the red cloud chief. (red cloud, ne) 1885-03-13 [p ].i ir r r t tj?wcs 1 '"tv- ks a i...

I ir r TJ?WC 1 r t s '"tV - KS a I if2fte- - t. I3P'-- - . r - C Lft r Is, f TUE DERATE. 9 Bttwtea EM.AJCdw)r. Serenth Day Ad-tatb- it, uti T J Jfetrcnab. Cfarintiss Minis- ter, m fee tfeVbstk Qantira. fSjicctal to Tun Chief. Your correspondent, upon Innminp of a debate to be conducted b the above named pnrtie, to commence Tuesday eveninp. Feb 22, liaicmd or-e- r the snow-cln- d hill. to the Martin Hcboolbouwe, 10 miles south-cu- t of town, with pencil and paper in hand. Upon arriving upon the eccno of ac- tion he found a goodly number gather- ed together at aii early hour, .nnxiotn to hear what could be paid on both rides of thin question. After hinging and prayer the question was read by Eld. Hon per. ai follows: "Resolved that the Scriptures teach the Sabbath of the-Fourt- Commandment is bind- ing upon Christians at the present time. Then Mr. Cudncy Tmade th opening flpeech. The elder read Mark 2 : 27: ''The Sabbath was made for n:an, and not man for Sabbath." Hie Elder paid: "While this text does not give us all the desired infonn-stht- n concerning the Sabbath question, yet it doea make nome statements that are very important in the consideration f this subject Firat, it ways the Saln bth was made, hence wo are not left to make a Subbath for ourselves. It ho tolls uh for whom it was nuuk. Home people tell uh it sm made for tnc JewH only, but Christ says it wa made for man. In order to show that it Was only intended for the Jew, it must first be shown that none but the Jews are men. As there words were ppoken by he Savior and written in the cw Testament, we conclude the Sab- bath was made for the Christian man as well as the Jew man. Wr arc next led to enquire, when, where and by whom was the Sabbath made ? Under what ?ircu instances was it made, and what was it made out of? In answer to these question I will call attention to thn following scriptures: John I; 3 All thing; wero made by him, and without hirn was not anything, made that was made. In order to under-Han- d the antecedent of the pronoun 'him.' in this text we will refer to the first and fourteenth verses of this chajv. tcr; wc here learn that it was God the Son who was afterwards made flesh, and is said to bo the only begotten of (he Father. Hence we conclude as the Sabbath was made, and Christ made everything that was made, he must have made the Sabbath. How did he make it? By reading the tenth verse wo learn that 'the world was made by him,' so whon we read in Gen. 1:1, 'In the beginning God created the heav- ens and the earth' we understand that the work was done by God the Son, as directed by the Father, and as ChriHt the Son of God, did the Bix days of la- tent wo ask ho rested the Seventh day. Evidently tho ono that did the work, and tho Scriptures already re- ferred to, as Heb. 1:1-- 4, S-- 10 and Col. 1: 12-1- 7, dcclaro it was Christ. The same oije that did the work and rested, hlex-so- d tho seventhjday and sanctified it. To sanctify is 'to set apart for a religious use." W are now led to enquire what constitutes a thing, a Christian institu- tion ? Certainly anything instituted by Christ must be a Christian institu- tion. This we find to be tho case with the Sabbath; Christ first rested not was weary, but to set us an example, next he blessed the day and et it apart for a religious use. The peoplo were not furnished with a writ- ten law until after tho deliverance of tho Israelites from Egyption bondage. In tho third month after this the ten commandments were spoken from Mt. Sinai, and written on tables of stone. In tho bo-o- m of this law wo find a commandment regulating the observ-anc- e of the Sabbath, which reads, 'Re- member the Sabbath (Rest) day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thv work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath (Rest day) of tho Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do any worn, cic. rome ten us me sev- enth day is the 8abbath of tnc Jews. Tho Bible says nothing of the kind, it says it is the Sabbath of the Lord. We then enquire how long does the sev- enth day remain the Sabbath, or r&t day of the Lord ? Answer, as long :n it remains a fact that tho Lord rested on that day. But it may bo asked, can we not change tho Sabbath from the jventh day to somo other day ? Let mo ask can you change your birthday from the day you were born, to a day upon which you were not born ? Of course not; neither can we change the rest day of the Lord from the day he did rest to some other dav upon which lie did not rest. It is his rest day. or Sabbath day, that wo are commanded tc keep holy. Aotice, tho command does not requiro us to make a day hoi v. The Lord mado the seventh day holy and now requires us to 'keep it holy, and not desecrato it by laboring upon it. Concerning tho ten commandment law Christ says, 'Think not that I am como to destroy the law or the pro- phets; I am uot come to