "ut can't prove it! :egardless, someone with the power to cheat

    death is best not to cross! #hile he may be hundreds upon hundreds of years old, he

    appears as a man in his early thirties! 2ealthy! it! 2is features8 0 defense of his! They

    change! Every! Time! +ou see him! 2e never loos the same! 2e was nown amongst the

    order as @athias @any ace! Oh how sheloathed that spell of his! Of course he has nevershared the worings of it!

    $he received yet another update about a group of people, who she, amongst others in

    the council had %ust begun to refer to as =The ine?! ine people that @athias had

    become absolutely obsessedwith! 0t rst he wanted to %ust monitor them! Then he

    became certain they each of these nine people would, or already did, posses supernatural

    powers! @agic! 1ie theirs! E&cept!!! 5nnitely more powerful! #ell, potentially! @agic as

    the Order of The 6rescent new it8 0n ancient art passed down through the centuries by

    those fortunate enough to be both in the now of it, and to posses the talent to use it! 5t

    re3uired an innate sill! "ut more to the point8 Endless memori

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    (children who were shown to have the gift of magic in their blood) and recruited (forcibly

    taen) to be trained and initiated into the order! o! There was something di.erent about

    these nine that stayed @athias' hand originally! 0nd 0ngelica wanted to nd out %ust what

    that was! $eeing how and what powers they would develop8 7ossibly!

    #ondering why in the world this is happening, and how he new it would be limited to

    these nine8 0ll answers 0ngelica was desperately seeing!!!

    ast paced foot steps coming from down the hall interrupted her thoughts! $he sighed,

    cursing under her breath! $he was so close- $he could feel it!!! 4nraveling one of these

    mysteries! 5t had to do with how of the nine, @athias had managed to mae two seem

    imminently more important than the rest! #ithout ever mentioning why of course!

    =0hem! @rs! "rown8? 0 nervous voice said, that caused her to start! $he had been so lost

    in thought she hadn't even noticed that the man as right ne&t to her! 0n apprentice by

    the loos! Cod- $he felt lie she was %ust about to mae an imminent connection!!! igure

    out one of these riddles!!! The clueless idiot coughed nervously!

    0ngelica sighed!!!closed her eyes, then spoe, slowly! ot bothering to conceal

    the anger in her voice! =Oay! irst! '@rs!8' o!!! /ust!!! no! 1iely never! 5t is Miss )rown"

    ot @rs! "rown! ot 0ngelica!!! @aybe ma'am! "ut that's about all 5'll ever accept!

    Especially from someone in your position > 6lear8? 0ngelica stood up and eyed the

    unfortunate apprentice as she nished speaing! 0t the sight of how nervous and

    ustered he looed she almost felt sorry for taing her frustration out on him! 0lmost!

    The apprentice must have been nervous enough to be sweating, as he wiped

    his hooded face several times before he answered! =+!!!yes ma'am! 4m- E&cuse me! @iss


    0ngelica almost smiled, but managed to control it! :etain the stern commanding

    presence of his superior! 2owever ridiculous this pomp and circumstance may be, at

    times it was useful!

    =#ell done! ow! #hat is so important8 5 assume it must be for you to bother me!!!8?

    0ngelica e&pected it to be nothing, and as such for her last sentence to send the

    apprentice cowering bac to whatever he had been doing before!!! "ut no! 2e looed sure

    of himself!!! #hat would he be about to say8 2er pulse 3uicened in e&citement!

    The apprentice straightened his robes, and tried to maintain an air of dignity as

    he spoe! =@iss "rown! 0 delegate of si& council members have found two of the nine!

    They're currently in pursuit of them! 5 was told to alert the highest raning member 5

    found rst!?

    0ngelica forgot about pomp and circumstance as she grabbed the apprentice,

    practically yelling her ne&t 3uestion, =#hich two have they found8-?

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    =#ell!!!the two!? The apprentice sounded a bit awed!

    0ngelica couldn't believe it- The two @athias had absolutely been obsessing

    over- #ithin reach- $he could get to them rst- ind out what they could do!!! Or would

    do!!! #hy @athias obsessed over those two in particular far more than the other seven!!!

    Their names! Kharth Travis! Kal Thane! :oughly the same age! D! othing really

    remarable they could nd about either one! #ell!!! o! That's unimportant, and hearsay

    anyway! $he had to get to them! 0s fast as possible!

    =0pprentice- #here8-?

    =*eance! The outsirts of it! The woods! They're in pursuit!?

    =5?m leaving now! *on't worry about informing anyone else, 5 will mae a report after we

    detain one or both of them!?

    #ith that said, 0ngelica was twirling her hands in arcane gestures, along with whisperedwords! That managed to sound as musical as it was nonsensical!

    0ngelica "rown was teleporting! To *eance! To nd Kal Thane! Kharth Travis! One or the


    Or both!

    )rothers in *light

    Kal's heart was racing! @ore than it ever had, so much adrenaline and fear it

    was nearly maing him sic! Kharth didn't seem much better for the wear! 2is friend had

    stopped to grab one of his nives! $hoving it in a sheath that was strapped to his boot,

    another nife going in a sheath on his belt! =Oay- Knives- 5 don't thin it will mae much

    of a di.erence against a god damn magician- o matter how good you are with them-?

    Kharth glared at him, his hand still on the nife's handle! 2e started to spea, his voice

    showing the terror he was beginning to feel! =Kal!!! !!!they really!!!magic8-

    Kal liced his suddenly very dry lips! =+eah! @agic!? *espite his terror, he

    couldn't help the note of hopeful awe that had wormed into that last dreadful word!

    Kharth looed around uncertain what to do!!! #ell, fuc! +es he was! 2e was

    NOTleaving without Karen nowing what was happening!!! and why!!! 2e started for the

    stairs! Karen's room was on the third oor! 2e could mae it 3ui > 0 hand roughly pulled

    him bacwards! Kharth whirled around to see Kal! Kharth was furious!

    =#hat the fuc% Kal8- /ust because you want Karen doesn't mean you have the

    right to fuc up the only chance 5 have to say good bye-?

    Kal's perpetual smir twitched in anger it looing far more lie a sneer, and

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    spoe, his voice terse, =Kharth- one of that matters- They #511 KO# if you tell her

    anything! They'll!!! = Kal felt lie he couldn't breathe for a minute! #as this really

    happening!!!8 =Kharth! 5 don't now what they would do to her!!! and 5 don't want to now!

    5f we tell her nothing they'll leave her alone! #e have to go"ow-?

    Kharth said nothing, still raging internally! 2e had suspected Kal of

    wanting!!!lustingafter his love for awhile now! Kal hadn't denied it!!! his isn't over! 2e

    vowed silently! 0loud he said nothing but, =0fter you!? Cesturing to the bacdoor out of

    the tavern and into the woods!

    The opposite direction of *eance, where Kharth had originally met the

    mysterious man, whom had turned out to be an agent of The Order of The 6rescent!

    =1unars!? 2e heard Kal said faintly! =That's what agents lie him are called!?

    =1unars huh8? Kharth said as they waled towards the door!

    Kal eyed Kharth strangely! =#hat8 2ow did you now they're called that8?

    =6ut the shit Kal, you %ust told me!?

    Kal looed disturbed!!! =Kharth 5!!! 5 thought that! "ut 5 didn't say it!?Kharth felt a sharp pain in his temple, and cursed! /ust as 3uicly as it had

    come it had abated!!! "ut with it, a ash of insight!

    =Kal- They're close- The old shortcut-?

    or one of the rst time's that night, Kal's scarred mouth tightened into a full


    =Our old sparring and drining arena8?

    Kharth returned the smile, =The same!?

    =Time to run lie 2ell brother!?

    Kharth did nothing but nod! Kal threw the door open, and they ran! aster than

    either one thought they could ever run!

    Chapter 3

    The light

    lawless Ai


    Kal Thane ran, his hair %ust long enough to be blown bac by the slight bree

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    even Kal's name! =#e can't eep this up! They are close! 5 don't want me to be the reason

    we get caught!?

    Kal looed at Kharth in moc shoc! 2e still had his hand on Kharth's arm from catching

    him! 2e s3uee

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    fatal wound! 2e should aim for his gut! 0 belly wound! 2e'd bleed out! 7ainfully! Kharth

    swallowed! This man was hell bent on either illing or taing him and his closest friend!

