the power of your subconscious mind-e-2

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  • 8/13/2019 The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind-E-2


    The POWER of Your Subconscious MindJoseph Murphy D.R.S., D.D., Ph.D., LL.D. Fello of !he "ndhr# Rese#rch $ni%ersi!y of &ndi#

    & h#%e seen 'ir#cles h#ppen !o 'en #nd o'en in #ll #l(s of life #ll o%er !he orld. Mir#cles ill h#ppen !oyou !oo))hen you be*in usin* !he '#*ic poer of your subconscious 'ind. This boo( is desi*ned !o !e#ch you!h#! your h#bi!u#l !hin(in* #nd i'#*ery 'old, f#shion, #nd cre#!e your des!iny+ for #s # '#n !hin(e!h in hissubconscious 'ind, so is he.

    Do you (no !he #nsers Why is one '#n s#d #nd #no!her '#n h#ppy Why is one '#n -oyous #nd prosperous #nd #no!her '#n poor #nd 'iser#ble Why is one '#n fe#rful #nd #nious #nd #no!her full of f#i!h#nd confidence Why does one '#n h#%e # be#u!iful, luurious ho'e hile #no!her '#n li%es ou! # 'e#*ereis!ence in # slu' Why is one '#n # *re#! success #nd #no!her #n #b-ec! f#ilure Why is one spe#(erou!s!#ndin* #nd i''ensely popul#r #nd #no!her 'ediocre #nd unpopul#r Why is one '#n # *enius in his or(or profession hile !he o!her '#n !oils #nd 'oils #ll his life i!hou! doin* or #cco'plishin* #ny!hin*or!hhile Why is one '#n he#led of # so)c#lled incur#ble dise#se #nd #no!her isn/! Why is i! so '#ny *ood,(ind reli*ious people suffer !he !or!ures of !he d#'ned in !heir 'ind #nd body Why is i! '#ny i''or#l #ndirreli*ious people succeed #nd prosper #nd en-oy r#di#n! he#l!h Why is one o'#n h#ppily '#rried #nd hersis!er %ery unh#ppy #nd frus!r#!ed &s !here #n #nser !o !hese 0ues!ions in !he or(in*s of your conscious #ndsubconscious 'inds There 'os! cer!#inly is1

    Re#son for ri!in* !his boo(. &! is for !he epress purpose of #nserin* #nd cl#rifyin* !he #bo%e 0ues!ions #nd'#ny o!hers of # si'il#r n#!ure !h#! 'o!i%#!ed 'e !o ri!e !his boo(. & h#%e ende#%ored !o epl#in !he *re#!fund#'en!#l !ru!hs of your 'ind in !he si'ples! l#n*u#*e possible. & belie%e !h#! i! is perfec!ly possible !oepl#in !he b#sic, found#!ion#l, #nd fund#'en!#l l#s of life #nd of your 'ind in ordin#ry e%eryd#y l#n*u#*e.You ill find !h#! !he l#n*u#*e of !his boo( is !h#! used in your d#ily p#pers, curren! periodic#ls, in your business offices, in your ho'e, #nd in !he d#ily or(shop. & ur*e you !o s!udy !his boo( #nd #pply !he!echni0ues ou!lined !herein+ #nd #s you do, & feel #bsolu!ely con%inced !h#! you ill l#y hold of # 'ir#cleor(in* poer !h#! ill lif! you up fro' confusion, 'isery, 'el#ncholy, #nd f#ilure, #nd *uide you !o your !rue pl#ce, sol%e your difficul!ies, se%er you fro' e'o!ion#l #nd physic#l bond#*e, #nd pl#ce you on !he roy#l ro#d

    !o freedo', h#ppiness, #nd pe#ce of 'ind. This 'ir#cle or(in* poer of your subconscious 'ind c#n he#l youof your sic(ness+ '#(e you %i!#l #nd s!ron* #*#in. &n le#rnin* ho !o use your inner poers, you ill open !he prison door of fe#r #nd en!er in!o # life described by P#ul #s !he *lorious liber!y of !he sons of 2od.

    P#*e 3 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    Rele#sin* !he 'ir#cle or(in* poer " person#l he#lin* ill e%er be !he 'os! con%incin* e%idence of oursubconscious poers. O%er for!y)!o ye#rs #*o & resol%ed # '#li*n#ncy))in 'edic#l !er'inolo*y i! #s c#lled #s#rco'#))by usin* !he he#lin* poer of 'y subconscious 'ind, hich cre#!ed 'e #nd s!ill '#in!#ins #nd*o%erns #ll 'y %i!#l func!ions. The !echni0ue & #pplied is el#bor#!ed on in !his boo(, #nd & feel sure !h#! i! illhelp o!hers !o !rus! !he s#'e &nfini!e 6e#lin* Presence lod*ed in !he subconscious dep!hs of #ll 'en. Throu*h

    !he (indly offices of 'y doc!or friend, & suddenly re#li7ed !h#! i! #s n#!ur#l !o #ssu'e !h#! !he 5re#!i%e&n!elli*ence hich '#de #ll 'y or*#ns, f#shioned 'y body, #nd s!#r!ed 'y he#r!, could he#l i!s on h#ndior(.The #ncien! pro%erb s#ys, 8The doc!or dresses !he ound #nd 2od he#ls i!.8

    Wonders h#ppen hen you pr#y effec!i%ely Scien!ific pr#yer is !he h#r'onious in!er#c!ion of !he conscious #ndsubconscious le%els of 'ind scien!ific#lly direc!ed for # specific purpose. This boo( ill !e#ch you !he scien!ific#y !o !#p !he re#l' of infini!e poer i!hin you en#blin* you !o *e! h#! you re#lly #n! in life. You desire #h#ppier, fuller, #nd richer life. 9e*in !o use !his 'ir#cle or(in* poer #nd s'oo!h your #y in d#ily #ff#irs,sol%e business proble's, #nd brin* h#r'ony in f#'ily rel#!ionships. 9e sure !h#! you re#d !his boo( se%er#l!i'es. The '#ny ch#p!ers ill sho you ho !his onderful poer or(s, #nd ho you c#n dr# ou! !hehidden inspir#!ion #nd isdo' !h#! is i!hin you. Le#rn !he si'ple !echni0ues of i'pressin* !he subconscious

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  • 8/13/2019 The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind-E-2


    defe#!ed, #nd unh#ppy.8 This professor h#d # desire for perfec! he#l!h+ he needed (noled*e of !he #y his'ind or(ed hich ould en#ble hi' !o fulfill his desire. 9y pr#c!icin* !he he#lin* 'e!hods ou!lined in !his boo(, he bec#'e hole #nd perfec!.

    P#*e ; Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    There is one 'ind co''on !o #ll indi%idu#l 'en eep on, (eepin* on un!il !he d#y bre#(s #nd !he sh#dos flee ##y.

    P#*e ? Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    5h#p!er @ The Tre#sure 6ouse Wi!hin You.................................................................. @;

    The '#r%elous poer of your subconscious................................................................. @; Aecessi!y of # or(in* b#sis......................................................................................... @?The du#li!y of 'ind....................................................................................................... @BThe conscious #nd subconscious 'inds........................................................................ @BOu!s!#ndin* differences #nd 'odes of oper#!ion.......................................................... @C6o her subconscious responded................................................................................. @9rief su''#ry of ide#s or!h re'e'berin* ................................................................ @ 

    5h#p!er 3 6o Your On Mind Wor(s ...................................................................... 3@

    5onscious #nd subconscious !er's differen!i#!ed........................................................ 3@Eperi'en!s by psycholo*is!s....................................................................................... 33The !er's ob-ec!i%e #nd sub-ec!i%e 'ind cl#rified ....................................................... 33The subconscious c#nno! re#son li(e your conscious 'ind.......................................... 3:The !re'endous poer of su**es!ion ........................................................................... 3:Differen! re#c!ions !o !he s#'e su**es!ion ................................................................... 3:6o he los! his #r' ...................................................................................................... 3;6o #u!osu**es!ion b#nishes fe#r................................................................................ 3;6o she res!ored her 'e'ory....................................................................................... 3?

    6o he o%erc#'e # n#s!y !e'per ................................................................................. 3?The cons!ruc!i%e #nd des!ruc!i%e poer of su**es!ion................................................. 3?6#%e you #ccep!ed #ny of !hese .................................................................................. 3?You c#n coun!er#c! ne*#!i%e su**es!ions ..................................................................... 3B6o su**es!ion (illed # '#n........................................................................................ 3BThe poer of #n #ssu'ed '#-or pre'ise ..................................................................... 3The subconscious does no! #r*ue con!ro%ersi#lly......................................................... 3Re%ie of hi*hli*h!s..................................................................................................... 3C 5h#p!er : The Mir#cle Wor(in* Poer of Your Subconscious.................................... :

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    Your subconscious is your 9oo( of Life ...................................................................... :@Wh#! is i'pressed in !he subconscious is epressed .................................................... :@The subconscious he#ls # '#li*n#ncy of !he s(in ........................................................ :36o !he subconscious con!rols #ll func!ions of !he body............................................. ::6o !o *e! !he subconscious !o or( for you............................................................... ::6e#lin* principle of !he subconscious res!ores #!rophied op!ic ner%es ........................ :;

    P#*e B Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    6o !o con%ey !he ide# of perfec! he#l!h !o your subconscious 'ind ......................... :;&de#s or!h re'e'berin* ............................................................................................. :? 5h#p!er ; Men!#l 6e#lin*s in "ncien! Ti'es................................................................:B

    9iblic#l #ccoun!s on !he use of !he subconscious poers..............................................:BMir#cles #! %#rious shrines !hrou*hou! !he orld......................................................... :One uni%ers#l he#lin* principle .................................................................................... :CWidely differen! !heories .............................................................................................. :Gies of P#r#celsus ...................................................................................................... :

    9ernhei'/s eperi'en!s ................................................................................................ ;Producin* # blis!er by su**es!ion ................................................................................. ;The c#use of bloody s!i*'#!# ....................................................................................... ;6e#lin* poin!s in re%ie................................................................................................ ;@ .5h#p!er ? Men!#l 6e#lin*s in Modern Ti'es ...............................................................;3

    One process of he#lin*.................................................................................................. ;3The l# of belief........................................................................................................... ;:Pr#yer !her#py is !he co'bined func!ion of !he conscious #nd subconscious 'indScien!ific#lly direc!ed ................................................................................................... ;:

    F#i!h he#lin*, h#! i! 'e#ns, #nd ho blind f#i!h or(s ............................................. ;:Sub-ec!i%e f#i!h #nd h#! i! 'e#ns ............................................................................... ;;The 'e#nin* of #bsen! !re#!'en! .................................................................................. ;?Rele#sin* !he (ine!ic #c!ion of !he subconscious 'ind ................................................ ;BSu''#ry of your #ids !o he#l!h .................................................................................... ;B

    5h#p!er B Pr#c!ic#l Techni0ues in Men!#l 6e#lin*s...................................................... ;C

    The p#ssin* o%er !echni0ue for i'pre*n#!in* !he subconscious .................................. ;CYour subconscious ill #ccep! your blueprin!.............................................................. ;CThe science #nd #r! of !rue pr#yer................................................................................. ;

    The %isu#li7#!ion !echni0ue .......................................................................................... ;Men!#l 'o%ie 'e!hod .................................................................................................. ?The 9#udoin !echni0ue ................................................................................................ ?@The sleepin* !echni0ue ................................................................................................. ?@The H!h#n( you/ !echni0ue............................................................................................. ?3The #ffir'#!i%e 'e!hod................................................................................................. ?3The #r*u'en!#!i%e 'e!hod ........................................................................................... ?:The #bsolu!e 'e!hod is li(e 'odern sound #%e !her#py............................................ ?;

    P#*e Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

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    " cripple #l(s ............................................................................................................. ?;The decree 'e!hod........................................................................................................ ??Ser%e yourself i!h scien!ific !ru!h............................................................................... ?B5h#p!er The Tendency of !he Subconscious &s Life #rd......................................... ?6o !he body por!r#ys !he or(in*s of !he 'ind........................................................ ?There is #n in!elli*ence hich !#(es c#re of !he body.................................................. ?CThe subconscious 'ind or(s con!inu#lly for !he co''on *ood ............................... ?C6o '#n in!erferes i!h !he inn#!e principle of h#r'ony ........................................... ?C

    Why i!/s nor'#l !o be he#l!hy, %i!#l, #nd s!ron* I i!/s #bnor'#l !o be sic(.................. ?Po!!/s dise#se cured ....................................................................................................... ?6o f#i!h in your subconscious poers '#(es you hole .......................................... BPoin!ers !o re%ie ......................................................................................................... B 5h#p!er C 6o !o 2e! !he Resul!s You W#n!................................................................ B@

    E#sy does i! ................................................................................................................... B@&nfer no opponen!, use i'#*in#!ion #nd no! ill poer............................................... B36o disciplined i'#*in#!ion or(s onders............................................................... B3The !hree s!eps !o success in pr#yer.............................................................................. B3

    The l# of re%ersed effor! #nd hy you *e! !he opposi!e of h#! you pr#y for........... B3The conflic! of desire #nd i'#*in#!ion 'us! be reconciled .......................................... B:&de#s or!h rec#llin*..................................................................................................... B; 5h#p!er 6o !o $se !he Poer of Your Subconscious for We#l!h........................... B?