destroy, but to fulfil (establish,) for verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, (an event that has not yet transpired,) one jot or tittle shall in no wise paw from the law, till all be fulfilled. Matt. 5, 17-1- 8. The Apostle Paul in speaking of the same law says 'Do we then make the law; through faith?' God forbid: Yea we establish the law: Rom. 3:31. The law is thus established, as a whole. hy both Christ and Paul. If it. is es- tablished as a whole it must bo estab lished in all its parts. That portion that says the seventh day i the Sab- bath as well as the other precepts. Thus we learn not only the that Christ made the Sabbath, but what he made it out of. and that he endorses the Sab- bath command with the rest of the 'law and give us to understan i that it is in force, and men are exoected to obey it as long as the heavens and .the earth remain. rrusT krjoisdib Elder Newcomb followed bv stating teat there is nothing in which we houldbeso much interested as to obev the commandments of God. In answer to the affirmative he took positkm that Christ existed only as the word until he was born in Bethlehem end did not exist as a personal being p Co that time. Christ signifies an-enoint- and the anointing of Christ was his baptkm; and prior to that event he was not the Christ. He then ought to show that the earth was cre- ated in six indifTerrent periods of time of which the animal is the sixth and that the seventh; and that the sabbath . ef Genesis J23 is not yet ended that the word "day" iudiflerrent, hence we Wave had one continual Sabbath since creation and will have henceforth. He next took 'the position that the first four commandments were positive looa), national and periodical and giv- en only te the Jews. To sustain this ne read from a work contaiuing the see testimony of several authors on the object, Bishop Butler Ac If a posi-- 1 Use cuwassnaai cunea over truss osc i) - -- ii, IMSjSSbI iBank f -- - T ? -- sa S- - T-- yF m&xX zm0m. JSi ra:- SilTy.Ti.-'A-.'STJ.- S. tiz. C3a.' G!tt&?'&EteB!2&ab ty,v.- - ?. ',y v. ? t w. $QLLfllli9 ?tk dispensation to another, it must- - be done by tho same signs and miracles as was manifested at the giving of the law; but as there was no such display of powers shown to introduce the law in the christian dispensation, therefore we have no law in the christian what was given by the aponles after the day of neutocost, for all laws ewsential was given after pentecont. Then he stated that Christ or his apos- tles intensified all of the decalogue ex- cept the fourth commandment and as the sabbath command is contained in that and as the apostles did not say that wo should keep it we are under no obligations whatever to keep it. The first two commandments, he said were intensified when spoken to Satan Luke 4:8 ulxo that the law has no pen- alty and a law without a penalty is of no force and "You havo togo uown'to the law in the side of the ark for a penalty to enforce the law in the ark." The ten commandments is called the law of Moses and has no mercy and kuows'iiothing but death. We want a a law of life to free us from tho law of sin and death. SECOND AFFIRMATIVE Elder C. followed by first answering a few objections. First, Several asser- tions and no proof. The Question is, "kesolvcd That the scriptures teach that sabbath of the fourth command- ment is binding upon all enristiaus at the present time." Elder U still con-tendsth- at Christ existed before the cre- ation alo that lie was a personal being Heb 1:1-- 3 8-1- 0 Col. 1:12-1- 6. One ob- jection that tho earth was created in six, indifferent periods. Tliis he show- ed WHbunscriptural as in each account of Gen 1 it reads, The evening and .the morning were the first day, itc." and that the last four days were ruled by the sun. Besides six indefinite periods aro equal to one indefinite per-to- d. "This is the conclusion that our brother is driven to by having the law abolished at the crosses." He says "The apostles did not command us to kc-?- p tho sabbath therefore we are not obliged to keep it." J'He forgets then that there would be a space of time from the crucifixion until pentecost, that thev had no sabbath nor law con- sequently no sin for sin Jis the trans-gresM- on of the law 1st John 3-4- ; Koiu. 1:15." We call for a text that says that the ten commandment in the law of Moses. Wheref did chriat quote all the three commandments. If he did not quote the Sabbath to tho young man in Matt. 19: 10-2- 2 we want to know if he quoted tho 3rd, 2nd, or 1st commandment to him ? Christ did not to destroy the law as lie af- firms in Matt. 5:17 but to fulfill. Now to insert the wordjdestroy as some of our friends would JJhave it. it would read thus: Think not that I am come to destroy the law but to apply tho law to destroy. Apply Jthis definition in other scriptures where the word "fulfill" is used and it will not answer in overy case. The Savior taught that as lonir as heaven and earth remained the law