the predatory ecology

The Predatory Ecology: Between Kunda and Buffer inversion

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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A shorter article, but no less important to the rest of the work, and laying a framework for the evolution to come with future writing. The foundation topic is kundalini and the harnessing & control of kundabuffer organ.High priority tactical ops.


  • The Predatory Ecology:Between Kunda and Buffer inversion

  • Physically there is no 3 foot prehensile tail, it is not the comical devil red tail with a spade shape the end. What is referred to here as the subject of Kundalini and the adverse-inverse component kundabuffer is really amorphous and more abstract, but having well defined features. Being organic itself, of subtle fibers and sinew, it is not the opposition of the Kunda[lini] vision serpent. As a widely varied thing, it is an inverted attachment to, and to extent, even inevitable in development or becoming pronounced as an intuitive aspect of the shaman, sorcerer, descendent, or other v.i.t.r.i.o.l. engaging soul. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. is an acronym which stands for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. This translates to "Visit the interior of the Earth and by rectification (purification) you will find the hidden stone."

    Most know that formula, especially ceremonial gnostics, who don't all call themselves shamanic, but are just the same. See; 'shamanic alchemy'. Elsewhere in this or other esoteric library or on the internet all over the place.

    It is red, crimson, otherwise ruddy as it is absolute as a power stemming from the base both traditional meaning of a base and also implying the Muladhara chakra to give a very precise imagining, it would be a power so much like the ring of the Green Lantern character. One might swear the entire concept from DC Comics was based on kundabuffer power knowledge, warped just a bit to make it heroic, light, fun, cool to the general uninitiated populace, and highly profitable. A ring is an easy and nice way of switching out a red closer to anal looking protruding stream of psionic force.

    This looks like a job for Kundabuffer man!That just doesn't work. You can't market that to occultists or comic fans.

    My bringing it up serves the illustration for what exactly the mysterious thing is to so many, even long time initiates who have played it off as not really a thing to look at, and mostly explored by higher 'grades' so deep and hardcore that direct awareness would not make them flinch, but only interest to gain control in the material. It is even a Degree of an full blown graded station of sex magick. It's hallmark is being cultivated as the 11th degree but not stopping after or being limited to meeting at last crossing into.

  • You might think of it this way: Just like the pentacle and pentagram are written earlier as both being Jupiter associations, but the inverted 5-point star beloved among the Left Hand Path [an abstract projection often leveraged for more political purposes harnessing occult stuffs than any actual concrete magickal delineation], so too, the Kundabuffer is like this principle. If the Human body were to be Jupiter, let's say; both Kundalini and Kundabuffer are both Kunda of our bodies. That is to say, Kundabuffer has no separate 'This is Saturn' type separation given to either Satan or God. It's ours...just like our reproductive organs. Yet, just like those, kundabuffer has been given over as a red 3 foot cord, comical prehensile tail with an arrow shape at the end over to the Devil/Beelzebub.

    This isn't just accepted or tolerated, but considered fun to most initiates who don't care about any message being heard to help people; who instead would like to be part of a club that steers around the dumb uninitiated or thinking themselves initiated non-priestly and overly political 'rationalists'.

    My own personal experience is that deeper and deeper into initiation: you do have a message of sorts. It is often art, occult, science blended and has no thought or care to convert, realizing we are covered in oceans of the kind of initiate listed in the paragraph over this one, and realizing since there is nothing that can be done without mass conversion of them and/or awareness of their 'sheep' [i.e. mass religion forming up yet again], not to care on that, either. Instead to go forward as a responsible individual instead of a pack leader with expansionist agenda. That's a better gnostic than the Top-Head Gnostic accepted by the other gnostics as their club ruler.

    Reverberating the ideas so far; do not mistake Kundalini as 'White force Goodness' and Kundabuffer as 'Black force Badness', that is a huge error to get started on with either one.

    What you'll most want to know about kundabuffer is how it begins to occur or is exercised or exorcised, cultivated, and how it might expand to epic yet wholly invisible proportion; how to get in touch, control, gnosis or reduction of your own or protecting it from exploitation.

    First off, again being red and Base or that longest wavelength we have already been exploring, it's origin is Sectivus Anchorae. Latin for severed anchor and no need to search to confirm, as I can tell you Ijust made that association, it's not ancient 'n official. In Latin, the word for anchor used also means 'hook'or a grappling iron.