    We#l!h is of !he 'ind.................................................................................................... B?Your in%isible 'e#ns of suppor!................................................................................... B?The ide#l 'e!hod for buildin* # e#l!h consciousness ................................................ B?Why your #ffir'#!ions for e#l!h f#il.......................................................................... BB6o !o #%oid 'en!#l conflic!........................................................................................ BB

    Don/! si*n bl#n( chec(s ................................................................................................ BBYour subconscious *i%es you co'pound in!eres! ......................................................... BBWhy no!hin* h#ppened ................................................................................................. BBTrue source of e#l!h.................................................................................................... BTryin* !o '#(e ends 'ee! #nd !he re#l c#use ............................................................... B" co''on s!u'blin* bloc( !o e#l!h.......................................................................... BRubbin* ou! # *re#! 'en!#l bloc( !o e#l!h................................................................. BSleep #nd *ro rich ...................................................................................................... BCSer%e yourself i!h !he poers of your 'ind............................................................... BC

    P#*e C Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    5h#p!er @ Your Ri*h! !o 9e Rich ............................................................................... B

    Money is # sy'bol........................................................................................................ B6o !o #l( !he roy#l ro#d !o riches............................................................................ BWhy you do no! h#%e 'ore 'oney............................................................................... BMoney #nd # b#l#nced life............................................................................................ Po%er!y is # 'en!#l dise#se ........................................................................................... 2e!!in* !he ri*h! #!!i!ude !o#rd 'oney.......................................................................

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    6o !he scien!ific !hin(er loo(s #! 'oney ................................................................... 6o !o #!!r#c! !he 'oney you need .............................................................................. @Why so'e 'en do no! *e! # r#ise in p#y ...................................................................... @Obs!#cles #nd i'pedi'en!s on !he p#!h#y !o riches................................................... @Pro!ec! your in%es!'en!s............................................................................................... 3You c#nno! *e! so'e!hin* for no!hin*.......................................................................... 3Your cons!#n! supply of 'oney .................................................................................... 3S!ep up !his #y !o riches ............................................................................................. 3

    5h#p!er @@ Your Subconscious Mind #s # P#r!ner in Success ..................................... ;

    The !hree s!eps !o success ............................................................................................. ;The 'e#sure of !rue success......................................................................................... ;6o he '#de his dre#' co'e !rue............................................................................... ?6is dre#' ph#r'#cy bec#'e # re#li!y.......................................................................... B$sin* !he subconscious 'ind in business..................................................................... B9oy of si!een ye#rs !urns f#ilure in!o success ............................................................. 6o !o beco'e successful in buyin* #nd sellin* ......................................................... 6o she succeeded in *e!!in* h#! she #n!ed........................................................... C

    " success !echni0ue e'ployed by '#ny ou!s!#ndin* eecu!i%es #nd business'en..... Profi!#ble poin!ers.........................................................................................................  5h#p!er @3 Scien!is!s $se !he Subconscious Mind ...................................................... C@

    6o # dis!in*uished scien!is! brou*h! for!h his in%en!ions.......................................... C@6o # f#'ous n#!ur#lis! sol%ed his proble'................................................................ C@"n ou!s!#ndin* physici#n sol%ed !he proble' of di#be!es............................................ C36o # f#'ous scien!is! #nd physicis! esc#ped fro' # Russi#n concen!r#!ion c#'p.... C36o #rch#eolo*is!s #nd p#leon!olo*is!s recons!ruc! #ncien! scenes ............................ C:6o !o recei%e *uid#nce fro' your subconscious ....................................................... C:

    P#*e Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    6is subconscious re%e#led !he loc#!ion of his f#!her/s ill .......................................... C;The secre! of *uid#nce.................................................................................................. C?6i*hli*h!s !o rec#ll........................................................................................................ C? 5h#p!er @: Your Subconscious #nd !he Wonders of Sleep .......................................... C

    Why e sleep................................................................................................................ CPr#yer, # for' of sleep.................................................................................................. C

    S!#r!lin* effec!s of sleep depri%#!ion ............................................................................ CYou need 'ore sleep..................................................................................................... CCSleep brin*s counsel...................................................................................................... CCS#%ed fro' cer!#in dis#s!er........................................................................................... CCYour fu!ure is in your subconscious 'ind.................................................................... C" c#! n#p ne!s hi' @?,........................................................................................... C6o # f#'ous professor sol%ed his proble' in sleep................................................... 6o !he subconscious or(ed for # f#'ous ri!er hile he slep!............................... Sleep in pe#ce #nd #(e in -oy ..................................................................................... @Su''#ry of your #ids !o !he onders of sleep............................................................. @ 

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    5h#p!er @; Your Subconscious Mind #nd M#ri!#l Proble's ........................................ :

    The 'e#nin* of '#rri#*e .............................................................................................. :6o !o #!!r#c! !he ide#l husb#nd................................................................................... :6o !o #!!r#c! !he ide#l ife......................................................................................... ; Ao need for !hird 'is!#(e ............................................................................................. ;6o she bro(e !he ne*#!i%e p#!!ern.............................................................................. ;The #nser !o her pr#yer............................................................................................... ?

    Should & *e! # di%orce ................................................................................................. ?Drif!in* in!o di%orce..................................................................................................... ?Di%orce be*ins in !he 'ind........................................................................................... BThe n#**in* ife .......................................................................................................... BThe broodin* husb#nd................................................................................................... BThe *re#! 'is!#(e.......................................................................................................... Don/! !ry !o '#(e your ife o%er.................................................................................. Pr#y !o*e!her #nd s!#y !o*e!her !hrou*h s!eps in pr#yer............................................... Re%ie your #c!ions...................................................................................................... C P#*e @ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    5h#p!er @? Your Subconscious Mind #nd Your 6#ppiness .......................................@

    You 'us! choose h#ppiness........................................................................................ @6o !o choose h#ppiness............................................................................................ @6e '#de i! # h#bi! !o be h#ppy.................................................................................... @@You 'us! desire !o be h#ppy....................................................................................... @@Why choose unh#ppiness .......................................................................................... @@&f & h#d # 'illion doll#rs, & ould be h#ppy................................................................ @@6e found h#ppiness !o be !he h#r%es! of # 0uie! 'ind ................................................ @3The bloc( or s!u'p is no! re#lly !here ........................................................................ @3

    The h#ppies! people .................................................................................................... @:Su''#ry of s!eps !o h#ppiness................................................................................... @: 5h#p!er @B Your Subconscious Mind #nd 6#r'onious 6u'#n Rel#!ions ................ @?

    The '#s!er (ey !o h#ppy rel#!ionships i!h o!hers..................................................... @?"nd i!h h#! 'e#sure ye 'e!e, i! sh#ll be 'e#sured !o you #*#in.......................... @?The d#ily he#dlines '#de hi' sic(............................................................................. @?& h#!e o'en, bu! & li(e 'en....................................................................................... @B6is inner speech held b#c( his pro'o!ion .................................................................. @9eco'in* e'o!ion#lly '#!ure.................................................................................... @C

    The 'e#nin* of lo%e in h#r'onious hu'#n rel#!ions................................................. @C6e h#!ed #udiences..................................................................................................... @C6#ndlin* difficul! people............................................................................................ @CMisery lo%es co'p#ny ................................................................................................ @The pr#c!ice of e'p#!hy in hu'#n rel#!ions............................................................... @"ppe#se'en! ne%er ins............................................................................................ @Profi!#ble poin!ers in hu'#n rel#!ions ........................................................................ @@ 5h#p!er @ 6o !o $se Your Subconscious Mind for For*i%eness........................... @@3

    Life #l#ys for*i%es you............................................................................................. @@3

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    6o he b#nished !h#! feelin* of *uil! ......................................................................... @@3" 'urderer le#rned !o for*i%e hi'self........................................................................ @@:5ri!icis' c#nno! hur! you i!hou! your consen!......................................................... @@;6o !o be co'p#ssion#!e ........................................................................................... @@;Lef! #! !he #l!#r ............................................................................................................ @@;&! is ron* !o '#rry. Se is e%il #nd & #' e%il............................................................ @@;For*i%eness is necess#ry for he#lin*........................................................................... @@?For*i%eness is lo%e in #c!ion....................................................................................... @@?

    Techni0ue of for*i%eness............................................................................................ @@?P#*e @@ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious MindThe #cid !es! for for*i%eness ....................................................................................... @@BTo unders!#nd #ll is !o for*i%e #ll ............................................................................... @@BSu''#ry of your #ids !o for*i%eness ......................................................................... @@B 5h#p!er @C 6o Your Subconscious Re'o%es Men!#l 9loc(s ................................. @@C

    6o !o bre#( or build # h#bi! ..................................................................................... @@C6o he bro(e # b#d h#bi! ........................................................................................... @@CThe poer of his 'en!#l pic!ure ................................................................................. @@C

    Focused #!!en!ion........................................................................................................ @@6e s#id # -in #s folloin* hi' ............................................................................... @@6o 'uch do you #n! h#! you #n!.................................................................... @3Why he could no! be he#led........................................................................................ @3The epl#n#!ion #nd !he cure....................................................................................... @3Refusin* !o #d'i! i!..................................................................................................... @3@9uildin* in !he ide# of freedo' .................................................................................. @3@Fif!y)one percen! he#led ............................................................................................. @3@The l# of subs!i!u!ion................................................................................................ @3@5#use of #lcoholis'.................................................................................................... @33Three '#*ic s!eps ....................................................................................................... @33

    >eep on (eepin* on .................................................................................................... @33Re%ie your !hou*h! poer........................................................................................ @33 5h#p!er @ 6o !o $se Your Subconscious Mind !o Re'o%e Fe#r.......................... @3;

    M#n/s *re#!es! ene'y.................................................................................................. @3;Do !he !hin* you fe#r.................................................................................................. @3;9#nishin* s!#*e fri*h! ................................................................................................ @3;Fe#r of f#ilure.............................................................................................................. @3?6o he o%erc#'e !he fe#r .......................................................................................... @3?Fe#r of #!er, 'oun!#ins, closed pl#ces, e!c............................................................... @3?