    2e had to ill him rst!

    =uc him!? Kharth whispered to himself! 2e suddenly starting to feel a bit sic! The

    thought of what he was about to do!!! 2e tried to push it away! 2e could deal with

    thoughts of morality and remorse later! :ight now he had to act! *o or die > and hewasn't een on dying! 2e had to do it! *on't thin! /ust do!

    Kharth too two long strides! 2e could feel Kal's eyes on him! 2e faintly heard surface

    thoughts leaing out!!! Kal hoped Kharth could do it! Kharth did too! rust your gut it

    hasn't steered you wrong yet" Kharth silently told himself! "reathe in! 2is hand wrapped

    around Old 7ainless' hilt! 2e unsheathed it as silently as he could! lipped it e&pertly!

    "reathe in! 2e coced it! ocused with all his might! 0im! ot a wound! 0im to ill!

    Kharth's hand wavered a bit as he rose it higher for his new aim! The belly! ot the leg!

    -o it or you're dead and so is Kal"

    Kharth raised his nife! 2e had it coced! or the belly! )reathe out""efore he could doubt

    himself or second guess what he was about to do, Kharth ipped it in his hand and threw

    > he had thought of it as a bullseye! !!!not a human's stomach, which when his nife cut


    0 horrible wailing scream cut into the night! Kharth breathed out and in!!! 6losed his eyes

    and focused a bit!!!# %nife! Oh my god""" .t got my stomach" Oh fuc%! *uc%! .t hurt""" Oh

    god""" /ow could that frea% have made> Kharth shoo his head as if it could shae the

    thoughts he had heard out of it! 2e had heard more than enough! 2e had made his mar!

    =Kal! 5 made it!?

    Kal stepped out, his eyes wide! =Kharth!!! +ou were always good with those nives!!! "ut


    Kharth sighed! =5 don't really understand how 5 made it either Kal, 5 ? Kharth started a bit,

    as he felt something brush against his side! 5t!!!no! This is impossible- 5t was Old +ainless!

    1ooing no worse for the wear! !!!save for all the blood! Kharth swallowed! 2is mouth was


    =#hat is it Kharth8? Kal hadnFt noticed! 5n a way Kharth was glad! 2e had enough

    weirdness for tonight!

    =erves! They're coming to the scout's aid now! @oving fast!? 0s if to punctuate the

    severity of his words beams of light were shooting up into the night sy! rom varying

    points in the woods! They looed unnatural! 7ure white light that was the same intensity

    all the way up!

    Kharth looed at Kal, who said urgently,=They loo magicalfor a reason! #e've got to


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    Kharth nodded at Kal, they both began running! 5f they made it out of the woods there

    was a eld with a few crees and streams! Kal and Kharth had it memori o- =K01- $TO-?

    Kal was running full speed, his head turned at Kharth's shout, but it was too late! "rilliant

    colors, some he couldn't even begin to describe!!! 6olors he had never seen before! $o

    bright they were blinding! They were mi&ed together, coalescing into a shape that Kharth

    was unable to discern! Theower emanatingfrom it!!! he could barely move! 2e felt

    compelled to fall to his nees! "eg!!! 0gainst such might, what could he, or Kal do8

    Kal!!! Kharth fought this compulsion to give up! To 3uit! 2is friend needed him! Kharth

    gritted his teeth and forced himself to wal into the fringes of these multifaceted mist!

    7ins and needles were in his ears! 0 screeching nonsense that forsoo all thought and

    focus! The spell seemed to be aimed at Kal! Kal seemed fro

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    out of this, 5'll nd you!? early simultaneous with it, Kharth piced up Kal's thoughts! 5t

    was lie a punch to the gut! Kal was horried, he thought he was going to die!

    2e didn't want his friend to, he had to stand his gro =$O!% Kal's last word

    seemed to be amplied a thousand fold- The volume and force of it was lie a

    thunderclap! The e.ect it had!!!

    Kharth screamed in agony! :ed! "lood red! Everywhere! 6louded his mind! 2is hearing! 2e

    looed at Kal, tears falling from his face! "lood was welling in Kharth's eyes! 5t nearly

    made it loo as if Kal himself was enveloped in blood! 2is head!!! Oh god- The screeching

    agony in it! 5t felt as if someone were scratching his very brain!!!and drawing blood! 2e

    could hear, see, or do nothing! 0ll he heard resounding through his agoni

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    4ntempered! -angerous! =5s this from Kharth, or Kal8? $he muttered to herself! o

    matter!!! $he had best get moving! They made a run from it! They had veritably left a

    loose set of magical footprints! They had left out the bac door! 2er colleagues hadn't

    found either of them yet! @aybe someone in the tavern, a friend!!! Or girlfriend would

    now where they went! 0ngelica softly chanted out a minor cantrip, inging her wrist

    3uicly to the left! The oaen door opened! $he smiled to herself! Even after all this

    time!!! *espite the Order of The 6rescent's nac of sucing the fun out of it8 *amn ifmagic wasn't fun!

    0ngelica entered the tavern 3uicly!!! Odd! 5t seemed near abandoned! $he heard what

    sounded lie a girl weeping from the oors above, she was debating whether she had the

    time to see out some answers here, or!!! o! $he should see them out! The sooner she

    did, the less liely the other council members would get to them rst! $he could sense

    the untamed magic of either Kharth Travis or Kal Thane all around her!!! $he would cast a

    cantrip, illuminate their path for her by essentially lighting up the path of the magical

    =scent? they left behind! 0ngelica cast a surreptitious glance around her, to insure she

    was in fact alone! 5t wouldn't do to be seen woring magic!!! Especially in pursuit of thosewho threatened revealing its e&istence in the rst place! $he twirled her hand inside the

    palm of her other! :ecited the three syllable word!!! #atched with satisfaction as a trail lit

    up as plain as day! $he headed out the bac door, where her path led her! Clancing ahead

    to the woods, she saw the path went deep into it! $he reali

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    desire to gure out what in the world was so special about these two!!!

    They were able to ill them! @aybe that's all that was special about them! 0ngelica

    regarded the corpse grimly!!! Then remembered! They were simply defending

    themselves!!! This wretch liely didn't have the slightest inling how dangerous this

    mission had turned out to be!!! !!!0&ton- That was his name! 2e had been in charge of this

    one!!! Then!!! Oh no! o- 1ucan was now then! 2e was a sadist, a bully!!!

    0ngelica had to hurry! o 3uestion about it! 5t was then she sensed the holding spell

    about half a mile ahead of her! 5f it had been any of her other colleagues who had cast it,

    it would have been a painless way to eep someone from moving! "ut 1ucan had cast it!

    $o it was also inducing crippling pain! Kal Thane! That was who it held!!! $he ran! $he

    wanted to get there before they did!

    Kal Thane was in agony! 2e could barely move, every single inch of his body was are

    with pain! irst it would be burning! Torturous heat! ree

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    Kal didn't thin it was possible, but he hated this man even more than he previously did!

    2is left hand was in crippling pain!!! "ut his right wasn't! 2e made a st with his right,

    then lifted his middle nger!

    The magician actually let out a short laugh, =#ell now- @aybe you spea lie fancy city

    slicers after all! ow, my name is 1ucan! 5 thin 5 can allow you at least that muchinformation! ow, 5've been nice enough to lay o. that nasty whole torture bit in this

    holding spell, so you ?

    ="ullshit!? Kal rasped out!

    1ucan's eyes narrowed! =ot e&actly my friend, all that's wrong with you!!! #ell, if you're

    too slow to understand what holding spell means!!!?

    =@y left hand hurts more than anything 5've ever felt!!!- +ou fucing did this-?

    1ucan's eyes darted over to Kal's hand! "lood had started to drip from some of hisngers! =5!!! = 2e stopped speaing! This was entirely une&pected! =#ell! To tell you the

    truth! 5 have no idea why your hand is doing that! "ut! "eside the point- +our friend!

    Kharth Travis! Tell us where he is! ow! Or 5 willin fact put that whole, well you now,


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    importantly, all of his rage, fury and hatred for this man and everything he represented!

