the protestant reformation

Friday 4/5 Objective: Students will be introduced to Martin Luther and his in the Protestant Reformation Homework: No homework Do Now: answer the following question on pg. 348. 1. How did members of the Church fail to live up to their role as spiritual leaders? 2. What are indulgences? What did they do? 3. What is simony? Why would it be worthwhile?

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  • Friday 4/5Objective: Students will be introduced to Martin Luther and his in the Protestant ReformationHomework:No homeworkDo Now: answer the following question on pg. 348.How did members of the Church fail to live up to their role as spiritual leaders?What are indulgences? What did they do?What is simony? Why would it be worthwhile?

  • What were indulgences?A. Indulgence defined: a pardon or forgiveness of sin sold by the Holy Church.B. Pope Leo X, in 1517, needed money to complete the building of Saint Peters Church in Rome. He sold indulgences to Germany to help pay the debt.Why did Martin Luther want to revolt?

  • Exit slipCesar Chavez vs. Martin Luther worksheetNotes

  • The Protestant Reformation

  • FOCUS QUESTIONWhat were three complaints people had about the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1500s?

  • REFORMATIONWhat is the root word for Reformation?

  • FORMTo shapeTo beginTo put togetherTo create

    The Catholic Church was the first Christian Church formed.

  • What would REFORM mean?

  • ReformRe- to do againTo form againTo change the form of something that already exists

    Martin Luther wanted to change the form of the Catholic Church to improve it.

  • One person who felt strongly about reform in the church was Martin Luther. He started what would be known as The Reformation.

  • MARTIN LUTHER???Where have we heard that name before?

  • Dr. Martin Luther King

  • Dr. Martin Luther KingLived in the 1900s.Was a minister.Led the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

  • Back to Martin Luther

  • Martin Luther Vs. Cesar Chavez

  • You and a partner will EACH complete the following worksheetYou will have 20 mins.

  • He Decided to Challenge the ChurchWhen I say the Church, I mean the only Christian church of the time.

    What church was the only Christian church of the time?

  • THE CATHOLIC CHURCHHeaded by the _______________.

    What is the official title of person?

  • Monday 4/8/13Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of Martin Luthers role in the reformation by creating a pamphlet Homework:Martin Luther protest pamphletDue Monday 4/14Do Now:What is the definition of reformWhat did Martin Luther wish to reform?

  • The ReformationA reform movement against the Roman Catholic Church

  • What didnt he like?

    People didnt like the way the pope, priests, and bishops were behaving. They didnt behave in a religious manner.Priests and Bishops didnt even know the basic church teachings.The pope was too involved in politics and was not committed to his churchly duties. The people didnt like this.

  • His main arguments:His main belief was that people could be saved in a religious sense through faith, and faith alone.He believed that if a person believes in God and follows the Bible, they could go to heaven there is no need for confession, giving the church all your money, or doing charity work.He also didnt believe in Indulgences.

  • Indulgences

    What is an Indulgence?

  • IndulgenceAn indulgence is a document (a piece of paper signed by the pope) given by the pope to people; that excused that person for sins that he or she had committed while they were alive.

  • Why on Earth would a personpay good money for a Certificate of Indulgence?

  • An indulgence was supposed to reduce the time a person spent in purgatory.Does anyone know what purgatory is?

  • PurgatoryCatholics believe that this is a place where your soul goes to in order to pay for your worldly sins before you can go to heaven. Depending on how much you sinned is going to determine how long you will spend in purgatory.

  • The selling of Indulgences

  • Indulgences were used to pay bribes to the Emperor and his followers.


  • The Ninety-Five ThesesThis was a list of complaints that Martin Luther had against the Catholic church.

  • How did Pope Leo X feel?The pope was very upset about this; and threatened to have Martin Luther excommunicated from the church if he didnt take back what he wrote.

  • Martin Luther is excommunicatedMartin Luther was called to a diet (a council of nobles and church officials) he was labeled a heretic and was excommunicated. Martin Luther had to go into hiding for a year, for fear he would be killed.

  • Martin Luther at the Diet

  • Analyzing primary source documentsAnswer both questions Catholic Perspective of Martin LutherWhat does the Catholic Church demand that Martin Luther stop doing?Summarize the primary source document in your own wordsAnswer both: Lutheran perspectiveWhy wont Martin Luther retract his words?Summarize the primary source document

  • Documentary 26 min.

  • A separation in the churchMartin Luther caused the Catholic Church to split up.The followers of Martin Luther were known as Protestants because they were protesting against the Catholic church.

  • ProtestantsThose who sided with Luther and protested the Catholic church were known as Protestants.

  • Martins contributions to ProtestantismHe translated the Bible into German from Latin.He wrote hymns (songs praising God) that still are sung today.Pamphlets to help convert people to Protestantism.He was also very anti-Semitic. This means he does not like Jewish people.

  • Luthers complaintsagainstthe churchBible only appearingIn LatinThe Pope was tooinvolved inpoliticsLazy or corruptclergyTheselling ofIndulgences

  • HomeworkOne of the reasons Martin Luther was successful in his reformation of the Catholic Church was his use of Propaganda

    Your homework is to complete a piece of Propaganda for Martin Luther's ReformationRequirements:One of Martin Luther complaints about the Catholic ChurchOne of his arguments for reformone detailed drawingBe in colorCatchy slogan/ argumentDue Monday March 15th