    M#s!er !echni0ue for o%erco'in* #ny p#r!icul#r fe#r................................................. @3B6e blessed !he ele%#!or............................................................................................... @3B Aor'#l #nd #bnor'#l fe#r .......................................................................................... @3B"bnor'#l fe#r ............................................................................................................. @3The #nser !o #bnor'#l fe#r....................................................................................... @3E#'ine your fe#rs..................................................................................................... @36e l#nded in !he -un*le............................................................................................... @3

    P#*e @3 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    6e dis'issed hi'self.................................................................................................. @3C

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    They plo!!ed #*#ins! hi'............................................................................................. @3CDeli%er yourself fro' #ll your fe#rs............................................................................ @3CS!ep !his #y !o freedo' fro' fe#r............................................................................. @3C 5h#p!er 3 6o !o S!#y Youn* in Spiri! Fore%er ....................................................... @:@

    6e h#d *ron old in his !hou*h! life........................................................................... @:@"*e is !he d#n of isdo'......................................................................................... @:@

    Welco'e !he ch#n*e.................................................................................................... @:@E%idence for sur%i%#l................................................................................................... @:3Life is........................................................................................................................... @:3Mind #nd spiri! do no! *ro old................................................................................. @:3You #re #s youn* #s you !hin( you #re....................................................................... @::Your *r#y h#irs #re #n #sse!........................................................................................ @::"*e is #n #sse!............................................................................................................. @::9e your #*e................................................................................................................. @::& c#n (eep up i!h !he bes! of !he' ............................................................................ @::Fe#r of old #*e ............................................................................................................ @:;You 6#%e 'uch !o *i%e .............................................................................................. @:;

    One hundred #nd !en ye#rs old.................................................................................... @:;Re!ire'en!) # ne %en!ure.......................................................................................... @:;6e *r#du#!ed !o # be!!er -ob ........................................................................................ @:;You 'us! be # producer #nd no! # prisoner of socie!y................................................ @:?Secre! of you!h ............................................................................................................ @:?2e! # %ision................................................................................................................. @:BYour 'ind does no! *ro old ..................................................................................... @:B6is 'ind #c!i%e #! nine!y)nine .................................................................................... @:BWe need our senior ci!i7ens ........................................................................................ @:BThe frui!s of old #*e.................................................................................................... @:Profi!#ble poin!ers....................................................................................................... @:

    P#*e @: Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    @ The Tre#sure 6ouse Wi!hin You &nfini!e riches #re #ll #round you if you ill open your 'en!#l eyes #nd behold !he !re#sure house of infini!y i!hin you. There is # *old 'ine i!hin you fro' hich you c#n e!r#c!e%ery!hin* you need !o li%e life *loriously, -oyously, #nd #bund#n!ly. M#ny #re sound #sleep bec#use !hey dono! (no #bou! !his *old 'ine of infini!e in!elli*ence #nd boundless lo%e i!hin !he'sel%es. Wh#!e%er you#n!, you c#n dr# for!h. " '#*ne!i7ed piece of s!eel ill lif! #bou! !el%e !i'es i!s on ei*h!, #nd if youde'#*ne!i7e !his s#'e piece of s!eel, i! ill no! e%en lif! # fe#!her. Si'il#rly, !here #re !o !ypes of 'en. Thereis !he '#*ne!i7ed '#n ho is full of confidence #nd f#i!h. 6e (nos !h#! he is born !o in #nd !o succeed.

    Then, !here is !he !ype of '#n ho is de'#*ne!i7ed. 6e is full of fe#rs #nd doub!s. Oppor!uni!ies co'e, #nd hes#ys, 8& 'i*h! f#il+ & 'i*h! lose 'y 'oney+ people ill l#u*h #! 'e.8 This !ype of '#n ill no! *e! %ery f#r inlife bec#use, if he is #fr#id !o *o for#rd, he ill si'ply s!#y here he is. 9eco'e # '#*ne!i7ed '#n #nddisco%er !he '#s!er secre! of !he #*es.

    The '#s!er secre! of !he #*es. Wh#!, in your opinion, is !he '#s!er secre! of !he #*es The secre! of #!o'icener*y Ther'onucle#r ener*y The neu!ron bo'b &n!erpl#ne!#ry !r#%el Ao))no! #ny of !hese. Then, h#! is!his '#s!er secre! Where c#n one find i!, #nd ho c#n i! be con!#c!ed #nd brou*h! in!o #c!ion The #nser ise!r#ordin#rily si'ple. This secre! is !he '#r%elous, 'ir#cle or(in* poer found in your on subconscious'ind, !he l#s! pl#ce !h#! 'os! people ould see( i!.

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    The '#r%elous poer of your subconscious You c#n brin* in!o your life 'ore poer, 'ore e#l!h, 'ore he#l!h,'ore h#ppiness, #nd 'ore -oy by le#rnin* !o con!#c! #nd rele#se !he hidden poer of your subconscious 'ind.You need no! #c0uire !his poer+ you #lre#dy possess i!. 9u!, you #n! !o le#rn ho !o use i!+ you #n! !ounders!#nd i! so !h#! you c#n #pply i! in #ll dep#r!'en!s of your life. "s you follo !he si'ple !echni0ues #nd processes se! for!h in !his boo(, you c#n *#in !he necess#ry (noled*e #nd unders!#ndin*. " ne li*h! c#ninspire you, #nd you c#n *ener#!e # ne force en#blin* you !o re#li7e your hopes #nd '#(e #ll your dre#'sco'e !rue. Decide no !o '#(e your life *r#nder, *re#!er, richer, #nd nobler !h#n e%er before. Wi!hin yoursubconscious dep!hs lie infini!e isdo', infini!e poer, #nd infini!e supply of #ll !h#! is necess#ry, hich is

    #i!in* for de%elop'en! #nd epression. 9e*in no !o reco*ni7e !hese po!en!i#li!ies of your deeper 'ind, #nd!hey ill !#(e for' in !he orld i!hou!. The infini!e in!elli*ence i!hin your subconscious 'ind c#n re%e#l !oyou e%ery!hin* you need !o (no #! e%ery 'o'en! of !i'e #nd poin! of sp#ce pro%ided you #re open)'inded#nd recep!i%e. You c#n recei%e ne !hou*h!s #nd ide#s en#blin* you !o brin* for!h ne in%en!ions, '#(e nedisco%eries, or ri!e boo(s #nd pl#ys. Moreo%er, !he infini!e in!elli*ence in your subconscious c#n i'p#r! !o youonderful (inds of (noled*e of #n ori*in#l n#!ure. &! c#n re%e#l !o you #nd open !he #y for perfec!epression #nd !rue pl#ce in your life. Throu*h !he isdo' of your subconscious 'ind you c#n #!!r#c! !he ide#lco'p#nion, #s ell #s !he ri*h! business #ssoci#!e or p#r!ner. &! c#n find !he ri*h! buyer for your ho'e,

    P#*e @; Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    #nd pro%ide you i!h #ll !he 'oney you need, #nd !he fin#nci#l freedo' !o be, !o do, #nd !o *o, #s your he#r!desires. &! is your ri*h! !o disco%er !his inner orld of !hou*h!, feelin*, #nd poer, of li*h!, lo%e, #nd be#u!y.Thou*h in%isible, i!s forces #re 'i*h!y. Wi!hin your subconscious 'ind you ill find !he solu!ion for e%ery proble', #nd !he c#use for e%ery effec!. 9ec#use you c#n dr# ou! !he hidden poers, you co'e in!o #c!u#l possession of !he poer #nd isdo' necess#ry !o 'o%e for#rd in #bund#nce, securi!y, -oy, #nd do'inion. &h#%e seen !he poer of !he subconscious lif! people up ou! of crippled s!#!es, '#(in* !he' hole, %i!#l, #nds!ron* once 'ore, #nd free !o *o ou! in!o !he orld !o eperience h#ppiness, he#l!h, #nd -oyous epression.There is # 'ir#culous he#lin* poer in your subconscious !h#! c#n he#l !he !roubled 'ind #nd !he bro(en he#r!.&! c#n open !he prison door of !he 'ind #nd liber#!e you. &! c#n free you fro' #ll (inds of '#!eri#l #nd physic#l bond#*e.

     Aecessi!y of # or(in* b#sis Subs!#n!i#l pro*ress in #ny field of ende#%or is i'possible in !he #bsence of #or(in* b#sis, hich is uni%ers#l in i!s #pplic#!ion. You c#n beco'e s(illed in !he oper#!ion of yoursubconscious 'ind. You c#n pr#c!ice i!s poers i!h # cer!#in!y of resul!s in e#c! propor!ion !o your(noled*e of i!s principles #nd !o your #pplic#!ion of !he' for defini!e specific purposes #nd *o#ls you ish !o#chie%e. 9ein* # for'er che'is!, & ould li(e !o poin! ou! !h#! if you co'bine hydro*en #nd oy*en in !he propor!ions of !o #!o's of !he for'er !o one of !he l#!!er, #!er ould be !he resul!. You #re %ery f#'ili#r i!h!he f#c! !h#! one #!o' of oy*en #nd one #!o' of c#rbon ill produce c#rbon 'onoide, # poisonous *#s. 9u!,if you #dd #no!her #!o' of oy*en, you ill *e! c#rbon dioide, # h#r'less *#s, #nd so on !hrou*hou! !he %#s!re#l' of che'ic#l co'pounds. You 'us! no! !hin( !h#! !he principles of che'is!ry, physics, #nd '#!he'#!icsdiffer fro' !he principles of your subconscious 'ind. Le! us consider # *ener#lly #ccep!ed principle4 8W#!ersee(s i!s on le%el.8 This is # uni%ers#l principle, hich is #pplic#ble !o #!er e%eryhere. 5onsider #no!her

     principle4 8M#!!er ep#nds hen he#!ed.8 This is !rue #nyhere, #! #ny !i'e, #nd under #ll circu's!#nces. Youc#n he#! # piece of s!eel, #nd i! ill ep#nd re*#rdless he!her !he s!eel is found in 5hin#, En*l#nd, or &ndi#. &!is # uni%ers#l !ru!h !h#! '#!!er ep#nds hen he#!ed. &! is #lso # uni%ers#l !ru!h !h#! h#!e%er you i'press onyour subconscious 'ind is epressed on !he screen of sp#ce #s condi!ion, eperience, #nd e%en!. Your pr#yer is#nsered bec#use your subconscious 'ind is principle, #nd by principle & 'e#n !he #y # !hin* or(s. Fore#'ple, !he principle of elec!rici!y is !h#! i! or(s fro' # hi*her !o # loer po!en!i#l. You do no! ch#n*e !he principle of elec!rici!y hen you use i!, bu! by cooper#!in* i!h n#!ure, you c#n brin* for!h '#r%elousin%en!ions #nd disco%eries, hich bless hu'#ni!y in coun!less #ys. Your subconscious 'ind is principle #ndor(s #ccordin* !o !he l# of belief. You 'us! (no h#! belief is, hy i! or(s, #nd ho i! or(s. Your 9ibles#ys in # si'ple, cle#r, #nd be#u!iful #y4 Whosoe%er sh#ll s#y un!o !his 'oun!#in, 9e !hou re'o%ed, #nd be

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    !hou c#s! in!o !he se#+ #nd sh#ll no! doub! in his he#r!, bu! sh#ll belie%e !h#! !hose !hin*s hich he s#i!h sh#llco'e !o p#ss+ he sh#ll h#%e h#!soe%er he s#i!h. M"R> @@43:.

    P#*e @? Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    The l# of your 'ind is !he l# of belief. This 'e#ns !o belie%e in !he #y your 'ind or(s, !o belie%e in belief i!self. The belief of your 'ind is !he !hou*h! of your 'ind)) !h#! is si'ple))-us! !h#! #nd no!hin* else. "ll

    your eperiences, e%en!s, condi!ions, #nd #c!s #re !he re#c!ions of your subconscious 'ind !o your !hou*h!s.Re'e'ber, i! is no! !he !hin* belie%ed in, bu! !he belief in your on 'ind, hich brin*s #bou! !he resul!. 5e#se belie%in* in !he f#lse beliefs, opinions, supers!i!ions, #nd fe#rs of '#n(ind. 9e*in !o belie%e in !he e!ern#l%eri!ies #nd !ru!hs of life, hich ne%er ch#n*e. Then, you ill 'o%e on#rd, up#rd, #nd 2od#rd. Whoe%erre#ds !his boo( #nd #pplies !he principles of !he subconscious 'ind herein se! for!h+ ill be #ble !o pr#yscien!ific#lly #nd effec!i%ely for hi'self #nd for o!hers. Your pr#yer is #nsered #ccordin* !o !he uni%ers#l l#of #c!ion #nd re#c!ion. Thou*h! is incipien! #c!ion. The re#c!ion is !he response fro' your subconscious 'indhich corresponds i!h !he n#!ure of your !hou*h!. 9usy your 'ind i!h !he concep!s of h#r'ony, he#l!h, pe#ce, #nd *ood ill, #nd onders ill h#ppen in your life.

