“the release of the spirit” part 4 “the raptured” and “the carried over”


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JOHN 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

GENESIS 49:33 And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghostyielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.

MATTHEW 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghostyielded up the ghost.

863 aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee} ) to leave one by not taking him as a companion) to leave on dying, leave behind one) to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining

REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.2_ JEFF.IN ROJC 585-643 SUNDAY_ 61-010163 …there's to be a raptured people taken out. Like there's to be a raptured people taken out. Like EnochEnoch, there's to be a people carried over. there's to be a people carried over. We're in We're in that class this morning, the people that's carried that class this morning, the people that's carried over like Noah was through the flood.over like Noah was through the flood. …Before one drop of rain fell, before there was one thing in the sky, before Noah ever had the ark completed, Enoch was Enoch was taken home.taken home. Enoch was raptured without deathEnoch was raptured without death, just started walking one day, and gravitation lost its hold on him. And he found one foot a little higher, and the And he found one foot a little higher, and the other foot a little higher, and another foot a little other foot a little higher, and another foot a little higherhigher, and first thing you know, he said, "Farewell, world," just walked on up into glory.just walked on up into glory.


45-7 …the firstthe first Bible that God ever wrote was the Zodiac in the skies. It starts off with a virgin. It ends up with Leo the lion.

…the secondthe second Bible God wrote. Enoch wrote them and put them in a pyramid.

…And the thirdthe third (God always is perfected in the third) then He made Himself His Word.


71-1 {25} I look and see what is or has been in the Old Testament, which is a type or a shadow of the New, then I have some idea what the New is. See? Like if Noah went into the ark before Noah went into the ark before the tribulation set in-the tribulation set in--a type... But even before Noah (See?) went in the ark, Enoch went up Enoch went up (See?) before anything happened(See?) before anything happened..

THE.FOURTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN THURSDAY_ 63-0321294-1 {107} Now, we had symbols, and we've probed at it, and done very good sometimes (See?), but we know but we know it's moved right on.it's moved right on. But now, in the last days we can look back and see where it has been, and that is supposed to be done that at the end of the church age just before the rapture. …the church will go through the church will go through the tribulationthe tribulation. …The Bride won't, no, it hasn't got a The Bride won't, no, it hasn't got a sin against it at allsin against it at all. …The church does go through the tribulation, but not the Bride. Now, we're just taking it in all kinds of symbols now like the church, Noah, the Noah, the carried overcarried over type, went on out into sin. See? Now, they did go over, but Enoch went firstEnoch went first.


123 Noah was a type of those carried over.Noah was a type of those carried over. Remember, when Noah come out, Ham was with him. Sin was still in there.Sin was still in there. Sin went right on over, through the ark. Unbelief, doubt, went Unbelief, doubt, went over in the ark, carried above the judgment.over in the ark, carried above the judgment. But Enoch went higher than the ark, he went Enoch went higher than the ark, he went on into the Presence of God.on into the Presence of God. But Noah went through and come out, and there was still sin; type of the Millennium, of the world's condition.the world's condition.

THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802417 On this Throne, look, so high!so high! The New City; with the foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles, judging; the twelve tribes.418 The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day.of the day. I've been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It's so It's so geographically fixed, and in the dimensions of this geographically fixed, and in the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter where the great geometrical figure; that, no matter where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid.sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid.419 And there'll never be no night there. Him on top of the Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all the time. There'll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!

IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M264 There was a man by the name of Enoch. Now, he had walked with every Word of God, for about five hundred years. He had a testimony, that, "I haven't one time failed His Word." He got so full of the quickening Power when the Dynamics hit him, on them Mechanics, he didn't even have to die; he just took up Home. Just started walking. He was so... Like Philip, he got so full of quickening Power, instead of going over to the Gaza and going to another place, where, they found him up in the upper coasts there. Instead of that way, he just went, oh, said, "I'm an old man, anyhow. I just got so much quickening Power, I'll just walk right out of the earth."

265 That's the same quickening Power that we have right now. See, It will quicken your mortal body. Isn't that right? It's the quickening Powers.

266 Enoch, with that perfect testimony, that, "Everything God told me to do, I did it. Everything that I seen He said for me do, I done it." And he become so full of--of Dynamics, or--or Mechanics, until, when the quickening Power struck him, the Mechanics, It just lifted him right up. He walked on out of the earth, into Heaven.

THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_ 65-1204105 Now we find here that Enoch was the seventh from Noah, which was a type of the church ages. Now, all of the rest of the six men, before him, died, but Enoch was translated. Enoch was raptured, the seventh, showing that it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. Now, there's no doubt, we're in the seventh church age. We all know it.106 Now, it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. All of the other six died. But Enoch was translated, because, "He was not found. God took him." But Enoch, raptured, was a type of all of the rest of them dying. But the--the end-time Bride will be called out of the... The rapturing, without death, will be called out of the seventh church age,


E-34 Elijah, the great and mighty prophet had prophesied, and he told Ahab because he'd killed Naboth, that what was going to happen to him, how that the dogs licked his blood and so forth. And he told Jezebel what was going to happen to her. Then along after the going away of Elijah...God always, from Genesis to Revelation, God has always had at least one man that He could put His hand on. He's never been without a witness. And along came a young fellow by the name of Micaiah, a little prophet. He was hated of the others.


E-36 Let us go back into I Kings the 22nd chapter, and we would find this: that there had been a man, a king by the name of Ahab. And he had been a mighty king, a military man, and a great man, but a lukewarm borderline believer. His name was Ahab. Finally, the prophet Elijah, which was as a vindicated a prophet, had pronounced the doom of Ahab. Years after the passing of Elijah, there was a prophet by the name of Micaiah.


E-45 Now, it had been a long time since Elijah had make this prophecy. He'd been in glory long. But he would--he'd made this prophecy, and he knowed it was coming to pass. And then Micaiah knew that Elijah was a man of God, and here was God up in heaven holding a council up there how to bring the word of Elijah to pass. And if you've got the Word of the Lord, and will speak the Word of the Lord, and don't doubt the Word of the Lord, God will hold a council meeting to make your Word come to pass; because it's not your Word; it's His Word. It's His Word, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, if it's truly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

THE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 SUNDAY_ 65-0725M90 He said, "I saw God," Micaiah did, "setting upon the Throne in Heaven. His council was gathered around Him. He said, 'Who can we get to go down and deceive Ahab, to make Elijah's words come true; My prophet that was vindicated. I spoke that he would come. And Elijah had My Word. And heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not fail. I don't care how modern they get, or how good they get, or how educated they get, or how big they are, My Words will never fail.‘ "And a lying spirit come up out of hell, fell down upon his knees, and said, 'If You'll just permit me, I can give them my anointing, make them do any kind of a sign or wonder, just long as I get them off the Word. He won't even know that That is Your Word. He'll ignore It, for popularity.'

THE.EASTER.SEAL_PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6SATURDAY_65-0410113 And you are quickened. And this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition, already. Notice the pentecostal people up there, when they got quickened by the Holy Spirit. Listen to me. When those pentecostal group up there, on the Day of Pentecost, received their abstract deed from God, sure, it glorified their souls. They screamed. They saw tongues of Fire separated upon each of them. And it so quickened their body, till they couldn't even speak in an earthly language anymore. It quickened their body to a Heavenly language, the Place they're going to. Quickening power of God shook their mortal bodies so, till their entire mortal language was transfigured, transformed into an immortal language. What a quickening power! What? Something that belongs.

114 "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwells in your mortal bodies, It shall also quicken your mortal bodies." We are quickened then by the power of the living God.115 Tongues, quickened to a new Heavenly language, to speak to them; a rapturing up, raising up into a different atmosphere than what they had ever lived in. Also, with the new quickening Life to them, that come in them, It quickened their language. They spoke in new tongues. Oh, yes!


268 Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming fleshWord, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening, day by day. Why, it's cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it.

THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD_ JEFF.IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0614M52 God changed Himself, changes His form. If you notice here in Philippians, He said, "Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man."53 Now, the Greek word there for that form, I've been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of "en morphe." It's spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek, to find out what en morphe was... I may pronounce that wrong, but reason I spell it, when if a tape is released, the people will, scholars will, know what I--I mean by it. He, when the en morphe, that means that He changed Hisself. He, He come down. Now, the Greek word there means, that, "Something that could not be seen, yet it's there, and then it's changed and the eye can catch it." See?

THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD_ JEFF.IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0614M54 Like Elijah was, at Dothan. See, the--the servant couldn't see all those Angels around there, and God just changed; not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See, they, He changed the seeing. The--the thing is already there.55 So, that what I'm trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He--He, this en morphe, He--He changed Himself to what He was to what He is, or His mask, another act.