the prophetic significance of the blood moons


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Page 1: The Prophetic Significance of the Blood Moons

The Prophetic Significance of the Blood Moons: What Do they Mean? How Shall We Pray? By Laura Densmore, Hebrew Nation News editor, visit

Something very special will be happening this coming Passover 2014,

Monday at dusk 4.14.14

We will see our first BLOOD MOON total eclipse on April 15, 2014, which falls on the FIRST day of

Passover on the Aviv/sliver new moon calendar and the Jewish Hillel calendar. (On the biblical

calendar a day begins at sundown, so April 14 at sundown through April 15 sundown defines

“Passover”. That is also when we will see the first of four blood moons.)

This was first discovered by Mark Biltz (El Shaddai Ministries). He was on NASA’s website, saw the

total lunar eclipses, then converted the dates from Roman calendar to the biblical calendar and

discovered that these lunar eclipses are not happening on just any random day, but they are

happening on biblical feast days of Passover and Sukkot!

You can visit NASA’s moon eclipse table and Hebrew Date Converter to check this out for


The Prophecy of the Blood Moon Tetrads

“And there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven”…..”And there will be signs in the

sun, in the moon, and in the stars . . .” Luke 21: 11, 25.

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“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great

and awesome day of the LORD” Joel 2:31

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day

of the Lord come:Acts 2:20

Pattern: The Blood Moons have been associated with war against Israel and… a resounding


There have been two other times in this century when a cluster of four blood moons (total lunar

eclipses) have happened. And, they did not happen on just any random dates but on the biblical

feast days of Passover and Sukkot!

Background: On 14 May 1948, Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-

Israel to be known as the State of Israel. Several hours later, at midnight on 15 May, 1948, the

British Mandate of Palestine expired, and the State of Israel came into being.

Within hours, the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq and immediately attacked Israel.

The First set of blood moon tetrads happened during this time frame. Let’s take a look more closely.

The Arab/Israeli war wrapped up during Spring to Fall of 1949:

Feb-June 1949: Israel and Arab states agree to armistice in separate agreements. Israel gained

about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.

What did the BLOOD MOON TETRADS mean in 1948/49? They served as a warning (a

“harbinger” or sign of a war) with Israel’s enemies who wanted to ABORT the birth of the new nation

of secular Israel. What was the result? A RESOUNDING victory…against all odds!

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Now let’s look at the NEXT set of blood moon tetrads which occurred in 1967/68:

Truly these blood moons are set to Yahweh’s PRECISE CLOCK. Yahweh is using the blood moons


The six day war was fought between June 5 to June 10, 1967.

Notice WHEN the war took place: sandwiched right in the MIDDLE between the Spring Feast of

Passover and the Fall Feast of Sukkot.

In the 6 day war they captured: the Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River,

The Western Wall was recaptured AND Jerusalem was reunited and taken back under Jewish

control and became the capitol of the Jewish state of Israel.


a WARNING (a “harbinger” or a “sign”) of the 6 DAY WAR with neighboring Arab states. What was

the result? Another RESOUNDING victory….against all odds!

Now let’s turn our attention to the upcoming blood moon tetrads which start this April….

During Passover 2014 we see our first BLOOD MOON Total eclipse on April 15, 2014, which falls on

the FIRST day of Passover on the Aviv/sliver moon and Jewish Hillel calendar.

Page 4: The Prophetic Significance of the Blood Moons

What does this mean? Will the pattern hold true? I believe that the blood moons could be a signal

to us MARKING and DELINEATING a window of time for a coming WAR against Israel over the

dividing of the land of Israel to establish a Palestinian state. The 9 month TIMELINE for coming up

with a FRAMEWORK for a peace plan ends officially on 4/29/14. As of this writing, that deadline has

not been extended. The Palestinians are threatening to start another violent intifada against Israel

after this date. They are also threatening to go to the UN Security Council and get a unilateral

decision through them to grant Palestine full member status.

