the record business is dead, long live the music business

The Record Business is dead, long live the Music Business Presented by Jim Ayson, 07.05.2013 / Electronic Music Conference & Audio Expo – EMEX 2013 Music Consumption and Distribution in the Digital Age

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Full title: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business: Music Consumption & Distribution in the Digital Age. My presentation at the Electronic Music Conference & Audio Expo (EMEX 2013) on July 5, 2013. In which we look at Digital Music distribution from a Philippine perspective.


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The Record Business is dead, long live the Music Business

Presented  by  Jim  Ayson,  07.05.2013  /  Electronic  Music  Conference  &  Audio  Expo  –  EMEX  2013  

Music Consumption and Distribution in the Digital Age

Page 2: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business

The Record Business is dead, long live the Music Business

Presented  by  Jim  Ayson,  07.05.2013  /  Electronic  Music  Conference  &  Audio  Expo  –  EMEX  2013  

Music Consumption and Distribution in the Digital Age

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Some  Stuff  About  Me  

Where  to  find  me:    TwiKer  &  Instagram  @jimayson  GooglePlus:  +JimAyson    

Founder,  “head  honcho”,  provocateur,  etc  

The  “Day  Gig”:    Partnerships  Management  Smart  Developer  Network  (Smart  DevNet)    

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Standard  Disclaimer  •  Images  for  this  presenta]on  were  copied  from  the  web.  No  copyright  infringement  was  intended.  

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Download  this!  

Download  or  view  this  presenta]on  online  at:    hKp://  

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Our  Agenda  for  the  next  45  mins  

•  •  Internet  Ages  •  Philippine  Internet  Stats  •  The  death  of  physical  media  •  Digital  music  distribu]on  in  the  PH  •  Advice  for  the  PH  Music  Biz  •  Deal  With  It  

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•  Domain  registered  in  Dec  1996  (16  years!)  

•  Now  a  community  of  hard  core  musicians  and  music  industry  types    

•  1,923,645  Posts  in  86,320  Topics  by  75,738  Members  

•  2.1M  page  views/month  

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Join  us!   •  FORUM:  

•  Facebook  Page:  

•  Facebook  Discussion  Group:  

•  TwiKer:  

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By  the  way  we’re  having  an  EMEX  Party!  

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The  Internet  Eras  

Web  1.0  (1994)  • The  Sta]c  Web  • Yahoo,  Hotmail,  Google,  eBay,  Newspaper  sites  

Web  2.0  (2004)  • The  Social  Web  • Friendster,  Facebook,  TwiKer,  YouTube  

Web  3.0?  (2011)  • The  Mobile  Era  • Instagram,  Foursquare,  Whatsapp,  Viber,  LINE,  Vine,  Waze,  Flipboard,  Shazam,  Soundhound,  Kindle  

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The  Mobile  Era  

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The  Internet  in  the  Philippines:  General  Stats  

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Over  33%  of  Filipinos  are  on  the  Internet  (home,  work,  internet  café,  mobile)  –  around  33M    

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93%  of  online  Filipinos  are  on  Facebook  (around  30M)  


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10M  Filipinos  on  TwiKer   Source:  Semiocast  

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Mobile  Penetra]on  rate  –  106%  102.3M  mobile  subscribers     PriceWaterhouse  Coopers  

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Smartphones  –  just  about  20%  of  the  mobile  base  but  growing  fast.    

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Remember  the  Walkman?  

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The  Smartphone  is  the  new  Walkman  

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Digital  Music  is  changing  the  Music  Industry  

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Digital  Music  milestones  •  Napster  popularized  music  downloads  (free)  •  iTunes  popularized  paid  downloads  •  Streaming  music  pushed  by  SpoKfy,  Pandora,  Rdio  •  YouTube  changed  music  discovery  

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Irrelevant  or  fast  becoming  irrelevant  

•  Record  Stores  •  Broadcast  Radio  for  music  discovery    

•  Music  Television    •  CDs  and  Physical  Media  

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R.I.P.  Tower  Records  

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Where  are  we  now  in  2013?  