    Those who have become sadistically skilled at working in it as the strictly forbidden system or source of power have came to think of it or use it as an organic expression of a liberation of density. Including, very interestingly, negativity. Or even more like Naga-activity. Not only of red Base, then.

  • It's primary activator principle or medium actually is not in contradiction of not thinking as kundabuffer as black and kundalini as white White Light.

    The plot thickens.

    It is a sucking white light that very often people have as an inevitability of either shamanic or tantric activity partaken in partially to the extent of not knowing what it is or very subtly over time. So, there are a vast incalculable number of socially buoyant and really neat people who fit in who are just very positive, that think they are good shining sun/sols just organizing things, blessed, lucky, and pulling lots in by putting out good and recycling to get good back. No, though.

    Much like the all-over whole body plugs in that no one in the Matrix movie even knows they are subject to, this is a singular thing, again, a severing out. Obviously would attract a slew of gnostic sorcerers, but the fact is it's extremely prevalent and exists ubiquitously and perfectly undetected by many with it and skilled at working it on others. While it's just the way of things and the world we live in and our physiology potentiality, fiat currency is a fair bigger drain that is far more universal and dangerous, yet I don't see a transition to a Tyler Durdenesque Wilderness Utopia anytime soon. So, the statement is nothing to start going on your knees pleading the sky god for mercy over. Vampires, werewolves, and zombies. Not so much If but What Exactly [along with What the fuck are you gonna do about it?], with loads of room for Perspective and the Abstract...

    Like the priest and the pagan witch both will wear black: White absorbs darkness as the hidden seed power. So, it is the archontic white light that is true parasitic host both seeking by root of and sponsered by the Demiurge by name of any variety including Jehovah.

    Kundalini adversely begins as the black base or really the purely black yin that is famous as the maternal drive or originally cooler, greater density earth power, and involves a fire or 'boiling' applied tothe station where the red wavelength energy penetrates [hence a red root chakra], and balances the synthesis of ascending light/dark on lifting visionary serpents all the way. It is most obviously depicted as the Aesculapius caduceus of Hermes/Mercury. Hospitals everywhere, doctors came from the first Medicine Men and are still into the occult, so it should not be that weird of a prospect that only a crazy person believing anything would conjure as a mind trick. While having significance to red/blue/green/gold as mentioned in depth through the library so far. It is rainbow body..diamond body..bridge and so even the mythic but well known and interacted with 'Bifrost'. The Shaman yet traverses through 'Black Rainbow' a.k.a. fire-walking. This is NOT intentional strengthening of kundabuffer, but disseminating Kunda or Ka life force to the suffering Gaia-sphere as what ancient shamanic tribes would call Big Medicine.

  • So, you'll have to yet at least understand that inevitable consequence is the potentiality for either the kundabuffer organ to either run rampant, literally run-away subtle body parts; it happens and to thebest. If you start to think on to feel or learn control over, do not think you are now entering high grades of anyone's adept system nor are you now an evil, gross, perverted sorcerer; both not happening might be a disappointing news for some of you to receive. It does happen, and more often than not is either ignored as irrelevant and just a thing that's not a thing, or a dirty little secret that only dirty little sorcerer gnostic satanists mess around in.

    Not so much the kundabuffer itself, but the archontic white light is the real 'dark side that clouds everything' actually is quite bright and full of hollow promise and very prevalent in the bible belt where I'm currently corporeally stationed. I know that is the ultimate weird thing to hear for people, andthey might just break down at the statement unless having been through a lot themselves; religious fundamental patterns observed and subject to conditions of.

    The root or base is not just intact, but offered a priority of strength, and the severing is at another Point of Vortex energy that connects directly to ground right at the feet, in between. It has a fun, slightly hokey sounding name that I might have to say the New Age crowd gave to it, but I'm not sure where the name originated. However, it is part of everything wonderful, fantastic, and horrific and wrathful between nations as the 'Hot Points' or [masonic] Points Chauds, or Pwen Cho [in the most ancient animistic terms not overly civilized and trademarked] which I partook in deeply and have earned right to openly discuss as a powerful Originating Point myself of the Ekstasis and Vortex material given. Qualifications are given in full force and effect and I don't think anyone is dull minded enough to screw with my any further...let us hope for their sakes.