would be in full force Matt. 5:13 Again docs the sab- bath belong to the Jews? The text says it was mado for man. For the lint man as well as for the last man and Christ was the lord of it. Our brother says that the Sabbath wasjused in a general sense. But the 23rd and 24 verses of Mark 2ud chapter forbids this as these verses have distinct refer- ences to the weekly Sabbath. The New Testament further asserts that the Sabbath was past when the first day came Mark I0.I-- 2. the holy women that followed their Savior, refused to even perforin the labor of annoimmg him at his tomb, but kept tho Sabbath according to the commandment. Luke 23:54-56- ; 21:1. This is certainly strange that they rested because the command- ment said so when according to our brother it was done away at this tune. SECOND REJOINDKK For Christ, is the end of the law for righteousness .to every one that believ-et- h Rom. 10:4 Now if Christ is the end of the Law, where will.our Sabbatarian friends jjet their Sabbath ? If Christ had not been without sin, the law-woul- d have remained; but at Christ had no sin the Law is abolished. The Sabbath age was made for man that is the age of man, and there has been nothing created since tlve first six days. The creation was finished with the creation of man and there has been one unbroken sabbath iroiu that time until the present. Be it then claimed that it is mete that we have ono sev- enth part of time, and that was given to the Jews as a weekly Sabbath. I did not mean that the six periods are equal to one, but that there was six in- definite periods of time at creation. Next he said that Christ intensified the first and second commandments in his reply to the adversary in the tempta- tion Matt. 4U0 and such portions of the commandments as were not thus inten- sified are not binding on christians Rom. 5:13 was offerred in support of there being sin where there is no Law. Moses wrote the Law in the book that was kept by the side of the ark. And in this book were written the ten com- mandments. And that Law was abol- ished. Now as the decalogue is a part of that law, it was also abolished at the cross. Yet the last six command- ments are moral precepts, which relate to our duty to our fellow men, and can not be abolished. Further the ten commandments are called the coven- ant, so when the first covenant was done away they were too. In Matt-- 1 9: 17 the Savior quoted all ihe command menu necessary for him to keep. Yet he did not quote sabbath, thereto e we are not obliged to keep it. He then showed that the law was Kood and could bo kept. Because Jesus kept it to show that it could be kept. If Christ had broken it then he would uot have any thing to oner for us, for D-- l Moor Pr-lde- nt. lUthu V.Milrry. Cashlrr. Jmo. IL Miirry. ANUtnt Cashier. Capital $50,000 Special Attention Given te Collections DIRECTORS: Mll.v (iartxr. R I) Jones Lerl Mwrr. W. K. .shirr). 1L V. Shlnry. Buy and sell Exchange. Make co'lections and do a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on all time deposits the law would have demanded his life for his own sin. Christ was a Jow snd he kept the Jewish Law. All who were under condemnation of death, but produces it- - Christ came to de- stroy death and give life. Continued nrrt vrk.) BRM5, ie r TEN i m vsh ; b illll I 2 U -T- HC BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with purs. Vegetable tonic, quickly and completely fare f)yapPlit lnlletleB. Wrtlii-- M, lMBMr Hleod, 31 atari, Chill aaS Fever, a Nearalpla. It an unlilltnr; lemtdy fbrD!aaeotftb. AUaeym mni IJfrr. It it invaluable fur Dlaeawt peculiar to Women, and all who lead Mdcntary live. It (1 ooi not injure the teeth .cant produce constipation other In wudieint 4o. It enriches and purine the blood, BtUnuIatcs the appetite, aid the anlmilaUon or food, tt-:le- Heartburn and Ilelchiog, aud tnngth-en- s the inuiclc and nenrt-i- . For Intermittent Fever. Laatitnds, lack of Energy. &c., it baa no equal. ' r The genuine has abore trade nark and created red lines on wrapper. Tale bo other. irfcT aaow casMicit co., hitisoss, aa TEST TOOB BAEHI6 POWDER I0-DA- I! nuKi aSrarUMd a mty THK TEST I TUem a aaa Sep daws on m a vtov aalU , ttaa ramova taa eovar ant iomIL. a ehtmlal U1 ttt be ra air la Sataat aba prawn ef aaunoala. StHBPgSWPWAOC .miW& tjV4LVHlV awBr sr$VsiiiiKma DOCS HOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. m UALTsrcuBM us never la aBUllon hcam for a juarur of a wtaiy II toed tli contain' rallable wt. THE TEST OF THE OVEM. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., HAsaa or Dr. Price's Special FlaTorina: Eitracti, T Mraagfanal liWalfi iai aaiar.1 Dr. Pi-lei- 's Luiulin Yutt 8mm tt ug. u Braad.Taa BaM Dry Y In tk. W.rl. FOR SALE BY CHOCtHt. CNICACO. t. Leuie. UCHT HEALTHY BREAD JJM YEASTGEMS Tfcs ssst dry Sop yaait la ths wsrti. fsht4 Sy UifciTMst ts light. waMs see like our arandsiauisr's SellrtauS GstOCKMJILL THUL Price Baking Powder Co., laTrscf Ir. Rial HKM mTimttDjD, , iiu u FOB SALE. Valuable real csute adjoining Red Cloud, the old fair croundd. Sealed bids will be received by the committee RDwrinted at the last meetintr of the Webster County Agricultural Society for the purchase of its old fair grounds, to-wi- t: For the south-eas- t forty acres of of the sir qr of section thirty-?ix- , township two, range eleven weL This land is immediately east of Red Cloud; the title of the society is by contract of purchase from the state, on which there w due 1252. having nine- teen years to run at 6 per cent, inter- est. "This contract will be assigned, or full title given, as trie purchaser may desire. The bids should specify the total amount offered for contract or deed, the amount of cash to be paid, and the time or times in which the bal- ance of the amount offered will be paid, together with the rate of interest and the natere of the security for de- ferred payment. The bids should be enclosed in sealed envelopes and de- livered to W. X. Richardson, chairman of the committee. Each bid should be accompanied bv a certificate of depos it of one of the banks of the county for $100, which shall be endorsed by' the society and be forfeited to the society in case the person making a bid shall fail to comply with the terms when bid is accepted. Bids will be opened at Richardson's office, Red Cloud, at two o'clock p. mn on Thursday, the 2r.t day of April, I S85. The committee reserve the nght to reject 'any and all bids. By order of the committee. 31-- 4t W. JtioLaJmsoY, Chnra. - bibibibibHLtbV BIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBW 1BIBIF THE 'ii?,3--. :SSA 35-- J. v- TELL YOU This apace bolonjra to O. Wlonor, and It wUJ pay you to watch It for tho next fow FLOODS Bridges Swept Everywhere by Ice and and Floods, but A. L. FT7NXZ, One Door North of the Argus office, ordered his goods shipped in time and has just received two more car loads of FARM MACHINERY! This completes his stock, the Largest and Best Assorted line of Implements ever brought to Bed Cloud, Farmers come and see for yourselves. BrownPlanters,Stalk Cutter. Check Rowers, Steel Beam cultivators. STANDARD GOODS Of all kinds. Haworth and Standard check Rowers, Plows, Harrows, cultivators. Listers, and in fact everything from a Sewing Machine Needle to Steam Threshers. Sewing Machines, Organs and Buggies Specialty, Schuttler, Racine and Cald- well Wagons. Seeds, Oats, Millett, Japanese, and all kinds of seeds. Buy of him and be happy. mm 2122-...-.- - I days. a Honest Tea WIN. is DKALKR IX &c. RED CLOUD. - Best Policy'1 LETSON Dry 6oods and Notions CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES wocenes, Queensware NEBRASKA Froo dollvory to tUl parte of tho city. A New Millinery Store ! Mrs. S. F. SPOKESFIELD, Havlnsr rocontl, purohr ao A tho Mllllnory Eatabllnhmont or Mnt Poti- or, lu now roudy to oxhiblt tho Latest Styles in MiUinery. Hats, Bonnets, &c. Sho alno korpti a variety of Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Corsets, Nockxcor And every thing Will nioA ii.. . ., . . w .u..ou mo inuzoy with the ChonilloH, Bnnnor rOilw & do - - the Fiuiey Work niui not Z. . x ofoWTAl PROPRIETOR OV HOUSES FOR SALE ! fctore Building and Lot corner Webstor and Fourth Avenue. 8toro Bulldlna and Lot on Fourth Avonu Houao ivnd throo lot. Houo and hIx Iota on Fourth House and lot on HtroSt Houao and two on Htn,T AS nVttoaoOUr lot" " Sw,mt Stroot. Apply t' BCrOH 0oa nprovoinontH. -- T. W. SHERWOOD. -- Jr M HLA&5w9iPft MJ millinery Home Bakery And Restaurant CLOUD, - KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Fresh Bread, Pies', Cake CONFECTIOXEHT, MEALS AT ALL HOURS, I nollclt n portion of yourpn.tronn;o whon nny thlnt? In my lino. Pricoa Red Cloud Sterling, Packard & Western Cottage Organ Pianos, Organs, and-Sewin- z Machines. Stinway, Weber & Pianos. I with to Inform the people ot Wobnter and adjoinln counting that I hT opened a muelo store on Avonuo, opponfto Watt " Mtr jwu wuero win and Sewin machine, which will bo weet ofthe -- 'BUr Muddy." ofthor for buying etoewhere call and see me. WALL PAPER All 7 line. Mntorltila for Arniiomi.i Cull hor. and two lot RED NE3 fJAK OB8, &D. roepoctfully IlooMonnblo. Paris Wobetor In nov! o Music House. round a nupply of Orsfrma, sold ae cheap con bo caah or for oaey payment. J. S.NOLL S-TT- TS PAPEt WallFap I take pleaeure In callir the attention of the citlzone of Rod OkwJ and Tteialty to the larire and complete utock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c, That I am Juet openlnf. Tbeao aroode are aU of the BEST end LATBBT PATTERNS At Reasonable Prices I Call aad look at aample. Xo trouble to efcow C. L. COTTING, gist and Bookseller, Bed Cloud mmVWmmmmy lalsaHllUMw9 mTm9lK?mmmmmmmmWmfm of my in Piano er oode. C. A. OWEN, PAPER House and Sign Painter Grainer and Glazier kinds Fancy and terms before Work WALL Dru HANGER ! Plain wall Decora you have your world tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get done. guaranteed.