    Kal felt nothing but fury, ignoring the pain, Kal made a st of his left hand and struc as

    hard as he could at 1ucan! 0 part of him new it was helpless, this damned spell of

    theirs!!! "ut Kal was lost in rage! 2e had always had a nasty temper, at times even a

    violent one! "ut he had never felt anger lie this before! The thought of this greasy, evil,

    horrible person doing that to!!!to Karen"""

    Kal's left hand connected with the spell that conned him! !!!and went through it! The

    force of it loosened his st, his open hand ended up landing on 1ucan's shoulder! #ho

    screamed! 2is fellow magicians stepped bac in horror, the left side of 1ucan's face was

    gone"2is sull was staring bac at him! $creams continued as the rest of his body began

    to follow suite! 2is sin peeling away, revealing muscle, tissue, nerves!!! 0ll burned away!

    The pain of it was enormous, and heard through his screams!!! 1ong after, by all things

    holy he should have been dead, and yet his screams continued!

    Kal Thane stood, freed of the prison! 2e stretched his left hand! 2is ngers and nucles

    craced and popped! 5t no longer seemed to hurt! Or if it did, he didn't notice! 2e looed

    up at the other three magicians! #hom all had Kal Thane's description memori

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    the odds of it!!! "edeced in blac all the way from her boots and socs to the buttons on

    her blac shirt! ated indeed! our of them versus her! !!!and Kal, she amended slightly!

    Than 2eaven, 2ell, and everything else she too o. that damned robe! Otherwise he

    would have thought her in league with 1ucan and his cronies! #hich!!! technically!!! $ame


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    on three people, one who!!! #ho new what strengths lay hidden in him- 2er vision grew


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    o! 2e had no one now! othing less than what he deserved! *re&el! There was a shit

    hole of a town called that! 0 few miles east of this forest! 0n o.shoot dirt path o. the

    main one! Kharth went through his pocets! Turning out a few coins! 0 few more there!

    2ere! 2e had enough for lodging for a night or two! ot what he really was searching for


    inally he found it, a bit crumpled but usable! 0 match as well! Kharth struc it, and lit the

    cannabis cigarette he had found! 2e pu.ed on it and inhaled! 2eld it! Thought of his


    !!!and waited for the oblivion the drug would give him!

    Chapter *

    Heroin an( a Heroine

    One year after the events that assed in the small town of -e6ance" #ngelica )rown hid

    Kal hane in her abode, in which she used her etensive %nowledge of all matters arcane

    to hel Kal master and control his awesome ability""" /e osses the gift of necromancy" #

    magic that many a magician has sought to master, and failed" 4ith disastrous

    conse3uences" #s for Kharth ravis"""

    0 home laid on the outsirts of the small town nown as *re&el! :oughly a few do

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    5've got it man- 1et me in!!! 5t's cold out here-?

    There was a sigh from inside, and the door swung open! 7ierce allowed himself a small

    smile, Kharth must be in a good mood, normally he was out there waiting for what felt

    lie hours- 2e waled in, and tried not to choe in fear as he saw that Kharth was sitting

    several meters away from the door! There was no way he could have opened it from that

    far!!! Oh my god- #hat else can he do with that head of his- o, no don't thin that- 2e


    =:ela& 7ierce! 5 can do a lot! "ut you were right what you thought outside! 5

    need you! "esides, you're the closest thing 5 have to a friend here!!! +ou!!! 5 uh!!! 5 was

    thining! 5'm sorry about what happened the rst night 5 was here! 5 shouldn't have hurt

    you lie that *alton! 5 was having the worse day of my life and used you as an outlet!?

    Kharth's voice had craced a couple of times when he said he was having the worse day

    of his life! 2e then looed down! 2is face overcome with emotion! 2ow long had it been8

    $ince everything fell apart8 Kal!!! 5'm sorry my friend > my brother! 5 let you die! 5 am a

    coward! 0 fool! 5 deserve nothing but the situation 5 am in! 2e had been in hiding in *re&el

    since that night! 0fter his display of savagery in their tavern in how he had brutallybeaten the rst man to bother him > (Kharth too *alton as a conman, o.ering to spot

    him some money to his later shame!!! Everyone *alton wored with was %ust that, a con

    man! *alton's had been genuine!) Kharth had secured an abandoned home on the

    outsirts! #aiting! 2e e&pected more 1unars from The Order to be on his doorstep any

    day! 5n someways he welcomed it! 2e hadn't even bothered to give a fae name! Kharth

    Travis has got to be a mared one! The Order wanted him! 2e was ama

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    Kharth cut him o. again, =ot needed! 5've got money for you,? a slight pause, then,


    5nwardly *alton felt a huge relief! 2e would have hated to cut Kharth o.,

    probably would have still given it to him! $ympathy and pity was a bad thing to have in

    what he did, but *alton couldn't help it! 2e didn't want to lose it! 5t allowed him to eep

    his humanity while seeing and dealing with inhumane things! 2e pulled the air tight bagout! 5n it was a white powder! *alton piced it up and handed it to Kharth's eager hands!

    =5t's a ilo of it Kharth! 5t wasn't easy but well, 5'm sure you now how e&pensive this

    is!!!? *alton's voice trailed o. as Kharth pointed to a blac bag which was tightly cinched!

    *alton's eyes lingered a bit as Kharth eased some of the powder out, and began forming

    a line with it! 0 rolled up bill in his hand! *alton didn't want to watch much more! 2e

    waled over to the bag Kharth had indicated! 7ulled on the draw string!!! Casped!

    =Kharth!!! The amount of money in here- This could buy ilos-?

    *alton looed bac! Kharth had the straw to his nose! :aised a nger to

    indicate, '/ust a second!' 0 sni.! Kharth leaned bac! 2is eyes rolled bac in his head! 0

    long pleasured sigh escaped from his lips! =Oh Cod *alton!!! That stu. is sublime! +ou

    good to %oin me in a hit8? 7ierce shifted a bit, uncomfortable! =+ou ever hear the phrase

    about not shitting where you eat Kharth8? Kharth laughed! 5t sounded more lie a titter!

    ar too high pitched, and carried on for far too long! Kharth's =medicine? was denitely

    taing e.ect! =air enough *alton buddy- Oay!!! +eah that is enough for ilos! That's

    why 5'm paying you that for one! 5 was an asshole to you what 5 did to you that night!

    /ust tae it! One one condition-? Kharth readied another line on his table, which was

    marred with notches from ra 5'd get hooed!? *alton's eyes lingered on Kharth and reali $hit! 5 wouldn't even blame him then!

    Kharth eyed *alton for a few moments! Then laughed that high pitched titter of

    his! =o man! The condition was to not as how 5 got so much money-? Kharth snorted

    another line up! $an bac into his chair! *alton new where this was going > 2e'd seen it

    many times before! =5 do than you for this Kharth! 0s far as 5'm concerned the slate

    between us is morethan clean! "ut, 5've got a girl waiting for me 5!!!?

    Kharth waved him o.! Tried not to feel the sadness and misery welling up inhim! 2e shouldn't drag *alton down with him! 2e had a good woman to be with! Kharth

    used to! Oh Karen!!! #hy did 5 hurt you so much8 #hy did 5 do any of what 5 did8

    *alton left 3uietly! 2e didn't even now if Kharth had noticed! 2e e&pected to

    hear laughter following him out the door! This time he heard not laughter, but weeping!

    Kharth was crying lie *alton had never heard a man cry before! or himself! or a lost

    love! or a lost friend! or the world! *alton wondered about going bac in!!! "ut no! $ad

    as it may be! 2e respected a man's privacy! 5f Kharth wants to hide his life, feelings, and

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    shame by getting lost in heroin!

    That was his decision! *alton left, his thoughts heavy!

    =Kal! 6oncentrate! 4ill it! 5 %nowyou can do this-? 0ngelica "rown said, her voice

    managing to be commanding and compassionate at once! Kal heard it, and tried to do as

    he was told!!! "ut his mind lingered more than %ust on her words! Thoughts of how she

    had rised her own life to save him, hiding him away from those who sought his capture,

    liely torture and ensured doom! Thoughts of the alluring perfume she wore everyday!

    Thoughts of her soft lips Kal longed to iss!!! along with other parts of her! 2er uni3ue

    fashion that never seemed to save for the occasional di.erent color matching!

    "lac boots that went %ust under her nee in length! Thic cotton socs that went %ust

    over her nees, but was rolled up at the tops so that they stayed even with her nees!

    inally tightly tting shorts that were the perfect length for her socs to(ustgo over! Kal

    had never seen someone with such dedication in their sense of fashion- The same basicoutt everyday, save for the colors occasionally changing! Kal loved it! 5t was so0ngelica!