    I've come back from losing everything to do all this. There are Points or pwen in the feet themselves that would be given, but also a natural vortex energy point right between the feet, which is not to be confused with a natural born Pwen that lives there. A chakra is not a Pwen, really; for the most part, you will find Pwen emblazoned along the edges of the vortex resevoirs. Hence, the Vortex has been important as not just a chakra, but as stated, the evolution upon the ToL and an aeonic literal emanation revitalizing the dimensionality and substratum of Daath and what the word even implies, also being the World Cross or Chakana.

  • If the 'buffer extends from root to a crown as a prana/qi/Ka drain*, then planting the seeds adversely, theLife Force emanates, of course, by crown to earth star. So, many walk the surface among 'mundane society', yet are living inside the earth really..and are of the earth, and the world star. It is NOT hell or pain. Yet, this rages on, as cosmic struggle for the World Soul. The Chakana is both world axis and antenna of our own galactic center receiver and right of/to Life in greater Alignment and Capability. To be of many aims/path appreciation and of One Arm. Rather than many arms and of one aim/path. As such, I view most New Age dogma as nothing more than a recycled, very diluted Eastern philosophy comping feel good fluff of convenience that definitely relies on the kundabuffer, just extremely unaware,with only white light and rainbow body of the kundalini used to not look into descent, thinking the authentic shaman now a wicked sorcerer holding us all back. Not that there is no truth or value in any pathwork, as we are transitioning age to age, epoch to epoch, or procession of Equinoxes by 1 degree..thelast one I like best to study.

    To the human being with and of gnosis; whether Luciferian, Sophian, Dionysian, Valentinian etc etc..New Age pop-tard sales of self improvement masturbation is almost like the last hollow promise of the Jehovah-Saturnine Complex' ability to change and let you do and be anything under His visage of 'lets all get on the same page' and annihilate with kindness and substance free white-light, all the rebellious Luciferian dissenters who still wanna see a murky dark thing and explore it to cultivate gnosiswithin its vassal. It is very subtle right now, but I sense the murder of freedom. Not as a political statement, but a sol-related one. I'm not now nor ever will be a spokesman dealing on world stage office and economy matters. Getting into anything 'Head of one world government, therefore Rapture & Revelation' is a huge pitfall and already utilized to isolate psychos to either kill them or promote them and give them a good job...then kill them later...just like Rome used to do.

    In these two formats [kundalini/buffer] are endless styles and variations of fighting, defending, killing, rebirthing, resurrecting, and renewal, etc etc. All of this goes on as the stirring in and of the Cosmic or Archetypal-energetic formal structuring [or Chaotic/deprogramming] Cauldron...a.k.a. Vortex...a.k.a. Chakruna.

    *As I experienced that almost killed myself & everything I love in this life..then was further threatened to not talk about.

  • Since I love runes, and my cosmology logos rocks in runic force power; the prime way to kill in Kundalini activation is as Sowilo. That of Kundabuffer kills by power of Thurisaz. This is not a treatise onpractical interdimensional killing devices. For one thing, there is tons of material on killing or vengeanceenacted by spiritual means, and for another thing, just like a paper or youtube won't make you a blackbelt in kung fu, it doesn't matter what I say. If you don't hit hard or have bad fighting stances and flop everywhere, a short report will not build you into a champion of some paranormal ring.

    Remember Sowilo is not good and Thurisaz not bad, but two forces of Nature or Supernature. In fact they are both a killing or spiritually offensive attacking power. Anyone else less intelligent than those who are well versed and equipped at Crossroads might easily mistake this as duality support for a heaven versus hell framework.

    To paraphrase from K-Pax one more time: Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong. So, to think I'm encouraging murder or other trespassing because we deleted the devil notion of the fundamentalist is far from the case presented.