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Page 1: The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1885-03-13 [p ].I ir r r t TJ?WCs 1 '"tV- KS a I if2fte-t. I3P'---.r C - Lftr Is, f TUE DERATE. 9 Bttwtea EM.AJCdw)r. Serenth Day Ad-tatb- it,



TJ?WC 1r ts'"tV -

KS aI if2fte- -

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9Bttwtea EM.AJCdw)r. Serenth Day Ad-tatb- it,

uti T J Jfetrcnab. Cfarintiss Minis-

ter, m fee tfeVbstk Qantira.

fSjicctal to Tun Chief.Your correspondent, upon Innminp

of a debate to be conducted b theabove named pnrtie, to commenceTuesday eveninp. Feb 22, liaicmd or-e-r

the snow-cln- d hill. to the MartinHcboolbouwe, 10 miles south-cu- t oftown, with pencil and paper in hand.Upon arriving upon the eccno of ac-

tion he found a goodly number gather-ed together at aii early hour, .nnxiotnto hear what could be paid on bothrides of thin question. After hingingand prayer the question was read byEld. Hon per. ai follows: "Resolvedthat the Scriptures teach the Sabbathof the-Fourt- Commandment is bind-ing upon Christians at the presenttime. Then Mr. Cudncy Tmade thopening flpeech. The elder read Mark2 : 27: ''The Sabbath was made forn:an, and not man for Sabbath."

Hie Elder paid: "While this textdoes not give us all the desired infonn-stht- n

concerning the Sabbath question,yet it doea make nome statements thatare very important in the consideration

f this subject Firat, it ways the Salnbth was made, hence wo are not leftto make a Subbath for ourselves. It

ho tolls uh for whom it was nuuk.Home people tell uh it sm made fortnc JewH only, but Christ says it wamade for man. In order to show thatit Was only intended for the Jew, itmust first be shown that none but theJews are men. As there words wereppoken by he Savior and written in the

cw Testament, we conclude the Sab-bath was made for the Christian manas well as the Jew man. Wr arc nextled to enquire, when, where and bywhom was the Sabbath made ? Underwhat ?ircu instances was it made, andwhat was it made out of? In answerto these question I will call attentionto thn following scriptures: John I; 3All thing; wero made by him, andwithout hirn was not anything, madethat was made. In order to under-Han- d

the antecedent of the pronoun'him.' in this text we will refer to thefirst and fourteenth verses of this chajv.tcr; wc here learn that it was God theSon who was afterwards made flesh,and is said to bo the only begotten of(he Father. Hence we conclude as theSabbath was made, and Christ madeeverything that was made, he musthave made the Sabbath. How did hemake it? By reading the tenth versewo learn that 'the world was made byhim,' so whon we read in Gen. 1:1, 'Inthe beginning God created the heav-ens and the earth' we understand thatthe work was done by God the Son, asdirected by the Father, and as ChriHtthe Son of God, did the Bix days of la-

tent wo ask ho rested the Seventhday. Evidently tho ono that did thework, and tho Scriptures already re-ferred to, as Heb. 1:1-- 4, S-- 10 and Col. 1:12-1- 7, dcclaro it was Christ. The sameoije that did the work and rested, hlex-so- d

tho seventhjday and sanctified it. Tosanctify is 'to set apart for a religioususe." W are now led to enquire whatconstitutes a thing, a Christian institu-tion ? Certainly anything institutedby Christ must be a Christian institu-tion. This we find to be tho case withthe Sabbath; Christ first rested not

was weary, but to set us anexample, next he blessed the day andet it apart for a religious use. The

peoplo were not furnished with a writ-ten law until after tho deliverance oftho Israelites from Egyption bondage.In tho third month after this the tencommandments were spoken from Mt.Sinai, and written on tables of stone.In tho bo-o- m of this law wo find acommandment regulating the observ-anc- e

of the Sabbath, which reads, 'Re-member the Sabbath (Rest) day tokeep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor,and do all thv work, but the seventhday is the Sabbath (Rest day) of thoLord thy God, in it thou shalt not doany worn, cic. rome ten us me sev-enth day is the 8abbath of tnc Jews.Tho Bible says nothing of the kind, itsays it is the Sabbath of the Lord. Wethen enquire how long does the sev-enth day remain the Sabbath, or r&tday of the Lord ? Answer, as long :nit remains a fact that tho Lord restedon that day. But it may bo asked, canwe not change tho Sabbath from the