    "lac boots! The style of them, severe, commanding, oGcial! Over the nee socs, can

    complement the severity, but as Kal saw it, it helped tae away from it! 5t helped show

    0ngelica's playful side, the 0ngelica who would trade %oes with him at night, maing him

    laugh when he had little to laugh about! #ell!!! neither did 0ngelica! 2e reconed they

    helped each other with it! inally, the last part of her outt, a long sleeved button up

    shirt! 0ngelica wore it buttoned up fully to her nec, leaving no sin e&posed! 6overed

    head to foot! Though, 0ngelica had gotten more comfortable around Kal after she had

    gotten to now him!!! 2e had been severely ill the night she had teleported him safely

    in!!! $he had left him, asleep, %ust long enough to report that Kal Thane had overpowered

    his captors, led by 1ucan, and managed to escape! $he gave chase but saw no sign of

    him, so went to report! @athias was there when she did it!!!

    $he was terried while giving it! 1ucily, she was an incredible actor! $o she faed her

    condence and the lie! #hen she had given it @athias @any ace had said not a word! 2e

    stared at her, his new face!!! One unnervingly close to 1ucan's!!! (a rule it seemed to be of

    his tric, he could change his face loo lie anyone!!! "ut he could notloo lie someone

    who was alive or who had lived! 1ucily!!! Or he could get anyone to betray anyone)!

    0t the end of her report @athias had stared at her in stony silence! 0 minute passed! The

    other council members begin to feel fear with her! 5t was nearly palpable!

    inally, he spoe! 2is voice was always the same, @athias'! Eerily hollow and at,

    0ngelica had never heard it convey any emotion! Ever!

    That did not change as he spoe this time! =5t is strange to me, @rs! "rown, that someone

    of your considerable talent was unable to apprehend someone little better than a child!?

    0ngelica attempted to control her temper!!! "ut at times her heart ran ahead of her brain,

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    overriding the fear and an&iety she felt over the entire situation! =#ith respect, @any

    ace ?

    =5 don't en%oy that name!?

    =0nd .don't en%oy being called @rs! "rown, @iss will do! 2othingelse! @athias!?

    0 slight pause again! @athias gave a slight inclination of his head! =Hery well, Miss


    5nwardly 0ngelica cheered herself on even this small of a victory! 5t was leaps and bounds

    when it came to any dealings with @athias! =0s for not catching him, orKharth Travis, 5'm

    sure 5 would have if you had not sent such an incompetent fool such as 1ucan-?

    @urmurs around her and @athias! Other council members, some agreeing with her whole

    heartedly, others mostly %ust darly speculating on how this display would be handled by

    @athias! There was another gap of silence > as well as one more of the slightest of nods!

    =7erhaps you are right in that @iss "rown! 2owever, he was not intended to be in charge!

    0&ton :and was! Even you will admit he was far more competent, and should have been

    more than enough! 2is death was une&pected! 4nfortunately, 1ucan was an oversight in

    that he held the most years within the council once 0&ton fell! :egardless of that!!! *on't

    let it happen again young lady!? (0ngelica hated that, was even worse than being called

    @rs! "rown-)

    $he felt as if she had pushed her luc enough, so she let it go! =5 than you for your time

    @athias! ellow members of the council!?

    $he got up to leave!

    ="esides! 5 imagine you have rather pressing matters to attend to at your home @iss


    0ngelica fro did he now8 2ow could he now- $he shoo it o.! @erely @athias being

    @athias! =one but my own privacy @any ace!? 0ngelica hadn't even turned around as

    she spoe it! $he had gone bac her home, and to Kal! The young man who she respected

    and even admired a bit! To accomplish what he did- #ith8erotraining or even nowing

    he possessed such an ability! 5mpressive at his age! $he didn't now much of anything

    about him before he lived at The "itter #inter, he was passed around from house to

    house it seemed! 0n orphan no one wanted! 0 hard enough life in ways! 2e had never

    been wanted! 2a- 5ronic then, that the most powerful organi

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    =5s there something on my boots8? 0ngelica ased sweetly! Kal new her well enough by

    now that that meant %ust the opposite! 0ngelia respected Kal, he new that! $he spoe

    to him with respect, as an e3ual > that was when she wasn'tteaching him! 2er methods

    could be put into 3uestion, yet Kal couldn't argue with the result! The only thing she was

    doing wrong with teaching was being so god damned beautiful!

    =o ma'am! ot a thing!? 2e answered, silently cursing himself! 2e wanted to impress

    her, this was notthe way to go about it!

    =@y socs then8 Or perhaps my shorts8 "ecause that's where you were staring!?

    Kal started to blush at the mentioning of her socs, and even more so at her shorts and

    grew angry with himself that this embarrassed him! 5t shouldn't, and she shouldn't be

    trying to mae him feel embarrassed about it- 2e new this is %ust how she teaches, she

    doesn't now another way but for hell's sae she's DL while he's DD! Older than him,yes"

    "ut not near enoughfor her to be acting this way!

    Kal stood up suddenly, his action caused 0ngelica's eyebrows to dart up in surprise and

    then narrow in anger! =Kal!!!? 0ngelica's voice was soft, she no longer seemed angry! 5t

    was enough to almost mae Kal stop! 0lmost!

    =+ou want to now why 5 was looing at your boots, shorts, and yes even socs 0ngelica8

    "ecause 5 thin they all loo fucing seyon you! 5've only ever felt this way about one

    other woman before, and it near drove me insaneto feel all of that, and you now what8?

    Kal paused, he looed unsure if he should continue! 0ngelica too a small step closer to

    him, she was doing her best to smother a small smile at Kal's ery tirade! $he held out

    one of her hands, and made a small motion with her nger! 0 favorite signing of hers she

    always used to mean continue! 4nlie apprentices she had taught at the Order of The

    6rescent though, with Kal, she also spoe, =5 don't now Kal! #hy don't you tell me8? 2ervoice stayed in that soft tone of hers! Kal could have sworn he almost detected a hint of

    humor in her voice!

    Kal too a step closer himself! 6lose enough to 0ngelica now to smell her perfume! 5t was

    into&icating to him! 0 short laugh fell unbidden out of him! =5 never told her 0ngelica!

    0fter all that su.ering with those unsaid feelings, and 5 never told her! $o 5'm not maing

    the same mistae now when 5 could be illed anyday! +ou're the most beautiful, intense,

    dangerous, smartest!!!and most of all, the god damn bravest woman 5've ever nown or

    ever will now!? Kal was done speaing, he had let everything out! 2e meant every word!

    Especially about how much it had torn him up that he had never told Karen Thomas how

    he felt about her! $o, he was sure it would mae things horribly awward, uncomfortable,perhaps even awful between him and 0ngelica! "ut at least it's out there! 0t least he too

    the chance! 2e looed at 0ngelica! 2er large brown eyes were regarding him intently!

    Then again, that was her!!! 5ntense! $he wasn't frowning > "ut she wasn't smiling either!

    Kal had no idea what was going on in her head! $he %ust regarded him silently! ervous

    and uncomfortable, Kal's scarred smir tightened up a bit, as his eyes left hers and fell

    again on her feet, then up a bit! 2er boots! $ocs, and shorts! /ust lie earlier! 2eh!

    0ngelica lifted one of her feet up! Kal looed at her pu

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    Outwardly8 $he remained e&pressionless! =#ell8-? Kal was even more confused than

    before, at her asing him that- ='#ell', what 0ngelica8?

    =#ell- 5'm not going to have my boots left on in my bed, so are you going to tae them

    o.8 +ou said you thought my socs were se&y, so 5'll let you decide whether or not they

    stay on!? 0ngelica couldn't contain her mirth and %oy anymore and let a smile creep up on

    her lips! $he new she shouldn't!!! Of courseshe shouldn't- "ut Kal!!! 2e had an

    irresistible charm, that > and she wouldn't lie to herself! $he had an interest in him from

    the start of this chaotic mess near the moment she began digging into him bac at the

    6ouncil's head3uarters! 0n interest that 3uicly became infatuation when she saved him,

    and began eeping him at her house! *espite her rising her life to do so! That was %ust

    it- $he, lie Kal, could die any day now! "etter to en%oy life! $he had en%oyed her life this

    past year with Kal more than she ever had before! $o why not mae it even more


    Kal, looing adorably ustered began to fumble with her boot, and the laces that ept it

    on her foot! 2e nally succeeding, tugging it o. 3uicly! 2e looed so embarrassed,

    hopeful, and over%oyed that 0ngelica had to 3uicly smother a giggle at his e&pense!=Kal!?