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Digital  is  replacing  Record  stores,  Radio,  MTV,  CD  Stores  •  iTunes  –  killed  Tower  Records,  Virgin  Records,  HMV  etc  

•  Youtube  –  becoming  more  important  for  music  discovery  than  radio  and  music  television  

•  CDs  –  replaced  by  downloads  (legit  or  illegal)    

•  Music  Promo]on  –  via  Social  Media  (Facebook,  TwiKer,  YouTube),  Blogs  

•  Plasorms-­‐  Bandcamp,  Tunecore  

Page 27: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business  –  DIY  band  promo]on  and  distribu]on  plasorm  

Page 28: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business  –  digital  representa]on.  The  new  label?    

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YouTube  creates  the  hits  

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YouTube  creates  the  stars  

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And  so  does  Instagram  

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Consump]on  is  mainly  digital  and  increasingly  mobile  

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Music  Distribu]on  is  Digital  or  Online  •  Free  distribu]on  (YouTube,  Soundcloud)  •  Paid  downloads  (iTunes,  other  stores)  •  Streaming  Mobile  Services  (Deezer,  Spo]fy)  •  Sale  of  Physical  Media  via  online  channels  (band  sites,  Amazon)  

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What’s  happening  In  the  PH…  

•  Promo]on  via  Social  Media  –  so  many  op]ons  for  DIY  promo]on  •  YouTube  Channels  –  are  very  important  •  Digital  Distribu]on  Channels  are  emerging  •  Streaming  is  here!  •  Telco  Music  Value  Added  Services  (VAS)  

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PNE  has  2.9M  Facebook  likes  

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Wolfgang:  Indie  Ar]st  promo]on  

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FuseBoxx:  indie  prog-­‐rock  

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Fuseboxx  on  YouTube  

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Ely  Buendia  on  TwiKer  

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Lee  Grane  (indie  ar]st  on  The  Voice)      

From  50  twiKer  followers  to  13,106  

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iTunes  has  a  huge  OPM  catalog  

…  and  you  don’t  need  a  major  label  to  get  on  it!  Screen  cap:  Up  Dharma  Down  catalog  on  iTunes  

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Page 46: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business  –  Indie  digital  music  distribu]on  via  mobile  telco  and  handset  partnerships  

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Ndfy  –  indie  ar]st  discovery  

Page 48: The Record Business is Dead, Long Live the Music Business  –  ad  supported  indie  music  discovery  

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Telco  distribu]on:  SMART  Music  content  

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Deezer  (streaming)  –  now  available  in  the  PH  

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PH  Mone]za]on  Challenges  

•  Pinoys  don’t  use  credit  cards  (only  3%  penetra]on)  

•  PH  condi]ons  force  new  forms  of  e-­‐payment  (mobile  payment,  ATM,  prepaid  cards)  

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E-­‐Payment,  Philippine  style  

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OPM2GO  Prepaid  cards  for  the  masa  market  

Available  in  SM   Available  in  Na]onal  

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OPM2GO  at  EMEX  

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Some  ]ps!  

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Some  ]ps  for  Ar]sts  

•  Ques]on  the  need  for  a  label.    •  Sell  direct  via  digital  distribu]on.    •  Digital  Piracy  is  mainstream,  so  use  it  for  promo]on  

•  Acts  Earn  by  playing  live  •  Learn  to  mone]ze  through  your  online  fanbase  – Web  – Social  media  

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Some  ]ps  for  Music  Startups  

•  Mone]ze  thru  transac]ons  –  real  payments  (purchase  or  subscrip]on.)    

•  Online  Adver]sing  is  not  a  stable  source  of  revenue  in  the  PH.  

•   Explore  payment  beyond  credit  cards  – Mobile  operator  charging  – Prepaid  cards  – ATM  networks  

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Final  words  of  advice  for  all  

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Digital  is  Here.  There’s  No  Turning  


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The  Genie  is  Out  of  the  BoKle.  

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The  Internet  has  changed  everything.  

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Deal  with  it.  

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Learn  the  New  Tools  for  the  New  Age.  

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Master  Them  and  Conquer  Them.  

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End  Download  this  presenta]on  at:  hKp://