    The du#li!y of 'ind You h#%e only one 'ind, bu! your 'ind possesses !o dis!inc!i%e ch#r#c!eris!ics. The line

    of de'#rc#!ion be!een !he !o is ell (non !o #ll !hin(in* 'en #nd o'en !od#y. The !o func!ions of your'ind #re essen!i#lly unli(e. E#ch is endoed i!h sep#r#!e #nd dis!inc! #!!ribu!es #nd poers. The no'encl#!ure*ener#lly used !o dis!in*uish !he !o func!ions of your 'ind is #s follos4 The ob-ec!i%e #nd sub-ec!i%e 'ind,!he conscious #nd subconscious 'ind, !he #(in* #nd sleepin* 'ind, !he surf#ce self #nd !he deep self, !he%olun!#ry 'ind #nd !he in%olun!#ry 'ind, !he '#le #nd !he fe'#le, #nd '#ny o!her !er's. You ill find !he!er's 8conscious8 #nd 8subconscious8 used !o represen! !he du#l n#!ure of your 'ind !hrou*hou! !his boo(.

    The conscious #nd subconscious 'inds "n ecellen! #y !o *e! #c0u#in!ed i!h !he !o func!ions of your 'indis !o loo( upon your on 'ind #s # *#rden. You #re # *#rdener, #nd you #re pl#n!in* seeds

    P#*e @B Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    Loo( #round you here%er you li%e #nd you ill no!ice !h#! !he %#s! '#-ori!y of '#n(ind li%es in !he orldi!hou!+ !he 'ore enli*h!ened 'en #re in!ensely in!eres!ed in !he orld i!hin. Re'e'ber, i! is !he orldi!hin, n#'ely, your !hou*h!s, feelin*s, #nd i'#*ery !h#! '#(es your orld i!hou!. &! is, !herefore, !he onlycre#!i%e poer, #nd e%ery!hin*, hich you find in your orld of epression, h#s been cre#!ed by you in !heinner orld of your 'ind consciously or unconsciously. >noled*e of !he in!er#c!ion of your conscious #ndsubconscious 'inds ill en#ble you !o !r#nsfor' your hole life. &n order !o ch#n*e e!ern#l condi!ions, you'us! ch#n*e !he c#use. Mos! 'en !ry !o ch#n*e condi!ions #nd circu's!#nces by or(in* i!h condi!ions #ndcircu's!#nces. To re'o%e discord, confusion, l#c(, #nd li'i!#!ion, you 'us! re'o%e !he c#use, #nd !he c#use is

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    !he #y you #re usin* your conscious 'ind. &n o!her ords, !he #y you #re !hin(in* #nd pic!urin* in your'ind. You #re li%in* in # f#!ho'less se# of infini!e riches. Your subconscious is %ery sensi!i%e !o your !hou*h!s.Your !hou*h!s for' !he 'old or '#!ri !hrou*h hich !he infini!e in!elli*ence, isdo', %i!#l forces, #ndener*ies of your subconscious flo. The pr#c!ic#l #pplic#!ion of !he l#s of your 'ind #s illus!r#!ed in e#chch#p!er of !his boo( ill c#use you !o eperience #bund#nce for po%er!y, isdo' for supers!i!ion #nd i*nor#nce, pe#ce for p#in, -oy for s#dness, li*h! for d#r(ness, h#r'ony for discord, f#i!h #nd confidence for fe#r, successfor f#ilure, #nd freedo' fro' !he l# of #%er#*es. 5er!#inly, !here c#n be no 'ore onderful blessin* !h#n !hesefro' # 'en!#l, e'o!ion#l, #nd '#!eri#l s!#ndpoin!. Mos! of !he *re#! scien!is!s, #r!is!s, poe!s, sin*ers, ri!ers,

    #nd in%en!ors h#%e # deep unders!#ndin* of !he or(in*s of !he conscious #nd subconscious 'inds. One !i'e5#ruso, !he *re#! oper#!ic !enor, #s s!ruc( i!h s!#*e fri*h!. 6e s#id his !hro#! #s p#r#ly7ed due !o sp#s'sc#used by in!ense fe#r, hich cons!ric!ed !he 'uscles of his !hro#!. Perspir#!ion poured copiously don his f#ce6e #s #sh#'ed bec#use in # fe 'inu!es he h#d !o *o ou! on !he s!#*e, ye! he #s sh#(in* i!h fe#r #nd!repid#!ion. 6e s#id, 8They ill l#u*h #! 'e. & c#n/! sin*.8 Then he shou!ed in !he presence of !hose behind !hes!#*e, 8The Li!!le Me #n!s !o s!r#n*le !he 9i* Me i!hin.8 6e s#id !o !he Li!!le Me, 82e! ou! of here, !he 9i*Me #n!s !o sin* !hrou*h 'e.8 9y !he 9i* Me, he 'e#n! !he li'i!less poer #nd isdo' of his subconscious'ind, #nd he be*#n !o shou!, 82e! ou!, *e! ou!, !he 9i* Me is *oin* !o sin*18 6is subconscious 'ind respondedrele#sin* !he %i!#l forces i!hin hi'. When !he c#ll c#'e, he #l(ed ou! on !he s!#*e #nd s#n* *loriously #nd'#-es!ic#lly, en!hr#llin* !he #udience.

    &! is ob%ious !o you no !h#! 5#ruso 'us! h#%e unders!ood !he !o le%els of 'ind))!he conscious or r#!ion#l,#nd !he subconscious or irr#!ion#l le%el. Your subconscious 'ind is re#c!i%e #nd responds !o !he n#!ure of your!hou*h!s. When your conscious 'ind

    P#*e @ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    &! is f#scin#!in* #nd in!ensely in!eres!in* !o obser%e ho you c#n spe#( #u!hori!#!i%ely #nd i!h con%ic!ion !o

    !he irr#!ion#l 'o%e'en! of your deeper self brin*in* silence, h#r'ony, #nd pe#ce !o your 'ind. Thesubconscious is sub-ec! !o !he conscious 'ind, #nd !h#! is hy i! is c#lled subconscious or sub-ec!i%e.

    Ou!s!#ndin* differences #nd 'odes of oper#!ion You ill percei%e !he '#in differences by !he folloin*illus!r#!ions4 The conscious 'ind is li(e !he n#%i*#!or or c#p!#in #! !he brid*e of # ship. 6e direc!s !he ship #ndsi*n#ls orders !o 'en in !he en*ine roo', ho in !urn con!rol #ll !he boilers, ins!ru'en!s, *#u*es, e!c. The 'enin !he en*ine roo' do no! (no here !hey #re *oin*+ !hey follo orders. They ould *o on !he roc(s if !he'#n on !he brid*e issued f#ul!y or ron* ins!ruc!ions b#sed on his findin*s i!h !he co'p#ss, se!#n!, or o!herins!ru'en!s. The 'en in !he en*ine roo' obey hi' bec#use he is in ch#r*e #nd issues orders, hich #re#u!o'#!ic#lly obeyed. Me'bers of !he cre do no! !#l( b#c( !o !he c#p!#in+ !hey si'ply c#rry ou! orders. Thec#p!#in is !he '#s!er of his ship, #nd his decrees #re c#rried ou!. Li(eise, your conscious 'ind is !he c#p!#in

    #nd !he '#s!er of your ship, hich represen!s your body, en%iron'en!, #nd #ll your #ff#irs. Your subconscious'ind !#(es !he orders you *i%e i! b#sed upon h#! your conscious 'ind belie%es #nd #ccep!s #s !rue. When yourepe#!edly s#y !o people, 8& c#n/! #fford i!,8 !hen your subconscious 'ind !#(es you #! your ord #nd sees !o i!!h#! you ill no! be in # posi!ion !o purch#se h#! you #n!. "s lon* #s you persis! in s#yin*, 8& c#n/! #fford !h#!c#r, !h#! !rip !o Europe, !h#! ho'e, !h#! fur co#! or er'ine r#p,8 you c#n res! #ssured !h#! your subconscious'ind ill follo your orders, #nd you ill *o !hrou*h life eperiencin* !he l#c( of #ll !hese !hin*s. L#s!5hris!'#s E%e # be#u!iful youn* uni%ersi!y s!uden! loo(ed #! #n #!!r#c!i%e #nd r#!her epensi%e !r#%elin* b#* in# s!ore indo. She #s *oin* ho'e !o 9uff#lo, Ae Yor(, for !he holid#ys. She #s #bou! !o s#y, 8& c#n/!#fford !h#! b#*,8 hen she rec#lled so'e!hin* she h#d he#rd #! one of 'y lec!ures hich #s, 8Ae%er finish #ne*#!i%e s!#!e'en!+ re%erse i! i''edi#!ely, #nd onders ill h#ppen in your life.8 She s#id, 8Th#! b#* is 'ine.&! is for s#le. & #ccep! i! 'en!#lly, #nd 'y subconscious sees !o i! !h#! & recei%e i!.8 "! ei*h! o/cloc( 5hris!'#s

  • 8/13/2019 The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind-E-2


    E%e her fi#ncé presen!ed her i!h # b#* e#c!ly !he s#'e #s !he one she h#d loo(ed #! #nd 'en!#lly iden!ifiedherself i!h #! !en o/cloc( !he s#'e 'ornin*. She h#d filled her 'ind i!h !he !hou*h! of epec!#ncy #ndrele#sed !he hole !hin* !o her deeper 'ind, hich h#s !he 8(noho8 of #cco'plish'en!. This youn* *irl, #s!uden! #! !he $ni%ersi!y of Sou!hern 5#liforni#, s#id !o 'e, 8& didn/! h#%e !he 'oney !o buy !h#! b#*, bu! no &(no here !o find 'oney #nd #ll !he !hin*s & need, #nd !h#! is in !he !re#sure house of e!erni!y i!hin 'e.8"no!her si'ple illus!r#!ion is !his4 When you s#y, 8& do no! li(e 'ushroo's,8 #nd !he occ#sion subse0uen!lyco'es !h#! you #re ser%ed 'ushroo's in s#uces or s#l#ds, you ill *e! indi*es!ion bec#use your subconscious'ind s#ys !o you, 8The boss

    P#*e @ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    h#! you #n! !o do. "ffir', 8& c#n do #ll !hin*s !hrou*h !he poer of 'y subconscious 'ind.8 . The l# oflife is !he l# of belief. " belief is # !hou*h! in your 'ind. Do no! belie%e in !hin*s !o h#r' or hur! you. 9elie%e

  • 8/13/2019 The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind-E-2


    in !he poer of your subconscious !o he#l, inspire, s!ren*!hen, #nd prosper you. "ccordin* !o your belief is i!done un!o you. @. 5h#n*e your !hou*h!s, #nd you ch#n*e your des!iny.