    =+es- +es 0ngelica8 #hat is it8 0re you having second thou ?

    =Kal!? 0ngelica spoe again, her voice reassuring!

    =+es8? Kal answered, love and hope in his voice!

    =0re you a virgin8? 0ngelica ased, no %udgment in her sweet tone!

    =#hat8 o-?

    =Cood! "ecause 5 don't want to have to teach anymore > and you're a shitty student!?

    Kal managed to loo o.ended and hurt for %ust a couple of seconds before he %oined

    0ngelica in laughter! $he too him by the hand, and led him to her room! 2im eeping

    pace with the woman he had fallen for! 2er trying not to stumble and ruin the moment!

    #aling with one boot on was harder than it looed-

    Karen Thomas had little to be happy about these days! Kharth and Kal had %ust!!!

    vanished"There had been some absolutely insanerumors and gossiping the day after

    they she reali

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    him, had been there for her so much! 2e helped give her the faith that Kharth may have

    been going through his own darness at the time, but would have never left without

    saying good bye! ot unless doing so would endanger her! Karen had thought it was such

    an odd thing to say! #ere they taling about the same guys as she was8 5t was Kharth

    Travis- $ure, he hung out with a bit of a rougher crowd towards the end there but they

    were %ust people who were down on their luc! $he had even met some of them! 5f they

    would have done something to her, neither Kharth nor Kal would have allowed themanywhere near her! The conversation had only been a few days ago! "ut now it seemed

    an eternity! "ecause as things often did when they got bad!!! They got even worse!

    5t had been such an odd choice of words for her father Evan to say, yet, lie a dar storm

    cloud heralding a storm, it ominously brought to mind the two strangers who had in3uired

    about both Kharth and Kal! 2er father had been loading up on supplies in *eance both

    times she was approached by each! $he had then mentioned it to Evan! $he had been

    about to cry then stopped herself! $he had cried enough! $he was no longer the sniveling

    maiden, who clung to hope! 2ope could be there, yes! "ut far from being in the forefront!

    o! 5t was buried under loc and ey! "ecause to give in to hope8 5t was to bring the

    misery that caused the need for it > by eeping it loced down, tightly lie that8 $he could

    fae the necessary happiness! $he needed it! 2er father was letting her tae more and

    more responsibility in running The "itter #inter! 5t would be hers someday afterall!

    Throwing herself into her wor, it wasn't so bad! There was a regular customer of there's

    that had been hired by Evan when Kharth and Kal had vanished from Karen's life! 0s

    strange though it may have been, there tavern had piced up business near immediately

    after! That, and with Karen picing up more of Evan's responsibilities, someone needed to

    do what Karen had done! @ostly more of the manual things > tending bar, minding the

    customers, *elilah was thirty, but had rened loos, and en%oyed the attention of the men

    a lot more than Karen had! Karen lied *elilah, she had been there for her a lot! #illing to

    do a %ob or two for her when the grief all but overwhelmed her! $he was still lucy! $he%ust!!!

    "ut, bac to the most horrifying of triggers, of events that staced up with all the dar

    intrigue of Kal and Kharth! #hen Evan had told Karen that Kharth and Kal would only pull

    such a leave without e&planation only if doing so was the only way to eep her safe!

    Karen recalled the terrifying strangers 3uestions! =ather!? Karen had to all but yan the

    word out of her! 5t was such an odd feeling, almost as if the moment she started to say it,

    some primal instinct of fear was yelling at her not to put these events into motion! $he

    wished she would have listened! Trusting her gut as the red haired *elilah would have

    said! =+es Karen8? Evan looed at his young daughter who was nearly a woman, andhoped her path would be easy! 2e truly did! 2e had ind eyes! "rown ones that managed

    to still be bright and warm! Karen had gotten near identical eyes, hers managed to be

    warmer still! This disappearance of Kharth and Kal though!!! 2e feared the warmth that

    had faded from her eyes might never return! 2e at times didn't now whose

    disappearance upset her more! Kharth Travis, or Kal Thanes! Evan loved both of the

    young men, he thought of them as lie two sons! The two young'uns had nobody! #ell!!!

    Kharth did, Evan new > afterall, he didn't get to live to ML by believing everything

    anyone told him! Especially Kharth, who was such a bad liar- #hatever happened

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    between Kharth and his family, Evan didn't need to now though! 5f Kharth would have

    rather be thought of as an orphan, Evan would loo after him as much as he could!

    Kharth sure thought of himself as capable then, it was ironic then the company he had

    wound up in! Kal > #hile Kharth had pretended, Kal was an orphan that was for sure!

    Kharth thought he could tae care of himself, at least bac then when they had rst

    arrived, Evan doubted if he really could when things got tough! $eal tough! Kal on the

    other hand8 2e had lived the ind of life it seemed lie Kharth would have rather he hadlived! Evan had had the good fortune to have a traveling group of mons from the Eastern

    lands stay at his tavern for a wee! 2e had always delighted in learning, when he learned

    that they studied that of the mastery of the body, meditation techni3ues, and above all

    else martial prowess > Evan o.ered them a generous discount if they could provide a

    demonstration to his clients (nearly BN of his clients were same old fre3uenters from

    *eance and a few neighboring towns the generous Evan saw more lie friends then

    customers!) #hen they had done their demonstration, Evan had marveled the most at

    how between the seven of them, each one seemed to do a marvelous uni3ueness to the

    combination of stries, ics, blocs, chops, and throws (they had called them =atas?),

    no matter howthey went about it, they alwaysfell bac into the same stance! One in

    which they seemed to be able to snap into any number of lethal maneuvers in a


    That night Kal and Kharth had arrived, and that ght nearly broe out8 2e had had de%a

    vu of those mons so intensely! or the longest time he could never gure out why! 5t had

    nally cliced nearly three wees later- 0fter Kal had punched the man who was trying to

    rough up Kharth8 2e had fallen into that combat stance! 5mpressively well when he had

    sat down and thought about it! Evan reconed the group of drunen fools who started

    something were lucy Kharth had cooled them down! rom what he had gleaned from the

    mons, the sill level needed to be able to perfect such a stance8 Kal would liely have

    had to have been trained for a couple of the years! 0t the least! ow though, heh! Kal andKharth cliced lie that! Cot along so well, they too to saying each other brothers! 5t did

    Evan's heart good to see them lie that! Kal had had no one! Kharth felt lie he did! They

    had each other! #hatever Kal new, he had taught it to Kharth! Cranted, Kal always held

    the upper hand being a bit bigger than the other boy, but"*amned if it didn't impress

    him, Kharth had piced up some martial training of his own, from merely reading about

    one! 2e had been able to replicate the =atas? rather well! 2ell, Kharth and that damn

    nife obsession of his! Even himself had let Kharth do a performance, awing a few bar y

    with his ability to bullseye while weaving around lie a drunard! Kharth had called the

    martial art he learned =*runen "o&ing?, how much Kharth had laughed while he had

    named it such > Evan to this day had no idea if that was its real name or not!

    :egardless! Evan thought that any man bothering Karen would have two verycapable

    men to answer to! 2e had always felt very secure! 2e new, despite his faults, Kharth

    Travis would have defended Karen to his last! 2e also > well! Evan had always been a

    great %udge of character! 2e prided himself on his ability to read people, though there had

    been one night when Kharth had said he'd mae him a wager he'd be able to guess what

    a customer would order! Evan laughed at the boy, saying no need for Kharth to lose any

    of his money! Evan had tended bar for decades, new his customers! Kharth barely new

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    any of them- To his ama lucily she had but barely started to tell him what

    happened, as she didn't thin she could manage to say it all a second time! Evan wasn't

    lie a lot of fathers! 2e cherished her, but never spoiled her! 2e didn't need to pamper

    her, or buy her an obscene amount of gifts for her to now he loved her! 2e never called

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    her sweetie, cutie, things lie that! 0lways %ust Karen! ot lie Kharth, which made her

    smile and feel sad as she nearly heard in her head his voice! 2alf mocing his own cocy

    swagger ='ey beautiful-? Or one of his silliest, while he would gesture to all the other

    women in the tavern =0 babe amongst babes!? 5t would never cease to get a giggle out of

    her! Or Kal, who looing bac, she reali

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    listened to it all for Kal! $he only remembered that story because it was that night she

    was able to admit to herself she loved Kal!