jventh day to somo other day ? Letmo ask can you change your birthdayfrom the day you were born, to a dayupon which you were not born ? Ofcourse not; neither can we change therest day of the Lord from the day hedid rest to some other dav upon whichlie did not rest. It is his rest day. orSabbath day, that wo are commandedtc keep holy. Aotice, tho commanddoes not requiro us to make a day hoi v.The Lord mado the seventh day holyand now requires us to 'keep it holy,and not desecrato it by laboring uponit. Concerning tho ten commandmentlaw Christ says, 'Think not that I amcomo to destroy the law or the pro-phets; I am uot come to destroy, but tofulfil (establish,) for verily I say untoyou, till heaven and earth pass, (anevent that has not yet transpired,) onejot or tittle shall in no wise paw fromthe law, till all be fulfilled. Matt. 5,17-1- 8. The Apostle Paul in speakingof the same law says 'Do we then makethe law; through faith?' God forbid:Yea we establish the law: Rom. 3:31.The law is thus established, as a whole.hy both Christ and Paul. If it. is es-tablished as a whole it must bo established in all its parts. That portionthat says the seventh day i the Sab-bath as well as the other precepts.Thus we learn not only the that Christmade the Sabbath, but what he madeit out of. and that he endorses the Sab-bath command with the rest of the'law and give us to understan i that itis in force, and men are exoected toobey it as long as the heavens and .theearth remain.

rrusT krjoisdibElder Newcomb followed bv stating

teat there is nothing in which wehouldbeso much interested as to obev

the commandments of God.In answer to the affirmative he took

positkm that Christ existed only as theword until he was born in Bethlehemend did not exist as a personal being

p Co that time. Christ signifies an-enoint-

and the anointing of Christwas his baptkm; and prior to thatevent he was not the Christ. He thenought to show that the earth was cre-

ated in six indifTerrent periods of timeof which the animal is the sixth andthat the seventh; and that the sabbath

. ef Genesis J23 is not yet ended that theword "day" iudiflerrent, hence weWave had one continual Sabbath sincecreation and will have henceforth.He next took 'the position that thefirst four commandments were positivelooa), national and periodical and giv-

en only te the Jews. To sustain thisne read from a work contaiuing thesee testimony ofseveral authors on theobject, Bishop Butler Ac If a posi-- 1

Use cuwassnaai cunea over truss osc


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IMSjSSbI iBank f-- - T

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SilTy.Ti.-'A-.'STJ.- S.tiz. C3a.'G!tt&?'&EteB!2&abty,v.- -

?. ',y v. ?tw. $QLLfllli9 ?tk

dispensation to another, it must- - bedone by tho same signs and miraclesas was manifested at the giving of thelaw; but as there was no such displayof powers shown to introduce the lawin the christian dispensation, thereforewe have no law in the christian

what was given by the aponlesafter the day of neutocost, for all lawsewsential was given after pentecont.Then he stated that Christ or his apos-tles intensified all of the decalogue ex-cept the fourth commandment and asthe sabbath command is contained inthat and as the apostles did not saythat wo should keep it we are underno obligations whatever to keep it.The first two commandments, he saidwere intensified when spoken to SatanLuke 4:8 ulxo that the law has no pen-alty and a law without a penalty is ofno force and "You havo togo uown'tothe law in the side of the ark for apenalty to enforce the law in the ark."The ten commandments is called thelaw of Moses and has no mercy andkuows'iiothing but death. We want aa law of life to free us from tho law ofsin and death.

SECOND AFFIRMATIVEElder C. followed by first answering afew objections. First, Several asser-tions and no proof. The Question is,"kesolvcd That the scriptures teachthat sabbath of the fourth command-ment is binding upon all enristiaus atthe present time." Elder U still con-tendsth- at

Christ existed before the cre-ation alo that lie was a personal beingHeb 1:1-- 3 8-1- 0 Col. 1:12-1- 6. One ob-jection that tho earth was created insix, indifferent periods. Tliis he show-ed WHbunscriptural as in each accountof Gen 1 it reads, The evening and .themorning were the first day, itc." andthat the last four days were ruled bythe sun. Besides six indefiniteperiods aro equal to one indefinite per-to-d.