    P#*e 3 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    3 6o Your On Mind Wor(s You h#%e # 'ind, #nd you should le#rn ho !o use i!. There #re !o le%els ofyour 'ind))!he conscious or r#!ion#l le%el, #nd !he subconscious or irr#!ion#l le%el. You !hin( i!h your

    conscious 'ind, #nd h#!e%er you h#bi!u#lly !hin( sin(s don in!o your subconscious 'ind, hich cre#!es#ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of your !hou*h!s. Your subconscious 'ind is !he se#! of your e'o!ions #nd is !hecre#!i%e 'ind. &f you !hin( *ood, *ood ill follo+ if you !hin( e%il, e%il ill follo. This is !he #y your 'indor(s. The '#in poin! !o re'e'ber is once !he subconscious 'ind #ccep!s #n ide#, i! be*ins !o eecu!e i!. &! is#n in!eres!in* #nd sub!le !ru!h !h#! !he l# of !he subconscious 'ind or(s for *ood #nd b#d ide#s #li(e. Thisl#, hen #pplied in # ne*#!i%e #y, is !he c#use of f#ilure, frus!r#!ion, #nd unh#ppiness. 6oe%er, hen yourh#bi!u#l !hin(in* is h#r'onious #nd cons!ruc!i%e, you eperience perfec! he#l!h, success, #nd prosperi!y. Pe#ceof 'ind #nd # he#l!hy body #re ine%i!#ble hen you be*in !o !hin( #nd feel in !he ri*h! #y. Wh#!e%er youcl#i' 'en!#lly #nd feel #s !rue, your subconscious 'ind ill #ccep! #nd brin* for!h in!o your eperience. Theonly !hin* necess#ry for you !o do is !o *e! your subconscious 'ind !o #ccep! your ide#, #nd !he l# of youron subconscious 'ind ill brin* for!h !he he#l!h, pe#ce, or !he posi!ion you desire. You *i%e !he co''#nd or

    decree, #nd your subconscious ill f#i!hfully reproduce !he ide# i'pressed upon i!. The l# of your 'ind is!his4 You ill *e! # re#c!ion or response fro' your subconscious 'ind #ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of !he !hou*h! oride# you hold in your conscious 'ind. Psycholo*is!s #nd psychi#!ris!s poin! ou! !h#! hen !hou*h!s #recon%eyed !o your subconscious 'ind, i'pressions #re '#de in !he br#in cells. "s soon #s your subconscious#ccep!s #ny ide#, i! proceeds !o pu! i! in!o effec! i''edi#!ely. &! or(s by #ssoci#!ion of ide#s #nd uses e%ery bi!of (noled*e !h#! you h#%e *#!hered in your life!i'e !o brin* #bou! i!s purpose. &! dr#s on !he infini!e poer,ener*y, #nd isdo' i!hin you. &! lines up #ll !he l#s of n#!ure !o *e! i!s #y. So'e!i'es i! see's !o brin*#bou! #n i''edi#!e solu!ion !o your difficul!ies, bu! #! o!her !i'es i! '#y !#(e d#ys, ee(s, or lon*er. . . . &!s#ys #re p#s! findin* ou!.

    5onscious #nd subconscious !er's differen!i#!ed You 'us! re'e'ber !h#! !hese #re no! !o 'inds. They #re

    'erely !o spheres of #c!i%i!y i!hin one 'ind. Your conscious 'ind is !he re#sonin* 'ind. &! is !h#! ph#se of'ind, hich chooses. For e#'ple, you choose your boo(s, your ho'e, #nd your p#r!ner in life. You '#(e #llyour decisions i!h your conscious 'ind. On !he o!her h#nd, i!hou! #ny conscious choice on your p#r!, yourhe#r! is (ep! func!ionin* #u!o'#!ic#lly, #nd !he process of di*es!ion, circul#!ion, #nd bre#!hin* #re c#rried on byyour subconscious 'ind !hrou*h processes independen! of your conscious con!rol.

    Your subconscious 'ind #ccep!s h#! is i'pressed upon i! or h#! you consciously belie%e. &! does no! re#son!hin*s ou! li(e your conscious 'ind, #nd i! does no! #r*ue i!h you con!ro%ersi#lly. Your subconscious 'ind isli(e !he soil, hich #ccep!s #ny (ind of seed, *ood or b#d. Your !hou*h!s #re #c!i%e #nd 'i*h! be li(ened un!oseeds. Ae*#!i%e, des!ruc!i%e !hou*h!s con!inue !o or( ne*#!i%ely in your subconscious 'ind, #nd in due !i'eill co'e for!h in!o ou!er eperience hich corresponds i!h !he'.

    P#*e 3@ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    Re'e'ber, your subconscious 'ind does no! en*#*e in pro%in* he!her your !hou*h!s #re *ood or b#d, !rue orf#lse, bu! i! responds #ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of your !hou*h!s or su**es!ions. For e#'ple, if you consciously#ssu'e so'e!hin* #s !rue, e%en !hou*h i! '#y be f#lse, your subconscious 'ind ill #ccep! i! #s !rue #nd proceed !o brin* #bou! resul!s, hich 'us! necess#rily follo, bec#use you consciously #ssu'ed i! !o be !rue.

    Eperi'en!s by psycholo*is!s &nnu'er#ble eperi'en!s by psycholo*is!s #nd o!hers on persons in !he hypno!ics!#!e h#%e shon !h#! !he subconscious 'ind is inc#p#ble of '#(in* selec!ions #nd co'p#risons, hich #renecess#ry for # re#sonin* process. They h#%e shon repe#!edly !h#! your subconscious 'ind ill #ccep! #ny

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    su**es!ions, hoe%er f#lse. 6#%in* once #ccep!ed #ny su**es!ion, i! responds #ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of !hesu**es!ion *i%en. To illus!r#!e !he #'en#bili!y of your subconscious 'ind !o su**es!ion, if # pr#c!iced hypno!is!su**es!s !o one of his sub-ec!s !h#! he is A#poleon 9on#p#r!e, or e%en # c#! or # do*, he ill #c! ou! !he p#r!i!h ini'i!#ble #ccur#cy. 6is person#li!y beco'es ch#n*ed for !he !i'e bein*. 6e belie%es hi'self !o beh#!e%er !he oper#!or !ells hi' he is. " s(illed hypno!is! '#y su**es! !o one of his s!uden!s in !he hypno!ic s!#!e!h#! his b#c( i!ches, !o #no!her !h#! his nose is bleedin*, !o #no!her !h#! he is # '#rble s!#!ue, !o #no!her !h#! heis free7in* #nd !he !e'per#!ure is belo 7ero. E#ch one ill follo ou! !he line of his p#r!icul#r su**es!ion,!o!#lly obli%ious !o #ll his surroundin*s, hich do no! per!#in !o his ide#. These si'ple illus!r#!ions por!r#y

    cle#rly !he difference be!een your conscious re#sonin* 'ind #nd your subconscious 'ind, hich isi'person#l, nonselec!i%e, #nd #ccep!s #s !rue h#!e%er your conscious 'ind belie%es !o be !rue. 6ence, !hei'por!#nce of selec!in* !hou*h!s, ide#s, #nd pre'ises, hich bless, he#l, inspire, #nd fill your soul i!h -oy.

    The !er's ob-ec!i%e #nd sub-ec!i%e 'ind cl#rified Your conscious 'ind is so'e!i'es referred !o #s yourob-ec!i%e 'ind bec#use i! de#ls i!h ou!#rd ob-ec!s. The ob-ec!i%e 'ind !#(es co*ni7#nce of !he ob-ec!i%eorld. &!s 'edi# of obser%#!ion #re your fi%e physic#l senses. Your ob-ec!i%e 'ind is your *uide #nd direc!or inyour con!#c! i!h your en%iron'en!. You *#in (noled*e !hrou*h your fi%e senses. Your ob-ec!i%e 'ind le#rns!hrou*h obser%#!ion, eperience, #nd educ#!ion. "s pre%iously poin!ed ou!, !he *re#!es! func!ion of !he ob-ec!i%e'ind is !h#! of re#sonin*. Suppose you #re one of !he !hous#nds of !ouris!s ho co'e !o Los "n*eles #nnu#lly.You ould co'e !o !he conclusion !h#! i! is # be#u!iful ci!y b#sed upon your obser%#!ion of !he p#r(s, pre!!y

    *#rdens, '#-es!ic buildin*s, #nd lo%ely ho'es. This is !he or(in* of your ob-ec!i%e 'ind. Your subconscious'ind is of!en!i'es referred !o #s your sub-ec!i%e 'ind. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind !#(es co*ni7#nce of i!sen%iron'en! by 'e#ns independen! of !he fi%e senses. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind percei%es by in!ui!ion. &! is !he se#!of your e'o!ion #nd !he s!orehouse of 'e'ory. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind perfor's i!s hi*hes! func!ions hen yourob-ec!i%e senses #re in #bey#nce. &n # ord, i! is !h#! in!elli*ence hich '#(es i!self '#nifes! hen !heob-ec!i%e 'ind is suspended or in # sleepy, drosy s!#!e. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind sees i!hou! !he use of !hen#!ur#l or*#ns of %ision. &! h#s !he c#p#ci!y of cl#ir%oy#nce #nd cl#ir#udience. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind c#n le#%eyour body, !r#%el !o dis!#n! l#nds, #nd brin* b#c( infor'#!ion of!en!i'es of !he 'os! e#c! #nd

    P#*e 33 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    !ru!hful ch#r#c!er. Throu*h your sub-ec!i%e 'ind you c#n re#d !he !hou*h!s of o!hers, re#d !he con!en!s of se#leden%elopes #nd closed s#fes. Your sub-ec!i%e 'ind h#s !he #bili!y !o #pprehend !he !hou*h!s of o!hers i!hou! !heuse of !he ordin#ry ob-ec!i%e 'e#ns of co''unic#!ion. &! is of !he *re#!es! i'por!#nce !h#! e unders!#nd !hein!er#c!ion of !he ob-ec!i%e #nd sub-ec!i%e 'ind in order !o le#rn !he !rue #r! of pr#yer.

    The subconscious c#nno! re#son li(e your conscious 'ind Your subconscious 'ind c#nno! #r*uecon!ro%ersi#lly. 6ence, if you *i%e i! ron* su**es!ions, i! ill #ccep! !he' #s !rue #nd ill proceed !o brin*!he' !o p#ss #s condi!ions, eperiences, #nd e%en!s. "ll !hin*s !h#! h#%e h#ppened !o you #re b#sed on !hou*h!si'pressed on your subconscious 'ind !hrou*h belief. &f you h#%e con%eyed erroneous concep!s !o yoursubconscious 'ind, !he sure 'e!hod of o%erco'in* !he' is by !he repe!i!ion of cons!ruc!i%e, h#r'onious!hou*h!s fre0uen!ly repe#!ed hich your subconscious 'ind #ccep!s, !hus for'in* ne #nd he#l!hy h#bi!s of

    !hou*h! #nd life, for your subconscious 'ind is !he se#! of h#bi!. The h#bi!u#l !hin(in* of your conscious 'indes!#blishes deep *roo%es in your subconscious 'ind. This is %ery f#%or#ble for you if your h#bi!u#l !hou*h!s #reh#r'onious, pe#ceful, #nd cons!ruc!i%e. &f you h#%e indul*ed in fe#r, orry, #nd o!her des!ruc!i%e for's of!hin(in*, !he re'edy is !o reco*ni7e !he o'nipo!ence of your subconscious 'ind #nd decree freedo',h#ppiness, #nd perfec! he#l!h. Your subconscious 'ind, bein* cre#!i%e #nd one i!h your di%ine source, ill proceed !o cre#!e !he freedo' #nd h#ppiness, hich you h#%e e#rnes!ly decreed.

    The !re'endous poer of su**es!ion You 'us! re#li7e by no !h#! your conscious 'ind is !he 8#!ch'#n #! !he*#!e,8 #nd i!s chief func!ion is !o pro!ec! your subconscious 'ind fro' f#lse i'pressions. You #re no ##re ofone of !he b#sic l#s of 'ind4 Your subconscious 'ind is #'en#ble !o su**es!ion. "s you (no, yoursubconscious 'ind does no! '#(e co'p#risons, or con!r#s!s, nei!her does i! re#son #nd !hin( !hin*s ou! for

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    i!self. This l#!!er func!ion belon*s !o your conscious 'ind. &! si'ply re#c!s !o !he i'pressions *i%en !o i! by yourconscious 'ind. &! does no! sho # preference for one course of #c!ion o%er #no!her. The folloin* is # cl#ssice#'ple of !he !re'endous poer of su**es!ion. Suppose you #ppro#ch # !i'id loo(in* p#ssen*er on bo#rdship #nd s#y !o hi' so'e!hin* li(e !his4 8You loo( %ery ill. 6o p#le you #re1 & feel cer!#in you #re *oin* !o bese#sic(. Le! 'e help you !o your c#bin.8 The p#ssen*er !urns p#le. Your su**es!ion of se#sic(ness #ssoci#!esi!self i!h his on fe#rs #nd forebodin*s. 6e #ccep!s your #id don !o !he ber!h, #nd !here your ne*#!i%esu**es!ion, hich #s #ccep!ed by hi', is re#li7ed.