    Both give and receive of core, but really the quiet and more introspective goes suspect and blamed by the 'emanators', who purely want to seem to be shining souls and are not self aware they plug-into to seem more brilliant. They in fact drain. The inner-journeying or introspective shaman - less worldly wise and far more spiritual..even having hard times gaining or manifesting corporeally, so mistaken as weak (by these fools), are more concerned with prioritizing the unified sublime spirit are not good at projecting [while reliant upon hiding the I, again like these other fools] directly acceptable involvement in a gains hung world sold out to externalizing echelons or systems. Therefore, they cannot ramble on like a guru sitting across from you. We/They are the Mutants themselves; not made in

    Jehovah's image to channel his beloved archon systemic entities of holy 'genius'. We/They are more prone to stumble and have a hard time because the Demiurge sees them and hates their 'special' sweet but genuine existence.. not because they have greater access to spirit, but because they are closer to being the spirit Over-myself in the matter It-self, and it insults the Demiurges' portrayal of His own self mastery over all matters that he is the Narcissus in love with being keeper of. The notion of this is like the archon not going into our Spark to rob spark power by bigger better spark power, but rather realizing frustration of integral spark that is unattainable, both - again closed off system yet perfectly open - so the Head Archon's image must be maintained over all matters..with integral spark, the struggle of matter is already conquered because the struggle of the superior externalized priest-channeled spirit control system is.

  • The hard time and epic struggle and being tripped and abused and the endless attempts to corral back to error is due to being of a lineage of souls who are spark ignorant and soul hung/reliant and agree that this massive ocean of archontic life is also part of our integral spark, rather than see it all as defining border of hostile limitation set upon to direct our own forces of gaze back to reflection and willfully accept and agree with the contract to be dimmer and dimmer. Naturally, thinking all the while that we are getting brighter and brighter as our internal logos becomes more compromised, full of fluff, and giving liberation responsibility over to that archontic pool - hallmark of where the faith based salvations come from - or meeting into the Outer God of the idealized form as Final Solution.

    Like mini-demiurges unaware, we project then that we are the only one true god servant, by giving it upto that, we are seduced All serves us as a cosmic butler in the form of unfathomed treasures parallel in scope to what is really the archontic warehouse, big pearly gate doors locking behind us to reveal a MeatLocker Slaughter House Human Packaging Plant, too late.So, the receiver/kunda is often 'burnt at the stake' or otherwise subject of defilement, mockery and torment as a 'vampire abomination' rather than are kundabuffer-givers/knowers or emanation beings.

    Off hand statement note: I view Crowley is a quintessential Apollonian latter, and trained others tobe as well. He wanted to seem wickedest man or great beast.. but the Dionysian feature of gnostic thrust alluded was a mere hedonistic party favour employed to feed his far more prioritized externalizedechelon current, rather than a backbone thing of substance. Not that he had nothing to offer, like New Age, though..and to me his use of the Dionysian current to pump into his own was not only ineffective, but hurt the Tantric value in his own body to result in fascinations such as the 11th degree initiation, really a mishandling of what kundabuffer even is and then given over later as just a dirty little secret thrown into the Thelemic degree initiations to pull Black Brothers or Evil/Vile Sorcerers toward like flies to fly paper. You can often learn to value something much more by letting it loose to go out and do its own thing with as much or more Lightworks as you, than if you cage it is the retarded child in the attic you call a dirty monkey while you do perverted stuff to it anyway, glorifying the suck of holy image perfection Jehovah or other so named Abrahamic monotheistic hierarchy handed down after doing gross pervo abuses to Himself through the ages.

    Better to be a wrathful, charged up, Discordian Agent covered in flies and on his/her way to hell, than to fall in line. As it stands, we will be seeing them there anyway, except they'll finally be at the mercy of a Wilderness no agent of God The False could slam down a flag into and get on the same page with anyone else about building an army to keep.

  • A shorter project heading into Pluto retrograde and the New Moon, no less intense activity surrounded this collection of ideas.

    I decided not to call this writing by the same title as this ritual dark ambient performance.The materials really do go together, though...

    Parting thought...It's crazy how people maybe 20 some years old think the earth is just a sliver to yank out on their way to heaven. The earth is billions of years old. Gaia has a history that outweighs the scope of the biggest looking stars you have seen charted to compare to our star. Terra has been developing and constantly changing on changing, morphing within transforming, boiling and crystallizing where we are slivers that the earth could yank out on her way to taking back over again these pits of concrete we call civilisation. Gaia is alive. We think of the Elder or Ancestor as the first people or some generations back. No, the Earth is the Ancestor and Elder, and we live upon and within now; not merely run into in the back of heaven one future life.