the power of human-centered design

The Power of HumanCentered Design Michael Hendrix Partner, Executive Design Director IDEO Cambridge @rmichael @ideo #DesignTech

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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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The  Power  of  Human-­‐Centered  Design

Michael  Hendrix  Partner,  Executive  Design  Director  

IDEO  Cambridge  @rmichael  @ideo


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1901 — Disposable safety razor — Gillette et al. 1914 — “Tech”nicolor — Founded in Boston by Kalmus et al. 1919 — Trans-Atlantic aircraft — Hunsaker et al. 1929— Instant photography (Polaroid) — Land 1931 — Stroboscopy — Edgerton, Germeshausen et al. 1937 — Use of Boolean logic to design “digital” circuits — Shannon 1940 — Practical radar — Anglo-American military collaboration at MIT 1944 — Mark I/II computers and first computer “bug” — Aiken, Hopper et al. 1945 — Hypertext — Vannevar Bush 1951 — Random access memory (“core”)— Project Whirlwind 1953 — PET scan — Brownell 1953 — Doppler radar — Gordon 1956 — Chomsky’s hierarchy 1957— Generative grammar — Chomsky 1957 — Confocal microscope — MInsky 1957— Time-sharing (and some of what we now call virtualization) — Project MAC 1961 — Chaos theory — Lorenz (and many others) 1961 — Digital videogame (Spacewar!) — Graetz, Russel, Wiitanen, Kotok 1963 — CAD — Sutherland 1964 — Minicomputer — DEC 1964 — E-mail — Van Vleck / Morris on CTSS (also network email, Tomlinson in 1971) 1969 — Apollo guidance computer that navigated to and landed on moon — Instrumentation (now Draper) Laboratory 1970— Object-oriented programming and data hiding — Liskov (and many others) 1978 — Practical public-key cryptography (RSA) — Rivest, Shamir, Adelman 1979 — Spreadsheet — Bricklin and Frankston 1980 — MIT Media Lab — Negroponte 1981 — Copyleft/sharealike, GNU and free software movement — Stallman 1995 – E-ink — Jacobsen et al. 1999 – Shawn Fanning, John Fanning and Sean Parker created Napster 2000 — Zipcar — Danielson, Chase

MIT Inventions

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Harvard Influences 48 Nobel Laureates 37 Pulitzer Winners Theodore Roosevelt John F. Kennedy George Bush Barak Obama Henry Kissinger Elena Kagan Anthony Kennedy John Roberts Antonin Scalia David Souter Robert F Kennedy Janet Reno Elizabeth Warren B.F. Skinner Margaret Atwood e.e.cummings John Updike Michael Crichton Mark Helprin William Burroughs Leonard Bernstein Yo Yo Ma Phillip Johnson I.M. Pei Timothy Leary Clay Christensen Michael Porter

Harvard Influencers

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We Are Here

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Artificial Intelligence

Digital Currency

Virtual Reality

Biotech We Are Here

Big Data

Food Futures

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technology + policy + design + social need =


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What are the social needs we find most pressing?

Who in the greater Boston area are the inventors and businesses that can help address them?

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Reputation & Participation Frictionless Transactions

Verifiable Promises Loyalty & Community Membership Tracking & Transferring Ownership

Owned Identity

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F O O D + F U T U R E C O L A B

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One in Four Dried Oregano Samples Contains Other IngredientsTHE GUARDIAN07.23.15

New Food Scandal over Peanuts is ‘More Serious’ than the Horsemeat CrisisTHE INDEPENDENT02.13.15

Chinese Firms Probed for Spiking Alcohol with ViagraSOUTH CHINA MORNING POST 06.02.15

Yum Brands Investigated by China for Selling Tainted MeatCNN MONEY02.04.15

Head of Taiwan Food Copmany Jailed over ‘Gutter Oil’ ScandalAFP07.28.15

New Adulterated Meat Scandal Surfaces in RussiaSECURING INDUSTRY08.04.15

India Seeks Damages from Nestlé in Noodles RowDW.COM08.12.15

France Erupts in Scandal Over Reported Use of ‘Fake Cheese’ in Supermarket Ready MealsTHE INDEPENDENT06.15.15

Major Illegal Horsemeat Bust in Multiple EU CountriesDW.COM04.25.15

Authorities have Seized Rotting, 40-Year-Old Meat in Chinese Smuggling ScandalBUSINESS INSIDER06.24.15

Food fraud is Costing the World $15 Billion a YearBUSINESS INSIDER06.11.15

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a start-up creation lab exploring the future of food

authenticity, supply, and health

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F O O D + F U T U R E C O L A B B I T S + B L O C K S

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What are the social needs we find most pressing?

Who in the greater Boston area could be collaborating to help address them?

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1,000 Startups

100 Colleges

60 Coworking Spaces

21 Biotech Companies

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