    Differen! re#c!ions !o !he s#'e su**es!ion &! is !rue !h#! differen! people ill re#c! in differen! #ys !o !he s#'esu**es!ion bec#use of !heir subconscious condi!ionin* or belief. For e#'ple, if you *o !o # s#ilor on !he ship#nd s#y !o hi' sy'p#!he!ic#lly, 8My de#r fello, you/re loo(in* %ery ill. "ren/! you feelin* sic( You loo( !o'e #s if you ere *oin* !o be se#sic(.8 "ccordin* !o his !e'per#'en! he ei!her l#u*hs #! your 8-o(e,8 orepresses # 'ild irri!#!ion. Your su**es!ion fell on de#f e#rs in !his ins!#nce bec#use your su**es!ion ofse#sic(ness #s #ssoci#!ed in his 'ind i!h his on i''uni!y fro' i!. Therefore, i! c#lled up no! fe#r or orry, bu! self)confidence.

    P#*e 3: Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    The dic!ion#ry s#ys !h#! # su**es!ion is !he #c! or ins!#nce of pu!!in* so'e!hin* in!o one/s 'ind, !he 'en!#l

     process by hich !he !hou*h! or ide# su**es!ed is en!er!#ined, #ccep!ed, or pu! in!o effec!. You 'us! re'e'ber!h#! # su**es!ion c#nno! i'pose so'e!hin* on !he subconscious 'ind #*#ins! !he ill of !he conscious 'ind. &no!her ords, your conscious 'ind h#s !he poer !o re-ec! !he su**es!ion *i%en. &n !he c#se of !he s#ilor, he h#dno fe#r of se#sic(ness. 6e h#d con%inced hi'self of his i''uni!y, #nd !he ne*#!i%e su**es!ion h#d #bsolu!elyno poer !o e%o(e fe#r. The su**es!ion of se#sic(ness !o !he o!her p#ssen*er c#lled for!h his indellin* fe#r ofse#sic(ness. E#ch of us h#s his on inner fe#rs, beliefs, opinions, #nd !hese inner #ssu'p!ions rule #nd *o%ernour li%es. " su**es!ion h#s no poer in #nd of i!self ecep! if you #ccep! i! 'en!#lly. This c#uses yoursubconscious poers !o flo in # li'i!ed #nd res!ric!ed #y #ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of !he su**es!ion.

    6o he los! his #r' E%ery !o or !hree ye#rs & *i%e # series of lec!ures #! !he London Tru!h Foru' in 5#!on6#ll. This is # Foru' & founded # nu'ber of ye#rs #*o. Dr. E%elyn Flee!, !he direc!or, !old 'e #bou! #n #r!icle

    hich #ppe#red in !he En*lish nesp#pers de#lin* i!h !he poer of su**es!ion. This is !he su**es!ion # '#n*#%e !o his subconscious 'ind o%er # period of #bou! !o ye#rs4 8& ould *i%e 'y ri*h! #r' !o see 'y d#u*h!ercured.8 &! #ppe#red !h#! his d#u*h!er h#d # cripplin* for' of #r!hri!is !o*e!her i!h # so)c#lled incur#ble for' ofs(in dise#se. Medic#l !re#!'en! h#d f#iled !o #lle%i#!e !he condi!ion, #nd !he f#!her h#d #n in!ense lon*in* forhis d#u*h!er/s he#lin*, #nd epressed his desire in !he ords -us! 0uo!ed. Dr. E%elyn Flee! s#id !h#! !henesp#per #r!icle poin!ed ou! !h#! one d#y !he f#'ily #s ou! ridin* hen !heir c#r collided i!h #no!her. Thef#!her/s ri*h! #r' #s !orn off #! !he shoulder, #nd i''edi#!ely !he d#u*h!er/s #r!hri!is #nd s(in condi!ion%#nished. You 'us! '#(e cer!#in !o *i%e your subconscious only su**es!ions, hich he#l, bless, ele%#!e, #ndinspire you in #ll your #ys. Re'e'ber !h#! your subconscious 'ind c#nno! !#(e # -o(e. &! !#(es you #! yourord.

    6o #u!osu**es!ion b#nishes fe#r &llus!r#!ions of #u!osu**es!ion4 "u!osu**es!ion 'e#ns su**es!in* so'e!hin*defini!e #nd specific !o oneself. 6erber! P#r(yn, in his ecellen! '#nu#l of #u!osu**es!ion,K records !hefolloin* inciden!. &! h#s i!s #'usin* side, so !h#! one re'e'bers i!. 8" Ae Yor( %isi!or in 5hic#*o loo(s #!his #!ch, hich is se! #n hour #he#d of 5hic#*o !i'e, #nd !ells # 5hic#*o friend !h#! i! is !el%e o/cloc(. The5hic#*o friend, no! considerin* !he difference in !i'e be!een 5hic#*o #nd Ae Yor(, !ells !he Ae Yor(er!h#! he is hun*ry #nd !h#! he 'us! *o !o lunch.8 "u!osu**es!ion '#y be used !o b#nish %#rious fe#rs #nd o!herne*#!i%e condi!ions. " youn* sin*er #s in%i!ed !o *i%e #n #udi!ion. She h#d been loo(in* for#rd !o !hein!er%ie, bu! on !hree pre%ious occ#sions she h#d f#iled 'iser#bly due !o fe#r 6erber! P#r(yn, "u!osu**es!ion

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     brin* !he' in!o her eperience. The c#use #s #n in%olun!#ry #u!osu**es!ion, i.e., silen! fe#r !hou*h!se'o!ion#li7ed #nd sub-ec!ified.

    P#*e 3; Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    She o%erc#'e i! by !he folloin* !echni0ue4 Three !i'es # d#y she isol#!ed herself in # roo'. She s#! donco'for!#bly in #n #r'ch#ir, rel#ed her body, #nd closed her eyes. She s!illed her 'ind #nd body #s bes! shecould. Physic#l iner!i# f#%ors 'en!#l p#ssi%i!y #nd renders !he 'ind 'ore recep!i%e !o su**es!ion. She

    coun!er#c!ed !he fe#r su**es!ion by s#yin* !o herself, 8& sin* be#u!ifully. & #' poised, serene, confiden!, #ndc#l'.8 She repe#!ed !his s!#!e'en! sloly, 0uie!ly, #nd i!h feelin* fro' fi%e !o !en !i'es #! e#ch si!!in*. Sheh#d !hree such 8si!!in*s8 e%ery d#y #nd one i''edi#!ely prior !o sleep. "! !he end of # ee( she #s co'ple!ely poised #nd confiden!. When !he in%i!#!ion !o #udi!ion c#'e, she *#%e # re'#r(#ble, onderful #udi!ion.

    6o she res!ored her 'e'ory " o'#n, #*ed se%en!y)fi%e, #s in !he h#bi! of s#yin* !o herself, 8& #' losin*'y 'e'ory.8 She re%ersed !he procedure #nd pr#c!iced induced #u!osu**es!ion se%er#l !i'es # d#y #s follos48My 'e'ory fro' !od#y on is i'pro%in* in e%ery dep#r!'en!. & sh#ll #l#ys re'e'ber h#!e%er & need !o(no #! e%ery 'o'en! of !i'e #nd poin! of sp#ce. The i'pressions recei%ed ill be cle#rer #nd 'ore defini!e. &sh#ll re!#in !he' #u!o'#!ic#lly #nd i!h e#se. Wh#!e%er & ish !o rec#ll ill i''edi#!ely presen! i!self in !hecorrec! for' in 'y 'ind. & #' i'pro%in* r#pidly e%ery d#y, #nd %ery soon 'y 'e'ory ill be be!!er !h#n i! h#s

    e%er been before.8 "! !he end of !hree ee(s, her 'e'ory #s b#c( !o nor'#l, #nd she #s deli*h!ed.

    6o he o%erc#'e # n#s!y !e'per M#ny 'en ho co'pl#ined of irri!#bili!y #nd b#d !e'per pro%ed !o be %erysuscep!ible !o #u!osu**es!ion #nd ob!#ined '#r%elous resul!s by usin* !he folloin* s!#!e'en!s !hree or four!i'es # d#y))'ornin*, noon, #nd #! ni*h! prior !o sleep for #bou! # 'on!h. 86encefor!h, & sh#ll *ro 'ore *ood)hu'ored. Joy, h#ppiness, #nd cheerfulness #re no beco'in* 'y nor'#l s!#!es of 'ind. E%ery d#y & #' beco'in* 'ore #nd 'ore lo%#ble #nd unders!#ndin*. & #' no beco'in* !he cen!er of cheer #nd *ood ill !o#ll !hose #bou! 'e, infec!in* !he' i!h *ood hu'or. This h#ppy, -oyous, #nd cheerful 'ood is no beco'in*'y nor'#l, n#!ur#l s!#!e of 'ind. & #' *r#!eful.8

    The cons!ruc!i%e #nd des!ruc!i%e poer of su**es!ion So'e illus!r#!ions #nd co''en!s on he!erosu**es!ion4

    6e!erosu**es!ion 'e#ns su**es!ions fro' #no!her person. &n #ll #*es !he poer of su**es!ion h#s pl#yed # p#r!in !he life #nd !hou*h! of '#n in e%ery period of !i'e #nd in e#ch coun!ry of !he e#r!h. &n '#ny p#r!s of !heorld i! is !he con!rollin* poer in reli*ion. Su**es!ion '#y be used !o discipline #nd con!rol oursel%es, bu! i!c#n #lso be used !o !#(e con!rol #nd co''#nd o%er o!hers ho do no! (no !he l#s of 'ind. &n i!s cons!ruc!i%efor' i! is onderful #nd '#*nificen!. &n i!s ne*#!i%e #spec!s i! is one of !he 'os! des!ruc!i%e of #ll !he response p#!!erns of !he 'ind, resul!in* in p#!!erns of 'isery, f#ilure, sufferin*, sic(ness, #nd dis#s!er.

    6#%e you #ccep!ed #ny of !hese Fro' inf#ncy on, !he '#-ori!y of us h#%e been *i%en '#ny ne*#!i%esu**es!ions. Ao! (noin* ho !o !h#r! !he', e unconsciously #ccep!ed !he'. 6ere #re so'e of !he ne*#!i%esu**es!ions4 8You c#n/!.8 8You/ll ne%er #'oun! !o #ny!hin*.8 8You 'us!n/!.8

    P#*e 3? Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    8You/ll f#il.8 8You h#%en/! *o! # ch#nce.8 8You/re #ll ron*.8 8&!/s no use.8 8&!/s no! h#! you (no, bu! ho you(no.8 8The orld is *oin* !o !he do*s.8 8Wh#!/s !he use, nobody c#res.8 8&!/s no use !ryin* so h#rd.8 8You/re!oo old no.8 8Thin*s #re *e!!in* orse #nd orse.8 8Life is #n endless *rind.8 8Lo%e is for !he birds.8 8You -us!c#n/! in.8 8Pre!!y soon you/ll be b#n(rup!.8 8W#!ch ou!, you/ll *e! !he %irus.8 8You c#n/! !rus! # soul,8 e!c.$nless, #s #n #dul!, you use cons!ruc!i%e #u!osu**es!ion, hich is # recondi!ionin* !her#py, !he i'pressions'#de on you in !he p#s! c#n c#use beh#%ior p#!!erns !h#! c#use f#ilure in your person#l #nd soci#l life."u!osu**es!ion is # 'e#ns rele#sin* you fro' !he '#ss of ne*#!i%e %erb#l condi!ionin* !h#! 'i*h! o!herisedis!or! your life p#!!ern, '#(in* !he de%elop'en! of *ood h#bi!s difficul!.