    =Karen! #hat was this society called8? Evan Thomas was intense and sounded!!! afraid8

    =The Order of The 6rescent!? Karen echoed Kal's words from that night that was but a

    little over a year ago! +et it seemed ages bac! 0fter telling him, Evan's face looed

    horried for %ust a moment! "ut he was all smiles a second after, so Karen chaled it up to

    her own e&hausted mind's imagination! 2e hugged her! 2ugged her tight, told her he

    loved her more than life itself!

    0 wee after that night, Evan Thomas was found dead in his bedroom! Thanfully, it

    wasn't his daughter who found him! Though, oddly enough! There wasn't a mar on him!

    o sign of infection or fever the night prior! 5ndeed the man was in great spirits lie usual

    the previous night and wee- 2owever, after some digging a vial of poison was found!

    0rsenic the wise called it! o one was able to believe at rst that the %ovial man had illed

    himself! 1east of all Karen! $he was in ruin from this! Cradually though!!! 7eople began toaccept it! They taled of how the happiest people seemed, often they could be the most

    depressed! 0 great memorial was set up for Evan! 2e was beloved by the entire town of

    *eance, and even it's neighboring cities! Karen had left *elilah in charge of the Tavern

    for awhile! 5ndeed, she had volunteered! Karen %newher father would 2E:E$tae his

    own life! ot with Karen needing him so much! Cod, how could this happen on top of

    everything else- $he thew herself on her bed! #anting to %ust sleep! $leep forever if she

    could! 2er mind wouldn't let her! This was all %ust too much- 2er father =committing

    suicide?, Kharth and Kal vanishing, then ominous strangers asing about them8 o /ust

    no! 5f her father hadn't done it, then that means he was murdered! $he would nd who

    did this and!!! 2er st clenched! There were two people could help her piece this together!

    Kharth Travis! Kal Thane! $he would nd them! $he new them better than anyone else-

    $he could- 2er mind set on a course of action, she nally drifted o. to sleep! 2alf formed

    plans her last waing thoughts!

    Chapter -

    Lo#e. Teptation. Loss

    A /urprise

    Kal awoe from the best sleep he's ever had! 0 woman he never thought would have

    returned anyfeelings for him! 1et alone ones lie this- 2is scarred mouth broe character

    as he smiled a full one! 0ngelica "rown did not sleep lie him, that's for sure! Kal laiddown, fell asleep! #oe up in the same position! ot restless a lot! 2e'd have some out of

    this world strange dreams at times! "ut he hadn't in awhile! 0ngelica > #ell! $he had

    fallen asleep in his arms after they had!!! $hould he call it se&8 o! That was what he had

    with drun girls when he had, (at Kharth's insistence) rented a room at a dive Kharth had

    lied to fre3uent! This was maing love! Though!!! They had done some things that were

    purely for pleasure! Kal smiled again! 1ooed down at 0ngelica's still soc covered leg and

    foot! #hich had somehow managed to be right ne&t to his chin! 2e was lucy she hadn't

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    iced him in the face! 2e issed her anle! Then whispered, =*o 5 have to eep going

    down, or did that wae you8? 0ngelica sighed! =+our happiness was so loud it woe me up

    as soon as you smiled! 6ome on Kal, 5 don't have to be up for hours yet!? Kal's smile fell!

    =o 5 now, 5 %ust ?

    =Oh tae a %oe Kal- Or 5'll ic you!? 0ngelica curled her toes, maing a popping sound as

    she craced her bones! =That can't be healthy you now!?

    =Kic! To! ace!? $he did an impressive roll o. the bed, landing on her feet gracefully!

    Kal smired! =+ou mean you'd try! +ou might be surprised at what 5'm capable of @iss


    =+ou did last night, so stranger things have happened! +ou want to try me8? 0ngelica had

    a tight lipped smile! 2er large brown eyes glinting with amusement! This more than

    anything was what had made Kal so attractive to her! 2e could be serious when he

    needed to be! "ut when he didn't8 2e could lighten up, %oe around, play around! 1ife is

    already as grim and dar as it gets! #hy not try to forget that for awhile8

    Kal eyed her for a minute, then lunged 3uicly at her > To which 0ngelica let out a 3uic

    giggle as she stuc her leg out to trip him > laughing at how ridiculous both of them were

    acting! To her surprise, (again him doing that to her-) Kal had merely been doing a feint, a

    half a second before crashing over 0ngelica's foot, he side stepped nimbly to the left, and

    rolled forward, snapping smartly to his feet! 2is hand reached out and grabbed 0ngelica's

    side as he did so! #ith one uid motion, he had pulled her against his chest! 0ngelica's

    breath caught in her throat, normally glib > she could admit she was at a loss for words

    for a few seconds! $ure, 0ngelica wasn't e&actly a war maiden when it came to hand to

    hand combat!!! "ut the e.ortless display Kal had %ust done, pulled her against his

    body! !!!a body that was hard and tight with muscle! $he thought of how him and her had

    rst met! 2er performing the teleportation incantation! 2ow embarrassed she had felt

    having to do it 'the lover's' way! 2ow ttingly prophetic! $he reali

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    growing u there" he inn%eeer became a veritable father to him, and his closest friend

    Kharth""" Kal had sworn to 6nd him" #ngelica wanted him to" She did! She has been trying

    to in oint his location" She (ust""" 4hen she found him" Or if" .t wouldn't be long before

    the rest of the council did as well" Or she wouldn't be able to hide that she had already

    %nown" Or they would 6nd out she had harbored Kal" oo many ifs, too many whens, too

    many things about to haen" 2one of them good" 2one of them she wanted" Love" .t

    was something #ngelica had written o7 any hoe of every obtaining" She had beenabducted and forced into insanity as a young girl" She had done her best to ma%e the

    most of it""" #s evident by her high osition in aforementioned insanity" )ut any

    semblance of a normal life? Love? /ainess? Even friendshis""" Kal brought her all of

    those" )ut art of him being what she so desired, what she so wants""" .s that he sure

    li%es to thin% of himself as a hero" /e is going to 6nd his friend" #ngel wants him too"

    She's (ust worried""" hat if he leaves, he won't be coming bac%" O%ay""" O%ay" She can

    admit it" 4hen #ngel was tending to Kal the 6rst night she brought him bac%? /e had

    called out in his delirium to Kharth more than a few times" .t hadn't surrised her" )ut the

    name he had called out the most? Karen" Karen homas" ;gh! #ngelica wanted to tear

    any stuid, etty inane thought of (ealousy she had! o be uset and distraught even the

    slightestabout Kal calling out to a girl he had fallen for?! Ridiculous! So ENOUGof it"

    She couldn't a7ord to act li%e a stuid, blushing school girl about things li%e this"

    She""" ;gh" his wasn't her" *eelings" $elaying them" She had never really eerienced

    them before" )ut""" Kal deserved to %now" .t all" So""" ime to set it in motion" She'll (ust

    savor this"

    =0ctuallyMiss"rown, 5 thin we have more of a 3uaint charm in our words as opposed to

    a southern twang! Other than that8 Creat %ob- "eautifully done-? Kal's scarred mouth was

    actually fully smiling! 2is left hand came up, his long ngers snapping together then hisother hand came to meet it! 0 short mocing round of applause! 0ngelica eyed Kal for a

    second, then laughed! 5t felt divine to %ust let go!To not be on guard! To rela& and be

    herself with him! =2ey, you're not too bad at ring shots yourself Kal!? $he waled over to

    him and issed him on the chee! 1aughing as she saw it near instantly turn red as Kal

    blushed from her praise and sign of a.ection! =Of course 5'm good at it, learned from the

    best!? Kal pulled 0ngelica "rown into his arms! 2e held her there in silence for a minute!

    Then two! 2e was %ust about to spea, but 0ngelica beat him to it! 5t sounded lie she was

    on the verge of tears- "ut no!!! 5t had only been there for a second! 5t couldn't have been

    anyway! Cod bless her, but this was#ngelica! $he was all tal, all wal, and ery! 5n ever

    sense of the word- ot e&actly a weeping maiden!