"This is the conclusion that ourbrother is driven to by having the lawabolished at the crosses." He says"The apostles did not command us tokc-?- p tho sabbath therefore we are notobliged to keep it." J'He forgets thenthat there would be a space of timefrom the crucifixion until pentecost,that thev had no sabbath nor law con-sequently no sin for sin Jis the trans-gresM- on

of the law 1st John 3-4- ; Koiu.1:15." We call for a text that saysthat the ten commandment in the lawof Moses. Wheref did chriat quote allthe three commandments. If he didnot quote the Sabbath to tho youngman in Matt. 19: 10-2- 2 we want toknow if he quoted tho 3rd, 2nd, or 1stcommandment to him ? Christ didnot to destroy the law as lie af-firms in Matt. 5:17 but to fulfill. Nowto insert the wordjdestroy as some ofour friends would JJhave it. it wouldread thus: Think not that Iam come to destroy the law but toapply tho law to destroy. Apply Jthisdefinition in other scriptures wherethe word "fulfill" is used and it willnot answer in overy case. The Saviortaught that as lonir as heaven andearth remained the law would be in fullforce Matt. 5:13 Again docs the sab-bath belong to the Jews? The textsays it was mado for man. For thelint man as well as for the last manand Christ was the lord of it. Ourbrother says that the Sabbath wasjusedin a general sense. But the 23rd and24 verses of Mark 2ud chapter forbidsthis as these verses have distinct refer-ences to the weekly Sabbath. TheNew Testament further asserts that theSabbath was past when the first daycame Mark I0.I-- 2. the holy womenthat followed their Savior, refused toeven perforin the labor of annoimmghim at his tomb, but kept tho Sabbathaccording to the commandment. Luke23:54-56- ; 21:1. This is certainly strangethat they rested because the command-ment said so when according to ourbrother it was done away at this tune.

SECOND REJOINDKKFor Christ, is the end of the law for

righteousness .to every one that believ-et- h

Rom. 10:4 Now if Christ is the endof the Law, where will.our Sabbatarianfriends jjet their Sabbath ? If Christhad not been without sin, the law-woul- d

have remained; but at Christhad no sin the Law is abolished. TheSabbath age was made for man thatis the age of man, and there has beennothing created since tlve first six days.The creation was finished with thecreation of man and there has beenone unbroken sabbath iroiu that timeuntil the present. Be it then claimedthat it is mete that we have ono sev-enth part of time, and that was givento the Jews as a weekly Sabbath. Idid not mean that the six periods areequal to one, but that there was six in-

definite periods of time at creation.Next he said that Christ intensified thefirst and second commandments in hisreply to the adversary in the tempta-tion Matt. 4U0 and such portions of thecommandments as were not thus inten-sified are not binding on christiansRom. 5:13 was offerred in support ofthere being sin where there is no Law.Moses wrote the Law in the book thatwas kept by the side of the ark. Andin this book were written the ten com-mandments. And that Law was abol-ished. Now as the decalogue is a partof that law, it was also abolished at thecross. Yet the last six command-ments are moral precepts, which relateto our duty to our fellow men, and cannot be abolished. Further the tencommandments are called the coven-ant, so when the first covenant wasdone away they were too. In Matt-- 1 9:17 the Savior quoted all ihe commandmenu necessary for him to keep. Yethe did not quote sabbath, thereto e weare not obliged to keep it. He thenshowed that the law was Kood andcould bo kept. Because Jesus kept itto show that it could be kept. IfChrist had broken it then he woulduot have any thing to oner for us, for

D-- l Moor Pr-lde- nt.

lUthu V.Milrry. Cashlrr.Jmo. IL Miirry. ANUtnt Cashier.

Capital $50,000Special Attention Given te


Mll.v (iartxr. R I) JonesLerl Mwrr. W. K. .shirr).

1L V. Shlnry.

Buy and sell Exchange.Make co'lections and do aGeneral Banking Business.

Interest allowed on alltime deposits

the law would have demanded his lifefor his own sin. Christ was a Jow sndhe kept the Jewish Law. All whowere under condemnation of death,but produces it-- Christ came to de-

stroy death and give life.Continued nrrt vrk.)


r TEN i

m vsh ; b

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This medicine, combining Iron with purs.Vegetable tonic, quickly and completelyfare f)yapPlit lnlletleB. Wrtlii-- M,

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air la Sataat aba prawn ef aaunoala.


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la aBUllon hcam for a juarur of a wtaiy IItoed tli contain' rallable wt.



Dr. Price's Special FlaTorina: Eitracti,T Mraagfanal liWalfi iai aaiar.1

Dr. Pi-lei-'s Luiulin Yutt 8mmtt ug. u Braad.Taa BaM Dry

Y In tk. W.rl.FOR SALE BY CHOCtHt.

CNICACO. t. Leuie.