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    You c#n coun!er#c! ne*#!i%e su**es!ions Pic( up !he p#per #ny d#y, #nd you c#n re#d do7ens of i!e's !h#! couldso !he seeds of fu!ili!y, fe#r, orry, #nie!y, #nd i'pendin* doo'. &f #ccep!ed by you, !hese !hou*h!s of fe#rcould c#use you !o lose !he ill for life. >noin* !h#! you c#n re-ec! #ll !hese ne*#!i%e su**es!ions by *i%in*your subconscious 'ind cons!ruc!i%e #u!osu**es!ions, you coun!er#c! #ll !hese des!ruc!i%e ide#s. 5hec(re*ul#rly on !he ne*#!i%e su**es!ions !h#! people '#(e !o you. You do no! h#%e !o be influenced by des!ruc!i%ehe!erosu**es!ion. "ll of us h#%e suffered fro' i! in our childhood #nd in our !eens. &f you loo( b#c(, you c#ne#sily rec#ll ho p#ren!s, friends, rel#!i%es, !e#chers, #nd #ssoci#!es con!ribu!ed in # c#'p#i*n of ne*#!i%esu**es!ions. S!udy !he !hin*s s#id !o you, #nd you ill disco%er 'uch of i! #s in !he for' of prop#*#nd#. The

     purpose of 'uch of h#! #s s#id #s !o con!rol you or ins!ill fe#r in!o you. This he!erosu**es!ion process *oeson in e%ery ho'e, office, f#c!ory, #nd club. You ill find !h#! '#ny of !hese su**es!ions #re for !he purpose of'#(in* you !hin(, feel, #nd #c!, #s o!hers #n! you !o #nd in #ys !h#! #re !o !heir #d%#n!#*e.

    6o su**es!ion (illed # '#n 6ere is #n illus!r#!ion of he!erosu**es!ion4 " rel#!i%e of 'ine en! !o # crys!#l*#7er in &ndi# ho !old hi' !h#! he h#d # b#d he#r! #nd predic!ed !h#! he ould die #! !he ne! ne 'oon. 6e be*#n !o !ell #ll 'e'bers of his f#'ily #bou! !his predic!ion, #nd he #rr#n*ed his ill. This poerful su**es!ionen!ered in!o his subconscious 'ind bec#use he #ccep!ed i! co'ple!ely. My rel#!i%e #lso !old 'e !h#! !his crys!#l*#7er #s belie%ed !o h#%e so'e s!r#n*e occul! poers, #nd he could do h#r' or *ood !o # person. 6e died #s predic!ed no! (noin* !h#! he #s !he c#use of his on de#!h. & suppose '#ny of us h#%e he#rd si'il#r s!upid,ridiculous, supers!i!ious s!ories. Le! us loo( #! h#! h#ppened in !he li*h! of our (noled*e of !he #y !he

    subconscious 'ind or(s. Wh#!e%er !he conscious, re#sonin* 'ind of '#n belie%es+ !he subconscious 'indill #ccep! #nd #c! upon. My rel#!i%e #s h#ppy, he#l!hy, %i*orous, #nd robus! hen he en! !o see !hefor!une!eller. She *#%e hi' # %ery ne*#!i%e su**es!ion, hich he #ccep!ed. 6e bec#'e !errified, #nd cons!#n!lydel! upon !he f#c! !h#! he #s *oin* !o die #! !he ne! ne 'oon. 6e proceeded !o !ell e%eryone #bou! i!, #ndhe prep#red for !he end. The #c!i%i!y !oo( pl#ce in his on 'ind, #nd his on !hou*h! #s !he c#use. 6e brou*h! #bou! his on so)c#lled de#!h, or r#!her des!ruc!ion of !he physic#l body, by his fe#r #nd epec!#!ion of!he end. The o'#n ho predic!ed his de#!h h#d no 'ore poer 

    P#*e 3B Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    !h#n !he s!ones #nd s!ic(s in !he field. 6er su**es!ion h#d no poer !o cre#!e or brin* #bou! !he end she

    su**es!ed. &f he h#d (non !he l#s of his 'ind, he ould h#%e co'ple!ely re-ec!ed !he ne*#!i%e su**es!ion#nd refused !o *i%e her ords #ny #!!en!ion, (noin* in his he#r! !h#! he #s *o%erned #nd con!rolled by hison !hou*h! #nd feelin*. Li(e !in #rros #i'ed #! # b#!!leship, her prophecy could h#%e been co'ple!elyneu!r#li7ed #nd dissip#!ed i!hou! hur!in* hi'. The su**es!ions of o!hers in !he'sel%es h#%e #bsolu!ely no poer h#!e%er o%er you ecep! !he poer !h#! you *i%e !he' !hrou*h your on !hou*h!s. You h#%e !o *i%eyour 'en!#l consen!+ you h#%e !o en!er!#in !he !hou*h!. Then, i! beco'es your !hou*h!, #nd you do !he !hin(in*.Re'e'ber, you h#%e !he c#p#ci!y !o choose. 5hoose life1 5hoose lo%e1 5hoose he#l!h1

    The poer of #n #ssu'ed '#-or pre'ise Your 'ind or(s li(e # syllo*is'. This 'e#ns !h#! h#!e%er '#-or pre'ise your conscious 'ind #ssu'es !o be !rue de!er'ines !he conclusion your subconscious 'ind co'es !o inre*#rd !o #ny p#r!icul#r 0ues!ion or proble' in your 'ind. &f your pre'ise is !rue, !he conclusion 'us! be !rue

    #s in !he folloin* e#'ple4 E%ery %ir!ue is l#ud#ble+ >indness is # %ir!ue+ Therefore, (indness is l#ud#ble."no!her e#'ple is #s follos4 "ll for'ed !hin*s ch#n*e #nd p#ss ##y+ The Pyr#'ids of E*yp! #re for'ed!hin*s+ Therefore, so'e d#y !he Pyr#'ids ill p#ss ##y. The firs! s!#!e'en! is referred !o #s !he '#-or pre'ise,#nd !he ri*h! conclusion 'us! necess#rily follo !he ri*h! pre'ise. " colle*e professor, ho #!!ended so'e of'y science of 'ind lec!ures in M#y, @B3, #! Ton 6#ll, Ae Yor(, s#id !o 'e, 8E%ery!hin* in 'y life is !opsy)!ur%y, #nd & h#%e los! he#l!h, e#l!h, #nd friends. E%ery!hin* & !ouch !urns ou! ron*.8 & epl#ined !o hi' !h#! heshould es!#blish # '#-or pre'ise in his !hin(in*, !h#! !he infini!e in!elli*ence of his subconscious 'ind #s*uidin*, direc!in*, #nd prosperin* hi' spiri!u#lly, 'en!#lly, #nd '#!eri#lly. Then, his subconscious 'ind ould#u!o'#!ic#lly direc! hi' isely in his in%es!'en!s, decisions, #nd #lso he#l his body #nd res!ore his 'ind !o pe#ce #nd !r#n0uili!y.

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    This professor for'ul#!ed #n o%er#ll pic!ure of !he #y he #n!ed his life !o be, #nd !his #s his '#-or pre'ise48&nfini!e in!elli*ence le#ds #nd *uides 'e in #ll 'y #ys. Perfec! he#l!h is 'ine, #nd !he L# of 6#r'onyoper#!es in 'y 'ind #nd body. 9e#u!y, lo%e, pe#ce, #nd #bund#nce #re 'ine. The principle of ri*h! #c!ion #nddi%ine order *o%ern 'y en!ire life. & (no 'y '#-or pre'ise is b#sed on !he e!ern#l !ru!hs of life, #nd & (no,feel, #nd belie%e !h#! 'y subconscious 'ind responds #ccordin* !o !he n#!ure of 'y conscious 'ind !hin(in*.86e ro!e 'e #s follos4 8& repe#!ed !he #bo%e s!#!e'en!s sloly, 0uie!ly, #nd lo%in*ly se%er#l !i'es # d#y(noin* !h#! !hey ere sin(in* deep don in!o 'y subconscious 'ind, #nd !h#! resul!s 'us! follo. & #'deeply *r#!eful for !he in!er%ie you *#%e 'e, #nd & ould li(e !o #dd !h#! #ll dep#r!'en!s of 'y life #re

    ch#n*in* for !he be!!er. &! or(s18

    The subconscious does no! #r*ue con!ro%ersi#lly Your subconscious 'ind is #ll ise #nd (nos !he #nsers !o#ll 0ues!ions. &! does no! #r*ue i!h you or !#l( b#c( !o you. &! does no! s#y, 8You 'us! no! i'press 'e i!h!h#!.8

    P#*e 3 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    For e#'ple, hen you s#y, 8& c#n/! do !his.8 8& #' !oo old no.8 8& c#n/! 'ee! !his obli*#!ion.8 8& #s born on!he ron* side of !he !r#c(s.8 8& don/! (no !he ri*h! poli!ici#n,8 you #re i'pre*n#!in* your subconscious i!h!hese ne*#!i%e !hou*h!s, #nd i! responds #ccordin*ly. You #re #c!u#lly bloc(in* your on *ood, !hereby

     brin*in* l#c(, li'i!#!ion, #nd frus!r#!ion in!o your life. When you se! up obs!#cles, i'pedi'en!s, #nd del#ys inyour conscious 'ind, you #re denyin* !he isdo' #nd in!elli*ence residen! in your subconscious 'ind. You #re#c!u#lly s#yin* in effec! !h#! your subconscious 'ind c#nno! sol%e your proble'. This le#ds !o 'en!#l #nde'o!ion#l con*es!ion, folloed by sic(ness #nd neuro!ic !endencies. To re#li7e your desire #nd o%erco'e yourfrus!r#!ion, #ffir' boldly se%er#l !i'es # d#y4 8The infini!e in!elli*ence hich *#%e 'e !his desire le#ds, *uides,#nd re%e#ls !o 'e !he perfec! pl#n for !he unfoldin* of 'y desire. & (no !he deeper isdo' of 'ysubconscious is no respondin*, #nd h#! & feel #nd cl#i' i!hin is epressed in !he i!hou!. There is # b#l#nce, e0uilibriu', #nd e0u#ni'i!y.8 &f you s#y, 8There is no #y ou!+ & #' los!+ !here is no #y ou! of !hisdile''#+ & #' s!y'ied #nd bloc(ed,8 you ill *e! no #nser or response fro' your subconscious 'ind. &f you#n! !he subconscious !o or( for you, *i%e i! !he ri*h! re0ues!, #nd #!!#in i!s cooper#!ion. &! is #l#ys or(in*for you. &! is con!rollin* your he#r!be#! !his 'inu!e #nd #lso your bre#!hin*. &! he#ls # cu! on your fin*er, #nd i!s

    !endency is life #rd, fore%er see(in* !o !#(e c#re of you #nd preser%e you. Your subconscious h#s # 'ind of i!son, bu! i! #ccep!s your p#!!erns of !hou*h! #nd i'#*ery. When you #re see(in* #n #nser !o # proble', yoursubconscious ill respond, bu! i! epec!s you !o co'e !o # decision #nd !o # !rue -ud*'en! in your conscious'ind. You 'us! #c(noled*e !he #nser is in your subconscious 'ind. 6oe%er, if you s#y, 8& don/! !hin( !hereis #ny #y ou!+ & #' #ll 'ied up #nd confused+ hy don/! & *e! #n #nser8 you #re neu!r#li7in* your pr#yer.Li(e !he soldier '#r(in* !i'e, you do no! *e! #nyhere. S!ill !he heels of your 'ind, rel#, le! *o, #nd 0uie!ly#ffir'4 8My subconscious (nos !he #nser. &! is respondin* !o 'e no. & *i%e !h#n(s bec#use & (no !heinfini!e in!elli*ence of 'y subconscious (nos #ll !hin*s #nd is re%e#lin* !he perfec! #nser !o 'e no. Myre#l con%ic!ion is no se!!in* free !he '#-es!y #nd *lory of 'y subconscious 'ind. & re-oice !h#! i! is so.8

    Re%ie of hi*hli*h!s @. Thin( *ood, #nd *ood follos. Thin( e%il, #nd e%il follos. You #re h#! you !hin( #ll

    d#y lon*. 3. Your subconscious 'ind does no! #r*ue i!h you. &! #ccep!s h#! your conscious 'ind decrees. &fyou s#y, 8& c#n/! #fford i!,8 i! '#y be !rue, bu! do no! s#y i!. Selec! # be!!er !hou*h!, decree, 8&/ll buy i!. & #ccep! i!in 'y 'ind.8 :. You h#%e !he poer !o choose. 5hoose he#l!h #nd h#ppiness. You c#n choose !o be friendly, oryou c#n choose !o be unfriendly. 5hoose !o be cooper#!i%e, -oyous, friendly, lo%#ble, #nd !he hole orld illrespond. This is !he bes! #y !o de%elop # onderful person#li!y. ;. Your conscious 'ind is !he 8#!ch'#n #!!he *#!e.8 &!s chief func!ion is !o pro!ec! your subconscious 'ind fro' f#lse i'pressions. 5hoose !o belie%e !h#!so'e!hin* *ood c#n

