the rebecca riots


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Page 1: The rebecca riots


Page 2: The rebecca riots


When ? - Late 1830s/early 1840s Protests against high tolls on new

turnpike roads Protesters were farmers facing

poverty Soldiers sent in 5 leaders transported

Page 3: The rebecca riots

Reasons Local farmers were angry at their growing poverty. Tollgates had been introduced on the new turnpike roads. These

were run by different companies so each chose what toll to charge.

Farmers were having to pay rents, taxes and tithes to the Church of Wales even if they didn’t belong to it.

There was also a fear of new workhouses. Violence spread through the 1840s with tollgates being destroyed,

barns and hayricks being burnt and a workhouse being destroyed. The government sent in 1800 soldiers to calm the area. 70

policemen were also sent a rewards were offered for information. A lot of the original protestors left the movement as they felt that

criminals had taken advantage of the riots. Robert Peel set up an enquiry and a Roads Board was set up to

control the turnpikes and tolls and peace returned to Wales.

Page 4: The rebecca riots

Divisions in welsh rural Society. Gentry Anglicised + Anglican

Destruction of gates

Agricultural Depression Post 1815

Rising rents

Rising rural unemployment

Local magistrates were mostly English

Protests in Carmarthen in 1801 and 1818 due to shortage and high prices of food


Page 5: The rebecca riots

Why was the government do worried about protests and riots?

Fear of revolution

Need for law & orderFear of losing land

Page 6: The rebecca riots


Read page 79 on how the authorities responded to the riots

Make a table of the similarities and differences between the reactions towards the Peterloo massacre and the Rebecca riots.

Page 7: The rebecca riots

Study Sources B and C.How different are these two sources? Use the sources and your knowledge to explain your answer. [9 marks]