    =Kal!!! 5 can't guarantee this! 5t's a rumor! "ut it's been more than one now! 5!!! 5 thin 5

    now where Kharth is!? 0ngelica felt Kal's pulse 3uicen, as his heart began to hammer in

    his chest! 2e said nothing, however! 2e new 0ngelica will enough by now to now that

    when she began to tell him something important8 0ny 3uestions he had she was going to

    answer anyway > if he would %ust not interrupt and let her nish- $o he snied his

    e&citement enough to hear her out!

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    o- *re&el!!! :eally8 Kharth- #hat are you doing?! 5t's a miracle he hadn't been found,

    captured, or %illedyet- Kal was going over details in his head! The reunion between him

    and Kharth! $eeing!!! $eeing Karen! 2oping she was oay, Evan Thomas!!! 0ll of them! 2is

    home! *eance! 6ertainly not where he was born, but as far as he was concerned, it was

    his hometown! 5t would be overwhelming! 5n some good ways, in some ways it could be

    terrifying! #hat if he had been responsible for anyone in *eance being hurt8Threatened8#nything?!

    0ngelica's voice was carrying on! 5t craced once! Twice! #hy!!! Then he reali

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    hell- 5f he is this good, those 1unars will need a handicap anyway! 20- Kharth smiled to

    himself! Trying to retain this happy mood! 5t was hard though!

    0s of late, he'd have a feeling of unease! #orry! 0n&iety! ear! 2e wouldn't have thought

    anything of it, but > These were the same feelings he had began to have the wee when

    his life fell apart! #hen he had met the 1unar out by the main gate into *eance! #hat if

    something e3ually bad was closing in8 They had already taen Kal from him!!! #hat if

    Karen was in danger8 2o! /e wouldn't let them ta%e her"

    Ouch- 5n his sudden fury, Kharth had s3uee "ut nothing had come of it! $he had been Kharth's! $he had wanted

    to be with Kharth! 0ngelica's love was returned! 5n a beautiful way! 5t meant the world to

    him, so did 0ngelica! $he was rising everythingby helping him! 2e was certain he would

    have died that night! 0 night that he had gone over endlessly in his head since! The

    power that had erupted within him- 5t had been into&icating! 0ngel had helped him learn

    to harness it! "ring it out! $till, it seemed that rage was the most powerful method ofbringing it out fully! Though it was dangerous, less tempered, less controlled! Once or

    twice he had been able to pro%ect waves of power through his hands! 6ompletely and

    utterly destroying a large oa tree! ecromancy! 2is gift! $omething countless have

    sought to master, and he had it innately! 0 truth that brought not a small amount of

    cociness to Kal! "rilliant men and women, all sought to control, to master, to even catch

    %ust the barest glimpse of power that he had been born with! To thin- 0ll those times

    spent in the tavern, reading of great men and women! @en lie Katharan! #ho was in

    legend nown as The *eant, whom *eance was named after! 0 man so great he alone

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    had had the courage and might to face a demon that had managed to manifest on $trife!

    On their realm! Katharan had challenged it! 6hallenged it and won"Of course, everyone

    assumed it to be a legend, Kal himself had always hoped it was true! 1egends inspired

    him, gave him hope- 0ngelica herself had told him atly that Katharan hade&isted! 0lso

    that demons, and devils, saints, and angels8 They are terrifyingly real as well!

    0ngel had also done one thing to temper Kal's growing pride, and well!!! even arrogance!

    2e started to believe he was chosen for greatness, %ust as Katharan must have been- "ut,

    as she had said, =Kal! 5 hate to rain on your parade here! "ut there has been one man

    who wasable to masternecromancy! @athias!?

    That had certainly dampened his spirits and condence! 2e was beginning to fear this

    man more with everything new he learned about him it seemed! =0ngelica!!! 5 %ust!!! 2ow8

    rom everything you have told me, it isn't possible to learn8 5t drives men insane, which is

    why he was after me to begin with! +ou suspect he %newbefore you or 5 even did that

    my!!! gift, would be necromancy! 2ow could he have learned it8?

    0ngelica paused a bit at this point! "it her lip! $he opened her mouth to spea thenstopped! $he wanted to say something, but was obviously worrying about whether she

    should! #hich did nothing to help the unease Kal was feeling! Kal moved close, put his

    hand on her shoulder! =#hat is it 0ngel8? 2e spoe softly! 4sing his pet name for her!

    0ngelica let out a light laugh! =+ou now, if you're using that sweet pet name business to

    help mae me feel more at ease and guilty for not telling you at the same time8 #ell

    done, it wors beautifully"5!!! 5 believe @athias nows and learned necromancy because

    he was taught it by someone who is also born with the ability to use it innately!?

    =$omeone lie me8 One of the other nine8 "ut how8 0ren't we all too young to have ?

    0ngelica raised her hand! 0 silent way of asing him to stop! 0nother favorite gesture of

    hers! =1ie you!!! 4h, in a way! 5 recon you couldsay that!?

    0ngelica then laughed! "ut it was too high pitched, it sounded nervous, even afraid!

    0ngelica afraid8 =1oo at you, you country bumpin! 5've been around you too much, 5

    seriously %ust said =5 recon?! = $he laughed again! The same way as before! Kal s3uee

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    together! They needed a better, less bloody way to settle their dispute! $o they decided

    on a veritable and grand game of chess of sorts! They needed a chess board, but on this

    board8 They considered everyone a pawn!

    The chess board is the world 0ngelica and Kal live in, what is called $trife! Of course rules

    were implemented, about how they could not come onto the world itself! aturally,

    numerous attempts were made and at times successful ones to do %ust that! $uch aswhen the demon (whose name is far too comple& to even begin to try to relay here, so

    was simply nown in legends as The *ar One!) *emons and $aints were far more brawn!

    6onfrontations! *evils and 0ngels were more sly! @anipulative! 5ntelligent! #here they

    ever to manifest themselves8 They used their power discreetly! 0 whisper of power here

    and there! /ust the words a man may need to rise to power! Or to fall from it! ames have

    power! Especially for 0ngels and *evils! 5t gives a certain degree of control and limitation

    if ever a mortal learns of it! 0ngelica believes that an archdevil, during his forays into

    $trife, had dealings with @athias! @ay have even been the driving force behind the

    creation of The Order of The 6rescent! 0 decent number of 0rch*evils and 0rch0ngels

    human names are nown! These are shortened and usually in no way close to their true

    names! 0ngelica suspects that during @athias and the 0rch*evil's dealings8 The devil

    got sloppy and let a clue slip, or @athias was his usual self!!! Either way, that he

    discovered the devil's true name! #hich at least while the rules bound the devil's and

    angel's as they did8 @athias could e&ert a certain amount of control! 5n blacmail! #here

    even his fellow devils, let alone angels, to learn of his true name8 aturally, @athias

    desired power! The lies of which only devils commanded! The blacest of blac arts!

    5mmortality through necromancy! 1ife draining!

    Kal then saw %ust how dangerous this man was! Terrifyingly so!

    The plan though- 2e lied to thin it was a good one! $ure it had taen some convincing!!!

    =Kal, what if you can't beat them8- #ith the training 5've provided, you're silled,

    owerful!!! "ut it wears you out! 5n that it's similar to my own gifts! 5t drains you! +ou

    could be overwhelmed! 5'll try and alert %ust a few people! "ut 5 can'tguarantee how many

    will show up-? 0ngelica was angry! 7erhaps the most angry Kal had ever seen her! 5n a

    way he was touched! 2e new she was this angry from worrying about him! That's why

    she didn't lie his plan! Of which she had said he was insane for considering!

    Kal wanted to throw o. any suspicion of 0ngelica not being fully dedicated to tracing the

    nine! Especially from @athias! $o, it was the same plan as they had wored out before!

    0ngelica would help Kal out immensely, by porting him near *eance! 0bout a do

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    %ust how much they could hurt 0ngelica! 2e reconed with this much emotion his abilities

    would be more formidable than usual! /ust lie what ic started them in the rst place!