Tfcs ssst dry Sop yaait la ths wsrti.fsht4 Sy UifciTMst ts light. waMs see

like our arandsiauisr's SellrtauS

GstOCKMJILL THULPrice Baking Powder Co.,laTrscf Ir. Rial HKM mTimttDjD,

, iiu u

FOB SALE.Valuable real csute adjoining Red

Cloud, the old fair croundd. Sealedbids will be received by the committeeRDwrinted at the last meetintr of theWebster County Agricultural Societyfor the purchase of its old fairgrounds, to-wi- t: For the south-eas-tforty acres of of the sir qr of sectionthirty-?ix- , township two, range elevenweL This land is immediately east ofRed Cloud; the title of the society is bycontract of purchase from the state, onwhich there w due 1252. having nine-teen years to run at 6 per cent, inter-est. "This contract will be assigned, orfull title given, as trie purchaser maydesire. The bids should specify thetotal amount offered for contract ordeed, the amount of cash to be paid,and the time or times in which the bal-

ance of the amount offered will bepaid, together with the rate of interestand the natere of the security for de-

ferred payment. The bids should beenclosed in sealed envelopes and de-livered to W. X. Richardson, chairmanof the committee. Each bid should beaccompanied bv a certificate of deposit of one of the banks of the county for$100, which shall be endorsed by' thesociety and be forfeited to the societyin case the person making a bid shallfail to comply with the terms when bidis accepted. Bids will be opened atRichardson's office, Red Cloud, at twoo'clock p. mn on Thursday, the 2r.t dayof April, I S85. The committee reservethe nght to reject 'any and all bids.

By order of the committee.31-- 4t W. JtioLaJmsoY, Chnra. -






J. v-


This apace bolonjra to O. Wlonor, and ItwUJ pay you to watch It for tho

next fow

FLOODSBridges Swept Everywhere by Ice and

and Floods, but

A. L. FT7NXZ,One Door North of the Argus office, ordered

his goods shipped in time and has justreceived two more car loads of

FARM MACHINERY!This completes his stock, the

Largest and BestAssorted line of Implements ever brought

to Bed Cloud, Farmers come and seefor yourselves.

BrownPlanters,Stalk Cutter. Check Rowers,Steel Beam cultivators.


GOODSOf all kinds. Haworth and Standard check

Rowers, Plows, Harrows, cultivators.Listers, and in fact everything from a

Sewing Machine Needle to SteamThreshers.

Sewing Machines, Organs and BuggiesSpecialty, Schuttler, Racine and Cald-

well Wagons. Seeds, Oats, Millett,Japanese, and all kinds of seeds.

Buy of him and be

2122-...-.- -




Honest Tea



Best Policy'1

LETSONDry 6oods and Notions


BOOTS AND SHOESwocenes, Queensware

NEBRASKAFroo dollvory to tUl parte of tho city.

A New Millinery Store !

Mrs. S. F. SPOKESFIELD,Havlnsr rocontl, purohr ao A tho Mllllnory Eatabllnhmont or Mnt Poti-

or, lu now roudy to oxhiblt tho

Latest Styles in MiUinery. Hats,Bonnets, &c.

Sho alno korpti a variety ofHandkerchiefs, Hosiery, Corsets, Nockxcor

And every thingWill nioA ii.. . ., . .w .u..ou mo inuzoy with


ChonilloH, Bnnnor rOilw &


- -

theFiuiey Work

niui not

Z. . x


HOUSES FOR SALE !fctore Building and Lot corner Webstorand Fourth Avenue.

8toro Bulldlna and Lot on Fourth AvonuHouao ivnd throo lot.Houo and hIx Iota on FourthHouse and lot on HtroStHouao and two on Htn,TAS nVttoaoOUr lot" " Sw,mt Stroot.

Apply t' BCrOH 0oa nprovoinontH.


--Jr M




Home BakeryAnd Restaurant


Fresh Bread, Pies', CakeCONFECTIOXEHT,

MEALS AT ALL HOURS,I nollclt n portion of yourpn.tronn;o whonnny thlnt? In my lino. Pricoa

Red CloudSterling, Packard & Western Cottage Organ

Pianos, Organs, and-Sewin- z Machines.Stinway, Weber & Pianos.

I with to Inform the people ot Wobnter and adjoinln counting that IhT opened a muelo store on Avonuo, opponfto Watt

" Mtr jwu wuero winand Sewin machine, which will boweet ofthe --'BUr Muddy." ofthor forbuying etoewhere call and see me.




line.Mntorltila for Arniiomi.i

Cull hor.




fJAK OB8, &D.




In nov! o

Music House.

round a nupply of Orsfrma,

sold ae cheap con bocaah or for oaey payment.


PAPEtWallFapI take pleaeure In callir the attention of the citlzone of Rod OkwJ

and Tteialty to the larire and complete utock of

Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c,That I am Juet openlnf. Tbeao aroode are aU of the BEST


At Reasonable Prices I

Call aad look at aample. Xo trouble to efcow

C. L. COTTING,gist and Bookseller, Bed Cloud










House and Sign PainterGrainer and Glazier

kinds Fancy and

terms beforeWork




Plain wall Decora

you have your world

tions Promptly and Neatly Done.Get

done. guaranteed.