Will there be another prophetic war against Israel over the dividing of the land to establish a

Palestinian state? If the pattern holds, we know that there will be a RESOUNDING VICTORY again,

as there has been the last two times. But, there will be TERRIBLE consequences to the nations that

come against Israel to divide her land. Abba warns us of those consequences in Zech 12 and in Joel

3: 1-2:

For look, in those days and at that time, when I turn back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, then

I shall gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I shall enter into

judgment with them there for My people, My inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among

the nations and they have DIVIDED up MY LAND.

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Summary: What does the sign of the 4 Blood Moons Mean?

*On May 14, 1948, the 4 blood moons were associated with the birth of the nation; they were

immediately attacked by Arab nations a day later. The result was a resounding victory for Israel!

* In 1967/1968, 4 blood moons were associated with the 6 day war and the battle for West Bank,

Sinai, Golan Heights, & Jerusalem. The result was aresounding victory for Israel!

*Will the next 4 blood moons be associated with another war over the dividing of the land to create a

Palestinian state? Time will tell!

PRAYER POINTS: May I suggest that at the end of your Passover Seder, on the night of April 14th

that you “watch and pray” over Israel with these strategic prayer points? In particular, praying

through the night hours of April 14th is very significant prophetically. That is when the Hebrews

stayed indoors all night, and they watched and prayed as the angel of death “passed over” those

homes that had the blood of the lamb applied on the doorposts. May we pray likewise, that the

coming judgments of Yahweh will pass over his faithful remnant of believers!

Premise: The upcoming blood moon tetrads are very likely defining and delineating a window of

time when a war against Israel could very likely break out over the dividing of the land to form a

Palestinian (Esau) nation. This will be a very dangerous time for the nations as Yahweh’s judgment

will fall upon them for this. We know that ultimately, the land WILL be divided, as the scriptures have

foretold it…it is just a question of WHEN. Once the nations officially divide the land (most likely

through the UN Security Council) then Abba’s judgment will come down swiftly upon the nations.

(see Zech 12: 1-6)

* If your nation supports the dividing of the land of Israel to create a Palestinian state, then REPENT

on behalf of your nation for the role that it is playing in pressuring Israel to divide the land. Ask for

Abba’s forgiveness and mercy on behalf of your nation. Ask for His mercy, covering and protection

for the faithful remnant within your nation when this judgment falls. If your nation opposes the

dividing of the land of Israel, pray that they remain steadfast in this position. A vote at the UN

Security Council may come again soon.

*Pray that Yahweh’s perfect will be done regarding the timeline on the peace talks: whether the

timeline ends on 4.29.14 or is extended another 6 months. May His perfect will be done.

*There has already been an upsurge in violence, rocket fire and attacks on Israel’s northern border

with Lebanon, and on her western border with Gaza/Egypt. Pray for the protection of Israeli citizens.

*Pray for the IDF men and women soldiers that Yahweh would give them supernatural protection.

May Abba reveal secrets (give supernatural “intelligence”) about the enemy to Israel’s soldiers, that

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the traps of the enemy would be sprung, that enemy plans would be discovered and pre-emptively

stopped before they can be put into motion.

*Pray that the leadership of Israel will be “like a fire pot among trees, and like a torch of fire in the

sheaves”(Zech 12: 6)

*Pray that Yahweh will shield the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Zech 12: 8)

*Pray that more and more Jews will catch the vision for “biblical Zion/ the Jacob nation” and as this

movement grows, may they take a stand in refusing to trade away land in exchange for peace. May

they fully embrace the covenant land that was given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Many of the

Jews who align with the political party, Jewish Home, led by Naftali Bennett, are of this mindset.

What is the “Jacob nation”? To get more understanding on this, see the teaching link at the end of

this article.

*Pray that Israel will not release any more Palestinian terrorist prisoners in exchange for a place at

the table in the peace talks. Previous prisoner releases have put murderers back on the streets and

there has been no good fruit from it.

If you would like more teaching/understanding about the end time struggle between the Esau nation

and the Jacob nation, and the 8 prophetic sign posts in the news, to help you better understand how

to pray, please visit page and watch the Youtube like teaching:

Birth Pangs Part 1: The End time struggle between an Esau Nation and a Jacob nation

Birth Pangs Part 2: 8 Prophetic Sign Posts in the News: How close are we to the birth of the Jacob