    0lthough then it had been to protect Karen! Karen! #ho he would see soon! 2e wondered

    if she had changed much, if her eyes still held enough warmth for the coldest of days >

    0ngrily Kal shoo his head! Oh sto you fuc%ing idiot" Enough of this" She didn't want you

    now, she won't then" &ou're far better o7 with #ngelica" .t's meant to be" Even #ngel,

    cynical as she is had said so once""" 4hen she brought u how she had haened to beseci6cally dressed that night in all blac%" Most would write it o7 as coincidence, hell,

    even #ngel herself would have" )ut too much had haened since" hat #ngel and Kal

    both thought larger forces were at wor% now"

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    seconds of awward silence passed! inally, e&asperated, =4m, e&cuse me, but!!! #hat

    are you waiting for8? 0ngelica ased! 2er face and voice full of moc sweetness!

    The head 1unar ushed, both in embarrassment in nervousness! +ou had to be silled to

    be a 1unar, that was a given! "ut he held no illusions! 0ngelica's sill was well nown

    within The Order! 2e wouldn't stand a chance against her! 2er greater sill was further

    evident when he answered 0ngelica's 3uestion! =#ell, um, @iss "rown, e&cuse us but!!!#e!!! don't now a teleportation spell!? 2e nished, coughing at the end of the sentence


    0ngelica couldn't help it she let out a short scoGng laugh! $he felt muchbetter about

    Kal's plan now! 5f these %acasses couldn't even do this!!!- 2a- Kal will live long enough to

    hear her admit this plan of his actually has merit! =Hery well! $tand close together or

    limbs will end up in di.erent places! Or on di.erent bodies!? 0ngelica had to bite her lip

    to not laugh again at their loos of fear and discomfort! $he wasn't lying, but someone as

    silled as her, the chance of it happening even if they were too far apart were slim to

    none! 0ngelica began casting the spell!

    Kal closed his eyes, breathing in and out slowly! 2e new he had anywhere from ve to

    ten minutes before the 1unars got here! Thanfully!!! The telportation spell, he new

    0ngelica was silled at it, if nothing else from her telling him so (she wasn't the ind to

    say something lie that unless it was true-) but!!! 5t still unnerved him a bit! 2e needed a

    few moments to regain his grounding!

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    gotten around! Kal smiled to himself! =5f 5 may as who is needing to now gentleman,

    then 5'll be happy to tell you-? Kal forced a cheery and casual air to his voice!

    This was obviously not what The 1unars had e&pected, he heard two voices whisper to

    the lead! @uttered bits of conversation he couldn't overhear! "ut- 2e did hear three

    voices! $o he was dealing with at least three of them!!! =#e're searching for someone- #e

    lost trac of our friend!? The 1unar answered! Seriously? 4ow" #ngelica did a great (ob insending the bottom of the barrel when it came to talent and intelligence . guess"

    Kal spoe, e&citedly, =#hy, it isn't Kal Thane is it8- *amn, he lived in *eance with Old

    Tom for years- /ust passed him on the road a few minutes ago! 5'd be happy to tae you

    there if you lie8?

    Kal could practically feel the collective sigh of relief from the trio! Their 3uarry was not

    lost- @erely a short %og away- The 1ead 1unar waled up to Kal and patted him on the

    shoulder! =5 would appreciate it friend, 5 never caught your name8? 2ow or never" Kal's

    bac was to the 1unar, who was very close to him! Kal moved bacward swiftly, catching

    the man completely o. guard! 2is hip and bacside to him, Kal then e&pertly threw himdown in front of him! *ront %ic% to the (aw"Kal's booted foot raised up and with a 3uic

    snap broe the man's %aw and put him out! 6old! 2is hood had fallen o. during the chaos!

    0drenaline was seeping into him in ample amounts! 2e was liing this! The thrill- 2ow

    easilyhe had taen the 1unar out- $ure, he had the advantage of surprise but these two

    would fall as well- 7eople everyone feared, who ruled over us all!!! Time they were

    brought down a si o- They had reacted far faster than Kal had prepared for- They

    were chanting, in that spidery language of magic! Kal got up and moved 3uicly, but too

    late! One of them had succeeded in their spellwor!

    Kal dropped to his nees in agony! 5t felt lie the bones in his legs were being broen

    piece by piece! Each second a new fragment of bone was chipped o.! =6O#0:*$-? Kal

    yelled at them- o do this to me, these 6lthy fuc%ing cowards" hey don't even %now why

    their iece of shit leader wants me! hey're (ust blind slaves, bullies, 6lth""" Kal yelled

    again as they prepared another spell! *ocus"Kal poured every ounce of fury and rage he

    had at these two, he felt it swelling in him! 0 slight shiver down his spine as the energy

    poured through his body, and nally, he outstretched his hands, his left inde& nger

    pointed at one, his right at the other! The same crimson mist that had earlier enveloped

    his hands, formed an ethereal lance, ring o. of each nger and striing each 1unar in

    the chest! Kal reali as their sin

    slowly begin to be eaten away, pieces of bloody muscle beginning to be revealed!!! 2e

    could hasten it- @ae their end 3uic!!! 2o! hey did this to my leg, they did this toKharth, they are resonsible for everything bad and vile that has haened to you! -raw

    it out" hey'd to the same to you"Kal did %ust that! 0s their sin was peeled away, muscle

    was revealed, he focused the power across it! Tears, lesions began! @uscles! Tendons!

    1igaments! The whole time his ngers had remained pointed! inally, after they seemed

    no longer to any more screams of agony!!! Kal closed both hands! 0s he did so,

    breas across every bone in their seleton appeared! ractures! ics! They crumpled to

    the oor! Their sulls reecting the agony that had been their nal moments! The spell on

  • 8/11/2019 The Remnants of Hope


    his leg it had nally ended!!! >ood, . couldn't handle much more of #ith a curse Kal fell!

    2is leg had given out on him! 4hat""" 4hat did they do to it? /e wondered as new sharly

    intense ain ared throughout his %nee"2is eyes felt heavy! 2is leg was in agony!

    E&haustion was setting in!!! 2e had never done something lie that! or did he even now

    it was possible- "ut!!! hey were essentially butchered" )y my hand" o my""" delight.

    hat's no hero""" hey deserved it" *eeling remorse for %illing somebody that would have

    done the same, and worse to you?! hat's (ust natural! .'m a good erson who is beinghunted and forced to ma%e horrible choices"

    &eah, you had a right to defend yourself" )ut you torturedthem Kal" Kal he Mighty

    /ero" Kal the would be legend, the net Katharan, the hero of the eole 0

    =Oh shut up! 5'll settle for antihero anyway!? Kal muttered to himself! 2e looed around, a

    branch was close by, fallen from a massive oa that overlooed The ord :iver as well as

    the stone bridge built to cross it! =#ill do for a cane!!! @aybe it will go away in a while!

    0fter some sleep!? Kal spoe to himself! @ore for comfort of hearing his voice! 2e had to

    admit, it scared him! The fact that this could be permanent!!! 2e glanced over at theleader of the group he had bested! 2e could always as him! o! :ousing him could be

    dangerous! 2e had gotten too cocy! 0s evident by what happened to his leg! The thrill of

    battle, the rage that had consumed him during the ght, from the pain in his leg!!! 5t was

    subsiding! 2e looed at the man again! 2e looed so!!! so ordinary"ot some member of

    a covert society, who was evil and sabotaging his life!

    =0ngel!!! #hat would you do8? "ut she wasn't there! or all he new she may be horried

    by what he was considering!!! o! 0ngel didn't relish violence, but she was cynical as she

    was realistic! There couldn't be a witness! 2e'd mae it 3uic! Kal got up with a grimace,

    using the branch as a mae shift crutch, then cane! 2e waled over to where the man

    was down! =5'm sorry! 5!!! 5 didn't want this! 0ny of it! +ou forced it on me! $o the

    conse3uences!? Kal's angry was slowly building bac up, he was right afterall! They

    forced this situation on them! 7ay the price for it! Kal put his inde& and ring nger on the

    man's nec! eeling his pulse! Kal, ghting the e&haustion! E&erted more power! The red

    mist showed on his ngers, then lightly traced across the veins on the man's nec! #ithin

    a few seconds, his pulse had stopped!

    2e was angry, sure! "ut!!! Three men had %ust died! "y his hand! $hould he!!! $ay

    something8 "ury them8 "urn them8 2ell, even %ust to hide the bodies, or to prove he's a

    better man than them8

    5n the end, Kal did give a eulogy! 0 two word one!

    =Cood riddance!?

    "racing his leg against his cane, Kal Thane made his way to *eance > and more