    P#*e 3C Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

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    h#ppen #nd is h#ppenin* no. Your *re#!es! poer is your c#p#ci!y !o choose. 5hoose h#ppiness #nd#bund#nce. ?. The su**es!ions #nd s!#!e'en!s of o!hers h#%e no poer !o hur! you. The only poer is !he'o%e'en! of your on !hou*h!. You c#n choose !o re-ec! !he !hou*h!s or s!#!e'en!s of o!hers #nd #ffir' !he*ood. You h#%e !he poer !o choose ho you ill re#c!. B. W#!ch h#! you s#y. You h#%e !o #ccoun! for e%eryidle ord. Ae%er s#y, 8& ill f#il+ & ill lose 'y -ob+ & c#n/! p#y !he ren!.8 Your subconscious c#nno! !#(e # -o(e.&! brin*s #ll !hese !hin*s !o p#ss. . Your 'ind is no! e%il. Ao force of n#!ure is e%il. &! depends ho you use !he poers of n#!ure. $se your 'ind !o bless, he#l, #nd inspire #ll people e%eryhere. C. Ae%er s#y, 8& c#n/!.8O%erco'e !h#! fe#r by subs!i!u!in* !he folloin*, 8& c#n do #ll !hin*s !hrou*h !he poer of 'y on

    subconscious 'ind.8 . 9e*in !o !hin( fro' !he s!#ndpoin! of !he e!ern#l !ru!hs #nd principles of life #nd no!fro' !he s!#ndpoin! of fe#r, i*nor#nce, #nd supers!i!ion. Do no! le! o!hers do your !hin(in* for you. 5hoose youron !hou*h!s #nd '#(e your on decisions. @. You #re !he c#p!#in of your soul

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    e!r#sensory percep!ions, such #s i!s c#p#ci!y for cl#ir%oy#nce #nd cl#ir#udience, i!s independence of !i'e #ndsp#ce, i!s c#p#ci!y !o render you free fro' #ll p#in #nd sufferin*, #nd i!s

    P#*e : Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    c#p#ci!y !o *e! !he #nser !o #ll proble's, be !hey h#! !hey '#y. "ll !hese #nd '#ny 'ore re%e#l !o you !h#!!here is # poer #nd in!elli*ence i!hin you !h#! f#r !r#nscends your in!ellec!, c#usin* you !o '#r%el #! !heonders of i! #ll. "ll !hese eperiences c#use you !o re-oice #nd belie%e in !he 'ir#cle or(in* poers of your

    on subconscious 'ind.

    Your subconscious is your 9oo( of Life Wh#!e%er !hou*h!s, beliefs, opinions, !heories, or do*'#s you ri!e,en*r#%e, or i'press on your subconscious 'ind, you sh#ll eperience !he' #s !he ob-ec!i%e '#nifes!#!ion ofcircu's!#nces, condi!ions, #nd e%en!s. Wh#! you ri!e on !he inside, you ill eperience on !he ou!side. Youh#%e !o sides !o your life, ob-ec!i%e #nd sub-ec!i%e, %isible #nd in%isible, !hou*h! #nd i!s '#nifes!#!ion. Your br#in recei%es your !hou*h!, hich is !he or*#n of your conscious re#sonin* 'ind. When your conscious orob-ec!i%e 'ind #ccep!s !he !hou*h! co'ple!ely, i! is sen! !o !he sol#r pleus, c#lled !he br#in of your 'ind,here i! beco'es flesh #nd is '#de '#nifes! in your eperience. "s pre%iously ou!lined, your subconsciousc#nno! #r*ue. &! #c!s only fro' h#! you ri!e on i!. &! #ccep!s your %erdic! or !he conclusions of your conscious'ind #s fin#l. This is hy you #re #l#ys ri!in* on !he boo( of life, bec#use your !hou*h!s beco'e your

    eperiences. The "'eric#n ess#yis!, R#lph W#ldo E'erson s#id, 8M#n is h#! he !hin(s #ll d#y lon*.8

    Wh#! is i'pressed in !he subconscious is epressed Willi#' J#'es, !he f#!her of "'eric#n psycholo*y, s#id !h#!!he poer !o 'o%e !he orld is in your subconscious 'ind. Your subconscious 'ind is one i!h infini!ein!elli*ence #nd boundless isdo'. &! is fed by hidden sprin*s, #nd is c#lled !he l# of life. Wh#!e%er youi'press upon your subconscious 'ind, !he l#!!er ill 'o%e he#%en #nd e#r!h !o brin* i! !o p#ss. You 'us!,!herefore, i'press i! i!h ri*h! ide#s #nd cons!ruc!i%e !hou*h!s. The re#son !here is so 'uch ch#os #nd 'isery in!he orld is bec#use people do no! unders!#nd !he in!er#c!ion of !heir conscious #nd subconscious 'inds. When!hese !o principles or( in #ccord, in concord, in pe#ce, #nd synchronously !o*e!her, you ill h#%e he#!h,h#ppiness, pe#ce #nd -oy. There is no sic(ness or discord hen !he conscious #nd subconscious or( !o*e!herh#r'oniously #nd pe#cefully. The !o'b of 6er'es #s opened i!h *re#! epec!#ncy #nd # sense of onder

     bec#use people belie%ed !h#! !he *re#!es! secre! of !he #*es #s con!#ined !herein. The secre! #s #s i!hin, soi!hou!+ #s #bo%e, so belo. &n o!her ords, h#!e%er is i'pressed hi your subconscious 'ind is epressed on!he screen of sp#ce. This s#'e !ru!h #s procl#i'ed by Moses, &s#i#h, Jesus, 9uddh#, oro#s!er, L#o!7e, #nd #ll!he illu'ined seers of !he #*es Wh#!e%er you feel #s !rue sub-ec!i%ely is epressed #s condi!ions, eperiences,#nd e%en!s. Mo!ion #nd e'o!ion 'us! b#l#nce. "s in he#%en your on 'indN, so on e#r!h in your body #nden%iron'en!N. This is !he *re#! l# of life. You ill find !hrou*hou! #ll n#!ure !he l# of #c!ion #nd re#c!ion, ofres! #nd 'o!ion. These !o 'us! b#l#nce, !hen !here ill be h#r'ony #nd e0uilibriu'. You #re here !o le! !helife principle flo !hrou*h you rhy!h'ic#lly #nd h#r'oniously. The in!#(e #nd !he ou!*o 'us! be e0u#l. Thei'pression #nd !he epression 'us! be e0u#l. "ll your frus!r#!ion is due !o unfulfilled desire.

    P#*e :@ Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    &f you !hin( ne*#!i%ely, des!ruc!i%ely, #nd %iciously, !hese !hou*h!s *ener#!e des!ruc!i%e e'o!ions hich 'us! beepressed #nd find #n ou!le!. These e'o!ions, bein* of # ne*#!i%e n#!ure, #re fre0uen!ly epressed #s ulcers,he#r! !rouble, !ension, #nd #nie!ies. Wh#! is your ide# or feelin* #bou! yourself no E%ery p#r! of your bein*epresses !h#! ide#. Your %i!#li!y, body, fin#nci#l s!#!us, friends, #nd soci#l s!#!us represen! # perfec! reflec!ionof !he ide# you h#%e of yourself. This is !he re#l 'e#nin* of h#! is i'pressed in your subconscious 'ind, #ndhich is epressed in #ll ph#ses of your life. We in-ure oursel%es by !he ne*#!i%e ide#s, hich e en!er!#in.6o of!en h#%e you ounded yourself by *e!!in* #n*ry, fe#rful, -e#lous, or %en*eful These #re !he poisons !h#!en!er your subconscious 'ind. You ere no! born i!h !hese ne*#!i%e #!!i!udes. Feed your subconscious 'indlife)*i%in* !hou*h!s, #nd you ill ipe ou! #ll !he ne*#!i%e p#!!erns lod*ed !herein. "s you con!inue !o do !his,#ll !he p#s! ill be iped ou! #nd re'e'bered no 'ore.

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    The subconscious he#ls # '#li*n#ncy of !he s(in " person#l he#lin* ill e%er be !he 'os! con%incin* e%idenceof !he he#lin* poer of !he subconscious 'ind. O%er for!y ye#rs #*o & resol%ed # '#li*n#ncy of !he s(in!hrou*h pr#yer. Medic#l !her#py h#d f#iled !o chec( !he *ro!h, #nd i! #s *e!!in* pro*ressi%ely orse. "cler*y'#n, i!h # deep psycholo*ic#l (noled*e, epl#ined !o 'e !he inner 'e#nin* of !he @:!h Ps#l'herein i! s#ys, &n !hy boo( #ll 'y 'e'bers ere ri!!en, hich in con!inu#nce ere f#shioned, hen #s ye!!here #s none of !he'. 6e epl#ined !h#! !he !er' boo( 'e#n! 'y subconscious 'ind, hich f#shioned #nd'olded #ll 'y or*#ns fro' #n in%isible cell. 6e #lso poin!ed ou! !h#! in#s'uch #s 'y subconscious 'ind '#de

    'y body, i! could #lso recre#!e i! #nd he#l i! #ccordin* !o !he perfec! p#!!ern i!hin i!.

    This cler*y'#n shoed 'e his #!ch #nd s#id, 8This h#d # '#(er, #nd !he #!ch'#(er h#d !o h#%e !he ide#firs! in 'ind before !he #!ch bec#'e #n ob-ec!i%e re#li!y, #nd if !he #!ch #s ou! of order, !he #!ch'#(ercould fi i!.8 My friend re'inded 'e !h#! !he subconscious in!elli*ence, hich cre#!ed 'y body, #s li(e ##!ch'#(er, #nd i! #lso (ne e#c!ly ho !o he#l, res!ore, #nd direc! #ll !he %i!#l func!ions #nd processes of 'y body, bu! !h#! & h#d !o *i%e i! !he perfec! ide# of he#l!h. This ould #c! #s c#use, #nd !he effec! ould be #he#lin*. & pr#yed in # %ery si'ple #y #s follos4 8My body #nd #ll i!s or*#ns ere cre#!ed by !he infini!ein!elli*ence in 'y subconscious 'ind. &! (nos ho !o he#l 'e. &!s isdo' f#shioned #ll 'y or*#ns, !issues,'uscles, #nd bones. This infini!e he#lin* presence i!hin 'e is no !r#nsfor'in* e%ery #!o' of 'y bein*'#(in* 'e hole #nd perfec! no. & *i%e !h#n(s for !he he#lin* & (no is !#(in* pl#ce no. Wonderful #re !he

    or(s of !he cre#!i%e in!elli*ence i!hin 'e.8 & pr#yed #loud for #bou! fi%e 'inu!es !o or !hree !i'es # d#yrepe#!in* !he #bo%e si'ple pr#yer. &n #bou! !hree 'on!hs 'y s(in #s hole #nd perfec!. "s you c#n see, #ll &did #s *i%e life)*i%in* p#!!erns of holeness, be#u!y, #nd perfec!ion !o 'y subconscious 'ind, !herebyobli!er#!in* !he ne*#!i%e i'#*es #nd p#!!erns of !hou*h! lod*ed in 'y subconscious 'ind hich ere !he c#useof #ll 'y !rouble. Ao!hin* #ppe#rs on your body ecep! hen !he 'en!#l e0ui%#len! is firs! in your 

    P#*e :3 Joseph Murphy4 The Poer of your Sub)5onscious Mind

    'ind, #nd #s you ch#n*e your 'ind by drenchin* i! i!h incess#n! #ffir'#!i%es, you ch#n*e your body. This is!he b#sis of #ll